Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 92


Lent egy gödörben

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Temess el gyengéden ebben a méhben
Neked adom ezt a darabot magamból
A homok esik rám és csak itt ülök
Ritka virágokat tartva
Egy sírban...virágba borulva
Lent egy gödörben és nem tudom, hogy meg lehet-e engem menteni
Nézd a szívem, ahogy feldíszítem mint egy sírt
Te nem érted
Hogy szerintük minek kellett volna lennem
Nézz most rám
Egy férfi aki teljesen feladta magát
Lent egy gödörben, semminek érzem magam
Lent egy gödörben. kezdem elveszíteni a kontrollt
Szeretnék repülni
De a szárnyaimtól megfosztottak
Len egy lyukban és az összes követ a helyére rakták
Megízleltem a napot és az íze megégette a nyelvem
Túl sokat hibáztattam magam mostanában
Nem fogok többet a legmélyebb éréseimről beszélni
Lent egy gödörben, semminek érzem magam
Lent egy gödörben, kezdem elveszíteni a kontrollt
Szeretnék repülni
De a szárnyaimtól megfosztottak
Temess el gyengéden ebben a méhben
Oh annyira szeretnék benned lenni
Neked adom ezt a darabot magamból
Oh annyira szeretnék benned lenni
Esik rám a homok és én csak itt ülök
Ritka virágokat tartva (oh annyira szeretnék benned lenni)
Egy sírban...virágba borulva
Oh annyira szeretnék belül lenni...
Lent egy gödörben, semminek érezve magam
Lent egy gödörben, kezdem elveszíteni a lelkem
Lent egy gödörben, semminek érzem magam
Lent egy gödörben, elvesztettem a kontrollt
Szeretnék repülni
De a szárnyaimtól megfosztottak

Alice emberi áldozatai

Az első Alice Csodaország erdőibe sétált
Bátran, szorított egy kardot a kezében
Megölt mindenkit aki útját keresztezte, káoszt hagyott maga után egy vérvörös ösvényen
Ez az Alice túl messzire tévedt az erdőben.
Bűnei miatt, bezárta őt a sürű
Akárcsak az a borzalmas ösvény, ami a gonosz útját jelezte.
Életét a mai napig rejtély övezi.
A második Alice egy szelíd és gyengéd úriember volt.
Egy dalt énekelt Csodaországban
Minden nap elénekelte a dalt minden lánynak és fiúnak.
Egyenként, lassan terjesztette a gonoszt a hangjával
Valahányszor énekelt az emberek köré gyűltek
De az őrület körbefogta és agyonlőtte magát
A vér élénkre és komorra festette a rózsákat
A férfit akit egykor mindenki szeretett a földön fekve hagyták meghalni
Harmadik Alice egy kedves lány volt Csodaországból
A gyönyörű lány, egy nagyszerű életbe született
Mindenkit az ujjai köré csavart
Egy olyan királyságot alapított, ami mindenki fölé emelkedett
Ezt az Alicet királynővé koronázták
Az emberek feletti uralkodás nem ment neki és elveszett egy őrült álomban
A lány annyira félt a haláltól, hogy eszét vesztette és eltorzult
Az egykori szépség Most csak egy mozgó hulla
Lelj rá a világos, erdei ösvényre, ahol az utazás kezdetét vette
Egy teaparti a kék rózsák mellett, ott ahol az erdő kezdődik
A királynő küldte nekik a meghívót
Egy kör ász formájában
A negyedik Alice egy testvérpár volt
Csodaországba érve kezdődik a történetük.
A világot járva sok ajtón léptek át.
Kíváncsiak voltak erre az új helyre, utaztak és felfedeztek
Egy makacs idősebb nővér,
Egy okos kistestvér
Közel voltak ahhoz, hogy ők legyenek az igazi Aliceok
De ők soha nem ébredtek fel az álmukból
Örökké reménytelenül bolyonganak Csodaországban.

The Worst Between The Two of Us

One of us is at fault, who will admit it?
The iron cross, the cross of death, who will win this battle?*
We'll go one on one, until the early hours of the morning
I want to let you win, but we'll have to start over again
We shoot to save our lives, like two cowboys in the night
But when we wake up we rage, you or me, who will suffer?
And who is it that we dig up? Who will return from hell?
What words went wrong? Who will start the war?
But is it you or is it me who will win the game?
But is it you or is it me, who's worse between the two of us?
But is it you or is it me who will win the game?
But is it you or is it me, who's worse between the two of us?
I'm the puddle of gasoline, you're the sparkling match
We slide together down the slope, it's the everlasting descent
You don't want to make any effort, you want to prove me wrong
But while I want to win every battle, you just want to wear the medal
Under the gun of my words, you pull out your worst number
Using the knife of your tears, I sharpen my weapons
This infinite battle gives us a little life
At the bottom of the still water, we look for insomnia**
But is it you or is it me who will win the game?
But is it you or is it me, who's worse between the two of us?
But is it you or is it me who will win the game?
But is it you or is it me, who's worse between the two of us?
Even if we start to scrape at the ground, even if I am enraged
I feel that you and I are panicking because the two of us just make sense
Your blood is hot like lava, and I have fire in my eyes
But none of that matters as long as we play this game together
But is it you or is it me who will win the game?
But is it you or is it me, who's worse between the two of us?
But is it you or is it me who will win the game?
But tell me what are we playing at, are we fighting against us too?
Are we fighting against us too?
We fight against us too
We fight against us too
We fight against us too

Gunslinger Gal

[Alice Marcone]
When you looked at me, I saw it in your smile
You're a cool sip of poisoned tea
You tried to hide it, but I'm no fool

Next Door

Cuz I'm fallen All, all the way over
On U baby, u baby, So-over-ya
Cuz I'm fallen All, all the way over
On U baby, u baby, So-over-ya
I've fallen over, on you baby, on you baby
Way way over on you baby on you baby
Boy I can not believe that I amIn yours arms I'm a sing it loud
Boy I can not believe you’re my man
And my Loves only for u now
We'll take a ride on forever
When we turn up don't turn us down
You know I'm down for whatever
My days so bright when you’re around
Cuz I'm fallen All, all the way over
On U baby, u baby, So-over-ya
Cuz I'm fallen All, all the way over
On U baby, u baby, So-over-ya
I've fallen over, on you baby, on you baby
Way way over on you baby on you
I'm falling for you
Innocent Like fifteen
The flavor of this moment is sweet
I don't need tweet IG
Don't want to share this
No flexing in public
Let's keep it a secret
I always been dreaming
This kinda situation
No more waiting
Motherfuck a patient
All my love I'm a ctrl+p paste it
No liquor but I'm wasted
You make me hot like some sake
Daaaamn girl you're so cute
I be like amazed
Cuz I'm fallen All, all the way over
On U baby, u baby, So-over-ya
Cuz I'm fallen All, all the way over
On U baby, u baby, So-over-ya
When I close my eyes it's you I see
Oh, No I'm acting like a fool
Wanna stick to you like glue
Love the way you driving me crazy
Oh my God, When you smile
My world's becoming so shine bright
You and me got that harmony
Don't want to spill you like Texas tea
Lean on me now shawty
Wanna kick it with you all week
Cuz I'm fallen All, all the way over
On U baby, u baby, So-over-ya
Cuz I'm fallen All, all the way over
On U baby, u baby, So-over-ya
I've fallen over, on you baby, on you baby
Way way over on you baby on you baby yeah

The scent of the silence

Muh! muh! muh! muh! muh! muh!
Elena, doll, Elena, shh!
Elena, small doll
in your silence there is the intimacy
endlesses hours that come back to us
Elena, sweet, never smiles
she speaks little, more with her eyes
friend who doesn't betray, who are you?
Strange stuffed animals
Sad Pierrot dolls in my room
hats, books, and rocks
to stop the time
The wind fell down during the night
it makes the silence smell nice for me
and it's already night in my house
my hands absorb the humidity
There are people who come back and people who go
Strange stuffed animals
Sad Pierrot dolls in my room
hats, books, and rocks
to stop the time
Strange stuffed animals
Sad Pierrot dolls in my room
hats, books, and rocks
to stop the time.

The angels journey ~falling~

Fear the demon!
The voice from darkness
Screaming, the evil!
Can you hear it ?
Soldiers, get prepared!
Since it’s war…
Attack, right now!
It’s the end!
We will conquer!
A devoured soul...
Expend the empire!
There is no issue
Glory to the king!
Why don’t you give up?
We have the power!
It’s hopeless!
Within a beautiful light, an angel came to the empire
And promised « I will make you win this country’s war »
I also fell in love with this magnificent smile
But we didn't knew this was a fallen angel comin’ from heaven
Why did you lie to me?
This love we share
My soul became dark
listening to this gentle voice
Here is my sin!
We kiss each other under the thorns!
The voice of darkness is...
By the night where the angel killed the King
To hide his heart inside the SANCTUARY
The wariors listens the singing voices from Pandemonium
The most poisonous flower can be hidden by innocence
Why did you lie to me?
This lonesome journey...
Even if I hold back my tears,
I’ll be stronger,
in a new life!
We kill each other under roses!
The voice of god is...

In A Secret World

Rabbits that live in beautiful houses
Wearing shoes, clothes, hats
In a secret world
Flowers will have supernatural powers
And we will talk about our secrets
I will live in my dream world
Birds will have colorful wings
And will mate on the branches
In that world, the secret one
Songs, tweets will talk to me with magic words
I hope my wish come true:
To live in that wonderful land

The Promise We Exchanged At Midnight

Shadows appeared within the twilight
A scene that I saw before some other day
It's a fickle imagination like the night
She is sweet, the fatal encounter
A whispered, chilled sigh

A Silver Moon and Black Stars

Since which have we been unable to even smile properly?
Time passed by, didn't it?
The seasons that I spent with you became white, it fills my heart
Ah, snow falls from the sky
I held out my hand and caught you.
The warm snow is absolutely beautiful
It falls on our cheeks and disappears
You were blooming just like a pure white flower
The distance of the moon is meaningless
I can only feel the distance between us, please help me heal
Ah, snow falls from the sky
I held out my hand and caught you.
The stars in the winter sky are absolutely beautiful
They fall on our cheeks and disappear
The withered Iris flower swayed gently.

Throw Away

Yes, I got tired, I can't go on
You stepped too much
We only walk forwards
Life brings and takes away
The peace I want to have
So far away from you
I know it will be rough
But I have to get over it
I'm gonna throw it away
Away on the trash can
Away on the trash can
I'm gonna throw it away
Away on the trash can
Away on the trash can
I'm gonna throw it away
Away on the trash can
Away on the trash can
I'm gonna throw it away
Away on the trash can
Away on the trash can
I throw it away on the trash can
I throw it away
Throw it away on the trash can
I throw it away on the trash can
Aaway on the trash can
I'm gonna throw it away
Throw it away
On the trash can
I'm gonna throw it away
Away on the trash can
I throw it away on the trash can


The pain of those who depart
Is the same as the pain of those who already did
The pain of those who stay
Anxious, on a wire
The pain of those who depart
Is the same as the pain of those who already did
The pain of those who stay
Anxious, on a wire
I love you, I love you
I love you, I love you
The pain of those who depart
Is the same as the pain of those who already did
The pain of those who stay
Anxious, on a wire
I love you, I love you
I love you, I love you

I'll turn next week to Alice

Alice called me, crying hard
she said bad luck sticks on her
Poor Alice!
We are divorced
but what does this change
she just needs a man again in her house
'fuck off
and go home to your Alice!'
Ooh, now I'm racing to the hair stylist
because I need a new hair style
I don't eat and I don't drink
that's good for your shape
and I scrub my neck
because I'm going to Alice next week!
I sew my sock
it has holes like cheese
i also stop smoking
because Alice would be mad
Ah, how I'm already looking forward
because I'm going to Alice next week
She says she needs me like bread
like an elephant stamps on a gold fish, which then is dead
oh hu hu hu, poor Alice!
The door squeaks
the toilet is clogged
the gas stove is leaking
the tap is dripping
ah, and she needs me so much -
tells me Alice
Huuuh, now I'm racing to the hair stylist
because I need a new hair style
I don't eat and I don't drink
that's good for your shape
and I scrub my neck
because I'm going to Alice next week!
I sew my sock
it has holes like cheese
i also stop smoking
because Alice would be mad
Ah, how I'm already looking forward
because I'm going to Alice next week
Suddenly, something comes up to my mind:
Am I Alices message boy?
The hanswurscht of Alice?
Today, I'm running to her and bringing her stuff
one morning, she tells me 'good bye!'
yo, I stay at home. I do not make it to Alice!
Yo, I am not her woof woof
who comes when she whistles after him!
Yo, I am not her moron
who walks like a clown!
Yo, I am not a ox
and turn to Alice next week!
Because I'm not allowed to smoke anymore
and there's water instead of beer!
and she also can't cook
I'm just allowed to work like an ox!
Nah, I am not dumb
And turn to Alice next week!
Nah, I am not dumb
And turn to Alice next week!

My Alice

You were on the same floor as me, so kind
So gentle, so dear
You were here the entire time, my Alice
You lived quietly beside your mother
She maybe took care of me and read fairytales
You had soft hands
You know that, Alice
We knew nothing while we were little
We lived strangely, naively and vigilantly
And now it's clear that it's too late for everything, Alice
The years are long, I've kissed other women
You've either dreamt your dreams or hid them
Yet you were so close to me, my Alice
[Everything is repeating itself]

You'd love for it to be true

An eye to eye, you finally dare to tell them
That she's the one you want and that you desire her
You ran in the cold like a lunatic just to tell her
And you haven't waited for months to return
You'd love for it to be true
You'd love for it all to be real
You'd love for it to be true
You'd love for her to remember you one day
You'd love for it to be true
You'd love for it all to be real
You'd love for it to be true
You'd love for her to remember you one day
Since the beginning, you knew that you wanted her
When you saw her nude, you did what was right
She never let herself go when you disappeared
Yes, you messed up bad, but she forgive you for it all
You'd love for it to be true
You'd love for it all to be real
You'd love for it to be true
You'd love for her to remember you one day
You'd love for it to be true
You'd love for it all to be real
You'd love for it to be true
You'd love for her to remember you one day
You face her, you apologize and kiss her
Lips to lips, everything fades away, she presses herself into your arms
You caress her stockings, the tenderness takes ahold
You overcome your weaknesses and you leave them behind
You'd love for it to be true
You'd love for it all to be real
You'd love for it to be true
You'd love for her to remember you one day
You'd love for it to be true
You'd love for it all to be real
You'd love for it to be true
You'd love for her to remember you one day
You'd love for it to be true
You'd love to turn back time
You'd love for it to be true
You should've thought of this before

Everything Used to go Well (Living Next Door to Alice)

Alright, it'll be like this
I want to say that it was worth it, that it was beautiful
I think that everything's alright
I understand, I know that it's serious
It's over, it ended, and that's it
What more can I say?
It was good while it lasted
We used to meet at any time in a place
With a crazy way of wanting and loving
The ideas, our tastes used to combine
Everything used to go well, yeah, yeah, yeah
We used to give ourselves to one another for real
An incredible couple, it was something gorgeous to see
The ideas, our tastes used to combine
Everything used to go well
I don't know what I'll do
Tomorrow I'll think about it
Suddenly I feel myself in the air, flying
Should I cry?
The correct thing would be to laugh
I don't know why I'm free
But with so much love inside of me
We used to meet at any time in a place
With a crazy way of wanting and loving
The ideas, our tastes used to combine
Everything used to go well, yeah, yeah, yeah
We used to give ourselves to one another for real
An incredible couple, it was something gorgeous to see
The ideas, our tastes used to combine
Everything used to go well
The ideas, our tastes used to combine
Everything used to go well
We used to meet at any time in a place
With a crazy way of wanting and loving
The ideas, our tastes used to combine
Everything used to go well, yeah, yeah, yeah
We used to give ourselves to one another for real
An incredible couple, it was something gorgeous to see
The ideas, our tastes used to combine
Everything used to go well
We used to meet at any time in a place
With a crazy way of wanting and loving
The ideas, our tastes used to combine
Everything used to go well, yeah, yeah, yeah
We used to give ourselves to one another for real
An incredible couple, it was something gorgeous to see
The ideas, our tastes used to combine
Everything used to go well
We used to meet at any time in a place
With a crazy way of wanting and loving
The ideas, our tastes used to combine
Everything used to go well

Once I Sail Into the Harbour

Small becomes big, dreams and thinks,
will you get to me soon?
Rosy cheek a wind comes,
will it bring me home to you.
Once I sail into the Harbour,
once you're in my arms,
once a story will be told, my friend,
the story about those
who come again.
Once in the land of dreams,
we wander hand in hand,
once, my darling,
I will get home to you.
Blue-green waves,
seaweed and coral,
lurks beneath me,
but up above,
the stars hear
the song I wrote for you:
Oh, once I sail into the Harbour,
once you're in my arms,
once a story will be told, my friend,
the story about those
who come again.
Once in the land of dreams,
we wander hand in hand,
once, my darling,
I will get home to you.

In my own world

All the cats, would live in roofed and windowed houses
And wear clothing with beautiful little patterns
In my own world
All the flowers, would be even more showy in the garden
They would talk to me every day
If I asked them, in my own world
Birdsong, greeting happily from where they are sitting in the branches
But it sounds more like giggling
There, in the world that belongs to me
Sweet music is rippled by streams
Which, sometimes, I can even understand
And I hope my world will look just like that
And it is a Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland [Alice in Wonderland (Main Theme)]

Do you know Wonderland?
You knew it as a child.
Over the mountains, there under its spell,
there are wonders without numbers.
The clouds drift
with sun, moon and star in threes
to Wonderland, which no one can see,
where the blue flower blooms.
The cloud drifts so far.
Just ask the man in the moon,
the sunbeam,
the stars, where the wonder dwells.
Alice wants my hand,
leads me into Wonderland today.
Over the mountains, over the valley,
once upon a time.

Beep x 3

I'm a baby baby
in a coy style
And very honest.
What's wrong with you?
They're next to you.
But, I'm the only one that is looking
In order to get in touch
Every other day
Can you ask me?
What's your phone number?
Do you live alone by any chance?
With a secret look in the eyes.
Body line that I've seen in my dreams.
The lips I peeked at.
woo- woo-
unrepeatable one of a kind
young man
come on boy
i'll give you
a sign woo- woo-
three two turn
the dial
(do it do it do it)
wild child
can't deny it
(do it do it do it)
call me bad bad
bad bad bad boy
i can do everything
boy you're
just my type
call me bad bad
bad bad bad boy
you know what
ya do for me
i know that
you want me
You're baby baby
in a blink of an eye
You're mesmerizing me.
What's wrong with me?
I want to hide behind.
I can see your back.
In order to keep in touch
Every other day
I'll ask you.
What's your phone number?
Do you have a phone?
one of a kind
young man
come on boy
i'll give you
a sign woo- woo-
three two
turn the dial
(do it do it do it)
wild child
can't deny it
(do it do it do it)
i need a man
like rodeo
someone who can
make me dizzy
moaning with
cuz i'm sexy
when i'm screaming
don't hesitate
boy you make me
smoke cigarettes
i'll medicate you
and take you to
the golden gate
see, i'm a
greatest doctor
while i'm naked,
guys gonna be
dirty monster
snapbacks & tattoos
like tyga i love
that shit
imma ride you
like woo woo
i gotcha this
game will set
three two turn
the dial
(do it do it do it)
wild child
can't deny it
(do it do it do it)
call me bad bad
bad bad bad boy
i can do
everything boy
you're just my type
call me bad bad
bad bad bad boy
you know what
ya do for me
i know that
you want me
call me bad bad
bad bad bad boy
i can do everything
boy you're
just my type
call me bad bad
bad bad bad boy
you know what
ya do for me
i know that
you want me

Alice human sacrifice

There was a small dream.
I don't know who saw it. It was a small dream.
I thought of a small dream.
I don't want to go away as it is.
How can I get people to meet me? I thought of my little dream and finally came up with it.
You are the only people who can wander on you and make the world.

The first Alice is a mysterious country with a brave sword in one hand.
I cut out various things and paved the Red Road.
Alice is in the depths of the forest.
Trapped like a sinner.
There is no way of knowing her life, except how it was done in the woods.
The second Alice is a mysterious country that sings quietly.
It has invented a world of madness, overflowing with many sounds.
Alice is a rose flower.
He was shot by a squid man. Red flowers bloom, everyone is made to love and it dies.
The third Alice is a young girl.
A beautiful figure, a mysterious country.
They made a strange country to trick a lot of people.
Alice is the Queen of the country.
It is troubled by a distorted dream.
They reign at the top of the country, frightened by a corrupt body.
A tea party under a tree of roses following a forest path
The invitation from the castle is a card of the heart that the fourth Alice is a twin child.
Wonderland out of curiosity.
Just a few minutes ago, I came to many extreme doors. A strong sister and a wise brother. It was close to Alice. The dream of two people wandered the mysterious country without waking up.

A Nevető Égen Túl

Én Dinah-m, bölcsebb vagy a bölcsnél
Ó, mit látnak szemeid
Te vagy az egyetlen, aki megérti a kíváncsiságomat
Szóval, kérlek, mondd el
Miért hangzik úgy a suttogó szél
Mint egy altatódal?
Az a varázslatos zene
A nevető égen túlról?
Miért nem maradhatnak a fecskék?
Hol van az a hely, ahová repülnek?
Miért nem mehetek én is velük
A nevető égen túlra?
Ha felmásznék a legmagasabb fára,
Hol, ó, hol lennék?
Találnék helyet magamnak
A nagy varázslat földjén?
Hova tűnnek a felhők
Mikor elgurulnak?
A világról gondolkozok
A nevető égen túl