Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 8

Találatok száma: 244


Fuck uni

What is uni?
Uni is an ugly building
with even uglier rooms
full of students that are happy.
Students are always happy,
because they love studying
and they live in shared rooms
where they discuss in assemblies.
But only if they're not studying for tests
or founding a new group on StudiVZ.
Uni is different from school
because there are only nerds left
who are only happy while reading
and they live their day to day.
They only feed themselves cigarettes and coffee
At their parties they dance on Electro and Ragga
They're interested politically
and committed in the General Students' Committee
And they all love biking.
They wear second-hand training jackets
and they all have dreadlocks
during lectures
they write all down on their laptops
and they listen all the time, even though they don't understand anything
In 1933, they would all have been nazis.
What is uni?
Uni is nothing!
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
What good does uni do?
Uni does not bring any good!
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
What is uni?
Uni is a melting pot
for a gang of pseudo-elitist street hobos
and they always go to those bad uni parties
and pretend they're focused but they fuck up for 100 years
And they think they're smart
and had the best mark in German in school
Fuck you!
In the kitchen there's a Pulp Fiction poster
Their house smells like death
but they arrange their pencils
and always mark everything in the books they read
and they like hearing themselves talk even more than hearing Tomte
And they buy themselves coffee from independent retailers
But eat all the shit for 2 euros in the cafeteria
and they dream of revolution
during their work on the next Power Point presentation
and they run around uni for a few useless certificates
and stink like shit
students are pigs
What is uni?
Uni is nothing!
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
What good does uni do?
Uni does not bring any good!
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
What is uni?
The eptiome
of a disgustingly stinking incest factory
because fellow students
fuck fellow students
which results in fellow students
and it starts from the beginning
an eternal cycle
a disgusting foetus
later they'll be exactly like their parents
a hippie, an eco-activist
a fan of Mandela and Gandhi,
but Panik Panzer is too anti for them.
He protests like a spazz for 'education for everyone'
If he comes around with something like that, I'll punch his glassses off his nose
He always wears glasses
That stupid student
What does uni have to do?
Exactly like students' scene pubs
Students are victims for life
Being a student is not a good feeling
Students need more student loans
What is uni?
Uni is nothing!
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
What good does uni do?
Uni does not bring any good!
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
What is uni?
The abbreviation for university
Studying for me is worse than going to the army
Securing peace, saving lives - whatever
but students are spineless,
they are desk criminals
You live flocked together in a cheap accomodation
the height of unreason
Just look how you live
A laptop, a raunchy mattress, a desk
How embarrassing, you probably sometimes cry in secret
Write thousands of texts and read thousands of books
and to top it all you read books about books
and write texts about texts - how uncreative
Don't you see that except you noone
Reads something like that?
Of course not, because you live isolated and withdrawn
You don't even know what work means, you idiots
What good does it even bring to read those unworldly books
and to understand them?
You cannot even change light bulbs.
What is uni?
Uni is nothing!
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
What good does uni do?
Uni does not bring any good!
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
Fuck uni
Fuck uni(versity)

KMN Member

[Hook: Azet]
Go back to the beginning
Think about it, ease up
Who changed German rap?
You know very well, it was a KMN member
Go back to the beginning
Think about it, ease up
Who changed German rap?
You know very well, it was a KMN member
[Part 1: Azet]
Ever since we came, everyone's been stunned
That you've got balls and that you shoot, man, I've never seen that
Finding Nemo, German rappers are all plastic like LEGO
I was laughing my ass off while I tore your ego to pieces in two years
You pussy, yes, I never mentioned your name
I said, once I get out, my dick is going to take over
Yeah yeah, I'm on my phone, scared, but of whom?
Shout-out to my family in Podujevë
[Hook: Azet]
Go back to the beginning
Think about it, ease up
Who changed German rap?
You know very well, it was a KMN member
Go back to the beginning
Think about it, ease up
Who changed German rap?
You know very well, it was a KMN member
[Part 2: Zuna]
Was the first one and I'll be standing till the end
I printed money and everyone lived the same movie
Show me one of those pussies that moves freely in the streets
I bear the costs for my family, not for 100 men armies
Chaye, whatever, I've got enemies ever since my mother's been sleeping better
And you've got brothers who fuck you up if you don't sit by command
I still keep my circle small and I make millions, man
And shout-out to my family in Ba'albek
If you break the door open, you get dick as usual
When the sun goes down, it gets loud, and I push the prices further up
Brraa, I don't give a fuck about your collab
I'm waiting, yallah, come on, send all your people ahead
[Hook: Azet]
Go back to the beginning
Think about it, ease up
Who changed German rap?
You know very well, it was a KMN member
Go back to the beginning
Think about it, ease up
Who changed German rap?
You know very well, it was a KMN member
[Part 3: Miami Yacine]
What rapper's first single goes platinum?
KMN took over everything, as expected
Chilling with the Lebanese in a convertible
A motherfucker like Ciro Di Marzio
20k in my sweatpants
KMN member, no pop icon
Life was tristesse, kickdown in the X6
Shout-out to my family in Meknès
[Pre-Hook: Miami Yacine]
No promo beef, no tough diss either
I let the numbers do the talking like Real Madrid
Life is filthy like street prostitution
'Cause you don't speak my language
[Hook: Azet]
Go back to the beginning
Think about it, ease up
Who changed German rap?
You know very well, it was a KMN member
Go back to the beginning
Think about it, ease up
Who changed German rap?
You know very well, it was a KMN member
[Part 4: Nash & KMN Gang]
Getting out of the cell block, give me a mic
Fuck those times, I'm sitting in a white Ferrari
Whisky on the rocks, coke lines, take some codeine
Kiss my Nike boots, who's the number one? Pfuh, plus
Living a life in between parties and business
Distribute 30 kilos of coke in my barrio, let's go
I've got a gun under the seat and I'm driving through the city (yeah)
And everyone knows, they scream 'KMN is the gang!'

Hölgyek éjszakája

Oh igen, micsoda éjszaka!
Oh igen, hölgyek éjszakája van, és jó a hangulat
Oh igen, hölgyek éjszakája van, oh micsoda éjszaka, oh micsoda éjszaka!
Oh igen, hölgyek éjszakája van, és jó a hangulat
Oh igen, hölgyek éjszakája van, oh micsoda éjszaka
Lányok, mindannyiótoknak van egy [mi?]
Egy éjszakája, ami mindenhol különleges
New Yorktól Hollywoodig
Hölgyek éjszakája van és csajszi, jó a hangulat
Oh igen...
A diszkófényekben látszódni fog a neved
Valóra válthatod az összes álmodat
Bulizz itt, bulizz ott, mindenhol
Ez a te éjszakád, bébi, ott kell lenned
Gyerünk, ünnepeljünk mindnyájan
Oh hölgyek éjszakája van és jó a hangulat
Gyerünk, ünnepeljünk mindnyájan
Csinos hölgy, hölgy, szeretlek
Lányok, mindannyiótok...
Táncoltok, mosolyogtok, a fiúk megőrülnek
Annyira sikkes, annyira szép, istenien néztek ki mind
Oh igen....
Romantikus hölgy, szingli bébi
Kifinomult mama
Gyerünk, te diszkó hölgy, igen
Maradj velem ma este, mama, igen
Ha hallasz valami zajt
Az nem a fiúk, ma hölgyek éjszakája van
[x2] El fogunk menni a hölgyek éjszakájára
Elmegyünk a hölgyek éjszakájára
Oh igen...
[x6] Ez a te estéd, ma este
Minden rendben lesz


Megy körbe a szóbeszéd
Az emberek a lányról beszélnek, aki a városba jött
Aranyos hölgy, csinos ahogy kell
Senki sem tudja a nevét, csak egy rejtély
Talán egyszer-kétszer ha láttam
Csak annyit mondhatok, nagyon kedves
Ő egy hölgy, akit nagyon meg akarok ismerni
Valahogy muszáj megmutatnom az érzéseimet
Ő friss, izgalmas
Annyira izgalmas számomra
Ő friss, izgalmas
Annyira hívogató számomra
Mostanában arra gondolok, ahogyan jársz
Bébi, szeretem, ahogyan jársz
Elmondok valamit, amit nem tudok elrejteni
Biztos a Menny küldött, hogy légy az oldalamon
Friss és kedves, mint egy valóra vált álom
Megadnék mindent, hogy veled tölthessem az éjszakát
Micsoda érzés és nem tudom megállítani, bébi
Miss játékos hölgy, vigyél el
Ő friss, izgalmas
Annyira izgalmas számomra, igen
Ő friss, izgalmas
Annyira hívogató számomra, igen
Friss, mint egy nyári szellő
Meg fog lepni téged
Olyan sokat jelent nekem
Bármit megteszek, hogy az enyém legyen, bébi
Oh igen
Ő friss
Ő friss, annyira friss
Ő friss, annyira friss
Ő friss, annyira friss
Friss, mint egy nyári szellő
Olyan sokat jelent nekem
Meg akarom fogni a kezét
És imádkozok, hogy megértse
Mert szeretem, ahogyan jár
És ooh, bébi, szeretem, ahogy beszél
Van valamim és remélem, meg fogja érteni
Miss játékos hölgy, ooh
Annyira friss és szeretem azt a hölgyet
Oh, hogy mennyire szeretem őket, igen
Ő friss, annyira friss
Annyira friss, annyira friss
Annyira friss


There is a bar in Schwabing1
Which seems to be extraordinary
They wouldn't even admit people like you and me
At 'Schickeria'2
At 'Schickeria'
Everybody pretends to be a superstar
And drinks champagne at the bar
At 'Schickeria'
Schick-schick, Schick-schick, Schickeria
Schick-schick, Schick-schick, Schickeria
Oh my gosh, what apparel are you wearing?
You have to be dressed a bit more sassy!
Otherwise the bouncer at the door wouldn't let you enter
Everybody is dressed up like a freak
Because otherwise he's no chance to get down on it
At 'Schickeria'
[Guitar Solo]
Yeah, yesterday we smoked pot, today we're snuffin' cocaine
And tomorrow we're jailed in Stadelheim, 3
But we don't mind as long as we're regarded to be hip
At 'Schickeria'
At 'Schickeria'
Everybody thinks he is a star and snuffs like hell to be accepted
At 'Schickeria'
Schick-schick, Schick-schick, Schickeria
Schick-schick, Schick-schick, Schickeria
There is a bar in Schwabing
Which seems to be extraordinary
They wouldn't even admit people like you and me
At 'Schickeria'
At 'Schickeria'
Everybody pretends to be a superstar
And drinks champagne at the bar
At 'Schickeria'
Schick-schick, Schick-schick, Schickeria
Schick-schick, Schick-schick, Schickeria
Schick-schick, Schick-schick, Schickeria
Schick-schick, Schick-schick, Schickeria
  • 1. Party- and Bohème-district in Munich
  • 2. 'the smart set'
  • 3. Prison in Munich

I Look at You

I look at you, you are so gorgeous.
I look at you, but unfortunately I have to go.
Yes, I would love to touch you
And seduce you in my apartment
But my happyness lasts only for a minute,
And I have to go back to the street again. (peep peep)
Yes I have to go back to the street again. (peep peep)
Yes I have to go back to the street again. (peep peep)
I look at you, you are so gorgeous.
I look at you, I just have to see you again.
I want to be with you every hour
Again I toss a coin into the slot-machine
But my happyness lasts only for a minute,
And I have to go back to the street again. (peep peep)
Yes I have to go back to the street again. (peep peep)
Yes I have to go back to the street again. (peep peep)
Peep-peep, Show-ow-ow-ow
Peep-peep, Show-ow-ow-ow
Peep-peep, Show-ow-ow-ow
Peep! Peep!
I look at you, you are so gorgeous.
I look at you, I just have to see you again.
I want to be with you every hour
Again I toss a coin into the slot-machine
But my happyness lasts only for a minute,
And I have to go back to the street again. (peep peep)
Yes I have to go back to the street again. (peep peep)
Yes I have to go back to the street again. (peep peep)
Peep-peep, Show-ow-ow-ow
Peep-peep, Show-ow-ow-ow
Peep-peep, Show-ow-ow-ow
Peep! Peep!

Don't bring your friends

Don't bring your friends if you've come to see me
Leave 'em outside for once, for an evening
I don't wanna stay up late on the porch
With twelve of your friends
I want to be caressed
Come in the bedroom with me
I'm tired of hearing 'em speak 'bout sports, speak 'bout cars
Leave 'em outside for once, for an evening
My mom goes to sleep early
And she's tough to wake up
Don't tell me you're scared
Come in the bedroom with me
We're past the age where we hold hands all evening
Sometimes I wonder if you're scared of staying alone with me
Answer me
I'm tired of being kissed in the dark
When your buds wait for you on the sidewalk
I'm tired of trying to convince myself
That it'll be different tomorrow evening
Time for you to make a choice
You coming in the bedroom with me?
We're past the age where we hold hands all evening
Sometimes I wonder if you're scared of staying alone with me
Answer me
I'm tired of being kissed in the dark
When your buds wait for you on the sidewalk
I'm tired of trying to convince myself
That it'll be different tomorrow evening
Time for you to make a choice
You coming in the bedroom with me?
Don't bring your friends if you've come to see me
Don't bring your friends if you've come to see me
Don't bring your friends if you've come to see...

Jai TeGang

The sword breaks through and cuts down the demons of the mind and body. This beautiful and powerful weapon adorns the battlefield of life
It is as an extension of the arm, unbreakable, terribly fast, it's awesome splendor overshadows even the sun
It protects the peace and happiness of the saints and destroys any powerful negative energy. It has erased the negativity and guilt that I carry. I seek its refuge
Praise, praise be to the great doer of the world, savior of the creation, my great protector, praise be to the sword!
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

Mon - Lyrics with English Translation

I don’t know why you make me lonely even when I am in crowd
I don’t know why you have made me yours so much
My heart doesn’t stay in the house anymore
Since the moment your storm has attacked my heart
My heart is at your hands now
My heart is now walking alongside you
Again and again
We live together side by side
I don’t want anything more than it
We live side by side
I don’t want anything more than it
The stars have started shining again...
My heart is at your hands now
My heart is now walking alongside you
My heart doesn’t stay in the house anymore
Since the moment your storm has attacked my heart
Again and again
I have kept you hidden in my house
I have expressed all my desires to you
How far do you intend to run away from me?
I will lose myself if I don’t get you
We stay together side by side
I don’t want anything more than this
The stars have started shining again...
My heart is at your hands now
My heart is now walking alongside you
My heart doesn’t stay in the house anymore
Since the moment your storm has attacked my heart
Again and again
We live together side by side
I don’t want anything more than this
The stars have started shining again
My heart is at your hands now
My heart is now walking alongside you
My heart doesn’t stay in the house anymore
Since the moment your storm has attacked my heart
Again and again

Is it Strange That Sometimes You Long to be Away

Versions: #2
The rain that slowly falls here in the city makes the houses gray.
Neon lights, they reflect in the asphalt, the blue
And cars signal, I see people moving.
Is it strange that sometimes you long to be away?
Tell me, is it strange that sometimes you long to be away?
If you want to listen to the doctor´s drill or the happy song of thrushing
And if you love the sea and the wind, and are tired of neon and concrete,
Is it strange that sometimes you long to be away?
In the city where you study. There you have your factory.
There you have your office, your market, your store.
People talk about their market shares, their job, and their season.
Is it Strange That Sometimes You Long to be Away
Tell me, is it strange that sometimes you long to be away?
If you want to listen to the doctor´s drill or the happy song of thrushing
And if you love the sea and the wind, and are tired of neon and concrete,
Is it strange that sometimes you long to be away?
Here people talk about love in big round words
Here people overuse trains and cars, people hurt mother Earth.
But then when the wind calms down, you can suddenly smell seaweed
Is it strange that sometimes you long to be away?
Tell me, is it strange that sometimes you long to be away?
If you want to listen to the doctor´s drill or the happy song of thrushing
And if you love the sea and the wind, and are tired of neon and concrete,
Is it strange that sometimes you long to be away?

Black or White

Black or white, yes or no
Always with me, leave me alone
All at the same time....
I'm still awake
[With] only an hour's sleep, with [your] noise and racket
I have my life cleaned up, finally.
Because that was not I dreamed with you
It started out well
[But I've] Always been hard on life
But then you do Molly* with me
I would never have dreamed you would do that
Do you think I'm stupid?
everything got twisted**
But what is done is done.
I have no problem with that
I want black or white
I want yes or no
Stay with me forever
Or leave me alone
You want everything all at once
That's not normal
But I think:
'Fuck it, it does not matter!'
You are standing in front of me
Did you really think I'd believe you?
And that would shut me up?
I think that's pretty brazen.
Do you think I'm stupid?
You got everything twisted
But what is done is done.
But I have no problem with that.


In a fjord at Møre,
A faeringseal layed ready,
A big guy sit by the oar,
And row between islands and waves.
And Earl Ragnvald he said,
My son is embarking now,
You will travel long alone,
Whether the king obtain peace or not.
And it was Rolv Gangar,
He row toward his ships,
They travelled to the celtic beaches,
His journey was around those lands.
They embark out on the ocean,
Until the wind took them towards land,
A headland without islets and fjords,
They called that land Brittany
And Rolv he rose in rank,
But the foothold in marquess took him,
The folk who learned to know him,
They called him Rollon le Marchant.
And Rolv he went on,
He went north in the land,
A greeneyed maiden he met,
And in Normandy they are now.
Then they met the king of the franks
If you want to stay in the land
Shall you and yours have the land
Sovereignty forever.

İnsan Kalmak İstiyorum

İnsan kalmak istiyorum ve bir sayı olmak istemiyorum
Ve insanlar görmek istiyorum çünkü çok karşıyım
Evlerimizi sadece robotlar için yapıyoruz
Ve sadece aptalca televizyona bakmak için!
İnsan kalmak istiyorum, küçük bir sırrım olsun istiyorum
Topları itmek (vurmak) istiyorum, güzel taşlar (bulmak) için kazmak istiyorum
Şarkı söylemek ve gülmek ve ne istersem yapmak istiyorum
Ama şimdiden çok şey istedim sanırım
İnsan kalmak istiyorum
Ve satılmak istemiyorum
Tıpkı bir eşya gibi
Her şeyin bir değeri yoktur
Bir fiyatı olması da gerekmez
Bu konuda bir anlaşalım önce!*
İnsan kalmak istiyorum, bir ceset olarak ölmek istemiyorum
Çünkü o kusturur, berbattır ve ağlatır
İnsanların para için yaptığı aptalca şeyleri görmek
Bu da sayılabilecek başka bir şey
İnsan kalmak istiyorum
Ve satılmak istemiyorum
Tıpkı bir eşya gibi
Her şeyin bir değeri yoktur
Bir fiyatı olması da gerekmez
Bu konuda bir anlaşalım önce!
İnsan kalmak istiyorum, hayatımı yaşamak istiyorum
İnsan kalmak istiyorum ve her şeyimi vereceğim
Bugün hâlâ hayalini kurduğum, yarın yapacağım şeylere
Hiçbir şeyi kaçırmak istemiyorum!

The First Time

[Povl Dissing]
The first time I saw you
It was a Summer day
Day, day, day, day, day, day
And now I stand downtown on Monday morning
And everything is fucked around me
I drown in my thoughts about you
You got me to feel again
Oh, Ihan, beat
[Vers 1]
I met her at one of those Summer parties
Where she stood all alone under the Summer sun
And so much more beautiful than the other people
So I said 'Hey, if I go will you come?'
She said everything is alright, was it real?
With that together I thought that we could be a couple
Like Bonny and Clyde, like Jay Z and Beyoncé
A good girl together with one that was so stupid
With suddenly because that cold and her arms were around me
One knows first what one has when one has lost and it's over
I, only hope you are ok, on a cold night
Because I can remember
[Povl Dissing]
The first time I saw you
It was a Summer day
Day, day, day, day, day, day
And now I stand downtown on Monday morning
And everything is fucked around me
I drown in my thoughts about you
You got me to feel again
(Ayo ayo ayo)
Rain falls downtown Monday morning
And everything is cold around me
I look up searching for a way out
You got me to feel again
(Ayo ayo ayo ayo ayo)
[Ver 2]
And here I stand under grey sky
And the whole world whizzes past while I stand still
Rain falls on my cheeks like they were tears
Hope on a shooting star so I can wish about whatever I want
I want to be in your arms so here I stand tonight
There are places for two so come if you hear my call
I promise I have become better yea, yea,
I only hope you're okay
On a cold day, yeah
[Povl Dissing]
The first time I saw you
It was a Summer day
Day, day, day, day, day, day
And now I stand downtown on Monday morning
And everything is fucked around me
I drown in my thoughts about you
You got me to feel again
(Ayo ayo ayo)
Rain falls downtown Monday morning
And everything is cold around me
I look up searching for a way out
You got me to feel again
(Ayo ayo ayo ayo ayo)
Without your Summer I am nothing
I hope the cloud will close me in
And I will dream so far far
Away from you
When the day feels so endlessly long
So I think back on the Summer rain
I still remember the first time I saw you
And now I stand downtown on Monday morning
And everything is fucked around me
I drown in my thoughts about you
You got me to feel again
(Ayo ayo ayo)
Rain falls downtown Monday morning
And everything is cold around me
I look up searching for a way out
You got me to feel again
You got me to feel again
You got me to feel again
You got me to feel again
The first time I saw you
And now I stand downtown on Monday morning
And everything is fucked around me
I drown in my thoughts about you
You got me to feel again
[Povl Dissing]
The first time I saw you
The Summer clouds shone
So dazzling and clear
Like never more


Two gangs and both are equal to each other
The information of the dispute has reached the highcourt
First it was the fight with and bricks only
now the jatts (gangs) have bought the ammunition from UP (uttar pradesh, state of India)
In near future, You have to come to see me in jail only...
Village is turned into gangland
and you are asking to come to the city to meet you.
Village is turned into gangland
and you are asking to come to the city to meet you.
All the night is being spent in gaurding
Tea time is turned into alcohol time
Jatts carry the same attitude as the lions do
they see and crossby each other in the same attitude
Those who are crucified like a dead snake
Those who are crucified like a dead snake
Oh you'll see i am going to beat them all
Village is turned into gangland
and you are asking to come to the city to meet you.
Village is turned into gangland
and you are asking to come to the city to meet you.
In all the nearby villages, people are talking
every day in the village of ekal gadde is like diwali
Till midnight you will hear the gunshot sound
The new gun has been licensed yesterday (2x)
The belt is filled with the LG bullets (2x)
Each bullet will go tearing up chests
Village is turned into gangland
and you are asking to come to the city to meet you. (3x)

Don Giovanni, Act II, Commendatore scene(Second Act, Scene Nineteen)

Don Giovanni, you invited me to dinner
and I have come!
I never would have believed it,
but I will do what I can.
Leporello, see to it
that another dinner is served at once!
Ah, master, we are lost.
Go, I said!
Wait a moment! He who dines on Heavenly food
has no need for the food of the mortals!
Other more serious considerations
have caused me to come here!
I feel as if I have a fever,
for I cannot control my limbs.
Speak then! What do you ask? What do you wish?
I will speak. Listen! My time is short! etc.
Speak then, for I am listening, etc.
For I cannot control my limbs, etc.
You invited me to dinner,
now you know your duty.
Answer me: will you come to dine with me?
Oh my! Excuse him, but he doesn’t have time.
No one will say of me
that I have ever been afraid.
Make up your mind!
I have done so already!
You will come?
Tell him no!
My heart beats firmly.
I’m not afraid: I’ll come!
Give me your hand upon it!
Here it is!
(He gives the statue his hand.)
Oh me!
What is wrong?
What is this deadly chill?
Repent! Change your ways,
for this is your last hour!
DON GIOVANNI (trying to free himself)
No, no, I will not repent.
Let me be!
Repent, scoundrel!
No, you old fool!
Repent! etc.
No! etc.
Yes! Yes!
No! No!
Ah, your time is up!
(The statue disappears. Flames appear on all
sides and the earth begins to tremble under Don
Giovanni’s feet.)
What strange fear
now assails my soul!
Where do those
flames of horror come from?
No horror is too dreadful for you!
Come, there is worse in store!
Who lacerates my soul?
Who torments my body?
What torment, oh me, what agony!
What a Hell! What a terror!
What a look of desperation!
The gestures of the damned!
What cries, what laments!
How he makes me afraid!
No horror is too dreadful, etc.
Who lacerates, etc.
What a look, etc.
(The flames engulf Don Giovanni. After his
disappearance everything returns to normal and
the other characters enter.)

Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo

Kükürtle işle alem sopasını
Jambon cüzdanın içine
Sığırlar istiridye hendeklerini dürterler
Kucak roketleriyle
Yarık baltasına batarya sıkıştır
Bağırsak kilidine
Puding kapağına tadilat, ooh la la
Sevişme sinekliğiyle
Eğer seni döngüye sokarsam
Taşı dümdüz gediğine soktuğum zaman
İma yerinde, sonunda, niyetimi bileceksin
Brezilya ağdasını çok şiirsel buluyorum, çok acıklı
Dolaylı konuşmak istemiyorum
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo
Cehennem çubuğunu yağla
Ezici tek parmaklı eldivene doğru
Mutluluk batağındaki matkabı çalıştır
Cinsel organınla
Basınçla yıka titreşimli kemiği
Kaltak buruşuğunda
Fırfırlı mercana bir top atışı, oh la la
Domuz eti kulesiyle
Eğer seni döngüye sokarsam
Taşı dümdüz gediğine soktuğum zaman
İma yerinde, sonunda, niyetimi bileceksin
Brezilya ağdasını çok şiirsel buluyorum, çok acıklı
Dolaylı konuşmak istemiyorum
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo
Bildiğini-bildiklerine-koy derhal!

Dainty Lily so long you've been

Dainty Lily so long you've been
All my delight and all my singing
You are, alas, my pain as well now but
All my singing you still will be.
Gang - Johnny lo zingaro dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Johnny the Gypsy

Johnny the gypsy
shoes made of snakeskin
gazing far away.
Virna the swarthy
heart of glass
seven rings of dark gold on every hand.
They saw them
shooting at the moon
around dawn
in that old amusement park
where the wind bends the swords
where the dogs draw the roads.
He will fight tooth and nail
Johnny won't surrender
without roof nor homeland nor stars
no wife no home no ground
will capture him. [1]
Traces of blood
tires of fire
the sirens scream.
They took Johnny
and Virna the swarthy
someone saw them in chains.
All night they stood
in the police station
with broken jaws
and the morning after
in the court
twenty years like nothing.
He will fight tooth and nail
Johnny won't surrender
no windows no walls no cells
will ever stop his freedom.
He will fight tooth and nail
Johnny won't surrender
without roof nor law nor stars
no wife no home no ground
will capture him. [1]
I am a thief
and I learned to steal
like I learned to play music
I am a thief
and I learned to steal
like my grandfather and my father
I am a thief
and not a killer
and I fear hell
It's not the law
of the gages[2] and the righteous
that will and my adventure.
He will fight tooth and nail
Johnny won't surrender
without roof nor law nor stars
no man no woman no wind
will reach him. [1]
And then came death
with silver teeth
who took Irma by the hand
joined the bed
in the white silence
in the red of the gypsy belly.
[1]: This wordplay is untranslatable. The beginning of the sentence says 'He doesn't have a roof or a homeland .... ' but in the end the sentence has changed meaning to 'No roof, no homeland, no .... will capture him'.
[2]: 'gage' should mean the non-gypsy in the gypsy language.