Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 1

Találatok száma: 65



Stars over Pantelleria1
And over a riad, hidden from the whole world in a medina2
Through the canopy3
They flicker like your eyes in the night
In a planetarium in the middle of the desert
Night clouds hang like stucco
Reminding us of the Empire style of apartments
In that Stalinist skyscraper where we lived3
The tree grows deep, you know
The trembling waters are an valuable treasure
The tree blossoms and gives a sign
Carefully nourishes you and leads away
Broken mosaic under the foliage
Abandoned park from a series of dreams
May you always be kept by your
Special detachment of lions roaming the water
On the days when it's slush outside, turn on the beat
You'll remember Capri and Amalfi
Atlas and Alps, distant lighthouses
Lazy summer in the courtyard
This is not a verse - this is a talisman
Stars over Pantelleria
And over a riad, being hidden from the whole world in a medina
They blessed your steps along the way
Looking from under the Virgin Mary's handkerchief
Grapes, dates, pomegranates, figs
Outside your beauty they are bitterer than wormwood
As the drunken Hasid told us, twisting
Next year in Jerusalem4
Gloom, moon over Africa
Even in the theater of operations, an intermission is taken
You are at the gates to the park, look
Jacques Majorelle and Yves Saint Laurent are walking there5
They snake through arches of grasses
Gravel underfoot creaks to the beat
Maghreb is snoring, the dial says tick-tock
And it's so blue that the flowers are sleeping, blinking their petals
Garden is covered with ceramics and marble
The trail is entwined with blackthorn and laurel
A bird lands on a palm tree
A lion is sitting, mirroring in the water
They patrol the perimeter of your sleep
As long as your strength is dormant
Let them grow, the cold will subside, evaporate
Over the alley, don't forget that spring is ahead
If the city goes crazy, it means the sun will soon rise
But until then
Stars over Pantelleria
And over a riad, hidden from the whole world in a medina
Through the canopy
They flicker like your eyes in the night
Grapes, dates, pomegranates, figs
Outside your beauty they are bitterer than wormwood
As the rabbi told the muezzin:
'Look at the stars over Pantelleria'
  • 1. Pantelleria (Italy) is an island in the Mediterranean between Tunisia and the Apennine Peninsula.
  • 2. A riad is a traditional Moroccan house or palace with an interior garden or courtyard. Medina is the old part of an Arab city.
  • Canopy is a curtain, a cover around the bed, covering from light, sounds, dust.
  • 4. Among Jews, after the end of the Seder Pesach service, outside of Jerusalem, the words 'Next year in Jerusalem' are traditionally said. The author is of Jewish origin himself.
  • 5. Jacques Majorelle is a French orientalist artist (this genre is characterized by the so-called 'dialogue of cultures' - West and East), who traveled a lot, and was inspired, among other things, by Italy.
    Yves Saint Laurent is a French fashion designer (“high fashion”), who noted, in particular, that he was inspired in his work by the works of painters: “... I always strive for the purity of the lines of Matisse.”


Bojovniks1 are now on the run
They didn't know of Panthers2
Now the Panthers are ordering them
To stop poisoning the Serbian land.
Move, troops, move on now!
Young mayor is in command!
It's permanent wish of the people
To repel all invaders.
They will show their true face
They will avenge both Brod and Kravice3
and if, God wills it, the true order is achieved
Alija must fall soon too!
The oppressor will feel, damn his mother
The suffering of the Serbian people
They won't hide their intention
That they will defend their land!
  • 1. Soldiers of Croatian HVO in Bosnia
  • 2. Elite unit of VRS
  • 3. Places where Muslim and Croatian forces committed warcrimes against Serbian civilians

Poor sovereign Bosnia

Oh, poor sovereign Bosnia
Now you lie destroyed because of Alija
Why have you proclaimed the sovereign Bosnia?
May your head fall off your shoulders.
Why have you proclaimed the sovereign Bosnia?
May your head fall off your shoulders.
The time has come for Serbs' revenge
All mosques are flying to the clouds
Ante1, Azem2 and Tito are here no more
To protect you from the Serbs.
In vain you practise the Ramadan fast
Neither Allah nor Holy Mary could save you
Because there are no equals to Serbs
A Serb wants no one's yoke.
Because there are no equals to Serbs
A Serb wants no one's yoke.
Alija, you won't get off as easily as last time
You'll carry your dimi3 on a stick
Your doom is already in sight
When your daughter is studying politics.
Your doom is already in sight
When your daughter is studying politics.
  • 1. Ante Pavelic, Ustashe leader of WW2
  • 2. Azem Vllasi, Albanian communist politician turned nationalist who was arrested in 1990 for 'antirevolutionary behavior'
  • 3. Turkish clothing

Kék egek

Szóval akkor ezek a figurák
A szemeim előtt az összes jelenetet eljátsszák
Azt hittem, hogy mindet név szerint ismerem
De kezdenek összemosódni bennem
És nem meglepő
Hogy nem akarok odafigyelni túl sokat
Hogy mondhatnék le az összes napról, amiket tudom, hogy megnyertem?
Semmi nincs, csak szivárványok
Én az árnyékokban hiszek
Figyelj édesem, azt hittem, hogy feladom
De most mégis meg akarom oldani, össze fogok dolgozni magammal
Rohanok, mint egy újabb vesztes
Aztán meg dülöngélek, mint egy rozsdás hajó a viharban
Tudod, hogy az emberek
Fura dolgokat beszélnek
Beszélj a kézhez1
Mer' tudom, hogy azt hiszed, hogy az arc már nincs itt
Nem akarok odafigyelni túl sokat
Nem fogok lemondani az összes napról, amiket tudom, hogy megnyertem
Semmi, csak a kék ég
Semmi, csak a kék ég
Senki sem fog már megállítani
Siklok mint egy kacsakő egy ezüstszínű tavon
Elveszem2mikor a zsetonok már az asztalon vannak
De ahhoz, hogy a tökéletes vidám bohócot eljátssza valaki
Ahhoz hibáznod kell
És az emberek furcsa dolgokat mondanak
És én nem akarok odafigyelni túl sokat
Semmi, csak a kék ég, a kék ég
Hogyan mondjam el neked, hogy ez nem az utolsó dal?
Nem akarok túl sokat odafigyelni
Nem fogok lemondani az összes napról, amiket tudom, hogy megnyertem
Én arra megyek
Mer' ott nincs semmi, semmi csak a kék ég
Én arra megyek
Semmi más, csak szivárványok hullanak rám
Mer' nem lesz ott semmi, csak a kék ég
Hát nem látokd, hogy merre megyek?
Hinned kell nekem, én arra megyek
Kék ég
Én arra megyek
Kék ég
Én arra megyek
  • 1. Ennek az alapja egy mondás: 'Talk to the hand, because the face isn't listening' ('Beszélj a kézhez mert az arc nem figyel rád').
    Ezt általában vita közben a másik félbeszakításaként használják, gyakran egy mozdulattal kísérve, ami abból áll, hogy 'A' nyitott tenyérrel kinyújtja a karját 'B' irányába.
  • 2. Vagy 'elfogadom'.

Karadzic, the Serbian People

All the Serbs joined him, and all together they decided, not to give Serbian land to anyone in this world
Karadzic, the Serbian people will be free with you, I can't lie to them, we have our falcons
Now they have risen against the Serbs, they have come far in their lies, and now they want our Serbian land, they are just empty wishes
Karadzic, the Serbian people will be free with you, I can't lie to them, we have our falcons
We are proud of Dr. Rasha, because he creates our republic, let the Serbian people be proud of him, I am glad to mention his name
Karadzic, the Serbian people will be free with you, I can't lie to them, we have our falcons

On The Hill Full Of Yellow Flowers

On the hill full of yellow flowers
a girl and a lad were walking,
the lad was on his horse
and the girl was on the ground.
The lad was on his horse
and the lass was on the ground,
and the lass was on the ground.
The girl said to him:
'Dear lad
why dont you let me ride on the horse too?
Let me ride on the horse too, my love,
cuz the road is steep
and i cant walk on foot!
The road is so bad
it's not so pleasant to walk on foot.'
The lad answered her:
'My horse is very young,
my horse is very young,
i cant burden him.
We cant both ride it
cuz it's too young,
i cant burden him.'
The girl cursed him
saying the following:
'May a heavy rain strike you,
may a heavy rain strike you
and your horse stumble!
May a heavy rain strike you,
may your horse stumble
and throw you on the ground!
May your horse stumble
and throw you on the ground,
May the fall brake your left arm
and sprain your right hand!'
She cast such a bad curse on him
that a heavy rain has started
and fell over him.
His horse fell
and trew him on the ground,
he broke his left arm
and sprained his right arm.

Just Life

Life is mean.
We imagine it like a children's game,
light like hopscotch, more beautiful
than a kite, it's nothing more than the wind.
Life is violent.
Without warning, life shows you her teeth.
Often our calm rivers get loose
as torrents - life is violent.
Sing, 'Life is beautiful' in the middle of your torment.
She makes me grow wings just long enough
for me to admire the essential, simply everything.
My feet in the void scream, 'I'm alive!'
Eh oh, eh oh, I'm alive!
Eh oh, eh oh, oh, oh, oh!
Life is crazy.
Without warning, life cuts the power.
Often, the first to leave think
they have time - life lies to you.
Life is ahead,
a point-blank bonus of happiness.
All that remains is finding the keys to move
forward, obviously.
Sing, 'Life is beautiful' in the middle of your torment.
She makes me grow wings just long enough
for me to admire the essential, simply everything.
My feet in the void scream, 'I'm alive!'
Sing, 'Life is beautiful' in the middle of your torment.
She makes me grow wings just long enough
for me to admire the essential, simply everything.
My feet in the void scream, 'I'm alive!'
Life simply
doesn't give you anything she won't recover later!
Eh oh, eh oh, I'm alive!
Eh oh, eh oh, oh, oh, oh!
Eh oh, eh oh, I'm alive!
Eh oh, eh oh, oh, oh, oh!
My feet in the void, alive!
My heart in the void,
can you listen to it?
My feet in the void, alive!
My heart in the void,
can you listen to it?
Just life.

Ostap Bender's Song [No, I'm Not Weeping]

Versions: #2
No, I'm not weeping, and I'm not crying
To every question I am honestly replying
That our life is a game, and I'm the one to blame
For getting so addicted to this game!
And why should I have to say I'm sorry?
They will give in, I take the offer. End of story.
I'd say my natural gift and my internal fire
Are worth a humble prize that I desire.
Let gales travel, howling and raging,
Through our misty daily-life sea.
There goes my boat's white sail, so lonely and fragile,
Amidst giant vessels of steel.
I bet you'd like to possess the talent
To hit the bull's eye every time without an effort!
The tigerish look, the force, a gracious move to boot —
Here's on a platter forbidden fruit.
To walk the blade's edge is so breathtaking —
Oh angels, freeze mid-flight and watch the moves I'm making,
The casting of my sins leave till the day I'm dead,
Admire the beauty of my game instead!
I'm not a brigand, and I'm not sinless,
My life is not a bed of roses, I can see this.
And it may well turn out the busy life of mine
Will make my head go grey ahead of time.
But I'm not weeping, and I'm not crying,
I don't know if I win or lose, so I keep trying,
Although there is a chance that luck will crack its grin,
And I will forfeit more than I could win.
There goes my boat's white sail, so lonely and fragile,
Amidst giant vessels of steel.

The Eyes

Allow me to see the eyes
Hidden behind the tears
We peek from them
Shouting hidden truths
Allow me to see the eyes
The secrets kill us
Our souls are wells
The secrets are dragging us
We travel
We travel into ourselves
Is the baggage that you carry light or heavy as stones
Do the secrets which you keep leave traces in others
Are you lonely
Are you lonely
The person that needs it gives
More and more and more from themselves
Life is a travel
Which we can share together with you
Tell me
Share with me
Share with me
Take me to you
In the deep
In the hole where the floor in you is a sky
In the darkness where lights of skin and blood are all your old secrets, all your fears
Open the doors to the prison that've hidden the hole in me
Blame is the weapon with which this world wants to hold you prisoner
Wake up
Share with me an AWAKENING that will change us
Talk to me
Share with me
Take me
To you.

There is still something else that makes you special

Versions: #2
You have left me darling
But you will never leave the place you have in my heart
I have never loved this way before
And I doubt I ever will
There is still something else that makes you special
Besides your beauty
I have loved you
And I will love you till the end of my life
I got used to be sad,darling( I am acustomed to sadeness)
I often sit alone at the table
Nobody will ever take your place
The place that you have in my heart
I know that you are awake untill dawn ( I know the light in your windows is on, untill late at night,you only surrender to sleep before dawn)
I suspect that you sigh while you are looking at our pictures
And that you are in tears

Anthem of World Revolution

One for all, and all for one,
Rallies bind us,
So fear will pass!
We're all free-spirited folk,
Our hopes call (to)
A boss-free world,
For revolution, go!
Let's go! Let's grow a revolution, go!
Let's go! Let's go, you who're exposed to fraud!
Let's go! Let's throw a revolution, go!
Let's go! Let's go! Let people beat the govs!
Faith in a winning result
Makes us like Hulk,
Leads our attack.
People! Be the leaders yourselves!
Live like the saints
To understand
Where you'd find perfect trends.

How I Love All This

Small streets die of sadness
Empty fields, houses, barns
Now I too will die of sadness
How I love all this
But the heart inside me is sad
When I ride fancy horses
Over beautiful slavonian land
Empty houses, empty streets
And no one to greet me
Small streets die of sadness
Empty fields, houses, barns
Now I too will die of sadness
When I sit in front of my house
On a Sunday like I used to
As if the old linden tree whispers
Telling stories of when everything was happy
I still hope everyone will come back
But there is no one to greet me
Small streets die of sadness
Empty fields, houses, barns
Now I too will die of sadness

We shall sleep together

Whether it be Sunday Monday
Evening ,morning, midnight, midday
Whether it be in hell, in paradise,
Love-affairs look like each other.
I said to you just Yesterday:
We shall sleep together .
'twas Yesterday, it's tomorrow
You are the only path I know.
Between your hands, I've put my Heart,
With yours, look how it goes ambling!
For its human Time remaining,
We shall sleep together.
My love, what was, has been, shall be.
The Sky feels on us like a sheet,
Around you, I have clasped my arms.
I love you so that I tremble.
And as long as you want,
We shall sleep together.

Paramedic Margaret

Before the action, she was a modest maiden,
lived somewhere on rose alley.
She had a small flat with a large bathtub,
a doggy pincher, and that's it!
He had wedge heels
and this and that.
She was bit teasing and quarrelsome
and only 'Seagull' or 'Club'.
She ran to the beach in the early morning
to tan the top and bottom,
today she is sunbathing with 'Junak'
and drinks honey with us.
Paramedic Margaret,
she is the most beautiful I know.
On the first line to the end
a spring smile brings us.
And when you have a treat,
That they'll shoot you in the right shoe!
Then Margaret will dress you,
she is sweeter than assigned honey.
Margaret is unique,
when I came across Pilicka today,
she read the message aloud,
and in the distance the wind whispered softly.
Somehow it happened strange,
because even though I had no chance,
love came unexpectedly to me,
like ammunition for anti-tank gun.
The idyll would last until the end,
but a little detail lost me.
Today she walks for Odin with another,
because he has a gun and I don't!
Paramedic Małgorzata,
how shall I win your heart?
Although the matter is not easy at all,
but I know one way to do it.
Today I will borrow a visa from Zbyszek
and when dusk finally comes,
I will go to the road for 'Tiger',
I will place it at Małgosia's sweet and cutie feet!

Comrade Tito*

Everything that was underneath the ashes
Hidden at the bottom of our hearts
Was ignited into a fire
Our comrade Tito, Tito, Tito.
Everything that flowed somewhere
Formerly ended in a trough,
So a mighty river he created
Our comrade Tito, Tito, Tito.
That is why comrades,
Harmoniously, urgently, proudly,
Let us hurry towards where it leads us
Shouting: Tito, Tito, Tito

The Farewell Song

Versions: #1
Let's talk now in whispers, Let's not be aloud,
Let's bid our farewells now, and go.
A week, an another, and we will calm down
What was, that was, it's gone
Of course it is horrible, so stupid and senseless,
Oh how could one turn back the time?
The past can't be turned back, it's rather unthinkable,
And even don't have it in mind.
Let's deal with our lunches, let's deal with our clothing,
Let's fill our living with cares,
It's easier that way, it´s a lot simpler truly
It truly is hurting much less
Let's not be so cunning, let's not charm the fate
By god, it is not worth the pain,
Oh, yes, gentlemen, not maybe, not sometime
But never, ever again.
Say, ain't it so sweet
And so very good,
Came and went away,
Was and left for good.


Love me, but only cautiously, cautiously
You can't be with me for too long
Girl don't bother me, don't bother me
Wants to love me...
Day and night, here and there, I'm free
Girl, how are you, give me your number
Half in the language,
The walls are filled with smoke
In bed she's an avalanche,
Cut into you, cut into your phone (?)
She dreams of me, I do too
My home, freedom, I'm cautious
You know that I wasn't raised
To not try and attempt (?)
Chorus 2x:
Love me, but only cautiously, cautiously
You can't be with me for too long
Girl don't bother me, don't bother me
Wants to love me...
Love me, but only cautiously, cautiously
To your lips, my skin is numb
Now I'm your hostage
Love me,
Love me
Chorus 2x:
Love me, but only cautiously, cautiously
You can't be with me for too long
Girl don't bother me, don't bother me
Wants to love me...
Love me, but only cautiously, cautiously...


There where Rudnik,
Milanovac city,
Kragujevac, Topola,
Kosmaj and Belgrade are.
There where Gruža,
Raskovnik and Knić,
Mrčajevci, Vujan,
Čačak and Ljubić are.
Ref ×2
To each person, their own village
Feels the cosiest,
But my village
Is Šumadija entire.
The greatest city adorns Šumadija,
Two rivers embrace
Beautiful Belgrade.
Šumadija, my blossom, you are wonderful like paradise,
And in all the world there isn't
A more beautiful region. Know this!
Ref ×2
Your bosom is embellished
By the prettiest roses:
Kragujevac, Orašac,
And in your heart, Gruža.
You are precious to me
As a flower is to a bee,
You are my love,
And my entire world.
Ref. ×2