Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 26

Találatok száma: 1469


Only You

Versions: #1
Because I like you in every way,
from every side and perspective, you.
If you're missing, I get a lump,
I can't breathe and my heart aches.
Because you don't ask me to forgive you
and if you embrace me, you don't get tired of playing.
This way, you manage to kill a man
with the innocence of the shyness you won't have.
Only you... living inside me.
Always you... for me.
Only you... and tell me that
I will also be for you.
Because you're beautiful and you hurt me,
but you don't care or maybe you can't even see it.
And then you wait for the night to fall
to love each other like on the very first time.
Only you... in my dreaming,
always you... will remain.
Only you... for me!
There is nobody else here.
I am nullified, conquered!
I am your slave.
(I am your slave...)
Nothing more remains.
(Only you remain...)
Only you... living inside me.
Always you... only for me.
Only you... only telling me,
'Only you... only for me!'
(Only you... living inside me...)
Because I like you in every way.
(Always you... for me)
From every side and perspective, you.
Only, only you!
If you're missing, I get a lump.
(Only you... telling me...)
I will also be for you.
Only you... only you living inside me.
Always you... always you, always for me.
Only you... and tell me that
all the rest doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter to us.
All the rest is only you.


Engedtük a vizeket emelkedni
Sodródtunk, hogy túléljük
Szükségem volt arra, hogy maradj
De engedtelek sodródni
Szerelmem hol vagy? Szerelmem hol vagy?
Amikor készen állsz (amikor készen állsz)
Amikor készen állsz (amikor készen állsz)
Megadhatjuk magunkat?
Megadhatjuk magunkat?
Megadom magam.
Ezúttal senki sem fog nyerni
Csak azt szeretném, hogy visszagyere
Hozzád futok
Lobog a fehér zászlóm, a fehér zászlóm
Szerelmem, hol vagy? Szerelmem, hol vagy?
Amikor készen állsz (amikor készen állsz)
Amikor készen állsz (amikor készen állsz)
Megadhatjuk magunkat?
Megadhatjuk magunkat?
Megadom magam.


Very much lost in this place,
You're hiding away from the sun.
You disassemble de jigsaw puzzle
That no one has ever managed to finish

Like Iza

I just have to look at you for the time to stop
A smile so beautiful like a rare jewel
When I'm with you, I don't think about tomorrow
Just like in that Iza song 1
You are my tasliman
You brought me luck, and you brought me desire
I spent the night awake
Thinking about our kiss
I feel all of that when I see you
But stop to realize
That I want just you
Until dawn
And what happens next, we'll see
Stop to realize
That I want just you
Until dawn
And what happens next, we'll see
But first let's finish
What we started somewhere else
But this time, let's go slow
Just so it doesn't end
So it doesn't end
I just have to look at you for the time to stop
A smile so beautiful like a rare jewel
When I'm with you, I don't think about tomorrow
Just like in that Iza song
You are my tasliman
You brought me luck, and you brought me desire
I spent the night awake
Thinking about our kiss
I feel all of that when I see you
But stop to realize
That I want just you
Until dawn
And what happens next, we'll see
Stop to realize
That I want just you
Until dawn
And what happens next, we'll see
But first let's finish
What we started somewhere else
But this time, let's go slow
Just so it doesn't end
So it doesn't end
  • 1. A reference to 'Meu Talismã' by IZA.

Do It Like This

I like it when you look at me
I know that you're in the mood
So sit down on me
And the will have no end
I burn the flower to relax
You take it well, you make me delirious
All night, nonstop
As long as our bodies can take it
On the bed, in the room, on the couch, I enjoy myself with you on top of me
I like it when you do it like this
Playing for me
Tonic and gin
It will have no end, so bounce for me
On the bed, in the room, on the couch, I enjoy myself with you on top of me
I like it when you do it like this
Playing for me
Tonic and gin
It will have no end, so bounce for me
Do it like this
The way only you know how to do it
So give it to me
Another unforgettable night of pleasure
Make me go delirious
When you look at me, smiling and asking me not to stop
Instigating me like this, I think I'm gonna
On the bed, in the room, on the couch, I enjoy myself with you on top of me
I like it when you do it like this
Playing for me
Tonic and gin
It will have no end, so bounce for me
Do it like this
The way only you know how to do it
So give it to me
Another unforgettable night of pleasure
Make me go delirious
When you look at me, smiling and asking me not to stop
Instigating me like this, I think I'm gonna

You've Got Such Eyes

You've got such eyes
That look like they have two pupils in each,
Like the latest cars have.
At night
Cars fly from highway to highway, whirring
With two pairs of headlights.
You've got double eyes,
Enough for two faces.
All the oceans shine through the eyes
Multiplied by two.
You see, your eyes are
A map of the two hemispheres of the Earth.
When you close them,
The equator sinks into the night.
And when I ask them to open,
They reveal two blue poles
At the moment of opening.


'Everything is so silent around me, and my soul is so calm. and I can - through the stormy, soaring clouds- see some stars of the eternal sky! No, you will not fall!

Eternal Joy on the Mountain of Loneliness

I have waited so long,
that a mountain has grown beneath me,
It elevated me into the sky
Near the stars.
Here the sky opens up just for me,
The starry darkness shines here,
just for me.
I am by myself, and my joy is endless
That's how I look down on everything,
Everything that I left underneath me forever.
All that I have found up here is different,
It surpasses everything I've anticipated
I have left everything else behind
I will stay in my solitude forever
I am by myself, in the endlessness of my joy
That's how I look down on everything,
Everything that I left underneath me forever.

May God return your steps to me

May God return your steps to me,
To paths who’s loving you,
For the eyes that never forget you,
If it’s your abandonment is long,
As long as hope exists,
The soul will be surrendered,
For your black eyes,
With hearing and obedience
May God return you back to me
Oh, your long absence is very much
That Torment me a lot,
And I don't know the reasons for it.
As long as hope exists,
The soul will be surrendered,
For your black eyes,
With hearing and obedience
You are gone today,
And you will cry tomorrow.
I will always be patient,
And I remember you.
As long as hope exists,
The soul will be surrendered,
For your black eyes,
With hearing and obedience

Chicka Chicka Egy, Kettő, Három

Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Lesz nekem hely?
Az egyik kettőnek, kettő pedig a háromnak mondta,
Megvetem az almafa tetejére.
Mássz fel mondta négy-öt és hat
fényes kis számok, amelyek csatlakoznak a keverékhez.
Siet! hétet kiáltott a nyolcadik számra,
lassan piszkáló fickó, aki mindig késik.
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Itt jön kilenc az almafához.
Következik tíz, majd tizenegy.
Hű, ezeknek az almáknak mennyei íze van!
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Forró rózsaszín tizenkettő, szerencsés tizenhárom,
piros és zöld almát szedni.
Tizennégy, tizenöt, nem látod?
Mindannyian fel akarnak mászni az almafára.
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Tizenhat következik a helyszínre,
ágakat mászni tizenhét.
Tizennyolc, tizenkilenc, még egy húsz.
Számok, számok, rengeteg van.
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három, lesz-e hely számomra?
Kanyargós harminc, lapos lábú negyven
felmászni, hogy csatlakozzon a partihoz!
Ötven rendben van, hatvan pedig dandy.
A Hetven haja hosszú és homokos.
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Másszunk tovább mondja a nyolcvanéves fafejű
egyre magasabb, akár kilencven,
míg végül kilencvenkilenc van
és minden szám jól érzi magát,
nulla kivételével, aki sírni kezd.
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Óh ne!
Zümmögés közel! Darázsok!
Zero elrejtőzik a fa mögött.
a darázs kiabál,
és az összes szám kidől.
Kilencven, nyolcvan, hetven esik,
mindenki számára ingyen érje a földet.
Hatvan, ötven, negyven futás.
Nincs több mászás, nincs több móka!
Harminc következő, aztán édes húsz.
Számok, számok, már nem sok!
Tizenkilenc és tizennyolc, én, jaj!
A rémült számok ugranak és repülnek!
Még tizenhét, tizenhat, tizenöt.
Most tizennégy érte a padlót.
És tizenhárom is, szerencsétlen fickó!
Tizenketten majdnem megérintették az eget!
Hajlított tizenegy.
(Várj! Hol van tíz?)
Akkor kilenc, nyolc, hét következik.
Hat és öt cilinder csavarása,
Négy, három, kettő, egy, merülj el!
(Menjünk!) Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Most már tudom a helyet nekem!
Nulla ugrik az égre.
Bátor kis szám, nem szégyenlős.
Nulla leszáll a fa tetejére.
Csatlakozik tízhez, most százan látod!
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Itt a hely, ami csak nekem való!
Minden szám kijön,
Egyre magasabbra, ahogy kiabálnak. (Hé!)
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
A számfa nulla hőse!
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három, lesz-e hely számomra?
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három, lesz-e hely számomra?
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három, lesz-e hely számomra?
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három, lesz-e hely számomra?
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?

Kiss me

I wish I could turn into a rose bush
to let you smell the perfume of this love
I wish I could turn into a ray of sun
to let you feel the warmth of this affection
I wish I could turn into a puff of wind
to forcefully enter your mouth
I wish I could be like silence
to let you hear all of my breaths
Kiss me, just this time, kiss me,
believe me, or else I won't look for you anymore
Kiss me, just this time, kiss me,
believe me, or else I won't look for you anymore
I wish I could turn into a sleep sorceress
to make you dream that you are looking for me
I wish I could turn into pollen made of kisses
so I could fall in your hair
Kiss me, just this time, kiss me,
believe me, or else I won't look for you anymore
Kiss me, just this time, kiss me,
believe me, or else I won't look for you anymore
I wish I could turn into a rose bush
to let you smell the perfume of this love
I wish I could turn into a ray of sun
to let you feel the warmth of this affection
Kiss me, for the last time, kiss me,
believe me, or else I won't look for you anymore
Kiss me, just this time, kiss me,
believe me, or else I won't look for you anymore
Kiss me, just this time, kiss me,
believe me, or else I won't look for you anymore
Kiss me, just this time, kiss me...

In the Bluebell Woods

After we’re finished drinking tea, let’s go explore the world together with Unicorn
The wind flutters his mane, Daoine Shee is singing and the Pixies are in a good mood
Passing by Cotswolds and heading towards Calton Hill
Is anyone there at Holyroodhouse Palace right now?
“Ah, the flag! Her Majesty the Queen is here☆”
In the Bluebell Woods, the Fairies are having an afternoon tea party
Lively talks and smiles as always
Robin Goodfellow looks like he’s been up to mischief
Frolicking with friends that are looking this way Next time again
Going down the River Conwy heading to Bodnant Garden
The beautiful garden soothes me
It smells of the ocean, I wonder where I’ll go next
The Westerlies fan me and I can see the Arch of Triumph
“Oh, Isn’t this his house~!?”
Returning slowly from the Dover Strait
I feel relieved seeing my favorite scenery
Buying lots of baked beans and ale
I should go back home soon where my friends await
At Trafalgar Square, I fill my chest with deep breaths
As expected, this air makes me feel relieved
In the Bluebell Woods, the Fairies are inside a dream
With so much fun the day passed by in a blink of an eye
Still going westward, beyond the Irish sea
Come now, let’s go on a trip to the next place I’ll be back

O love

O love
O passing in our land
Our body tiredness
Our soul's waves
O love that lives in us..
Messing with our thoughts..
Our prayers..
Our dreams..
I love you so much...
And I know that with your love..
With your passion...
I'll lose..
I'll suicide..
I'll shiver... I'll drunk
O love
Peace for your eyes
For your breath, we'll be perfumed ourself
O love
Lets us pray...
Lets us sing..
Lets us drunk..
O love..
Be my patriot.. be my historical..
Be my birth..
Be me..
O love...
That you lives in us..
Messing with our thoughts..
Be kindness...
Be kindness...

Ageh Ye Ashegh

if there was a lover in this world
that would be me, that would be me
the one who doesn’t want to lose love
that would be me, that would be me
the one whose got a hundred stories in her eyes
that would be you, that would be you
the one who’s got a hundred complaints from this love
that would be me, that would be me
now the one who is a restless person
with eyes always waiting
who is impatient, who is impatient
that would be me, that would be me
the one whose seconds are like years for him
who cannot leave you
now you’re not here to see his state
that would be me, that would be me
I wish when you arrive I'm not tired of you
I wish our love’s fire wouldn’t die and smolder
I wish we wouldn’t be strangers to love’s past
I wish it wouldn’t be late for you to regret

Get Wet

Jump into the water, for it's so hot:
Swim for yourself, swim for everyone!
For today, the sun looks radiant
And it shines and shines and shines...
Wet face, face in the water,
Your mouth full of air...
The sky is blue, the sea is mild
And the pool, is a festival!
Get in the water and kick with your feet:
You're the one with all the strength!
You're important...
You're the one with all the strength!
Get in the water and move your skeleton


A shivering gentleman, who had a cold
Sold me a few seeds.
He told me to plant them soon...
- 'They hide a very great treasure!'
I planted the seeds at the park

Who More Than Me

Who could steal one day
all that I have now mine?
Who more than me will make you happy?
Who more than me who has
nothing else in the world
but you?
And I live and die
for you—
only me.
Who will see in your eyes
the sweetness that you give me?
Who more than me will be close to you?
Who more than me who has
nothing else in the world
but you?
And I live and die
for you—
only me.
Who will make you forget?
Who will make you love anew?
Who more than me will drive you crazy
Who more than me who has
nothing else in the world
but you—
nothing else in the world
but you—
nothing else in the world
but you—
nothing else in the world...
Who more than me will make you happy?
Who more than me will be close to you?
Who more than me will make you happy?
Who more than me will be close to you?
Who more than me will make you happy?
Who more than me will be close to you?
Who more than me will make you happy?
Who more than me will be close to you?...

Adj nekem csokit!!

Adj nekem csokit!!
Atatata tata tatatata zukkyun
Watatata tata tatatata dokkyun
Zukyun dokyun zukyun dokyun
Nem! Nem! Nem! Nem! Soha! Soha! Soha!
Ehetek egy kis csokit?
De várjunk csak! Mostanában egy kicsit aggódok a súlyom miatt
De ugye ehetek egy kis csokit?
De várjunk csak, várj, várj egy kicsit
Atatata tata tatatata zukkyun
Watatata tata tatatata dokkyun
Zukyun dokyun zukyun dokyun
Nem! Nem! Nem! Nem! Soha! Soha! Soha!
Ehetek egy kis csokit, nem igaz?
De várjunk csak! Mostanában egy kicsit aggódok a súlyom miatt
De ugye ehetek egy kis csokit?
De várjunk csak, várj, várj egy kicsit
Pa rappa pa pa, rappa pa pa, rappa pa pa, pa pa pa pa
Már túl késő van! Túl késő!
Úgyhogy kérlek, kérlek, kérlek! Gyerünk!
Atatata tata tatatata zukkyun
Watatata tata tatatata dokkyun
Zukyun dokyun zukyun dokyun
Nem! Nem! Nem! Nem! Soha! Soha! Soha!
Oh ne! Ez annyira, de annyira nehéz! Pedig annyira próbáltam
Szóval adj egy kicsit abból, amit szeretek
Csak egy keveset, kérlek
Siess, adj egy kevés csokit
Add ide már azt a csokit, légyszi!
Ugye rendben van, hogyha eszek egy kevés csokit?
Na ugye! Annyira, de annyira finom!
Annyira keményen dolgozok, csupa örömmel
Szóval megérdemlek egy kevés csokit, nemde?
Tehát most eszek egy kevés csokit, de csak egy keveset
Pa rappa pa pa, rappa pa pa, rappa pa pa, pa pa pa pa
Már túl késő van! Túl késő!
Úgyhogy kérlek, kérlek, kérlek! Gyerünk!
Pa pa pa pa, rappa pa pa, rappa pa pa, pa pa pa pa
Pa pa pa, pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa pa pa pa

Thorny Path

There is no such a power...
...which can break my heart
I will stand up even if I fall
My wings are behind, those give huge hopes to me
I'm not alone, you are with me
Oh, how hard this thorny path
I'm strong, oo
I have no fear at all
I will pass through all flames together with you
I'm strong, oo
I have no fear at all
My heart takes wing in your hands
I'll walk
Walk on my path
I'll walk, that's not easy
Even if winds break trees
It can't break me easily
I'll laugh always even if I cry
While passing many roads
Walls are not be punctured
I came for you to give my frosty
Oh, how hard this thorny path
I'm strong, oo
I have no fear at all
I will pass through all flames together with you
I'm strong, oo
I have no fear at all
My heart takes wing in your hands
I'll walk, walk on my path
I'll walk, that's not easy


Camping bed on the balcony, the summer is hanging on clothespins
Your foot on the table, after a rosé spritzer1
We're laughing in tears, the eye makup is running
Ordinary Tuesdays are noisy because of us
Let me closer
Don't hesitate, just explore me in silence
Take control with your eyes, until
All walls collapse with a sigh
Let me closer
Don't hesitate, just explore me in silence
Take control with your hands, until
All walls collapse with a sigh
Crowds on squares, wasps and watermelon rinds
The airstrip is clear, the night may land
Love will wrestle you down, sooner than you think
My heart is naked, clothes are everywhere
Let me closer
Don't hesitate, just explore me in silence
Take control with your eyes, until
All walls collapse with a sigh
Let me closer
Don't hesitate, just explore me in silence
Take control with your hands, until
All walls collapse with a sigh
The summer is hanging on clothespins
You foot is on the table, after a rosé spritzer
Let me closer
Don't hesitate, just explore me in silence
Take control with your eyes, until
All walls collapse with a sigh
Let me closer
Don't hesitate, just explore me in silence
Take control with your hands, until
All walls collapse with a sigh
Let me closer
Don't hesitate, just explore me in silence
Take control with your eyes, until
All walls collapse
with a sigh, closer
  • 1. A spritzer is a tall, chilled drink, usually made with white wine and carbonated water or sparkling mineral water.


'wee-woo'1s around, bro, for who?
Is Sam around or is he at Spi's?
Life clicks on my clit, eh
she2 knows I like it when she presses the finger, eh
'wee-woo's around, bro, for who?
Is Sam around or is he at Spi's?
Life clicks on my clit, eh
she knows I like it when she presses the finger, eh
Whore life fucks me while clothed, me bent over
she's with a machinegun on my pussy, i laugh but she doesn't
i laugh about it, how is it
that i got knocked up by bad luck? I'll smoke a cig so she'll be born crooked
Slightly disgusting story of a lady
especially when nothing in her life makes her pretty3
Sometimes you're either the bitch or the pretty knave
when you never shot, but hoped for an end or for your own end
'wee-woo's around, bro, for who?
Is Sam around or is he at Spi's?
Life clicks on my clit, eh
she knows I like it when she presses the finger, eh
'wee-woo's around, bro, for who?
Is Sam around or is he at Spi's?
Life clicks on my clit, eh
she knows I like it when she presses the finger, eh
I point the finger at her but she sucks it, snorts from the straw
calls her friends and starts a fight
I slip on a peel, she laughs at me
while my face is peeled, then laughs at me, laughs at me
Sometimes I laugh and I don't understand why, yah
Sometimes I live and I don't understand if I'm breathing, yah
Sometimes I slip and I don't understand that I'm walking, yah
not on solid ground but on a thread, yah
Sometimes I sleep on a bed of cornflowers, yeah
Sometimes I die on a bed that is not mine, ah
Sometimes I dream that this whore goes away, yah
but in the end she's my whore
And time again, bro, for who?
Is Sam around or is he at Spi's?
Life clicks on my clit, eh
she knows I like it when she presses the finger, eh
'wee-woo's around, bro, for who?
Is Sam around or is he at Spi's?
Life clicks on my clit, eh
she knows I like it when she presses the finger, eh
Mama, mama4
You're a curse, curse
Do you love me or do you not, 'mama'
I don't understand nada5
Mama, mama
Don't leave me on the street, street
Kiss me calmly, calmly
Until you get tired of me
  • 1. Translated as onomatopeia for a siren as it's what it most likely was meant to be
  • 2. Life is a female noun in Italian
  • 3. These last two verses are hardly intelligible, mostly guessing here.
  • 4. Possible wordplay: 'mama' seems to be used at times as a slight mispronunciation of 'mamma', used as an interjection or a call to her mother, and at other times as part of the sentence 'm'ama, non m'ama', the flower plucking game. Hard to tell as this stanza is quite dialectal.
  • 5. nothing/anything, from Spanish


So, then I breath
Even when my head is trapped in darkness
So, then I breathe, even when my heart stops beating for me. Ha, ay
So, then I breathe even if the world understands nothing
So, then I breathe
And breathe even if the sky is still not clear
Breathe and let time teach you
That we need to keep believing it
Breathe and let the wind teach you
That it is never too late
Every harmony that the wind brings me
Makes me sing again
Never forget that everything is easier
And it's good to learn to trust
If you forget, breathe
If you forget, breathe
Sorrow, heartache, sorrow, now you breathe
So, now I breathe even
when my head is trapped in darkness
And sometimes it passes
So, then I breathe, and breathe because after the rain
A new start
Breathe in every moment and forget all thoughts
Ay, breathe and let go of regret
Breathe, come and become wind
Every harmony that the wind brings me
Makes me sing again
Never forget that everything is easier
And it's good to learn to trust
If you forget, breathe
If you forget, breathe
Every promise that time brings me
Makes me dance again
I never forget that everything is easier
That I want to learn to trust
If you forget, breathe
If you forget, breathe
Sorrow, heartache, sorrow, now you breathe
(With hands... go youth...
I present to all of you my musicians...
and you... Camille, Théo, François)
Every harmony that the wind brings me
Makes me sing again
Never forget that everything is easier
And it's good to learn to trust
If you forget, breathe
If you forget, breathe
Every promise that time brings me
Makes me dance again
I never forget that everything is easier
I want to learn to trust
If you forget, breathe
If you forget, breathe
Sorrow, heartache, sorrow, now you breathe
And... sorrow, heartache, sorrow, now you breathe


If they saw you, they will love you
and will they say, tikki, tikki, tikki-ta
If they saw you,
they will melt and will they say tikki, tikki, tikki-ta
O how beautiful she is
O,She is like the moon
O, she is like an angel (x2)
If they saw you, they will love you
and will they say, tikki, tikki, tikki-ta
If they saw you, they will melt
and will they say tikki, tikki, tikki-ta
O, how beautiful she is
O,She is like the moon
O, she is like an angel (x2)
Her beautiful eyes melted me,
and my heart dwelt with her
Her long eyelashes tormented me
And my heart wound by her eyelashes
Yeah, this is life
Yeah, this is love
Yeah , this is affectionate beauty
It has the beauty of years
It has the same nostalgia
It has the same crazy love and longing
Its sea is a ​​beauty
Its beach is a longing
Many eyes melted in it
If they saw you, they will love you
and will they say, tikki, tikki, tikki-ta
If they saw you, they will melt
and will they say tikki, tikki, tikki-ta
O, how beautiful she is
O,She is like the moon
O, she is like an angel (x2)
If you don't like them turns them far away
and then say, tikki, tikki, tikki-ta
If your lovers appeared, then they say,
tikki, tikki, tikki-ta
O, what the beauty of her love
O, how beautiful she is
O, how harmonious her body (x2)
If you don't like them turns them far away
and then say, tikki, tikki, tikki-ta
If your lovers appeared, then they say,
tikki, tikki, tikki-ta
O, what the beauty of her love
O, how beautiful she is
O, how harmonious her body (x2)
O, how many eyes melted in her eyes,
Get me entered in her heart
To whom they love her,
taught me her love
Water me the love
Give me beautiful words
Throw me in her love far way
So I'm ended up
Or I'm started up
In her eyes stubborn beauty
I saw her and I fell
And my heart said he will melt in her love
Yeah, This is a sure beauty effective
If they saw you, they will love you
and will they say, tikki, tikki, tikki-ta
If they saw you, they will melt
and will they say tikki, tikki, tikki-ta
If they saw you, they will love you
and will they say, tikki, tikki, tikki-ta
If they saw you, they will melt
and will they say tikki, tikki, tikki-ta
O how beautiful she is
O,She is like the moon
O, she is like an angel (x2)
If they saw you, they will love you
and will they say, tikki, tikki, tikki-ta
If they saw you, they will melt
and will they say tikki, tikki, tikki-ta
O how beautiful she is
O,She is like the moon
O, she is like an angel (x2)

Our name

I don't want to convince myself
That nothing is for forever
I don't know if I'm doing it well
I am beginning to see
Our name all over the place
I think I don't know how to recognize
That it's possible that
Love doesn't remain
And what if we are
no longer two
I no longer really love you
That's why I have to leave
I'm no longer your other half
I don't want to wake you up
If you aren't going to wake me up
I'm no longer at your place
It's getting late and I don't want to go back
Now I'm thinking of going out and having a good time
I don't know anything because when I ask you
You always say we won't end up together
But now it's all the same to me if you aren't here
Although it's going to be hard not to think about you
I've had a lot of sleepless nights
Something in me is going to explode
And it's possible that
Love doesn't remain
And that if we are
No longer two
And it's possible that
Love doesn't remain
And what if we are
no longer two
I no longer really love you
That's why I have to leave
I'm no longer your other half
And I don't want to wake you up
If you aren't going to wake me up
I'm no longer at your place

Spider Man

Spider man, Spider man! What is that? It's a fucking Spider man!
Where is he? Who is he with now? He brings one bitch in the city, 'cause he, he is just a spider!
Derivatives do him, he thrashes the cops.
In the web he throws them like dogs, like trash he throws them away later! Spider man! Spider man, fucked you!
With him you fly through the sky, you think you fucked him.
But he keeps you, and with you he blows glue!
With him you fly through the sky, you think you fucked him.
But he keeps you, and with you he blows glue!
A spider may have 8 legs, this shit just two! What type of Spider is that? He's a drugged freak! He's a Belgrade Spider man!
He smokes marlboro through his mask, he beats passers-by with a board.
He abducts all of their money. What kind of man is that? Spider man, he is a fucked Spider man!
With him you fly through the sky, you think you fucked him.
But he keeps you, and with you he blows glue!
With him you fly through the sky, you think you fucked him.
But he keeps you, and with you he blows glue!
Spoiled Spider man, on the flea mart Spider man!


Versions: #1
seiya se se se seiya1
seiya se se se seiya
soiya so so so soiya
soiya so so so soiya
even overflowing with tears
let's stand up and face it
committed, seiya soiya, we will fight
more fist, more heart, honing everything, everything
still, seiya soiya, we will fight
even in sorrow, even if we can't stand anymore
ah, osu! osu!
seiya se se se seiya
seiya se se se seiya
soiya so so so soiya
soiya so so so soiya
even if our hearts break (osu!)
let's stand up and face it
seiya soiya, we will fight
honing everything, everything
seiya soiya, we will fight
honing everything, everything
run!3 (seiya soiya, we will fight)
run! (seiya soiya, we will fight)
  • 1. I had some trouble with these 'seiya' and 'soiya' phrases, but in Googling it I was heartened to find that there are Japanese people confused by this as well (link not allowed, but it was a Japanese Yahoo Answers page that started with '「そいや、そいや」とは何の掛け声か'). These are what are called kake-koe in Japanese: phrases that are shouted for encouragement and coordination during group efforts, especially physical ones. They are particularly associated with carrying mobile shrines through the streets on festival days. The Babymetal song 'Megitsune' makes use of some similar terms. If I were to translate these, I might go with 'all together,' but I'll leave them as is, since they don't really have a clearly defined meaning and are used in a somewhat onomatopoeic way.
  • 2. This is a term very much associated with karate and other Japanese martial arts, and even some American styles use the term. Its meaning is somewhat context dependent, but it's said to instructors to mean 'I understand and will do as you ask.' It can also mean something like 'let's get started,' and is also used as a general greeting in the dojo. I found a Japanese blog post (link not allowed, but it is by the 'a-pearl' user on Ameba, titled '「押忍」という挨拶の使い方') that waxes rather effulgent in listing several potential meanings of the term (the following are my translations): 'I will discard my own knowledge and views and be receptive as pure white so as to not miss any of the teachings or views of my instructors or seniors.' 'In times of adversity I will patiently bear the heat and cold of training, the pain and suffering, and the positions and environments I am placed in.' 'I commit myself to constant and patient self improvement.' 'I will always have an attitude of respect in my interactions with my instructors, my seniors, my peers, and my juniors, and I will be grateful for environments that allow me to improve myself.' So that's a brief survey of what sorts of meaning can be packed into a word like osu. If I had to pick a single translation for its use in this song, I'd probably settle on 'let's go!' but since it's such a slippery term and is used in many martial arts schools in the West, I'll just leave it as is.
  • 3. In English the word 'run' is often associated with escaping, but in Japanese, especially in contexts like this, its meaning is more akin to pursuing a goal with maximum effort.

In the fog my fire’s glowing

In the fog my fire’s glowing
And the sparks go out in flight
We’ll be seen this late by no one,
On the bridge we’ll say good night.
And then early the next morning
You won’t see me here, my man
I’ll be far on a steppe journey
With the gypsy caravan
As a parting gift, I gather
On my headscarf tie a knot
As its ends, we’ve been together
We enjoyed our love a lot
Who will tell me what’s my fortune
Love, I’ll meet somebody new
And he will un-tie with caution
This tight knot once tied by you
You remember me, my dear
When another one will clap
she’ll be singing songs with cheer
While sitting on your lap
In the fog my fire’s glowing
And the sparks go out in flight
We’ll be seen this late by no one,
On the bridge we’ll say good night.

Back to the sea

You've forgotten what's in you
And you followed your heart
And at the end of these days
You're going your way
Your familiar sights
Are approaching your shore again
And now your dreams
Are waiting for your reply.
Back, back, back to the sea
Back, back, back there
Back, back, back to the sea, sea, sea
Back, back, back there.
Back, back, back there
Back, back, back to the sea
Back, back, back to there, there, there
Back, back, back to the sea, sea, sea.
You followed the rain
You were looking for seashells in the sand
How you sank into your silences
Who promised you everything.
Looking for the quiet
How did you change
What are you asking for now?
Return to the road to wander.
Back, back, back to the sea
Back, back, back there
Back, back, back to the sea, sea, sea
Back, back, back there.
Back, back, back there
Back, back, back to the sea
Back, back, back to there, there, there
Back, back, back to the sea, sea, sea.

Moominvalley's Winter

The sun is completely out of energy
And the frost creeps - Fading the earth
The red colours are on the swamps - Cranberries
Already from Moominvalley the summer fades
Soon the bare trunk are left of leafy trees
And the colours darken - Nature dims
Now Moomin crawls into his bed, remember:
Winters he adventures in the land of dreams
But once it happens - That Moomintroll awakes in the middle of hibernation
He sees - That the world is wrapped in a white blanket
And over the glacial sky rushes a icy lady over the frosty snows
Whoever meets the lady's eyes - Into an icy statue turns their gaze
So Moomintroll did the joy of winter
From The Hemulen he learned how to ski
(Little) My learned the many tricks of going downhill
Just masters it without a doubt on her own
The invisible shrew's have
A yearning behind the cabinet - To the shadows
It is a happy thing - That the winter ends - Because
Moomins are created to enjoy the spring
But once it happens - That Moomintroll awakes in the middle of hibernation
He sees - That the world is wrapped in a white blanket
And over the glacial sky rushes a icy lady over the frosty snows
Whoever meets the lady's eyes - Into an icy statue turns their gaze


Versions: #1
I am sentimental
God how
I am without hate
I am sentimental
But now
I'm in way too much pain
There are flaws
I confess
I have the vacuum underneath
'And I'm gonna die'
In addition
To the rest
I am afraid of everything
I dare
I remain speechless
And now I want
And now I want to be loved
And when I see you
It is God who
It is God who sends you
I love you
I dare
I remain speechless
And now I want
And now I want to be loved
And when I see you
It is God who
It is God who sends you
I love you
It's beautiful
When it's seen
Seen from above
It's beautiful, it's beautiful
When from the cradle to
The tomb
I am sentimental
God how
I am without hate
I am sentimental
But now
I'm in way too much pain
I'm overbook''
Wherever I go
I believe in life
I'm overbook''
Wherever I go
I take off
'I wanna break free'
I dare
I remain speechless
And now I want
And now I want to be loved
And when I see you
It is God who
It is God who sends you
I love you
I dare
I remain speechless
And now I want
And now I want to be loved
And when I see you
It is God who
It is God who sends you
I love you
I remain speechless
And now I want
And now I want to be loved
And when I see you
It is God who
It is God who sends you
I love you
I remain speechless
And now I want
And now I want to be loved
And when I see you
It is God who
It is God who sends you
I love you
1, 2, 3, I go to the woods
4, 5, 6, To pick cherries
7, 8, 9, In my new basket
10, 11, 12, So long as they are soft

Your prison

You go, llove
if you want
What am i going to do?
your vanity does not let you understand
that in poverty you know how to love
I want to cry
and it destroys me that you think like this
and more that now I'm left without you
what you are going to suffer hurts
But I remember, nobody is perfect
and you will see it, more than a thousand things
better you will have
but sincere darling never
forget about this
that you leave today and want to change
that in the adventure
that you will see
it will be your jail and you will never leave

Everyone look at me

You made me feel that I was worthless
And my tears fell at your feet
I looked at myself in the mirror and I was not found
I was just what you wanted to see
And I changed my hairstyle, I dressed as a queen
I put on shoes I felt like a star
I walked to the door and heard you yell at me
But your lies can no longer tie me
And I looked at the night and it was no longer dark, it was sequined
And they all look at me, look at me, look at me
Because I know I'm fine because of my hair they admire me
And they all look at me, look at me, look at me
Because I do what few will dare
And they all look at me, look at me, look at me
Some with envy but in the end
But in the end, but in the end, everyone will love me
You made me feel that I was worthless
And my tears fell at your feet
I looked at myself in the mirror and I was not found
I was just what you wanted to see
And I changed my hairstyle, I dressed as a queen
I put on shoes I felt like a star
I walked to the door and heard you yell at me
But your lies can no longer tie me
And I looked at the night and it was no longer dark, it was sequined
And they all look at me, look at me, look at me
Because I know I'm fine because of my hair they admire me
And they all look at me, look at me, look at me
Because I do what few will dare
And they all look at me, look at me, look at me
Some with envy but in the end
But in the end, but in the end, everyone will love me
And I changed my hairstyle, I dressed as a queen
I put on shoes I felt like a star
I walked to the door and heard you yell at me
But your lies can no longer bind me
And I looked at the night and it was no longer dark, it was sequined