Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 1

Találatok száma: 36


Utolsó metró

Tisztában vagyok a szavak súlyával, mindenki cipeli a saját terhét
Nem nézek többé magam mögé, ha kell, visszapillantó tükör nélkül gurulok majd
De az idõ mindent eltörölt, idõvel minden eliszkol
Szeretnék neked azokról a dolgokról beszélni, melyek eliszkolnak és nem térnek vissza
Bizony ez nem egyszerū, félre kellett tennem az egómat
Mindez úgy zengett, mint egy visszhang a metróperonon
Bizony ez nem egyszerū, félre kellett tennem az egómat
Mindez úgy zengett, mint egy visszhang a metróperonon
Látom az embereket, vajon észrevették?
Ott a padon, nincs hova menni
Ez a spirál magávalragad, szeretnék messzire repülni
És az élet utat tör és elsöpri gyerekkori emlékeink
Mikor kölyök voltam, azt hittem semminek nincs jelentõsége
Bizony ez nem egyszerū, félre kellett tennem az egómat
Mindez úgy zengett, mint egy visszhang a metróperonon
Bizony ez nem egyszerū, félre kellett tennem az egómat
Mindez úgy zengett, mint egy visszhang a metróperonon
La la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Visszapillantó tükör nélkül gurulni
Nulláról indulni
Mindenki cipeli a saját terhét
Hunyj szemet a hibáim felett
Visszapillantó tükör nélkül gurulni
Nulláról indulni
Mindenki cipeli a saját terhét
Hunyj szemet a hibáim felett
Bizony ez nem egyszerū, félre kellett tennem az egómat
Mindez úgy zengett, mint egy visszhang a metróperonon
Bizony ez nem egyszerū, félre kellett tennem az egómat
Mindez úgy zengett, mint egy visszhang a metróperonon
Bizony ez nem egyszerū, félre kellett tennem az egómat
Mindez úgy zengett, mint egy visszhang a metróperonon
Bizony ez nem egyszerū, félre kellett tennem az egómat
Mindez úgy zengett, mint egy visszhang a metróperonon
La la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Visszapillantó tükör nélkül gurulni
Nulláról indulni
Mindenki cipeli a saját terhét
Hunyj szemet a hibáim felett
Visszapillantó tükör nélkül gurulni
Nulláról indulni
Mindenki cipeli a saját terhét
Hunyj szemet a hibáim felett


Versions: #1
Olyan szavakat is kiejtünk a szánkon, melyeket nem gondolunk komolyan
Annyit kiabáltunk, hogy végül hang nélkül maradtunk
Az élet most szétválaszt minket
Az idõ nem hozza helyre a szilánkokra tört szíveket...
A szilánkokra tört szíveket...
Néha akaratunk ellenére is bántjuk egymást
És egyedül találjuk magunkat egy hosszú folyosón
Imádkozunk azért, hogy visszapörgethessük az idõt
Addig a pillanatig, mielõtt elpusztítanánk a reményt
Ma este, a magányom és én
Csak rólad beszélünk
Mindketten várjuk, hogy visszatérj
Mikor csak a szemeid tartanak vissza engem (a haláltól)
Ma este, a magányom és én
Elképesztõ mennyire reszketünk
A csenddel táplálkozom és minden nyomaszt
Megtartom a látszatot, de semmi sem hoz nyugalmat
Mikor a zokogások felváltották az örömet
Mikor túl sokszor bocsátottunk meg egymásnak
Álmodozunk, s egy szebb jelent rajzolunk, mint ami ezelõtt volt
Hogy ott éljünk, ahol a szerelem a király
Nem a kezed van a hajamban,
Csak a szeszélyes szél az
Ki messzire fújja emlékeinket
És aki ellopja tõlem mosolyodat
Nem te vagy az ajtó mögött
Csak a szél az, ki messzire visz téged
A csend nem hazudik


A Bella névre kapta fel a fejét
A helybéliek nem akartak leszállni róla
Az egész falut megrengette
Az emberek azt mondták: 'Óvakodj ettõl a lánytól'
Egy valóságos jelenség volt, nem volt emberi
Az a fajta nõ, aki a legnagyobb bajkeverõt is egy gentlemanné változtatja
Egy szépség, melynek párja nincs a földön, mindenki rá akarta tenni a kezét
Anélkül, hogy tudnánk, hogy ez a lány nem tisztességes
Teljes hipnozisban, bármit megadtunk volna
Csak kérnie kellett és máris a lábai elõtt hevertünk
Le akartuk nyūgözni, a kedvencévé akartunk válni
Anélkül, hogy tudnánk, hogy ez a lány nem tisztességes
De mikor este táncolni látom
Az a szék akarok lenni, melyre õ ül
Vagy akár ennél is kevesebb, kevesebb, mint a semmi
Csak egy kavics az ösvényén
A Bella névre kapta fel a fejét
A helybéliek nem akartak leszállni róla
Az egész falut megrengette
Az emberek azt mondták: 'Óvakodj ettõl a lánytól'
Igen, ez egy jelenség, mely kísérti álmainkat
Ez a nõ nagyhírū volt, arany bõrū Bella
Néhány nõ utálta õt, mások féltékenyek voltak rá
De a férfiak csak szeretni tudták
Nem idevalósi volt, se nem könnyū, se nem nehéz
A 'csodálatos' szinonímája, a lába elõtt csak a tanítványok hevertek
Kik hamar határozatlanná váltak és remegtek,mint a nyárfalevél
Úgy simogatott, hogy hozzád sem ért
De mikor este táncolni látom
Az a szék akarok lenni, melyre õ ül
Vagy akár ennél is kevesebb, kevesebb, mint a semmi
Csak egy kavics az ösvényén
A Bella névre kapta fel a fejét
A helybéliek nem akartak leszállni róla
Az egész falut megrengette
Az emberek azt mondták: 'Óvakodj ettõl a lánytól'
Gyerünk, csavard el a fejem
Csavard el a fejem
Tégy butává, mint a lábaim
Butává,mint a lábaim
A kutyád árnyéka vagyok
A kutyád árnyéka
Csavard el a fejem
Csavard el a fejem
Tégy butává, mint a lábaim
Butává,mint a lábaim
A kutyád árnyéka vagyok
A kutyád árnyéka
Csavard el a fejem
Csavard el a fejem
A Bella névre kapta fel a fejét
A helybéliek nem akartak leszállni róla
Az egész falut megrengette
Az emberek azt mondták: 'Óvakodj ettõl a lánytól'

Ne nézz többé rám

Ne nézz többé rám, többé rám
Kérlek, hagyd, hogy elfelejtselek
Nem tehetem ezt vele
Ne játsz a veszedelemmel
És csak azért is játszol vele
Több, mint egy hete már,
Hogy olyan költõien beszél rólad, mintha csak verset mondana
Csak rólad beszél
A felhõk felett jár mióta a karjai közt élsz
Visszanyerte a mosolyát
Mióta te vagy számára a jövõ
Te vagy az öröme
De minden megváltozott, mikor rádöbbentem, hogy rólad beszél
Ó,ó,ó de mégis mit tettem a Jóistennek?
Ó,ó,ó csak egyetlen éjszakát töltöttünk együtt
Ó,ó,ó ne közeledjünk többé a tūzhöz
Több, mint egy hete már,
Hogy nem hallok felõled
Nem örülsz nekem?
Te, akit barátomnak tartok, úgy érzem, hogy eltávolodsz tõlem
Akárhányszor vele vagyok,
A tekintetetek megváltozik
Teljesen paranoiás kezdek lenni
Te, barátom, hátbaszúrtál volna?
Ó,ó,ó de mégis mit tettem a Jóistennek?
Ó,ó,ó történt valami közöttük?
Ó,ó,ó a barátságunk lángokban áll?
Barátom, barátom, mondd, hogy õszinte vagy hozzám
Isten vessen a tūzbe, ha nem vagyok az
Akkor mondj el mindent, és ūzd el a paranoiám
Egy estén bizony összeszūrtem vele a levet, mielõtt gyūrūt húztál az ujjára
De miért nem mondtad ezt a szemembe?
Azért, mert sosem láttalak még ilyen boldognak
A testvérem vagy, egyetlen nõ sem állhat közénk innentõl kezdve
A barátságunk sokkal drágább számomra, mint a szép szemei
Ó,ó,ó de mégis mit tettünk a Jóistennek?
Ó,ó,ó a barátságunk majdnem odalett?
Ó,ó,ó egyetlen nõ sem állhat közénk innentõl kezdve


She came out of the shadows like a glimmer in the night
When I saw her, I understood it all in just a few seconds
That I'd lose my mind
That I'd lose my time
By singing under her window
Or worse, I'd cry like a child
The more the night goes by, the stronger my blood gets
She's asking who I am, if I go out often
The mood felt awkward, like some kind of disagreement
She asked if I sing reggaeton
Everyone's watching so I'm going to exaggerate
For her, I'd even sing reggaeton
In my head I'm hearing these words that echo
Bewitch me with that reggaeton
Sing that reggaeton for me
Bewitch me with that reggaeton
Sing that reggaeton for me
And I know good and well that all the others look at her
She'd even make Stevie Wonder dizzy1
I saw them walking the wrong way, it's serious
Some people are getting in line to talk to her, it's a joke
And the more the night goes by, the stronger my blood gets
She's asking who I am, if I go out often
The mood felt awkward, like some kind of disagreement
She asked if I sing reggaeton
Everyone's watching so I'm going to exaggerate
For her, I'd even sing reggaeton
In my head I'm hearing these words that echo
I'm disoriented, I don't know where I'm going anymore, I've got no more markers
I no longer have the strength to struggle, I'd like to go back in time
She made me lose my mind
Yeah, I lost my time
I sang under her window
And cried like a child
She asked if I sing reggaeton
Everyone's watching so I'm going to exaggerate
For her, I'd even sing reggaeton
In my head I'm hearing these words that echo
Bewitch me with that reggaeton
Sing that reggaeton for me
Bewitch me with that reggaeton
Sing that reggaeton for me
Bewitch me with that reggaeton
Sing that reggaeton for me
Bewitch me with that reggaeton
Sing that reggaeton for me
  • 1. Considering Stevie Wonder is blind, this woman must be extremely beautiful.

Oh! Take my soul

Oh, take my soul
Take it, Lord
And your flame burns in my heart
And all my being vibrates for you
Just be my master, O divine king
Source of life, of peace and love
I cry towards you day and night
Hear my plea, be my support
Calm my fear
You, the only good thing in my life
Oh, protect me from treachery
Come, be my guide
Master of my faith
When the night cloaks everything from my eyes
Be my star
Shine from the heavens
Source of life, of peace and love
I cry towards you day and night
Hear my plea, be my support
Calm my fear
You, the only good thing in my life
Here is the dawn of a new day
The sky gilds itself in the most beautiful fires that exist
Source of life, of peace and love
I cry towards you day and night
Hear my plea, be my support
Calm my fear
You, the only good thing in my life

In my arms

I saw you, I imagined what would come after
I saw you, I understood right away
Too quickly
That I'd make the first move, yeah
You're always on the defensive
No man has control over you
Too quickly
You're isolating yourself, eh
I told myself that I wasn't up for it
I lie in front of you and act like it's normal
And if
If it were ever possible
I'd get rid of all your rose's thorns
Just to hold you in my arms
And if
If it were ever possible
I'd erase all the words that go against us
Just to hold you in my arms, eh
Na-na-na, na-na-na-oh
With your calm demeanor, approaching you seems impossible
Even then, I'd make sure that at the end of the day, we'd be a pair
Is it you who's making it difficult
Or is it me who got the wrong idea?
In any case, I'm sure that at the end of the day, we'll be together
I told myself that I wasn't up for it
I lie in front of you and act like it's normal
And if (and if)
If it were ever possible (if it were possible)
I'd get rid of all your rose's thorns
Just to hold you in my arms (in my arms)
And if (oh, if)
If it were ever possible (possible)
I'd erase all the words that go against us
Just to hold you in my arms, eh
Na-na-na, na-na-na-oh
I can feel the danger
But it won't stop me from carrying on
Let me take down all the barriers you've put up, yeah yeah
I can feel the danger
But it won't stop me from carrying on
Let me take down all the barriers you've put up, yeah yeah
If (if)
If it were ever possible (possible)
I'd get rid of all your rose's thorns (your rose)
Just to hold you in my arms (in my arms)
And if (if it were possible)
If it were ever possible (if it were possible)
I'd erase all the words that go against us
Just to hold you in my arms, eh
(Just to hold you in my arms)
(Just to hold you in my arms)
(Just to hold you in my arms, to hold you in my arms)
(Yeah yeah)


I'm looking at our history again, I stop at an image
I kept up my hopes but you turned the page
I keep believing that it was nothing but a passage
I chose to look at the sky after the story
You know we keep on going, we're looking for each other, I know good and well that you want me
I know you want me, we were together, I kept quiet
Yes, I kept quiet, my heart was cut in half, give me love if you want to
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, give me love if you want to
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, if you want to
Yelele, yelele, yelele (if you want to)
Yelele, yelele, yelele, give me love if you want to
You'll find me on this narrow path
If you see me with tears running down my face, it's no illusion
If you believe in miracles, let me jump of the roof
So that I can spread my wings so that nothing will separate us again
You know that we keep on going, we're looking for each other, I know good and well that you want me
I know you want me, we were together, I kept quiet
Yes, I kept quiet, my heart was cut in half, give me love if you want to
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, give me love if you want to
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, if you want to
Yelele, yelele, yelele (if you want to)
Yelele, yelele, yelele, give me love if you want to
You know we keep on going, we're looking for each other
You know we keep on going, we're looking for each other, mmh, I know good and well that you want me
I know that you want me, we were together, I kept quiet
Yes, I kept quiet, my heart was cut in half, give me love if you want to
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, give me love if you want to
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, if you want to
Yelele, yelele, yelele (if you want to)
Yelele, yelele, yelele, give me love if you want to
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele

The sorceress

Cast a spell, you've cast a spell
You've posessed my body wildly
Cast a spell, well look at how I look on the outside
I've left your harbour, love (Love)
But you don't have the time
When your hair dances in the wind
My heart is pounding, can you hear it?
You've bewitched me
I don't know, tell me how this came to be
Your eyes are leading me to my judgement
And I have too many feelings
You've bewitched me
You're having fun with me
You're never going to stop
You have gold on your fingertips
The sorceress
If you want me, whether it's here or there
I'll live in your steps
The sorceress
Don't look at me and my face
Don't look at me and my face
Stolen, you've stolen my nights
I gave you my entire life
Stolen, you've stolen the rain
And you put it in my bed, love (Love)
But you don't have the time
When your hair dances in the wind
My heart is pounding, can you hear it?
You've bewitched me
I don't know, tell me how this came to be
Your eyes are leading me to my judgement
And I have too many feelings
You've bewitched me
You're having fun with me
You're never going to stop
You have gold on your fingertips
The sorceress
If you want me, whether it's here or there
I'll live in your steps
The sorceress
Don't look at me and my face
Don't look at me and my face
I forgot everything when she touched me
She made me turn, turn, and fall at her feet
I don't want to play her game anymore
I saw her cheat
She makes me turn, turn, and fall at her feet
You're having fun with me
You're never going to stop
You have gold on your fingertips (The sorceress)
If you want me, whether it's here or there
I'll live in your steps
You're having fun with me
You're never going to stop
You have gold on your fingertips
The sorceress
If you want me, whether it's here or there
I'll live in your steps
The sorceress
Don't look at me and my face
Don't look at me and my face


I won't wait for tomorrow (Oh yeah)
I hope you'll do the same (There)
I'll show you the way (Come on)
I'll go with you forever
She comes from Neymar's country1 (Oooh)
She dances the Macarena2 (Come on)
I tell her jokes, she's breaking bars (Come on)
She smiles and I lose my grip
Baby, I'm dribbling 3 and I'm lying (Come now, yeah)
She has so many suitors
I saw you in a city, in a novel
Kiss me, yes, kiss me (Yes)
She's my woman, not my girlfriend (Where)
Tell me no or tell me yes
Just make me turn my head
Lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Lé-lé)
Your heart and mine are sealed
My gadji4, my woman, eh
Lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Lé-lé)
Your heart and mine are sealed (Yeah)
Lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Lé-lé)
My gadji, my woman, eh (come on)
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
(Come now, yeah)
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
She wants to live a crazy life
A life that progresses in tandem
It's going too fast for me, wait
But I'll follow her all the same (Yeah, yeah)
She reads it in my eyes (Come now)
My heart is getting carried away
Since then, my sky is blue
Baby, I'm dribbling and I'm lying
She has so many suitors
I saw you in a city, in a novel
Kiss me, yes, kiss me (Yes)
She's my woman, not my girlfriend (Where)
Tell me no or tell me yes
Just make me turn my head
Lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Lé-lé)
Your heart and mine are sealed
Ouh-lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Lé-lé)
My gadji, my woman, eh (Lé-lé-lé)
Lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Lé-lé)
Your heart and mine are sealed (Yeah)
Lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Yeah-yeah-yeah)
My gadji, my woman, eh
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Baby, I've dribbled around you (Hey)
Pepita5 you're my target (Come on)
Baby, I've dribbled around you (Reggaeton, hey)
(Pah, pah, yeah, come on)
Baby, I've dribbled around you (Hey)
Pepita, you're my target (Come on)
Baby, I've dribbled around you (Reggaeton, hey)
(Pah, pah, yeah, come on)
Lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Lé-lé)
Your heart and mine are sealed
My gadji, my woman, eh (Lé-lé-lé)
Your heart and mine are sealed
My gadji, my woman, eh (Come on)
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
  • 1. A reference to Brazil, where the footballer Neymar is from.
  • 2. popular song and dance from the 1990s.
  • 3. As in, playing basketball.
  • 4. a term that refers to non-Romani people.
  • 5. Lit. 'pumpkin seed', but is also a nickname for 'Josefa'.

Come on

Come on, come on
Come on, come on
When they told me 'My brother, in life you lose one day and laugh another'
I replied, 'But you know, my friend, as long as I'm singing, I'm smiling'
I grew up in a world where I told myself
That if I fell down, I'd grow
I didn't know shame, there or where I live
You pick yourself up and start again
We're living our childhood dreams
Give me a smile for just a moment
Come on, come on
As long as we can sing
Come on, come on
Don't worry
Come on, come on
As long as we can dance
Come on, come on
Don't worry
We spend our lives seeing the glass as half full
Making up problems
Asking ourselves if it's all worthwile
Forgetting what really matters
Forgive me if I'm not listening
If I'm like that, without making a remark
You don't want me here but I couldn't care less
(I couldn't care less)
We're living our childhood dreams (Childhood)
Give me a smile for just a moment (Just a moment, hey)
Come on, come on
As long as we can sing
Come on, come on
Don't worry
Come on, come on
As long as we can dance
Come on, come on
Don't worry
Come on, come on
Come on, come on
Eh, eh, let's go
Let's let the world go crazy
Eh, eh, let's go
So that everything can change
Eh, eh, let's go
Let's let the world go crazy
Eh, eh, let's go
So that everything can change
Come on, come on
Come on, come on
Don't worry
Come on, come on
As long as we can dance
Come on, come on
Don't worry
Come on, come on
As long as we can sing
Come on, come on
Don't worry
Come on, come on
As long as we can dance
Come on, come on
Don't worry
Eh, eh, let's go
Let's let the world go crazy
Eh, eh, let's go
So that everything can change
Eh, eh, let's go
Let's let the world go crazy
Eh, eh, let's go
So that everything can change


Not all humans can forgive wrongdoings
Even the slightest thing
Not everyone who loves
Can fix mistakes that stick around
Even if they're hardly there
I could have taken the wrong path
We can mess up, without a doubt
All that is old news
It wasn't us two
Obviously we cried a little
So we could love better
It's not a given that we'd be a couple
Turn a blind eye to the past
It's not a given that we'd be a couple
Pa-la-la, pa-la-la-la
Pa-la-la, pa-la-la-la
Pa-la-la, pa-la-la-la-la
(It's not a given that we'd be a couple)
It's not a given that we'd hold on to each other for long
But you gave me a reason to smile often
It's not a given that we'd brave the seas
I'd be your lighthouse, your light if you were lost
I could have taken the wrong path
We can mess up, without a doubt
All that is old news
It wasn't us two
Obviously we cried a little
So we could love better
It's not a given that we'd be a couple
Turn a blind eye to the past
It's not a given that we'd be a couple
Pa-la-la, pa-la-la-la
Pa-la-la, pa-la-la-la
Pa-la-la, pa-la-la-la-la
(It's not a given that we'd be a couple)
Pa-la-la, pa-la-la-la
Pa-la-la, pa-la-la-la
Pa-la-la, pa-la-la-la-la
I could have taken the wrong path
We can mess up, without a doubt
All that is old news
It wasn't us two
Obviously we cried a little
So we could love better
It's not a given that we'd be a couple
Turn a blind eye to the past
It's not a given that we'd be a couple
Pa-la-la, pa-la-la-la
Pa-la-la, pa-la-la-la
Pa-la-la, pa-la-la-la-la
(It's not a given that we'd be a couple)
Pa-la-la, pa-la-la-la
Pa-la-la, pa-la-la-la
Pa-la-la, pa-la-la-la-la
(It's not a given that we'd be a couple)
It's not a given
It's not a given

Don Juan

I'm not a Don Juan
You already know that I love you
You won't love it, my love
When I play, I play to win
When you move without taking your eyes off of mine
I think up stories on your mouth
If you have to sulk, do it another night
When I play, I don't leave anything to chance
It can begin like this
As for it being endless, you know one never knows
Our love will last for a long time
Let's face this sad fact
I forget everything when you're dancing
It's clear, I've lost my patience
Come on, laï-laï-laï-laï-laï, laï-laï-laï
I forget everything when you're dancing
It's clear, I've lost my patience
Come on, laï-laï-laï-laï-laï, laï-laï-laï
You're not right, I'm not wrong
If I tell you 'no', you won't be alright with it
You're still flying in my heart
I promise that I'll stay strong
I confess that I've been here before
They'd already taken everything back from me before
If they told me to, I could have let everything go
More from you
We could have gone there, you and me
It can begin like this
As for it being endless, you know one never knows
Our love will last for a long time
Let's face this sad fact
I forget everything when you're dancing
It's clear, I've lost my patience
Come on, laï-laï-laï-laï-laï, laï-laï-laï
I forget everything when you're dancing
It's clear, I've lost my patience
Come on, laï-laï-laï-laï-laï, laï-laï-laï
Come on, laï-laï-laï-laï-laï, laï-laï-laï (Oh, yes)
Come on and dance (Olé, let's go)
(Olé, let's go, olé)
Come on and dance (Olé, let's go)
(Olé, let's go)
I forget everything when you're dancing
It's clear, I've lost my patience
Come on, laï-laï-laï-laï-laï, laï-laï-laï
I forget everything when you're dancing
It's clear, I've lost my patience
Come on, laï-laï-laï-laï-laï, laï-laï-laï

Last metro train

I understood well the weight of these words: everyone has their own problems
I’m not gonna look behind me anymore, if necessary, I’ll drive away without a back view mirror (not looking back)
Time has erased everything, with time everything goes
I would like to tell you about the things that’s going away and never coming back
Definitely it’s not that easy, I had to put aside my ego
All that (the past) resonated like an echo around the platform of the metro
Definitely it’s not that easy, I had to put aside my ego
All that resonated like an echo around the platform of the metro
I look at people, did they notice me?
There on the bench, no where to go
Inside the spiral that takes me, I want to run away (run away)
Then life will come and wipe away the memories of our childhood
When I was a kid, I thought nothing mattered
Definitely it’s not that easy, I had to put aside my ego
All that resonated like an echo around the platform of the metro
Definitely it’s not that easy, I had to put aside my ego
All that resonated like an echo around the platform of the metro
La la la
La la la
La la la
Driving without a back view mirror
Starting over
everyone has their own problems
Turn a blind eye to the mistakes
Driving without a back view mirror
Starting over
To each their own
Turn a blind eye to the mistakes
Definitely it’s not that easy, I had to put aside my ego
All that resonated like an echo around the platform of the metro
Definitely it’s not that easy, I had to put aside my ego
All that resonated like an echo around the platform of the metro
Definitely it’s not that easy, I had to put aside my ego
All that resonated like an echo around the platform of the metro
Definitely it’s not that easy, I had to put aside my ego
All that resonated like an echo around the platform of the metro
La la la
La la la
La la la
Driving without a back view mirror
Starting over
everyone has their own problems
Turn a blind eye to the mistakes
Driving without a back view mirror
Starting over
everyone has their own problems
Turn a blind eye to the mistakes

My love

There, when you laugh
When you cry
When nothing matters to you
It is life, don't be afraid
Nothing in the world is strongest than us two
Who said flowers only grow close to home?
There they said that it's better we quit here my love,
It would be better if we let go but my love,
I still remember when you were telling me
My love
My love
We said forever, I swore you promised
My love
There, when I cry
When I scream
I know that you are there
I lose myself, in bed, when you ere not there
They told me, get used to it, but I think of only you
There, in my heart, it hurts, I do nothing but think of it
When my eyes, tear up, when the changes hurt me
I still remember when you were telling me
My love
My love
We said forever, I swore you promised
My love
(Lay la la la la)
(My love...my love...my love...my love)
My love
My love
We said forever, I swore you promised
My love
My love
My love
We said forever, I swore you promised
My love
(My love, lay la la la la)

My madness

Being bad suits you well
It's your natural instinct
You love seducing
Dangerously so
Since I saw you coming
I have a one-track mind
Hearing your sighs, honeylike
Let me try you your whole being
It's my madness, my madness
Get me lost in the darkness
It's my madness, my madness
Give me your sultriness
It's my madness, my madness
Can't you see I can't hold myself back?
It's my madness, my madness
I take one more step and there you are
Obedient like an animal
Full of joy for me
Dangerously so
Why we got to wait?
If you gave me a hint
Your body would already be mine, y'already know
Let me try you your whole being
It's my madness, my madness
Get me lost in the darkness
It's my madness, my madness
Give me your sultriness
It's my madness, my madness
Can't you see I can't hold myself back?
It's my madness, my madness
Night's a place to fall into
Go crazy in love and pleasure
You're teasing me, I'm coming closer
Straight to you
Let me try you your whole being
It's my madness, my madness
Get me lost in the darkness
It's my madness, my madness
Give me your sultriness
It's my madness, my madness
Can't you see I can't hold myself back?
It's my madness, my madness

I Will Sing

If the sky clouds over
And the rain dances down
With the wind
With the wind
I'll hit the road
I'll get myself wet and feel alive
What's the use in suffering?
The storm will always pass
Come to pass
What are you griping about?
What are you griping about if the sun's going to come back out?
I will sing
I will carry on
I won't let up
I leaped over so many stones
I made it here by challenging fate
I never lost faith
Lost faith
Oh no!
I won't give up, oh no!
For that, I've got a heart
That beats, that hopes, that dreams of a better world
Oh no, no
I will sing
For every moment of sadness and of joy
I will sing
Look ahead, believe in life
I will sing
For every moment of sadness and of joy
I will sing
Oh never, ever
If the skies ever cloud over you
I want to see you outside in the fresh rain
And if you have to leap over a stone in your way
Have faith and you'll always make it
I'll never give up
I will sing
For every moment of sadness and of joy
I will sing
Look ahead, believe in life
I will sing
For every moment of sadness and of joy
I will sing


Catalan Gitano come here, beauty, beauty
I don't understand you
I am not francophone
The flower of age has finished wilting
I am often alone, tell me, where are my friends?
At night at the hotel, weariness is all around
I sign sheets, ink and sweat don't make any colour
The flower on the gun, I pull in the stride
Tugging so often I think that you want me
I'm crazy only during the happy hour where the hounds are
Kendji, tell me what's wrong?
Why aren't you following me on Insta?
The world is on the other side but I'm fixed in place
A lone wolf, I see nothing but what's in front of me
My real life isn't the photos I publish
And me, I am like my heart
I am in my craziness, I am in my solitude
A full moon and my song echoes
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
Friend, friend, friend
Friend, friend, friend
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
Friend, friend, friend
Friend, friend, friend
If the curtain falls it's what one already completely said
There's nothing beautiful about it friend, friend
I won't succumb to the siren song
If someone approaches I've already left
At night at the hotel, the second of the day
I don't sleep a wink, the images are there to make me drunk
I live on the run, a car ready to roll
Tugging so often I think that you want me
I'm crazy only during the happy hour where the hounds are
I take them back because they take me back home
The animals united and instinct makes up their law
A lone wolf, I don't believe everything I see
My real life isn't everything that's said
The night lied to me my heart
I am in my craziness, I am in my solitude
A full moon and my song echoes
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
Friend, friend, friend
Friend, friend, friend
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
Friend, friend, friend
Friend, friend, friend
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
Friend, friend, friend
Friend, friend, friend
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
Friend, friend, friend
Friend, friend, friend
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου


From when we were kids
My friend we rowed
But as long as we are men
These rows I wanna tide
If tears come to you
So come give it to me
The Gypsies, the gypsies
This is for what we were made
Tiago, I took, the time to write to you
One melody, in thousand smiles
Tiago, I took the time to say to you
But my friend, I am here for the worst
Whoever makes fun of you
Makes fun of me too.
In 20 years you will see
We will be laughing.
If it goes into a fight
We will play four hands
The Gypsies, the gypsies, God give us fists
Tiago, I took, the time to write to you
One melody, in thousand smiles
Tiago, I took the time to say to you
But my friend, I am here for the worst
My friend my friend my friend, Tiago
My friend my friend my friend, Tiago
My friend my friend my friend, Tiago
The girlfriend who leaves
But is not coming back
It's time to see each other, yes
To talk about you
If your heart is out of order
Bring it in time
The Gypsies, the gypsies
We are good handymen
Tiago, I took, the time to write to you
One melody, in thousand smiles
Tiago, I took the time to say to you
But my friend, Tiago
Tiago, I took, the time to write to you
One melody, in thousand smiles
Tiago, I took the time to say to you
But my friend, I am here for the wrost

Hogy felejtsünk

Gyerekek a városból vagy gyerekek a vidékről
Létrehozunk magunknak egy szigetet
Hogy boldogok legyünk
Nincs munka a láthatáron
Nem azért mert bolondok vagyunk, hanem mert túl sokan vagyunk
Törekszünk egy kis örömre
Hogy a táskánkban magunkkal vigyük, amikor nem megy jól
És holnap az óra meg fog állni
Ahogy George mondaná, magától értetődik!
Bulit fogunk tartani
Úgy viselkedünk majd, mint a királyok
Hogy kitisztítsuk a fejet
Hogy mindent elfelejtsünk
Bulit fogunk tartani
Úgy viselkedünk majd, mint a királyok
Hogy kitisztítsuk a fejet
Hogy felejtsünk, hogy felejtsünk, hogy felejtsünk, hogy felejtsünk
Az időt amit a sírásra fordítottunk felhalmoztuk a bőröndünkben
Az idő az, ami megtöri a hátunkat, ami megtör minket
Felejtsd el az órát amely jár és megöl minket
Ahogy George mondaná, magától értetődik!
Bulit fogunk tartani
Úgy viselkedünk majd, mint a királyok
Hogy kitisztítsuk a fejet
Hogy mindent elfelejtsünk
Bulit fogunk tartani
Úgy viselkedünk majd, mint a királyok
Hogy kitisztítsuk a fejet
Hogy felejtsünk, hogy felejtsünk, hogy felejtsünk, hogy felejtsünk
Sem a múlt sem a jövő nem létezik többé, sem a múlt sem a jövő nem létezik többé, sem a múlt sem a jövő nem létezik többé
Táncolj, táncolj
Sem a múlt sem a jövő nem létezik többé, sem a múlt sem a jövő nem létezik többé, sem a múlt sem a jövő nem létezik többé
Táncolj, táncolj
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la
Bulit fogunk tartani
Úgy viselkedünk majd, mint a királyok
Hogy kitisztítsuk a fejet
Hogy mindent elfelejtsünk
Bulit fogunk tartani
Úgy viselkedünk majd, mint a királyok
Hogy kitisztítsuk a fejet
Hogy felejtsünk, hogy felejtsünk, hogy felejtsünk, hogy felejtsünk
Sem a múlt sem a jövő nem létezik többé, sem a múlt sem a jövő nem létezik többé, sem a múlt sem a jövő nem létezik többé
Táncolj, táncolj
Sem a múlt sem a jövő nem létezik többé, sem a múlt sem a jövő nem létezik többé, sem a múlt sem a jövő nem létezik többé
Táncolj, táncolj
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la

To Forget

Children from cities, children from the countryside
We'll create ourselves an island
to be happy
On the horizon, there's no work
Not because we're stupid, no, because there's too many of us.
So we'll pursue a bit of joy
To carry in our bags when it all goes wrong
And tomorrow the clock will stop
Like George would say, it goes without saying!
We will go and party
We'll go and act like kings
To clear our heads
To forget everything
We will go and party
We'll go and act like kings
To clear our heads
To forget, to forget, to forget, to forget
The time we spend crying is piling up in our suitcases.
It's time that breaks our backs, that breaks us
Forget the clock that turns and kills us
Like George would say, of course!
We will go and party
We'll go and act like kings
To clear our heads
To forget everything
We will go and party
We'll go and act like kings
To clear our heads
To forget, to forget, to forget, to forget
Neither the future nor the past exist anymore, neither the future nor the past exist anymore, neither the future nor the past exist anymore
Dance, dance
Neither the future nor the past exist anymore, neither the future nor the past exist anymore, neither the future nor the past exist anymore
Dance, dance
La la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la
We will go and party
We'll go and act like kings
To clear our heads
To forget everything
We will go and party
We'll go and act like kings
To clear our heads
To forget, to forget, to forget, to forget
Yeah to forget, to forget, to forget, to forget
Neither the future nor the past exist anymore, neither the future nor the past exist anymore, neither the future nor the past exist anymore
Dance, dance
Neither the future nor the past exist anymore, neither the future nor the past exist anymore, neither the future nor the past exist anymore
Dance, dance
La la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la

Soha nem térdelek le

Valójában az idő gyorsan telik
Látom az életet tova tűnni
Elbukunk és felállunk
Barátom, nem bánok semmit
Voltam farkasok közt
És rá gondoltam
Győzelmek, vereségek
Á, ha csak tudtad volna
Bejártam az egész helyek
A cipőmet a sár beborította
Nem volt lelkük
Meghalhattam volna
A lángok közepette
És ők ártottak nekem
A rágalmazók
De ők engem
Erősebbé tettek mint azelőtt
Azt akarták, hogy adjam fel
De ők őrültek
Anyám férfit faragott belőlem
Miénk a világ
Azt akarták, hogy adjam fel
De ők őrültek
Anyám férfit faragott belőlem
Soha nem térdelek le
Látom őket, látom őket, látom őket
Mindazokat, akik távolról néznek
Látom őket, hogy rámutatnak az ujjukkal
Nekem kell, kell, kell
Csak az enyémek ereje
Ők ártottak nekem
A rágalmazók
De ők engem
Erősebbé tettek mint azelőtt
Azt akarták, hogy adjam fel
De ők őrültek
Anyám férfit faragott belőlem
Miénk a világ
Azt akarták, hogy adjam fel
De ők őrültek
Anyám férfit faragott belőlem
Soha nem térdelek le
Én csak egy férfi vagyok
Csak egy férfi
Én csak egy férfi vagyok
Csak egy férfi
Soha nem térdelek le

Maria Maria

And it starts again
I only talk to her about love in silence
My eyes savour her shape her hips
Between distrust and what she thinks about it
I take her curves and I increase my chances
I ask myself what we will do impulsively
Cricks in the neck
I want to hear all of her melody
And as always it starts again
Tell me, tell me, tell me
Maria, Maria, Maria
Tell me what you want to do in the dark
Maria, Maria, Maria
Tell me what you want to do in the dark
It's exceptional
She's afraid of flying but still wants to see the Seventh Heaven
Telling how I feel no it's not worth it
She blows up at me eight days a week
I shadowed her feelings
I took photos of her in miniature
I do my best she only does the bare minimum
I say 'See you soon', she tells me 'I won't be here'
Her heart can make things ricochet
There's no more love, there's only hesitation, hesitation
I want you to die from me, me
Pull me against you, you
I want you to die from me
Tell me, tell me, tell me
Maria, Maria, Maria
Tell me what you want to do in the dark
Maria, Maria, Maria
Tell me what you want to do in the dark
Maria, Maria, Maria
Tell me what you want to do in the dark
Maria, Maria, Maria
Tell me what you want to do in the dark
It's that Maria you drive me crazy
The temperature like the night is tough
And everything an adventure
Marica how pure
Look my Maria you heal me with your body
Truh, truh, truh, truh, truh, truh and you try
Truh, truh, truh, truh, truh, truh and you try
Maria, Maria, Maria
Tell me what you want to do in the dark
Maria, Maria, Maria
Tell me what you want to do in the dark
Maria, Maria, Maria
Tell me what you want to do in the dark
Maria, Maria, Maria
Tell me what you want to do in the dark
Maria, Maria,
Maria tchen-tchen Maria
Maria, Maria
Maria tchen-tchen Maria
Your body Maria tchen-tchen
I`m dying Maria tchen-tchen-tchen
Your body Maria tchen-tchen
I`m dying Maria tchen-tchen-tchen
Your body Maria tchen-tchen
I`m dying Maria tchen-tchen-tchen
Your body Maria tchen-tchen
I`m dying Maria tchen-tchen-tchen
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!

Hová tart a világ

Fegyverek, könnyek
Az embereknek olyan szívük van, amely átlátszóvá lesz a drámák során
A legjobb kultúra túsza
Tetteink tükrözik a fájdalmunkat
Koldusok, lenézettek, védelem nélkül akár az elefántok
A természet megátkoz minket
Rakéták, katonák, törmelékek
Az éghajlat felmelegszik, akár a szellemek
Az egyetemes szeretet nem halt meg
És ha minden határt megtörünk
Annak értelmében hogy azt mondhassuk: Hello, hello, hello!
És egy lépést teszünk egymás felé
Azt mondom minden lépést szeretünk
Mi lesz a megbánásainkkal?
Bevallom aggódom
Hová tart a világ (x8)
Lalalalalalalalalala (x2)
Mi vagyunk azok, akiknek le kell dobnunk a fegyvereket... Mi !
Lalalalalalalalalala (x2)
Mi vagyunk azok, akiknek le kell dobnunk a fegyvereket... Mi !
A képek hullámai összeütköznek
akár a cunami összecsapunk
Nézem a híreket, okozom a károkat
3 évnyi fájdalmat hagyott csak hátra a háború
Facebook, Insta, egy pillanatra meztelenre vetkőzünk csak egy csillogó pillanatra
Amikor a gyereket mezítláb kutatják a sorsukat
Keresik az útjukat
Az egyetemes szeretet nem halt meg
És ha minden határt megtörünk
Annak értelmében hogy azt mondhassuk: Hello, hello, hello!
És egy lépést teszünk egymás felé
Azt mondom minden lépést szeretünk
Mi lesz a megbánásainkkal?
Bevallom aggódom
A természet dühös
A felhők elfedik a napot
És mi elpusztítjuk az erdeinket
Messze kerültünk az egyszerű dolgoktól
Sőt mi több a megkönnyebbülésünktől
A tenger szennyezett a fúrásainktól
Az anyagot mi irányítjuk
Mégis egyszerű dolgokra lenne szükségünk
Több ciklonra és mennydörgésre
Amikor a természet dühös
Elpusztítjuk az erdeinket
Még azt sem tudjuk kik vagyunk
Hová tart a világ?
Hová tart a világ?
Hová tart a világ?
Hová tart a világ?
Lalalalalalalalalala (x2)
Mi vagyunk azok, akiknek le kell dobnunk a fegyvereket... Mi !
Lalalalalalalalalala (x2)
Mi vagyunk azok, akiknek le kell dobnunk a fegyvereket... Mi !

It's too much

Versions: #2
What you're doing to me is crazy
I no longer know where I stand
Like metro stations
To you I'm nothing but a number
You drive me crazy, you push me to the edge
You missed all our Rendez-vous
You've hit me with so many blows
That I'm gonna end up KO standing
I don't get it, I'm overwhelmed
What you're doing is excessive
Where did you spend the night.
It's too much
I give up
I give up (hey hey )
I give up
You know this isn't to annoy you
To tell you the truth I've tried everything
you spend your life stressing me out
I'm gonna end up leaving you
We were good together, we loved each other so much
But now evil has taken over
I can't even find the words anymore
Tell me what we can still salvage
For you I make an effort
Even your friends agree
What do you want from me?
We won't ruin everything
Fighting again
Exploding mid flight and crashing
I have things to tell you'll that you won't like
I don't wanna leave you
But you can't hold back your words
Will you ever change?

My darling

Versions: #2
Without you
My heart was a nomad
But your smile and your voice
Changed everything
Our souls
Have brought our homage together
Haven taken our bodies hostage
Spoken without words
I've felt it as soon as you left
Misunderstandings separate us
I'm not talking about love
But I think about it all the time
Yeah you were only passing
Everything is fine up on your cloud
Where it never rains
You know, seeing your eyes is enough for me
My darling
My heart wasn't communicating with you
You've left but believe me
i would have done everything for you
My darling
Love was in my arms
You were scared but believe me
i would have done everything for you
(i would have done everything for you
My darling
My darling
i would have done everything for my darling
i would have done everything for you
my darling
my darling
i would have done everything for my darling
I used to think you were flawless
Just before you left
Everything seemed fine
Your departure left me voiceless
I was sure I had you
Did I have it all wrong?
I've felt it as soon as you left
Misunderstandings separate us
I'm not talking about love
But I think about it all the time
Yeah you were only passing
Everything is fine up on your cloud
Where it never rains
You know, seeing your eyes is enough for me
My darling
My darling
i would have done everything for my darling
i would have done everything for you
my darling
my darling
i would have done everything for my darling
My darling, My darling,My darling
I didn't know how to tell you what I felt inside
My darling, don't go
My darling My darling My darling
Tell me you regret leaving me like this
My darling, understand me
My darling My darling My darling
Every night I dream of you in my arms
My darling, what are you doing?
My darling
My darling
I would have done everything for My darling
I would have done everything for you
My darling
My darling
I would have done everything for My darling
I would have done everything for you

Never On My Knees

Versions: #2
Time really flies by
I can see life pass by
We fall and get back up
My friend, don't regret anything
I was among wolves
And i thought of her
Victories, defeates
If only you knew
I've been everywhere
Shoes covered in mud
They had no mercy
I could have died
Surrounded by flames
And they hurt me
Those who spoke badly of me
But made me
Stronger than before
They wanted me to give up
But they're crazy
My mother raised a man
The world belongs to us
They wanted me to give up
I'm standing
My mother raised a man
Never on my knees
I can see them, can see them, can see them
All those distant looks
They point their fingers at me
I need, i need, i need
Nothing but the force of my own
They hurt me
Those who spoke badly of me
But made me
Stronger than before
I'm far from being a hero
I have many problems, many faults
I'm only a man, a man
I can live on love and water
But refuse bread and castles
A man, I'm only a man
I'm only a man
Only a man
I'm only a man
Only a man
Never on my knees