Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 15

Találatok száma: 757


How I Love All This

Small streets die of sadness
Empty fields, houses, barns
Now I too will die of sadness
How I love all this
But the heart inside me is sad
When I ride fancy horses
Over beautiful slavonian land
Empty houses, empty streets
And no one to greet me
Small streets die of sadness
Empty fields, houses, barns
Now I too will die of sadness
When I sit in front of my house
On a Sunday like I used to
As if the old linden tree whispers
Telling stories of when everything was happy
I still hope everyone will come back
But there is no one to greet me
Small streets die of sadness
Empty fields, houses, barns
Now I too will die of sadness

A szerelem betoppant

Ez egy végeláthatatlan történet
Se végsõ tragédia, se végsõ dicsõség
A szerelem betoppant és soha többé nem ment el
Most,hogy szívem kitárult
Nem tud már zárkózott vagy megtört lenni
A szerelem betoppant és soha többé nem ment el
És most együtt kell élnem azzal,hogy örökké szeretni foglak
annak ellenére, hogy az együtt töltött napjainknak,
az együtt töltött napjainknak vége
Nincs mit eldobni
A nap fényében érkeztem hozzád
És a szerelem betoppant és soha nem többé nem ment el.

Hiányzik az uram

Kedvesem, nézd mennyire hiányzol
Lélegezni sem bírok, mikor külön vagyunk
Semmi mást nem szeretnék, csak feküdni melletted az ágyban
Fejemet a szívedre hajtva
Mind azt mondják,hogy így érezni, az maga a gyengeség és divatjamúlt
Nos, én meg úgy gondolom, hogy õk mind meglehetõsen bénák
És nekem, nekem hiányzik az uram
És én, én akarom az uramat
Nincs szükségem arra, hogy más férfi mondja meg mit csináljak
Szégyenkeznem kéne amiatt, hogy te vagy minden amire vágyom?
Hiányzik az uram
És én, én akarom az uramat
Ó, szeretlek, ne aggódj kedvesem
Az álmaimban együtt lehetünk
Ó, veszettül hiányzol
Lefekszem aludni, hogy megtaláljalak
(Kedvesem, nézd mennyire hiányzol
Lélegezni sem bírok, mikor külön vagyunk
Semmi mást nem szeretnék, csak feküdni melletted az ágyban
A fejemet a szívedre hajtva)
Kedvesem, nézd mennyire hiányzol
Lélegezni sem bírok, mikor külön vagyunk
Semmi mást nem szeretnék, csak feküdni melletted az ágyban
A fejemet a szívedre hajtva (2x)
És nekem, nekem hiányzik az uram (8x)


Megrendítõ idegen,
Valóban van ennek jelentõsége
Addig, amíg nem félsz érezni?
Érints meg, tarts meg.
Kitárt karjaim úgy fájnak.
Próbálj belémszeretni.
Úgy meg vagyok hatódva,
Akkora hatást gyakorolsz rám
szépséged erejével.
Életet adsz nekem,
Kérlek ne engedj el.
Széttiprod a lelkemben rejtõzõ liliomot ...
Mozgó folyadék,
Igen, te vagy a víz.
Kikerülsz mindent ami az utadba kerül.
Ne gondold túl,
hisz mindig elragad
és táncra készteti lelkedet.
Úgy meg vagyok hatódva,
Akkora hatást gyakorolsz rám
szépséged erejével.
Életet adsz nekem,
Kérlek ne engedj el...
Adj életet,
Kérlek ne engedj el...
Életet adtam,
Kérlek ne engedj el.
Széttiprod a lelkemben rejtõzõ liliomot ...

A legszebb fenék a világon

Neki volt a világon a legszebb feneke,
egy punci, ami még az eget is zavarba hozta
Egy szõke, édes kéjbarlang
És a kis méz ízū mellek
Emelkedett napsütéses akcentusával
A csapószékrõl beszélt hozzám
Csodás hangjának visszhangja
Kicsalt a metróból
Azon fáradozom, hogy belemenjen abba,
Hogy megigyunk egy kávét
A 7-es vonal szívében
Azt mondta, 'mennem kell dolgozni'
Én azt mondom neki, 'gyerünk édes,
add meg a telefonszámodat,
sose huználak csõbe,
olyasvalakinek tūnsz aki széppé varázsolná az életem'
Miután leszállt és egyedül találtam magam a metrón,
Visszagondoltam a kiváló fenekére.
Domború és ritka, mint az indigókék
Úgy lendül, ahogy a csípõje ring
Neki volt a világon a legszebb feneke
És szivárvánnyal teli mosolya
Egy szõke, édes kéjbarlang
És én bizony megszereztem a telefonszámát
Három nappal késöbb Paname-tól nem messze
Egy flancos étteremben
A gyönyörū babám, miss elegáns asszonyság
Egzotikus csókokkal árasztott el
Feljött hozzám,
Hogy megigyunk még egy utolsó pohárral
A karjaimba bújt
És csak bámult rám a zöld szemeivel
Mikor megkérdezte,hogy mit gondolok róla,
Meglepõdve néztem rá
És azt mondtam neki 'Picsába, ha tudnád mennyire szép vagy,
A feneked az maga a geometria
De most hagyjuk a szabályos formákat,
Hisz érzelmeket akarsz,
Úgyhogy most megmutatom neked
Hogy tudnak szeretni a fiúk'
Szeretkeztünk össze-vissza
Teste fényárban úszott
Mozdulatai teljesen felvillanyoztak
A szívem bizony rá szavazott
Neki volt a világon a legszebb feneke
És a szívem a kezei közt volt
Teljesen a puncija függõjévé váltam
Még akár 24 kölyköt is csináltam volna vele
Neki volt a világon a legszebb feneke
És gyengédséggel teli szemei
Egy szõke hajkorona
Õ volt az, akivel a legjobban éreztem magam
Egészen addig a napig, míg a dolgok rosszra nem fordultak
Azt mondta, már nem szeret
A szavai számomra végzetesek voltak
Nem is értem hogy éltem túl
Neki volt a világon a legszebb feneke
És a szívem most darabokban hever
És minden este a szemeim könnyben úsznak
Egy átszállás miatt

Tattoo on your body

Verse 1:
This girl is a very cute kitten, yes,
She makes all the guys around her sweat.
She hunts like a wild lioness, yes,
If it becomes dark in the room.
You want to act like a rich prince with her, yes,
But she will pay the bill herself.
She doesn't have Facebook*, Instagram, yes,
But everyone likes her with their eyes.
Tattoo on your body. Tattoo on your body.
I stare for hours at the tattoo on your body.
Tattoo on your body. Tattoo on your body.
I stare for hours at the tattoo on your body.
I wanna fuck you luck! La-la-la! La-la-la!
I wanna fuck you luck! La-la-la! La-la-la!
I wanna fuck you luck! La-la-la! La-la-la!
I wanna fuck you luck! La-la-la! La-la-la!
Tattoo on your body. Tattoo on your body.
I stare for hours at the tattoo on your body.
Tattoo on your body. Tattoo on your body.
I stare for hours at the tattoo on your body.
Verse 2:
The temperature increases!
Your underwear became soaked in a waterfall.
Mmm... on your neck shine a million stars.
Your lips taste like chocolate, leave a sweet residue.
And I fly in the clouds, the ones that are on her hands.
Once I catch the cat's eyes, I don't hide the flame in my eyes.
In the area of my right shoulder, are two loaded barrels.
They shot me without warning.
Baby, this is a paradox!
You tattooed a few lines from my songs on your hand.
On your back, a dragon breathes flames.
Your body, like a fire, and I burn to ashes in it.
Tattoo on your body. Tattoo on your body.
I stare for hours at the tattoo on your body.
Tattoo on your body. Tattoo on your body.
I stare for hours at the tattoo on your body.

Imagine that

[First verse]
Imagine achiving happiness with little or no effort.
Writing lyrics has never been easier.
Auction house took your watercolour series and collages
to estimate their value.
They paid top dollar for them even though your name doesn't ring a bell.
You're always smiling.
You've got a large audience and your own programme about substances.
You're a virtuoso and your financial instruments are 'well-tuned'.
You've always wanted to have a coffee shop?
Imagine that now you've got a 24-hour shopping mall.
People are coming in droves
and you're playing Tekken with your employees at the back.
Your life is like a dream, just imagine
that all the things I just rapped about aren't a lie.
[Second verse]
Imagine that you're a guest in breakfast television programme
where you're celebrating weed becoming legal.
You became an important figure.
You used to pay for weed and now they're payin' you.
You're gettin' props from President. For what? Who the fuck knows.
Warsaw resembles Amsterdam.
Everything's modernized.
You're gettin' your gear delivered by drone.
Imagine that the crime rate is dropping.
That someone else started Molesta (a rap group of which Włodi was both member and co-founder of)
Białas (rapper) had a different idol than me.
Different rolling papers have a watermark with your image on it.
You're drivin' a Tesla but it smokes like a diesel.
These are all sweet lies but we're scared to admit it.

Mars Star

I see the Mars star high above the sky
A star shining bright not far from Earth
Maybe there are inhabitants living there
Though they're not human-like
Here, here, here!
I see the Mars star high above the sky
A star shining bright not far from Earth
Maybe there are inhabitants living there
But we continue to explore
From here, from here, from here!

The Broken Record

Oh gorgeous sweetie,
Oh, you are so incredibly unique
You're a force of nature
and cannot be replicated even in years...
But go try and deceive someone other than me
Be more shrewd and astute
You're so damn obvious
and it shows that you've memorized your lines
And the broken record of longing,
being super romantic
and being unable to handle goodbyes
has gone super obsolete since years, darling
You can't even find it on the market
And the words you deceive others with
were actually originally written by me
and my name is written on them
Couldn't you find anyone other than me to use them on him?
Snap out of it, wake up
Oh gorgeous sweetie,
you've got people completely mesmerized
and whenever someone sees your beauty
they get hit by a hundred emotions
but be crystal clear and straight-forward
so that your life and everyone's life would go easier
No one can ever dream to play
with my heart for even one day

See You Tomorrow!

Well, see you tomorrow!
A small promise, exchanging smiles
Occasionally I feel depressed, and there are also things that are about to break me
Instead of complaining, I just grip my fist
No need to say anything because I'll understand
There is also that kind of days but it's all right, that's why it's okay to run, roll and climb over it
The sinking setting sun, piercing my heart, the usual way back home
Well, see you tomorrow!
A small promise, exchanging smiles
Always reckless, I just live honestly
My happiness is about meeting friends I want to protect and think of
Overreach myself, endure myself, until I shape my form
Accepting myself as is, that's why it's okay to smile more or cry
In the twilight city, walking side by side, the usual way back home
Well, see you tomorrow!
A small promise, exchanging smiles
Because I don't want to see the crying faces of my family, friends and important people
I'll become stronger, stronger than today
The gentle wind, grazing my cheek, the usual way back home
Well, see you tomorrow!
A small promise, because I will always be here waiting
Always always always
Surely surely surely
Always always always

So, who am I singing to

So, who am I singing to
if humble people never understand me,
if my brothers are tired
of hearing the words they always heard.
If the ones who know don't need to be taught
if the one I love is still inside your womb.
I sing to the people
because I'm one of them too.
They write the things
and I put melody and verse to them.
If when they scream, the others come and then get silenced.
If I can only be more honest than my guitar.
And I sing for you,
who set the clocks back
the one who will never change
and never realized
that your house is falling apart.
Censored part:
And I sing for you,
Mister of golden watch
I know nothing will ever change you
but I want you to realize
that your son doesn't love you.

My Dear One

My dear one.. my mind got preoccupied/distracted
My dear one.. I've got tired
My dear one
Why did your heart forget me
My time hardened for me
My dear one.. my mind got preoccupied
My dear one.. I've got tired
My dear one
My dear one.. My dear one
I would've never believed you would go away.. & (let me) suffer in my days.. My dear one
And you know, my love
That I can never tolerate your absence
You are the meaning of my life
My existence.. my love
My dear one.. my mind got preoccupied
My dear one.. I've got tired
My dear one
My dear one.. My dear one
You, the delight of my life
My soul.. my hopes
My dear one
Why did you forget the nights
Leave & not care..
Who is left for me other than you?!.. My life.. My dear one
My dear one.. my mind got preoccupied
My dear one.. I've got tired
My dear one
My dear one.. My dear one

Lydia The Hottie

She drove in the heart of the city
she confused the air
red lipstick and wild hair
a drop of cologne and a cutting look
Lydia, tell where you are going1
Lydia tell, tell where?
A sculptured leg in nylon
is attached to the pedal
passing stop sings with ease
and at lights she simply gallops
Lydia, tell where you are going
Lydia tell, tell where?
One hundred and thirty kilometers per hour
in a red Susita Carmel2
there aren't any restraints for the lady
she ignores all the rules
Comes closer, turns around
fakes3signaling right and left
the district cop emotionally takes off his hat
she doesn't have, she doesn't have any competitors
She drove in the heart of the city
she confused the air
no chance to stop the lady
perhaps only if her gas will run out
Lydia, tell where you are going
Lydia tell, tell where?
tell where?
tell where?
tell where?...
  • 1. lit: to where
  • 2. type of Israeli car produced during 1960-75
  • 3. lit: steals

My Life Will Begin

At seven o'clock, there's the beginning of a new day,
So much work and the floor has to shine,
I'm going to wash it with wax and happiness,
And I'll be sweeping at quarter past seven.
And then I'll get a book to read, or even two or three.
I'll paint a picture, joining what you already see.
And I'll play the guitar, I'll cook and wait
Because my life's beginning.
After lunch there are puzzles and sweets
Papier-mache, ballet and also chess
I'll do pottery, candles and with expertise
I'll train, draw or climb with eagerness
I'll reread the books if I have time
I'll paint once more and everything will fit
I'll comb, comb, comb myself
Always stuck here in this place
Always thinking, thinking, thinking
Because my life's beginning
And tomorrow the sky will shine
Because on my birthday, there are lanterns in the air
How will it be? Where will they go?
Will you let mom see them in this occasion?

How else

Not after long, she's on her knees in the restroom sucking, fucking
Her inner hooker simply woke up, checkmate
Someone spiked my drink, alright
Someone spiked my drink, yeah sure
Did someone spike your drink
Or did you act like an idiot
Because you're an idiot?
Someone spiked my drink, of course
Someone spiked my drink, yeah sure
Did someone spike your drink
Or did you act like an idiot
Because you're an idiot?
She enters the club, acting top-class,
She doesn't want shots, only a light sip of wine, she says,
No wild partying, she doesn't want it to end at 5 AM,
Once it's 3 AM, she immediately calls a cab, apparently,
Shortly after, she bumps into her friends, who have a different idea,
They already downed a bottle of white wine and they feel like expanding their ranks,
Guys buy them drinks and they act like whores,
Happy to see keys to a new BMW 5 Series lying on the table,
The chicks persuade her and she starts downing drinks with them,
In case she gets wasted, it will be all their fault!
Shots, shots, she downs them all,
Shots, shots, all of a sudden, she's fucked up,
Making out with a guy, but she vows it will go no further,
In half an hour, there's a strip-tease in progress!
Not after long, she's on her knees in the restroom, sucking, fucking,
Her inner hooker simply woke up, checkmate
Someone spiked my drink, alright
Someone spiked my drink, yeah sure
Did someone spike your drink
Or did you act like an idiot
Because you're an idiot?
Someone spiked my drink, of course
Someone spiked my drink, yeah sure
Did someone spike your drink
Or did you act like an idiot
Because you're an idiot?
The morning's tough, she doesn't know what happened,
She calls her friends while cooling her head,
Slowly, she's getting to know, where her 'shows' took place,
She's familiar with this feeling, she's an experienced hoe,
She's thinking about the guy from yesterday and she wants to see him again,
Reputation gone, she types fast, there's no time,
She's trying hard, but doesn't know it's already too late
To be apologizing for acting like a slut,
The guy got laid and he doesn't give a shit about the rest,
He doesn't take her seriously, he doesn't care what she blabbers about,
The chick knows he takes her for a bitch, without any discussion,
She holding her head, doesn't know what to do now,
She must present it as if it wasn't her at all,
She must make up a lie about experiencing her first coma,
Desperation drove her to the last phase,
And suddenly, this legendary phrase came to be:
Someone spiked my drink, alright
Someone spiked my drink, yeah sure
Did someone spike your drink
Or did you act like an idiot
Because you're an idiot?
Someone spiked my drink, of course
Someone spiked my drink, yeah sure
Did someone spike your drink
Or did you act like an idiot
Because you're an idiot?
Not after long, she's on her knees in the restroom sucking, fucking
Her inner hooker simply woke up, checkmate
Not after long, she's on her knees in the restroom sucking, fucking
Her inner hooker simply woke up, checkmate

Love and Parting (Любовь и разлука)

Your wedding dress hasn't been made yet,
And the choir won't sing in our honour...
But time is running out (the coachman is so careless!)
And the horses are begging to fly.
If only the Troika wouldn't go astray,
If only the bell wouldn't silent under the arc!
Love and Parting are two eternal friends
Keep on walking side by side.
We have opened the gate ourselves,
We have harnessed the lucky Troika.
Look, something is shining ahead,
But something faded in the distance.
Hearing each other through the wind, at all times,
Is the holy science.
The two eternal wanderers called Love and Parting
Will fully share it with us.
The longer we live, the shorter is getting our age,
Our friends' voices become sweeter.
If only the bell wouldn't silent under the arc,
And the eyes would be looking into the eyes.
Now shore, now sea. Now Sun, now snowstorm.
Now angels, now crows.
The two eternal roads called Love and Parting
Keep on passing through my heart.

Scat Men

[Verse 1: Achille Lauro]
Mom, mom, ma, I'm at home
I parked it in line for you, I filled up the street
Me, who's rocking these guys like the sea
Ma, you were right, I'm sorry, I had to do it
Oh, yes, believe me that the stars are here next to you
And I'm doing things wrong but you learn from me
I'm not afraid like it was with you
It's not important to me, no
Oh, baby, come on, don't listen to me, no
Oh mother, you know what's in my head
Yes, I know this life is the only one we have
[Chorus: Achille Lauro]
Pa, para-pi, pa-pa, pa
Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa
Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa
Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe
Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa, para-pi, pa-pa, pa
[Verse 2: Ghali]
It resembles pa, but what the fuck are you saying?
But I was already made, it's not my friends' fault
What do you have to tell me, huh? What do you have to say, tell me
I want the truth, even if it hurts me (Pa-para-pi, pa-para-po)
Hey, it's neither in heaven nor on earth
I've accepted the misery, she hasn't
Baby, don't listen to me
Today I say yes and tomorrow no
I just lost my head
But I already lost my innocence a little while ago
Pa, para-pi, pa-para, po
[Chorus: Achille Lauro]
Pa, para-pi, pa-pa, pa
Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa
Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa
Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe
Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa, para-pi, pa-pa, pa
[Verse 3: Gemitaiz]
Hey, she smokes and she's with me
They were saying 'no, that doesn't fly' but instead I'm in the Top 10
Superheroes, yes, from the hood
We're all action men, yes, in the jungle
Into the wild, ask Sean Penn
Baby, don't listen to us
We went crazy quickly
With studying in the bedroom
With dreams and headaches
Yeah, you want the odyssey, we're Interstellar
Don't wake me up, leave me in here
[Chorus: Achille Lauro]
Pa-po, pe, pa-pa, pa
Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa
Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa
Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe
Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa, para-pi, pa-pa, pa
[Bridge: Achille Lauro]
Wrath of heaven, wrath of earth, yeah
Wrath of heaven, wrath of earth, yeah
Wrath of heaven, wrath of earth, yeah
Wrath of heaven, wrath of earth
[Chorus: Achille Lauro]
Pa, po-pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa
Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa
Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa
Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe
Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa, para-pi, pa-pa, pa
Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa
Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa
Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe
Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa, para-pi, pa-pa, pa
[Outro: Achille Lauro, Ghali & Gemitaiz]
It's neither in heaven nor on earth
Oh, baby, come on, don't listen to me
It's neither in heaven nor on earth
Oh mother, you know what's in my head
It's neither in heaven nor on earth
It's neither in heaven nor on earth, no
Pa, para-pi, pa-para, po


Girl, you are my rainbow in the clouds
Girl, you are my treasure
Girl, you are the sun of my life
Girl, you are a little flower
Girl, you are my rainbow in the clouds
Girl, you are my treasure
Girl, you are the sun of my life
Girl, you are a little flower
Keep your soul away from any stranger
My heart cares only for you
The nights are hard for me, I swear
Your image passes before my eyes
Give me back the taste of life
Give it back to me every day
A friend told me, that in a moment of weakness
Other arms have embraced you
Girl, you are my rainbow in the clouds
Girl, you are my treasure
Girl, you are the sun of my life
Girl, you are a little flower
Girl, you are my rainbow in the clouds
Girl, you are my treasure
Girl, you are the sun of my life
Girl, you are a little flower
Girl, you are my rainbow in the clouds
Girl, you are my treasure
Girl, you are the sun of my life
Girl, you are a little flower
This is how I will remember you forever
Laughing until you cried
The nights are cold for me, I swear
Mentally tired from worry
Magical nights we spend together
An entire life has passed
Candles are lit on your little table
I look at you and wonder
Girl, you are my rainbow in the clouds
Girl, you are my treasure
Girl, you are the sun of my life
Girl, you are a little flower
Girl, you are my rainbow in the clouds
Girl, you are my treasure
Girl, you are the sun of my life
Girl, you are a little flower
Girl, you are my rainbow in the clouds
Girl, you are my treasure
Girl, you are the sun of my life
Girl, you are a little flower

My World

you knew yet you didn't say anything
you didn't say anything and let my heart go crazier
the vague skein of my life
became even more twisted than it was before
you knew I would get addicted to you
You knew I couldn't handle it
You kept hiding it so that I wouldn't hurt myself somehow
My world turned into Hell when you left
my days got the color of the nights
I was drowned in the lake of your love
My heart died because of this break
I am still waiting for a boat
in the sweet ocean of your gaze
your embrace is still a safe shore
to me, who am waiting for you
I am sitting here all by myself
I'll wait to see you
it's not possible for me
to reach the shore without you
My world turned into Hell when you left
my days got the color of the nights
I was drowned in the lake of your love
My heart died because of this break

The Love of a Mother

I'm breathing in your skin, my love
Breathing in deep into my heart
I wish to keep you close to me, my love
To protect you of any shade of harm
I'm tasting your porridge, my love
Like the challah bread of a sweet Shabbat
May I always welcome you, my love
With a cake, an embrace, and a kiss
For there is no better love in the world, than the love of a mother
And there is no better care in the world, than the care of a mother
And there is no one else in the world who will love you like a mother, only your mother
I'm dreaming of your smile, my love
Dreaming that you'd always smile
What wouldn't I do for you, my love
So you'd never leave me
For there is no better love in the world, than the love of a mother
And there is no better care in the world, than the care of a mother
And there is no one else in the world who will love you like a mother, only your mother
For there is no better love in the world, than the love of a mother
And there is no better care in the world, than the care of a mother
And there is no one else in the world who will love you like a mother, only your mother
And there is no one else in the world who will love you like a mother, only your mother

2020 i love you

Just before the time comes
I am alone and you are alone
but far from you I turn off and ...
I am preparing my heart
I put my best
I'm coming to your neighborhood and ...
And I'm shouting at you
And I'm shouting at you
And I'm shouting at you
And I'm shouting at you
2020 I love you
baby I dedicate to you
Santa Claus xoxoxo
and I melt for you
2020 I love you
baby I don't change you
and this year Christmas
I'm celebrating with you
Everything is decorated
happy couples
but you miss me and ...
And I'm shouting at you
And I'm shouting at you
And I'm shouting at you
And I'm shouting at you
2020 I love you
baby I dedicate to you
Santa Claus xoxoxo
and I melt for you
2020 I love you
baby i don't change you
and this year Christmas
I'm celebrating with you

For the last time

I no longer enjoy the territory fights
Everytime I say yes, you say no
Our love has another part today
It is condemned and waiting for shoot
For the last time I want
To take back the lies and fables
For the last time we may want
To be more than addicted to each other
Don't expect any cry today
All targets were hit
If one of us were better player
The fight took promised moments from us
For the last time I want
To take back the lies and fables
For the last time we may want
To be more than addicted to each other
I don't fight anymore, there is nobody to fight with and there is no reason either
You wanted to live, you wanted to fly, so I'm giving you the space
It's said that it will be better if everybody goes their one way alone
Maybe you can kill me with every other sentence
Maybe I hate you and I love you for that reason
Maybe I don't have any manual to bind our worlds
I don't look for what you took from me anymore
I understand you, try to understand me too
I quietly swear in front of the mirror
That forever I will be honest to myself
For the last time I want
To take back the lies and fables
For the last time we may want
To be more than addicted to each other
For the last time I want
To take back the lies and fables
For the last time we may want
To be more than addicted to each other

I Will Wait

I will wait for the future
when I am ninety years old
Who doesn't do this, resigns to death
I will bite the time
That ripe apricot
Oh, tame clay for the genius of the sculptor
The death is very offended
seeing that I don't believe in it
For me its passport is not valid
I have too much to do here
It will have to leave me alone.
I would waste away under the soil
too much precious time.
The death invented itself
someone that loves us
It wants that we work pretending to have an expiration date
But from the windows roll out
Infinite meadows where my horses
Gallop free of reins
I will wait...

Stray Bullet*

Ever since you gave me up for the arms of another,
ever since you left off with another love,
I feel like I'm drowning in failure
and I want to give it a quick solution.
Although I've tried, I haven't been able to forget you
and I'm desperately searching.
For a stray bullet
to take my life away,
to take the pain from my heart.
And when it penetrates my chest,
may it destroy the memory
that your damned indifference has left behind.
For a stray bullet
to bring an end to me
from your life that never understood
what my immense love had mourned.
Everything I gave you, you don't care to abandon it,
nothing that I gave you could make you happy,
I feel like I'm drowning in failure
and I want to give it a quick solution.
Although I've tried, I haven't been able to forget you
and I'm desperately searching.
For a stray bullet
to take my life away,
to take the pain from my heart.
And when it penetrates my chest,
may it destroy the memory
that your damned indifference has left behind.
For a stray bullet
to bring an end to me
from your life that never understood
what my immense love had mourned.
For a stray bullet
to take my life away,
to take the pain from my heart.
And when it penetrates my chest,
may it destroy the memory
that your damned indifference has left behind.
For a stray bullet
to bring an end to me
from your life that never understood
what my immense love had mourned.

The Sun Doesn’t Return

A few days ago in a tavern I lost
the other half of my soul, plus a 15% tip.
It's not that alcohol is the best cure1
but it helps you forget when you can't find an out.
Today I try to tell you
that everything going well even if you don't believe me,
even if at this point,
a last attempt is worthless.
Today the good memories
fall down the stairs
and into various tequilas, 2
the clouds depart
but the sun won't return.
Dreams of a hotel room on the roadside
and raindrops that I keep in this suitcase,
they roll on the mattress of my now deserted bed,
it's the best solution for the pain in my head.
Today I try to tell you
that everything going well even if you don't believe me,
even if at this point,
a last attempt is worthless.
Today the good memories
fall down the stairs
and into various tequilas,
the clouds depart
but the sun won't return.
  • 1. lit. 'best medicine'.
  • 2. She means 'she falls down the stairs and goes into a drinking binge at the thought of those good memories.

Lost Love

Lost love, if it's as they say,
it's true that you live happily without me.
Live happily, perhaps joy will give
more kisses1, ones I didn't give you.
Today, I've convinced myself that for your part,
you were never mine nor was I for you, nor you for me.
Nor I for you, it was all a game,
it's just that I had placed a bet and I lost.
It was a game and I lost, that's my fate,
I've lost for being such a good player.
You lead a happier life, that's my fate,
what more can a troubadour say?
Live peacefully, it's not necessary
that when you pass me by, for you to tell me goodbye.
I'm not wounded and I swear on my mother,
I don't detest you nor hold resentment for you.
On the contrary, alongside you
I applaud the pleasure and love,
long live the pleasure, long live love.
Now I'm free, I want someone to love me,
long live love.
  • 1. besides mine


You seem to know
That we are different
You are a fox and I am a dog
I know that there will be a time
When a croaking turns into a voice
Joint the black and the white
Joint the black and the white
And change my destiny
And change my destiny
And change my destiny
Joint the black and the white
We seem to be stars in the dark
We can drive away the hunger
I hope that also the thirst
I hope, that you will give what you have
Even if it snows
On the beach in August
Joint the black and the white
Joint the black and the white
And change my destiny
And change my destiny
And change my destiny
Joint the black and the white
Joint the black and the white
Joint the black and the white
And change my destiny
And change my destiny
And change my destiny
Joint the black and the white
Joint the black and the white
Joint the black and the white
And change my destiny

The Pony Has A Long Forelock

When it's freezing or hot outside,
the pony goes to work at nine all the same.
The trolleybus from its trolleybus depot,
the bus from its bus depot,
are all set to bring us
to the gates of the zoo
to the gates of the zoo.
The pony has a long soft silken forelock,
he pulls the coach to such lands
as dad went to and mom went to
when they were just like me,
just like, just like me.
To there, where elephants and hippos,
orangutangs and other marvels dwell
planes fly once a week,
then ships sail for a week,
then all-terrain vehicles too,
while a pony ride just takes half an hour
while a pony ride just takes half an hour.
The pony has a long soft silken forelock,
he pulls the coach to such lands
as dad went to and mom went to
when they were just like me,
just like, just like me.
I'd like to ride the pony day and night,
I could become a granddad and yet not part with him,
I wouldn't part with him.
A plane always looks wonderful above the clouds,
and ships are each more beautiful than the last,
but it's not easy to hug a plane,
and it's not easy to hug a ship,
while it's so easy to hug the pony,
and it feels so marvellous
and it feels so marvellous.


Wounded, my happiness walked away,
by your pride's request, I'll leave.
Even if I need you, I'll leave you,
but to forget you, I don't know about that.
Tattoos of your kisses, I carry all over my body,
tattoos made over time.
For the time that I knew you,
it became a habit of mine to look into you eyes,
to breathe in your breath.
I'm leaving but I carry you within me.
Giving in to your reasoning, I'm walking away
a victim to your alter ego, I'm leaving.
With another love in my heart, I'm walking away,
I'm not sure if I'll be able to forget you.
Tattoos of your kisses, I carry all over my body,
tattoos made over time.
For the time that I knew you,
it became a habit of mine to look into you eyes,
to breathe in your breath.
I'm leaving but I carry you within me.
Tattoos of your kisses, I carry all over my body,
tattoos made over time.
For the time that I knew you,
it became a habit of mine to look into you eyes,
to breathe in your breath.
I'm leaving but I carry you within me,
I'm leaving but I carry you within me.


You have the most unique laugh in the world
You are the sweetheart who has room in the heart
You are the most spectacular manifestation of beauty of love
Wow! What a beautiful hair, what beautiful eyes, what a beautiful look
I haven't seen more maddening than this love
I gave up everything for your love and for the smell of your perfume
You made this heart fall in love by your eyes
I haven't seen more beautiful than your love
Oh the moon of my dark night, I'm Majnun and you're my Leyla
Oh my beautiful sweetheart, you're my breath and soul
Be the doctor of my feverish heart
Oh my sweetheart, Ah the gleam in your eyes
You are so beautiful that you have become my moon
Oh my love, be my calmness
Oh my sweetheart, oh the shining moon
Oh the moon of my night, oh tangled
Oh because sweetheart, oh the beauty of the sea, oh my soul
Make me more patient by your look
Make me crazier by the song of your voice
Oh because sweetheart, oh the beauty of the sea, oh my soul
Oh the moon of my dark night, I'm Majnun and you're my Leyla
Oh my beautiful sweetheart, you're my breath and soul
Be the doctor of the feverish heart
Oh my sweetheart, Ah the gleam in your eyes
You are so beautiful that you have become my moon
Oh my love, be my calmness

A Happy Prophetic Magical Song

Like a pole of clouds, go thus before the herd
understand all, know, don't say a single word
like a pole of smoke disappear inside the room1
sometime inside you will tell you to continue
on your path.
Like the Milky Way that crosses the heavens
you go strait, don't pay attention to the stars
that shine in order to blind the eyes
sometime inside you will tell you to continue
on the path.
Ho, go strait,
go alone,
don't fear,
oho oho oh,
don't get angry,
go innocently,
go alone.
Like a wild goose that crosses the evening sky
he flies at the front of the formation2, not discouraged by the distance
and the instinct show and prophesies the path for him
sometime inside you will tell you to continue
on your path.
Like Bridget Bardot that figured out the business3
left behind her the good and the bad
and the matters she observes from the balcony
sometime inside you will tell you
Without planning let yourself to go
all the calculations will end at last
like the tree that rises to life from (the seeds) of Fall
sometime inside you will tell you
to continue!
  • 1. apartment in older idiomatic usage
  • 2. lit: arrow
  • 3. need additional explanatory reference, perhaps referring to her abrupt exit from the entertainment business in 1973 - comment below please if you know

For lovers in struggle

I have never felt any regrets
Even if I turn back the hands of time, my choice will always be you
Today, you were having a hard time
I tried to hide it, but
I saw the tears left in your eyes
and I pretended not to know
My friends and parents keep telling me to
Give up on you
But I feel that you are the one
I have never felt any regrets
Even if I turn back the hands of time, my choice will always be you
The difficult moments flow slowly
But, because we are together
I will endure all the years
I have never felt any regrets
Even if I turn back the hands of time, my choice will always be you
I have never felt any regrets
Even if I turn back the hands of time, my choice will always be you
I have never felt any regrets
Even if I turn back the hands of time, my choice will always be you
I have never felt any regrets
Even if I turn back the hands of time, my choice will always be you