Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 25

Találatok száma: 900


Tokyo 45

The war is over, ruins shows cracks in the sky
Crumbs of dust soar, the war is over
Students walk to the university, the war is lost
Nothing around: ruins
The empereor lost his immortality, they tell us he's not God anymore, this is what happened
Tokyo '45, Tokyo '45!
Diving in the dishonor of this reality, of thos town!
Tokyo '45, Tokyo '45!
Waiting the sun again, somebody'll wait, somebody'll wait, somebody'll wait!
Not so far,
Oyster's fisherwomen dive in the sea
The night attacks the lighthouse's light, the war is over
A starry sky on the Yokohama's coast, the war is lost
Nothing around: ruins
The empereor lost his immortality, they tell us he's not God anymore, this is what happened
Tokyo '45, Tokyo '45!
Diving in the dishonor of this reality, of thos town!
Tokyo '45, Tokyo '45!
Waiting the sun again, somebody'll wait, somebody'll wait, somebody'll wait!
Tokyo '45, Tokyo '45!
Diving in the dishonor of this reality, of thos town!
Tokyo '45, Tokyo '45!
Waiting the sun again, somebody'll wait, somebody'll wait, somebody'll wait!

They say

Maybe after you I end up being one more
That you don't fall in love with, I have listened
There's so many things we have to try
And I wanted to take advantage
Give me what I want
I heard that your love is temporary
But I would be on the flight
And although I know this is temporary
You are what I want
I heard you're cold as ice
An angel that fell from heaven
Who went into evil
They say that you're bad
No one can be saved from you
You wrap with your body
Everyone wants you
They say that you're bad
No one can be saved from you
And as a model
Everyone wants you
The traffic stops
While crossing they looked at me
I don't want anything with them
I tell that with one look
They say I'm evil
And cold as winter
They would die for a kiss
But the play is difficult
You wanted to try because they say I'm a criminal
You'll see how this ends
I wanted to tell you that
They say that I'm bad
No one can be saved from me
I know that they want my body
I don't want anything from them
They say that you're bad
No one can be saved from you
And as a model
Everyone wants you
I love you even if I'm not the first
Slowly, your love is very light
Allow me one more minute
You're used to treating them badly
But I believe that I can make you change that
But only
Give me what I want
I heard that your love is temporary
But I would be on the flight
And although I know this is temporary
You know what I want
I've seen a lot of people like you
Making me climb off the ground
For something temporary
They say that I'm bad
No one can be saved from me
I know that they want my body
I don't want anything from them
They say that you're bad
No one can be saved from you
And as a model
Everyone wants you

Like Dancing but on the Radio

We're singing something that gets stuck, something everyone knows
Hey, you wanted to appear on my TV set
It was you who wanted to take a chance, shout out loud and become famous
Now when a thousand heads have been served on your platter
It's now that you'll be discovered or now that you'll be forgotten
Oh oh oh oh, like dancing but on the radio
like a chance to maybe catch someone
someone who asks you to sing something that gets stuck, something everyone knows
Oh oh oh oh, something that causes explosions
something loved by millions
and they sing along with something that gets stuck, something everyone knows
Hey, can you take in what might seem obvious?
Is it certain when you're standing here that you're living a dream?
Hey, what happens if you notice that you're finished dancing?
That you're tired of everything, of titles and fame?
Oh oh oh oh, like dancing but on the radio
like a chance to maybe catch someone
someone who asks you to sing something that gets stuck, something everyone knows
Oh oh oh oh, something that causes explosions
something loved by millions
and they sing along with something that gets stuck, something everyone knows
But imagine if you become somebody, somebody that once got twittered about
A lesser interpretation of somebody else's song
Oh oh oh oh, like dancing but on the radio
like a chance to maybe catch someone
someone who asks you to sing something that gets stuck, something everyone knows
Oh oh oh oh, something that causes explosions
something loved by millions
and they sing along with something that gets stuck, something everyone knows


They are as thick as thieves
They are like a backpack and a traveller1
They are a bum and a bum-ess2
Like a rock in your patent leather shoe, perhaps
Feet are starting to hurt again
Well I can go and get the drinks
Because I certainly know how important it is
That blood gets thicker against the night
The August night of Josafat's rocks is mellow3
No hay barn romance
This wasn't even supposed to become that,
But we were meant to not sober up one day at a time
To paint the horizon,4
To create purple from grey
They left to find their happiness
And found it, kind of
Inseparable, that's what they are
Happy, unhappy
They paint the horizon
Their lips meet each other
But not quite directly
When you start to kiss a bottle,
You can taste the other one
Patent leather shoe man could spend millions
So that they would be swept away
Because it looks too untidy when
They don't hide their limping happiness
And the realm of love is as long as a long swig
It can be a nightmare
But together they will watch it
From the beginning to the credits, the end
To paint the horizon,
To create purple from grey
They left to find their happiness
And found it, kind of
Inseparable, that's what they are
Happy, unhappy
They paint the horizon
They paint the horizon
They belong to each other
Happy, unhappy
To paint the horizon,
To create purple from grey
They left to find their happiness
And found it, kind of
Inseparable, that's what they are
Happy, unhappy
They paint the horizon
  • 1. Reppu ja reissumies is also the name of a famous .
  • 2. Pummitar contains the suffix -tar which is a feminine suffix and can be added to different words, but it isn't used that commonly anymore. I'm not sure does -ess work so well in English...
  • 3. Josafatin kalliot is a rocky park area in Helsinki.
  • 4. There's a term taivaanrannan maalari which refers to a (constant) dreamer, but it's perhaps also used when talking about a tramp or a drifter. Literally it means 'a painter of the horizon'.

Naval battle

War is
between shivers and habit
limit between fire and gratitude
on me, on me
Nights that
I fight with my nightmares
simple fear of my limits
uncomfortable to face
Because between saying and doing there is the sea in the middle
I can't swim
naval battle
between my words and my fears
one thousand paranoias, one thousand dark nights
I stay on the surface to think, a mistral wind is blowing
Tequila and Ginseng, anger to drown, alone, alone
I stay on the surface to think, sky blue like the sea
Manila and Big Bang in my astral journey, alone, alone
The wind also blows in the face, I lost my aim
but what do you want me to do if you left me in half
I headed towards the ocean, I left the port
to realise that the journey is long
I don't know if I will return, I am not ready
I hid the smell of home on me
in case I needed it and in case I woke up one day
to look at myself in the mirror and realise that it is not my
afer all
Because between saying and doing there is the sea in the middle
I can't swim
naval battle
between my words and my fears
one thousand paranoias, on me
I stay on the surface to think, a mistral wind is blowing
Tequila and Ginseng, anger to drown, alone, alone
I stay on the surface to think, sky blue like the sea
Manila and Big Bang in my astral journey, alone, alone
Alone, alone
because between saying and doing there is the sea in the middle
I can't swim
naval battle
Alone, alone
because between saying and doing there is the sea in the middle (alone, alone)
I can't swim (alone, alone)
naval battle (alone, alone)
Alone, alone

Days and nights

There are days when i feel like a man
Days when I do more than I can
Days when I'm not sufficient
And days when I do as other wants
There are days when I can't get enough
And nights when I'm catching she who smiled
Days when I walk around and smiles
And nights much wants even more
But I take nights if they're coming
Forgets days like yesterday
Who wants to stand there with their anxiety
New crises, old wounds
I leave the shadows behind me
Now is now and then is then
All nights becomes to new days anyways
There are nights when I cry myself to sleep
And nights when I awakens in the middle of a dream
Nights when I don't fall asleep at all
And nights with an arm around my neck
There are nights when I said something that was good
And days when I regret everything I said
Days when I think it was good
And nights when I've forgot what it was
But I take nights if they're coming
Forgets days like yesterday
Who wants to stand there with their anxiety
New crises, old wounds
I leave the shadows behind me
Now is now and then is then
All nights becomes to new days anyways
There are nights when I realised who I am
The day after I know roughly
Nights when I load my rifle
And really makes everything to become in love
There are nights when i see myself as a threat
And days when I want to withstand
Days when I just want to root
And days when I think 'idiot'
But I take nights if they're coming
Forgets days like yesterday
Who wants to stand there with their anxiety
New crises, old wounds
I leave the shadows behind me
Now is now and then is then
All nights becomes to new days anyways


Szemét kontinensek, amikre a tétedet helyezted
Kezeid által kovácsolt hegynyi törmeléken
Ott áll az embertelenség monolitja
Egy technológiai társadalom eltiporhatatlan vallomása
Te magad vagy a saját veszted
Egy egész életnyi folt lassan lefelé a csatornába ernyed
Nincs irgalom, nincs megtorlás
Nincsen második esély
A szemétből kiemelkedtünk
Mint csatlósok, szolgálatra fel
A saját kárhozó kezeink által kárhozott követeléseinknek
Visszafejlődött ember
Pirkadatkor egy apokaliptikus paradicsomba törünk fel
Ahol eggyé leszünk a bőséggel
Ahol az lét életét veszti
Ahol a halál a csontjait nyugovóra teszi
Ahol felakasztjuk a kötelet
Ahol veszteséget sínylődünk
Ahol a saját sírunkat ássuk
Melléktermékbe avatkozás miatt kerülnek elő a katasztrófák
Egy hegynyi törmeléken, feltör a vérontás szökőkútja
Amott emelkedünk ki az emberiség monolitjából
Egy eltiporhatatlan vallomás egy kudarcra ítélt társadalom számára
Te magad vagy a saját veszted
Egy egész életnyi folt lassan lefelé a csatornába ernyed
Nincs irgalom, nincs megtorlás
Nincsen második esély
A szemétből kiemelkedtünk
Mint csatlósok, szolgálatra fel
A saját kárhozó kezeink által kárhozott követeléseinknek
Visszafejlődött ember

Is it Strange That Sometimes You Long to be Away

Versions: #2
The rain that slowly falls here in the city makes the houses gray.
Neon lights, they reflect in the asphalt, the blue
And cars signal, I see people moving.
Is it strange that sometimes you long to be away?
Tell me, is it strange that sometimes you long to be away?
If you want to listen to the doctor´s drill or the happy song of thrushing
And if you love the sea and the wind, and are tired of neon and concrete,
Is it strange that sometimes you long to be away?
In the city where you study. There you have your factory.
There you have your office, your market, your store.
People talk about their market shares, their job, and their season.
Is it Strange That Sometimes You Long to be Away
Tell me, is it strange that sometimes you long to be away?
If you want to listen to the doctor´s drill or the happy song of thrushing
And if you love the sea and the wind, and are tired of neon and concrete,
Is it strange that sometimes you long to be away?
Here people talk about love in big round words
Here people overuse trains and cars, people hurt mother Earth.
But then when the wind calms down, you can suddenly smell seaweed
Is it strange that sometimes you long to be away?
Tell me, is it strange that sometimes you long to be away?
If you want to listen to the doctor´s drill or the happy song of thrushing
And if you love the sea and the wind, and are tired of neon and concrete,
Is it strange that sometimes you long to be away?

Csendes-ócáni zord

Egy nukleáris baleset
Az óceánba hány
Eldobottak által kovácsolt
Szigetnyi szemét
A folyamatos halászat
Átalakítja a lakóhelyeket
Mi a faszt csinálunk?
Biodiverzitás- most az elhalálozott lakosok monokultúrája
A hálók nem diszkriminálnak- könyörtelenek ebben az elhanyagolható életben
Ahogyan az öblök kivéreztetik a testeket, mohó árucikkeké lesznek
Ürítenek, többet, mint amennyire szükség lenne, a tudatlan nyilvánosság és a közösségi kapzsiság számára
Félelemtől megbénulva, amíg minden öböl nincsen megsemmisítve..
Sosem volt esélyük
A mi minden élőlénnyel levő
Minden kibaszott dologgal levő
Beteg románcunk ellen
Hosszú zsinóros, csalival ellátott horgok, nyílt tengeri kizsákmányolás, mohó csalók
Felesleges másodrendű fogás, haszontalannak vélve, hajóból kidobva
Tengerfenéki halászat felfedi hát a lerombolt lakóhelyeket - eltörölve a térképről
Az ökoszisztéma lélegeztetőgépe ki lett húzva, áldozatokat hagyva maga után
Kínban tengődni - ezek a halászok eljárásai
Az élet egyik rejtelme - hamarosan mind történelem leszünk
Senki sem figyel - klasszikus bánásmód
Ez a keresztelés - a kihalás felgyorsul
Sosem volt esélyünk
A bukásunkkal levő
Az élet mindenségével levő
Beteg románc ellen
Tátra nyitott szájakkal
A lábnyomatunk belép
És mikor már sehova sincs menekülés
Dagállyal érkezik a halál

Tengeri ütközet

Harc ez
A megszokott libabőrben
Tűz és hála határa
Bennem, bennem
Amikor a rémálmaimmal küzdöm
Egyszerű félelem a határaimtól,
Amiket kellemetlen feszegetni
Mert szó és tett között félúton ott a tenger
Nem tudok úszni
A szavaim és félelmeim között
Ezer paranoia, ezer sötét éjszaka
Felszínen marad a gondolat, északnyugati szél fúj
Tequila és Ginzeng, fojtó köd, magányosan, magányosan
Felszínen marad a gondolat, tengerkék ég
Manila és Big Bang az űrutazásomban, magányosan, magányosan
Arcomba fúj a szél, elvesztettem az egyik felem
Mit akarsz, mit tegyek, ha félbe hagytál
A tengerre mutattam, elhagytam a kikötőt
Tudatosult bennem, az út hosszú
Nem tudom visszatérek-e, nem állok készen rá
Elrejtettem teljesen az otthon illatát,
Ha esetleg egyszer szükségem lenne rá, ha egy nap majd felkelek
És látom magam a tükörben, rájövök, hogy ez nem az én álmom
Mert szó és tett között félúton ott a tenger
Nem tudok úszni
A szavaim és félelmeim között
Ezer paranoia, ezer sötét éjszaka
Felszínen marad a gondolat, északnyugati szél fúj
Tequila és Ginzeng, fojtó köd, magányosan, magányosan
Felszínen marad a gondolat, tengerkék ég
Manila és Big Bang az űrutazásomban, magányosan, magányosan
Egyedül, egyedül
Mert szó és tett között félúton ott a tenger
Nem tudok úszni
Eeyedül, egyedül
Szó és tett között félúton ott a tenger
Nem tudok úszni
Egyedül, egyedül

BlaBlaBla (I Wait for Tomorrow)

I hear the clatter of the machines
That add and subtract
The things and the stuff
I hear the purr of the coils
The dialogues of old movies
That tell me I remember
I hear really well, I hear
I hear the rumors that align
All the idiot lessons
That would like so much
It yells in all the corners
But all that means nothing
It only makes noise
That will pass, like it goes
There is nothing that means nothing
To make me want the same
I always wait for...
I wait for tomorrow
I hear it at one of the magazines
The same guys that perish
To do as if it's nothing
I hear all the easy potions
The stitched messages of wire
Whose I feel so far away
These words are not mine...
Because all that means nothing
It only makes noise
That will pass, like it comes
There is nothing that means nothing
To make me want the same
I always wait for...
I wait for tomorrow
I wait for tomorrow
Make me promises again
We'll see if there's any left
One day something might surprise me, perhaps finally,
I hope so...
But all that means nothing...
Because all that means nothing
It only makes noise
That will pass, like it comes
There is nothing that means nothing
To make me want the same
I always wait for...
I wait for tomorrow
I wait for tomorrow
For every day its next day
For every day its next day...

To wait!

Versions: #2
To my sorrow are added some doubts
about our future
At the heart of an avalanche of silence
I imagine you everywhere.
Give me your news
Call me fast
I really need them
Need to hear them
Your tender words
And to tell you mine
I love you, I hate you, and I love you more
And I missed us both more.
My heart is begging
To wait! To wait! To wait!
Where does that lead us to?
You, you're going to make me go crazy
Tomorrow I'll have perhaps a letter
A phone call, who knows?
It's said that [overcoming] trials are the proof
that you never despair
I love you, I hate you, and I love you more
And I missed us both more.
My heart is begging
To wait! To wait! To wait!
Where does that lead us to?
You, you're going to make me go crazy
What was at fault? Whose fault?
I know nothing about it, but I've paid the price
The price in tears, the heart's cry,
of the unloved who failed in life.
I love you, I hate you, and I love you more
And I missed us both more.
My heart is begging
To wait! To wait! To wait!
Where does that lead us to?
You, you're going to make me go crazy
I love you, I hate you, and I love you more
And I missed us both more.
My heart is begging
To wait! To wait! To wait!
Where does that lead us to?
You, you're going to make me go crazy

No sorrow

You look a little shocked
because I rest here, uninterested
like you spoke no words
Just as you hadn't said anything
You fell in love?
what's wrong, what's wrong with you?
So I should start suffering now
for obvious reasons of pride and sex?
quite the opposit: nothing, no!
I feel nothing, no!
no sorrow
no tension
no emotion
no sorrow
When you were uncertain, torn
between hugging me or life
can you remember my heavvy silences
that you mistook for jealousy
for fictional lovers?
back then I already foresee
that I was missing something
that frail, inconsistent coherence
of a child with little or no patience
Refrain (X2):
I feel nothing, no!
now nothing, no!
no sorrow
no tension
no emotion
no sorrow
The glass is not broken by the stone
but by the skilled hand of a naive bragger
the applause to feel you are important
without asking what people for
All those mischievous glance you spread
were like wind scattered seeds, something you lost
and you dried me up
and you dried me up
and you dried me up
But I feel nothing, no!
now nothing, no!
no sorrow
no tension
no emotion
no sorrow

Tell me, Maria

Tell me, Maria, what are you looking for in me?
What did you want? Words are like snow.
Tell me, Maria, what are you thinking? What are you hiding?
Whatever it is, why are you crying
And don’t you listen to me?
Now, Maria, this sky is consoling,
This sun is warming everything is in you.
Don’t be afraid to wait for the dawn
With an anxious heart
Because the world is right there.
Just tell me, Maria,
Why do you cry and don’t you hope?
Tell me, Maria, who will help you, if you wait for me?
Tell me, Maria, what are you dreaming about, today?
What were you asking for? I’m here by your side.
Tell me, Maria, who hears you, who can save you?
What could I do? Don’t you remember? But are you listening to me?
Now, Maria, this sky is consoling,
This sun is warming everything is in you.
Don’t be afraid to wait for the dawn
With an anxious heart
Because the world is right there.
Just tell me, Maria,
Why do you cry and don’t you hope?
Tell me, Maria, who will help you, if you wait for me?

Elle Máret

Elle Máret, Elle Máret
Why did you leave me?
I don't love, I don't
I don't love him anymore
Why did you betray, why did you betray
why did you betray me
I didn't mean to do it,
but that's what happened
goodbye, goodbye
Surely we'll meet again
We'll probably meet again

But how have you done?

I love you so much
like I´ve never loved in my life
and so deeply that I´m afraid of myself
because of this excessive love
that I feel for you now
I want you
with a new desire that torments me
sometimes I wonder, how it´s possible
that I should be sleeping and wake up
walk and have you always in front of me
in front of my eyes, in my thoughts
in every moment of my life
I need you
like the boat needs
the sea to be able to navigate
spring needs
the sun to be able to bloom
the butterfly needs the flower
a child with one hand needs the other hand to accompany it
a dog needs an owner
and the wind needs the kite to be able to fly
and I need you always close to me
in every moment of my life
But how have you done
that I fall in love so much, so much
I look myself in the mirror and I wonder
if that one there, it´s me
But how have you done
make from this my life something very yours
to transform time into a wait
for me to see you
There is no sense in my life
and more I think about it, it´s more a thread
between your hands
But how have you done
I don´t even know when you´ve started
I only know that in this my life
it´s never happened
First time that I say certainly
I love you so
la la la la la la
In front of my eyes, my thoughts
in every moment of this my life
always close to me
But how have you done
make from this my life something very yours
to transform time into a wait
to have you
First time that I say certainly
I love you so

It doesn’t matter (상관없어)

My name is...
Sleep every night at bedtime every night
Falling to the studio
My main business is musician position
I play from the front of sin,
If you ask me what your identity is, do not worry
Explainable but not necessary.
If you judge me only the way you see, hear, and feel, you will.
My music stole the girls' night and it was like insomnia
The guys who are enthusiasts are our idols,
But I'm dealing with the heap of rebirth
I am a D-boy from the next generation musician who wrote the idol dale
I'm the one who keeps this fake music world.
I do not care
I'm a D-boy (hey click bang!)
I'm the one who keeps it (hey click bang!)
I do not care if you chew and bite me.
I do not care.
I do not care
I'm a D-boy (hey click bang!)
I'm the one who keeps it (hey click bang!)
I do not care if you chew and bite me.
I do not care.
I do not care
I i am out of me
I'll turn on the sharp beat.
I can not believe I'm an idol.
What I do and what I do now I live as a rapper
I put on a beat that I designed Stretch with lime
Instead of tattooing my body in my attitude
My flow is like Kama Sutra bit on the floor
Do not scold us.
You dress shirt collar
I'll be dead soon.
What do we do?
2kool 4skool Do you sell 30,000 copies of your debut album?
Do you sell 30,000 copies a year?
Who is the best newcomer?
Behind the keyboard masturbates and lives forever what!

<3 R

Night Journey

An explosion of a thousand kiloes of steel
Towards an unknown land
Like a fist headed for God
The atmosphere stands aflame
For the nomad there was no question
Whether all life disappeared
Wearing only a layer of nylon skin
He heads for the altars edge
Light glares with it absence
Dying sun
An odyssey between razor-sharp reefs
In a pilot seat
Night journey to another world
Farewell to all that you hold dear
All alone in a pitch black ocean
Ice bath in moon light
Cacophony of internal voices
Wears down his mind
Hunger promises a future grave
Hard and cold wind
Into an alien painting being torn apart
He calmly steps inn
Light glares with it absence
Dying sun
An odyssey between razor-sharp reefs
In a pilot seat
Night Journey to another world
Farewell to all that you hold dear

Hear my song

Naked under the moonlight
I guided my foot into dance
Eyes black as of coal
Followed my steps from the forest's edge
Hear my song across salty seas – from infinite time
Over mountains and through deep woods – into dreams
I can see you sleep now – my dear
All winds, give me life and hear my song
Silently hands stretch themselves
out of darkness and caress my hair
'Come child, let us go further into the woods
Rest your head, and you shall see him again ere break of day'
Hear my song across salty seas – from infinite time
Over mountains and through deep woods – into dreams
I can see you sleep now – my dear
All winds, give me life and hear my song
I want to whisper your name
I want to live without want
I want to be filled with life forever


Northern, her dimple is northern
and I can't handle the laugh, precious
I wish that what took her to the east bring her back back to north
and she turned the west into south as well and the north
my heart fell for her and won't forget
told her that it cannot become cold
and if her sea needed a harbor
I will send my soul
North, to you I hit the road
and your eyes are all I've got
your love is like the heart that's on the left of my body
and your voice is like a singing flute
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت طالما وضعت الرابط لها


Tis Lovely Brothers Lovely!

Versions: #2
As though black channels, as though black channels
The cossacks rode - forty thousand horses,
And the shore was covered, and the shore was covered
With hundreds of cleaved and gunshot men.
Tis lovely brothers lovely, lovely brothers to live,
For our commander, it's not fitting to grieve.
Tis lovely brothers lovely, lovely brothers to live,
For our commander, it's not fitting to grieve.
And the first bullet, and the first bullet,
And the first bullet, brothers, it wounded the horse.
But the second bullet, and the second bullet,
But the second bullet in the heart, it wounded me.
Tis lovely brothers lovely, lovely brothers to live,
For our commander, it's not fitting to grieve.
Tis lovely brothers lovely, lovely brothers to live,
For our commander, it's not fitting to grieve.
And the wife will weep, will marry another,
As for my comrade, he will forget about me,
Just a wretched fence and a broad plain,
A miserable old mother and a dun horse.
Tis lovely brothers lovely, lovely brothers to live,
For our commander, it's not fitting to grieve.
Tis lovely brothers lovely, lovely brothers to live,
For our commander, it's not fitting to grieve.
My curls are blonde, my eyes are light
The grasses, weeds and wormwood are overgrown.
My bones are white, my heart, brave
Vultures and ravens on the steppe will carry away.
Tis lovely brothers lovely, lovely brothers to live,
For our commander, it's not fitting to grieve.
Tis lovely brothers lovely, lovely brothers to live,
For our commander, it's not fitting to grieve.
Tis lovely brothers lovely, lovely brothers to live,
For our commander, it's not fitting to grieve.
Tis lovely brothers lovely, lovely brothers to live,
For our commander, it's not fitting to grieve.

Megismerni a szerelmem

Bármit megadnék azért, hogy a karjaim között tarthassalak,
ott tartsalak, miután mindent kimondtunk és megtettünk.
Megteszek minden tőlem telhetőt, hogy megvédjelek mindentől,
csupán azt akarom, hogy megismerd a szerelmem.
Bármit megadnék azért, hogy a karjaim között tarthassalak,
ott tartsalak, miután mindent kimondtunk és megtettünk.
Megteszek minden tőlem telhetőt, hogy megvédjelek mindentől,
csupán azt akarom, hogy megismerd a szerelmem.
Hogy megismerd a szerelmem.
Hogy megismerd a szerelmem.
Hogy megismerd a szerelmem.
Csupán azt akarom, hogy megismerd a szerelmem.
Hogy megismerd a szerelmem.
Csupán azt akarom, hogy megismerd a szerelmem.
Hogy megismerd a szerelmem.
Bármit megadnék azért, hogy a karjaim között tarthassalak,
ott tartsalak, miután mindent kimondtunk és megtettünk.
Megteszek minden tőlem telhetőt, hogy megvédjelek mindentől,
csupán azt akarom, hogy megismerd a szerelmem.
Bármit megadnék azért, hogy a karjaim között tarthassalak,
ott tartsalak, miután mindent kimondtunk és megtettünk.
Megteszek minden tőlem telhetőt, hogy megvédjelek mindentől,
csupán azt akarom, hogy megismerd a szerelmem.
Hogy megismerd a szerelmem.
Hogy megismerd a szerelmem.
Hogy megismerd a szerelmem.
Hogy megismerd a szerelmem.
Hogy megismerd a szerelmem.
Hogy megismerd a szerelmem.
Hogy megismerd a szerelmem.
Csupán azt akarom, hogy megismerd a szerelmem.
Hogy megismerd a szerelmem.
Csupán azt akarom, hogy megismerd a szerelmem.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

Elengedni téged

Csukd be a szemed, végy egy nagy levegőt
és engedj be a szívedbe, a lelkedbe.
Ez az a pillanat amikor lángra lobbanunk.
A belső tűz, érezd ahogyan jön, irányítsd.
Sosem foglak elengedni téged, elengedni téged.
Nem fogok újra elbukni a szerelemben.
Sosem foglak, sosem foglak elengedni téged.
A viharon keresztül is felemelkedünk majd
az idő ellen.
Nincs semmi ami meg tudna akadályozni minket,
ez az a pillanat amikor összeütközünk.
A csillagok ragyogóan égnek.
A csillagok ragyogóan égnek.
Sosem foglak elengedni téged, elengedni téged.
Nem fogok újra elbukni a szerelemben.
Sosem foglak elengedni téged.
Sosem foglak, sosem foglak elengedni téged.
Sosem foglak, sosem foglak elengedni téged.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

Midsummer Night

The red sun goes down,
coloring the open sea
And sometimes trees and shrubs delay
the shine twilight slowly
And from far away I hear
the happy laughter of Hubbe and Sussie (1)
For there is feasting, and happyness
and singing at midsummer night
Midsummer Night
We dance all night long
The accordeon resounds from the bay bridge
With giggling and laughter and song
Midsummer Night
And the sun just won't go down
It feels so good in your heart
When Midsummer Night smiles at you
by the beach sits
an old man with his fishing rod
And peering secretly
at every beautiful little maiden
And old Gösta (2)
Is dancing with Sussie, whom he received
For everyone is equally happy
At our midsummer night
On our dancefloor
the orchestra plays a swift song (X)
Which by both young and old
Is just as easily received (X)
And the air smells like
Firewood, moonshine and happy laughter
For everyone's become friends
When it's midsummer night
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

Soy Attaque

Ole ole ole ole ole ole ola!
Ole ole ole ole ole ole ola!
Oh My Philippines!
La la la la la lala la la la la la!

You have created me

i did not get used to (what its like) without you
the taste of beauty
i dedicated my life
sharing with you
there's a delight in my heart
excitement in my soul
are you listening to me
you have created me
the beauty in me
here this love of mine
made you captive
you have created me
taught me to love
here this love of mine
made you captive

Attack No.1

even if it is painful, even if I feel sad,
on the court I'm alright
as the ball howls, my heart bounces
receive, toss, spike
one, two, one, two attack!
(but my tears end up coming forth, I'm a girl after all)
tears as well as sweat, in a young [one's] fight
I want to cry far out to the sky:
Attack! Attack number one
Attack! Attack number one
even if it is painful, even if I feel sad,
after all, the team-members are there
as the whistle sounds, my heart bounces
receive, toss, spike
one, two, one, two attack!
(but my tears end up coming forth, I'm a girl after all)
inside tears, in a young heart
I want to cry out to the drifting clouds
Attack! Attack number one
Attack! Attack number one
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Semmit sem tettettek ellenem

Kairóban nem tudják hány óra van most,
A nap a Ramblán már nem ugyanaz.
Franciaországban van egy koncert, az emberek szórakoznak,
Valaki hangosan énekel, valaki azt kiáltja: 'halálra velük'.
Londonban mindig esik, de ma nem fáj ez senkinek sem.
Az ég sem kegyelmez, még temetésen sem.
Nizzában a tenger piros a tűztől és a szégyentől,
Az emberek az aszfalton és vér a csatornában.
Ez a hatalmas test, amit 'Földnek' hívunk,
sebzett minden szervén, Ázsiától Angliáig.
Emberek galaxisai tűntek el az űrben
de a legfontosabb a hely az ölelésnek.
Anyák gyerekek nélkül, gyerekek apák nélkül,
fényes arcok, mint falak képek nélkül.
Néma percek, amelyeket egy hang tör meg:
'Semmit sem tettettek ellenem'.
Semmit sem tettettek ellenem.
Semmit sem vetettek el tőlem.
Az én életem tovább megy
Mindenen túl, az embereken túl.
Semmit sem tettettek ellenem.
Semmit sem vetettek el tőlem.
Mert minden tovább megy
A ti felesleges háborúitokon.
Vannak akik keresztet vetnek, akik szőnyegen imádkoznak,
Templomok és mecsetek, imámok és papok,
Elkülönített bejáratai ugyanannak a háznak,
Több millió ember, akik remélnek valamit.
Karok kézfejek nélkül, arcok nevek nélkül,
Cseréljünk bőrt, belül mindannyian emberek vagyunk.
Mert a mi életünk nem egy nézőpont
és nem létezik pacifista bomba.
Semmit sem tettettek ellenem.
Semmit sem vetettek el tőlem.
Az én életem tovább megy
Mindenen túl, az embereken túl.
Semmit sem tettettek ellenem.
Semmit sem vetettek el tőlem.
Mert minden tovább megy
A ti felesleges háborúitokon.
A ti felesleges háborúitokon.
A felhőkarcolók, a metrók összedőlnek,
az elválasztó falak, amelyeket kenyérért emeltek.
De minden terror ellen, amely elállja az utat,
a világ felkell egy kisgyerek mosolyával,
egy kisgyerek mosolyával,
egy kisgyerek mosolyával.
Semmit sem tettettek ellenem.
Semmit sem vetettek el tőlem.
Mert minden tovább megy
A ti felesleges háborúitokon.
Semmit sem vetettek el tőlem.
A ti felesleges háborúitok.
Semmit sem tettettek ellenem.
A ti felesleges háborúitok.
Semmit sem vetettek el tőlem.
A ti felesleges háborúitok.
Semmit sem tettettek ellenem.
A ti felesleges háborúitok.
Tisztában vagyok vele, hogy nem lehet többet visszafordítani semmit
A boldogság elszáll
Mint ahogy egy buborék száll.

Romeo and Juliet

You know that it isn't the first
nor will it be the last time
that we left our clothes
next to the front door.
I suppose that all of history
isn't written without knowing how to speak (oh no)
I love you even though they don't understand
and we kill ourselves without thinking, by loving
You know you're the muse
of my truth
The protagonist of a dream
that is reality
Even though I'm imperfect
I never wanted
to hurt you
or do you wrong.
You only need to understand
that being your man is my role
I want a love like those of the past
like Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
Write on me a story
and we'll change the ending
We only have this life
to give ourselves, without thinking, to love.
From this legend, we will make
a special chapter
that everything ends and begins
and there is no way back (way back)
You know that you are eternal
and I, mortal
We both know the story
will not end
Because I'm imperfect
I never wanted
to hurt you
or do you wrong.
You only need to understand
that being your man is my role
I want a love like those of the past
like Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
If you die, I will too
then we can be reborn (reborn)
so we can meet again
like Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet(oh)
Romeo and Juliet
You only need to understand
that being your man is my role (my role)
I want a love like those of the past (those of the past)
like Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
If you die, I will too (I will too)
then we can be reborn (reborn)
so we can meet again (again)
like Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet

Idő kérdése

Néha úgy tűnik, hogy ennek eleve darabokban kell lennie.
Néha a kimondatlan dolog után vágyakozunk.
Próbálunk harcolni minden zűzavar ellen
azzal, hogy alig mutatunk ki érzéseket.
Néha úgy tűnik, hogy rossz állomáson vagyunk,
kerssük a gyilkos kombinációt.
Néha az egész csak képzelgésnek tűnik,
keressük az olcsó szenzációkat.
Nem a dagály ellen haladunk?
Szembe megyünk minden tanácsukkal.
Csak rohanunk, csak rohanunk,
s mindez csak idő kérdése.
Mielőtt minden visszhangzana, visszhangzana
és eltűnne,
darabokra törne a fal ellenében.
Mielőtt minden visszhangzana, visszhangzana
és aláhullana,
azt hiszem mindez csak idő kérdése.
Néha úgy tűnik, hogy ennek eleve darabokban kell lennie.
Néha úgy viselkedünk, mintha előre ki lettünk volna választva.
Próbálunk visszaszerezni valamit, ami már nem a miénk
azzal, hogy visszaemlékszünk rá, milyen édes is volt.
Nem a dagály ellen haladunk?
Szembe megyünk minden tanácsukkal.
Csak rohanunk, csak rohanunk,
s mindez csak idő kérdése.
Mielőtt minden visszhangzana, visszhangzana
és eltűnne,
darabokra törne a fal ellenében.
Mielőtt minden visszhangzana, visszhangzana
és aláhullana,
azt hiszem mindez csak idő kérdése.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

Slow (your beating)

Slow, slow… slow
Slow your beating,
your beating. 1
Go at a trot, go easy,
you who runs and gallops away
gallops away.
There under my skin a jackhammer
That grips me like vice
There in Charlot road.
Up on the left, under my shoulder
you get me hot and strike against the prison walls
of my chest and my back.
Slow, slow… slow
Slow your beating,
your beating.
Slow, slow… slow
Slow your beating,
your beating.
Pull back on the reins,
slow down.
You hurry, you go too fast.
Wait for me so that we can go at the same rhythm,
so that we can go at the same rhythm.
Your urges drive my emotions
in front of Manon and her big round eyes,
round and brown.
Slow, slow… slow
Slow your beating,
your beating.
Slow, slow… slow
Slow your beating,
your beating.
Pull back on the reins,
slow down.
On my chest
there is crack
made by you who surely wants to escape,
to break the lock.
Slow, slow… slow
Slow your beating,
your beating.
Slow, slow… slow
Slow your beating,
your beating.
Pull back on the reins,
slow down…
  • 1. Battements - beating of the heart or a drum, but also fits well with the idea of a horse's hooves

Wait till time gobbles you

Till time gobbles you
Like an egg
Crawl out of your shell
Like a dog
In a china shop
Forget where you come from
Iron and railings
The new building
A sort of weapon shines
In your hand
On the dampish wall
Your own way
But keep in mind
That time will transform you
Yes, keep in mind
That time
Till life grabs you
In its hand
Till your fist breaks
Against its own
You've got into the habit
They know where you come from
But iron and railings
It's a door that finally opens
The shadow of a girl
Running along a train
In that game of skittles
They point at you
You are done for
But keep in mind
That time wil transform you
Yes, keep in mind
That time
In that game of skittles
They point at you
Iron and railings
The new building
At dawn they dress you
You stand up
And walk towards
The shining post, it's all over
But keep in mind
That time wil transform you
Yes, keep in mind
That time