A keresés eredménye oldal 3
Találatok száma: 146
Álom a repülésről
Ha egyszer majd felrepülsz,Akkor fogod majd eldönteni,
Az eget nézve megtudod,
Szíved itt érzi magát otthon.
Ha egyszer majd felrepülsz,
Akkor fogod majd eldönteni,
Az eget nézve megtudod,
Szíved itt érzi magát otthon.
Az első nagy madár
A Nap felé fog repülni,
Átsuhanva a nagy Ceceri hegyen,
Dicsőséggel és csodával megtölti az univerzumot.
Ha egyszer majd felrepülsz,
Akkor fogod majd eldönteni,
Az eget nézve megtudod,
Szíved itt érzi magát otthon.
Az ember majd felemelkedik a saját alkotása által,
Mint a madarak az égbe...
Dicsőséggel és csodával megtölti az univerzumot.
Ha egyszer majd felrepülsz,
Akkor fogod majd eldönteni,
Az eget nézve megtudod,
Szíved itt érzi magát otthon.
Dicsőség! Dicsőség!
Ha a szemeink beszélni tudnának,A szívek nem válaszolnának,
Ha hullanak a könnyeink,
És elhaladnak a szánk mellett
Ha egyszer az ajtód előtt látsz a napfelekeltében
Magam se tudnám megmondani az okát
Ha azt mondod, köztünk szó sem lehet róla,
Mindent visszaszívok, amit eddig mondtam
Ha azt kérded, mi lenne velem nélkülünk,
Olyan lennék, mint egy csepp víz az óceánban,
Ha azt kérded, mi lenne velem nélkülünk,
Egy olyan szerelmes éjszakát szülne, melyet sosem felejtesz el
Ha a szerelem jelent mindent,
De a szavaink elszállnak,
Ha jobban szeretnélek téged,
Mint te engem
Ha egyszer az ajtód előtt látsz a napfelekeltében
Magam se tudnám megmondani az okát
Ha azt mondod, köztünk szó sem lehet róla,
Mindent visszaszívok, amit eddig mondtam
Ha azt kérded, mi lenne velem nélkülünk,
Olyan lennék, mint egy csepp víz az óceánban,
Ha azt kérded, mi lenne velem nélkülünk,
Egy olyan szerelmes éjszakát szülne, melyet sosem felejtesz el
Ha egy nap, mikor visszajössz,
Rájössz, hogy már nem vagyok itt,
És nem találsz mást, csak egy vörös Viszlátot
A nappali falára festve
És ha nem érzed a szívedben,
Hogy elhagy téged a lelked,
És hogy a talaj a lábad alatt
Elhalványul és eltűnik
Látom, ahogy előttem állsz az utcán,
Nem fogom elrejteni, hogy szeretlek, miközben sírok,
Mert nem állhatsz ellen annak, akit szeretsz,
Bármennyire is szeretnéd
Bármennyire is szeretnéd
Bármennyire is szeretnéd
Az összes feltételt magad mögött hagyni
If, if our eyes speakbut our hearts don't answer
If, if the tears fall
and pass by the lips
If, if you see me in front of your door at sunrise
it will be difficult for me to ask you for the reason
If you tell me that there will be no 'us' ever again
I will take back everything I have told you
If you ask me what I would be without us
I would be a drop in a tempest
If you ask me what I would be without us
I would be the love of a night you would never forget
If, if love is everything
and our words are wasted
If, if I loved you a lot
more than you loved me
If, if through your window you see me standing
in the rain, I will leave without your gaze
Whatever you say, out of honor, I will accept it
I will take back everything I have told you
If you ask me what I would be without us
I would be a drop in a tempest
If you ask me what I would be without us
I would be the love of a night you would never forget
If one day, when you come back
you realize I'm not there
and you find a red goodbye
on the wall in the living room
And if you don't feel it in your chest
that your soul is leaving you
and that the ground beneath your feet
is getting lost and fading...
If I see you standing in front of me in the street
I won't hide my 'I love you' while crying
Because you cannot resist the one you love
As much as you would like...
As much as you would like...
As much as you would like...
to leave all the 'ifs' behind!
Out of the window
Versions: #1Out of window there is
a bloom of apricot 1
and warmth of
the single bloom
Out of window there are
lush green leaves to my eyes,
voice of lesser cuckoo 2
and ah, first bonito of the season 3
Out of window there is
crisp autumn breeze
circling around mountains
and hear a voice of a temple bell 4
How long is
remaining life?
This night is fleeting
life is short
Out of window there is
snow chilling my house
I just lie in bed, imagining it
just imagining 5
Out of window there is
a joyous flower of roof iris 6
that blooms white
in this spring evening
- 1. Usually blooms in the end of winter and annonces the arrival of spring
- 2. Cuculus poliocephalus, its voice announces the arrival of summer
- 3. In Japanese culture, not only bonito, the first harvest of fish or vegetable is believed to bring good luck and health. First bonito appears in early summer.
- 4. gigantic bells usually placed at Buddhism temples
- 5. Shiki Masaoka, original auther, made this line while he's ill in bed. With unusual snowfall in Tokyo, he could not go out to see snow and just imagine or think of snow with what is seen from window.
- 6. Iris tectorum. Japanese traditional name ichihatsu reads 'ichi'=one,first and 'hatsu'=for the first time. Because it blooms earliest among other species of iris.
You're not
You're not like the other lovesI feel so strong with you
You're not like the other loves
You're my last stop
I've been going to nightclubs
And fell for loves that lasted one night
But I found a place in your heart
So as not to fall into the mud again
You're not like the other loves
I feel so strong with you
You're not like the other loves
You're my last stop
I wasn't living even if I was saying that I was living
My biggest love in life
But what I loved was fake
Until I met you and you changed me
You're not like the other loves
I feel so strong with you
You're not like the other loves
You're my last stop
Fairy tale
Once upon a time, in the world of fairy tales,everything was turned upside down in a magical way.
Heroes from the fairy tales decided all at once
to leave the pages and come to us.
They went and they came, they arrived in Lycabettus
and they rang our doorbell at the school
We played a thousand games, we even had ice cream
and in the end we danced a wild dance.
And does it matter that we are not very alike,
that each and everyone's eyes hide something.
If I didn't have you to live with
my whole life would be pale and boring.
They faced something else and so different
and they didn't know how to say I love you.
Together we closed our eyes and hugged
and so we felt important and everything got easier.
And does it matter that we are not very alike,
that each and everyone's eyes hide something.
If I didn't have you to live with
my whole life would be pale and boring.
They faced something else and so different
and they didn't know how to say I love you.
Together we closed our eyes and hugged
and so we felt important and everything got easier.
Vasárnap Reggeli Lehangoltság
Versions: #1Hát, felébredtem vasárnap reggel
Nem bírom tartani fejem, hogy ne fájjon
És a sör, amit reggeliztem sem esett rosszul,
Így ittam még egyet desszertnek.
Majd matattam a szekrényben a ruháim közt
És megtaláltam a legtisztább piszkos ingem
Majd megmostam az arcom, és megfésülködtem
És lebotladoztam a lépcsőn, hogy találkozzak a mával.
Elfüstöltem az agyam előző este
Cigarettákkal és dal választással.
De az elsőre gyújtva megláttam egy kis srácot
Egy konzervet rúgva játszott.
Majd átkeltem az utcán
És elkapta valaki vasárnapi sült csirkéjének illatát
És Uram, ez visszavitt valamihez, amit elvesztettem
Valahol, valahogy az út közben.
Vasárnap reggel a járdán,
Kívánom Uram, bár be lennék állva.
Mer' van valami a vasárnapban
Amitől a test magányos lesz.
És nem olyan, mint meghalni,
Ez fele oly magányos, mint ahogy hangzik
Az alvó város járdáján
És a Vasárnap reggel elérkezett
A parkban láttam egy apukát
Egy nevetgélő kislánnyal akit hintáztatott.
És megálltam egy vasárnapi iskola mellett
És hallgattam daloló énekük
És mentem tovább az utcán
És valahol a messzeségben cseng egy magányos harang
És visszhangzik a kanyonon át
Mint a tegnap eltűnt álmai.
Vasárnap reggel a járdán,
Kívánom Uram, bár be lennék állva.
Mer' van valami a vasárnapban
Amitől a test magányos lesz.
És nem olyan, mint meghalni,
Ez fele oly magányos, mint ahogy hangzik
Az alvó város járdáján
És a Vasárnap reggel elérkezett
You remind me of my mother
Your behavior is perfect, your wordsyour charming tricks
those fears that you hid inside your heart
have no meaning at all.
If i ever get to know that you feel cold
i will become a chapel so as you would come
a candle i'll be, i will light up just for you
i will kneel before you, to make you care.
You remind me of my mother
that's why i love you
you remind me of my mother
i keep you as an amulet of mine.
You remind me of my mother
that's why i love you
you remind me of my mother
i keep you as an amulet of mine.
Your words were decisive
we only talked a little
you have already paid
the tickets of my sin
A doe is in your shade
when you walk
a little star shines in the evening
your dress is black
You remind me of my mother
that's why i love you
you remind me of my mother
i keep you as an amulet of mine.
You remind me of my mother
that's why i love you
you remind me of my mother
i keep you as an amulet of mine.
I can't stand you loneliness
The dawn finds me thinking of herI cried again for the one I loved
And the fire doesn't extinguish
The dawn finds me home alone once again
I spent another night, I didn't fool my thoughts
I didn't drive away the pain
I can't stand you loneliness, I can't stand you
I no longer control myself
I can't stand you loneliness, I'm becoming crazy
For a woman I loved and lost
I can't stand you loneliness, I can't stand you
I no longer control myself
I can't stand you loneliness, I'm becoming crazy
You're a nail in my heart, what will I do
I was asking for her during sunrise again
I spent the night alone, I lost on a night like this
The one I loved
The dawn finds me home alone once again
I spent another night, I didn't fool my thoughts
I didn't drive away the pain
rom that is good that is goodthey tell you
rom is not easy to be
rom that is good that is good
they tell you
rom is not easy to be
me, i don't know x3
me, i don't know what rom is
me, i don't know x3
rom that is good that is good
why should I be, I really want to be
rom that is good that is good
why should I be, I really want to be
me, i don't know x3
me, i don't know what rom is
me, i don't know x3
rom that is good that is good
they tell you
rom is not easy to be
rom that is good that is good
they tell you
rom is not easy to be
me, i don't know x3
me, i don't know what rom is
me, i don't know x3
rom that is good that is good
they tell you
rom is not easy to be
rom that is good that is good
they tell you x2 ending
rom is not easy to be
me, i don't know x3
me, i don't know what rom is
me, i don't know x3
Old Dimos died
I got old, my boys. Fifty years being a brigand*i haven't enjoyed sleep, and now, exhausted
i am finally getting some sleep. My heart has dried up
My blood was shed like a fountain, i am left without even a drop.
I want go to sleep. Cut a branch from a mountain tree
i want it to be green and fresh, to be blooming,
and go on make my bed and put me there to lay down.
Who knows what kind of a tree shall spring up from my grave!
If it springs up a plane tree, in its shadow
young brigands will come and hang their weapons.
And they shall sing about my youth and my bravery.
And if a beautiful and black-dressed cypress grows,
young brigands will come and take pine cones,
to clean their wounds, and say a prayer for the soul of Old Dimos.
Run, my boy, fast, run up to the hill
and shoot with my riffle. In my sleep
i want to hear for the last time, its sound.
Old Dimos heard the riffle gust, in his deep sleep
his pale lips smiled, and he crossed his arms...
Old Dimos died, Old Dimos passed away...
While the stone was sealed
While the stone was sealed by the Jews,and the soldiers were guarding Thy most pure body,
Thou didst arise on the third day, O Saviour, granting life to the world.
For which cause the Heavenly Powers cried aloud unto Thee, O Giver of Life:
Glory to Thy resurrection, O Christ! Glory to Thy Kingdom!
Glory to Thy Providence, O Thou who alone art the Lover of Mankind.
Black-Red Rose
The flowers fadeIn my home,
They are sad without thee.
With Red-Black Rose
You crowned me and left me alone,
Thine flower gave me goodness,
But thine vision I will not see.
Hear, weeps the silence, I pray
Come to me.
The flowers fade
In my home,
Sad without thee.
I ask the moon,
I beseech the earth
May they return thine here.
A Crown of days and nights
Over my pain shall rules.
I still believe in you
And the happy sun, I know, shall rise.
In love in our dawn, I give
My good hands.
I ask the Moon
I beseech the earth,
May they return thine here.
Flowers are fading
In my home,
They are sad without thee.
With a Black-Red Rose
you crowned me and left me
Gave me warmth with a flower,
But thine vision I will not see.
Hear, the silence weeps, I pray
Come to me.
I ask the moon,
I beseech the earth,
May they return thine here.
Flowers are fading
In my rooms,
They are sad without thine.
The honey-like expectation
Like the expectation of rain during droughts.Like the expectation of kisses after fasting.
Like the expectation of Saint-George's day when people sow in the hope of reaping*
Like the expectation of Easter when everything is lighted up.
So big is my expectation, for the sunset to take place
for the sun to hide, and for the day to turn into night.
So big is my expectation for the stars to rise high in the sky
So i could talk to them, my love, for you, whom they see.
I've been waiting for them since the morning even if they are not yet kindled
full of joy they light up at once, as soon as i speak to them about you.
I look outside my window and they immediately laugh
i wish you could see them, oh my nightingale, how they sing to me.
I tell them that your eyes, remind me of poetry
and hearing me saying that, they shine even more.
I tell them that your lips are made by honey-bees
that they're dripping honey when they kiss me, and give a sweet taste to my sobbing.
I tell them about the seas you draw for me
so as i can swim, when you sink into my mind.
I'm telling them that you have silky embroidered winds
to fly into my arms, while i am abroad.
As much as i wait for the stars to talk with
they wait for me as well, so i could dress them with love.
They expect a lot to learn about you
they compose poems for you under the moonlight.
I believe they have loved you more than i have..
It's the first time i see stars in love
I believe they have sweetened the whole sky for you
in the name of love, our stars turned into honey.
Four plus four
Four plus four equals eightfour brave men are headed to the war.
In their way they felt hungry
they sat to eat but they were thirsty.
They search to find a fountain on the mountain
and they found an eight-fathom pond.
They draw lots to decide who would go down
and the youngest boy was the one who got balloted.
Tie me tight, my brothers, and i will go down
in this deserted pond to bring out the water.
And then his brother tied him tight
and they lowered him down to the deserted pond.
Pull me out, my brothers, for i've just found the water
is red, is black and poisonous.
Before they managed to pull him up and take him out
the vipers and the snakes half-ate him.
Tell my mother to be dressed in black
because she will never see again her youngest son.
Three monks from Crete
Three monks from Creteand three from Mount Athos
they sail a ship
they sail a ship
along with ' Jesus has risen'
along with 'Kyrie eleison'
along with ' Kyrie eleison'*
they sail off to Crete
and their sailor got sick
at the bow of the ship
he does not have a mother to cry for him
neither a father to feel sad about him
nor brother, nor sister
to mourn him over.
His captain is crying for him
his captain is crying for him
the young brave man.
Get up, our sailor
get up to row
Hold me so i can get up
hold me so i can get up
help me to sit down
bring my map
my silver geometric compass
to calculate the time needed
to calculate the time needed
for us to reach a port
Do you see those mountains?
Sail between them
and throw the anchor on your right
and throw the anchor on your right
and ( throw ) me on your left
and you young sailors
and you young sailors
dig my grave
do not dig it far away
do not dig it far away
but near the seashore
so as the waves hit me
and cool me down
so as the waves hit me...
If only hearts had locking bars
Versions: #1If only hearts had locking bars
and could stay firmly locked
and didn't do favors again
when they get hurt
But you always manage to take
my keys , using tricks
that's why you come and go
endlessly in my heart.
If only hearts had their own locking bars...
The love-traitors
should be condemned
when they break into
the doors of the heart.
But you always manage to take
my keys , using tricks
that's why you come and go
endlessly in my heart.
If only hearts had their own locking bars...
Rock of Love
Versions: #1phew, I mean, totally incredible feelings
for what, huh, well you
you're my superfoolish honeybunny
when I look into your incredible eyes
I feel fever in the brain
the rocket of love with take us,
fuck... into the moon
suddenly strikes a horrifying dread
but I distract it cunningly by studying your bum
and I feel fever in the brain
Áprilisi tréfa
Egy levél csupán, melyben nem magyarázod meg, miért,S még tán bocsánatot sem kérsz semmiért.
Hogy is múlhatott el minden, ennyi emléket, mondd, hogyan törölhettél?
Egy levél csupán, mely az asztalomon hever
De hogy is téphettél egy szívet két félbe, hogyan?
Mintha mindaz csak egy ártatlan tréfa lett volna...
Azt kívánom, bár egy április tréfa lenne,
Mikor elmentél, s én magamban vagyok csupán, egyre
A hidegtől reszketek, most, hogy elmentél, Kedvesem
S minden csupán fölösleges dolognak tűnik nekem...
Április tréfa volt, tán csupán csak ennyi,
S tán mégsem tudtál tőlem olyan messze menni...
De mégis..., külön útra tértél, te drága,
S most minden sötétbe burkolózva vész a végtelen homályba...
Az a búcsú úgy tört el bennem mindent, mint még semmi e világon,
Beteggé tesz, meggyötör, már semmire sem vágyom,
Már nincs megoldás, hiába keresem,
Egy elhadart 'hát szervusz', két szó csupán, csak ez maradt nekem
E sok fájdalmat eztán el hogyan viselhetem?
Bár csak egy éjszakára újra eljönnél hozzám, Kedvesem!
The lost paradises
Versions: #1In my pink silk jacket
I wander feeling dull
The dusk is majestic... but
Maybe one day you would
Find with me
These lost paradises
Dandy, a little damned, a little aged
In this collapsing luxury
Do you remember when I sang
In London's cellars
Drowned in the fog
This sophisticated rock
Every night you would stay there
Maybe one day you would
Find with me
These lost paradises
Bandit, a little damned, a little aged
The musicians are now wrinkled
On this keyboard that turned yellow
I try to remember once again the chords of
This sophisticated rock
That astonished even the English
Maybe one day you would
Find with me
These lost paradises
My Inner Voice
I wake up every day, look at myself in the mirrorThinking, 'You're so hot, Chris'
I take a selfie without a filter, hashtagging
'Oh my God, I woke up like this'
I look myself up on Google and on YouTube
And I watch the very best clips
Nothing gets me in as good a mood as me
Dammit, I'm actually an amazing dancer
The few times when I have a day off
I'm a man of charity
Parents say I'm curing their children
I say, 'But I'm just doing my best'
I'd have put it on Story
For my 581,000 fans
But personally, I think it easily becomes tasteless
When you show off on Instagram
You shouldn't compare your own life with mine at all
'Cause then it's very easy to feel so bad
'Cause I've got it all
You've got none of it
It's really not that hard to understand
If my life was like yours, I'd also feel awful
I'm also in top three of football, tennis, ping pong, padel, squash, and badminton
I know it's hard to believe
But I'm actually not doing my best, that's my only bad habit
I lower my skill level to match that of other people
It's cold being on the top of the world, being a winner isn't easy
This is fucking hard to say
But sometimes, I don't carry a tune
To seem a bit more human
Don't compare yourself to anyone else
And remember, there's only one of you
And no one else in this world could do it better
Mmm, well, perhaps aside from me
You shouldn't compare your own life with mine at all
'Cause then it's very easy to feel so bad
'Cause I've got it all
You've got none of it
It's really not that hard to understand
If my life was like yours, I'd also feel awful
If your inner voice says you're a loser
Then you can listen to mine
'Cause it says you're pretty funny
Screw the Law of Jante, and
You can learn the things you're not good at
It says you're awesome exactly the way you are
Honestly, don't careI'm happy you're here
Tryna make you smile for a while now
I'm like, 'Omaga, you're so beautiful.'
Why don't you come over and have it
Why don't you let me have it, oh
I did a lot of dumb, shh
Lot of things I wish I didn't do
Baby, come back, won't you?
Back, come back, hey
Oh, I'm crazy, is it crazy to love you?
Baby, come back, won't you?
Babe, come back
You said you're still too mad
About them things I did
But I don't know what I did, baby
You said you again feel down to blame apocalypse
There ain't no apocalypse
Long as you're here on my lips
Honestly, don't care
I'm happy you're here
Tryna make you smile for a while now
I'm like, 'Omaga, you're so beautiful.'
Why don't you come over and have it
Why don't you let me have it, oh
You've been home too long
I've been home too long, yeah
We both need to feel love, nothing wrong with that
You can be with me you can still act as if
There ain't no apocalypse
Long as you're here on my lips
Honestly, don't care
I'm happy you're here
Tryna make you smile for a while now
I'm like, 'Omaga, you're so beautiful.'
Why don't you come over and have it
Why don't you let me have it, oh
Like omaga, omaga, you're so beautiful
Omaga, omaga, why don't you let me have it
You said you're still too mad
About them things I did
But I don't know what I did, baby
You said you again feel down to blame apocalypse
There ain't no apocalypse
Long as you're here on my lips
Honestly, don't care
I'm happy you're here
Tryna make you smile for a while now
I'm like, 'Omaga, you're so beautiful.'
Why don't you come over and have it
Why don't you let me have it, oh
Like omaga, omaga, you're so beautiful
Omaga, omaga, why don't you let me have it
Like omaga, omaga, you're so beautiful
Omaga, omaga (yeah), why don't you let me have it
13 Steps
We are talking again,in the park in front of your house,
almost like back then,
still familiar
I shouldn't stay,
but I'm coming upstairs,
just because it's getting cold,
I know the way too
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
And I know,
and I know,
and I know,
where this is leading
It is only 13 steps,
13 too much,
from the door to your bed,
I lose myself completely here
It is only 13 steps,
13 too much,
Why can't I get away from here?
I lose myself completely here
I lose myself
I lose myself
(lose myself)
(-se myself)
(-se myself)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I am in thoughts,
but lying with you,
A glass of wine was probably too much again
Question everything,
'Why am I here?'
A look is enough for me,
and it's happening again
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
And I know,
and I know,
and I know,
where this is leading
It is only 13 steps,
13 too much,
from the door to your bed,
I lose myself completely here
It is only 13 steps,
13 too much,
Why can't I get away from here?
I lose myself completely here
I lose myself
I lose myself
(lose myself)
(-se myself)
(-se myself)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
It is only 13 steps
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
It is only 13 steps
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
First of the month
For nowI don't know how to react
I roughly came to the ace
It's not easy for me to adapt
For now
I need place to calm
I need a place to forget
That I shouted to you I love you
In the first of the month i'll put an end on this
I'll change everything and I'll throw a tantrum
Every relationship has one unwritten rule, you never kill the one you love
In the first of the month i'll find my voice
I'll get what belongs to me
And when you'll come back to try and get me
I'll have a heart of stone
In the first of the month
In the first of the month
For now
I collect the strenght to explain
What i did wrong to live
without an explanation, the absolute blank
For now
I blame myself
It was my mistake
That I saw nothing in the sky
In the first of the month i'll put an end on this
I'll change everything and I'll throw a tantrum
Every relationship has one unwritten rule, you never kill the one you love
In the first of the month i'll find my voice
I'll get what belongs to me
And when you'll come back to try and get me
I'll have a heart of stone
The first of the month
And tonight I won't sleep
You've left me, and it keeps on smothering methis lump stuck in my throat.
It doesn't seem to leave, it keeps on smothering me.
How much I love you...
And if I'm in the wrong, how much can it take?
This heart of mine was broken.
A thousand and two are the pieces, tears in my eyes.
How much I love you...
And tonight I won't sleep,
and tonight I won't shut my eyes,
in case you come to see you.
And tonight I won't sleep,
I'll be waiting in the dark to tell you I love you.
I love you...
And if you don't care it bothers me,
that every night I'm burning, I can't
shut my eyes, can't calm down.
How much I love you...
And if I remember you, wherever I am,
whatever I do, you're always on my mind.
Oh, my complaint and torment.
How much I love you...
Refrain (bis)
And tonight I won't sleep,
and tonight I won't shut my eyes,
in case you come to see you.
And tonight I won't sleep,
I'll be waiting in the dark to tell you I love you.
I love you...
Time has gone by
Alone me and myselfI poured a drink to have
I want to see you in my dream
for a minute.
I shut the door so I can write
It's difficult
So I can concentrate I feel like going out to look for you,
but yet I'm staying here.
Time has gone by and you don't remember me
Wherever you find yourself,
wherever you might be sleeping,
let me live with the memories.
Nothing matters
Just like that, this happened to us
But to me it only matters, you speaking to me.
It's two o'clock I cannot contain myself
I looked for you in the usual places where we used to hang out,
It's OK if I suffer, as long as you're fine.
Time has gone by and you don't remember me
Wherever you find yourself,
wherever you might be sleeping,
let me live with the memories.
Hey, Noodlehead
You have a noodlehead
It nods in a nice way, oh yeah
When I talk with you
And walk with you
Oh, baby
Do, pa, do pa do pa pa
Do, pa, do pa do pa pa do
I won't abandon you
Noo-oo-oodle, hey!
I am your poodle
Oh, baby
Do, pa, do pa do pa pa
Do, pa, do pa do pa pa do
You're my poodle
Oh, baby
Do, pa, do pa do pa pa
Do, pa, do pa do pa pa do
I'm your poodle
Kilo, Kauniainen, Kirkkonummi, Käpylä
Kilo, Kauniainen, Kirkkonummi, KäpyläKilo, Kauniainen, Kirkkonummi, Käpylä
Kilo, Kauniainen, Kirkkonummi, Käpylä
Kilo, Kauniainen, Kirkkonummi, Käpylä
When I left home I was still somewhat normal
But now I'm a train tourist
And apparently a tourist can easily go crazy
For someone who looked very familiar just went by
Went by, jurist, a familiar looking tourist
Karjaa, Kupittaa, Kerava, Kausala, oo
Karjaa, Kupittaa, Kerava, Kausala, oo
Karjaa, Kupittaa, Kerava, Kausala
Karjaa, Kupittaa, Kerava, Kausala
Karjaa, Kupittaa, Kerava, Kausala, oo
How come I feel that Risto and Nelli are everywhere?
There again, Risto and Nelli
And there and there and there
Is this true, or is this a dream
Or could this perhaps be lethal?
I Dreamt (of Christ)
Versions: #1I dreamt that Jesus rose from dead,
And he's alive like me.
He walks and bears an eerie weight,
His hands are taped yet bleed.
He walks through desolate back yards
Of empty city wards,
It seems he craves to say the Word
But cannot find right words.
[Chorus:] x2
I was dreaming Jesus rose from dead,
I was dreaming he's alive.
I dreamt that sometime he called me,
When he looked for retreat,
And inadvertently let slip,
That he'll be murdered here.
I dreamt that he was doing meth1
With punks in stairwell haze,
And they were beating him to death
With knuckles and steel chains.
[Chorus] x2
His last laugh sounded in the throes
And then turned into groan.
I dreamt that I was one of those
With whom he'd gotten stoned.
Then I woke up and had a smoke,
Looked through the window pane:
The whole deserted world evoked
An orphanage in pain.
[Chorus] x4
- 1. lit. - drinking wine