Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 155

Találatok száma: 99664


Nyolc lépés

Click to see the original lyrics (Slovenian)
[1. Verse]
Sehova nem halad az idő,
Minden nap ugyanolyan,
Remélem, hogy ott vagy,
Kétségbeesetten hívlak.
Amíg elmegy a hangom,
Újra és újra az én kudarcom lesz,
Csak álmaimban nyerhetek,
És ebben a dalban ébredek.
Melyik a rémálom,
A szerelem vagy az a csapda?
Hogy ha túl közel vagyok hozzád,
Szörnnyé változok.
Könnyek árvize folyik gyengéden az arcodon,
Nyolc lépésre vagyok,
De nem ölelhetlek meg.
Csupán nyolc lépésre állok,
De az egész világ köztünk van.
[2. Verse]
Minden el fog halványulni,
Még én és te is,
Együtt, vagy pedig nem,
Már nincs visszaút.
Miért hajnalodik már,
Tovább akarok lépni,
De az idő rohan.
Melyik a rémálom,
A szerelem vagy az a csapda?
Hogy ha túl közel vagyok hozzád,
Szörnnyé változok.
Könnyek árvize folyik gyengéden az arcodon,
Nyolc lépésre vagyok,
De nem ölelhetlek meg.
Csupán nyolc lépésre állok,
De az egész világ köztünk van.
Nyolc lépésre ragadtam tőled
De nem ölelhetlek meg.
Csupán nyolc lépésre állok,
De az egész világ köztünk van.
Asszem', csak túl kell élnünk.


Angyalok útja

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
A téli éjben
Szárnyra kelnek
A sötét égen át
Mérföldeket bejárva,
Nyomokat sem
Hagyva a hóban.
Hozzád szállnak,
Ó, újszülött király!
Hozzád szállnak,
Ó, újszülött király!
Egyikük a bánat,
Másikuk a béke,
Egy pedig eljő,
És álmot hoz néked.
Egyikük a vígasz,
Másikuk a fájdalom,
Egy pedig felszárítja
Hulló könnyeid.
Új csillag
A sötét égen:
A mennyben
Szárnyra kelnek az angyalok,
Lágy szárnyaik oly őszinték,
Mint a neked
Szánt dolgaik.
A téli éjben
Szárnyra kelnek.
Ma éjjel
Dalolnak majd.
Ó, az angyalok
Az újszülött királyról!
Ma éjjel
Dalolnak majd.
Ó, az angyalok
Az újszülött királyról!


A téli éjjel fehérje

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Láttál már fagyöngyöt,
Mely csókkal tölti meg az éjjelt?
Láttad az új ragyogó csillagot,
Mely vágyakkal tölti meg a szíved?
Láttad a gyertyafényt,
Mely minden ablakban ott ragyog?
Láttad a holdat odafönn,
Mely ezüstösen ragyogja be az eget?
A fagyöngy zöldje
És a magyal rőtje
És a hold ezüstje
Ott ragyog mindenkiben.
A gyertyafény aranya,
A parázs vöröse
És a téli éjjel fehérje
Mindenkit emlékeztet.
Hallottad a fiúk sóhaját,
Míg a lányok korcsolyáznak?
Hallottad a szívek zokogását,
Míg rájuk vártak?
A fagyöngy zöldje
És a magyal rőtje
És a hold ezüstje
Ott ragyog mindenkiben.
A gyertyafény aranya,
A parázs vöröse
És a téli éjjel fehérje
Mindenkit emlékeztet.
Láttad a gyermekeket játék közben? Kis kezeik megfagytak!
Láttad őket, hogy siettek haza, mikor eleredt a hóesés?
A fagyöngy zöldje
És a magyal rőtje
És a hold ezüstje
Ott ragyog mindenkiben.
A gyertyafény aranya,
A parázs vöröse
És a téli éjjel fehérje
Mindenkit emlékeztet.
Hallottad a harangok zúgását,
Melyek magukról mesélnek?
Hallottad, hogy a kórus azt énekli:
Dicsőség, dicsőség, dicsőség?


Megadom Magam

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Újra elvezetsz a szakadékhoz?
Remegek, magányosan és megint iszok
Felébredtem éjjel és senki sincs itt velem
Magadom magam neked
Vigyél le
Magadom magam neked
Haldoklok ma éjjel
Magadom magam neked
Nézd, ahogy összeomlok
Magadom magam neked
Sírok ma éjjel
Magadom magam neked
Elragadott az élet, mind elveszítem a barátaim
A család próbalta ápolni a függőségeim.
Tragikus, úgy tűnik ismét egyedül vagyok
Magadom magam neked
Vigyél le
Magadom magam neked
Haldoklok ma éjjel
Magadom magam neked
Nézd, ahogy összeomlok
Magadom magam neked
Sírok ma éjjel
Magadom magam neked
Várom a halált ma éjjel
Italok, amíg ömmagam vagyok, az élet egyre nehezebb
Elkapott a stressz
Megadom, megadom, magadom magam, nem!
Vigyél le
(Minden fájdalmat megszüntetek)
Haldoklok ma éjjel
(Elegem van ebből a fájadolomból)
Nézd, ahogy összeomlok
(Minden fájdalmat megszüntetek)
Sírok ma éjjel
Magadom magam neked
Vigyél le
Magadom magam neked
Haldoklok ma éjjel
Magadom magam neked
Nézd, ahogy összeomlok
Magadom magam neked
Sírok ma éjjel
Magadom magam neked



砕けた心が濾過できなくて 涙はそっと枯れてゆく
もう一粒も 流れなくて 可笑しいよねって 笑ってる 
酷烈な人生 あなたを遮る迷路の荊棘
濁世の闇 立ちはだかる 君は誰よりも憂う人
だから今 僕らは溺れかけてる寸前だろう
正しい呼吸に救われた 今はいつか死ぬために生きてるだけだ
雨が嫌いなわけを知ると 深いところで思い出すこと
そう 大粒のシャボン玉なら きっとふわふわでしとしと
地面の色を見て歩く 水溜りのない場所 選んでる
さては 不遇な道を逸れるため 自己防衛だってするんでしょう
僕は今 人間です 今日も明日も その次の日も
認めるのは そのくらいでいい みんな別々の息を食べてる
そう 君も今 人間です その姿が嫌いなだけで
憎めないよ 優しいから 君は誰の為にも願う人
ひとひらの花が散るために 水も土も光も その種も
僕の目の前にあるものが その意味も過去も未来も
ひとつと欠けると生まれないぜ 僕も君も あの人も
なんでもないと言いながら 過去の荷物を君に背負わせる
運命が通せんぼする 勘違い 自業自得だよ
でも状況が良くないからね 逃げたいよね 生きたいよね
この身体を投げ出す その瞬間があるとすれば
この世の闇 切り裂いてさ ここに生まれた意味を探そうか
終わりの始まり 始まれば最後の人生だから
途方もない 旅の末に 今しかない「時」があるのだろう
雨に溺れることはないな それでもなんだか息苦しいな
いつか死ぬために生きてるなんて それならさ それならば
もう壊れない 壊れない 壊れない心の 鐘を鳴らそう
曇天だろう 泥まみれさ どこもかしこも
今 この世の行方を 遮る迷路に 線を引こうぜ
その線がさ 重なる地図 君を照らすために咲く花さ


Epilog 1949 (I - V)

Die trunkenen Fluten fallen -
die Stunde des sterbenden Blau
und der erblaßten Korallen
um die Insel Palau.
Die trunkenen Fluten enden
als Fremdes, nicht dein, nicht mein
sie lassen dir nichts in den Händen
als der Bilder schweigendes Sein.
Die Fluten, die Flammen die Fragen -
und dann auf Asche sehn:
Leben ist Brückenschlagen
über Ströme, die vergehn.
Ein breiter Graben aus Schweigen,
eine hohe Mauer aus Nacht
zieht um die Stuben, die Steigen
wo du gewohnt, gewacht.
In Vor- und Nachgefühlen
hält noch die Strophe sich:
'auf welchen schwarzen Stühlen
woben die Parzen dich,
aus wo gefüllten Krügen
entströmst du und verrinst
auf den verzehrten Zügen
ein altes Traumgespinst.'
Bis sich die Reime schließen,
die sich der Vers erfand,
und Stein und Graben fließen
in das weite, graue Land
Ein Grab am Fjord, ein Kreuz am goldenen Tore,
ein Stein im Wald und zwei an einem See -:
ein ganzes Lied, ein Ruf im Chore:
'Die Himmel wechseln ihre Sterne - geh!'
Das du dir trugst, dies Bild, halb Wahn halb Wende,
das trägt sich selbst, du mußt nicht bange sein
und Schmetterlinge, März bis Sommerende,
das wird noch lange sein.
Und sinkt der letzte Falter in die Tiefe,
die letzte Neige und das letzte Weh,
bleibt doch er große Chor, der weiterriefe:
die Himmel wechseln ihre Sterne - geh.
Es ist ein Garten, den ich manchmal sehe
östlich der Oder, wo die Ebenen weit,
ein Graben, ein Brücke, und ich stehe
an Fleiderbüschen, blau und rauschbereit.
Es ist ein Knabe, dem ich manchmal trauere,
der sich am See in Schilf und Wogen ließ,
noch strömte nicht der Fluß, vor dem ich schauere,
der erst wie Glück und dann Vergessen hieß.
Es ist ein Spruch, dem oftmals ich gesonnen,
der alles sagt, da er dir nichts verheißt -
ich habe ihn auch in dies Buch versponnen,
er stand auf einem Grab: >tu sais< - du weißt.
Die vielen Dinge, die du tief versiegelt
durch deine Tage trägst in dir allein,
die du auch im Gespräche nie entriegelt,
in keinen Brief und Blick sie ließest ein,
die schweigenden, die guten und die bösen,
die so erlittenen, darin du gehst,
die kannst du erst in jener Sphäre lösen,
in der du stirbst und endend auferstehst.
(1948 - 1949)


Injured Jealousy

As the star-spangled night pierces my chest,
I grip the machine with a single hand.
My life, crumpled by the whirling tides,
will search for you.

While my lips bear the pain,
o my heart, please do not weep.
There's always tomorrow,
so for now I'm forgetting about jealousy.

I shall no longer keep crying
merely staring at my burn scars.
In order to grasp the five stars,
I'm willing to cast aside this body of mine.
Drifting alone in the galaxy,
o my heart, please do not weep.
I won't give up until I obtain in my hand
the fog-like jealousy.


Not Me

[Verse 1]
I don't want you back, no, we're both fine with that
But you're still not someone I don't care about
I could run into you without feeling ashamed
But I still feel guilty around you
Whenever you think that I'm not looking
I see the pain in your eyes
I'm probably
The villain in your story for you
The one ex who wants to see you on the ground
An egotist, the devil in person
But if you're honest, you know that's not me
[Verse 2]
You have a tattoo that I gave you while drunk
I ask myself, will you leave it, or will there be a cover-up soon?
I'm a little embarrassed and you know why
I think that you're talking about me
I'm probably
The villain in your story for you
The one ex who wants to see you on the ground
An egotist, the devil in person
But if you're honest, you know that's not me
And you deserve the world, twice, thrice
Someone who loves you, unconditionally and without a doubt
Who carries you to the moon and back
But if you're honest, you know that's not me
That's not me
That's not me
You were better to me than I ever could be
I was young and dumb and we just happened at the wrong time
You look happier than ever
And I love seeing you like that
Hopefully, I'm no longer
Just the villain in your story for you
The one ex who wants to see you on the ground
An egotist, the devil in person
But if you're honest, you know that's not me (That's not me)
And you deserve the world, twice, thrice
Someone who loves you, unconditionally and without a doubt
Who carries you to the moon and back
But if you're honest, you know that's not me
That's not me
That's not me
That's not me
But if you're honest, you know that's not me


Ship with a foreign flag

Ship with a foreign flag
that is on a long journey,
no love is waiting for me any longer,
the house is empty and orphan.
No love is waiting for me any longer,
take me with you,
take me with you,
so that I don't hurt.
Buenos Aires, New York,
Bombay1, Tokyo and Barbary2
Fake dreams, fake vows,
Ah! If only I could forget about them far away there.
My love's orphancy
makes my tear burning hot.
Only on far away harbours
there might I heal,
to come for a bit out of obscurity,
to obliviate,
to obliviate,
to forget.3
Buenos Aires, New York,
Bombay1, Tokyo and Barbary2
Fake dreams, fake vows,
Ah! If only I could forget about them far away there.
  • Now known as Mumbai
  • Barbary Coast
  • 3. The passive form of the verb is used, which literally means 'to become forgotten' however it is used as in 'To forget my sorrows' usually



On love a war
tonight I will declare,
tears and prayers
in your trenches
If you come within my sight
I'll shoot on love,
Me eyes1 you'll be wishing
Not to find me in your way
Unfortunately I expected you different
But alas better than you
(would be) The worst enemy,
I expected you different but alas
Your love is a cold war,
I carved the borders
And you across me,
The caresses became
Grey zones on my body
We lost the battle
But as the books say
Always the victor
Tells the story in the end
Unfortunately I expected you different
But alas better than you
(would be) The worst enemy,
I expected you different but alas
Your love is a cold war,
  • 1. Addressing term of endearment


A woman

Charismatic, smart
Yeah, Yeah
Hardworking and also
Put together
Smiling lately
Thats what a woman means
Hardworking and also
Put together
Smiling lately
Thats what a woman means
I dont want to seem like an imbecile
If I call you late, it means that I want us to talk
I wanna hear what youve been doing
I will tell you 'goodnight' so youll fall asleep thinking of me
I dont trust dreams, my life is a concrete dream
I dont trust friends, they betrayed me, but its ok
The money arent correct either, at least theyre cash
I dont trust girls but at least youre pretty
And my day changes when i see you in the morning
You left your perfume on the pillow, such a shame i was gone last night
I hurt you continuously, its the thousandth time
Youre the most valued treasure
But that thought kills me
No matter how many times i try to change, I always fail
I take bad decisions, but im the same person
Youre making me dependent of you, like the last cigarette
Charismatic smart hardworking and also
Well kept, perfumed, put together
Elegant and smart, smiling lately
Youre loyal, thats what a woman means
Charismatic smart hardworking and also
Well kept, perfumed, put together
Elegant and smart, smiling lately
Youre loyal, thats what a woman means
I dont wanna deal with b*tches
Im not the type of man who makes you do the laundry
But if you wanna do something im there for you
If you make me coffee, ill order something from mcdonalds
If you make a sum of money, im there to double it
If i have a bad day, be there when i sigh
You know we help eachother
In this crazy world in which we lose our head
Hypocrite, i know i am
When im talking nonsense, dont believe me
When im having bad days, i know good ones are coming
I wrote this song thinking about you
How many dont matter
I know its not easy, i see it on your face
Open to risks, we have one life
If I leave again, you know ill return in the morning
Charismatic smart hardworking and also
Well kept, perfumed, put together
Elegant and smart, smiling lately
Youre loyal, thats what a woman means
Charismatic smart hardworking and also
Well kept, perfumed, put together
Elegant and smart, smiling lately
thats what a woman means
thats what a woman means
Youre loyal, thats what a woman means


Interest Rates

I will tire of pretending1
I will live even without you
I will leave so as not to be burdened
By what you've charged me
I will tire of pretending
I can see it, the time has come
You will remain with your demands
I will close the door behind me
For what reason should my heart have
To pay interest rates to your heart
Since anyway while you were close to me
Your wrongs were twice your rights
I will tire of pretending
Since you weren't right for me
I don't want to be tortured any more
That's why I'm ending everything
I will tire of pretending
I can see it, the time has come
You will remain with your demands
I will close the door behind me
For what reason should my heart have
To pay interest rates to your heart
Since anyway while you were close to me
Your wrongs were twice your rights
For what reason should my heart have
To pay interest rates to your heart
Since anyway while you were close to me
Your wrongs were twice your rights
  • 1. Literally 'Playing Theatre'


Whose You Are

A little darkness and
You already surrender,
Your sweetness is
Your infidelity.
If your husband knows
That you are here,
Don't ever tell him
Whose you are.
Whose woman are you
I have no idea.
Everyone's or mine,
Whose are you?
Tell me, from whom
You will hide
The sweet way?
Whose woman are you?
The sun has already
Entered my bed
And where you used to be
I put myself.
The feeling is
My madness.
After all, you already have a love
In your house.
Whose woman are you
I have no idea.
Everyone's or mine,
Whose are you?
Tell me, from whom
You will hide
The poem
From your eyes?
Whose woman are you
I have no idea.
Everyone's or mine,
Whose are you?


I Get Crazy

Baby, I know you want to
Tell me, did it break your heart?
That you couldn't with me
Never, won't ever be yours
I'm already tired of thinking
All I want is to forget
I say that I don't care at all
But I'm not made of ice either (Yeah)
I get a little bit (Uh-oh)
I get a little crazy, but it's not my fault
I get crazy, I get crazy
It's 'cause I'm passionate, baby, it's not my fault
I get crazy, I get crazy (Ah)
Pussy too good, can't get rid of me
Too real, no, I don't do frenemies
Too real, so they can't get rid of me
Too real, I'm, too real, I'm
Pussy too good, can't get rid of me
When you're too real, you make enemies
You try to hide emotions
But that's never been my thing (My thing)
With calmness I see and observe
Until I go insane (Insane)
I'll never pretend to be crazy
I swear I'm like this
Tellin' myself I gotta grow up
I'm already tired of thinking (Already tired)
All I want is to forget (Want to forget)
I say that I don't care at all (At all, at all)
But I'm not made of ice either
Yeah, I get a little bit (Uh-oh)
I get a little crazy, but it's not my fault
I get crazy, I get crazy
It's 'cause I'm passionate, baby, it's not my fault
I get crazy (Ah)
Pussy too good, can't get rid of me
Too real, no, I don't do frenemies
Too real, so they can't get rid of me
Too real, I'm, too real, I'm
Pussy too good, can't get rid of me
When you're too real, you make enemies
I swear, I'm nice, I promise
I'm just too shy and too honest
I saw everything you were faking
Where do they get the energy for so many lies?
Where do they get the energy for so many lies?
Here we go again, uh


A garland on the soul

I'm so scared to find love,
The drunk sadness is playing again,
It's just me, who can't,
I'd silence,
I wouldn't a wife,
And I'd just live for pleasure,
And only in my apartment, (?)
Where I see the world through the ... (?).
You're too young to understand.
I watch the snow-covered city from the bed,
It happened the way we didn't want,
And these affairs, winter
Brought it's snowfalls again and distressed me,
I'll be in bed a little more and go to the veranda,
To hand a garland on my soul,
Everyone will say: you see, it burns,
Ah, how many hearts it'll win.
I have no energy to run through the floors,
You're in the suite, and I'm amomg the pijamas,
And I'm not sorry, that
Shaking n your mirages alone,
You live without cherishing me.
And I'm at the depth for a long time,
But I won't drown in it anymore.
That's not fair, you yell,
But it doesn't interest me, you're too yuong.
I watch the snow-covered city from the bed,
It happened the way we didn't want,
And these affairs, winter
Brought it's snowfalls again and distressed me,
I'll be in bed a little more and go to the veranda,
To hang a garland on my soul,
Everyone will say: you see, it burns,
Ah, how many hearts it'll win.


Sentimental Trip

Tear up your photo
I poured some wine on it.
His pretentious appearance turned red.
I called you many times
Half of the time I'm away
You can't go home, can you?
I'm not that stupid
Oh, Singapore
swinging tenterboard
Falling red sundown
ah, sing a song
I'll forget
Mixed with humming
A boat trip is a luxury
Paid leave, I wanted to open the medicine for these tears.
Pick up a wet photo
When I turned it inside out and it dried, The sea will fly away
ah, Singapore
tenter boat stopping Dark Sapphire's Night Sight
ah, sing a song
Did it finish
A beautiful sigh



Our hearts that met by chance
Call each other to a distant reality
Parting by the surging waves
They cried the same dream
There's nothing that can be done
Simply we fight to get what we want
Simply touch my cheek
You smiled a little
Because I am here
The song of the invisible stars
Plays the illusion named 'love'
Our hearts that were separated
Call each other to a distant reality
Across the surging skies
We see the same light
Warm my sorrow
With your soft fingers
So that this kind of happiness
May sprout but a single bud
It looks like a flower
How far will the scattering light go,
Believing in love?
So that the song illuminating tomorrow
May also echo for you
I'm singing of comfort
Painfully, but still brightly
Your dear eyes
Until the prayer
Of the stars that are lost
Reaches the future
Truth to regain
The light we saw for the first time
The world is still madly
Dreaming of peace
Our hearts that were separated
Try to reach out the truth in the chest
Go beyond the surging skies
Towards the light



I am the discarded one, no familiar face to pull strings for me,
No bail at the police station
No matter how much effort he puts in, his attempts remain futile.
whose heart is bleeding from you, the one who is ungrateful
I am the one that whoever fell in love with me either is crazy or ... that I am the one you put someone to be at his side
Not even has permission to sing, he who wanted to stay here.
But you laughed at his condition every day. I am the one that didn't let mom be alone, still faithful to his memories
even if one day all of you will leave, this trash will remain to build this city.
Don't ask me to leave this land

No cure for love

Who am I, what is it that I'm feeling?
It's as if my body was in a winter hibernation.
From where did you come,
To find me?
I fell for you so fearlessly
I loved you without question
To not be sad
Is now out of my hands
As if I was born on a deserted island,
and have now found the cure to my loneliness
I took the cure
I took the cure
And I fell in love.
My heart is shameless, it won't listen to reason,
If it burns, I can't extinguish it
Let them throw stones, and tell me to run
I have no cure for love
In my dreams, I breathe in the salt water
You and I, both guilty of this love.
We have entered
dangerous waters.
In my mind, the ghosts of your past.
In my chest, the fear of losing you.
Even if I died,
I couldn't hurt you.
In a room without you, I fade away
But I wasn't actually alone
I'm dead,
I'm done,
I've turned into your shadow.
My heart is shameless, it won't listen to reason,
If it burns, I can't extinguish it
Let them throw stones, and tell me to run
I have no cure for love
My heart is shameless, it won't listen to reason,
If it burns, I can't extinguish it
Let them throw stones, and tell me to run
I have no cure for love


Snow Leopard

In Jetisu 1 where icy mountain-ranges pierce the sky,
Five brave warriors travelled a snowy path.
God guarded them from the foe's arrow and spear in the battle.
But a wicked blizzard bared its bitter teeth.
The snow is whirling, falling on shoulders, smothering the campfire-hearth.
In these forgotten climes even the wind is now a harsh enemy.
This is not what they've fought so much for in so many battles -
To perish, unwillingly, while not fighting, amidst the ice.
Their blood runs cold, their flesh freezes. But their hearts are full of fire.
May Mother Earth hear the clear call of her sons.
And among them, one known for glory in fighting, suddenly rose.
Through the blizzard he espied a piercing gaze and mouth.
It wasn't death, which doesn't have such eyes, he knew.
At once he recognized Mother Earth in the form of a leopard.
And the warriors followed the tracks along the animal's path.
The snow leopard led them through the snow and showed them the way home.
Ever since, his fierce face has been blazoned on their banners and shields.
The warriors will long remember how they were saved in the snow.
  • 1. Jetisu ('seven rivers') - a southeastern region of Kazakhstan


My dentist

'Hey, aren't these teeth in the way?
Are you biting your tongue or something?
I think you should have them removed for future use.'
Disgusting invitation once a month.
'I'll be waiting for you at the clinic tomorrow.'
When I arrive, all I can think is,
I want to go home.
The old lady beside me is taken away and
my turn is coming
The smiling doctor says
'Hey, aren't these teeth in the way?
Are you biting your tongue or something?
I think you should have them removed for future use.'
'Hey, aren't these teeth in the way?
Are you biting your tongue or something?
I think you should have them....'
Well, okay.
'Now, I'm going to pull out this tooth right here.
Please take off the mask.'
Clunk, clunk. Teeth are falling out
Bye-bye. I'm not sad.


The three sparrows

In a bald hazel, side by side,
three sparrows are huddling, sitting tight.
On right side Eric, left side Franz
and in the middle, cheeky Hans.
Their eyes tightly shut as cold winds blow,
and over everything falls the snow!
They huddle together, feel secure,
Hans is the warmest of them for sure.
All of the three hear their little hearts pound:
And unless they fly off, they still are around.


Someone is you

Even though we're out of sight there's no need to fear anymore the heart has been through all the hard times but it can laugh out loud again you are always protecting me your love made me smile again
Just smile like before i'll give you happiness just like you
From now on i can feel your heart i only love you
Is that someone is you
Like a very old friend talking on the phone all night
Whispering softly what my heart is thinking
Oh come embrace me get the courage everythings gonna be alright
I promise you , i wont leave you alone anymore
I'll always protect you
It's your love that makes me smile
Just smile like before i'll give you happiness just like you
From now on i can feel your heart i only love you
Is that someone is you
I wanna be with you now i know
No one can replace you
Just like now i'll give you happiness just like you
Just like you
Just smile like before i'll give you happiness just like you
From now on i can feel your heart i only love you
Is that someone is you
Someone is you
Just smile like before i'll give you happiness just like you
From now on i can feel your heart i only love you
Is that someone is you


Calypso of Archimides

When a body submerges, what happens, huh?
In the water within a container, huh?
It rises to the surface due to specific conditions, huh?
Or descends indefinitely, and it is screwed, huh?
What fate awaits our ships and sailboats, huh?
If you refuse to determine their metacenter, huh?
When will you discover the essential principle, huh?
Of bodies in water and their equilibrium, huh?
Archimedes, Archimedes, please give us an answer
He devotes his life to the bath
Archimedes, Archimedes, please give us an answer
What happened to that inventive spirit, huh?
That saved Syracuse from peril, huh?
How will you confront the Romans as they persist, huh?
In their invasion and conquest schemes, huh?
Do you think it’s fun for us, huh?
That you spend your entire day on personal hygiene, huh?
Why should we seek your expertise, huh?
When you hesitate to share your principle, huh?
Archimedes, Archimedes, please give us an answer
He devotes his life to the bath
Archimedes, Archimedes, please give us an answer


The Legionnaire Song

Our banner waves in the wind
in the burning sun of the day.
Our army now walks towards the enemy
under the symbol of the fatherland!
We are Danish legionnaires!
Von Schalburg's black battalion!
To battle for freedom and for honour
We guard our nation!
Danish legionnaires!
Danebrog is our battle standard!
For our people our army now stands ready for combat!
Danish legionnaires!
The Reds should be kicked out!
Now we have to change the colour.
To the thunder of the gun barrels!
- Stalin now has to get his judgement!
We are Danish legionnaires!
Von Schalburg's black battalion!
To battle for freedom and for honour
We guard our nation!
Danish legionnaires!
Danebrog is our battle standard!
For our people our army now stands ready for combat!
Danish legionnaires!


Stepping Wind

Something is rising, something is now beginning nearby
Someone discovered, someone waiting for the end
The world is turning, the world is moving, your hand
Makes my heart dance, your eyes make my heart sway
With my map, bag, compass, and my favorite hat (Wahoo!)
My pocket with the usual candy, I'm on my way boiling with anger
The opposition prevents me from finding someone (Wahoo!)
I'm still waiting to search, and to begin stepping wind
Something is rising, something is now beginning nearby
Someone discovered, someone waiting for the end
The world is turning, the world is moving, your hand
Makes my heart dance, your eyes make my heart sway
In this gentle evening, I see a falling star (whoa whoa!)
From beyond the world, a new wind is blowing
Ding dong, a bell is chiming
Ding dong, the sound of dreams
(Wahoo!) (Rapaa!) (Rappa!) (Radu!)
I need love, courage, and willpower to reach my goals (Wahoo!)
I need to take a step forward, that is all I need to make my day!
Something is rising, something is now beginning nearby
Someone discovered, someone waiting for the end
The world is turning, the world is moving, your hand
Makes my heart dance, your eyes make my heart sway
In this gentle evening, I see a falling star (whoa whoa!)
From beyond the world, a new wind is blowing
Ding dong, a bell is chiming
Ding dong, the sound of dreams
(Wahoo!) (Wahoo!) (Wahoo?) (Waheeeh!)
In this gentle evening, I see a falling star (whoa whoa!)
From beyond the world, a new wind is blowing
Something is rising, something is now beginning nearby
Someone discovered, someone waiting for the end
The world is turning, the world is moving, your hand
Makes my heart dance, your eyes make my heart sway
In this gentle evening, I see a falling star (whoa whoa!)
From beyond the world, a new wind is blowing
Ding dong, a bell is chiming
Ding dong, the sound of dreams
Ding dong, my chest is roaring
Ding dong, the sound of dreams as I look out to the world
Wahoo! Wahoo!
Wahoo! Wahoo!


Sign of Hero

The wind is blowing beyond the clouds.
A forgotten song echoes through the air
I'm sure the compass in my heart will pierce through the hesitation
It will show me the true future
I begin to run, I begin to run
That is Sign of a Hero!
As I hold on to every dream I've ever had
The stronger I become
For the tomorrow I believe in
I could even make miracles happen
Even when I falter, even when I stumble
Gently, gently, I'll push myself forward
Believe in my heart
Be the wind, be the dream, reach far away
Everyday now, the dream is fading away.
Somewhere I can see through myself, which I don't like
But I'm sure the frustration it taught me
It's proof that I'm moving forward
I'll fight, I'll fight
That is pain of a Hero!
I have a dream that I want to protect
That's why I can step forward, stronger and stronger
In the midst of the days that I can't see
The only thing that shines through
I know it's just a little bit of courage
If I have you, if you're here
Bring my soul
Bring new, dazzling power
At the end of the night
Though the moon and the stars are shattered
With your light
I'll keep running, I'll keep running
That is Sign of a Hero!
As I hold on to the countless dreams I've had
The stronger I become
For the tomorrow I believed in
I could even make miracles can happen
Even when I falter, even when I stumble
Gently, gently, I'll push myself forward
Believe in my heart
We'll become the wind, we'll become the dream



You're not 20 years old anymore
You have no more time
To be a child
To just party
You have no more money
No flair
You're really going
Straight towards defeat
And far, far, far away I hear
This quiet siren song
Which tells me “But come,
Go on, take my hand
Come on, I’ll take you away.”
Ah, ah… Ah, ah...
That whispers to me
Ah ah… Ah...
Come, I will never let you down
I know you're a fighter
Hold in your heart the love around
You know you're a fighter
And far, far, far away I hear
This little voice that repeats to me
“Man, where are you going?”
I admit, I admit I don't know
I want everything and nothing at the same time
I will end up completely crazy
And that's it
You don't have the right
To stay like this
You must make choices
What do you have in your head?
Lead battles
Believe in yourself
The world is here
Set out to conquer it
And far, far, far away I hear
This quiet siren song
Which tells me “But come,
Go towards your destiniy
You shouldn't step on the brakes.”
Ah, ah… Ah, ah...
That whispers to me
Ah ah… Ah...
Come, I will never let you down
I know you're a fighter
Hold in your heart the love around
You know you're a fighter
And far, far, far away I hear
This little voice that repeats to me
“Man, where are you going?”
I admit, I admit I don't know
I want everything and nothing at the same time
I will end up completely crazy
And that's it
Hear the sound of your dreams
You are so near
They are so near
Look around
Hear the sound of your dreams
Not of your fears
And just open up your heart
Come, I will never let you down
I know you're a fighter
Hold in your heart the love around
You know you're a fighter
And far, far, far away I hear
This little voice that repeats to me
“Man, where are you going?”
Come, I will never let you down
I know you're a fighter
Hold in your heart the love around
You know you're a fighter
And this voice goes away
She comes back, in my head
“Man, where are you going?”
I admit, I admit I don't know
I want everything and nothing at the same time
I will end up completely crazy
And that's it
I admit, I admit I don't know
I want everything and nothing at the same time
I will end up completely crazy
And that's it
And that's it


With love

When I first met you,
Do you still remember
When the poppies were blooming?
Old stone walls and hedges,
Leaning telegraph poles.
On a black and heavy bicycle,
You became the wind
And carried me away from the hill.
When you set out on your journey,
Do you still remember
When the poppies were blooming?
Shadows of ships floating on the sparkling sea,
The scent of blue pine trees.
It was still sad, but
I knew I could row alone
On that black and heavy bicycle.
The sea breeze rushing up the slope
Carries a letter to me.
I'm sure you'll always be there,
No matter where you are.
I am very well.
I have grown taller than last year.
I am always here,
Now and forever,
Wishing for the safety of your journey.
From the hill of poppies,
With love...


Two lovers

One lover like you, Majnun
One lover like me, Leila
Two hearts entwined in their love
Two in the same story, Two with the same dream
One lover like you, Majnun
One lover like me, Leila
Two hearts entwined in their love
Two in the same story, Two with the same dream
We found each other, like a garden and moonlight
Like light and butterfly, like fish and water
Our hearts merged into a sea, a sea of seas
Ohhhh, two lovers
After this, clouds, the moon, and moonlight should be forgotten
From the sun's star to the earth, should be forgotten
We and this love, encompass the entire world
Ohhhh, two lovers
One lover like you, Majnun
One lover like me, Leila
Two hearts entwined in their love
Two in the same story, Two with the same dream
One lover like you, Majnun
One lover like me, Leila
Two hearts entwined in their love
Two in the same story, Two with the same dream


Darkwing Duck (German)

Hero Duck, Mystery Duck, Shadow Duck par excellence,
Champion of the Darkness - Darkwing is the king.
Villains, Crooks, it's their turn,
This Duck cleans up. (3 - 2 - 1)
Darkwing Duck (Such a bird comes flying right away)
Darkwing Duck two - one - Risk!
Darkwing Duck (Darkwing, Darkwing Duck)
Magic Duck and Smoked Duck, Mask Duck and more,
Bold, agile and full of energy Not by accident
He disappears in an instant, but soon reappears. (Here comes...
(Darkwing Duck) Right!
(Such a bird comes flying right away)
Darkwing Duck, two - one - risk!
Darkwing Duck (watch out, you bad guys!)
Darkwing Duck!


Lover's fair

In the lover's fair, beneath the blue sky,
Everyone hustles and bustles to sell wishes.
With all these buyers and suitors, how crowded this fair is.
Everything that was brought, sooner or later, was bought.
But the crazy heart was not taken