Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 16

Találatok száma: 604


In my place

It's so weird
How it can hit you
When you think that you've forgotten
It returns
I see it on Insta
I look everyday
And it hurts me
It drains me
By the last drop of hope
You won't ever return to me
And somehow, I'd like to fool myself
But it's even better for you to remain where it's best for you
It's better to look at you
I knew since I met you
This precipice is bottomless
But I jumped
She wears the clothes
That I wore sometime
She kisses the fingers
That I kissed
She loves you wonderfully
You, my Cosmos
I hope that you found what you wanted
Something even better in my place
I don't want you anymore
I don't feel you anymore
I don't sing you anymore
And your clothes,
I don't wear them anymore
But I still hold onto them
I don't want to bring you back, I don't want to do again what I can't
I can't hold onto you
You are fire, you're a storm, and a drug, and poison
I can't have you, you're too strong, too much
I knew from the start that it would hurt, and it really hurt
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

The spring wind

Open the window so that I can get inside,
Open the window so that I can get inside,
I'm the spring wind!
I'm the spring wind!
We won't open because we haven't got any window!
We won't open because we haven't got any window!
Buy yourselves a window!
Buy yourselves a window!
Where can we buy a window?
Where can we buy a window?
It's your problem!
It's your problem!
It's your problem!
© Vladímir Sosnín

My first kiss

My first kiss came ...
rather later than sooner,
I was 16 and had that silly little mustache.
She approached me ...
which was not as bad as if I had to do it,
as perhaps I would still be more of a virgin than Mary.
But we all have that moment
when there is no other way out.
She told me: 'I hope that's the cellphone',
when my pants started to shake,
and I told her: 'no, my dear - that's my manhood,
that has been hidden for 16 long years '.
On the way home we stopped in 100 gateways
and I was only able to unbutton a few of her buttons.
That's why when I went to piss
- you can't imagine
the pain in my pants
When a local cop showed up telling me:
'Come on kid, what are you doing pissing on the sidewalk?'
It took her 5 seconds to tell the cop:
'I don't even know him',
exactly as long as it took me
to hide my crown jewels in their satchel
My first kiss was ...
rather contradictory,
True, there was pleasure ...
but also pain of a thousand demons.
Well, I never thought
that the first time would hurt so much
that you would stay hotter
than the tip of devil's pitchfork.
And finally came the difficult moment
for the sad farewell ...
She gave me a phone number to call her
and it turned out to be that of a Chinese restaurant,
When I called asking for Yolanda
and a Chinese man read to me the categories of fried rice,
thunderbolts and lightning started to appear
over my head, as in a cartoon ...
I was sad and devastated, with the only consolation
of having touched ... noses.
When your father discovered in your bag
A suspicious smell that came from down there. )*
On the following weekend,
when we came face to face,
she did not even want to say hello to me.
When I said in a funny voice:
'Baby, I'm your soda,
shake me before you use me. '
And just as my journey in love began,
The worst thing is that years went by and I haven't improved much.
I'm still that skinny kid ...
The truth is that I haven't kissed anyone since then
nor will I ever do it again with my eyes closed,
that is only for lovers who spend their lives in the dreamworld.

This Soul

This soul longs for you
This soul, for you, it longs
And you left as if you liked [our] separation
And you left behind what was between us for fire and ashes
The soul...
The soul...
The soul...
This soul longs for you
This soul, for you, it longs

Bad blood

Red flows it in the Venes
a black heart drives it
supplied with gloomy plans
with furiousness force
inflames it head and body
and searches what creates suffering
full of malignity
occulted are the senes
forgiveness is exiled
crossed raises the voice
clenching the fist
a word leads to the other
sharp-tounged tears wounds
brings Pain like a sword strike
wraps you in hard ice
spirits of vengeance quietly surrounding you
out the round dance jumps the fury
bad blood
the vengeance is your desire
once you have been noble and good
bad blood
Dame Fortuna has forgotten you
distrust has eaten away at you
and you seek only for bad
you are weaving your web of intrigues
and you keep the pot boiling
as a incarnate plague
with cunning and pain and anger
are you feeding your bad blood
spirits of vengeance quietly surrounding you
out the round dance jumps the fury
bad blood
the vengeance is your desire
once you have been noble and good
Disease in your vein
Insanity dictates your actions
Your luck grows up by quarrel
Your hate will never rest
You are consumed by the demon
which denatues your beeing
this way everybody should feel
you are in war with the world
spirits of vengeance quietly surrounding you
out the round dance jumps the fury
bad blood
the vengeance is your desire
once you have been noble and good
bad blood
spirits of vengeance quietly surrounding you
out the round dance jumps the fury
bad blood
You will never reach vengeance
once you have been noble and good
bad blood

come, fit into my chest (my heart)

I would hold your hands,
Even if the sky is destroyed on me,
I would relieve your wounds but,
this love is forbidden to us,
We salute to the trouble,
we didnt say ouch to the burning,
even if we burn we swore,
to keep silent, saying it is our fate
my love, your eyes are worried,
my love, your longing is so hard,
You are entrusted to me,
come, fit into my chest (my heart)

Csendes-ócáni zord

Egy nukleáris baleset
Az óceánba hány
Eldobottak által kovácsolt
Szigetnyi szemét
A folyamatos halászat
Átalakítja a lakóhelyeket
Mi a faszt csinálunk?
Biodiverzitás- most az elhalálozott lakosok monokultúrája
A hálók nem diszkriminálnak- könyörtelenek ebben az elhanyagolható életben
Ahogyan az öblök kivéreztetik a testeket, mohó árucikkeké lesznek
Ürítenek, többet, mint amennyire szükség lenne, a tudatlan nyilvánosság és a közösségi kapzsiság számára
Félelemtől megbénulva, amíg minden öböl nincsen megsemmisítve..
Sosem volt esélyük
A mi minden élőlénnyel levő
Minden kibaszott dologgal levő
Beteg románcunk ellen
Hosszú zsinóros, csalival ellátott horgok, nyílt tengeri kizsákmányolás, mohó csalók
Felesleges másodrendű fogás, haszontalannak vélve, hajóból kidobva
Tengerfenéki halászat felfedi hát a lerombolt lakóhelyeket - eltörölve a térképről
Az ökoszisztéma lélegeztetőgépe ki lett húzva, áldozatokat hagyva maga után
Kínban tengődni - ezek a halászok eljárásai
Az élet egyik rejtelme - hamarosan mind történelem leszünk
Senki sem figyel - klasszikus bánásmód
Ez a keresztelés - a kihalás felgyorsul
Sosem volt esélyünk
A bukásunkkal levő
Az élet mindenségével levő
Beteg románc ellen
Tátra nyitott szájakkal
A lábnyomatunk belép
És mikor már sehova sincs menekülés
Dagállyal érkezik a halál

I'll go through it

Versions: #2
The nights are long once again
Sit down and think
Will the sadness flowing from your eyes find a way
Who can know love without living it
You're a rose with thorns, which fades away without blooming
I don't know what tomorrow will bring
Dragging along
Who has the solution, who's responsible?
What's the price of your betrayal towards my love
My pain, my grief, my thoughts
Let it be
I'll go through it
I know how it'll end, I'll endure it on my own
I won't seek help from anyone
I will walk away

Feeling like fragile leaf

I feel like a fragile leaf, shaking and stopping
My heart is in mourn can't beat freely
Because my love I saw your tiredness (çağindi = tiredness? not sure)
Slow going I finally turned fifteen
And the sky is still very heavy(on my shoulder)
Didn't know is enemy, thought was friend
This depressing person stole my heart
Wake up my dear, for the opponent is strong
For if you don't wake up I will start crying
My beloved lover, love of my life, fondness of my life
I will begone now, if you prefer to be left alone

i condemn you, heart

I condemn you, heart
you ask condition to who has no sympathy.
Instead of nightingale,
you ask the rose from crows
where do I take this secret pain of mine
your love made us blind
At the city which hasn't got any blacksmith,
you ask for shoe to your love horse
The lord has given the sight to the eye.
He is the lead, showing the way out.
You asking to silent and deaf,
the road through seasons.
you despise the 'pir dede'*
you don't listen to him
you don't see your own fault
you search for the fault at everybody else.

Turn all to the smiles

Hush, hush
happiness and sadness, turn all to the smiles
When I meet a beautiful thing
I want someone by me
Cos I know I was born alone and shall die alone
Blue sky, blue ocean, my bare feet feel these star sands
For whom? for what?
Quietly close my eyes
Hush, hush
happiness and sadness, turn all to the smiles
Hallo's and good-bye's
then we will be happy
Everyone can be saved
This planet rotates,
the sunken sun will be the rising sun for another night
With every my step
star sands sound and soothe
Wandering the white city, everyone seeking the path
Go, go
happiness and sadness, turn all to the smiles
like a scarlet flower shines brightly..under the rain, in the winds
Sing, sing
happiness and sadness, turn all to the smiles
Love is, love is the time to embrace the teardrops..such a warm time

Mama I'm a Criminal

Мама ама криминал,
С голыми руками, или в руках АК
Тебя это не коснулось? так это пока.
Ладно, мне пора, братка пока.
Мама ама криминал
Это то, чем живет детвора в забытых Богом дворах.
Хули там, Якудзы, Триада, Коза Ностры,
В России рано повзрослели дети 90-х.
Мама ама криминал
Когда те, кто у руля топят нас как котят,
Признавать их власть как принимать яд,
Чем заодно с ЧК, лучше вообще никак.
Мама ама криминал
Судьба наносит на гранит имена.
Ведь каждого в финале ждет черный пенал.
Да, ставка слишком высока.
Мама ама криминал
Когда такая делюга, по другому никак,
Каждый сам ищет выход из тупика,
У каждого свой юка.

Crime girl

She isn´t intersted in money
she isn´t intersted in money
she isn´t intersted in money
Audi or BMW
neither expensive clothes
black leather or Mercedes
She is so beautiful that hurts
she love valuables things
she´s never gonna be yours
she want just me
Just me
She, she, she want just me
Oh, what body she has
all club is looking
eyes like Emina, lips like Severina
this girl rising me lke Maijana
she is labile like Ana, rolls like Rihana
She is fine girl
if it´s necessary she´ll be crime girl
she´s not far away from the criminal
she kills with her body, kill me, kill me, girl
She isn´t intersted in money
Audi or BMW
neither expensive clothes
black leather or Mercedes
She is so beautiful that hurts
she love valuables things
she´s never gonna be yours
she want just me
Just me
She, she, she want just me
Just me
Neither trucks or millions
neither dollars or euros
neither silicons or planes
she want just me
She is fine girl
if it´s necessary she´ll be crime girl
she´s not far away from the criminal
she kills with her body, kill me, kill me, girl
She isn´t intersted in money
Audi or BMW
neither expensive clothes
black leather or Mercedes
She is so beautiful that hurts
she love valuables things
she´s never gonna be yours
she want just me
Just me
She, she, she want just me
Just me
She want just me


I dreamed of a far, far, far-off future
As I dozed off.
I walked along through unknown scenery,
Thinking about my real tomorrow.
I don't know what my schedule will look like a year from now,
But there's one thing I know for certain...
Even if hundreds of years pass
We'll experience love,
Get hurt,
Then face forward...
Time and time again.
With buildings reaching into the sky
And streets filled with dancing light,
Please don't let
This precious feeling
Ever change:
All the meaningless days we spent
Were linked to the future all along.
If this place is a future that someone dreamed of,
We've got to keep on smiling.
Even if the words change before we can get them out,
We'll be dreaming of tomorrow just the same.
Since hundreds of years ago,
We've experienced love,
And felt down...
Time and time again.
With the sky we look up to now
And yesterday's signs of rain,
Precious feeling
Is connecting us:
As the moments build upon one another,
We become an unknown future.
No matter the time,
I'm sure someone will be there,
Falling in love with someone else.
Even if hundreds of years pass
We'll experience love,
Get hurt,
Then face forward...
Time and time again.
With buildings reaching into the sky
And streets filled with dancing light,
Please don't let
This precious feeling
Ever change:

Friends from Another Place

Don't you disrespect me, little man!
No one can erase me, or break me
My world has rules
And friends from another place
(Friends from another place)
That's just an echo, gentlemen
A little something we have here in Louisiana
Just a cheap trick, I wouldn't worry
Let your bodies rest, let your heads detach
If you'll relax I could do for you, anything I desire
The future is clear to me, I'll change it if you want
If I'll look into your souls
[You do have a soul, don't you, Lawrence?]
Dreams will come true
I got voodoo
I got hoodoo
I got many things to tell
And friends in another place
(Friends in another place)
The card, the card, the card will tell
The past, the present, and of course the future
Pick three - from my hand
Come and let's take a peek at the future
Now, he traveled just to see me
You can tell he's sensitive and royal
[I'm a royal myself on my mother's side]
He lives with style, but his pocket lacks
We need to find him a woman whose father's a millionaire
[Your mom and dad aren't supporting you, playboy?]
[Eh... too bad, but true]
[Now you wanna get hitched, but hitching ties you down.
You wanna be free, hop from place to place.
But you know, freedom costs.]
Greens, greens are missing
It's all in the cards, a sweet and green future
I don't have too much time for the little man
You've been controlled you whole life
Those who control you are your mother, your sister and your brother as well
And if you'll get married then - your wife will control you right away
In the card you can clearly see a future
Where you are the man you always dreamed of being
[Let's shake hands. Come on boys.
Won't you shake - a poor sinner's hand? Yes...!]
Now's the moment!
(Now's the moment)
Now's THE moment!
Super transformation
(Super transformation)
Can you feel it
Your body's changing, every part of you is being replaced
Are you happy?
But if you're not, don't blame me
{Blame} my friends from another place
Anything you wanted!
To lose it all!

The spring kissed

The spring kissed
smoothly, the grove,
and the new green sprouted,
as a green haze.
Clouds were passing by,
over the juvenile field...
I saw the leaves trembling,
the fresh April's rains.
Under that florid almond tree,
all filled with flowers,
-I remembered- I have cursed,
my loveless youth.
Today, in the middle age,
I've stopped to meditate:
''Never-lived youth,
who will dream of you again?''
Just learning.


Mesélj arról amikor legelőször megláttál
Alig emlékszel,
Vagy fel tudod idézni úgy
Úgy ahogy volt?
Megviselt volt az arcom
Rossz napom volt
Vagy talán figyeltem
Hogy ne vesszek bele a szemed tükrébe
A szemed tükrébe újra.
És emlékszel a Földre
Hogyan forgott maga körül,
Lassan múlt az idő
Vagy rohant mint egy bolond?
És most nincs semmi az égvilágon
Ami ahhoz fogható lenne
Akik egykor voltunk
Akik jelenleg vagyunk
Amilyenek majd egy nap leszünk.
Emlékszel mikor
Legelőször megöltél
Olyan magabiztosnak tűntél
És talán véletlenül eltaláltad
És véletlenül nyertél
És megremegett a föld
Hogyan forgott maga körül,
Elrepült az idő
Vagy még mellettem maradsz?
És most nincs semmi az ég világon
Ami ahhoz fogható lenne
Akik egykor voltunk
Akik jelenleg vagyunk
Amilyenek majd egy nap leszünk.
Nem emlékszem arra
Amikor megláttalak és más voltál
Nem emlékszem arra
Amikor még a lélegzetem is elállt
Nem emlékszem az arcodra,
Amikor grimaszt csaltál az arcomra
Nem emlékszem az otthonomra
És most nincs semmi az égvilágon
Ami ahhoz fogható lenne
És akik egykor voltunk
Akik már nem vagyunk
És talán majd egy nap leszünk
Igen, de most a világnak semmi értelme
Ha egy mozdulattal az egészet elsöpörted
A történteket – akik voltunk
A napokat – akik most vagyunk
És az ürességet – akik majd egy nap leszünk
Mesélj nekem arról mikor
Legelőször szerettél

Vénusz légycsapó

Oh, miért nézel rám megint?
Oh, miért nézel rám megint?
Most miért nézel rám?
Miért nézel rám ismét?
Mi lenne ha kihúznám a fogaimat?
Ha levágnám a hajam az államig
Beburkoltam hajfürtjeimmel a világot
Szétszórom gyöngyeimet a földön
Érezd az ütemet, mint egy mesterlövész
(Mert még többet akartam)
Héj, mi van velem?
Oh, miért nézel rám?
Oh, miért nézel rám?
Héj, mi van velem?
Oh, miért nézel rám?
Oh, miért nézel rám velük ellentétben?
Cicc, cicc, cicc, cicc-micc
Miért csinálod mindig ezt?
Miért beszélsz folyton?
Igen, a Grimes fedez engem
Cicc, cicc, cicc, cicc-micc
Miért csinálod mindig ezt?
Miért beszélsz folyton?
Most miért nézel rám?
Miért nézel rám ismét?
Mi lenne ha kihúznám a fogaimat?
Ha levágnám a hajam az államig
Beburkoltam hajfürtjeimmel a világot
Szétszórom gyöngyeimet a földön
Érezd az ütemet, mint egy mesterlövész
(Mert még többet akartam)
Héj, mi van velem?
Oh, miért nézel rám?
Oh, miért nézel rám?
Héj, mi van velem?
Oh, miért nézel rám?
Oh, miért nézel rám velük ellentétben?
A föld
Mi van?
Srác rám nézel
Héj, oh miért nézel rám
Oh, miért nézel rám?
Engem velük ellentétben

I’ve been waiting for you

Surrendered into your depths
the waves have become bigger.
I’m yearning for you, I’m feeling like I’m falling into the abyss
and I’m missing your wings.
In the glass, your voice
is calling out ‘I love you’.
The nights have turned into knives, that cut in two all the happiness
I experienced into your embrace.
And I’ve been waiting for you, even though I knew
that your heart beats into other arms.
And yet I’m still holding on, I’m giving my soul and body
so I can die once again in your embrace.
I’m still here praying again
for the time to go back so I can see you,
so you can see in my eyes how much I’m hurting,
so I can tell you my last ‘I love you’.
I tried and failed to forget you,
I couldn’t save myself from you.
As much as I struggled to get over you,
how could I forget a love so divine.
How could I forget your shape,
time has stopped with you.
Come and drive away the rain that penetrates my soul
bring the sun with a glance.
And I’ve been waiting for you, even though I knew
that your heart beats into other arms.
And yet I’m still holding on, I’m giving my soul and body
so I can die once again in your embrace.
And yet I’m still holding on, even though you brought me to my knees
and didn’t keep the promises you made.
I cannot believe you’ve never loved me,
stay with me cause I’m fighting unequal battles.
Come over, I’m hurting, come back today
come over and save my fading heart.1
My sun is filled with clouds,
but I want you to know that I’d be waiting even longer.
  • 1. Honestly I'm puzzled with this sentence. Εφήμερος is something that has the lifespan of a day, so it's temporary and ephemeral. The sentence says 'come and erase my heart's ephemeral', so my logical question is what ephemeral? There should be a noun following the adjective and there is not. I changed the translation a lot but really it didn't make any sense in English the way it was.

With My Tears

The sun is about to set
Children run to play
Faces that smile
And I'm here
With my tears, like this
With wealth or I could
Buy what I would like
Not simple joy
So I am here
With my tears, like this
The sun is about to set
Another day goes away
Everyone is having fun
And I'm here
With my tears, like this

I drink

Versions: #2
Don't judge me
I have the power to lie to myself
But I don't have the power to do make myself stop feeling
I mean, I would also do this, but I need time
And time passes
It passes in vain
Because my pillow is just as wet and my bed is cold
I'm waiting for something to happen, to bind me somehow
To a subject that frees me from your figure
Zero interest, zero distractions
Zero, I have forgotten what others mean
Film after film, the ending known
Our ending hurt
I drink from his longing
I want to drink from his absence
I drink because I want to drink because I
Because I can't, can't tell him
All that I tell wine each evening
No drinking, and love kills me
World, don't judge me
I have a glass in my hand, I do what I want with my life
And so what if it's wrong, my mistake is that I chose to feel
Zero interest, zero distractions
Zero, I have forgotten what others mean
I forgot that the world outside is still alive
And I, from here, tell myself stories about nothing, just to myself
And I locked myself up at home so that it passes
From here, from the new floor, the sky is closer
And the moon bluer
But I have to leave home
I have two escapes, one on the door, the other on the window
This song is the last,
The last about him and her,
Everything passes, the good days are coming,
Pour a little more poison, pour a little more
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

The first love

The love that I can give you
it´s different from the others
let see, let touch
what I keep inside my being
You want to have it and you´ll have it
I´ll show you how you can kiss
and you´ll tremble instantly
it´s the time that you must to know
that the love isn´t the game anymore
And know you´ll learn, you´ll know
I want to enter in your heart
I want to give you what nobody gives you
I want to be your first love
and that you never forget that I was, that I was
The love that I can give you
you can´t compare with anything
from today your life will change
and you´ll leave me for nothing
You´ll take me inside you, me, no one else
It won´t be so easy for you
forget about one experience like this
it´s the time that you must to know
that the love isn´t the game anymore
And know you´ll learn, you´ll know
The love that I can give you
it´s different from the others
The love that I can give you
it´s different from the others

First love

What happens at this age
which is comes and starts to arise
that feeling of biorhythm walking more than a million
What happens at this age
when nobody wants to understands us
and around us everything is so confusing
It happens that if you don´t see, the air is extinguished
that everyone that leaves your mind follow him
that seems too strong
to leave your life to luck
that every second your world is turning
You start to fall in love, you belive in crazy things
your pulse is faster, and you just think about him
you start to fall in love, you go from girl to woman
your pupils dilate, you turnin on, you cheer up
the spark comes to your lfe
What happens at this age
when you suddenly start to feel
that with each ilusion
a dart goes straight to your heart
What happens at this age
that you cross to the freedom at once
and seeing you grow, then the mind goes away
It happens that if you don´t see, the air is extinguished
that everyone that leaves your mind follow him
that seems too strong
to leave your life to luck
that every second your world is turning
You start to fall in love, you belive in crazy things
your pulse is faster, and you just think about him
you start to fall in love, you go from girl to woman
your pupils dilate, you turnin on, you cheer up
the spark comes to your lfe
You start to fall in love, you belive in crazy things
your pulse is faster, and you just think about him
you start to fall in love and everything go upside down
your pupils dilate, you turnin on, you cheer up
the spark comes to your lfe
You start to fall in love and everything has why
your transmit happiness through the pores of your skin
you start to fall in love, you go from girl to woman
your pupils dilate, you turnin on, you cheer up
the spark comes to your lfe

Remember me

Remember me
Althought it's farewell
Remember me
Don't forget
Even if were apart, our hearts are one
I think of you and sing this song
Remember me
You can hear it from afar
Remember me
The guitar's tone color
It gently watches over and enfolds you
Until I can hug you tight again
Remember me
  • En: Prohibited the total, partial or modification reproduction of this translation without a written permission and/or consent of the author. All translations in this website are protected by .


Rising of Primorska

We used to painfully hold within
Our humiliation, our suffering
The cry of revenge we stifled on our lips
We buried it deep inside our hearts
But, look, a powerful tempest broke out
Like cobwebs the shackles were torn
The glow of the new day raced again
There to the last of Primorska homes
Machine guns sang their song
The air shook with the thunder of cannons
Wide meadows went up in flames
The call of freedom arose in the woods
Primorska, you have arisen into new life
With a raised head, stride into new times!
Through the battles, humiliation, victory, suffering
You finally found your real face

Maybe I'm half off

Versions: #2
The last resort is not even death.
I'd come if I had a little power.
In front of my eyes there's no henceforward.
Don't carry me with you, leave me.
Striking stones.
There's only me left in all this world.
Maybe I'm half off
I think the best is to count what they did.
Because I'm tired, not a problem to be dragged in pursuit,
I laugh as I run thinking I can't get anywhere.
Maybe I'm half off
If I have a heavy conversation, count my moods.
Because you changed, in fact I always say
I imagine I know you from now on.
I am a drunk, I cry
Again there's no place for me in the world.
Did you say you change later?
I said you could not take advantage of me
I do not have a lot of money.
It's four sides of the transit.
I've stopped again, waiting.
Don't worry for my heart.
Maybe I misunderstood.
I also hope that I won't give another chance.
Because it's so weird.If I would know the place where I am now, I live as painful as I can.
I wish I would not wake up anymore.
Do not start that same nightmare to save yourself.
Thinking you're dead.
It's good to know that it's over
When I woke up, I found blood from my eyes.
Maybe I'm half off
Look at your hopes as long as you remember me.
Because I'm there. There's nothing hanging on the wall.
I look at your pictures and cut them from the middle of it very carefully.
Maybe I'm half off
Always look at the sky as you fool yourself.
Because there's no sun.
I'm afraid I got lost because I'm don't exist either.
I keep silent as I listen to this in the evening.
I am a drunk, I cry
Again there's no place for me in the world.
Did you say you change later?
I said you could not take advantage of me
I do not have a lot of money.
It's four sides of the transit.
I've stopped again, waiting.
Don't worry for my heart.


Lehet, lehet, hogy meglepő,
de hiányzol,
keresztüllátok minden hazugságodon,
de még mindig hiányzol,
ő elfogadja a másik szerelmét, de az nem olyan, mint az enyém,
ízleli a csókját, de az nem részegít,
mert nem az én csókom,
ő elfogadja, de biztosan nem tud olyat adni,
amilyet én tudnék,
ő elfogadja, de a másik biztos nem tud olyat.
Ez bűn,
hogy még mindig akarlak,
és azt is akarom, hogy te is akarj engem.
A szerelmem szélesebb, szélesebb, mint a Viktória-tó,
és nagyobb, nagyobb, mint az Empire State Building.
Merül, kiemelkedik, hullámzik, mint a legmélyebb óceán,
nem tudok ennél többet adni,
biztosan visszavársz.
Ez bűn,
hogy még mindig akarlak,
és azt is akarom, hogy te is akarj engem.
A szerelmem szélesebb, mint a Viktória-tó,
és nagyobb, mint az Empire State Building,
merül és kiemelkedik,
nem tudok ennél többet adni,
biztosan visszavársz.
Ez bűn,
hogy még mindig akarlak,
és azt is akarom, hogy te is akarj engem.
Merül, kiemelkedik,
és hullámzik, mint a legmélyebb óceán,
nem tudok ennél többet adni,
biztosan visszavársz.
hogy bűn.


I feel such longing
Cause it was easy being next to you
You held me to your chest
And you shielded me from any bad
Your shirt kept me warm
The lights on the boulevard
Go out slowly, just as I do
I was yours, you were mine
I hide my eyes
I want to forget him
I was so naive when
I dreamed about a white dress and a ring
I put a hat on my head to be like him
Today, I don't, don't, don't wear mascara anymore
Today, I don't, don't, don't, don't wear mascara anymore
Today, I don't, don't, don't, don't wear mascara anymore
And I throw all my dresses into my closet
Today, I don't, don't, don't wear mascara anymore
Today, I don't, don't, don't, don't wear mascara anymore
Today, I don't, don't, don't, don't wear mascara anymore
Like an actor in my heart
You played games of love
And you saw me only as a trophy
I'm fighting with my soul, it's hard
You left, you were all that I loved
But next to you, I got lost
Cliched sentiments
Mixed up in my head
I hide my eyes
I want to forget him
I was so naive when
I dreamed about a white dress and a ring
I put a hat on my head to be like him
Today, I don't, don't, don't wear mascara anymore
Today, I don't, don't, don't, don't wear mascara anymore
Today, I don't, don't, don't, don't wear mascara anymore
And I throw all my dresses into my closet
Today, I don't, don't, don't wear mascara anymore
Today, I don't, don't, don't, don't wear mascara anymore
Today, I don't, don't, don't, don't wear mascara anymore
I put a hat on my head to be like him
Today, I don't, don't, don't wear mascara anymore
Today, I don't, don't, don't, don't wear mascara anymore
Today, I don't, don't, don't, don't wear mascara anymore
And I throw all my dresses into my closet
Today, I don't, don't, don't wear mascara anymore
Today, I don't, don't, don't, don't wear mascara anymore
Today, I don't, don't, don't, don't wear mascara anymore

I Wait for You

I wait for You
I watch for the Lord
I long for Your presence
I want to be where You are
I long for Your presence
Let me stay with You for awhile
The Lord who satisfies me
I thirst for Your presence
Let me be filled up by You, Jesus
I looked for You in the holy place
In order to see Your glory
My soul searches for You, desires You
I long for Your presence

The Sun

The sun loomed prancing at night
Oh night, oh my eyes1, oh how beautiful is the sun at night!
Oh how did the sun loom at night?
Oh how beautiful is the sun at night!
Oh night, oh night, prancing at night
Oh, my God, how could such beauty suddenly loom
and show up in the room as the window got opened?
Oh, my God, what a beauty!
How did it enter the room and how did the doors get opened?
Oh night, oh night, prancing at night
The sun loomed prancing at night
Oh night, oh my eyes2, oh how beautiful is the sun at night!
Oh how did the sun loom at night?
Oh how beautiful is the sun at night!
Oh night, oh night, prancing at night
  • 1. 'Oh night, eyes' is the Arabic equivalent of 'la la la'. It doesn't always need to make sense, like humming.
  • 2. 'Oh night, eyes' is the Arabic equivalent of 'la la la'
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.


Marimar, tengerparti lány vagyok
Nagyszüleimmel nőttem fel
A szép és meleg tengernél
Ami mindent megadott nekem
Amikor a szerelem rabul ejtett
Marimar, tengerparti lány vagyok
Mennyire akartam azt
Hogy bosszúból legyek szerelmes
És a tenger ahogy mindent megadott nekem
Ahogy jött a hullám, úgy elvitt mindent.
Marimar, Marimar
Amikor a szív parancsol
Mindig és mindig a szerelem parancsol.
Marimar, tengerparti lány vagyok
Nagyszüleimmel nőttem fel
A szép és meleg tengernél
Ami mindent megadott nekem
Amikor a szerelem rabul ejtett
Marimar, tengerparti lány vagyok
A szerelem miatt üldöztem őt
Csak egy álom volt az.
Amikor az életem megváltozott
Ahogy ő felismert engem.
Sosem mondd, hogy soha.

The first time I saw you

Versions: #2
The first time I saw you
I fell in love with your eyes,
the first time I saw you
I fell in love with your eyes.
From that moment on I loved you,
(and) I will love you until I die.1
Come closer my beloved,
savior of my life,
come closer my beloved,
savior of my life.
Reveal yourself and talk to me
about the secrets of your life.
The first time I saw you
I fell in love with your eyes,
the first time I saw you
I fell in love with your eyes.
  • 1. lit. 'I will love you to the grave'.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).