Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 11

Találatok száma: 605


Hamrer Hippyer

Phol és Wodan az erdőbe mentek.
S ott kibicsaklott Baldr csikójának lába.
S ott ráolvasott Sinthgunt, Sunna nővére.
S ott ráolvasott Frija, Volla nővére.
S ott ráolvasott Wodan, teljes erejéből...
(Hamma-ma // Hippi-pi)
Akaszd fel az állatokat
Mint bicsaklás,
Mint vérhúzódás,
Mint ficam,
Lábat a lábhoz,
Vért a vérhez,
Ízt az ízhez,
S ím, összeállnak eggyé.
Gyógyító ráolvasás

The Heavens Watch Over

Just a couple of streets and two buildings
So close together, so far apart
Like two parallel lines
That are never to cross
Because what is without, is not what is within
And we will tear this veil from our face
Even if we are far apart, the heart knows
Even if we are far apart, the heart reaches out
You say, there are no coincidences
Someone up there is guiding things
The heavens are watching over us
Beyond the wall, beyond the fence
There's someone in love, who won't give in
There's someone else, who is so like me
Someone else who might be waiting for me?
Because what is without, is not what is within
And we will tear this veil from our face
Even if we are far apart, the heart knows
Even if we are far apart, the heart reaches out
You say, there are no coincidences
Someone up there is guiding things
The heavens are watching over us

Mr Sexpistols

I sit all alone on the bus as I go home
Today you told me:
'It's over with us, it's over with us'
In my monthly pass there's a photo of you
I carry it anyway
With me still, with me still
Why me? Why me? Why me?
I certainly won't be happy here
Why me?
That strap really suited me
I always carried
Always carried your bag, always your bag
In the bus we wrote on a seat
I was Mr Sexpistols
You were Lady Punk, and you were Lady Punk
Why me? Why me? Why me?
I certainly won't be happy here
Never - why me?
A tear runs down my face
But it can't get over my acne
This tear is as helpless as me
As helpless, as helpless, as helpless as... (so helpless, so helpless)
Why have you done this to me, you stupid old cow?
My life is a mess now
You're the reason why, you're the reason why
Why me? Why me? Why me?
I certainly won't be happy here
Never, never, no
Why me?

Két szív

Jaj, de babám, tőled azt akarom megkérdezni, hogy
Igaz-e ez?
Igaz-e az hogy, a szerelmet másnál (férfinél) találtad meg? Ha meg is találtad, nekem ez nem oké.
Mikor mások társaságában vagy, ne beszélj ki a hátam mögött engem
Mert egy nap még vissza jöhetsz hozzám.
Mire vársz?
Hé, Te! Mire vársz?
Ne maradj egyedül!
Olyanok vagyunk, mint két törött szív, szív, szív
Ó kedvesem, kedvesem, kedvesem
Most nagyobb az ágyunk, de a haragunk ennél sokkal nagyobb
Ó kedvesem, kedvesem, kedvesem
Ó kedvesem, kedvesem, kedvesem
Most nagyobb az ágyunk, de a haragunk ennél sokkal nagyobb
Szabad vagy, azt keresel magad mellé akit akarsz, Te nem tudtál engem értékelni
A szerelmünk elvan @
A szívem már nem ver
A haragod nagy, babám
Tudom, hogy zavar az téged, hogy hívogatlak
Néküled, nélküled, nélküled nem érzem jónak, nem érzem jónak
Nem, nem beszélek rólad másoknak a hátad mögött
Tudod nagyon jól, hogy beszélni akarsz (velem)
Még mindig tudod jól, hogy várok rád.. aaa...
Olyanok vagyunk, mint két törött szív, szív, szív
Ó kedvesem, kedvesem, kedvesem
Most nagyobb az ágyunk, de a haragunk ennél sokkal nagyobb
Ó kedvesem, kedvesem, kedvesem
Ó kedvesem, kedvesem, kedvesem
Most nagyobb az ágyunk, de a haragunk ennél sokkal nagyobb
Nagyon kár, már nem vagyunk együtt
Mióta elváltunk azóta sok idő eltelt
De még mindig téged szeretlek
Olyanok vagyunk, mint két törött szív, szív, szív
Ó kedvesem, kedvesem, kedvesem
Most nagyobb az ágyunk, de a haragunk ennél sokkal nagyobb
Ó kedvesem, kedvesem, kedvesem
Ó kedvesem, kedvesem, kedvesem
Most nagyobb az ágyunk, de a haragunk ennél sokkal nagyobb

Where Did I Come From

how my life suddenly does not appear at all the same
when you are not here
to look at the pictures and to search for the past
that is left of you
And who are you embracing there in my place
i am no longer angry, everything is OK with me
where are you today, search for me
i am here
Where did I come from
need to ask the questions that i did not ask
one more memory enters
how many times did i try to imagine you returning to me
that embraces me with all that i am missing
even when i am feeling alone
if you were here at my side i would explain to you all that hurts me now
to think about all that i could have been
if it was possible
me and you
come to say Shalom for a moment, look at me
i will ask you
And who are you embracing there in my place
i am no longer angry, everything is OK with me
where are you today, search for me
i am here
Where did I come from
need to ask the questions that i did not ask
one more memory enters
how many times did i try to imagine you returning to me
that embraces me with all that i am missing
even when i am feeling alone
if you were here at my side i would explain to you all that hurts me now

Élet-halál kérdése

Ó, Te élet-halál kérdése..
Élet-halál kérdése..
Élet-halál kérdése voltál
Maradj távol!
Nem, nem elég a búcsú ennyi idő után
Ő nélküle nem megy, nem tudok semmit sem mondani a szívnek
Nem, nem érhet véget így egyetlen egy szavaddal
A szerelem nem elég, annak aki elmegy minden út egy kifogás
Értenem kellett volna talán, látnom kellett volna, hogy a szerelem végetért
Kényszerítettelek hogy maradj? Későn értettem meg, bocsáss meg!
Ó, Én a lezárt ajtók vendége,
A csended hallgatója,
Én voltam, aki várta, hogy megérkezzen az, aki soha nem jött el.
Ó, Te élet-halál kérdése..
Élet-halál kérdése..
Élet-halál kérdése voltál
Maradj távol!
Nem, nem elég a búcsú ennyi idő után
Ő nélküle nem megy, nem tudok semmit sem mondani a szívnek
Nem, nem érhet véget így egyetlen egy szavaddal
A szerelem nem elég, annak aki elmegy minden út egy kifogás
Értenem kellett volna talán, látnom kellett volna, hogy a szerelem végetért
Kényszerítettelek hogy maradj? Későn értettem meg, bocsáss meg!
Ó, Te a rom álmainak az oka
A zsákutcák árnyéka
Egy élet-halál kérdése voltál
Maradj távol!
Ó, Te élet-halál kérdése..
Élet-halál kérdése..
Élet-halál kérdése voltál
Maradj távol!

two slaps and there goes my girl

na na na na
ok, Mr. Nelly, the year 2013., Novi Sad
I'm going to the pool with my good pal
and I say hot chicks are there now
42, 3, 4 degrees
its so hot out here now
I'm looking here I'm looking there
like an idiot I slipped
and here I am, I fell into the water
but the problem is I cant even swim
so here I am, drowning
man I'm drowning I almost died
and then I see someone jumping- saving me
I open my eyes- and hey its my ex
and then boom- she slaps me hey
I say what's wrong with you, she says 'get up!'
you're crazy, get away from me now
can't you see I'm alive and kicking
not even 15 minutes passed
I just sat down to chill out
I know there was a girl behind me
and suddenly she comes and slaps me
I ask my pal: 'what's up with them today, huh?'
why are they all over me, I don't know, no
and he's sitting there like a fool, laughing, and says
bro I'll explain it all
he goes, I accidentally touched her
and she thinks you did it, so you got one
he's laughing and I'm in pain
she's got a strong arm man
I decided not to move
I'm sittin here, sunbathing alone
in 30 minutes I'm going home
because man today is not my day
texting my girl on the phone
she says: 'I'm coming, be there'
I'm watching her from afar
as she's coming with her friend now
and i see, yet again, a girl approaching me
if its a slap, please go the other way
she goes: 'no, i love your songs you know,
Mr. Nelly I'm one of your fans'
she throws herself at me, starts hugging me
she's squeezing my hand, and I'm resisting
and then my girlfriend sees me
she thinks I'm with another girl
and she approaches me
she goes 'you and I are through
I'm done with you'
wait let me explain
it's not my fault
she goes 'you and I are through
I'm done with you'
wait let me explain
it's not my fault
I got two slaps
and there goes my girl
today is not my day
never again am I going to the pool...

Élet-halál kérdése

Ó, Te élet-halál kérdése..
Élet-halál kérdése..
Élet-halál kérdése voltál
Maradj távol!
Nem, nem elég a búcsú ennyi idő után
Ő nélküle nem megy, nem tudok semmit sem mondani a szívnek
Nem, nem érhet véget így egyetlen egy szavaddal
A szerelem nem elég, annak aki elmegy minden út egy kifogás
Értenem kellett volna talán, látnom kellett volna, hogy a szerelem végetért
Kényszerítettelek hogy maradj? Későn értettem meg, bocsáss meg!
Ó, Én a lezárt ajtók vendége,
A csended hallgatója,
Én voltam, aki várta, hogy megérkezzen az, aki soha nem jött el.
Ó, Te élet-halál kérdése..
Élet-halál kérdése..
Élet-halál kérdése voltál
Maradj távol!
Nem, nem elég a búcsú ennyi idő után
Ő nélküle nem megy, nem tudok semmit sem mondani a szívnek
Nem, nem érhet véget így egyetlen egy szavaddal
A szerelem nem elég, annak aki elmegy minden út egy kifogás
Értenem kellett volna talán, látnom kellett volna, hogy a szerelem végetért
Kényszerítettelek hogy maradj? Későn értettem meg, bocsáss meg!
Ó, Te a rom álmainak az oka
A zsákutcák árnyéka
Egy élet-halál kérdése voltál
Maradj távol!
Ó, Te élet-halál kérdése..
Élet-halál kérdése..
Élet-halál kérdése voltál
Maradj távol!

When well meet again

Versions: #1
When we will sit together again we will talk a lot
Some chats about bad times and about being apart from you
I'll hug you
I'll fill up with tears again
I'll ask how was passing the time without me
I spent nights awake
How were your days
I'll get made up(look good) again for you
The pain will start again
My palms will have heat coming out
With how much my heart aches without you
When you'll sit in front of me
Our soles will freeze again
..... +

morning bird

morning bird,please mourn
further deepen/ renew my pain
with a sigh that rains fire,
break this cage and overturn it
flightless nightingale, get out of the cage
sing humanity’s song of freedom,sing for the freedom of human being
from the breath of the masses, fill the open earth with fire
oppression of the oppressor/cruelness of the oppressor, the hunter’s oppression
it has left my nest dwindling in the wind
O god, O universe, O nature,
make our dark evening into dawn
it’s a new a spring,
the flowers have bloomed,
the clouds in my eyes, are filled with dew
this cage, like my heart,
is suffocated and dark
oh fiery sigh! start a flame in this cage,
nature’s hand, don’t cut short the flower of my life
give the lover a look, my young flower,
make it more!
you heartless bird, make it brief! make it brief,
you heartless bird, make it brief! make it brief,
make it brief

Two hearts

Ay ama my babe, I just want to ask you
Is it true? u a a
That you have found it [love/another man], and if you've found it, I'm not ok
Don't you badmouth me to [other] people
Because one day you might come back
What are you waiting for?
Hey you, what are you waiting for?
Don't be alone
We have separated two hearts, hearts, hearts
Hey sweetheart*, sweetheart, sweetheart
Now the bed is bigger, but even bigger is the anger [stubbornness]
Hey sweetheart*, sweetheart, sweetheart
Hey sweetheart*, sweetheart, sweetheart
Now the bed is bigger, but even bigger is the anger
Feel free to call the other ones, you didn't know how to appreciate me
Our love fucked up
The heart doesn't make 'rrak tak tak' anymore
Your anger is big babe
I know that my calls annoy you
Without you, without you, without you I am not feeling good
I'm not feeling good
No, I'm not badmouthing you to other people
You know that they want to talk
You know that I am still waiting you aaa....
We have separated two hearts, hearts, hearts
Hey sweetheart*, sweetheart, sweetheart
Now the bed is bigger, but even bigger is the stubbornness
Hey sweetheart*, sweetheart, sweetheart
Hey sweetheart*, sweetheart, sweetheart
Now the bed is bigger, but even bigger is the anger [stubbornness]
Too bad that we are not together anymore
It has been long since we separated
But I still love you
We have separated two hearts, hearts, hearts
Hey sweetheart*, sweetheart, sweetheart
Now the bed is bigger, but even bigger is the anger
Hey sweetheart*, sweetheart, sweetheart
Hey sweetheart*, sweetheart, sweetheart
Now the bed is bigger, but even bigger is the anger

I accept

I have no other dreams
Your heartbeat is my only reason (to live)
If you ask who belongs to whom
I am yours and you are mine
Whatever comes into your mind, tell it to my face, come on
Tell and let everyone know
Who is smart? Who is crazy?
I don't understand which of us is the one who loves?
Which of us is the one who wastes (this love) ?
I accept, accept
If you say that 'I can never deal with the hard things', I accept
If you say that 'be my slave', I accept
Believe that I am your slave
I accept, accept
Even if you name black for snow-white, I accept
Even if you say that we will meet in spring, I accept
Hide me in the deep

What's your name?

I surrendered to your eyes
Need I say more?
I broke my mind with you (I always think about you)
Suppose, I'm defeated
You are the twin of my soul
You are the only wife of my heart
I'm in the dark without you
Divide the sun into two
Who told you to be so beautiful (said)
The sin of this love is all yours (yours)
My eyes realized the incident
What a sweet thing you are! What is your name?

Mrs. Robinson

Doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo
doo-doo doo-doo doo-doo-doo.
Doo-doo doo-doo-doo-dooo doo-doo-doo.
Doo-doo doo-doo doo-doo doo-doo
doo-doo doo-doo doo-doo-doo.
Good morning to you, Mrs. Robinson,
when you pray, pray a bit for us.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Lucky you, Mrs. Robinson,
Heaven loves you more than you know.
Hey, hey, hey.
Hey, hey, hey.
To be curious and a bit indiscreet, tell me what do you do?
And how do you spend your long days?
How do you see the world from the glasses you wear?
You still dream of it as of your past times.
Good morning to you, Mrs. Robinson,
when you pray, pray a bit for us.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Lucky you, Mrs. Robinson,
Heaven loves you more than you know.
Hey, hey, hey.
Hey, hey, hey.
Old house where the sun is never seen,
amidst the fake roses and memories,
four gray and old cats live with you.
They will never leave you now.
Good morning to you, Mrs. Robinson,
when you pray, pray a bit for us.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Lucky you, Mrs. Robinson,
Heaven loves you more than you know.
Hey, hey, hey.
Hey, hey, hey.
Sunday on the sofa you will be good,
talking with your old friends.
You will gossip and laugh as the time goes by.
Your youth will not return.
Where will he be, the one who thirty years ago
said the phrases that you never forget?
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
The youth is gone,
there is no emptier field now.
Hey, hey, hey.
Hey, hey, hey.

Nor my age

Nor my age will forget the night that overflowed on your hair.
Nor my age will forget your heart that confused about it’s feelings.
Nor my age will forget the night that overflowed on your hair.
Nor my age will forget your heart that confused about it’s feelings.
Nor my age will forget your tears.
Nor my age will forget your tears.
Nor my age will forget your tears.
Nor my age will forget your tears.
Nor my age will forget your tears that missed you and returned.
Nor my age will forget the night that overflowed on your hair.
Nor my age will forget your heart that confused about it’s feelings.
Nor my age will forget the night that overflowed on your hair.
Nor my age will forget your heart that confused about it’s feelings.
Nor my age will forget your tears.
Nor my age will forget your tears.
Nor my age will forget your tears.
Nor my age will forget your tears.
Nor my age will forget your tears that missed you and returned.
I sewed my soul pieces together and the dream came true.
I drew a wounded moon
that sung in a bold song.
I sewed my soul pieces together and the dream came true.
I drew a wounded moon
that sung in a bold song.
I tried with allowed.
I tried with allowed.
I tried with allowed.
I tried with allowed.
I tried with allowed
and agitate all ways.
Nor my age will forget the night that overflowed on your hair.
Nor my age will forget your heart that confused about it’s feelings.
Nor my age will forget the night that overflowed on your hair.
Nor my age will forget your heart that confused about it’s feelings.
Nor my age will forget your tears.
Nor my age will forget your tears.
Nor my age will forget your tears.
Nor my age will forget your tears.
Nor my age will forget your tears that missed you and returned.

Go to whoever touched you

Don't, don't touch me.
Go to whoever touched you.
Stay wherever you forgot me at.
I won't let you crush me.
Don't say ''I did it because I fell in love'', don't speak.
We don't call what you did 'love' here.
Even if the whole peoples of the world believed in you, I wouldn't.
Does your presence worth a penny
that your absence should hurt me?
Let all the peoples of the world bow down to you, I won't.
Don't, don't touch me.
Go to whoever touched you.
Stay wherever you forgot me at.
I won't let you crush me.
You taught me to cry,
to sob pressing a pillow on my face.
Even if the whole peoples of the world forgave you, I won't.
I'm not like them,
I still couldn't be 'a man'
''Man'' can be your slave, I won't be.
Don't, don't touch me.
Go to whoever touched you.
Stay wherever you forgot me at.
I won't let you crush me.

She said you are my love

She said you are my love
My heart loves you
You're my share and life
And I love you... Love you
She said you are my love
My heart loves you
You're my share and life
And I love you... Love you
The threads of love is beginning weave our small nest between my heart and his heart to lived with great love
The threads of love begin to weave our small nest between my and her hearts to live in great love
She said you are my love
My heart loves you
You're my share and life
And I love you... Love you
The sweetest days of life
And the best expression of feeling.
The day that took our hands together and we walked among the flowers
The sweetest days of life
And the best expression of feeling.
The day that took our hands together and we walked among the flowers
She said you are my love
My heart loves you
You're my share and life
And I love you... Love you
It's all over , eyes begin talk and our love were filled with tenderness that shines in the night of silence
It's all over , eyes begin talk and our love were filled with tenderness that shines in the night of silence
My love in my soul..my soul, I will protect it
All my life..lifetime I'll give for it
My love in my soul..my soul, I will protect it
All my life..lifetime I'll give for it
Our love sun never goes down and it's darkness never block it
You are my most expensive soul and
Our love sun never goes down and it's darkness never block it
You are my most expensive soul and

The memories

Versions: #1
Forgot you? no my dear
As long as you are my love. I will not forget you
There are hearts that even if you forget them
You found them that always remember you.
Memories of my life with you and I did not tell it to anyone but you.
Memories of being with you tell you and you know
that I am the closest person to you.
I spent my life with you
In the light of your love and in the embrace of your eyes.
All I wanted was for my eyes to come to you.
How can I forget you my love? Will we love each other again?
Your love became my memory, As long as you are with me or away.
Memories of my life with you is telling you my love
and I did not tell anyone but you memories tell you and you knows that I am the closest person to you.

The Navy Uniform

Versions: #1
O girl with the navy uniform
O sun that shines and peaks through the dress
If I were to write a love poem about you
Would you deny it, or would it be permissible?
I like to write my poetry for those who are beautiful
I call them for how beautiful they are
And if I were to start by describing your small lips
Seven poetry volumes would not be enough
O angel, genie, lady of all grace
How I like when you drift away in your dreams
How I like the way you tie your belt around your waist
How I like how you hold your books to your chest
There go the girls, there come the girls
Who is most beautiful among them, but my daughter?
And the most beautiful thing about you, my daughter,
is in your eyes I see my and your mother's tenderness

Light of My Eyes

My love, light of my eyes, inhabitant of my imagination
I've been in love for years, only thinking of you
My love, light of my eyes, inhabitant of my imagination
I've been in love for years, only thinking of you
My love, light of my eyes, inhabitant of my imagination
I've been in love for years, only thinking of you
My love, light of my eyes, inhabitant of my imagination
I've been in love for years, only thinking of you
My love, my love, my love, light of my eyes
Ah, my love, my love, my love, light of my eyes
My love, my love, my love, light of my eyes
Ah, my love, my love, my love, light of my eyes
Inhabitant of my imagination
The most beautiful eyes I've seen in the whole universe
May God protect you and the magic of your eyes
The most beautiful eyes I've seen in the whole universe
May God protect you and the magic of your eyes
Your eyes with me, your eyes are enough
Your eyes with me, your eyes are enough
Illuminating the nights
My love, my love, my love, light of my eyes
Ah, my love, my love, my love, light of my eyes
My love, my love, my love, light of my eyes
Ah, my love, my love, my love, light of my eyes
Inhabitant of my imagination
My love, light of my eyes, inhabitant of my imagination
I've been in love for years, only thinking of you
Your heart called for me and said you love me
May God protect you, you've put me at ease
Your heart called for me and said you love me
May God protect you, you've put me at ease
The beginning is with you, and the whole tale
The beginning is with you, and the whole tale
With you till the end
My love, my love, my love, light of my eyes
Ah, my love, my love, my love, light of my eyes
Ah, my love, my love, ah, my love, my love
My love, my love, my love, light of my eyes, ah
My love, my love, my love, light of my eyes
My love, my love, ah, my love, my love
My love, my love, my love, light of my eyes

The Silence in My Life

Without rattles, without guide this caravan find their ways
Without showing their silken goods
Everlasting, just as the sand lays side by side
My life will go on just as I told, without giving a sound out
And thus this life, this life every minute
Will melt the way ice melts itself
No one will ever know me, except for
The stars in the sky and the wolves on the ground

Song of the Guarded

The skies run, run, run,
All kinds of shiny circles are at the shutters.
All kinds of things become
Closer and closer.
I am cautious of falling things.
Of fire, wind, songs.
All sorts of winds strike the shutters.
All sorts of birds do speak.
But I guard my soul from them. Nor do I cry.
I remember you asked me to be blessed.
I am blessed, I am blessed.
The skies run.
They do not touch the hair upon my head.
They are nowhere near the wind which comes to me from you.
The skies run to a different place,
And the wind around us, a transparent ring,
As in a heat-wave at evening, we are the moon,
The wind is thick around us.

Becoming the Wind

The withered flower petal that resembles you
Will it fly away with the wind?
If only I could see you in my dreams
I’ll become the wind
And embrace the flowing tears
From your cheeks
I’ll become the wind
And stay by your side
By your side
Past the cold fog in my eyes
The sight of your back flickers before me
If only I could see you in my dreams
I’ll become the wind
And embrace the flowing tears
From your cheeks
I’ll become the wind
And stay by your side
By your side
Can’t you feel it?
My heart that is welled up
At the tip of this wind?
I can’t reach you
So I’m lost and wandering
Can’t you see the foolish me?
I’m right next to you
I’ll become the wind
And embrace the flowing tears
From your cheeks
I’ll become the wind
And stay by your side
By your side

If The World Should End

I went out to think for a while
but it started to hurt
if you also get drunk in order to forget me
remember how almost two years have passed by
i sang to you but
you, it would not return to me.. enough
i understood that this is already done
bye bye
we ended1and it did not pass by
you still flow in my blood stream
i freed you
If the world should end
will you come to me?
will you come to me?
if the loneliness remains
return maybe
will you return to me?
How the world turned over
and 'Love' turned into 'Go!'
you didn't count me
when you continued without me
you closed your heart in my face
i am a zero that doesn't have a life
when you left just know
you took me from myself
I learned how to think
about you without hurting
there isn't a cure for time, that taught me
you said that soon it will be good for us again
everyone is alone
you, nothing will return to me.. enough
i understood that this is already done
bye bye
we ended and it did not pass by
you still flow in my blood stream
i freed you
If the world should end
will you come to me?
will you come to me?
if the loneliness remains
return maybe
will you return to me?
How the world turned over
and 'Love' turned into 'Go!'
you didn't count me
when you continued without me
you closed your heart in my face
i am a zero that doesn't have a life
when you left just know you took
also me from myself
  • 1. lit: closed

Mr. Tambourine Man

Hey, Mister Tambourine Man,
don't you remember me?
Please don't act
like I'm a stranger.
Hey, Mister Tambourine Man,
is it so hard for you?
You, I know,
all this was a long time ago.
These days, I still think back often
to the time when San Francisco was our Mecca,
when I wore flowers in my hair
and wasn't even sixteen,
because back then is when life began for me.
We wanted love for the world
and hung our hearts
on the songs of Joan Baez,
of Bob Dylan and The Byrds.
That gave us a lot.
Hey, Mister Tambourine Man,
don't you remember me?
Please don't act
like I'm a stranger.
Hey, Mister Tambourine Man,
is it so hard for you?
You, I know,
all this was a long time ago.

Today and Tomorrow

My love of the new days
your kindness gives life
to my little peaceful home
full of peace and serenity
My love of the new days
your kindness gives life
to my little peaceful home
full of peace and serenity
it’s not a trouble
to be by your side
it’s not math or a dilemma
with thousands of twists
it’s not a trouble
to be by your side
it’s not math or a dilemma
with thousands of twists
wherever this smooth river
takes my ship
I’m happy by your side
today and tomorrow
wherever this smooth river
takes my ship
I’m happy by your side
today and tomorrow
in these new days
there’s no place for pain and sorrow
we’ve learned from those
old wounds
now the time
has come for me and you
to hand in hand
dance with the waves
My love of the new days
your kindness gives life
to my little peaceful home
full of peace and serenity
My love of the new days
your kindness gives life
to my little peaceful home
full of peace and serenity
wherever this smooth river
takes my ship
I’m happy by your side
today and tomorrow
wherever this smooth river
takes my ship
I’m happy by your side
today and tomorrow
wherever this smooth river
takes my ship
I’m happy by your side
today and tomorrow
wherever this smooth river
takes my ship
I’m happy by your side
today and tomorrow


I'm online
I'm online
I'm online to you in the day and night
I'm watching twitter, instagram, facebook
You enchanted me these last months
I'm online
I'm online
I'm online to you in the day and night
I'm watching twitter, instagram, facebook
You enchanted me these last months
You're advertising, nike-nike
I'm looking, your likes are rising day by day
I'm jealous of you from every comment
To me, just me the one who deserve you
Know it, I surrendered to your illusion
Follow me immediately, then we can come together
For you, I studied at institute
For you, I got approved in instagram
Eh, if I don't write him today, then it will be late
If I write then he won't answer me, then what will happen
My hopes were broken, and all of them will be nothing
I will tell you how I'm feeling
I'm online to you in the day and night
I'm watching twitter, instagram, facebook
You enchanted me these last months
I'm online
I'm online
I'm online to you in the day and night
I'm watching twitter, instagram, facebook
You enchanted me these last months
I'm online
I'm online
I'm online to you in the day and night
I'm watching twitter, instagram, facebook
You enchanted me these last months
I'm online
I'm online
I'm online to you in the day and night
I'm watching twitter, instagram, facebook
You enchanted me these last months
I just want your hand to be in my hand
Let it be scraped on your pics
Let me wander the places you wandered with you
I'm showing coyness to you, pander to my whims
Eh, soon or later it will be real, know it, I believe it
Eh, year will be I gotta feel, I'm late
If I don't write him today, then it will be late
If I write then he won't answer me, then what will happen
My hopes were broken, and all of them will be nothing
I will tell you how I'm feeling
I'm online
I'm online
I'm online to you in the day and night
I'm watching twitter, instagram, facebook
You enchanted me these last months
I'm online
I'm online
I'm online to you in the day and night
I'm watching twitter, instagram, facebook
You enchanted me these last months
I'm online
I'm online
I'm online to you in the day and night
I'm watching twitter, instagram, facebook
You enchanted me these last months
I'm online
I'm online
I'm online to you in the day and night
I'm watching twitter, instagram, facebook
You enchanted me these last months

Don't Leave My Side

Hello my dear
I am not a good person
I'm not who you think I am
I'm not a hero, I'm not a sacrificer
I'm not concerned about loneliness and the world's misfortunes
I'm not the person in your nightly dreams
I don't deserve your beauty at all
I'm not honest, I'm not virtuous
There's no way, I am nothing
No, don't leave my side
Don't leave my side
Don't leave my side
Don't leave my side
Unlike the world's greatest architects
I don't build you pretty houses
Unlike lovers in movies and novels
I don't engage in a love battle
I don't have love poems in my pocket
Yet I have a lot to tell you
Let me be the one for you
Who shouts he is nobody
No, don't leave my side
Don't leave my side
Don't leave my side
Don't leave my side
Let me be nobody
Let me have no name
Let me be the greatest nothing of the world
Just to have you
My lips have no nice words to preach
My hands don't have your hand to hold
Stay so that I can say once again
That I am nothing, nothing, nothing for you
No, don't leave my side
Don't leave my side
Don't leave my side
Don't leave my side
Don't leave my side
Don't leave my side
Don't leave my side
Don't leave my side
Don't leave my side
Don't leave my side
Don't leave my side
Don't leave my side
Don't leave

The new Mrs. de Winter

Mop and polish
Table after table
Cabinet after cabinet
The wood needs to gleam!
Clean and polish
Here and there
Piece for piece
They're coming back today!
Fine and clean
it should be
for the gentlemen of Manderlay
and the completely new Mrs. de Winter.
Soon one will see
what and who
our lord brings from France.
We were sure
he would always be a widower.
But we
are getting
a new Mrs. de Winter!
Mrs. Danvers:
Even if she were a princess
what does she want here in Manderlay?
For me, there's only one Mrs. de Winter in the world
And though your body rests in a grave,
your spirit is still in Manderlay!
And no one can take your place
They're arriving,
probably between 5 and 6.
Mrs. Danvers,
Dinner's at eight!
That's too late!
Mrs. Danvers:
It's impossible to eat earlier.
The apartment?
Flowers stand
The chandelier glows
In the fireplace the fire burns
Waiting for the new Mrs. de Winter.
What will she be like?
Cool and delicate
or tough and arrogant?
Will she be involved
or will she stand to the side?
One thing's for sure, she'll be
our new Mrs. de Winter!
Potter's calling.
They passed the gate
in the convertible just as it began to rain.
Arrival in the rain, that will definitely mean
bad luck!
Now the car's coming out of the woods.
The top's still open, even though it's still raining!
Mrs. Danvers:
Line up to receive them,
in order!
Group 1:
Very interesting,
That's pretty steep!
Who of us expected it?
We never imagined the woman this way
But all the same,
now she's our new Mrs. de Winter!
Group 2 (at the same time):
She is quiet,
but who knows,
maybe she's just very tired
Surely she'll settle in very quickly
As you know, she's now
our new Mrs. de Winter!
We need to take her as she is,
because here we have the
new Mrs. de Winter!


100 times I tried to get closer... And he's running away. Why do he rule without trying
There is no closer than me or better than me
100 times I went to know... I am honored... And i remember that i am one of the most made
And he behaves in this way with me like this why
In front of me I pay it... And it closes... And he contracts it from the beginning
And its provider is with me and I don't know what !!!
I came on Saturday to come tomorrow sunday with him and his face
I told him to do my heart alone with you and also give me my soul oh
And I did more than i need editing
Behind him I walked from my mother... And his meal mode... And instead of the word I told him a dozen
And even when I say something with him he forgets her
Payne's stroke is not a wire... And the queen is not... And i will live my life with a confusion
And my son to get out of the rail and get any words
And when i'm going to prefer it... And I'm not a long way from... And I say again what after what I said
But he has a thousand question marks on him??????
I came on Saturday to come tomorrow sunday with him and his face
I told him to do my heart alone with you and also give me my soul oh
And I did more than i need editing

O, our lovely country!

O, our lovely country! (You are lovely) by lovely people
Those lovely people of whom we have much in our country
O, our lovely country! (You are lovely) by lovely people
Those lovely people of whom we have much in our country
There are these black faces that make you smile once you see them1
are so dear to heart
O, our lovely country! (You are lovely) by lovely people
Those lovely people of whom we have much in our country
Take the most fascinating photo you can take here. by its people
The beauty of adds beauty to the whole world
Go to
O, our lovely country! (You are lovely) by lovely people
Those lovely people of whom we have much in our country
The noble
My heart waves like a flag over the land of
I miss you,
And I can talk and talk about about the old heroes of you,
O, our lovely country! (You are lovely) by lovely people
Those lovely people of whom we have much in our country
Here church can be found face to face with a mosque. In our country feast is doubled10
Go to the pyramids so the love grow in your heart
Not so far in and to people there
I've spent days, so dear to me, in .. Why don't you go there? Our dear kind people are there
Can you see the charm of the scenery? Where else can you find that all?13
(Only )In our lovely country (that is lovely) by the lovely people
Those lovely people of whom we have much in our country
O, our lovely country! (You are lovely) by lovely people
Those lovely people of whom we have much in our country
O, our lovely country! (You are lovely) by lovely people
Those lovely people of whom we have much in our country
  • 1. People, living in the Aswan, are of african origins
  • 2. of their people
  • 3. These lines refer to (South Egypt) and refer to famous cities there
  • 4. (Mansoura) in Arabic means (victorious)
  • 5. These lines refer to the famous cities in
  • 6. People of this city is well-known as the most generous
  • 7. The singer is originally from there
  • 8. This city is well-known by the courage of people in almost all wars in our modern history
  • 9. These lines refer to the famous cities on strip
  • 10. This means that Muslims share Christians their feasts and vice versa
  • 11. These lines refer to the famous cities in
  • 12. The singer starred in a movie that was shot there in the nineties
  • 13. These lines refer to the famous cities on the northern coast of Egypt

Who Stole The Spenol?

Yeah, I was tipsy, I went hard on alcohol
I had a show at John Dee and I drank some smuggled alcohol from Poland.
Don't force me to draw my gun
It's best when someone speaks it out, Who stole the Spenol?
Was boss ass Karro who tucked it under the dress?
Or is it Santiago? the mysterious Hispanic?
Keep it 100, you gotta know the password
It's best when someone speaks it out, Who stole the Spenol?
From the old scool like Øyvind Holen who comes in from O.P.P, the famous metropolis
Where smoothe players swear to Spenolen
And weensier smoothe players drive on with the Rohypnol
I'm suffering, I switch it to the Paracetamol
Because I dig that Spenol more than Big Ice digga Stimorolen
I go and irk, it's not easy to hold the mask
I should have slapped the one who took the Magnum Bottle
It was probably not one of mine, right?
It'd be so freaking good if it was one of my colleagues
But after Baris, many of 'em feel jealous
I hope it wasn't my homie Oral Bee
And O.D.P's distanced itself recently
My BFF, was the one who allowed himself to be tempted?
I'm writing down a list
There's no time to lose
The person who took Spenolen will be six feet under real soon...
Do you know your bridge O.D? He's innocent
Pure flour in the bag, my alibi is valid.
Well, let's go Jihad entirely
We can surely bring more and sweep the joint to a charity event.
Mister Pimp, now we have to think like sows
I recall Bob Dalton taking some exaggerated sips
There could be more villains, I guess some cracks too.
I think we'll call Bob D and check it.
Nah, it was, Bob
But it's still an inside job
If you impeach me, eh, then you must be nuts!
He doesn't use Spenol, only the creams from L'Oreal
Ah, But you gotta check with that boss Jon
I heard he needs some lubrication to keep the flap in operation
Yup, do you want more info?
Promise a bounty, at least a million
It was cream, it was cream
I tell you, it's cream
I'm a machine and I don't drink from the bottle
Maybe he's one us, no one here is poking their noses into anything.
It must be the dude that no one would've believed
He's the handsome opera guy who made Krem bother
He charmed everyone, then quickly sneaked out the exit
The thief is Solli-Tangen
Ah, yes it might be true that I left quite early
And I think many of them are so solemn
But they don't know diddi
The young boss from Porsgrunn city
For many years, I've spattered cash and bawlet
I own a lot of cool stuff and none of 'em is stolen.
They have enough value, zero need for thefts
If he asks that movie guy, fuck what Krem says!
Oh, wii, it ain't the fault of a G
It's Karro or the one who steaks your bottle
What are we gonna do with that bottle? Karro thinks it's pathetic.
We didn't have the steak bottle, we had the steak jacket
Bitch, but I have info
About the triple O.G, who always exercises fitness.
I saw him in the baris as he poured himself a soda!
Then he calmly dripped a Magnum Bottle into his bag like a snitch.
Oh, wii, no, the va’kke G
I'm not suspicious, for I have an alibi
I have a silky soft skin and spenol allergy
I'm a GO-Therm Playa real biotherm G
Spenol is for cocksuckers!, udders and extra glide and on Pimp-L, mayne, Now I'm having my doubts.
Could it be that the thief is Lo-Lo?
They boy who hid the bottle for he needed a promo
So, listen here, Lotion, or listen to bagelladden
I will give you the name of the one who steaks the bottleladden
Yes, have a good day, young man. Are you ready for a rumor?
The streets say that this is the one you should fear.
He's known as his insidious and his tortures
That he holds women captive and punishes them in cages.
All night long, he's been running around after round
Consumption of Spenol, it's a thousand times
a hundred
That which he drives, it makes me wonder...
There's no escape, not even for Martine Lunde.
So, Lo-Lo sat a little still in the boat
Let's take some time and try to solve this riddle
He clearly lives in Larvik, he was thrown out of the dance
He's tried on the mic like Mad Andre Hansen
Spread Spenol all over the arm
When he penetrated Gaute's intestine from the Farm.
My hesitation seems to be increasing
You got that right! : Frank Loke
I saw Alis in the crowd, but after the verse, he vanished.
Was it just an old-fashioned point from a clown.
No, now I think we need to think even bigger
This may get complicated, but I just gotta ask:
'Could it have been Fridtjof who was angry?'
But now that he has the bottle, he wants to participate in the team.
He comes to the concerts with a smile on his face
But maybe he's just a spy at the bottom?
Yup and it boils in my head, the Spenol bottle is gone
Which of you motherfuckers did that?
He woke me up, I was messing around here
With the guilt that's written with blood on my shirt
Beezy has a bodyguard as big as an ox
And Pimp-L has a gun in his pants
I think you should simmer down
Don't let it make a scene until you're
Permanently under anesthesia.
Turns out from TBG, he has cleared the almanac
Lotion needs a bottle when he sips the Armagnac.
Beware the little thief, we can find you on Mars
We got Gunsa via Kristin and Lars
I'm one of a kind, you won't find Makan
He throws out now and hits down the jaw
You stupid little prick, who do you think you are?
If you were a sex position, you would be missionary
Spenolen, it's gone.
Lotion's feeling down and it's not so hard to spot.
Local Cup is on the case
I know I'm gonna find the answer if you tip me sheet.
We'll begin with a tip that I received
By a delicious peach who likes Pimp's music
She asked me to think big
It was the streets that made this anger
Undoubtedly, it's not me who committed this theft.
Then about a year ago Pimp-L got a voice
That ruined Pimp's flow
There was something to pick up when it was the Baris show
One liter of Spenol was lost
And we all pondered, who the hell did that?
Is Toska hiding it in Asker?
Or was it Jon Krem who pledged it with bottles?
John Dee, it's owned by Mr. Olav Thon
And Olav Thon, well, he's a thug, he makes marble out of shavings.
In a picture taken from the stage, you can surely see the red hat
His gaze is clearly fixed on the Spenolen, he's going home and lubricating the cow.
Well, I stepped up on his stairs, he was high as a kite.
Yes, I showed him the proof, But he said
'I didn't take it?'
Because when he got to the stage, it was already gone
You can withdraw him from the list, someone else has done it.
I don't think this works, we need to change the strategy.
This is just nonsense and conspiracy theories. We need a genius. A real MC.
A Mastermind who doesn't offer a draw.
[Magnus Carlsen]
Pimp L, pour something expensive into my glass.
When Carlsen is in the building, the pieces fall into place.
I'm the Chess' arrogant bad boy
The board game's most relevant bad boy.
And none of the suspects are bluffing
The one who took the Spenol bottle was a total prick.
(Pimp L: Was it Kasparov? Or Fabiano?)
A-ah, wrong again, Lotiano!
(Pimp L: Okay, was that Agdestein Mane?)
Nope, njet, nei. The thug is the son of the former coach.
(Pimp L: Oh, holy shit, I know who you're talking about...)
Check-Mate! Ola-Jo Semb!