Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 6

Találatok száma: 679


Not Like Before

Love isn't as beautiful as I thought
Love isn't as sweet as I imagined
This, for the first time
That's enough for me to break my heart
Maybe this won't last forever
One has failed in trying
The love that each time I desire for
Hopefully I will be happy in the end
I am a woman who can't stand suffering
My first love was filled with pain
I want to try for a second time
Hopefully my last one will be happy unlike before
I am a woman who can't stand suffering
My first love was filled with pain
I want to try for a second time
Hopefully my last one will be happy unlike before
I am a woman who can't stand suffering
My first love was filled with pain
I want to try for a second time
Hopefully my last one will be happy unlike before

the Honda

Hey girl, he says, let's load the trunk
for a ride hasta manana
No she says, i hate you
and your rusty old Katana
well, he says, I'll take you out
let's go have some Suflaki
And then we'll go crash at my Mom's
smoke Shisha, drink some Raki
'Please stop' she says you're wasting time
my weekend trip lies yonder
Cause now I date Eugene,
and he drives a brandnew Honda
she's standing by the interstate
her tank-top looks so classy
blonde hair, big boobs and make-up on
try'n-a get to Tallahassee
a fat young man pulls over
wiggling out of his sedan
Say do you need a ride
I'll help you any way I can..
She yawns, that' cute, but you're a worm,
and I need an anaconda
I'm waiting for my pimp
to pick me up in his new Honda
all the ladies lose their shit,
when he's cruising in his Honda
all the ladies flash their tits
when he's rolling in his Honda
with a center intake on the hood
and rims that sparkle green
that is really quite a Honda
like no-one has ever seen
the boy just finished college
top of class 'summa cum laude'
his daddy buys him right away
a decent brandnew audi
but at the great reveal, the boy
he says to his old man
this beat-up german hand-me-down
i'd rather drive a second hand
you'll put 'er right on craigslist
as a miles-per-gallon wonder
and from that cash you'll get me
A pimped-out shiny honda
the daughter brings her negro home
the mother looks enchanted
and dad likes the physique,
although his manners, he lamented
as he looks out the window
while eating fries with egg
his nostrils catch the smell of weed
from a big red cadillac
that's when he finally flips
'say do you think i'm a meshigger?'
the last thing that my daughter needs
is bang a goddamn nigger..
(REF 2)
all the ladies lose their shit,
when he's cruising in his Honda
all the ladies flash their tits
when he's rolling in his Honda
with a center intake on the hood
and his dolled up ghetto queen
that is really quite a Honda
like no-one has ever seen
well, well, who could have guessed
that we would get precipitation
well probably not him
and now we have a situation
its friday ev'ning 5 PM,
and traffick did skyrocket
he's stuck in the commuter lane
and the sunroof he can't lock it
umbrella's still in the garage
and now he's soaked, o wonder
You shoulda think of that
when you go rolling in a honda
now look, there, by the roadside
what a sight to see
an almost brand-new honda
that just crashed against a tree
the airbags are inflated
the luggage got propelled
the tires were out of rubber
but he didn't catch the smell
i think he caught a cold
wrapped in a scarf from his aunt Rhonda
and all the girls are taking pictures
as he crawls from under his Honda
(REF 3)
all the girls are taking pictures
when he's cruising in his honda
all the girls are wooting wildly
when he's rolling in his honda
a V8 with center intake
the exhaust roars so serene
that is really quite a Honda
like no-one has ever seen
all the girls can't help but laughing
when he's rolling in his Honda
all the girls can' help but laughing
when he's rolling in his Honda
with the mashed up center intake
and rims that lost the green
that is really quite a Honda
that need not to be seen


[Chorus: Tuuli]
Tell me where it hurts
I will not let it hurt anymore
I will pick up the pieces and we will make broken whole again
Tell me what you're missing
I will not let it be missing again
I will pick up the pieces and we will make broken whole again
[Verse 1: Uniikki]
Damn, you're tired of all of this and it has been a bit difficult
If you feel like even though you are giving it your all
And the weight just doesn't drop off your shoulders
I have been there, I know how it feels
When life just gives you negativity
When you can't catch sleep, you get stuck in your place
But we can change all this together
Let me hold you against my chest
Let me give you all that you need
I am here for you, I will take the pain away
And without you I wouldn't be able to carry on here
A little bit messed up, you cleared it, I don't know how
But when my heart was broken, you healed it
And together we have hope, they won't have time to take that away
So let's fight for a moment
[Chorus: Tuuli]
Tell me where it hurts
I will not let it hurt anymore
I will pick up the pieces and we will make broken whole again
Tell me what you're missing
I will not let it be missing again
I will pick up the pieces and we will make broken whole again
[Post-Chorus: Tuuli]
I will pick up the pieces and we will make broken whole again
I will pick up the pieces and we will make broken whole again
[Verse 2: Uniikki]
I stand in front of this world alone
All this year full of sorrows and losses
Yeah, and one can't have them back
One little life in a million pieces
But some day we can pick up the pieces together
I will carry you out of darkness, even carry you on my back
And I will be there when you feel like nothing is left
Even if you feel like you can't carry on and the pain in your chest is not going away
Love is not temporary like some quick cash loan
Sometimes broken and sinking like Titanic
But maybe with you I will stay on the surface
You stay by my side, you give me the whole world
Some people try healing wounds with hard stuff
I guess every one of us here is messed up in their own way
But I will pull you close, I will whisper to you that you're enough
Those scars of yours are beautiful, don't cover them
[Chorus: Tuuli]
Tell me where it hurts
I will not let it hurt anymore
I will pick up the pieces and we will make broken whole again
Tell me what you're missing
I will not let it be missing again
I will pick up the pieces and we will make broken whole again
[Post-Chorus: Tuuli]
I will pick up the pieces and we will make broken whole again
I will pick up the pieces and we will make broken whole again

Have fun

Yeah, everyone is telling a story... I'm saying
Maybe I should tell a story too. But my story is not about love, it's from my street. Like in the street I was born and if you ask anyone there they will answer you this. Yes, listen:
Have fun, till you're alive, till there're girls on all your side
Have fun, till you have money, till you can enjoy it, till you're alive
In the street, I was born everyone knows. So you do too
On one side there're flowers, on another one garbage
On one side heaven, on another side hell
Those who will come and see will know how it is
Someone is flying from the balcony like he is Fantomas
Some selling goods, some trying to trick
Someone walking with a girl, just to have a good reputation
One is dying from hunger, because of it sleeps every day
One is moving on Mercedes E 320 like he is someone special
Crys often when he enters the street
One is moving on Nissan, changed his nick to 'Gül Toto'
Whenever he has money, he plays the lotto
A lot of people start a fight in our street
A lot, lot, lot, lot who watches it
One dying from hunger, one having fun, doesn't matter, to be honest
Anyone will say the same thing
Takes you from yourself in our street (in street)
Every day it's a wedding, engagement in our street (in street) *it is in the meaning of 'party every day'*
One day there will be starvation and fun
And another day there will be neither starvation and fun
But in our street, everyone loves each other
If someone will hurt one of us, he will have a bad day
Everyone says one word, the words are together
'The neighborhood is our neighborhood, the rest of the neighborhoods are workers'
Have fun, till you're alive, till there're girls on all your side
Have fun, till you have money, till you can enjoy it, till you're alive
In the street, I was born everyone knows. So you do too
On one side there're flowers, on another one garbage
On one side heaven, on another side hell
Those who will come and see will know how it is
When I am entering the street I'm looking everywhere
In this kind of street, I finally feel alive
One is coming to the street, one is looking from the balcony
Someone screams 'It's Meyxana' *traditional freestyle/battle rap*
Our neighbor Ahmed is panicking
Every time he enters the street when he is going to work
The car is not in place, like it's a miracle
During one night it's just gone
One with vodka, one holds wine
And someone just watches the ones who drink
One is a taxi driver, one selling qatiq *it is a national yogurt type. Reminds greek yogurt*
There's no other way! *it is also a shoutout to the song *'Ya Qarabağ, ya ölüm'*
Damn this time, damn it
There's nothing, no money. And my girl run away from me
My 'can' run away, My 'can' left me * 'can' means soul, life. Also can be used to describe someone close to you.
I have no money, left me my gazelle * Gazelle or ceyran in Azerbaijan language is another way to describe a female
But who cares, it's easy to find someone new
As they say, as fathers say
'Buddy, even if you are hungry...'
Still, have fun, have fun!
Have fun, till you're alive, till there're girls on all your side
Have fun, till you have money, till you can enjoy it, till you're alive
RIP Hüseyn Dərya


Késő van, és még ébren vagyok
Csak bámulom a falat
Kinyitom az ablakot
Kilebeg a fejem az ajtón
Senki sincs az utcán
Egy villanás szökik a szemembe
Felemelem tekintetem
Az égtől elvakítva
A hangot követve
Oly gyorsan távolodik
A földre zuhan
Tudom, hogy ezzel nincs vége
Most csak azt látom ami előttem van
Ahogy üldözöm az utcán rohanva
Egy hullócsillagba szerettem bele
De oly gyorsan repül,
Hogy nem tudom beérni
Egy hullócsillagba vagyok szerelmes
De oly gyorsan repül
Amikor földet ér, várni fogok rá

Tizenhét évesen

Tizenhét évesen tudtam meg az igazságot,
hogy a szerelem a szépségkirálynőknek való
és a szép arcú, mosolygós, gimis lányoknak,
akik fiatalon mentek férjhez, s nem dolgoztak többé
Sohasem kaptam Valentin lapot,
az ifjúság péntek éji farsangjait
valaki szebbel töltötték
Tizenhét évesen megtudtam az igazságot...
És mi, csúnya arcúak,
akikben nincs meg a társasági kellem,
kétségbeesetten otthon maradtunk,
telefonáló szeretőket kitalálva,
akik felhívtak, és mondták, hogy 'Jöjj, táncolj velem',
s homályos malacságoat suttogtak
Nem annyira jó tizenhét évesen...
Egy barna szemű lány használt ruhákban,
akinek a nevét sosem tudtam kiejteni mondta, hogy
'Azokat sajnáld, akik szolgálnak,
mert azt kapják amit megérdemelnek'
A jó kapcsolatú kisvárosi királynő
abba házasodik bele ami kell neki
Biztosított a társaság
és időskori menedékhely
Így hát azok, akik megnyerik ezt a játszmát,
elveszítik a szerelmet amit el akartak nyerni,
minőségi örökjáradékért, és kérdéses becsületért
Tompa meglepetéssel fognak kisvárosi szemeik bámulni rád,
amikor a tartozásuk több lesz
mint a pénz a számlán amit tizenhét évesen kaptak...
Mi pedig, akik ismerik
a sohasem volt Valentin lapok fájdalmát,
és akiket sohasem szólítottak
amikor kosárlabdát játszottak,
mindez csak régen volt, és a messzeségben
egy mainál ifjabb világban,
amikor csak álmokat adtak ingyen
egy rút kiskacsa lánynak mint én...
Mindenki játszik, és amikor felbátorodunk
magunkat csaljuk passziánszban
Telefonos szeretőket képzelünk
Mások ismeretlen életeit bánjuk meg
azokét, akik felhívnak és mondják: 'Jöjj és táncolj velem'
S homályos malacságokat motyognak
tizenhét éves, csúnya lányoknak, mint én

Természetesen újra egyedül

Versions: #1
Ha rövidesen
egy kicsit sem leszek vidámabb,
megígérem magamnak, hogy
megjutalmazom magam,
és meglátogatom a közeli tornyot
Felmászok a tetejére,
és levetem magam,
erőfeszítésként, hogy megmutassam akárkinek
hogy hogyan néz ki, amikor darabokra törsz
Bennehagytak a pácban
A templomban, mondták a népek hogy
'Istenem, ez kemény. Jól átverte a menyasszony
nincs értelme itt maradnunk,
akár haza is mehetünk'
Csakúgy mint én, egyedül
Természetesen újra egymagamban
Ha csak arra gondolok, hogy tegnap
még örömteli voltam, derűs és vidám
Alig vártam - hisz ki ne tenné? -
a szerepet, ami rám várt
De mintha letaglózott volna,
rámtalált a valóság
És még anélkül, hogy mégcsak hozzám is ért volna
darabokra szabdalt,
Kétségbe taszítva
Istenről és a kegyelméről beszélünk,
de ki is az Isten, ha létezik egyáltalán
Miért hagyott el?
És a legnagyobb szükségemben
persze teljesen egyedül vagyok
Úgy tűnik hogy több megtört szív
van a világon, mint amennyit meggyógyíthatnánk
Magukra vannak hagyva
Mit tehetnénk?
Mit tehetnénk?
Természetesen, újra egyedül
Most hogy visszanézek az elmúlt évekre,
minden más mellett emlékszem
mennyire sírtam, amikor meghalt az apám
nem is rejtve könnyeim
És hatvanöt évesen
az anyám - Isten nyugosztalja -
nem értette hogy miért ragadták el tőle
az egyetlen férfit, akit valaha szeretett
És szörnyen összetört szívvel kellett
újrakezdenie az életét
Habár támogattam,
soha többé nem szóltunk erről
És amikor meghalt,
csak sírtam és sírtam egész nap
Természetesen, egymagam
Természetesen, egymagam

Címtelen (a demó végén)

Eggyel kezdődik...
...és sokszorozódik, míg meg nem ízleled a napot,
s meg nem éget az ég, amitől el akarod venni.
De nincs hová menekülni ha lezuhan a Nap.
Minden összeomlik, oly valótlan
Bevonnak a játékba, hogy megmondják hogyan végzed,
és újra visszaküldenek oda, ahol már voltál,
és megtörik az akaratodat, míg az belülről téged meg nem tör
És akkor is , az ég fényén keresztül
megtöltik szemeiket szürkülettel,
és ahogyan papírra vetem az érzéseimet,
egy acélváz ezüstje meglátja tükörképed fényét.
Sikolyt hallok álmomban, ahogyan úgy tűnik
hogy bevégezted a szereped.
Mintha szívtelen lennél, ezt tépd szét a sötétben,
de jól tudom hogy...
Annyira próbáltam, és oly messzire jutottam
de a végén
még csak nem is számít
El kellett buknom, elveszítenem mindent
de a végén
még csak nem is számít
Belenéztem a jövőbe,
és nem azt láttam, aminek lennie kellene.
Az értem megvívott csatáktól lebilicselve
hívtak hogy költészetük részévé váljak.
És most látom, hogy nem lesz esélyem
Nem lesz békém, hazugságok és kígyók
gyorsan hibákhoz vezetnek.
És ahogy legbelül, a kötéltánc padlója vékonyodik,
csak remélni tudom, hogy becsukják szemeiket hogy ne lássák
a neonfények szürkületét
és egy acélváz ezüstjét
Lásd a tükörképed fényét
ahogyan papírra vetem amit érzek
Halld a sikolyt álmaimban,
mert úgy tűnik eljátszottad a szereped.
Mintha szívtelen lennél, ezt tépd szét a sötétségben
De jól tudom hogy...
Annyira próbáltam, és oly messzire jutottam
de a végén
még csak nem is számít
El kellett buknom, elveszítenem mindent
de a végén
még csak nem is számít
Megbíztam benned,
amennyire csak tudtam
csak egyetlen dolgot kell tudnod...
Megbíztam benned,
amennyire csak tudtam
csak egyetlen dolgot kellene tudnod...
Megbíztam benned,
amennyire csak tudtam
csak egyetlen dolgot kellene tudnod...
Annyira próbáltam, és oly messzire jutottam
de a végén
még csak nem is számít
El kellett buknom, elveszítenem mindent
de a végén
még csak nem is számít

A hó fehér

A hó fehér, a hó fehér,
De a fejkendőm fehérebb.
Az alma piros, az alma piros,
De az orcám pirosabb.
A len arany, a len arany,
De a hajam aranyabb
A galamb kék, a galamb kék,
De a szemem kékebb.

Románc leszálóban

Semmi sem lett a lehetőségből
És ami lehetett volna, annak is vége lett.
Kivérzett egy fényes penge éltől,
Nem volt több mint szikrányi őrület…
Utasként ketten voltunk,
Jegy nélkül szálltunk fel a vonatra.
Poggyász nélkül, egymáshoz nem szóltunk
A vészfék hangjának csendjét kottáztuk a falra!
De, együtt tovább nem utazhattunk ...
Mindegyikünk megérkezett egy-egy állomásra,
Mint két vihartól ijedt mókus ugrottunk
Első tavaszi éjszakánk zivatarába!
És ez minden! ...Mindabból, ami lehetet,
Nem több mint egy halvány próbálkozás
Egy egyszerű 'tücsök-bogár', szösszenet
Azt sem tudva mikor és hol történt e kalandozás!

Daddy Issues Remix Tiktok

Úgy használlak, mint a drogot
Megízlellek a nyelvemmel
Megkérdezed mire gondolok
Én elmondom neked, hogy mi az amire gondolok
Bármire is gondolsz,
Mondj valamit, amitől felejthetek
És lehet, hogy újra el kell majd mondanod
Őrület, mit meg nem teszünk egy barátért
Gyerünk, sírj, kislány
Senki nem tesz úgy, mint te
Tudom milyen sokat jelentett ez neked
Tudom, hogy problémáid vannak az apukáddal
És ha az én kis csajszim lennél
Megadnék neked bármit, amit csak tudnék
Elmenekülnék és elbújnék veled
Szeretem, hogy problémáid vannak az apukáddal, és nekem is vannak
Próbáltam az esőbe írni a neved,
de az eső sosem jött,
Szóval a napsütésben tettem meg
De az árnyék
Mindig rosszkor jött
Megkérdezed mire gondolok
Én elmondom neked, hogy mi az amire gondolok
Bármire is gondolsz,
Mondj valamit, amitől felejthetek
És lehet, hogy újra el kell majd mondanod
Őrület, mit meg nem teszünk egy barátért
Gyerünk, sírj, kislány
Senki nem tesz úgy, mint te
Tudom milyen sokat jelentett ez neked
Tudom, hogy problémáid vannak az apukáddal
És ha az én kis csajszim lennél
Megadnék neked bármit, amit csak tudnék
Elmenekülnék és elbújnék veled
Szeretem, hogy problémáid vannak az apukáddal
Apuka leragadt, de nem a jelenben
Megcsalta az anyud, de ő sosem hagyta el miatta apud
Először nem értettem, most már igen
Összetörte a szívét, pénzzel pótolta
Szóval mindent megfizetett
Anyud gondoskodott róla, hogy neked és a báttyádnak még több legyen
Aztán ő sosem nőtte ki
És mikor te elmesélted nekem az egész sztorit, úgy éreztem hánynom kell
Láttam az arcodon, hogy maradandó volt
És anyud sosem drogozott
Ő volt az eső minden nap
Alig várta a fiát, hogy beragyogja a napját
És te beragyogtad
És amikor ő sírt, te mentetted meg az életét
Megpróbállak elengedi,
Megpróbálom tudtodra adni,
Hogy tovább lépek,
Nem sírtam, mikor először elhagytál,
De most, hogy meghaltál eléggé fáj
Ezúttal megtudom,
hova tűnt az apám?
Nem vagyok itt teljesen,
Az egyik felem eltűnt
Gyerünk, sírj, kislány
Tudod, hogy apád is megtette
Tudod, hogy mit élt át anyukád
Hamarosan el kell engednek, csak engedd el
Gyerünk, sírj, kislány
Senki nem tesz úgy, mint te
Tudom milyen sokat jelentett ez neked
Tudom, hogy problémáid vannak az apukáddal
És ha az én kis csajszim lennél
Megadnék neked bármit, amit csak tudnék
Elmenekülnék és elbújnék veled
Szeretem, hogy problémáid vannak az apukáddal és nekem is vannak
És ha az én kis csajszim lennél
Megadnék neked bármit, amit csak tudnék
Elmenekülnék és elbújnék veled
Szeretem, hogy problémáid vannak az apukáddal, és nekem is vannak

A Szereteted Minden

[Versszak 1]
Mikor kiszáradok, szomjas leszek Uram,
És még többet kiáltok,
Tudom, hogy szerettedben bízhatok.
[Versszak 1]
A sötétség az éjszakában
Mikor éhezem a fényre
Tudom, hogy szerettedben bízhatok.
Nem számlálod bűneim
és nem emlékezel meg szégyeneimről
Szereteted minden betegséget gyógyít
Szereteted betölt mindent amire szükségem van
Szereteted mindent számomra
A szereteted minden
[Híd 1]
Nem felejtem el
Nem felejtem el az ígéreteid
Nem felejtem el
Nem felejtem el Szereteted
[Híd 2]
Nem felejtem el
Nem felejtem el hogy semmi sem lehetetlen
Nem felejtem el
Nem felejtem el Szereteted

Zindagi edame dare ( Life is going on )

Be happy wherever you are in this calendar rotation
In some places, we do not oppose the algebra of life
We traveled together but in a parallel world
It was logical not to get to the bottom of this crazy game
Be happy wherever you are, I remember wherever I am
I do not remember how much I broke you
The forest is beautiful from the outside, how many trees are there from you
To be strong, but from the inside is hard
With you, my destiny is tied to a handful of Emma and Ikash
Then watch out for those damn laughs
Then I think to you, grief draw the day
Whether we are or not, life goes on
For us, crossing is an inevitable path
But no one takes our place in our hearts
People become dependent on kindness very quickly
Lonely people are broken sooner, easier
With you, my destiny is tied to a handful of Emma and Ikash
Then watch out for those damn laughs
Then I think of you, the grief of drawing the day
Whether we are or not, life goes on

Yes, it was

I've bathed in the sun
I've showered with rain
I've found hope
I've searched for life
I've broken laws
I've cursed the rules
Every step is a new attempt at walking*
Climbed high mountains
Fallen in deep valleys
Gotten rewarded for good deeds
And paid for the mistakes
Sometimes it was all for nothing
Sometimes it was phenomenal
A cry of joy or a call for help?
Because sometimes
The burden on my shoulders gets so heavy
And I ask myself:
Was it worth everything?
And I think: Yes, it was
Yes, it was
Yes, it was
Yes, it was
I was in the deserts
And I swam in the oceans
Still I travelled further
To grow closer to myself
We've borne children
We've gotten grandchildren
Every step is a new attempt at walking
I've often cried in the beginning
And then won at the end
Somewhere, I've taken my fate
In my own hands
And I'll keep singing
And when I'll get pensions,
A cry of joy or a call for help?
Because sometimes
The burden on my shoulders gets so heavy
And I ask myself:
Was it worth everything?
And I think: Yes, it was
(And it always is, again and again)
Yes, it was
(And it always is, again and again)
Yes, it was
(And it always is, again and again
Yes, it was
Yes, it was

Have You Heard About It?

Have you heard about it stone wall?
Iron gate and blind window
My pillow, my bunk and my handcuffs?
The sad picture in my stash
Which I stand up to death for
Have you heard about it?
My visitor sent me green onion
My cigarette smells like clove
Spring has come to mountains of my homeland

Deliberating On You

Versions: #1
Deliberating on you is a beautiful, hopeful thing
It's like listening to the most beautiful song
From the world's most beautiful voice...
However, hope isn't enough for me any longer
I don't want to listen to songs no longer,
I want to sing them

1000 Violins

With an eraser the size of the Himalayas
I want to do lots of things that are fun
With a pen the size of a missile in my hand
I want to do lots of things that are captivating
Let's go open the doors of the night
While the rulers are snoring
Smell the summer as many times as we want
We've been through dangerous grounds
Through the wire fence of the night
We'll see things we can never see again
And go see Huckleberry
Wipe out that yesterday we screwed up
With an eraser the size of the Himalayas
I want to do lots of things that are fun
With a pen the size of a missile in my hand
I want to do lots of things that are captivating
From the cradle to the grave
Assholes follow us around
A thousand violins resound
We zip through an unbeaten path
Feel like someone owes me some money
But such things don't matter anymore
The memories are on a hot tin roof
They melted like ice cream
With an eraser the size of the Himalayas
I want to do lots of things that are fun
With a pen the size of a missile in my hand
I want to do lots of things that are captivating

Lelkem áldd az Urat!

Versions: #1
Lelkelm áldd az Urat
Áldd az Urat
Egyedül Őt imádd
Zengj úgy, mint soha még
Őt dicsérd
A lelkem csak Téged áld
Egy új nap kél és már ébred minden
Itt az idő, hogy áldjalak
És bármi ér ma, bármit rejt az út előttem
Hadd zengjek este is majd hálával
Lelkelm áldd az Urat
Áldd az Urat
Egyedül Őt imádd
Zengj úgy, mint soha még
Őt dicsérd
A lelkem csak Téged áld
Kegyelmed nagy és türelmed hosszú
Szerelmed mély és az égig ér
Nem szűnök énekelni a Te jóságodról
Tízezer okom van, hogy zengjek még
Lelkelm áldd az Urat
Áldd az Urat
Egyedül Őt imádd
Zengj úgy, mint soha még
Őt dicsérd
A lelkem csak Téged áld
És egy nap majd ez a test elgyengül
Erőm elhagy, s utam véget ér
A lelkem mégis Téged áldd vég nélkül
Tízezer évig és mind örökké
Lelkelm áldd az Urat
Áldd az Urat
Egyedül Őt imádd
Zengj úgy, mint soha még
Őt dicsérd
A lelkem csak Téged áld


I saw you the first time in my life
And my heart surreptitiously
Quietly whishpered: That's him!
I don't know why, you were a stranger after all
There are other boys in the town
I can remember you from there
You bought 'Ergo' in my little shop
Which is always full of noise
Everything got quiet, even me!
Saying 'adieu' you smiled at me
Oh I am so very sorry
I did not know you that day...
Oh my dreamt one
Oh my missed one
You don't know about it
That there's someone in a little town
Who is crying for you
That poor Rebecka
Is waiting in reverie
Until you alone come to her
And take her as your wife
Far away, to the gates of the palace
That rush that glow that miracle
I can imagine, my god!
There's crowd at the market square
And I'm wearing a white wedding dress...
Oh my dreamt one
Oh my missed one
Has anybody loved you like me?
But I am poor and it's my dream
I've been dreaming all my life
I can remember a day it was an afternoon
I was going to the well to wash up
Then you came by your car
She was sitting next to you
A wife or a girlfirend
I saw you as if through the fog
My hrad got dizzy
My health is very delicate
At the bottom of my heart I felt a squeeze
I fell down straight at your feet
Trying to revive me full of fright
'Are you ok?' - you asked me...
Oh my dreamt one
Oh my missed one
You don't know about it
That there's someone in a little town
Who is crying for you
That poor Rebecka
Is waiting in reverie
Until you alone come to her
And take her as your wife
Far away, to the gates of the palace
That rush that glow that miracle
I can imagine, my god!
There's crowd at the market square
And I'm wearing a white wedding dress...
Oh my dreamt one
Oh my missed one
Has anybody loved you like me?
But I am poor and it's my dream
I've been dreaming all my life

100 years

Look me in the eyes, that I feel you different
I am afraid of us
That this love was suddenly spent
Remind me again when everything was new
The day you fell in love
We said that our relationship would be eternal
Don't tell me you're leaving today, please
Because you are going to destroy my heart
If you ask me to change I will do what you ask me
It's human to make more than one mistake
What does it cost you to give me your forgiveness?
I swear to you I will not bear your farewell
Although they say that there is no evil that lasted more than a hundred years
I wouldn't want to be the first idiot to check it
A love like ours you know it's not seen every day
A love like ours is worth saving, oh-oh-oh
Oh, boy
Throw it out, my brother
Hey, Carlitos
Cheers, friend
Mexico and Colombia
One heart, brother
Long live the babies
Don't tell me you're leaving today, please
Because you are going to destroy my heart
If you ask me to change I will do what you ask me
It's human to make more than one mistake
What does it cost you to give me your forgiveness?
I swear to you I will not bear your farewell
Although they say that there is no evil that lasted more than a hundred years
I wouldn't want to be the first idiot to check it
A love like ours you know it's not seen every day
A love like ours is worth saving, oh-oh-oh

The Tales of Mickey Elf

Talesberg is the capital of Dreamland
In Talesberg, Mickey elf is the king
His crown is fit for an elf
He's the great king of tales
The kids ask him everynight
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, stay with us
Friend of the children
Great king of tales
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, stay with us
Friend of the children
Great king of tales
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
His palace is full of talesbooks
That's where he always hides in the daytime
They can't ever accuse him
That he wasn't prepared for the night
He knows that the children will ask him
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, stay with us
Friend of the children
Great king of tales
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, stay with us
Friend of the children
Great king of tales
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf only tells tales, through winter and summer
No need to worry that one day it'll end
As long as there are children on the earth
He'll stay here to write tales
The children can ask him everynight
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, stay with us
Friend of the children
Great king of tales
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, stay with us
Friend of the children
Great king of tales
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, tell us a tale
Mickey elf, stay with us
Friend of the children
Great king of tales
Mickey elf, tell us a tale

Siren of the woods

Here, in my woods, wander
Both fay and cattle, on my ground
Sometimes, others find their way here
They seek profit, with blood in their minds
So, a man came today
Into my green realm
He is going to kill reindeer and deer
Here, where they roam in peace and freedom
I keep an eye on him from behind the trees
Through the leaves, I can see
How that man breaks branches and twigs
He cold-bloodedly slays my little ones
So, I step out of the brushwood
With no wrath on my face
But in his look, I can see greed
Humankind is weak in the flesh
As I move back, he follows
While I have the aspect of a fair maiden
But he runs as I retrive my form
All in vain, for he shall die
Here, in my woods, grow
Both spruce and pine on fertile ground
Here, they can reach out high
I nourish my soil with human blood

in your hands, lord

Lord in your hands
i have rights to live
the safest hands in the world to be
there everyone will
have a brand new heart
peace you give and heal all the scars
my luck is to, be near the lord
to him i can secure safely all alone
my luck is to, be near the lord
let me sing about all hes done to world
lord in your hands
i have change to rejoice
its a rich hand to give us joy
there well have
option trough the grace
and never ever damnation takes a place
my luck is to, be near the lord
to him i can secure safely all alone
my luck is to, be near the lord
let me sing about all hes done to world
lord in your hands
i have rights to weep
the hand never rised to give us revenge
those nails stung i hardly
evil of us all
but cross gave forgiveness to us all
my luck is to, be near the lord
to him i can secure safely all alone
my luck is to, be near the lord
let me sing about all hes done to world
lord in your hands
i'll rest my head against
You'll call your friends to the rest
the hand it carries
me to the new life
gives me forever calmness i'll stay in light
my luck is to, be near the lord
to him i can secure safely all alone
my luck is to, be near the lord
let me sing about all hes done to you

oh lord stay with me

Versions: #1
oh lord stay with me
its already the dawn
and all gone is
light of the sun
who would comfort me when im in down
who would get safety in his soul in fight
my days are running, all towards their end
is joy all temporal like shadow of darkness
there is nothing permanent in this place
only you my lord with me you stay
you make evil ambush all to vain
you take my pain, and fry all my tears
where there is now dead, its your winning all
when you Jesus your my shield are
you my lords cross please light my way
when to the dead valley leads my trail
from that lights way, all the shadows disappear
in the living, in the dead you'll stay with me
from that lights way, all the shadows disappear
in the living, in the dead you'll stay with me

I am always yours

Versions: #1
I am always yours stay with me. Take my eye from me and stay longer.
Take both eyes and ask how I am. From the first day, I lost sleep. Say hi to me, say something, whether from your heart or not. Is it good that you are asleep and I am awake, and you leave me alone with the fire of your love?
I am always yours stay with me. Take my eye from me and stay longer.
Take both eyes and ask how I am. From the first day, I lost sleep.
Neil River, night, longing, and desire, sent me, and I came to ask how you are
I miss you, and I miss your eyes

At full speedy

If you want to forget, you must ride on my train
If you are looking for happiness, you will find it on my train
The trip is joyful and I invite you all
For a few moments you will forget your pain
Don't think about it too much, we are waiting for you
Hurry, get on my train that's already leaving
Full speed ahead you're going to have fun
At full speed we are going to dance
Full speed ahead you're going to have fun
At full speed we are going to dance
Forget about crying if you want to ride on my train
You are going to have a good time, I assure you, you will return
The trip is joyful and I invite you all
For a few moments you will forget your pain
Don't think about it too much, we are waiting for you
Hurry, get on my train that's already leaving
Full speed ahead you're going to have fun
At full speed we are going to dance
Full speed ahead you're going to have fun
At full speed we are going to dance
Get on the train that is already leaving
If you hurry, you will reach it
With its rhythm it will make you dance at full speed
If you are looking for happiness, you will find it on my train
You are going to have a good time, I assure you, you will return
This trip is going to end but you will always remember it
And very soon you will be dancing at full speed again

childs faith

once faith of the child
you had so sweet and so bright
you would always cross your hands and start to pray
now ill lay me down to sleep
please lord be y shield
this is how you prayed so safely all the time
when you looked for your luck
you got lost from your path
sadness and sorrow was all the world gave
road is back to return home
you weep secretly all night long
as you are reminded of your childhood homes joy
you were happy as a child
in your mothers herm
mummy sang you about the land of the lord
the far echo of the sound
can you still hear it talk?
she gave you days for the hands of the lord

wooden horse

that white colored wooden horse
was taken away as we left away
it couldn't fit in with me
when we moved out to the hole new house
its already far away behind
it lays in the mold all decayed
my first knight i ever got
i wont find anything as it was
i have let go so many different things in my life
but after all these years there's only one i'm still thinking about
it stood just like the Anglo-Don
in the middle of the small yard
i was small and i was wild
even tough the time was running out
that was the run that was run with
so fast that i fell off
trough the openings of the youth
and i couldn't quite stay with it
could someone tell me now
thy that time so fast ran out?
i have let go so many different things in my life
but after all these years there's only one i'm still thinking about
it stood just like the Anglo-Don
in the middle o the small yard
i was wild and i was carefree
this boredom wont ever run out
i have let go so many different things in my life
but after all these years there's only one i'm still thinking about

Его двадцать четвертая весна

A cold evening. It's not uncommon. Spring.
A high, deep, bottomless evening.
Heavy dream from fragrance of wet pine trees
In a dewy, star night,
Get out of the house alone,
You'll find yourself in the arms of frosty silence.
The evening whispers in a young grove,
Full of silver sparks of dew.
Pure, cold crystal cutter
From the marble of dreams, imagination, thoughts.
The reed sways, all in dew,
Stars mixed up into a strange ball,
One of them will fell quietly into the grass.
A cold evening. It's not uncommon. Spring.

When Love

Welcome to my body:
That's how we are today...
This is what I am to you!
A personals ad
To which you respond, and there I go...
This is what I am to you!
Now, I don't know
Whether to think that I am not
Woman enough for you.
I am, indeed:
You shall see it
And you'll come to my arms,
When love finds you...
When love finds you!
(When love)
Begins to cause your body to boil over
(When love)
Presents you with its malice
(When love)
Lusts after my secrets,
You might not be there to see it all, anymore.
When love
Starts to unravel your dreams
And becomes yet one more torment,
Maybe you'll see yourself in my very own situation:
So that this will end, already...

(When love finds you...
When love finds you...
When love finds you...
I'm over and done with trying

I'll choose

The path is bad, and nowadays
it's difficult to go straight on.
The only thing I can do is not having secrets.
I walk step by step,
that's how tales are written.
And a microphone is not a crime,
it's a way of not saying a word.
And now I feel your breath
as a flame.
I see my wound closing in your bed.
Lie to me playing like you're afraid of nothing.
You know what?
I'll choose, we'll choose to fly, to fly
Instead of sticking our feet, instead of sticking our feet
in vulgarity muds.
I'll choose, we'll choose to fly, to fly
Instead of sticking our feet, instead of sticking our feet
in vulgarity muds.
I told the path: 'Be calm,
I don't want to see your ending'
I'm going slowly,
I'm going so calmly
that even hours go backwards.
There's hurrying people that step on us, but
I want to fly and run away like Icarus.
I'm going to show you the world from up high.
I'm going to give you the art of the birds.
Grab my wings, but quickly.
I invite you to a rapacious flight,
romantic flight,
to reconquer what was stolen from us,
to see the sea again without any trash by it.
I'll choose, we'll choose to fly, to fly
Instead of sticking our feet, instead of sticking our feet
in vulgarity muds.
I'll choose, we'll choose to fly, to fly
Instead of sticking our feet, instead of sticking our feet
in vulgarity muds.
Children with masks of adult souls.
Adult souls who hid behind masks.
Dark spirits lurk at night.
Dark spirits, they don't stop.
Their army and their walking are ghostly.
We only can wait the sign
and Babylon will burn tonight.
The impure ones will burn even more,
they won't even be able to defend themselves with their shields.
Babylon will burn, Babylon will burn tonight.
I'll choose, we'll choose to fly, to fly
Instead of sticking our feet, instead of sticking our feet
in vulgarity muds.
I'll choose, we'll choose to fly, to fly
Instead of sticking our feet, instead of sticking our feet
in vulgarity muds.

What's it?

I fell in love with you without wanting to, my love
I don't know how to explain what happened
Maybe it was your smile, your warmth
But I know that you have awakened so much love
What's it? What's it?
What have you done to me?
What's it? What's it?
I can not live without you
What's it? What's it?
You are everything to me and more
Today I can't find the words to make
Your heart understand my love
Every day I realize more and more
That the love that I feel for you will grow
What's it? What's it?
What have you done to me?
What's it? What's it?
I can not live without you
What's it? What's it?
What have you done to me?
What's it? What's it?
I can not live without you
I fell in love with you without wanting to, my love
I don't know how to explain what happened
Maybe it was your smile, your warmth
But I know that you have awakened so much love
What's it? What's it?
What have you done to me?
What's it? What's it?
I can not live without you
What's it? What's it?
You are everything to me and more
Today I can't find the words to make
Your heart understand my love
Every day I realize more and more
That the love that I feel for you will grow
What's it? What's it?
What have you done to me?
What's it? What's it?
I can not live without you
What's it? What's it?
What have you done to me?
What's it? What's it?
I can not live without you