Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 4

Találatok száma: 119


At The Loud House

In the crowded corridors, dodging the girls
The bathroom's at the end, you'll make it
(Hey! Hey! Hey!)
Skip the piles of laundry, feel that I smell here
With ten sisters, it's hard here, you know!
Loud House! Loud House!
We collide, but there is always love in!
Loud House! Loud House!
One child and ten sisters, It's very tough, you know!
Loud! Loud! House! Of the Louds!

The Loud House

To the right, to the left
In a crowd of people
The toilet's still far away (Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!)
There's huge piles of clothes
And diapers that smell horrible
My survival won't lose!
My Loud House! Your Loud House!
Sibling fights
Are a sign of love!
My Loud House! Your Loud House!
From one to ten
I love my family!
Loud! Loud House!

Näin Meillä!! [That's what we do!]

Pushing in the hallway
Sisters can hold it in
Like this I'll be the first one in the bathroom line
I pass a mountain of laundry
And a smelly baby's diaper
I'm making art of taking turns!
That's what we do, how about you?
Shoving, pushing
You'll never be left alone!
That's what we do, how about you?
One plus ten
I'd never change that to anything!
That's it! That's what we do!
'That's what we do'

My Noisy House

Noise and turmoil in the corridor
We have to fight
To get into the bathroom
Dirty laundry is everywhere
Diapers are here too
Try to survive here!
In our house! In our house!
Noise and turmoil
That is our family!
In our house! In our house!
You are one, they are ten
But we're not traitors!
House! House! House! Our house!
My Noisy House

Welcome to the Louds!

Passing through the whole house
Dodging girls on the way
Just to reach the bathroom in time
(In the Louds!)
Stepping over laundry in heaps
Diapers that don't smell very good
A boy must do everything to keep his reason!
Welcome to the Louds!
Push, sort, shake or brake
Us, that's how we love ourselves!
Welcome to the Louds!
One guy, ten girls
But I love my big family!
Welcome to the Louds!

The Loud House Opening (Brazilian Portuguese)

Slithering through the hall,
Dodging girls I shall, to the bathroom, arrive on time
(Hey! Hey! Hey!)
Leaping over smelly piles, smellies which embroils your insides, guy's gotta take some risks to survive...
(In the Loud House! In the Loud House!,) dodge, duck, push and shove, our loves is awesome (In the Loud House! In the Loud House!)
One boy, ten girls, (A wonder's here)
Loud, loud, loud, loud House!


A jövő, csakis gépeké
Nincs itt senki, ki háborút kezdjen
A kert, az csak egy kép
Amit senki se néz már
[Verse 1]
Ebben a világban anyánk feledésbe merül
Talán mi is ilyen sorsa jutunk
Mert ha le se szarjuk egymást
Akkor mindennek vége
Akkor vége
Ha elbukunk
Az az emberek hibája
Ha nekünk végünk
Ki ment meg majd a romok alól?
Ha elbukunk
Az az emberek hibája
Az az emberek hibá-
Az az emberek
Az az emberek
Az az emberek
Az az emberek hibája
Az az emberek hibája
Az az emberek hibája
Az az emberek hibája
Az az emberek hibája
Az az emberek hibája
Az az emberek hibája
Az az emberek hibája
[Verse 2]
Ebben a világban anyánk feledésbe merül
Talán mi is ilyen sorsa jutunk
Mert ha le se szarjuk egymást
Akkor mindennek vége
Akkor vége
Ha elbukunk
Az az emberek hibája
Ha nekünk végünk
Ki ment meg majd a romok alól?
Ha elbukunk
Az az emberek hibája
Az az emberek hibá-
Az az emberek
Az az emberek
Az az emberek
Az az emberek hibája


I was a boy blown by a refreshing breeze, looking ahead.
Wanted to find something, wanted to seek something.
Do you see that boy now?
No doubt, you can't lose to anyone.
Fly to the future, and you will be the wind.
My dreams, that I hold close to my heart,
Now is the time for you to get wings.
There is always light behind the clouds.
Everything I did is mediocre, and then you told me off on that day.
Never bury my dreams, I swear.
You are kind, so warm-hearted in that way.
Being hurt more than anyone else, you have been devastated by grief.
When you can't stop crying
I will sing this song, is this enough?
Or I give all of my smiles to you.
Surely the rain will turn into a rainbow.
Come on, let us open the door to our dreams.
Fly to the future, and you will be the wind.
My dreams, that I hold close to my heart,
Now is the time for you to get wings.
When you can't stop crying
I will sing this song, is this enough?
Or I give all of my smiles to you.
There is always light behind the clouds.
Come on, let us open the door to our dreams.

Come Together

I want to invite you here, with us to
Have fun, and also dance like crazy
You'll see playing here
The best bands in town
We'll be all in a new wave and
Posh boys will drink Coca Cola
Everybody, let's dance and sing
We'll tell jokes and we'll laugh non stop
Come together here to dance
Cats are allowed, bring your cats and see
At least bring a portrait with you
Don't you fall sleep
Everybody's here to have fun
Come together here to dance
Girls come here with their chain belts
And their bell-bottoms
They dance and laugh and sing, yeah
You will feel very happy in this place
Come together here to dance
Come together, yeah
Come together, yeah
Come together, oh
Come together, yeah
Come together, oh.


I don't belong
I don't belong anymore to the sky
My soul can't remember. I'm searching for it
To dream
But my memory is sleeping
My breath is like a cell
She's imprisoning imagination
A life of wish. A breath
On a world that doesn't matter
I can't stand
I can't stand this silence anymore
A rock, a butterfly
Without music, without being there
I saw them preparing the party
And I keep hoping for a tomorrow
But I'm fooling myself
Yes, I'm fooling me
And I follow
Steps written by time
My breath is like a cell
She's imprisoning imagination
A life of wish. A breath
On a world that doesn't matter
I don't belong
I don't belong anymore to the sky
My soul can't remember. I'm searching for it
To dream
But my memory is sleeping

Ne tűnj el

Mi az, ami fájdalmat okoz?
Mi az, ami olyan gyötrelmes
Hogy koromsötétté változtatta gyönyörű lelked
És nem látod tőle az utat magad előtt?
Ha nem is tudhatok mindent
De ha mikor gyengéd kezem végigfut lelkeden
És lassacskán is, de egy kicsit megkönnyebbülsz
Akkor ahányszor csak látlak, mosolygok majd
Ne tűnj el, kérlek
Ne tűnj el
Ha a szenvedés súlya számokban mérhető lenne
Akkor levenném a válladról
Ne menekülj el, kérlek
Még ha nem is tudhatod, mikor ér véget
Itt ne állj meg
Ha nem is tudhatok mindent
De ha mikor gyengéd kezem végigfut lelkeden
És lassacskán is, de egy kicsit megkönnyebbülsz
Akkor ahányszor csak látlak, mosolygok majd
Ne tűnj el, kérlek
Ne tűnj el
Ha a szenvedés súlya számokban mérhető lenne
Akkor levenném a válladról
Ne menekülj el, kérlek
Még ha nem is tudhatod, mikor ér véget
Itt ne állj meg
Most már engedd el
Ezt a nehéz terhet, melyet oly sokáig hordoztál
Most már megpihenhetsz
Ha újra látjuk még egymást, akkor
Többé ne tűnj el, kérlek
Többé ne menekülj el, kérlek
Ne tűnj el, kérlek
Még ha nem is tudhatod, mikor ér véget
Itt ne állj meg

Hangos (B*ssza meg)

Hangosnak kell lenned!
Durvának kell lenned!
Hogy a világ halljon téged!
Szemétnek kell lenned!
Jéghidegnek kell lenned!
Ez minden, amit tudunk!
Tekerd fel, tekerd fel, most!
Egy újabb nap, egy dupla adag gyűlölet
Idd fel, mint a benzint
Alulfizetett, diplomás,
Valaki más álmát építed
Egy hurokkal a nyakadon...
Nem képzeltél már el egy jobb életet?
A javítás arra hogy az legyél, akit akarják, hogy legyél,
A tévédben adják
És amikor hátat fordítanak neked…
Hangosnak kell lenned!
Durvának kell lenned!
Hogy a világ halljon téged!
Szemétnek kell lenned!
Jéghidegnek kell lenned!
Ez minden, amit tudunk!
Tekerd fel, tekerd fel, most!
Durva vagy,
Mikor senki nem hall!
Fel kell állnod!
Meg kell tenned!
Mond, hogy BAZDMEG, és hozd ki a legtöbbet magadból!
Egy olyan csonka család, amit megpróbálsz megjavítani
Téged egy napon otthagytak, hogy fizesd a lakbért
Nem vagyunk benne biztosak, de hiszünk a hazugságban…
Hogy minden jó lesz, amikor meghalunk
Annyira könnyű megadni magad a tükörképnek,
Az irányító erőnek, amit ki akarsz törölni,
Ne válj áldozattá, vegyél fel egy mosolyt.
Hangosnak kell lenned!
Durvának kell lenned!
Hogy a világ halljon téged!
Szemétnek kell lenned!
Jéghidegnek kell lenned!
Ez minden, amit tudunk!
Tekerd fel, tekerd fel, most!
Durva vagy,
Mikor senki nem hall!
Fel kell állnod!
Meg kell tenned!
Mond, hogy BAZDMEG, és hozd ki a legtöbbet magadból!
A pénz a bánásmódban van, Bébi, nem a gyógymódban.
Úgyhogy félelemmel és szégyennel töltik fel,
A fájdalmadat, majd átadnak neked egy brosúrát.
A pénz a bánásmódban van, Bébi, nem a gyógymódban,
Úgyhogy megerősítenek téged, hogy nézzenek, ahogy elbuksz, majd egy ráadást kérsz.
Mégis mire vársz már?
Mégis mire vársz már?
Neked kell lenned….
Hangosnak kell lenned!
Durvának kell lenned!
Hogy a világ halljon téged!
Szemétnek kell lenned!
Jéghidegnek kell lenned!
Ez minden, amit tudunk!
Tekerd fel, tekerd fel, most!
Durva vagy,
Mikor senki nem hall!
Fel kell állnod!
Meg kell tenned!
Mond, hogy BAZDMEG, és hozd ki a legtöbbet magadból!
Hozd ki a legtöbbet magadból!
Mégis mire vársz már?
Egy újabb nap, egy dupla adag gyűlölet,
Ez minden, amit tudunk.
Idd fel, mint a benzint,
BAZDMEG, és hozd ki a legtöbbet magadból!'


I thought that it was all done
that you are still in the past
but a little before dawn
under the light of the stars
but a little before dawn
under the light of the grey stars
Shadows, shadows
in the bedroom in which we lived yesterday
Shadows, like the shadows
my crazy memories dance
like butterflies that wear black
My bad luck has changed
but my wounded heart
sometimes tells me it's fine
and sometimes it cries and wakes me
sometimes it tells me it's fine
and sometimes it cries again and wakes me
Shadows, shadows
in the bedroom in which we lived yesterday
Shadows, like the shadows
my crazy memories dance
like butterflies that that wear black
I am currently studying Greek, so please don't shoot me if I make a mistake...! Any translations I post will be just the best I can make it out to be if no other translation is available. If there is a mistake just let me know and I will correct it :) x.


Mióta ezáltal a pohár áltál rájöttem az igazságomra,
azt érzem be vagyok zárva a saját szobámba.
Elpocsékolom a fiatalságomat,
elvesztettem a szavakba vetett hitem.
A múlt örökké fájni fog
s a jövő teljesen értelmetlen.
Néhányan azt mondták szeretnek, aztán eltiporták a büszkeségem
és ezután még várták, hogy a bocsánatukért esedezzek.
Nem, nem tudom elmondani mi jár a fejemben
ez a fajta szabadság az, amit elutasítok.
Hát egyszer és mindenkorra elhagyom ezt a világot,
füstfelhőkön magasra szállok.
Ez az egyetlen módja hogy érezzem a szerelmet,
de néhányat azt mondják túl veszélyes.
De ez az egyetlen módja hogy felszabadítsam magam,
felszabadítsam magam, felszabadítsam magam, felszabadítsam magam.
Az egyetlen módja hogy felszabadítsam magam,
felszabadítsam magam, felszabadítsam magam, felszabadítsam magam.
Egyszer és mindenkorra elhagyom ezt a világot,
az egyetlen módját hogy érezzem a szerelmet.
Hát egyszer és mindenkorra elhagyom ezt a világot,
füstfelhőkön magasra szállok.
Ez az egyetlen módja hogy érezzem a szerelmet,
de néhányat azt mondják túl veszélyes.
De ez az egyetlen módja hogy felszabadítsam magam,
felszabadítsam magam, felszabadítsam magam, felszabadítsam magam.
Az egyetlen módja hogy felszabadítsam magam,
felszabadítsam magam, felszabadítsam magam, felszabadítsam magam.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

Bad boy

You're unlucky, you're unlucky
You attract nothing but bad girls, yeah, you’re nothing but a bad boy
[Verse 1]
The goal in life is to make money
They’re not your crew, they brought you over
Yeah we know about all your girlfriends
From zoning out, yeah, we earned
I’m feeling down, I’m losing control of things
And you don’t have a euro, don’t make any deal
And you don’t have any kilos, don’t try to act like a drug dealer
I don’t take that seriously
Yeah, Saff, tell them
This girl is shaking her ass, she wants all of your phone numbers
And she’s just a kid
But being that she’s bored, this world fascinates her
I wanted to get away
And it’s been that way for so many years
I’m trying to clear my mind
To smile often, to sort things apart
I wanted to get away
And it’s been that way for so many years
I’m trying to clear my mind
To smile often, to sort things apart
Bad bad bad boy
All of your girlfriends are bad bad girls
We don’t care about the risk, we’re, we’re unlucky
And you’re unlucky, unlucky
And you’re a Bad bad bad boy
All of your girlfriends are bad bad girls
We don’t care about the risk, we’re, we’re unlucky
And you’re unlucky, unlucky
[Verse 2]
It’s like you’re a subscriber to this shitty life, yeah
You can’t change plan, they all abandoned you
So you put on your gloves, put on a beanie
And you start running, and you start running, you just keep zoning out
So you go out at night, you go out, you’re all dressed up
You’re in good company, yeah, so it’s all good, it’s all good
She saw all your money
From there, yeah, things start going downhill for you
Yeah, things start going downhill for you, you’re taking things too far
All of that just because the girl is hot, she’s hot
But you have feelings for her, you keep buying up the bar
At the end, who’s the one paying ? Well, she’s not the one giving
I wanted to get away
And it’s been that way for so many years
I’m trying to clear my mind
To smile often, to sort things apart
I wanted to get away
And it’s been that way for so many years
I’m trying to clear my mind
To smile often, to sort things apart
Bad bad bad boy
All of your girlfriends are bad bad girls
We don’t care about the risk, we’re, we’re unlucky
And you’re unlucky, unlucky
And you’re a Bad bad bad boy
All of your girlfriends are bad bad girls
We don’t care about the risk, we’re, we’re unlucky
And you’re unlucky, unlucky
You’re unlucky, you’re unlucky
You attract nothing but bad bad girls
Yeah, you’re unlucky

The Little Flower In The Garden

The little flower in the garden
The little flower in the garden
The little flower in the garden
She promised to that she would take me
The little flower of the mountain
The little flower of the mountain
The little flower of the mountain
Pays no attention to me at all
Come, let's go to the island,
Come, let's go to the island,
Come, let's go to the island,
You and I, and your mom
Come, let's go to where you speak of
Come, let's go to where you speak of
Come, let's go to where you speak of
There, where the birds build nests
The little flower in the garden
The little flower in the garden
The little flower in the garden
She promised to that she would take me


And yah the time passes, and yah the time passes
And yah the time passes, and yah the time passes
And yah the time passes, so my time passes
Changing at the same time as my closing
Because for some I'm crazy, for others I'm stupid
But for them they don't have a chance becaus ein the end I'm laughing
Yah, yah the time passes, so my time passes
Changing at the same time as my ending
Because for some I'm crazy, for others I'm stupid
But for them they don't have a chance because in the end I'm laughing
Come, come we'll bet
Who in six months will prove themselves?
well yah it's me, we dont have the same ideas
we dont have the same flow we wont have the same tickets
tickets, tickets, but I don't want to shine, shine
I actually should start praying, praying
yah, praying, praying
And yah the time passes, and yah the time passes
And yah the time passes, and yah the time passes
And yah the time passes, so the bosses
Will change depending on my depictions
Because for them I am strong, the concieved is over
I am so small but im going to break all the doors
I'm going to break all the doors, shoot all the bodies
Fuck up all the decorations, your albums don't support me
I didn't even do it on purpose, at the base it was just a trial
Come, come we'll bet
Who in six months will prove themselves?
well yah it's me, we dont have the same ideas
we dont have the same flow we wont have the same tickets
tickets, tickets, but I don't want to shine, shine
I actually should start praying, praying
yah, praying, praying
Come, come and we'll laugh
Come, come and we'll laugh
Come, come and we'll bet
Who in six months will prove themselves?
Well yah it's me, me, me
And well yah it's me, me, me
Come, come we'll bet
Who in six months will prove themselves?
well yah it's me, we dont have the same ideas
we dont have the same flow we wont have the same tickets
tickets, tickets, but I don't want to shine, shine
I actually should start praying, praying
yah, praying, praying
I actually should start praying, praying
Nah I dont want to shine, nah
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.

What Do You Have

Ah, ah, ah
Look at me, me
Look at me
Look at me
Ah look at me
Look at me
Don't show me who you are, what you're doing
No one wants to talk about their past
Yes but we want to know whose bothering us
Who is ready to spit on us
Yes you're ready to hide yourself, misunderstood and angry
You spend your whole life hiding
Yes you're ready to hide yourself, misunderstood and angry
You spend your whole life being weary
But tell us, what do you want?
I don't have everything, I can't recreate the world
Yah tell us, what do you want?
With them I'm going to come like a bomb
I took my family and I improved myself, ah I improved myself
In front of no big sum did I stutter, ah I stutter
I took my family and I improved myself, ah I improved myself
In front of no one did I get on my knees, ah did I get on my knees
But what do you have?
There is definitely something that you're keeping secret
But that you're not saying, but that you're not saying
Go ahead talk to me, and when you talk to me
I want to see your eyes so look at me, so look at me
No one helps you anymore, loves you
Your words are put in the scene
You wanted your beautiful life, your little girl
Your nice car except
You worries accumulate
For others you simulate
A lot of things you hide
Your galley stimulates you
I wanted to take my family and improve myself
I want to help everyone live, even if i have but twenty brooms
They wanted to silence me but I still went
And finally I am at Purple Money
I took my family and I improved myself, ah I improved myself
In front of no big sum did I stutter, ah I stutter
I took my family and I improved myself, ah I improved myself
In front of no one did I get on my knees, ah did I get on my knees
But what do you have?
There is definitely something that you're keeping secret
But that you're not saying, but that you're not saying
Go ahead talk to me, and when you talk to me
I want to see your eyes so look at me, so look at me
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.

Butterfly Of Fire

Dark turns on, my life is rolling drop by drop,
the night is digging,
her deepest wound,
give me my chaffy ball,
to play outside,
with my shadow on earth.
Oh! Butterfly who fly over grief,
and from every love you ask,
nobody (of them)
met God..
Oh! Butterfly of fire
Two black gardens
The happiness to walk away,
(and) ashes too from the wings.

With two words and one look

A heart with your name on it
you folded in a paper
And you placed it in my hand
when I first saw you
Roses on the fence
and ships on the shore
With two words and one look
you made me mutter to myself *
I'm plucking a daisy
to tell me if you love me
And there is always one petal left **
no matter which way you count them
Canaries and swallows
during May's celebration
You told me you would come, but you didn't
and I don't know why
Roses on the fence
and ships on the shore
With two words and one look
you made me mutter to myself


I slogged all year long, yeah yeah
For them, how much did I give, yeah yeah
The buzz did not change me, no no
I keep messing about yeah yeah
I was told you need cash, cash
If you wanna be out of here, out of here
I was told you need cash, cash
But I'm fed up that's it, that's it
And I took all my mateys
The Guardia you ought to be in the picture, yeah
And I took all my mateys
The Guardia you ought to be in the picture, yeah
[Chorus] (x2)
Die die die die
Your mateys are all die die die die
They don't have good contracts, contracts, contracts, contracts
I said to them bye bye bye bye bye
I said to them bye bye bye bye bye
You are not on the right track, the right direction
Yes your team is die, die die
An evening with us, the next day penniless
Ouch Ouch, no worries, we won't know
Ouch Ouch, No worries we won't say
No, anyway we won't see
Even though you sing around a pool, we won't tell
And I took all my mateys
The Guardia you ought to be in the picture, yeah
And I took all my mateys
The Guardia you ought to be in the picture,
[Chorus] (x2)
Die die die die die
Your mateys are all die die die die
They don't have good contracts, contracts, contracts, contracts
I said to them bye bye bye bye bye
Verse 3]
Yeah your team is die, die die
They ain't got good contracts boy
I said to them bye bye bye bye bye
That's IDC yeah, I signed for 10 years (yeah yeah)
People like me, I'm a cutie (yeah yeah)
People like me, I'm a cutie (yeah yeah)
I'm a cutie like Mehdi (like Mehdi like Medhi)
And I took all my mateys
The Guardia you ought to be in the picture, yeah
And I took all my mateys
The Guardia you ought to be in the picture
[Chorus] (x2)
Die die die die die
Your mateys are all die die die die
They don't have good contracts, contracts, contracts, contracts
I said to them bye bye bye bye bye


Най-мощната уредба

Тази тъпа курва ме заведе у тях снощи.
Аз я обрах, след като тя ме изчука.
Откраднах ѝ уредбата - най-мощната правена някога.
Надъних я на 10 цяла нощ, аз съм много по-откачен от теб.
Дъня Hadag Nachash1, TISM2 и Юрая Хийп.
Готов ли си, готов ли си. готов ли си за рок?
Имам най-мощната уредба в квартала
Най-мощната уредба в квартала
Най-мощната уредба в квартала
Уредбата ми е толкова шибано мощна, че дъртите се изнесоха.
Всички курви дойдоха в града и нямаха намерение да си тръгват.
По цял ден курви яздят кура ми.
Обичам метал, обичам пички, шибано обичам рок
Порно звезди и абитуриентки се мотаят около мен.
Моята игра на Блак Джак е да чукам 9 и 12 годишни3
Не искам да си губя времето с тъпи възбуждащи игрички.
Всичко, което те ще получат от мен е букет от венерически болести.
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. В Блак Джак печелиш, когато събереш сбор от карти 21. В случая 9 + 12 прави 21

Hangosak, mint a szerelem

Versions: #2
Szerelem egy atomban, szerelem egy felhőn
Látni mindennek a születését, ami most még nincs
El tudsz képzelni egy szerelmet, ami ilyen büszke?
Sosem kell kérdeznie, miért vagy hogyan
Teljesen feladnám a szerelmet az álmaimban
Mikor felébredek, az ágyneműm ázott az izzadságtól
Lélegezz, lélegezz
Higgy, higgy, higgy, higgy
Az egész fiatalságunk alatt
Azok után vágyakoztunk
A szépségük és az igazságuk után
Lélegezz, lélegezz, lélegezz, lélegezz
Higgy, higgy, higgy, higgy
Lélegezz, lélegezz, lélegezz, lélegezz
Higgy, higgy
Hogy hangosak vagyunk, mint
Szerelem egy atomban, szerelem egy felhőn
Látni mindennek a születését, ami most még nincs
El tudsz képzelni egy szerelmet, ami ilyen büszke?
Sosem kell kérdeznie, miért vagy hogyan
Az egész fiatalságunk alatt
Azok után vágyakoztunk
A szépségük és az igazságuk után
Ezért elnevezzük őket
És valahogy segítenek nekünk átjutni
Azok után vágyakoztunk
Az egész fiatalságunk alatt
Lélegezz, lélegezz, lélegezz, lélegezz
Higgy, higgy, higgy, higgy
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem