Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 9

Találatok száma: 543


Like Iza

I just have to look at you for the time to stop
A smile so beautiful like a rare jewel
When I'm with you, I don't think about tomorrow
Just like in that Iza song 1
You are my tasliman
You brought me luck, and you brought me desire
I spent the night awake
Thinking about our kiss
I feel all of that when I see you
But stop to realize
That I want just you
Until dawn
And what happens next, we'll see
Stop to realize
That I want just you
Until dawn
And what happens next, we'll see
But first let's finish
What we started somewhere else
But this time, let's go slow
Just so it doesn't end
So it doesn't end
I just have to look at you for the time to stop
A smile so beautiful like a rare jewel
When I'm with you, I don't think about tomorrow
Just like in that Iza song
You are my tasliman
You brought me luck, and you brought me desire
I spent the night awake
Thinking about our kiss
I feel all of that when I see you
But stop to realize
That I want just you
Until dawn
And what happens next, we'll see
Stop to realize
That I want just you
Until dawn
And what happens next, we'll see
But first let's finish
What we started somewhere else
But this time, let's go slow
Just so it doesn't end
So it doesn't end
  • 1. A reference to 'Meu Talismã' by IZA.

Do It Like This

I like it when you look at me
I know that you're in the mood
So sit down on me
And the will have no end
I burn the flower to relax
You take it well, you make me delirious
All night, nonstop
As long as our bodies can take it
On the bed, in the room, on the couch, I enjoy myself with you on top of me
I like it when you do it like this
Playing for me
Tonic and gin
It will have no end, so bounce for me
On the bed, in the room, on the couch, I enjoy myself with you on top of me
I like it when you do it like this
Playing for me
Tonic and gin
It will have no end, so bounce for me
Do it like this
The way only you know how to do it
So give it to me
Another unforgettable night of pleasure
Make me go delirious
When you look at me, smiling and asking me not to stop
Instigating me like this, I think I'm gonna
On the bed, in the room, on the couch, I enjoy myself with you on top of me
I like it when you do it like this
Playing for me
Tonic and gin
It will have no end, so bounce for me
Do it like this
The way only you know how to do it
So give it to me
Another unforgettable night of pleasure
Make me go delirious
When you look at me, smiling and asking me not to stop
Instigating me like this, I think I'm gonna

Megosztottuk az éjszakát

Egyedül veled mezítelen lábakon
Belopózik a lelkedbe
Elértük a magányos utca végét
A ridegségnek vége
Ezerszer sírtam
Kutattam magam körül
Most és mindörökké
Tudom, hogy megtaláltam
Megosztottuk az éjszakát
Láttuk a fényt
Mélyen egymás szemébe
Az érzés, mely felemel minket
Tudjuk, hogy ez az érzés szerelem
Szerető karjaid közt otthon vagyok
Ha a tested a testem mellett van
Hiszem, hogy együtt leszünk mindig
Sokat sétáltam
Hazaértem a városból
Most és mindörökké tudom hogy megtaláltam
Megosztottuk az éjszakát
Láttuk a fényt
Mélyen egymás szemébe
Az érzés, mely felemel minket
Tudjuk, hogy ez az érzés szerelem
Belépni az ajtón
Egy olyan életbe, melyet kerestünk
Vadonatúj lélek vagyok
Egy vadonatúj világban


We were drinking Brifcor, eating Topik, Topitop or Jelibon
They're cringing when hearing of Crina or Bonibon
while we were laughing at jokes, they just say a simple LOL
They're not playing 'the leaf', 'lands' or 'hopscotch'
We were playing the coccoon, dodgeball
We weren't playing FIFA, but football in the schoolyard
We were playing 'thick milk', Tour de France, blindfold
They got something else on their minds when hearing of 'goat'
We were asking for friendship, they're talking on mess
they're not blushing anymore like us when hearing of sex
We weren't going to the mall, but only at the confectionner's
drinking TEC and eating from the same plate
We weren't sending emails to each other, but (real) mails
We were giving postcards, not holiday mass
I'm not giving verdicts and I don't know what you're thinking
but the kids of today seem sadder than us...
I was at a beer last year
two kids eating candies in front of the stairway laughing
All good until I saw them throwing
the bagful of candies and leaving
I felt like strangling them telling 'For fuck's sake
we were crying a week because mother wouldn't buy us that
and you're leaving, throwing it, forsaking it,
the ones growing you are to blame because you don't know what it was like...'
When it was 5, everyone was out
and we started
An-tan-te... di-ze-ma-ne-pe...
Di-ze-ma-ne... com-pa-ne... an-tan-te.
We were hiding from parent so they won't see that we drank water
while coming sweaty after a day of play
We were reading 'Cireşarii', 'The memories' of Creangă
we were falling asleep happily listening to stories on vinyl
We were watching filmstrips with 'The magic gingerbread'
Sandy Bell was the favorite star
It was like a holiday when eating a chocolate
Good, bad, small, big, couldn't hate it...
Looking back, it all seems
like stories from long ago with 'once upon a time'
maybe I'm nostalgic and I don't know what you're thinking
but the kids of today seem sadder than us...
I was at a beer last year
two kids in front of the stairs were playing tennis laughing
All ok until the last strike,
saw the ball in the garden and saw them leaving
I felt like strangling them telling 'For fuck's sake
We were crying for a week when it got flat
and you're leaving, throwing it, forsaking it
the ones growing you are to blame because you don't know what it was like...'

You Know That

Every morning when I open my eyes
I get a call from you
Every day, you think of me
Again today, it’s a shining day
We both wonder
What we ate for lunch
Now I’m feeling like we’re lovers
I’ve never felt this way before
You know that, You are my everything
Everything is changing
You know that, You are my everything
My reflection in the world is forever with me
Ah ah ah ah
I am a pretty love that never changes
Ah ah ah ah
I’ve never felt this way before
Every day, when evening comes
I don’t want to say bye to you
Every day, I see you but I miss you
My heart grows deeper today, loving day
We talk on the phone before we sleep
Continuing our conversation the next day
Now I’m feeling like we’re lovers
I’ve never felt this way before
You know that, You are my everything
Everything is changing
You know that, You are my everything
My reflection in the world is forever with me
Ah ah ah ah
I am a pretty love that never changes
Ah ah ah ah
I’ve never felt this way before
I am a pretty love that never changes
Ah ah ah ah
Like characters in a beautiful fairy tale
Ah ah ah ah
I am a pretty love that never changes
Ah ah ah ah
This feeling is so good, the world is shining day
Ah ah ah ah
I am a pretty love that never changes
Ah ah ah ah
I’ve never felt this way before

I Will Protect You

You’re always deep in my days
Like the rain outside the window
When you comfort me at the end of my day
My struggles melt away like the rain, yeah
When the sun sets
And kisses the moonlight
I want to listen to the growing sound of the rain
And hold you in my arms
Baby I love you
I’ll protect you
Like the falling rain
Your tired heart
Your deep pain
I’ll erase it all
Baby I love you
I love you forever
In the falling rain
I’ll be your umbrella
Until the rain stops
I’ll protect you
When I look into your eyes, when I see you
You’re so beautiful, baby
Until the morning comes, baby
I want to fall asleep with you in my arms, yeah
When the sun sets
And kisses the moonlight
I want to listen to the growing sound of the rain
And hold you in my arms
Baby I love you
I’ll protect you
Like the falling rain
Your tired heart
Your deep pain
I’ll erase it all
Baby I love you
I love you forever
In the falling rain
I’ll be your umbrella
Until the rain stops
I’ll protect you
Baby I love you
I’ll protect you
Like the falling rain
Your tired heart
Your deep pain
I’ll erase it all
Baby I love you
I love you forever
In the falling rain
I’ll be your umbrella
Until the rain stops
I’ll protect you

Amerikai Pite

Hosszú, hosszú ideje
Még mindig emlékszem
Hogy mosolyogtatott meg az a zene
És tudtam, ha lesz rá esélyem
Az embereket táncra perdítem
És talán egy ideig boldogok lennének
De a február megrázott
Mindig, amikor kivittem egy újságot
Rossz hírek a házak előtt
Hogy továbbmenjek, nem volt elég erőm
Amikor olvastam, hogy menyasszonya megözvegyült
Nem emlékszem, hogy sírtam-e
Valami eltört bennem, mélyen belül
A napon, amikor meghalt a zene
Szóval viszlát, Miss Amerikai Pite
Elmentem a gátra a Chevy-mmel
De a gátnál nem láttam vizet
A régi legények whiskey-t és rozst ittak
Azt énekelve, ez lesz a nap, amikor meghalnak
Ez lesz a nap, amikor meghalnak
A szerelem könyvét te írtad?
És az égi Istenben hiszel-e?
Ha úgy kívánja a Biblia
Hiszel-e a rock 'n roll-ban?
Megmentheti-e halandó lelked a zene?
És meg tudsz-e tanítani táncolni szép lassan?
Tudom, hogy belé vagy szerelmes
Mert láttalak táncolni vele a teremben
Lerúgtátok a cipőtöket mindketten
Haver, ezt a rhythm and blues-t nagyon szeretem
Egy vad ifjú voltam, csökönyös magányban
Rózsaszín szegfűvel és egy pickuppal
De tudtam, hogy elhagyott a szerencse
A napon, amikor meghalt a zene
Énekelni kezdtem, hogy
Viszlát, Miss Amerikai Pite
Elmentem a gátra a Chevy-mmel
De a gátnál nem láttam vizet
A régi legények whiskey-t és rozst ittak
Azt énekelve, ez lesz a nap, amikor meghalnak
Ez lesz a nap, amikor meghalnak
Immár tíz éve egyedül vagyunk, elhagyatottak
És a moha egyre csak benövi a vándorokat
De ez nem így volt akkor,
Amikor az udvari bolond énekelt a királynének és a királynak
Egy kabátban, amit James Dean-től kölcsönzött
És egy hangon, ami tőled és tőlem jött
Oh, és amíg a király lefelé nézett
Az udvari bolond ellopta töviskoronáját
A tárgyalást elnapolták
Nem született ítélet
És amíg Lennon Marxról egy könyvet olvasott
A kvartett a parkban gyakorolgatott
A sötétben énekeltünk gyászéneket
A napon, amikor meghalt a zene
Azt énekeltük, hogy
Viszlát, Miss Amerikai Pite
Elmentem a gátra a Chevy-mmel
De a gátnál nem láttam vizet
A régi legények whiskey-t és rozst ittak
Azt énekelve, ez lesz a nap, amikor meghalnak
Ez lesz a nap, amikor meghalnak
Helter Skelter a tikkasztó nyári melegben
A madarak elrepültek menedék reményében
Nyolc mérföld magasan és gyorsan zuhannak
Végül a fűben landoltak
A játékosok előre passzoltak
Az oldalvonalnál álló, gipszes udvari bolondnak
A félidő szele édes parfümnek hatott
Míg az őrmesterek játszották a menetelő dallamot
Mind felálltunk, hogy táncoljunk
De nem volt rá alkalmunk
Mert a játékosok el akarták foglalni a pályát
A menetelő banda nem adta meg magát
Hogy mi derült ki, emlékszel-e
A napon, amikor meghalt a zene
Azt kezdtük énekelni, hogy
Viszlát, Miss Amerikai Pite
Elmentem a gátra a Chevy-mmel
De a gátnál nem láttam vizet
A régi legények whiskey-t és rozst ittak
Azt énekelve, ez lesz a nap, amikor meghalnak
Ez lesz a nap, amikor meghalnak
Oh, és ott volt egy helyen mindenki
Egy generáció, elveszve az űrben
Nem volt időnk újrakezdeni
Szóval gyerünk, Jack, légy gyors, Jack, légy fürge
Jack Flash egy gyertyatartón ült
Mert az ördög egyetlen barátja a tűz
Oh, és ahogy néztem őt a színpadon fent
A kezeimet ökölbe szorította a gyűlölet
Az angyalnak, ami a pokolban született
Legyőzhetetlen a Sátán általi bűvölet
És ahogy a lángok az éjszakában magasra hágtak
Hogy fényt adjanak az áldozati szertartásnak
Láttam a Sátánt, önfeledten nevetve
A napon, amikor meghalt a zene
Azt énekelte, hogy
Viszlát, Miss Amerikai Pite
Elmentem a gátra a Chevy-mmel
De a gátnál nem láttam vizet
A régi legények whiskey-t és rozst ittak
Azt énekelve, ez lesz a nap, amikor meghalnak
Ez lesz a nap, amikor meghalnak
Találkoztam egy lánnyal, aki blues-t énekelt
És megkértem, mondjon nekem jó híreket
De ő csak mosolygott és arrébb ment
A szent boltba látogattam
Ahol évekkel ezelőtt a zenét hallottam
De 'a zene már nem szól' - a boltos azt mondta
És az utcákon a gyerekek kiáltoztak
A szeretők sírtak és a költők álmodoztak
De el egy szó sem hangzott
Az összes templomi harang elromlott
És a három férfi, kikre leginkább felnézek
Az Atya, az Úr és a Szentlélek
Ők elmentek, az utolsó vonatot elérve
A napon, amikor meghalt a zene
És énekelték, hogy
Viszlát, Miss Amerikai Pite
Elmentem a gátra a Chevy-mmel
De a gátnál nem láttam vizet
A régi legények whiskey-t és rozst ittak
Azt énekelve, ez lesz a nap, amikor meghalnak
Ez lesz a nap, amikor meghalnak
Énekelték, hogy
Viszlát, Miss Amerikai Pite
Elmentem a gátra a Chevy-mmel
De a gátnál nem láttam vizet
A régi legények whiskey-t és rozst ittak
Azt énekelve, ez lesz a nap, amikor meghalnak

To Die Hurt by Love

Versions: #1
A holy tear is what life is sometimes,
Wondering on your cheek towards your heart
A shadow of a memory is telling you: 'Forgive, it's a shame...
To die hurt by love
In this passing world
Where only love doesn't die.
To die hurt by love,
Measure the eternity of a moment.'
Because of loving you the thought seems to be crying,
Because of loving you the sky is smothering me.
Maybe love doesn't have a name,
But what could he more sad in this world
Than dying hurt by love?
It looks like nothing the thought that hurt us
When we forgot everything for a night,
But there are life-long sorrows,
They teach you that it's a shame...
To die hurt by love,
Measure the eternity of a moment.
Because of loving you, the thought seems to be crying,
Because of loving you the sky is smothering me.
Maybe love doesn't have a name,
But what could be more sad in this world
Than dying hurt by love?


Yesterday I thought
I'd like to go up to the mountains
To forget you
A bit of cold wouldn't hurt me
I thought about
That song they teach you at school
To remember the names of the Alps
Ma con gran pena, then I forget the rest1
If you knew the thoughts I've lost
That I've chased out of my head
So that you could sleep comfortably in there
And feel special like on the holidays
I still know you like McFlurrys
But only at three in the morning
And I know about your first kiss at bumper cars
With that idiot
Some troublemaker from your town
Your aunts' names
Sail around on my seas
Drowning all the poems
That I've known since elementary school
Maybe you'll feel bad
For this poor head of mine
That still knows everything about you
Because as much as I try
You're all I have left
The scars on your legs
Are wise men that tell a story
About a little girl that kept falling down
During gym class, and I know it by memory
Now you know how to walk straight
And maybe you don't end up on your butt
Please remind yourself, my dear
That you were truly beautiful
When you used to fall and say 'Ouch!'
When you used to fall and say 'Ouch!'
When you used to fall and say 'Ouch!'
  • 1. 'Ma con gran pena le reca giù' is an Italian mnemonic to remember the different mountain ranges in the alps.


Julia don't laugh, please, let's not make a racket
Your happiness will wake up our roommates
Then they'll leave us notes on the bed
Because at night you're supposed to sleep and be respectful
Julia if some day we stop making love
I promise I'll go and get a degree and become a doctor
And we'll buy ourselves a house as big as your bed
Where there's only laughter, and you never have to be respectful
Julia don't let college get you down
That test was hard, I'll tell your dad about it
And you can tell, you can tell, that professor of yours
Has never laughed and doesn't know what love is
Julia, hold me tight like in a cliche
I'll be your plain, go ahead and cry your river
Wake up our roommates and tomorrow you'll see
They'll break my face while you sleep
Julia, yesterday I was at a bar drinking with my friends
And I saw you hidden behind a waiter
(Ha-ha-ha, you were with some guy, yeah, I swear to God)
You were with some guy, I swear to God
And just for a second it seemed like it wasn't me
Julia, please, don't yell, I'm not accusing you of anything
No dear, you're misinterpreting, I'm just an idiot
It was your professor, that one with the ugly face
Fine, I'll sleep on the couch, but I'll keep a picture of you
Julia, I've been sleeping on this couch for two months
I keep waiting for you, even if it's in vain
I left a letter for you and the professor
Could you make a bit less noise when you're making love?

The Spoilt/Favourite One

They call you 'The Favourite One',
Love above all other loves!
And I shall give you everything, my darling...
- For what?
My darling, so you won't cry!
- Don't mollycoddle women, you twat!
Go hard on them! Just like that...

But much harder!

Allow me to call you
'The Spoilt One',
Because you get everything you want, my darling,
With your obstinacies.
Firstly your affection,
My idolatry
And then, my passion, my darling,
Both night and day...
Allow me to call you,
Darling light of my life,
'The Spoilt One'!
They call you 'The Favourite One',
Love above all other loves!
And I shall give you everything, my darling,
So you won't cry!
You're 'The Favourite One', my darling:
Love above all other loves!
So you won't cry, yes!
I'm telling you this:
Wherever you may go, my darling,
I shall go with you...
You're 'The Spoilt One',
Darling light of my life,
Both night and day...
Aaah... Ah ah...

Move on

Move on
Always move on
Always keep moving on
When things don’t come out as you expected
And you feel like your world is going to end
Look at it like this, like this
Try it out, once again
I know it isn’t easy
Until you can’t take it
Keep moving on
Move on
Keep moving on
Until you can’t take it, keep moving on
For me, for her
For everyone around you
Your fears, scare them away
Stop and give me a smile
Shake off all the bad
Shake it all away
Everyone around us
Is dancing on their own way
Keep moving forward
Keep moving backwards
Put on a good face
Everything will pass
Mmmm I wanna know
If you’re going to do
Like me
Eh, eh
Look at it, like this like this
Try it out once again
I know it isn’t easy
Until you can’t take it
Keep moving on
Move on
Keep moving on
Until you can’t take it, keep moving on
Lerele, we are going to dance
And no, we are not going to stop
Lerele, we are going to sing
Move, move


Should we show 'em how we do it everyday?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Let's get it
Akali that girl, 'Kali go grr
'Kali don't stop, 'Kali don't skrrt
'Kali got a job, 'Kali got to work
Always on fire, don’t get burnt
I’m giving you more than a buffet
I’m slaying all day like I’m Buffy
I scoot in and school on my huffy
You up against me that’s a rough day (woo)
I’m giving you more cause I’m greater than
I don’t do mathematics, I hated them
But all of my numbers are talking babe
Got money like mrs. Monopoly (Yeah, ooh)
Got more like I’m doing addition (Hey)
And I don’t need no one to give me permission
Go get it go get it go get it the mission
You never look at me and say somеthing’s missing (oh)
Cause I got it different
All I'll ever know is life up on a throne
I don’t do the middle or a little
You want more
Know I got it, so here you go (Let's go!)
You look like you could use some more
Know I got it and never runnin' low (Low-oh)
Yeah, I got more than enough, add it up and away (Ay)
You know I got it like bomb-bomb, blow your mind
Never givin' less and that's how it'll stay
You know I got it like all day, all the time (All the time)
When I got it's for gold
Yeah, they cool, but I'm cold
I don't fit in the mold
I'm a rebel
I don't do what you say
Makin' moves, I don't wait
While I smile in your face
I got different DNA
What's higher than the top, that's me (That's me)
Come, take a look before falling at my feet (Oh-oh)
Cause that’s the only drop they’ll be (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
So take a look, better recognize a queen
All I'll ever know is life up on a throne
I don’t do the middle or a little
You want more
Know I got it, so here you go (Let's go!)
You look like you could use some more
Know I got it and never runnin' low (Low-oh)
Yeah, I got more than enough, add it up and away (Ay)
You know I got it like bomb-bomb, blow your mind
Never givin' less and that's how it'll stay
You know I got it like all day, all the time (All the time)
Way out
Feeling like an ocean, on the wave now
Feeling like I’m floating, never weighed down
This is how I do it everyday, wow, wow
But I know I know
You want some more
I know what you been asking for
I know I know, you want some more
If you ready let’s go, givin' it al
Know I got it, so here you go (Let's go, hey)
You look like you could use some more (More)
Know I got it and never runnin' low (Low)
Yeah, I got more than enough, add it up and away
You know I got it like bomb-bomb, blow your mind (Blow your mind)
Never givin' less and that's how it'll stay
You know I got it like all day, all the time

A sajátomnak hívlak

Megkaptuk egymást
ebben a kicsi világban
és eggyé váltunk
eltűntem benned
te voktál a legszebb dolog,
amit valaha láttam
Nem tudtam levegőt venni
nem találtam szavakat,
amikor azon az estén hozzám csatoltad a szíved és a lelked,
és ahogy a szemeid néztek,
és sosem akartál máshova nézni többé
És azt mondtad, hajts keresztül a szívem és reménykedj, hogy belehalsz
remélem, sosem kell majd kitalálom, mit mondasz
annyira egymásnak teremtettek minket
és megígértem neked,
hogy a sajátomnak hívlak
A sajátomnak hívlak
Meg akarom ízlelni az ajkaid
magam köré akarlak hajtogatni
egész idáig úton voltam, úton feléd
és beléd akarok mászni, hogy soha ne felejts el
És ott fogunk élni, ott, ahol senki se jár
még a szakadékben is abban reménykedünk,
hogy az enymáséi leszünk
egészen odáig
És azt mondtad, hajts keresztül a szívem és reménykedj, hogy belehalsz
remélem, sosem kell majd kitalálom, mit mondasz
annyira egymásnak teremtettek minket
és megígértem neked,
hogy a sajátomnak hívlak
A sajátomnak hívlak
Emlékszel, karmolunk
Olyan gyorsan megtesszük
Elvesszük, érezzük, csókolózunk
Ezt tesszük
És azt mondtad, hajts keresztül a szívem és reménykedj, hogy belehalsz
remélem, sosem kell majd kitalálom, mit mondasz
annyira egymásnak teremtettek minket
és megígértem neked,
hogy a sajátomnak hívlak
A sajátomnak hívlak
És azt mondtad, hajts keresztül a szívem és reménykedj, hogy belehalsz
remélem, sosem kell majd kitalálom, mit mondasz
annyira egymásnak teremtettek minket
és megígértem neked,
hogy a sajátomnak hívlak
A sajátomnak hívlak
A sajátomnak hívlak
A sajátomnak hívlak
A sajátomnak hívlak
A sajátomnak hívlak

I Would Never Leave

When I opened my eyes,
You were by my side
Oh, you held me tight
And said you are afraid that I leave
Sunlight falls on the window
It’s a season full of warmth,
A clear day with your love
I gave you the maple leaf that fell from the window
As a bookmark
I’ll be with you when you sleep
Let time stop
Let me protect you
Let me feel your breath
I would never leave
I would never leave you
Again again again
This is a promise that belongs to us
Hu ha ah
When I opened my eyes,
You were by my side
Oh, you held me tight
And said you are afraid that I leave
Sunlight falls on the window
It’s a season full of warmth,
A clear day with your love
I gave you the maple leaf that fell from the window
As a bookmark
I’ll be with you when you sleep
Let time stop
Let me protect you
Let me feel your breath
I would never leave
I would never leave you
Again again again
This is a promise that belongs to us
Ha I will let you take over my life
Ha Let me grow old with you
Without many words
You will see that
You are my only one
Let me feel your breath
I would never leave
I would never leave you
Again again again
This is a promise that belongs to us
This is a proof of love,
I am in your hands


Megtaláltak, mégis elveszett vagyok
Már korábban is voltam itt
És ez megint lejátszódik előttem
És tudom, hogy fog véget érni ma este
De tudod, hogy nincsenek szavak
Most tilos mindenféle beszéd
Fogj meg és húzz közelebb magadhoz
Inkább most, mint kicsit később ma este
A telihold az, ami így megragad odakint?
A csendes éjszaka az, ami úgy hullik rám, mint a csókok?
Inkább feküdjünk le
Veled együtt akarok feküdni a csillagok alatt
A folyamatos remény az, ami körüljár minket?
A város zaja az, ami hiányzik nekünk ma este?
Inkább feküdjünk le
Veled együtt akarok feküdni a csillagok alatt
A semmiből tűnik fel
Most előjön valahonnan
A különbségen múlik
ez egy 'sosem akarlak elengedni'-érzés
A telihold az, ami így megragad odakint?
A csendes éjszaka az, ami úgy hullik rám, mint a csókok?
Inkább feküdjünk le
Veled együtt akarok feküdni a csillagok alatt
A folyamatos remény az, ami körüljár minket?
A város zaja az, ami hiányzik nekünk ma este?
Inkább feküdjünk le
Veled együtt akarok feküdni a csillagok alatt
És nincs is igazán értelme
Nem tudom, hol kezdjem, hogy is érzek irántad
A szerelmünk csak egy pillanat, ami majd véget ér
Egy szempillantás alatt, miközben veled beszélek?
A telihold az, ami így megragad odakint?
A csendes éjszaka az, ami úgy hullik rám, mint a csókok?
Inkább feküdjünk le
Veled együtt akarok feküdni a csillagok alatt
A folyamatos remény az, ami körüljár minket?
A város zaja az, ami hiányzik nekünk ma este?
Inkább feküdjünk le
Veled együtt akarok feküdni a csillagok alatt


The window illuminated in my eyes
Close your eyes
Bring me to the place
Where the wind blows
Wanna be myself
Wanna leave this hell
Bring it out
Stuck in a place between the space of heart and mind
Chase time, find your dreams, go
And so am I
Sit on the floor
Thinking I'll stop
Can't take no more
Once I'm ready
I loudly roar
That was the battle but this is the war
I’ll show you what I’m made of
Rise to the occasion
Got fears but I face them
And I’ll show you what I’m made of
A heart full of fire
Looking at a fighter
I got a way it depends on the day
That I forget I’m the best that’s done it
Hard on myself put my heart on a shelf
Cause I forget that myself needs loving
Now forget
All the memories hidden in the dark
Cause I know that I can make it out those days
Sit on the floor
Thinking I'll stop
Can't take no more
Once I'm ready
I loudly roar
That was the battle but this is the war
The light is brighter than the dark, right
They say some moments you wait for all your life
The bright day comes after the night passes
You know the darker the day the more you shine babe
Don't fear it
And I'm not cause today
I’ll show you what I’m made of
Rise to the occasion
Got fears but I face them
And I’ll show you what I’m made of
A heart full of fire
Looking at a fighter
I’ll show you what I’m made of
What I'm made of
What I'm made of
I'll show you what I'm made of
I'll show you

Soul in the water

The air is heavy with your absence
The air is deaf to our feelings
The air is short, and my missing you
You, my other me
You see, my soul is in the water
If dreams had doors
May they lead me there, to your side
The black wave that I must have crossed
Over pains that no-one knows of
My soul is in the water
Blessed be my refuge
Blessed be the gold of my house
Soft breath, our hands brushing against each other
My soul is in the water, my soul is in the water
The air is heavy with your absence
The air is deaf to my feelings
The angel in the sky murmurs an 'I love you'
In a final essence
My soul is in the water
My soul is in the water
My soul is in the water
My soul is in the water
My soul is in the water
My soul is in the water
My soul is in the water
The air is heavy with your absence
The air is deaf to our feelings
Sometimes we miss the air of love
I see the drowning dawn
My soul is in the water
But dreams have doors
Which lead me there, to where my feet can touch the bottom
Despair, the present takes me away
Is it necessary to believe that I'm dead?
My soul is in the water
Blessed be your presence
Blessed be the gold of all the worlds
My soul is in the water
My soul is in the water
The air is heavy with your absence
The air is deaf to our feelings
The air is short, and my missing you
You, my other me
You see, my soul is in the water

110 (Prolog)

If we actually love each other,
Why does it hurt so much?
I know I took it too far
But I dont want you to go
I know how I can provoke you
And that neither one of us is good at losing
Then I'm getting loud
And you dont take me seriously
You piss of and then I feel like sh*t
But I'm not gonna start crying until you're gone
My name on the skin
Man, I love you so much
I say: 'It's over'
And then I feel sorry already
Always the same sh*t
If we actually love each other,
Why does it hurt so much?
I know I took it too far
But I dont want you to go
You're shouting at me And I give you the blame
And the neighbor from upstairs calls 110
Man, if we love each other,
Why does it hurt so much?
Now you're outside with your boys again
Even though you know that I need you right now
Probably you're high again
And then you send me a heart
I know you didn't mean it that way,
And for us it never was really easy
But being without you,
Just doesn't work anymore
You say: 'It's over'
And then you feel sorry already
Always the same sh*t
If we actually love each other,
Why does it hurt so much?
I know I took it too far
But I dont want you to go
You're shouting at me and I give you the blame
And the neighbor from upstairs calls 110
Man, if we love each other,
Why does it hurt so much?
I miss how we were
We just were still there
And you laid in my arms
What did we do?
We don't get along anymore
Why is it so hard?
If we actually love each other,
Why does it hurt so much?
I know I took it too far
But I dont want you to go
You're shouting at me and I give you the blame
And the neighbor from upstairs calls 110
Man, if we love each other,
Why does it hurt so much?
You're shouting at me and I give you the blame
And the neighbor from upstairs calls 110
Man, if we love each other,
Why does it hurt so much?


Versions: #2
Snowfall plays lento over rooftops,
The whole world’s seized by water and ice.
Barely audible, the sound drops,
Beethoven dies!
Beethoven dies!
Beethoven dies!
Into yet unrecognizable notes,
An accord took off and spilled.
The stone domes as vaults enclosed,
Beethoven died!
Beethoven died!
Beethoven died!
Beethoven lives!
And music floats through floors to roofs!
And music floats through floors to roofs!
This morning life seems so full of hopes!
This morning life seems so full of hopes!
This morning life seems so full of hopes!

Take Over

We at the top again, now what?
Heavy lay the crown, but
Count us
Higher than the mountain
And we be up here for the long run
Strap in for a long one
We got everybody on one
Now you're coming at the king so you better not miss
And we only get stronger
With everything I carry up on my back, you should paint it up with a target
Why would you dare me to do it again?
Come get your spoiler up ahead
We're taking over, we're taking over
Look at you come at my name, you 'oughta know by now
That we're taking over, we're taking over
Maybe you wonder what you're futures gonna be, but
I got it all locked up
Take a lap, now
Don't be mad, now
Run it back run it back run it back, now
I got bodies lining up, think you're dreaming of greatness?
Send you back home, let you wake up
Why would you dare me to do it again?
Come get your spoiler up ahead
We're taking over, we're taking over
Look at you come at my name, you 'oughta know by now
That we're taking over, we're taking over
Maybe you wonder what you're futures gonna be, but
I got it all locked up
After all, what still exists except for fights?
Around me, the keyboard is clicking, the clock is ticking
Still not enough, let me protect your persistence
Do not worry about the future even if it’s too late
Let out the fight, right at this moment
I got the heart of lion
I know the higher you climbing, the harder you fall
I'm at the top of the mount
Too many bodies to count, I've been through it all
I had to weather the storm to get to level I'm on
That’s how the legend was born
All of my enemies already dead
I'm bored, I'm ready for more
They know I'm ready for war
I told 'em
We're taking over, we're taking over
Look at you come at my name, you 'oughta know by now
That we're taking over, we're taking over
Maybe you wonder what you're futures gonna be, but
I got it all locked up

I Am Free

Versions: #1
In the falling rain,
'fore night then turns into day,
we stand firm before the storm
together, just you and me.
In the wind that blows,
that is where we catch our breath.
Manne leam joiker stikk
Manne leam frijje, frijje


It was a sweet era,
you only talked about love.
Because I was living, you were also living
my precious boy.
All those lovely moments have become memories,
kisses, vows and happiness.
Time flows and loves go
and our hearts forget about everything.
A day comes, a grey-coloured morning
when life doesn't smile at you anymore,
loneliness and memories kept in the heart
are your only company.
It was a sweet era,
brimmed with light and honesty.
You, a golden image
in my little soul.
All those lovely moments have become memories,
kisses, vows and happiness.
Time flows and loves go
and our hearts forget about everything.
A day comes, a grey-coloured morning
when life doesn't smile at you anymore,
loneliness and memories kept in the heart
are your only company.


My sweet flower,
You who are born every day
From the lips of the sun,
Are only, always you
The one who flies with me.
Another world, make it fall
My breath turns into wind
Of the skies
A pang in my heart
Tell me, when?
There are over a hundred choirs
In the land of the Sardinians
And you are the print of God,
Queen of memories.
It’s like the time, my brother,
Oh, my golden jewel
And never turn your back on God
Because the treasure is you.
You look like a cloud,
Like the Mount Limbara snow-filled.
Another world, make it fall
My breath turns into wind
Of the skies
A pang in my heart
Now I feel it.
There are over a hundred choirs
In the land of the Sardinians
And you are the print of God,
Queen of memories.
It’s like the time, my brother,
Oh, my golden jewel
And never turn your back on God
Because the treasure is you.
… in the land of the Sardinians
… queen of memories
It’s like the time, my brother,
Oh, my golden jewel
And never turn your back on God
Because the treasure is you.


Shalom Salam my “ eyes”{from Arabic -my dear}
Welcome to Israel.
There is like you there is like me

Ruhába öltözve

Minden nőnek van valamije, amit titokban akar tartani
Meg szeretne házasodni, de ezt a dolgot nem akarja hordani
És a férfiak a Marsról, a nők pedig a Venusról származnak
Ezért nem veszi észre senki
Ha szeretnéd,
gyere, megmutatom, miben különbözünk
Mi a legkirályabb dolog, amit csinálhatsz?
Mi lehet jobb, jobb egy csóknál?
Mi az, amire vadászunk
És amire sóvárgunk,
A legkiráklyabb dolog, amit ruhába öltözve megtehetsz?
Egyik férfi sem akar egész nap az ajkaidon csüggni
Ez megijeszt?
Mert egy szívdobbanás alatt lecserélhet
És a férfiak a Marsról, a nők pedig a Venusról származnak
Ezért nem veszi észre senki
Itt van egy terv:
Megmutatom neked, hogy vadászhatsz le egy férfit
Mi a legkirályabb dolog, amit csinálhatsz?
Mi lehet jobb, jobb egy csóknál?
Mi az, amire vadászunk
És amire sóvárgunk,
A legkiráklyabb dolog, amit ruhába öltözve megtehetsz?
Mindenki csodálkozik rajta, mégse tudja senki
Olyan ez, mint egy nagy mágnes, ami egymás felé húz minket
Ha hallanád, mi folyik a fejemben,
Talán sosem kéne találgatnod
Mi a legkirályabb dolog, amit csinálhatsz?
Mi lehet jobb, jobb egy csóknál?
Mi az, amire vadászunk
És amire sóvárgunk,
A legkiráklyabb dolog, amit ruhába öltözve megtehetsz?

Thirsty for Love

All this view right before you, you can't control yourself
What do you have over there that you don't have right here with me?
I can't understand you, you're insane
Going mad every other day
Friday night is like a movie, we've almost replaced the actors
You're kind of like somebody else, I don't know you sometimes
And like smoke, you swirl around all the time, hurting
My lungs are already burning
From breathing in your favorite shampoo
I wanted you to never end
So surely you're gonna spread rumors at work
That you left me 'cause you had no choice
And then you'll call me intoxicated after a party
Thirsty for love
Take a picture of yourself as if you're smiling
Someone will comment, 'You're the best!'
It hurts, it's nowhere near being okay
To skip over us like a page from a book
Friday night is like a movie, we've almost replaced the actors
You're kind of like somebody else, I don't know you sometimes
And like smoke, you swirl around all the time, hurting
My lungs are already burning
From breathing in your favorite shampoo
I wanted you to never end
So surely you're gonna spread rumors at work
That you left me 'cause you had no choice
And then you'll call me intoxicated after a party
Thirsty for love

A Legrosszabb

Legrosszabb teszi amit a legrosszabbak tesznek
A legrosszabbak tesznek mi a legrosszabbak uhh
Legrosszabb teszi amit a legrosszabbak tesznek
A legrosszabbak tesznek mi a legrosszabbak
Élőben jövök rád
Nagyon-nagyon vadul
Jöttem felvillanyozni
Tűzbe borítani a világot
Megszegem a szabályokat
Kettétöröm a szíveket
Mert ezt teszi a legrosszabb
Sohasem megyek vissza
Nem, azt nem
Gyémánt cseppek
Mert csobbanni jöttem
Megszegem a szabályokat
Kettétöröm a szíveket
Mert ezt teszi a legrosszabb
Hőt köpök, leolvasztom az arcod
Tűnj el, a radírod vagyok
A vágásban mint penge
Gyilkos biznisz, hol a blézerem?
Az összes srác rám hajt
Az összes vonalam cseng
Agyonütöm őket, elcsavarom a fejüket
Az összes szem rajtam van
Csinos arccal lépek be
Divatban elöljáró
Akarnád, de nem tudod
Egy pitiáner ég
Te 'hűha Kali legjobb vagy'
Én meg 'Ja, tudom'
Készülj mert szeretek menőzni
Nem állok le
Fénylek, megadarab
Inkább bájt
Hidd el nagyban tolom
Egyenes háttal
Nem támadhatsz
Mert elpusztulnál benne
Én vagyok a főnök, extra a szósszal
Megadom amit akarsz
Sérülést okozok
Úgy ment ahogy terveztem
Teszek amit akarok amikor mondom
Mindenki követhet
Semmi újdonság
Így élni az őrültség peremén
Élőben jövök rád
Nagyon-nagyon vadul
Jöttem felvillanyozni
Tűzbe borítani a világot
Megszegem a szabályokat
Kettétöröm a szíveket
Mert ezt teszi a legrosszabb
Sohasem megyek vissza
Nem, azt nem
Gyémánt cseppek
Mert csobbanni jöttem
Megszegem a szabályokat
Kettétöröm a szíveket
Mert ezt teszi a legrosszabb
(Ez őrület)
Bocsi a rossz hírért bocsi hogy ilyen rossz vagyok
Csak egy percbe telt nekem hogy elérjem amid volt
Bocsi a rossz hírért tudom elszomorít
Csak egy percig leszek itt tiplizned kéne
Ahogy kinézek törvényt kellene sértsen
Ha nem kapom meg amit akarok, elveszem
A köröm kicsi mint egy körbetapsolás
Tudod hogy szeretem a taps hangját
Tudod hogy komolyan gondolom amit mondok
Amikor látsz jönni húzz el az útból
Pusztítani jöttem pusztítani jöttem
Jobbként tértem vissza és kész vagyok maradni
Sérülést okozok
Úgy ment ahogy terveztem
Teszek amit akarok amikor mondom
Mindenki követhet
Semmi újdonság
Így élni az őrültség peremén
(Ez őrület)
Bocsi nem bocsi hogy a legjobb vagyok
Bármikor megtehetem
Nézd az aranyat a mellkasomon
Nézd az aranyat és hívd feszítésnek

7 Stunden

I think of you when I wake up.
Ask me if you do
Whether you also doubt sometimes
I am afraid for both of us
I ask myself, 'Are you awake too?'
Pretend I don't mind
When we write again at night
But words are not enough
Sometimes I think, is good
That I do not tell everything'.
And that you do not always know
How much I miss you
I'd drive seven hours for you
Just so I can see you for one.
I don't care, I sleep on the train
Want to stand before you the next morning
And then you take me in your arms
And you want me to never leave
I'd drive seven hours for you
Just to see you for one (Ah)
Suddenly all of Europe knows me and I live my dream
Every day a different town, but I hardly see you
You are on the phone and you are upset
You scream at me - 'Please, baby, don't hang up!'
Because I know what you're like, I know your moods
How you look at me when I fuck up
But you know that I trust you
Babe, take me home, I'm afraid I'll get lost
And I just run away
Feel' how the earth rotates
I think nobody understands
How much I miss you
I'd drive seven hours for you
Just so I can see you for one.
I don't care, I sleep on the train
Want to stand before you the next morning
And then you take me in your arms
And you want me to never leave
I'd drive seven hours for you
Just so I can see you for one.
And no matter how far away we are
I promise that I will always find a way'
Do not worry
Baby, don't worry anymore
Because no matter, even if it is still so far
I won't stop until you are no longer alone
Please believe my words
I'd drive seven hours for you
Just so I can see you for one.
I don't care, I sleep on the train
Want to stand before you the next morning
And then you take me in your arms
And you want me to never leave
I'd drive seven hours for you
Just so I can see you for one.

Autumn Leaves (The Dead Leaves)

The falling leaves drift by my window,
the autumn leaves of red and gold.
I see your lips, the summer kisses,
the sunburned hands I used to hold.
Since you went away the days grow long,
and soon I'll hear old winter's song.
But I miss you most of all, my darling,
when autumn leaves begin to fall.
It's a song that looks like us.
You, you loved me and me, I loved you.
We live everything together, you and I,
you who loved me, me who loved you.
But life separates those who love each other,
always sweetly, without making any noise.
And the sea erases on the sand
the steps of separated lovers.
Since you went away the days grow long,
and soon I'll hear old winter's song.
But I miss you most of all, my darling,
when autumn leaves begin to fall.

A Friend from Galilee

Even in the valley, where my place of exile is
My age slowly increases, shortening my steps
A holy eternal blessing, had shined on my way through
That's what He did, a Friend from Galilee
Amidst being miserable, in a dark and lonely night
My friends and my brethren have far parted ways
I myself have heard, a sweet and melodious voice
That's His voice, a Friend from Galilee
In the fight against sin, I felt weak
I almost gave myself up and my faith almost collapsed
I've bowed down and surrendered, yet my faith is strong
That's His aid, a Friend from Galilee


Like two strangers,
the naked bodies beating1
like a blossoming flower.
It all seems so beautiful.
Heaps of torn paper,
burnt out, ripped off flowers.
My heart is in a mess.
My emotions are withering.
Something throbs in my chest,
a metronome on the beat
and my heart gets drunk on your cursed words
as my chest throbs,
a metronome on the beat,
and my heart gets drunk on your algorithms,
on your algorithms.
Like the sea beating it2
I drift away
like the years go by
and beached landscapes3.
A bunch of vanished promises,
a drained hourglass.
The mermaids called for you4
and now you're drowning by their side.
Something throbs in my chest,
a metronome on the beat
and my heart gets drunk on your cursed words
as my chest throbs,
a metronome on the beat,
and my heart gets drunk on your algorithms,
on your algorithms.
  • 1. plays on the similarity between 'cœur' (heart) and 'corps' (body)
  • 2. 'se tirer' is a slangy equivalent of 'partir', it sounds pretty awkward here
  • 3. that line doesn't fit the sentence in French either
  • 4. or maybe 'called out to you', the word is a bit odd here