Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 13

Találatok száma: 429


Looking At You

Heart knows, though the road is strange
I miss so much
The place where your breath stayed
Then I cannot miss so I hurt
I just put someone
In my eyes, but tears...
You are the reason of my life
Because it's fearless love
Because love comes before pain
Even if looking is all I can do,
I cannot throw you away
Yesterday too, and today too
Half of me is crazily ruined
No matter how I try
This sorrow doesn't get erased
Even if you don't love me
Because nothing can block me
I give everything into this love
Even if eventually ending won't be happy
I am following the way my heart goes
You are the reason I live
Even if looking is all I can do,
I cannot let this love out of my hands

We are one

On your way to growth,
There must be a lot of things you don't understand.
The only thing we know,
Things always happen unexpectedly.
But every day you need to face bravely,
Even if your dream becomes blank.
We are full of pride and anticipation around you.
We are part of each other.
(We are family. We are family. We are family.)
Young Kiara:
I understand nobody is perfect,
I wish I could keep being myself,
following my heart,
Maybe I'm just one of the plans.
Those who left us,
They are still with us,
Your journey has only begun.
Sometime it tastes the bitters or sweets,
It cannot hurt my pride,
From the bottom of my heart, we are one.
(We are one. We are family. We are family.)
We are one,
Like the world cannot be separated,
We are the family under the sun.
Let the wisdom lead you to go,
And being with your courage,
You will understand that we are one.
Narrator: Simba
As long as you live here,
You are who you are.
You will understand in the future.
(Being more understanding me.)
(Being more understanding me.)
(Being more understanding me.)

Nem tudom abbahagyni miattad a piálást

Versions: #2
[Verse 1]
Senki sem fog úgy szeretni, ahogy én
Senki sem fog úgy törődni veled, ahogy én
És érzem a lélegzeteden
Tudom, hogy róla álmodsz, miközben mellettem alszol
Nem tudom abbahagyni miattad az ivást
Tompítanom kell a fájdalmat
Nem tudom abbahagyni miattad az ivást
Nélküled már nem vagyok ugyanaz
Szóval tölts egy felest a poharamba, és örökre elfelejtelek!
Szóval tölts egy felest a poharamba, mert attól minden jobb lesz!
[Verse 2]
Drágám, áruld el, mi egyebet tehetnék még?
Hát nem tudod, hogy engem neked szánt az ég?
Azt mondod, olyan vagyok, mint a földi mennyország
De nem tudnád, milyen a mennyország, ha ő nem lenne.
Senki sem fog úgy szeretni, ahogyan én
Amennyiben hasznosnak találtad a fordításom, kérlek, nyomj egy köszönömöt!

The Miracle Child

O Lord, Father of all men
You've blessed me with a gift worth more than gold
An infinite treasure
A bright present near the end of my life
His light is a treasure
A miracle, a star, an oasis
You answered our prayers for a son
Dreams come true. Be blessed, Joseph
A brother, a victor, a lord
And tender happiness in our arms
His hand in our dreams
I'll raise his spirit and heart
His universe will be wide
His brothers' love will cradle him
He'll know the warmth of a happy family
You're the miracle child
You're the light
You're the golden sky
Stars will bless your life
Your proud journey
Your ephemeral sorrow
Joy is your destiny
Your path that of kings
A hopeful song has come to the world
For you are the miracle child
The sun dances in your eyes
The moon is amazed
Your smile is gentle
You have grace and light
You can cross a river of sorrow without trouble
Heaven's angels guide your heart
This is the prophecy
For you are the miracle child
You're the light
You're the golden sky
Stars will bless your life
Your proud journey
Your ephemeral sorrow
Joy is your destiny
Your path that of kings
A hopeful song has come to the world
For you are the miracle child
My dear mother
And the father I love so much
This colourful coat is a memory
And the promise of a song that shapes the future
I am unusual, I am set apart
Without rules and with nothing binding me
No one has the power to chain my blazing heart
For I am the miracle child
A rainbow is my halo
I'm not afraid under the storm
Heaven's angels guard me
But being a meteor in the dawn's light
Is my ideal life
For I am the miracle child
This world's fury
And the thunder and shadows
Will never dim my light
I fly to the shore, equal with the stars
For I am the miracle child

Merry Christmas to You

The time has come!
Merry Christmas to you!
We wish you joy!
Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas to you! We like the sound of that!
Christmas is ours this time
The hour has come!
Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas to you!
It's time for holiday presents
Yes, a night for pranks
Yes, they'll remember this
We wish you joy!
Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas to you!
A vampire is sending you a souvenir
Unlike anything the world has ever seen
It's so interesting
Together, with this song
There'll be a holiday, just wait and see
And there's Jack!
I waited for happy days
And my dreams have come true
Yes, my fantasy is here
I'll make a smart beret from an old rat
What a beret, what talent!
You'll amaze with such a present!
But I suggest a variant
Try using a bat
No, no, that's not right
It all falls apart before our eyes
Find something younger
That won't fall to pieces
Go ahead, we can do it
Together, with this song
There'll be a holiday, just wait and see
The time has come!
Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas to you!
Now a long-awaited hour has struck
It's time to celebrate
The moon will appear soon
Christmas is here!

Let Your Hands Wander

Liquid shadows colour our sky
Tonight, it's dragging you along
It's setting your soul on fire
But the game decides
It's melting from our hands
Liquid shadows on the sky
Come, my dear, hold on tight
Let the curtains soar tonight
And the moon is coming along
It's entirely sweeping me off of my feet
Come on, my dear
Hold on tight tonight
Let your hands
Wander alongside me
Do you see
That I'm coming?
Let your hands
Wander alongside me
Do you see
That I'm coming?
The purest sky and I'm flowing along
Whispering my name when I have to go
And I'll you give everything
And let everything else stand entirely still
The purest sky and I'm flowing along
Let your hands
Wander alongside me
Do you see
That I'm coming?
Let your hands
Wander alongside me
Do you see
That I'm coming?
Let your hands
Wander alongside me
Do you see
That I'm coming?
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Jsme jako jeden

(Our life is a primival forest)
(you are wandering in there not just once)
(and you are losing your way)
(Even though [the life] knows where one is going)
([The life] leads him somewhere else)
[Than [one] would want)
(You meet hard days)
(when beautiful dreams are breaking down)
(Just during those hardest [days] i am with you)
(All your friends want to stand by your side)
(To shout: We became only one!')
Only one,
Only one,
Only one,
we became only one
(I want, dad, live in my own way)
(Even though i have my task)
(To be a queen)
(You will have [much] work with me)
(A heart has me under magical control)
(My little one, i know that)
(Hearts like ordering us)*2)
(Today your long journey begins)
(You have unrest in your eyes)
(Smile fights against cry)
(Defend your dreams, there is a weapon:)
(Pride of yours!)
Only one,
Only one,
Only one,
we became only one
Only one
(We became only one)
(We are like the earth with the sun)
(welcomes you from mountains today)
(one voice)
(When my throne will be yours)
(tell even the lastest ones:)
('We became one tree, one shadow!')
We became only one
You live in this country
Here's your roots
You'll take it one day

Bolondok Királya

Mit gondolsz, amikor az arcon köpsz?
Milyen érzés vádolni és ködösíteni?
Most nézz rám, én nem vagyok olyan fajta amilyen te
És én inkább hátul maradok.
És sétálok a gonosz úton!
Nem akarok olyan lenni, mint te,
Nem szereted a bolondok királyát?
Azt nem bánom, hogy az élet banális,
Te vagy a Bolondok Királya?
Soha nem leszünk olyanok, mint te,
Nem követjük - a Bolond Királyat,
Te vagy a vak, aki a világtalant vezett.
És sétálok a gonosz úton!
Könnyeden érzed magad, mint a nyáj a tömegel,
Mit lát a fejed az ő seggügben?
Tartsd a korlátot, amiben úgy hiszek,
Hívj engem őrültnek, és büszke vagyok rá.
És én sétálok a gonosz úton!
Nem akarok olyan lenni, mint te,
Nem szereted a Bolondok Királyát?
Azt nem bánom, hogy az élet banális,
Te vagy a Bolondok Királya?
Soha nem leszünk olyan, mint te,
Nem követjük - a Bolondkirályt,
Te vagy a vak, aki a világtalant vezett!
Nem akarok olyan lenni, mint te,
Nem szereted a Bolondok Királyát?
Azt nem bánom, hogy az élet banális,
Te vagy a Bolondok Királya!
Soha nem leszünk olyan, mint te,
Nem követjük - a Bolondkirályt,
Te vagy a vak, aki a világtalant vezett.
Te vagy a Bolondok Királya!
Dana Kósa

Mindenem amim van

Ó, ez a most vagy soha, ez nem egy üresjárat?
Mindörökké fogok maradni, bébi, mit mondhatok?
Őrülten hiányzom neked, hol aludtál tegnap este?
Senki sem ismer téged bébi, nem maradnál velem?
Mindenem amim van, amire szükségem van, és kívánok, az csak te vagy ma éjjel
Minden, amit látok, minden amit érzek, csak szorosan magamhoz ölelnélek téged
Minden ami nekem hiányzik, és minden amit álmodok, csak az édes szerelmedre vágyom
Minden, amit tudok, és mindaz, amit mondok, az soha nem lehet elég.
Szerelmem egyre erősebb, a szerelmem itt marad
Nem tudok többet várni, bébi, dobd fel ezt a napom
Ó, ma este magányos vagyok, oly magányos nélküled
Tudod, hogy te vagy számomra az egyetlen, és a szívem hűséges.
Mindenem amim van, amire szükségem van, és kívánok, az csak te vagy ma éjjel
Minden, amit látok, minden amit érzek, csak szorosan magamhoz ölelnélek téged
Minden ami nekem hiányzik, és minden amit álmodok, csak az édes szerelmedre vágyom
Minden, amit tudok, és mindaz, amit mondok, az soha nem lehet elég.
Minden ami nekem hiányzik, az te vagy, bárhová is megyek, hiányzol nekem és szükségem van rád.

Invoking Pan

We invoke Pan, the mighty God,
bucolic Pan, who is the universe of the world.
Sky, sea, sovereign Earth and immortal fire.
Come, O blissful one, dancer, wanderer, the one who reigns beside the Horae1,
goat-legged, worshipper of Bacchus, who plays the harmony of the world on the flute like a mirthful song.
O Pan, play some music for us, and we will dance under the melodies of your flute.
O helper of fantasies, inciter of human fears,
Sagacious, hunter, friend of Echo2, co-dancer to the Nymphs, You, the creator of everything, the father of all.
You, the one who wakes all the elements of nature, enthralling them with your sweet concordance, You, the one who invites the Nymphs to a ritualistic dance. O Horned Lord, eternally bound by bacchic mania, Pan.
  • 1. The Horae or Hours were the goddesses of the seasons in Greek mythology. They were also considered to be the goddesses of order and justice, as well as the wardens at the gates of Mount Olympus. They were the daughters of either Zeus and Aphrodite, or Zeus and Themis.
  • 2. In Greek mythology, Echo was an Oread who resided on Mount Cithaeron. Zeus loved consorting with beautiful nymphs and often visited them on Earth. Eventually, Zeus's wife, Hera, became suspicious, and came from Mt. Olympus in an attempt to catch Zeus with the nymphs. Echo, by trying to protect Zeus, endured Hera's wrath, and Hera made her only able to speak the last few words spoken to her. So when Echo met Narcissus and fell in love with him, she was unable to tell him how she felt and was forced to watch him as he fell in love with himself.
“Tʜᴇ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴡᴀʏ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴇᴀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀɴ ᴜɴғʀᴇᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ɪs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇᴄᴏᴍᴇ sᴏ ᴀʙsᴏʟᴜᴛᴇʟʏ ғʀᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴇxɪsᴛᴇɴᴄᴇ ɪs ᴀɴ ᴀᴄᴛ ᴏғ ʀᴇʙᴇʟʟɪᴏɴ.”
↳ A. Cᴀᴍᴜs

Parking sonne

You left me alone in your hall
I'm stayed parked on
your shoulder
I drive around in a dumbfounded sense, I don't got
the permit to your heart
If you got space, be my chauffeur
And if en route you doubt, if
it's violent
I'll, at all costs,
Catch the steering wheel
So that our twists,
our skids
Draw our figures with the tires
on the asphalt
Oh, if I work up you and your
Parking sonne
You can make me or break me down
Make my life tough if you're a
man but
Oh, you consume me there's
no one left
I would love to please you, oh very much
please you
Make my walls tremble, be my
parking sonne
You're groggy, but I can like
the both
I'm a bit weird, but I'm
doing my best
And if you're fed up, just act
like you're happy
If you run from me, I'll
puncture your eyes
And if en route, you doubt
by accident
If our words resonate, I'll
hit the horn
So that the night, all our problems
They become the skeletons that
sink into the asphalt
Oh, if I work up you and your
Parking sonne
You can make me or break me down
Make my life tough if you're a
man but
Oh, you consume me there's
no one left
I would love to please you, oh very much
please you
Make my walls tremble, be my
parking sonne
Oh, if I work up you and your
Parking sonne
You can make me or break me down
Make my life tough if you're a
man but
Oh, you consume me there's
no one left
I would love to please you, oh very much
please you
Make my walls tremble, be my
parking sonne

In the path of life

Reign this country
Reign this country
Reign this country
Reign this Earth!
Time has arrived (oh)
It dawns
The time has come
Ruler of the earth!
Time has arrived
Time has arrived
Rule the earth
Rule the earth
Rule it with love
Rule it with love
Rule it with love
Rule it with love
Rule it with love
Here comes a lion, father
Here comes a lion, father
Here comes a lion, father
Until we have
Our path
At the top of the mountain
In the path of life

Dead Girl Walking (Újrajátszás)

Valaki erősebbet akartam aki megvéd
Hagytam hogy haragja tomboljon és elemésszen
A véleménye hazugság
Senki se érdemel itt halált
Csak én és a szörny akit készítettem
Figyej, J.D., egy élő-halott lány vagyok!
[Mindenki Veronicán kívül]
Hey, yo, Westerburg!
Nem bújhatsz el előlem, egy élő-halott lány vagyok!
[Mindenki Veronicán kívül]
Gyer-ünk Westerburg!
Is itt a utolsó csengőd
Egy utolsó tánc, majd a bucsú
Szemtől szemben a pokolban, egy élőhalott lány vagyok!
Gyerünk, Westerberg!
Gyerünk, menjünk hát!
Veronica! Jason Dean (J.D.) azt mondta hogy megölted magad!
Hát, igen, sok dologban téved
Összedobtunk neked egy kis gyászszertartást, meg egy kis üzenetet...
Ms. Fleming, mi van a tornaterem alatt?
Bojler szoba
Ez az!
Veronica, mi folyik itt?
Nincs időm beszélgetni, egy élőhalott lány vagyok!
Hey yo, Westerberg!
Hey yo, Westerberg!
Mi volt ez a hang?
Itt jön Westerberg
Jön és a földbe tipor!
Gyerünk Westerberg!
Kiálts egy nagyot!
Westerburg majd ki üt titeket
És elküld a pokolba!
Állj félre a bombától
Ez a kis cucc? Én nem hívnám ezt bombának. Ez csak azért van hogy elindítsa a többi csomagnyi bombát a tornateremben. Azok bombák.
Az ember látni fogják a Westerberg Középiskola hamuját és azt gondolják majd hogy 'ez az iskola felrobbantotta magát de nem azért mert a társaság nem törődött vele, hanem mert ebben az iskolában volt az a társaság.'
Az egyetlen hely ahol a Heatherek és a Marthák lehetnek most, az a menny.
Kívánom hogy az anyád egy kicsit erősebb lett volna
Kívánom hogy egy kicsit több ideig élt volna
Kívánom hogy az apád kedvesebb lett volna!
Kivánom hogy a felnőttek megértsenek!
Kívánom hogy azelőtt találkoztunk volna
Mielőtt az életed pokollá változott!
Kívánom hogy velem jössz most...-
Kívánom hogy több TNT-m legyen! Aah! Istenem!
Hey yo, Westerberg!
Hey yo, Westerberg!
Mi volt ez a hang?
Itt jön Westerberg
Jön és a földbe tipor!
Gyerünk Westerberg!
Kiálts egy nagyot!
Westerburg majd ki üt titeket
És elküld a..-

The love will win

A better place
Let's build
Together we will be
United to smile.
And the confusion
Let's run away
What happiness
I know now,
To love you is my law.
I know
The love will win
Anywhere, I know
Because I'll be with you
Happy at dawn
Let's grow up
With all my being
The love will win!
Was in solitude
That I cried in vain
But then I saw
The light in the darkness
Your beautiful look
Makes love shine!
We dived
In happiness
The world in
Complicity and love.
I know
The love will win
Anywhere, I know
United Forever
Happy at dawn
Come on, we grow.
With all my being
The love will win
I know love, it will win.

He's not part of the clan

You can see the wickedness in his eyes
He brought troubles when he arrived
(He will be an outsider)
You can see the wickedness in his eyes
(We will see you later!)
(Go back to your place!)
(Go away traitor!)
He brought troubles when he arrived
We will see you later!
He grew up in resentment
Defenseless and without love
Let him go away already
But never forget, he won't have forgiveness
Because he's not part of our clan
He has never been part of our clan
He's not part of the clan, he's not from here
He lied to us when he arrived, but not this time
For he has the mark of Scar
And we know he will never be part of the clan
He's not part of the clan
Mis traducciones son de uso libre, pero por favor, no las reclames como tuyas. Si tienes alguna petición (de traducciones inglés - español), puedes pedirlo sin miedo.


Egy istennő a hegy tetején
Égett, mint egy ezüst láng
A szépség és szerelem csúcsa
És Vénusz volt a neve
Megvan benne
Igen, megvan benne
Nos, én vagyok a Vénuszod
Én vagyok a tüzed
Mely lángra lobbantja a vágyat benned
Nos, én vagyok a Vénuszod
Én vagyok a tüzed
Mely lángra lobbantja a vágyat benned
Az ő fegyverei a kristályszemei voltak
Minden férfit az őrületbe kergettek
Fekete volt, mint az éj
Megvolt benne az, ami senki másban nem
Megvan benne
Igen, megvan benne
Nos, én vagyok a Vénuszod
Én vagyok a tüzed
Mely lángra lobbantja a vágyat benned
Nos, én vagyok a Vénuszod
Én vagyok a tüzed
Mely lángra lobbantja a vágyat benned
Dana Kósa


[Verse 1: King Engin]
I am a Kurd and this goes to all Turks
You have oppressed my people, I hate your lies
You think we don‘t have our own country? That’s simply not true
We have been damned on this earth for 5000 years
Tell me where to start
Already in the Ottoman Empire
You mangled my mothers and fathers in the street
Shed our blood, Dersim - massacre
I hate your government and your fatherland
You lied to us, fuck your intrigues
Atatürk said once we‘ll get a homeland, too
Instead, our language was banned
And our children were raised as Turks for decades
That’s how you wanted to eliminate our roots
But I don’t let that shit happen
I am a Kurd that fights
Look, I'm bleeding and burning, I'm dying for Kurdistan
That's my last word, even if I get shot
[Refrain I: King Engin] (2x)
Long live Kurdistan
I would pay for you with my blood
Even then, I wouldn't have done enough for you
I love my country and that's Kurdistan
[Verse 2: King Engin]
I am a Turk and this goes to all Kurds
You want your own country? You can search for a long time!
My fathers fought for this flag
We‘ve made sacrifices and driven out all opponents
My friend!
What is your fucking problem?
At that time we decided to live under one flag
For without Atatürk today we would be colonized
French and British controlled us
That's why I hate the PKK, fucking terrorists
We have done you no harm, but you want to destroy our country?
We‘ve built up this nation
And your Kurdistan is just a stolen dream
I swear I hardly believe it
So many of my brothers have shed their blood
I’d rather die than to allow something like that
I am Turkish and I love my country
And if I have to, I’ll go to war like a man!
[Refrain II: King Engin] (2x)
Long live Turkey
You know, I would die for you
Because I’m always ready for war
I love my country and that‘s Turkey
[Verse 3: King Engin]
I'm Engin and this goes to both parties
Both of you are blinded, please stop arguing!
I’m sick seeing all of this and I’m sick listening to this
The way Kurds and Turks fight each other and destroy
I'm tired of this, enough of that shit
Enough with hatred, enough with suffering
I see dead sons with bloody bodies
Next to it a sad mother crying
Brother I think there is
Too much cold, hatred and negativity
Why see more of it, it's already hard enough *
Despite all the crises and lousy conditions
To stand upright
I have love and peace and I also try to share it
Try to see what other like
And do something good
And something good
Will come to you when you least expect it
You cannot always be good and stay clean in one go
But you can try it
Because at some point everything will come back to you
[Refrain III: King Engin] (2x)
Long live humanity
I do not care if a border separates us
No matter what you believe or think you are
The most important thing for me is to be human
Urheberrechtlich geschützt nach §2 UrhG.
Diese Übersetzung darf nur mit Genehmigung des Urhebers wiedergegeben werden.

Exek és sóhajok

Versions: #2
Nos, volt egy fiúm, akiből férfit csináltam,
Mindent megmutattam neki, amit nem értett,
Whoa, és aztán elengedtem.
Most van egy Kaliforniában, aki átkozta a nevem,
Mert egy nálánál jobb szeretőt találtam Angliában,
Hey, hey, amíg le nem léptem.
Egy, kettő, három, mind visszafutnak hozzám,
Mert, én vagyok a legjobb szerető, akit nem kell megtartani.
Egy, kettő, három, mind visszafutnak hozzám,
Mindig csak jönni akarnak, de sose akarnak elmenni.
Exek és sóhajok, oh, oh, kísértenek!
Mint a szellemek, akik arra várnak, hogy mindent megadjak nekik,
Nem engednek el,
Exek és sóhajok!
Volt egy nyári szeretőm lent New Orleansban,
Melegben tartottam télen, majd lefagyva hagytam el tavasszal,
Istenem, Istenem! Hogy telnek az évszakok...
Feldobódok, és szeretek szomorkodni is,
Tehát folyton törnek a szívek, és a fejek meg csavarodnak,
Tudod, ez már csak ilyen történet.
Egy, kettő, három, mind visszafutnak hozzám,
Mert, én vagyok a legjobb szerető, akit nem kell megtartani.
Egy, kettő, három, mind visszafutnak hozzám,
Mindig csak jönni akarnak, de sose akarnak elmenni.
Exek és sóhajok, oh, oh, kísértenek!
Mint a szellemek, akik arra várnak, hogy mindent megadjak nekik,
Nem engednek el.
Az exeim és a sóhajok, oh, oh, kísértenek!
Mint a szellemek, akik arra várnak, hogy mindent megadjak nekik,
Nem engednek el.
Exek és sóhajok...
Egy, kettő, három, mind visszafutnak hozzám,
Mert, én vagyok a legjobb szerető, akit nem kell megtartani.
Egy, kettő, három, mind visszafutnak hozzám,
Mindig csak jönni akarnak, de sose akarnak elmenni.
Exek és sóhajok, oh, oh, kísértenek!
Mint a szellemek, akik arra várnak, hogy mindent megadjak nekik,
Nem engednek el.
Az exeim és a sóhajok, oh, oh, kísértenek!
Mint a szellemek, akik arra várnak, hogy mindent megadjak nekik,
Nem engednek el.
Exek és sóhajok...

Exek és sóhajok

Versions: #2
Nos, volt egy fiúm, akiből férfit csináltam,
Mindent megmutattam neki, amit nem értett,
Whoa, és aztán elengedtem.
Most van egy Kaliforniában, aki átkozta a nevem,
Mert egy nálánál jobb szeretőt találtam Angliában,
Hey, hey, amíg le nem léptem.
Egy, kettő, három, mind visszafutnak hozzám,
Mert, én vagyok a legjobb szerető, akit nem kell megtartani.
Egy, kettő, három, mind visszafutnak hozzám,
Mindig csak jönni akarnak, de sose akarnak elmenni.
Exek és sóhajok, oh, oh, kísértenek!
Mint a szellemek, akik arra várnak, hogy mindent megadjak nekik,
Nem engednek el,
Exek és sóhajok!
Volt egy nyári szeretőm lent New Orleansban,
Melegben tartottam télen, majd lefagyva hagytam el tavasszal,
Istenem, Istenem! Hogy telnek az évszakok...
Feldobódok, és szeretek szomorkodni is,
Tehát folyton törnek a szívek, és a fejek meg csavarodnak,
Tudod, ez már csak ilyen történet.
Egy, kettő, három, mind visszafutnak hozzám,
Mert, én vagyok a legjobb szerető, akit nem kell megtartani.
Egy, kettő, három, mind visszafutnak hozzám,
Mindig csak jönni akarnak, de sose akarnak elmenni.
Exek és sóhajok, oh, oh, kísértenek!
Mint a szellemek, akik arra várnak, hogy mindent megadjak nekik,
Nem engednek el.
Az exeim és a sóhajok, oh, oh, kísértenek!
Mint a szellemek, akik arra várnak, hogy mindent megadjak nekik,
Nem engednek el.
Exek és sóhajok...
Egy, kettő, három, mind visszafutnak hozzám,
Mert, én vagyok a legjobb szerető, akit nem kell megtartani.
Egy, kettő, három, mind visszafutnak hozzám,
Mindig csak jönni akarnak, de sose akarnak elmenni.
Exek és sóhajok, oh, oh, kísértenek!
Mint a szellemek, akik arra várnak, hogy mindent megadjak nekik,
Nem engednek el.
Az exeim és a sóhajok, oh, oh, kísértenek!
Mint a szellemek, akik arra várnak, hogy mindent megadjak nekik,
Nem engednek el.
Exek és sóhajok...

Laufend im Wind

Vor einer Woche sagtest du mir:
'Glaubst du, dass ich nie zu weit weg sein werde?'
Wenn du verloren bist, halt Ausschau nach mir
Du wirst mich in dem Gebiet der Sommersterne finden
Die Tatsache, dass wir hier sitzen können und Lebewohl sagen können
Bedeutet, dass wir schon gewonnen haben
Notwendigkeit für Entschuldigungen zwischen dir und mir
Baby, es gibt keine
Wir hatten gute Zeiten, nicht wahr?
Wir hatten gute Tricks im Ärmel
Abschiede sind bittersüß
Aber das ist nicht das Ende, ich werde dich wiedersehen
Du wirst mich finden, ja, du wirst mich finden
An Orten, an denen wir nie waren
Aus Gründen, die wir nicht verstehen
Laufend im Wind, laufend im Wind
Gestern ging ich aus
Um den Geburtstag eines Freundes zu feiern
Aber als wir unsere Gläser hoben um einen Toast zu sprechen
Realisierte ich, dass du fehltest
Wir hatten gute Zeiten, nicht wahr?
Wir hatten gute Tricks im Ärmel
Abschiede sind bittersüß
Aber das ist nicht das Ende, ich werde dich wiedersehen
Du wirst mich finden, ja, du wirst mich finden
An Orten, an denen wir nie waren
Aus Gründen, die wir nicht verstehen
Laufend im Wind, laufend im Wind
Ich weiß uns wird es gut gehen
Schließe einfach deine Augen und sehe
Ich werde an deiner Seite sein
Jederzeit, wenn du mich brauchst, oh yeah
Du wirst mich finden, ja, du wirst mich finden
An Orten, an denen wir nie waren
Aus Gründen, die wir nicht verstehen
Laufend im Wind, laufend im Wind, laufend im Wind

Hojas del otoño

Al caer las hojas revolotean al lado de la ventana,
las hojas del otoño, rojas y doradas.
Veo tus labios, los besos de verano,
las manos quemadas por el sol que solía tomar en las mías.
Desde que te fuiste los días se hacen más largos,
y pronto oiré la vieja canción invernal.
Pero te extraño más, cariño, sobre todo
cuando las ojas del otoño comienzan a caer.
Desde que te fuiste los días se hacen más largos,
y pronto oiré la vieja canción invernal.
Pero te extraño más, cariño, sobre todo
cuando las ojas del otoño comienzan a caer.

Beautiful Little Doll

Beautiful little doll, golden-haired,
of pearly teeth, of ruby lips.
Tell me if you love me like I adore you,
if you remember me like I remember you.
And sometimes I hear a divine echo,
rolled in on the breeze, that seems to say:
'Yes I love you very
very, very, very much,
as much as I did then, always, until I die.'

A perfect day

Elsa: We haven't celebrated you before
Because when we were kids, you just sat there and looked at my door
Now we'll have a party, eating cake next
I'll be your guest, if I may?
Anna: Elsa, I think you have a cold
Elsa: I never have colds, because...
A little snow has never bothered me
(Anna: Fancy!)
Elsa: Follow this string!
(Anna: Wait, what?)
Elsa: I've planned everything, something will happen today
Nothing will interfere, everything will be alright
I've worked hard, planned every detail
And your friends should get a medal
No, nothing can stop me now
There are gifts on the menu
It's my sister's birthday today
And I want to raise you high up, up in the sky
(Olaf: My brothers!)
Elsa: Everything has to be perfect, because you deserve it
It'll be a day full of fun, we haven't begun yet
You're my sister and my friend, your moment is now
Everything has to be perfect, because you deserve it
Anna: It's usually three
Elsa: It's fine
There, this one I want to give you
Anna: Oops, apprently I should go fishing, but I'm more concerned for you
It's probably time for you to go home, we won't have a party
Elsa: Don't want to stop, what comes now is the be...
Anna: Elsa, you're not thinking clearly
Elsa: But the party will start soon
Anna: Let the doctor take a quick look
Oaken: Are you sick? I have a cough medicine, the recipe is secret!
Elsa: No, thanks!
Anna: We take it...
Choir: Everything has to be perfect, because you deserve it
Elsa: Absolutely perfect, you deserve it
Choir: We sing a song for you and hope you're having fun
Elsa: You'll have fun!
Choir: We love you, Anna
Elsa: And we're singing it now
Choir: Yeah, everything has to be perfect on the best day
Yeah, everything has to be perfect on the best day
Yeah, everything has to be perfect on the best day
Yeah, everything has to be perfect on the best day
(Olaf: I can fix that!
Kristoffer: No, no!
Olaf: Now it's done!
Elsa: Now come! Now we're going to climb!
Anna: Elsa, take it easy! You have to rest!
Elsa: Yeah, we have to start with the party-chill, I meant the party-snuggle!
It's a party, like a dream!
Come, come, come, come!
Follow the string again, you, my dearest friend!
Anna: Elsa?
Elsa: Yeah, what? It's fine!
It's as it should be! Follow me!
Follow the string here, to a thing!
Happy, happy, happy, on your, on your, on your, warm, cold, warm birthday
Anna: Elsa, look at you, you have a fever, you're burning up
No, it's enough for today
Our entrance will have to wait
Hey, you have to agree
Elsa: Okay, I'm pretty weak...
I'm sorry, Anna!
I just wanted that you would have a perfect birthday
But I ruined everything... again
Anna: You didn't ruin anything, get to bed now
(Kristoff: No, no, please, please, stop!)
Choir: Happy birthday!
Anna: Wow!
Elsa: Wow
Choir: Everything has to be perfect, because you deserve it
Laugh much more and come closer and enjoy
Kristoff: This has turned into pure chaos
Olaf: The cake will break soon
Choir: Everything has to be perfect on the best day
Everything will be perfect on the best day
Choir: Everything is perfect, because you deserve it
Kristoff: Happy birthday
Choir: Have a good time and lots of fun and we begin now
Kristoff: Beloved Anna
Choir: You are our sister and friend, your moment is now
Kristoff: To you
Choir: Everything has to be perfect on the best day
Everything will be perfect on the best day
Everything will be perfect on the best day
Elsa: The best day
Anna: Okay, to bed with you now
Elsa: No, wait, wait!
The only missing thing now is that the queen blows the birthday horn
Anna: Oh no, no, no, no!
Anna: The best birthday present in the world
Elsa: Which one?
Anna: That you let me take care of you

Let This Day Be Perfect To You

Elsa: Psst...Anna!
Anna: Huh?
Elsa: Happy birthday
Anna: To you...
Elsa: It's your birthday
Anna: Mine...
It's my birthday
Elsa: Come!
Anna: It's my birthday?
Elsa: Uhm!
And it's going to be perfect, because...
On every your birthday so far
You were knocking on my cold doorstep in vain
Because of that now everything will be just for us two
And all those missed years
Anna: Elsa, you've got a cold
Elsa: I can't catch cold
I never get bored of snow
Anna: Wow
Elsa: Just follow the string
Anna: Wait, what?
Elsa: Because along the way there will be many surprises
And nothing will cut our ties
I've been working for days to get everything set
And even Kristoff and Sven took a bath!
And I don't mean to stop
Because this is my plan
Olaf: Sumer!
Elsa: To give you celebration as a gift
And the whole world will become yours today!
Olaf: Little brothers!
Elsa: Let this day be perfect to you
Anna: Oh, sandwich!
Elsa: I'll do everything to put the world in your hand
Everything you've gone through with me
Now it's an old dream
Let this day be perfect to you!
Anna: The third is coming!
Elsa: I'm fine!
Kristoff: Hey!
Elsa: Look now, this is special!
Anna: Pretty interesting, but I'm still worried
It's time for you to go home and get some rest
Elsa: There's no stopping!
The next one is even be...
Anna: Elsa, that's enough now!
Elsa: Not now because party is starting!
Anna: But you need care!
Oaken: You're sick?
Take a bit of honey...
From my flower meadows
Elsa: No, thanks
Anna: We'll take it!
Choir: And let this day be perfect to you!
Elsa: Let this day be special to you!
Choir: We're singing our birthday song aloud to you
Elsa: Aloud to you!
Choir: We love Anna
Elsa: And I love you too!
Choir: And let this be a perfect one...
And let this be a perfect one...
Let it be perfect to you!
Olaf: I'll fix this!
Kristoff: No, no!
Olaf: Fixed!
Kristoff: Tenant, mess, lonely?
Elsa: Come on!
Now we're going to climb!
Anna: Elsa that's too much!
You need rest!
Elsa: We need to get to the birthday colds...
I mean fireworks!
I've got a dream, I've got a plan
Come on, come on, come on, come on!
Sister follow that string, you'll have a perfect day!
Anna: Elsa?
Elsa: Oh, come on...
It's not the end yet...
Follow that string...
I can't hide, it will be...
Dear, dear, dear
Happy, happy, happy
Cool 'n' hot birthday!
Anna: Elsa!
Look at you, you've got a fever, you're burning up!
It can't go on like this...
There will be a lot of chances...
And now it's the time for you to admit...
Elsa: I caught a cold...
Sorry Anna
I wanted to give you one perfect birthday
But I've ruined it, again...
Anna: You didn't ruin anything
But you need to bed immediately
Kristoff: Oh no, wait, wait, wait, stop!
Choir: Surprise!!!
Anna: Wow!
Elsa: Wow!
Choir: Let this day be perfect to you!
Let it be perfect to you like the most beautiful dream!
Kristoff: It's getting really chaotic here!
Olaf: But it's fun!
Choir: Let this be a perfect one...
Let this be a perfect one...
Anna! Anna!
Choir: And let this day be perfect to you
Kristoff: Happy birthday!
Choir: Be perfectly happy today with us!
Kristoff: I love you Anna!
Choir: We're happy because you're ours
And we're yours!
Kristoff: And I'm yours too!
Choir: And let this be a perfect one...
And let this be a perfect one...
And let this be a perfect one...
Elsa: Perfect!
Anna: Okay, now straight into the bed!
Elsa: No, wait, wait!
Only what's left to do is that queen must play a birthday horn!
Anna: Oh no, no, no, no!
The best birthday present ever!
Elsa: Which one?
Anna: You letting me take care of you

A Lovely Day

Elsa: You have been taken your birthday away from you before
You just sat completely alone infront of my door
So I know it's a bit late but I mean it in the best way
It's all gonna be so nice, just wait and see
Anna: Elsa, I think you're having a cold, my friend
Elsa: I never have a cold, remember...
The ice cold mountain was my one true home
Just follow the string!
I know exactly what you're gonna do this whole day
Just wait and see, I have a top secure plan
There's check on the table plan, on the music and cake platter
And I got Kristoff and Sven to take a bath
Whether you want it or not, you'll get love
I'll open up the door for you
And bring all the stars in the sky down here
See, now you're gonna have the best birthday ever
And it's gonna be a hugh blast, 'cause that you should have
I owe you it all, so I'm raising a flag
'Cause now you'll get the best birthday ever
Anna: The're one more!
Elsa: No, no... Achoo!
So the first surprise is.... Achoo!
Anna: Wow, and I'm so excited but also really worried about you now
So to be honest, it's probably for the best if you slow it down
Elsa: No, it can wait, look at the present number two.. Achoo!
Anna: Go to bed now, please
Elsa: No, we're gonna paint the city red
Ana: But you really need some care
Oaken: Are you sick? Here's something for the snout! It's your sickbed!
Elsa: No thanks
Anna: We'll take it
Choir: We want you to have the best birthday ever
Elsa: The best birthday ever
Choir: Our birthday song, we hope you think that it's cool
Elsa: That it's cool
Choir: We love you, Anna
Elsa: Oh, what's happening now?
Choir: That is why we're yelling a high hurray
Yes, everybody has to yell a high hurray
Yell a high hurray in your nice birthday
Elsa: Come on, now we'll climb
Anna: Elsa, it's too much, you need to rest
Elsa: We need the sweetest birthday sneeze... Eh, I mean thrill!
Dream a dream, make a plan, then go ahead
Follow the string on ?, see where it'll take you
Anna: Elsa?
Elsa: What?! Don't worry, I have an advice, follow your string
? and to something you have gotten
Yell hurray, hurray and a lot of happiness, thrill, sneeze, sneeze, birthday...
Anna: Elsa, listen, you have a fever, you're burning
That party is gonna have to wait a bit now
Till you feel better again
Don't lie to yourself
Elsa: Okay, I'm a bit sick
I'm sorry Anna
I just wanted to give you the perfect birthday
Bit I ruined everything, again
Anna: You haven't ruined anything at all
Just go to bed
Choir: Hurray!
Anna: Wow
Elsa: Wow..
Choir: We hope you'll get a lovely birthday
A day that's full of hapy smile, 'cause that's what you should have
Kristoff: There's not far from chaos
Olaf: And from party and hurray!
Choir: Congratulations, 'cause it's your birthday
Congratulations, 'cause it's your birthday
Congratulations, 'cause it's your birthday today
Kristoff: Happy birthday
Choir: Congratulations, 'cause it's your birthday and we're gonna get some cake
Kristoff: I love you, Anna
Choir: So thanks you for all the ? and everything you gave
Kristoff: I do
Choir: So now we'll yell a big hurray
Now we'll yell a big hurray
Now we'll yell a big hurray
Elsa: A big hurray!
Anna: Okay, go to bed right now
Elsa: No, wait, wait! We just need the Queen to blow in the big birthday horn!
Anna: Oh no, no, no, no, no...
Elsa: Achoo!
Anna: The best birthday gift in the world
Elsa: Which one?
Anna: That you let me take care of you
Elsa: Achoo

The most festive birthday

Elsa: This is your first birthday
If you don't count the ones I was away
After all these years I congratulate you like this
If I can now celebrate you
Anna: You haven't caught a cold, have you?
Elsa: I don't catch a cold!
And hey! This cold wind can blow now!
Anna: Pretty!
Elsa: Follow the string
Anna: Hey... what?
It's my turn to happily surprise you
Nothing, nothing can stop that
I already did my job, I organized what I could
When even those Kristoff and Sven had a wash
If you're going to stop me now
You will see my power
Olaf: Summer!
Elsa: Like this the presents start to trundle
You'll get the whole world from me as a present
Olaf: Little brothers!
Elsa: This birthday is the most festive
And the greatest birthday fever just gets stronger
Because you are the dearest to me, it comes true
This birthday is the most festive
Anna: There are always three of them
Elsa: No worries
Hooray, hooray, this is your surprise
Anna: You've made an effort but I am concerned
You have to go home and rest
Elsa: Away such words, because the next one is the be...
Anna: Elsa, you have to give up
Elsa: Don't even say that
Anna: You have to see a doctor
Oaken: Sick? A good flu medicine from Oaken!
Elsa: No thanks
Anna: We'll take that
Choir: This birthday is the most festive
We wish you good luck with this song
You're the dearest, Anna
Elsa: You're my dearest as well
Choir: So this festive day is of course a wonderful day
We give the best to you
Olaf: I'll fix it
Kristoff: No! Nope!
Olaf: Fixed!
Kristoff: Nonna has a banana
Elsa: Come! Now we climb!
Anna: Elsa, it's too much! You have to rest!
Elsa: We have to go to ice soon... I mean the party!
Dream, dreaming
Soon, soon, soon, soon
We follow the string, because you are my best friend
Anna: Elsa!
Elsa: Hui hai!
We climb and sing
Our string's way takes us there
Good, good, good, nice, nice, nice
Hot and cold
Anna: Elsa listen to me! You have a fever
You are on fire
Oh, now this is enough
We'll celebrate later
Come on, now admit it to yourself
Elsa: Well, yeah...
I'm feverish
I'm sorry Anna... I just wanted to offer you
a perfect birthday, but I ruined it again
Anna: You didn't ruin anything
Now you go to rest
Kristoff: Stop, stop, stop, hey!
Choir: Surprise!
This birthday is the most festive
And the birthday fever of everyone just gets stronger
Kristoff: Chaos is really close
Olaf: And hullabaloo
Choir: This festive birthday
The most festive birthday
This birthday is the most festive
Kristoff: Congratulations
Choir: Birthday, now the sun gets brighter
Kristoff: You're my dearest!
Choir: You're our dearest, we thank you like this
Kristoff: Well yeah!
Choir: This festive birthday
The most festive birthday
Elsa: The most festive!
Anna: Alright! Now to bed
Elsa: No! The Queen has to blow the birthday toot!
Anna: No, no, no
Anna: The best present of all time
Elsa: What?
Anna: When you let me take care of you

Breaking Bad

Life has changed me in a strange minute
Too much glow, too much impact
It's too big for me, to be exact
I know it's no big deal.
Glory has knocked me down in the second assault
Too much smoke, too many deals
The anonymity was an odd loss
I know it's no big deal.
Sometimes I look back and I can't
decipher I'm at
other speed
Open my eyes, throw me to the tracks
Get me out of this darkness
I'm just pretending to be me
I'll do it for once in my life
I kept repeating it to myself
til I felt fucking suicidal
Nobody was right
lover of lost causes
You thought I'd be the best
Be careful with expectations
We'll cook glass in the desert
We'll believe in God for a little while
I was dead for a few seconds
My love is too big
It's too big
My love is too big
It's too big
Sometimes I look back and I can't
decipher I'm at
other speed
Open my eyes, throw me to the tracks
Get me out of this darkness
I'm just pretending to be me
I'll do it for once in my life
I kept repeating it to myself
til I felt fucking suicidal
Nobody was right
lover of lost causes
You thought I'd be the best
Be careful with expectations
We'll cook glass in the desert
We'll believe in God for a little while
I was dead for a few seconds
My love is too big
It's too big
My love is too big
It's too big


Vedd vissza mind
Vedd vissza mind
Vedd vissza mind
Nem vagyok túl biztos benne hogy mit kéne tennem ezzel
Ezek a kezek, ez az elme, ez az ingatagság
A ketrecből mit létrehoztam, a pokolig amit a menny készített
Nem tudom elengedni a gyülöletet mert imádom az ízét
Fogadd vissza őket
Nem hoznám vissza a pillanatot
Egy szánalmas pillanatot sem
Bele adok mindent míg nem marad egy sem
Tűzbe mennék
Tűzbe mennék
Feltételekbe ütközben abban a tudatban, hogy sosem fogok megváltozni
és ez így jó, vigaszt találtam a fájdalomban
Nem szánom a sötétséget,
Imádkozom valamiért hogy azt éreztesse, élek
Nem hoznám vissza a pillanatot
Egy szánalmas pillanatot sem
Bele adok mindent míg nem marad egy sem
Tűzbe mennék
Tűzbe mennék
Paranoiás pszichopata vagyok
Mazochista dilettáns...
Nárcisztikus elefánt a szobában
A világ vége vagyok
A csordát vékonyítva
Minden az elmémen kívűl, kibaszottul abszurd
Nem hoznám vissza a pillanatot
Tűzbe mennék
Tűzbe mennék
Vedd vissza mind

Somos Um

New things you will see
But you're going to say afterwards
'I didn't notice'
In your young heart
You live in confusion
I've already noticed
You will survive
Because you're going to have support
The obstacles we will overcome
I will be by your side
And i will be so proud
And the strength lies
In us being one
We are one
We are one
Always One
As the daughter of a king was i born
My fate i have seen
But who am i?
Trust in my heart
Search for peace and for the reason
Why i am myself.
Daughter, you will grow up
You will go through bad times
Searching for peace and for truth.
There are always solutions
In the worst situations.
We've got strength
Because we are one.
We are one
We are one
Always One
We are one
You and I
As the earth and the sky
The sun brings happiness
This kingdom belongs to me today
And one day will it belong to you
And the strength lies
In us being one.
As long as you live here
It will be like that
You are going to understand it someday.

The news of the day

A female salamander throws
Her salamander man out
She now has another
That she closes in her arms
I also saw two camels
That themselves laughed a little
Not with the air of inside
But with the filled water
The waterbuckles felt again
A little bit wet
The rhinoceros is cold
And his handkerchief is lost
These are the news of the day
I have been very loyal for years
Of every grouch,laugh's grey
An honest report
In the news of the day
The zebras have reported
Once again a stripe
The moles are goind to say so
Deep below that
The leopard is actually there
Not lazy nor a horse
The slugs that caught a cold,shouted
Oh,I was just hairy
The hedgehog is today
Again extremely irritable
The fox loses its regions
Or is it sometimes its hair?
These are the news of the day
I have been very loyal for years
Of every grouch,laugh's grey
An honest report
In the news of the day

I ran to the doctor

you pushed on my wounds even though i told you not to
there is no going back
don't frown your face
bring me my treatment
I ran to the doctor like a patient, i memorized the roads
is this fate and put handcuffs in my hands?
you pushed on my wounds even though i told you not to
there is no going back
don't frown your face
bring me my treatment
I ran to the doctor like a patient i memorized the road to you
is this fate that brought me and handcuffs to my hands

I'm going to be a smart king

I'm gonna be king
mighty and smart
yes, but never before have I seen a king
with so little hair
I'm gonna be a muscle mountain
It won't be anything small
watch over my kingdom
and scream really loud
Still your success is rather tiny
But I'm gonna be a smart king
You still have some things to learn, little man
If you think...
No one says: 'Come in'
Listen, what I said was...
No one says: 'Go out'
What I meant was..
No one says: 'Stop'
What you don't understand is..
Simba and Nala:
No one says 'See!'
Now, look AAA!
Free from all your nagging
Not an option!
I will do whatever I want
Now is the time, where you listen to me
The king can, if he wants,
put a plug into you [your mouth]
If this is where the kingdom is standing,
then the king is a bull [meaning: an idiot]
I'll quit my job, deeply offended
and will go my way
this is a corrupt and obnoxious craze
But I'm gonna be a smart king!
Everyone look east
Everyone look west
Everyone look at the one who
is the greatest of all lions
Not yet!
Every animal sings for him an ode!
The musk ox and the crocodile herd
Simba will rule happily for a thousand years
Because I will be a smart king
(Surely he will be a smart king)
Yes, I will be a smart king
(Surely Simba will be a smart king)
Yes, I will be a smart king
(Surely Simba will be a smart king)