A keresés eredménye oldal 11
Találatok száma: 457
Savages (Reprise)
Now the day begins
(Forward, men!)
At dawn
(Bring the prisoner!)
Dying in the dust is what they await
I must do everything in my power
But what can I really do?
Now the battle begins
Eagle, give me your strength
Surprisingly forward
Mountain, if you would guide me
Whoever does not want to make way will be slaughtered
Great spirit of day and night
It is either them or us
Help me, bring me there on time
This way we slaughter one another
Those savages, savages!
Kill them!
Earn a good sum
We win the fight
We have the right to
Is it the drums of war that I can hear there?
Therefore beat the drums of war
Now the drums of war echoe
Friends, we? What for?
I know them in and out
Now the drums of war echoe
Is all the hope for harmony
Now murdered by this drum?
© Pires Philippe
This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site.
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Il s'agit d'une traduction personnelle (sauf indication contraire). Vous n'êtes PAS autorisé à publier quelque traduction que ce soit sur un autre site.
What had you expected
From pagans, from savages?
I knew it, the d ifferences are too great
Their skin is like the hell
So devilish and so fierce
And they deserve
A swift death
Those savages, savages!
The lowest kind of human
Worthless and dumb
They are not like you and me
That makes them so awful
Therefore beat the drums of war
Those savages, savages!
Now the drums of war echoe
Our fear has become true
The white man is devilish
You see that he is fuelled with greed
He steals what he wants
He is so cold and has a heart of stone
Does the white skin even contain blood?
Those savages, savages!
The lowest kind of human
Murderers everywhere
They are different from me and you
You cannot trust them
Therefore beat the drums of war
Those savages, savages!
This one is the first to die
Then the drums of war echoe
Shoot them down and cut their throats!
I draw the limit!
Those are not even human!
Now the drums of war echoe
© Pires Philippe
This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site.
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Il s'agit d'une traduction personnelle (sauf indication contraire). Vous n'êtes PAS autorisé à publier quelque traduction que ce soit sur un autre site.
A fehér holtsápadt árnyalata
Roptuk a könnyed fandangot ketten,
Cigánykereket hányunk a táncparketten,
Tengeribeteg lettem,
de a tömeg követelése egybecseng,
A terem egyre harsányabban zeng
Miközben elszállt a mennyezet
Amint rendeltünk még egy piát
A pincér egy rekesznyit letett.
És így volt ez később is,
mikor a molnár mesélte történetét
kezdetben lidérces arca,
a fehérség holtsápadt árnyalatába tért.
Oktalanság – mondta ó-
és az igazság az nyilvánvaló.
De kijátszottam kártyáim
És nem hagytam őt
a Veszta-szüzekből hogy egy legyen
Kik elhagyták a partot csendesen
miközben tágra nyíltak szemeim
talán épp akkor végleg összezártak pilláim.
És így volt ez később is,
mikor a molnár mesélte történetét
kezdetben lidérces arca,
a fehérség holtsápadt árnyalatába tért....
When There's A Will There's A Way
All you have to do is to be willing in order to be able to
When there's a will there's a way when we're in the dark, always being overall, that's what pays
Are you taking our medals, everything that seems good to you, the Insurrectionics will make fun of you!
It took us a while to get to play with the big shots, got to be up early to fight your brothers and sisters
Whoo-whoo-whoo, who-o-o, who-o-o-oh
Who-o-who-o-who-o, whoo-ho...
Yeah !
All you have to do is to be willing in order to be able to
Oh-oh, oh..
Let's roll! **
All you have to do is to be willing in order to be able to
All you have to do is to be willing... in order to be able to !
[verze1 : Willie Nelson]
Emlékezned kell
Egy csók csak egy bók
Egy sóhaj csak egy óhaj
A fontos dolgok bonyolultak
de idővel megvalósulnak.
[verze2 : Julio Iglesias]
És mikor két szerelmes udvarolgat
Csendesen suttogják: 'szeretlek'
Biztos lehetsz benne
Nem számít mit hoz a jövő
miközben telik az álomidő.
[refrén: Willie & Julio][x2]
Holdfény és szerelmes dalok
Örökzöld dallamok
Szenvedéllyel, gyűlölettel
teli szívek, féltékenyek.
A nőnek férfi kell
Az embernek társ
Ez nem vitás.
Mindig az ócska történet:
Harc a szeretetért és a dicsőségért.
Élethalál harc ez a világ mely
befogadja a szerelmeseket
[befejezés: Willie]
A világ idővel befogadja
a szerelmeseket
Jó dolog lovagolni a szélben
Jó érzés boldog életet élni
Jó ügy a legjobb dolgot tenni
Mindez jó, ameddig tudsz segíteni
Áhítozod telefonod megcsörrenését [ a vonalvégén ]
Várva hogy valaki mondjon valamit [ a vonalvégén ]
Ülsz és elcsodálkozol azon amit hoz a holnap [ a vonalvégén]
Lehetséges egy gyémánt jegygyűrűt.
Rendben van, akkor is ha azt mondják tévedsz
Rendben van, néha erősnek kell lenned
Rendben van, ameddig van hely hol ledőlj
Rendben van, minden nap Ítéletnap
Talán valahol, útközben [ a vonalvégen ]
Rám gondolnál és meglepődnél hol vagyok manapság [ a vonalvégen ]
Talán valahol,az úton ahol valaki [ a vonalvégen ]
Purple Haze-t játssza
Rendben van, akkor is reménytelen a helyzet
Rendben van, ha van akit szeress
Rendben van, minden jóra fordul
Rendben van, elmegyünk a végsőkig
Ne szégyenkezz az autóm miatt [ a vonalvégen ]
Csak repesek az ittléttől, életörömmel telve [ a vonalvégen ]
Nem számít, hogy mellettem vagy [ a vonalvégen ]
Elégedett vagyok.
Rendben van, még ha öreg és ősz vagy
Rendben van, még mindig van egy dobásod
Rendben van, emlékez élni és élni hagyni
Rendben van, legjobb amit tehetsz megbocsátsz.
Rendben van [jó dolog], lovagolni a szélben
Rendben van [jó dolog], boldog életet élni
Rendben van, akkor is ha a nap nem süt
Rendben van [jó dolog], elmenni a végtelenbe
Will You Be My Girlfriend?
Even if I wake from my sleep, it feels like I’m dreaming
My finger is still cut with your fragrance
Your soft lips, that night
Because we were so shy we didn’t say anything
I’ve felt my heart
for the first time so full of this fluttering…
I’m your man
Over every night and over every day
Stay by my side only
To fill the empty left side of my heart
Will you become my girlfriend?
Look carefully, you’re inside my eyes
I’m only a heartbeat away
Even the boring days, I just laugh and get over them
Just for the days we promised to meet, I wait every day
As I’m loving you, I must be becoming more like you
This side of me that I’ve never seen is awkward
This fluttering that I’ve felt
for the first time so full in my heart
So that I can feel it.
Over every night and over every day
Stay by my side only
To fill the empty left side of my heart
Will you become my girlfriend?
Look carefully, you’re inside my eyes.
Yeah only one heartbeat away
Silently close your eyes and turn around
The wind carries these words (my voice)
“I love you so much, my heart might explode..”
I’m the only your heartbeat
Every night, everyday
The world becomes more beautiful
The moment I saw you,
you were the biggest present
The heavens have sent you to me, my only one
Over every night and over every day
Stay by my side only
To fill the empty left side of my heart
Will you become my girlfriend?
Look carefully, you’re in my eyes
I’m only one
I’m here to love you
I’m only one heartbeat away
Love Story
How difficult it is
drying love's insatiable source
telling the story of a moment's pleasure
laughing joyfully every time the heart feels
a great pain.
How wonderful it is
that after the summer's rain, the sun appears,
and the pavement acquires the brilliance of patent leather
also your smile giving me back the fantasy
the one yesterday I lost.
How wonderful it is
feeling my heart
beating like that, filled with emotion
being able to hear your sweet voice
kissing you with passion and caressing you
and not losing even a moment
of being your great love.
How beautiful it is
you're with me at the dawning of the day
being able to unite the sweet hours of our love
[the love] which has shaken my heart nights and days
uniting the sweet hours of our love
[the love] which has shaken my heart nights and days...
when snow will fall
don’t cry when snow comes and it falls
on our spring path our souls
the fire still burns in the heart
and golden nights will calm the world
just know when is the time for spring
the silver ice will melt and sink
a dashing water then should bring
the golden boats right to the sea
don’t cry the heart is like a string
it trembles-breaks alone in cold
yet garden bloom’s reborn in green
and golden nights will calm the world
just know when is the time for spring
the silver ice will melt and sink
a dashing water then should bring
the golden boats right to the sea
Sonnet 15: Noticing That All That Arises
Noticing that all that arises in this world
fully flowers for only a little while,
and that all around me is an immense stage
on which are revealed the hidden powers of fate,
and also that all, men just like a flowers,
grow and decline under the same sky,
in youth full of vigor, then bowed by the weight of years
and departing into bottomless oblivion,
while musing how everything vanishes,
your youth’s beauty appears to me in my imagination,
but even now Time conspires with Decay
to turn youth and daylight into senility and darkness.
But I wage war with Time, out of love for you,
And what he would rob, I will preserve for you.
We all have so many things to worry about in life
But you know, we are young & wild
Enjoy, and feel special
Because there’s nothing stopping us
What fashion is it today again
Regardless of what is wore, new collection
This is my satisfaction
All the stress from yesterday fly away
The increasing tension became full
Listen to the playlist that is full of songs
Let go of the breath that will make your heart lighter
Take in the air that is filled with freedom
The bubblegum dream that is coming inflatedly
If the air leaks, you just have to blow in more air
Yeah wear the most comfortable shoes
Tie the laces firmly
We are young & wild
I want to live life my way, I don’t care
Following the path where my legs take me
Leave it freely to your body
We are young & wild
Like fire that is hot and bright
We are burning up
You know it, all of it
Passion with self-confidence
Actions that have no boundaries
Attention that is only given to me
The good reactions that are coming in
Leave go of the breath in your body
My day is perfection today
Feeling that is soaring up to the sky
Whatever that comes, healing
Bubble gum dream that is getting bigger as if it’s going to burst
The soft dreams of mine became noticed
Yeah let go of those that you don’t need
Shall we start again slowly
We are young & wild
I want to live life my way, I don’t care
Following the path where my legs take me
Leave it freely to your body
We are young & wild
Like fire that is hot and bright
We are burning up
You know it, all of it
Make new vocalization, I go eureka everyday
Just play without worries, let’s go
Go high like the waves, and be cool proudly
It just flows, don’t be impatient
In the desert without anyone, appearing like a ray of light
You who is like a oasis
Like the waves, the light shows
Don’t hide and show it
Cause we are young & wild
Young & wild
Young & wild
Young & wild
My day that passed and will not return
Even if it is not possible to rewind
But nothing’s stopping me
We are young & wild
I want to live life my way, I don’t care
Following the path where my legs take me
Leave it freely to your body
We are young & wild
Like fire that is hot and bright
We are burning up
You know it, all of it
I want noise
Ich have been at the Oktoberfest in Munich on the Wies'n.
I wanted quickly to drink two three beers,
The mob rules the beer-tent, the mood is going wild
I find this not half bad, but up on the stage
are standing some weird friends in costume and hat
They really play music for wind, there i get hot under the collar:
(cause) I want noise!
I want noise!
Ich want my ears full, I like noise so much!
I want noise!
The vacation last year has been cool: Jamaica, sea and beach,
there are growing nice plants, that's why i've been very relaxed,
They smile peaceful quiet cheery, but one upsets me:
The band, which stands on the stage, they only play Reggae crock.
Why can't they play metal, you have electrical guitars?
I want noise!
I want noise!
I want immediately row - loud as fuck
I want noise!
newly i nearly died, there i have been forced
to accompany my girlfriend - Pavarotti sang.
She likes the classical music very much - I find it shitty.
When fiddles fiddle and singers constrain their voice, then this is to quiet for me
(cause) I want noise!
I want noise!
fuck Brahms and Bach - I want right now noise!
I want noise!
I want noise!
I want noise!
I want noisiness, or i get mad!
I want noise!
Thailand birds
Trees blooming in the heart of winter
And a wide river with golden glints
Heaven telling us that we could
Live our love and defeat death
Just like those Thailand birds
According to legend they never die
And make love with the wide sky
[A Woman]
Ciao, I spent great days with you
A nice crazy stupid and wonderful guy
Bye then, or rather FAREWELL!!!
So it's over, you leave me, it's not a joke?
Over there you seemed so happy, I don't understand
We should have kept that child, this wouldn't have happened
Or maybe it would have been worse, who knows?
Even so, remember
Trees blooming in the heart of winter
And a wide river with golden glints
Heaven telling us that we could
Live our love and defeat death
Just like those Thailand birds
According to legend they never die
And make love with the wide sky (x3)
Ha fúj a szél
Amíg el nem indulunk,
míg a láb a vízre lép,
még a legkisebb út is csak távoli cél.
Míg csak álmodozgatunk,
s közben tétova a kéz,
addig látszik csak úgy, hogy az élet nehéz.
Addig érezzük azt, hogy a hit nem elég!
Ha fúj a szél, a hajó
olyan felborítható.
De partot ér, s ez a jó,
mert a Mester hangja szól.
Mindig el kell kezdeni,
és az első perc kemény,
de pont akkor kell hinni, ha nincs is remény.
Hogyha léptünk régen tart,
és egy nagy viharba ér,
sose gondoljuk azt, hogy már nincs menekvés,
mert a hitünk pont itt kezd el működni épp, ha fúj a szél.
All Who Want To Be Privateers
All who want to be privateers must be men with beards
Jan, Pier, Tjoris and Corneel, they have beards, they have beards
Jan, Pier, Tjoris and Corneel, they have beards, they have beards
All who like rancid hardtack must be men with beards.
Jan, Pier, Tjoris and Corneel, they have beards, they have beards
Jan, Pier, Tjoris and Corneel, they have beards, they have beards
All who smoke dignified pipes must be men with beards
Jan, Pier, Tjoris and Corneel, they have beards, they have beards
Jan, Pier, Tjoris and Corneel, they have beards, they have beards
All who do not fear death nor devil must be men with beards
Jan, Pier, Tjoris and Corneel, they have beards, they have beards
Jan, Pier, Tjoris and Corneel, they have beards, they have beards
All who want to kill the whale must be men with beards
Jan, Pier, Tjoris and Corneel, they have beards, they have beards
Jan, Pier, Tjoris and Corneel, they have beards, they have beards
All who want to be privateers must be men with beards
Jan, Pier, Tjoris and Corneel, they have beards, they have beards
Jan, Pier, Tjoris and Corneel, they have beards, they have beards
Sosem Fogja Megtudni
Nézd, itt jön ő
A nő, akit szeretek
Milyen kár, hogy sosem fogja megtudni
Igen, nem mondhatom el neki, hogy érzek
Mert van valakije, aki boldoggá teszi
Egy szellem vagyok ezekben a falakban
Vagyis próbálok az lenni
Mert remélem, hogy nem mutatom ki
Hogyan érzek iránta
Nem fog ugyanúgy érezni irántam
Él egy kép a fejemben
Csak ketten vagyunk rajta
Csak ketten
De tudom, hogy meg kell próbálnom
Meg kell próbálnom elengedni őt
Mert nem lesz az enyém
Hallgatom, mikor beszél
Nézem, mikor sétál
Olyan érzéseket ad
Amilyet még nem éreztem azelőtt
De sosem fogja megtudni
Hogy annyira szeretem
Valaki mással van
És el kell majd engednem
Sosem fogja megtudni na na
Sosem na na
Sosem fogja megtudni na na
Sosem na na
Sosem fogja megtudni
Olyan, mintha elrabolta volna a szívemet
A tudta nélkül
De azt hiszem, el fog múlni
Igen, nem lehetek én az egyetlen
Aki elveszett azokban a kék szemeiben
El kell őt engednem
Tudom, hogy nem lesz könnyű
Közel akarom tartani
De meg kell próbálnom
Olyan erősen próbálni, amennyire bírom
Mert sosem lesz az enyém
Hallgatom, mikor beszél
Nézem, mikor sétál
Olyan érzéseket ad
Amilyet még nem éreztem azelőtt
De sosem fogja megtudni
Hogy annyira szeretem
Valaki mással van
És el kell majd engednem
Sosem fogja megtudni na na
Sosem na na
Sosem fogja megtudni na na
Sosem na na
Sosem fogja megtudni
I will fight
Those words that were aiming at me
Were only full of remorse
I live in those traces of
Everything your hands touched
The bright shine of the sun
Is now the gleam of sunset
When darkness comes
I’l find the you who has become a star
I’m gonna be your light
Don’t hurt anymore
I will live for you, for us
My life that’s for you
You are the red line to me
The darkening sunlight
Walking through the time
For the rest of my life
My life that’s for you
It’s been a long time, I’m bad I couldn’t make another excuse
Besides that I have been busy
If beyond the memory of your figure becomes blurry
Then take them out, the pictures with their fading light
I let you cry
And didn’t do anything
Now that I am ready, what are you doing. There is no you
I almost achieved the things I’ve promised only you
I may look a little different but I still live in that time
Your last book about me was a comedy
Burn away all its bad pages and rest warmly
The pages you couldn’t finish, I will write them
Fill in all the empty paintings
Rewind the extinguishing candlelight, in my memory remind
Us the black and white, on the light of my eternity
Remaining, becoming my light
You’re always together with me just like a shadow
How can I forget your impossible existence
I just don’t like the dimming of the scene inside my memory
You are still next to me
Stay by my side
For the rest of my life
For the rest of my life
For the rest of my life
Running though time
My life that’s for you
I know that one side of my heart is turning its back
On tomorrow and wishes to run, however
What’s left of the meaning of life for me
I will make it so that you can find the you that you didn’t know too
A mirror of a shining me and fight for you, for us
For the rest of my life
Without a sound and lastly goodbye
My life that’s for you
You are the red line to me
Yhe darkening sunlight
I will live for you, for us
My life that’s for you
I seek for you inside the casted shadow
The shining life
I don't want to be (just) anyone
I want to wake you every morning
I've already been awake for ages anyway
And over breakfast (I) tell you
What is going on in the world right now
With you on the way to work (I) want to
Headbang (to music) on the motorway
(And) make you laugh every time
When we drive around the traffic jam.
I want to (be the one to) carefully tell you
When your hero has gone
(To) comfort you with his love
With which you grew up
I want to play you new songs
For you at the after-work beer
And afterwards sing you to sleep
Perhaps you'll dream of me
I don't want to be (just) anyone
For you not (just) anyone
I want to be stuck in your head
I want to be what your heart screams for,
To be anyone
For you not (just) anyone
I want to be stuck in your head
I want to be what your heart screams for
If you need me, I'm already there
(I'd) stay awake seven days for you
I am your compass through the day
I am your lighthouse in the night
I don't want to be (just) anyone
For you not (just) anyone
I want so much to listen to you
If you have something on your heart
Collect the stories for you
That you like the very best
We could celebrate together through the night
Let me cure your hangover
Even if you wake up somewhere else
I will play a song for you
I don't want to be (just) anyone
For you not (just) anyone
I want to be stuck in your head
I want to be what your heart screams for,
To be anyone
For you not (just) anyone
I want to be stuck in your head
I want to be what your heart screams for
If you need me, I'm already there
(I'd) stay awake seven days for you
I am your compass through the day
I am your lighthouse in the night
I don't want to be (just) anyone
For you not (just) anyone
I am the playlist for your day
And (I) sing you to sleep in the evenings
If you need me, I am by you
Together we are as strong as four
I am the playlist for your day
And (I) sing you to sleep in the evenings
If you're down at times, I'll lift you high
I am like your favourite radio
I don't want to be (just) anyone
For you not (just) anyone
I want to be stuck in your head
I want to be what your heart screams for,
To be anyone
For you not (just) anyone
I want to be stuck in your head
I want to be what your heart screams for
If you need me, I'm already there
(I'd) stay awake seven days for you
I am your compass through the day
I am your lighthouse in the night
I don't want to be (just) anyone
For you not (just) anyone
Love keeps existing
You and I feel never sorrow and pain in a world that would be ideal
Where that world is, that is our secret
Maybe I am not that strong or smart
But somehow I feel very strong inside
Love keeps existing
I feel familiar everywhere
When you are close to me
The moon conjures the sun*
We'll push through it, because I immediately knew
Love keeps existing
First I was fearful
Love, I see now, has never been so beautiful and intense
Life is an amazing party with you
They don't realise how you and I enjoye every moment
It is true
Love keeps existing
I feel familiar everywhere
When you are close to me
The moon conjures the sun*
We'll push through it, because I immediately knew
Love keeps existing
Really, love keeps existing
Love Finds a Way
The perfect world we know
we don't need to face it ourselves
Let them, we can too
'I might not be the strongest
But in my heart
Love finds a way
Where I'm going, I'm safe if you're here
Darkness becomes bright
Anyhow with you, 'I found the way
I used to be afraid, now I am aware
Love is not wrong and never dies
The world is perfect in your eyes
And if they feel too
I'm happy with you
Love finds a way
Where I go, we will always be together
Darkness becomes bright
Anyhow with you, 'I found the way
Love has a way
Meg fogom mutatni
Valószínűleg azokat a ruhákat viseled, amiket én vettem
Feltehetőleg azt a kölnit fújtad magadra, amit én vettem
És most talán találkozol a lánnyal
És együtt nevettek
Annyira szeretted őt, hogy el kellett hagynod engem?
Mennyire kell még jobbnak lennem?
Nem számít, mennyire próbállak kitörölni téged
Annyi napot töltöttünk együtt
A múlt annyira sajnálatos,
Hogy a könnyek csak folynak, de
Egy teljesen megváltozott énemet fogom megmutatni neked
Egy sokkal szebbet
Nem akarok úgy sírni, mint egy bolond a szerelem miatt
Miattad, aki elhagyott
Találkozni fogok egy dögösebb sráccal
Biztosan mutatni fogok egy olyan én, aki boldogabb nálad
Nem leszek szomorú nélküled, nem fogok összetörni
Fiú, észre kellene venned
Megváltoztatom a hajamat
Óvatosan felteszem a sminkem
A magassarkúmban és miniszoknyámban, mindenki utánam fordul
Ha valaha is összefutunk
Vakító mosolyt villantok rád
Elmegyek a meglepett arcod mellett
Csak a cipőm kopogását hallod
Egy teljesen megváltozott énemet fogom megmutatni neked (Egy teljesen új én)
Egy sokkal szebbet (Oh oh oh)
Nem akarok úgy sírni, mint egy bolond a szerelem miatt (Nem, nem)
Miattad, (miattad) aki elhagyott
Találkozni fogok egy dögösebb sráccal
Biztosan mutatni fogok egy olyan én, aki boldogabb nálad
Nem leszek szomorú nélküled, nem fogok összetörni
Fiú, észre kellene venned
El fogom dobni a gyűrűt, amit nekem adtál
Ki fogom törölni a leveleket, amiket nekem írtál
Hátramaradó kötelék és megbánás nélkül el foglak felejteni
El akarlak felejteni, ki akarlak törölni
Egy teljesen megváltozott énemet fogom megmutatni neked
Egy sokkal szebbet (Egy sokkal szebbet)
Nem akarok úgy sírni, mint egy bolond a szerelem miatt (Oh, nem)
Miattad, aki elhagyott
Találkozni fogok egy dögösebb sráccal (Dögössebb)
Biztosan mutatni fogok egy olyan én, aki boldogabb nálad (Nem, nem nem)
Nem leszek szomorú nélküled, nem fogok összetörni
Fiú, észre kellene venned
I just want
Hiding where you won't find me
So that for once you'll miss me, too.
Didn't get in touch with you in weeks
And am constantly wondering where you are
I just want,
that you know, that you are still loved by me.
And that, in the end, there's no one else, either
Who completes me like that.
Who moves me like that.
I show you that I don't need you
And that I can leave whenever I want
Do you have any idea how much I'm smoking
Since you're gone?
And if you're asking, then I am silent.
I just want,
that you know, that you are still loved by me.
And that, in the end, there's no one else, either
Who completes me like that.
Who moves me like that.
I just want, that you know, you are still loved by me.
And that, in the end, there's no one else, either
Who completes me like that.
Who moves me like that.
I just want, that you know, you are still loved by me.
And that, in the end, there's no one else, either
Who completes me like that.
Who moves me like that.
Követni foglak a sötétségbe
Szerelmem, egy nap meg fogsz halni
De ott leszek mögötted
Követni foglak a sötétségbe
Nincs vakító fény, vagy az alagút végén kapu a fehérségbe
Csak a mi kezünk szorosan összekulcsolva
Várva egy csipetnyi szikrára
Ha a menny és pokol úgy dönt,
Hogy mindketten elégedettek,
A NEM fog világítani a szabad jelzésnél
Ha nincs senki melletted
Mikor a lelked útra kel
Akkor követni foglak a sötétségbe
Az egyházi iskolában ha rossz voltam
Körmömre csapott a hölgy feketében
Tartottam a szám miközben azt mondta
'Fiam, a szeretet kulcsa a féltés'
Tehát sose hátráltam meg
Ha a menny és pokol úgy dönt,
Hogy mindketten elégedettek,
A NEM fog világítani a szabad jelzésnél
Ha egyik sem dönt melletted
Mikor a lelked útra kel
Akkor követnélek én a sötétségbe
Te és én láttunk mindent amit lehet,
Bangkoktól Calgaryig
És a cipőd talpa teljesen elkopott
Így eljött az ideje az alvásnak
Ez semmiség, hogy sírj miatta
Mert hamarosan újra tartjuk egymást
A legsötétebb szobákban
Ha a menny és pokol úgy dönt,
Hogy mindketten elégedettek,
A NEM fog világítani a szabad jelzésnél
Ha nincs senki melletted
Mikor a lelked útra kel
Akkor követni foglak a sötétségbe
House of Cards
Versions: #2
You look at me, so deep
And I see it in your eyes
Words are leaving, silence remains
I hold you tight for as long as I can
But no one will stop the hands on the clock
Cause you’ll never be ready
I want it to be like this forever
I want it to be like this forever
But this moment is like a house of cards
And time pulls out its cards
I watch them fall to the floor
Fall to the floor
This moment is like a house of cards
And time pulls out its cards
I pick them up and hold them tight
So my heart won’t forget about you
I see the glitter in your tears
And the things that hold us near
Are so much closer now but for us to understand
Time goes by and swept us away
But I want to be right here
Cause you’ll never be ready
I want you to stay for good
I want you to stay for good
But this moment is like a house of cards
And time pulls out its cards
I watch them fall to the floor
Fall to the floor
This moment is like a house of cards
And time pulls out its cards
I pick them up and hold them tight
So my heart won’t forget about you
I can feel what you‘re feeling
In this very second
Hold your candle to mine
The rays will meet
I stay where you are
I will never let you go
Stick with me
But this moment is like a house of cards
And time pulls out its cards
I watch them fall to the floor
Fall to the floor
This moment is like a house of cards
And time pulls out its cards
I pick them up and hold them tight
So my heart won’t forget about you
So my heart won’t ever forget about you
Urheberrechtlich geschützt nach §2 UrhG.
Diese Übersetzung darf nur mit Genehmigung des Urhebers verwendet werden.
Elég vad
[Verse 1]
A te palettád színeihez mérve
Én áttetsző vagyok
Legalábbis ahogy saját magam nézem
Te olyan vagy mint a farkastalpfű
ami áttöri a kövezetet
Én úgy tűnik mást se csinálok csak összetöröm ezeket a dolgokat
[Pre-Chorus 1]
Lehet, hogy megfakult polaroid fotó vagyok
Valami olyan próbálok lenni, ami sosem voltam
Ha asztalokon táncolnék
Hajnalig fizetném a köröket
Az elég vad, elég vad
elég vad neked?
Piszkos dolgokat suttognék a hálószobában
Én kezdeném a veszekedést
Az elég vad
elég vad lenne neked?
Elég vad vagyok,
vad vagyok neked?
Elég vad vagyok,
vad vagyok neked?
[Verse 2]
A te dúrodhoz
Én moll vagyok
Tönkreteszek minden akkordot, amit játszol
Édes bor vagyok
de neked whisky kell
Bárcsak elég erős lehetnék
[Pre-Chorus 2]
Még mindig csak megfakult polaroid vagyok
De nem tudok olyan lenni, amilyen sosem voltam
Ha asztalokon táncolnék
Hajnalig fizetném a köröket
Az elég vad, elég vad
elég vad neked?
Piszkos dolgokat suttognék a hálószobában
Én kezdeném a veszekedést
Az elég vad
elég vad lenne neked?
Elég vad vagyok,
vad vagyok neked?
Elég vad vagyok,
vad vagyok neked?
Igen, lefogadom valaki másról ábrándozol
Valakiről, aki minden igényednek megfelelne
De lefogadom, senki mással sem volt ennyire jó
Még annyi minden van, amit nem láttál belőlem
Ba da ba da ba da ba
Ha asztalokon táncolnék
Hajnalig fizetném a köröket
Az elég vad, elég vad
elég vad neked?
Piszkos dolgokat suttognék a hálószobában
Én kezdeném a veszekedést
Az elég vad
elég vad lenne neked?
Elég vad vagyok,
vad vagyok neked?
Elég vad vagyok,
vad vagyok neked?
A Welcome to the beautiful summer
A Welcome to the beautiful summer,
a welcome to this wonderful time.
Though I heard the little birds' tunes,
behold, how marvellously field and meadow lay before us.
Now, winter must make way for summer's victor,
behold, joy is filling the streets,
which this wonderful May has given to us.
Noone, through his sense of virtue, shall resent me,
if I, nevertheless, sing for my Lady*.
I will feel compelled to do so by my dearest,
and my love's rose-coloured lips.
I suffer pain from my beloved.
Would this pure and virtuous one comfort me,
then all my suffering would come to an end.
Should I not receive this wonderful comfort,
all of my joy would perish.
Would she mercilessly let me die?
Alas, how this would suit her sweet crimson mouth.
I suffered hardship from my dearest.
Would this pure and virtuous one comfort me,
she, who once gave me her lovely salutation.
Far Out
[Verse 1]
I dreami like no one else (ah, ooh)
Send it on to my cherubs (ooh, ah)
Keep myself out of it and indoor (ah, ooh)
Make sure that no one asks (ooh, ah)
[Build 1]
I sweep nothing
Under the rug the floor is shining
All in all I feel perfect, oh
Cause this is too far out for
This not to be comfortable enough
This is too far out for
For this not to be comfortable enough
[Verse 2]
The golden ratio has been found on the picture I took
So I'll never waste my time again
My feeling has found itself a tender peace
That could probably never be bought on line
[Build 2]
No matter how long I have[?] to think
I don't regret any, not any time, la-la
Cause this is too far out for
This not to be comfortable enough
This is too far out for
For this not to be comfortable enough
What if it came to a halt
Before we got to see it
Then we couldn't see the difference
Between them and that
[Verse 3]
The apple doesn't fall far from the three, I say
I sit down and get settled, stay right here
My inside has been promoted
And send to heaven far before time was up, yeah
Cause this is too far out for
This not to be comfortable enough
This is too far out for
For this not to be comfortable enough
From Somewhere
Strange sky, strange stars
As endless as eternity
I'm constantly looking
For my past in the distance
From somwhere, a melody of love is coming across the sea
My heart ist filled with longing and pain
I will never forget the time we spent together
My fairytale of happiness, please, do come back to me
Don't let me be alone
I didn't know that my heart would break one day
Why am I so alone?
From somwhere, this melody of love will come across the sea
Even if you haven't thought about anymore for a long time
I will never forget this time
My fairytale of happiness, please, do come back to me
Don't let me be alone
I didn't know that my heart would break one day
Why am I so alone?
From somwhere, this melody of love will come across the sea
Even if you haven't thought about anymore for a long time
I will never forget this time
I will never forget this time
Mindig szeretni foglak
Versions: #4
Ha maradnék
Csak utadban lennék
Tehát megyek, de tudom
Rád fogok gondolni utam minden lépésénél
És mindig szeretni foglak
Mindig szeretni foglak
Téged, drágám, téged
Keserédes emlékek
Ez minden, amit magammal viszek
Tehát, viszlát, kérlek, ne sírj
Mindketten tudjuk, nem az vagyok, akire szükséged van
És mindig szeretni foglak
Mindig szeretni foglak
Remélem, az élet kegyes lesz hozzád
És remélem, mindent megad, amiről álmodtál
Örömöt és boldogságot kívánok neked
De mindezek felett, kívánok neked szerelmet
És örökké szeretni foglak
Örökké szeretni foglak
Örökké szeretni foglak
Örökké szeretni foglak
Örökké szeretni foglak
Én, én örökké szeretni foglak
Téged, drágám, szeretlek
Oh, mindig, mindig szeretni foglak
On The Hearth/Night Of Action
On The Hearth A Fire Burns
And In The House It Is Warm
And The Rabbi Is Teaching Little Children
The Alphabet
And The Rabbi Is Teaching Little Children
The Alphabet
See Children Remember Dear Ones
What You Learn Here
Repeat And Repeat Yet Again
Komets-Alef O!
Repeat And Repeat Yet Again
Komets-Alef O!
Bruce Willis
I'm not Bruce Willis and I can't
Jump upside down
A girl goes with me only when I persuade her
And I don't drink Cola much
I can't behave on your parent's party
I will vomit on your father's blazer
I come in the morning drunk and I lie to you sometimes
And wake you up in four thirty
I don't want more, it's enough that
I know what is good
I know what is bad
I don't know how I know it
But I know what's little valid
Sometimes I sleep a lot and don't get up in the morning
When my back hurts
I don't look for the second meaning of life
I hate these speeches
I'm not that smart, how everyone is lately
I try it someday
I don't gave golden chains and my muscles don't play on me
And I suffocate in the morning
I don't want more, it's enough that
I know what is good
I know what is bad
I don't know how I know it
But I know what's little valid
I'm not in, I bore you and I don't know myself
If you still trust me
Head in hands, I know these conditions
When you sit on the bed
I don't know the words, that girls want to hear
When they are sad
I wear old boots and my father isn't rich
I don't find it necessary
I don't want more, it's enough that
I know what is good
I know what is bad
I don't know how I know it
But I know what's little valid
I know what is good
I know what is bad
I don't know how I know it
But I know what's little valid
Don't let it be at our expense
Everyone's betrayed, so lets compromise
But don't let it be at our expense
We'll walk right through the criticism
No reason to be cross with everything when everything's against you
And why would we hide behind things we don't really mean?
We could laugh along once more
Although we don't know how, yeah
We could laugh along once more
Although we don't know how, yeah
We could...
No mouth will be able to say what it heard as it saw that the others didn't listen
And no moment will perish from my head just because of my spirit won't repress it
Don't let it be at our expense
We disagree and we're at the middle
So don't let it be at our expense
We've conquered the entire principle
We could laugh along once more
Although we don't know how, yeah
We could laugh along once more
Although we don't know how, yeah
We could laugh along once more
Although we don't know how, yeah
We could laugh along once more
Although we don't know how, yeah
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.