Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 7

Találatok száma: 308



Ó, nem tudod, hogy tudnék énekelni? (Ó ó ó)
Hahaha (igen)
Shorty egy lil 'baddie (ő egy lil' baddie)
Shorty my lil 'boo (Boo dolog)
És shorty zsíros lett
Shorty elkapja a hangulatváltozásokat
Valahányszor gumiszerzés nélkül dugok
Dióztam a borítókon
És titokban tartottam
Mert nem csókolok és nem mondom (csókolom és mondom)
Valahányszor kibaszom, apának szólít
Lil 'mama csúnya
A puncit átlátom a bugyikon keresztül (bármit is akarsz)
Cukorkás íze van
Királynő, mint Nefertiti
Ó, ó, a mamám csinos
És vásárolni fogunk a városon (Oh, oh)
Adtam neki kulcsokat a Bentley-hez (Woah, woah)
Térdelj le, nem kell hozzám sírnod
A legjobb barátod vagyok, kicsim, nem kell hazudnod
Megkapok mindent, amire vágysz, és amire szükséged van Chaneltől Celine-ig
Csak rajtad múlik
Valentino, igen, a legjobbat tettem rád
Kezdd felemelni a ruhád, kezdd csókolni a nyakadon (Ó, nem, nem)
Kezdje el dörzsölni a fenekét, kezdje el masszírozni a melleit
Egyelőre nem akarok neked babát adni, ezért hátráltam és a melledre dagasztottam
Betettem egy Uberbe (Uber) és elküldtem az ágyadba (Oh)
Már másnap (Oh), küldött nekem egy szöveget (Oh)
Felhúzta a kiságyat, és mi megint megcsináltuk (Oh, oh)
Shorty egy lil 'baddie (ő egy lil' baddie)
Shorty my lil 'boo (Boo dolog)
És shorty zsíros lett
Shorty elkapja a hangulatváltozásokat
Valahányszor gumiszerűen baszok
Dióztam a borítókon
És titokban tartottam
Mert nem csókolok és nem mondom (Ooh)
Soha nem találtam szerelmet, amíg a szemedbe nem néztem (Amíg a szemedbe nem néztem)
Először elpirulok, nem is hazudok (nem is hazudok)
Négy forduló alatt a combodon véraláfutások keletkeznek
Te, az egyetlen kurva késztethetsz a srácokra
És az egyetlen kurva, akitől dió akarok lenni, amikor bent vagyok
Ez a hangulatod, hagyd velem, hogy magasra kerülj
Lány, nem kurva vagy kibaszott veled, még akkor sem, ha megpróbálnák
Szökőár, soha nem éreztem száraznak
Csukd be a szemem, amíg alszom, remélem, hogy ott leszel, amikor felébredek
Őszintén szólva nagyszerűnek érzem a hangulatot
És ha van valami a fejedben, elmondhatod
És ha elmondanám, mi van az enyémen, segítene nekem?
Nem látja a nagyobb képet, csak időbe telik
Csak azért, mert te vagy az enyém, továbbra is úgy nézel ki, mint egy fillér
Nincs hiányosság, lány, jól vagy
Bébi, mi a jeled?
Remélem, nem ellenzi a lassú őrlést
(Munka, munka, én és te vagyok) Én és te
Ne hallgass, nincs semmi, amit nem tehetnénk
A vihar révén, bébi, átvészelhetjük
Miért lépsz vadonatújba? Tudod, hogy lil 'boo, igen
Felkeltem a Birkin-emre, ez működik
Azt mondta, hogy szűz (ez fáj)
Ő a legnagyobb rajongóm, mindig lurkál
És tudja, hogy férfi vagyok, betettem ezt a munkát
Tudom, hogy nem tud elviselni, divatos vagyok
Szóval kihozom, amikor megkapom a Grammy-t
Késő esti szex, nem találja meg a bugyiját
Nem tudta tartani, most szüksége van egy B tervre
Shorty egy rosszfiú
Ő az én bajom
És shorty zsíros lett (Shorty zsíros lett)
Shorty elkapja a hangulatváltozásokat
Valahányszor gumiszerzés nélkül dugok
Nuttyantam a takaróira
És titokban tartottam
Mert nem csókolom és nem mondom

Copla 7146

On a chair there's
twenty-five picks.
Do you want me
to break it on your ribs?

Our Priest Has Become a Hajduk

Geen leaf, walnut tree leafs, yo
Our Priest has become a Hajduk 1
He station himself at the main road
Carrying with him a long flintlock and some pistols.
Don't be amazed for nothing,
Just Because you see a Hajduk wearing prist robes,
A crazy Boyard
Has set fire to the Monastery!
The Priest is shooting the pistols,
The rich ladies are fearing for their lifes,
The Priest is shooting the bullets
Like thunder2 over the Earth!
Father, you be a Hajduk for a year
Then go to the altar
An pray for us, yo,
Cuz we're full of needs!
Father, please, stay for five more years,
Our country is full of enemies,
Both foreign and domestic,
Let's crush them like bugs!
This Pries has been banished by the Church, yo,
He didnt do anything bad,
It's just that he became a Hajduk,
Wating in abush with the other Hajduki.
He didnt lose his faith, yo,
He left the holy tools3
And picked up the pistols
To scare away the Boyards!
Father, you be a Hajduk for a year
Then go to the altar
An pray for us, yo,
Cuz we're full of needs!
Father, please, stay for five more years,
Our country is full of enemies,
Both foreign and domestic,
Let's crush them like bugs!
Our Father is healing his soul
At the pub,
With a pint of old wine, yo
And some lamb pastrami.
After all that feasting, yo,
His eyes are glued
To Nița, who's serving at the pub,
Her mouth is fragrant like forest berries!
Father, you be a Hajduk for a year
Then go to the altar
An pray for us, yo,
Cuz we're full of needs!
Father, please, stay for five more years,
Our country is full of enemies,
Both foreign and domestic,
Let's crush them like bugs!
  • 1. In Balkan folkloric tradition, the hajduk (hajduci or haiduci in the plural) is a romanticised hero figure who steals from, and leads his fighters into battle against, the Ottoman or Habsburg authorities. They are somewhat comparable to the English legend of Robin Hood and his merry men, who stole from the rich (which as in the case of the hajduci happened to be also foreign occupants) and gave to the poor, while defying seemingly unjust laws and authority.
  • 2. in the original lyrics they used 'lightning', but i used thunder since it sounds better in corelation with the pistol noise
  • 3. there is a specific vase in with the ortodox priests are carryin the incese, i dont know what it is called in english

I want to get drunk tonight

I want to get drunk tonight
so I can remember nothing
trap myself in the smoke
and be agraid of nothing
I want to get drunk tonight
I want to exceed my limits
lost in the smoke, I want to confess
about my broken dreams
I'll set myself on fire with cigarettes
I'll set it out with drinks
now that everything is gone
I don't care even if doomsday comes
I want to get drunk tonight
so I can forget everyone and everything
disappear in the smoke
and never look back again


You write that I make you sick
Nevertheless you hang on to my every word
You interpret every post, not so much as a like
Followers up and down, well then cheers
How pathetic are you?
How pathetic are you?
Your life only works as a joke
Because you haven't reached my level yet
The few likes you still get
Are when you emphasise my dilemma
Your hate makes me popular

Flamengo's March (Flamengo's Popular Anthem)

Once Flamengo, always Flamengo
Flamengo always I will be
It's my greatest pleasure to see it shine
Either on land or at the sea
Win, win, win!
Once Flamengo, Flamengo until I die!
In the regatta, he kills me
Mistreats me, snatches me
What a emotion in the heart!
Consecrated in the field
Always loved, the most highly rated
In Fla-Flu it's the Oh, Jesus!
I would be deeply disgusted
If there was no Flamengo in the world
He rocks, he is fiber
Much pound already weighted
Flamengo until I die I am!

If I Didn't Know You

If I didn't know you, if it wasn't for your love
my heart wouldn't know how beautiful living is.
If I didn't have you, I wouldn't know how, at last,
I've managed to find in you what was missing in me.
In a loveless world full of pain,
the truth is so clear in your eyes - don't cry anymore.
And because of you, I feel
that this dream would die forever
if I didn't know you.
If I didn't know you, if it wasn't for your love,
my heart wouldn't know how beautiful living is.
And because of you, I feel that in my life no dream
would exist if I didn't have you.
I know our love would be so immense.
Together, the world shines brighter.
I never thought hatred would cause so much damage.
We'll only love each other in silence until the end.
And my heart tells me it is true.
If I didn't know you, if it wasn't for your love,
(Solitude doesn't exist anymore since you're by my side...)
my heart wouldn't know how beautiful living is.
(Next to you, I'm so happy, only because of you...)
I know our love would be so immense.
Together, the world shines brighter.
I know our love would be so immense.
It shines even in the dark.
And my heart tells me it is true.
That it is true.
Without your feelings, the dream would die
(Without your feelings...!) inside my heart,
without a reason, forever,
if I didn't know you.

And tonight I won't sleep

You've left me, and it keeps on smothering me
this lump stuck in my throat.
It doesn't seem to leave, it keeps on smothering me.
How much I love you...
And if I'm in the wrong, how much can it take?
This heart of mine was broken.
A thousand and two are the pieces, tears in my eyes.
How much I love you...
And tonight I won't sleep,
and tonight I won't shut my eyes,
in case you come to see you.
And tonight I won't sleep,
I'll be waiting in the dark to tell you I love you.
I love you...
And if you don't care it bothers me,
that every night I'm burning, I can't
shut my eyes, can't calm down.
How much I love you...
And if I remember you, wherever I am,
whatever I do, you're always on my mind.
Oh, my complaint and torment.
How much I love you...
Refrain (bis)
And tonight I won't sleep,
and tonight I won't shut my eyes,
in case you come to see you.
And tonight I won't sleep,
I'll be waiting in the dark to tell you I love you.
I love you...


Hey you!
La-la-la-la lollipop, lollipop, e
La-la-la-la lollipop, lollipop, e
La-la-la-la lollipop, lollipop, e
Lollipop, e
Lollipop, e
Hey you!
La-la-la-la lollipop, lollipop, e
La-la-la-la lollipop, lollipop, e
La-la-la-la lollipop, lollipop, e
Lollipop, e
Lollipop, e
Your eyes shine like a glare of the sun
I saw you from afar
I believed
I dreamed and believed
What will happen next,
Will show the time
What kind of manners?
Rivers are knee-deep
Light dress
Panamera colors
Glance and instantly,
Blood boils through my veins
And you fly and melt
like a lollipop
Hey you!
La-la-la-la lollipop, lollipop, e
La-la-la-la lollipop, lollipop, e
La-la-la-la lollipop, lollipop, e
Lollipop, e
Lollipop, e
At the microphone JONY
We also benefit from the JONY microphone.
Catch my vibe, use it
Take away the sadness with a smile
Porsche Panamera
Ocean knee-deep
What kind of manners?
Dancing Macarena
From your sight
Everything is boiling inside, yeah
What happens if I kiss you? What?
Hey you!
La-la-la-la lollipop, lollipop, e
La-la-la-la lollipop, lollipop, e
La-la-la-la lollipop, lollipop, e
Lollipop, e
Lollipop, e
Hey you!
La-la-la-la lollipop, lollipop, e
La-la-la-la lollipop, lollipop, e
La-la-la-la lollipop, lollipop, e
Lollipop, e
Lollipop, e
Bum shaka-laka (у-а)
Bum shaka-laka (брр)
Bum shaka-laka (а)
Bum shaka-laka (о-е)
Bum shaka-laka (у-а)
Bum shaka-laka (брр)
Bum shaka-laka (yesss)
Bum shaka-laka (о-е)

Gurian potpourri

1. Sit down by my side, dear Almaskhan! - III voice: Rimt'iri, ramt'iri, rimt'iri raninao da!
Let’s remember our old times! - I voice: Vai, vaida!
How great
||: we were doing then? :||
2. We’re three Gurian brothers! - III voice: Rimt'iri, ramt'iri, rimt'iri rarirao da!
We’ve nightingales in our throats! - I voice: Vai, vaida!
Let’s rejoice a bit,
||: let’s sing K'rimanch'uli1! :|| - I voice: Vai, vaida!
Ovodela delivo, delivo delo da,
raninao, dela delia, da!
Do you remember, darling, how we
Loved each other in the front garden?
Delo ranina o, dela delia da!
I voice: Rimt'iri, rimt'iri, rimt'iri, rimt'iri,
rimt'iri, aba delo in the front garden?
Delo ranina o, dela delia da!
O, dilavo dela, delivo, delivo delo da,
raninao, dela delia, da!
You whine, whine, whine! Why do you whine?
You cry, cry, cry! Why do you cry?
Look what a wonderful weather! Today is Sunday and what’s got into you?
Drop it, sonny, you are entrusted to us, o!
Oi sa - riva vorirao da!
hou, hou, rira orirai da!
I have no money in pocket! - I voice: Aia, aia, aiai nana!
And my years ran away somewhere! - I voice: Vai, vaida!
They run and I’m running after them
||: But they don’t hear me! No, they don’t! :|| - I voice: Vai, vaida!
You whine, whine, whine! Why do you whine?
You cry, cry, cry! Why do you cry?
Look what a wonderful weather! Today is Sunday and what’s got into you?
Drop it, sonny, you are entrusted to us, o!
The whistle of nightingale, the tenderness of rose - Raninao da, he!
I stole them and offered them to you! - Raninao da, he!
The whistle of nightingale, the tenderness of rose,
I sto… stole them and offered them to you!
||: Delivo, delivo dela, raninao da, he! :||
  • 1. A kind of yodel-like singing, very typical in Guria.

Three hazelnuts (for Cinderella)

Are you asking in vain your own destiny,
what is awaiting you today and tomorrow?
Imagine you have a hazelnut in your pocket
and it will gives you the power to outwit
those, who want to thwart your dream
with an evil intention
Save your hazelnuts for a difficult times
When you admit the right time has come
A life is an unfinished fairy tale
Everything can only happen three times
Maybe it just sounds to you
Like a madness today
Believe me, this is the best news in the world
For those who believe a miracle will happen
Maybe, maybe, maybe
Who will found out, found out, found out?
Believe me, this is the best news in the world
The magic of the three hazelnuts gives you the wings
Win, win, win
Once, twice, three times
La la la la
Maybe it just sounds to you
Like a madness today
Believe me, this is the best news in the world
For those who believe a miracle will happen
Maybe, maybe, maybe
Who will found out, found out, found out?
Believe me, this is the best news in the world
Three enchanted hazelnuts gives you the wings
Win, win, win
over everyone, once, twice, three times
Believe me, any kingdom will fall
if the love is missing in there
Protect your three hazelnuts, maybe a miracle
will happen, happen, happen
Maybe a hundred times too

Song of the People's Power

If our land asks us to,
we must be the ones
who raise Chile,
to help this way
Let's take the reins
of all our affairs,
and let them immediately understand,
man and woman, all together.
[Chorus, 2x:]
After all, this time we are not talking
about changing the President,
there will be people who will build
a completely different Chile.
Take your revenge together,
we have an open door
and the People's Unity
for anyone who wants to.
We'll kick the Yankees out
and his baleful tongue.
With People's Unity,
now we are the government.
[Chorus, 2x:]
The Motherland will look large
with its liberated land.
Since we have a key,
the case is moving forward.
And now no one can take away
our right to be free,
and as human beings,
we can live in Chile.
[Chorus, 2x:]

Today should be a completely perfect day

Elsa: Psst Anna
Anna: Yes?
Elsa: Happy birthday
Anna: To you
Elsa: It's your birthday
Anna: To me
It's my birthday
Elsa: Come on
Anna: It's my birthday
Elsa: And this time it will be perfect
You haven't celebrated until now
Except when you waited (for me) outside my door
A little late, so what
Let's celebrate together now
I'll be with you all day if I may
Anna: Elsa it seems you cought a cold)
Elsa: I don't get ill, you know
That the cold was always my (real) home
Anna: wow, fancy
Elsa: Follow the string
Anna: Wait what?
Elsa: I have plans and lots of surprises
Nothing really nothing will ruin you this day
Long weeks I was planing things for you
Olaf: Hi!
(I) Even Kristoff and Sven took a shover
If anyone wants to stop me
He better try
I'm ready to fight
I give you sun, the moon and shiny day
Olaf: little brothers
Today should be a completely perfect day
Ana: oh, a sandwich
I'll do everything that you'll have a nice time
For everything you mean to me and what has happened
Today should be a completely perfect day
Ana: you're sneezing 3 times
Elsa: I'm fine
Check it out, a surprise
Anna: Wow you're wonderful but I'm worried about you
And it will be better if you go home and rest
Elsa: Let's continue because the next one you're gonna li(-ke)
Anna: Elsa you have to go to bed
Elsa: No way it's gonna be very fun
Anna: Maybe a doctor should examine you
Oaken: Do you feel bad? I have a cold medication I made myself
Elsa: No thank you
Anna: Yes please
Kid's choir: And today should be a completely perfect day
Elsa: It should be a really special day
For you birthday we wish you to have a nice time
Everything will be nice
And we love you
Elsa: like I love you
Kid's choir: Yes a completely perfect day
This special day that keeps showing new things
A completely perfect day
Olaf: I'll fix it
Kristoff: no no
Olaf: It's ok, right?
Krištof: Banana (.....)
Elsa: Come, let's climb
Anna: Elsa that's to much, you need to rest
Elsa: And now the birthday cold I mean treasure
Elsa: Catch a dream,make a plan up up up up)
let's go to the top, to the sky (my) dear friend
Anna: Elsa?
Drunk Elsa: What? I'm fine
Let's go up
Let's sing
You'll see
what's next
happy happy happy extremely happy
Cold (...)
Anna: Elsa look at you, you have a fever, you're burning up
Anna: Well we can't continue that way
This day will wait
Come on and finally admit to yourself
Elsa: Fine, it is a cold
Elsa: I'm sorry Anna. I wanted you to have a perfect birthday. I ruined it, again.
Ana: You haven't ruined anything but you have to go to bed
O no, stop surprise
Wow 2x
The crowd: Today should be a completely perfect day
Smile on a face shines and glows like new
Kristoff: There's a fine line between chaos
Olaf: And hullabaloo
Cause today is a completely perfect day
a completely perfect day
A completely perfect day for you
Kristoff: Happy birthday
Crazy, happy and sad, forget everything
Kristoff: I love you baby
For everything you mean to us and everything that you do
Kristoff: really
It is a completely perfect day today
a completely perfect day (2x)
Elsa: It's a perfect day
Anna: Ok, now go to bed
Elsa: No wait wait the queen now has to blow into the birthday billy goat horn
Anna: o no no no no no no no
Anna: The best of all the gifts
Elsa: Which one?
Anna: You let me take care of you

Babies are popstars

Dad and mom fell in love
And one day they swore the future each other
While looking at the night sky
When dreaming of happy things
The sky split in a lightning
And with their white dazzling eyes
Both saw quietly
A star coming down
Fell on earth popstars
Babies are popstars
With a mission that everybody took
Popstars, babies are popstars
They came to protect the future couple
Dad and mom fell in love
And then I was born
I was searching over a cloud
To choose mom and dad
When they die, they'll leave memories
Running through the dark universe
I'm here
Though I can't say anything
Fell on earth popstars
Babies are popstars
They're allies of the couples on any moment
Popstars, babies are popstars
Maybe the best friends of the future
Dad and mom fell in love
And since they gave me love
The blue earth absorbed me
And I finally reached to mom and dad
Dad's mom, mom's dad
Dad's mom and also her mom
Saw in that time
A star coming down
Fell on earth popstars
Babies are popstars
With a mission that everybody took
Popstarts, babies are popstars
They came to protect the future couple
Popstars, babies are popstars
They're allies of the couples on any moment
Popstars, babies are popstars
Maybe the best friends of the future
Popstars, babies are popstars
With a mission that everybody took
Popstars, babies are popstars
They came to protect the future couple

We're breaking up tonight

Versions: #1
You told me that this love would last
And I, a crazy fool blinded by love, believed you
You promised me you'd take me to paradise
But it just proved that you weren't alright
Plans bleed with words and promises
Our hearts filled with love and wounds
We're breaking up tonight
We're breaking in two
A knife of a goodbye
A poisonous kiss
We're breaking up tonight
I'm telling you, it's over
Forgive me for my tears,
But I love you so much
You told me that this love would grow stronger
And how you'd go mad if I left you alone
Now you're leaving me without saying a single word to me
And no tears have come out of your eyes
Plans bleed with words and promises
Our hearts filled with love and wounds
We're breaking up tonight
We're breaking in two
A knife of a goodbye
A poisonous kiss
We're breaking up tonight
I'm telling you, it's over
Forgive me for my tears,
But I love you so much


Sayonara, Marshmallow
Sayonara, (-mallow)
Lolli-lollipop, I dive into double cup after him
Lolli-lollipop, yet another track
Lolli-lollipop, it melts like chocolate
Your ass is in my hands — I'm it's fan
Lolli-lollipop, I dive into double cup after him
Lolli-lollipop, yet another track
Lolli-lollipop, it melts like chocolate
Your ass is in my hands — I'm it's fan
Wet erotica under the rain without the umbrella
Hot, like in tropics — it's exotic
Cherry on the cake, you're like Hailey Baldwin
Chilling on a resort,
Lolli-lollipop, I dive into double cup after him
Lolli-lollipop, yet another track
Lolli-lollipop, it melts like chocolate
Your ass is in my hands — I'm it's fan
Lolli-lollipop, I dive into double cup after him
Lolli-lollipop, yet another track
Lolli-lollipop, it melts like chocolate
Your ass is in my hands — I'm it's fan
Wow, uh-uh, baby — sweet lollipop
Pop-pop, nom-nom, I would lick it for you
Ha, uh-huh, baby you're like made out ice
She's jumping to my bottle
But we're still not in a relationship
But, bitch, I'm your boyfriend
Da-da-dances in the bar
You're the queen of the party
But we're still not in a relationship
And we'll never be in one
You already knew that
You already knew that
And I started to forget you
I forgot that you're a lolli and I'm a pop star
Dima Bilan took a shot with me long ago
And you stayed here
I don't fucking care
Lolli-lollipop, I dive into double cup after him
Lolli-lollipop, yet another track
Lolli-lollipop, it melts like chocolate
Your ass is in my hands — I'm it's fan
Lolli-lollipop, I dive into double cup after him
Lolli-lollipop (lollipop), yet another track
Lolli-lollipop, it melts like chocolate
Your ass is in my hands — I'm it's fan

Popeye Popeye

Everyone, everyone, everyone, gather round! My name is Popeye
Nice guy
The name of the beautiful mama at the gay bar who looks good with a beard is Popeye
High heels
We're dancing to become the best dance team in the world, Popeye
Jazz dance
A side dish next to a boutique for gaudy old ladies, Popeye
A spark of drama
For me it's a truly happy paradise
People say it's hellish
A strange old man naked as a baby
The thoughts in the sweatshirt that my mother sent Popeye
I couldn't throw away
Attacking mountain passes in drooping sunglasses, the street racing Popeye
Everyone jumped
One morning I was inspired
To get a tattoo on my arm
It washed off in the bath
A strange old man in sexy lingerie

Its nice to finally look into Your eyes.

Ive heard this tale, I nearly know it off by heart
Damn its nice to finally look into Your eyes
Ive heard this tale and i know the ending of it
Damn its nice to finally look into Your eyes
How did she mention me here ? Positively or negatively ?
Where did she have more fun ? With us or here?
Did someone think of better games ? Probably not
Did some of Ye believe, that ill just simply forget?!
Oooh, ive heard this tale before and i know its ending
Damn its nice to finally look into Your eyes
She set us all up well
Stop (Granat), I forgot about it
Ye definitely her, but are you talking seriously ?
You know her (Perlo) ? You need to tell us who she is?
Who am I ? Who am I ?
What a stupid question !
Absent from the party, nobody invited me !
This time I want to win, so when i shout begin !
The game will begin! Win or die
Stay focused, because its not a joke
Oooh, ive heard this tale and I know its ending
Damn, its nice to finally look into your eyes
Oooh ive heard this tale, it used to drown in my tears
Ooh how nice is it to finally look into Your eyes
Your eyes
Your eyes....fear


I wanna be a pop star
I’ll leave you more enchanted
A sparkling pop star
I’ll spread my wings and just put you under my spell
Happiness of having met you, loneliness of being unable to see you
When I own both of them, my love starts running
Even though I cannot soar in the sky, and I sing my loneliness every night
If I could bring a single smile to your cheeks
The moment I hugged you for the first time
The mission God granted me is to be your own hero
I wanna be a pop star
I’ll leave you more enchanted
A sparkling pop star
I’ll spread my wings and cast a spell of magic
I wanna be your pop star
Come on and I’ll hold you ever so tightly
A sparkling pop star
I’ll spread my wings and just put you under my spell
You picked me up even in the darkness I wanted to hide away
hugged me and said I was someone special
I’ll walk all the way down the road to light
My right hand covering up my wound should be joined with yours
You’re gonna be my pop star
Let me fall for you more with a smile
A sparkling pop star
Give me magic with your eyes
You’re my only pop star
Once you hold me, I will never let you go
A sparkling pop star
Right now, give me magic with your eyes
Once you fall in love, anybody could be your pop star
The mission God granted me is to be your own hero
I wanna be a pop star
I’ll leave you more enchanted
A sparkling pop star
I’ll spread my wings and cast a spell of magic
I wanna be your pop star
Come on and I’ll hold you ever so tightly
A sparkling pop star
I’ll spread my wings and just put you under my spell

Pop Music

Eventually, it had to come to this
Today's the day, it's time
Don't take it so badly, even if it hurts
Everything has its time
It's over, you need to realize
It's over, don't drive yourself crazy
Look that fact in the eye
You're too old for pop music
And what comes now, how will you live on
Do you want to listen to classic music now
Bach or Beethoven
Or maybe pretend you're a fan of Jazz
You stare at me, there's nothing to say
It's too late, there's no trick
This day knows no mercy
You're too old for pop music
It's over, you're too old
You're too old for pop music
It's over, you're too old
You're too old for pop music
You're too old for pop music
Now don't get all depressed
Suddenly you're sentimental
Indulging yourself in memory
These kinds of songs, they're what you used to
Loudly sing along to
And all the hits of the wild years
The melodies and all the joy
All the 3-minute wonders
Are never coming back
It's over, you're too old
You're too old for pop music
It's over, you're too old
You're too old for pop music
You're too old for pop music
Now don't get all depressed
You know exactly why it's so
That you're a pensioner.

Let's Have Another Shot

When a bunch of friends meets up
It's a gift, not a big deal
Promises they gave to their better halves
Disappear just like a bullet from a gun barrel
It's starting to move subtly - just like a steam train
Waiter - not a conductor - is bringing it
He is the boss here, our chosen one
You say and you have it, it's a deal
When the weak ones are going to sleep in the morning
Only a few of us stays and have a party
Only the ones who want to let off the steam
Don't deal with anything, just have a drink
You don't have to think, you don't have to pretend anything
Just drink in peace, suck it to the bottom
Let the morning sun warm your back
And just enjoy it
A couple of shots, you don't want to go home
It's hard to stop that moving train
Let's have another shot, the night is still in the beginning
I'll have a round, and another one in return
More volts in this rum
I look like an air rubber
Chill and let's go to sit behind the bar
If it's not your day, just pack it in
When the weak ones are going to sleep in the morning
Only a few of us stays and have a party
Only the ones who want to let off the steam
Don't deal with anything, just have a drink
You don't have to think, you don't have to pretend anything
Just drink in peace, suck it to the bottom
Let the morning sun warm your back
And just enjoy it
When the weak ones are going to sleep in the morning
Only a few of us stays and have a party
Only the ones who want to let off the steam
Don't deal with anything, just have a drink
You don't have to think, you don't have to pretend anything
Just drink in peace, suck it to the bottom
Let the morning sun warm your back
And just enjoy it


Leave that money, girl, and get yourself something better**
Get lost, she doesn't want you, come, set down the guns
The girl wants to lay down with me and try something of mine
She'd be on fire somewhere, for days she calls non-stop
Friend, not everything in life is money, money
You lack that charisma, that's why better you forget her
With me she wants everything, just to be alone
With you she wants nothing, just expensive restaurants, come, come
At the club, revving up the new turbo BMW
What lack of culture- chains, chrome wheels
A new round*** arrives, she's staggering drunk
Bye friend
She's only interested in that plastic, some money to count
It’s science fiction when I see you two
The problem emerges, it's soon too late
At home a full safe, but her heart empty
Leave that money, girl, and get yourself something better**
Get lost, she doesn't want you, come, set down the guns
The girl wants to lay down with me and try something of mine
She'd be on fire somewhere, for days she calls non-stop
Friend, not everything in life is money, money
You lack that charisma, that's why better you forget her
With me she wants everything, just to be alone
With you she wants nothing, just expensive restaurants, come, come
Around me the smell of ganja, around me 100 problems
Around me only bandits, the streets are hot
There is no place for justice, you weren't ready
To be so faithful, to be here even when there's nothing
She tells me she loves me, I know, look at my money
Mama, everyone would be with Relja****
They see me in the papers
She says, I need you, and not the BMW
Leave that money, girl, and get yourself something better**
Get lost, she doesn't want you, come, set down the guns
The girl wants to lay down with me and try something of mine
She'd be on fire somewhere, for days she calls non-stop
Friend, not everything in life is money, money
You lack that charisma, that's why better you forget her
With me she wants everything, just to be alone
With you she wants nothing, just expensive restaurants, come, come

Shush, sweet baby

Shush, sweet baby
Little calf, in the pit
Dad and mom so far from the house
I can't yell to them

Bird food

Every day on the steps of Saint Paul's
I see an old lady so twisted
In her own way to the people she asks
Come, do you want to buy my breadcrumbs
Come on, feed the birds, give them a meal
And you'll make everyone's day sweet
Their chicks are hungry, their nest is so barren
That's why your stuivers are doing them good
Bird food, one stuiver a bag
Just a stuiver, a stuiver, a stuiver
Bird food, she calls them timid
If there hasn't been a customer for a long time
Everywhere on the cathedral there are stone apostles
They see how she works and lives
Although you can't see it, you can feel them smile
Every time someone pays a stuiver
They hear her voice simply and faithfully
Listen, listen, they are calling to you, too
Bird food, one stuiver a bag
Just a stuiver, a stuiver, a stuiver
They hear her voice simply and faithfully
Listen, listen, they are calling to you, too
Bird food, one stuiver a bag
Just a stuiver, a stuiver, a stuiver

I have something to do with missiles

I fly on a Boeing Boeing Boeing,
I fly on a Boeing Boeing Boeing,
I fly on a Boeing Boeing Boeing, 733
I fly on a Boeing Boeing Boeing,
I fly on a Boeing Boeing Boeing,
I fly on a Boeing Boeing Boeing, 733
There, on the landing strip
Was laying a fair-haired man, he
Waved goodbye and i saw him no more
Then a blast, up in the sky
From a pressure-fed engine
I gave up my entire life
To reach out for the exit
I am a missile,
I touched more than a thousand times the edge of space
And now, i am useless
I am useless,
I touched more than a thousand times the edge of space
And now, i'm a missile
Quite unreachable
I shall die,
Amidst billions and billions of stars
I shall rest,
In an infinite time, forever
I shall die
All of a sudden, i hear
There, on the landing strip
A man waving at me: it's my dad
I am departing to the final
Frontier1, so i'll better understand
The sense, when i won't be here anymore
I am a missile,
I touched more than a thousand times the edge of space
And now, i am useless
And unreachable
I am a missile,
I touched more than a thousand times the edge of space
And now, i'm useless,
Rendered unusable
I am a missile,
I touched more than a thousand times the edge of space
And now, i am useless
And unreachable
  • 1. Star Trek quote for my lovely nerds out there :)

Pop Love

For all that I did and said about you
kilometres of forgiveness wouldn’t be enough,
I start the journey and wait for you.
That then, let’s talk clearly, I, without your eyes
am a poor Christ who’s looking for his cross.
I wish I could exchange them with mine.
I miss you that I almost hate you
and then I hate that I almost miss you
but, in the meantime, I miss you
and today perhaps even a bit more.
And I’ll find that I need you
while I’m already looking for you for a while,
we’ll be like two lovers in a movie
that, regardless, ends well.
I smell the scent of your words,
they taste of oranges and southern sea.
We, who do not go for pop love,
that doesn’t let us be well.
For all that I feel, that I think about you
a literature per month wouldn’t be enough
but, in the meantime, I’m starting to write, to write.
Because, let’s face it, without your mouth,
I’m empty and feel almost useless
like the “r” in a Marlboro.
I miss you that I almost hate you
and then I hate that I almost miss you
but, in the meantime, I miss you
and today perhaps even a bit more
I’ll hang our gazes in the Louvre
so that someone will steal them
and then we’ll find them in a bar
sitting at a table.
I smell the scent of your words,
they taste of oranges and southern sea.
We, who do not go for pop love,
that doesn’t let us be well,
that doesn’t let us be.
We are like dust in the darkness
that, if you don’t see it, it nevertheless is there.
And I’ll find that I need you
while I’m already looking for you for a while.
We, who do not go for pop love,
that doesn’t let us be well,
that doesn’t let us be well,
that doesn’t let us be well,
that doesn’t let us be.


The silver moon fell into the sea
And two seagulls bowed down to see it
You were seen, my love, alone in the seashore
And the nightingales started singing again
I grabbed sea water within my two hands
And I light up the stars up high, while waiting for you, waiting for you
And I light up the stars up high, while waiting for you, waiting for you
Don't take long, my love, and someone else will take you
And thus, the moon won't come out
The sea will go silent, the nightingale will be lost
And you'll be left alone at the dawn
I grabbed sea water within my two hands
And I light up the stars up high, while waiting for you, waiting for you
And I light up the stars up high, while waiting for you, waiting for you

Love Me

When I lay my eyes on you
I'm completely powerless.
I know that you love me.
Let's admit that this love is burning,
Flickering inside of us,
It won't settle down.
When the morning comes
And the sun caresses you with its rays,
It shines over your lips,
Come and love me gently.
It's as if we're dreaming, we're dazed,
High on this love of ours.
I can feel our hearts beating,
I know that we are meant to be.
You can find out what I want
By looking in my eyes.
All I'm dreaming about is
That mysterious smile of yours.
And everytime that we're together
We don't even need words.
When the morning comes
And the sun caresses you with its rays,
It shines over your lips,
Come and love me gently.
It's as if we're dreaming, we're dazed,
High on this love of ours.
I can feel our hearts beating,
I know that we are meant to be.
Now there is no doubt anymore,
We're meant to be.
This is love,
I love you.
When the morning comes
And the sun caresses you with its rays,
It shines over your lips,
Come and love me gently.
It's as if we're dreaming, we're dazed,
High on this love of ours.
I can feel our hearts beating,
I know that we are meant to be.


I'm rushing again, another day's ahead of me,
And once again I'm sticking to the same plan.
I'm wondering if there is anyone at all
That could help me find some courage.
Some days everything goes wrong
And I lose myself again.
What's this voice inside my head?
I much rather tell myself:
Even if you're having a bad day, smile,
Lift your head up high, everything's going to be okay.
Even if it won't be the way it was before,
I feel that it will be even better.
Sometimes this burden seems so pointless,
For a moment there's too much on my mind.
But this happens to each and every one of us sometimes,
And everyone can sing to themselves happily.
I don't run away, I seize the day,
Even if it seems as if my effort is in vain.
This truly is not my heart speaking,
So I always tell myself:
Even if you're having a bad day, smile,
Lift your head up high, everything's going to be okay.
Even if it won't be the way it was before,
I feel that it will be even better.
When it seems like there's no solution,
Look at life from another perspective.
It always gives you what you long for.
Always tell yourself:
Even if you're having a bad day, smile,
Lift your head up high, everything's going to be okay.
Even if it won't be the way it was before,
I feel that it will be even better.

Take Me Away

It struck me like lightning,
I wanted to find you, snatch you, grab you.
I'll come over and take you away,
To the evening and even further.
I admit that I'm a little
Embarrassed because of my thoughts.
This is my day.
Take me away, it doesn't even matter what happens.
Put a spell on me, nothing is impossible.
Together, the two of us are fantasizing,
We are dreaming.
When I feel the wind in my hair,
The smell of summer takes me to your smile.
Here we are, we're rushing towards
The evening and even further.

When We Were Together

I had to hurt for a while
I had to endure through time
Because I couldn’t forget the one person
Who used to be my everything
Like a fool, now I finally know
I remembered the days we spent together
So I finally know
That we were happy for all those days
And that’s enough for me
I’m sending my tears to the sky
To endure through this pain
You are always looking at me
You’re the one who makes me live
Like a fool, now I finally know
I remembered the days we spent together
So I finally know
That we were happy for all those days
And that’s enough for me
I remember
On that path we walked together
There was pain, sadness and hope
Days we hid behind each other
Like a fool, I’m crying because I can’t forget
Because I long for the days we were together
Now I finally now
The meaning of all those days
That I loved you
I still love you
That I’m waiting for you
Now I know

When the Flame Turns to Ashes

I used to see you as a wounded eagle
That has been left in the field in agony to die...
Your eyes are watching the damned enemy,
Who wanted to trample you with his feet.
You are breathing with anger, you're burning, still alive...
To dig you claw the ground,
With one wing you're beating off the rooks
And laying on the second broken wing...
I used to see you as a stately knight,
Who layed in steppe to rest on the stone...
You are hardly sleeping and raving about the lucky battle,
While your enemy is hissing like a snake...
My nation! And you - an eagle, that got shot down at night,
And you are knight, who has been captured!
Oh my eagle, my winged giant,
Oh my knight, who has been punished for his sleep!..
Why, my eagle, don't you fly with eagles,
Why are you dragging wings, as oars, on the ground?!
Why, my knight, don't you go in battle,
Why you are lamentably crying with a wind on the tillage?!
So what is an eagle, if his flock
Doesn't dart off the earth into the blue of serene day,
And what kind of knight are you with a smile of servant,
Without proud thoughts, without honour and a name?!