A keresés eredménye oldal 1
Találatok száma: 43
Jóska's problem is
Jóska's1problem isThat his girlfriend doesn't like him anymore
Because he drank too much
He's wasting his time in the pub
He's flap eared and cockeyed
He's hammered from the fruit mash2
Why would he drink milk
Every day without limit?
When he thinks that vodka
Is much more to his liking
Jóska's problem is
That his girlfriend doesn't like him anymore
Because he's a little bit drunk
Why would he drink milk
Every day without limit?
When he thinks that vodka
Is much more to his liking
Jóska's problem is
That his girlfriend doesn't like him anymore
Because he's a little bit drunk
Poor Józsi says
That Rózsi3has left him
She took off with a dude
Here is nutty Jóska
No sorrel grows for him4
He gulps down a mug's contents
But why should poor Józsi
Do something like that to himself?
Instead he plays with
The daughter of his neighbor
Jóska, you reckless guy
Who'll have this child?
Make up your mind in advance!
But why should poor Józsi
Do something like that to himself?
Instead he plays with
The daughter of his neighbor
Jóska, you reckless guy
Who'll have this child?
Make up your mind in advance!
My mother-in-law, my mother-in-law
Why are you hitting your son-in-law?
I asked her
To give me only half as much
My mother-in-law beats me up
Because I'm a drunkard
I told her
I'll give it back to her one day
Last night she didn't find me to her liking
I'd put a motorcycle helmet on my head
The poor rolling pin
Broke in two on it
But no matter how much she beats me up
I'm still the man
Last night she didn't find me to her liking
I'd put a motorcycle helmet on my head
The poor rolling pin
Broke in two on it
But no matter how much she beats me up
I'm still the man
Last night she didn't find me to her liking
I'd put a motorcycle helmet on my head
The poor rolling pin
Broke in two on it
But no matter how much she beats me up
I'm still the man
Last night she didn't find me to her liking
I'd put a motorcycle helmet on my head
The poor rolling pin
Broke in two on it
But no matter how much she beats me up
I'm still the man
When we are finally having a party
Then let's party my dear!
We only get a paycheck
Once in a month5
We can only afford to drink once anyway
And after that, we'll have to do without it
So when we are finally having a party
Then let's party, my dear!
We can only afford to drink once anyway
And after that, we'll have to do without it
So when we are finally having a party
Then let's party, my dear!
We've pocketed our salary
Let's drink beer and wine!
There has been always only one day
In a month like this
We drank it all away to the last penny
We were partying until dawn
When we are finally having a party
Let's party, my dear!
We drank it all away to the last penny
We were partying until dawn
When we are finally having a party
Then let's party, my dear!
We drank it all away to the last penny
We were partying until dawn
When we are finally having a party
Then let's party, my dear!
We drank it all away to the last penny
We were partying until dawn
When we are finally having a party
Then let's party, my dear!
My mother-in-law believes
That the end of the world has come
Because I'm acting a bit dopey
But all I did was, I complimented her
On her good health
And now she's cursing me, saying that her son-in-law is drunk
I don't harm
This bad world
Except when
They're always talking about me
My mother-in-law believes
That the end of the world has come
Because I'm acting a bit dopey
I don't harm
This bad world
Except when
They're always talking about me
My mother-in-law believes
That the end of the world has come
Because I'm acting a bit dopey
My mother-in-law believes
That the end of the world has come
Because I'm acting a bit dopey
But all I did was, I complimented her
On her good health
And now she's cursing me, saying that her son-in-law is a pimp6
I don't harm
This bad world
Except when
They're always talking about me
My mother-in-law believes
That the end of the world has come
Because I don't love her daughter anymore
I don't harm
This bad world
Except when
They're always talking about me
My mother-in-law believes
That the end of the world has come
Because I don't love her daughter anymore
I don't harm
This bad world
Except when
They're always talking about me
My mother-in-law believes
That the end of the world has come
Because I don't love her daughter anymore
I don't harm
This bad world
Except when
They're always talking about me
My mother-in-law believes
That the end of the world has come
Because I don't love her daughter anymore
Lujza, your dog is biting me
He's tearing my pants and tugging on it
I'm standing in front of your gate
Chain the dog before eight o'clock!
On Saturday night too
I was waiting for three hours
Until she finally came to me
Without that beast
Lujza, you dog is biting me
That's why my pants are tattered
On Saturday night too
I was waiting for three hours
Until she finally came to me
Without that beast
Lujza, you dog is biting me
That's why my pants are tattered
Every love is poison
I'm cursed
You are venting your anger on me
You even sick your dog on me
On Saturday night too
I was waiting for three hours
Until she finally came to me
Without that beast
Lujza, you dog is biting me
That's why my pants are tattered
On Saturday night too
I was waiting for three hours
Until she finally came to me
Without that beast
Lujza, you dog is biting me
That's why my pants are tattered
On Saturday night too
I was waiting for three hours
Until she finally came to me
Without that beast
Lujza, you dog is biting me
That's why my pants are tattered
On Saturday night too
I was waiting for three hours
Until she finally came to me
Without that beast
Lujza, you dog is biting me
That's why my pants are tattered
- 1. Jóska is a nickname for József (Joseph).
- 2. 'Anything that contains sugar can be fermented into alcohol this includes fruits or vegetables.
- 3. A nickname for Róza or Rozália.
- 4. This doesn't make much sense in the original either. I think this line is only about responding with a rhyme to the line before it.
- 5. Employees in Hungary typically get paid once a month, so for example you get your pay for May at the beginning of June.
- 6. It's derogatory in Hungary to call someone a pimp.
Édes gyermekem
Merre lettek társai a kipányvázott lovainknak , édes gyermekem?Hol vannak a gazdái hat járásnyi földünknek, édes gyermekem?
Merre lettek a társai a pusztát belakó lovainknak, édes gyermekem?
Hol vannak a lakói öt járásnyi földünknek, édes gyermekem?
Itt vannak társai a nyolcvan ezer hátasnak , édes gyermekem.
Itt vannak a lakói a nyolc járásnyi hazánknak, édes gyermekem
U.i: Zsungária királyság területén 1755-ben Manchuk által mongolok ellen elkövetett genocidra utal ez a dal. Szöveg fájdalmas szépségét sajnos, nem tudom átadni hiányos költői képességem miatt.
My thoughts are still with you
My thoughts are still with youOnce in a while, on lonely twilights
It is still unusual to be without you
But I will get used to this too.
Our love was beautiful, it is a shame, that it's gone
It is pointless to blame each other
If I would hate you, because you are no longer mine,
I would disown myself.
The people are going about their way happily
Wherever I look, the heart is joyful,
And among then, I, pull myself together,
because life sobers one up.
And if my sadness flies away,
The light breaks through the dense clouds,
It only happened in my thoughts,
that once I visited you.
One year has past, and as always in March,
Spring is here, but it's not the same.
One year has past, and a feeling has past,
Why did you tell me you would stay next to me?
Teach me to live
Imagine I brought you a starDon't ask, accept it in silence
And see, I could bring them all down
But it hurts when I wait for you
Teach me to live
To see in the dark
To hear in silence
To understand without words
You hear the inaudible
You hear the unspoken
And you see the invisible
The time is now
And irreversible
But stay like this for me
Stay unguarded
And when you don't feel afraid
You feel infinity
Then you live your life alive.
Teach me to live
To see in the dark
To hear in silence
To understand without words
Without you, empty sentences
Looking for empty gazes
What I feel
Live your life alive
Teach me to live
To see in the dark
To hear in silence
To understand without words
Forget to be afraid
See with covered eyes
Learn to live
I want to understand you without words
My Beloved Child
Where are the peers of the horses that filled the tether, kongurai?Where are the people of my six clan, kongurai?
Where are the peers of the horses that filled the steppe, kongurai?
Where are the people of my five clans, kongurai?
Here are the peers of the eighty thousand horses, kongurai
Here are the people of my eight clans, kongurai
We Aren't Worthy of You Yet
RÉKAOh, my God, help us
Console the sufferers!
Keep evil away from us
Forgive the sinners!
Be the true, understanding God
Because your wisdom is eternal!
Bring us peace
Light to our people!
Come to your senses, daughter of Koppány
The house of your father is still a proud castle
Do not let anybody see you
On your knees!
Oh, my God, forgive us
That we aren't worthy of you yet
Be the true, understanding God
Because there are so many problems still on this earth
Why are you pleading like an orphan
You aren't the daughter of just anyone
Stand in front of Koppány when you say
That the nation is suffering!
Ask your father's help
He is a greater lord than God
Soon Koppány will be
The ruler!
My Lord, Hear My Plea
RÉKAMy lord, you have triumphed over my father
Who stirred a dark storm against you
Light and glory to your name
But do not despise the ones you've beaten!
My lord, hear my plea
Give my dead father out to me!
Let me bury him in the ground
Let his peaceless soul rest!
Be our true, understanding ruler
If on this earth, we serve you
Console the sufferers
Forgive the sinners!
Don't be afraid, your request is not shameful
Your voice speaks to my heart
Good lord, my heart is yours
The heart replies to the heart
What are you thinking, foolish girl
Your request is almost treason!
Forgiving traitors on this earth
Is not a custom
We will cut Koppány's body in four
And put them on our castles
Let that forever be a sign
To the revolters!
Get lost or die!
Cut him in four! Cut him in four!
Cut him in four! Cut him in four!
Cut him in four! Cut him in four!
Cut him in four! Cut him in four!
This is what happens to those who dare revolt
Our swords strike their stubborn heads with power
We need the strength so that the nation will see
There's no more messing around
There will be no sorry with us
Cut him in four! Cut him in four!
Cut him in four! Cut him in four!
István, my son, there is no other way
We have to sort this out, there has to be order at last
We have to sort this out, there has to be order around here
Leave me
Everyone, go!
Felfutni arra a dombra
Ez nem fáj nekemSzeretnéd érezni, milyen érzés?
Szeretnéd tudni, hogy miért nem fáj nekem?
Szeretnéd hallani az általam megkötött egyezséget?
Te és én
És ha csak tudnék, egyezséget kötnék Istennel
És arra kérném, cserélje fel a mi életünket
Felfutni arra az útra
Felfutni arra a dombra
Felfutni azokra az épületekre
Mond, ha csak én tudnék, ó
Te nem akarsz bántani engem
De nézd mennyire mélyen fekszenek a golyók
Én akaratlanul ketté szakítalak téged
Ó, a szívünkben mennydörgés van
Túl sok gyűlöletet érzünk azok iránt, akiket szeretünk?
Mond el nekem, mi mind ketten számítunk, nem igaz?
Te és én
Te és én, nem leszel boldogtalan
És ha csak tudnék, egyezséget kötnék Istennel
És arra kérném, cserélje fel a mi életünket
Felfutni arra az útra
Felfutni arra a dombra
Felfutni azokra az épületekre
Mond, ha csak én tudnék, ó
Te és én
Te és én, nem leszel boldogtalan
Gyerünk bébi
Gyerünk, drágám
Hagyd, hogy ellopjam ezt a pillanatot tőled most
Gyerünk, agyalom
Gyerünk, gyerünk, drágám
Gyerünk cseréljük tapasztalatokat
És ha csak tudnék, egyezséget kötnék Istennel
És arra kérném, cserélje fel a mi életünket
Felfutni arra az útra
Felfutni arra a dombra
Problémák nélkül
Mond, ha csak tudnék, egyezséget kötnék Istennel
És arra kérném, cserélje fel a mi életünket
Felfutni arra az útra
Felfutni arra a dombra
Problémák nélkül
Mond, ha csak tudnék, egyezséget kötnék Istennel
És arra kérném, cserélje fel a mi életünket
Felfutni arra az útra
Felfutni arra a dombra
Felfutni arra az útra
Felfutni arra a dombra
Felfutni arra a dombra
It Isn't Me
It isn't me that you wantYou want her who you met at a party
She who is funny and cool
It isn't me that you want
You want me in the weekends
But then the week starts again
You say you were right me for the first time we met
But not I'm afraid that you understand how soft I am
It isn't me, it isn't me [x4]
(It isn't me, isn't me, isn't me) [x4]
When do you want me?
Friday evening when everything seems so easy
When do you want me?
Saturday evening when everything is completely perfect
You don't want me
Sunday morning when you walk home
But you want me
When we meet in the weekend again
It isn't me, it isn't me (wasn't it how you thought it was?)
It isn't me, it isn't me (wasn't it as good as you thought)
It isn't me, it isn't me (wasn't it how you thought it was?)
It isn't me, it isn't me (wasn't it as good as you thought)
(It isn't me, isn't me, isn't me) [x4]
When we wake up in the morning it's over for you
But you must not believe that it matters to me
Because you only wanted a girl from Razika
You only wanted a girl from Razika
It isn't you, it isn't you (you weren't how she thought you were)
It isn't you, it isn't you (you weren't as good as she thought)
It isn't you, it isn't you (you weren't how she thought you were)
It isn't you, it isn't you (you weren't as good as she thought)
(It isn't you) [x4]