Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 6

Találatok száma: 527


Vond ki a kardjaid!

Ahogy látom őt1alászállni a felhők közül
Úgy érzem magam mint egy bolond
Nem maradt semmi, amit adhatnék
Semmi, amit elveszíthetnék
Úgyhogy hajrá Szerelem, vond ki a kardjaid!
Sújts le a földig!
Te az enyém vagy és én a tiéd
Hagyjuk a szarakodást!
Mert te vagy az egyetlen!
Mert te vagy az egyetlen!
Látom azokat a kígyókat kijönni a földből
A fojtásuk a csontomig szorít
A faszékjükhöz kötnek
Tessék, itt az összes dalom
Úgyhogy hajrá Szerelem, vond ki a kardjaid!
Sújts le a földig!
Te az enyém vagy és én a tiéd
Hagyjuk a szarakodást!
Mert te vagy az egyetlen!
Mert te vagy az egyetlen!
Az egyetlen
Mert te vagy az egyetlen!
Mert te vagy az egyetlen!
Az egyetlen
Az egyetlen
Az egyetlen
Az egyetlen
Úgyhogy hajrá Szerelem, vond ki a kardjaid!
Sújts le a földig!
Te az enyém vagy és én a tiéd
Hagyjuk a szarakodást!
Az egyetlen
  • 1. Nőnemű személyes névmás.

Karma Sutra

I shut up and I don't speak of fear
Calluses on fingertips
I tear off the skin on the tooth
I don't point stars anymore
I don't close or slam drawers
I wash sorrows, trace semiannual goals
I pretend, I don't keep secrets
I deny, I don't measure advices
I tear the meat in the tooth
I carry a carnation in my pocket
I forget open doors, I leave footprints
I don't think anything special about wagons
I bring it, I don't send messages
I smoke other people's cigarettes
I look over the lens
Do and undo on the spot
I untie my knuckles
One misstep and I fall out of the loop
I walk whole paths
I choose the wrong streets
I cut lips on tooth
I draw words on the face
I warm my feet on the deck
I say nothing, I don't even see anything in wagons
I sleep and wake up slimmer
Dig a hole, bury myself
Coarse drag chains
Always awake tired
And I twist iron bars
I keep crumbs, live small deserts
I get up and sit down quickly
I sit and get up again
I write urgent letters
I was born with closed eyes
I only sleep with the light on, at dawn
I carry the body and miss it in wagons
I heat the bones in the fire
Lunch books and records
I wear shirts and combs
Spit seeds and psalms
Crossing the ears
Routes and seas, I buy sails and crystals
I trip over the furniture in the room
I prefer small insects
I'm looking for a decent verse
I run and I don't stand still
Shut up, I talk to myself, I think louder
I don't think anything special about wagons

High Dawns

When the night plunges only
Into the deep silence of the stars
I write another verse by candlelight
Without any cruise to guide me
There's not even a fretful breeze
Slamming the badly locked windows
In the creaking creaking of the stairs
There's no bad thought that escapes me
I hear in the distance the hooting of an owl
And the low of the dawn
The wind passes in strange twirls
Turning over what was so quiet
'Cause no one can chase it
Shuffles and twists so many strands
Break the slender stem leaves
Goes through even tighter crevices
Peeling paint from facades
Sovereign, no one surpasses you
I hear in the distance the hooting of an owl
And the low of the dawn
There in the distance, the storm is heard
Warming that it is already leaving
And that smell of melted candle
It takes the corners of the city
And turns the storm into light
In the haze of the flooded streets
I only have the sob of the sidewalks
I will wash my soul in dirty water
I hear in the distance the hooting of an owl
And the low of the dawn
The wind passes in strange twirls
Turning over what was so quiet
'Cause no one can chase it
Shuffles and twists so many strands
Break the slender stem leaves
Goes through even tighter crevices
Peeling paint from facades
Sovereign, no one surpasses you
I hear in the distance the hooting of an owl
And the low of the dawn
There in the distance, the storm is heard
Warming that it is already leaving
And that smell of melted candle
It takes the corners of the city
And turns the storm into light
In the haze of the flooded streets
I only have the sob of the sidewalks
I will wash my soul in dirty water
I hear in the distance the hooting of an owl
And the low of the dawn

Between The Lines

How can I count these moments of silence?
How can I recognise you in you?
Where do you have your hidden thoughts at dawn?
Where do you stray at night all alone?
But you're writing a labyrinth of words again and I...
Between the lines
Between the lines
I'm reading you
In a constant pursuit
Of your thoughts I'm getting lost
You're out of reach somewhere
Where the night blends with the day
But by implication,
Obviously you perfectly know
I'll come!
Teach me how to love myself
In your eyes show me how I should understand your words saying
I must try to deaden the scream with silence
I don't know how
But you still speak a labyrinth of words here and I...
Between the lines
Between the lines
I'm reading you
In a constant pursuit
Of your thoughts I'm getting lost
You're out of reach somewhere
Where the night blends with the day
But by implication,
Obviously you perfectly know
I'll come!
Now we're standing face to face
In the fire of our matters
And it's so awkward as if each of us
Was dancing for the first time
Between the lines
Between the lines
I'm reading you
In a constant pursuit
Of your thoughts I'm getting lost
You're out of reach somewhere
Where the night blends with the day
But by implication,
Obviously you perfectly know
I'll come!

If I were her

If I were her
I'd know how to say all those things
All of these words she doesn't say
With her soft voice that gives shivers
If I were her
I wouldn't want none of those dreams
None of these weird, fabricated lies
She makes herself just to escape
But her, alone
Knows how to shush like that
And she conceals herself in lull
Like a young little girl
But her, alone
Knows how to flee like that
And she lies down in her absence
Right next to me, right next to me
If I were her
I wouldn't search for excuses
Pointless speech and worthless refuge
Miserable battlewear
If I were her
I'd hate to see myself in pain
To wish for death, to curse her out
For all the wrong she lays open
But her, alone
Knows how to shush like that
And she conceals herself in lull
Like a young little girl
But her, alone
Knows how to flee like that
And she lies down in her absence
Right next to me, right next to me
If I were her
I would let things go with the flow
Go their own way, and sneakily
For she's so smooth, oh! believe me1
If I were her
I would like to, for no reason
Simply to see, just to try out
See how it'd be, this kind of love
If I were her
If I were her
If I were her
If I were her
  • 1. please note the pun in the original between 'en douce' and 'elle est douce' (seemingly, discreetly vs. she's sweet, gentle, soft-skinned)

Let Us Start Over

In those eyes of yours made of ice
I rediscovered my face:
a bit little girl, a bit tyrant,
a puppet without a mother.
I walked towards a dream,
wandering without involvement,
often changing the direction with the wind,
without reason and feeling.
And sometimes, to overdo it,
I took the risk of making mistakes,
this life of mine is a roulette wheel.
Just a moment, I'm not done,
I just want to remind you
and if necessary, commit yourself
to start over.
I trampled on the hope
and sometimes, the consciousness,
borrowing your love,
like a buffoon with no heart.
Blind of pride at a low price,
full of nothing is my kind,
I always sell you with prudishness
this body of mine that knows how to give.
I hang the illusions on a nail,
the time for change has come,
a nameless stranger
and so many things to learn.
Put on your suit, the right one,
if you want to try with more taste
to start over.
Tender and eternal is this story
of an inglorious general
who spits judgments, masochist
with the defect of the artist.
Heart dressed as a soldier
of this war made in tranches,
reaching out for conquest
on an endlessly road.
I would like to know what gender
are all these ideas of mine,
to frame them with your step,
with you maybe I could.
If I do wrong, have patience,
let's try, for coherence,
to start over.
I have a suspect for my soul,
between disappointments and broken bones,
take a look, I end up
as a meal to some mad saint.
For me, who play with life,
your presence is my pay,
open window over a dream
that I have never forgotten.
I might even cry, if that helps,
I am not remote controlled.
Don't leave, because I feel you,
after all, you're my pirate,
but this time I bet
the two of us will go for sure
to start over.
Let us start over, let us start over,
let us start over, let us start over...

Micsoda idő

(Verse 1: Julia Michaels)
Kicsit émelygek és a kezeim remegnek
Azt hiszem ez azt jelenti a közelben vagy
A torkom kezd kiszáradni és a szívem hevesen ver
Nem voltam melletted
Egy perce, de még gondolok rá néha
Még akkor is ha tudom nem volt olyan rég
Ohn nem , még mindig vissza akarok emlékezni
(Chorus: Julia Michaels)
Gondolkozom azon az éjszakán a parkban, kezdett sötétedni
És ott maradtunk órákig
Micsoda idő, micsoda idő
Úgy ragadtál a testemhez mintha örökké akarnád
Micsoda idő, micsoda idő
Neked és nekem
Micsoda idő, micsoda idő
Neked és nekem
(Verse 2: Niall Horan)
Tudom, hogy nem úgy végeztünk ahogy kellett volna
És most egy kicsit feszültek vagyunk
Vajon az elmém kihagyja az összes rossz időszakot?
Tudom, hogy nem volt értelme ennek köztünk
Beismerem gondolok rá néha
Még akkor is ha tudom nem olyan rég volt
Oh nem, még mindig vissza akarok emlékezni
(Chorus:Julia Michaels˛és Niall Horan)
Gondolkozom azon az éjszakán a parkban, kezdett sötétedni
És ott maradtunk órákig
Micsoda idő, micsoda idő
Úgy ragadtál a testemhez mintha örökké akarnád
Micsoda idő, micsoda idő
Neked és nekem
Micsoda idő, micsoda idő
Neked és nekem
(Bridge: Julia Michaels és Niall Horan)
Neked és nekem
Neked és nekem
Neked és nekem
Micsoda idő neked és nekem
Micsoda idő neked és nekem, igen
Micsoda idő neked és nekem, igen
(Chorus: Julia Michaels és Niall Horan)
Gondolkozom azon az éjszakán a parkban, kezdett sötétedni
És ott maradtunk órákig
Micsoda hazugság, micsoda hazugság
Úgy ragadtál a testemhez mintha örökké akarnád
Micsoda hazugság, micsoda hazugság
Neked és nekem
Micsoda hazugság, micsoda hazugság
Neked és nekem
(Outro: Julia Michaels és Niall Horan)
Neked és nekem
Neked és nekem
Neked és nekem
Neked és nekem

You’ll remember me more than once

You’ll remember me and more than once,
And my whole world, stirring and odd,
An outlandish world of songs and flames,
But midst all others, the one that won’t defraud.
It could have become yours, but did not:
It was for you too much or way too little,
It must be that for you I errantly begged god,
And that my verses were but scribble.
But each time you give in to the weakness,
And tell me: I have no right to recollect,
After all, bewitched by its sleekness,
Crude and simple, another world enchants.

I’d like to draw you

I’d like to draw you in pencil,
I think I’m capable, still,
I could do nothing, of course,
Just so things don’t get worse.
To kiss you is what I want,
I sort of know how to kiss,
Here, I’ll go wash my face,
and proceed with this. So? To kiss or not?
To tell the truth, I could kill,
Well, in self defense of my free will,
After all you you know,
It happens in police-people clash,
Or in a metro drunken bash.
It's unclear to me what I want at all:
I’ll yearn for a while and then curb the call
To seize power, to move chairs around,
To slap your shoulder, or to knock you down.

Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa, Mona Lisanak hívnak az emberek,
Olyan vagy mint a misztikus mosolyú hölgy,
Vajon azért vádolnak, mert egyedülálló vagy?
Vagy a furcsa Mona Lisa mosoly okán?
Mosolyogsz, hogy szeretőt csábíts Mona Lisa?
Vagy ily módon leplezed a megtőrt szívet?
Tengernyi álom hever a lábaid előt
Csak szétterülnek és elhalnak.
Élő vagy,
valóságos vagy Mona Lisa?
Vagy csak egy rideg, egyedülálló,
bájos műalkotás?
Mona Lisa, Mona Lisanak hívnak az emberek,
Olyan vagy mint a misztikus mosolyú hölgy,
Vajon azért vádolnak, mert egyedülálló vagy?
Vagy a furcsa Mona Lisa mosoly okán?
Mosolyogsz, hogy szeretőt csábíts Mona Lisa?
Vagy ily módon leplezed a megtőrt szívet?
Tengernyi álom hever a lábaid előt
Csak szétterülnek és elhalnak.
Élő vagy,
valóságos vagy Mona Lisa?
Vagy csak egy rideg, magányos,
bájos műalkotás?

Girl With The Likes

When I write, 'I need time for myself'
Why don't you understand, what I mean? (What I mean?)
You text me, it doesn't interest you
As if it were my duty, to be there (To be there)
What I, what I mean, is, that you
Just because I look at you briefly
Pressure me and cling to me
Just once, one I'll say, what I want
You call me superficial, out of touch and a bitch
Have no more time
For the shit, that you write, because I know, I'm worth more
Than the girl with the likes and the Nikes, I'm worth more
With you better luck elsewhere, have no more time
For the shit, that you write, because I know, I'm worth more
Than the girl with the likes and the Nikes, I'm worth more
(The girl with the likes and the Nikes)
(The girl with the likes and the Nikes)
(The girl with the likes and the Nikes)
When I write, 'I'm not in the mood for you'
Then I feel inside, how you scream (How you scream)
Because you think, that you're the one
That everyone turns to, when he whistles (When he whistles)
What I, what I mean, is, that you
Just because I look at you briefly
Pressure me and cling to me
Just once, one I'll say, what I want
You call me superficial, out of touch and a bitch
Have no more time
For the shit, that you write, because I know, I'm worth more
Than the girl with the likes and the Nikes, I'm worth more
With you better luck elsewhere, have no more time
For the shit, that you write, because I know, I'm worth more
Than the girl with the likes and the Nikes, I'm worth more
(The girl with the likes and the Nikes)
(The girl with the likes and the Nikes)
(The girl with the likes and the Nikes)

For You

In less than a second
I got lost in your eyes, I didn't know your name
But I felt that something was going to happen
I don't care what others will say anymore
Locked in the room I can't stop thinking
Aia aia aia aah
The hours pass slowly (aia aia aia aah)
I want to find you so badly!
For you, I forget everything
With you, I lose my way
For you, with you
For you, with you
I turn inside out, trying to please you
I don't even recognize myself, I'm out of place
I don't care what others will say anymore
Locked in the room I can't stop thinking
Aia aia aia aah
The hours pass slowly (aia aia aia aah)
I want to find you so badly!
For you, I forget everything
With you, I lose my way
For you, with you
For you, with you
I keep floating, trying to understand
I look in the mirror and see myself in you
I feel your presence, but I can't say
For you, I forget everything
With you, I lose my way
For you, with you
For you, with you
For you, with you
For you, with you
For you...

A forgotten letter

My love, my beloved,
Here I am too far from you,
How can I survive far away
From your heart and from your arms ?
From my heart and from my arms
Oh, I had forgotten
This letter and who, my word
Could have sent it to me ?
If you knew what boredom
Far from our love plays
Is it Andre or is it Henri ?
Is it Paul with his beautiful eyes ?
Nothing distracts the madness
That surrounds me, but nothing can
Turn away my adoring heart
Oh no, that couldn't be him!
My love, my fire, my joy,
I will come back, be certain of it
Truthfully, it's the first time
I see this handwriting.
Your portrait laying on me
Protects me and reassures me
This letter between my fingers
Could it be a deception ?
Yes, hell is on Earth
But the worst is to count
These hours, these days, these seconds
Keeping us apart
No matter how I search the circle
Of my past lovers
In which deep amnesia
Did this lover drown ?
My love, my all beautiful,
I love you and I love you so much
There is nothing eternal,
Nothing that can resist time
A kiss on your eye,
On your mouth just as much
Nothing that can resist time
And memory is cruel
But farewell, my life, my heart
I have no choice but to go
I'm being called, it is six o'clock
See you tomorrow, I hope !
Unless your artilleryman
Gets as his sole funeral
The trenches and the fear
The racket and the bullets
On these worn-out pages
The ultimate mark is missing
The steady certainty
Of a simple signature
My love, if ever
On the battlefront I should fall
I would like you to promise
You will never forget me
[Her and Him]
I would like you to promise
You will never forget me

The habit

Ooh, hey
Another night, another day
When love runs away
Swept away by wind of oblivion.
Memories soft as velvet,
Shared in turn,
Swept away by wind of oblivion.
Despite the passing of time,
Despite what we lose,
What do you want me to do?
What a hell !
Why not chase away these gestures
That leave us in the lurch,
That we run away from like the plague?
It's the habit...
Why not chase away these words,
These words said too soon,
Out low or out loud?
It's the habit...
Looking at each other without seeing each other
On guard against hope
Closing the barrier of our learning...
It's too early, too late.
I come and you go,
Closing the door on our life.
Despite the passing of time,
Despite what we lose,
What do you want me to do?
What a hell !
Why not chase away these gestures
That leave us in the lurch,
That we run away from like the plague?
It's the habit...
Why not chase away these words,
These words said too soon,
Out low or out loud?
It's the habit...
Despite the passing of time,
Despite what we lose,
What do you want me to do?
What a hell !
Why not chase away these gestures
That leave us in the lurch?
That we run away from like the plague?
It's the habit...
Why not chase away these words,
These words said too soon,
Out low or out loud?
It's a habit...

My city will stand

In the morning on every farmer’s markets of the city
Children play among hucksters:
Somebody steals, somebody just want to eat,
In general, everybody beg.
Patriot said me, that I am an idiot,
And nazi confirmed and added: “He is Jew!”
I was standing alone among sad people.
I just wanted to love, they just wanted some speed.
My city will stand!
In renamed streets,
In killed distant childhood,
Past dogs with scary snouts
Passers-by smile for me.
Stars shining in the sky at night,
Crazies toil by moon at night,
Wires and poles are moving,
Even walls can bite.
Well, if I wake up, than I won’t give out myself,
I will smile in the sly, I will brake mirrors.
White shroud of winter, it is beautiful on the ground

100606 / For the dirty

came to earth so white
pure, with a smile on an innocent face
open, trusting
ignorant, dumb
they burned its wings, took it all away from it
right from the start beat it to the ground
then that same kid turns out to be a bad kid
'What's with it for it to be like that?
Should it be put in an institution?
Yeah! We'll help it!'
well who the fuck will help you?
evil was apparently committed in a previous life
drugs as a concern, drug death
substances silence the counterarguments, I'm so dirty
this is for us dirty, it's in your head
wash yourself clean because it's in your head
this is for us dirty, it's in your head
wash yourself clean because it's in your head
the environment screams:
'Buy or you're shit!
Without that you can't get this!
And without this you can't get it!
fuck no I won't buy
I can't take this same old shit anymore
same old patterns, I'll drink myself stupid
but that doesn't work anymore either
that's why we extend to illicit drugs
and from them let's pick a fitting, motivating alternative
or you can of course use everything mixed
and be completely out of your mind
be without being, move without moving
drop out
the dirty ones wipe themselves out of here
what might be the matter with them?
this is for us dirty, it's in your head
wash yourself clean because it's in your head
this is for us dirty, it's in your head
wash yourself clean because it's in your head
wash yourself bloody like a rape victim in the shower
bloody syringes reminding of us
but that dirt doesn't come off by washing
symptoms being treated, problems hidden
'Let's give them clean needles and they will get by!
And if they don't, so fucking what?
At least they'll die off from burdening us.'
they tried to paint me black
but it doesn't stick anymore, I'm pure again
I'm not dirty after all
you are
and you will be until you understand
and become clean
become clean again
this is for you dirty, it's in your head
wash yourself clean because it's in your head
this is for you dirty, it's in your head
wash yourself clean because it's in your head


It’s true, I’m scared of emptiness,
It’s blocking me, I don’t know what to do anymore,
I might have to decide,
to jump head first
I was there to see you
To hesitate on my choice of words
We were there to search for each other
Without ever finding each other
I blame you for putting me on earth
(you put me on earth)
Yeah, it’s true I’m a bit too proud
(I’m a bit too proud)
I believe that I’m scared of fucking it all up
(fucking it all up)
So I act like I’m not working you out
however I dream of your arms
Come on, we’re wasting more time, we settle on the tempo
The time to dance like a tune, which echoes
Come on, we’re wasting more time, we settle on the tempo
So I act like I’m not working you out (not working you out)
however I dream of your arms (of your arms)
Why, why do I freeze in front of you
Do you think, do you think, I’m in love with you
(in love with you)
This time I’m gonna try,
in the deep end it’s not the same,
I had to trust myself
I always take a long time to wake up
I cross my fingers so that you don’t let me see in (see in)
Every second I increase my knowledge
a minute more and I’ll get stuck
I blame you for putting me on earth
(you put me on earth)
Yeah, it’s true I’m a bit too proud
(I’m a bit too proud)
I believe that I’m scared of fucking it all up
(fucking it all up)
So I act like I’m not working you out
however I dream of your arms
Come on, we’re wasting more time, we settle on the tempo
The time to dance like a tune, which echoes
Come on, we’re wasting more time, we settle on the tempo
So I act like I’m not working you out (not working you out)
however I dream of your arms (of your arms)
Why, why do I freeze in front of you
Why, why do I freeze in front of you
Do you think, do you think, I’m in love with you
(in love with you)
Why, why do I freeze in front of you
So I act like I’m not working you out (not working you out)
however I dream of your arms (of your arms)
I blame you for putting me on earth
Yeah, it’s true I’m a bit too proud
I’m scared of fucking it all up
(I’m scared of fucking it all up)
I blame you for putting me on earth
Yeah, it’s true I’m a bit too proud
(I’m a bit too proud, proud, proud)
(Come with me)
Come on, we’re wasting more time, we settle on the tempo
The time to dance like a tune, which echoes
Come on, we’re wasting more time, we settle on the tempo
So I act like I’m not working you out (not working you out)
however I dream of your arms (of your arms)
Why, why do I freeze in front of you
Why, why do I freeze in front of you
Do you think, do you think, I’m in love with you
(in love with you)
Why, why do I freeze in front of you
So I act like I’m not working you out
however I dream of your arms

The balcony

In one heaven book
That Gods write, using the stars
In chapter 'Love', maybe,
There is a string about us with Romeo
There is in that heaven book
That Gods write, using the stars
The price of partings and pain --
It's a pay for love
The sky has merged Juliet and Romeo
How forbidden fruit is sweet
of Romeo and Juliet?
In another heaven book
Where are snares, false, intrigues
In chapter 'Feud', it's so weird,
The emblems of both our clans
I'm ready to bless Gods
I'm ready to fight with an enemy
To let us merge
in embracing love
Let us overturn the page
where is a boundary of the feud
And we'll repeat a chapter 'Love',
reading in spell
After all, in that main chapter
Everything about me and you!
Without that heaven book
That Gods write, using the stars
The words 'Romeo and Juliet'
won't sink into Lethe1
The sky has merged Juliet and Romeo
There isn't a more wonderful story than
a story about Romeo and Juliet

You women

Versions: #1
You women
You the charming
Your smiles
Catch our eyes
Disarm us
You the adorable
And we
We men are
The pitiful devils...
We surrender you with thousands roses
We love you and prove it without words
We think that we are strong, we think that we know you
We say: “forever,”
You answer: “perhaps...”
You women
You my drama
You such sweetheart
You the source
Of our tears
Pitiful devils
How vulnerable
We are
We men
Pitiful devils
Pitiful devils
The minute that somebody else smiles at you, we tend to
Play it cool
We do everything to calm ourselves down, finally we explode
We are insanely jealous
And you are flattered...
You women
You the charming
Your smiles
Catch our eyes
Disarm us
Pitiful devils
How vulnerable
We are
We men
Pitiful devils
Pitiful devils
Pitiful devils

El Dorado

When everything is fragile,
when there are no more reference points,
the air is so dense it can be cut with a knife.
When I no longer touch the ground,
when I can no longer find my words,
I want to see the horses run.
To find again the pleasure, the colours,
the perfumes of yesterday.
To leave for an adventure between the sky and the sea.
To belong nowhere
so as to belong somewhere new.
To restart from zero.
I've left so much hatred behind me.
I've allowed my life to be paralysed.
I've wanted to leave a thousand times,
find El Dorado
and I've flown over your heart
like a bird.
To rediscover nature when everything is supernatural.
When everything is denatured, where's the true, the false?
I'd like to find a place,
a world, a desert, a home
where the horses can run.
I've left so much hatred behind me.
I've allowed my life to be paralysed.
I've wanted to leave a thousand times,
find El Dorado
and I've flown over your heart
like a bird.
I've left so much hatred behind me.
I've allowed my life to be paralysed.
I've wanted to leave a thousand times,
find El Dorado
and I've flown over your heart
like a bird.
I've wanted to leave... El Dorado.
I've left so much hatred behind me.
I've allowed my life to be paralysed.
I've wanted to leave a thousand times,
find El Dorado
and I've flown over your heart
like a bird.

Pretty Baby

Nothing on
Neath that tight
Top you don
Every night
Pretty baby
Crazy street
Gives a start
On each beat
Of your heart
Pretty baby
Kohl-rimmed eyes
Dance and dart
Melt the ice
In men’s hearts
Pretty baby
Meadow flowers
Sweet of scent
Gentle showers
For your friends
Pretty baby
Blossoms bud
To your time
Come the flood
Come sunshine
Just a rose
Blown too soon
No one chose
Petals strewn
Pretty baby
You’re the first
Ray of light
As dayburst
Cheats the night
You’re a vamp
With drapes drawn
Like a lamp
At the dawn
Pretty baby
Kisses slash
Like a sword
Type a dash
On your board
Pretty baby
Your pert breasts
Crack the shell
Fly the nest
Spread love’s spell
Pretty baby
Rustling frills
Guard the gate
But the thrill’s
Worth the wait
Pretty baby
Violet hides
Violin curves
In your tides
Something stirs
Pretty baby
Just a bloom
Passing time
Night or noon
Rain or shine
Just a star
Love’s delight
When night’s far
Veiled from sight
Pretty baby
Just the dot
On each ‘i’
Bear your lot
With a sigh
Just a seed
Under net
First we weed
Then forget
Pretty baby
Baby blues
In your face
All must lose
To your ace
Pretty baby
You’ve one rhyme
To your name
It must rhyme
Or face shame
Pretty baby
You’ve one source
To your spring
Its sole force
King of Kings
Pretty baby
You’ve one door
Draped in veils
Through it sails
Pretty baby
Just the taste
Of a flower
In a tower
When you run
Out of steam
Will someone
Smooth your seam?
Pretty baby
Just a leaf
Losing hue
Just a brief
To leaf through
Just a joy
That’s now past
I can bring
Back at last
Pretty baby
Nothing on
Neath that tight
Top you don
Every night
Nothing on
Neath that tight
Top you don
Every night
Pretty baby!

Funeral Tango

I see them all right now
Full of tearful kisses
While grasping hands entreat
They all want to be told
Is death a one-way street?
Does death itself grow old?
And do I still feel heat?
Or only now the cold?
They’re opening my drawers
And coveting my pots
Already looking forward
To opening the locks
And finding my love letters
With silken ribbons tied
To read them snug inside
And laugh until they cry
Ha ha ha!
I see them all right now
So proper and po-faced
Like followers of art
Behind my wooden box
Jostling with their hearts
To show the deepest shock
Then as the cortège starts
To be first off the blocks
The old girls that they bring
Knew me – or so they claim
The kids under their wing
Don’t even know my name
And finding out how dear
My lilacs are to buy
Deplore the time of year
I chose to go and die
Ha ha ha!
I see them all right now
My old deceitful friends
A patient smile allow
To help them make amends
Oh, I see you my dear
Following primly on
Wiping away a tear
As it’s done in Lyon
And you don’t even know
As the churchyard you leave
The hell to which you go
With him with whom you grieve
Whoever he might be
The last of a long line
Whose ways to make you cry
Will prove different from mine
Ha ha ha!
Oh, I can see me now
Settling in for good
Into the sad and cold
Bony neighbourhood
Oh, I can see me now
In the arrivals hall
After my last grand tour
Which means I’ve seen it all
I see it all ahead
And yet they have the nerve
To warn me off the shorts
Make water all I serve
And not chase after skirts
To put some money by
A mackerel steak to carve
And wish the King long life
Ha ha ha!

Rabble Paris

Paris pimp
With girl’s eyes
Shifty looks
And old rags
Bawling out
Won’t raise cash
Still it’s good
Undress you
In Bastille
To get drunk
On your skirts
Make you scream
Still it’s good
Lilas grass
Pantin blooms
Can’t count all
Passes made
Shock in all
Four seasons
Brings in cash
Still it’s good
Since Dédé
And Bébert
Have been flush
Ladies feel
They’ve a right
To two-time
Still it’s good
Paris thug
Hands which slip
Make no friends
With the cops
In neon
No angel
Still it’s good
Smart hold-ups
For the press
Front-wheel drive
A sharp tap
Just in time
Shekels stacked
Or else you’re good
Here’s to one
Here’s to two
For three bucks
I’ll see you
In the late
You’re in stir
Still it’s good
Here’s to last
Or nothing
You run with
Cut-price mobs
Best act smart
To get on
Still next time
May be good
Paris I’ve drunk
With raucous voice
Along the streets
You vocalize
There’s no more hope
In your patched clothes
Just the pavement
But it’s so good
But bridges span
The flowing Seine
For some romance
Illusion made
It’s rush hour now
But still so good
Abandoned kids
In neighbourhoods
Of meadows paved
Which make love grow
It also grows
In house and home
We have done wrong
Still it’s so good
Misty-eyed looks
Plunge in the stream
Which cleans the street
On which it sails
A boat that rocks
The lower berths
It makes hard work
Still it’s so good
Paris I keep
In heart of stone
A running count
Of fancy ways
A hat that’s tipped
When right to do
But when needs must
Still it’s so good
Gilt-edged firms
Honourable friend
Of high renown
A fashion plate
Of the rag-trade
Not kissing hands
Still it’s so good
Give me some change
And flash the cash
A nice discount
And gentleman
A fat chequebook
The bouncing type
What can you do?
Still it’s so good
In the Faubourg
We take high tea
And then I’m off
One party gone
One party stayed
That’s a surprise
Still it’s so good
Oompah Paris
Your festive soul
Has got millions
For your poets
Just a few pence
For my old song
That rhymes with ‘cents’
And it’s so good

Young witch's song

When at night I rode across the mountains,
Clip-clop, clip-clop, my little horse,
A strange ringing went with us,
It was an enticing, entreating sound,
As lovely as children’s voices.
I seemed to be stroking soft hair,
I felt so strange and sad.
Then suddenly the ringing was gone,
I looked down into the deep valley.
Then I saw a light in my house,
Clip-clop, clip-clop, my little horse,
My little boy was looking out for his mother,

The Engagement Ring

The engagement ring, if you wish,
You can throw it away now,
'Cause it's pointless that a useless thing
To stand in your way.
In the stove, which is stirring of fire,
Throw away the letters,
And with no remorse,
Just the way you do with a letter,
Throw into the fire all my dreams as well.
You can pretend you didn't even see me,
If we meet someday,
You can pass me by, as if you didn't know me
In your life.
But if you want to stop for a moment
And go back from your way,
In my wounded heart
You will always be welcome,
'Cause you are as dear to me as before.
I remember, once,
Long time ago, you told me this:
You told me to understand you
When you will leave.
I told you only this: 'Safe trip!'
What other word to tell you?
I didn't want to stand,
I didn't want to stand in your way.

Ébredj Fel

Itt van az egyetlen dolog, amit szeretném ha tudnál
Neked még van hová menned
Az élet egy teszt, igen
De te teljes erőbedobással csinálod
Te nem adod fel, nem, te fejlődsz
És használod a fájdalmadat
Mert az tesz azzá, aki vagy
Habár azt kívánom, bárcsak átsegíthetnélek rajta
Tudom, hogy az úgy nem ugyanaz
Neked még élned kell
És én azt akarom, hogy csak csináld
Ezért kelj fel, menj ki, gyújtsd meg újra azt a szikrát
A többit már fejből tudod
Ébredj fel, ébredj fel, ha csak ezt teszed meg
Nézz ki, nézz magadba
Nem arról szól mit vesztettél el, hanem arról amit nyerni fogsz
Felemeled a hangod az esőben
Éleszd fel az álmod és valósítsd meg
Nézz ki, nézz magadba
Nem arról szól mit vesztettél el
Gyújtsd meg újra azt a szikrát
Ideje kisétálni a sötétből
Ébredj fel, ébredj fel
Jobb felébreszteni azokat a démonokat, csak nézz egyenesen a szemükbe
Nincs okod meg sem próbálni
Az élet lehet zavaros, én nem hagyom hogy elfelhőzze a gondolataimat
Hagyom az ujjaimat repülni
És én használom a fájdalmat, mert az is a részem
És kész vagyok keresztül menni rajta
Meg fogom találni az erőt, megtalálom a melódiát
Mert te megmutattad nekem hogyan csináljam
Kelj fel, menj ki, gyújtsd meg újra azt a szikrát
A többit már fejből tudod
Ébredj fel, ébredj fel, ha csak ezt teszed meg
Nézz ki, nézz magadba
Nem arról szól mit vesztettél el, hanem arról amit nyerni fogsz
Felemeled a hangod az esőben
Éleszd fel az álmod és valósítsd meg
Nézz ki, nézz magadba
Nem arról szól mit vesztettél el
Gyújtsd meg újra azt a szikrát
Ideje kisétálni a sötétből
Ébredj fel, ébredj fel
Ezért ébreszd fel a szellemet, szellemet
Hallani, hallani akarom
Nem kell félned tőle, nem vagy egyedül
Meg fogod találni a hazavezető utat
Ébredj fel, ébredj fel, ha csak ezt teszed meg
Nézz ki, nézz magadba
Nem arról szól mit vesztettél el, hanem arról amit nyerni fogsz
Felemeled a hangod az esőben
Éleszd fel az álmod és valósítsd meg
Nézz ki, nézz magadba
Nem arról szól mit vesztettél el
Gyújtsd meg újra azt a szikrát
Ideje kisétálni a sötétből
Ébredj fel, ébredj fel

Cool Cat

Pupils in the mirror, I'm looking at us
You, with an evening smile
Me, sophisticated in a bathrobe
I see us lying down again, comfortable
On the blue and black sofa
There wasn't the shadow of a lizard
You were my cool cat
Nothing but you and me
God, that was a cool bath
Oh, we were grooving
Paws to paws
We loved each other like dog and cat (cool)
We loved each other like dog and cat (cool)
Oh you were my cool cat
Nothing but you and me
God, that was a cool bath
Oh, we were grooving
Paws to paws
We loved each other like dog and cat
Dog and cat
Cool cat
Then like that, without warning
The Coup of Trafalgar (a surprise attack)
You disappeared in a grand mirror
I laid down, depressed
On the blue and black sofa
I didn't see anything more, only fog
You were my cool cat
Nothing but you and me
God, that was a cool bath...

Rest now

Something tells me that it's enough
I don't need anyone to tell me stop
To know that I need to rest
Something tells me that it's enough
I don't need anyone to tell me stop
To know that I need to rest
It's gotten too late too often
There's too few hours in a day, too many demands on myself
And on what I manage to do
There's no doubt that I
Feel I do wrong by doing what I want to
But I need to rest now
There's no doubt that I
Feel I do wrong by doing what I want to
But I need to rest now
There's too many people now
Too few hours in a day to do what makes me happy
And do what I want to
Just want to rest now
Just want to rest now
Just want to rest now
Just want to rest now
When did time become something in someones possession?
When did everything become affected by that?
I want to give, truly and for real
Give me space, then you'll see

Tökéletes Hullám

Mit egyes hullámmal jött egy álom
Az álmok elmúlnak
A pallód tiszta kosz
A kételyeid feloldódnak,
Egész életetben erre vártál,
Reménykedtél, hogy létezik
Már majdnem elvesztetted a hited,
Sosem mentél el
Most lassan feléd közeledik
A víz az arcodba csap
Úgy látod az életed, mint egy filmet
Nem tudod elhinni, hogy összeomlik
Ez a tökéletes hullám,
Ez a tökéletes nap,
Csak sodródj együtt vele,
A legjobb, ha nem is gondolsz rá
Ez a tökéletes hullám,
Ez a tökéletes nap,
Több van itt, mint amiről tudsz,
Több van itt, mint amit mondasz
A kezeid már érzéketlenek
Só van a szemedben,
A könynyek és a kosz között
Nehéz továbbra is hinni benne
Egész életedben vártál erre,
Sosem számítottál a hullámokra,
Sosem akartad ezt,
Túl gyorsan éltél túl sokat
Álljatok a viharba és kiáltsatok
Itt vagyok, szabad vagyok
Az idő minden, amit akarok
Ez a tökéletes nap erre

A párbaj

Tybalt, Tybalt, most meghalsz.
Tybalt, Tybalt, vége a vidámságnak.
Nem vagy más, csak egy pökhendi alak... sõt még annál is rosszabb!
A lelked csak sántikál, te meg azt hiszed, hogy szaladsz.
A hangod szólama, a járásod...
Egyszerūen hányingerem van mikor rád nézek.
Tybalt, Tybalt, megöllek.
Mercutio, nézz magadra!
Eszed ugyan van, de semmi más.
Egy egyszerū udvaribolond vagy, egy bukott költõ...
és mikor meghallom a neved
befogom az orrom. Ennek most vége.
Gyerekkorunk óta csak egyetlen dolog jár a fejemben,
a türelmem végre kifizetõdik.
Mercutio, megöllek.
Hagyjátok abba! Elment az eszetek, nincs ehhez jogotok
Ha megölitek egymást, azzal megölitek eszméinket és törvényeinket
Hagyjátok abba!
Élni, mindannyian élni akarunk
halálthozó utálat nélkül
Élni és megbeszélni, tisztelni egymást,
akár még szeretni is egymást.
Szabadok, mindannyian szabadok vagyunk
a döntéshozatalban
Legalább a szeretteitekért, az anyátokért, feleségetekért
hagyjatok fel az utálattal és tegyétek le fegyvereitek.
Élni és inni a jószerencsére
részegséget a bosszúvágy helyett.
Élni, mindannyian élni akarunk
halálthozó utálat nélkül
Élni és megbeszélni, tisztelni egymást,
akár még szeretni is egymást.
Hagyjátok abba! Elment az eszetek, ehhez nincs jogotok.
A halál várja, hogy eljöjjön az ideje, ne sürgessétek hát,
ne kövessétek el ezt a hibát.
Élni azért, hogy megértsük egymást, élni és együtt megöregedni...
Annyira régóta gyūlöl engem, Rómeó...
Ezt a mértékū pökhendiséget nem tolerálom tovább! Akárcsak egy dühös kutya,
Egy pipogya alak, aki túl nagyra tartja magát.
Mit képzelsz te magadról, nem vagy te király?!
Ugyanolyan vagy, mint mi. Sõt, még rosszabb...
Nézzenek oda, árad belõled a szeretet és a gyengédség,
olyan vagy, mint a keselyūk, akik alig várják a kiszolgáltatottságot.
Élni az nem más, mint harcolni, az élet nem egy színház.
Élni, szabadon...
Élni, mindannyian élni akarunk
halálthozó utálat nélkül
Élni és megbeszélni, tisztelni egymást,
akár még szeretni is egymást.

This is My Story

It all began like nothing
I was alone and bored
It was just another afternoon of me having doubts about my future
I requested something I wanted for Christmas
That would one way or another
See my dream come true
It was all very strange but I got a sign
The camera gave me a boost
And when I started to film
I went to sleep excited
It was an early morning
But there wasn't another one
My life was transforming
I had a hunch
I couldn't sleep
The video had just uploaded
And there was something in me
The weeks of summer passed
And I remember
If I had twenty views
I was more than satisfied
It was only a dream
To conquer a smile
To be able to be myself
And in doing so, to cause your laughter
So you'll forget your problems
And just to entertain you
So that one way or another
You'll smile when you see me
This is my story
Recalling my past
My personal legend
Constructed at each step
Crying with excitement
I'm sending you all a hug
Thank you for helping me
To see my dream come true
At school, I am quiet
Lying on my bench
And I can't concentrate
Because I keep thinking and I am in my own head
Even if no one believed me
And even if everyone made fun of me
I knew that with videos
Something great awaited me
Teachers, my friends
My family and everybody
Were telling me to give up
This immature hobby
And I seriously thought of giving it up
There was nothing positive
Nobody saw me
It was just causing conflict
In spite of everything I wanted to show them
That they were wrong
To underestimate me
And a year and a half went by
And when I least expected it
The wheel of life
Which was shining on me
And I know that time helps
If you put it on your side
If you open your mind a little
And look outside the box
You'll see with other eyes
More than the in-between
I am a person like you
The internet is just a medium
This is my story
Remembering my past
My personal legend
Constructed at each step
Crying with excitement
And I'm sending you all a hug
Thank you for helping me
To see my dream come true
This is my story
Remembering my past
My personal legend
Constructed at each step
Crying with excitement
And I'm sending you all a hug
Thank you for helping me
To see my dream come true
They invited me to a party
It was cool and for a while
I thought I would stay seated
And chatting
But I was shocked
There were a lot of people shouting
Banging at the gate
I was baffled
They brought me up on stage
And I'll never forget
With stage fright
And without knowing what to do
I couldn't believe it
They were calling my name
I had never seen them
And to think that they know me
The euphoria was incredible
I would never have imagined
Destiny bestowed on me
More than I could have dreamed
I wanted for my videos
To be a remedy
Of laughing and cracking up
For the bad times
Even though we don't know each other
Many many thanks
For giving me the gift of your friendship
From far off in the distance
Keep going with your projects
Don't give up
Just keep going
Step by step
Always looking forward
Each letter
A message
A poster
A photo
Draws me a smile
On my face
I don't want to be your idol
I don't want you to love me
I want to be your friend
The one who makes you happy
On those afternoons
This is my story
Remembering my past
My personal legend
Constructed at each step
Crying with excitement
And I'm sending you all a hug
Thank you for helping me
To see my dream come true
This is my story
Remembering my past
My personal legend
Constructed at each step
Crying with excitement
And I'm sending you all a hug
Thank you for helping me
To see my dream come true
Thanks to all of you
I am what I am now
I simply
Wanted to thank you all
This is my story

Words are so Small, Mother

Sometimes I want to tell you
and hide for you many words
Your heart would open up
Then I get overwhelmed
and I lose my words
And I don't say how much I love you
Between tears and smiles,
I'm like a child whose
hands tell tales about her
and the look on her eyes
I'm this child standing before you
overwhelmed by your eternal warmth
Your love is much bigger than my words
Bigger than my smiles and tears
Oh mother, mother, mother
Oh mother, mother, mother
and I lose my words
And I don't say how much I love you
Sometimes I want to tell you
and hide for you many words
Your heart would open up
Then I get overwhelmed
and I lose my words
And I don't say how much I love you