Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 17

Találatok száma: 641


My Baby

I got into a fight with my baby, and then I made up with her
[That is] when she cried and ran into my arms
She caught my embrace longing for her
And therefore, turned my anger into tenderness
Men are knights1
But there is no such authority that is superior to women
We came back to teasing each other until the morning
The jokes and the mood came back to what they should be
She snatched my phone in a sneaky way
She leaned2 into my chest
The questioning and detecting have started, o lover
Who is she? Did you become friends with her?
How many numbers3 have you canceled?
How many beautiful [girls] have you been flirting with when I was not around?
Come on, admit it, Your Majesty, Sultan
I got into a fight with my baby, and then I made up with her
[That is] when she cried and ran into my arms
She caught my embrace longing for her
And therefore, turned my anger into tenderness
Do you want me to count them? It is hard for me to count them
But if I must admit, they are a group all gathered in one
It is you, my baby, my sweetie, my lovely
Our cheeks then touched4, and our breaths mixed5
O, our love, witness
That She or I will never get lost in a fight, not even for seconds
I got into a fight with my baby, and then I made up with her
[That is] when she cried and ran into my arms
She caught my embrace longing for her
And therefore, turned my anger into tenderness
O, people6, men are kind
They do not hurt women's feelings
  • 1. Meaning here is that men have strong authority and power.
  • 2. Literally, jumped.
  • 3. /nimrah/ نمرة in Egyptian Arabic means Number. I could not find any meaning to it in MSA (except for Tiger) so I used the Egyptian meaning because it seemed more appropriate in this context.
  • 4. Literally, shook hands.
  • 5. Literally, whispered.
  • 6. Literally, gentlemen.

You're my weak spot

Even if you never come,
I've poured you a drink,
I had said I'd go out
But cancelled it for you.
Here all night
Αt the same old address
It's almost morning
And still no progress. 1
But you're something else,
You're my weak spot 2
Just one message of yours
Would change my mood.
But you're something else,
I'm falling apart
Don't ask if I still love you
You know the aswer.
Even if you never come
I weigh the possibilities
I want to hate you
But don't have the abilities.
You had told me once
That the dream was over for us
And since then, my life
Has been on silence.
But you're something else,
You're my weak spot.
Just one message of yours
Would change my mood.
But you're something else,
I'm falling apart.
Don't ask if I still love you
You know the answer.
  • 1. no news, nothing new happened
  • 2. literally: my weakness meaning ''my favorite''

At my age

I put t-shirts in suitcases
And colorful desires
I sometimes hide myself
I disguise myself
In the words I've gathered
It's not always easy to answer the questions asked
I walk the avenues of my city
The gaze still lifted
There is that sweet smile that is always with me as
On the drawings of the notebooks
It's not always easy to run without stumbling
I hesitate and I spin
The cotton of my thoughts
At my age
We write 'I wish' on papers
We have smiles to fly
At my age
At my age
The world is seen with fresh eyes
There are so many songs to sing
At my age
There are indecisive sensations
And empty spaces to start with
The sky is not always calm
The moods a bit restive .
It's not always easy to learn how to look the right way.
Just some fluttering of eyelashes.
At my age
We write 'I wish' on papers
We have smiles to fly
At my age
At my age
The world is seen with fresh eyes
There are so many songs to sing
At my age
At my age
I put t-shirts in suitcases
And colorful desires
At my age
I write on papers
We have smiles to fly
At my age
At my age
The world is seen with fresh eyes
There are so many songs to sing
At my age
At my age
At my age
At my age

Tomorrow belongs to us

Write a future
To discover again
What we can't figure out
An expression we desire
The desire to succeed
All that inspires us
Every new day there is chance
Which comes and goes
Every second there is a proof
When we want to reach out
Every step is a dance
Take a round and come
In the hollow of the self-confidence
We hold a new destiny
It's a new beginning
To write our story
We need to participate in the game to see
Learn to listen to our instinct
Our dreams which are so dear to us
Life belongs to us
Every day we advance
A little farther
Without knowing the meaning
Every day has its importance
Its little things
Which take us silently
Towards our destiny
It's a new beginning
To write our story
We need to participate in the game to see

I'm better off away from you

Enough, enough, up to here
I no longer have the strength to hold on
Enough, enough, up to here
I have no heart left to fight you
I'm better off away from you, being absent from your dreams
forcing your marks off my body
I'm better off away from you, missing from your heart
Erasing your name from my mouth
Enough, enough, up yo here
I won't make my lips bleed again
Enough, enough, up to here
I have no more tears left to give you
I'm better off away from you, being absent from your dreams
forcing your marks off my body
I'm better off away from you, missing from your heart
Erasing your name from my mouth (x3)

I Waited For You

I waited for you so much
Your absence was so long
Without you, I’m dead
I want you the same as past
If death took you from me
In my heart you’ll stay, your place
I waited for you to come to me
Our separation doesn’t change me
Love went, I became careworn, I became alone
Craving humiliated me, and the tears likes my cheek
Look, your love chained me I’m tired of craving
Life without you became a prison
I got tired of craving
Even in my silence, I remember you
I hug your clothes and sleep
I smell the remaining of your perfume
Your illusion didn’t leave me
It’s with me, every moment
I swear if my soul leaves
In place of my soul, I accept you
How would I forget you?
A relationship gathers us
And I wished in the last day, a pit gathers us
Your absence made me tired, I lived with a cut
With tears I spend the night until the day
Hey I’m typin a signature!!1! :D

When will the skies get clear

When will it get clear,
when will it be February,
so that I may get my rifle,
the beautiful cartridge belt,
to descend to Omalos,
to the street of Mousouros,
to make mothers without sons,
women without husbands,
to make the babies
cry without mothers,
to cry in the night for water,
and at morning for milk,
and after the morning
for the sweet homeland.


Sometimes you ask me 'why?'
and all I can say
there's no reason
Don't pretend - never ever
I can feel it
I can feel it
It feels like Monday
I don't know how I can change that (ho, ho, ho)
Everything feels like Monday
and I don't know how I can change that
I'm avoiding myself
Well, I can, well I can understand it
It's not always that easy, to watch
It's hard for me to admit that all
It feels like Monday
I don't know how I can change that
Everything feels like Monday
and I don't know how I can change that
I can't explain it
It somehow hurts, somehow too much
And I don't know where they are coming from
all the thoughts, fears
It still feels like Monday
I don't know how I can change that
Everything feels like Monday
and I don't know how I can change that
It still feels like Monday
I don't know how I can change that
Everything feels like Monday
and I don't know how I can change that
It still feels like Monday
I don't know how I can change that
Everything feels like Monday
and I don't know how I can change that
Hu, oh, oh, ah, ah
Ha, ah, ah
Ha, ah, ah, ha, ah
Only Monday
Ha, ah, ah, ha, ah
Only Monday
Ha, ah, ah, ha, ah
Only Monday
Ha, ah, ah, ha, ah
Only Monday
Ha, ah, ah, ha, ah

I am elsewhere

Versions: #2
I see you in front of me,
wearing that dress again
the one I said it suits you
The body talks and time flows
and you look at me as if
all is easy like before
But not anymore
I'm not here for you,
for you to look again for an excuse
I've got no more even eyes for you
I'm gone away... away!
I'm elsewhere, in the sky's stars
in the moonlight
Where you can't get anymore
And everything's cool and in a crazy course
I'm flying now, you can't reach me
I'm elsewhere...
I'm elsewhere...
I'm elsewhere...
I know baby
that it is all strange for you
Everything was granted with me
but forget me!
I grow wings and from the top
I see you fading away slowly
I'm gone away... away!
I'm elsewhere, in the sky's stars
in the moonlight
where you can't get anymore
and everything's cool and in a crazy course
I'm flying now, you can't reach me
I'm elsewhere...
I'm elsewhere...
I'm elsewhere...

You're Pretending

Now time passes where I don't make conversation
My life is a cliff, I'm falling on the inside
I do things without seeing and I don't want to endure
I now no longer have any doubts
You're pretending,
in the kisses you give me
now you don't leave it alone anymore
You're pretending,
and for all and more
I wish you would become a stranger.
Behind liquid eyes
I search to find the secrets
And the truths you hide from me
You're passing my limits
When you tell me how you love me
You really mean you want to leave
Now time passes where I close my eyes
I give truth time to step into the light
I do things without seeing and I don't want to endure
I now no longer have any doubts
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

Simply jealous

I'm jealous of these flowery fabrics that deviously brush against her
When I'm not there
I'm jealous of lace, of flannel
Of all these sweet nothings she slides on her silky skin
I'm jealous of the perfume she wears
Of the odours that escort her everywhere she goes
But above all
Simply jealous...
I'm jealous of the sidewalks that carry her
Towards the naughty doors she crosses without me
I'm jealous of the looks that touch her
Of all these hands that squint while following her with their fingers
I'm jealous of the words that nudge her
Of the not so funny stories that she laughs at sometimes
But above all
Simply jealous...
I'm not abnormal
Not creepy
I wouldn't hurt a fly
Except if it touches her
I'm jealous of the songs she hums
Of the chills these sounds that aren't mine give her
I'm jealous of the tango she dances
Of this touch of carelessness that outpaces her bit by bit
I'm jealous of the colours she lights up
In the foggy mornings of the countries she visits
But above all
Simply jealous...
I'm not abnormal
Not creepy
I wouldn't hurt a fly
Except if it touches her
But above all
Simply jealous...


Szégyellem bevallani
Én egy féltékeny barátnő vagyok
Azt akarom, hogy hozzám tartozz
De azt hiszem, úgy nevezik azt, féltékenység
Sosem mondok egy szót sem
Abban az esetben, ha rászorulónak* nézek ki
Sosem mondok egy szót sem
Elhagylak, mielőtt te hagysz el engem
Mi lesz úrrá rajtam? Féltékenység
Egy bugyogás bennem? Ez féltékenység
Ural engem, utánam jön
Annyira egyszerű, mikor nem tartozol hozzám
Te vagy én
Mikor a szépségről beszélsz
Attól csúnyának érzem magam
De azt hiszem, úgy nevezi azt, féltékenység
Sosem mondok egy szót sem
Abban az esetben, ha rászorulónak* nézek ki
Sosem mondok egy szót sem
Elhagylak, mielőtt te hagysz el engem
Mi lesz úrrá rajtam? Féltékenység
Egy bugyogás bennem? Ez féltékenység
Ural engem, utánam jön
Annyira egyszerű, mikor nem tartozol hozzám
Azt hiszem, jól vagyok, azt hiszem, kemény vagyok
Amíg megyek és szerelembe nem esek
Mindig keményen próbálom elrejteni
De minél jobban elrejtem, annál rosszabbul érzem magam
Féltékenység, féltékenység
Mi lesz úrrá rajtam? Féltékenység
Egy bugyogás bennem? Ez féltékenység
Ural engem, utánam jön
Annyira egyszerű, mikor nem tartozol hozzám
Féltékenység, ez féltékenység

Igazi színek

Te, a szomorú szemekkel
Ne legyél elkedvetlenedett
Bár tudom, nehéz bátorságot gyűjteni
Egy világban tele emberekkel
Szem elől vesztheted teljesen
És a benned lévő sötétségtől
Olyan kicsinek érzed magad
De én látom az igazi színeid átragyogni
Látom az igazi színeid
És ezért szeretlek
Szóval ne félj kimutatni
Az igazi színeid, igazi színeid
Mutass akkor egy mosolyt
Ne légy boldogtalan
Nem emlékszem, mikor
Láttalak utoljára nevetni
Ha ez a világ az őrületbe kerget
És mindent megfogtál, amit elbírsz
Mert tudod, hogy ott leszek
És én látni fogom az igazi színeid átragyogni
Látni fogom az igazi színeid
És ezért szeretlek
Szóval ne félj kimutatni
Az igazi színeid, igazi színeid

Bring The Storm

I have a plan, a place to go
And I would like to see you there
Nobody cares what you wear
Just come in your party jeans
This Friday, I won't wait anymore
Nothing's going to stop us now
Don't hold back, the party is now
And ooh, this floor's going to crack
A thousand feet thunder as one
Bring, bring, bring the storm
It's raining a party
Break, break, break the norm
Because we're raging
When the thunderstorm tears through your body
The speakers crack and the bass drops again
Break, break, break the norm
Bring, bring, bring the storm
Everyone's here, everyone's celebrating
With songs that make the floor pump
Come on and dance, let the party blow
The dust right out of the ground
I can see you, and you can see me
The taps have been opened
Who can argue?
The party is great
And man, this floor's going to crack
A thousand feet thunder as one
Bring, bring, bring the storm
It's raining a party
Break, break, break the norm
Because we're raging
When the thunderstorm tears through your body
The speakers crack and the bass drops again
Break, break, break the norm
Bring, bring, bring the storm
And nothing's going to stop us tonight
This party won't end
And nothing's going to stop us tonight
This party won't end
And the bass can still kick, kick, kick
Bring, bring, bring the storm
It's raining a party
Break, break, break the norm
Because we're raging
Bring, bring, bring the storm
It's raining a party
Break, break, break the norm
Because we're raging
When the thunderstorm tears through your body
The speakers crack and the bass drops again
Break, break, break the norm
Bring, bring, bring the storm


Hey you,
what's that pretty mouth I see?
Oh dear !
No way we should touch,
no even brush each other.
Let's share an awkward moment1
Hey you,
what's with that devious stare?
Oh dear !
I can hear my heart purring2
I'm not afraid,
I stay on the sidelines3
Everybody looks for it,
too few find it,
but what we really seek
really seek
it's the infatuation
of a flashed smile,
the touch of a hand,
even if it could
end up in bruises4
You and me,
no way we should stay together,
settling down,
seeing la vie en rose5,
being madly in love,
meeting at coffee breaks.
Hey you,
What's with that weird cold,
these shivers,
these big black butterflies,
the kind that fly around6
This big, this big mess.
Everybody looks for it,
too few find it,
but what we really seek
really seek
it's the infatuation
of a flashed smile,
the touch of a hand,
even if it could
end up in bruises (x2)
A flashed smile,
the touch of a hand,
even if it could
end up in bruises.
Hey you,
what's that pretty mouth I see?
Oh dear !
No way we should touch,
no even brush each other.
Let's share an awkward moment
  • 1. lit. 'let's listen to the flies flying'. That's used to describe an awkward silence. I can't think of an equivalent idiom in English, but any suggestion is welcome
  • 2. lit. 'my heart turning'. That is really unusual, it might mean a few different things like 'changing its mind', 'racing' or 'working (like a car engine)'. Based on the context I assumed that was the car engine, on idle Regular smile
  • 3. that does not make a lot of sense in French either. You can hardly decide to be sidelined. Anyway...
  • 4. 'even if tomorrow possible bruises'. That does not sound too bad in French, but I bet it would in English
  • 5. I suppose I don't need to translate that
  • 6. I don't understand this line at all. literaly it means 'those who/which go' (about the butterflies, probably). The butterflies are the kind you feel in your stomach for sure, but where they go is a sweet mystery to me. I just made up something instead.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.


Versions: #4
Lovers go from bed to bed
In hotels, in parking lots
To flee all this melancholy
The heart of the towns looks dreadful
Blues, phone calls,
Everything wil start over in the spring
Except indelible loves.
Subways are crammed with dreams,
Skyscrapers look down on us
Like a bird behind bars.
I feel like my mind isn't well, mama.
Partying lost its taste, mama.
Look how your daughter is made, mama.
I can't find a meaning to my quest, mama.
That time when bars are filling up,
Meanwhile hearts are emptying.
Those nights when promises are made
As fast as they are unmade.
Blues, phone calls,
Everything wil start over in the spring
Except indelible loves.
Subways are crammed with dreams,
Skyscrapers look down on us
Like a bird behind bars.
I feel like my mind isn't well, mama.
Partying lost its taste, mama.
Look how your daughter is made, mama.
I can't find a meaning to my quest, mama.

Goodbye Marylou

When the screen turns on I type on my keyboard
All the words without a voice we talk with our fingers
And I send in the night a message for the one who
Answered me OK to a rendez vous
Electric message when she messages me
I receive on my screen her story
We approach in multi and I draw in duo
After OK she sends me the name Marylou
Goodbye Marylou
Goodbye Marylou
Goodbye Marylou
When I caressed her name on my screen
I type Marylou on my keyboard
When she undresses, I put her with her fingers
Message received OK Marylou
Goodbye Marylou
Goodbye Marylou
Goodbye Marylou
When night comes and sleeps with the day
The light comes from Marylou's keyboard
I send her nickname but it is she who receives me
Until the dawn we talk about ourselves


And yah the time passes, and yah the time passes
And yah the time passes, and yah the time passes
And yah the time passes, so my time passes
Changing at the same time as my closing
Because for some I'm crazy, for others I'm stupid
But for them they don't have a chance becaus ein the end I'm laughing
Yah, yah the time passes, so my time passes
Changing at the same time as my ending
Because for some I'm crazy, for others I'm stupid
But for them they don't have a chance because in the end I'm laughing
Come, come we'll bet
Who in six months will prove themselves?
well yah it's me, we dont have the same ideas
we dont have the same flow we wont have the same tickets
tickets, tickets, but I don't want to shine, shine
I actually should start praying, praying
yah, praying, praying
And yah the time passes, and yah the time passes
And yah the time passes, and yah the time passes
And yah the time passes, so the bosses
Will change depending on my depictions
Because for them I am strong, the concieved is over
I am so small but im going to break all the doors
I'm going to break all the doors, shoot all the bodies
Fuck up all the decorations, your albums don't support me
I didn't even do it on purpose, at the base it was just a trial
Come, come we'll bet
Who in six months will prove themselves?
well yah it's me, we dont have the same ideas
we dont have the same flow we wont have the same tickets
tickets, tickets, but I don't want to shine, shine
I actually should start praying, praying
yah, praying, praying
Come, come and we'll laugh
Come, come and we'll laugh
Come, come and we'll bet
Who in six months will prove themselves?
Well yah it's me, me, me
And well yah it's me, me, me
Come, come we'll bet
Who in six months will prove themselves?
well yah it's me, we dont have the same ideas
we dont have the same flow we wont have the same tickets
tickets, tickets, but I don't want to shine, shine
I actually should start praying, praying
yah, praying, praying
I actually should start praying, praying
Nah I dont want to shine, nah
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.

To the small northern wind

I ordered the small northern wind,to be a good child
to not hit on shutters and on the small window
Because in this house that I vigil,my love is dying
and I look her in the eyes as she barely breathes
Goodbye prairies,goodbye torrents
Goodbye kisses and goodbye embraces
Goodbye cobs and blond shores
Goodbye eternal vows
I am drown by despair,because in this world
i lost summers and in winter I fall
Like the ship that spread its road and goes
i see the shores faint and the world grow small
Goodbye prairies,goodbye torrents
Goodbye kisses and goodbye embraces
Goodbye cobs and blond shores
Goodbye eternal vows

Eros God And Thief

Before a love gets old, it1 got erased
Other eyes took it1 and it1 went down
My fake heartbeat and emotion2
Love has a long way to become a feeling
Eros God and thief3 you need a magic mirror
To ask for my company, to kill yourself without me4
To have a thirst all night for another 'goodnight'5
Eros God and thief3 needs magic mirror
The thread broke before it6 becomes an embroidery
And I am solving you the enigma between the two of us
My fake heartbeat and emotion2
Love has a long way to become a feeling
  • Love.
  • He is talking to his heart.
  • He says that his eros(=another word for 'love') is a God but also a thief.
  • 4. The woman he loves is hurting herself (figuratively) because she is far away for him.
  • 5. She needs to hear him say 'goodnight' to her.
  • 6. The thread.

Follow Us

To take you there
To take you there
To take you come along
If you come with us
If you come with us
You will find your way
Follow us
Follow us
Follow us
To take you there
We will stay together
We got this
We are all running
And that's the right thing to do
We will go together
We will go together
We will go together now till there
At the edge of the world or far away
We will all go there
Follow us
Follow us
Follow us
We will all go there

What Do You Have

Ah, ah, ah
Look at me, me
Look at me
Look at me
Ah look at me
Look at me
Don't show me who you are, what you're doing
No one wants to talk about their past
Yes but we want to know whose bothering us
Who is ready to spit on us
Yes you're ready to hide yourself, misunderstood and angry
You spend your whole life hiding
Yes you're ready to hide yourself, misunderstood and angry
You spend your whole life being weary
But tell us, what do you want?
I don't have everything, I can't recreate the world
Yah tell us, what do you want?
With them I'm going to come like a bomb
I took my family and I improved myself, ah I improved myself
In front of no big sum did I stutter, ah I stutter
I took my family and I improved myself, ah I improved myself
In front of no one did I get on my knees, ah did I get on my knees
But what do you have?
There is definitely something that you're keeping secret
But that you're not saying, but that you're not saying
Go ahead talk to me, and when you talk to me
I want to see your eyes so look at me, so look at me
No one helps you anymore, loves you
Your words are put in the scene
You wanted your beautiful life, your little girl
Your nice car except
You worries accumulate
For others you simulate
A lot of things you hide
Your galley stimulates you
I wanted to take my family and improve myself
I want to help everyone live, even if i have but twenty brooms
They wanted to silence me but I still went
And finally I am at Purple Money
I took my family and I improved myself, ah I improved myself
In front of no big sum did I stutter, ah I stutter
I took my family and I improved myself, ah I improved myself
In front of no one did I get on my knees, ah did I get on my knees
But what do you have?
There is definitely something that you're keeping secret
But that you're not saying, but that you're not saying
Go ahead talk to me, and when you talk to me
I want to see your eyes so look at me, so look at me
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.

Butterfly Of Fire

Dark turns on, my life is rolling drop by drop,
the night is digging,
her deepest wound,
give me my chaffy ball,
to play outside,
with my shadow on earth.
Oh! Butterfly who fly over grief,
and from every love you ask,
nobody (of them)
met God..
Oh! Butterfly of fire
Two black gardens
The happiness to walk away,
(and) ashes too from the wings.

With two words and one look

A heart with your name on it
you folded in a paper
And you placed it in my hand
when I first saw you
Roses on the fence
and ships on the shore
With two words and one look
you made me mutter to myself *
I'm plucking a daisy
to tell me if you love me
And there is always one petal left **
no matter which way you count them
Canaries and swallows
during May's celebration
You told me you would come, but you didn't
and I don't know why
Roses on the fence
and ships on the shore
With two words and one look
you made me mutter to myself

The war wolf

I saw him passing just now
He's carring a bunch of flowers
His hairs were a little more whites
than during the Algeria War
I read in the blue of his eyes
the message of unhappy people
and his kaki raincoat
sweat some smells of war
I approach near him
I recognize me and smile to me
I told hil : 'What's up to you
he answers me : 'Don't know
I live near the doors of Hell !
Living my life of war wolf !
My best friend is a Katioucka
Close to my bed, a chinese rifle gun
I have 2 MK-2 grenades under my pillow
Fixed on my calf a throwing knife
The images are scrolling
And I see childrens
runnig in a city
splashed with blood !
I live near the doors of Hell !
Living my life of war wolf !
For understanding what he said
You should know some of his life
To know that 20 years ago
He was a paratrooper officer
He has always refuse to disown
the troth he has sweared
After the jail, the misery
I became a war wolf
He went to fight in Biafra's boundaries
Fight in Yemen and Cabinda
And it was Angola ans South Soudan
Benin, The Comores and always Lebanon
And come again the cities
come again the childrens
Running under a rain
made of bombs and blood !
I live near the doors of Hell !
Living my life of war wolf !
I live near the doors of Hell !
Living my life of war wolf, war ! war !

Plouf tizen tizen

Plouf tizen tizen
They called me 'mawzen'*
Because they're as jealous as lice,
Sardines and peanuts,
Sardines and peanuts.


We all once were particles of the whole
Then we so bravely divided it into black & white
We all together once were fractions of the eternal
Then we decided to walk away to the ending [stations]
To our poles
Gravitational law no more works here
Plus to minus from now gives rejection and burning
Compas is broken, the control of navigation's lost
Everyone searches his course and his location
On the Rose of Winds
By swirl of scorching blizzards
North whirls South / South whirls North
Breeze carries sand
To the West and East
We reap the fruits that were planted by ourselves
We are against those who are against us for we are not with them
We die from the bullets that were sold by ourselves
And wonder at what's happening to us
We open soul to faith, closing mind
We potter on the shallow of our infertile thoughts
We broaden our minds in a prison of our homes [flats]
Not noticing behind the window the big and complicated world
By swhirl of scorching blizzards
North South whirls
Breeze carries sand
To the West and East
In spokes of a wheel
Are our poles
In the center of all worlds
Is the Rose of their Winds


Versions: #2
Millions of dead bodies, kilotons of rusted arrows,
Acrid smog of highways, smoke and soot of tank farms.
Our yoke poisons the world for so many years,
Our ego from the ancient times turns shame into farce.
Greed, money, glory — this is a vice,
Soot, ash, lava — this is a lesson.
In our duel with nature it is the last bell,
Who from us will firstly manage to pull the trigger?
Everything to bottom, to trash, to destruction
If hasn't eaten, we'll bury it near ourselves
Our seas are in black spots of oil,
What will we leave to our children after ourselves?
...Millions of dead bodies, kilotons of rusty arrows,
Acrid smog of highways, smoke and soot of tank farms.
Whose yoke poisons the world for so many years,
Whose ego from the ancient times turns shame into farce.
Millions of dead bodies, kilotonns of rusted arrows,
Acrid smog of highways, smoke and soot of tank farms.
Our yoke poisons the world for so many years,
Our ego from the ancient times turns shame into farce.
Hail, volcanos, tsunamis — just a force majeure,
We've already signed the death warrant long ago,
Our Earth declared vendetta,
And once the planet will drop from itself:
Millions of dead bodies, kilotons of rusted arrows,
Acrid smog of highways, smoke and soot of tank farms.
Whose yoke was poisoning the world for so many years,
Whose ego from the ancient times was turning shame into farce.

Whom do you believe?

Whom do you believe?
Whom do you believe?
Again blood, again terror act
It's scary to live and it is a fact!
And again panic throws people
Onto the basis for national ideas.
And again ratings of news programs
Fly upwards...
In the background of blood and tears is the social psychosis,
As a real motive it comes up in the head
And here comes the hero and leads with himself
And there a myth borns in your head:
Everything's alright, everything's proper!
R'n'B at night, terror act at morning
Don't worry, sleep well —
The Big Brother will take care of you
He controls everything,
Hasn't forgotten about the grey substance in your head
Vote — and lose
Sleep stonger and know less.
Slaves are mute til you loan them
Corporative feast in the time of a plague
When there are brainwashing on air
By kings and jesters
Their principle is one and simple:
Money and heroin — the best way to quite the hungry mouths
But think seriously and answer the question
Before going to bed
Whom do you believe?
Whom do you believe?
Everything's alright, everything's proper!
R'n'B at night, terror act at morning
Don't worry, sleep well —
The Big Brother will take care of you
He controls everything,
Hasn't forgotten about the grey substance in your head
Whom do you believe?
Whom do you believe?
The symbol of fear proudly flutters:
Power in one paw, cops in another,
He is stronger with every flap,
And stronger is the fear, smaller you are!
Whom do you believe?

The Perfect Circle

We drew a circle in the middle of the town
In the middle of the map
We went out and we walked
All day and all night
We drew a circle and came back
to all the places where we've lived
And this journey seemed as long and intense to me
As the fraction of my small existence
I have to say, these past months
It's like I have a weight
That slows down
The pace of my footsteps a bit
To the end of the route
To the end of the perfect circle (x2)
We hung around like we used to
With no real goal, following a specific path
We went straight on without losing our itinerary
You held onto my arm several times
We rediscovered these streets, these neighbourhoods
That represented periods, years
We revisited
What had belonged to us
Examining what had been changed
We were moved at first
Then as the hours and places went by
We realised
We had become strangers
To the end of the route
To the end of the perfect circle
You said: Let's keep going that way
When the sun started to break through the clouds
And burn my neck
We arrived at the end of the route
At the end of the perfect circle
You said: It's here
We sat down
I was exhausted, I didn't think
I looked around me
I said: Yes
I rested my head on your shoulder
We sat down
And I didn't feel anything
But relief, calm
I have to say, these past months
It's like I have a weight
That slows down
The pace of my footsteps a bit
We sat down
I fell asleep
Against you
To the end of the route
To the end of the perfect circle
We sat down
I fell asleep
Against you
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!


Úszom a füstjében
azoknak a hídjaimnak, amiket felégettem
Tehát ne kérj elnézést
Elveszem azt, amit nem érdemlek
Rajtam csak a felelősség
azokért a hídjaimért, amiket felégettem
Tehát ne kérj elnézést
Elvesztem azt, amit nem érdemlek
Amit nem érdemlek
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!


Verse 1:
I'm afraid of your mouth
I want it to talk to me in a whisper
I'm afraid of giving myself to you
I brush your lips every time I drink
You do what you want to me
The most forbidden it is the more I think about it
You hover around me, talk to me about love each time
I cry for help, promised to someone else
The night plays tricks on me when I follow the shadow of your footsteps
I like you, but I shouldn't
Verse 2:
I'm afraid of not being what you think
I play every time I'm cold
I'm afraid when you place your hands on my stockings
I'm afraid of falling in your arms
The more forbidden it is the more I think about it
You hover around me, talk to me about love each time
I cry for help, promised to someone else
The night plays tricks on me when I follow the shadow of your footsteps
I like you, but I shouldn't
You hover around me, talk to me about love each time
I cry for help, promised to someone else
The night plays tricks on me when I follow the shadow of your footsteps
I like you, but I shouldn't
You hover around me, talk to me about love each time
I cry for help, promised to someone else
The night plays tricks on me when I follow the shadow of your footsteps
I like you, but I shouldn't
You hover around me, talk to me about love each time
I cry for help, promised to someone else
The night plays tricks on me when I follow the shadow of your footsteps
I like you, but I shouldn't
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!