Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 39

Találatok száma: 2604


Nothing Happened

Slowly, tears fall without me noticing it
I tried to swab, wipe it away many times
Though I can erase, though I can forget
no matter how I think, without you I cry
Without saying anything, you went away, it’s not, please
It’s okay to come back, It’s okay to come back
the short moment we separated, it was only a dream
Nothing happened, nothing happened
If this night passes, and I wake up, again, with you…
I repeat it in my heart, repeat it on my lips
I recall you many times, Afraid that I would lose you
Though I can erase, though I can forget
Without you, no matter how much I think, I’m fear
Without saying anything, you went away, it’s not, please
It’s okay to come back, It’s okay to come back
the short moment we separated, it was only a dream
Nothing happened, nothing happened
if this night passes and I wake up….
It’s okay to come back, It’s okay to come back
I love you, I still love you, please, please
Nothing happened, nothing happened
if this night passes and I wake up again with you…

Tökéletes Hullám

Mit egyes hullámmal jött egy álom
Az álmok elmúlnak
A pallód tiszta kosz
A kételyeid feloldódnak,
Egész életetben erre vártál,
Reménykedtél, hogy létezik
Már majdnem elvesztetted a hited,
Sosem mentél el
Most lassan feléd közeledik
A víz az arcodba csap
Úgy látod az életed, mint egy filmet
Nem tudod elhinni, hogy összeomlik
Ez a tökéletes hullám,
Ez a tökéletes nap,
Csak sodródj együtt vele,
A legjobb, ha nem is gondolsz rá
Ez a tökéletes hullám,
Ez a tökéletes nap,
Több van itt, mint amiről tudsz,
Több van itt, mint amit mondasz
A kezeid már érzéketlenek
Só van a szemedben,
A könynyek és a kosz között
Nehéz továbbra is hinni benne
Egész életedben vártál erre,
Sosem számítottál a hullámokra,
Sosem akartad ezt,
Túl gyorsan éltél túl sokat
Álljatok a viharba és kiáltsatok
Itt vagyok, szabad vagyok
Az idő minden, amit akarok
Ez a tökéletes nap erre

White flower

My bird with young wings
you are flying so high
the Homeland is calling me
you will remain free
I do not fear dying
for freedom and my home
but I fear once I leave
that they don't break your wings
My bird
once the war is over
all chains will break
then fly through the clean air
over liberated land
Lay down a white flower
somewhere above Kijevo*
and lay down a white flower
somewhere above Kruševo*
A white flower is for remembrance
of an eternal love
for my people and you
I had to die
My bird with young wings
you are flying so high
I am taken by the Homeland
you will remain free

A párbaj

Tybalt, Tybalt, most meghalsz.
Tybalt, Tybalt, vége a vidámságnak.
Nem vagy más, csak egy pökhendi alak... sõt még annál is rosszabb!
A lelked csak sántikál, te meg azt hiszed, hogy szaladsz.
A hangod szólama, a járásod...
Egyszerūen hányingerem van mikor rád nézek.
Tybalt, Tybalt, megöllek.
Mercutio, nézz magadra!
Eszed ugyan van, de semmi más.
Egy egyszerū udvaribolond vagy, egy bukott költõ...
és mikor meghallom a neved
befogom az orrom. Ennek most vége.
Gyerekkorunk óta csak egyetlen dolog jár a fejemben,
a türelmem végre kifizetõdik.
Mercutio, megöllek.
Hagyjátok abba! Elment az eszetek, nincs ehhez jogotok
Ha megölitek egymást, azzal megölitek eszméinket és törvényeinket
Hagyjátok abba!
Élni, mindannyian élni akarunk
halálthozó utálat nélkül
Élni és megbeszélni, tisztelni egymást,
akár még szeretni is egymást.
Szabadok, mindannyian szabadok vagyunk
a döntéshozatalban
Legalább a szeretteitekért, az anyátokért, feleségetekért
hagyjatok fel az utálattal és tegyétek le fegyvereitek.
Élni és inni a jószerencsére
részegséget a bosszúvágy helyett.
Élni, mindannyian élni akarunk
halálthozó utálat nélkül
Élni és megbeszélni, tisztelni egymást,
akár még szeretni is egymást.
Hagyjátok abba! Elment az eszetek, ehhez nincs jogotok.
A halál várja, hogy eljöjjön az ideje, ne sürgessétek hát,
ne kövessétek el ezt a hibát.
Élni azért, hogy megértsük egymást, élni és együtt megöregedni...
Annyira régóta gyūlöl engem, Rómeó...
Ezt a mértékū pökhendiséget nem tolerálom tovább! Akárcsak egy dühös kutya,
Egy pipogya alak, aki túl nagyra tartja magát.
Mit képzelsz te magadról, nem vagy te király?!
Ugyanolyan vagy, mint mi. Sõt, még rosszabb...
Nézzenek oda, árad belõled a szeretet és a gyengédség,
olyan vagy, mint a keselyūk, akik alig várják a kiszolgáltatottságot.
Élni az nem más, mint harcolni, az élet nem egy színház.
Élni, szabadon...
Élni, mindannyian élni akarunk
halálthozó utálat nélkül
Élni és megbeszélni, tisztelni egymást,
akár még szeretni is egymást.

My Girl's Pambiche

Oh, I have a girl
Who sings pambiche when she falls in love
Oh, and she recites verses, telling me she loves me to the beat of the tambora
I have a girl
That awakens auroras and sings pambiche
When she falls in love, when she falls in love
Oh, I have a girl who paints the the skies in a turquoise blue
Oh, she embroiders the little path of the mandevillas and the lilies
I have a girl like barcarole
I have a girl who has plenty of love
She sings pambiche to me when she falls in love
She she falls in love, when she falls in love
She sings pambiche to me when she falls in love
And she writes me verses with the güira and tambora
She sings pambiche to me when she falls in love
That the wind moves
When she falls in love, when she falls in love
And o lo le lo le lo o le lo oh Nora
She sings pambiche to me when she falls in love
When she falls in love, when she falls in love
She sings pambiche to me when she falls in love

On a snowy day

We were together, we were always together
Those days of you and me
Were happy, every day was filled with laughs
And I thought it would always be like that
But farewell erased us
Too easily
Though it's a past story now
Sometimes when snowflakes bloom in white
On a snowy day
I keep thinking about you
The roads we walked together are still the same
But why am I walking it alone?
When I miss you like a crazy
I draw your face in the skies
Time flows and blures away my memories
But like a fool I live in them
I tried to forget, I tried my best
My days without you
Were filled with lauhghs, even when you left
So we won't feel sorry
But sometimes time doesn't go
The way you want, even if you beg
So I blankly stare in the white window
On a snowy day
I keep thinking about you
The roads we walked together are still the same
But why am I walking it alone?
When I miss you like a crazy
I draw your face in the skies
Time flows and blures away my memories
But like a fool I live in them
Why didn't I know you back then, why do I get to know you now?
Why can't I forget you - I don't know it too
Why do I keep seeing you even when I'm walking alone?
On a snowy day like that
I miss you so much, but I have to stop it now
It was always natural
That you were next to me on a snowy day
Did you erase those roads without me?
Do you walk it alone?
Does the love that is slowly fading away
Come back?
I'm still waiting
By the window in a snowy day


Where is the song they used to hear
Where is the smell of Spring
Here are only people without faces, without voices
Where is the feeling of being free
Of knowing the sun exists
Here are only birds without wings, birds without claws
Life without future
Poisoned hope and belief
Heaven disappears
Time runs out soon
It is nothing
And nothing exists anymore
Where are the colors they used to see
Where are all the dreams
Here is only ocean without water, word without meaning
Where is the picture of the family
Of friends and dance
Here are only memories without color, gaze without warmth
Life without future
Poisoned hope and belief
Heaven disappears
Time runs out soon
It is nothing
And nothing exists anymore
It is completely empty
Summer without warmth, Winter without cols
Completely empty
Storm without wind, rain without water
It is completely empty
No pulse, empty streets, empty houses
Completely empty
They do not live, they do not exist, they are gone
And nothing exists anymore

Purple Light

Your useless true form is
an overflow picture story of a dream
A tale that became vivid a long time ago
is mourned by a crowd
It's somehow sad
This kind of feeling
Only in such a place
I have a throwback
With that bright red eye
Ecstatic eye
I will continue to sail the sea of regret
The masses willfully wants to know only lies
despite its unnecessity
We're mutual in selfishness
at the end of fanaticism
An illusory city A city of money
I'm really waiting in vain there
With that bright red eye
Ecstatic eye
Keep sailing the sea of regret
If I blast away that eye
the joy will be simple
The eyesight of the world became stupid, right?
I'm becoming purple light
Go on and fly
Anywhere Anyone
To a timeless place
Go on and jump
Anything Everything
Into a sensual place
Go on and jump
Anywhere Anyone
Because there's no time
Go on and jump
Anything Everything
To the end of my thoughts
The sizes of the great darkness
are misunderstandings of astonished you
A funny trip that took a thousand years
is an absence tripiṭaka* of a journey to the west*
Somehow I'm a little sad
Repeating those feelings
With that bright red eye
Ecstatic eye
Keep sailing the sea of regret
If I blast away that eye
the pleasure will be simple
The eyesight of the world became stupid, right?
I'm becoming purple light
Go on and fly
Anywhere Anyone
To a timeless place
Go on and jump
Anything Everything
Into a sensual place
Go on and jump
Anywhere Anyone
Because there's no time
Go on and jump
Anything Everything
To the end of the supremacy
There's suspicious rain outside
Go on and fly
Anywhere Anyone
To a timeless place
Go on and jump
Anything Everything
Into a sensual place
Because there's no time
Go on and jump
Anything Everything
To the end of the purple light
Go on and jump
I wish I could sing I wish I could meet
In a timeless place
Go on and jump
Give it, change it
but don't tell it
Go on and jump
I wish I could sing I wish I could meet
Because there's no time
Go on and jump
Give it, change it
To the end of the purple light
Go on and fly
Anywhere Anyone
To a timeless place
Go on and jump
Anything Everything
Into a sensual place
Go on and jump
Anywhere Anyone
Because there's no time
Go on and jump
Anything Everything
To the limit of purple light
There's suspicious rain outside
But I don't care about that
I think it's okay

Feminine woman

A feminine woman
is a wonderful thing
A feminine woman
A timbre of a shamisen
A feminine woman
likes sensual love
A feminine woman
Her smile is beautiful
It's a wonderful night
A drunkenness in a tatami room
A stylish woman
is a wonderful person

Hollow Dreams

Versions: #1
A town of skeletons, gone wild and frozen to death
Afterlife’s love, way 2 agonizing
You and I, the shame of the Galaxy
What’s the use of dying as just a worker bee
While our dreams are hollow
Buddha will get disappointed
When we’re having our hollow dreams
I’m sure Buddha will go berserk
5, 6, 7, 8 no pain, no gain and pain
Brains turn to mush, wide awake
Dancing amid the crowded darkness
Fly all the way up to the end of the ultraviolet rays
While our dreams are hollow
Buddha will get disappointed
When we’re having our hollow dreams
I’m sure Buddha will go berserk
At hollow dreams, we laugh, fallen into abyss, we take it away
At hollow dreams, we laugh, fallen into abyss, we take it away
While our dreams are hollow
Buddha will get disappointed
When we’re having our hollow dreams
I’m sure Buddha will go berserk
The night Buddha passed away from some style
At hollow dreams, we laugh, fallen into abyss, we take it away
Forever drinking, of dreams and fantasies, we sing

This is My Story

It all began like nothing
I was alone and bored
It was just another afternoon of me having doubts about my future
I requested something I wanted for Christmas
That would one way or another
See my dream come true
It was all very strange but I got a sign
The camera gave me a boost
And when I started to film
I went to sleep excited
It was an early morning
But there wasn't another one
My life was transforming
I had a hunch
I couldn't sleep
The video had just uploaded
And there was something in me
The weeks of summer passed
And I remember
If I had twenty views
I was more than satisfied
It was only a dream
To conquer a smile
To be able to be myself
And in doing so, to cause your laughter
So you'll forget your problems
And just to entertain you
So that one way or another
You'll smile when you see me
This is my story
Recalling my past
My personal legend
Constructed at each step
Crying with excitement
I'm sending you all a hug
Thank you for helping me
To see my dream come true
At school, I am quiet
Lying on my bench
And I can't concentrate
Because I keep thinking and I am in my own head
Even if no one believed me
And even if everyone made fun of me
I knew that with videos
Something great awaited me
Teachers, my friends
My family and everybody
Were telling me to give up
This immature hobby
And I seriously thought of giving it up
There was nothing positive
Nobody saw me
It was just causing conflict
In spite of everything I wanted to show them
That they were wrong
To underestimate me
And a year and a half went by
And when I least expected it
The wheel of life
Which was shining on me
And I know that time helps
If you put it on your side
If you open your mind a little
And look outside the box
You'll see with other eyes
More than the in-between
I am a person like you
The internet is just a medium
This is my story
Remembering my past
My personal legend
Constructed at each step
Crying with excitement
And I'm sending you all a hug
Thank you for helping me
To see my dream come true
This is my story
Remembering my past
My personal legend
Constructed at each step
Crying with excitement
And I'm sending you all a hug
Thank you for helping me
To see my dream come true
They invited me to a party
It was cool and for a while
I thought I would stay seated
And chatting
But I was shocked
There were a lot of people shouting
Banging at the gate
I was baffled
They brought me up on stage
And I'll never forget
With stage fright
And without knowing what to do
I couldn't believe it
They were calling my name
I had never seen them
And to think that they know me
The euphoria was incredible
I would never have imagined
Destiny bestowed on me
More than I could have dreamed
I wanted for my videos
To be a remedy
Of laughing and cracking up
For the bad times
Even though we don't know each other
Many many thanks
For giving me the gift of your friendship
From far off in the distance
Keep going with your projects
Don't give up
Just keep going
Step by step
Always looking forward
Each letter
A message
A poster
A photo
Draws me a smile
On my face
I don't want to be your idol
I don't want you to love me
I want to be your friend
The one who makes you happy
On those afternoons
This is my story
Remembering my past
My personal legend
Constructed at each step
Crying with excitement
And I'm sending you all a hug
Thank you for helping me
To see my dream come true
This is my story
Remembering my past
My personal legend
Constructed at each step
Crying with excitement
And I'm sending you all a hug
Thank you for helping me
To see my dream come true
Thanks to all of you
I am what I am now
I simply
Wanted to thank you all
This is my story

Celia gazed at a rose in the meadow...

Celia gazed at a rose in the meadow,
that was bragging its vain splendor
and in carmin and burgundy composure
was washing joyful its delicate face

A lucky guy

There is nothing to put in the place
Either you have it or you're out of luck
I often went through the fire
Like a wind,
I was lucky as the wind
Neither the talent, burn it with fire (burn it with fire)
It doesn't hold you, it doesn't hold you as lucky
It would be as bad as it wasn't (it was)
What is an idiot doing?
But he won, he was lucky
But he won, he was lucky
Go black and storm
Have luck, your weather is good
And come back healthy
You're lucky, you're lucky
You're lucky, you're lucky

Heart of stone

Heart, don't be of stone
That only you were not allowed
To see how the yearning carry me
Like a leaf in the wind
Heart, don't be a coat
You're a little to blame, too
If I don't have a day, a clear day
On earth
Just for your sake
Evil is worse for me
My laughter is less common for me
The bitter, more bitter
I always say your name
How much are the sun and the moon
Dry stone heart
Longing comes, longing goes
Heart with star eyes
I gave you my dreams too
You burned them on fire
One day
My heart, I find my way
Even exchanging the hill with the valley
I feel sorry for myself
Just for your sake
Evil is worse for me
My laughter is less common
Bitter, more bitter
I always say your name
How much are the sun and the moon
Dry stone heart
Longing comes, longing goes
Just for your sake
Evil is worse for me
My laughter is less common
Bitter, more bitter

Words are so Small, Mother

Sometimes I want to tell you
and hide for you many words
Your heart would open up
Then I get overwhelmed
and I lose my words
And I don't say how much I love you
Between tears and smiles,
I'm like a child whose
hands tell tales about her
and the look on her eyes
I'm this child standing before you
overwhelmed by your eternal warmth
Your love is much bigger than my words
Bigger than my smiles and tears
Oh mother, mother, mother
Oh mother, mother, mother
and I lose my words
And I don't say how much I love you
Sometimes I want to tell you
and hide for you many words
Your heart would open up
Then I get overwhelmed
and I lose my words
And I don't say how much I love you


I feel like she just caught me watching her
Our eyes met
The floating aura she's my style
I'm so excited I get drunk off the music
When she's dancing, girl she own it
I just can't get her off my mind
That night I
Couldn't fall asleep
She was stuck in my mind
Only my fingers that were digging through her insta
Hurt now
Should I give up?
I've thought about it
But I can't get rid of my regrets
Now I realize
If you were real
Feel like I'm wasting time
Tryna find where you are
(I know but girl I want you)
Even though I know I can't find you
I like it
(I want to rewind time rewind)
Your aura
Didn't even leave a trace
(Oh girl you got me chasin now)
I'll be waiting again today
I be waiting on for you
I wish I had a super power set the timing right back
It's insane how I let you slip out of my grasp after seeing you
I couldn't concentrate ever since that day
I'm still hung up on that, what about you?
I be like 'what's your name?
Oh you came with your friends'
If you don't dislike me
Why don't you give me your number here
I want your digits and kisses
I'm going to follow your insta from today on
Let's take a pic together for your story
I wake up at that moment
The regret's seeping in
Taking back the chance I lost is my homework now
I see your
Aura aura aura
It's really not alright
Feel like I'm wasting time
Tryna find where you are
(I know but girl I want you)
Even though I know I can't find you
I like it
(I want to rewind time rewind)
Your aura
Didn't even leave a trace
(Oh girl you got me chasin now)
I'll be waiting again today
I be waiting on for you
Get out of my head
Give me back my heart that you stole
Continuing like this is useless
Keeping me waiting
I keep waiting for you to come back to me
I'm waiting up for you babe
It feels like this night
Will only leave me
With regrets
Leaving with me your aura
Girl I...
I don’t know where you at but
feel like I’m wastin time
tryna find where you are
(I know but girl I want you)
Even though I know I can't find you
I like it
(I want to rewind time rewind)
Your aura
Didn't even leave a trace
(Oh girl you got me chasin now)
I'll be waiting again today
I be waiting on for you

Dark Thoughts

Don't speak, keep quiet
I know what you're thinking
Going far away from us
Far from me
Your heart is beating a mile a minute
The more time goes by
I feel as you're already living there
In these towns of America
Don't be nostalgic
Just take my hand until tomorrow
So I don't forget a thing
Tonight, I have such dark thoughts
'Cause life's taken you
Far out of my sight (loin de mon regard)
I'm so afraid in my ivory tower
That I'll never see you again
Tomorrow if you go
What good is it to pretend
I know what you're thinking
Going far away from us
Out there where the sky is immense
Where everything is beautiful
Where one can dream going higher
Go away to the ends of the earth
If it's your destiny
Just take my hand until tomorrow
Tonight, I have such dark thoughts
'Cause life's taken you
Far out of my sight (loin de mon regard)
I'm so afraid in my ivory tower
That I'll never see you again
Tomorrow if you go
In these towns of America
Don't be nostalgic
Just take my hand until tomorrow
So I don't forget a thing
Tonight, I have such dark thoughts
'Cause life's taken you
Far out of my sight (loin de mon regard)
I'm so afraid in my ivory tower
That I'll never see you again
Tomorrow if you go
[Tonight, I have such dark thoughts]
'Cause life's taken you
Far out of my sight (loin de mon regard)
I'm so afraid in my ivory tower
That I'll never see you again
Tomorrow if you go
[Tonight, I have such dark thoughts]
'Cause life's taken you
Far out of my sight (loin de mon regard)
I'm so afraid in my ivory tower
That I'll never see you again
Tomorrow if you go

Rhodos in the Rain

the hamlet dowsed in sunlight, shining golden
with the white chalked houses in the tiny street
with the bluest roof that you will ever meet
oh well..
her eyes and hair so black as of a raven
and she poured me some wine, she said you've never seen
soon the rain will come
and it will all feel
so serene..
Rain-clouded Rhodos,
like a green gem in the sea
And in the morning hours, a breeze kicks in
it's the greatest thing,
you'll ever see
the age-old trees are budding and are blooming
and the cusps break open in the dead of night
come morning, the roses show their colors again,
The children in the street run and are dancing
and the farmers are busy, as they should
and the churchbells ring, for the harvest was good
this year.
we watched a film and fell asleep together
and a hope long forgotten now gripped me sore
something that I'd known a long time before
so well..

Csak én?

Csak én?
Csak én?
Utálom a kisbabákat fogni
És az emberek megpróbálnak megmenteni engem
Azt gondolják hogy a vallás egy üzlet
Ahol fizetsz Isten megbocsáltásáért
A modren művészet unalmas
A politikusok idegesítőek
Nem gondolom azt hogy a szerelem örökké tart
És a régi zenék sokkal jobbak voltak
Én részeg vagyok
Vagy csak igazam van?
Csak én
vagy mindenki
Úgy érez ahogy én?
Ők csak nem valódiak
Mondd meg, csak én
vagy mindenki
Ugyanezeket a szarokat gondolja?
Csak ők nem mondják ki
Vagy csak én?
(Csak én?)
Csak én?
(Csak én?)
Az esküvők ódivatúak
A barátok című műsort túlértékelték
Úgy gondolom hogy a gazdag gyerekeknek könnyű
És a PDA pedig ijesztő
Az internet undorító
Hányingerem van azoktól az emberektől akik velem egyidősek
Úgy gondolom hogy a marihuána remek dolog
És a kokain pedig hülyeség
Én részeg vagyok
Vagy csak igazam van?
Csak én
vagy mindenki
Úgy érez ahogy én?
Ők csak nem valódiak
Mondd meg, csak én
vagy mindenki
Ugyanezeket a szarokat gondolja?
Csak ők nem mondják ki
Vagy csak én?
(Csak én?)
Csak én?
(Csak én?)
Megkellene fékeznem a nyelvemet, de
Nem lehetek én az egyetlen, yeah
Megkellene fékeznem a nyelvemet, de
Nem lehetek én az egyetlen
Csak én
vagy mindenki
Úgy érez ahogy én?
Ők csak nem valódiak
Mondd meg, csak én
vagy mindenki
Ugyanezeket a szarokat gondolja?
Csak ők nem mondják ki
Vagy csak én?
(Csak én?)
Csak én?
(Csak én?)
Megkellene fékeznem a nyelvemet, de
Nem lehetek én az egyetlen, yeah
Megkellene fékeznem a nyelvemet, de
Nem lehetek én az egyetlen

Winter in Berlin

Winter in Berlin
I count to three
All lakes are frozen suddenly
All hipsters are out of town suddenly, ice
Look, how it snows
[Part 1]
I realize it immediately if you're from Berlin
I don't fucking care if you're nice
I was born here and I love it
Move here if you want war
Move away or smoke with (us)
Move away, if it's too loud
No wonder, if you're on (drugs)
The devil got his headquarter right here, drink with us
And enjoy the view
Hang yourself or jump, dude, c'mon
I wear a black outfit
And wait until the sky is blue again
[Bridge 1]
Until the sky is blue again
Until the sky is blue again
Until the sky is blue again
I count to three
All lakes are frozen suddenly
All hipsters are out of town suddenly, ice
Look, how it snows
[Bridge 2]
Kids in Berlin drink booze
Kinds in Berlin, shattered dream
Winter in Berlin feels like one night to me
It's winter in Berlin
Kids in Berlin mug you
Kids in Berlin coke themselves awake
Winter in Berlin feels like one night to me
It's winter in Berlin
[Part 2]
Winter in Berlin, it's like another millennial
Next to the mosque at Görli you can buy weed
Until the refugees run from the cops
U7 (there) you can buy crack
U8 heroin, drink away problems
Oranienburger Straße trade your money for sex
There are no friendly looking people outside anymore
No one wants to get out of bed anymore
Depression in every head
Depression in every block
Little money, little jobs
I drink punch until I throw up
I count to three
All lakes are frozen suddenly
All hipsters are out of town suddenly, ice
Look, how it snows
[Hook 2]
I am high
The tip of the spliff is still hot
Look, the sun, it shines, shines
But it snows
Winter in Berlin
Winter in Berlin
Winter in Berlin
Winter in Berlin

The Neck and the Maiden

There lived a count high up-land
He had three daughters and neat they were
-with all the right
It spread across the kingdom, its spread across the land
It spread to the Neck1 by the fairy-blue shore
-with all the right
The Neck he could, after all, dress so nicely
And so he rode forward so that the mountains rang
-with all the right
Reins of silk and bridle of gold
and the horses stood stomping like lions on dirt
-with all the right
And so he rode to the maiden
I will give you a ring if you want to be mine
-with all the right
Diligently I wish to own you Neck
Diligently I wish to go to the thousand fairies' land2
Diligently I wish to own you Neck
Diligently I wish to set course to the thousand fairies' shore
The maiden takes the ring and follow the Neck
And so they rode forward so that the mountains rang
-with all the right
The Neck rode past a church as they went
They admire his woman, they admire her man4
-with all the right
To church, the fair maiden wished to go
Your best queen should be more than a thousand fairies' blue
-with all the right.
Diligently I wish to own you Neck
And so he rode the maiden trough the rivers
the earth shook and mountains cracked
-with all the right
  • 1. Not the body part, this is the name of a Water Spirit
  • 2. 'älv/älvar/s can also mean river or rivers. This applies to all places where I've write 'fairy' in the text.
  • 3. I am not entirely sure what they're trying to say here but my guess is that they mean something along with someone humming a lyrics.
  • 4. I assume it is this, but it can also mean 'they admired his woman, her they admired.' or something completely different.

I can't wait to be king

I will be a good king
Enemies can't defend against me
I've never seen
The king of ten thousand beasts
With hair that hasn't sprouted
I'll definitely be very majestic
And earn everyone's respect
And conduct myself in a special way
And practice roaring
Aha! So far
I don't feel the same
But I can't wait to be king
Your road is still a long one, your highness
If you thought
It doesn't matter whose orders
What I'm trying to say is
I won't be restrained
Listen to me
No one can stop me
I have my own ideas
Freely running around
Is definitely wrong
Doing whatever you want is the best
If this is the case
We really need to talk
Kings don't need to listen to a hornbill's random shouting
If this is our new king
I would be really disappointed
I would resign
Leave this place
And totally give up
This child is already starting to find me annoying
Oh I can't wait to be king
Everyone, look to the left
Everyone, look to the right
Everyone's eyes
Are on me
It's still early
Let all the creatures of the land sing for me
I want to hear the praises of my kind
This is the wonderful King Simba
Oh I can't wait to be lion king
Oh he can't wait to be lion king
Oh I can't wait to be
Can't wait to be
Lion king

Tum Hi Aana Song Lyrics

Versions: #1
Tere jaane ka gum
aur na aane ka gum
phir zamane ka gum kya karein
raah dekhe nazar
raat bhar jaag kar
par teri toh khabar na mile
bahut aayi gayi yaadein
magar iss baar tum hi aana
irade phir se jaane ke nahi lana
tum hi aana
aa.. aa..
koi toh raah wo hogi
jo mere ghar ko aati hai
karo pichha sadaon ka
suno kya kehna chahti hai
tum aaoge mujhe milne
khabar ye bhi tum hi lana
bahut aayi gayi yaadein
magar iss baar tum hi aana

I Like You Just the Way You Are

I see a woman taking
a man in wheelchair
She snorts at his bad joke
And so they laugh again
Kilometers behind them
Understanding, difficult times
And even if legs are already numb
Heart is still in its place
Across the street
A mother scolds her child
Again knees are bruised
Why can't we be protected from the blows of the world
I care and I can't explain
I see it everywhere around me today
And this thing is new for me
New, unfamiliar thing is scary
What if this falls apart
But I can't help it that
I like you just the way you are
I like you just the way you are
I like you just the way you are
I like you just the way you are
Is it a chemical formula that controls the brain
When I look at you my knees collapse
I would like to be perfect, your last girlfriend
But if I blow this up and I will cry about it for the rest of my life
We do have something special
But what if you find someone else
Who gets turned on more by the Beatles
Than me and my bones
Would I be enough
Would I be enough
I can only offer this
I hope it's enough
I like you just the way you are
I like you just the way you are
I like you just the way you are
I like you just the way you are
And I don't even know why
Love is a renewable resource
It lurks you behind every corner
You can try to close your eyes from it
Run away (from it) but it will always catch you
Love is a cruel joke created by nature
A state that takes you close to insanity
But I can't breath without it
It's the biggest reason why I say this out loud
I like you just the way you are
I like you just the way you are
I like you just the way you are
I like you just the way you are

Sailor Suit and Machine Gun

Goodbye is not a farewell word
But a distant promise until a new meeting
Even if I leave a lingering attachment in the place where my dreams were
My heart is cold
Even if I want to hold you for hours
Even if I want to warm your cold cheeks
The city is a hurry that counts the seconds
Love is in a concrete basket
If you get tired of the love you casually meet
Surely you'll return to me
Turn the men you loved into memories
Someday you can remember me
Even in a corner of your heart, leave a small memo
Your suitcase is full
Of a heavy luggage called hopes
Surely you'll carry it lightly
Showing a smile
Turn the men you loved into brilliance
Someday you can remember me
Even in a corner of your heart, leave a small memo

Just Let Me Go

Today the same day is repeating
A tiring twenty-four hours
Today the same thoughts are repeating
My mind is filled with you
Today the same words are repeating
The words I couldn't say to you
Today the same song is repeating
This song we used to listen to together
Until the end, your eyes
Were worried for me
That's how crazy
We were in love
Once this day passes
I can stop hurting inside
From now on, there won't be
Any reason for you to hurt either
Don't look back, I'm ok now
Let's just go our separate ways
And keep on going
So I can let you go
You need to let me go too
Leave the bad memories with me and just go
Today the same day is repeating
A foolish day
Today the same song is repeating
This song we used to listen to together
Until the end, your tears
Were comforting me
That's how badly
We were hurting
As much as we loved each other,
We hurt each other, but it will pass
From now on, only the good memories
Will remain for you
Don't look back, I'm ok now
Let's just go our separate ways
And keep on going
So I can let you go
You need to let me go too
Leave the bad memories with me and just go
I hope you're doing well
Even better if you're happy
Don't look back, I'm ok now
Let's just go our separate ways
And keep on going
So I can let you go
You need to let me go too
Leave the bad memories with me and just go
Please just go

Summer in Berlin

It's summer in Berlin
It's summer in Berlin
[Part 1]
When you are looking into the sun, your eyes look like honey
How do I deserve this? Baby, yes
Just stay for three, four hours and they are gleaming like moon light
You are my medicine, yes, yes
No, I don't have obligations
I can celebrate my self for the whole night and skin up constantly
(skin up)
Wearing a crown made of hibiscus
In addition a summer dress, white sneakers, tanned skin
And everybody is dancing like in strip clubs
They don't give a fuck about everything, they know everything is permitted (yes, yes)
And you get on a FlixBus1
Because you heard, there are gorgeous women only in Berlin
Grape and mint flavour in every street
Look at Sonnenallee2
In summer you do so good, in winter it hurts
I can go to Prinzenbad3 only during nighttime, because I'm too fame, yes
On the park bench, on which we're sitting, there was snow yesterday, yes
And now it's still warm everywhere, but it's already late, yes
Please let me draw on the joint again before I go, yes
It's summer in Berlin, and your heart is made from ice
But you feel, it's getting soft and melts
Because the toughest time
Is over, let's get out and chill
Summer in Berlin, and your heart is made from ice
But you feel, it's getting soft and melts
Because the toughest time
Is over, I'm inside my film
It's summer in Berlin
Berlin, Berlin, Berlin
It's summer in Berlin
Berlin, Berlin, Berlin
[Part 2]
Do you still remember, when we clandestinely had joints in the schoolyard (schoolyard)
Large break4 and now we are hanging out on festivals in the summer or in the studio (studio)
Sunset and everything around Fernsehturm5 is getting red like blood (red like blood)
We're drinking a vodka mixture, coffee mug, hipsters are drinking their Hugo6 (Hugo)
It's first of May again, and they're throwing a stone
And the coppers are having stress, they can't cope with Berlin
Hermannsplatz7, stabbing, tourists in front of Berghain8
They are up to snort some noses
But I'm chilling with the girls in Görli9, Görli
It's hot, without doubt, and I have fallen totally in love
Yes, with the sun, because I missed it so much
Yes, it had pissed off and now it is warming my face
Finally again, but -
I can go to Prinzenbad only during nighttime, because I'm too fame, yes
On the park bench, on which we are sitting, there was snow yesterday, yes
And now it's still warm everywhere, but it's already late, yes
Please let me draw on the joint again before I go, yes
It is summer in Berlin, and your heart is made from ice
But you feel, it's getting soft and melts
Because the toughest time
Is over, let's get out and chill
Summer in Berlin, and your heart is made from ice
But you feel, it's getting soft and melts
Because the toughest time
Is over, I'm inside my film
It's summer in Berlin
Berlin, Berlin, Berlin
It's summer in Berlin
Berlin, Berlin, Berlin
It's summer in Berlin
Berlin, Berlin, Berlin
It's summer in Berlin
Berlin, Berlin, Berlin
It's summer in Berlin
  • 1. German brand offering intercity bus service in Europe and the USA
  • 2. street in Berlin
  • 3. nickname of open air swimming bath Sommerbad Kreuzberg
  • 4. usually German schools have a larger break between lessons in the morning
  • 5. the Berlin television tower
  • 6. type of cocktail
  • 7. public place in northern Berlin
  • 8. night club in Berlin
  • 9. nickname for Görlitzer Park, public park in Berlin

The cry

The ellipse of a cry
reaches from hill
to hill.
Soaring from the olive trees,
it appears as a black rainbow
above the azure night.
Like the bow of a viol,
the cry has made the long strings
of the wind vibrate.
(The people of the caves
hold out their oil lamps.)

The heart was searching for a lover

The heart was searching for a lover
He got the maiden of her heart
Am I in love??
My life was very bland
You filled it with wind full of colors
Am I in love??
When you turned back and looked at me
Holi came without Phalguna (Feb/Mar)
The love indeed killed me
The heart was searching for a lover
He got the maiden of her heart
Am I in love??
Through your cute lips full of shyness
You told me so many tales
I understood everything, I agreed to everything
The untold tales of love
Through your cute lips full of shyness
You told me so many tales
I understood everything, I agreed to everything
The untold tales of love
When you finally held my hands
I felt like I was about to die
What magic have you done
The heart was searching for a lover
He got the maiden of her heart
Am I in love??
[Untranslatable stuff]
I met you
When I looked at my palms
Your name was written over them
[Untranslatable stuff]
I met you
When I looked at my palms
Your name was written over them
You held me with your looks
Has the world ended right here?
What obsession have I caught?
The heart was searching for a lover
He got the maiden of her heart
Am I in love??
My life was very bland
You filled it with wind full of colors
Am I in love??

Young Like You

When you wake up in the morning,
And you ask yourself: what should it all be
Please look in your mirror
You’re young, that’s really great
Hey you, what’s wrong with you
You have all the trump cards in your hand
You’ve just got to learn a couple of rules
And then you’ll outplay everyone
Being young was never simple
And the world spins in a circle
Do you feel alone on the way
Help yourself - and don’t ask the cost
So young like you
You can do what you want
Young like you
You’re allowed to show what you feel
Slowly you’ll get older
And you’ll ask yourself: what should it all be
Just don’t look in your mirror
You’re getting older, it’s really great
Hey you, what’s wrong with you
You’ve got all the trump cards in your hand
You know all the rules, all the tricks
You’ll outplay them all
Getting older was never simple
And the world spins in a circle
Do you feel alone on the way
Help yourself - and don’t ask the cost
So young like you
You can’t do what you want
Young like you
You’re allowed to show what you feel
Young like you

_The Others

There is always a life waiting.
One that is not mine
I don't want to think about it.
There is always a life waiting.
I'm going to take you by the hand.
I wouldn't have minded doing it years ago.
There is always another life waiting.
Today I have come back to life and it does not hurt,
I just want to fall on your bed and I don't have time to take advantage of you as much as I want.
I will expand.
The multiverse.
From each of them.
I'm serious.
I know life is happening.
Kilometers away from these bodies.
In a room where we have discovered ourselves.
There is always a life waiting.
In which we have not yet managed to find ourselves.
Where is that life waiting?

Baǵynbaimyn (I won’t obey)

Yo, what do you want?
He says I must be home before midnight
My girlfriends say: 'This guy is a bore!'
And before I leave, he’ll drive me mad,
'With whom you are? Where are you? When will you be back?'
I won’t say 'Well, go then,'
then bribe your friends to find out where I am
Do you really not understand?
I ain’t an angel at all, as you imagined,
Your love for me is like a lump in my throat, an illusion
Looking for me every day like crazy
I don’t wanna repeat, but you don’t lose hope
Not realizing that your actions are unsuccessful
If you’re left alone, don't be surprised
Understanding your mistakes, yeah.
Don’t be this stubborn, I like disobeying
Don’t bear my brain, don’t bear.
Don’t call me so often, I just won’t answer, even if I hear the ring
After all, whatever I do, you aren’t happy.
Don’t be capricious, don’t be capricious
Why don’t you understand?
I'm tired of your bans.
I can’t meet your requirements.
Permissions aren’t necessary, I won’t obey the rules.
I won’t obey, (yes) Yes, like it, (yes)
I won’t obey, (yes, yes) I like not following your rules (yes)
What do you want me to do? Yes, like it, (yes)
I won’t obey, (yes, yes) I like not following your rules (yes)
Again, my clothes are too “short” (yes)
What century are you from, move on
He says “too much make-up”, but I know, you already like it, answer now
Today you aren’t with me
And I feel free.
I said not to call me so often I just won’t answer, even if I hear the ring
I’m running out of patience.
Why don’t you understand?
I'm tired of your bans.
I can’t meet your requirements.
Permissions aren’t necessary, I won’t obey the rules.
I won’t obey, (yes) Yes, like it, (yes)
What do you want me to do? Yes, like it, (yes)
Each time, on the contrary, I’m moving away from you,
Do come to me
You know it's too late.
Don't try to stop me I won’t obey you.
I won’t obey, (yes) Yes, like it, (yes)
I won’t obey, (yes, yes) I like not following your rules (yes)
What do you want me to do? Yes, like it, (yes)
I won’t obey, (yes, yes) I like not following your rules (yes)