Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 42

Találatok száma: 1420


Szükségem van a szerelemre

Átkelnék a sivatagon, hogy veled lehessek
Mindent megtennék, hogy közel lehessek hozzád
Egy millió mérföld nem is tűnik olyan messzinek
Bárhova elmennék, csak hogy megnyerjem a szívedet
De bárhova vezet is ez
Van valami, amire szükségem van
Szükségem van a szerelemre
Olyas fajtára, amiért élni akarsz
Olyas fajtára, amiért lélegezni akarsz
Olyas fajtára, amitől úgy érzed, ez túl sok
És szükségem van rád
Hogy segíts találni egy jobb módot
És azt hiszem, sosem gondoltam, hogy azt mondom
Szükségem van a szerelemre
Szükségem van a szerelemre
És mikor meglátlak, egyszerűen elvesztem az eszemet
Te vagy minden, amiről azt hittem, sosem fogom megtalálni
Biztos egy angyal vigyáz rám
Egy kis szerencsével, az enyém leszel
Mert hinni akarok (hinni akarok)
Mindenben, amik lehetünk (mindenben, amik lehetünk)
Szükségem van a szerelemre
Olyas fajtára, amiért élni akarsz
Olyas fajtára, amiért lélegezni akarsz
Olyas fajtára, amitől úgy érzed, ez túl sok
És szükségem van rád
Hogy segíts találni egy jobb módot
És azt hiszem, sosem gondoltam, hogy azt mondom
Szükségem van a szerelemre
Szükségem van a szerelemre
És oh, elkaplak majd, mikor lezuhansz
Én leszek a legnagyobb szerelem
Ígérem, hogy az leszek
Ha megadod nekem, amire szükségem van, szükségem van
Szükségem van a szerelemre
Olyas fajtára, amitől úgy érzed
Olyas fajtára, amiért élni akarsz
Olyas fajtára, amiért lélegezni akarsz
És szükségem van rád
Hogy segíts találni egy jobb módot
És azt hiszem, sosem gondoltam, hogy azt mondom
Szükségem van a szerelemre
Szükségem van a szerelemre
Szükségem van a szerelemre, bébi
Szükségem van a szerelemre
Átkelnék a sivatagon
Átkelnék a sivatagon, hogy veled lehessek

A song from my homeland

Don't cry mother, even if I die
Don't cry father, I'm not gonna give up the fight
Boats with sail arrived one day to the shore
and around the city came out warriors
They arrived from far away, asking for soil and water
to dance on the our walls
They're beating their sears on their shields
They're frightening women, the kids are hiding
They raise their fists up to the sky
They wanted for a long time to take this place
Don't cry mother, even if I die
even if they bring me on my shield
Don't cry father, I'm not gonna give up the fight
I will live as a free man or i'll die
This place has been painted with blood
And it cannot be washed up with water
And this nation doesn't forget
and it cannot bear any conqueror and slavery
Don't cry mother, even if I die
even if they bring me on my shield
Don't cry father, I'm not gonna give up the fight
I will live as a free man or i'll die
The dance is over, the sea is burning up
The boats and the sails are burning up
They arrived from far away, asking for soil and water
to dance on the our walls
They arrived from far away, asking for soil and water
to dance on the our walls
And they took their knives and slow death

A Love that blooms in the sea of trees

I loved you. Your smile and also your tears. You were my everything.
It’s possible to say that now.
Continuing to the bottom of the ocean's depths, the sinking days were like a broken ship.
The feelings won't come to the surface because there's anything like time ticking away.
A faint, leftover warmth is disappearing from my left hand.
Falling out of my hand and casually drifting away.
You were handed to the sky like a helpless balloon.
I keep on wandering. Everything was interrupted…
No one is crying tears of reality, because the truth was never shown.
Fascinated I watched a sinking bird in the sky. You had also wings on your back, right?
I'm singing for you, who is still sparkling inside my memories.
This song is my farewell.
Please let my feelings be delivered to you... or at least one single word is enough.
I want to meet you once more.
My whole existence is sleeping deep inside of you.
One day I'll flap my wings. I'll probably get lost at the end of the sea of trees.
One day I'll flap my wings. I'll probably meet you at the sea of trees blooming with love.


Hogyan mondjam el édesanyádnak,
aki saját gyermekeként őrülten* szeretett
Hogyan mondjam el édesapádnak,aki megesküdött nekem.
Hogy te mindent megígértél másnak.
A házatokban mindig örömmel látott vendég voltam,
Elvetted a fiatalságomat és az ártatlanságomat.
Az ajkamat csókoltad éjeken át.
Álmodoztam a saját fiamról a te szemeddel**
Emlékszel arra a reggelre,mikor azt
Hogy nélkülem az életed csak fájdalmat adna.
Minden voltam,amit akartál,egyetlenem.
Szerettelek,mint Istent,felesleges volt.***


Load up dad's bag with beer
Sway like seven sea sick seamen1
The minicall2 is beeping, what do you need?
Yes, I'm probably the person you seek
Call me a star, you can call me dawg
'Cause I was the first one in space, kinda like Laika the boss
And look, they all want me to fall off now
You can wish upon a star when the shooting stars are done
The pharmacy is to orthodox nowadays
So the troubled childs will have to snort cocaine
But I will never run out of gas
Don Quijote, North Bothnia, bottoms up
I'll come back like a rubber ball3
A mixture of M.A. Numminen and rough MMA
Beat up a windmill4, man, this is the way back
Back to skills, you can hear my minicall beep
My minicall is beeping
My minicall is beeping
My minicall is beeping
My minicall is beeping
I was sent to the principal's office as a young MC
My heavy steps left footprints in the hall
And [I] wrote poems with a pencil like it was fan mail
I went through some wild phases but I've calmed down
Alot of things that happened wasn't bad
'Cause those things are all ingredients of who I am today
From shy to pompous, to being all loose, glow to fire, A to Y to Ö5, from life to death
So we take it for what it is, but not treating it as something small
I got the nail from the pinkie but I swallowed the whole thing
You can catch the day, I'll lock up the whole year
This is the construction plan, the placement of the cabinet
As long as this boy from Skåne walks on this earth
Before I'm sent down to the home of fire
Rhyming on each other word, got time to think of something big
And sending telephone numbers to everyone
You called it a minicall in Malmö, we called it a beeper in Lund
You were the coolest one among your mates, made the police confused
And it was probably mysterious for those that didn't know
But I didn't say a word if it wasn't rhythmically goddammit
Anita was one of my many babes
Then there was Siri, but that was probably fun for one night only
Who can deal with this broad talking trash like that
That Zacke-guy has a sick rap
  • 1. 'Sju sjösjuka sjöman' is an old tongue twister, similar to ones like 'How much wood would a woodchuck chuck... etc'
  • 2. This is a special brand of pagers sold in Sweden
  • 3. This is a reference to an old cult classic song, which M.A. Numminen made a cover of, 'Som en gummiboll' lit. 'Like a rubber ball'. It has remained popularity due to how silly and annoying many people consider it to be
  • 4. Another reference to Don Quijote, who in the story was fighting windmills, believing that they were evil giants
  • 5. With 'Y' being the last latter in the english alphabet and 'Ö' being the last letter in the swedish alphabet


Versions: #2
what happened that you don't want me anymore
i know you love me, i can see it in your eyes
even if i did you wrong today
i would like with all my heart to be yours again
I believed in you but i was wrong
I saw you with another one while you were kissing
I didn't deserve it, I loved you too much
I listened to false whispers of love
Who is my heart, who is my love.
Tell me what made you leave my life
You have been lying to me since i've known you,and i realised too late
Come on, go to her for good, I can't stand you anymore
I'm apologize, my life, i apologize in front of you
And with all my hearti promise I will never lie to you again
It's no use apologising,maybe I have chosen another road to take
You realised too late not to understand what i feel
Who is my heart, who is my love.
Tell me what made you leave my life
You have been lying to me since i've known you,and i realised too late
Come on, go to her for good, I can't stand you anymore
I'm apologize, my life, i apologize in front of you
And with all my hearti promise I will never lie to you again
It's no use apologising,maybe I have chosen another road to take
You realised too late not to understand what i feel
Thats my on of the most favorite Romanian song.....................
i like it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,most beatiful ............................and at last find this song after 10 years....................


Minden estém ismeretlen....
Várakozás, ami egy agóniára hasonlít.
Sokszor szeretnék nemet mondani neked
És aztán meglátlak és elszáll az erőm!
A szívem érted lázad fel, de a testem, nem!
A kezeid, hangszerként simulnak hozzám
Amit úgy vezényelsz, mint ha egy tapasztalt karmester lennél...
És gyere a házamba, amikor akarsz, főképp éjszakánként
Aludj itt, menj el, mindig ahogy jónak látod.
Tudod hogy itt bármi rossz is adódhat,
Én teljesen magam adom, ha egy este elmész...
... És csak nő a magány
A nagy űrben amit te hagysz itt!
Letagadni nem tudok egy szenvedélyt,
De igent sem tudok neked mindig mondani
És kicsinek éreznem magam
Mindig ha szemben állsz velem.
Nagyon drága a boldogság a naivitásomnak
Még mindig csak várlak minden este
Hogy könyörögjek a szerelmedért...
Mindig a tiéd vagyok, amikor akarod, főképp az éjszakákon,
Aludj itt, menj el, mindig ahogy jónak látod.
Tudod hogy itt bármi rossz is adódhat,
Én teljesen magam adom, ha egy este elmész...
... Az éjjel a házamban, tiéd vagyok, ezerszer a tiéd vagyok...
És az élet zajlik köztünk, horizontot sosem látom!
Időt vesz ez igénybe és megfoszt, ahogy te tetted,
A fiatalság hátralevő részét, ami már nekem többé nem lesz...
És folytatom ugyanazt az életet, mindig megrészegülve a búskomorságban,
Most már elismerem a hiba talán bennem van,
El kellett volna vesztenem téged, ehelyett téged kerestelek.
Ez a menüett nekünk szól, elmém sosem pihen.
Nem tudom, hogy az igaz szerelem a mosolyban rejtőzik...
Gondolatok jönnek és mennek, ilyen az élet...

Do you remember those days?

Do you remember those days?
We went out after singing, walking slowly.
Do you remember those days?
Our friends were drinking wine,
someone was talking and laughing, and we were almost distant,
close to you, close to me,
and we talked, both of us, to leave something
to create something, to have something.
Do you remember those days?
Your eyes was getting somber and your face red,
and you were holding me tight in my room
almost a breath, and then you told me: 'Stop,
because I don't want to look at you,
because I'm afraid of loving you.'
And you said, you said, you said...
I can hardly remember your words,
but you also can't remember anything.
Where are you now? What kind of people
sees your face and listens
to your light words, your light nonsense,
your light tears, like the old days?
What are you saying now,
when someone embraces you,
and you hide your face, you proudly lift your face,
and look straight in the eyes, just like the old days?
Here it rains sometimes and sometimes it's sunny
we wait every day for this summer to come to an end,
for every uncertainty to disappear...
And you? I can't remember your voice
What are you doing?
I don't really believe those times can come back,
but I remember those days,
but I remember those days,
but I remember those days.

The dreams street

Versions: #3
I was even smaller than the birds, was a night time
The love held me from my hand
I passed through the dreams street, was a night time
In my pockets, was had the tumbler toys
If it would be rained, if I'd be lost my sleep
If a bird would be landed on my forefinger
I would cry all by myself
Because of love, because of love
It's because of love, said my mother, don't mind it,
Don't mind it, come next to me
How many seasons passed through the lies in the love market
I've sold the dreams to the deluded ones
My mind suddenly has fled as displaced, was a night time
The one I love is else one and the one that loves me is else


Ugorj hát velem
Be a tengerbe hogy megtaláljuk
Ami itt a felszínen nincs nekünk.
Jöjj hát velem
Hogy végre megértsd
Hogy mennyire felesleges tovább szenvedni.
Nézd azt a tengert
Amit betölt a félelem
Próbálja nekünk tanítani.
Hogy lehet
Kínozni a lelket, ami szárnyalni akar?
Ha nem merülsz a mélyére
Nem tudhatod meg.
Hogy lehet
Csak a rosszat látni abból,
Ami van,
S aztán otthagyni ezt a magányos szívet
Az út közepén?
Száll fel velem
És kezdjük énekelni
Együtt a dallamot amit a szél hoz.
Behunyt szemmel
Repülj tovább
Mialatt a szél
Odavisz minket.
Ahol a legszebb
Szavak vannak
Amiket megtanulhatsz.
Hogy lehet
Kínozni a lelket, ami szárnyalni akar?
Ha nem merülsz a mélyére
Nem tudhatod meg.
Hogy lehet
Csak a rosszat látni abból,
Ami van,
S aztán otthagyni ezt a magányos szívet
Az út közepén?
La la la la la la la la la
Hogy lehet
Kínozni a lelket, ami szárnyalni akar?
Ha nem merülsz a mélyére
Nem tudhatod meg.
Hogy lehet
Csak a rosszat látni abból,
Ami van
S aztán otthagyni ezt a magányos szívet
Az út közepén?

Assaggiarne Un Altro

[Verso 1]
Non sembra tu sia di queste parti
Ti sei data un pizzicotto per vedere
Se ti svegli dall'incubo
O se continui a dormire?
Mi dico che è solo un sogno
E che i mostri non sono quel che sembrano
Sei caduta nelle Fauci
Dove la fame è sempre alta
Tutto quello che trasportiamo
Sono le carni per banchettare
Tante masticanti mascelle
E denti marci per mangiare
Abbottonati il cappotto
Questo sottomarino sta imbarcando acqua
Sono bloccata in una prigione con della brutta compagnia
Mi guardano affamati, inciampando, maldestri
Tuonano dietro di me, stringendo le loro posate
Abbassandomi e saltando, sono sopra e sotto di me
Voglio sono infornarmi e imburrarmi
Sventrarmi e immergermi nella salsa per coprirmi
Mi nascondo nella credenza ma non nel forno
Non voglio finire in quella pentola che bolle
Potrei dormire, perché non mi sento assonnata
Cado nei tunnel, mi troveranno
Sono su una nave ma non c'è lusso
Ho solo la mia abilità a confortarmi
Se sono fortunata qualcuno mi aiuterà
E' ora di andarsene dalla mia prigione sotto il mare
Portami via dove c'è il sole
E dammi del cibo che ho davvero fame
Perché ne ho abbastanza delle cose che ho dovuto mangiare
Stanca di questa feccia, la pancia mi brontola
Dovrei lasciarmi andare alla fame? Mi chiedo
Diventerò vittima dell'ingordigia?
Questo incubo non è finito
Aspetto il sole del mattino alla mia finestra
Saprò quando sarà finito
Vorrò assaggiarne un'altro
(Assaggiarne un altro)
L'ingordigia ha preso il controllo
(Assaggiarne un altro)
Mi chiedo da dove vieni
(Assaggiarne un altro)
Sai che cosa diventerai?
Vuoi assaggiarne un altro?
[Verso 2]
Oh specchio specchio, come è disgustosa la faccia che mostri
Trovami un bambino per la cui giovinezza il mio cuore è affamato
La tua vanità porterà eventualmente alla tua sconfitta
Umanità - Una profanità sotto al tuo occhio attento
Come può essere, chi mi ha portata qui, o meglio - Perché?
Alla fine di queste orribili fantasie, spero che il sole sorgerà
Ma finché il sole non sorge è meglio dare il benvenuto ai nostri ospiti
Con un meraviglioso buffet dove tutta la carne è fresca
Non devono neanche mangiare, è tutto così grottesco
Almeno non sono sola, spero che i Nomini sappiano guidarmi
Hey - Seguici e magari ce la farai
Anche se non molti di noi sopravvivono
Dammi un abbraccio, dimmi che va tutto bene
Qualsiasi cosa succeda, nasconditi dalla luce
Occhi potenti, guardano sempre
Non entrare nella luce che emanano
Ti daremo qualcosa per il tuo appetito
Il numero 'Sei' è la fine della corsa
Questo incubo non è finito
Aspetto il sole del mattino alla mia finestra
Saprò quando sarà finito
Vorrò assaggiarne un'altro
(Assaggiarne un altro)
L'ingordigia ha preso il controllo
(Assaggiarne un altro)
Mi chiedo da dove vieni
(Assaggiarne un altro)
Sai che cosa diventerai?
Vuoi assaggiarne un altro?
[Verso 3]
Mai mi spavento facilmente
Dal peggio dei miei sogni
Quello che una volta era un Piccolo Incubo
Ora è molto più grande
Provo a continuare ma i loro occhi mi fissano
Li sento bruciarmi
Sono venuti qui per divertirsi
O sono stati costretti a mangiare?
Lo stomaco mi si rivolta
E si agita di avidità
Qualcuno mi ha maledetto
Ho il bisogno di sfamarmi
Ho bisogno di qualcosa di più fresco di pane o carne morta
Voglio sentirlo contorcersi nei miei denti!
Questo incubo non è finito
Aspetto il sole del mattino alla mia finestra
Saprò quando sarà finito
Vorrò assaggiarne un'altro
(Assaggiarne un altro)
L'ingordigia ha preso il controllo
(Assaggiarne un altro)
Mi chiedo da dove vieni
(Assaggiarne un altro)
Sai che cosa diventerai?
Vuoi assaggiarne un altro?
Non sembra tu sia di queste parti
Ti sei data un pizzicotto per vedere
Se ti svegli dall'incubo
O se continui a dormire?


Fegyverrel vagy fegyver nélkül egy képen
Szétesve és rendezve ebben a magányos
Amit te nem gyógyítasz majd meg
Felnövök és inkább leszek emberibb
Egy másik háború elaltat engem
Felnövök és harcolok ezzel a félelemmel
Amely most felszabadít
Gyerekek futnak a város sötét falain
Mindenki tudja szerelemből milyen ha elvesznek
És nem adnak vissza
Képesek eladni a csöndet és a rosszat
Az ő kicsi szabadságukat
Eladják a fehér porokat az
És a könyörületnek
Gyermekek, gyermekek
Aki egy tégelybe bezárva mint egy magszem
Mint egy üdítő
Tudod jól hogy minden jövőbeli könnyednek
Ára van
Mint a zene
Nem tudom melyik gyerek fogja ezen az estén
Feltárni sebeit és álomképeit
Kinyílik majd
A zárt ajtók és egy határ
Ezen az emberek uralta földön
Emberek földje...oh gyermek
Melyik az a tér Bueons Airesben ahol
Elárulták apádat, az ő múltját megölték
Gyerekek futnak a város sötét falain
Mindenki tudja szerelemből milyen ha elvesznek
És nem adnak vissza
Képesek eladni a csöndet és a rosszat
Az ő kicsi szabadságukat
Eladják a fehér porokat az
És a könyörületnek
Gyermekek, gyermekek
Fegyverrel vagy fegyver nélkül egy képen
Szétesve és rendezve ebben a magányos
Ami megmosolyogtat téged.

At source

And in the village a whisper runs like a wave.
It talks about somebody who carries water.
Wha-a-a! The first beauty of the village
Hasn't been married till.
And at source something flows: either laugh,
Or water out of a bucket and over the top.
Water, water, cold water.
It has spilled not without reason from the bucket.
Water, water, cold water.
It has spilled not without reason from the bucket.
And at nighttime when all huts are sleeping
Something is ringing: either buckets or shooting stars.
Even if you watchman saw something be silent
About somebody that goes for water at night.
And in the village a whisper runs like a wave.
It talks about a wedding at gates.
Wha-a-a! The first beauty of the village
Was carried by not our troika in the fields.

From Kalinin to Tver

I came in here using the door,
I came in here using my legs,
I came to admire once more
The perfection of railways.
It's strange to think that people
Used to walk around the way they wanted. And now
Locomotive is pulling us forward as messiah
On our way from Kalinin to Tver.
The train hostess is plain as Gioconda,
She makes honey sweet drinks.
She's responsible for the quality of cross ties
and (takes care that) no one ever dies.
Between you and me, I've met her before:
Wild beast used to repose by her side,
And now she makes down-soft beds
On our way from Kalinin to Tver.
The train driver pumps Vivaldi up
And the music flies through the woods.
The blue-and-golden tank is filled with
Turgenev's damsels' souls instead of coal.
Framed by iron-cast icon setting of 100 poods
This god favoured train (check it if you want)
Sweeps forth like apostolic rank
On its way from Kalinin to Tver.
Nevermind my faltering speech
And my unauthentic garments -
I came (here) to please
And to honor my commitment.
If everything's ok, forget about it,
But I'm the only one who knows how to open the door,
fI us ask yourself why the hell
We're on the way from Kalinin to Tver

By the sea

Versions: #2
I wanted to drown my sorrow in the sea, so deep,
I went early to the sea, but the sea is asleep,
And I've felt sorry to wake up the sea,
And my sorrow had stayed with me.
At midday, I'm walking to the sea and from far away
I see it's laughing like a little child at play,
And I've felt sorry to sadden the sea,
And my sorrow had stayed with me.
Again, I had run to the sea at night,
But around my feet the sea had cried
I've felt sorry myself for the poor sea,
And my sorrow had stayed with me.

Varenyky (dumplings)

Am I not a Ukrainian, or a Kozak?
And of a tasty dish am I not an expert?
Many things in the world, I've eaten,
But to this pot my heart has been smitten.
For there they were spread out for every preference
Varenichky Varenichiky!
My Varenichiky my Varenichiky
My Varenichiky in sour cream!
My Varenichiky, my Varenichiky
My beloved Varenichiky.
And the Kozak spirit in me, is renewed
And boils intensely-wisely my mind.
Puffed up and scattered are my thoughts
And in them only the women, only the women!
There in sour cream, swims my dear heart,
And it melts, it does melt.
Chorus. (4)

Come on, Women, Come On!

We lived with the women
Calmly in the village,
Until there appeared
At the borders the Muscovites,
We are mobilizing tomorrow
Straight to the training grounds,
Now we- are not just women,
Now we - are a true battalion!
Come on! Come on! Come on!
We're the Bicycle Battalion,
Such women as we are we'll
Find not just one million!
Come on, women, come on!
Let's all get up upon our feet!
We will be defending
Our native peaceful land!
The two of us with Hanka have
One armored vest
And old man Peter has lent us his
German machine gun.
We will all with our breasts close off
The borders of our Ukrainian,
We're - not ordinary women,
We're the Bicycle Battalion!
Chorus. (2)

Driving Beets Out From a Field

I'm driving beets out from the field and a green hitch
The men do so like me, like a harvest the water
I'm driving out of the field not in a sled but upon bike,
Winter is yet far off as is the third cock. | (2)
Play, play, play, the bayan
Beat, Hanko, the drum.
I'm tall, you're wide
Come on, Hanya, with a jump!
To have something on the table, so the children grew,
From the collective farms and fields my hands did steal,
Dry firewood from the forestry, and from the farm - straw
Carried silage for the bull across a quiet river. | (2)
I'm driving beets out from the field yet on a Bicycle
All the years are now behind me, just the bayan is ahead,
Water loves the bike, the spruce - Carpathians,
Bicycle, my bicycle they won't catch up with you. | (2)

Sex Bombas

We women are now, fed up, milking all the cows,
Satisfying our men and cooking for them borsch .
We'll throw away our hoes into a corner of the barn,
To the pigs, chickens and bales, We will say : Goodbye!
And we are such, we're so rambunctious
And we are such - women of value,
If we go out - we're out till morning
If we make love - then it's to the end!
Sex bombas, ya-ya
Sex bombas, this stubble of grass
Sex bombas, thunders the village,
Sex bombas, to all for mischief!
We were never out at sea, only on a pond,
We have yet not drunk champaign, nor ate caviar,
Into show business we now go to earn a bauble ...

O Bicycle, my Bicycle

I did sell moonshine, I did sell it
I had gathered for myself a bit of money
In the bazaar, a bicycle I had acquired,
Became the most dangerous woman in the village
O Bicycle, my bicycle,
Two-wheeled 'Grand Cherokee'
And there is a big loud bell
And a good wide leather seat
I will put there on the trunk
Two big sacks full of beets
I'm flying through the village
On my bike, as in a tank
I race around the village - wobbling
Not knowing yet how to stop the bike
And on the frame, my Koom there sits and he is laughing
I say to him: 'Had, get off', - but he still refuses
We flew through out the village until night fall
Embraceing me my Koom then tickles me
Well then, whose business is this now any how
That I take, my Koom, for a ride about out the village
When the bike had eccelerated down a hill
There some jerk had placed a rock onto the road
Oh, we made a fine summersault with my Koom
He with his teeth, I with my chest to the asphalt
My bicycle had collapsed most completely
Thank God, that my Koom remained alive
But now he is crippled and he is toothless
And yet for me, he is, still very charming

I Want to go to the Sea

Summer has come in, the rye is green,
In the field, like on string, grow the sugar beets,
And we ourselves all in a row sit upon a hill,
Tanned women by themselves hemmed in.
Oh, woe, woe is me, I want to go to the sea
I want to sit beneath a palm upon the yellow sand
I want the sun to warm my body,
I want to go to the sea for least an hour!
I will drive the cow into a dark thicket,
I do not want the sour cream, I do not want the milk
I will keep a diet, I will not eat a cutlet,
And I will be like a model, I so tall and slim.
Let the people judge me, I will not listen to them.
Let in my garden blossom the weeds,
I will sell all the cattle, buy myself a car,
I do want to go out so, because I'm still young.
Summer has come in, the rye is green,
In the field, like on string, grow the sugar beets,
And we ourselves all in a row sit upon a hill,
Tanned women by themselves hemmed in.


He experienced Valparaíso, his heart burdened with a heavy secret.
The world was a brazier Valparaíso pulled him out of.
So many lights and colors and so many ruined beauties
shifted the weights his heart could no longer lift.
On Valparaíso heights, on a clear day,
she watched the cranes loading the hungry bellies of the ships.
She watched life go by or catalogued the colors.
Never disappointed, never jaded, her heat laden like a tanker.
In the Cinzano restaurant where they had agreed to meet,
an old lady sang 'Solo tu' while mending her sweater.
There he chatted about anything but the important thing, of course.
Seeing each other was what mattered, and listening to 'Solo tu'
'Solo tu'1
He didn't know she knew, and he had little choice but not trying
to confide what he forgot about when he was with her.
One day, just to do like everyone, he talked about love, but too early.
She said 'I know your secret' and he went away without a word.
Oh, Valparaíso is so beautiful with its colors, his dilapidations,
this labyrinth where the wind wanders, the woman singing at the Cinzano.
A secret, the city will take it and keep it under its cloak,
and those who uncover it do the same, in Valparaíso.
  • 1. 'only you'
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

Because you were there

I came your way one of these bad days
I came your way because you were there
You asked me for a long time why I chose you
I did not lie to you, I've always said
because you were there.
Because you were there.
After the fist night nothing held us together.
I thought it was enough but I asked for more.
You opened up your arms, I felt I was
better when you were there, I felt alive again
because you were there.
Because you were there.
You never liked coincidences, you said
everything is always written and you didn't like
the way I approached you because I felt bad,
the way I came your way just
because you were there.
And you don't have much to give indeed,
except you are there, what can be said about you?
I was happy with that, you weren't.
Yet it was perfect, this love I felt
because you were there.
Because you were there.
Because you were there.
Because you were there.
Because you were there.
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

The Saracens worship the sun

The Saracens worship the sun,
and the Turks the moon with the stars,
and I love these beautiful braids.
The sailors when there is the storm
they call for help to some saint
and I invoke you alone, in my weeping.
All slaves try to escape
and would like to break the chains
and I instead keep myself as a slave.
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.
Sōtaisei Riron - 気になるあの娘 dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

That Girl On My Mind

The inside of that girl on my mind's head is
Usual, normal, pretty much common.
The unkind girl placed second in the race,
And after her fun, she passed out.
That girl that caught my eye's only wish in life was
To have eternal, eternal, eternal youth and life.
That mean-spirited girl collapsed from a heat stroke at the Inter-high* sports meet
Her fluttering hair glittering in the sunlight
A taxi flies from Hong Kong to New York.
Please don’t stop my heart from loving!
A cyborg paper driver turns the handle.
Their shivering body begins to warm.
That girl on my mind’s feelings spun around in her head.
Around, and around, and around, and around.
The inside of that unkind girl’s head
Was still usual, normal, pretty much common .
A taxi speeds from Hong Kong to Shibuya Crossing**.
You can’t stop your heart from loving!
Final F1 driver, please step on the accelerator!
Hug their shivering body tightly.
A taxi speeds from Hong Kong to New York.
Please don’t suppress your heart’s love!
A cyborg paper driver*** turns the handle of their bike.
Their shivering body begins to warm.
Reprints OK if: Credit back to my blog or other sites ( @utoutouta on Tumblr or a hyperlink OK )

Please do not:
Claim my translations as your own / misattribute my translations
Repost my translations on Tumblr (please use the reblog button!)
Repost my translation to other sites WITHOUT credit
Use my translations for personal monetary gain

Feel free to use for:
Educational purposes (comparison to your own translation, etc)
Lyric videos and song subtitles
Ukrainian Folk - Танго кохання dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Tango of Love

Early spring.Tango love
Here she came to me again
Unexpected and uninvited
She brushed away a tear with her sleeve
A little taken aback.
The early spring's in bloom
We were carried by wings into heaven,
Fortune brought us together
Fortune broke us apart.
Having paused she looked away -
They both became uncomfortable
She said softly as she could:
'But I have loved you so.'
In greeting she extended her hands
And had said something else
And she embraced him in farewell:
'Oh, what have I now done?'
'Now for you, as for me,
Do not be restless '-
And quietly vanished in the distance
Beyond the blue haze.
Simone (Brazil) - Definição da Moça dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Definition of Lady

How to define her
When she is all dressed up
If she makes me lose control
As if she were naked?
How to define her
When she is naked
If she is passing by
Like every cloud?
How to get her naked
When she is all dressed up
If she is more undressed
Than when she is naked?
How to possess her
When she is naked
If she looks like rain?
If she looks like a vulva?
How to define her
When she is all dressed up
If she makes me lose control
As if she were naked?
How to define her
When she is naked
If she is passing by
Like every cloud?
How to get her naked
When she is all dressed up
If she is more undressed
Than when she is naked?
How to possess her
When she is naked
If she looks like rain?
If she looks like a vulva?
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Konstantin Balmont - Ad Infinitum dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Ad Infinitum

In the church all stays as always.
Sways of censers can be heard.
'I was joking, take my word.
Did you love or fall in mad craze?'
Candles' flicker's dim and tame,
Lights're reflecting from the icons.
All folks want to light a candle
From another candle flame.
In the church it'll stay as always.
Peal of censers can be heard.
'Ah, unfaithful! You have joked.
Woe to me! I really loved you.'
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.
Yersinia Pestis - Садовник Уэсли Снайпс dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Gardener Wesley Snipes

Cum, head part
TRA-LA-LA, godfather Mohno
Yuri Galtsev, eggs in the horse, I washed my face with a lard
A bearded Tartar in a dress, teacher of labor teases his pussy
Charlie Shins knows the secret of Volodka!!!!!!!!
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la
Tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la bikes brooms porch
Tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la crane
Mom, grandfather again pissed in the mushrooms
Wanna squeeze the men's breasts
Thanks to Moon for Putin
Grow up and become impotent
Three patents, on the assistant professor's crotch
I took spice at interest
The weight of the earth is equal to the weight of your mother + two centners
Chinese Wisdom
Guf is alive
Don't feed the wolf
Two heads are well until you pull the fish out of the pond
From a pond from a pond
It all became so silly without you
I feel bad without you
I bit Seryoga with the fittings to the fuck
Hello my name is Prokhor and I'm a gardener
Aladdin ananist karate peanut, koumiss for rats. Dick of the eye sockets VLAAADIK
LA la la la la la la - gum behind the cheek
And spring in the yard, the dog's foreskin instead of eyelid, check on the boy, FUCKING HIGH PRICE
Shake on the cheek Ashkindyk!!! Winter call
Anti-semite inseminate our daughter, bailiff
scrapsheet not a drop past
moisturize the clitoris of four by salt ? four types
thistle duke fired ANDYR ANDYR
Batyr Batyr cut from the shovel, come here
who is the desired blister, look where is buried Liu Xin
under the edge of an ice floe lay a blue - lick a cigarettes
Vasily moves the boulder along the boundless steppe
bare feet in the blood, grandmother smokes penicillin
I'll come yesterday, and tomorrow I'll be a knight
crushed anus by bus stop - Allegrova
ballet of blacks, riding on antennae in Montenegro
knocked down skittles on a boat in the metro Alenka the runaway
with a credit card, to sharpen and slaughter the neighbor
spice in cassettes, Urgant, mortgage, baker is fried
to crow a crazy rap is septicemia
my baby is angry BDSM anus hooked
Cock-A-Doodle-Doo! Aasterix, your back is white
nerves are ended up, bought the first dish in the canteen
Herpes on the forehead of the Valera reconquered into the Battlefield
I would have to plant a clover and let my wife atrophy
AHSTHA MANDY KHARCHA translation - smoked cum
The curse of Ilyich Ochakovo over the shoulder
Aladdin ananist karate peanut, koumiss for rats. Dick of the eye sockets VLAAADIK
LA la la la la la la - gum behind the cheek
And spring in the yard, the dog's foreskin instead of eyelid, check on the boy, FUCKING HIGH PRICE
New... Charlie Sheen bought
Immediately I found where Liu Xin is buried
Tibor from QS-FB
Gianna Nannini - Fiesta dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

További dalszöveg fordítások

Dominika Ptak - Anioły dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


Dear mum, today a dream woke me up
I was a few years older in it
You were already gone, a crowd of sad people
In the heart shadow, on a platform in the middle of the day
Mum, I'm telling you, a dream woke me up
I had a stream of only losses in it
Somebody had all the cards, he played with my fate
Out of spite
When you look for a guidepost
In the eyes sand and in the heart pain
We want to have everything immediately
The best would be here and now
Up there they look with pity
At our human dance
And patiently with trust
With love, they will change our fate
Somewhere above us
Angels are making a plan
Between the earth and clouds
In the shade of their wings, they protect us
Somewhere above us
Angels are making a plan
Between laughter and tears
Don't let their glow die
Dear dad, today a dream woke me up
I was a few years older in it
A ray of sun and I fell in love
How beautiful this world can be
Dad, I'm telling you, a dream woke me up
Full colour made of a few simple colours
Maybe an angel painted a beautiful dream for me today
When you look for a guidepost
In the eyes sand and in the heart pain
We want to have everything immediately
The best would be here and now
Up there they look with pity
At our human dance
And patiently with trust
With love, they will change our fate
Somewhere above us
Angels are making a plan
Between the earth and clouds
In the shade of their wings, they protect us
Somewhere above us
Angels are making a plan
Between laughter and tears
Don't let their glow die
Somewhere above us
Angels are making a plan
Between laughter and tears
Don't let their glow die