Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 11

Találatok száma: 536


Tomorrow the world explodes

It's unbelievable how gray everything is without you
But you aren't much better, so pale as you are.
We try to hate each other,
But it doesn't work,
Because we always feel something like love.
Look at the news,
At what's happening.
No one really knows
How it will go.
Every glance is costly,
Let's not waste any time,
If today is the last day I want to live it with you.
Tomorrow the world explodes,
But we have tonight,
Tomorrow the world explodes,
Let love have the power.
And we celebrate ourselves and celebrate life,
Until the Big Bang.
What happens tomorrow,
We race through the night in free fall.
Tomorrow the world explodes,
But the morning is not far.
Kiss me today for immortality.
I dance over the abyss, without you I'd fall in,
Try to forget you,
But nothing has worked,
We'll do everything as if we were heroes tonight in this city.
Tomorrow the world explodes,
But we have tonight,
Tomorrow the world explodes,
Let love have the power.
And we celebrate ourselves and celebrate life,
Until the Big Bang.
What happens tomorrow,
We race through the night in free fall.
Tomorrow the world explodes,
But the morning is not far.
Kiss me today for immortality.
(But we have tonight)
Tomorrow the world explodes,
Let love have the power.
And we celebrate ourselves and celebrate life until the Big Bang.
What happens tomorrow,
We race through the night in free fall.
Tomorrow the world explodes,
But we have tonight,
Tomorrow the world explodes,
Let love have the power.
And we celebrate ourselves and celebrate life until the Big Bang.
What happens tomorrow,
We race through the night in free fall.
Tomorrow the world explodes,
But the morning is not far.
Kiss me today for immortality.

First Class

[Verse 1]
Removing the sleeves from a vinyl (first class)
Not feeling alone when you are alone
Not missing out on the last train (first class)
Not getting fooled by all the opulence
When I'm knowing that you are okay (first class)
Only good songs in the playlist
Driving out of town without your cell phone (first class)
When I hear myself singing then I realize
For all the first class things that there are
Is not enough space in a three minute song
Just take a look and you will come to realize
So many things are still (first class, first class)
For all the first class things that there are
Is not enough space in a three minute song
Just take a look and you will come to realize
So many things are still (first class, first class)
[Verse 2]
Test-driving and still not buying it (first class)
Baptizing a rubber raft with Champagne
Being happy with it all (first class)
Brawling all your favorite songs
Watching the city with you from high ground (first class)
Not sleeping but still be looking good
Once you realize that your problem actually wasn't one
The rest of this life is going to become pretty first class
For all the first class things that there are
Is not enough space in a three minute song
Just take a look and you will come to realize
So many things are still (first class, first class)
For all the first class things that there are
Is not enough space in a three minute song
Just take a look and you will come to realize
So many things are still (first class, first class)
[Verse 3]
Knowing people who stick by their words
Leaving without packing a suitcase
Your voice, when the silence is too much for me
When that odd road still leads to your destination
That one number that you can call at any time
The music in your head you are dancing to
Knowing that there is not another one like you
And that somewhere out there, someone's loving you
For all the first class things that there are
Is not enough space in a three minute song
Just take a look and you will come to realize
So many things are still (first class, first class)
For all the first class things that there are
Is not enough space in a three minute song
Just take a look and you will come to realize
So many things are still (first class, first class)
For all the first class things that there are
Is not enough space in a three minute song
Just take a look and you will come to realize
So many things are still (first class, first class)

Dodzsem Autók

Nem tudok nem azon tűnődni, miért gondolod
Bárhol is vagy
Késő esti filmek, gondtalan ivászat
Hogy elfedd a sebeket
És amennyire veled akarok lenni, tudom
Te és én, dodzsem autók vagyunk
Minél jobban próbálok eljutni hozzád
Annál jobban szétcsattanunk
Körbe és körbe üldözzük a szikrákat
De úgy tűnik, csak egy dologhoz vezetnek...
Egy kupac törött alkatrészhez
Dodzsem autók vagyunk
Dodzsem autók
Minél jobban próbálok eljutni hozzád
Annál jobban szétcsattanunk
Jó szándékok, ezek a kérdések
Egyedül ülünk
Minden út mióta elmentél, mind rossz irány
Sosem fogok hazajutni
És ez arra késztet, hogy veled akarjak lenni, tudom
Te és én, dodzsem autók vagyunk
Minél jobban próbálok eljutni hozzád
Annál jobban szétcsattanunk
Körbe és körbe üldözzük a szikrákat
De úgy tűnik, csak egy dologhoz vezetnek...
Egy kupac törött alkatrészhez
Dodzsem autók vagyunk
Dodzsem autók
Minél jobban próbálok eljutni hozzád
Annál jobban szétcsattanunk
Ennek mókásnak kellett volna lennie
Ennek kellett volna lennie az egyetlennek
Talán túl sokáig maradtunk
Talán teljesen rosszul játszottunk
Ennek jónak kellett volna lennie
De tudom, tudom
Te és én, dodzsem autók vagyunk
Minél jobban próbálok eljutni hozzád
Annál jobban szétcsattanunk
Körbe és körbe üldözzük a szikrákat
De úgy tűnik, csak egy dologhoz vezetnek...
Egy kupac törött alkatrészhez
Dodzsem autók vagyunk
Dodzsem autók
Minél jobban próbálok eljutni hozzád
Annál jobban szétcsattanunk
Dodzsem autók vagyunk
Dodzsem autók
Minél jobban próbálok eljutni hozzád
Annál jobban szétcsattanunk


I want that you never grieve,
That you like to shout out loud:
I want to live!'

A Tiny House at the End of the World

A tiny house at the end of the world,
built1 on happiness, our love saw.
Time passed, we hardly noticed,
for this happiness was as splendid as a dream.
The wind sang a sweet2 song in the trees
and you wanted to be at my side,
come what may.
Now you're far away and [will] never return.
Abandoned by happiness stands a lonely house.
The wind sang a sweet2 song in the trees
and you wanted to be at my side,
come what may.
Now you're far away and [will] never return.
Abandoned by happiness stands a lonely house.
  • 1. Lit. 'standing'
  • or 'tender'

I will never look for you

Versions: #2
Never I will write not a line, you shouldn’t wait my letter too.
Never I will look for your love, but love will find the way to you.
Starless night and silent day,
There were some dreams that went away
That’s too long for me to wait,
And too simple to get all that
I will never look for your trace
But love will find the way to you
I will never seek your address,
You shouldn’t wait my letter too.
Question that you never will hear:
Where were you? What’s in your past ?
Never I will look for you, dear,
But love will find you, my sweetheart.
Sky with clouds is blue and white,
You’re like fairy bird but still you are not mine.
I had prophetic dreams they told me
Not to seek you and never believe
I will never look for you hence
But love will find the way to you
I will never seek your address,
You shouldn’t wait my letter too.
Question that you never will hear:
Where were you? What did you do?
Never I will look for you, dear,
My love will find the road to you.
Listening music of wild winds
Hearing breath of my soul,
You will leave cold of streets
And fly to me
I will never look for your trace,
But love will find the way to you
I will never seek your address,
You shouldn’t wait my letter too.
Question that you never will hear:
Where were you? What’s in your past ?
Never I will look for you, dear,
But love will find you…

What's Ahead

The night leaked through his hands
And with her went the scent from your body
You're like water that dissolved in sand without a trace
And I only wanted one
What's ahead, what's in the eyes
So that the soul is not destroyed
So it's not a pity to stay
My heart is in your dreams
I've been with you for so many years
I follow the trail like a shadow, I try to understand everything
Where, how, for what star
The world was made by you, but i'll wait again
What's ahead, what's in the eyes
So that the soul is not destroyed
So it's not a pity to stay
My heart is in your dreams
I don't sleep calmly, I'll flip your world around
I'll return to you! I'll return to you, I'll return!
What's ahead, what's in the eyes
So that the soul is not destroyed
So it's not a pity to stay
My heart is in your dreams
Entirely my own work, please quote/reference me if used elsewhere.

Reménytelenül Reményteljes

Meredt, tágra nyílt szemekkel
A semmibe bámulva
Egyhelyben ácsorgok újra
Elvégezve a mozdulatokat
Be és ki, ahogyan az óceán hullámai
Legyökerezve a csöndben, az érzelmek hiányában
Amikor az írások összege semmi más csak egy kattanás a körforgásban, yeah
Elegem van a lélek nyugalmából ami egyetért
ennek folytatásával
Mert legbelül én képtelen vagyok kitartani emellett
Olyan érzés mintha itt ragadtam volna felfüggesztve és ez baromira kiábrándító.
Mi a baj velem?
A tudatom ébresztget, de a világ korántsem annyi mint amennyit mondtak róla
Reménytelenül reményteljes vagyok
Talán nem ragadok itt végleg, felfüggesztve egy világban amiről csak tettettem, hogy jó nekem
Belefáradva ugyanabba a régi dologba
Addig vakartam magam, hogy már fájjon
Hogy érezzek valami valódit is végre
Emlékeztetve magam rá, hogy ez nem csak a képzeletem szüleménye
Torkig vagyok már a nyugodt egyetértéssel, hogy mindent beleadva haladjak a sorral
Én képtelen vagyok ebben kitartani és ettől csak...
Olyan érzésem lesz mintha itt ragadtam volna félretéve, és ez elkeserítő
Mi a fene van velem?
A tudatom ébresztget, de a világ korántsem annyi mint amennyit mondtak róla
Reménytelenül reménykedem
Abban, hogy nem ragadok itt végleg, félretéve egy világban amiről csak tettettem, hogy jó nekem
Amikor becsukom szemem
Amikor elhagyom a fényt
Belül ez olyan érzés mintha itt ragadtam volna tétlenül és ez elszomorító.
Mit csinálok rosszul?
A tudatom ébresztget, de a világ korántsem annyi mint amennyit elmondanak róla.
Reménytelenül reményteljes vagyok
Talán nem ragadok itt végleg, tétlenül egy világban amiről csak tettettem, hogy jó nekem

Sleep Away

The softness of touching spreads all over
Like a boat stopped traveling by the seashore just to feel the gentleness of the ocean
Usually I wouldn't be there for no one, except for tonight
You're telling me not to think too much
So we don't have to complicate things
You came to the top of the world with the sky full of stars on your shoulder
We don't know each other that well but you got my trust already
You're too different from them baby
I hope you know it know it know it
The ocean blue flowing in your eyes
Like how people come and go in our lives
I've been thinking about you lately
I hope you know it know it know it
I'm not sure if you are really with me
Feeling like a whale stranded on the beach crying under the sun because of insecurity
I wish I have the eyes of the softly blowing wind
Elevating and hoping I could look for you from up in the air
So I can follow you in eddy of dust
You came to the top of the world with the sky full of stars on your shoulder
We don't know each other that well but you got my trust already
You're too different from them baby
I hope you know it know it know it
The ocean blue flowing in your eyes
Like how people come and go in our lives
I've been thinking about you lately
I hope you know it know it know it
Red bottom Louboutin and Yves Saint Laurent
Starlight shed on the floor
My heart shivers
You know that I ain't ready yet I know that you know where she at
Empty your glass and get outta my sight then tonight you'll be gone but I know that we are better than that babe
Why don't you stay with me
You are oxygen to me
Sometimes my fear chokes me from telling the truth
that you are my only
You came to the top of the world with the sky full of stars on your shoulder
We don't know each other that well but you got my trust already
You're too different from them baby
I hope you know it know it know it
The ocean blue flowing in your eyes
Like how people come and go in our lives
I've been thinking about you lately
I hope you know it know it know it
When I think of you
birds fly through a peaceful lake of blue
Can you hear me in silence?
I'm calling your name
The ocean blue flowing in your eyes
Like how people come and go in our lives
I've been thinking about you lately
I hope you know it know it know it
Why don't you stay with me
You are oxygen to me
Sometimes my fear chokes me from telling the truth
that you are my only

War on Open Field

I take one more step towards you
I know that's not good
To leave everything behind me
I am waiting again
And I'm looking for an escape
So I wouldn't get again under your shadow
I have been looking, but I can't find (it)
I feel sometimes (that) I go crazy
I wonder what is really on your mind
I do what is good, but I still do wrong
I think I forgot how to love
I think I forgot how to live with your absence
I want to leave, but I wanna stay
I can't bare any longer not to know what I want
It's an war on open field
Evem if I win, I don't feel I overcame
I don't feel I overcame
I am still looking for twinkle
One last deception
To stay more a little longer in your world
Give me your hand and maybe
We'll overcome everything
Be the peace from/of my heart
I have been looking for your, but you have hidden
No answer is enough for me
I think I forgot how love feels like
I say that I'm fine, but I keep coming back
I know love is not a game
We are both war prisoners
I want to leave, but I wanna stay
I can't bare any longer not to know what I want
It's an war on open field
Evem if I win, I don't feel I overcame
I don't feel I overcame
I haven't forgot how to fly, travelling soul
Only with you(r help) I pass it when I miss(it)
My hope is closed in your hand/palm
I want to leave, but I wanna stay
I can't bare any longer not to know what I want
It's an war on open field
I want to leave, but I wanna stay
I can't bare any longer not to know what I want
It's an war on open field
Evem if I win, I don't feel I overcame
I don't feel I overcame

Stay With Me

Stay with me don’t go
You’re the only one that I have
Only one that I have
Only one that I have
Stay with me don’t go
You’re the only one that I have
You’re the only one that I have
I admit
I don’t know how
Ronnie it feels good, everything you do with me
Every time, and each time again
You can always count on me, always
Do you still love me if I have nothing, baby
Will you admit it if you’re wrong, baby
Take my hand, I lead you through the fog, my baby
I can bring you to the other side please believe me
It’s nothing and you know it
Rather you don’t love me alone
Yes, I feel sick when I miss you
Oh, who holds you when it’s cold outside?
Stay with me don’t go
You’re the only one that I have
Only one that I have
Only one that I have
Stay with me don’t go
Only one that I have
You’re the only one that I have
You’re the only one that I have
I admit
I don’t know how
Ronnie it feels good, everything you do with me
Every time, and each time again
You can always count on me, always
Yeah, ah, ey
I find it difficult to say what I feel for you
Those girls gossip, let them sit on a chair
Last time I saw you I was a dumb fool
Talking to those bitches with my dumb mug
You shouldn’t flirt in front of me that isn’t fucking cool
I am a wing player if I shoot my shot I aim for the goal
Damn shawty, I do everything for you on instinct
Unconditionally yours, yeah
Do you still love me if I have nothing, baby
Will you admit it if you’re wrong, baby
Take my hand, I lead you through the fog, my baby
I can bring you to the other side please believe me
It’s nothing and you know it
Rather you don’t love me alone
Yes, I feel sick when I miss you
Oh, who holds you when it’s cold outside? (woah)
Stay with me don’t go
You’re the only one that I have
Only one that I have
Only one that I have
Stay with me don’t go
Only one that I have
You’re the only one that I have
You’re the only one that I have

Triptych in Rememberance of V. Vysotsky

If it's so, good. If it's all for a reason,
If the wind is to blow and the trees are to wave,
If we live a happy life [only] so long as we don't live to the age of one hundred,
And then we go every which way, but then we still come back.
If we live a happy life [only] so long as we don't count up to one hundred,
And then we go every which way, but then we still come back.
Everyone comes back: friends and foes,
Via the most beloved and loyal women.
Everyone comes back, and they go to the circles [of hell],
And again they don't trust their fate, to a greater or lesser extent.1
Everyone comes back, and they go to the circles [of hell],
And again they don't trust their fate, to a greater or lesser extent.
If it's so, good. That means they seek their fate,
But instead they find themselves, if they find at all,
If you've seen a hole in a forehead in a coffin2
Going belly up, kicking the bucket at rest with fathers, or however else thay say in common language.
It feels good even in a coffin so long as you've got a hole in your forehead,
Going belly up, kicking the bucket at rest with fathers, or however else thay say in common language.
But even the eternal fire will burn down,
This sleep is good but still not eternal.
The entrance to the Milky Way is open in the East,3
And again the milk runs down your chest, down your lips, and you can't change the meeting place.4
The entrance to the Milky Way is open in the East,
And milk again, and you can't change the meeting place.
If a woman is sober, if a woman is bored,
It's probably hard and cheerless for her to be with us.
But you pour her some wine, you reach for the bottom -
Oh, she'll give you the grain and everything to fire up the stove.
But you pour her some wine, you reach for the bottom -
Oh, she'll give you everything to fire up the stove.
And again you collect your loaf crumb by crumb,
And again drop by drop you spill your blood into boiling water.
The life won't forgive only those who thought ill of it:
A woman only takes revenge for not accepting her love.
The life won't forgive only those who thought ill of it:
A woman only takes revenge for not accepting her love.
So catch this word to begin all your affairs at once,
You're supposed to wrestle everything down again
For the girl called Time to plait fairy tales,
For the boy called Time to shoot his sling.
For the girl called Time to plait fairy tales,
For the boy called Time to shoot his sling.
So that they don't forgive you if you don't understand the game,
If you don't catch the ball and don't even cry yourself to sleep.
If you don't understand, if you don't even sing along,
Then instead of a guitar you'll grab a rattle again.
The rattle rattles, yet it's hollow inside.
It's boring to listen to for a hundredth time, you can have too much even of a fairy tale.
So don't wait until they count up to a hundred,
It's better to hear seven times, to say once,
Or to build,
To cook or to sing, to prove -
But for that, you must feel a message in a tale.
To bind tighter, to bind tighter,
You must feel the resolution is coming soon.
A wheel track on water. But you can't get
To Wonderland5 by it, especially light-handed and with smalltalk.
So don't reproach me:
'Why on Earth did you go into the water?'
Of course I'll sing, of course I'll sing,
But I'd rather we sing together.6
So don't reproach me:
'Why on Earth did you go into the water?'
Of course I'll sing, of course I'll sing,
But I'd rather we sing together.
For it feels good if the choir strikes up on a high note together with you,
Missing the notes but heartfully and straight to the root, and the roots will get along with the soul.
Is anything wrong?7
Everything seems as usual, the same sky is blue again,8
But something must be different
If it suddenly felt so good.
But why guess? The sky is high,
Yet the Earth where you're to knead dough is close at hand.
If you erect a cross over Wonderland,
Then you've chosen the best place for the Cross.
If you erect a cross over Wonderland,
Then you've chosen the best place for the Cross.
But our dead won't leave us in danger,9
Our fallen are like watchmen on duty.
But the sky is reflected in you and in me,
And in the name of the names, let the alive not leave the alive!
The sky is reflected in you and in me,
And in the name of the names, let the alive not leave the alive!
All in all, there's enough place in the dugout for everyone.
What do we want? Just peace and mercy for our house.
And the hearty laughter storms through the clouds:
'To be or not to be? What's the question if it couldn't've been other way?'10
And the hearty laughter storms through the clouds:
'To be or not to be? What's the question if it couldn't've been other way?'
  • 1. A reference to Vysotsky's song 'Korabli' (see )
  • 2. 'To see smth. in a coffin' means 'to be sick of smth.'
  • 3. The word восход can mean 'East', but its general meaning is 'sunrise' or just 'rise, ascention', so the line can also be read as 'the entrance is open for ascention'
  • 4. 'The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed' is a Soviet TV miniseries featuring Vysotsky
  • 5. 'Alice in Wonderland' is a broadcast musical play featuring sons by Vysotsky
  • 6. Another reference to 'Korabli' (see footnote 1)
  • 7. Or, literally: 'Is anything different?'
  • 8. A reference to Vysotsky's song 'On ne vernulsia iz boja' (see )
  • 9. Further reference to 'On ne vernulsia iz boja'
  • 10. The role of Hamlet was Vysotsky's most famous theatrical work.

How long should I resist and wait for you?

I suffered and I
Just let it go,
You lied to me, but I will not forget
And I can not bear anymore, my love!
How long should I resist and wait
For you to love me?
You always say that
Today you love another man.
(chorus x 2)
You're not calling me,
You do not send me a message anymore
And I know
That secretly you meet.
My little heart
Cannot laugh,
You see/ meet with him
Even if you are with me.
I always cry and argue
With my soul,
How long should I resist? I can”t
Stay without you ...
I'm tired and I can”t bear
This torment and this longing
Either you come back,
Or you let me die peacefully...
(chorus x 2)
You're not calling me,
You do not send me a message anymore
And I know
That secretly you meet.
My little heart
Cannot laugh,
You see/ meet with him
Even if you are with me.
Share music and kindness! :)

Elkezdeni Nélküled

Ne kényszeríts, hogy nélküled kezdjem el
Uh Red One
Éj, héj, egy szörnyeteg vagyok
Éj, héj, egy szörnyeteg vagyok
A DJ elindította a lemezt, elkezdődik a tolongás
Elindította a lemezt, elkezdődik a tolongás
Éj fiú, én ki fogom lökni
Éj fiú, én ki fogom lökni
Tűz van a gyomromban, mint egy körhintán
Előre hátra mozgatlak majd
Igen, mint én, gyere a táncparkettre
Igen, mint én
(nem akarom elkezdeni nélküled)
Oh el is kezdtem
Egészen lemegyek
El fogod mulasztani
Hogy erre táncolj
Ne hagyd, hogy nélküled kezdjem el
Oh el is kezdtem
Túl lassan mozogsz
Feléd közelítek
Tedd le a poharad
Ne kényszeríts, hogy nélküled kezdjem el
(Én nem akarom elkezdeni nélküled)
(Én nem akarom elkezdeni nélküled)
Éj fiú, ahogyan én mozgok
Éj fiú, ahogyan én mozgok
A testem, mint egy fegyver, ami felrobbant téged
Üt, mint egy dob, felrobbantalak téged
Hé fiú, áj merre jársz?
Hé fiú, áj merre jársz?
Csak te vagy az, akit a hátam mögött akarok tudni
Az egyetlen, akit a hátam mögött akarok tudni
Igen, mint én, gyere a táncparkettre
Igen, mint én
(nem akarom elkezdeni nélküled)
Oh el is kezdtem
Egészen lemegyek
El fogod mulasztani
Hogy erre táncolj
Ne hagyd, hogy nélküled kezdjem el
Oh el is kezdtem
Túl lassan mozogsz
Feléd közelítek
Tedd le a poharad
Ne kényszeríts, hogy nélküled kezdjem el
Hallgass meg, lökd ki
Nézd, az a lány hogyan nyomja
kinyitunk néhány üveget, hajtsd fel őket
szerzek még egy kört, tudom, hogy szereted a
ezt a zenét a klubban, ne kezdjétek el nélkülem
én csak most értem a klubba
te ellopod a showt, nincs ellenfeled, te vagy a legdögösebb
a tűz feltalálása óta a fejemre ejted és amnéziát okozol
rázd, rázd, rázd úgy mintha rohamot kapott volna a tested, tisztítsd le
Mint egy propeller, ő pörög, pörög, pörög és én csak hátra, hátra, hátra húzódom
az én csajom tudja mit csinál, úgy megy mint egy rakéta, ami fel fog robbantani téged
Igen, mint én, gyere a táncparkettre
Igen, mint én
(nem akarom elkezdeni nélküled)
Oh el is kezdtem
Egészen lemegyek
El fogod mulasztani
Hogy erre táncolj
Ne hagyd, hogy nélküled kezdjem el
Oh el is kezdtem
Túl lassan mozogsz
Feléd közelítek
Tedd le a poharad
Ne kényszeríts, hogy nélküled kezdjem el
Oh el is kezdtem
Egészen lemegyek
El fogod mulasztani
Hogy erre táncolj
Ne hagyd, hogy nélküled kezdjem el
Oh el is kezdtem
Túl lassan mozogsz
Feléd közelítek
Tedd le a poharad
Ne kényszeríts, hogy nélküled kezdjem el

Yellow City

Yellow city, rain is coming
The door's handle is frozen
Another night waiting for you
But you're not coming back again
It's getting late, couch of misery
The sheets have a musty smell
Another night against the wind
Being afraid of the weather
Foreign steps on the old ladder
It must be the single guy next door
Another night you live and die
In another hug

A rúzs illata

A rúzsod illata
Lövell a vénámban
Rab vagyok most
Kiöntöm a bort
S mindenkivel háborúban állok
Hogy ma éjjel rádtaláljak
fel fogom forgatni a várost
Ma éjjel valahol rád fogok találni
Megyek, hogy romba döntsem magam
Hozzád fogok indulni
S holnap vezekelni fogok
Tudom, hogy a nyomomban jársz
Gyűlölsz, mert mégis kedves vagyok hozzád
Mert te s én, olyanok vagyunk egymásnak,
Mint a drog, s éreznem kell
Átkozottam 3x
Valahol rád fogok találni
Megyek, hogy romba döntsem magam
Mert te s én, olyanok vagyunk egymásnak,
Mint a drog s éreznem kell
Átkozottam 3x

The Soldier

Tonight he took a leave
And with an empty pocket
he is going to the town
He greets the soldier,
gets in a van
and the death can't escape
Come join us, soldier
sit and have a glass (of wine)
Forget about the barracks and the scopes
and drink the wine of our herats
The city like an enchantress
like an old lady
she fires up her necklaces
But when she brings him in the narrow paths
the loneliness is chatting with him
she is taking him by the arm*
Come join us, soldier
sit and have a glass (of wine)
Forget about the barracks and the scopes
and drink the wine of our herats
He got tired of the roads
grievances took over him
He is entering the tavern.
He is looking for someone to have a drink with,
(someone) to have the same sorrow
together to find out what they can do
Come join us, soldier
sit and have a glass (of wine)
Forget about the barracks and the scopes
and drink the wine of our herats

Hat Trick

He never puts his head down.
Defiant, but polite.
His eyes are as deep as labyrinth.
The vortex flows to the bottomless pit.
Don't doubt again.
He is playing a trick.
Dazzling mystery.
Gone with the wind.
I just want to be, want to be loved.
Guess we’re bound to be, bound to be lost.
I could wait another night
Just to take another bite on you.
You are not there at the end, so I'm going to sleep. Don't come ever.
I just want to be, want to be loved.
Guess we’re bound to be, bound to be lost.
I could wait another night
Just to take another bite on you.
You are not there at the end, so I'm going to sleep. Don't come ever.
Then wear the gold hat, like it would move me.
If you can bounce high, bounce for me in one, two, three.
Summer roses in full bloom,
Petal fly, fly, fly.
I won’t wait any longer,
For a day, day, day.
The girl really worth having won’t wait for anybody
The girl really worth having won’t wait for anybody
I just want to be, want to be loved.
Guess we’re bound to be, bound to be lost.
I could wait another night
Just to take another bite on you.
You are not there at the end, so I'm going to sleep. Don't come ever.


Én vagyok a romlottság!
Azt hiszed, hogy minden tökéletes, buta lány
Annyi csoda van itt, épp a szemed előtt
Mit árthat? Mi baj van veled?
Ki a franc ő? Miért nem tudhatod? Miért nem tudhatod?
És a falak leomlottak és a Mennyország kitárult
Túl késő követelni az ártatlanságodat
Amint a bizalom megszakadt
Csak egy kis kóstolás volt
Annyira édes volt
Nem tudtad elképzelni a legvadabb álmaidban sem
Meg kell kóstolnod, nyúlj ki és vedd el
Csak egy pillanatra gondolj bele, hogy egy férfi, aki túl sokat törődik
Miért tartana vissza egy ilyen egyszerű dolgot egy ilyen ártatlantól
Talán mindent magának akar, mert azt hiszi, hogy nem érdemled meg
Hogy érezd azokat az örömöket, amikről érzi, hogy sosem fogod érezni
Kérdezd meg magadtól, hogy miért ad neked kevesebbet, mikor ő többet vesz el
Kérdezd meg magadtól, hogy lehet, hogy a szabadság azt jelenti, hogy be vagy zárva e falak közé
Talán gyenge vagy, vagy egy hiba, vagy túl érzelmes
Talán túl jó vagy a világához, talán sosem voltál
És a falak leomlottak és a Mennyország kitárult
Túl késő követelni az ártatlanságodat
Amint a bizalom megszakadt
Csak egy kis kóstolás volt
Annyira édes volt
Nem tudtad elképzelni a legvadabb álmaidban sem
Meg kell kóstolnod, nyúlj ki és vedd el
Sosem fogja megtudni, én sosem fogom elmondani
Megérdemled, megérdemled a szabadságot
Szavamat adom, vagy küldj a pokolba
Megérdemled, hogy tudd, megérdemled a szabadságot
És a falak leomlottak és a Mennyország kitárult
Túl késő követelni az ártatlanságodat
Amint a bizalom megszakadt
Csak egy kis kóstolás volt
Annyira édes volt
Nem tudtad elképzelni a legvadabb álmaidban sem
Meg kell kóstolnod, nyúlj ki és vedd el
Meg kell kóstolnod, nyúlj ki és vedd el
Nyúlj ki és vedd el

138-as szoba

A hátamon fekszem, alig lélegzem, s a fényt bámulom
Imádkozom, hogy ez nem a vég, de biztos vagyok, hogy akár az is lehetne
A hátamon vagyok, a szívem a testemen kívül dobok
Sosem gondoltam volna, nem tudom elhinni, hogy ez történik
Szóval ezeknek a falaknak kellene tartaniuk ezt a pillanatot
Sosem gondoltam volna, hogy újra itt leszek
A látásom homályosul, ahol a fények lassan elhalványolódnak
Kérlek húzz ki ebből az egészből
A bordáim összezúzodnak, pedig esküszöm, még csak 23 vagyok
Kúszva keresek egy mentőkötelet, de nem érem el
Valaki hallja meg a hangom, és nyissa ki az ajtót
Segítsen fel a padlóról, s állítsa meg a remegésem
A vér forr az ereimben
Istenem, a fájdalom könyörtelen
Készen állok a végre,
Ha az azt jelenti, hogy ennek az egésznek vége lesz
Szóval ezeknek a falaknak kellene tartaniuk ezt a pillanatot
Sosem gondoltam volna, hogy újra itt leszek
A látásom homályosul, ahol a fények lassan elhalványolódnak
Kérlek húzz ki ebből az egészből
A ködön keresztül megláttam egy arcot
Egy második esély, egy újabb élet
Hogyan bocsátottál meg nekem?
A fejemet a mellkasodhoz szorítottad
Azt mondtad minden rendben van, ne félj,
Csak csukd be a szemeid ls pihenj
A ködön keresztül megláttam egy arcot
Egy második esély, egy újabb élet
Hogyan bocsátottál meg nekem?
A fejemet a mellkasodhoz szorítottad
Azt mondtad minden rendben van, ne félj
Szóval ezeknek a falaknak kellene tartaniuk ezt a pillanatot
Sosem gondoltam volna, hogy újra itt leszek
A látásom homályosul, ahol a fények lassan elhalványolódnak
Kérlek húzz ki ebből az egészből
Kérlek húzz ki ebből az egészből
Kérlek húzz ki ebből az egészből

At The End of Our Love

Versions: #2
I know that you’re going to leave. Your eyes have told me you’re not coming back. and though it hurts deep inside of me, I had a feeling that one day this would happen.
You loved me I know. I won’t deny it. I don’t have any reason to. Go on your way, and don’t look back. I know a new love, is waiting for you.
But at the end of our love, my wish for you is, that he loves you, and wants you, takes care of you, and always spoils you. That he always takes you with him and that he never forgets you. That he never says goodbye. May you never need anything. That he never fails you. That he makes you happy. For real happy.
But at the end of our love, my wish for you is, that he loves you, and wants you, takes care of you, and always sees you. That he never forgets you. That he never says goodbye. That he never fails you. May he make you happy, for real happy.
At The End of Our Love

Like A Mercedes

Say less,
An extra word may tear us apart
Oh yeah,
but you already know what I’m about to say
We’re too busy enjoying ourselves to tell
How fast we’re rushing into the high
Oh yeah,
Thought I would but I ain’t here to play
Said I could,
Let you in but I hate it when you see through me
Got you good,
That night when I was acting unruly
Hold me close,
Do me do me you don’t have to do me properly
Let me know,
The winding way to the deepest end of your soul
Yeah you got me riding riding
Riding riding like crazy
I just can’t get enough of you, but that’s alright
Feeling like going on a joyride with you through the night
I keep accelerating on the road with you at my side
Going like a Mercedes
Got me riding like crazy
Cra, cra crazy
Are we still strangers, though?
Don’t try to pretend that nothing ever happened, please
Oh yeah,
I gotta know you there ain’t no other way
How you feel,
When everything between us flows into reality
Make it real,
It’s too good to be true for you and me
Yeah you got me riding riding
Riding riding like crazy
I just can’t get enough of you, but that’s alright
Feeling like going on a joyride with you through the night
I keep accelerating on the road with you at my side
Going like a Mercedes
Got me riding like crazy
I wanna know your body
Keep on climbing with me
I wanna know your body
I wanna know your body
Keep on climbing with me
I wanna know your body
Yeah you got me riding riding
Riding riding like crazy
I just can’t get enough of you, but that’s alright
Feeling like going on a joyride with you through the night
I keep accelerating on the road with you at my side
Going like a Mercedes
Got me riding like crazy
Yeah you got me riding riding
Riding riding like crazy
I just can’t get enough of you, but that’s alright
Feeling like going on a joyride with you through the night
I keep accelerating on the road with you at my side
Going like a Mercedes
Got me riding like crazy


Na na na na nada
Na na na na nada
Na na na
My pocket hefty actin like it’s nada
Fresh off that yacht move steady in designer
Step up my game I don’t care what you think
This henny agua, he gon do me proper
I got em all like it’s nada
Way up high like NASA
When I bring something different
you gotta take it
I got em all like it’s nada
Way up high like NASA
When i bring something different
you gotta take it
Speeding up my spacecraft I arrived early
I’m used to them numbers, I don’t count
It’s just whatever
Counting down to doomsday so I can be free from gravity
When the day comes everything will be gone like I see the future
Pathetic, a bird aint gon fly in a cage
Too flashy a wraith, I don’t feel no way
Flexin’ all day,
In the end I don’t got nothing when I’m left
Looking back, I’m standing at the end of the world then I got cold feet
Cuz I got nada, they all fade
All fade
My pocket hefty actin like it’s nada
Fresh off that yacht move steady in designer
Step up my game I don’t care what you think
This henny agua, he gon do me proper
I got em all like it’s nada
Way up high like NASA
When i bring something different
you gotta take it


Egyedül vagyok négy fal közt
Az ajtók eltorlaszolva
Néhány napon sétálni fog a testem
A lelkem bent marad
Várom, hogy te hívj
Hogy a szerepeket szétoszd
Ebben a sorozatban, ami rólunk szól
Bárkit eljátszok, akit akarsz
Egy napon egy hős kell neked
Holnap nem, egy felnőtt ember
Aki egyszer gyerekké lesz
Más szerető, aki tudja
Hogyan őrizze gyengéden az álmod
Mindenre képes vagyok, egyet kivéve
Kicsit emlékezni fogsz
Hogy hívj
Hogy az az eszközöd legyek
Melyik gombot nyomd meg
Hogy közel legyél
Mindig, mikor szükségem van rád
Kicsit emlékezni fogsz
Hogy hívj
Hogy az az eszközöd legyek
Melyik gombot nyomd meg
Ha hiányzik a szerelem
Mindent odaadok magamból
De egy dolgot tudok
Én sose leszek Ő
Egyedül vagyok a négy fal között
Az eszköz nem csatlakozik hozzám
Néhány napon sétálni fog a testem
A lelkem bent marad
Várom, hogy te hívj
Hogy a szerepeket szétoszd
Ebben a sorozatban, ami rólunk szól
Bárkit eljátszok, akit akarsz
Egy napon egy hős kell neked
Holnap nem, egy felnőtt ember
Aki egyszer gyerekké lesz
Más szerető, aki tudja
Hogyan őrizze gyengéden az álmod
Mindenre képes vagyok, egyet kivéve
Kicsit emlékezni fogsz
Hogy hívj
Hogy az az eszközöd legyek
Melyik gombot nyomd meg
Hogy közel legyél
Mindig, mikor szükségem van rád
Kicsit emlékezni fogsz
Hogy hívj
Hogy az az eszközöd legyek
Melyik gombot nyomd meg
Ha hiányzik a szerelem
Mindent odaadok magamból
De egy dolgot tudok
Én sose leszek Ő

Bosnyák nő

Emlékezz, hajdani szerelmem
A kedves és ártatlan évekre
emlékezz a legszebb napokra
Mikor az első verset írtam neked
Emlékezz minden ígéretre
Valaha az eskük igazak voltak
Még mindig a tiéd vagyok
Azok az évek nem változtak meg
Ma éjjel a szerelemről éneklek
Az egyetlenem voltál
Az enyém s senki másé
Hova rejtőztél előlem
Gyönyörű bosnyák asszony
Ref. 2x
Szerelmem, enyém voltál
Enyém s senki másé
Hova rejtőztél előlem?
Gyönyörű bosnyák asszony
Emlékezz, hajdani szerelmem
Fiatalok s nyugtalanok voltunk
Emlékszel, mit mondtál nekem?
Csak csókolj meg és ne aggódj
Emlékezz minden ígéretre
Valaha az eskük igazak voltak
Még mindig a tiéd vagyok
Azok az évek nem változtak meg
Ma éjjel a szerelemről éneklek
Az egyetlenem voltál
Az enyém s senki másé
Hova rejtőztél előlem
Gyönyörű bosnyák asszony
Ref. 2x
Szerelmem, enyém voltál
Enyém s senki másé
Hova rejtőztél előlem?
Gyönyörű bosnyák asszony

Do you know to where

Tell me why it happens1
that everything happens so quickly.
Started yesterday
ended today
what we dreamed
what we dreamed.
Do you know to where
the dreams they're all escaping?
are the unfulfilled ones
passing me by?
Do you know to where
my heart travels?
it longs for love?
To you
For only there I want to be.
With you
but I am alone.
Do you know to where
the dreams they're all escaping?
are the unfulfilled ones
passing me by?
Do you know to where
my heart travels?
it longs for love?
  • 1. Wörtlich« entfliegt »

Choose A Miracle

Run, take me, I want to go where you breathing.
It's a wet winter, and you can't hear me through the rain.
I was cheating the day, I swam in the clouds and in the other.
If you are my shadow, where do you run away at night?
So... So...
You can tolerate the force, you can drink tequila,
You can wait for the morning, and I'll continue
Choose your sun, lift your eyelids!
Yes, I will continue to choose my miracle!
Yes, I will continue to choose my miracle!
You took my warmth and the remaining air in me.
Only crying in silence was too easy for me.
I'm not going back, you know, it doesn't give me pride.
It will be as I want! Maybe that's the news for you.
You can tolerate the force, you can drink tequila,
You can wait for the morning, and I'll continue
Choose your sun, lift your eyelids!
Yes, I will continue to choose my miracle!
Yes, I will continue to choose my miracle!
Yes, I will continue to choose my miracle!


The grip keeps me trapped in your shadow
Time stands still, damaged and then I sink
The aura can't clear
The ashes that you left
The wind can't carry away
The emptiness that you left
In nothingness, without your presence
In silence, I hope, I wait
I see all the opposites
Hours turn upside down
I can't understand, I'm starting to get used to it
I can't understand, I'm starting to get used to it
And when everything becomes clear
I try to get rid of it
I can't understand, I'm starting to get used to it
I can't understand, I'm starting to get used to it
My cries echo far and wide among the rubble
The night passes in front of me every second
The aura can't clear
The ashes that you left
The wind can't carry away
The emptiness that you left
In nothingness, without your presence
In silence, I hope, I wait
I see all the opposites
Hours turn upside down
I can't understand, I'm starting to get used to it
I can't understand, I'm starting to get used to it
And when everything becomes clear
I try to get rid of it
I can't understand, I'm starting to get used to it
I can't understand, I'm starting to get used to it
In silence, I hope, I wait
In silence, I hope, I wait


Look at the trees, covered in rime
Watching our actions, boys' girls'
Some stay broke, whilst other become superstar,
There's where everything's good, elsewhere one's told: It's cancer
Life's sometimes like a yogurt-ad,
You just smiling without a reason, until they say 'ta! bye'
Then it happens, you'd only cry all day,
Sometimes I'd cry too, at my father's grave.
And there's a lotta villains, huge masses, quite
But what's worth the offensiva to thy gift.
Smiling widely, you can spit in their faces, the trees will see too thus they note who become heroes.
Pudding-freely I'm staying just myself, and I'm only asking you too, not despair in fear.
Smiling widely, you can spit in their faces, the trees will see too thus they note who become heroes.
(Remember the heroes)


Hello Hello Hello
It's an unrelated
Hello Hello Hello
Question on my side but
Hello Hello Hello
Have we met
Hello Hello Hello
Before, somewhere? 1
In the heart of the rainy town
Were we acting crazy?
We probably were.
Through the night
All through the night
We were singing in a daze
Unnoticed by anyone in the dead of night
Were we acting crazy?
We probably were.
Through the night
All through the night
We were dancing in a daze
Spelling meaningless vocabulary
Lining up our words
But actually
But actually
Not being told by anyone
Following meaningless notes
We played a melody
So frankly
So frankly
Let it resound in the wind
Every possible problem
And the repeating hardships too
With those we always
Have come to sing the substance of the words
Even the greatest challenges
And the disasters which seem to press hard
With those we always
Have come to sing your tears
When the thunder stopped roaring
Were we acting crazy?
We probably were.
Through the night
All through the night
We were waiting in a daze
You were approaching anybody
Were you acting crazy?
You probably were.
Through the night
All through the night
We were dancing in a daze
We were dancing to meaningless words
We played a waltz
But actually
But actually
It was to rock the words
Following a meaningless scale
Playing a melody
So frankly
So frankly
Let it resound
In cloudless August
The mountain range painted in brownish yellow colors
Has always reflected
The substance of our words
With our daring strategy
And a master-plan that's difficult to describe with words
We always
Take you along
Hello - Hello - Hello
I wanna sing a song for you
Hello - Hello - Hello
I wanna paint it all in blue
Hello - Hello - Hello
I wanna spit out things I drew
Hello - Hello - Hello
At the place where all the flowers are in bloom
Every possible problem
And the repeating hardships too
With those we always
Have sang the contents of our minds
With our daring strategy
And a master-plan that's difficult to describe with words
We always
Take you along!
Take you along!
Take you along!
  • 1. Likely referring to the fact that the band changed it's name.

Flight Reflex

Around the sun the earth has
Turned 180 degrees already
It's crazy, how fast a half a year has gone by with you
(I) hadn't thought that it would carry us so far
The asphalt flickers in the heat
But the air in me freezes
A storm is coming, I know exactly what happens now
When love's courage loses to1 fear
My steps become faster
But I don't want to lose us2
This time its different
You are special to3 me
And even when my flight reflex closes in on me
And hurts you, I believe in us
I can (do) this, I can (do) this
One knows how this is
As soon as it threatens to become serious
A million reasons why it doesn't work with us flood
My streets until I succumb
But what if it doesn't have to be like this?
If there are a billion reasons
You just have to search for, that hold us together
When all the world around us separates
My steps become faster
But I won't lose us
This time its different
You are special to me
And even when my flight reflex closes in on me
And hurts you, I believe in us
I can (do) this, I can (do) this, oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh
From now on I belong to you
No chance that we'll ever lose each other4 again
Because this time its different
You are special to me
And even when my flight reflex closes in on me
And hurts you, I believe in us
I can (do) this, I can (do) this
Because this time its different
I can (do) this, oh-oh
I can (do) this, I can (do) this, oh-oh
I can (do) this, I can (do) this
  • 1. literally 'against'
  • 2. as in their relationship
  • 3. literally 'for'
  • 4. or 'ourselves' or 'us'

You don't know

Versions: #2
You took my life away
and my entire soul
and it has been nailed here in my bones the pain with this anguish and this grief
you don't know what it feels like to lose
you don't what is feels like to fall and fall
in a deep faithless abyss
You took my life and here it has me
like a rock that the ocean strikes
that there is, but does not feel
you don't know how important you were
you don't know that your absence was a gulp of bile
that has remained stuck on my skin
you don't know what love is
and the fear that desolation causes
you don't know the damage you caused
Like how you destroyed this heart
that only fluttered
with the sound of your voice
with the sound of your voice
you took my life away, all my desire and left
my reasoning frozen and alive the despair
you don't know what it feels like to lose
you don't know how your farewell was to die of thirst you
that tore in this body it's being
you don't know what love is and the fear that desolation causes
like how you destroyed this heart
that only fluttered
with the sound of your voice
with the sound of your voice
you don't really know how to love
you don't know how I've suffered
you are cold and your wickedness chills my
you filled my life full of pain
Why don't you know what love is
neither the fear that causes desolation you don't know the damaged you caused like how you destroyed my heart
you don't know what love is
neither the fear that causes desolation you don't know the damaged you caused like how you destroyed my heart