Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 6

Találatok száma: 278


You've Got Such Eyes

You've got such eyes
That look like they have two pupils in each,
That the only the latest cars have.
At night
Cars fly from highway to highway, whirring
With two pairs of headlights.
You've got double eyes,
Enough for two faces.
All the oceans shine through the eyes
Multiplied by two.
You see, your eyes are
A map of the two hemispheres of the Earth.
When you close them,
The equator sinks into the night.
And when I ask them to open,
They reveal two blue poles
At the moment of opening.

Let's Go to the Hallway

If you try to approach me and tell me that there's nothing between us
Last weekend I wasn't a hundred percent sure, now I know that I like you
When our courage starts failing us, we go back to others
Seven days so that I forget everything and then try again
If you try to approach me and tell me that there's nothing between us
We'll ask the guy standing with you what exactly he's planning for afterwards
If you don't want to be seen talking with me, c'mon, let's go to the hallway
I only wanted to tell you in private that the coldness is not true
(And that you need only me)
(That he's not what you need)
(I know, I'm sorry, it's my fault)
(Can I give you a kiss?)


Did you notice the time,
how it flees from us,
when there is overtime, loudly
we all get angry
I'm aware of this,
still I watch silently
Glassy eyes,
restless body,
yet nobody worries
that it could be better
Now this is our moment,
when the problem freezes
Let's pretend
like nobody knows nothing
Just the purpose of being young,
may today be our sign,
they don't know who this is
when the twilight comes
Just the purpose of being young,
may today be our sign,
they don't know who this is
when the twilight comes
And we will put aside,
all that burdens us,
if somebody needs us, unfortunately
they should wait a bit
It can't even go on like this anymore, 1
to our own selves we are a waste
What use will be a calendar to us,
we are in no hurry,
and forget the money,
there's no headache
Now this is our moment,
when the problem freezes
Let's pretend
like nobody knows nothing
Just the purpose of being young,
may today be our sign,
they don't know who this is
when the twilight comes
Just the purpose of being young,
may today be our sign,
they don't know who this is
when the twilight comes
No need to be beautiful,
no need to sing loudly, 2
all you need is
wild fun and dance
Here nobody threatens (there are tonnes of peace),
we don't care what comes next (let's leave the prisons),
we have everything that is needed,
so it will be wild, wild
Just the purpose of being young,
may today be our sign,
they don't know who this is
when the twilight comes
Just the purpose of being young,
may today be our sign,
they don't know who this is
when the twilight comes
Just the purpose of being young,
they don't know who this is
Just the purpose of being young,
they don't know who this is
when the twilight comes
  • 1. here the lyrics in slovene are written wrong, if you listen to the song you can hear 'sej tako ne gre več' not 'sej tako ne ve več', as is written here. therefore i translated the correct lyrics.
  • 2. a direct translation of the lyric here would be 'no need to sing to the neck,' however it makes no sense whatsoever to me what the singer thought with this (and i unsucessfully tried to search for the meaning) and the wording is very weird, so i decided to translate it to what is my best guess of what the author intended to say, or at least gives off the same vibe. technically the lyric could also mean 'no need to be zipped up to your neck,' however this makes no sense either in the context so i decided to exclude it.

War loot

Foreign soldier what are you looking at,
what you are now stepping over fiercely
is a doll without hands
laying on her back looking at the stars.
Bend over and take it to give her
to your children when you get back
tell them that is a war loot
play my girl, laugh my son.
Foreign soldier of the north
what you have heavily stepped over
is a fake little gun
that a kid used to play with.
Bend over and take it to give it
to your children when you get back
tell them that is a war loot
play my girl, laugh my son.

You are irreplaceable

Even if they put the most glamorous woman by my side
i will shout ' i don't want her, for Saint-Cross sake'
i don't care if she has stacked treasures, and her beauty invites you to kiss her,
or if just like a rodebush spreads all over her beautiful fragrance ,
she is not worth a penny to me
if she donates her scent to every single son of the bitch.
You are irreplaceable to me, my partridge, don't you ever doubt about that
all those years i'm testing you, i haven't found in you a single disgrace
You may not have the abundant beauties of Aphrodite
but your opinion is like gold and your virtue never goes off.

Mi a nevem?

Oh na-na, mi a nevem?
Oh na-na, mi a nevem?
Oh na-na, mi a nevem?
Mi a nevem? mi a nevem? (igen)
Hallottam, hogy jó velük, a puha ajkakkal
Igen, tudod, szájról szájra
A hatvankilenc négyzetgyöke nyolc valami, ugye?
Mert megpróbáltam megoldani, oh
Jó fű, fehérbor, uh
Éjjel életre kelek, igen
Oké, elmegyünk
Csak a rádiónk van
Hadd játsszon
Mondod, hogy el kell menned, de tudom, hogy maradni akarsz
Csak vársz a forgalmi dugóban, hogy befejezd, lány
A dolgokat, amiket húsz perc alatt megtehetünk, lány
Mondd ki a nevemet, mondd ki a nevemet, koptasd el
Meleg lesz, repedjen be egy ablak, szellőztesse ki
Hatalmas hosszú napot tudok átélni
Amint elmész, azt a szöveget fogom mondani, amelyet írok
Oh na-na, mi a nevem?
Oh na-na, mi a nevem?
Oh na-na, mi a nevem?
Mi a nevem? mi a nevem?
Nem mindenki
Tudja, hogyan kell dolgozni a testemen
Tudja, hogyan akarjon engem
De fiú, maradj fent rajta
Van valami
Ez engem annyira kiegyenlít
Bébi, te kihívás vagy
Fedezzük fel tehetségét
Hé, fiú, nagyon szeretném látni, hogy te vagy-e
Mehetsz a belvárosba egy olyan lánnyal, mint én
Hé, fiú, nagyon szeretnék veled lenni
Mert te csak az én típusom vagy
Ó, na, na, na, na, na
Kell egy fiú, aki átvenné ezt
Keressek egy srácot, aki munkába állhat
Oh woah, oh woah
Oh na-na, mi a nevem?
Oh na-na, mi a nevem?
Oh na-na, mi a nevem?
Mi a nevem? mi a nevem?
Bébi, megszereztél
És nincs sehol, ahol lennék
Mint karokkal körülöttem
Oda-vissza, ringatsz, igen
Tehát megadom magam
Minden szóhoz, amit suttogsz
Minden ajtó, amin belépsz
Hé, fiú, nagyon szeretném látni, hogy te vagy-e
Mehet a belvárosba egy olyan lánnyal, mint én
Hé fiú, nagyon szeretnék veled lenni
Mert te csak az én típusom vagy
Ó, na, na, na, na, na
Kell egy fiú, aki átvenné ezt
Keressek egy srácot, aki munkába állhat
Oh woah, oh woah
Olyan csodálatos vagy
Arra szántál időt, hogy rájöjj
Ezért viszel
Sokkal tovább azon a ponton, ahol befordulok
Arra törekszel, hogy megtörj
Esküszöm, elvesztetted az eszemet
Oh na-na, mi a nevem?
Oh na-na, mi a nevem?
Oh na-na, mi a nevem?
Oh na-na, mi a nevem?
Oh na-na, mi a nevem?
Mi a nevem? mi a nevem?
Oh na-na, mi a nevem?
Oh na-na, mi a nevem?
Oh na-na, mi a nevem?
Mi a nevem? mi a nevem?

Menj, mondd el Rhody néninek (RE7 Verzió)

Menj, mondd el Rhody néninek
Menj, mondd el Rhody néninek
Menj, mondd el Rhody néninek
Hogy mindenki halott
Egy mély, sötét lyukban nevelkedtem
Egy feltételes szabadláb nélküli rab
Bezártak és megfosztottak a lelkemtől
Szégyellik, amit alkottak
Menj, mondd el Rhody néninek
Menj, mondd el Rhody néninek
Menj, mondd el Rhody néninek
Hogy mindenki halott
Elhívtam őt és el fog jönni
A lány úgy fog neki válaszolni, mintha ő lenne az igazi
A fiú karjai kitárva, de amikor a lány végzett,
Ő széjjel lesz tépve
Menj, mondd el Rhody néninek
Menj, mondd el Rhody néninek
Menj, mondd el Rhody néninek
Menj, mondd el Rhody néninek
Menj, mondd el Rhody néninek
Menj, mondd el Rhody néninek
Hogy mindenki

I'm opening wine

Look how everything is changing rapidly,
something is, then it's gone.
human is just the sum of breaths,
So do not tell me that there is a way.
Now I would like to know something for sure,
This is my anguish, and it's point. I only know
that everything is changing, something is, and then it's gone
it's not fake, every story has its own dilemma
has its own beginning and end such as poem,
new topic, turning and tempting, and then it passes away.
nothing lasts forever, dangerously
is to believe that something lasts forever.
good moments, such as photos:
I collect in my head like in an old closet.
and as time flows, it catches up with us,
in each of us, time stops not only once
surrounded by equipment, stoned by joint, recording this song
We combine styles, mix genres, such as drinks at a party, we do a mix,
we blend together: dub, reggae, hip-hop, Warsaw folk pure form,
rhymes same as great river Vistula, flows Tarchomin today.
you know who's rhyming? Soon you will know my name right!
I'm like a flood after the severe winter, as snow in rushing avalanche,
as a new movie in the old cinema, voo-dang sound system never's gonna die.
I'm opening wine with my girlfriend
I want this time to never pass x2
I would like to stop time, when I look at her.
stop the world, which wants to steal our times.
always sell something cheap.
I look at her now because I'm lucky,
Now I've got something what is wanted.
I do not want to be alone, you know, I fuck their style!
fuck the best letters!
I do not even wanna be there
do not want to be on the edge like they are.
I want to make something, something extra, but I do not want to chase,
you know! I got my chick and I open wine with her,
I do what I can, I have what I like - I love her
And you know, even if tomorrow everything will disappear,
OK? cool! may soon come.
I press 'play' and 'stop' like in boom-boxes,
something that sticks well want to stay here,
I know! I still believe, so I'm a daredevil,
but I know that this world is not a kiddyland.
hey, do not trust those what say: time is money,
they appreciate something first, then they disguise.
I know them, they lose their times, tho thinking they are tough.
Time will pass, we'll be lost again
Again, we're thinking like the they do, again, time has passed.
I'm older now, I got something in my hand, you
you know the epilogue. God, I want to stop time
so many times in my life. Don't you know what I want now? Oh, come on!
I'm opening wine with my girlfriend
I want this time to never pass x4
never pass, never pass ...

Maguva Maguva

O Woman.. O Woman.. Does this world realise your value?
O Woman.. O Woman.. Does your patience know no limit?
You are omnipresent, You are all over the world
You are always on the run in the house and outside
And yet you never complain about your exhaustion ever so slightly
Instead, you light up every path you walk
O Woman.. O Woman.. Does this world realise your value?
O Woman.. O Woman.. Does your patience know no limit?
Unless you open your kohl-rimmed eyes
the dawn doesn't break on earth
Unless your bangle clad hands move
all existence will come to seize
At every step you weave your love into every bond you develop
Your tireless struggles has victoriously made you reach the skies
You are a form of the primal energy (aadhishakti) that every temple prays for
Would there ever be light in
a world without you?
With your affection and with your love
every man is, in fact, just an infant
The source of every smile and happiness of everyone
has it's roots associated with you.....
O Woman.. O Woman.. Does this world realise your value?
O Woman.. O Woman.. Does your patience know no limit?

Ne add fel!

(Part 1)
Ez a történet egy kisfiúról szól, akinek nem volt
Aki már 12 éve úgy gondolja, hogy ő egy senki
Aki nem elégedett, mert apa nem keres semmit
Nincs drága ruhája és nevetnek rajta
A játszótéren, focizásnál soha nem választják
És minden apró bántás utat talál hozzá
Nincsenek barátai és senki nem akar játszani
Az úton hazafelé és senki nem mondja viszlát
Nem létezik a szülei számára
Amikor anya alszik, apa leül az asztalhoz egy sörrel
Nincs ,,Mi volt a suliban? Hogy megy a
házi feladat?''
Mióta 9 éves, felhagytak ezzel a kérdéssel
Pontosan tudta, hogy megy ez a többieknél
És ez pontosan az, ami aggódással tölti el
Mert minden este könnyekkel van tele a párnája
Ezek a repedések nagyon fájnak a léleknek
Tegyél nekem egy szívességet, ne add fel
Akkor is, ha most úgy gondolod
Te sosem fogsz ebből a lyukból kijutni
Még akkor is ha néha nehezedre esik
És úgy gondolod, az életben nincsen cél
Nézd, a nap újra felkel
Tegyél nekem egy szívességet, ne add fel
Akkor is, ha most úgy gondolod
Te sosem fogsz ebből a lyukból kijutni
Még akkor is ha néha nehezedre esik
És úgy gondolod, az életben nincsen cél
Nézd, a nap újra felkel
(Part 2)
Ez a történet egy kislányról szól, aki gyakran szomorú.
Neki nincsenek barátai, ezért csak otthon ül
Szívesen kimenne, de nem mer
Mert nagyon fél attól, ami odakint van
Soha többé nem akar iskolába menni, mert nagyon gonosz
Ott ,,szumó birkózónak'', ,,szajhának'' vagy ,,kövér disznónak'' nevezik
És úgy látszik már senki sem kedves itt
Otthon betakarja magát takaróval és sír
Senki sem szereti, senki sem öleli
Vagy kérdezi miért van ez és miért lát mindent feketén
Anyának csak a buli, apa elment, ez nem vicces
Mivel gyűlöli magát, elővesz egy kést és vág
Ekkor úgy érzi, hogy él
Egy pillanatra. De az érzés elmúlik.
A sebek hegesednek és a fájdalom is elmúlik
De ki veszi el tőle a belső fájdalmat?
Tegyél nekem egy szívességet, ne add fel
Akkor is, ha most úgy gondolod
Te sosem fogsz ebből a lyukból kijutni
Még akkor is ha néha nehezedre esik
És úgy gondolod, az életben nincsen cél
Nézd, a nap újra felkel
Tegyél nekem egy szívességet, ne add fel
Akkor is, ha most úgy gondolod
Te sosem fogsz ebből a lyukból kijutni
Még akkor is ha néha nehezedre esik
És úgy gondolod, az életben nincsen cél
Nézd, a nap újra felkel
(Part 3)
A nap újra feljön
Mert mindenki megérdemli a szeretetet
Ezért jönni fog, aki ragyog érted és neked és
Ha azon tűnődsz, hol van az Isten
Küld neked egy fénysugarat és mondja ,,Fel a fejjel''
Újra fel fogsz emelkedni
Mert mindenki megérdemli a szeretetet
Ezért jönni fog, aki ragyog érted és neked és
Ha azon tűnődsz, hol van az Isten
Küld neked egy fénysugarat és mondja ,,Fel a fejjel''
Tegyél nekem egy szívességet, ne add fel
Akkor is, ha most úgy gondolod
Te sosem fogsz ebből a lyukból kijutni
Még akkor is ha néha nehezedre esik
És úgy gondolod, az életben nincsen cél
Nézd, a nap újra felkel
Tegyél nekem egy szívességet, ne add fel
Akkor is, ha most úgy gondolod
Te sosem fogsz ebből a lyukból kijutni
Még akkor is ha néha nehezedre esik
És úgy gondolod, az életben nincsen cél
Nézd, a nap újra felkel
Fel a fejjel, fel a fejjel, fel a fejjel

The Stinger

At the ground that I step on
At the land that I first saw you
I don't sell my sun
I have loved you here and I will love you here
Here, the grass lights up as censer
And I have a sky
The one you threw away and disappeared
And even though I hurt deep inside
I swear you are never going to know about it
I will decorate the hair tonight
With a branch, empty moon
And I will hold the golden stinger
The poison I kept for you, smells nice
And a tear won't be shed
My dear,
All these things you haven't told me
are more bitter than a lie
They sleep inside me, they calm for a bit
and then they come out with a sobbing storm.

The same sky

I saw you and you were shaking
With hands you were stopping my kisses
You were not afraid of me
But only of opening your heart to strangers
One more time
You can do it one more time
I am like you are
It's the same pain I had in my eyes
And that made me grow up
In the nights in front of a computer
A thousand stories with unfinished sentences
You couldn't ask for help
And you ran away looking for a safe shelter
From people, worse than hyenas
You didn't want to be seen
We are like two leaves that shake in the wind
But we are also able to fall
The same way as guns, also words hurt
And an open wound on the heart is invisible
There is but invisible
We won't be afraid to stand in the darkness
We are two stars fallen into the same sky
The same sky
Words make noise
They are like guns' shots
If you speak softly or loudly
You hurt me in any case if you shoot me
And the most lethal pain
You keep it inside and no one can see it
Because when the heart suffers
May be sometimes worse than poison
And some people don't know
That words hurt
And they think they are invincible
In front of a phone
Some people are worse than hyenas
You are beautiful and let me see you now
Look at the leaves that shake in the wind and smile
While you see them falling
The same way as guns, also words hurt
And an open wound on the heart is invisible
There is but invisible
Ehi, ehi
We won't be afraid to stand in the darkness
We are two stars fallen into the same sky
The same sky
I want to pull the thorn out of your heart
Hear the painless heartbeat
You are like the noise of the sea waves
I want to be the salt for your wounds
To hear your heart that starts to smile again
To squash those vipers inside you
That really hurt you so bad
And now look at me and let's go over the edge
We won't be afraid to stand in the darkness
We are two stars fallen into the same sky
The same sky
The same sky

That Thing I Call Love

I see the night go by
I play how to learn
I see fate coming
Always bringing you
I hear your calling
But I don't know how to answer it
Why won't you come closer?
I'll always be with you
I omitted it, I've never told you
All these years that I've loved you
Trying to disguise
That thing I call love
I don't see the sun, I don't want to wake up.
In my dreams I know I can find you
They won't knock me down
I know I'll win.
I omitted it, I've never told you
All these years that I've loved you
Trying to disguise
That thing I call love
I omitted it, I've never told you
All these years that I've loved you
Trying to escape
From that thing I call love
What I want the most is being able to say
That my life belongs to you.
I'm just trying to explain to you...
That thing I call love... Looove
That thing I call love... oooh, oooh.

Seeing with eyes

Nee Tholakari chupe
Naa Alajadinaape
Naa Prathidhika Neeke
Ponu Ponu Dhare Marenaa

So That I Can Be the Reliable Me

That was a smile, and there again that was a frown
I remember all of them if I don’t close my eyes

Stay with me

On this unhappy evening,
On this useless evening,
Would you talk with me,
Would you stay with me.
On this gloomy evening,
On this boring evening,
Would you talk with me,
Would you stay with me.
Could you talk with me,
Oh, could you stay with me.

America Wishes President Biden

Best wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden
Aaaaaa America
Aaaaaa America
Best wishes President Biden
Aaaaaaaa America
Aaaaaaaaa America
Best wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden
Aaaaaaaaa Americaiiiiiiiiica
Best wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden

Nyugati Oldal

(Verse 1)
Nem akarok túl sokat gondolkodni
Csak érezni szeretnék
Tudod hogy ez nem rohanás
Hadd tartsam valódinak
Csak hagyd, hogy az életed része legyek így
Az életed része így
(Pre chorus)
Visszahozom a fényt
Visszahozom az életet
Elérem hogy többet akarj
Én leszek az új kedvenced
Mondd nekik, hogy becsukod az ajtót
Én vagyok egyetlen biztosan
Oh baby
Várj, nem kéne vàrni
Több a szerelem, ha követed az érzelmeket
Jelenj meg, most ha lent vagy, tekerd fel
Találkozzunk a nyugati oldalamon
Várj, nem kéne vàrni
Több a szerelem, ha követed az érzelmeket
Jelenj meg, most ha lent vagy, tekerd fel
Találkozzunk, nem akarom, ha az nem a te érintésed
Akàr hányszor pihenünk, mindig jobb
Nem kell hoznod semmit
Itt van minden amire szükségünk van
Csak hadd legyek így az életed része
Hadd legyek így a feleséged
(Pre chorus)
Visszahozom a fényt
Visszahozom az életet
Elérem hogy többet akarj
Én leszek az új kedvenced
Mondd nekik, hogy becsukod az ajtót
Én vagyok egyetlen biztosan
Oh baby
Várj, nem kéne vàrni
Több a szerelem, ha követed az érzelmeket
Jelenj meg, most ha lent vagy, tekerd fel
Találkozzunk a nyugati oldalamon
Várj, nem kéne vàrni
Több a szerelem, ha követed az érzelmeket
Jelenj meg, most ha lent vagy, tekerd fel
Találkozzunk, nem akarom, ha az nem a te érintésed

I know where Sid Barrett lives

I know where Sid Barrett lives
I know he's not happy about the guests
I know how he makes coffee
When other people are sleeping
And the world doesn't need him at all
The world doesn't want him
Private apartment
He deserves
He sees how on the roofs are sitting
Peacocks and elephants
He sees how mice are pulling
A piece of silence
And the world doesn't need him at all
The world doesn't want him
Private apartment
He deserves
I know that in Big Theatre
Gilmore plays on the trumpet
Calculating all costs
Not forgetting about himself
He won't even make little mistakes
He doesn't let go of what's his
Tonight they will show
Him on the TV
I know where Sid Barrett lives
I know where his nest is
I know how he makes coffee
Not understanding anything
And the world doesn't need him at all
The world doesn't want him
Private apartment
He deserves

No side

He closed his eyes and breathed deeply the smell of withered grass
On a long round robin tournament, the final kick missed the goal
He cleaned the soil from his shoulders
On a twilight of a slow winter day
He breathed deeply the wind he'll never smell again
What was your goal? What did you sacrificed?
Nobody knows
Longer than a cheer, farther than enthusiasm
You wanted to run, because you wanted
To know yourself a little
Even if everyone leave, I'll be here
Someone will wear your same number
And wait for the next season
Even if everyone forget you, I'll be here
What was your goal? What did you sacrificed?
Nobody knows
Longer than a cheer, farther than enthusiasm
You wanted to run, because you wanted
To know yourself a little
Even if everyone leave, I'll be here

Tiger (Tiger Inside)

Versions: #1
The tiger inside you!
You bite it and it bites you. This is the law of the jungle.
Oops, flames burst inside.
Hurry up and step on me so the flames don't spread.
Don't tie me, tie me up, tie me, tie me up!
If you leave me alone, I won't bite you.
If you piss me off, I'll show my teeth.
Don't try to tame me anymore.
Don't tie me, tie me up, tie me, tie me up!
There is one and only rule in the gray jungle.
This only annoys me even more.
Pounce on it violently. Let’s growl!
So bring it on, bring it on, bring it on!
Let the tiger inside you burst into this world more wildly!
Bite all your worries yummy.
Hands in the air! Don't show your back!
Wake me up! Wake me up! Hurry up, wake up!
Wake me up! Wake me up! Hurry up. Yeah!
The tiger inside you is breathing rapidly and growls with all his might.
Take back your wildness and run, vroom, vroom.
Clear your throat, um, um.
Suppressed desires burst out and scream. Follow me or avoid me.
Run over me to make the world shudder.
Follow your inner instinct. Here is already paradise.
Rewrite a brand-new life ever since the beginning.
Don't tie me, tie me up, tie me, tie me up!
There is one and only rule in the gray jungle.
It's just a merciless food chain.
Shout to you, let's growl!
So bring it on, bring it on, bring it on!
Let the tiger inside you burst into this world more wildly!
Bite all your worries yummy.
Hands in the air! Don't show your back!
Wake me up! Wake me up! Hurry up, wake up!
Wake me up! Wake me up! Hurry up. Yeah!
Yeah! The tiger inside you is breathing rapidly and growls with all his might.
Dinner’s ready, yeah!
Dinner’s ready, yeah!
Dinner’s ready, yeah!
Dinner’s ready, yeah!
Don't drop your tail. I'll lead you. Don't stop.
You locked yourself in the cage.
The key is inside you,
So break that chain!
OK, let's go! Everybody keeps me locked up, chase me like they follow me.
This taste, the taste of sweet victory is pretty exhilarating.
We can make animal sound louder, loud! Latent power arises
The exclamations are heard (Ooh !) Turn up the volume (Ooh!)
The tiger inside you!
Let the tiger inside you burst into this world more wildly!
Bite all your worries yummy.
Hands in the air! Don't show your back!
Wake me up! Wake me up! Hurry up, wake up!
Wake me up! Wake me up! Hurry up. Yeah!
Yeah! The tiger inside you is breathing rapidly and growls with all his might.
Dinner’s ready, yeah!
Dinner’s ready, yeah!
Dinner’s ready, yeah!
Dinner’s ready, yeah!

It's You I Love

The morning loves the light of the day
And the night loves to be with the moon
The song loves its melody
And luck loves its fortune
Kings love their castles
The soldier loves his rifle
The stars love to shine
The beer loves its barrel
Language loves its idioms
And the rain loves the clouds
The perfume loves the aroma
What goes down loves what goes up
The stomach loves its food
The future loves its seer
The sailboat loves what the wind brings
The path loves its destiny
Everybody here loves something - but
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
But it's you I love, you, you, you, you
But I love you, you, you, you, you
The billy goats love their does
Histories love tales
Books love words
Ideas love thoughts
Painters love colors
Summer loves the sun so much
Bees love flowers
Rice loves its bean
Thieves don't love robbing
Life loves staying alive
Lungs love breathing
Those below love going up
Verse loves its poet
Freshwater loves dolphins
The galaxy loves its planets
And the end wants to finish
Everybody here loves something - but
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
But it's you I love, you, you, you, you
But I love you, you, you, you, you
Eyes love viewing the scenery
Lions love their jungle
Backs love their massages
And the return loves coming back
The peasant loves his machete
Our body loves its skeleton
The stuffed animal loves to be squeezed
Silence loves its secret
Breakfast loves its coffee
Darkness loves its lantern
Believers love to have faith
Adventures love to have legs
I don't need to have everything
I'm moving although the world is still
I learned to walk with my elbows
But with you I feel complete
You, you
You, you
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
But it's you I love, you, you, you, you
But I love you, you, you, you, you
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
But it's you I love, you, you, you, you
But I love you, you, you, you, you


The face of a child
With no expression
Rather than dreaming
They learn to give up
A blurred line between good and evil
Lies that seem to be real
Knowing it's wrong
But the heads turn away as if they saw nothing
They're busy calculating
Closing their eyes and covering their ears
An awful pressure to remain silent
I can't tolerate it any longer, my throat is constricted
Ooh nah nah nah lift your head
Ooh my my my don't let it be like this
Let's not be broken
Let's do anything
Go now now now
Go back to the beginning
To the days of innocence
Take a step forward like the first time you did it
Open your eyes again like the first time you did it
Dream your dreams like the first time you did it
Set everything here
Back to the starting point
I'm going numb
They don't care no more
I'm going numb
They don't care no more
Take a step forward like the first time you did it
Open your eyes again like the first time you did it
Dream your dreams like the first time you did it
Set everything here back to the starting point
This place
Has already become Hell
The not stepped on child
Will soon be stepped on
The answers to the test (the obvious answer)
They have the value of your life on the line
If not 1st place then a loser
Ooh who could be innocent?
The adults sit by and watch
Desperation wearing the mask of disobedience
Apathy causing bruises
Now I can't take it any longer
Ooh nah nah nah lift your head
Ooh my my my don't let it be like this
Let's not be afraid
Let's make it right
Go now now now
Go back to the beginning
To the days of innocence
I'm going numb
They don't care no more
I'm going numb
They don't care no more
Take a step forward like the first time you did it
Open your eyes again like the first time you did it
Dream your dreams like the first time you did it
Set everything here back to the starting point
Ooh everyday it all goes to hell
Now, it's like a battle inside the classroom, aim at your friends, bang!
They suffocate us with obedience to forced education
Dont resist, hey, I told you to smile
You're like an incomplete bar
But you always act like we're the ones off beat, the spirit of cutting off obsolete logic ooh!
What we're discussing is the issue of innocence
It's probably you who is the one to rescue us
Ooh nah nah nah lift your head
Ooh my my my don't let it be like this
Take a step forward like the first time you did it
Open your eyes again like the first time you did it
Dream your dreams like the first time you did it
Set everything here back to the starting point
We gonna break this one
I'm going numb
They don't care no more
I'm going numb
They don't care no more
Take a step forward like the first time you did it
Open your eyes again like the first time you did it
Dream your dreams like the first time you did it
Set everything here back to the starting point

The Last Me

I’m watching you
How you’re moving
Behind the wallpaper
The last me in the world
I’m looking for it
To watch it
To look for it
To walk into it
The last me in the world


Versions: #2
Today, today, today1
I'm going to conquer you
Although you're from Venus and I'm from Mars
The wizard of the witches has arrived
If you're water and I'm soap, let's make bubbles
Today, we're a couple of monkeys
I'm the pistol and you're the lead
My little flower, here I come with the fertilizer
I'm your John Lennon2 and you're my Yoko Ono3
Today I'll devour you
Today the hen found the rooster with the golden eggs
The cow has the bull by the horns
Today I fell in love before the chorus started
Before the chorus started
Today I fell in love before the chorus started
Before the chorus started
Today I fell in love
Today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today, we complete each other, my sweetheart
You're the lemon, I'm whiskey with ice
We complete each other, no problems
Like barbecue sauce with chicken wings
Today, each one brings their condiment
You put down the blocks, I'll mix the concrete
Today what I want is for you to move
To get new words out of me
Today I'll devour you
Today the hen found the rooster with the golden eggs
The cow has the bull by the horns
Today I fell in love before the chorus started
Before the chorus started
Today I fell in love before the chorus started
Before the chorus started
Today I fell in love
Today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Your butt cheeks giving me a concert
And I melt like chocolate in the desert
Thigh to thigh, skin to skin
You've got to get honey out of that honeycomb
Today, the lame move their legs
Today, even the rats dance without cheese
Nobody gets tired, nobody gets worn out
Here they dance even with a broken hip
Today I'll devour you
Today the hen found the rooster with the golden eggs
The cow has the bull by the horns
Today I fell in love before the chorus started
Before the chorus started
Today I fell in love before the chorus started
Before the chorus started
Today I fell in love
Today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
  • 1. Literally it's 'Today and today and today', but this way it's still two syllables
  • 2. English singer from the rock band The Beatles:
  • 3. Japanese artist and activist, married to Lennon until his murder:

Sidsel Videlvand

There lives a maiden in our land
In trim trimmelim1
Her name is Sidsel Videlvand
Sku lu
She said she would a winter night
Sku lu leia
She said she would a winter night
Sleep with a boastful knight
She said she would in the morning
She said she would in the morning
Stand in the square still a virgin
And the king had five sons
And the king had five sons
Soon one of them rode to her
'Good evening, good evening, my fair maiden'
'Good evening, good evening, dear fair maiden
I have come to test your great dare!'
'Then bind your horse by the saddle's girth'
'And bind your horse by the saddle's girth
While I go ahead and ready the bed'
And Sidsel speaks to her servant
And Sidsel speaks to her servant:
'Fetch me five duvets
No, fetch me nine duvets'
'Fetch me nine duvets
And write in sleep in each of them2
Shall we drink beer and brandy first?'
'We shall drink beer and brandy first
Then we shall sleep in ermine pelt'
He slept for days, he slept for two
He slept for days, he slept for two
And he slept for the third one as well
And he slept for the fourth one as well
And he slept for the fourth one as well
Until Sidsel woke him in the evening
'Wake up, wake up, my fair knight'
'500 rixdollar I will give you
To say you didn't escape me still a virgin'
'500 rigsdaler I will not take'
'500 rixdollar I will not take
And shame over the one who lies so
And when I am with other maidens'
'And when I am with other maidens
I will mock you most of all
Yes, I will mock you most of all!'
  • 1. Nonsense words that carry the melody and are repeated throughout the soung
  • 2. Unsure what this means but one assumes something supernatural.


Szeretni akarlak kívül-belül
Szeretni kívül-belül
Édes, add nekem, nincs kétség
Mert szeretni akarlak kívül-belül
Szeretnek akarlak kívül-belül
Mutasd meg mi van benned
Nem akarom tudni a száj szavát
Mert szeretni akarlak kívül-belül
Szeretni akarlak kívül-belül
Szeretni akarlak kívül-belül
Nézd a fényes oldalt
Te a jó oldalon vagy
Te vagy a legjobbak, legjobbja, igen
Mindig veszlek
Beszélek a világról, a világról
Ne pazarold az idődet más lányokkal
Mert ha egyszer elér a szerelmem
Akkor soha nem lesz éled, soha nem lesz elég
Szeretni akarlak kívül-belül
Szeretni kívül-belül
Édes, add nekem, nincs kétség
Mert szeretni akarlak kívül-belül
Szeretnek akarlak kívül-belül
Mutasd meg mi van benned
Nem akarom tudni a száj szavát
Mert szeretni akarlak kívül-belül
Szeretni akarlak kívül-belül
Szeretni akarlak kívül-belül
Észak Miami-ban nőttem fel
Ott voltam mikor rám találtál
Azt hitted tovább tudsz állni nélkülem
Most nem látod magad nélkülem
Jó ég , jó ég , Oh istenem, Oh istenem
Mert ha egyszer elér a szerelmem
Soha nem lesz elég , soha nem lesz elég
Szeretni akarlak kívül-belül
Szeretni kívül-belül
Édes, add nekem, nincs kétség
Mert szeretni akarlak kívül-belül
Szeretnek akarlak kívül-belül
Mutasd meg mi van benned
Nem akarom tudni a száj szavát
Mert szeretni akarlak kívül-belül
Szeretni akarlak kívül-belül
Szeretni akarlak kívül-belül
Miamitól Mexikóig
ez a dolog elkapott
Csak soha ne engedj el
Ha szeretsz, mondd el baby
Szeretni akarlak kívül-belül
Baby, add nekem, ne beszélsz
Mert szeretni akarlak kívül-belül

A lelkész fia

Billy-Ray a lelkész fia volt
S mikor a papája látogatóba jött, ő is vele volt
Amikor összegyűltek és elkezdtek beszélgetni
Olyankor elvitt engem Billy sétálni
A hátsókerten át kisurrantunk járni egyet
Aztán a szemembe nézett
Istenen tudja, mennyire meglepett
Az egyetlen aki valaha közzel került hozzám
A lelkész fia volt
Oh, az egyetlen fiú aki megtanított dolgokra
A lelkész fia volt
Igen ő volt, ó, tudod ő volt az
Nem mindig könnyű jónak lenni
Nem számít, mennyire erőteljesen próbálom
Amikor édesgetően kezdet hozzám szólni
Azzal jött és mondta, hogy minden rendben van
Megcsókolt és mondta, hogy minden rendben
El tudok ismét szökni ma este?
Az egyetlen aki megtanított dolgokra
A lelkész fia volt
Az egyetlen fiú, aki valaha közzel került hozzám
A lelkész fia volt
Igen ő volt, ő. tudod ő volt az
Az egyetlen aki megtanított dolgokra
A lelkész fia volt
Az egyetlen fiú, aki valaha közzel került hozzám
A lelkész fia volt
Igen ő volt, ó, tudod ő volt az
Milyen kellemesen emlékszem
Szemének sugárzó tekintetére
Titokban csókokat csent tőlem
Időt nyert fecsegéssel
Győzködve, hogy ő csak az enyém
Egymástól tanultunk
Hogy lássuk mennyit fejlődtünk
És az egyetlen aki megtanított dolgokra
A lelkész fia volt
Oh, az egyetlen fiú, aki valaha közzel került hozzám
A lelkész fia volt
Igen ő volt, ó, tudod ő volt az
Az egyetlen aki megtanított dolgokra
A lelkész fia volt
Oh, az egyetlen fiú, aki valaha közzel került hozzám
A lelkész fia volt
Igen ő volt, ó, tudod ő volt az

Washingtonnal az oldaladon

Jó lehet, jó lehet
Washingtonnal az oldaladon
Jó lehet, jó lehet
Washingtonnal az oldaladon
Minden tettnek megvan az egyenlő, ellentétes reakciója
Hamiltonnak köszönhetően a tanácsunk csoportokra hullott
Próbálj meg nem megtörni a stressz alatt, szilánkokra hullunk szét
A lapokban pofozkodunk és nem nyomtatunk behúzásokat
Semmi elégedettségem nem származik nekem szenvedélyes kitörései láttán
Ahogy felvarrja és cicomázza magát a divat legalja szerint
A legszegényebb lakóink, a fölműveseink porcióról porcióra élnek
Míg Wall Street vakulásig rabolja őket bezsákmányolandó zsetonokat keresve
Ez a balfék valaki mást keres hogy a feladatra vezesse
Valaki adjon már egy kis sarat azon a bárgyú tömegén hogy végre leleplezhessük
Majd én meghúszom a ravaszt, valaki töltse meg a pisztolyt és húzza fel a kakasát
Míg mi csak néztünk, ő zsebre dugta Washingtont
Jó lehet, jó lehet
Washingtonnal az oldaladon
Jó lehet, jó lehet
Washingtonnal az oldaladon
Nézz vissza a Jogok Nyilatkozatára
Amit én írtam
A tinta még meg se száradt
Jó lehet, jó lehet
Washingtonnal az oldaladon
Szóval megduplázta a kormány méretét
Hát nem az előző kormány mérettel volt pont a baj?
Nézz a szemébe!
Nézd ahogy hazudik
Kövesd a cége szagát
Központosítja a nemzeti kreditet
És Amerikát versenyképesebbé teszi
Ha nem állítjuk meg, segítjük és bíztatjuk
Fel kell mondanom
Valakinek ki kell állni a Délért!
Valakinek ki kell állnia a szája elé!
Ha egy tüzet kell kioltanod
Nem olthatod ki a házon belülről
Én a tanács része vagyok. Cinkos vagyok abban ahogy
Nézzük őt több erőt elérni és csókolni
Ha Washington nem hallgat
Fegyelmezett szakadárokra, ez a különbség:
Ez a gyerek ki van rúgva!
Ezt a bevándorlót nem mi választottuk
Ez a bevándorló mindenkit lábujjhegyre állít
Mutassuk meg ezeknek a föderalistáknak kik ellen is vannak!
Ki-bebaszott déli-
Hát kövessük a pénzt és nézzük hova vezet
Mert a kincstár másodpercről másodpercre nő
Ha követjük a pénzt és megnézzük hova vezet
A gazba túrunk, megkeressük Hamilton
Hibáinak írmagját
Jó lehet. Jó lehet
Kövesd a pénzt és nézd meg hova vezet
Jó lehet. Jó lehet
A császáron nincsen ruha
Nem leszünk láthatatlanok. Nem leszünk elutasítva
Jó lehet, jó lehet
Washingtonnal az oldaladon

Where are you wandering

Outside, the weather's rainy, should I stay or should I go out
where are you wandering ? where are you wandering ?
I should probably go to the movies, visit George's bar
where are you wandering ? where are you wandering ?
I'll stop by Takis, he might have some...
where are you wandering ? where are you wandering ?
Outside's getting late, the wind is howling
it's raining and I'm going back alone
looking for a random place to stay
I won't be able to sleep at home
The city lights are off
two friends say hello
where are you wandering ? where are you wandering ?

My friends from the other side

Don't you look down on me, little one.
It'll be a huge mistake,
My kingdom opens its arms to you
And my friends come from the other side...
(His friends come from the other side)
It's only an echo, my friends,
A little custom from Louisiana,
A little cabaret show, a pittance.
Let's sit over there,
Trust me,
Relax and thanks to me
Today may be your lucky day.
I can read [your] futures
And change it as I please,
And getting into your soul,
You do have a soul, don't you Lawrence?
And into your wildest dreams...
Thanks to my voodoo, my gift of gab, my abracadabras
And my friends coming from the other side.
(His friends come from the other side)
The cards, the cards, the cards show me
You past, present and future as they are.
The cards, the cards, the cards, pick three of them
And come discover your future with me.
You, you have done a long crossing,
You come from two royal lines
(I got royal blood myself from my mother side)
You live lavishly but you're broke
And you need your fiancée's daddy to be loaded.
Dad cut you off, hu, playboy?
You have to put a ring of your finger but without tiying yourself down...
You wanna be free as the wind,
Going from one city to another, but to be free you need green...
How green, how green
How green my dear!
I look at your future
And I only see green in it!
For you my dear, your assessment will be quick:
You've been used all you life,
Used by your mother,
Your little sister, your little brother
And if you were married, you'd be used by your wife!
But getting a glimpse into your future,
I only see that man you always wish you were.
Shake my hand, my friends,
Shake the hand of a poor sinner
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Total transformation
Total transformation,
Total renovation,
Total renovation,
And total transfiguration
Do you feel it?
Do you feel all those changes, all those changes,
All those changes in you?
I hope you'll like them
But otherwise, don't cast a stone at me:
Blame it on my friend from the other side
You had what you wished for,
But you lost what you had

A szürke világosabb árnyalata

Arra az esetre írom ezt, ha holnap már nem leszek
Arra az esetre írom ezt, ha már továbbléptem
Van valami, amire remélem emlékezni fogsz majd
Hogy az élet nem egy játék, hanem egy dal
Így tartsd belölem a legjobb darabokat
Elzárva a kulcsok nélkül
És tudd, hogy örökre melletted vagyok
Amikor kialszanak a fények
Tudd, hogy nem vagyok messze
Amikor a nap kiég
Várni foglak a szürke világosabb árnyalatán
Ha ezt olvasod, tudom, hogy búslakodsz
Ha ezt olvasod, tudom, hogy félsz
Tudd, hogy minden dolog, amit akarsz, kölcsönben van
És csak azt tarthatod meg, amit megosztottál
Így töröld le a könnyeidet értem
Tudd, hogy történelmet írtunk
Emlékezz arra, hogy senki nem hal meg igazán
Amikor kialszanak a fények
Tudd, hogy nem vagyok soha messze
Amikor a nap kiég
Várni foglak a szürke világosabb árnyalatán
Amikor kialszanak a fények
Tudd, hogy nem vagyok soha messze
Amikor a nap kiég
Várni foglak a szürke világosabb árnyalatán