Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 40

Találatok száma: 1557


Breaking Up

I guess we’re breaking up
Breaking up, breaking up
Just so we can make it up
Make it up, make it up, make it up
Woo woo baby
Something’s different today
We met up as usual
But you look prettier today
Woo baby
I’m happy because the weather’s so nice
I want to see your smiling face
Why did your makeup smudge?
(I saw your face reflected on the shop window)
I know it’s the face of a break up, I’ve seen it before
(The spring wind swallows up your voice)
Baby, not now
Don’t leave me today
Let’s say the tearful goodbyes tomorrow
Don’t leave love behind
Let’s leave the world without you for tomorrow
I guess we’re breaking up
Breaking up, breaking up
Just so we can make it up
Make it up, make it up, make it up
Even your shadow sticks to you beautifully
No matter how much you push me away, I’m your man
It’s right before the sunset
It’s too early to let go of my hand
I’ll pretend I don’t know
I’ll avoid your eyes, as you bite your lip
I don’t like that look
(You didn’t put on your ring today)
The hand that captured my heart is now letting go of me
(There’s no more meaning in that smile)
Baby, don’t leave
Don’t leave me today
Let’s say the tearful goodbyes tomorrow
Don’t leave love behind
Let’s leave the world without you for tomorrow
I guess we’re breaking up
Breaking up, breaking up
Just so we can make it up
Make it up, make it up, make it up
Time, please stop for today
I’m still not ready yet
I can let her go tomorrow
Sky, please don’t close your eyes
I’m still not ready yet
I can’t let you go right now
Those words aren’t easy
So don’t open your mouth and leave sadness for tomorrow
You can push it back a day
So hold my hand and leave the pain for tomorrow
I guess we’re breaking up
Breaking up, breaking up
Just so we can make it up
Make it up, make it up, make it up
Woo woo baby

I don't want to have you next to me anymore

I sleep crying again
With you on my mind
And I dream of you, that you come to ask me to forgive you
You tell me crying
All that's on your mind
You tell me that you love me, but I don't believe you anymore (x2)
I don't want to have you anymore, to see you anymore, to keep you next to me anymore
It's better for me to die than to live any more next to you
I loved you and I couldn't stay a day without you
You didn't want me, and you lost me (x2)
I loved you a lot
So much
That even today I fear loving you anymore
But I don't want it anymore
No, I don't want it anymore
I won't return anymore, instead, I cry, I leave you (x2)
I don't want to have you anymore, to see you anymore, to keep you next to me anymore
It's better for me to die than to live any more next to you
I loved you and I couldn't stay a day without you
You didn't want me, and you lost me (x2)
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

The Conditions of A Realistic Dream

The document by the window who turned off light
blinks in the overlooking city
Tracing in the dawn, in your eyes
her ghost is crossing, flickeringly.
Heart frightened in secret
What will you do when you return?
Do you know? Do you know?
After the realistic dream
Do you know? Do you know?
pay attention to the scratch marks.
Woo... Go hang!
The deep crimson jealousy who is biting by lips
sometimes can't heal the feverish passion
I care about the clock with my timid face
but even so I love you, you left me sad.
The last star now falls
will you meet me until it stops?
Do you know? Do you know?
Prepare to remove the ring
Do you know? Do you know?
I want you to show me a lie too.
Do you know? Do you know?
After the realistic dream
Do you know? Do you know?
tears are inherent.
In order to make an excuse
don't say that you like me.
Do you know? Do you know?
Prepare to remove the ring
Do you know? Do you know?
I want you to show me a lie too.
No! Do you know?
After the realistic dream
Do you know? Do you know?
tears are inherent.
Woo... Go hang!

Ready as I'll ever be

Versions: #2
Varian: Any moment now, your highness.
Believe me I know I’ve sunk pretty low
But whatever I’ve done you deserve
The Queen: Varian-
Varian: Quiet!
I’m the bad guy, that’s fine! It’s no fault of mine
And some justice at last will be served
The Queen: Please listen!
Varian: Now it’s time to step up
Or it’s time to back down
And there’s only one answer for me
And I’ll stand up and fight ‘Cuz I know that I’m right And I’m ready, I’m ready, I’m ready!
Ready as I’ll ever be
Cassandra: Now it’s time to rise up
Or it’s time to stand down
And the answer is easy to see
And I swear by the sword If you’re in, get on board Are you ready?
Eugene: I’m ready!
The Guards: We’re ready!
Ensemble: We’re ready!
Cassandra: Ready as I’ll ever be!
The King: Are you quite sure we can do this?
Rapunzel: Together we will guaranteed!
Varian: I’ll make them hear me!
Ensemble: Now it’s time to redeem
Or it’s time to resolve
C: Prove they can trust me!
Ensemble: And the outcome will hardly come free Rapunzel: I’ll save my home and family.
Ensemble: Now our line’s in the sand
And our moment’s at hand
Eugene: And I’m ready!
Cassandra: I’m ready!
The King & Rapunzel: I’m ready!
Varian: Ready as I’ll ever be

Ready For What’s Gonna Happen

Varian: Anytime now, your Highness
I’m mean, alright?
It doesn’t matter for me
You deserve everything I’m doing
The Queen: Varian!
Varian: Quiet!
It has no point
It’s gonna happen
There are no words left that affects me
The Queen: Varian listen!
Varian: I stand up for myself
And soon a squad will come
There’s only one way out from that
I’m gonna fight
And now I’m of course
Very ready
Yes ready
Completely ready
Ready for what’s gonna happen
The captain: Ah, ah.
Flynn: Captain, are you sure you can do this?
The captain: Actually, I don’t think I can.
A guard: But, who’s gonna lead the attack?
The captain: Not me. She is.
Cassandra: Are you still going to fight or just watch?
That’s the question I’m asking you
You are needed to fight
But of course you’ll
have to be ready
Flynn: We’re ready
The guards: Yes ready, completely ready
Cassandra: Ready for what’s gonna happen
Rapunzel: There you are
The King: Yes, I just stopped by the kitchen. I’ve heard that you are pretty handy with things like this
Rapunzel: Hehe, yeah that’s right
The King: Do you think he’ll be stopped?
Rapunzel: Together I think it can happen
Varian: Now I’ll be heard
Cassandra: Will I succeed?
The guards: Now the guy have to watch out
Because here comes a squad
Who’s gonna fight until success
Rapunzel: We can do it, they’ll see it
We’re standing up for our people
And we’re never giving up
Flynn: We’re ready
Cassandra: Yes ready
Rapunzel and the King: Completely ready
Varian: Ready for what’s gonna happen

Sweet Dreams, TN

Mindig rosszul érzem magam nélküled, baby
Semmim sincs nyalni nélküled, baby
Mintha semmi sem passzolna nélküled, baby
Csak nem szerelmes vagyok?
Semmi sem jó nélküled, baby
Tényleg semmi sem jó nélküled, baby
Mintha mindenki egy fasz lenne nélküled, baby
Csak nem szerelmes vagyok?
És az összes barátom azt mondja, hogy megőrültem
Tényleg eszement vagyok, igazuk van
És még csak fel sem ismerem ezt a bolondot,
Amit te csináltál belőlem
Nem találkoztam vele már egy ideje
És ahogy az eltűnő árnyad küld egy csókot,
Én elkapom és az ajkaimra helyezem
Drágám, úgy tűnik, nem tudom abbahagyni,
Hogy folyamatosan darabokra hulljak
Talán tényleg kezdek megörülni,
Az, hogy egészen eddig léteztél nevetséges
Nem tudom, mit mondhatnék
Baby, dugnunk kéne
Hét év balszerencse a tükörszobában
Mondhattam volna ennél egyszerűbben?
Ez szerelem, mint egy nyelv az orrlyukban
Szerelem, mint a fájdalom az állkapocsban
Te vagy a tavasz első napja
Egy septum piercinggel
Little Miss Sweet Dream, Tennessee

Eljött a vég bosszum él [Ready as i'll ever be]

Most vállaltam én,
A rossz szerepét.
És a bosszú vágy fűt, egyre hajt.
- Varian! -
Csendet! tudom, nem vagyok szent,
De túl nagy a seb, mit a múlt árnya szívembe mart.
- kérlek, halgass meg! -
Szavak nem hatnak rám, mert egy sorsdöntő lépést kell tennem,
Már nincs vissza út.
Nemis térít el semmi,
Most harcolnom kell!
És nem félek, nem félek, nem félek!
Szemelött tartom a célt!
Nekünk harcolnunk kell, minden ellenséggel.
Aki gyáva, az most fusson el!
Ez a kard penge mindenkit csatába hív,
Aki nem fél!
Nem félek, nem félek, nem félek!
Szemelött tartjuk a célt!
Győzelmünk hajszálon múlhat.
Még láthatlak én, van remény.
Meg lesz a bosszú!
A harc most rám vár!
Óvnom kell azt kit szeretek!
És nem félek, nem félek, nem félek!
Eljött a vég bosszum él.

Star Treatment

Én csak egy akartam lenni a The Strokes-ból
Most nézd a rendetlenséget, amit tettél velem
Stoppolok egy monogrammal ellátott bőrönddel
Mérföldekre bármely félig használt, képzeletbeli országúttól
Egy nagy név vagyok a mély űrben
Kérdezd a haverokat, de az aranyfiúk rossz állapotban vannak
Rátaláltam a nehéz útra, ahol nincs hely babáknak, mint te és én
Mindenki egy usztályon áramlik le a végeláthatatlan letöltés folyamon egy nagy TV-n
1984, 2019
Talán egy kicsit vad voltam a '70-es években
A rakéta-hajó bejáratja a csuklóm izületeit
Karate bandana
Elegánsan elgörbülő sebesség
A haj lóg
Hatásos bajusz
A szerelem egy üvegben érkezik lecsavarható kupakkal
Mindannyian vedeljünk és csapjunk egy forró kört
Tehát ki fog felhívni?
A Martini Police (együttes)
Baby, hát nem így néznek ki ma este, oh nem
A szemeid örökké megőrzik a fényt
Én csak egy akarok lenni a szellemek közül, ezt tudtad
És elfelejtheted, majd kísértelek a visszapillantó tükrön át
Egy hosszú úton a hátsó ülésen,
De mindez rendben van, mert szeretsz
És felismered, hogy ennek nem így kell lennie,
A szemeid súlyosak és az idő egyre rosszabb, szóval evezzünk tovább
Ismerem a helyet
Nem gondolod, hogy ez egy olcsó randit jelent?
Pontosan mit is iszol mostanában?
Zenegép a sarokban
Hosszú forró nyár
Egy filmet vetítenek a falra és elég sötét van a tánchoz
Hogy érted azt, hogy még soha nem láttad a Szárnyas Fejvadászt?
Talán egy kissé vad voltam a '70-es években
Vissza a földre egy társalgó-csillogó énekessel
Leszáll a lift a megálmodott lakhelyemre
A nászutas lakosztályból
Két show egy nap, négy este a héten
Könnyű pénz
Tehát kik fognak hívni?
A Martini Police
Tehát kik fognak hívni
A Martini Police
Oh baby, hát nem így néznek ki ma este?
A fény abszolút örökké ég a szemeidben
És ahogy az ég felé tekintünk, nem sötétedik túl korán?
Ez a csillag kezelés
És ahogy az eget kémleljük, nincs túl korán sötét?
Ez a csillag kezelés
Ez a csillag kezelés
A csillag kezelés

Igaz szerelem

Még egy nap, színnel teli
És meglátod, hogy megtölt szerelemmel
Már nem aggódok útközben
Mert itt vagy te
És minden félelmemet elvesztettem ami volt
Mert hiszel bennem.
Megtanítottál hogy élvezzem
Sokkal jobban az életem
Hátra hagyva a szenvedést
Ami megadódott nekem
Egy igaz szerelem
Mindig annyira természetes
Tele szabadsággal
Tele ajándékozással
Te vagy aki jól tudja mit jelent szeretni.
Még egy nap, a szenvedélyemből neked
És meglátod hogy érezni fogom
Hogy a boldogság határa, nem jön el soha
Hogy minden új hajnal egy újabb meglepetést tartogat.
Megtanítottál hogy élvezzem
Sokkal jobban az életem
Hátra hagyva a szenvedést
Ami megadódott nekem
Egy igaz szerelem
Mindig annyira természetes
Tele szabadsággal
Tele ajándékozással
Te vagy aki jól tudja mit jelent szeretni.
Élni, élvezni, nevetni, énekelni és adni kérdés nélkül...
Egy igaz szerelem
Mindig annyira természetes
Tele szabadsággal
Tele ajándékozással
Te vagy aki jól tudja mit jelent az...
Egy igaz szerelem
Mindig annyira természetes
Tele szabadsággal
Tele ajándékozással
Te vagy aki jól tudja mit jelent az...

In My Dream

She comes back, She says she’s sorry
The skilled hands these I missed caress my own
The apologetic eyes that look at me
the voice I want to hear
Tenderly telling me not to cry
If I hold you in my arms
and you disappear
The tears flow and my pillow becomes wet
At last I wake up from my Sleep
The Morning is always like that…my love~~
I wish I would fall asleep forever like this
I wake up with her presence still…
although I hope I don’t dream again,
Like today, it seems I fall asleep with her presence
She’s smiling, It’s really been too long
I’ve missed that expression
She’s my Girl, isn’t she?
She’s walking away
Embracing another person
My chest’s like
it’s being crushed under a heavy weight
I’m dreaming again, right?
Cold sweat runs down my body
It hurts to dream about things, I hate to remember
I can’t do anything all day long
We’ll spend lot of time together, right…my love~~
I wish I would fall asleep forever like this
I wake up with her presence still…
although I hope I don’t dream again,
Like today, it seems I fall asleep with her presence
Everything is becoming cloudy
but her image is getting stronger
Like I dreamed yesterday,
today she comes to me
Now I don’t sleep alone anymore
I wish I would fall asleep forever like this
I wake up with her presence still…
although I hope I don’t dream again,
Like today, it seems I fall asleep with her presence
If I could only see you today too,
If I could do it again, If you came back again…
If you slept by my side one more time
If that happened once again,
I wouldn’t want to wake up
If I could fall asleep…

Lefoglak győzni még elnem sórvadsz

- Elérkezett a pillanat felség -
Hidd el hogy jól tudom azt,
Mélyre sülyedtem,
De jól tudom hogy nem csak nekem fáj.
- Varien! -
Halgass! Tudom, rossznak látsz,
De belül ez mind, a tehibádból fakad.
- Kérlek, halgass meg... -
Vár rám az édes bosszú, tudom jól.
Nem szabad hogy féljek már.
Nem is térít el semmi, most harcolnom kell.
És meglátod, meglátod, meglátod!
Lefoglak győzni téged!
Nekünk harcolnunk kell, az ellenséggel,
Nekünk bátrak kellenek.
Ez a kard most téged is hív,
S tán meglátod!
- meglátod, meglátod, meglátod! -
Lefoglak győzni téged!
Készen áll e mostmár?
Még látlak, addig igen!
Meglesz a bosszú!
(Gyere velünk, győzzük le a gonoszt és engedjünk utat a fénynek)
A harc most ránk vár!
Óvnom kell családom és otthonom!
(Szóval gyere, a nép harcba szál a sötétség ellen)
És meglátod, meglátod, meglátod!
Lefoglak győzni még elnem sórvadsz!

I'm not afraid!

Now I took on
The role of the bad guy
And the desire for vengeance heats up, continually driven on
I know I'm no saint
But the wound is too big
That the shadow of the past brought into my heart
Words don't affect me
Because I must take a fateful step
Already there is no going back
Nothing is turned away
Now I must fight!
And I'm not afraid, not afraid, not afraid!
I keep the goal in mind!
We must fight every enemy
Whoever is a coward should run away now!
This blade calls everyone into battle
Whoever is not afraid!
I am not afraid!
We are not afraid!
We are not afraid!
We keep the goal in mind!
Our victory is hanging by a thread
While I can see there is hope!
(I will have revenge!)
Now's the moment, fight on!
There is no other way to win!
(The battle's now waiting for me!)
Use the strength of the people now!
I must protect the ones I love!
Now fate is waiting at the shoulder of the castle
Now the people fly to the battle!
And I'm not afraid!
I'm not afraid!
I'm not afraid!
The end for my revenge has come!
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.



A világ újra fekete-fehérré válik
A képek egy üres szobában
A szerelmed kezd elesni
Jobb megváltoztatni a dallamod
Igen, megszerezted az arany gyűrűt
Érd el az eget
Baby, tárd ki a szárnyaid
És juss magasabbra és magasabbra
Egyenesen felfelé mászunk
Magasabbra és magasabbra jutunk
Mindent magunk mögött hagyunk
Szaladj, szaladj, szaladj
Mint a síneken haladó vonat
Az igazságot hagyd itt
Ess a repedések közé
Széttört álmokon állok
Sosem vesztelek szem elől, ah
Szóval, csak tárd ki a szárnyaid
Magasabbra és magasabbra jutunk
Egyenesen felfelé mászunk
Magasabbra és magasabbra jutunk
Mindent magunk mögött hagyunk
Szóval baby, töröld meg a szemeid
Mentsd meg az összes könnycseppet amit ejtettél
Oh, ez az amiből az álmok állnak
Igen, magasabbra és magasabbra jutunk
Egyenesen felfelé mászunk
Magasabbra és magasabbra jutunk
Mindent magunk mögött hagyunk
Oh, magasabbra és magasabbra jutunk
Kitudja mit fogunk találni?
Szóval baby, töröld meg a szemeid
Mentsd meg az összes könnycseppet amit ejtettél
Oh, ez az amiből az álmok állnak
És a végén
Az álmokon amiktől függünk
Ez az amiből a szerelem àll

Bring the Cup Home

It is Vegedream of Gagnoa
Damage the gait like Samuel, Samuel Umtiti
Damage the gait like Samuel, Samuel Umtiti
Damage the gait like Samuel, Samuel Umtiti
Damage the gait like Samuel, Samuel Umtiti
And if there is a trap one can always call Benjamin Mendy
And if there is a trap one can always call Benjamin Mendy
Bring the cup home, go the Blues go!
20 years after, it's the moment, go the Blues, go!
Bring the cup home, go the Blues go!
20 years after we are champions, go the Blues, go!
Who controls the field? Matuidi! Blaise Matuidi! Eh Matuidi!
With him we are unfazed! Matuidi! Blaise Matuidi! Eh Matuidi!
Who controls the field? Matuidi! Blaise Matuidi! Eh Matuidi!
With him we are unfazed! Matuidi! Blaise Matuidi! Eh Matuidi!
Step-over, sidestep to the left, to the right: Kylian Mbappé!
Acceleration, precision, tunnel, kick: Kylian Mbappé!
I no longer know if I am a lefty or a righty, I shoot with both feet: Ousmane Dembélé!
I no longer know if I am a lefty or a righty, I shoot with both feet: Ousmane Dembélé!
Bring the cup home, go the Blues go!
20 years after, it's the moment, go the Blues, go!
Bring the cup home, go the Blues go!
20 years after we are champions, go the Blues, go!
What's his name? Kanté! N'Golo, N'Golo Kanté!
What's his name? Kanté! N'Golo, N'Golo Kanté!
What's his name? Kanté! N'Golo, N'Golo Kanté!
What's his name? Kanté! N'Golo, N'Golo Kanté!
Maestro Kimpembé!
Kimpembé, Kimpembé, Kimpembé
Kimpembé, Kimpembé, Kimpembé
The middle is assured, forward-defense, Paulo, Paulo, Paul Pogba!
The pick*: Paulo, Paulo, Paul Pogba!
Bring the cup home, go the Blues go!
20 years after, it's the moment, go the Blues, go!
Bring the cup home, go the Blues go!
20 years after we are champions, go the Blues, go!
Hey, Hey, we are together, hey!
Antoine Griezmann, penalty, we are together, hey!
Hey, Hey, we are together, hey!
Nabil Fekir, Tolisso, we are together, hey!
Hey, Hey, we are together, hey!
Pavard, Rami, Hernández, we are together, hey!
Hey, Hey, we are together, hey!
Mandanda, Lloris, Sidibé, we are together, hey!
Olivier Giroud, N'Zonzi, we are together, hey!
Raphaël Varanne, Flo Thauvin, we are together, hey!
Thomas Lemar, Areola, we are together hey!
It is Vegedream of Gagnoa
Didier Deschamps, thank you very much, we are together
We are together

I've been ready for a long time

(Spoken: We're about to get going, Your Highness!)
Even if you hate me
My plan is prepared
And you all deserve what you get!
'Be quiet!')
And you say I'm bad
That's fine by me
But I want justice to prevail
(Please listen to me!)
It can only go forward
There's no turning back
Compliance is over and done with
I will do what I must
Until the bitter end
I'll give everything, yes, everything, yes, everything
I've been ready for a long time!
('Captain, are you sure that you want to come with us?'
'Honestly I'm not that convinced any more. I will only hold you back.'
'But we need someone to lead us!'
'That won't be me, but you.')
It is time to rise up
And there's no turning back
Now prove your steadfastness!
And I swear on my sword
Our goal is worth it
You'll give everything
Yes, everything, yes, everything!
I've been ready for a long time!
('There you are!'
'Yes, I've just finished up in the kitchen. I've been informed that you'll get along with this one here.'
'Oh yes, and how!')
'Do you believe we can do it?'
'Together no one can stop us!'
'You should listen to me'
'And trust me'
'He admits everything' [?] 1
And there's no turning back
So we'll go into the fight together...
'Protect what's dear to my heart!'
'... until the evil succumbs
And justice prevails'
'I'll give everything'
'Yes, everything'
'Yes, everything'
'I've been ready for a long, long time'
  • 1. Line unclear in original, I don't have headphones right now to listen to determine the right line.
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.


Ready as I’ll ever be (Italian)

Varian: It’s just a matter of minutes, Your Majesty
It’s wrong, I know, what I’ve done, and yet
I feel no remorse for you
La regina: Varian…
Varian: Quiet!
Horrid as it may be, it’s still no fault of mine
And justice is to be, sooner or later
La regina: I beg you, listen!
Varian: It is time for me to choose my role
The answer is already carved in stone, you know
I could never relinquish, I want to fight
I’m ready and willing to take action
The time has now doubtlessly come
Cassandra: It is time to stand up, let’s move on to action
Our path is already carved in stone, you know
Raise your swords, are you in? Get on board
Are you ready?
Eugene: I am
Guards: We are, we are
Cassandra: The time has now doubtlessly come
The king: Do you think we’ll make the grade?
Rapunzel: United, I say we will
Varian: They’ll listen to me
Choir: It is time to win or to lose, but
Cassandra: Trust me
Choir: We’re going to fight, come what may
Rapunzel: My family is in trouble
Choir: No hindrance can frighten us, because
Eugene: We are ready
Cassandra: I am
The king and Rapunzel: We are
Varian: That time has now doubtlessly come

O, how sweet is holy love

1. O, how sweet is holy love
And the word is sublime
Life always is a delight
For with the Lord we overcome.
/: Even if the mountains crumble
Into the depths of the seas
We do not fear at all
Our Savior is with us. : /
2. If faith is the foundation
Like a granite stone
Peace is the noble messenger
For the righteous.

Amikor készen állsz

Talán túlzásba vittem az italokat, de erre volt szükségem
Remélem nem gondolod önteltnek, amit mondok
Amikor körbenézek találkozik a pillantásunk
Mintha valaki egy viccet mesélt volna és csak mi nevetünk
Nem tudom miért próbálkozom, mert nincs más olyan, mint te
Ismerős csalódás minden alkalommal, amikor megteszem
Minden este a karjaim nincsenek körülötted
Az agyam viszont körülötted forog
Baby, szólj amikor készen állsz, én várok
Baby, bármikor is állsz készen, én várok
Akár tíz év elteltével is, ha még nem találtál magadnak valakit, ígérem én itt leszek
Szólj, amikor készen állsz, én várok
Mi van, ha apukámnak igaza van, amikor azt mondja te vagy az igazi
Nem is tudok ezzel szembeszállni, nem is fogok veszekedni vele
Amikor késő este hívlak és tudom már ágyban vagy
Mert én három órával mögötted járok, olyan mintha te mindig hat órával előttem lennél
Nem tudom miért próbálkozom, mert nincs más olyan, mint te
Ismerős csalódás minden alkalommal, amikor megteszem
Minden este a karjaim nincsenek körülötted
Az agyam viszont körülötted forog
Baby, szólj amikor készen állsz, én várok
Baby, bármikor is állsz készen, én várok
Akár tíz év elteltével is, ha még nem találtál magadnak valakit, ígérem én itt leszek
Szólj, amikor készen állsz, én várom
És ha kell örökké várok
Csak egy szavadba kerül és megváltoztatom a terveimet
Igen, tudom hogy mi összetartozunk
Úgy ismerem a szívedet, mint a tenyeremet
Baby, szólj amikor készen állsz, én várok
Baby, bármikor is állsz készen, én várok
Akár tíz év elteltével is, ha még nem találtál magadnak valakit, ígérem én itt leszek
Szólj amikor készen állsz, én várok
Baby, szólj amikor készen állsz, én várok
Baby, bármikor is állsz készen, én várok
Akár tíz év elteltével is, ha még nem találtál magadnak valakit, ígérem én itt leszek
Szólj amikor készen állsz, én várok
Én várok


The breaths that I will take today
The places that I will rest in today
I’m living like this today
The dreams that I dreamed last night
That I left on the bottom of my bed
Covers my exhausted heart
As I close my eyes, it’s alright
In a shape that’s a bit different from others
I fall asleep alone
When morning comes again and I open my eyes
I want to smile
On a night like tonight
If I can stay in this dream
If I can hope for things I can’t
If I can not be afraid, just like you
On a day like today
When old tears that I thought dried up, flow again
My small heart that hasn’t fallen asleep
Like the birds that fly
In the endlessly far sky
I don’t wanna look back
Past this road, Spring is somewhere
Rain falls on the strengthlessly stopped world
So today grows again
I’m living that day
On a night like tonight
If I can stay in this dream
If I can hope for things I can’t
If I can not be afraid, just like you
On a day like today
When old tears that I thought dried up, flow again
My small heart that hasn’t fallen asleep
My lonely day

You Feel The Same

I know your every word, every gesture by heart.
Between us, there's calm like before storm, I know it.
Nothing counts for me today.
Believe me, I don't exist without you.
Always when I close my eyes, I have the same dream.
When you're by my side now,
at least for a while,
I know that maybe I have no chances but
I want to believe in myself for the first time. When
you're by my side, I feel strength.
I want to overcome all the fear but
all the time I wonder if you feel this way too.
all the time I wonder if you feel this way too
When you're by my side,
day by day, I feel my every mistake more strongly.
Now or never, I'll take this first step.
If dreams make sense today,
in which direction should I run after them?
I will fight will all my power to be able to protect you.
When you're by my side now,
at least for a while,
I know that maybe I have no chances but
I want to believe in myself for the first time. When
you're by my side, I feel strength.
I want to overcome all the fear but
all the time I wonder if you feel this way too.
all the time I wonder if you feel this way too
When you're by my side,
all the time I wonder if you feel this way too.
When you're by my side,
I feel strength.
All the time I wonder if you feel this way too.
All the time I wonder if you feel this way too.
When you're by my side,
I feel strength,
when you're by my side.
Do you feel the same?
Do you feel the same?

The Second Time

In the middle of the night, I hear whispers outside the window.
I run down quickly and I catch a breath in my lungs (ooo, ooo)
The calm like before the storm, sleep under eyelids.
I guess I no longer follow my thoughts (ooo, ooo)
We only have the sky full of stars like never before,
a million words, the hum in the head, I miss only you here.
The sky full of stars. There'll be no tomorrow.
Such a dream may not repeat second time (ooo, ooo)
Such a dream may not repeat second time (ooo, ooo)
Such a dream may not repeat second time (ooo, ooo)
Today, they only whisper about me behind my back.
As long as we have each other, I don't wan to think about what's behind us (ooo, ooo)
Problems become so light again
and I believe more strongly, I want to live the way I want (ooo, ooo)
We only have the sky full of stars like never before,
a million words, the hum in the head, I miss only you here.
The sky full of stars. There'll be no tomorrow.
Such a dream may not repeat second time (ooo, ooo)
Such a dream may not repeat second time (ooo, ooo)
Such a dream may not repeat second time (ooo, ooo)
You and me will stop time on the run.
All alone, embraced with the warmth of stars.
You and me...
We have each other...
We only have the sky full of stars like never before,
a million words, the hum in the head, I miss only you here.
The sky full of stars. There'll be no tomorrow.
Such a dream may not repeat second time (ooo, ooo)
Such a dream may not repeat second time (ooo, ooo)
Such a dream may not repeat second time

Tears and Fists in the Walls

Her heart in your hand, she says
She lies to you so that you take care of her
But your angel is a demon with a harp, in fact
And he wants, wants
To touch the chords in your bed and on your music
She says, says, says that she doesn't want you to hit
The walls with your fists
You know that she lies and she would like tears, too
Tears and fists in the walls, tears and fists in the walls, fists in the walls
You tell her
Tears and fists in the walls
Tears and fists in the walls
The saddest phrase is 'all will be well'
Tears and fists in the walls
Tears and fists in the walls
From the so many boys drunk for girls like you.
With eyes of glass, with black clothes in the suitcase
It's the supreme test, it's a last message, last message
It's a violent dance, you learn different steps
She throws her arguments at you
You shut up and climb, floor to floor
She says, says, says that she doesn't want you to hit
The walls with your fists
You know that she lies and she would like tears, too
Tears and fists in the walls, tears and fists in the walls, fists in the walls
You tell her
Tears and fists in the walls
Tears and fists in the walls
The saddest phrase is 'all will be well'
Tears and fists in the walls
Tears and fists in the walls
From the so many boys drunk for girls like you.
Lie to her, because it won't hurt anymore
And tell her that she's beautiful
And often in her dreams
You ask her hand in marriage
But today your soul
Will break into four, you tell her,
Just one more time, 'love,' just one more time by name
You tell her
Tears and fists in the walls
Tears and fists in the walls
The saddest phrase is 'all will be well'
Tears and fists in the walls
Tears and fists in the walls
From the so many boys drunk for girls like you.
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!


Don't you ever waste your life
spread your wings little and pretty butterfly
whatever anyone says don't lose your sleep at night
whatever anyone says, shh
go away quietly
My feet don't touch the ground
I don't hear a single word
you keep on blabbering but oh yeah
go, walk over there
I'm too gorgeous to worry oh yeah
It's meaningless
I don't listen
keep on shouting, trust me
Mama told me not to waste my life
She said, 'Spread your wings, my little butterfly'
Don't let what they say keep you up at night
And they can't detain you 'cause wings are made to fly
And we don't let nobody bring us down
No matter what you say, it won't hurt me
Don't matter if I fall from the sky
These wings are made to fly
That runway becomes hot
when I arrive
I don't need to get ready no no
talk even if the sky is divided
I don't care at all oh yeah
It's meaningless
I don't listen
keep on shouting, trust me
Mama told me not to waste my life
She said, 'Spread your wings, my little butterfly'
Don't let what they say keep you up at night
And they can't detain you 'cause wings are made to fly
And we don't let nobody bring us down
No matter what you say, it won't hurt me
Don't matter if I fall from the sky
These wings are made to fly
I don't need no one saying hey, hey, hey, hey
I don't hear no one saying hey (hey), hey (hey), hey (hey), hey (hey)
You better keep on walking, I don't wanna hear your talking, boy
You better keep on walking, I don't wanna hear your talking, boy
just keep walking
don't say anything and pass by (Boy)
just keep walking
don't say anything and pass by (Boy)
It's meaningless
I don't listen
keep on shouting, trust me
Mama told me not to waste my life
She said, 'Spread your wings, my little butterfly' (my little butterfly)
Don't let what they say keep you up at night
And they can't detain you 'cause wings are made to fly
And we don't let nobody bring us down
No matter what you say, it won't hurt me
Don't matter if I fall from the sky
These wings are made to fly
And we don't let nobody bring us down
No matter what you say, it won't hurt me
Don't matter if I fall from the sky
These wings are made to fly
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.


Aw, gyere ide te kis másoló,
a bábom vagy
és tudod, hogy szeretem.
Aw, gyere ide te kis másoló,
a bábom vagy,
nézd hogy működik baby.
Meg tudod csinálni, meg tudod csinálni,
meg tudod csinálni, én már megtettem.
[Verse 1]
Nézz magadra, de vagy a legjobb,
mindenre amit teszel, emlékezni fogunk.
Milyen okos.
Annyira odavagyok ezért a ruháért,
azért vettem meg öt éve.
Annyira odavagyok a hajadért,
ezért vágattam le (levágattam, levágattam).
(Boldog születésnapot akarsz)
Aw, gyere ide te kis másoló,
a bábom vagy
és tudod, hogy szeretem.
Aw, gyere ide te kis másoló,
a bábom vagy,
nézd hogy működik baby.
Meg tudod csinálni, meg tudod csinálni,
meg tudod csinálni, én már megtettem.
[Verse 2]
Naprakészen tartod magad?
Tudod az igazat,
és ha nem önmagam lennék,
akkor olyan akarnék lenni mint te.
Megbabonázódom a hangodtól,
annyira underground, annyira ritka vagy
(A Nap, a Hold és a csillagok)
és a koreográfia is angyali.
Aw, gyere ide te kis másoló,
a bábom vagy
és tudod, hogy szeretem.
Aw, gyere ide te kis másoló,
a bábom vagy,
nézd hogy működik baby.
Meg tudod csinálni, meg tudod csinálni,
meg tudod csinálni, én már megtettem.
Aw, gyere ide te kis másoló,
a bábom vagy
és tudod, hogy szeretem.
Aw, gyere ide te kis másoló,
a bábom vagy,
nézd hogy működik baby.
Meg tudod csinálni, meg tudod csinálni,
meg tudod csinálni, én már megtettem.
Aw, gyere ide te kis másoló,
a bábom vagy
és tudod, hogy szeretem.
Aw, gyere ide te kis másoló,
a bábom vagy,
nézd hogy működik baby.
Meg tudod csinálni, meg tudod csinálni,
meg tudod csinálni, én már megtettem.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

I praise You

1. Before my birth, when I didn't even exist,
From heaven You saw me ever since.
When I had no face, no one day of life,
You wrote my name in the Book of Life.
R: /: I praise You! I praise You!
I praise You for loving my soul.
You're Holy, You're Right, You're Good, You're Great
I praise You for You are the only God! : /
2. Hidden, You search me and load me with love and mercy
And every time I wake up, you're with me.
O, how wonderful are your works!
That's why, Lord, I praise Your name.
3. Wherever I go, You are always with me,
With You even night is a day.
With You I won't ever be disgraced
For Your hand will lead me.

I'm there too

Versions: #2
Answers, I haven't got any
Never had them, and will never have
Questions, I have as many as you want
And you
Not even you will stop me
Not even you will manage to
I'm not
That kind of man and will never be
I don't know if the way is right or if
I've got lost and it's
Too late
To go back, so
It's better if I go away
Don't think about it, it's my fault
This world
Won't be mine
I don't know
If it's just fantasy
Or if it's only madness
That star far up there
I follow it, and, even though I know
I won't reach it
I can say
I'm there too
It hasn't
Been easy, because
No one else but me
Believed in it
But now I know
That you
See what I see
Your world is like mine
And you've looked
Through the man I am and will be
Maybe they'll say that
Nothing can exist
That can't be touched, counted or bought, because
Who's deserted doesn't want something to bloom inside you
And I know
It's not a fantasy
It wasn't madness
That star
You see it, too
I follow it, and now I know
I'll reach it
Because in the world
There's me too
Because in the world
There's me too
There's me too
I'm there too
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Fairy Dreaming

'I want you and love you, fairy dreaming.'
On nights I can't sleep I count stars,
And I call out to you just once more.
'Midnight,' like a phantom of blood,
Twinkles at a noisy town.
'Here really' I could not tell
A cherished little lie.
Dream of one night, my beloved.
The dream will never again
Have the power to stop time.
I don't want to forget this moment.
'I love you fairy dreaming.'
Oh show me that dream, that final dream,
Even the sweet vision of a sunlit night, just now
'I love you so.'
A cherished little lie
That I've been holding since that day.
I can say good-bye if it's now.
'I love you fairy dreaming.'

The moon that there isn't

I know you, the nostalgia
that suddenly takes you
slow down a little the run
that took off your breath and disappointed you.
If the world around us
never looks like us,
share it with me
I'll take it and throw it far away.
And bright in the night
you'll be the moon that there isn't.
In the lightest air
your warm hand on me.
And maybe you can't even figure out
how big is this sky
how much space there is here inside of me
and there will be now that
you too you want me so
You'll find your magics again
Little star in love
for how long the night will last
in this just born night
The darkness will bring
his ghosts with him,
and if you couldn't sleep
I'll listen to you and hug you harder.
And bright in the night
you'll be the moon that there isn't.
How tenderly
you come closer and you loose yourself in me.
And maybe you can't even figure out
how big is this sky
how much space there is here inside of me
and there will be now that
you too want me so
How tenderly
you come closer and you loose yourself in me.
And maybe you can't even figure out
how big is this sky
how much space there is here inside of me
and there will be now that
you too you want me so
now that you want me so
you too.

Germany Olé

Olé-olé, olé-olé, olé-olé, Germany Olé.
Olé-olé, olé-olé, olé-olé, Germany Olé.
Black-red-gold are our colours
They can be seen everywhere
And the eagle that we carry
Lets us burst limits.
It is Russia's great soul
That somehow moves us,
And we're on a wave
that carries us to Moscow.
With heart, body and soul,
for the colours of the nation,
for all time, a whole life:
football our religion.
With heart, body and soul,
only victory is our goal.
We stand up if we should fall
and still are in the game.
Olé-olé, olé-olé, olé-olé, Germany Olé.
Olé-olé, olé-olé, olé-olé, Germany Olé.
We have walked the way so far already,
have achieved so much,
waited long for it,
but it wasn't always easy.
It is Russia's great soul
That somehow moves us,
And we're on a wave
that carries us to Moscow.
With heart, body and soul,
for the colours of the nation,
for all time, a whole life:
football our religion.
With heart, body and soul,
only victory is our goal.
We stand up if we should fall
and still are in the game.
Olé-olé, olé-olé, olé-olé, Germany Olé.
Olé-olé, olé-olé, olé-olé, Germany Olé.
With heart, body and soul,
for the colours of the nation,
for all time, a whole life:
football our religion.
With heart, body and soul,
only victory is our goal.
We stand up if we should fall
and still are in the game.
Olé-olé, olé-olé, olé-olé, Germany Olé.
Olé-olé, olé-olé, olé-olé, Germany Olé.

With one word

With one word
You, through the Holy Spirit
You've changed my steps on the earth
You've paved my way
You've guarded my life
Because first You loved me
/: Jesus, I thank you
And I glorify You
All I give You is so very little
I miss meeting You
I want to watch You
And to tell how much I love You. : /
I've often seen
Through thunderstorms and rains
Your arm stretched out to me
You've embraced my thought
You've rebuked the hard waves
So I was able to remain quiet.
I've often seen
How in the painful wounds
You poured out of the divine oil
With one word
You defeated the evil one
And You gave me the strength to sing again.
I've often seen
Through the gathering clouds
Your arm stretched out to me
So that I overcame many challenges
Because You have been my shield
And You've kept me in the holy grace.


I block my ears and listen to you
I close my eyes and draw you out
But you have flowed away, you have passed by
In my memories, so I can’t even catch you
I linger (linger)
I linger (linger)
The memories of love are playing with me
One more time, one more time
I can’t believe it has ended like this
With just this
All those promises how, how?
I hold in my breath and breath you in
I ball my fists and stroke you
But you have flowed away, you have passed by
In my memories that I can’t even have anymore
I linger (linger)
I linger (linger)
The memories of love are playing with me
One more time, one more time
I can’t believe it has ended like this
With just this
All those promises how, how?
Though it hurts, though I’ll get hurt, I can only live with you
A life without you is like death to me
I can’t step forward or move backward so
What do I do?
I linger
I’ve come to an end (ever since the day you left me)
I’ve come to an end (ever since you day you threw me away)
Ever since the day you left me, I’m falling little by little
One more time, one more time
I can’t believe it has ended like this
With just this
All those promises how, how?

You're my love

Look, the moon is rising,
The stars are lighting up again,
For the umpteenth time you're saying
That I'm the most beautiful.
Look, the clouds are hiding the moon,
Love is ruling now,
Two hearts are beating like a single one,
The whole world is mine.
Only you, my soul,
Only you're my love,
Only you, and my heart
Is feeling love.
When morning comes, in your arms
The dawn is waking me up gently,
How beautiful life is,
Love is like a flight.
The heart is pounding crazily
When I'm thinking about you,
But at night, under the moonlight,
I'm melting because of love.
© Vladímir Sosnín