Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 7

Találatok száma: 434


You should have fought for me

Subway full at half past four
The other is wearing the same shirt
And I swear that my heart skips a beat
And even though I wouldn't admit it
I cry every time
When I hear our song somewhere
Everything just happened so fast
We fought and I can't even remember why
And I ended up saying that let's break up then
You should have fought for me
You should have held on more tightly
I made it hard but
You let go too soon
I stayed waiting in the staircase
That you'd run after me
You should have fought for me
Fought for me
You realize too late
That only a few wrong words
Can destroy everything in a moment
And when we ate breakfast at the time
I wouldn't have even guessed
That we would be there for the last time
You should have fought for me
You should have held on more tightly
I made it hard but
You let go too soon
I stayed waiting in the staircase
That you'd run after me
You should have fought for me
Fought for me
It's not fair that I say this only now
But I hope that I would never have left
I don't know if you're over me already
But I guess I want to say that you're not
(I'm not)
You should have fought for me
Fought for me
You should have held on more tightly
I made it hard but
You let go too soon
I stayed waiting in the staircase
That you'd run after me
You should have fought for me
Fought for me

...And That, Your Honour, Is Why...

Versions: #2
So now I'm standing here in the courtroom
Laying my happiness to rest
And everything I've gone through
And shared with her over the years
We spent so many beautiful hours together
And I'm not glad that we part our ways
Your Honour, I'm going weak at the knees
Now that I'm about to state my reasons:
She was all cynic and moody, extremely despotic
And she always had the last word1
Whenever I tried to kiss her, she pushed my away
And that's how she always got me on my knees
All fussy at dawn already2 – our milkman, the local baker3
They came to see her all the time
Slutty, debauched, done up like a diva –
That's how she usually ran our house
I wasn't allowed to protest and I had to keep down
That's what she's turned me into
And that, Your Honour, is why I've come here today
And yet we still love each other as much
As we used to, as we used to
If only there weren't as many, many obstacles
Love wouldn't be so difficult for us
La la la...
Only half of the things he says are true
Is this bloke mental?
I did everything for him, and what are people thinking of me now?
I think what he's doing is downright mean
Yet times were often so nice and lovely
And I'm not glad that we part our ways
Your Honour, you'll still understand me
When I tell you my reasons:
He was sitting at the bar in the pub round the corner
While the children at home were freezing
Every knees-up was reason enough for him
To drink away his money and what was left of his brain
Morning trouble, my mind full of worries
A woman who's got to struggle through
The local baker, our milkman, they helped me out now and then
Free of charge, just for one kiss
I had to suffer so much and that's why I'm getting a divorce
What has he turned me into?
And that, Your Honour, is why I've come here today
And yet we still love each other as much
As we used to, as we used to
If only there weren't as many, many obstacles
Love wouldn't be so difficult for us
La la la...
...love wouldn't be so difficult for us
  • 1. lit: she was the only one who was ever right
  • 2. lit: the alarm clock, bleating
  • 3. This line is a German cliché often applied to unfaithful wives in songs, jokes, comedy routines etc. While her husband is at work, she invites different men. In a slightly cartoonish way, they're always described by naming their profession using a definite article (THE milkman, THE postman...).

Africa - Acoustic

I'm in love with a wild land
A voodoo sorcerer had painted my face
His gris-gris* follows me on the sound of the tamtams
Magical perfume on my womanly white skin
I want to dance
Like you
Offer myself to you
To move to
hurt myself on you
And to obey to your voice
I dance with naked feet under a red sun
The gods are at their knees and have a heart that moves
The fire of my body becomes a rebel
The cry of the gurus has ripped the sky
I want to dance
Like you
Offer myself to you
To move to
hurt myself on you
And to obey to your voice
Dangerous and sensual, under your sugar rain
Panther or gazelle, I went to sleep
In the slits of your claws, I've come back
In the shadow of the huts, I'll make my tribe
I want to dance
Like you
Offer myself to you
To move to
hurt myself on you
And to obey to your voice

Father and daughter

Versions: #2
Father and daughter
The flower of love
The time has come
Give your blessing!
While she is
Still a child
And she needs
Your love
Father and daughter
We are 'yes' and 'no'
Father and daughter
The question and the answer
How to protect
To save, to help
My soul and flesh
My daughter?
My daugher
The day will come, from my knees
She will fly away to be captured
By insidious charms of unknown men
Where everyone is a thief and dishonest
A nightmare, my biggest fear
My daughter is growing up, I'm getting older,
The night became lighter than the day
I can't change such law
If it is not me, so there's him
She and he
So maybe I am wrong
It is time to humble my pride
And to wait for my death sorrowfully
The daughter will become a mother, so a part of us
Will grow in her as another flower
We will finish the cycle
But my angel, my love!
I can't humble myself!
And give my child to the enemy!
And let this man be cursed a hundred thousand times
Who will pick my flower just in jest
There is only one passion that reigns over me
My earthly heaven can't be stolen
The daughter, my angel, can't be stolen
Father and daughter
My love
Daughter, my angel
You are a part of me
There's only one passion
That reigns over me
My earthly heaven
Can't be stolen
Father and daughter
Father and daughter
And may the odds be ever in your favor :)


Engedd el Julie-t és fogd meg a kezem
Engedd el, itt az ideje, hogy az én emberem légy
Engedd el Julie-t és csókold meg az arcom
Ott áll, ott áll a helyemen
És én általában nem vagyok féltékeny, féltékeny
De elképzeltem, hogy te és én ma este
És fogadok, hogy Julie nagyon okos
Ó, azt mondod, hogy ő annyira király
De ha őt választod helyettem bolond vagy
Szóval vidd haza Julie-t, ketten iszunk
Vidd haza Julie-t, fel kell zárkóznunk
Vidd haza Julie-t, és vedd el szívem
Készen állok, készen állok a kezdésre
Mikor azt mondtam, egyedül voltam te csak hangosan nevettél
Hogyan tesznek az összetört szívem olyan büszkévé
Elhagytam egy kényelmes ágyat, itt hagytam el a szeretőmet
Hogy veled lehessek, veled lehessek itt
És én általában nem vagyok féltékeny, féltékeny
De te egy olyan lányt érdemelsz akinek szikrázó pillantása van
Egy lányt aki hajnalig táncol veled
És arra késztet, hogy dalt akarj írni
És ha azt gondolod, hogy ez Julie, akkor tévedsz
Szóval vidd haza Julie-t, ketten iszunk
Vidd haza Julie-t, fel kell zárkóznunk
Vidd haza Julie-t, és vedd el szívem
Készen állok, készen állok a kezdésre
A földet nézem, ahol közvetlenül sétál
Te engem nézel, mert nem vagyok hajlandó azt mondani szia
Csak az űrbe nézek, mert mindent megértettem
Lift csókok nyáron, nyáron
Lift csókok, te és én
És én általában nem vagyok féltékeny, féltékeny
De ha kedvenceket választunk, én a tiéd vagyok
És tudom, Julie nem iszik
És én csak a bárban lógok
Szóval menj előre és hívd el Julie-t egy kocsikázásra
Igen, menj előre és hívd el Julie-t egy kocsikázásra
Szóval vidd haza Julie-t, ketten iszunk
Vidd haza Julie-t, fel kell zárkóznunk
Vidd haza Julie-t, és vedd el szívem
Készen állok, készen állok a kezdésre
És én általában nem vagyok féltékeny, féltékeny
De elképzeltem, hogy ez úttal te és én
És fogadok, hogy Julie nagyon okos
Ó, azt mondod, hogy ő annyira király
De ha őt választod helyettem bolond vagy

And Now She's There

I am a nobody, no one sees me
They tell me that I gave the best of my love
And when I see her, I thank the God
And pray that her life will be beautiful and shadeless
And Juliette had grown
And now she's there, she's in love with him
The childhood is gone, she's leaving me
And it is I who is captive in the cradle of her babyhood
It is not I whom she wants
And only I have never given up on her
And now she's there, she loves him
And her heart is full
And she who was once mine, now belongs to another
When her mother said 'My daughter', I felt how my heart was flaming
Why, for their husbands' sake, do so many women forget
That the birthing and the contractions, will bring them to their twenties
And Juliette had grown
And now she's there, she's in love with him
She's a woman now, and she's leaving me
And I who sees, who watches without a word
Shall give her my entire life
To my child who grew
And now she's there, in love with him
And her heart is full
And now she's there, and now I know
That love is the devil
Give me courage and strength
To get used to this groom
And now she's there, she loves him
And her heart is full
And now she's there

Ó, Julie

Váá, váá Julie, ha szeretsz engem igazán
Akarsz engem, Julie, hogy a tiéd legyek?
Julie, csak engem szeress, Julie, ne légy magányos
Mert akarom, hogy az enyém legyél.
Óóó, bébi, ne hagyj el, édes, ne bánts engem
Julie, miért hagysz engem egyedül?
Maradj velem, bébi, feküdj velem, bébi
Édes, ne hagyj engem egyedül!
Julie, soha ne hagyj el engem, kérlek, ne csapj be engem
Julie, ó, higgy nekem és légy, légy az enyém!
Váá, váá Julie, ha szeretsz engem igazán
Akarsz engem, Julie, hogy a tiéd legyek?
Óóó, bébi, ne hagyj el, édes, ne bánts engem
Julie, miért hagysz engem egyedül?
Maradj velem, bébi, feküdj velem, bébi
Édes, ne hagyj engem egyedül!
Julie, soha ne hagyj el engem, kérlek, ne csapj be engem
Julie, ó, higgy nekem és légy, légy az enyém!
Váá, váá Julie, ha szeretsz engem igazán
Akarsz engem, Julie, hogy a tiéd legyek?
Hogy legyek, legyek, legyek, legyek a tiéd.
Hogy legyek, legyek, legyek, legyek a tiéd.

I’ll go to Lochaline

’ll go to Loch Aline and leave Loch Awe-side
I’ll go to Loch Aline and leave Loch Awe-side
I’ll go to Loch Aline and leave Loch Awe-side
I’ll go to Loch Aline and leave Loch Awe-side
I’ll climb, I’ll descend, I’ll climb Loch Awe-side
I’ll climb, I’ll descend, I’ll leave Loch Awe-side
I’ll climb, I’ll descend, I’ll climb Loch Awe-side
I’ll climb, I’ll descend, I’ll leave Loch Awe-side
The girls dont care for
the shepherds of Loch Awe-side.
They are in the ditches
plucking the dun-coloured sheep.
The girls don’t care for
the shepherds of Loch Awe-side.
With their nails they
scratch the dun-coloured sheep.
Let them climb, let them descend
Let them climb, I don’t care
Let them climb, let them descend
And let them leave Loch Awe-side.
Let them climb, let them descend
Let them climb, I don’t care
Let them reach Muckairn
And let them leave Loch Awe-side.

The gruel man/sweet Donald

The big gruel eater
hiù bhì leasanaiche,
The big gruel eater
Much would he drink.
Fortune sent him gruel
Fortune sent him thin gruel
Fortune sent him gruel
He added butter to it.
Sweet Donald, sweet Donald,
When he went running round the house
Sweet Donald, sweet Donald
Fell into the oil jar.
What an uproar ensued
When he set off round the house
What an uproar ensued
When he fell into the oil jar.
Sweet Donald, sweet Donald,
When he went running round the house
Sweet Donald, sweet Donald
Fell into the oil jar.

League of Light

There's a dark side to every ray of light
There's a shadow on my other side
It's a balance, nothing wrong, nothing right
Living is learning to love
We are more than an echo of the past
We're a feeling that will last burning in the league of light
Flying away from darker sides, over mountains, over ice
Through the fire to unite in the league of light
Our hearts
Never forgets
Our land, where we come from
It hides everything
So we can face the future
With open arms and opened minds
Living is learning to love
We are more than an echo of the past
We're a feeling that will last burning in the league of light
Flying away from darker sides, over mountains, over ice
Through the fire to unite in the league of light
People everywhere
Its life
We are more than an echo of the past
We're a feeling that will last burning in the league of light
Flying away from darker sides, over mountains, over ice
Through the fire to unite in the league of light
More than an echo of the past
I am learning to love
It's a feeling that will last
I am learning to love
Flying away from darker sides, over mountains, over ice
Through the fire to unite in the league of light

The Seal’s Song

Hò i hò i hì o hò i
Hò i hì o hò i ì
Hò i hò i hì o hò i
I was not alone last night.
Pity to be in this place
where people are eaten as food
See the chief of the people
Boiling hard on a fire.
I am the daughter of Aoidh son of Ewen
I was knowledgeable about the reefs
Pity the person who would hit me
I am a noble woman from another land.
The thrush comes, the starling comes
Every bird returns to its nest
The salmon comes from the sea
Until Doom’s Day I will not be moved.

Response to Fàilte na Mòrthir

Ionn dà, ionn dò
Ionn dà
Ionn dà, ionn dò
Ionn dà
Heitearainn àrainn
Urainn othoro
Heitearainn àrainn ò ro.

Charming Uist,
full to the brim with bread,
and not scarce of condiments.
Streams of honey
running from the ground
and from the hill tops.
Woe to him who praised
the shrivelled mainland
because of some hazel sticks.
An unpleasant country,
difficult to walk –
neither wether or kid thrives on it.
Hens are
the most plentiful produce,
shitting round the pot-hanger.
Frivolous women
of little comlieness
given to slanderous conversation.
Hapless men,
full of devilry
given to crime and discord.


I've ran so many laps now
Tried most things, searched and dreamed
I've loved until I broke down
Got myself together, cried and forgotten
I've let emotions control me, control me
Always went awry in the end, awry in the end
'Protect your heart, girl' my mom told me
Otherwise it can fall apart
I've lost myself in someone else
I've seen it and I fall
I've felt how much it hurts
But I promise you today, I'm thankful
I'm stronger than ever
Scars that don't scare me now
Scars that make me prettier than you
Scars you learn to love in the end
'Cause now I see that they've
They've never hurt me
Just made me stronger
And maybe a bit smarter
Scars that make me prettier than you
Scars I've learned to love in the end
I've pretended to be someone else
Fooled myself into believing that everything is fine
As if all the darkness in my head
Would disappear if I left it alone
I've let emotions control me, control me
Always went awry in the end, awry in the end
'Protect your heart, girl' my mom told me
Otherwise it can fall apart
I've lost myself in someone else
I've seen it and I fall
I've felt how much it hurts
But I promise you today, I'm thankful
I'm stronger than ever
Scars that don't scare me now
Scars that make me prettier than you
Scars you learn to love in the end
'Cause now I see that they've
They've never hurt me
Just made me stronger
And maybe a bit smarter
Scars that make me prettier than you
Scars I've learned to love in the end
Now I walk upright
With my head held high
Never looking for something to comfort me
'Cause the scars I've gained along the way
Are just medals I wear proudly on my chest
Scars that don't scare me now
Scars that make me prettier than you
Scars you learn to love in the end
'Cause now I see that they've
They've never hurt me
Just made me stronger
And maybe a bit smarter
Scars that make me prettier than you
Scars I've learned to love in the end
Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar.

I do want

Versions: #2
I wanna show you a path aside to the sea
A place where nobody can arrives
where the wind’s friend, and the breeze’s a sigh
that blows holding your body’s shape.
Woman, I want that you are at my side
Awaking with my singing slept on your skin
And despairing the forgiveness saying to you
Close to your ear, my in loved verses,
my verses of love
I wanna lost in your body and drop anchor
in your harbor my ship that’s empty of love.
Writing in the sand my cry and my pain
Letting the waves take away my ache.
Woman, I want that you are by my side
that share with me your life
And next when the autumn wind fondle tour temples
To be together and jointed as yesterday was.
I wanna show you a path aside to the sea
A place where nobody can arrives
where the wind’s friend, and the breeze’s a sigh
that blows holding your body’s shape.
Woman, I want that you are at my side
Awaking with my singing slept on your skin
And despairing the forgiveness saying to you
Close to your ear, my in loved verses,
my verses of love

Hé, Júlia!

Hé, Juliet
Hé, Juliet
Hé, egy ideje figyellek
Minden apró tettedet,
Mindig mikor áthaladsz,
A tanszobán,
A szívem meghasad.
Próbáltam már cetlizni,
Te csak a szemed tudod forgatni,
Jó lenne, ha észlelnél,
De az ajkad zárva,
Ehhez nem kell ész.
Mer' tudom, hogy igazán akarsz(Ja)
Mindenki rólam hadar(Ja)
Szóval mér' próbálnád meg azt nélkülem?(Ja)
Mikor csapsz le,
Hol akarsz, te?
Hé, Juliet
'Asszem, jól vagy
A fejemben ott maradsz
Talán, egy nap,
látnak minket randizva.
Bárcsak te is tudnád,
Hogy a Rómeód lennék,
Hé, Júliám
Hé, Júliám.
H-h-h-hé, Juliet
Rajtakaptál, hogy térdelek,
Kérlek bébi, légy velem.
Nálam megvan a legjobb DJ, ki löki,
'Hé, Juliet, mit tennél, szöszi?'
Túl messze, hogy megfordulj, (fordulj)
Szóval én a földön maradok. (földön maradok)
Adj legalább egy picike reményt,
Adj egy esélyt,
Kérlek még egyet.
Mer' tudom, hogy igazán akarsz(Ja)
Mindenki rólam hadar(Ja)
Szóval mér' próbálnád meg azt nélkülem?(Ja)
Mikor csapsz le,
Hol akarsz, te?
Hé, Juliet
'Asszem, jól vagy
A fejemben ott maradsz
Talán, egy nap,
látnak minket randizva.
Bárcsak te is tudnád,
Hogy a Rómeód lennék,
Hé, Júliám
Hé, Júliám.
H-h-h-hé, Juliet
Mer' tudom, hogy igazán akarsz(Ja)
Mindenki rólam hadar(Ja)
Szóval mér' próbálnád meg azt nélkülem?(Ja)
Mikor csapsz le,
Hol akarsz, te?
Ha velem akarsz majd lenni,
Az örök végtelenségig,
Hé,(Hé,Hé) Juliet
Hé, Juliet
Hé Juliet
Hé, Juliet
'Asszem,('Asszem) jól vagy(Jól vagy)
A fejemben ott maradsz (Eszemben ott ragadsz)
Talán,(Talán) egy nap,(egy nap)
látnak minket randizva(randizva)
Bárcsak te is tudnád,
Hogy a Rómeód lennék,
Hé, Júliám
Hé, Hé, Júliám.
Hé, Júliám
'Asszem, jól vagy
A fejemben ott maradsz (Eszemben ott ragadsz)
Talán,(Talán) egy nap,(egy nap)
látnak minket randizva(randizva)
Bárcsak te is tudnád,
Hogy Rómeód lennék,
Hé, Júliám
Hé, Hé, Júliám
Hé, Júliám
Hé, Júliám
Hé, Hé, Júliám
Hé, Júliám
Hé, Júliám
Hé, Hé, Júliám
Hé, Júliám
Hé, Júliám

What Do You Want From Me

[Verse 1]
What has this moment come and
Flipped my reason on its head for?
I was so sure of my steps
And an alarm protected my heart
[Verse 2]
What have you come for if you already know I can't?
Who are you and what do you want? Tell me
Don't come looking for me, don't
For your voice...
For your voice excites me
I have no lifeline
I'd run away with you with my eyes closed
With you, a fire is lit when we hug one another
Then you're gone, then you're gone
You split my universe in two
You release my inner animal with just one glance
Then you're gone, then you're gone
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me?
[Verse 2]
What have you come for if you already know I can't?
Who are you and what do you want? Tell me
Don't come looking for me, don't
For your voice...
For your voice excites me
I have no lifeline
I'd run away with you with my eyes closed
With you, a fire is lit when we hug one another
Then you're gone, then you're gone
You split my universe in two
You release my inner animal with just one glance
Then you're gone, then you're gone
Then you're gone
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me?

The Mandatory Smile

You are beloved and you will be missed
Someone who is hurt says it to you
It was a bad decision
Not wanting to come back to me
I know I will not find it
But I will look for oblivion ..
The separation depresses me
Because you were mine for a long time
You were someone special
But I didn't tell you
I could live without you
When I didn't know you ..
The meeting with friends
It worked without a drink
I never raised my hand
To talk about loneliness
The name of a person
That now causes me to cry
It's called my better half ..
The Mandatory Smile
For photographs
It's not available
Maybe because I'm not doing that well
I promise you guys good face
As in the old days
As soon as I feel good ..
If you don't find happiness
Don't keep experimenting
I didn't want to tell you
But I've been looking for you
I'm still in the same place
Because I'm waiting for you ..
The meeting with friends
It worked without a drink
I never raised my hand
To talk about loneliness
The name of a person
That now causes me to cry
It's called my better half ..
The Mandatory Smile
For photographs
It's not available
Maybe because I'm not doing that well
I promise you guys good face
As in the old days
As soon as I feel good


And once again, it's that time again,
The circus is ready to go
And every clown and every animal
Knows it's that time again
The music plays the last note
In the morning it will be gone again
But this time I don't want to leave with it
I have met a girl now
I stand in the circus in front of empty circus rings
A few years ago, it was the high life here
But acrobats, they don't stay long
Now it's off to the next place
And if you want, I'll take you with me
On my rollercoaster
To hell with petrol, I only need you
Because today you're my motor engine
We drive over hill and dale
Give yourself a little hope
Come sit down here, I'll take you with me
On my roller coaster
Coaster, coaster
On my rollercoaster, coaster
I take off my mask,
A clown from a grave of masks
Out of the hateful city,
Come with us and the burden falls away
Disappear in the blue see
No falling or tumbling any more
And then the wedding ring is a must
And if you want, I'll take you with me
On my rollercoaster
To hell with petrol, I only need you
Because today you're my motor engine
We drive over hill and dale
Give yourself a little hope
Come sit down here, I'll take you with me
On my roller coaster
Coaster, coaster
On my rollercoaster, coaster
Coaster, coaster,
On my rollercoaster, coaster
And when the wind hisses past us
Back there, where talk does not count for anything
Then I'll stand up on my two wheels
And I take you up into my life
I take you up into my life
And if you want, I'll take you with me
On my rollercoaster
To hell with petrol, I only need you
Because today you're my motor engine
We drive over hill and dale
Give yourself a little hope
Come sit down here, I'll take you with me
On my roller coaster
Coaster, coaster
On my rollercoaster, coaster
Coaster, coaster,
On my rollercoaster, coaster
On my rollercoaster

From my steps

I won't know the face of the time
past and you and I.
I won't live for the experience
of feeling your scent and recognizing.
I won't turn off the wind that pushes me
and moves me away from you
While you sit and close your eyes
and ask your destiny for help.
I learn from my steps
I understand in my walk.
Erased words, forgotten nostalgia,
drinking us all up each moment.
It does good for passing to memorize it
when it comes back, I'll know
I won't forget.
I learn from my steps
I understand in my walk.
I learn in what I was,
I learn in what I gave,
I learn in what I was,
I learn from what I gave,
I learn from what I was,
I learn from what I give,
I learn from you.


Versions: #3
I once had a fantasy
And I didn't know what to do
I didn't know what to do
with it
I didn't know what to do
And it left
because I let it go
Why did I let it go?
I don't know
I only know that it left
My heart, since then,
cries every day
at the gateway
For the dream, I didn't know what to do
And it went away
because I let it go
Why did I let it go?
I don't know
I only know that it left me
I know that all I wanted
I left all I wanted
because I didn't let myself try
to live a happy life
It's the fantasy of your return
that makes me happy
makes me live
For this dream, I didn't know what to do
and it went away
because I let it go
Why did I let it go?
I don't know
I only know that it left me
I know that all I wanted
I left all I wanted
because I didn't let myself try
to live a happy life
I left all I wanted
I know that all I wanted
I left all I wanted
Because I won't let myself
try to live a happy life
Because I let it go
Why did I let it go?
I don't know
I only know that it left me
because I let it go
Why did I let it go?
I don't know
I only know that it left me
Translated by Jennifer Matesa. If you wish to copy/share, please ask for permission and always cite my name as its author. ::
Tradução feita por Jennifer Matesa. Se você quiser reutilizar ou compartilhar, por favor peça permissão e me cite como autor.

At the crossroads

At the crossroads
Sometimes dreams vanish
Sometimes hands clung together
In a farandole get loose
At the crossroads
We look at each other silently
We know the last train
Won't be for holidays
You will follow your road
I'll follow mine...
Everyone for himself to a different fate
Everyone for himself towards sorrow
You will follow your road
I'll follow mine...
Everyone for himself to a different fate
Everyone for himself towards sorrow
At the crossroads
It's not a stormy sky
But the daily grey
Colour of our journey
At the crossroads
We fear the last gestures
Afraid of spoiling that morning
The short time left to us
You will follow your road
I'll follow mine...
Everyone for himself to a different fate
Everyone for himself towards sorrow
You will follow your road
I'll follow mine...
Everyone for himself to a different fate
Everyone for himself towards sorrow

Oh, Oh, Oh

The dove of my soul,
oh, oh, oh,
look out of the window!
The dove of my soul,
oh, oh, oh,
look out of the window!
The first light of dawn already
wants to announce the new day…
The first light of dawn already,
oh, oh, oh,
wants to announce the new day.
The first light of dawn already
wants to announce the new day…
The first light of dawn already,
oh, oh, oh,
wants to announce the new day.
Wants to announce the new day!
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

You see something in me that I can't see

One mirror shows the stories of two persons
It shows the difficult endings and new beginnings
But the roles performed throughout the years
Are the reason to what's happening now
Now I'm here, I don't pretend to be anything
Sometimes I'm awful, I can't do anything about it
And when my face is wet from sadness
Even then
You see something in me that I can't see
You see a bit more
You see that I've been hit but I haven't fallen
You see something in me that I can't see
And when I throw the glasses on the floor
You don't just sweep them but help me repair them
You see something in me that I can't see
You see something in me that I can't see
Tomorrow feels like less of a mystery
When I'm with you I'm not afraid of the instability
You have the password to my system
Neither my good or bad is a secret to you
After a long time I'm not pretending to be anything
Sometimes I'm awful, I can't do anything about it
And when my face is wet from sadness
Even then
You see something in me that I can't see
You see a bit more
You see that I've been hit but I haven't fallen
You see something in me that I can't see
And when I throw the glasses on the floor
You don't just sweep them but help me repair them
You see something in me that I can't see
You see something in me that I can't see
With you it feels like I can accept myself
With me you have taken off your locks
With you it feels like I can accept myself
I thought I knew everything but then you showed up
You see something in me that I can't see
You see a bit more
You see that I've been hit but I haven't fallen
You see something in me that I can't see
And when I throw the glasses on the floor
You don't just sweep them but help me repair them
You see something in me that I can't see
You see something in me that I can't see
You see something in me that I can't see
You see something in me that I can't see

A Story of Love

My eyes wander on the wall,
I don't answer the phone anymore.
On the veranda a spiderweb swings
and in my mind only your name remains.
In the glass of a bitter wine
your image appears and fades.
My present time lives the past
and in my mind only your name remains.
I do not want to recall
everything I felt,
I just want to yell
how much I miss you.
Fights, tenderness,
a story of love and madness.
Fights, tenderness,
a story of love and madness.
This love so fierce
is gone forever.
It ended suddenly
and now we are so lonely.
Fights, tenderness,
a story of love and madness.
Fights, tenderness,
a story of love and madness.
We loved each other at the wrong time
and we fought at an uncertain time.
It was an escape, it was discovered
and for both of us it’s a finished story.
I do not want to recall
everything I felt,
I just want to yell
how much I miss you.
Fights, tenderness,
a story of love and madness.
Fights, tenderness,
a story of love and madness.
This love so fierce
is gone forever.
It ended suddenly
and now we are so lonely.
Fights, tenderness,
a story of love and madness.
Fights, tenderness,
a story of love and madness.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.


Don't let go of my hand, don't leave me
We walking on the water and circles, when we touch it
Don't open your eyes, don't wake up magic,
Reflection of stars in the water
They shine for you alone
Not to fly away with you, there are no reasons
Not to hunger for some warmth, there are no reasons
When I'm next to you, I feel like someone else
Let's start the bonfire up to Heaven
We will dance naked, with nothing on
The world is created just like this
Close your eyes, breathe, breathe, breathe
Let's start the bonfire up to Heaven
We will dance without our clothes on
As it was in the past, can we return
When we have feelings between you and I
Between me and you
Between me and you
You, you, you ,you, you...
I wandered in the pitch darkness
Up to my knee in the water, the daylight faded
Only a little ray of light I squeezed in my feast
The light, that shines in everyone of us
I didn't listen to cold phrases
Simply was moving towards my dream
The light, that shines in everyone of us
In your hand
Let's start the bonfire up to Heaven
We will dance naked, with nothing on
The world is created just like this
Close your eyes, breathe, breathe, breathe
Let's start the bonfire up to Heaven
We will dance naked, with nothing on
As it was in the past, can we return
When we have feelings between you and I
Between me and you
Between me and you
You, you, you ,you, you...

If you are (a man of your word)

You came to me delicately
And told me wait a little
I wished you could talk to me
Because I was anxious
You told me I love you
And gave me your word
Please keep your word
The word that you gave me
You are in my mind
Come and take me
If you are, if you are
If you are a man of your word
If you, if you, if you are
I will prepare my clothes
If you are a man of your word
I will end my run to you
Will you come tonight
To take me
Barefoot climb the stairs
So no one can hear you
You told me I love you
And gave me your word
Please keep your word
The word that you gave me
You are in my mind
Come and take me
If you are, if you are
If you are a man of your word
If you, if you, if you are
I will prepare my clothes
If you are a man of your word
I will end my run to you

We'll wait for winter

Versions: #2
As you're here when they lay down
When their mouths gnaw my reign
The storm will give us time
The bay was passing through
As my fingers are still fighting
I'm vomiting the hearts of these bodies
You want me to surrender this battle
But I want to fight with you
As it's late, as I'm writing fast
A teal light is shattering the pane
Emptying a cuvée of Chasse-Spleen
In a navy-blue jumper of yours
As we said everything, you think,
Cherbourg and Sevilla ressemble us
As you're talking of other languages
Yours was helping me to understand
We'll wait for winter
To write that we miss each others
That yesterday was so long
That it's so long to wait for each others
As you refuse to hear me
With no Opinel as a defense
In your abandoned wardrobe
Wanders a disembodied Chanel
As you refuse to understand
That it takes years to have it all
Without flying away
From the parade of the rings
Pardon, my love
To open our grave
To hammer, my love
Thoughts of other blondes
We'll wait for winter
To write that we miss each others
That yesterday was so long
That it's so long to wait for each others
We'll wait for winter
To write that we miss each others
That yesterday was so long
That it's so long to wait for each others
Pardon me, love
We'll wait for winter
To write that we miss each others
That yesterday was so long
That it's so long to wait for each others

Hallo Love

I grope around
I glare around the room
I don't want to wake up with a thought
That you cleared my life of you
Bed, two blankets divided us
We didn't trust each other
We changed love for pride
Hallo1 Love
You're silent, as usual
So I'm ready
Hallo Love
Still no reply2
I'm trembling on the phone
So I'm ready
I've been picking up the pieces of you
From Levitan's picture3
Rhythm, fever heat
You (burn) me to ashes, I shoot straight4
I cleared my memory of all the ins and outs5
(How) we let loose with fists on ourselves6
(How) we sewed radars into our temples7
We got lost, but we didn't loose...
Hallo Love
You're silent, as usual
So I'm ready
Hallo Love
Still no reply2
I'm trembling on the phone
So I'm ready
  • 1. It's like 'pronto' in Italian
  • lit. 'Still not a word'
  • 3. Levitan - russian painter.
  • 4. 'я тебe в жало' - I'm not sure I understand this russian slang right. But I think it may mean 'I tell you the truth flat out' There is an english expression 'straight shooter' meaning 'a frank and honest man', so I thought I could translate 'я тебe в жало' as 'I shoot straight'.
  • 5. lit. 'details, particularities
  • 6. I'm not sure I understood this line right. Maybe they had a lot of quarrels.
  • 7. Hard to understand this line too. Maybe it's about jealousy.

A Thing Is Changing

Versions: #4
You're speakin to me, askin,1
If we can see each other!?
Motivations, I’m left with
But although I wish, i don’t know
Always there's something more,
That at first glance isn't seen
Can it be , that there’s something else,
'Cause at first glance ...
It scares you the idea
Of what might be,
To tell you i'd like
A thing to make you feel nice,
But thing is, there’s something else,
That at first glance isn't seen
Maybe there’s something else,
That at first glance isn't seen
But I feel there's within me
Something which changes
IT doesn't show ...
But I feel there's a thing within me
Something which changes
Think not that I’ve lost
What it gave me the love of yours
I cary it within,
This way i can feel good
But there’s something else,
That simply can’t be seen
Maybe there’s a lil' extra,
That at first glance isn't seen
But I feel there's within me
Something which changes
IT doesn't show ...
But I feel there's within me
Something which changes
What more shall i ever wish for !?
thAN to be happy and regaling you love, caresses
What more shall i ever wish for !?
Besides happy living and regaling you love, caresses
Always there's something more,
That at first glance isn't seen
But I feel there's a thing within me
Something which changes
IT doesn't show ...
But I feel there's a thing within me
Something which changes
  • 1. Personal Adaptation/Translation/ Work allowed under the moral and written rule , found under the section of 'Website Rules---Adding a translation----Paragraph no 10 'As translations can be a mean of knowing and understanding a new language, it's better if you keep at least a colloquial (Though YOU'RE FREE to keep an informal tone in certain contexts) language that's easy to understand - and you may use footnotes to add general explanations and comments in certain parts of the translation.' So that being said , my profile is the place for the non-literal translation's and adaptation so people may like it or not , still that won't ever change a thing , so like they say in our dear America : Deal with it !!!

Ice in your Sprite

You won't tell me enough.
I follow in your footsteps and watch.
Is there any ice in your Sprite?
You and I are so close.
You won't tell me enough...
You and I are so close.
You won't tell me enough.
I follow in your footsteps and watch.
Is there any ice in your Sprite?
You and I are so close.
You won't tell me enough.
I follow in your footsteps and watch.
Is there any ice in your Sprite?
Verse 1:
I lost your eyes in the smoke.
Feel [as if] in the dance.
Two loves for us both.
It also awakens me.
Phone me, there are beeps
Outside of the zone stations.
I asked for a familiar address in a taxi.
I lost your eyes in the smoke.
Feel [as if] in the dance.
Two loves for us both.
It also awakens me.
Phone me, there are beeps
Outside of the zone stations.
I asked for a familiar address in a taxi.
You and I are so close.
You won't tell me enough.
I follow in your footsteps and watch.
Is there any ice in your Sprite?
You and I are so close.
You won't tell me enough.
I follow in your footsteps and watch.
Is there any ice in your Sprite?
Monotonous sighs.
You flew into the arms of others.
I burst my nerves with the music1.
Under our sweet smoke.
Confession in a whisper, but we talk not about love.
The tube without a wire, you are my world cut off.
I look at you in the eyes, feel [as if] I'm in a dance.
Two loves for the both of us, it awakens me.
I look at you in the eyes, feel [as if] I'm in a dance.
Two loves for the both of us, it awakens me.
You and I are so close.
You won't tell me enough.
I follow in your footsteps and watch.
Is there any ice in your Sprite?
You and I are so close.
You won't tell me enough.
I follow in your footsteps and watch.
Is there any ice in your Sprite?
  • 1. Lit. 'I nerves with the cords broke'

I will go my way

We were both late
for our life encounter.
Right at the beginning we knew
that one day it will all end.
We were both late,
the last nigh already ended.
It´s no use crying,
already someone´s waiting for you.
I will go my way,
you will go your way.
It was already written that your and my
ways had different destinations.
We were both late,
it was just a dream on the sand,
we know this is the end,
we both disguise the sorrow.
We were both late
for overcoming our failures.
It´s no use crying,
you will return into his arms.
I will go my way,
you will go your way.
It was already written that your and my
ways had different destinations.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.


When I left Santiago
all the way I cried,
I cried without knowing why
but I assure you
that my heart is hard
but that day I loosened.
I left that dear soil
and the ranch where I was born,
where I lived so happy
cheerfully singing.
Instead today I cry constantly
just like the crespin.
The years nor the distance
could never get to set you aside
from my memory
nor make me forget you.
Oh dear Santiago
I miss your quebrachal.
Tomorrow when I die
if someone remembers me,
peasants I will ask you
if you want to give me the Glory
that you play to my memory
the doble that I sing here.
In my hours of sadness
I always think
how can some peasants
ranch, father, mother, brother
so easily.
Santiagueño shall not be
the one that behaves in that way:
to despise the chacarera
for another imported dance.
That is to see her sullied,
our rural (peasant) race.
The other night my pillows,
I found them wet, but
I ignore if I dreamed
or is that I cried awoken
and in the distance I looked
the ranch that I left.
Maybe in the cemetery
there is no place for me
peasants I will ask you
before the time comes
throw me in the open field
but there where I was born.