Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 15

Találatok száma: 536


I Left

I left from my old self
I don't know what was mine from what I lived through
Whoever is not here, near me, belongs somewhere else
It's time for me to see my wire mesh
Thrown down, walked on, my fairy tale has been taken
I'm not the same as yesterday, I'm not chasing wounds
I'm only sorry that I don't have someone's gaze to watch
But now... I left.
I left from my need, 'to exist'
I thought I'd be scared but then I thought
Whatever I loved had height
And whatever I love, needs my eyes open, yesterday shouldn't be eating me up
To walk in your silence, to remember your prayers
Even if I'm someone else, my karma is not heavy
I don't want to be different anymore, I want to know if you loved me
But now... I left.
And if I dream of you some day again
And if I find you by chance in my journey
I won't be the one you know, I'm going to be someone else
Who might love you against the time

Aristotelous Street

Early evening (of a) Saturday and (the smell of) acetylene*
οn Aristotelous street where you're growing old
I would take tangerine peels from my pocket
and throw them in your eyes to hurt you**
Younger kids where playing cops and robbers
and Argyro was the leader
and fires would light up in the upper streets
it was St. John's day*** I think.
Old soldiers would take off their hats
the square would fill with children
and there was a green, green moon
stabbing at your heart
Younger kids where playing cops and robbers
and Argyro was the leader
and fires would light up in the upper streets
it was St. John's day*** I think

You Never Saw

You never saw my tears
maybe I'm to blame for hiding them
you didn't listen - didn't listen to my words
maybe I'm to blame for whispering them
but in my eyes,
did you read nothing?
You never came to my dreams
maybe I'm to blame for not falling asleep
you didn't cry - you didn't cry that I left
maybe I'm to blame for coming back
but in my eyes,
you read nothing

First Words

Versions: #2
First words will run like water
And you 'll run at the river to catch them
I loved you so much, but it stops here
You always win me, but now you'll lose
I'll leave a window open for you
And I'll start pushing you to fly
The pain is behind you and the void in front of you
Don't choose me, leave, without looking back
I'll say the things you couldn't bear to hear
And a hunger for love will eat you inside
You 'll end up alone, but it happened to many
Everyone that had ever loved is not so innocent
At the end we're left half from kisses
And I'm looking a solution in torture
Everyday I want you more
Somebody should have stopped us
When years pass from Scorpio
And you'll have nothing more for you to hate me
Then send me only a thank you
For not killing you and let you live


Beautiful ladies, beautiful gentlemen
Music on the programme
Singers, get ready
May the best win
The borders are open
What should I say if tonight is a party?
The stars are nervous
They do their make up, smoke a cigarette
Before going on stage
Eurovision, Eurovision, Eurovision
Eurovision, Eurovision, Eurovision
Old Europe cheers
The country that wins
Then a tear
The spell is broken
The eyes of the whole world are
Waiting, impatiently, for news flashes
That are going to announce
By satellite and by shielded cables
What's happening in their regions
Eurovision, Eurovision, Eurovision
Eurovision, Eurovision, Eurovision
Eurovision, Eurovision, Eurovision


¿Qué fue lo que pasó?
Qué te llamo y tu no coges el teléfono
No se por que te escondes de mi baby si yo
Deje de ser de mi pa' mi para entregarte to'
[Coro: Alex Rose]
Dime por qué me ignoras
Me tienes metiendome percocet (percocet)
Que si estas con otro yo no se
Tengo ganas de volverte a ver (volverte a ver)
Dime por qué me ignoras
Me tienes metiendome percocet
Que si estas con otro yo no se
Tengo ganas de volverte a ver (volverte a ver)

Tánc a fáknak

Nézd, megállt az idő,
Mert te, te új esélyt adtál nekem.
Esélyt arra, hogy újrakezdjem
Az életet, amit már is elfelejtettem, amíg te nem jöttél.
A gondok fogva tartanak,
De hinned kell és a barátság győzni fog.
És ha megint jön a vihar,
Állok elébe, mert már van egy barátom.
Táncolok a fáknak, énekelek neked.
Megtaláljuk a csillagunkat és együtt követjük az ösvényt.
Visszahoztad a boldogságot nekem.
Táncolok a fáknak, énekelek neked.
Hallgasd csak, a szél elcsendesedett,
És mi, mi fekszünk a szalmán.
Fölöttünk a csillagos ég, reménnyel teli.
Szép jövőnk fénysugara világít ránk.
Táncolok a fáknak, énekelek neked.
Megtaláljuk a csillagunkat és együtt követjük az ösvényt.
Visszahoztad a boldogságot nekem.
Táncolok a fáknak, énekelek neked.

Ha visszatérsz

Majdnem éjszaka van már, aludnom kellene.
De a hold olyan fényesen ragyog, mintha együtt imádkozna velem.
Céltalanul járkálok körbe-körbe.
Hol lehetsz?
Olyan hívogató volt a bíborszín ég,
amikor együtt szárnyaltunk.
De lelkesedésem lassan eltűnik.
Úgy érzem, semmihez nincs kedvem.
Nélküled nem.
És ezer könnyel sírok majd,
amikor megjössz.
Ma éjjel megesküszöm, hogy nem mozdulok innen,
amíg vissza nem térsz.
És minden felhő,
minden csillag
csak azt juttatja eszembe, mennyire hiányzol.
És ezer könnyel sírok majd,
amikor megjössz.
Ma éjjel megesküszöm, hogy nem mozdulok innen,
amíg vissza nem térsz.
És ezer könnyel sírok majd,
amikor megjössz.
Ma éjjel megesküszöm, hogy nem mozdulok innen,
amíg vissza nem térsz.
És minden felhő..
csak azt juttatja eszembe, mennyire hiányzol (Amíg vissza nem térsz)...
És minden felhő,
minden csillag
csak azt juttatja eszembe, mennyire hiányzol.

A hegyekben

Menekülök. Minél messzebb.
Látni akarok. Élni akarok.
Megpróbáltam. Tanultam.
Megérte a sok fáradság?
A lelkem olyan sokat akar,
de nem látok tisztán.
Ki vagy te?
Nézz rám, akarsz a barátom lenni?
Rémült voltam. Dühös voltam.
Birtokolni akartam, találni akartam.
És a végén elfelejtettem,
ki is vagyok valójában.
A szívem elárulta.
Az elmém megparancsolta.
És tudom, hogy kész vagyok
újra élni.
Itt van a hazám,
a hegyek és fák között.
Utamon szerelmes dalomat
éneklem hozzád.
Osztozol a bánatomban,
az erdőd az én váram.
Gyere, világítsd meg utamat.
Itt akarok lenni melletted.
Adj nekem életet, adj nekem hitet,
add nekem a képek dallamát,
és akkor szívesen éneklek,
amíg a hangom el nem tűnik.
Mert a döntést meghoztam,
nem hiányzik már semmi,
Te vagy a fény az éjszakában,
táncolsz velem?
Itt van a hazám,
a hegyek és fák között.
Utamon szerelmes dalomat
éneklem hozzád.
Osztozol a bánatomban,
az erdőd az én váram.
Gyere, világítsd meg utamat.
Itt akarok lenni melletted.

What should I do?

The swift-winged century of love is gone
Like melted snow
It became got like an autumn garden
It's impossible to turn it back
To turn it back...
But, maybe, we shouldn't hurry the night
And start everything again?
Start everything again?
Oh, what should I do?
Maybe, start everything again?
I don't want to lose you
I can't lose you
Oh, what should I do?
The lonely ray has gone
To the captivity of the indifferent clouds
The short way was full of obstacles.
The point of love isn't simple
Isn't simple...
But, maybe, we shouldn't hurry the night
And start everything again?
Start everything again?
Oh, what should I do?
Maybe, start everything again?
I don't want to lose you
I can't lose you
Oh, what should I do?

Igazándiból túl vagyok rajtad (I.T.V.R)

[Verse 1]
Újabb péntek este,
amikor folyton a telefonon hívogatsz.
Arról beszélsz, hogy milyen egyedül vagy,
de mi közöm van mindehhez?
Amióta kidobtál,
még az eszembe sem jutsz.
Nem is értem, hogy miért vesztegeted az idődet,
talán mert nem tetted túl magad rajtad,
úgyhogy elmondom.
[Pre-Chorus 1]
Tévedtem? Azt hittem, hogy ezen már túlvagyunk.
A hangod változik, újra a drágám akarsz lenni.
Remélem nem arra vársz, hogy beváltom a reményeidet,
mert végeztem veled, hát nem hallottad a híreket?
[Chorus 1]
Igazándiból már túl vagyok rajtad, úgyhogy viszlát, oh yeah.
Zárd be magad mögött az ajtót rendesen.
Igazándiból már túl vagyok rajtad, úgyhogy ne zaklass tovább,
mert jobban boldogulok mint te.
Baby, már mióta rosszul bántál velem,
és ez az oka ennek a dalnak is.
Baby melyik bolygón élsz?
Igazándiból már túl vagyok rajtad, úgyhogy viszlát drágám.
Zárd be magad mögött az ajtót rendesen.
[Verse 2]
Újabb péntek este,
amikor folyton a telefonon hívogatsz.
Arról beszélsz, hogy milyen egyedül vagy,
de mi közöm van mindehhez?
Én találtam magam már egy új párt,
úgyhogy miért kellene, hogy érdekelj?
Semmit sem jelentesz nekem,
úgyhogy elmondom.
[Pre-Chorus 2]
Ha nem tévedek, akkor te dobtál ki engem (Engem?).
A hangod változik, újra a drágám akarsz lenni.
Remélem nem vársz rám, nem figyeled merre voltam,
mert mi már végeztünk, ami volt az már történelem (Énekeld velem!).
[Chorus 1]
Igazándiból már túl vagyok rajtad, úgyhogy viszlát, oh yeah.
Zárd be magad mögött az ajtót rendesen.
Igazándiból már túl vagyok rajtad, úgyhogy ne zaklass tovább,
mert jobban boldogulok mint te.
Baby, már mióta rosszul bántál velem,
és ez az oka ennek a dalnak is.
Baby melyik bolygón élsz?
Igazándiból már túlvagyok rajtad, úgyhogy viszlát drágám.
Zárd be magad mögött az ajtót rendesen.
Túlléptem rajtad!
Igazándiból túl vagyok, igazándiból túl vagyok, igazándiból túl vagyok, igazándiból már túl vagyok.
Ha nem tévedek, azt hittem, hogy ezen már túl vagyunk.
Igazándiból túl vagyok, igazándiból túl vagyok.
De baby, te látszólag még nem vagy túl rajtam,
anyira amennyire én, yeah!
[Chorus 1]
Igazándiból már túl vagyok rajtad, úgyhogy viszlát, drágám.
Zárd be magad mögött az ajtót rendesen.
Igazándiból már túl vagyok rajtad, úgyhogy ne zaklass tovább,
mert jobban boldogulok mint te.
Baby, már mióta rosszul bántál velem,
és ez az oka ennek a dalnak is.
Baby melyik bolygón élsz?
Igazándiból már túlvagyok rajtad, úgyhogy viszlát drágám.
Zárd be magad mögött az ajtót rendesen.
[Chorus 2]
Igazándiból már túl vagyok rajtad, úgyhogy viszlát, oh yeah.
Igazándiból túl vagyok, igazándiból túl vagyok.
Igazándiból már túl vagyok rajtad, úgyhogy nem bánom, nem bánom.
Igazándiból túl vagyok, igazándiból túl vagyok.
Viszlát baby!
Baby, már mióta rosszul bántál velem,
és ez az oka ennek a dalnak is.
Baby melyik bolygón élsz?
Igazándiból már túlvagyok rajtad, úgyhogy viszlát drágám.
Zárd be magad mögött az ajtót rendesen.
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

Not a word

your mistakes destroyed everything beautiful i made
and tonight my dream bleeds like a wound
I tried so hard to fix broken pieces from a love
you scatteredthem and you look down to earth
Tell me why you don't look at me
you feel ashamed and you don't talk
not a word just for the story
not a single sorry to tell me for my eyes
i was asking for love and freedom
and not to live in a 'beautiful' cage
I was next to you in your most difficult times
but i couldn't imagine that you would be so ungrateful
you only took and never gave
you betrayed me and you broke our love like a thread
Tell me why you don't look at me
you feel ashamed and you don't talk
not a word just for the story
not a single sorry to tell me for my eyes
i was asking for love and freedom
and not to live in a 'beautiful' cage


Versions: #2
Olyan hihetetlen
Soha nem lesz más történetünk
de mindig ott leszek, tudod
minden nap, ami áthalad (áthalad)
Most szeretnék állni, hogy megálljak
Hallottam, hallottad
vágyak vagyunk, mint a csillagok lecsúszása
ne aggódj,
ha esik az égből, itt vagyok, hogy megmentselek
Esküszöm, hogy mindig így lesz köztünk
Itt maradok örökké, tudod
Semmi ok nincs veled
csak igaz érzelmek
hogy feloldja az összes gondot
A mennyekben kereslek, keresselek a csillagképekben
és a jövő, ki tudja, hol fog eljönni
melyik úton vagy városban
ez te vagy és én
a napok ragyognak és nincs távolság
Megígérem, hogy kitörölhetetlen lesz
mint egy csillag, ami ott marad
mindaddig, amíg ott vagy
Nem eshetek le
ez egy másik világ, a világ veled van
ne kérdezd, miért természetes
olyan hihetetlen, hihetetlen
a legnagyobb a tanítás
hogy mindent ellenőrizhetsz, de nem az érzéseket
szóval hagyd magad, hagyd el magad
olyan természetes, természetes
ha úgy érzed hogy, kíváncsi vagy
van valaki, aki érezi, amit érzel
ne feled el, hogy minden ember néha rossz
mindannyian levegőt lélegezünk
sőt, már nem számít, mennyit állsz
de ahogy felkelsz
minden lehetetlen vállalkozás a történelemben
Lehetetlen, amíg valaki meg nem próbálja
ez te vagy és én
a napok ragyognak és nincs távolság
Megígérem, hogy kitörölhetetlen lesz
mint egy csillag, ami ott marad
mindaddig, amíg ott vagy
Nem eshetek le
és egy másik világ, a világ itt veled
ne kérdezd, miért természetes
olyan hihetetlen, hihetetlen
Jó lesz
mint egy csillag, amely ragyog téged
Hihetetlen (hihetetlen)
ez te vagy és én (én és te)
a napok ragyognak és nincs távolság
Megígérem, hogy kitörölhetetlen lesz
mint egy csillag, ami ott marad
mindaddig, amíg ott vagy
Nem eshetek le
ez egy másik világ, a világ veled van
ne kérdezd, miért természetes
olyan hihetetlen, hihetetlen vagy

Így írj dalt

[Szia Alexander!
Szeretnék írni egy dalt,
de kicsit félek, mert nem tudom, hogy kezdjek hozzá.
Tudsz nekem tanácsot adni?]
Ha van egy perced
Írd le az ötletedet!
Lehet, csoda történik majd
Vagy éppen eltűnik
Ki tudja?
Csak vesd papírra
Abból nem lehet baj
Találd meg a saját ritmusod
Így írhatsz egy jó dalt
Örülj a kis dolgoknak
Idővel naggyá válhatnak
Meg kell találnod a küldetésed
A küldetést, amit teljesítesz
Tudod, hogy kaptál egy tehetséget
Bármi legyen is az
Szorgalmaddal varázsolsz
És énekeld velem
1. lépés: Higgy benne
És énekeld egész nap
2. lépés: Csak engedd át magad neki
Így írj dalt

Until my world closes my eyes

I once saw you and discovered you forever
I once asked you and said 'yes' forever
We look at the stars, but here down we shine
Most of them go alone, but I go with you now
Until my world closes my eyes, I will love you
Until my world closes my eyes, I will give everything for you
You lie next to me, we laughed tears
We are struck by stones, who would have thought that yesterday
We go quietly through the night and we do not need much
We almost missed ourselves and then took our hearts
We hide in the grass, celebrate the rain loudly
We just need us, we feel again alive
Until my world closes my eyes, I will love you
Until my world closes my eyes, I will give everything for you
You lie next to me, we laughed tears
We are struck by stones, who would have thought that yesterday
Until my world closes my eyes, I will love you
Until my world closes my eyes, I will give everything for you
You lie next to me, we laughed tears
We are struck by stones, who would have thought that yesterday

Paradice in Head

[Verse 1]
You search for the way out of the town and it leads you past horror
empty remainings
Over Hills from Dust and Electronictrash over weathered rails
Past Cars that are laying between the others
Shouldn't trust Eyes cause it seems like they're
From a cloud wall that are staying infront of the sun is falling a rusty rain. And people that aren't anymore people appearing like Zombies for you
When the world appears for you like that and your heart pounds at the Limit. Then is the least Escape in your own head
Then you get in the elevator with just a button
And you move up back in the Paradice in your head
[Verse 2]
And if you move down dare a new try a new
You're silencing the Voices but they are returning
after a short while
How should a glassy person should hide in a glassy world from the
Just one word is enough and this glassy person is turning in
seconds to shards
When the world appears for you like that and your heart pounds at the Limit. Then is the least Escape in your own head
Then you get in the elevator with just a button
And you move up back in the Paradice in your head
Back in your…oh-oh-oh-oho-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Back in your…oh-oh-oh-oho-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Back in your…oh-oh-oh-oho-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Back in your…oh-oh-oh-oho-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
When the world appears for you like that and your heart pounds at the Limit. Then is the least Escape in your own head
Then you get in the elevator with just a button
And you move up back in the Paradice in your head...

Not without you #2

I can go without gas in my tank,
with no spare wheel, even without engine
I can anyway, but
Not without you,
Not without you,
Not without you, no!
Not without you,
Not without you,
Not without you, no!
I can go early dressed in pajamas,
I can go on time, I can be late
I can go even this way, but
Not without you,
Not without you,
Not without you, no!
Not without you,
Not without you,
Not without you, no!
It would be hard without you,
I don't think I'm gonna resist
Who would nag me
to do this to not do that?
I'd go in a big hurry
with no keys in my pocket
I'd even go this way, but...
Not without you,
Not without you,
Not without you, no!
Not without you,
Not without you,
Not without you, no!
I can go with no aspirins,
no piramidon, no ampicilin
I can go anyway, but not without you
Not without you,
Not without you,
Not without you, no!
Not without you,
Not without you,
Not without you, no!

Not without you #1

It would be hard without you,
I don't think I'm gonna resist
Who would nag me
to do this to not do that?
I'd go in a big hurry
with no keys in my pocket
I'd even go this way, but...


You can see that she's got class
you can see that she's got style,
I'm sure that next to her
I look like a poor old child...
So tall and slim
under my hard look
From all the girls around
she was the only one to not look at me!
There are laws for people,
there are laws for Gods,
but there's no law
for her heart and soul
Only when she's flipping her hand
when she's smiling a bit,
mountains and oceans are moving
and clouds are hiding and not coming!
You know, I'm very afraid
and I cannot explain,
It's the same thing always happening
since I was a kid.
I know exactly what to tell
I even know the right word
but until it got on my lips,
the word melted!...
She's wearing white in the summer,
and on the winter - the same
A Europe-sized scarf
takes her and hides her away
And that is everything
that I know about her
I don't know her, but I saw her
Maybe I didn't have to...
And so, from then I sit and wait
Maybe when we'll be meeting again?
And so, from then I sit and wait
Maybe when we'll be meeting again?
And so, from then I sit and wait
Maybe when we'll be meeting again?
And so, from then I sit and wait
Maybe when we'll be meeting again?
It has no importance
how my song is gonna end up...

Blues for Florian Lungu

I wake up early in the morning
but not so many times
I usually get up late
Don't know the exact time!
My neighbours know and I can't accuse them
'cause everyday I'm singing blues...
When I go shopping,
When my momma makes pickles,
When I walk the streets at night,
When I sit in my pajamas,
even on bus or on trolley,
I'm singing blues all day long!
A girl has asked me
'Ain't that a pity about this time?'
It was too hard to explain
so I didn't tell a word
Couldn't even refuse her
just for singing the blues!
My friends nicknamed me
and everyone calls me 'Sweet'!
I like the bass players, I confess,
but not the ones that don't play it good
But I feel much more amused
when anyone tries to sing the blues!

Sunday morning to lunch

All my friends have gone,
left me all alone in town
in the morning, I wake up when I want!
I grab a book and start to read,
I don't get up, just sit and idle
I make my tea around lunch and I drink it...
If you come to me, my lady,
ring the door longer, don't expect me
to answer imediately - I'm in my pajamas
Carelessly you can smoke,
You can do anything, I don't mind
The pale smoke climbs onto the ceiling...
I can sit for a year with my eyes on the ceiling
I can sit for a year
I can sit for a year with my eyes on the ceiling
I can sit for a year
I can sit for a year with my eyes on the ceiling
I can sit for a year
The cat was hiding and lying under the bed,
What he's doing, I didn't ask him!
He's got a curious habit, he's very capricious,
When he's angry, he's turning the house upside-down, really!

General Pacepa's Blues

Mmmm...Early in the morning
I came from Sovata
Mmmm...Early in the morning
I came from Sovata
I searched everywhere
Found you nowhere...
I was even at Căciulata,
I was even at Călimăneşti,
I was even at Căciulata,
I was even at Călimăneşti,
I asked about you
No one knows where are you!...
Tell me you have gone
Tell me that you left
But don't let me search about you
in the East or in the West,
Maybe you're at Baia Mare
Maybe you're at Baia Mare
I don't know your adress
You don't write me any letter!

The morning and us

Until I reached you,
I turned the clock three times
I can barely see you
in the foggy morning light
Look at me sitting
waiting for you to descend
Last night
got late in your eye shadows
You leave traces in the air
with your dark hair
I forgot the day,
the place, the hour - I forgot them all.
You are a witch,
there's no turning back
Your power is big
Making one of two and two from one
There is nothing
just the morning and us.

You / If you can

Her skin is burnt by the Sun
a weird skin of late middle-age,
driving cars, starting engines
burnt by the sun...
I see her from one side a little strained
listening carefully, looking carefully,
The clouds outside I've read them in some book
I see them from oneside...
How can you guess
at what movie you'd get bored?
How many won't want to stay
just five minutes in your left side?
It's hard to realise,
and then after a while,
the fright is coming...
The chromozomes, for example, someone said
'I don't believe anything you say!'
Because you got two and I only got one
'I don't believe anything you say!'
Really, there are doctors that with no reason
'don't believe anything you say!'
Really, they saw them with the microscope
'I don't believe anything, anything you say!'
A ray of sun
believes that you
like a crystal, you can let her pass,
but no,
unfortunately no!
The look in her eyes is a weird map
There are springs, there are forests
There is a north, there is even a spot
It's a weird girl!
Disappears easily, from one move
Some say that she's an egyptian secret,
and clouds from the outside disappear and it's sunny:
What a weird move!...
I'd like to know
Although it's sunny,
why is it deserted?
If you can, make from night a day,
If you can, make me fly,
If you can, disciplin the kids
You'll see it ain't easy!
If you can, stay all the winter in the tent,
If you can, just do it, please!
If you can, take another piece of cake
and then you won't feel good!
If I call you in the evening
you just fell asleep
And if I call you earlier,
you sleep and it's a pity
On the daytime you're gone
On the night time, you don't answer
How can I reach you
if you're hiding?
If you can, just appear on TV,
If you can, tell me stories,
If you can, make me sing in the choir
Eventually, you get tired!
Eventually, you get tired!
Eventually, you get tired!
Eventually, you get tired! (I already got tired!...)
Eventually, you get tired!
Eventually, you get tired! (I already got tired!...)
Eventually, you get tired!
Eventually, you get tired! (I already got tired!...)
Eventually, you get tired!
Eventually, you get tired! (I already got tired!...)
Eventually, you get tired!

Categorical blues #2

I guess
I guess that you can leave
I guess
I guess that you can leave
to the place where you came from,
home in Olteniţa(*)
I guess
I guess that you can leave
I guess
I guess that you can leave
to the place where you came from,
home in Olteniţa
After so many years,
I guess it's hard for you
but we both know
that this ain't your place!
I guess
I guess that you can leave
to the place where you came from,
home in Olteniţa
You may not remember
but I guess that you'll love it:
You got everything
and plus, you got water!
I guess
I guess that you can leave
to the place where you came from,
home in Olteniţa
You were at Timişoara
You were even at Iaşi
you saw Bucureşti,
you can leave us alone!
I guess
I guess that you can leave
to the place where you came from,
home in Olteniţa

200000 light-years from home

There is no one to tell me
if they were on the Moon
or have fooled us...
How much, from the fog inside me,
is from you
because you loved me?
What you took from me
when you determined yourself
to throw me up, on the Moon?
Since then, I fly alone,
neither the Earth, nor the Moon
doesn't want me as their own
There's no storm,
but no one to tell me
how much am-I gonna fly
You left me on an orbit
of a sattelite
with no love at all...

Dear Sheherezada

Dear Sheherezada,
there is the lot,
choose a pair
but see if it ain't old
See if it ain't dirty
as last night happened
Please, start your story
'cause then we go to the second thingy!
Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr
Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr
Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr
Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr
The sheik from Baghdad
was such a weak man
Everyone knew about it
and only about it was talking
If someone from Baghdad was passing through,
Imediately found out
about the sheik from Baghdad
and his very very weak point.
Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr
Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr
Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr
Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr
But hey, one day
an entyre commission had come
and went straight to the sheik from Baghdad
that had a weak point
and said 'How can this possible that in Baghdad
is a sheik with a weak point
when in other places in the world, with a weak point
you can't even be a painter, comrades!'
Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr
Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr
Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr tatatatata
Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr
But hey, the sheik from Baghdad
that had a weak point
was hiding in his drawers
even a strong point...
So the commission had come
and after some advice,
decided through comparison
that in this situation, comrades....
Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr
Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr
Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr
Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Cadenced Blues

Dear mr. president,
I want to ask you something
Dear mr. president,
I want to ask you something
You were elected twice,
tell me: where's the silence?
Dear mr. president,
if you don't know, that's ok
Dear mr. president,
if you don't know, that's ok
We're so peaceful, oh dear,
only if you smile a little.
Dear mr. president,
the entyre country is in festival
Dear mr. president,
the entyre country is in festival
Start again the Daciada(1)
and guide as to the Channel(2)...

Weather report(song for Ciulică)

Closed doors, not a sound,
darkness in which you fall,
nobody needs nobody
and that's why I guess It's gonna rain today...
For every whisper,
fir trees die hidden in the fog.
Apparently, everything seems good,
but I'm sure it's gonna rain today...
In the window, detached of the world,
neither the cat has no fun...
Although it's sunny, I know better
how hard it rains, it rains today outside...
I hear how it rains, it rains today outside...
It rains so hard for me

When you stay at home

If you got at home a place
where you can stay how much you want
and there's nobody to know,
I'm sure that there you're hiding
and you get into your thoughts
through a secret door
that you only know...
Don't tell me it ain't this way, 'cause I don't believe you!
Don't tell me it ain't this way, 'cause I don't believe you!
Then your face is brown
and your eyes are indigo
and bigger and with no curtain
ain't it right?
I guessed the way you comb your hair smiling
and how you're singing whispering
as if you're missing
a sailor...
Don't tell me it ain't this way, 'cause I don't believe you!
Don't tell me it ain't this way, 'cause I don't believe you!
Don't hide your palms in your pocket
you're caught with a dice in their drawing
and if I'd knew a game,
I'd try it imediately
if you have a place
when you're at home!

Out of the night

Take my umbrella,
take the node in my throat
Let me guide you home
'cause it's cold and bad time.
Talk to me always
don't let me talk to you
Take the longest road
I won't get lost!
Show me the fog around
as an outfit of yours
Ask me if I don't want it
thicker and heavier...
Say the sky is blue,
Tell me you can fly
Take me with you out of the night
until tomorrow morning!

Capricious blues

In our country, every billionaire
started from scratch and he's popular:
Appears smilingly on TV,
says: 'I swear that it's easy!'
'Five lei at the start,
And look how many I've got!
Five lei at the start,
And look how many I've got!'
They didn't make chemical juice(*), didn't buy cashmere
didn't sell boots, or snails, or kefir,
They sold aluminium and steel and furniture
and 'Subansamble Cugir', huh!
'Five lei at the start,
And look how many I've got!
Five lei at the start,
And look how many I've got!'
I've saved up some money in my drawer
but I got no zoological name, and no dress name(**)
Got no parliament member in my pocket,
I'm struggling in vain!...
'Five lei at the start,
And look how many I've got!
Five lei at the start,
And look how many I've got!'
'Five lei at the start,
And look how many I've got!
Five lei at the start,
And look how many I've got!'