Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 19

Találatok száma: 641


My own fate

My lucky charm, that i wear on my neck
The one that keeps safe a foolish
Into the night that you're losing me or i'm losing myself
I don't lose i don't win i just feel
I cannot stop my deccay
I walked into dangerous streets
I was scared and i scared again
My madness scares the harmless people
My own fate
Chilld of the streets
Homeless alone
Refugee clone
Into your difficult times
I will be there
The escape is unacceptable for me
My frontier,that I leave open
I close it easily,whenever i wanna close it
The days that they give me or I give myself
Into perfumes and tastes i give myself


No, I'm not lunatic
And yet, I change my mind regularly
No, I'm not systematic
But my days are similar from time to time
I'm not angelic
But I can give myself an innocent look
No, I'm not utopian
But I would like that love is complacent
Why would there be any meaning to everything?
Why would there be meaning to us?
I wonder
Why would there be any meaning to everything?
Why would there be meaning to us?
I wonder
No, I'm not iconic
And yet, my face is known to people
No, I'm not the saddest
But sometimes, tears flow significantly
No, I'm not your favorite
But I hope to tell myself that with time
We can silence these stereotypes
Toss them up like the wind
Why would there be any meaning to everything?
Why would there be meaning to us?
I wonder
Why would there be any meaning to everything?
Why would there be meaning to us?
I wonder
I wonder
I wonder
Why would there be any meaning to everything?
Why would there be meaning to us?
I wonder
Why would there be any meaning to everything?
Why would there be meaning to us?
I wonder
I wonder
I wonder
I wonder


I approach the emptiness that awaits me
I dive, I put my head first
My heart is gradually recovering
From blue
I am scared
To forget his presence
To lose
The game of trust
The questions that eat me
Get lost a little
But it's not so easy
And in front of you I stack
But I remain motionless
It's like going on a trip
Not being able to turn the page
And lose me once again
In your arms
It's like taking a highway
Forget what we dread
It's when I find myself alone
I'm cold
I move closer to this chasm
And I feel the wind pushing me
I know I'm not ready yet
I'm trying to erase my anxieties
These sorrows, these horrors that pass me
And sink deeper into my being
But it's not so easy
And in front of you I stack
Yes I remain motionless
It's like going on a trip
Not being able to turn the page
And lose me once again
In your arms
It's like taking a highway
Forget what we dread
It's when I find myself alone
I'm cold
I go against the meaning
Lost in my childhood
Who goes away again and again
And I feel that I fall
Lost in arguments
Which leave no room for hand-to-hand
It's like going on a trip
Not being able to turn the page
And lose me once again
In your arms
It's like going on a trip
Not being able to turn the page
And lose me once again
In your arms
It's like taking a highway
Forget what we dread
It's when I find myself alone
I'm cold

The Ballad of the German Shepherd

Pray for the German Shepherd
His she-wolf has gone
He searches for her like crazy
From farms to fields
But the river is in flood
And the paths inundated
The land has disappeared
And the bridges have fallen
He has lost her trail
And he goes nowhere
Everywhere is blocked
Her absence is everywhere
And the crickets break
His heart with their song
His courage sinks
In the setting sun
He thinks he sees her
Above the ferns
Crossing the night
With her light gait
Yes, it's really her
Her pace a little wild
Her gazelle like ways
You would say that she flies
She is there, so close
It truly is her scent
He turns, he clings
To his former happiness
And the day breaks
He has not found her
Except in dreams
He falls asleep exhausted
Pray for the German Shepherd
His she-wolf has gone
He searches for her like crazy
From farms to prairies
But the morning is cold
And his heart awakens
Beating more than before
But weaker than the day before
Suddenly she is there
At the end of the path
She doesn't look at him
Her distant companion
He lays down beside her
He courts her
And his good faithful eyes
Ask love of her
Pray for the poor German Shepherd
His she-wolf has returned
The collar around her neck
But her heart is no longer there
She has run the wild world
Known freedom
The days are longer
When one is tied
And he watches her
While knowing all too well
That he is a guard dog
Who guards nothing any more
Who puts a leash on them?
From where does their servitude come?
Love or weakness
The master or the usual
Pray for the poor German Shepherd
His she-wolf is gone
He looks for her like crazy
From farms to fields
But the river is in flood
And the roads inundated
The land has disappeared
And the bridges have fallen
He has lost the trail
And he goes nowhere
Everywhere is blocked
Her absence is everywhere
And the crickets are breaking his
Heart with their song
His courage sinks
In the setting of the sun

Leave me

With a bitter smile in front of my mirror I'm asking myself
What has happened what has been left
With a bitter smile and my hurted ego
In front of my mirror I'm asking myself
What has been left
Let me let me go
Leave me and don't come back
I erase every dream we had
Leave me pleass
Let me let me go
Leave me and don't come back
I cried in front of you but I'm leaving
As long as it's not too late
And I will have in my mind your face and your empty soul
But I'm never coming back to find you
I will leave you
You didn't care about a heart that was yours
With a touch that was borrowed
And an empty bed
Just a thought just a word
A kiss without a destination
And in my heart there is a space
But I'm not coming back
There is no place left for me

Ez különös

Nem tetszik az nekem
Idejön a házamba, amikor én nem vagyok itt
Hogy belehemperedik az én ágyneműmbe
Felveszi az én pizsamámat
Még kevésbé tetszik
Hogy gyanakodva lesed, én mikor jelenek meg
És amint betoppanok
Ott a 'drágám' a karjaimban
Te hazudsz
Én ismerem azt, amikor sumákolsz
Olyankor, amikor te zuhanyozol
Ha ő felhív, és én veszem fel helyetted
Az orromnál fogva vezet ő engem
Mondd meg nekem
Ő olyan, akit ismerek?
Mit tud ő neked adni?
Többet mint én?
Mi tud ő, amit én nem?
(refrén x2)
Ez különös
Az, ahogyan ő terád néz
Miért hívogat ő tégedet bébi?
Megmondod ennek a ribancnak
Hogy én meg fogom verni
Ez különös
Miért én? Miért én?
Amikor a stúdiódba behúzódol
Amikor hülyének tetteted magad
Lídiával együtt
Vagy Mirjammal
Akik azt mondják neked, hogy de aranyos vagy
A szemeim tükrében te látod
Van egy dolog, amit nem tudok elviselni
Ő mindig az én idegeimmel játszik
Óva intelek
Ő nem szeret úgy téged, mint én
Te hazudsz
Én ismerem azt, amikor te sumákolsz
Amikor ő előtted mozog
Ő riszálja magát és táncol
És te eltátod tőle a szájad
Mondd meg nekem
Ő olyan, akit ismerek?
Mit tud ő neked adni?
Többet mint én?
Mi tud ő, amit én nem?
(refrén x4)
Zaho az furcsa
Madox is furcsa
Majestic is furcsa
Mind, mind nagyon különös
(refrén x4)

Have Courage My Love

Have courage1 my love
I don't want you to get sick
You have suffered enough
I'm afraid you will crush
You were a victim I know
I told you to be careful
With women who steal hearts
You should not be entangled again
Hide your pain now
And don't complain
You will suffer the same
If you don't listen to me and you pull away
  • 1. Be patient

Най-мощната уредба

Тази тъпа курва ме заведе у тях снощи.
Аз я обрах, след като тя ме изчука.
Откраднах ѝ уредбата - най-мощната правена някога.
Надъних я на 10 цяла нощ, аз съм много по-откачен от теб.
Дъня Hadag Nachash1, TISM2 и Юрая Хийп.
Готов ли си, готов ли си. готов ли си за рок?
Имам най-мощната уредба в квартала
Най-мощната уредба в квартала
Най-мощната уредба в квартала
Уредбата ми е толкова шибано мощна, че дъртите се изнесоха.
Всички курви дойдоха в града и нямаха намерение да си тръгват.
По цял ден курви яздят кура ми.
Обичам метал, обичам пички, шибано обичам рок
Порно звезди и абитуриентки се мотаят около мен.
Моята игра на Блак Джак е да чукам 9 и 12 годишни3
Не искам да си губя времето с тъпи възбуждащи игрички.
Всичко, което те ще получат от мен е букет от венерически болести.
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. В Блак Джак печелиш, когато събереш сбор от карти 21. В случая 9 + 12 прави 21

Lourde pierre

Je suis une lourde pierre
Je ne veux plus être alourdie
Détends-toi, lâche-toi
La foi est la seule chose que j'ai besoin de garder
La foi est la seule chose dont j'ai besoin
Je suis une étoile qui brillait
Je ne veux plus être cachée
Détends-toi, vas-y doucement
La foi est la seule chose que j'ai besoin de garder
La foi est la seule chose que j'ai besoin de garder
Besoin de garder
Besoin de garder
Besoin de garder

На полпути в никуда

Как ты выбираешься из кровати по утрам?
Как ты просыпаешься, чтобы пережить день?
Да, я пою для своего удовольствия,
А раньше пел из-за боли.
Я все еще на полпути в никуда,
Сегодня я все еще ничто.
Они говорят, что удача улыбается тем, кто умеет ждать,
Не обращая внимания на то, что происходит на пути к славе.
Да, я пою для своего удовольствия,
А раньше пел из-за боли.
Я все еще на полпути в никуда,
Сегодня я все еще ничто.
Да, я пою для своего удовольствия,
А раньше пел из-за боли.
Я все еще на полпути в никуда,
Сегодня я все еще ничто.

Поцілунок Вогню

Я торкаюсь губами, і все наразу починають летіти іскри
Ті, чортні губи , добре знають про мистецтво брехні
І хоча я бачу небезпеку, полум'я ще білше зростає
Я знаю, що я повинен відмовитися від твого цілюнка вогненного
Так само, як факел, ви встановили, що душа всередині мене горить
Я повинен продовжувати, я на цьому шляху незможною повороти
І хоча це горить мене, і перетворює мене в попіл
Мій світ впав без твого цілюнка вогненного
Я не можу встояти перед тобою, яка користь там, намагаючись?
Яку користь є те, що заперечую що ти є все що я бажаю?
Оскільки я спочатку цілував тебе, моє серце було вашим повністю
Якщо я раб, то це рабом хочу я бути
Не шкодуй мене, не шкодуй мене
Дай мені твої губи, губи які тільки дозволяєш мені позичити
Люби мене сьогодні ввечері, і хай диявол прийме завтра
Я знаю, що я мушу мати твій поцілунок, хоча це мене проклинає
Хоча це споживає мене, ваш поцілунок вогнний
Я не можу встояти перед тобою, яка користь там, намагаючись?
Яку користь є те, що заперечую що ти є все що я бажаю?
Оскільки я спочатку цілував тебе, моє серце було вашим повністю
Якщо я раб, то це рабом хочу я бути
Не шкодуй мене, не шкодуй мене
Дай мені твої губи, губи які тільки дозволяєш мені позичити
Кохай мене сьогодні ввечері, і хай диявол прийме завтра
Я знаю, що я мушу мати твій поцілунок, хоча це мене проклинає
Хоча це споживає мене, ваш поцілунок вогнний
Ага попечи мене !!!

Sometimes the hookah nurtures me

Sometimes the hookah nurtures me
sometimes it makes me weak
sometimes it put me in a good mood
and I don't speak to anyone
My mind wanders here and there
and all of my reasoning
and I feel that at some moment
my death will come
I won't forget
for even a moment
In this world in which I was born
I won't ever settle down
My rebel life
this life is not for me
what did I do to you
to make my eyes so teary

Tıpkı Senin Gibi

Versions: #3
Bu bir grubun adamı
Sol elimde sigara
Bütün dünya sağ elimde
Yirmi beş ve hepsi planlanmış.
Gece dışarıda ve on bin dolar
Dayanamayacağım başlıklar
Ancak hikayenin yalnızca yarısını alırsın
Nakit, arabalar ve ihtişam
Uyuyamıyorum ve sabaha karşı parti veriyoruz
Çünkü sıkıcı olduğunuzda kimse umurunda değil
Bende senin gibiyim
Benim sorunlarım senin gibi hiçbir şeye benzemese de
Evet ben de üzülüyorum
Ve düştüğümde, konuşacak birilerine ihtiyacım var
Evet, senin de yaptığın gibi hissediyorum
Aynı stres, aynı boku geçmek için
Bende senin gibiyim
Sadece bilseydin
Yolumda olsaydım, her Pazar birahanede öğle yemeği ve
Ucuz bir bira ,herşey tamam
Bıraktığı yere yatmak istiyorum
Bu günlerde kalmak istiyorum
Sigara içeceksin ve sorun değil
Ancak hikayenin yalnızca yarısını alırsın
Nakit, arabalar ve ihtişam
Tıpkı benden önceki herkes gibi
Çünkü sıkıcı olduğunuzda kimse umurunda değil
Bende senin gibiyim
Benim sorunlarım senin gibi hiçbir şeye benzemese de
Evet ben de üzülüyorum
Ve düştüğümde, konuşacak birilerine ihtiyacım var
Evet, senin yaptığın gibi hissediyorum
Aynı stres, aynı boku geçmek için
Bende senin gibiyim
Sadece bilseydin
(Bende senin gibiyim
bende senin gibiyim
Bende senin gibiyim)
Her kalp aynı şekilde bozuyor
Her gözyaşı bir leke bırakır
Ben sadece aynı olamaz mıyım?
Her kalp aynı şekilde bozuyor
Her gözyaşı bir leke bırakır
Ben de aynı olmama izin ver
Bende senin gibiyim
Benim sorunlarım senin gibi hiçbir şeye benzemese de
Evet ben de üzülüyorum
Ve düştüğümde, konuşacak birilerine ihtiyacım var
Evet, senin yaptığın gibi hissediyorum
Aynı stres, aynı bok geçmek için
Bende senin gibiyim
Sadece bilseydin
(Bende senin gibiyim
bende senin gibiyim
bende senin gibiyim
Bende senin gibiyim)
Sadece bilseydin

Akárcsak Te

Ez az a srác abból a bandából
Cigaretta a bal kezemben
Az egész világ a jobb kezemben
Huszonöt és minden el van tervezve
Egy este az éjszakában, 10 ezer
A főcímek, amiket ki nem állhatok
De ti csak a történet felét halljátok
A pénz, az autók, és a hírnév
Nincs alvás, csak partizás a reggelig
Mert senkit sem érdekelsz ha unalmas vagy
Olyan vagyok, akárcsak te
Még ha a problémáim egy cseppet sem hasonlítanak a tieidhez
Igen, én is vagyok néha szomorú
És amikor magam alatt érzem magam, nekem is szükségem van valakire akivel beszélhetek
Igen, ugyanúgy ahogy te tennéd
Ugyanaz a stressz, ugyanazon a hülyeségeken megyek át
Olyan vagyok akárcsak te
Bárcsak tudnád
Ha a magam módján tennénk, pubba ennénk ebédet minden vasárnap
Olcsó sör és minden rendben
Ott akarok lefeküdni, ahol ő
Maradni szeretnék ezen napokon
Cigit szívni és ez rendben is van
De ti csak a történet felét halljátok
A pénz, az autók, és a hírnév
Nincs alvás, csak partizás a reggelig
Mert senkit sem érdekelsz ha unalmas vagy
Olyan vagyok, akárcsak te
Még ha a problémáim egy cseppet sem hasonlítanak a tieidhez
Igen, én is vagyok néha szomorú
És amikor magam alatt érzem magam, nekem is szükségem van valakire akivel beszélhetek
Igen, ugyanúgy ahogy te tennéd
Ugyanaz a stressz, ugyanazon a hülyeségeken megyek át
Olyan vagyok akárcsak te
Bárcsak tudnád
(Olyan vagyok akárcsak te
Olyan vagyok akárcsak te
Olyan vagyok akárcsak te)
Minden szív úgyanúgy törik össze
Minden könnycsepp foltot hagy
Nem lehetek én is olyan?
Minden szív úgyanúgy törik össze
Minden könnycsepp foltot hagy
Hagy legyek én is ugyanolyan
Olyan vagyok, akárcsak te
Még ha a problémáim egy cseppet sem hasonlítanak a tieidhez
Igen, én is vagyok néha szomorú
És amikor magam alatt érzem magam, nekem is szükségem van valakire akivel beszélhetek
Igen, ugyanúgy ahogy te tennéd
Ugyanaz a stressz, ugyanazon a hülyeségeken megyek át
Olyan vagyok akárcsak te
Bárcsak tudnád
(Olyan vagyok akárcsak te
Olyan vagyok akárcsak te
Olyan vagyok akárcsak te)
Bárcsak tudnád

Red Sky

Alone, without your affection
I'm walking, I'm walking
And I don't know what to do
Not even the sky answers me
When I ask for you, my love
I haven't been able to forget you
Since the night, since the night
that I lost you.
Shadows of doubt and jealousy
only make me think of you.
Let me find you
And if I find you, and if I find you,
come back.
Forget about the past,
don't think about yesterday.
Forget about the past,
don't think about yesterday.
While I'm sleeping
I dream that we'll go the two of us together
to a blue sky.
But when I wake up
the sky is red, I'm missing you.
Although it's my fault
of that sad,
of that sad separation,
comes back, for the love of God, your eyes.
Love me again, come back my love.
Let me find you.


It's four to six, he's ready to hang out
He's waiting for the taxi in te ground floor, traffic and the city
The years pass through like this and he is there and here
Looking for an easy life, he just wants to sing
A little poet and artist, he makes his own song
Always has Beatles playing on his tape player, his love
And dreaming about a thousand of scenarios while he waits the signal
Changing from red to green there's no much time to dream
Louis... It's his artistic name
Louis... The people scream when they see him
On his shoulders: Wife and children to sustain
But there's nothing who prevents Louis from dreaming
Long hair on his shoulders, whether he uses it or not
It doesn't matter to Louis, he just wants to sing
Louis... It's his artistic name
Louis... The people scream when they see him
Louis... Is fool and romantic
Louis... Fighting against the traffic
And dreaming about a thousand of scenarios while he waits the signal
Changing from red to green there's no much time to dream
One day Louis woke up concerned
While was looking the mirror, he wasn't the same anymore
The time pass through fast by the poor Louis too
Who waits to hear he and his people singing a day
Louis... It's his artistic name
Louis... The people scream when they see him
Louis... Is fool and romantic
Louis... Fighting against the traffic

Day One

Versions: #2
Day one
Love number one
It's the best love
Tell me that you love me
I want a day number two
A suite at the hotel, even better
I watched you all the night
Dancing on my soul is no longer allowed
Nine days
life is velvet and forever, a necessity
Day ten
Change of delight
What would you like to do?
A trip to sea?
Each day,
Addiction to love, without dancing around
It's day one, the one that we hold on to
The one that fades when you replace me, when you keep me
It's the one that comes back
It's day one, the one that we hold on to
The one that fades when you replace me, when you keep me
It's the one that comes back
One hundred days if it was a bad day
Without seeming like rage is in the air
Day one thousand you hit the bull's-eye
Turpentine hidden in the chest
Each day
Addiction to love, without dancing around
It's day one, the one that we hold on to
The one that fades when you replace me, when you keep me
It's the one that comes back
It's day one, the one that we hold on to
The one that fades when you replace me, when you keep me
It's the one that comes back
It's day one, the one that we hold on to
The one that fades when you replace me, when you keep me
It's the one that comes back
It's day one, the one that we hold on to
The one that fades when you replace me, when you keep me
It's the one that comes back


Here, on the third planet
The fires have never died out
How it looks like a mad comet
Full of nuclear arms
We’ve made the sun our enemy
We’ve hurt the earth everywhere
We’ve polluted our sky
And acid rain is falling
Planet Earth calling, planet Earth calling
Planet Earth calling, planet Earth calling
The birds die around us
The fish get out on land
All people stay silent
I don’t know what to do anymore
Planet Earth calling, planet Earth calling
Planet Earth calling, planet Earth calling
Planet Earth calling, planet Earth calling

Too far, close enough

Answer, if there won't be there is no need
Too far, close enough
I won't be here, if you won't be.
We would dance in a matter
Where a colour and only in the gold colour
But we bravely wear costume
We could believe in each other mask.
I will be a hide-out now
And if it's possible, I will count to 100.
So if one finds himself by me,
The one that doesn't hide, but plays.
Answer, if there won't be there is no need
Too far, close enough
I won't be here, if you won't be.
I step aback, I don't reach the floor
That is the point, as I reach the essential.
Watch ! The people's wings would shake by themselves
As down as possible, always reach a new layer.
The people's wings would shake a ragged sky.
Answer, if there won't be there is no need
Too far, close enough
I won't be here, if you won't be.

Milk Teeth, Wolf teeth

(France Gall)
Milk teeth
(Serge Gainsbourg)
Wolf teeth
(France Gall)
Milk teeth
(Serge Gainsbourg)
Wolf teeth
You are just a baby
Nothing but a baby wolf
You have milk teeth
Wolf teeth
(France Gall)
Yes, I am a baby
Nothing but a baby wolf
Yes, I have milk teeth
Wolf milk teeth
Milk teeth
(Serge Gainsbourg)
Wolf teeth
(France Gall)
Milk teeth
(Serge Gainsbourg)
Wolf teeth
Yes, you are just a baby
Nothing but a baby wolf
You have milk teeth
Wolf teeth
(France Gall)
Yes, I am a baby
Nothing but a baby wolf
Yes, I have milk teeth
Wolf milk teeth

Cradle song for baby

Night falls,
comes down onto your eyes,
onto your ideal[f]lit: blue dreams of a little child.
Night takes you
to the wonderful land,
where your ideal dreams lead you
and hand in hand
lets go softly, both of us,
to where all is so fair and so gentle.
It's in the arms,
just next to the heart,
that affection finds its beginning,
comes to me.
Forget your fears
so that your nights will be sweeter.
We all need a star
to forget the place where light is.
Translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is normally not allowed without a written permission of the author. But my translations can be published, except for commercial purposes, anywhere provided that my name is cited as translator - subject of course to the rights of the author of the original (untranslated) lyrics being fully observed.


She walks slowly as if she were battling time,
she submits her body,
all her moves.
She looks forward
to seeing if the weather is fine.
From the sofa to the couch.
From the sofa to the couch,
but noone tells her anymore that she must take care.
Nothing but just a cup to go by in the morning.
To her, nothing is not exactly
like it used to be before.
From the sofa to the couch.
From the sofa to the couch.
Amnesia. The amnesia as a way out
upon the hurtful tendencies.
Amnesia as if she denounced
her past, her sadness.
Amnesia is superficial,
it's what makes us suffer.
But, on the inside,
it's what helps us go on.
She remains that beautiful
at an instant.
On these black hair,
not even a white stripe.
She accepts her choices,
her memory that surpasses the battlefield,
from the past to the present.
On past tense, I speak to her
for all of this and nothing.
Her childhood,
she keeps remembering.
From a bouquet of roses
that I just brought,
the perfume won't go off
but the memory will fade.
Amnesia. The amnesia as a way out
upon the hurtful tendencies.
Amnesia as if she denounced
her past, her sadness.
Amnesia is superficial,
it's what makes us suffer.
But, on the inside,
it's what helps us go on.
Amnesia. The amnesia as a way out
upon the hurtful tendencies.
Amnesia as if she denounced
her past, her sadness.
Amnesia is superficial,
it's what makes us suffer.
But, on the inside,
it's what helps us go on.
Amnesia opens her heart up
until nothing is left inside.
Amnesia, just like an tension,
has equally bad and good aspects.
Amnesia is a space
not understood by anyone.
But, to her, it's the place
to which her soul roams around.
Οι μεταφράσεις μου μέχρι ένα εφικτό σημείο είναι δικές μου. Δέχομαι βελτιώσεις μόνο αν θεωρώ ότι κάποια μετάφρασή μου έχει παράδοθεί ελλιπής ή εντελώς εσφαλμένη.
My translations are mine up to a considerable extent. I accept improvements only if I consider that any translation of mine has been delivered inaccurate or completely wrong.


When the whole world goes mad...
When the whole world goes mad...
The whole world is going mad...
The whole world is going mad...
And tomorrow...
And tomorrow it will be a new day
But nobody will understand
What was a lie will become the truth tomorrow, and then the other way round
There's no end to this fairy tale
The king of the mountains will receive his sacrifice again, and declare a new year
The crowd will create an idol
The lord of sleepy flies will put on a mask, and the carnival will begin
This is likely our destiny
But it will become a thousand times worse than an execution on the day,when we all go mad
When we all go mad...
When the whole world goes mad
Then we will understand
That our life is Armageddon
And tomorrow it will be like yesterday
And in cages of concrete, an eternity of endlessly gray days flows
An idol creates an idol
The world is on the brink of coma, with every new year it becomes dead
A crimson reflection in the window
The sky smells like oil, war begins again in the East
A hand tightens into a fist
How to see this before the day comes where the world is mad?
The whole world is going mad
The whole world is going mad
The whole world is going mad
We all see this
And then we will understand
That our life is Armageddon
When the whole world goes mad!

Tear down everything

Tear down everything already
Tear down everything
tough heart
Since everything began wrong
Love on Dounia* ended in disaster
Wreck everything
I'll still love you, I'll still love you
Tear down everything already
Tear down everything everything, tough heart
If deep down you love me,
why do you tyrannize me
why don't you love me
Tell me what I did for you
my soul
to become a mess
to become a mess
*Dounia is a large mountain range near Sparti which is often used as a metaphor in songs when referring to something of great magnitude


Put your middle fingers up!
Everyone be quiet because it's Parow who's rapping now
if you backchat again, i will leave you with a fat lip
Bloubek bloubek
Yo I am still right here
Still fresh
still no contest
You are still complaining
I am still making hits ( records)
I'm still top of the charts and you're still shit
People pay my bar tab like people online
the only friends you have is on the fucking internet
I eat fucking hipsters and shit out fixie bites
still, when i cook, fry and eat the mic
What? Jack Parow, he's still not gone?
This is king kong children and the road's still long
and the full truck with the pink bicycle on the rear
in the back pissing in bottles and selling you craft beer
Your mom says stay away from those guys with the hanging pants
I am coming to your church fete and support in the pancakes
Everyone be quiet because it's Parow who's rapping now
if you backchat again, i will leave you with a black/ fat lip
Hold up, stop, the hottest is back
parow is back to kill cats, write an article
Sit back like this
get up, drop down to the floor,
the monster eats beats, raps, galore
YO it's old school, my room is decorated with He-man
Throw a house party with streamers against the wall
Dont speak to the champion,
Leave spots on your panty because I am rapping so fancy
Everyone just wait
to see what I will drop
SO much bass
YOu would think it is a make up shop
The monster is here
The ghost of the dark hole
It's Ingrid Fucking Jonker
Let the land walk into the sea
Everyone be quiet because it's Parow who's rapping now
and if you backchat again, I will hit you with the Bloubek

Self Control

In my nights
Without sleep
My desires
I feel you
You are here
But it's no longer
Really you
I no longer have
Your desire
Surely broken
Nestled against
Your shoulder
I need
To dream
When I see you
I lose my self control
When you take me
To the end of the night
When our two too-tired bodies
Brush together
When I see you
I lose my self control
In my nights
Without sleep
My desires
Rise up
I want you
You are here
I'm begging you
Come back to me
Another life
A morning which leaves
Another moment
Separated from you
With you, I want
To play all the roles
When I see you
I lose my self control
I'm dying to go
To the end of the dream
I will search for you
Will brave all the hells
All the wars that we wage
Believe me, I will win you back
When I see you
I lose my self control
When you take me
To the end of the night
When our two too-tired bodies
Brush together
When I see you
I lose my self control
  • 1. lit. paying lip service

The absence is an incurable wound

The guilts of the past have tied you
in a slow rythm of death.
And it seems impossible to run away,
you let yourself in this unfair loss.
Your nights are full of nightmares,
the darkness will cover the moments.
Love, terrorist of the dreams,
taught you to live with obsessions.
Now the time is after every thought of yours,
the absence is an incurable wound.
Choices of yours that have destroyed you
and they dig you deep in earth.
And me, that I am slowly dying with you.
you didn't turned to see a minute.
You left me alone, here, waiting.
in tears - high seas to dive in.

I'm An Optimist

I don't really wanna wake up this morning, at all
My eyes are rheumy and hard to open
Yesterday, shortly after noon, I received bad news from up above
My head's buzzing from the haste to put the puzzle together
I'm counting how many years are in front of me and behind me
and how many unnecessary things have been said, and how many haven't been said
I'll let my head to cool down from the heavy hangover
Truth is that the earth keeps on turning, with or without me
What does it matter what's the plan, how many years I still got ahead
What does it matter what's going on, it's not really important
What does it matter what's the plan, how many years I still got ahead
What does it matter what's gonna be, I'm an everlasting optimist
Maybe those from up above got slightly different plans with me
They say we're here for a reason
So, St. Peter, don't open the gates yet
I'll keep going to the well even with the broken pitcher
What does it matter what's the plan, how many years I still got ahead
What does it matter what's going on, it's not really important
What does it matter what's the plan, how many years I still got ahead
What does it matter what's gonna be, I'm an everlasting optimist
Nánana nánana
I'm an everlasting optimist
(I'm an everlasting optimist)


Versions: #5
But why does the song have to be sad
Like it was cut off from my heart
And I'm flooding of joy at the moment
It rose up to my lips and drowned me
You tell me 'save yourself for the end'
I love you but I don't have voice to tell you that
And this is an unbearable yearning
I melt in pain because I feel it too
The road we are on is impassable
You tell me 'have courage, it will pass'
How can I forget her loose hair
that was falling in the sand like a waterfall
As she was leaning over me with thousands of kisses
Lavishly, giving me diamonds
I will go even if it turns out to be bad
On which ecstasy -in a magical dance-
could such a creature be born
From which distant star
is the light which was hidden through her eyes
And me, the lucky one who has seen it
In her face, a so tiny sky
Lighting, clouding, unfolding
But as the night comes
it floods of light
The August moon rises up
and shines through the prison
How can I forget her loose hair
that was falling in the sand like a waterfall
As she was leaning over me with thousands of kisses
Lavishly, giving me diamonds
I will go even if it turns out to be bad

Hangosak, mint a szerelem

Versions: #2
Szerelem egy atomban, szerelem egy felhőn
Látni mindennek a születését, ami most még nincs
El tudsz képzelni egy szerelmet, ami ilyen büszke?
Sosem kell kérdeznie, miért vagy hogyan
Teljesen feladnám a szerelmet az álmaimban
Mikor felébredek, az ágyneműm ázott az izzadságtól
Lélegezz, lélegezz
Higgy, higgy, higgy, higgy
Az egész fiatalságunk alatt
Azok után vágyakoztunk
A szépségük és az igazságuk után
Lélegezz, lélegezz, lélegezz, lélegezz
Higgy, higgy, higgy, higgy
Lélegezz, lélegezz, lélegezz, lélegezz
Higgy, higgy
Hogy hangosak vagyunk, mint
Szerelem egy atomban, szerelem egy felhőn
Látni mindennek a születését, ami most még nincs
El tudsz képzelni egy szerelmet, ami ilyen büszke?
Sosem kell kérdeznie, miért vagy hogyan
Az egész fiatalságunk alatt
Azok után vágyakoztunk
A szépségük és az igazságuk után
Ezért elnevezzük őket
És valahogy segítenek nekünk átjutni
Azok után vágyakoztunk
Az egész fiatalságunk alatt
Lélegezz, lélegezz, lélegezz, lélegezz
Higgy, higgy, higgy, higgy
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem

The Cicada

Sing no more for me, cicada
Let you singsong end now
For your singing stabs
My soul right here like a dagger
Knowing that when you sing
You herald your own death in
Seafarer, seafarer
Tell me, is true that you know?
Because I cannot distinguish
If in the depths of the seas
There's darker shade of black
Than the color of the pain that weighs on me
Haylai, hailarala, haylarala
There's darker shade of black
Than the color of the pain that weighs on me
A little pigeon flew by,
His chest wounded,
And almost in tears
He said to me, grief-stricken:
I have grown tired
Of searching for a love that loves me back
Under the shadow of a tree
And to the rhythm of my guitar
I sing this huapango gladly
Because life is about to be over
And I want to die singing
Like the cicada dies
Haylai, hailarala, haylarala
And I want to die singing
Like the cicada dies


Az igazság – elrejtve biztonságban
Nem engedhetem, hogy megfojtsatok
Szeretném, de nem működne
A csereüzletben profitálunk egymásból
Egy kicsit sem bánom
És van ez a barátom, érted
Aki éreztet velem valamit, és én
Többet akartam, mint amennyit lopni tudtam
Saját magamat fogom letartóztatni, egy pajzsot fogok viselni
Nem leszek önmagam, csak hogy bizonyítsam, én még
Érzem a függőséget rajtatok
Ne mondd nekem, amit hallani akarok
Aggódva egy sosem ismert félelem miatt
Éljetek át bármit, amire szükségetek van
Továbbra is legyőzöm az irigységet
Amíg ez megint átkozottul véget ér
És van ez a barátom, érted
Aki éreztet velem valamit, és én
Többet akartam, mint amennyit lopni tudtam
Saját magamat fogom letartóztatni, egy pajzsot fogok viselni
Nem leszek önmagam, csak hogy bizonyítsam, én még
Érzem ezt rajtatok
Az igazság – elrejtve biztonságban
Nem engedhetem, hogy megfojtsatok
Szeretném, de nem működne
A csereüzletben profitálunk egymásból
Egy kicsit sem bánom
És van ez a barátom, érted
Aki éreztet velem valamit, és én
Többet akartam, mint amennyit lopni tudtam
Saját magamat fogom letartóztatni, egy pajzsot fogok viselni
Nem leszek önmagam, csak hogy csináljak nektek egy üzletet
Megegyezést kötöttünk, hogy tanuljunk belőle
És amit mindig akarunk, új szabályok nélkül
Megosztjuk, ami elveszett, és amit neveltünk
Nem lesznek önmaguk
Hogy bizonyítsák, ők még
Érzik ezt rajtatok
Ők még érzik ezt rajtatok
Érzik ezt rajtatok