Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 133

Találatok száma: 5101


Putana(The night butterfly)

You are like a decoration for the table, you served like a fish to beer.
Anyone, who pays, has all the rights and so the night butterfly lead here.
'Russia', 'Space' and 'Continental' your favorite hunting places
The next client is ready for everything, champagne, caviar, and smell of cigarettes.
Putana, putana, putana, the night butterfly, well, who is to blame.
Putana, putana, putana, the hotels light are such an alluring flame.
And do you remember school, first kiss, on the desk I've carved your name,
I wrote poetry for you and used to meet around the corner, what would happened next, I didn't know then.
And after it's start to roll, I've end up in *Afgan, you are in a *currency bar.
I was shot at by mujaheddin, and you exchanged your god given gift to become a lady of the night.
Putana, putana, putana, the night butterfly, well, who is to blame.
Putana, putana, putana, the hotels light are such an alluring flame.
What a pity now, that we couldn't be together, and maybe if I manage to save some dough.
And approach you, and buy a night with you, but how then we will keep living.
Now you are beautify the table and thousands on your appearance you spend.
Anyone, who paid, have all the rights, only for me to meet you makes no sense.
Putana, putana, putana, the night butterfly, well, who is to blame.
Putana, putana, putana, the hotels light are such an alluring flame.
Putana, putana, putana, the night butterfly, well, who is to blame.
Putana, putana, putana, the hotels light are such an alluring flame.
Putana, putana, putana, the night butterfly, well, who is to blame.
Putana, putana, putana, the hotels light are such an alluring flame.

Arra születtem, hogy a tiéd legyek

Tudom, hogy feladtam
Százszor ezelőtt
De ismerek egy csodát
Ez nem valami, amit figyelmen kívül lehet hagyni
Azt gondolod, hogy bolond vagyok
Azt gondolod, hogy bolond vagyok
Soha nem ismertem senkit
Amíg megismertelek téged
Soha nem ismertem senkit
Amíg megismertelek téged
És tudom, amikor
Zuhog oh az eső
És tudom, hogy
Arra születtem, hogy a tiéd legyek
Soha nem ismertem senkit
Amíg megismertelek téged
Soha nem ismertem senkit
Amíg megismertelek téged
És tudom, amikor
Zuhog oh az eső
És tudom, hogy
Arra születtem, hogy a tiéd legyek
Te vagy az egyetlen
Elveszett a milliókból?
Te vagy az én homokszemem
Amit hord a szél
Soha nem ismertem senkit
Amíg megismertelek téged
Soha nem ismertem senkit
Amíg megismertelek téged
És tudom, amikor
Zuhog oh az eső
És tudom, hogy
Arra születtem, hogy a tiéd legyek
Soha nem ismertem senkit
Amíg megismertelek téged
Soha nem ismertem senkit
Amíg megismertelek téged
És tudom, amikor
Zuhog oh az eső
És tudom, hogy
Arra születtem, hogy a tiéd legyek

It's a football match

Ball on the goal post don't change the score
Ball on the big area and no one to head it
Ball on the net to score the goal
Who never dreamt with being a football player?
The flag in the stadium is a ensign
The banner hung at the bedroom wall
The badge on the t-shirt of the uniform
What a beautiful thing is a football match
I can die for my team
If it looses, what a pain, huge crime
I can cry if it doesn't win
But if it wins, it's helpless
theres no throat that can stop to scream
the football boot is put on the barefoot
The royalship mat is green
Looking at the ball I see the sun
Now a match is going on
The midfield is the place for the aces
That lead the team to the attack
The centerpiece, the most important
So exciting, a football match
My goalkeeper is a elastic man
The two defenders have the key for the lock
the left-fielders close the defense
So nice, a football match
Ball on the goal post don't change the score
Ball on the big area and no one to head it
Ball on the net to score the goal
Who never dreamt with being a football player?
The flag in the stadium is a ensign
The banner hung at the bedroom wall
The badge on the t-shirt of the uniform
What a beautiful thing is a football match

Élet a Marson

Élet a Marson?
Ez egy istenverte kis ügy
Az egérszürke hajú lánnyal
De a múmája azt üvölti 'Nem!'
Az apja pedig elmondta neki, hogy menjen
De a barátját sehol sem látja
Most átmegy az elsüllyedt álmon
Az ülés a legtisztább kilátással
És ő összekapcsolódott az ezüst képernyővel
De a film szomorúan unalmas
Mert tízszer vagy annál többször élt már
Lehet, hogy a bolondok szemébe kell köpnie
Amikor arra kérik őt, hogy összpontosítson:
Harcosok harcolnak a táncteremben
Oh ember! Nézd meg azokat az ősembereket!
Ez a legügyesebb show
Nézd meg a törvény emberét
Megveri a rossz fiút
Oh ember! Mindig csodáltam
Ő a legjobb az eladási show-ban
Van élet a Marson?
Amerika megkínzott homlokán van
Mickey Mouse aki felnevelt egy tehenet
Most, a munkások csináltak neki hírverést
Mert Lennon újra eladta
Nézz végig a milliós egérhordákon
Ibizától a Norfolk Broadsig
Az angol szabályok határtalanok
Az anyámnak, a kutyámnak és a bohócoknak
De a film szomorúan unalmas
Mert tízszer vagy annál többször írta már meg
Arról szól, hogy újból íródjon
Ahogy arra kérem, hogy összpontosítson:
Harcosok harcolnak a táncteremben
Oh ember! Nézd meg azokat az ősembereket!
Ez a legügyesebb show
Nézd meg a törvény emberét
Megveri a rossz fiút
Oh ember! Mindig csodáltam
Ő a legjobb a Tv shop-ban ( az eladási show-ban)
Van élet a Marson?

Senki mást, csak téged

Nem akarok senki mást, csak téged
Nem akarok senki mást, csak téged, ó, ah, ah
Senki mást, csak téged, ó, ah, ah
Ő, mint aki 'mi van, mi van velem és veled (ó ah), igen
Tennivaló, amit mi találunk, találunk (ó ah ah)
Később adtam neked egy kis szobát, (ó) ú, hú
Később nem tudom, mit csináljak, ó ó ó
Senki mást nem akarok, csak téged (ó ah ah)
Tudom, hogy nem akarsz várni rám, ó igen
Azt mondják, távol kéne maradnod tőlem, (nem) ó igen
Tudom, te vagy az egyetlen babám, nagyszerű nekem
Hálásan szeretsz te is engem (ó ah ah)
Tudd, sok férfi jobb lenne hozzád
Tudd hogy bármin átvinnélek
Tudd, hogy törődsz velem, tudom, hogy ott leszel nekem
Ha bármi történik, te még ott vagy
Igazi, szerintem csak hülye vagyok vele
A tükörbe nézek, mintha senki sem félné elveszteni őt?
Miért viselkedsz úgy, mintha más férfi nem őt választaná?
Tudod, hogy ő az egyetlen igaz lány, ó lány
Nem tudok még csak hazudni se, igen, beléd estem (estem)
Még ha meg is próbálom és a játék tovább hív (hív)
Míg mi a klubban, miért labdázok folyton (labda)
Próbálok szerelmes lenni, nem esünk bele gyakran
Nehéz (beleesni), de én beléd estem (estem)
Még ha meg is próbálom, és a kapák tovább hívnak (hívnak)
Míg mi a klubban, miért labdázok folyton (labda)
Próbálok szerelmes lenni, nem esünk bele gyakran
Nehéz (beleesni), de én még
Nem akarok senki mást, csak téged
Nem akarok senki mást, csak téged, ó ah ah
Senki mást, csak téged, ó ah ah
Senki mást, csak téged
Gyengén kapnak el minket, és tudom, hogy utálom (igaz)
Azt mondják, a tied vagyok, és azt mondod, nem létezik (igaz)
És mindig, mikor jól megy, csak visszahozom a fájdalmat, igen
Szakítások, hogy hullámhegyeket olyanná tegyék, mintha csak menne (ó ah ah)
Tudd, hogy sok férfi jobb lenne hozzád (ó ah)
Tudd, hogy bármin átvittelek volna (ó ah)
Tudom, hogy törődsz velem, tudom, hogy sajnáltál
Tudom, hogy nem fogsz örökké várni rám (neeeem)
A tükörbe nézek, mintha senki sem félné elveszteni őt?
Miért viselkedsz úgy, mintha más férfi nem őt választaná?
Tudod, hogy ő az egyetlen igaz lány, ó lány
Nem tudok még csak hazudni se, igen, beléd estem (estem)
Még ha meg is próbálom és a játék tovább hív (hív)
Míg mi a klubban, miért labdázok folyton (labda)
Próbálok szerelmes lenni, nem esünk bele gyakran
Nehéz (beleesni), de én beléd estem (estem)
Még ha meg is próbálom, és a kapák tovább hívnak (hívnak)
Míg mi a klubban, miért labdázok folyton (labda)
Próbálok szerelmes lenni, nem esünk bele gyakran
Nehéz (beleesni), de én még
Nem akarok senki mást, csak téged
Nem akarok senki mást, csak téged, ó ah ah
Senki mást, csak téged, ó ah ah
Senki mást, csak téged
De te, ó ah ah, senki mást, csak téged
De te, ó ah ah, Nem akarok senki mást, csak téged
De te, ó ah ah, senki mást, csak téged
Senki mást csak téged, ó ah ah, de te, ó ah, de te

Everybody wants to be a cat

Scat Cat:
Everybody wants to be a cat
Because a cat, when it's a cat, always lands on its feet
It's true!
Everyone's prickly when it's not rhythmic
After that, everything seems obsolete
Scat Cat:
It's like ankle boots with buttons
He rings as soon as he plays
His trumpet that drives you crazy
Scat Cat
It swings like a foot*
Oh yes, it's worse than boredom
Oh la la, my friends
Scat Cat:
What a calamity!
Za za za ole
It's like between these guys who want to sing
Scat Cat
. . .
The Italian Cat
Who would still dance the jig with braids
Scat Cat & O'Malley
. . . when everyone wants to become a cat?
He messes up whatever he plays
Soon it drives you crazy
It swings like a foot
Oh rinky tinky tinky
Scat Cat & O'Malley
Yes, it`s worse than boredom
Oh la la, my friends
What calamity!
Oh rinky tinky tinky
Marie & O`Malley
Everybody wants to be a cat
Because a cat, when he`s a cat, falls on his feet
A jazz player that quickly becomes an acrobat
Yes, everyone who is mad for the swing of the cats
The Siamese
Shanghai, Hong Kong, Egg Fu Yung
Must always be in the norm
Hahaha, that`s some hot!
I'd prefer more passion
More heart and withdrawal
More colors in this song
We simply have to change keys
Scat Cat
Adjusting, that would please me
Because I love making beautiful variations
The other cats will assemble
In the poory lit street
The big night will begin
We`ll leave them in the shadow to be in love
Scat Cat's gang
Everybody, everybody
Everybody wants to be a cat
Hallelujah (x3)
Everybody wants to be a cat
Come on, louder
Everybody, everybody
Everybody wants to be a cat
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Everybody wants to be a cat
Everybody, everybody
Everybody wants to be a cat
Hallelujah, hallelujah

Pain 'till madness

Versions: #3
Lookin' at the clock, where are you?
Is it for sorrow maybe?
I only see the colour of your eye
When the sea is restless
I act happy, I don't have it
That you want me, believe me I know
Love is our restless sea
Sorrowing night and a bad day
Where to go, when I don't have elsewhere?
Around me I see your trace everywhere.
Where did my star lead me to?
In the night of sorrow, in pain 'till madness, madness
Midnight is here, so am I
Guilty for everything, but I ain't no evil
You're the simbol of my time
And night as a year

Silly Girl

Silly girl
What's the point in asking if your clothes look nice?
What's with the makeup and lipstick you're wearing?1
To the others, going out like that shows cowardice
What's with the insecurity?
Even the mirror wants to hug you
And as for me, don't worry about a thing
For if I had another heart
It'd belong to you as well
With that smile, you can do whatever you want with my life
Silly girl
As much as you think I love you, I love you even more
I placed an order for you in my dreams
God did his best
Silly girl
What's the point in asking if your clothes look nice?
What's with the makeup and lipstick you're wearing?
To the others, going out like that shows cowardice
What's with the insecurity?
Even the mirror wants to hug you
And as for me, don't worry about a thing
For if I had another heart
It'd belong to you as well
With that smile, you can do whatever you want with my life
Silly girl
As much as you think I love you, I love you even more
With that smile, you can do whatever you want with my life
Silly girl
As much as you think I love you, I love you even more
I placed an order for you in my dreams
God did his best
Silly girl
Silly girl
You silly girl
  • 1. literally lipstick on your mouth/lips

So Close to you

We didn't have/felt
love for years, A love that
wins/conquers all,
(A love) That even in the most difficult/thoughest moments, stays with you,
And doesn't run away/flees.
Just love, without pain,
Just love, that has no sorrow, So tell me dear god, when will the gate,
be open?
So, tell me, when did we choose to be prisioners of lies and fears, without the courage, to try to see, what is buried underneath,
And all this time, look how the world makes fun of us,
So tell me dear god, when will be peace between us?
Over there,
How I was happy,
Standing in front of you,
and singing,
Kiss me now, So close to you.
All the sadness in the world, All the sorrows doesn't exist, It all washed away to the sea, and then (the water), comes back to you.
So, tell me, how did we end up being so alone and isolated?
What will be with all this desert, that doesn't stop closing on us?
And there is so much anger in this world,
If we fall, We will fall together,
We are allowed to fail,
You can give, You can take.
Over there,
How I was happy,
Standing in front of you,
and singing,
Kiss me now, So close to you.
All the sadness in the world, All the sorrows doesn't exist, It all washed away to the sea, and then (the water), comes back to you.

Free as a bird

Free as a bird, free as the wind
Your life is on the executioner's block, God is your judge
The days have drowned in a glow, the nightingales have fallen silent
Take away my youth, little do I care
Take away my songs, it matters not
Take away my grief, my sorrow, I can live without that
But without freedom - never!
In a cage I cannot spread my wings
I'd rather hang a stone round my neck and jump into a whirlpool
It hurts, whether you can take it or not
But in the steppe the enemy watches.
Take away my youth, little do I care
Take away my songs, it matters not
Take away my grief, my sorrow, I can live without that
But without freedom - never!
I will give a beseeching look to God: 'Lord, save me!'
Only you know the value of my life
An overcoat cannot keep me warm in autumn
And the autumn rain drips scarlet red.
Take away my youth, little do I care
Take away my songs, it matters not
Take away my grief, my sorrow, I can live without that
But without freedom - never!

They didn't love you like this

This love ends once it's dead
I didn't tell you, I always kept it hidden but my soul has many pains in the most profound places
Suddenly, you leaving like a thief tore everything apart, there's no need to come back
Another breath, a temporary enthusiasm, let them think that you came up and took these from my hands
Nothing is left, this love became a tower in front of my eyes
They didn't love you like this
they didn't love you like me
Who has that heart
that can pass through your soul?
They didn't love you like this
Let them not love you like me
This love comes once in a man's life
it ends with death.
Another breath, a temporary enthusiasm, let them think that you came up and took these from my hands
Nothing is left, this love became a tower in front of my eyes
They didn't love you like this
they didn't love you like me
Who has that heart
that can pass through your soul?
They didn't love you like this
Let them not love you like me
This love comes once in a man's life
it ends with death.
I wasn't loved like this
I wasn't loved like you
Who has that heart
that can pass through your soul?


Tenderly rough

I'll find the password to your feelings
And again you'll be ready to surrender
I'll steal you, I'll take you with me
Come on, we won't pretend
With her I disappear without saying a word
I break her heart again
Lips to lips, tenderly rough
In the dark I kindle a flame
quieter sounds, louder thoughts about you
I'm again drunk, I'll spend this night with you
We don't need drama, just dance with me
just dance, just dance around
just a kiss, another kiss
I'm again drunk, Again drunk of you
You got closer, you looked away
but you didn't hide a smile
You allow me to do what's forbidden
with me you're ready for a mistake
With her I disappear without saying a word
I break her heart again
Lips to lips, tenderly rough
In the dark I kindle a flame
quieter sounds, louder thoughts about you
I'm again drunk, I'll spend this night with you
We don't need drama, just dance with me
just dance, just dance around
just a kiss, another kiss
I'm again drunk, Again drunk of you
When this night will pass, when the moon will disappear
I'll get sad, a bit empty
Tell me, How to be without you?
Don't you dare to let go of my hand
And to let this night to continue
together in the dark, thoughts of you
So now
I'm again drunk, I'll spend this night with you
We don't need drama, just dance with me
just dance, just dance around
just a kiss, another kiss
I'm again drunk, Again drunk of you
I'm again drunk, I'll spend this night with you
We don't need drama, just dance with me
just dance, just dance around
just a kiss, another kiss
I'm again drunk, Again drunk of you

Brother Jake

Versions: #2
Brother Jake, brother Jake
Are you still sleeping? Are you still sleeping?
The sun is shining outside, and your head is on the pillow.
Get up already, get up already.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ Hi there, thanks for reading all the way down! Sourced translations belong to the public domain or were shared with permission. Unsourced ones were made by me and all of them are free to use in any way you desire. Did you find a mistake or a typo? Please let me know. I'll be happy to correct them. 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

Universal Love

You moved to my heart
without my permission, without a reason.
I promised that I would say no.
I was surprised while under construction,
healing the damage that had happened,
without warning we are now two.
Before you arrived
I found myself remodeling.
When I least expected it
you took over everything.
If you bring me the sun
I will not forget you, no,
it is posible
to give new hours to the clock.
Universal love that lives here today.
You moved to my heart
with the suitcase full of illusion,
You have created dreams in the room.
Before you arrived
I found myself remodeling.
When I least expected it
you took over everything.
If you bring me the sun
I will not forget you, no,
it is posible
to give new hours to the clock.
The universal love that lives here today,
is uncontainable
I was embraced by the calm within the tremor.
We sail between the heavens
and fearless of the open sea.
The universal love that lives here today,
is uncontainable
I was embraced by the calm within the tremor.
If you bring me the sun
I will not forget you, no,
it is very possible
to give new hours to the clock.


Someone had practiced a sabotage.
Someone had loosened the gears.
You looked calm, unfolding the power of your personal charm,
and you did, you did answer no, that they were wrong,
You answered that they had confused you with another one.
You make yourself look as if you were thinking, but you know what you are doing very well.
Oh, you're great! And you know very well what you do!
And I will not stand on my knees.
And I've already put on my knees. (x2)
But it is that someone had destroyed the machinery.
A criminal had spilled the water reserves.
And, in case it was useful, you said to the agents that you had seen me near the crime scene
and I, I replied 'no', that they were wrong,
but their trained dogs found me in the corner.
You make yourself look as if you were thinking, but you know what you are doing very well.
Oh, you're great! And you know very well what you do!
And I will not stand on my knees.
And I've already put on my knees. (x2)
We said goodbye only with words,
I died a hundred times.
You turn to him
and I come back to both.
And I will not stand on my knees.
And I've already put on my knees. (x2)
You make yourself look as if you were thinking, but you know what you are doing very well.
Oh, you're great! And you know very well what you do!
You're worth a lot! And you know very well what you do!
You are great! And you always know what the next step is.

Élni könnyű

Nem normálisok, puritánok, komszomolok, leszbikusok,
Csak egy kérdésük van. Ki mondta, hogy nekik könnyű?
Liberálisok, kulturisták, anarchisták, taxisok,
fetisiszták - sok van belőlük, most senkinek sem könnyű.
Hogyan történik ez,
Nem élhetsz, ahogyan csak szeretnél.
Nézd, még Te is el vagy cs*szve,
Na, mondd meg nekem, ki mondta neked, hogy...
Hippik, Punk-ok, emigránsok, botrányos gyártulajdonosok,
Állat mészárlók - túl sok van belőlük, le kell őket ütnünk...
Populisták, anarchisták, nemzeti művészek,
Melegek - túl sok van belőlük, most senkinek sem könnyű.
Hogyan történik ez,
Nem élhetsz, ahogyan csak szeretnél.
Unom a társadalmi határokat,
Na, mondd meg nekem, ki mondta neked, hogy...

I won't hide

Walking on the mountain, I can see the white color slightly glowing
When I look back, no one is here
All alone in this kingdom, it seems like I rule it all
It's like the wind keeps swirling in my mind nonstop
No matter how hard I try to stop, sadly it's only gushing in
Control your feeling, keep it in
Behave yourself as how they told you to
Conceal it and hide it inside, but I can no longer hide
I won't hide any longer
It's time to reveal the new me
I won't hide any longer
Leave what's in the past behind
I don't care, blame it all on me
Let the storm rage on
No matter how cold it is, I'm afraid a bit
When I see things from distance
They become smaller
The barriers I have faced
I now see them as some specks of dust
It's time for me to cross the line
Walk the new path with a constant heart
Right and wrong cannot define me, I don't care
I won't hide any longer
The sky and I are bound with the wind
I won't hide any longer
Throw all the fears away
Here I stand, here I will stay
Let the storm rage on
Down from the sky, my power bounds down to the ground
My new-born soul is becoming frozen fractals dispersing out and out
My brain brightens in vast crystallization
I'll never going back, I'll be who I really am
I can't hide any longer
The light will shine bright as I rise up
I won't hide any longer
I'm not that person anymore
I will stand as the sun rises in the sky
Let the storm rage on
The cold cannot hurt me a bit

Ddaeng (땡)

Versions: #2
18 13 38*1 Ddaeng*2
U wrong me right Watch me, Ddaeng
Ring the school bell brr brr Ddaeng
Hey, this life is hopeless, you’re Ddaeng
Hip-hop? Ddaeng
Rap style? Ddaeng
Just a rapper, Ddaeng
BTS = Ddaeng
But in reality, bang
Worldwide, bang
Top of the charts bang bang, Ddaeng
Got money, woo
AP, woo
Nice house, woo
Someone’s dream life, woo
How bout you? uh
I like you! uh
This success uh
Thanks to you uh
Funny aite funny aite? Yeah*3
You think it’s ridiculous aite? Yeah
Honestly those people, Yeah
What are they making such a fuss for, Yeah
Think about it calmly, Yeah
Since you have a lot of time, Yeah
This is your homework, homework, Yeah
If you can’t get it, it’s your problem, Ddaeng
18 13 38 Ddaeng
U wrong me right Watch me, Ddaeng
Ring the school bell brr brr Ddaeng
Hey, this life is hopeless, you’re Ddaeng
18 13 38 Ddaeng
U wrong me right Watch me, Ddaeng
Wait stop freeze Ddaeng
Hey, this life is hopeless, you’re Ddaeng
Hmm.. To me, you guys are Ddaeng
We all are Ddaeng
No matter who got a good Geut*4
I’m a Ddaeng, I don’t care at all
Hunnit bae hunnit bar hunnit bbae hunnit bae Ddaeng
This music is shit bae
Although you might have a stomach ache bae
Your claims are all correct bae
We’re heading towards ruin
Billboard, it’s thanks to you bae
There’s no one above us
Since we’re heading towards ruin, thanks
Thank you thank you thank you
Thank you for continuously ignoring us up till now
Thank to that, Stadium, Dome, Billboard
We gained a lot of things thanks to you
Friends from small companies
I hope you will soon become major companies
Since we will fail once again, like your wish
Please keep on worrying about us
18 13 38 Ddaeng
U wrong me right Watch me, Ddaeng
Ring the school bell brr brr Ddaeng
Hey, this life is hopeless, you’re Ddaeng
18 13 38 Ddaeng
U wrong me right Watch me, Ddaeng
Wait stop freeze Ddaeng
Hey, this life is hopeless, you’re Ddaeng
The sound of the cashier calculating Ddaeng
I liked it when I was younger, freeze-tag*6
I’m ding-dong, you’re Ddaeng*7
You are a 7Geut*8, I’m a Ddaeng
Sleeping after eating ramen, the face is Ddaeng
You dregs*9, do your thang*10
Look at me, I’m your errthang
You’re dope? Cool? Damn ridiculous..
It’s so ri ri-diculous that I will ask that you understand if I st-st-stutter my or-oratorical skills are a little lacking
Still I wanted to at least s-speak co-co-correctly but my lips keeping pu-pulling to a gr-grin because I lo-lo-love it so much love it so mu-much
Rappers who don’t even have haters, just shut up
Where is your hater
After cleaning your eyes and washing up, look at the mirror
The one breathing before you is none other than your hater
More than being celebrities, we celebrate
Only excelling no break*11
What are you to approve of me
Frogs that deserve to be called so
I earnestly pray that
You’ll die in the well*12
18 13 38 Ddaeng
U wrong, me right Watch me, Ddaeng
Ring the school bell brr brr Ddaeng
Hey, this life is hopeless, you’re Ddaeng
18 13 38 Ddaeng
U wrong, me right Watch me, Ddaeng
Wait stop freeze Ddaeng
Hey, this life is hopeless, you’re Ddaeng

Three magical trees

On the light pink colored road a brand new backpack sways
Under the sunlight filtering through trees​ I saw off a small back
Tenderly framed that is a distant memory
On the morning we parted the teacher gave me a gift
A guidepost to a cherished future
As the seasons come and go three trees took root without withering
They grew up so that it seems they will reach the sky spreading inside me
On that day an irreplaceable message reached my small heart
That radiance guided me towards two people
The road filled with many meetings and partings continues
Rather than today I shall go fearlessly walk towards a new tomorrow
This voice is a proof that I exist
An unseen hand is supporting the three trees that rise in my heart
I was born full with spirit and persistence and a lot of courage inside me
The emotions repeatedly overflowing in me become overlapping sounds
If I were to look out over them I would see plenty of smiles and tears twinkling
Thank you I shall now sing the song of gratification right here
As the seasons come and go three trees took root without withering
They grew up so that it seems they will reach the sky spreading inside me
An unseen hand is supporting the three trees that rise in my heart
Strongly strongly I shall keep believing I'm full with spirit and persistence and a lot of courage
With this song and with you
and with the those three magical trees

Bárki is tudja mit csinál?

HEIDI, beszél
Megint azokat a leveleket írogattad magadnak? 'Kedves Evan Hansen, ez egy gyönyörű nap lesz és mondom is miért...'
EVAN, beszél
Elkezdtem egyet.
HEIDI, beszél
Ezek a levelek fontosak édesem. Segíteni fognak neked, hogy kiépítsd az önbizalmadat.
EVAN, beszél
HEIDI, énekel
Nézhetnénk-e jobb szemmel előre, huh?
Próbálhatnánk csak annyira, hogy a világ ne essen szét?
Talán ez az év lesz más
Nem adjuk fel míg nincs változás
Idén mi újrakezdhetnénk
HEIDI, beszél
Á! Tudom is! Ma körbemehetnél és megkérhetnéd a többi gyereket, hogy írják alá a gipszedet! Ehhez mit szólnál?
EVAN, beszél
HEIDI, beszél
Máris büszke vagyok rád.
EVAN, beszél
Oh, remek...
HEIDI, énekel
Még egy fényes próbálkozás az albumnak
Még egy mellélépés amíg megtalálom a szót
Kicsit üresen jön ki
Nem érlek el igazán
Bárki is tudja mit csinál?
Valaki aki sejti, hogy mi a fenét kéne tenni?
Nem tudom, hogy látszik-e
De én csak úgy teszek mintha érteném
Szóval hol van a kulcs?
Kell egy szó
Mer' a valóságban
Ötletem sincs
És mondom amint kitalálom
CYNTHIA, beszél
Ez a végzős éved Connor. Nem fogod kihagyni az első napot!
CONNOR, beszél
Már mondtam, hogy holnap bemegyek.
LARRY, beszél
Nem is figyel. Nézz rá, valószínűleg be van szívva.
ZOE, beszél
Mindenképpen be van szívva.
CYNTHIA, beszél
Nem akarom, hogy beszívva menj iskolába Connor.
CONNOR, beszél
Tökély, akkor nem megyek. Kösz Anya!
CYNTHIA, énekel
Még egy nagyszerű kísérlet végez romokban
LARRY, beszél
A 75-ös már most be van dugulva
CYNTHIA, énekel
Tölts még egy bögre kávét
És nézd, hogy száll a füst
ZOE, beszél
Connor megitta a tejet!
CYNTHIA, énekel
Egy kirakós, egy kép
Próbálni megpróbáltam én
De mindennap csak még egy rossz rész
LARRY, beszél
Jobb lesz ha megyek.
ZOE, beszél
Hogyha Connor nincs kész, elindulok nélküle.
Bárki is tudja mit csinál?
Valaki aki—
Bárki is tudja mit csinál?
—sejti, hogy mi a fenét kéne tenni?
Nem tudom, hogy látszik-e
De én csak úgy teszek mintha érteném
Szóval hol van a kulcs?
Kell egy szó
Mer' az igazság az, hogy
Ötletem sincs
Ötletem sincs
Ötletem sincs
Ötletem sincs
És mondom amint kitalálom
It was ya boi.

Please don't break my Heart Baby

*cough* *cough*
Pause, pause
Please don't break my heart, baby
She just wants my blow, everytime after show
Please don't break my heart, baby
She already know, that I love her so
Please don't break my heart, baby
Woo-hoo-hoo, yeeah
Please don't break my heart, baby
[Part 1]
You haven't thought that I'll come, with most of the sh*t
Baby take off close, yeah, wooh, it's summer, cause
Uh, I have no time, I'm everytime on the go
She always says: 'Ya, ya', I always say: 'No, no'
Yeah you know it anyway, that I want to be anytime with you
Summer on the coastline, baby, come on chill
Sex in the kitchen, booty on barbecue
I do what I want, yeah, this what I feel
I feel, I feel, I feel
I fee-eel, like I don't even know what's real
But I'm sitting on twenty-five mil
Shawty what's the deal
She kills me with her sex appeal (appeal)
But she just wants too much
Too much, too much
Please don't break my heart, baby
She just wants my blow, everytime after show
Please don't break my heart, baby
She already know, that I love her so
Please don't break my heart, baby
Woo-hoo-hoo, yeeah
Please don't break my heart, baby
[Part 2]
Everytime I'm high
I'm thinking of you
Up at the skyline
With my spliff
Everytime I'm high
Everytime I'm hi-hi-hi-high
I'm on despair
When you're not there
But she wants cash, she wants coco, she wants Benz, she is loco
She even always wants to be on photo, baby dance, like a Gogo
She reads all my messages on my phone, baby, nono!
She is my Yoko Ono, she is my Yoko Ono
'Uh-hoo', everyone says when she arrives in the club
'Uh, uh, uh', everyone says when she comes dancing again
'Uh-hu-hu-hu-hu', when the DJ is pumping my track
She can't resist me
Please don't break my heart, baby
She just wants my blow, everytime after show
Please don't break my heart, baby
She already know, that I love her so
Please don't break my heart, baby
Woo-hoo-hoo, yeeah
Please don't break my heart, baby
Please, please, please
My baby
She just wants my wallet
Skiing in the powder snow, powder snow
Baby girl I like you
But you make my account e-e-e-e-empty
(When I'm already on place one in the charts)
Baby comes always back, always back
(You want to drive a round with my Lamborghini again?)
Baby comes always back, always back
(First class tickets to paradise)
Baby comes always back, always back
(Then you put your beautiful underwear on)
Baby comes always back, always back (ha ha ha)
Bu-ba-ba, du-da-da
Oh, here we go, goddamn

The Boxer

I'm a simple guy
My history is so usual
I changed my security
For a world made only of dreams and promises
That's always like this when we hear what we want to hear
When I left my home I was just a boy
And strangers were all around
I walked around the station without deciding
Where to go? Looking for places where my luck could be
Waiting for someone to accompany me
In the big and cold city I tried to surrender
But no one listened
Only women came closer to invite me
Let me confess, I felt so alone that I even agreed to pay1
And time passed faster than the trains
And after so many fights, everything is identical
So identical, everything is identical
In the dark and cold winter
I think of running away and coming back
To somewhere where the airs of this city don't suffocate me anymore
I'll run away, I'll come back
In the arena there's a man
A boxer
That carries the memories
Of every time he fell to the ground2
Because of a punch or money
Many times he wanted to run away
But deep within he knew that he needs to keep on, insist
  • 1. Maybe they're prostitutes
  • 2. He was knocked down
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Drunken Love

I recognized you from far away
I saw you, I read you
I've been thinking of you since yesterday
you came, I waited so long
I want to give you this night
I want to hug you
you know where to find me
you know where to find me
This is a drunken love, we can not get out from it
you bring down the pulse, arrows straight to the heart
this is a drunken love, with whom will I warm it up again?
cut me at the seams, you mark me straight to the heart
you hit me in the heart, you hit me straight to the heart
you hit me in the heart, you hit me straight to the heart
I can not chase away thoughts about you
I fly, again everything is like a dream
we will stay in the heights
we have already achieved the goal, so come to me
I want to give you this night
I want to hug you
you know where to find me
you know where to find me
This is a drunken love, we can not get out from it
you bring down the pulse, arrows straight to the heart
this is a drunken love, with whom will I warm it up again?
cut me at the seams, you mark me straight to the heart
in my chest goes on a war
don't leave, I waited so long
traces from your lips remained
there's no prohibition for us until dawn
This is a drunken love, This is a drunken love.
you pump me blood, this is a drunken love
This is a drunken love, This is a drunken love.
you pump me blood, this is a drunken love
this is a drunken love
This is a drunken love, we can not get out from it
you bring down the pulse, arrows straight to the heart
this is a drunken love, with whom will I warm it up again?
cut me at the seams, you mark me straight to the heart
you hit me in the heart, you hit me straight to the heart
you hit me in the heart, you hit me straight to the heart
This is a drunken love, we can not get out from it
we can not get out from it, we can not get out from it
drunken love
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Hey, Jacob

Hey, Jacob, 
Hey Jacob,
Are you sleeping?
Are you sleeping?
Wake up let's go to school 
Ok come, 
Ok come.

Uncle Bouki

Uncle Bouki, 
Uncle Bouki
Are you sleeping? 
Are you sleeping?
Get up to play the drum, 
Get up to play the drum!
Ding, ding, dong! 
Ding, ding, dong!


You have left for a short time,
God beware - that we meet again, -
But I have a freight-train - to the east,
And a mine in Bodaibo.
You are not going to cry and not going to wait,
You are not going to visit my relatives, -
Now I spit on it - I shall be hauling here
Gold for the country.
Everything is ending: Ceased have the noises of the wheels,
The sleepers are ending, the rails not ...
Alas, it´s now to wail for woe! It's a pity there are no tears
The tears endet after seven years.
Don't await me, agreed, god be with you, -
And if it's difficult for me - don't be sorry.
Just remember - god beware you that
Our paths crossing again!
The stretch of time has ended - I'll endure
And I'm given freedom anyway, -
But until then I shall sleep on the plank-bed in the zone, -
I shall endeavour to forget everything.
There the woods all around bend in the wind,
The blueness all around - what not to do!
Behind - seventhousand kilometres,
Ahead - seven years of blueness...

Ko Ko Bop

Hmm hmm
Shimmie shimmie Ko Ko Bop I think I like it
Don’t be nervous, don’t be shy
I’m entering into your dizzy heart
As if I’m familiar, I’ll softly spread inside
Ah woo it’s a silent night
Ah woo it’s a night for you
I can’t hold back, I’m falling
I’m drunk from your body
Forget the typical me that you’ve known
My hidden instincts shimmie up
It goes down down baby
Trust your body
It goes down down baby
To the rhythm and shout
Oh oh oh we are oh oh oh
We going Ko Ko Bop
Shimmie shimmie Ko Ko Bop I think I like it
Little by little down down, don’t be shy
No matter what anyone says, don’t listen
Just be beautiful as you are right now
I wish time would stop baby are you down
Ah woo it’s the last night
Ah woo it’s our night
Don’t be nervous and come
Trust all of you with me
The reins are loosening
Just put it down today
Don’t be cautious, shakin’ up
It goes down down baby
Trust your body
It goes down down baby
To the rhythm and shout
Oh oh oh we are oh oh oh
Break it down now
We go down now
You shine more as the night deepens
Your eyes tell me everything
On this nice night, I want you
I know, it’s ok, let’s start now
It’s about to go go
It goes down down baby
Trust your body
It goes down down baby
To the rhythm and shout
Oh oh oh we are oh oh oh
Going Ko Ko Bop
Down down baby
Whisper in my ear
It goes down down baby
Set my heart on fire
Oh oh oh crazy oh oh oh
Going Ko Ko Bop


World, there’s a secret in this place (shimmy shimmy)
Closeness is like a mask-like gimmick (give me give me)
We believe in something that can’t be touched
Woo, you know this too
We know this too, woo
What I’m closer to is (wild)
A wall that is greater than this sound (you wild)
I can’t take it anymore
Woo, I’ll break it down
Woo, I’ll break it down, break it down
Whatever I touch
I take
The moment you feel my body heat
You’ll fall for me yeah
I know you want
Come closer and touch me
The world is ours
World is ours
Don’t you know I’m a
Boss that leads you
Don’t you know I’m a
Player that moves you
Don’t you know I’m a
Boss that leads you
Don’t you know I’m a
Don’t you know I’m a
Don’t you know I’m a
Boss that leads you
Don’t you know I’m a
Player that moves you
Don’t you know I’m a
Boss that leads you
Don’t you know I’m a
Don’t you know I’m a
Don’t you know I’m a
Move however I lead you
Extend your hand even higher
I’m tying together a different you and me
Tied up once again, it’s a different us, different us
I’m your absolute boss you want (I like that)
If you want me, have me, it’s my choice (I like that)
I wanted us to meet eyes even more, man
That’s what I need
You know me
Only follow me
I wanna take you far away without fear
I want to draw out an even bigger us yeah
(Draw out an even bigger us yeah)
As if everything has been born again, come into my world
Like fish in water, everyone sings
Don’t you know I’m a
Boss that leads you
Don’t you know I’m a
Player that moves you
Don’t you know I’m a
Boss that leads you
Don’t you know I’m a
Don’t you know I’m a
Don’t you know I’m a
Boss that leads you
Don’t you know I’m a
Player that moves you
Don’t you know I’m a
Boss that leads you
Don’t you know I’m a
Don’t you know I’m a
Don’t you know I’m a
Just give it give it give it
However you feel
A little closer closer closer
Trust me and come to me
Now close your eyes
Breathe in my world that will spread before your eyes
You’re beautiful enough
Just as you are
Communicating with fingertips, that’s fake, throw all of that away
Instead, fly to you, dive to you, directly
I can make it make it work for you
I became the boss for you
Useless posts, no need
I’ll make you appear, I know how you feel now
Fear none
We eye to eye
I’m the boss to the world
I’m the guy who’ll burn you up
Hot dog feel like I wear goose goose
I’m gonna catch up lightly fly
I’m gonna directly knock on your door bell, this is a direct sign
Don’t you know I’m a
Boss that leads you
Don’t you know I’m a
Player that moves you
Don’t you know I’m a
Boss that leads you
Don’t you know I’m a
Don’t you know I’m a
Don’t you know I’m a
Boss that leads you
Don’t you know I’m a
Player that moves you
Don’t you know I’m a
Boss that leads you
Don’t you know I’m a
Don’t you know I’m a
Don’t you know I’m a
A world that is only found outside this world
A perfectly harmonious world
So anyone can come inside this circle
I wanna send you my song

Rainbow Land

Sometimes I look at you and I think: 'Something's going on inside of you'
'Just as if you had suddenly lost all your joy'
And that makes me feel so helpless because I don't want to bother you
And I just don't know if it helps you if I say: 'I like you'
So I'll wish you a rainbow
So I'll wish you a ray of sunlight
That saves all the world's smile for you
So I'll wish you a starry sky
So I'll wish you a summer's day
And I'll wish you all the happiness in the world
Rainbow Land, Rainbow Land
Sometimes I can feel that you just don't believe in yourself anymore
And that you allow yourself really anything but a feeling
And so I want to give you hug and walk part of the road with you
As long as our two hearts keep beating the world will keep turning
So I'll wish you a rainbow
So I'll wish you a ray of sunlight
That saves all the world's smile for you
So I'll wish you a starry sky
So I'll wish you a summer's day
And I'll wish you all the happiness in the world
Rainbow Land, Rainbow Land
Rainbow Land, Rainbow Land
And we'll walk towards the Rainbow Land
Yes, we'll walk into the Rainbow Land

The Ditties of Babiagas'

Harmonic, stretch your waves!
Hey, play without stopping!
Babiaga1, sing your ditties!
Sing them, don't speak!
I was tipsy,
And I was flying on a broom,
Despite of I myself don't believe
In these superstitions!!
I was walking on forest side,
A devil began to follow me,
I thought that it was a man!
What the hell's going on here?
When I turned home,
The devil again was following me.
I spat on his bald patch
And told him to go to the wood goblin!
The storyteller-villain
Is the most harmful from people.
Oh, he was a skilful liar,
But it's a pity that he was unsavory.
Harmonic, stretch your waves!
Hey, play without stopping!
Babiaga, sing your ditties!
Sing them, don't speak!
  • 1. Babiaga is an old witch in Russian fairy tales. She can be a negative character or help a main character.

I'm Your Boy

I like you, I like your smile
I like how shy you get
This moment, being together
I like it so much
It’s so amazing, day after day
I think about you more and more
My heart keeps beating faster
I’m only thinking about you
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy
I didn’t know I’d be into someone
I’m just looking at you and smiling cuz I’m a fool
I can’t focus, I can’t do anything
I want to carry you in my pocket
I don’t need anything else, without you, there’s no meaning
Only you fill me up
I’m falling for you more and more, my girl
I can only think of you, for real
Thank you for being under the same sky as me
That I can sing this kind of song
That I can see you when things get hard
Thank you so much
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy
More than the stars in the night sky
You dazzle and shine so bright
More than anything else in the world (you)
All of the memories in me
I’ll engrave them deep in my heart
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy
When things are hard, lean on me
I’ll always lend you a shoulder
You’re important to me, I’ll only look at you
My heart flutters more and more, for real
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy

Giddy Up

Everyone focus here, let’s go
Just have fun, don’t be so cautious
Anxiety down down down down
Follow me, burn it up
Wow wow wow wow
Scream and turn it up
Just like we feel right now, let’s run to the sky
Throw away your worries, trust yourself with me
Eeny meeny miney mo, no need to make it hard
Just need your heart fluttering eyes, throw yourself
We’re young and free, don’t be afraid
Run across this path
Hold my hand, dream more, if we’re together, everything is good
Make some noise
Giddy giddy up, let’s go to the tip of the sky
Go run run run (come on)
Giddy giddy up, let’s run into the cloud
Go run run run
Don’t ever stop, clash against it all
Feels like I can touch this moment I dreamed about
I’m ready with my new senses
When this whole world shines
Giddy giddy giddy up now
However your feet go, move
Whistle and have even more fun
Worries go down down down down
Follow me, burn it up
Wow wow wow wow
Scream and Turn it up
Be with me just like this, hold me tighter
Whatever it is, I’ll give you more, trust me
We’re young and free, run more
Even if you fall, get up again
Hold my hand, dream more, if we’re together, everything is good
Make some noise
Giddy giddy up, let’s go to the tip of the sky
Go run run run (come on)
Giddy giddy up, let’s run into the cloud
Go run run run
Don’t ever stop, clash against it all
Feels like I can touch this moment I dreamed about
I’m ready with my new senses
When this whole world shines
Giddy giddy giddy up now
Leave it and run ta ta ta ta ta
Empty your spot for a moment, pop pop pop
Track check it plaque take it
If I have to say it, I’m a trend make it
It’ll be good for you to focus, everyone shh
I’m different from all the others you’ve seen so far
I run with a fast speed, baby
Running to here and there, far away
Without holding back, giddy up
Giddy giddy up, to the tip of the sky, you and I
Go run run run (come on)
Giddy giddy up, trust your racing heart
Go run run run
Don’t ever stop, clash against it all
Feels like I can touch this moment I dreamed about
I’m ready with my new senses
When your eyes shine
Giddy giddy giddy up now