Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 10

Találatok száma: 538


I'm only because of your eyes

I am just sake for your eyes
My heart is a mirage without you
My eye is a mirage too
I didn't say I adore it on my mind
I'm crazy ... I'm so crazy about you
Yesterday I had the best seasons
Summer and Winter
Look at you
And my heart spoke to your eyes ...and he said:
Until when your beautiful eyes will continue to watch me, for how long?!
My sweetheart,
Your eyes at night
Where did I go? I saw you
My sweetheart, your eyes are decorated this Night
The lightning of its swords charmed me
I didn't say I adore it on my mind
I'm crazy ... I'm so crazy about you
O my Moon .. O my Sun of Gold
Travelling on your eyes exhausts me
My heart is tired ... my patience is tired too
From your upper eyelid to your eyelashes
Flame boats sail at sea
Waves that make me happy
And the waves that keep me away
I'm only because of your eyes
My heart mirage without you
My eye is a mirage too
I never said I adore with you in my mind
I'm crazy ... I'm so crazy about you

The Ruin

French have Bonapart, cheese, wine and Paris,
You like their couture - you learn their language.
And you want to be like calm Parisians,
To read the newspaper with coffee, to bite the croissant.
Polish have Warsaw, bigus, żurek and flaczki,
Marie Curie also, by the way, Polish.
You go to them for skiing, you know their language,
You find yourself thinking that you respect them.
But my country - total ruin,
And people are walking proudly in flat caps and sportswear1.
But my country - total ruin,
How it is possible to hate own homeland so much?
Americans have a status and the Statue of Freedom,
Las-Vegas, Niagara, New-York, Hollywood
And a lot of people there can get along.
But if we even have just one person, they do not fit.
Faraway Iceland has two hundreds of volcanos,
Reykjavik, a couple of geysers and eternal ice,
And every person from the street can go for coffee
Into the office of the president, safely.
My country has Kyiv, Volyn' and Karpaty,
Donbas and Black Sea, Odesa and Lviv,
And there are only Deputies who live high on the hog,
Everyone else is playing roles in the movies about losers.
Biting the bullet, everyone stands and lets the convoys2 pass.
Earning a bottle of wine for month's work.
The biggest happiness of Ukrainian is to make it to tomorrow,
We are already in trenches, though this is not a war.
  • 1. a reference to Gopnik
  • 2. in Ukraine, people on top government positions usually are moving in convoys of multiple cars, and before this convoy passes, police blocks some streets for it and does not let anyone to move across this space. If convoy is late, the 'standing' can last for hours. Some cases known when people died in these artificial 'traffic jams' or because emergency car could not get through the block.

you lost me

God forgive you.
I told you not to leave me and let me
Consider me like a chance.
How much I held on to you and how much you gave me
What is the worst in the soul that you dont miss
See what you did and hurt you where did you know me
Whatever my feelings are, you're in a lot of danger.
And lie if I say in your repelling what i cared about
I died to turn to you and I became from you and to you
I came for you a thousand times but you replied to me
Love seemed to you before you didn't end.
I was her father, but you didn't call me.
A day as if it is with you and I will stay up and watch you
And he mentioned the longing he did not bring you or came to me
The day they went back and said your buyer
But I wasn't delek or my life.
Don't try to lie.
Don't act and we're disappointed what you love me
And after I loved someone else came to me and said your father
Don't say I betrayed you.
God forgive you.
I told you not to leave me and let me


Imagine if yummy come?
And i will tell you what happened in your absence
How long have you been in the world?
I ask you and tell you and leave the moment of your reproach
Imagine if yummy come?
And if i really folded the distance you will receive me
You're throwing me at your door. Your absence depositor.
And she's waiting for you. I'm waiting for you to come yummy?
Don't be stingy:
I'm exhausted and I feel like I'm feeling no.
Imagine me three months:
Sad and annoyed and oppressed and my sadness is your self and damming
Come and come back my eyes and i am seeing the light
Sweet, soft, hard, soft, sweet,
I imagined you come and greet your perfume in my breath
Imagine as I imagine:
I imagined you coming to yummy: I grew the flower of joy
And your wounded forgot his wound and singing:
Imagine if yummy come?
He goes back to me. I swear to God after you are wet and my tears are too much.


Yesterday you promised hundred ways
Today when I was drunk you said you were joking
Yesterday you were still very cute
Today, the sentence break-up you're said contrarious
Uhm ok
Uhm alright
Yesterday was the sun
Today is a thunderstorm
It's not the weather
Know who I am talking about?
Forgetting each other is easy
To become a stranger doesn't have to count every day
Oh love each other so much! (love each other so much!)
Deep for you also only comes this much
Promise you used a lot
Sorry now it doesn't work (Sorry)
I could love with my mind
But couldn't be with broken faith
The dew doesn't leave the leaves
The wind kissed the flowers
Flowers are used in stone
Clouds hug the blue sky
I hug the guitar
You're joking with me
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, ok
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, alright
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, ok
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, alright
Yesterday we were still normal
Today we are far away, I can't think of it
Yesterday, the lips still kissed
Today, why do I feel fiction in love?
Yesterday you were happy today, today I am hard to guess
After the wound is done, you turn your back to quickly say bye
Full of bitterness but why do you still bring sweetness in your eyes?
Don't think I don't care you tease my heart all the time (Babe)
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, ok
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, alright
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, ok
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, alright

Ünnepélyes álom

Volt egy ünnepélyes álmom
Egy ajtó tornyosult előttem
Aztán jött egy hang ami megrázta a gyertyákat
Édesanyám sikolya volt
Megpróbáltam átszelni a küszöböt
De túl kicsi voltam hogy elérjem a kilincset
Mi volt ez a látomás, mi engem hívott az éjszaka közepén?
Vajon egy álom volt egy másik életről?
Vagy egy visszhang mi visszatért a gyermekkorból?
Édesapám nem tűrte el
A gyengeség legkisebb jelét sem
Egyedül néztük ahogy eltemetik őt
Visszatartottam minden könnyet mely
Megpróbált kiszabadulni
Megtörtem a pulzusom a fejfáján
Mi volt ez a látomás, mi engem hívott az éjszaka közepén?
Vajon egy álom volt egy másik életről?
Vagy egy visszhang mi visszatért a gyermekkorból?
A lélegzet belém szakad, mert mi ez itt?
A sorsot megfordította egy fordulat
Szavak kutatása, hogy ajkamról kiszabadulhassanak
Semmilyen metafóra nem illendő
Erre a páratlan szépségre
A tekintélyes ruhája, a tökéletes alakja
Karja gyöngéd emelése
A vállát birtokló hetyke
Göndör, hollófekete loknik falkája
Reménytelien hullámoznak
A lényem legszikkadtabb mélységeibe
'Hahó? Lenne egy kérdésem, tudna nekem ajánlani valamit?'
'Van itt valaki?' (Hallom a gondolataim azt mondani, 'tűnj el')
'Messziről jöttem, nincs sok időm' (Nincs sok időm)
'Ez az egyetlen esélyem megtalálni egy ilyen letűnt év ruháját' (Egyetlen esélyem megtalálni őt)
Mikor fogok áttörni ezen a félelmen?
'Bejöttem, nem volt zárva'
'Nincsen e boltnak eladója?' (Én vagyok e bolt eladója)
Várom az esélyt, hogy lélegzetet vehessek
'Úgy tűnik, egymagam vagyok'
'Itt senki sincs' (Nem hagyhatom őt itt hagyni engem)
Mikor azt hittem volna, az én időm letelt
A szerelem jótékonyságot mutatott
De most az ajtó felé tart
És én eddig nem tudtam megszólalni
Elfutott és itt hagyott
Hol van a merészség amire szükségem van?

My True Friend

Although I do not talk about my hardships,
He himself comes learning about it, my true friend,
He is sincerely happy about my wellbeing
And considers me one of his own, my true friend
The advice is smart of my best friend,
Thank you, thank you, my true friend
You understand everything, good and bad,
I am blessed to have you my true friend
Overcoming sorrows and sad days together,
Let us still live on side by side
I am not afraid of this world despite all that I encounter
As I have the best friend next to me
Although I do not talk about my hardships,
He himself comes learning about it, my true friend,
He is sincerely happy about my wellbeing
And considers me one of his own, my true friend
I am not saying I am unhappy as I am capable
of seeing the beauty of this world
And I am not saying I am lonely

I'm yours

Do not be depressed, I swear to God

Big Difference

The new road
The person walking beside you isn't me anymore
Did you feel comfortable at all
Every promise I said in the past
Not needed anymore
Now the pain is too redundancy
Can hide the wound in the heart
But can't hide all the disappointment
Can hide all our love stories
But can't leave a love
The day you tell stay together
Too much fatigue
I tried to hold back but stopped
The day you said now we have
The difference is too great
It's because you need someone more
The new road
The person walking beside you isn't me anymore
Did you feel comfortable at all
Every promise I said in the past
Not needed anymore
Now the pain is too redundancy
Adding salt water will add salty
More faith, love will deepen
But she doesn't want to be with me oh oh
So she say no no no
Without sea fish it will still be salty
A little deep for my love to the throne
The ending is different because of the sentence
The day you tell stay together
Too much fatigue
I tried to hold back but stopped
The day you said now we have
The difference is too great
It's because you need someone more
The new road
The person walking beside you isn't me anymore
Did you feel comfortable at all
Every promise I said in the past
Not needed anymore
Now the pain is too redundancy
The new road
The person walking beside you isn't me anymore
Did you feel comfortable at all
Every promise I said in the past
Not needed anymore
Now the pain is too redundancy
The day you tell stay together
Too much fatigue
I tried to hold back but stopped
The day you said now we have
The difference is too great
It's because you need someone more


When the world completely falls apart
When in the pride and stage you used to have,
everyone left in the middle of the song
When happiness turns into dust
When dreams degrade into disaster
Heartache turns into habit
Rotting in loneliness
Stranded a lightyear away
Lost all meaning to live, lost all love
Dithering in endless night
Shouting until your heart splits and lungs crack
Who can take away my suffering and give me all the love?
Ah~ I walked each corner of the earth
Passing through quiet oceans
Struggling with dark nights and quicksands
Waiting until my sun finally appeared
I walked each corner of the earth
Shedding my wounded wings
Happiness blossoms for me
Love is my only direction
Let it go let it go I won't stop now
Let it go let it go let me see your smile
When tears slash through the darkness
When all the scars are healed
Shining brighter after the pain
When hugs end regrets
When dreams finally come true
(Your) Heartbeat finds a companion
Rotting in loneliness
Stranded a lightyear away
Lost all meaning to live, lost all love
Dithering in endless night
Shouting until your heart splits and lungs crack
Who can take away my suffering and give me all the love?
Ah~ I walked each corner of the earth
Passing through quiet oceans
Struggling with dark nights and quicksands
Waiting until my sun finally appeared
I walked each corner of the earth
Shedding my wounded wings
Happiness blossoms for me
Love is my only direction
Let it go let it go I won't stop now
Let it go let it go let me see your smile
Let it go let it go I won't stop now
Let it go let it go let me see your smile
Let it go let it go cause I won't stop now
Let it go let it go cause I won't stop now
Let it go let it go cause I won't stop now
Let it go let it go cause I won't stop now
Ah~ I walked each corner of the earth
Passing through quiet oceans
Struggling with dark nights and quicksands
Waiting until my sun finally appeared
I walked each corner of the earth
Shedding my wounded wings
Happiness blossoms for me
Love is my only direction
Let it go let it go I won't stop now
Let it go let it go let me see your smile
Let it go let it go I won't stop now
Let it go let it go let me see your smile

Let's go for a ride, you and me

(REF 1)
Let's go for a ride, you and me
Let's go for a ride, you and me
and the streets of this ungrateful place
are the last thing that you'll see
Let's go for a ride, you and me
(REF 2)
Let's go for a ride, you and me
we'll never pay another single fee
and if it's good enough for you
it's good enough for me
Let's go for a ride, you and me
We'll be riding a moped
We'll be lieing in the sand
We'll hear the chatter of foreign tounges
In a foreign land
there's a hidden cay
without tourist traps and malls
we'll pet the manatees
jump down the waterfalls
(REF 3)
Let's go for a ride, you and me
where bananas grow and an old cocoa tree
and behind volcanic mountains
nothing but the shining sea
Let's go for a ride, you and me
(REF 4)
Let's go for a ride, you and me
Where we live life as happy as can be
We'll climb so many mountains
with cold wind and mist and scree
Let's go for a ride, you and me
we're gonna catch some fish
we're gonna make some booze
we're gonna surf all day
and live just as we choose
we'll play our bong drums
and as the hours go by
There's an old fisherman
who at night shows us the sky
(REF 1)
Let's go for a ride, you and me
Let's go for a ride, you and me
and the streets of this ungrateful place
are the last thing that you'll see
Let's go for a ride, you and me
and the streets of this ungrateful place
are the last thing that you'll see
Let's go for a ride, you and me

peaceful moments

The waves rattle, the sunlight spreads out and embraces my whole body
The wind whispered, the soft white sand carried the clouds away sorrow
Dawn brings morning dew
With birds drifting to a warm place
Where the heart waits for the day to come
Where the shoulders rolled sorrow
Clicking on the lips of the tea, my soul get drunk fainted (Oh this vast space)
Butterfly bees happily singing and dancing
Give me a few seconds, bury yourself here
Bring us peace
Rain gives me a desire to remember, sweet dream life
Carefree we live sincerely!

In a cabin of a truck

In a cabin of a truck
Three drivers with me had a f.ck
Guess what they will bring back home?
Some nice clap that rode along!

Tum Hi Aana Song Lyrics

Versions: #1
Tere jaane ka gum
aur na aane ka gum
phir zamane ka gum kya karein
raah dekhe nazar
raat bhar jaag kar
par teri toh khabar na mile
bahut aayi gayi yaadein
magar iss baar tum hi aana
irade phir se jaane ke nahi lana
tum hi aana
aa.. aa..
koi toh raah wo hogi
jo mere ghar ko aati hai
karo pichha sadaon ka
suno kya kehna chahti hai
tum aaoge mujhe milne
khabar ye bhi tum hi lana
bahut aayi gayi yaadein
magar iss baar tum hi aana

Well, yeah!

I grab my guitar and go as if I'm nuts
from four winds, they call me to go
Through the houses, through the souls, I enter singing,
some are asking me what's on my mind?
If my soul is vagabond to me,
why wouldn't I be?
If I can look at what's beautiful,
why wouldn't I love?
Why would-I stop?
I go my way
doesn't seem hard for me to be
always around train stations, at crossroads
Got brothers in Sun and sing around the ghosts
In an unknown pillow, don't know who's,
I sleep for a night and then go wandering.
If I'm useful,
only a child
can say with his first 'Ah!',
It's warmer inside the mother,
or in PJs.
In the sun of ice
I bloom on the window,
with a caress
you lose me because I'm melting
I'm going my way


Bambino, bambino, bambino,
You know nothing about worry and suffering.
Bambino, bambino, bambino,
You still have enough time for that.
You're sleeping under trees in the garden
And flowers are nodding at you.
You know nothing about hoping and waiting,
Nothing disturbs your childish peace.
It smells sweetly of flowers,
They dream secretly in the wind.
And small, smiling deer guard
My sleeping child.

Desert of memories

When the dusts come from the deserts of memories
It makes me re narrate that story
When the dusts come from the deserts of memories
It makes me re narrate that story
Kathajodi river is the witness of that story
The arrogant queen of a king's dream
I asked for gem of dew
I got nothing but fog of tears
Today that story is flowing through my nip
I search for you through words
But to no vain
You told many tales without saying a word
Knowingly I couldn't hear them
I was playing hide n seek
with selfish dreams
I've lied the whole world that
I loved you
But it is only my heart that
knows the truth
Today that story is flowing through my nip
I couldn't finish the story to this day
When the dusts come from the deserts of memories
It makes me re narrate that story
Kathajodi river is the witness of that story
The arrogant queen of a king's dream
I asked for gem of dew
I got nothing but fog of tears
Today that story is flowing through my nip
I search for you through words
But to no vain

My breathings without you

I can't breath without you
I can't believe anything without you
I'm nothing without you
I'm nothing without you
Solwly I'm feeling that, I love you so much that
I can't forget you even if I want to
I'm nothing without you
I'm nothing without you
Wherever I go, I find only you
From morning to evening, I look at you
You're my universe, you're my world
Feels like I'll be there if only you're there
Sunrise, doesn't happen for me without you
Heartbeats, don't happen to me without you
I'm nothing without you
I'm nothing without you
I built such a relationship with you
You look like the konark temple of my love
Why is everything beautiful when you're around
Without you, the world seems dark
Dreams, I cant see without you
Life, I can't imagine without you
I'm nothing without you
I'm nothing without you
when you're in front of me
Even if I want, I can't look at anyone else
I'm nothing without you
I'm nothing without you
I'm nothing without you
I'm nothing without you


In the night she weeps
Her tears fall down her cheeks
She has no one to comfort her
Deep into the night
Her image appears
And through the silence
The cry of her heart is heard
We wished to fill what she lacks
We called out to her, whispered her name
And in the depths of our heart, we wept along with her
Arise, cry out in the night
At the beginning of the watches
Pour out your heart like water
Do not be deceitful against your own soul
To think this was all in vain
For every tear and every word counts
All of your rights are kept in the place of the king's treasuries
Together they all become a crown
A tiara for your head
And even though there is no one who can truly understand
What more can be done
We did not stop our wishes
And there are moments in which all that's left
Is merely faith in the nights
Faith in the nights

Broken Words

Even when we run out of strength
And our peace of mind is broken
And once again the road is hidden from our eyes
The first rule, and the most important thing...
Even when it's so late
And another day has passed
And when the bridge is growing narrow
The first rule, and the most important thing...
Is to not be afraid at all...
To not be afraid
Behold, the ways of pleasantness are renewed for us every day
Forgotten paths of peace unveil inside of us now
And instead of all the valleys of the shadow of death, let us pace in the lands of the living
Let us believe that we can speak of what's in our heart
And all the broken words shall join together as prayers
Become songs, restore our strength
Revive our soul
Fill our mouth with laughter
And all the broken words shall join together as prayers
Become songs, restore our strength
Revive our soul
Make our hearts strong and courageous
To not be afraid at all...
Let us not be afraid at all
For God is with us

Our Story

To welcome the coming day
It carries all the gifts of our existence along with it
For even now our story is being written
Pieced together from one moment to the next, step by step, note for note
And behold, the smile of the rising sun is spread on our faces
A willing wind hovers about
A new light floods our eyes
Opens up all the gates of the heart
To accept with love the place we are in
And to thank for all the paths in which our lives pass through
Nay, what we go through is not for naught
It comes to teach us to cast away all of our worries
What happened before and what will happen in the future, and to start living
And behold, the smile of the rising sun is spread on our faces
A willing wind hovers about
A new light floods our eyes
Opens up all the gates of the heart

The Gate of Heaven

Can we find that place again
And reside there once the sun turns away from above us?
Will we keep on dreaming
And climbing up and down ladders?
And here we are, set up on the earth
But the voice of our cry reaches heaven
And here we are, even when set up on the earth
The melody of our hearts reaches heaven
And every time we look beyond our daily lives
We suddenly realize that the place we are standing on is holy
And we see everything around us in a new light
We suddenly realize that the day has come, and that the common is actually holy
And this is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven
And here we are, set up on the earth
But the voice of our cry reaches heaven
And here we are, even when set up on the earth
The melody of our hearts reaches heaven
We suddenly realize that the day has come, and that the common is actually holy
And this is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven

a peaceful new year

Spring brings love from all families
Bring harmonious lyrics
Love happiness reunites
Tet this year, warmly filled
Rain falls gently, the wind brings the fragrance
Cradling in the wings of a distant bird
Each beat of the past seconds, the heart recoil.
Spring to branches and leaves sprout
How sad and happy are over
Bring me back in peace, with my family full of gratitude
The apricot tree blooms with more color
Gentle in the fresh pink spring sunshine
Come home quickly, parents are waiting.
Friends are happy to show off their new clothes, spring comes, expose them
These neatly lucky money, lucky, fresh
The fragrant banh chung, fainting spring, filled the buds in many places
The morning sun opens smiling lips, gentle spring come
Ề ô ố ô ố
There is a voice of joyful poetry peeling off gifts
Ề ô ố ô ố
There are spring winds, glad to congratulate the grandparents
Laugh forever, a peaceful new year, a peaceful new year.


May the moment ascend and come
In which a new day will break
And the river which goes out of Eden will come down and water my garden
A fountain of living waters will enfold me as my mother's womb
And replant within me the strength
To awaken the great light hidden inside me
And despite the coldness and darkness of the night
The spring will not cease to flow
Out of the depths tears arise
And melt the layers that covered my eyes, lips, and heart
And with my last bit of strength I shall stand on the top of the mountain
And lift up my voice

zajos éjszakában

Versions: #1
a zajos éjszakában
furcsa hangokat fogsz
mintha te is kísértenél
fojtogat a sűrű víz
magadnak is folyton fájsz
benned a mélyben
nézd a színes eget
sötétből a fényre fordul
elereszti aranyát
nincs mit vesztenünk
törünk minden törvényt
s nem tudjuk, amit tudtunk
a távol zaját
a sötét viharát
a tüzet mi életre kel
a csöndet mi vihart köszönt
az éjt mely elköszön
szemeidben forr már a parázs
már a parázs
szemeidben forr már a parázs
már a parázs
szemeidben forr már a parázs
szemeidben forr már a parázs
mindent tipor az idő
mit megperzselt a láng
futsz a csillagok elé
mi eltört ott hever
szétterült a fényben
nincs ki megáll
nézd a színes eget
sötétből a fényre fordul
elereszti aranyát
nincs mit vesztenünk
törünk minden törvényt
s nem tudjuk, amit tudtunk
a távol zaját
a sötét viharát
a tüzet mi életre kel
a csöndet mi vihart köszönt
az éjt mely elköszön
szemeidben forr már a parázs
már a parázs
szemeidben forr már a parázs
már a parázs
szemeidben forr már a parázs
szemeidben forr már a parázs
már a parázs
szemeidben forr már a parázs
már a parázs
szemeidben forr már a parázs
már a parázs
szemeidben forr már a parázs
fordította Gaál György István


Nem tudtam mondani neked semmit arról az éjszakáról
Az italok és a vakító fények között
De ha csak pár percet is,
De táncoltam veled, táncoltam veled, táncoltam veled
Botladozva egy üres utcán
Majdnem elvesztettem az emlékeimet
De reggel, amikor elmentem
Gondoltam rád, gondoltam rád, gondoltam rád
Minden lépés, amit teszek
Mindenhol ahová megyek
Látom az arcodat, felejthetetlen
Minden szív, amit összetörsz
Soha nem fogod megtudni
Látom az arcodat, felejthetetlen
Minden gyönyörű hazugság közül, amiket eddig mondtam
A tiédet szeretem a legjobban
A tiéd az amit ilyen közel tartok
Kileheli a lelkét, kileheli a lelkét, kileheli a lelkét
Csak egy éjszaka volt, csak egy éjszaka volt
Mégsem tudom kiverni a fejemből
Még akkor sem, ha soha nem leszel az enyém
Minden lépés, amit teszek
Mindenhol ahová megyek
Látom az arcodat, felejthetetlen
Minden szív, amit összetörsz
Soha nem fogod megtudni
Látom az arcodat, felejthetetlen
Látom az arcodat, felejthetetlen
Látom (felejthetetlen)
Látom az arcodat, felejthetetlen
Minden lépés, amit teszek
Mindenhol ahová megyek
Látom az arcodat, felejthetetlen
Minden szív, amit összetörsz
Soha nem fogod megtudni
Látom az arcodat, felejthetetlen
Minden lépés, amit teszek
Mindenhol ahová megyek
Látom az arcodat, felejthetetlen
Minden szív, amit összetörsz
Soha nem fogod megtudni
Látom az arcodat, felejthetetle


It's over, that is what you wanted to know
I see your thoughts are already flying with someone else
Go, go away and don't call me
I don't want tears to remind me of you
Go, go away and don't call me
You are just a spoiled kid
I listen tonight how bora rages
I watch, you sleep, clocks stopped going
I hug you, you kiss me while sleeping
You're smiling, and you don't know you're losing
I listen tonight how bora rages
I watch, you sleep, clocks stopped going
I hug you, you kiss me while sleeping
Let the one who loses you like that be happy
It has ended, well this time
We didn't know we're close to the end
Moonlight wanders over the surface
It rolls the dead sea carrying our boat
My heart used to ramble
Your soul used to wasting
I listen tonight how bora rages
I watch, you sleep, clocks stopped going
I hug you, you kiss me while sleeping
You're smiling, and you don't know you're losing
I listen tonight how bora rages
I watch, you sleep, clocks stopped going
I hug you, you kiss me while sleeping
Let the one who loses you like that be happy

Hey, Tambura

Hey, tambura1, let go of me tonight
Her eyes are leaving tonight
I'm left with nothing but shadows, only memories
Two roses after a rendez-vous
Hey, tambura, play softer
Don't look at me now
She took my heart
I sold two pieces of land
I will sell two more
I will give half a house for drinking cause of her
And all the carriages and barns, my brown horses
Hey, tambura, only you I won't give away
Hey, tambura, we always lose
She doesn't listen to our song
Your strings makes the moon cry in the middle of the night
Your tones wake tears
Hey, tambura, play softer
Don't look at me now
Your song opens up the soul
I sold two pieces of land
I will sell two more
I will give half a house for drinking cause of her
And all the carriages and barns, my brown horses
Hey, tambura, only you I won't give away
  • 1. guitar-like instrument

Fashion- girl

I'll paint my lips bright and bright
I will bring an ardent blush.
And you don't care, exactly right
If I walk down the street
If I walk down the street-
Come on! Let`s rush!
Fashion- girl, Fashion- girl this is how life is...
Fashion- girl, Fashion- girl, your painted eyes!
I always remember, I remember constantly
Fashion- girl, Fashion- girl forever and seriously
I rarely paint my lips today,
These are hard times
And my girl-friend Lenka is running after me, -
Where did I get the cosmetics?
You look so nice...
Fashion- girl, Fashion- girl this is how life is...
Fashion- girl, Fashion- girl, your painted eyes!
I always remember, I remember constantly
Fashion- girl, Fashion- girl forever and seriously
Fashion- girl, Fashion- girl this is how life is...
Fashion- girl, Fashion- girl, your painted eyes!
I always remember, I remember constantly
Fashion- girl, Fashion- girl forever and seriously

America Wishes President Biden

Best wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden
Aaaaaa America
Aaaaaa America
Best wishes President Biden
Aaaaaaaa America
Aaaaaaaaa America
Best wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden
Aaaaaaaaa Americaiiiiiiiiica
Best wishes President Biden
Best wishes President Biden

Words get cold

Words get cold when I praise you
Words get confused when I describe you
Don't hide your eyes, don't make your lips cold
You are not in need, but don't ruin your beautifulness
Words get cold when I praise you
Words get confused when I describe you
I'm dying in the waves
I'm lost among the leaves of the trees,
Hey lê lê wey lê lê hey wax!
You are fine, you are beautiful, I've become the tear of your name,
You are a rose, you are lily, always reminded of your smell,
I was a boy, I was young, reckless
You were faraway from me, when I needed you
You are fine, you are beautiful, I've become the tear of your name,
You are a rose, you are lily, always reminded of your smell,
I'm dying in the waves
I'm lost among the leaves of the trees,
Hey lê lê wey lê lê hey wax!

Africa(what a hot dream)

Oh, what a blaze
the asphalt is burning
Someone is calling,
someone else is calling
Goodbye to silence
goodbye to rest
Oh, what a heat
it dries your mouth
Ow-ah, ow-ah
Ow-ah, Oh, my God!...
Don't want to go to the marketplace
'cause it makes me sick
of unforgetness
the lie is so big
it comes to my mind,
mr. president,
God, what a state of things
what a ressemblence
with Africa it comes
it comes to my mind again!...
Africa, Africa!
What a hot dream!
Africa, Africa!
Ah, what a transition
what an opposition
Oh, how much hatred
can get out of our mouth!
That's it, man:
hatred and lazyness!
Games and balls
and festivals
Ow-ah, ow-ah
Ow-ah, Oh, my God!...
Verse 4:
When you say 'political'
you say neolitical
when you say artist
you say the communists
It's ok,
keep the fear
God, what a state of things
what a ressemblence
with Africa it comes
it comes to my mind again!...