Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 30

Találatok száma: 3981


Like a Waltz

Do you remember the time
When I was a child drunk with youth
Where I laughed and laughed
For a yes or a no , without any reason?
Every day that went by
It was always the same song
I laughed, you laughed, I cried, you cried
To our games, were mixed the freshness of our years
And love gave us all its secrets
The song that lulled our passions
Was most often an air of waltz
The song that lulled our passions
Did it tenderly, like a waltz
Together we laugh
Together we cry
But our love
Way stronger every day
Will fill our happiness
The years have passed
The memories have remained
I often happen to hum
The song that lulled our passions
Was most often a waltz tune
The song that lulled our passions
Will remain for both of us this air of waltz

Light a candle for Ukraine

Light a candle! Your light of hope
Today it shall shine for the world
Light a candle! Your sign of life
See how our light illuminates the night
It shines for the people, who are afraid,
for the children threatened by war
It shines for prayers that we whisper
God of peace, help us in need
Light a candle! Your light of hope...
It shines for justice and freedom,
for the strength to resist hate
It shines for the courage, not to give up,
even if we don't see a way out yet
It shines for the world in all places,
Kyiv, Kharkiv, Warsaw and Berlin
It shines for the power that connects us,
for the people fleeing terror
Light a candle! Your light of hope
Today it shall shine for the world
Light a candle! Your sign of life
See how our light illuminates the night


Versions: #1
Flowers, under the cold wind
You want to put them to sleep
Like the rain is sleeping among the clouds
On your ray I'm trying to get down
And maybe, you don't do anything but hope
And maybe, spreading peace to me
And maybe, we hide somewhere
Rain, you bring me sun,
At sunrise, my heart is asking
But I can't
Everything is extinguished, in us
And maybe, you don't do anything but hope
And maybe, spreading peace to me
And maybe, we hide somewhere

I Love Both of You

Tell me daddy, why can't I be with you more often?
Why is it only twice a month?
I enjoy it so much when we're together!
That's the way it is when you love someone
But mommy doesn't like it.
Why does she keep me away from you?
Thing is, I love both of you,
because I'm your child!
Why can't I decide
where I'd like to be?
Tell me daddy, why can't you bring me home when our time is over
and come in visiting us for a while?
Mom certainly wouldn't kick you out right away
and we could be together all three of us for once.
But you say it isn't possible
because there is something standing between you and her
Thing is, I love both of you,
because I'm your child!
Why can't I decide
with whom I'd like to be?
I'm too little to comprehend that
but I'd like to see us being together
Because I love both of you after all
I am the child of both of you
Why can't you make up your minds
to be a family again soon?

I Am the Dust Beneath the Feet of

My heart is intoxicated with the omnipotent one's heady brew
My body throbs with joy at the Beloved's company
I am not the only one intoxicated in this tavern
For I count Junaid Baghdadi (RA), Abu Bakr Al Shibli (RA), and Fariduddin Attar (RA) among my fellow inebriates
Due to the enchanting effect of Shamsuddin Tabriz's blessed visage
Even the clerics in the marketplace walk around in a state of intoxication
I am the dust beneath the feet of the inebriates of the Kharabaat
May my life be sacrificed for the ruby red lips of the beauteous beloved's of the Kharabaat
My prayers comprise nothing but tormenting my heart and destroying my Self
I offer my prostrations towards the arched eyebrows of the beauties of the Kharabaat
I am a mirror, a reflection of my Beloved, a treasure-chest of secrets
Smitten by the wonder of love, I am now the pride of Kharabaat
I am a reflection of all that is real and true
I do not claim to be God but I am a manifestation of His majesty
I have lost my bearings in this curious search for answers
If I do not exist, why am I here? And if I do, what am I?
Like a mirror, whenever I come before Him
All I see within me is a reflection of His being
Look at my face and tell me, whose reflection do you see?
I am a reflection of my Beloved, for I have lost myself within Him
Whoever wishes to catch a glimpse of You, should observe me instead
For You are reflected in me, just as I am a reflection of you
Word for word, whatever you heard in that realm, you shall hear here
There isn't one hair breadth of a difference between here and there, it's plain to see
It is the very essence of 'Believe, for this is a narration of true events'
The face of mine that you see, it's the spitting image of the Beloved's visage
The same feature, the same complexion

Monaco Sun

Versions: #1
Why would I need the sun of Monaco?
Tell me, why would I need the moon in Saint-Tropez?
When your eyes shine brightly,
It doesn't make sense
If you're not around
Why would I need the sun of Monaco?
Tell me, why would I need the moon in Saint-Tropez?
When your eyes shine brightly,
It doesn't make sense
If you're not around
I'm opening a closet and breaking my head
I have no idea how to dress up for our evening
Thought over my entrance a hundred times
Because you're watching me the way making me lose myself
You and I are a separated world from the whole universe
I'm asking for the single one thing
Hold me tighter, as strongly as you can
Then I'll take you with me
Why would I need the sun of Monaco?
Tell me, why would I need the moon in Saint-Tropez?
When your eyes shine brightly,
It doesn't make sense
If you're not around
Why would I need the sun of Monaco?
Tell me, why would I need the moon in Saint-Tropez?
When your eyes shine brightly,
It doesn't make sense
If you're not around
Blurry city, dusty people
Every second one judges by the cover
Mountains of heavens,
Broken fates
Mind leads to grief,
But we're not from there
We shall see what will happen with us
Probably, we'll be forgotten tomorrow
Let them argue about
Who's the wealthiest
The only thing I know for sure — you're different
You and I are a separated world from the whole universe
I'm asking for the single one thing
Hold me tighter, as strongly as you can
Then I'll take you with me
Why would I need the sun of Monaco?
Tell me, why would I need the moon in Saint-Tropez?
When your eyes shine brightly,
It doesn't make sense
If you're not around
Why would I need the sun of Monaco?
Tell me, why would I need the moon in Saint-Tropez?
When your eyes shine brightly,
It doesn't make sense
If you're not around

Young Mistress & Young Master’s Career in Villainy

Today ‘Young Mistress’ has changed into a new pair of sunglasses
Her suit worn without a wrinkle
The corners of her mouth curling like a hook
Her moods, as hard as they are to predict
Are sometimes clear, and other times gloomy
Her eyes, difficult to look through
Where are they looking at now?
Today ‘Young Master’ has changed into a new pair of sunglasses
His suit worn without a wrinkle
The corners of his mouth smoothed down
His moods, as hard as they are to predict
Impart not a hint of sunniness or gloominess
Along with his two cold eyes
Right now let’s throw everything to the back of our minds
Do you know your target well?
The time limit is 2 min 51 s
Take his head off
Best not to listen to any excuse
Too many words mean many slip-ups
The frightened prey wants to run
Only to find themselves against the bloodied muzzle of my gun
Today ‘Young Mistress’ has received an anonymous letter
Today ‘Young Master’ has received a late-night phone call
'One of you has lost their faith in the clan,
Sold themselves as a mole.'
'Are you the mole?'
'You believe that?'
Right now let’s throw everything to the back of our minds
Do you understand our rules here?
If nobody were to come forward and confess
Then the conspirator would still be left in our midst
The decision-makers don’t care about the how’s or why’s
They’re prepared to slaughter the both of us
Both the innocent and the guilty
All our blood will flow
'You stay here.'
'You stay here.'
'I’ll talk it over with them first.'
'You stay here.'
'I’ll take care of everything.'
'You stay here.'
'You go be free.'
'Absolutely not.'
Right now let’s throw everything to the back of our minds
I’ll be your right and left flanks
Our blood and tears used to flow together
Along with the licked wounds
If you are the traitor then what does that make me?
The traitor’s sworn friend
At any rate, neither of us is guilty of that crime
But to shirk yourself off the blame would’ve been impossible
Please throw everything to the back of our minds
I’ll leave my back to you
That hand propping a friend up
Used to belong to a ruthless beast
The two walk together along a single trail of blood
While the decisive battle awaits
The muzzle of the gun is pressed against that man’s head
Tell me now who shall leave and who shall stay behind

Vérvörös ajkak

Álmodj, álmodj, álmodj, gyermekem.
Álmodd, hogy feléled a szenvedély.
Egy álomban láttalak mosolyogni.
Egy érdemes álomban.
Ebben az álomban nem rejtőzhetünk el.
Ebben az álomban, egymás oldalán.
Álmodj, álmodj, álmodj gyermekem.
Álmodd, hogy a szenvedély Istenhez foghatóvá válik.
Nem menekülhetek el.
Olyan ez, mint egy búcsúcsók
a vérvörös ajkaidtól.
Az ajkaidtól.
Álmodj, álmodj, álmodj gyermekem.
Álmodd, hogy az árnyékok életre kelnek.
Egy álomban követtem a fajtádat.
Egy sötét álomban.
Ebben az álomban megtalálhatnak minket.
Ebben az álomban vérkötelék van köztünk.
Álmodj, álmodj, álmodj gyermekem.
Álmodd, hogy az árnyakat mind én uralom.
Nem menekülhetek el.
Olyan ez, mint egy búcsúcsók
a vérvörös ajkaidtól.
Az ajkaidtól.


Nem vagy félénk, már híred kelt.
Repülni akarsz, nem két lábbal a földön állni.
Fönt vagy és nem jössz le.
Élni akarsz, táncolni a ritmusra.
Tűz van az ereidben.
Perzselőn éget, de nem érzel fájdalmat.
Őrült a vágyad.
Nem tudsz megállni, míg meg nem teszed újra.
De néha, amikor a szemedbe nézek, azon tűnődöm,
vajon egy másik férfire gondolsz-e?
De én tudom, csak én tudom, hogy bánjak veled.
Ezért hívsz engem az éjszaka közepén. Azt mondod:
Nagyon sürgős.
Csak várj, míg meglátod,
milyen sürgető is lehet a szerelmem.
Szórakozol velem.
Mindenhol ott vagy, mégis alig talállak.
Nem vagy kedves és szentimentális.
Extrém vagy és néha olyan szeszélyes.
De nem maradandó szerelmet keresek.
Tudom, mire van szükségem és gyorsan akarom.
Van bennünk valami közös

Ötös Mambó

Hölgyeim és uraim, ez az ötös Mambo.
Egy, kettő, három, négy, öt, mindenki a kocsiba, gyerünk, menjünk
A sarkon lévő italboltba.
A fiúk azt mondják, hogy kérnek egy kis gint és gyümölcslevet, de én tényleg elleszek a sörömmel, mint a múlt héten.
Nincs menekvés, sok itt a mellébeszélés
Szeretem Angelát, Pamelát, Szandrát és Ritát.
És ahogy folytatom, tudod, hogy egyre édesebbek.
Szóval mit tehetek? Nagyon kérlek Uram.
Számomra a flört olyan, mint egy sport.
Bármi repül, minden jó, hadd mondjam ki.
Kérem, szóljanak a fanfárok.
Egy kis Mónika az életemben,
Egy fikarcnyi Erikából mellettem.
Egy kevéske Ritából, pont amennyit kívánok,
Egy kicsit Tinából, minden amit csak látok.
Egy szemernyi Sandra a napban térdel,
Egy maréknyi Maryvel egész éjjel.
Egy jótányi Jessicának is öröme lesz,
Egy falatnyi részed az embereddé tesz!
Ötös számú mambó.
Szökellj le-fel, és mozgasd körbe-körbe.
Rázd a fejed a zsivajra,, tedd a kezed a földre.
Tégy egy lépést balra és egyet jobbra.
Egyet előre és egyet oldalra.
Tapsolj egyszer és tapsolj kétszer
És ha erre hasonlít, akkor jól csinálod
Trombita, trombita.
Ötös mambó, ha, ha, ha.
Mindent megteszek, hogy beleszeressek egy olyan lányba, mint te
Mert nem tudsz elfutni és nem tudsz elrejtőzni.
Te és én megérintjük az eget.
Ötös számú mambó.

Napszemüveg éjjel

Napszemüveget hordok éjjel,
hogy képes legyek, képes legyek
nézni, ahogy szövögeted a meséidet.
És napszemüveget hordok éjjel,
hogy képes legyek, képes legyek
szemmel tartani a látomásaimat.
Miközben ő megcsal,
a biztonságérzetem megrendül.
Az uralma alatt állnék?
Felé fordulok és így szólok

I love you, through oath I tell you

Today is the day in which
Love has bound us
Love without end
The stars them too
They know our love
For a lifetime I've said yes // X2 //
If it were not for you
Today wouldn't come to be
My life I leave it into your hands
Together every day
From now on both of us will be
I love you, through oath I tell you
You know that for me
Only you are everything
And the love I have for you
In every moment you'll always be
A part of my soul

The Street Esperanto

This is Mor W.A
It's us and our style again!
Today we're giving you this street esperanto yet again
Mor W.A. no this and that
It is a return to the roots, in case someone asks
What's this band?
Which's their CD? x2
[Verse 1]
Hey, man don't spare bass in your wheels
Look, we're back
Gotta store of new thoughts with us
A few aces with the power of message
you've already known us
As for earlier times then it's the beginning of 97
İ'm officially raising my head, first volt
Breakthrough moments - 2000
Another bold step, these words say it all
The first album is released
For the first time big crowds at the concerts
Mor W.A. makes a lot of noise
We play our heads off sparing no efforts
It was a golden age,
a sudden clear indicator of this culture
Street nomenclature (our lyrics)
They get through the wal
People listen to them taking personally
Especially those taught by life to be reckless
You know that it also taught me a lot (always)
Everything was said in these lyrics
Do you remember the first albums: Zip Skład, Molesta?
It was just a foretaste of what was gonna happen
Mor W.A were there as you could see!
[Verse 2]
Well, it wasn't the end at all
Two years later in a hermetic group
Mor W.A's tree is the same line-up
They fought along with us on board at that time
Despite everything, we made it
Although I know, it was n't easy, there were plenty of hyenas around
Homies, bastards out of nowhere, just wanting to do it
We stood the test by counting on each other
A couple of people have always been three with us
Even if the lifeboat would sink
And nothing but storm clouds all around us
This tree won't be broken just by any windstorm
Not the first time coming back now, years later
Mor W.A. remembers also about all of their brothers
It's like your identity, your origin
MOR W.A roots have always been on this scene
Don't be fooled, kid, by the other variants
Time to sweep away the shitty rap that comes out like a phantom
No idea, no style, no future
When do they get it?
Today we're giving you this street esperanto yet again
Mor W.A. no this and that
It is a return to the roots, in case someone asks
What's this band?
Which's their CD? x2
[Verse 3]
With each new CD
I broaden my horizon
Every minute of life affects your point of view
People don't feel it, people don't see it
People want me to change
I heard opinions on the 3rd album saying not to change
That it wasn't old Mor W.A. and not the same bits
( you wanna know why?)
To cut the story short
İt can't be old
What's fresh and new is called progress
And the only thing invariable is the truth in eeach single word
This is street esperanto, man
It's for the people on the pitch and the staircase
The people in jail and those who graduated from college
It's for the easy young people and the difficult ones
It goes for you, straight from our studio
Today we're giving you this street esperanto yet again
Mor W.A. no this and that
It is a return to the roots, in case someone asks
What's this band?
Which's their CD? x2

Hell is ours!

Lucifer's plan - hell's victory
We'll chose the chief bastard's inferno
Vote for order and strength,
So his time will come sooner.
Be together with us, for you, in return:
Our Satan will raise hell from his knees,
Build temples, close the hospitals,
You'll be proud when you retire!
Welcome to our Sabbath
Hell is ours! Hell is ours!
We have a commotion here today!
Hell is ours! Hell is ours!
To the citizens of hell - we give everything that's needed,
In hell will be its own Olympics
In every neighbourhood - a stadium
For everyone in the stands - poison and Coke!
We'll make our inferno a little prettier:
We'll lock up anyone who disagrees with us,
By the will of God - we'll round up devils,
Heaven will be defeated - and then we'll live!
Welcome to our Sabbath
Hell is ours! Hell is ours!
We have a commotion here today!
Hell is ours! Hell is ours!
Hell is ours, hell is ours, ours-ours, ours-ours
Hell is ours, hell is ours, ours-ours, ours-ours
Hell is ours, hell is ours, ours-ours, ours-ours
Hell is ours, hell is ours, ours-ours, ours-ours
The main thing here - caring for people,
So that work boils in the firepit
For everyone - their own personal cauldron
You want to go back? Too late, the train's already gone!
Welcome to our Sabbath
Hell is ours! Hell is ours!
We have a commotion here today!
Hell is ours! Hell is ours!
An important report on all of the channels:
Hell is ours! Hell is ours!
Let's knead even more mincemeat
Hell is ours! Hell is ours!
For a long time now, we haven't needed changes
We'll build strong walls around hell
We'll make life in hell fair,
We're the nation of Hell, we are proud and joyful!

I have no power to stop my boy.

I have no power to stop my boy
Friend, friends, from loving me,
And though I complain, it‘s no use,
And when I really ask him and say
That he stop loving me so much,
I might as well just keep quiet.
If he wants to talk with me, I say at once
That he not talk to me, because great harm
Comes to me from his talk, but it doesn‘t work,
And when I really tell him and ask
That he stop loving me so much,
I might as well just keep quiet.
I‘m always upset by his company,
‘Cause I‘m afraid of losing my good name
Because of him, like the other time,
And though I tell him really in anger
That he stop loving me so much,
I might as well just keep quiet.

Your dad was always...

Your dad was always fuck aside
My ex was always fuck aside
Somebody's fucking aside right now
Fill the flesh!
The party would be better if you fuck aside
There's an ass, you fuck aside, ain't you?
Just your girlfriend doesn't know that you're fucking aside
Fill the flesh!
It can be little or big, but he'll fuck aside
Fuck aside in his thoughts
It can be business or love, but he'll fuck aside
Always new flesh!
Unless he's not a loser he'd fuck aside
The famous people are fucking aside
The journalist is fucking aside
Always new flesh!
Hands in the gun
Shooting ain't too hard
There's need no mind
Sight and that's it!
Hands in the gun
Shooting ain't too hard
There's need no mind
Nobody's peeping!
He's paying when he's fucking aside
He drops in the common when he fuck aside
He scandalizes if someone else fuck aside
But he fucks somebody else too
Somebody's fucking aside with his boss
Somebody's fucking aside with his pleader
Title page-smile, but the whole city knows yet
that he's fucking aside
WC, motel, backseat
movie, forest, marrige bed
Anywhere where the desire
catches the animal
In disengage, keep in secret,
He turnes a blind eye to it
He do not remember you at all
If the desire catches the animal
Hands in the gun
Shooting ain't too hard
There's need no mind
Sight and that's it!
Hands in the gun
Shooting ain't too hard
There's need no mind
Nobody's peeping!
Sight and that's it!
Hands in the gun
Shooting ain't too hard
There's need no mind
Sight and that's it!
Hands in the gun
Shooting ain't too hard
There's need no mind
Nobody's peeping!

Love Thief

It was stolen on 3, 2, 1
My heart
You who stole it
Are a love thief
I searched for you for three seconds
And turned when I heard that familiar laugh
I found you in two seconds
And smiled a smile that no one could see
Our eyes met in one second
In that instant
I was done for
I can't get away now
The sign of falling in love
My heart beats so loudly
I can't stop it now
It was stolen in 3, 2, 1
My heart, you stole it
So don't throw it away
I'll catch you in 3, 2, 1
You suspected thief
Love tactics
Between you and me
The start of love
Between you and me
I bet you already
Know how I feel
But you pretend you don't
When you talk to me
Maybe I'll just tell you
How I feel
Yeah right, there is no way
I know even when you're far
Even the way you walk
Is dear to me
It was stolen on 3,2,1
My everything
Don't leave me with just faint hopes
I'll catch you on 3,2,1
Don't move from there
Let love continue to grow
Between you and me
Alone with you after school
My increasingly noisy heart
Crushes my words
I can't say anything
I take a deep breath
'Hey, I, like...'
Then you open your mouth
'Hold on, let me go first'
It was stolen on 3,2,1
My heart
You stole it
So don't let it go
We connected on 3,2,1
Just like this, forever
It won't end
It can't end
Let's have that kind of love
The love story
Between you and me

King’s Ladybird

Life scares you, my adored treasure
You, beloved fay, dear plant bud
I want to see you with peace in your heart
I dream of a world of love for you
King’s ladybird, you who flies among
Roses and poppies in my garden
You will know who your grandfather was
When you are older in age
You are not afraid of shadow and sunlight
Tell as many stories and tales as you know
King’s ladybird, you who flies among
Roses and poppies in my garden

Tears of Ukraine

Today an army is coming from afar
In their eyes, they have one goal: to get the Ukrainian flag
To takeover the power they're ready to destroy all cities in which people and their whole civilisation live
Russian mafia wants to take away their freedom,
Somebody's dignity, to burn their emblem alive
By human crime they want to takeover somebody's lands
God, honour, homeland in the Ukrainian sky
Chorus: We don't want war ever again
The world's heart is with Ukraine
Stop to violence, free space
No more bloodshed! (x2)
Children of war are born underground
Innocent people die, there's shortage of water and bread
Every breath is precious as gold for them now
'Cause there may be no tomorrow 'cause of the bombs from the enemy
On the firing line sickly people stand
It's the united country that takes the bullets
With such a horrible pain they take weapon, go to fight
With great respect for Ukrainian army!
Chorus: We don't want war ever again
The world's heart is with Ukraine
Stop to violence, free space
No more bloodshed! (x2)
The beginning and end of every revolution
Are poverty, blood and tears
Tears of Ukraine
Tears of Ukraine
Chorus: We don't want war ever again
The world's heart is with Ukraine
Stop to violence, free space
No more bloodshed! (x2)

‏I inquired about you

‏I inquired about you all these years but I did not find any sign of you!
I asked about you from everywhere and everything we remembered, but but everyone said they were unaware
How did you go?
Look, there is nothing after your love,
The hours have stopped
The world has over
Come back to me to start life again
I have looked for you all these years, but I have not found any sign of you
I looked for you from everywhere and everything we remembered, but everyone said they were unaware
It is as if there is hope in me that one day you will come back again
Even if you do not
Even if you do not love me anymore
‏Anyway, even if we just fantasize about this dream together, it is beautiful

Trip To The Bottom Of The Ego

There is a mystical place in me
Something well hidden like that
An unexplored planet
A lost horizon
I entered the virgin forest
Like a native Zumbi
I dove deep into the ocean
As a Jacques Cousteau I left
Inexperienced explorer
First time sailor
I boarded open-breasted
Taking only the courage
Courage to fight
Face to face I with me
As one fights a brother
In the enemy army
Courage to face
Face to face me in the mirror
As one finds a brother
That denies you advice
Almost at the end of the road
A voice came to tell me
If you want to push on, beware
You will not like what you see
And the way back was hard
I returned empty-handed
In this ego trip of mine
I was not David nor was I Goliath
Inexperienced explorer
Traveler without luggage
I lost everything I had
And what I had was just the courage
Courage to fight
Face to face I with me
As one fights a brother
In the enemy army
Courage to face
Face to face me in the mirror
As one finds a brother
That denies you advice

Bye bye Julie

Ê ê ê ê ê
Bye bye, Julie
Ê ê ê ê ê
Ô ô ô ô ô
Ê ê ê ê ê
Bye bye, Julie
I'll never forget you
There are things in life
That shine more than anything, and nothing can erase them
These are photographies that keep turning around
Inside the mind, a movie about us
I'm already dying from missing you
I'm already dying to see you again
I'm already dying from missing you
I'll never, I said
I'll never forget you
Ê ê ê ê ê
Bye bye, Julie
Ê ê ê ê ê
Ô ô ô ô ô
Ê ê ê ê ê
Bye bye, Julie
I'll never forget you
Bye bye, Julie!
Don't think about the end
The dreams star over every day
It's like that
I'm already dying from missing you
I'm already dying to see you again
I'm already dying from missing you
I'll never, I said
I'll never forget you
I want to see your smile
To remember you here
You're the sun for me
For me, for me
Ê ê ê ê ê
Bye bye, Julie
Ê ê ê ê ê
Ô ô ô ô ô
Ê ê ê ê ê
Bye bye, Julie
I'll never forget you
Ê ê ê ê ê
Bye bye, Julie
Ê ê ê ê ê
Ô ô ô ô ô
Ê ê ê ê ê
Bye bye, Julie
I'll never forget you
Bye bye, Julie!
Bye bye, Julie!
Bye bye, Julie!

You don't know

No one can see
The way your eyes shine unintentionally
Everytime you smile
If I could, I would write beautiful love verses
Just to have you here
But why is it so hard?
To show you...
You don't know
How I feel about you
But it's already time to tell
You don't know
Because I prefer to hide it
But now it's too late
And now you know it
Sitting here again
Gathering words to maybe someday
Being able to explain to you
I know it's an illusion
To know what's going on in your heart
I wonder if I'm going to find out?
But why is it so hard?
To show you...
You don't know
How I feel about you
But it's already time to tell
You don't know
Because I prefer to hide it
But now it's too late
And now you know it
When you pass by
I don't know what to do
I've already tried everything
To make you notice
You don't know
How I feel about you
But it's already time to tell
You don't know
How I feel about you
But it's already time to tell
You don't know
Because I prefer to hide it
But now it's too late
And now you know it
But now it's too late
And now you know it

I can't

I kept tossing the pillow
I turn on the lights by the bedside
I haven't slept for days
I go out and sit down recklessly
I draw you in the starlight
woo woo tears are flowing again
Even if I close my eyes, i can see you clearly Oh..
I can't sleep a day
I lose my night thinking of you
Let's forget
I promise you again and again
Even if I erase, I miss you more
The way you talked about love
I want to see you little more
Let's turn around and forget it
and tomorrow too
I go to the kitchen
with my throat falls silently
Even if you give me strength, I fall down
I open the window and sob
I can't even cry out loud
I miss those eyes of yours
Even if I close my eyes, i can see you clearly Oh..
I can't sleep a day
I lose my night thinking of you, let's forget
I promise you again and again
Even if I erase, I miss you more
The way you talked about love
I want to see you little more
Let's turn around and forget it
and tomorrow too
It hurts my heart but
I have to let you go, empty you now
Text on time
day by day you
let's forget
On a broken promise
I go back to you today
Where we loved
I'm left all alone
I'm still waiting for you
and tomorrow too
I can't sleep, can't sleep today too
and forever...

To Jorge Negrete

Let them think I am sleeping
and bring me here
to [my] beloved and beautiful Mexico,
if I should die far from you.
The famed Jorge Negrete
died in Los Angeles
on the 5th of December,
I stand before him.
Before he passed, he sung
and prayed with great care,
as if he had already sensed
his death abroad.
Oh, beautiful and blossoming Mexico,
to further deepen your longing,
you now have someone to sing to you
'Las Mañanitas' from the heavens.
His eager dear mother
arrived to Los Angeles
to retrieve with sorrow
the son God had bestowed her.
The Virgin has lent him to you
and she wanted to retrieve him,
for she wants a charro to sing
in paradise too.
Mexico witnessed your glory,
and your courage with pride,
there is a charro in heaven
who is now an honor guard.
Jorge Negrete hasn't died,
his wish has been fulfilled,
he is only sleeping now
and has returned to his Mexico.

Staying relaxed

It is neither the night nor the day,
If you had no trouble,
Everyone of us struggle with it on day-to-day basic,
Dont you know, what is it,
Your trouble is brawler,
It scuffle with you,
Until it vanquish you.
R: Saying to you... Staying relaxed, leaving things to chance,
Your problems floating away on the water,
Staying relaxed, leaving things to chance,
Your problems floating away on the water,
So when it seems to you,
That your trouble already impacts on you,
So dont freak out,
When your fire goes out for you,
Trying like it was nothing.
Blowing at the top of my lungs.

My beautiful fir tree

My beautiful fir tree, king of forests,
How I love your greenery!
When in winter, woods and guerets ,
Are stripped of their attraction,
My beautiful fir tree, king of forests,
You keep your adornment.
You whom Christmas planted among us,
On holy birthday,
Beautiful fir tree, how sweet they are,
Both your sweets and your toys.
You whom Christmas planted among us,
You spread light !
My beautiful fir tree tree, your green tops,
And their faithful shade.
The faith that never lies,
Constancy and peace.
My beautiful tree, your green tops,
Offer me the sweet image.

I'm glad you're evil too

In the dead of night while gazing at street lights
I remember our fun conversations
Even though opening your heart must be a very scary thing
In front of you I laughed innocently
While holding useless sentiments
We continued walking in stained alleyways
Even though we avoided the sun, and were struck by the cold rain
The palm of your hand was warm
Surrounding us, seemingly laughable naive happiness
We held each other tight in the middle of the debris
It was just like first love
The sunset is beautiful, dogs are cute
Together we get angry at tasteless news
Laughing at bad movies, crying watching variety shows
There was a couple of rather lonely people spinning blissfully
I'm glad you're also evil just like me
Two faint heartbeats
Were dreaming of an aimless revolution
Repeating the same words, we spent the same time
Like a faint dream of fellow different beings
A whispering happiness, breathing in the darkness
Chasing it even if it turns out to be mud
Like a boy and a girl
The fireworks are beautiful, dinner is delicious
Together we read trashy stories
Laughing at punishment games, crying with weird songs
There was a couple of rather lonely people making each other laugh
I'm glad you're also evil just like me
I'm glad you're evil
The serious face I had
It was kind of becoming a lie, you know
Not wanting to become a good person
I simply held you
It was just like first love
The sunset is beautiful, the dogs are cute
Together we get angry at tasteless news
Laughing at bad movies, crying watching variety shows
There was a couple of rather lonely people spinning blissfully
In our limitless time, in a lie that seems never ending
You were there, in a moment of my fleeting life
'How boring', laughing at this dull world
There were two rather lonely people pressing shoulders
I'm glad you're also evil just like me
Tomorrow as well, I want to keep on living. I'm glad I love you

When I went one day to talk.

When I went one day to talk,
With you, my friend, I did it as a favor,
And for that you boasted about me,
But if I ever talk with you again
Go right away and say that you did
With me all that you wanted to do.
Because, my friend, I talked one time
With you, to save you from death,
And you went and boasted over me,
But if I talk with you another time,
Go right away and say that you did
With me all that you wanted to do
‘Cause I know very well that you didn‘t do
Half of what you said you did.

The Song of the Walloons

Of our Wallonia we are proud.
Rever’d are Her children o’er the world.
Behold the triumph of Her industry,
The grandeur of Her arts!
Though our land be small, yet Her science
That of many a populous nation surpasseth
Our freedom is what we yearn for most
’Tis why we’re proud to be Walloons!
We, Walloons, brothers to each other
And assuage one another in disaster
Without boast we succeed
And try to keep it classified
Charity a poor cottage visiteth
By night and cautiously goeth
A bit we may give, but from the heart it cometh.
’Tis why we’re proud to be Walloons!
O humble land of Wallonia,
O land of our hearts’ desire, with prudence we hail Thee.
Saddened we are when men speak ill of Thee.
’Tis heartbreaking truly!
But fear not the foe’s attacks
Thy children shall defend Thine honour arch.
Who dareth our anger pique?
’Tis why we’re proud to be Walloons!
As brothers in Wallonia we love each other
We’re pleased to shake hands with one another.
Yet we’re content of not often revealing so.
When it wants to do good no one appeareth.
The house that charity entereth
That to night with a thousand cares goeth.
The little that giveth no one in secret giveth:
’Tis why we’re proud to be Walloons!

Limburg My Fatherland

Where the little nightingale sings in the bronze green oak forest,
Where the lay of the lark sounds over the tender cornfield,
Where the shepherd's horn echoes, along the bank of the little stream:
There is my fatherland, Limburg's dear place!
There is my fatherland, Limburg's dear place!
Where the broad stream of the Meuse flows stately towards the sea,
Where the lush, juicy field crops, deliciously grow and flourish,
Where the flower garden and meadow and forest delightfully shine:
There is my fatherland, Limburg's dear place!
There is my fatherland, Limburg's dear place!
Where the fine language of the forefathers sounds with clear strength,
Where one by nature prudent and proud, despises foreign pageantry,
Where our own customs, our own beauty pleases the heart of the people:
There is my fatherland, Limburg's dear place!
There is my fatherland, Limburg's dear place!

The Flemish Lion

Ne'er shall they tame him, the proud Flemish Lion,
Even if they threaten with chains and roars his freedom.
Ne'er shall he be tamed, so long as one Fleming liveth,
So long as the Lion can claw, so long as he hath teeth.
Ne'er shall he be tamed,
so long as a Fleming liveth.
So long as the lion can claw
so long as he hath teeth.
Time devoureth cities, ne'er shall thrones last,
Armies may topple, but a folk dieth not.
Besieged by grievous danger, the foe cometh marching in