Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 145

Találatok száma: 99648


Csak sírok

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Nem vagyok rendkívüli
Nem követtem el büntényt
Csak elfeledett régi érzelmek emlékei
Elveszve az idöben - csak sírok
Néha egy ilyen éjszakán nem kívánok mást - csak sírok
Nos hát
A holdfény valahogy kiütött - csak sírok
És a vörös bor is a fejembe száll - csak sírok
Az összetört szívem az, ami most gyógyul
Hát nem mutathatja egy férfi az érzelmeit
Bohócnak kéne lennem egy pantomimban?
Csak egy vízcsepp az óceánban
Csak egy egyszerü, szomorú érzés - csak sírok
Nem értem
Mi ez a felhajtás?
Soha nem terveztem
Üres kézzel kéne távoznunk?
Úgy gondolom kénytelenek vagyunk
Porból lettünk, porrá leszünk
Szégyen - sosem leszek már ugyanaz - csak sírok
Nos hát
A holdfény valahogy kiütött - csak sírok
És a vörös bor is a fejembe száll - csak sírok
Ahogy a szél lágyan és gyengéden fúj
Nevezz bolondnak
Férfi vagyok
Nem vagyok kö, szív nélkül
Nos hát
Tudom, hogy nem kellene
Ez az a férfi, aki téged a legjobban szeret, és csak sír
Csak sír
Na na na na, csak sír


Zöld, zöld hazai fű

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
A régi szülőfalum ugyanolyannak tűnt,
Ahogy leszálltam a vonatról.
Itt nevelt engem anyám és apám.
Végig nézek az utcán, hol Mary szaladgált,
Kinek haja arany, és ajkai, mint a cseresznye!
Oly jó megérinteni ezt az zöld, zöld hazai füvet!
Igen, sorban találkozom velük,
Simogatások, kedves mosolyok,
Ó, milyen jó megérinteni ezt a zöld, zöld hazai füvet!
Még áll a régi ház,
Bár a festés már lepattogzott.
És az öreg tölgy, hol annyit játszottam,
Igen, és az ösvény, hol Maryvel andalogtam,
Kinek haja arany és ajkai, mint a cseresznye!
Oly jó megérinteni ezt az zöld, zöld hazai füvet!
Igen, sorban találkozom velük,
Simogatások, kedves mosolyok,
Ó, milyen jó megérinteni ezt a zöld, zöld hazai füvet!
Hirtelen felébredek és körbe nézek:
Négy szürke fal vesz körül,
És rájövök: csak álmodtam.
Egy őrszem, meg a vén tábori lelkész,
Együtt masírozunk hajnalban,
De én újra visszatérek megérinteni azt a zöld, zöld hazai füvet!
Igen, mind eljönnek hozzám
Az öreg tölgy árnyékába,
Hová temetnek: a zöld, zöld hazai fű alá.


Nagy, fekete autó

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Gyászolók hosszú sora
Halad a kis utcán
Flancos kocsijaik mily kápráztatók, ó, igen!
Ők mind a gazdag haverjaid, kik ismertek téged,
És végül hazahoztak,
Hazahoztak téged nekem.
Tudod, mikor elmentél, azt mondtad:
Egy nap visszatérek
Egy flancos kocsival, mit mindenki megbámul majd, ó, igen!
Lám, most mindenki látja,
Hogy végül beteljesítetted álmod, igen!
Egy nagy, fekete autóval mész.
Tudod, az újságok megírták, hogy haltál meg, ó, igen:
A buli, a buli meg az a végzetes baleset aznap este,
A verseny a sztrádán, és a kanyar, mit nem vettél észre.
Mikor elhaladsz előttem abban a nagy, fekete autóban,
Könnyes szemekkel bámulok utánad, ó, igen.
Egy kirittyentett sofőr, sofőr a volánnál!
Én soha, én soha, soha, soha....
Ó, a szívem, minden álmom, igen, veled halad
Abban a nagy, fekete autóban.



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Vétek, kedvesem,
Hogy még mindig szeretlek,
Mert tudom,
Hogy szerelmünk nem teljesedhet be,
Hogy mindig csak rád gondolok,
De a csönd azt bizonyítja,
Hogy te már elfeledtél.
Közös álmaink
Romba dőltek,
Az ígéretek összetörtek,
Akár a szívem.
Vétek, kedvesem,
Hogy még mindig szeretlek,
Annyira szeretlek
Még ily távol tőlem is.
Biztos boldog vagy valaki mással,
Kivel osztozol szerelmedben, mit én el nem nyerhetek.
Miért játszam azt, hogy tudok nélküled élni,
Mikor legbelül tudom jól, hogy ez vétek?


Éljen Las Vegas

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
A város fényei magukkal ragadnak,
Lángra gyújtják lelkem,
Van egy csomó elkölteni való pénzem,
Szóval emeld meg a tétet!
Ezernyi csinos nő vár rám,
Mindegyik oly könnyű vérű,
És én is könnyen osztogatom a szerelmet, szóval:
Éljen Las Vegas! Éljen Las Vegas!
Bárcsak több lenne egy nap,
Mint huszonnégy óra,
Mert ha negyven órából állna is,
Akkor sem aludnék egy szemhunyásnyit sem!
Ó, van itt black jack, póker és rulett is,
Minden fogadást a szerencse dönt el,
Csak erős szívre és kötél idegzetre van szükség,
Éljen Las Vegas! Éljen Las Vegas!
Éljen Las Vegas, hirdetik a neon fények
És a félkarú rablók lehúznak
Reményeiddel egyetemben.
Éljen Las Vegas! A nappal éjszakába fordul,
Majd az éj nappallá vált,
Ha egyszer belekóstolsz,
Többé nem tudsz kiszállni!
Nyerésben vagyok,
Jót mulatok,
És ha elverem utolsó fityingem is ,
És ha teljesen tönkre megyek is,
Sosem feledem, milyen jó buli volt!
Mindent megadott, mire vágytam,
Hölgyem, kérem, maradjon nyerő a kocka,
Legyen minden dobásom hetes!
Éljen Las Vegas! Éljen Las Vegas! Éljen Las Vegas!
Éljen, éljen Las Vegas!


Kihunyt szerelem

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ahogy olvasom a leveled,
Csak rád, csak rád gondolok,
Ahogy olvasom kedves soraid
Eszembe jut kihunyt szerelnünk.
Napról napra jobban hiányzol, kedvesem,
Ahogy a mennyből is hiányoznának a csillagok.
Szomorúsággal telve csak rád gondolok
S eszembe jut kihunyt szerelmünk.
Ahogy visszagondolok közös élményeinkre,
Ahogy figyeltük a turbékoló galambokat...
Tavasz volt, mikor elhagytál,
Eszembe jut kihunyt szerelmünk.
Igen, napról napra jobban hiányzol, kedvesem,
Ahogy a mennyből is hiányoznának a csillagok.
Szomorúsággal telve csak rád gondolok
S eszembe jut kihunyt szerelmünk.
Eszembe jut kihunyt szerelmünk.
Eszembe jut kihunyt szerelmünk.
Igen, napról napra jobban hiányzol, kedvesem,
Ahogy a mennyből is hiányoznának a csillagok.
Szomorúsággal telve csak rád gondolok
S eszembe jut kihunyt szerelmünk.
Igen, eszembe jut kihunyt szerelmünk.
Eszembe jut kihunyt szerelmünk.


Magányos cowboy

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Én csak egy magányos cowboy vagyok,
Ki egyedül rója útját,
Még arra sincs pénzem,
Hogy hazatelefonáljak.
A hegyen túl egy város fekszik,
Hallom, hogy hívogat (hívogat)
Nyeregbe, te magányos cowboy,
Sorsod itt vár rád! (vár rád)
Álmaimban a fények oly ragyogók,
Közel hozzám és mégis oly messze. (messze)
Vajon mindörökre magányos cowboy maradok,
Vagy beteljesül valaha álmom?
(álmom, álmom, álmom)
Gyerünk, gyerünk, gyerünk (gyerünk, cowboy)
Cowboy, cowboy!
(Dalolj) dalolj, dalolj, dalolj,
(Dalolj cowboy)
Cowboy, cowboy!
Vajon elhagyom valaha ezt a magányos völgyet?
Meglátom valaha a ragyogó fényeket?
Rá kell lelnem, mi bújik meg a hegyek mögött,
Meg kell valósítanom álmaim!
(Álmaim, álmaim, álmaim)
Én csak egy magányos cowboy vagyok,
Ki egyedül rója útját,
És ha te sem hívsz fel, kicsim,
Akkor sosem érek haza.


A szobámban

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
[Verse 1]
Azt mondják számold a csillagokat
Az a része vagy a lelkemnek, ami hiányolja az otthont
Számoltál csillagokat?
Mert összepakoltad a cuccaid, és hagytad elbarangolni a szíved,
amikor Georgiába költöztél,
azt mondtad, a barátaid nem akarnak téged
De esküszöm, én akarlak
Mondd, mik vagyunk mi egymásnak?
[Verse 2]
Nem az idő a probléma, vagy Te úgy gondolod túl gyorsan haladunk?
Gondolom nem kellett volna kitartanunk
Nem tudok továbblépni ebből és
Kifogytam a szavakból
Szóval továbbra is számolom a csillagokat
A szobám belsejében
Bent a szobámban
(A szobámban)


Hot lava

Don't touch the ground cos it's hot, hot lava,
Don't even go on your tippy toes,
Don't touch the ground cos it's hot, hot lava,
You can't even go on your tip tip tippy toes,
If you drop your tricycle hat don't pick it up, in less you've got a 10 foot pole :and protective gloves,
When I say it's hot I mean it's really hot,
It could take a million years before that it is not,
You can't bother with hot lava,
It's to way hot to step upon,
So swing and climb from vine to vine like a monkey does it all the time,
Hot lava, hot lava, hot lava,It's real hot.


Im Treibhaus

Hochgewölbte Blätterkronen,
Baldachine von Smaragd,
Kinder ihr aus fernen Zonen,
Saget mir, warum ihr klagt?
Schweigend neiget ihr die Zweige,
Malet Zeichen in die Luft,
Und der Leiden stummer Zeuge
Steiget aufwärts, süßer Duft.
Weit in sehnendem Verlangen
Breitet ihr die Arme aus
Und umschlinget wahnbefangen
Öder Leere nicht'gen Graus.
Wohl ich weiß es, arme Pflanze:
Ein Geschicke teilen wir,
Ob umstrahlt von Licht und Glanze,
Unsre Heimat is nicht hier!
Und wie froh die Sonne scheidet
Von des Tages leerem Schein,
Hüllet der, der wahrhaft leidet,
Sich in Schweigens Dunkel ein.
Stille wird's, ein säuselnd Weben
Füllet bang den dunklen Raum:
Schwere Tropfen seh' ich schweben
An der Blätter grünem Saum.



Click to see the original lyrics (Slovenian)
Nézem az emlékeket
A képekkel teli fiókokban
És visszahúznak magukkal
A nosztalgiában
Ahol nincs különbség közöttünk
Azon a kicsi, titkos helyen
És újra átélném ezeket a pillanatokat
Hogy minden megújuljon
Félek, hogy ez mind eltűnik
És hogy túl gyorsan vége lesz
Félek ezektől az emlékektől
Attól, hogy nem élhetem újra őket
Nézem az arcokat
Amelyek maradtak és elmentek
De téged sajnállak a legjobban
Minden pillanatért
Amik már emlékké váltak
Még mielőtt értékelni tudtam volna őket
És újra átélném ezeket a pillanatokat
Hogy minden megújuljon
Félek, hogy ez mind eltűnik
És hogy túl gyorsan vége lesz
Félek ezektől az emlékektől
Attól, hogy nem élhetem újra őket
Mindennek túl gyorsan vége szakad
És most ezért félek
Mindennek túl gyorsan vége szakad
És most ezért félek!
Félek, hogy ez mind eltűnik
És hogy túl gyorsan vége lesz
Félek ezektől az emlékektől
Attól, hogy nem élhetem újra őket


Enola Gay

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Enola Gay,
otthon kellett volna maradnod tegnap,
Aha, szavakkal leírhatatlan
az érzés és ahogy hazudtál.
Ezek a játékaid, amiket játszol,
egy nap nem csak könnyekben fognak végződni
Aha, Enola Gay,
nem kellene így végződnie.
8:15 van,
és mindig ennyi volt az idő


I heard, I felt my body carrying
We continue like this
One and another, one and another, one and another
I'm free-falling
Tell me when you get there
I surrender myself here
Bit by bit
Long strides, caught in the match
I want to let go of what left a wound
I ask the mother star to make the day
Be born again
I transformed every verse of me
And give in to courage
That still burns, still burns
Hit the light on your chest and open it
I am a flame that still burns, still burns
That still burns!
Today I want to prove to myself
That I can be whatever I want
To bring together those who love me at a table
To forgive anyone who wanted to see me suffer
They don't fool me
(No, no!)
I'm every size
I still remember when I was little
I dreamed first
Long strides, caught in the match
I want to let go of what left a wound
I ask the mother star to make the day
Be born again
I transformed every verse of me
And give in to courage
That still burns, still burns
The light hits your chest and opens
I am a flame that still burns, still burns
That still burns!
I am a flame that still burns, still burns...
I am a flame that still burns, still burns...
Burns... Burns... Burns...
I transformed every verse of me
And give in to courage
That still burns, still burns
The light hits your chest and opens
I am a flame that still burns, still burns
That still burns!


The Hit-Song

What do you need when you're feeling miserable?
When you're just slogging on through life
When you're neighbors fucking with you
When you just can't deal with it anymore
They have a medicine for that now
From the barbarians outta Berlin
Troopers till that shit cooks
You'll be locked up for something like that
We're the new hit, your medicine
Full blast outta the heart of Berlin
The new hit, your medicine
Full blast outta Berlin
Troopers instead of Viagra for impotent old mean
Troopers for the whole world, cause the Onkelz are shit
Troopers for saintly beasts and murders
Troopers for violent criminials and for all those out-of-order
(Refrain) 2x
Troopers for misery, grief, pain, and suffering
Troopers playing at full blast all the time
They have a medicine for that now
From the barbarians outta Berlin
Troopers till that shit cooks
You'll be locked up for something like that
(Refrain) 2x


Sentimental Girl

Don't feel bad, leave all the pain behind.
I'll be here with you, as always until today.
Find in your arms my way of loving,
In your thought a mortal wound.
Today your feelings let me go,
Inside my dreams you're almost always there.
Stop suffering, navigating badly inside,
Don't relive your pain.
Sentimental girl, I see your eyes crying,
And your tears hurt me.
Better sleep on my skin,
Forgetting yesterday that doesn't do you any good.
Sentimental girl, it's in your hands to give me life.
Let love be free, in the hands of God,
And let it only arrive.
Find in your arms my way of loving,
In your thought a mortal wound.
Today your feelings let me go,
Inside my dreams you're almost always there.
Stop suffering, navigating badly inside,
Don't relive your pain.
Sentimental girl, I see your eyes crying,
And your tears hurt me.
Better sleep on my skin,
Forgetting yesterday that doesn't do you any good.
Sentimental girl, it's in your hands to give me life.
Let love be free, in the hands of God,
And let it only arrive.



What is it that’s not good enough about our lives?
Where's the right answer? Look for it, look for it!
There are no exceptions in any way

Sweet Mistery

Solar night
Street and star
With a desire
Of pure certainty
Gateway city
Your kiss guides me
To a moment
Of photography
Could it be that
You feel something similar?
Your eye gives me
Warmth and chills
Your beauty is rare
Like the record 'Bicho' by Caetano
It's stronger than the power of words
And what I feel is strange
Your beauty is rare
Like the record 'Bicho' by Caetano
It's stronger than the power of words
And what I feel is strange
Daiê, daiá
Daiê, daiá
Daiê, daiá
Daiê, daiá
Daiê, daiá
Daiê, daiá
I've left there
A part of me
In your notebook
A beginning or end?
Cuddle, longing
Dance and hugs
With a delay
May it not be too late
To see you again
Is to let that be shown
What I'm feeling
Is beautiful, and it's something strong
Your beauty is rare
Like the record 'Bicho' by Caetano
It's stronger than the power of words
And what I feel is strange
Your beauty is rare
Like the record 'Bicho' by Caetano
It's stronger than the power of words
And what I feel is strange
Daiê, daiá
Daiê, daiá
Daiê, daiá
Daiê, daiá
Daiê, daiá
Daiê, daiá


What do you do

For many years, he walks his path alone
No one by his side, he's on his own
In alcohol, he drowns his despair
To escape a world that's just too much to bear
But soon, the day will come
A day he never doubted would become
Tears streaming down his face
Yet misery and despair, here, find no place
What do you do, when you can't go on
What do think, when joy seems gone
What do you feel, when the world ignores you
What do you do, when they don't understand you
What do you do
What do you think
What do you feel
What do you do


It has been Rented

I forgot to forget you
Night came and I decided to arrive
to our old apartment
Where our cinema played
And another couple was playing
The moon was coming out too
And that shot broke me
And I collapsed to die
Our own house has been rented to another
They are watching our own view in each other's arms
They shared the bed with each other
So they fill their emptiness with words, kisses
But look, my body was housed nowhere else
I've missed you and the pain chokes me like a noose
Lights lit up in the town
Tonight, I changed direction
And I reached sixteen volumes
Of the stars that you had promised me
And two others, strangers, entered
I was overcome with tears again
Our own house has been rented to another
They are watching our own view in each other's arms
They shared the bed with each other
So they fill their emptiness with words, kisses
But look, my body was housed nowhere else
I've missed you and the pain chokes me like a noose


Encampment night

Encampment night with sound of talks, loughter, swear,
In the bustle of crafts it has been raised up, here it is, standing,
Resembling the image of a built city, such is the face of the slaughter field,
While the expanding camp, condemned
To be the human blood shedder and its defender.
Face of a city under construction in its darkness and flickering,
In its rushing business which hurry in every detail.
Encampment night, faces of bakers and blacksmiths
And carters of a homeless society.
The face of a rising star and a rounding universe.
Encampment night, singing night, beaten sky night
Night of many hurried crafts, night of vapor rising up out of the boilers,
A night that stirs the spell of fellowship spirit
While building-up a kingdom, a night of wanderings
Standing spread over individual and battalions.
From the first night shift, among shore and hill
The sight of the war has suddenly been visible,
Like gypsies habits, pegs and ropes are tied,
Within, liberties of travels and their emergence
Within, tools and warrants are stripped off.
Within the sudden and wild exposure
Of loneliness among many strangers.
Within friendship created by men in troubled times
To guard the ties between them
While bridges of rent and trade are burning.
Encampment night, singing night, beaten sky night
Night of many hurried crafts, night of vapor rising up out of the boilers,
A night that stirs the spell of fellowship spirit
While building-up a kingdom, a night of wanderings
Standing spread over individual and battalions.
Encampment night with sound of talks, loughter, swear,
In the bustle of crafts it has been raised up, here it is, standing,
(Na-na na-na-na)
Just popular songs, whose values and preciousness are cheap, could be uproared loudly,
Through shrieking sharp colors of a flute.
(Na-na na-na-na)
About love he is talking (that's where he has begun with)
On duty, battle and toil, all in all,
He doesn't say it with all the subtleties
Of poetry, but says it loudly,
Without complacency or anxiety of triteness.
Encampment night, singing night, beaten sky night
Night of many hurried crafts, night of vapor rising up out of the boilers,
A night that stirs the spell of fellowship spirit
While building-up a kingdom, a night of wanderings
Standing spread over individual and battalions.
Wartime, that's the shape of these things too,
Shape of sounding stray chorus.
They shall be dragged here like a thread out of milk,
To face a whole generation, whose soul in fields had been sawed,
To remember, not only for badness, these awful days.
This is interlaced too into the war altogether,
Like a sword slash at spring time, stirred in night and blackness.
All this out of mound and river banks
Takes off to fly, only to be cut down again with a howl,
Of a man leaping, and a man shooting, and a man falling,
Of a man leaping, and a man shooting, and a man falling,
Of a man leaping, and a man shooting, and a man falling,
Of a man leaping, and a man shooting and a man


Live like a God

They say, you live in heaven
Where the angels are
All fantasy
Every child knows that
But I wish you were reality
I'll admit it's so
Then I would gladly
Live just like you
Live once, like a god
Live once, like you
Squander and desire
Degenerate forevermore
You preach water
Yet drink wine
You wage wars and murder
Beneath a saintly halo
You subjugate the world
Claim every right
You're tasteless
Immortal and jealous
Live once, like a god
Live once, like you
Squander and desire
Degenerate forevermore
They say you live in heaven
Where the angels are
All fantasy
Every child knows that
But I wish you were reality
I admit it's so
Then I would gladly
Live just like you
Live once, like a god
Live once, like you
Squander and desire
Degenerate forevermore


Darling Dance

“My proof of existence—It’s love, it’s love,” I spit out and yet
Ahh, I don’t want to lie down and roll over, no way, no way!
Pretty pretty, a diet DAY.
Relax and let it happen just one ambiguous time


I was made into a voyeur
By your rascal nature
A voyeur with lament
And drunk to blindness
What kind of good morning can I tell you
If I can't look at you
If I don't have you in my arms
To flirt dirty with you
The raki champions
I've gone insane, don't stop shooting
Oh man, oh God
They took me by the shoulder and I told them 'bye bye'
It's morning and I am drinking cups
Neither smoke nor shisha fills me
I'm yours and all else is bullshit
Bullshit. You hear me? I can say it using megaphones
I wake up and give headbutts
Two of them to the pillow, and I remember what you told me
I was saying that, little by little, we got fed up with moments
Now, with time, look, I'm giving punches
And the 'we'll' are again in our hair
We'll talk, we'll speak at six
We'll see each other, 'we'll' and 'we'll', I'm going insane
There's no room in my head for abrain
In my brain, the one you took like this
I became a taqsim that was never completed
I became a national piece, half-complete
And I've definitely shat in my nest
I was made into a voyeur
By your rascal nature
A voyeur with lament
And absolutely wasted
What kind of good morning can I tell you
If I can't look at you
If I don't have you in my arms
To flirt dirty with you
The raki champions
I've gone insane, don't stop shooting
Oh man, oh God
They took me by the shoulder and I told them 'bye bye'
For us to break up
You have to deny your nature first
And don't tell me that everything has been ruined
Because I left everything just fine
What fault have I, to run around, hm?
And you drop your expression to the floors
What the hell, though? Tell me why
Just like everyone else, I also live one life
And don't call me a hustler, neither a vagabond
And don't treat me like you're doing me a favor
The only people who don't make mistakes are the ones never born
As well as those who are able to remember
Leave me alone and don't scold me
Life is about living the things other people deny themselves
Words are just words, damnit
But your eyes are going to say more
You've made me into a voyeur
You slut of a woman
You've got me drinking ouzo and raki
At ten to four
What kind of good morning can I tell you
If I can't look at you
If I don't have you in my arms
To flirt dirty with you
The raki champions
Let's go y'all, don't stop shooting
Oh man, oh God
They took me by the shoulder and I told them bye bye



There we are again
But nothing has changed
Our masters continue to decieve us
Leading us astray
Empty talk, day for day,
They revel in glory
A dream which nobody dares to dream
Judas: lies, Judas: decieves
Judas: brings down evil upon us
Judas: lies, Judas: decieves
Judas: rules with blood on his hands
Judas excludes us
From his world
He promises wonders,
That he doesn't keep
Judas stirs up intrigues
Bathes in innocence
Writhes in lies
Judas: lies, Judas: decieves
Judas: brings down evil upon us
Judas: lies, Judas: decieves
Judas: rules with blood on his hands
Judas: lies, Judas: decieves
Judas: brings down evil upon us
Judas: lies, Judas: decieves
Judas: rules with blood on his hands
Judas, judas, judas


To Sauna

Where white birches hum in the wind
and water burbles on the gray stones of the shore
There the trunk of the thickest pine creaks
'It's falling!' wails the woodsman
We've soon felled logs for a whole forest's worth
and for our thirst we have enjoyed a tubful
My head is wet, my back is already aching
'Heat up the sauna stove!' Fellas, now we go to sauna
Go on and build a fire in the stove
And so the log bursts into flames!
We go to the sauna, and every man screams
'Bring that sahti and some hot Jägermeister'
Let's go to sauna, there's no need to skulk around with a hangover
when the sauna is full and the stove is hot
Let's go to sauna, there is joy and peace
There's a crate of beer and the fire is blaring
Only in the morning will the damper be closed
so wet your belly and start whipping!
We made the sauna whisks from birch branches
And from the gray stones of the shore we built the stove
Woodsman's work is hard
'Gloves are off!' and the belt falls down
Smoke begins to irritate the eyes
and the firewater burns the throat
Someone reaches for the door handle to cool off
'The heat escapes' yells a choir in the sauna
Go on and put in more firewood
We will keep whipping throughout the night!



Sticking my hand out of my dad's car
I'll hit the gas all the way
This is how I relieve stress
To the nearest traffic light
Imaginary rules are clearly laid out
What someone can and cannot do,
But for soul which is initially wrong
Feels very crowded and sickening among them
I want to be free
I want to be free
Adrenaline through my veins
All assholes can go away
Red siren howling
Air’s full of freedom
A breath of oxygen
Today I have grown up
Adrenaline, adrenaline.
I hit the brakes
There's a storm coming
I park my car near the club
Getting blind drunk
I'm just like my father
I can't be so rude
The alcohol went to my head
But I don’t get tired of freedom
Cheeky edgy girl
I’m not a role model anymore
Really risky squirrel
I play the chorus on repeat
Adrenaline through my veins
All assholes can go away
Red siren howling
Air’s full of freedom
A breath of oxygen
Today I have grown up
Adrenaline through my veins
All assholes can go away
Red siren howling
Air’s full of freedom
A breath of oxygen
Today I have grown up
Adrenaline through my veins
All assholes can go away
Red siren howling
Air’s full of freedom
A breath of oxygen
Today I have grown up


Good Girls in the Dark

Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah
Good girls in the dark
Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah
Good girls in the dark
It’s 4 a.m.
The time of headache comes again
My breath tightens, screaming mayday
My heart, a tangled mess, a night you’ll never know
No matter what you do
I keep coming back to you
I know I’m sick because of you
Our broken rule
I don’t understand, don’t know how
‘Cause you won’t catch me when I fall
Baby, do you even care at all?
Won’t let you make me feel so damn small?
Watch carefully, good girls in the dark
Like Pinocchio
Watch carefully, good girls in the dark
I won’t let ’em take me alive
Oh my, my, my, my, my
Gonna save this heart of mine
Watch carefully, good girls in the dark
I put myself under the bed
You’ve heard it all already, right?
Oh, I know what you said
Are you sorry?
To me, who’s hurt
Do you love or not
Just talking doesn’t count
Oh my gosh, so dumb, dumb
What am I gonna do
To make it clear to you?
There’ll never come a day
When you can get with me
All of your friends keep saying
“He’s not into it”
All of your friends, they know it
Yeah, yeah, yeah
‘Cause you won’t catch me when I fall
Baby, do you even care at all?
Won’t let you make me feel so damn small?
Watch carefully, good girls in the dark
Like Pinocchio
Watch carefully, good girls in the dark
I won’t let ’em take me alive
Oh my, my, my, my, my
Gonna save this heart of mine
Watch carefully, good girls in the dark
I put myself under the bed
Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah
Good girls in the dark
Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah
Good girls in the dark
This love hurts me
But I need it
You shoot me
Even if my heart gets crumpled
Watch carefully, good girls in the dark
Like Pinocchio
Watch carefully, good girls in the dark
I won’t let ’em take me alive
Hiding all the festering wounds
With a kiss away from you
Watch carefully, good girls in the dark
I put myself under the bed
Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah
I really should make a run for it
Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah
Good girls in the dark
Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah (Ooh, yeah)
I really should make a run for it (Ooh, ooh)
Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah (Ah, ah)
Good girls in the dark (Dark)
Ahhh Yeah Yeah Ahhh


The Lighthouse

You're the reason I walk
Reason why I
Turn my life into song
You're all that is beautiful
Deep and endless
The opposite of darkness
In my chest, a bow in your name
I'll take you in my future songs
To the skies I raise this song
I open my heart up to the world
I feel so much pride in me
It doesn't end!
You exist, and I thank you for that
I don't ask for much more
Let those who go go alone
I always want you by my side
My best friend
My lighthouse, my father
In my chest, a bow in your name
I'll carry you in my future songs
To the skies I raise this song
I open my heart up to the world
I feel so much pride in me
It doesn't end!
To the skies I raise this song
I open my heart up to the world
I feel so much pride in me
It doesn't end!


Vox populi

Everyone has an opinion
on what I am
Wondering what's wrong
when I opened social media
I'm concerned about
the current state of the youth
I remember
when I used to feel like an outside
Sometimes I just wanted to
tear everything down
Sending greetings to those
trying to limit my voice, -
saying that you all can go to hell,
what more can I say?
Vox populi,
all opinions are equally wrong
Vox populi, if you're lions,
why does your pack keep bleating?
Vox populi,
and we will never be silenced
Vox populi, vox populi,
we are the voice of the people
Vox populi, vox populi,
we will shout it to the ends of the earth
(Vox populi, vox vox populi)
OK, the lady next door
is convinced I run a brothel
My sweetheart thinks
that my home is a hotel
My buddy says that
our group of friends is a cartel
To me it seems that my mind
is actually a drill, then again
If I had paid attention to all of that, -
everything would be different now
Let the red flag shine
in the eyes of a bull
Matador, olé, olé, olé!
Vox populi,
all opinions are equally wrong
Vox populi, if you're lions,
why does your pack keep bleating?
Vox populi,
and we will never be silenced
Vox populi, vox populi,
we are the voice of the people
Vox populi, vox populi,
we will shout it to the ends of the earth
Vox populi, vox vox populi
Vox populi, vox vox populi
Vox populi, vox vox populi
Vox populi, vox vox populi
Vox populi, vox vox populi
Vox populi, vox vox populi
Vox populi, vox vox populi
Vox populi, vox vox populi
Vox populi,
all opinions are equally wrong
Vox populi, if you're lions,
why does your pack keep bleating?
Vox populi,
and we will never be silenced
Vox populi, vox populi,
we are the voice of the people
Vox populi, vox populi,
we will shout it to the ends of the earth


Damn U

One, two, three, no matter how close I get
Three, two, one, still back to square one
Out of my mind again in front of you, back, back, back
One, two, three, even when I gather my heart
Three, two, one, I become weaker Yeah
I need to hold it back, back, back
Woo, ooh-ooh, ooh
I want to take out and show you my mind
Woo, ooh-ooh, ooh
How do I control myself?
I’m feeling fucking fool
Damn U
I wish I didn’t fall in love It’s so damn painful
When I want you like that, baby
Damn U
Why you so bitter when I’m sweet?
I want it all right now
La, la-la, la-la, la, la, la-la-la, la (Damn U)
La, la-la, la-la, la, la, la-la-la, la (I love u)
La, la-la, la-la, la, la, la-la-la, la (Woo)
I want it all right now
Damn U
You’re pushed onto me, one, two, three and bomb
The world goes dark, all black out
Ah ah
I want you by myself but loving you is painful
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Woo, ooh-ooh, ooh
I want to rip out my heart
Woo, ooh-ooh, ooh
How do I control myself?
I’m feeling fucking fool
Damn U
I wish I didn’t fall in love it’s so damn painful
When I want you like that baby
Damn U
Why you so bitter when I’m sweet
I want it all right now
La, la-la, la-la, la, la, la-la-la, la (Damn U)
La, la-la, la-la, la, la, la-la-la, la (I love you)
La, la-la, la-la, la, la, la-la-la, la (Woo)
I want it all right now
Damn U
It has to be only you
In my heart that can’t be hidden
Like spending the rest of my life with you
I’m by your side
Woo, ooh-ooh, ooh
I want to take out and show you my mind
Woo, ooh-ooh, ooh
How do I control myself?
I’m feeling fucking fool
Damn U
I wish I didn’t fall in love it’s so damn painful
When I want you like that baby
Damn U
Why you so bitter when I’m sweet
I want it all right now
La, la-la, la-la, la, la, la-la-la, la (Damn U)
La, la-la, la-la, la, la, la-la-la, la (I love you)
La, la-la, la-la, la, la, la-la-la, la (Woo)
I want it all right now
Damn U


Entangled by thorns

They gave you crowns. Although you shine, you are enthroned.
From time immemorial tyrants, because sheep are gladly entangled by thorns.
Look at them with their thorny crowns.
They were really just born as slaves.
Since human memory, they have let themselves be steered!
Crowns were given to them, instead of gold they feel thorns.
They carry them further on chains and nooses,
because kings and slaves are dependent on each another.
If you don't even know who you are, what lives within you,
freedom remains something which is not worth any struggle.
Not today, not tomorrow – first pull out the thorns.
Rip the crown off your head!



I got a dumb gift
I won't even tell you what
Everyone laughed and I got upset
I showed them a fist but they continued
They laughed the second day too
And then the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh day
I showed them a fist but they wouldn't cut it out
I showed them a knife
'She showed them a knife'
You can argue infinitely
Or you can solve anything by showing a knife
You can argue infinitely
Or you can solve anything by showing a knife
One day I wasn't feeling very well
I had my arm in a cast and several mandarins
Some wouldn't stop talking
I showed them a knife
'She showed them a knife'
Another day I was in a bookstore
Some idiot was going to steal a surgery book
I showed him a knife and he paid right away
Everyone thanked me
'Everyone thanked her'
You can argue infinitely
Or you can solve anything by showing a knife
You can argue infinitely
Or you can solve anything by showing a knife
You can argue infinitely
Or you can solve anything by showing a knife
You can argue infinitely
Or you can solve anything by showing a knife
But I fell in love
He was nice and he smiled at me
I showed him a knife
And he ran away