Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 55


Where are you?

Where are you? You, the man of my life
Where are you? You, who will love me your whole life
Where are you? You, who will never let me down
I'm waiting for you since forever, you my soulmate, my love
Where are you? You're my only one, my whole
Where are you? You, who will never let me down again
Where are you? I'm looking for you, I can't see you
Where are you? I need you so badly
Where are you? I won't hold on without you
Where are you? Just give me a sign, only one
Where are you? Should I wait? How long?
I hold on, I hold on, but it won't be this easy much longer
Where are you? My husband, my lover
Where are you? We'll argue often
But where are you? I fear my heart will stop
Before I even know you, it beats so hard, yeah
Where are you? You, who promised me the Moon
Where are you? You, my faithful treasure,
Where are you? My husband, my essential,
It's now or never if you don't want me to die
Where are you? You my cornerstone, my soldier
Where are you? So I can hold you in my arm
Where are you? I though I found you
But I failed so many times, I'm tired, desperate
Where are you? We'll hurt, that's for sure
Where are you? We'll have break-up of course
Where are you? But we'll never end loving each other
And I know that, you and I, it'll be forever.
Where are you? I'm slowly diying without you
Where are you? I won't get over it
Where are you? I can't live without you
I want to only live between your arms, and our bodies won't ever be separated
Where are you? You, my other half, my whole
Where are you? My sun, my zenith
Where are you? Don't you let me be alone again
Where are you? I need you so bad
Where are you? You, the man of my life
Where are you? You, who will love you my entire life
Where are you? You, who will never let me down
I'm waiting for you since forever, you my other half, my love
Where are you? You, my only one, my everything
Where are you? You, who will never leave me alone anymore
Where are you? I'm looking for you, I can't see you
Where are you? Where are you?

Az a ribanc

[1 vers]
A számat jártatom a sarkon
Az utcán üldözve (Ribanc)
Üldözőm a szavaimat, mintha milliárdos lennék
De nincs ennivalóm
És úgy beszélek, mintha magasabb lennék, mint a fák (Ribanc)
De a szemem soha nem lát sokkal öt lábnál magasabbat
És folyton mindenkinek igazat mondok
De talán nem ez a lépés (Ribanc)
És mindenki erős véleményt akar hallani
Ha ugyanaz, mint neked (Őrült ribanc vagy)
És azt mondják, hogy az őszinteség a legjobb irányelv (Ribanc)
Ha ez igaz lenne, ne gondold, hogy az összes barátom utálna
A társadalom szopja a farkad
És mivel puncim van, ribanc vagyok
És mivel fickó vagy, igen, elmondhatod az igazat
De amint én teszem meg, ribanc vagyok (Őrült ribanc vagy)
A társadalom szopja a farkad
És mivel puncim van, ribanc vagyok
És mivel fickó vagy, igen, elmondhatod az igazat
De amint én teszem meg, ribanc vagyok
[2 vers]
Volt egy idő, mikor ez a fickó, megpróbálta elmondani
'A férfiak meg tudnak csalni, a nők nem' (Ribanc) (Bassza meg, nem)
Aztán folytatta, hogy randira hívjon
És kurvára kinevettem
Ha nő vagy, öröm szerzésre lettél teremtve (Ribanc)
De a nyilvánosság előtt rejtsd el, húzd be a nyakad
A társadalom szopja a farkad
És mivel puncim van, ribanc vagyok
És mivel fickó vagy, igen, elmondhatod az igazat
De amint én teszem meg, ribanc vagyok (Őrült ribanc vagy)
A társadalom szopja a farkad
És mivel puncim van, ribanc vagyok
És mivel fickó vagy, igen, elmondhatod az igazat
De amint én teszem meg, ribanc vagyok
(Ha kell, akkor az a ribanc vagyok)
Én vagyok az a kurva ribanc
(Ha kell, akkor az a ribanc vagyok)
A csiklómat kéne nyalnod (Őrült ribanc vagy)
(Ha kell, akkor az a ribanc vagyok)
Azt mondtam, ribanc, ribanc, ribanc vagyok
(Ha kell, akkor az a ribanc vagyok)
Rajta, állíts meg
A társadalom szopja a farkad (Farkad)
És mivel puncim van, ribanc vagyok (Ribanc vagyok)
És mivel fickó vagy, igen, elmondhatod az igazat
De amint én teszem meg, ribanc vagyok
A társadalom szopja a farkad (Farkad)
És mivel puncim van, ribanc vagyok (Ribanc vagyok)
És mivel fickó vagy, igen, elmondhatod az igazat
De amint én teszem meg, ribanc vagyok (Őrült ribanc vagy)
(Ha kell, akkor az a ribanc vagyok)
(Ha kell, akkor az a ribanc vagyok)
Azt mondtam, az a ribanc leszek
Szóval állíts meg
Nos, ez a dal elkészült
A dal kész, kész vagy
Bassza meg! Bassza meg!
Istenem! Sláger!

A White Dove

(Ladies and gentlemen, let's sing.
A, white, dove.
You too María, let's sing.)
I'm somehow going to sing to you
what happened to me at the beach.
It was very white, it was very beautiful.
The bird came to me and landed.
When the sun shines on the mountain,
and the night is on the run.
It's a new day.
It's a new way.
And I fly up to the sun.
A white dove.
I'm just a bird in the sky.
A white dove landed next to me.
After going far away from me.
When the sun shines on the mountain,
and the night is on the run.
It's a new day.
It's a new way.
And I fly up to the sun.
A white dove.
I'm just a bird in the sky.
A white dove landed next to me.
After going far away from me.
After going far away from me.
No one can take my freedom away.

The wolves

I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you
I won't go to the shore of the river
I won't go if my lover isn't there
I won't go to the shore of the river
I won't go if my lover isn't there
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you
The white ones are leaving, along the river
The white ones are leaving, the red ones will stay
The white ones are leaving, along the river
The white ones are leaving, the red ones will stay
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it (I won't go to the shore of the river)
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you (I won't go if my lover isn't there)
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it (I won't go to the shore of the river)
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you (I won't go if my lover isn't there)
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it (the white ones are leaving, along the river)
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you (the white ones are leaving, the red ones will stay)
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves, so let me do it (the white ones are leaving, along the river)
I lead the wolves, lead the wolves far away from you (the white ones are leaving, the red ones will stay)

Szerencsés Luke újra lovagol

Doo, doo, doo, doo,
doo, doo, doo, doo!
Ahol a négy szél fúj
és öt mérföld széles
Ahol hatpisztoly uralkodik
és egy férfi nem tud elrejtőzni,
egy férfi tud játszani
és egy férfi nyerhet:
Szerencsés Luke újra lovagol!
Lucky Luke, lovagolni született


El kell neked magyaráznom Szerelmem,
Szerelmem, Szerelmem.
[Verse 1]
Láttam, ahogy lángként lobbansz fel,
amikor beléptél az ajtón, elraboltam a lélegzeted.
Jól esik tudni, hogy még mindig vannak érzéseid,
még mindig érzed, mmm.
Mintha nem engedtél volna el,
nem hiszem el ezt a ragyogást,
szeretem a figyelmet, úgyhogy, oh, újra itt vagyunk.
El kell neked magyaráznom Szerelmem,
nem az az ember vagyok már, aki voltam.
Megfordítom a helyzetet neked Szerelmem,
újabb esélyt akarsz?
Mutass egy új fajta táncot
Sz-sz Szerelmem
Sz-sz Szerelmem
Felejthetetlen vagyok.
Sz-sz Szerelmem
[Verse 2]
Túl sok éjszakát töltöttem otthon,
és apró könnycseppek hullottak a telefonra.
Aztán felébredtem és rájöttem, hogy hercegnő vagyok,
és nincs is rá szükségem.
Megvannak körülöttem a barátaim,
boldog és magabiztos vagyok,
szeretem a figyelmet, úgyhogy, oh, újra itt vagyunk.
El kell neked magyaráznom Szerelmem,
nem az az ember vagyok már, aki voltam.
Megfordítom a helyzetet neked Szerelmem,
újabb esélyt akarsz?
Mutass egy új fajta táncot
Sz-sz Szerelmem
Sz-sz Szerelmem
Felejthetetlen vagyok.
Sz-sz Szerelmem
Még mindig érzed (még mindig érzed),
két szív dobogását (két szív dobogását).
Valami más,
talán mindannyian hibázunk,
talán még nincs késő.
El kell neked magyaráznom Szerelmem,
nem az az ember vagyok már, aki voltam.
Megfordítom a helyzetet neked Szerelmem,
újabb esélyt akarsz?
Mutass egy új fajta táncot
Sz-sz Szerelmem
Sz-sz Szerelmem
Felejthetetlen vagyok.
Sz-sz Szerelmem
Sz-sz Szerelmem

Der Waffengang des Königs Johann

Gilgentag *
reiten wir,
bist behend,
flinker Fuchs.
Hör dir’s an,
es geht zum
Tjost von Kö-
nig Johann.
schlau und dick,
ihm zur Wehr
ein Tintenfass

Care paisane, 23. A thousand years and a thousand more.

A thousand years and a thousand more… What does it mean, “they are dead”?
They’re alive! And this scum is killing them!
Poor ancestors of ours

A Thousand Thanks

A thousand thanks for what I owe you,
you, who brought life around me.
A thousand thanks for the love you have for me,
I need that you love me more than you can.
With the light that you gave to my dreams
you are my happiness’s name.
It doesn’t matter if for you I have to give everything up,
I already have everything if you stay here with me.
I don’t want anything more
except to feel myself next to you,
a thousand thanks if you stay here with me.
With the light that you gave to my dreams
you are my happiness’s name.
It doesn’t matter if for you I have to give everything up,
I already have everything if you stay here with me.
I don’t want anything more
except to feel myself next to you,
a thousand thanks if you stay here with me,
a thousand thanks if you stay here with me.


I knew I was lucky since I was a kid
I was the happiest man in the world
I was proud of having to live
And coming up year after year
That moment is magical and starry
People and the nature's changed
And it wasn’t easy to survive
We wanted to know all about the world
We wanted so much to believe in our childhood dream
We wanted to know all about the world
We wanted so much to believe in our childhood dream
But the obstacles are done gone
And nothing's changed
I’ve waited half my life just for the hell of it
For someone, I dreamt at night
There are still the same fools all around the place
And they didn’t go anywhere
Just a childhood dream
It’s like a snowflake
We wanted to know all about the world
We wanted so much to believe in our childhood dream
We wanted to know all about the world
We wanted so much to believe in our childhood dream


I knew I was lucky since I was a kid
I was the happiest man in the world
I was proud of having to live
And coming up year after year
That moment is magical and starry
People and the nature's changed
And it wasn’t easy to survive
We wanted to know all about the world
We wanted so much to believe in our childhood dream
We wanted to know all about the world
We wanted so much to believe in our childhood dream
But the obstacles are done gone
And nothing's changed
I’ve waited half my life just for the hell of it
For someone, I dreamt at night
There are still the same fools all around the place
And they didn’t go anywhere
Just a childhood dream
It’s like a snowflake
We wanted to know all about the world
We wanted so much to believe in our childhood dream
We wanted to know all about the world
We wanted so much to believe in our childhood dream


[Afro Love]
If I followed you since afro love
It's because my mind's finally made up, Camilla
I've finally laid my hands on the jackpot
That's what I came for
For a long time have I loved you
I think it's time you noticed me
I want our body heat to melt honey
I told you, you're all I want
Oh I'm an idiot, such a pinhead
I was checking you out but never had the guts, no
Twerp, dunce, such a nitwit
It's as if I was so much afraid of you
I have loved you for a long time
And you never, you never knew, no
And you never, you never saw
Oh Camilla, Camilla, Camilla
I want us so bad
I'm having imaginations already
I've been longing for it for so long
Oh I want the two of us, Camilla
If I've been feeling paranoid since afrolove
It's because I don't want to play anymore, Camilla
I know that with you the future looks brighter
That we won't go through heartbreak
I already know everything you like
I know all your doubts, I can tell when you're lying
Camilla I know each one of your lovers
Camilla oh, Camilla oh
Camilla oh, Camilla oh
I want us so bad
I'm already having imaginations of us
I've been longing for it for so long
Oh I want the two of us, Camilla
Oh I want us, us Camilla


The sky spreads somewhere,
I'll continue in this path somewhere
Compared than yesterday, tomorrow seems further away
I'm waiting for you in the promised place
I can't do anything when I'm alone
But because I want to protect you
The thoughts of 'becoming stronger'
Give me courage
I can't do anything when I'm alone
But we will, in order to protect everyone
The thoughts of 'becoming stronger'
Carrying a power in it
Tears of loneliness, there's a day when it's spilled
Tears of regret cannot be stopped
Me from that day reflected in the mirror
At the promised place that spreads in this heart
Only a little more we went forward
Even if the trial is waiting
If we move forward and support each others
We'll give our friends happiness
Only a little more we went forward
No matter how many times, we stand up
Whenever something cannot be seen in our eyes
I'll protect you with love
It's okay to be lost, it's okay to be mistaken
Don't be discouraged by it, don't lose to it
All the bonds and memories
Are invisible gems
All of your crying and smiling faces
I will embrace it and overcome it
To that endless dream
Going onward with this family
Where's this wind going to transmit?
Where's this star going around?
No matter what kind of tomorrow comes, I'll certainly go on
Even if now in me, there's surely a reason
That time, at the unseen place
You arrive and laugh
Even if in the unused thing, and even in the brokendream
The flowers in this hearts blooms
Even in this empty morning
Even in times of loneliness
Even in time of unease
Even in sleepless nights
Overwhelming feelings
Even if it burns hot
The strong will of flame will be lighted
From the heart, I say 'thank you'
I believe that day will come someday
As long as there's dreams in this heart
I'll go forward
Extend your hands in the blue sky
See, even if we're separated, we're connected hand in hand
We'll protect this dazzling smile
The shining you with the Family
It's okay to be lost, it's okay to be mistaken
Don't be discouraged by it, don't lose to it
All the bonds and memories
Are invisible gems
All of your crying and smiling faces
I will embrace it and overcome it
To that endless dream
Going onward with (one, two, three)
this Family

My little family

I know kings
Gentle soldiers
Our fathers are stars
Without having to do cinema
I hang out with queens
Women who are shut indoors
Our mothers are superstars whom no one knows
I counted
One, to unite all of my little family
Two, for me and the love of my life
Three times, to get the whole of my town singing
And there is a lot of noise when we arrive together
Four seasons, to get to learn
Five, as the fingers of my hand are put together
Six, until the earth trembles from it
There's a lot of noise when we're are here
Tell them that we're here
I know madmen
Smarter than you
I hang out with clowns who cry about love
We've won wars

A thousand and one evenings

No you don't belive in blue fairies anymore
No carpet can fly you to the sky anymore
I'm going to have a thousand and one evenings
I'm going to live so many new fairy tales with you
A bit of nostalgia, and magic is within us
The puppet is not going to speak to you
The bottle you have no longer contains a genie
But inside you
A doubt remains
Already your thought is trembling
And everything seems real
You no longer live
Inside these fairy tales
And who is going
To wake up Snow White?
I'm going to have a thousand and one evenings
I'm going to live so many new fairy tales with you
A bit of nostalgia,
and magic is within us
No you don't belive in blue fairies anymore
No carpet can fly you
to the sky anymore
You no longer
Believe in these fairy tales
You no longer
Believe in these fairy tales

A Thousand Doves

Winter is here on the roofs of the village.
The sky is white
and I hear the children's choir
in the old church
singing over an organ ripe with age.
Peace be upon the world
for the next hundred thousand years.
Give us a thousand doves
for all the rising suns.
Give us a thousand doves
and millions of swallows.
Bring us a day that all men
become children again.
Tomorrow is us, and tomorrow, no more war.
Tomorrow, everywhere, the guns will sleep under flowers.
A pretty world is a world where you live without fear.
To you!
Peace be upon the world
for the next hundred thousand years.
Give us a thousand doves
for all the rising suns.
Give us a thousand doves
and millions of swallows.
Bring us a day that all men
become children again.
All together!
Peace be upon the world
for the next hundred thousand years.
Give us a thousand doves
for all the rising suns.
Give us a thousand doves
and millions of swallows.
Bring us a day that all men
become children again.

One in a Thousand

If you are on the ground, never crawl.
If they tell you: 'you're finished'—do not believe it.
You can only count on yourself.
One in a thousand makes it—
but how hard the climb is—
life is at stake.
The past can
never return the same—
perhaps better, why not, what do you know?
You never believed in me
but you might change your mind.
Life is like the tide
that takes you into shore or out on the high seas
as the moon rises.
I never cheated nor bluffed
and this evening I laid my soul bare.
I lost everything but I found myself again.
One in a thousand makes it—
but how hard the climb is—
life is at stake.
You have no idea how heavy it is—
this pop music.
You fall in love and live but you can die by the time the evening comes.
I might have a voice—
but not to shout for help.
You never even heard me.
I kept my secret.
You are deaf and I was dumb.
If you are on the ground, never crawl.
If they tell you: 'you're finished'—do not believe it.
Until the closing bell rings, keep going.
One in a thousand makes it—
but how hard the climb is—
life is at stake.
One in a thousand makes it—
but you will have to change your mind.
Life is like the tide.
One in a thousand makes it.

Nyisd fel a szemed (Deep Blue Songspell)

Víz és fény
Hagyja el a szemét
A történelem leesik
A remény felemelkedik
Mi itt fekszünk itt és most
Minden, ami ezelőtt jött
Aludhatok tovább?
Már nem vagyunk többé gyerekek
Harcolhatunk a sötét ellen
Ezek vagyunk mi
Egy új fény jön
Végre elég volt
Végre rájövünk
Kikké válunk
Nyisd fel a szemed!
Leszel te a szerelmem
Velem fogsz-e tartani
Te vagy, akiről álmodtam?
Vagy csak egy emlék
Megtudod-e érteni
Amit meg kell tennem
Leszel te az az ember
Akiről úgy gondoltam ismerem
A kék mélységbe
Együtt fogjuk ezt csinálni
A víz és tűz
Magasabbra ér
Már nincs visszatérés

Ellenséges tűz

Oh, Oh, Oh
Oh, Oh, Oh
Oh, Oh, Oh
Ellenséges tűz!
Ki a barát, s ki az ellenség
Mert nekem néha ugyanannak tűnnek
De a küllem lehet tetszetős, még is becsapós
Édes szavak egy kígyó nyelvéről
Olyan mint egy töltött fegyverrel játszani
Ki tudja mi az igazság
Hogy tudod bebizonyítani
Esküszöm látom hogy figyelsz engem, jól
Oh, Oh, Oh
Gyere egy kicsit közelebb
Oh, Oh, Oh
Te lehetsz a katonám
Oh, Oh, Oh
Megvédesz engem azoktól akik összeesküsznek
Ellenséges tűz!
Oh, Oh, Oh
Fedezéket keresek
Oh, Oh, Oh
Az összevisszaságból
Oh, Oh, Oh
Csak tarts távol azoktól akik összeesküsznek
Ellenséges tűz!
Oh, Oh, Oh
Oh, Oh, Oh
Oh, Oh, Oh
Ellenséges tűz!
Ellenséges tűz!
Egy lyukat égetni a műanyag tömegen keresztül
Mert már próbáltam megkeresni a kiutat
Ez olyan zavaró, de soha nem szórakoztató
Édes mosolyok az utóhatásban
Fordulás és a suttogás a hátam mögött
Szükségem van egy szövetségesre, hogy őrizem az éjszakát
Valaki aki távol tart ezektől az őrültektől
Oh, Oh, Oh
Gyere egy kicsit közelebb
Oh, Oh, Oh
Te lehetsz a katonám
Oh, Oh, Oh
Megvédesz engem azoktól akik összeesküsznek
Ellenséges tűz!
Oh, Oh, Oh
Fedezéket keresek
Oh, Oh, Oh
Az összevisszaságból
Oh, Oh, Oh
Csak tarts távol azoktól akik összeesküsznek
Ellenséges tűz!
Oh, Oh, Oh
Oh, Oh, Oh
Oh, Oh, Oh
Ellenséges tűz!
Ellenséges tűz!
Körülöttem csak sírást hallok
És bombák hullanak az égből
Nem tudnál segíteni megmenteni az az életet
Oh, Oh, Oh
Oh, Oh, Oh
Oh, Oh, Oh
Ellenséges tűz!
Oh, Oh, Oh
Gyere egy kicsit közelebb
Oh, Oh, Oh
Te lehetsz a katonám
Oh, Oh, Oh
Megvédesz engem azoktól akik összeesküsznek
Ellenséges tűz!
Oh, Oh, Oh
Fedezéket keresek
Oh, Oh, Oh
Az összevisszaságból
Oh, Oh, Oh
Csak tarts távol azoktól akik összeesküsznek
Ellenséges tűz!
Oh, Oh, Oh
Oh, Oh, Oh
Oh, Oh, Oh
Ellenséges tűz!
Ellenséges tűz!

Ten Thousand Years Still

To see rose gardens bloom—`
to listen to the sea and the sighing wind—
to dream under the stars—
for all that, we love.
To savor being home without wondering why—
the caress of angels as sweet as the summer—
between shadow and light—
some place between heaven and earth.
I will wait for you ten thousand years still—
and I will love you more and more.
To break down all the vain walls—
to feel a heart beat under a tender and fragile sun—
to burst forth in laughter—
often we love to the point of delirium.
I will wait for you ten thousand years still—
and I will love you more and more.
I will wait for you ten thousand years still—
and I will love you even more.