Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 111

Találatok száma: 5099


Boogie-Woogie on the Ceiling

I don’t know how I caught it,
But I skipped school,
I just couldn’t sit through the day.
I never was able to teach anyone anything,
Don’t teach me.
Before I grew up,
I solved my questions,
By myself in a single country.
I never interfered with anyone or anything,
Don’t bother me.
When I walked along steep peaks,
I wasn’t higher than myself. 1
When I went down to the valley to be with you,
I wasn’t shallower than myself. 2
I know who I am, and I hear the crying of the clouds,
In the distance I see the fish dancing in the river.
Say, why do you first call the doctors and then the cops?
When I boogie-woogie on the ceiling?3
I don’t like it when order reminds itself of its own advice,
I don’t like it when the steps lag behind,
And I always go there,
Where inscribed : “No Exit”,
No need to go after me.
When I roamed steep mountains,
I was not higher than myself.
When I went down to the valley be with you,
I was not shallower than myself.
I know who I am,
I can hear the clouds cry,
In the distance I can see the fish dancing in the river,
Tell me why you call,
The doctors, the cops,
When I boogie-woogie on the ceiling?
  • 1. Get it? He is on a mountain….
  • 2. Get it? He is in a valley….I’ll stop now
  • 3. I thought Makarevich saying “Okay” in an exaggerated American-Russian accent was the funniest thing I’ve ever heard, but these two line are golden.
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

Stay Yourself (Be Yourself)

How you have been loved, they offered watered down wine
How you are rotting, beaten, beaten, hosed in shit. 1
It is a fight, that means there will be an end.
Don’t bend, don’t give up,
Don’t stop being yourself.
Being a fish in the see is better, but on a platter will be the end of their days. 2
Pigs to jellied meats, only people remain people. 3
It is a fight, that means there will be an end.
Don’t bend, don’t give up,
Don’t stop being yourself.
Time pushes on, pursuing with an invisible hand,
You take off, you dive, you don’t know who you are.
It is a fight, that means there will be an end.
Don’t bend, don’t give up,
Don’t stop being yourself.
  • 1. For those who say Andrey is poetic, remember that his music can be, but a lot of times he is just rebellious.
  • 2. I interpreted it this way for irony. It is an ironic phrase to say and fits with the song. Fish are served on a plate (typically) and that plate will be their death to you. It rounds the line off, contrasting life of fish being better but bringing up mortality
  • 3. Yet again, another metaphor about the brutality of humans, how they turn an animal into its parts, and yet we stay the same.
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

Kérlek, gyere haza karácsonyra

A csengők a boldog, boldog hírt fogják hirdetni
Oh, milyen karácsony az, amikor szomorú az ember
A szerelmem elment, nincsenek barátaim
Hogy megint jókívánságokat mondjanak nekem
A kórusok a Csendes éjt fogják énekelni
Azokat a karácsonyi dalokat a gyertyafénynél
Kérlek, gyere haza karácsonyra
(Kérlek, gyere haza)
Kérlek, gyere haza karácsonyra
(Kérlek, gyere haza)
Ha nem is karácsonyra, legalább Újévre
A barátok és rokonok üdvözletüket küldik
Ez olyan biztos, mint hogy a csillagok ragyognak fent
(Igen, ragyognak)
Karácsony van, karácsony, drágám
Az év azon időszaka, amikor azzal kéne lenned, akit szeretsz
Hát nem mondod nekem
Hogy soha többé nem csavarogsz el?
A karácsony és újév
Otthon talál majd téged
Nem lesz több szomorúság, bánat vagy fájdalom
És én boldog leszek, hogy újra karácsony van
Dana Kósa

Mit Kaptál?

Mindenki szeretne valamit, csak egy kicsit többet
Mi csináltuk az életet, és hogy miért éljünk
A gazdag emberért vagy a szegény emberért, a parasztért vagy a királyért
Élhetsz az utcán, uralhatod az egész világot
De te nem értesz egy átkozott dolgot
Mit kaptál, ha nem kaptál szeretetet
Mindenesetre kaptál, csak nem eleget
Sétálsz az úton, de nem mész sehova
Próbálkozol megtalálni a hazavezető utat, de itt egyik sem az
Ki fog rád várakozni a sötét éjszakában
Fel akarod adni, de érdemes érte harcolni
Mindened megvan, amiről álmodtál
Ha nincs senkid, félsz a veszteségtől
Mindenkinek szüksége van csak egyre, egy valakire...
hogy elmondja nekik az igazat
Talán álmodozó vagyok, de mégis hiszek
Hiszek a reményben, hiszek a változásban, amely a térdünkre ereszkedhet
Ha nem kaptál szeretetet, csak tartod az állást
Ha nem kaptál szeretetet, akkor miért a pokolért csináljuk ezt
Nem szeretnék erről beszélni
Hány dalban kell neked erről énekelnem
Meddig kell ez nélkül élned
Valahol, valaki miért kénytelkedett ebben
Egy napon majd rájössz
[Chorus x2]
Ha nem kaptál szeretetet, csak tartod az állást
Ha nem kaptál szeretetet, akkor miér' a pokolért csináljuk ezt
Woahhh, nem kaptál, ha nem kaptál
Mit kaptál, ha szeretetet nem kaptál
Mit kaptál, ha szeretetet nem kaptál
Dana Kósa

Better than health

Every bitch attracts you
you thought I'm just like them
It's really low that it can't be lower
Everyone of them would say 'yes', when they see cash
And now pull yourself together and watch
secretly hope that I'm yours
that you'll betray me like you did to all the others
but at the end you'll admit
Yes, it's true,
that you won't
get up from the bottom
I'll also be evil,
I know you love that,
come on beat it,
then I just need a little to make a chaos
I'm even better than health
Better than every woman that sleeps with you
and it's eating you alive and it's tearing you apart
You'll give everything, everything, just to have me
I'm even better than health
Better than every woman that sleeps with you
and it's eating you alive and it's tearing you apart
You'll give everything, everything, just to have me
just to have me, just to have me, just to have me
It just seems like they love you,
those cowards on you side
You can act cool in front of them,
but the more you act like this, you get more disgusting to me
And now pull yourself together and watch
secretly hope that I'm yours
you swear that I'll be yours
Believe me you'll die with that wish
Yes, it's true,
that you won't
get up from the bottom
I'll also be evil,
I know you love that,
come on beat it,
then I just need a little to make a chaos

Analógok a cellában

Vág, beilleszt, soha nem említettem
A következményeket magamnak
Menni, maradni, az ismételni
A növekedés úgy tűnik, segít
Változások a görbébe
Csak tudom, hogy szükségem van rád
szükségem van rád
szükségem van rád az oldalamon
Belém másztál, soha nem hagylak el
Mindíg te jársz a fejemben
szükségem van rád az oldalamon
Tudja, mit jelent, mit jelent embernek lenni?
Az univerzum szélén
Mikor? Mikor fog megállni
Közeledünk a felföldhöz
Nyaktörő iramban
Az univerzum szélén
Nyaktörő iramban

Oh Love

Love, I know you want to take my hope
Love, I know you can also take my soul
But, oh love, if you take my soul
Take the pain away from me too
Carry all my grief inside you
And my song of suffering too
Oh love, if you leave my life
Leave me a soul that still feels
If all that remains in me is pain and life
Oh love, don't let me live

Another's clothes

An unfamiliar word
Sits strangely in my mouth
Tastes new
Tastes like something else
Like wearing another's clothes
Wearing borrowed feathers
Feels new
Feels unknown
Another day
In another life
I will stand without you
Without you
Your face was so like home
Your hands fit so well
The words you used were so familiar
But it's been too long now
For me to remember it completely
For me to remember it
For me to remember it

I still stand

Versions: #2
[Intro: Maitre Gims]
Pambola ngai, nzambe pambola ngai
Limbisa ngai, nzambe limbisa ngai
Limbisa ngai, nzambe limbisa ngai
[Refrain: Maitre Gims]
It touches me, but I still stand
I’m touched but I still stand
I'm trying to make ends meet
It hurts but I still stand
It touches me, but I still stand
I’m touched but I still stand
My clothes are full of mud
It hurts but I still stand
[Couplet 1: Lefa]
Hardships, we never cease to go through them
No one knows when the vapor will turn around (but)
We still stand we stick together
We endure them because we serve the purpose enduring of blows
Worries prevent me from going to bed early
I only rest when the brothers or the sisters give me a hand
We gnash our teeth when, we go to the extremes
We conceal fatigue despite the baggy eyes and all
[Couplet 2: Black M]
Knees on the ground it’s not blows
I’m like the father
Man, I remain standing
By God’s grace I won’t get to the point where I commit suicide
Yes it’s on my knees that I’d like to revive myself
My scars are like my tears
Too proud to show them, even if I’m in pain
A word of encouragement to those who have lost a loved one
I just want to tell the Keita family to take heart
[Refrain: Maitre Gims]
It touches me, but I still stand
I’m touched but I still stand
I'm trying to make ends meet
It hurts but I still stand
It touches me, but I still stand
I’m touched but I still stand
My clothes are full of mud
It hurts but I still stand
[Couplet 3: Barack Adama]
Worried, you have debts all over
Fortunately, you have friends
You sell the car of your dreams before it gets tax relief
Speaking of ribs, yours a took a hit
On the red list of the Bank of France, you are seen as a cheat
But too bad, tomorrow is another day
Not the type to call for help, nor to turn the other cheek
Very little tears, the cost is already high
They have increased your salary, it was a restricted diet all these years
Fortunately you have faith, you won’t take the path of suicide
Depression wants a rendezvous, but you don’t want to see it
You keep smiling yet it’s your esteem that’s being undermined
But you close down your heart, for fear of it being burgled
[Refrain: Maitre Gims]
[Interlude: Lefa]
Remain standing , Oh oh oh (x4)
[Outro: Lefa, Doomams & Black M]
(Remain standing) To the families of Boulevard Auriol
(Remain standing) The illegal migrants at Courneuve
(Remain standing) To those coming by swimming
(Remain standing) And who go back on a charter flight
(Remain standing) To all those handicapped
(Remain standing) Words of encouragement to those locked
(Remain standing) To all people under oppression
(Remain standing) To our families
Chapiteau, Sow, Diallo
The Keita family, the Bas, Sall family
The M’Baye family, the Seris
The Rocards
To the little Anais Keralla and her entire family
To Zaire, Guinea, Somalia, Rwanda
To the nations in crisis
We still stand!

Szakíts a barátnőddel, unatkozom

Felkeltettél bennem egy érzést
Nem vagyok ehhez az érzéshez szokva
Nem tudom mit mondjak
De tudom hogy nem kéne ezen gondolkoznom
Egy rohadt pillantás az arcodra
Most már tudni akarom, hogy milyen ízed van
Általában nem szoktam eladni
De tudod hogy itt vagyok és ezen gondolkozom
Aztán rájöttem hogy ő itt van
És otthon vagyok, miközben mondom 'Basszus, ez nem igazságos'
Szakíts a barátnőddel
Mert unatkozom
Leléphetsz reggel
Mintha a tiéd lenne
Tudom hogy ez nem helyes
De nem érdekel
Szakíts a barátnőddel
Mert unatkozom
Ez a szar állandóan megtörténik velem
Miért nem játszunk titokban?
Gyakorlatilag térden állok
De tudom hogy nem kéne ezen gondolkoznom
Tudod hogy mit teszel velem
Énekled a dalaimat az utcán
Játszod az ártatlant, kérlek
Mikor tudom hogy ott vagy és ezen gondolkodsz
Aztán rájöttél hogy ő itt van
És otthon vagy, miközben azt mondod 'Basszus, ő semmihez sem hasonlítható'
Szakíts a barátnőddel
Mert unatkozom
Leléphetsz reggel
Mintha a tiéd lenne
Tudom hogy ez nem helyes
De nem érdekel
Szakíts a barátnőddel
Mert unatkozom
A barátnőddel, barátnőddel, barátnőddel, barátnőddel
A barátnőddel
A barátnőddel, barátnőddel, barátnőddel, barátnőddel
Mondhatod hogy utálkozok ha akarod
De csak azért utálom őt, mert Téged akarlak
Mondd, hogy ez csak botlás, ha azt érzed
De te nélkülem, ez nem helyes
Mondhatod hogy őrült vagyok, mert akarlak
És nem is igazán találkoztam veled
Mondd, hogy ez egy botlás, ez nem igaz
De te nélkülem, ez nem szép
Szakíts a barátnőddel
Mert unatkozom
Leléphetsz reggel
Mintha a tiéd lenne
Tudom hogy ez nem helyes
De nem érdekel
Szakíts a barátnőddel
Mert unatkozom
A barátnőddel, barátnőddel, barátnőddel, baby, barátnőddel
A barátnőddel
A barátnőddel, barátnőddel, barátnőddel, barátnőddel
A barátnőddel

Lelőttem a sheriffet

(Lelőttem a sheriffet,
de nem én lőtttem le a helyettest, óh nem!
Lelőttem a sheriffet
de nem én lőttem le a helyettest, óh!)
Igen! Szülővárosomban mindenütt
próbálnak elkapni.
Azt mondják hogy bűnösként akarnak bevinni
a helyettes megöléséért,
a helyettes életéért.
De én azt mondom...
Óh, nem nem. Óh!
(Lelőttem a sheriffet) A sheriffet.
(Esküszöm önvédelemből)
Óh nem! Igen!
Mondom hogy én lőttem le a sheriffet, Istenem!
(És mondják hogy ez halálos bűn)
John Brown sheriff mindig is gyűlölt,
hogy miért, nem tudom.
Mindig amikor elültetem magvam,
azt mondta hogy öldd meg mielőtt felnő,
azt mondta hogy öldd meg őket mielőtt felnőnek.
Így hát...
Olvasd a hírekben:
(Lelőttem a sheriffet.) Óh, Istenem!
(De esküszöm önvédelemből.)
Hol volt a helyettes?
Mondom hogy lelőttem a sheriffet,
de esküszöm önvédelemből. Igen!
Rám talált a szabadság egy napon
és elindultam hogy elhagyjam a várost, igen!
Hirtelen láttam John Brown sheriffet
ahogy rám céloz hogy lelőjön,
hát lőttem, lőttem, lelőttem és azt mondom:
Ha bűnös vagyok, megfizetek érte.
(Lelőttem a sheriffet)
De mondom (Nem én lőttem le a helyettest)
Nem én lőttem le a helyettest, óh nem!
(Lelőttem a sheriffet) Lelőttem!
De nem én lőttem le a helyettest. Óh!
Elhatalmasodott rajtam a reflex
és hogy meglegyen aminek meg kell lennie,
addig jár a korsó a kútra
hogy egy nap eltörik,
egy nap eltörik.
Azt mondom...
Lelőttem a sheriffet.
Istenem, nem én lőttem le a helyettest. Nem!
Én, én (Lőttem le a sheriffet)
De nem én lőttem le a helyettest. Igen!

Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka

If it happened a moment ago, I'd remember
If it happened a year ago, I don't know
You say it's a long haired woman. There are a lot here.
Sorry. Ask somebody else
Hey, you got something with that girl!
Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka
She quitter half year ago. She didn't even saluted us
She took a Mary client, she made an uproar
You can't have such lack of manners
Hey, you got something with that girl!
Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka
It's a girl who came from Yokohama
She was good for jitterbugging
She was there until three months ago. One night she picked a kitten
She scaped with the kitten
I don't know to where
Hey, you got something with that girl!
Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka
Though she said she liked Yokosuka
She looked pitiable with foreigners
Though she was a girl who didn't speak much
She talked with the kitten
She paid me in advance a month ago and she left
Hey, you got something with that girl!
Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka
A while ago she was sitting on a box of that corner
A client touched her somewhere and she ran from the store
Somehow that girls doesn't want to be an innocent baby
Hey, you're in love with that girl, aren't you?
Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The Laments of Progress

Formally, to make his court, 1
We would discuss our love
To better prove his lust
We would offer our hearts
But now, it has changed a lot.
This changes, that changes 2
To seduce the dear angel
We have to slip our ear
Oh Gudule! 3
Come and kiss me!
And I will give you:
A fridge,
A beautiful scooter,
A fancy food processor, 4
A Dunlopillo, 5
A fancy cooker,
with a glass oven,
A zillion cutlery,
And cake shovels. 6
A blender 7
to make the vinaigrette,
A gorgeous ventilator,
To take away the odors. 8
A waffle gun, 9
A plane for two,
And together we’ll be happy!
Formerly, when he arrived,
We would worry
That the gloomy air around us would leave
Into the dishes
Now what do you want!
Life is so expensive!
You said: go to your mother’s place!
And you would keep it all!
Oh Gudule!
Or I will take back,
My fridge,
My cutlery cabinet,
My iron sink,
My oil stove, 10
My wax shoes,
My iron-slugs,
My ice stools,
And my hunting dogs. 11
My blender,
The filthy trash,
And the french-fry cutter!
With the towel warmers,
With the potato cannons, 12
The ripe tomatoes,
The chicken filet.
But very, very quickly,
We get a visit,
From a sweet little one
That you offered us a heart
So we cave,
Because he have to help you,
And we will live like this,
Until next time,
And we will live like this,
Until next time,
And we will live like this. 13
  • 1. When he says formally he is using it like an archaism, what it means is that this is what used to happen, back in the past, the old ways of it.
  • 2. Made a bit more sense in English that way
  • 3. A French name, presumably who the man in question is trying to seduce
  • 4. Atomixer is NOT a real word, however, it is a made up word describing food processors. Given the theming of the song, this made sense with him saying “a fancy food processor
  • 5. Unless the word has changed, he is talking about the fancy pillow company
  • 6. Makes more sense than cake shovles
  • 7. I know this means Turnstile/revolving door, however with the next line being “To make the vinaigrette”, it makes a lot more sense saying blender
  • 8. Yes, again, I am making assumptions for sanity. This line literally translates to “To eat the odor”, well, the ventilator does that, literally, but it sounds weird saying that a ventilator is eating odors, it makes more sense it takes them away
  • 9. Some antique from the French Cavalry in WWI, very rare project between the French and the Belgians, wasn’t until the Maginot line that they would be seen again. I kid. Not too sure here, another over-exaggerated sentiment I’m assuming. Also, desole for that horrible joke.
  • 10. That sounds dangerous
  • 11. I’m assuming dogs because he is saying “Hunting Rascals” not too sure though if a native could help me on this that would be great
  • 12. Alas! Another very rare weapon from the French in WWI! Seen mostly next to the blue and red uniformed French soldiers marching in a single line, firing their ~51mm spuds at the enemies. It was a war of nutrition after all…
  • 13. He is talking about a child here, that a child has come, and they have to give in and accept the child’s heart because, well, you’re an a-hole parent for not doing so.
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

Half of You

[Verse 1]
There is only half of you and me, not one
You only give me a part of yourself
Here today, then tomorrow with her, not far away
Instead of just one route, you drive to two places
To be honest, you ought to turn around again
Since something better may yet come of it
All or nothing
The choice is yours
Will you lose me completely, or not at all ?
Only half of you, is not enough
Only half of you, is not enough
Feel me with you, like drug withdrawal
I want more, than just half of you
I want more, than just half a heart
[Verse 2]
Put a pistol to your chest
Like in a Western movie directed by Karl May
If you keep playing your bluff, you will surely die alone
Do you want to risk it? Will you really risk it?
I'll move faster than your shadow, and be long done with you
All or nothing
The choice is yours
Will you lose me completely or not at all ?
Only half of you, is not enough
Only half of you, is not enough
Feel me with you, like drug withdrawal
I want more, than just half of you
I want more, than just half a heart
Only half of you, is not enough
Only half of you, is not enough
Feel me with you, like drug withdrawal
I want more, than just half of you
Half of you, is not enough
Half of you, is not enough

Csak Azt Szeretném, Hogy Tudd

A fényképedet nézem, arról a napról, amikor először találkoztunk
Rám mosolyogtál, ezt sosem fogom elfelejteni
És semmit sem tehettem, hogy megvédjelek magamtól aznap este
Az ujjad köré csavartál, mindig rád gondolok
A napok összefolynak, mert egész éjjel fent voltunk
Igen, te és én voltunk minden, minden számomra
Csak azt szeretném, hogy tudd
Harcoltam azért, hogy el tudjalak engedni
Néha napján sikerül is
És vannak éjszakák, amik nem akarnak véget érni
Bárcsak tudnék hinni benne,
Hogy egy nap majd visszajössz hozzám
De akkor is azt kell mondjam,
Mindent újra megtennék
Csak azt szeretném, hogy tudd
Minden ajtó bezárul, én próbálok előrefelé haladni
És mélyen belül, bárcsak én lennék helyette
Az álmaim üresek attól a naptól kezdve,
Attól a naptól, amikor kicsúsztál a kezemből
És csak azt szeretném, hogy tudd
Harcoltam azért, hogy el tudjalak engedni
Néha napján sikerül is
És vannak éjszakák, amik nem akarnak véget érni
Bárcsak tudnék hinni benne,
Hogy egy nap majd visszajössz hozzám
De akkor is azt kell mondjam,
Mindent újra megtennék
Csak azt szeretném, hogy tudd
Hogy mióta elvesztettelek,
Magamat is elvesztettem
Nem, nem tudom tettetni,
Nincs senki más
Szóval csak azt szeretném, hogy tudd
Harcoltam azért, hogy el tudjalak engedni
Néha napján sikerül is és vannak éjszakák, amik nem akarnak véget érni
Bárcsak tudnék hinni benne, hogy egy nap majd visszajössz hozzám
De akkor is azt kell mondjam, mindent újra megtennék
Csak azt szeretném, hogy tudd
Harcoltam azért, hogy el tudjalak engedni
Néha napján sikerül is és vannak éjszakák, amik nem akarnak véget érni
Bárcsak tudnék hinni benne, hogy egy nap majd visszajössz hozzám
De akkor is azt kell mondjam, mindent újra megtennék
Csak azt szeretném, hogy tudd

Spanyol Bőrcsizma

Ó, elhajózok egyetlen, igaz szerelmem
Elhajózok reggel
Van valamit, amit küldhetek neked a tenger túloldaláról
A helyről, ahol partra szállok majd?
Nem, nincs semmit, amit küldeni tudsz, egyetlen, igaz szerelmem
Nincs semmi, amit birtokolni kívánok
Csak hozd vissza magad sértetlenül
Annak a magányos óceán túloldaláról
Ó, de azt gondoltam, talán akarsz valami szépet
Ezüstből vagy aranyból
Akár Madrid hegységeiből
Vagy Barcelona partjairól
Ó, ha nálam lennének a csillagok a legsötétebb éjszakából
És a gyémántok a legmélyebb óceánból
Lemondanék mindegyikről az édes csókodért
Mert ez minden, amit birtokolni kívánok
De talán sokáig oda leszek
És csakis ezért kérdezem
Van valami, amit küldhetek, hogy emlékezz rám
Hogy könnyebben teljen az időd
Ó, hogyan, hogyan kérdezhetsz megint?
Csak bánatot hoz rám
Az, amit ma akarnék
Ugyanazt akarnám holnap is
Ó, kaptam egy levelet egy magányos napon
Az ő vitorlásáról volt
Azt írta, nem tudom, mikor fogok visszajönni
Attól függ, hogyan érzem magam
Ha te, szerelmem, így gondolod
Biztos vagyok benne, hogy a gondolataid örvénylenek
Biztos vagyok benne, hogy nem rám gondolsz
Hanem az országra, ahová mész
Szóval vigyázz, vigyázz a nyugati széllel
Vigyázz a viharos időjárással
És igen, volna valami, amit küldhetnél nekem
Spanyol bőrcsizmákat


Though it was hard, I tried to hold it in
Whenever I missed you so much
Whenever my feet
Started going toward your house
Oh no
I entered in your phone number then deleted it
I already memorized it
No matter how much I delete it
I can’t forget
Oh no
Time passed like that
And suddenly, without knowing
I escaped from you
And now I’m standing here alone
I was getting over you
Little by little
In pain
That seemed
Would never end
I was slowly
Emptying you out
If just go on with life
I’ll completely
Erase you
I tried to be busy on purpose
Because even when I pretend I’m fine
When I was alone
I thought of you too much
Oh no
I tried laughing on purpose
To act like I’m fine
In case I really get better if I laugh
In case I can truly laugh that way
Oh no
Time passed like that
And suddenly, without knowing
I escaped from you
And now I’m standing here alone
I was getting over you
Little by little
In pain
That seemed
Would never end
I was slowly
Emptying you out
If just go on with life
I’ll completely
Erase you
In the end
The scars might heal
Everything will be alright
I don’t need you
I was getting over you
Little by little
In pain
That seemed
Would never end
I was slowly
Emptying you out
If just go on with life
I’ll completely
Erase you

Because of You

There is a slight tremor inside of me
It was an unfamiliar appearance that even I didn't know
Every time I breathed, my hidden heart
Wakes a little bit and keeps on coming up
Inside of me dyes of your colours
Even though I close my eyes, it smears
Because that person is you, because that person is you
Although the thoughts occurs in my head,
The words that are at the edge of my lips
That were hidden inside my heart, I love you
Whenever I see you, a smile spreads
It's an unfamiliar appearance than I didn't know before
Even though it's my appearance that is rushed in love,
I'll get confident now and slowly get closer
I want to colour the inside of you with my light
Even though I close my eyes, it smears
Because that person is you, because that person is you
Although the thoughts occurs in my head,
The words that are at the edge of my lips
That were hidden inside my heart, I love you
I hope it's not late
I want to run to you now
and I want to confess while hugging you in your arms
Even though I close my eyes, it smears
Because that very one person is you, because my end is you
Because I can no longer hide
In the end, it has to be me
I'll end with your lips, the words I confessed, I love you

Senki Sem Tudja

Senki sem tudja, hogyan intsen búcsút
Olyan egyszerűnek tűnik, míg meg nem próbálod
Aztán a pillanat elmúlik
Senki sem tudja, hogyan intsen búcsút
Senki sem tudja, hogyan juthatunk haza
Olyan régen kihajóztunk már
Hogy felkutassuk a Mennyeket és alatta a földet
Senki sem tudja, hogyan juthatunk haza
A sötétségen keresztül a hajnalig
Mikor visszanéztem te már eltűntél
Hallottam, ahogy a hangod vezet
A sötétségen keresztül a hajnalig
A szerelem olyan mély, mint amilyen hosszú ez az út
Megmozgatja a lábamat, hogy tovább vigyen
Megdobogtatja a szívem, mikor eltűnsz
A szerelem olyan mély, mint amilyen hosszú ez az út
Senki sem tudja, hogyan végződik a történet
Éld a napokat úgy, ahogy tudod
Ez csak a kezdet
Senki sem tudja, hogyan végződik a történet
Senki sem tudja, hogyan végződik a történet

I Hate to Love You

I hate to love you
I hate to love you
I'm lying awake
I wouldn't care to close my eyes
Since the good dreams
Are actually the worst
Even if you hurt me
Worse than anyone ever did
Just one text could
Make me go with you
I hate to love you
I hate to love you
I'm trying to stop it
I hate to love you
I hate to love you
Only even for a hundred times
I'll let you
Break my heart
I hate to love you
I hate to love you
You call me
And you want to explain all of this to me
You say the others
Didn't mean anything at all to you
Even if I still don't
Believe a word you say
How the hell did I
End up lying beside you again?
I hate to love you
I hate to love you
I'm trying to stop it
I hate to love you
I hate to love you
Only even for a hundred times
I'll let you
Break my heart
I hate to love you
I hate to love you
I hate to love you
I hate to love you
At night you hold me close
You tell me all I want to hear
And with you I'm so
Blind that it's easy for me to believe
We'll stay together this time around
But then you'll avoid touch
And you'll be quiet one morning
I'll know what you think
I've heard it all before
You don't need to say it out loud
I'll just save your time and go
I hate to love you
I hate to love you
I'm trying to stop it
I hate to love you
I hate to love you
Only even for a hundred times
I'll let you
Break my heart
I hate to love you
I hate to love you
I hate to love you
I hate to love you
I hate to love you
I hate to love you

Screwed Off–Stirred Up–Whirled In A Glass...

Screwed off–stirred up–whirled in a glass
Dispelled–dispersed like green smoke
Into the hellhole through smoke and pain
Having got unhinged, the wounds opened
To the sky, under the ground with living eyes
Started moving with an under-the-wheel joggle
The joggle is chopper-like
Not even a bone will be left under the sun of July
The cards won’t be spread to tell whether it’s love or not
An eternal rain
A small red particle
On a bluish black background
On a sharp edge
Without a sound, without a step, without a sigh
Having clung to the wire of childish hatred
Onto the blade of public opinion
Onto the spike of unriddled dreams
You’re going to the bottom, but how’s that for going through the ice?
Through the thick intercalary February
Through October smoke
On the ice in the skates of drunken optimism
You’ll fall through! –Ah, ain’t a fuck!..
You’ll only catch a cold
And warm yourself at a campfire made using papers
Ruled, covered in scrawls–an auto-da-fé
An auto-da-fé under the sun of July
Through a magnifying glass
Of our best, our “veriest”
Chilly truisms
There’s nothing to cloak the naked pain with
There’s nothing to tether to–enjoy–it’s liberty!
No future–here and now
Cells with shaven-headed fellows–wards–they’ll be later
Now it’s happiness


Time To Cut The Loose Ends

Please let me interrupt your eternal discussions,
Please let me shatter all you hold dear and crush it.
Time is unrelenting, it is like a wolf bitch,
While we all sit in here, it rushes without hitch.
Oh, how I'd wish for my soul to live with gods on mount tops,
Instead the folks play football and kick it with their jackboots,
They trample on most sacred, for my soul can't escape them,
And then without warning it'll drop dead like a great ape.
How can we still live here's [a] great mystery for sure,
[When] everybody yells: 'Up!', but deep down we are all moored,
[Still] banging heads on walls, thinking all will change some day,
Who cares [anyway], it is time to croak, I say.
There is time to die and time to be newborn,
There is time to hug and time to shy away from,
[There's] time to bow down and time to buck the old trends,
And here it comes: time to cut the loose ends.
I begged guardian angels to intervene in my case,
[As] I looked at the heavens and I saw their faces,
[Then] I stepped to the stream, withered by the great thirst,
[Here] I stand on the bank but I can't enter twice now.
I would be better off, living like a cloisterer,
To avoid the flame and live without worrying.
[My] body is my cage, my soul's a captive prisoner.
Enough, set me aflame. It's time to die and finish it.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Ok, I get it that most of you just can't bring yourselves
to pressing 'Thanks' when you have already enjoyed
and probably sung an equirhythmic rhymed translation
and then realized that you couldn't have done a better
one yourself. Yet, avoiding this gesture implicitly helps
to promote other, often subpar work on this site. St.

Like on rollers

Sadly, I get the jitters when you’re near me.
But it warms my heart, I’m crazy about you.
Kalashnikov, had enough, I can’t help myself.
In any case I can’t do a thing about it, that’s how it goes.
My heart goes ‘Boom’ faster when I think of you.
The roundabout in my head won’t stop spinning.
It’s all going great, like on rollers.
It’s all going great, like on rollers.
It’s all going fast, like on a toboggan.
It’s all going fast, like on a toboggan.
Simply put I’m frozen with fear when you’re near to me.
And when you go, there’s my gently beating heart.
All the colours are more intense when I think of you.
The whirlwind in my head won’t stop.
I do everything back to front, it’s ridiculous.
The butterflies in my stomach are stronger than me.
It’s all going great, like on rollers.
It’s all going great, like on rollers.
It’s all going fast, like on a toboggan.
It’s all going fast, like on a toboggan.


He was mine, every day, every moment,
Every time he wasn't hers
Yes, he is mine, but he isn't here
Every time I think of her
And me, like a boat made of paper
This way I'm going to hit rock bottom
Only the wind plays to me, but I can't hear
Only the sky hears it and knows it
Days fly by like birds
Years fly by
Let them go
Let them just leave this love to us
This sky up there, sky down here
The sky is still here
God, just as long he doesn't think about her
He was mine, every day, every moment,
Every time he wasn't hers
Now this boat made of paper is taken
By currents straight to the bottom
But all my sorrows... and I won't give you away
Only the sky hears it and knows it
The sky is still here


Keresek valakit
A tűz és a lángok között
Mindannyiunk keres valamit
Hogy enyhítse a fájdalmat
És most kihez tudsz fordulni
Mikor minden fekete fehér
És a nyertesek vesztesek
És ezt minden éjszaka látod
Szükségem van valakire
Olyanra, mint TE
Mindenkinek szüksége van valakire
Szükségem van valakire
Hé, talán rád!
Mindenkinek szüksége van valakire
Mikor kint vagy a tűzvonalban
És látod őket elesni
Nem sok kell, hogy ráébredj
Nem éri meg érte harcolni
Azt hittem, hogy a Madonnát láttam
Mikor besétáltál a szobába
És a szemeid olyanok voltak, mint a gyémántok
Melyek átvágtak mindenen
Oh, átvágtak mindenen
Szükségem van valakire
Olyanra, mint te
Mindenkinek szüksége van valakire
Szükségem van valakire
Hé, talán rád!
Mindenkinek szüksége van valakire
Egy újabb éjszaka, egy újabb lecke
A távolság mely józanul tart
Mikor a csend sajnálathoz vezet
Újra csináljuk – újra csináljuk
Szükségem van valakire
Olyanra, mint te
Mindenkinek szüksége van valakire
Szükségem van valakire
Hé, talán rád!
Mindenkinek szüksége van valakire


Baby, csak azt szeretném hogy az enyém legyél
Nem adnál egy picit az idődből?
Üldözlek, nem, nem hagyom abba a próbálkozást
Csak találkozzunk a határvonalnál
Ez laza
Eljátszod a nehezen kaphatót
De tudom, hogy te is akarsz engem
Nem azért vagyok itt hogy más srácokat keressek
Szóval visszafogom magamat miattad
(Pre chorus)
Tudod, hogy feleség típus vagyok
Tudod, hogy különleges vagyok
Ha egyszer megkóstolod a fagylaltomat, fogadjunk, hogy sosem hagysz el
Tudom hogy nehéz elhinni
Levettél a lábamról
Bada-da-dum, bada-da-dum
Ez nem túl nehéz nekem
Bada-da-dum, bada-da-dum
Ne játszd nekem a nehezen kaphatót
Baby, csak azt szeretném hogy az enyém legyél
Nem adnál egy picit az idődből?
Üldözlek, nem, nem hagyom abba a próbálkozást
Csak találkozzunk a határvonalnál
Úgy látszik, határozott vagyok
De nem akarok kifutni az időből
Tudom, hogy sok csaj odavan érted
De lefogadom, hogy egyik sem tart sokáig
(Pre chorus)
Tudod, hogy feleség típus vagyok
Tudod, hogy különleges vagyok
Ha egyszer megkóstolod a fagylaltomat, fogadjunk, hogy sosem hagysz el
Tudom hogy nehéz elhinni
Levettél a lábamról
Bada-da-dum, bada-da-dum
Ez nem túl nehéz nekem
Bada-da-dum, bada-da-dum
Ne játszd nekem a nehezen kaphatót
Baby, csak azt szeretném hogy az enyém legyél
Nem adnál egy picit az idődből?
Üldözlek, nem, nem hagyom abba a próbálkozást
Csak találkozzunk a határvonalnál
Elérted, hogy fussak utánad
Őrültnek érzem magam
Minden nap rád gondolok
Bárcsak megkóstolnál mint a friss szőlőt
Nem akarlak gátolni, vagy körülvenni
Próbálok szavakat találni, hogy elmondhassam
Nagyon jó vagy és nézd azt az arcot
A határvonalnál, mellettem fekszel
Baby, csak azt szeretném hogy az enyém legyél
Nem adnál egy picit az idődből?
Üldözlek, nem, nem hagyom abba a próbálkozást
Csak találkozzunk a határvonalnál

Never mind the world

July August September
don't stop smiling in every season
Life, believe me is too short
Maybe we won't go out of summer
Never mind Never mind
Never mind the world
If you don't want to cry
you should never mind the world
Ahmet Mehmet Süreyya
All is empty,  all is adream
One day life will end
I had seen the dream
i Never mind i Never mind
i Never mind the world
If you don't want to cry
you should never mind the world, also
They cheat
Forget about past yesterday
Every evening
You can spend every day
i Never mind i Never mind
of this world, i Never care
I swear i do not care about it nor move it from it place
regardless of what would the earth's population would say(about me)

Sosnovy Bor

There is a city on the Baltic coast
Not far from the northern capital,
What I keep carefully in my heart,
Whose image I dream, when I'm away from home.
Among its features there is a quiet rustle of the waves,
A cozy beach, a bend of the sand dune,
In unison with the breath of the sea
Rocking strings of the tall pines sound.
Let for many years your delightful dress
Caress my eyes,
There is joy, youth and enthusiasm here,
Live and flourish Sosnovy Bor!
Flourish, Sosnovy Bor.
I admire you - your beauties can't be counted,
I'm captivated by the fairytale Andersengrad
I'm proud of you - here for the good of the country
The peaceful atom gives heat and light.
To glorious deeds you have inspired
Talented and enthusiastic people
And bold ideas have been embodied
Thanks to the work of power engineers, builders, scientists.
Let for many years your wonderful dress
Caress my eyes,
There is joy, youth and enthusiasm here,
Live and flourish...
Let for many years your wonderful dress
Caress my eyes,
There is joy, youth and enthusiasm here,
Live and flourish, Sosnovy Bor!

Head (Brain)

For all eternity cripples, who have not heard brother’s word.
Care, blocks, beaty.
Adversity follows in ours footsteps.
And I’ll write verses at sunset – not for everyone, for some.
Wind, keep an eye on sails.
Dead ends sharpened pikes.
We trampled planet down, walked the valleys, streets – we hardened time.
Pit, get out of my face!
Let’s plant a tree.
I have nothing to live if you are not near me, even if it kills me.
Sometime I’ll get myself straightened out.
I hate this sediment of misunderstanding between me and me.
And in my sea the raft sinks, that is warped as hell.
I’m Buster Keaton, and I want to laugh less and less.
I’m counting up all my advantages without bending fingers.
We infiltrate mind wilds, confide to sound.
Stone Hedge on beats. Check it out, brother.
Certainly, man, it’s bloody Babylon.
The streets were burning and the freedom was in our hip pocket.
But instantly hapiness was dissapearing in the fuss.
I’ve felt myself like a schoolboy with scrambled brain
and barge into for sure!
This smoke from windows is my luxury message.
Rubbish is among peers. Brother, I’ve not chilled out.
The helm was weaved, I’d swimed as dust,
Falled off the banana truck, but howled the truth.
During loudmouth withdrawal mantras prophesied mysterious napalm.
I’ve collected some points and stealed, but fough for the idea.
You see my thoughts on the paper, what you’ve wanted so much.
You can’t buy for money what creates these ideas.
Here the old-fashioned way somebody can hit in the face for buzz
Old friends – Ninja Turtles. Shells are strong, but helm rules.
It enjoys all the fucking life.
We’ve choped some wood, let’s burnt the cole.
Only we are responsible for all our acts.
Censorship hides bongs. Brother, drive us.
Brick Bazuka:
Come on board to us!
In this antediluvian hearse thoughts
dance incomparable in the frontal lobe.
In an aerobic coma, I feel as if blown up by a hydrogen bomb.
I go along the line of takeoff.
I fuck the sky. We twist the gun to the head,
I drink the fake whisky, and as always, one extreme or the other: car windows is 3D in IMAX.
Time, bring us up!
My look have got within a range.
The world overflow the banks, do not look for your niche in it.
Near the fire of tires everyone wants to be heard.
We need go beyong, but as lons as threads are not stripped(?), everything will not be the same as before, but we again became younger.
And it does not matter, think with extended voice in the prism of the cartoon street.
It’s a hand-to-hand combat between me and me.
From underground to Babylon.

Nehéz Búcsút Inteni A Tegnapnak

Hogy intsek búcsút
Annak, amink volt?
A jó idők, amik megnevettetnek minket
Túlsúlyban vannak a rosszaknál
Azt hittem, meg fogjuk látni az örökké-t
De az örökké eltűnt
Nehéz búcsút inteni a tegnapnak
Nem tudom, hova fog ez az út
Csak azt ismerem, ahol voltunk
És amin keresztülmentünk
Ha megláthatjuk a holnapot
Remélem, megéri majd a várakozást
Nehéz búcsút inteni a tegnapnak
És elviszem magammal az emlékeket
Hogy azok legyenek a napfény az eső után
Nehéz búcsút inteni a tegnapnak
És elviszem magammal az emlékeket
Hogy azok legyenek a napfény az eső után
Nehéz búcsút inteni a tegnapnak

We left it for tomorrow

Like this, with this damn invention called clock, we push our hours and days like it's a weight for us, and it is a weight, because we don't live, you got it.
We're just looking at the clock, to get past this hour, to get past this day, so tomorrow comes and once again from the beginning.
We split the day in corpses of moments, in dead hours buried inside us, inside our self's caves, the caves on which the freedom of our longing is born, and we pave them, with all kinds, of shit and trash that they try to sell us as ideals, as needs, as morality and culture.
So let's live without 'must'
Play like young children
Every wish free for as long as we can
Step back if you want
I chose my road, I'm going and wherever it leads me
I'm risking, that's how life is and if I don't win
I'll get another wound to look at
I'm not forgetting
I make music for the ones I love
To thank them just a bit that they're there for me to stand
It's like I'm rolling this verse and your ear is the guy who I'm passing it to
Nothing doesn't suit me
I'm just another guy who gets expressed and expresses
I'm risking even if I don't win, let's lose it's okay
Because this moment's mincing manner is the soul's gas pedal
It is, the life that gives us salt and pepper
Disagreements, words of love, fights and hail
Sweetness and sweet words, torment and tough times
Human relationship and our brain is slowly boiling
I've got good times to live
To disagree
To agree
To live in harmony with you
Me and you my darling are a volcano
Shaking Earth, I feel like my legs are tied
So close and yet so different
So much that this relationship looks imbalanced, while it's prospering
My brother, we are lost
I'm here and you're there, entangled in the flow
We're looking at the watch and we're running hurried
We got stuck on things that didn't matter and half of our life is gone
Thanks is a sweet word
Give and take what's more important
I give music, you take messages
You give me love and I take stimulations
Give a smile, screw the motives
We're living life every moment like an adventure
Today, now to be precise
Let's not organise it and let's do what we want inside us
Let's live another adventure
Leave the clock, it's not the time yet
We turned our bodies into a massive graveyard of murdered longings and expectations.
We don't pay attention to the most important, the most substantive things, like playing and talking to children and animals, to flowers and trees, to play and have fun between us, to make love, to enjoy the nature, the beauty of the human hand and of the spirit.
To get softly down inside us, to meet ourselves and the guy next to us.
Everything guy from Thessaloniki, we left it for this tomorrow that's never coming.
Only when death comes upon one of our beloved face, we're hurt.
Because we usually think, that we wanted to tell them so many important things, like, how much we loved them, how important they were for us, but, we left it for tomorrow.

I'm hunchback

- Arrival Olympic airlines, flight 260 from London
- Welcome
- You didn't have to wait for me here
- Kiss your dad sweetie
- I doubt it if you talked to her for me these two years
- It's not time for explanations
- How you grew...
I bought you a mobile so we can talk all day long
I bought you the bumpkin's carved flute
I made you rakhat lukum a whole baking pan of it
I bought you Anthimos Kapsis' shirt
I bought you underwear and teddies
The plastic money for all of your expenses
A sweet tiger from Maharaja
But it turned to a kitten because the paint got away
I took you to Australia so you can see the Kangaroo's
I bought for you in Mexico Zorro's cape
I bought for you DODON ice cream flavoured raisin and rum
I took you to Cyprus and they fed you halloumi
I filled a tank of wild sharks for you
A tiny spa working with batteries
An one-armed bandit(1) so you can play
Forty cups with Loumidis' crest on them
I gave everything for you madame
And now I'm hunchbacked the bells of our lady
I gave everything for you madame
And now I'm hunchbacked the bells of our lady
I carved for you on marble the god Apollo
I bought for you wet carrot to apply it on you on the beach
I built for you a temple from Karystos' plates
I bought for you Count Montecristo's hat
Geppetto built for you the Skyrian temple
I took you to Monemvasia to see the cannon
I bought for you the discs of the great Rasoulis
And I played for you the ballads of Bill Kazoullis
I bought for you the Leer's king racket
I placed an order to Obelix and he built you a Menir
I bought for you Imiz's first disc
I bought for you necklaces from peddler's at Plaka
I bought for you the 100 Dalmatian dogs
One of them was turned to a scrub by a criminal
I've said it and I've done it I looked for you I found you
I paid you with gold even if you had no dowry
I gave everything for you madame
And now I'm hunchbacked the bells of our lady
I gave everything for you madame
And now I'm hunchbacked the bells of our lady
I kept kissing you, muah, smack, muah
I blackmailed Prytanis to teach you how to scratch
I taught you how to do Bozo's face
I taught you on Mexican rhythm the Cucaracha
I found for you Jason's golden fleece
I sang for you sweet in Spanish like Banderas
I bought for you Panini stickers
I bought you Niccolo Paganini's violin
I bought you Annabelle, 'One morning'
That Summer with Lakis Komnenos
I bought for you Dr. Octapus' tentacles
A duck for when you're showering
I found for you the rare Sport Billy purse
I bought for you Maya the bee I bought for you Willy
I dug for you a mine full of lignite
But now I'm playing the barrel organ like Avlonitis
I gave everything for you madame
And now I'm hunchbacked the bells of our lady
I gave everything for you madame
And now I'm hunchbacked the bells of our lady
Imiskoubria against Delivorias
Imiskoubria against Delivorias
Imiskoubria against Delivorias
When the sun will hide his face
When the raven will become white and the snow will become black
Then my beauty will come out of my memory may be it will be time for me to learn Chinese and fattening while eating chocolate...love