Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 16

Találatok száma: 1293


Nobody's son

In the dim lights while being high
My caricature reflects on the glass
The narrow room no longer fits me
And whoever I listen to tonight sings badly
I'm almost sick for some days now
But I never asked anyone to help me
I haven't learned to ask for things and maybe that's bad
But I became cynical from the things I saw
I saw my life before I even left home
Stamped with the title of bum
I saw wet sidewalks, people leaving
Lives wasted on some freezing Tuesday
I swear brother, this time I'm tired
But you were lying down in my bathroom in the morning
Every passing day is another loan of mine
Almost like, I'm stealing from my own death
I hurt whomever loves me, unintentionally
Being left alone to regret my actions again
The prettiest smile told me that she hates me
It seems as if I destroy everything I touch
The words of a gypsy that I heard the day before yesterday
I know that they're worth as much as a thousand prayers
We die barefoot, we're born nude
Who really loved us on this journey?
I know you want a hand to hold you tight
And a heart to beat alongside you when you're in danger
My mind often mocks my heart
My heart doesn't even speak to my insides
My hand writes without asking anyone
All together in the dizziness make me
Don't ask me, for the next day
Because for a handful of dollars people stop talking to you
And if I die, there'll be this song
That I managed to write and say
Sing it, like you never sang before
And let it be heard all the way to the other side
I don't want tears, flowers, many stories
I don't want formal and fake appearances
I just want anyone who does it to mean it
A sip of alcohol in the soil, to sweeten the soul 1
23 per day, I feel like I know everything
But I always freeze during the final hour
I miss a pure glance
I trust nobody and it's bad for me
23 per day, I feel like I know everything
But I always freeze during the final hour
I miss a pure glance
I trust nobody and it's bad for me
Alone and without hope in the ocean
I live in a 30 square meters, old apartment, on the ground floor
When I open the shutters so I can see some light
The city calls me 'Nobody's son'
  • 1. Pouring some alcohol in the ground for the ones who died

Dreams cost

Whiskey with my mug, I pet my dog
He looks me in the eyes as if he knows where I was
Mud on my shoes, rainy days
My bed is empty as it was yesterday
Music with character and click play
Prince's Blues, Muddy Waters and Ray
Sometimes I think that I never woke up
And the mistakes I made are holding me
I seek justice from God in the nights
Because I talked to people and I fell into concrete
It doesn't matter, time will show us paths
The eyes say everything in men's conversations
I saw you looking down when we were talking
We both said words that we didn't believe
I get sweet nostalgia from time to time
For the 90's
I was watching Gabriel Batistuta at the World Cup
Ten-year-old bastards with our minds set to dive
One and a half thousand drachmas joggers, bought from the market
And arcade games, with levers and buttons
Drugs everywhere, cops nowhere
The kiosks were opened by thirteen-year-old kids
Palestinian earrings on the hat
Violence everyday, but everything was normal
Walking and smoking, with the weed hidden
In the shoes or beneath the balls
Over thirty years old and we're still talking backwards
Retro remnants from another generation
Dreams cost here and we don't have any money
But in the end it seems to me, that they choose us
The last one I saw was on Friday
When I fell asleep while listening to the frankosiriani
I saw that I met Markos and I hung out in the company
I was talking about Thessaloniki and he was talking about Piraeus
I felt familiar with the clay's litany
God, how much I loved the real thugness
Poverty is a teacher for every square
Young and old people with the same discipline
There's no room for slip and arrogance
My money is your money in every trouble
I don't know you - you don't know me, if the law asks about us
We become ghosts when there is something going on
Respect the young ones when they're good
Good are those that don't forget that they are young
Here we speak heavy, refugee-like Greek words
We listen to music with a toddlers' heart
A juke box in Chicago in '53
Playing the Mississippi Delta with a guitar from the plantation
We want to watch football by Latinos
The heart, the word was made for them
The hand of God, again and again
And I always celebrate like it was the first time
An Argentine flag hangs in my living room
I'm also surviving without money
When I sleep forever I know what I'll dream about
A firm handshake from a good friend
And at last, what I have will be there to stay
Watching August's sunset together
Amber from Egypt, weed from Izmir
And a true smile from a woman's lips

My eyes are two candles

Versions: #1
My eyes are two candles
Which give a sad light to my face
Marked by the torments
Of saudade and despair
When I hear church bells ring
And the afternoon is reaching its end
I ask your saudades
To pray an Our Father for me
But you don't know how to pray
You have no saudade or mourning
Why do you despise me
Why do I want you so
You are, to my despair
Like the clouds roaming up high
Every day I await you
Every day you fail me

I kneel humbly to Your manger

1. I kneel humbly to Your manger,
My whole life I bring to Thee,
/: Baby from heavenly places,
You came down because You love me. :/
2. My heart now is Yours forever,
Baby from the blue horizon,
/: You brought hope and peace to people,
Ah, sweet baby, why you're crying? :/
3. I don't have myrrh like the wise men,
And no incense and no gold,
/: But I came in tears, repentant,
Tears are all that I afford. :/
4. I bring all to You, my Jesus,
You're The One that took my place,
/: Baby from heavenly places,
I'm so thankful for Your grace. :/

State Anthem pf Perak God Lengthen the Sultan's Age

A long life may God grant to our Sultan
Reigning just and kind o'er the land!
We shall obey his every command
May our faith be true, by Allah's hand
O God almighty, bless Perak adobe of grace
God save our state, God save our Sultan!

State Anthem of Penang For our beloved state

May God safety grant,
To Penang, our noble land,
We swear solemn to thee,
Ever faithful to be,
In peace and prosperity.
Progress ever sow,
To love this land is our fate,
All together come now,
For our beloved state.

State Anthem of Malacca Malacca, Onwards Come!

Malacca, o historic land,
The place where our blood has been shed,
We'll uphold with heart and hand,
Your glory by our toil!
We the people come as one,
Sworn solemn to be true,
To serve you the ages through,
Malacca, onwards come!

Omega Fejedelem

Ártatlanság. Időszakok, amiket nem tudok felidézni
Kiiktatva és kipótolva. Elmebeteg állatokkal
Engedelmesség. A tudathasadás alapos átvizsgálása
Szinapszisok érintkeznek agyilag integrált eljárásokkal
Ki-be sodródnak a tudatosságból
Gyötrelmes érzetek
Bio-kibernetikus fejlesztések
Serdülőkbe telepítve
Omega Fejedelem
Izolálni! A töredékességig traumatizálni!
Tiszta táblára szeparálni. Kivonásra kész1
Belenevelni! A természetellenesség előállítása
Áldozattá tenni & elkülöníteni! Az ésszerűtleneket háborgatni!2
Beindított átalakulás
Érzelemmentes pszichózis
Megkerülöm a saját létezésem
Valami teljesen mást manifesztálok
A gonosz lélek előbukkan
Megrontott hús megtestesülése
Egy üres tekintet
Mechanikus. Egy darabjaira tört elme szilánkja
Kiirtani! A célom félreérthetetlen
Hang nélkül beszivárogni! Eltörölni az eltörölhetőt!
Orvul meggyilkolni! Egy arc, amit megnevezhetetlennek találok
Bár próbál futni az ő3sorsa elkerülhetetlen
A győzelem még nem került hitelesítésre
Ünnepelem a saját öngyilkosságomat
  • 1. Kémiai értelemben. Pl. mint, amikor a vizet kivonják egy vegyületből.
  • 2. Vagy: 'Az ésszerűtlenséget háborgatni!'
  • 3. Hímnemű személyes névmás.

I deserve you to love me

I live for you only, not for mine.
Forgive me if I become selfish with you in love.
You are the only true love in my life, and the rest was untrue.
A unique, incredible passion, when you made me fall in love with you.
I deserve you to love me deeply.
When I die, I want you near me.
This world has completely wronged me.
Would you mind giving me some of your kindness?
You are my refuge in this world.
I will do everything for you
Stab my heart


Is this Popov?
[Strofa 1]
And come, drink two more
Don't let me drink alone
As the new round comes, you get better and better
and I don't know what I am to you
The glass tells you'll be mine
Your secret has fallen
It's all because of the cocktail, now she knows what she wants too
First, second, third - the white line doesn't know to stop
Drunk from the cocktail, she mustn't have done that
So she calls me, all the way to the dawn to meet me
To me everything is spinning
to me everything is spinning
to me, to me
to me everything is spinning
to me everything is spinning
to me everything is spinning
to me, to me
to me everything is spinning
[Strofa 2]
Everything is spinning, absolutely everything is spinning
The room, like it doesn't have an exit, where is the door?
Everything is spinning, absolutely everything is spinning
Come and don't ring, up to the fifth floor
She had a plan, she didn't want the daytime
she wanted into the apartment past half past one
So she asks: 'Where are you, are you at the address?'
And I'm only hers and don't have a plan
When you want to, come by, no problem
To me everything is spinning
to me everything is spinning
to me, to me
to me everything is spinning
to me everything is spinning
to me everything is spinning
to me, to me
to me everything is spinning

سماوات تتهاوى

لا تنفكين عن قول
أنا أحبك كثيرًا
لكن لن يكون هنالك أمل
إن لم أجارِ الركب
و أجعل مستقبلنا يزهر
لا مزيد من الفرص لتضييعها
كم من مرة خضنا في الأمر
تقولين أنك قد تعبت من الانتظار
تكرهينني لترددي
تلومينني بخداعك
لا تجعلي السماء تهوي
علينا الآن
لا تقولي الكلمة
لا تفسدي الأمر
لا تجعلي السماء تهوي
علينا الآن
لا تفسدي الحبل
تمسكي به فقط
لا تقولي الآن
ما عليك قوله
لا تفسدي هذا
اليوم الشبه مثالي
لا تقوليه الآن
لا تفسديه
لا تقولي الكلمة
توقفي عندها
كم من مرة خضنا في الأمر
تقولين أنك قد تعبت من الانتظار
بينما أنا أؤجل
ما قد فات موعده, فات عليه الكثير

The spirit of youth

The sun will rise and the sky will be bright
The sound of books is awakened again
The curved water is surrounded by bamboo
The moon is reflected in the pen
A gentleman never rests on his laurels.
Life and the world, the road to study is vast and far
There is no form in the mountain of study, and the path ahead of him must be a path of diligence
A thousand miles to travel first to break ten thousand volumes not to fall green clouds
I will meet friends with a pen, and only when the words are clear can I call myself a friend
Cultivate my heart and maintain etiquette at all times
Act with your body
Take advantage of this moment, take advantage of this moment, take advantage of the time
With my body, with my heart, I will do my best
Don't wait, don't miss your youth
Take advantage of this moment, take advantage of this time
With my body and my heart
Don't wait for leisure, don't let your youth down
To read all the scriptures
To chant all the hustle and bustle of a thousand years
Once I have achieved fame and fortune, I will invite you again
To study while I am young
To live up to the ambition of a great bird in the sky
I want to compete with the sky
Let's see how many beautiful rivers and mountains
I am the only one who can lead the way
A gentleman never stops striving for self-improvement
Life and the world, the road to study is vast and far
There is no form of study, and the path ahead must be diligent.
A thousand miles to travel, first to break ten thousand books, not to fall down the clouds
I will meet friends with a pen, and only when the words are clear can I call myself a friend
Cultivate my heart and maintain etiquette at all times
Act with your body
Take advantage of this moment, take advantage of this moment, take advantage of the time
With my body, with my heart, I will do my best
Don't wait, don't miss your youth
Take advantage of this moment, take advantage of this time
With my body and my heart
Don't wait for leisure, don't let your youth down
To read all the scriptures
To chant all the hustle and bustle of a thousand years
Once I have achieved fame and fortune, I will invite you again
To study while I am young
To live up to the ambition of a great bird in the sky
I want to compete with the sky
Let's see how many beautiful rivers and mountains
I am the only one who can lead the show

Countries and Wastelands

The first was too much
Second was just too little
What is wrong with me
as I have driven myself into this
With the third we got into fighting
and he will be replaced with a younger model
Could I wedge past this line somehow
I probably will leave the next one too
I have tried to find happiness
Along the countries and wastelands
Full bars
and shiny
I have travelled for years
In countries and wastelands
Could someone advise me
where to turn to the right directions
I miss the balance
My tummy does not come first
I cannot be the only one
who has this fantasy
Even though I'm starting to be a pessimist
Here is available job for a lover
So if someone needs a wife
I will be there as the flash
I have tried to find happiness
Along the countries and wastelands
Full bars
and shiny
I have travelled for years
In countries and wastelands
Could someone advise me
where to turn to the right directions
I will continue on
Until I hear the call
What I wanted to hear
With broken shoes
I will walk through the sand storm
find my way back
I have tried to find happiness
Along the countries and wastelands
Full bars
and shiny
I have travelled for years
In countries and wastelands
Could someone advise me
where to turn to the right directions

There Is No Hope Left For Us

There is nothing but money outside
There is no more words left inside
And Tomorrow is way
older than now (x2)
What would we have to give
To our children and relatives
If even lyrebird
Had bought the wind
They stole my hope
They stole my time
They are drawing in black
The children's lullabies
We lost our time and life, there is no hope left to us
Where are the days we lived when we were young
Our life becomes hard
Everyone has his own pains
The one children died from hunger
The other has bad health
The last one was taken by drug addiction
Everyone has his own pains
We lost our time and life, there is no hope left to us
Where are the days we lived when we were young
They stole my hope
They stole my time
They are drawing in black
The children's lullabies
The world is political
That if you are not one of them
You'll be like an ace
In the game of ronda (x2)
The Earth is sold
It turns for the one paid for it
Like a belly dancer
In an old pub (x2)
(Refrain) (x3)
They stole my hope
They stole my time
They are drawing in black
The children's lullabies
We lost our time and life, there is no hope left to us
Where are the days we lived when we were young
Life becomes plenty of wars
And the fire is blazing in the hearts
Why little boys
Women and old people
To be thrown within your hands
And you say it's meant to happen
Life becomes plenty of wars
And the fire is blazing in the hearts
Why little boys
Women and old people
To be thrown within your hands, I swear it's shameful thing from you

You're the life

There's a light always near, it brings the opportunity
You're not the fear that remains
You're the life you give...
And it came without telling you, and it came without asking
And in your eyes to enter, and your freedom to take
Where it never wanted to be
And it brought the cold home, and the urge to cry
And it dares to go around saying
That you no longer have time
And that you have to leave
But your love can more, can more
No star is alone
Nor does it stop shining
Even if the silence and the hours
Want to make it cry
You fill the shadows with lights
You silence the loneliness
You're not the asphyxiating fear
You're the life you give
Nobody knows how much it hurts
Nor how close one is
To surrendering to the giant
To breaking every moment
In front of the harsh reality
But your love can more, can more
There's a light always close
It brings the opportunity
To the princesses who dream
That everything can change
And although the road is bitter
And I know it'll hurt
Even the longest winter
Dies surrendered in front of the sea
No star is alone
Nor does it stop shining
Even if the silence and the hours
Want to make it cry
You fill the shadows with lights
You silence the loneliness
You're not the asphyxiating fear
You're the life you give
You're the life you give
No star is alone
Nor does it stop shining
Even if the silence and the hours
Want to make it cry
You fill the shadows with lights
You silence the loneliness
You're not the asphyxiating fear
You're the life that you give
There's a light always close
It brings the opportunity
To the princesses who dream
That everything can change
And although the road is bitter
And I know it'll hurt
Even the longest winter
Dies surrendered in front of the sea
Dies surrendered in front of the sea
There's a light always close
It brings the opportunity
You're not the fear that remains
You're the life you give
You're the life you give

Get Away From Me

Narrow-minded people
Dark-laden souls
Suffocated of salvation
Suffocated of truth
The great lie lives on
You pass it on
The truth is two-fold
from your heroes
Grow up
Give yourself your own peace
Free from words
Free from falsehoods
Clothe yourself in
the new beginning
Clothe yourself in
the rising tide
Grow up
Give yourself your own peace
Free from words
Free from falsehoods
Get away from me


How sentimental, the story is clearly unfolding
A pain still can be felt, inside this cage
My feelings, which still as ambiguous as always and hidden away,
Are blocking my view
It all seems backwards, isn’t it?
Everything there is are ours
Isn’t it weird in the first place?
These all didn’t fit together, it will break
Hey, that’s irrelevant, it’s trivial
Get rid of your thoughts in un, deux, trois
That’s right, smile with those vacant eyes, come on
Melancholy, merry-go-round
Look at me with your closed eyes
What is it again that I forgot?
Melancholy, merry-go-round
Welcome to our ideal world, or maybe not, but it’s the future
Although there’s nothing here, it’s a world with us in it
It seems this story is weaving itself bit by bit
With us gone from the setting
In truth, I’m cold as always, even this voice too
I put myself in a bind
I want to say that I’m correct
Even the tomorrow that I’ve chose
Because most of them are unstable
I lose my footing, I’ll fall down
Hey, don’t think about it, it’s trivial
Get rid of your regrets in un, deux, trois
That’s right, I want to be reflected in your eyes
Melancholy, merry-go-round
I’m holding your hand, please believe in me
You wished for a night of no return
Melancholy, merry-go-round
It’s just only the two of us now, there’s nothing else in this world besides us
Although there’s nothing now, it’s a world that I’m weaving with you
Spinning around and round, just the two of us dances in the air
Spinning around and round, only I alone swim in a dream
Melancholy, merry-go-round
Look at me with your closed eyes
What is it again that I forgot?
Melancholy, merry-go-round
Welcome to our ideal world, or maybe not, but it’s the future
Although there’s nothing here, it’s a world with us in it


You look at me with those eyes but
I don’t have a reason to not hate you
Even though you won’t hold my hand you put on a collar on me
It’s not that I hate it but
Could you please not be conceited
I like you so much I want to kill you
Why are you cold to me only
Even though I’m supposed to be better than that woman
Did I mistake something
I of course shake my tail, and I can’t say no
But aren’t you just carefreely grinning
If you peaked through the airhole you’ve opened in my chest, there’s a typhoon on the other side
Someone please fill this hole
I like you so much I want to kill you
Anyone is fine as long as they’re cute
If it’s not that time then you’re not kind
Say someone is mistaken
I like you so much I want to kill you
Why are you cold to me only
Even though I’m supposed to be better than that woman
Did I mistake something
I like you so much I want to kill you
Anyone is fine as long as they’re cute
If it’s not that time then you’re not kind
Say someone is mistaken

Opus 03

Versions: #1
One girl has found a grenade in a field,
[But] she didn't know what to do with such thing.
Then an old man told her: Pull out the pin.
Long time her sandal flew over the field.

The Death of the Rinds

Versions: #1
In the garden of the tomb of Hafız
Were a bleeding rose that bloomed away
Night was crying 'til the time of lovebirds
Made you think of Şiraz in a way
Death's a quiet springplace for a rind
Smokes like a incensory, the heart
In the tomb that cypresses shadow,
Mourn's the time of rose, birds sing at night

Radha and Madhaba

Look! friend, look! Radha and Madhaba [Krishna] , how beautiful their gait is
Look! friend, look! Radha and Madhaba [Krishna] , how beautiful their gait is
The bimana[small palanquin], comes swinging, The bimana, comes swinging
Look! friend, look! Radha and Madhaba [Krishna] , how beautiful their gait is
Drums beat in hundreds, and the kahali [trumpet] as well
Drums beat in hundreds, and the kahali [trumpet], announcing their arrival
Here they come, on the streets of puri
Look! friend, look! Radha and Madhaba [Krishna] , how beautiful their gait is
With them are the five Shivas of Puri 1
Radhika, her friend and with them the flute-bearer [Krishna]
Gaze, Gaze at them in glee! Their wonderful swinging gate
Their minds set at Narendra lake, they walk towards it in joy
Look as the one who enamours the three worlds rows his splendid boat
Gaze, Gaze at them in glee! Their wonderful swinging gate
Says Banamali [poet] meditating on their holy feet
Says Banamali [poet] meditating on their holy feet
Here look, as they enter into the chandana kunda [sandalwood pool]
Look! friend, look! Radha and Madhaba [Krishna] , how beautiful their gait is
The bimana[small palanquin], comes swinging, The bimana, comes swinging
Look! friend, look! Radha and Madhaba [Krishna] , how beautiful their gait is
  • 1. [Lokanatha,Markanda,Jambeswara,Kapalamochana, Nilakantha]

You are amazing

You are incredible

Brave Afghan Boy

Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
Brave Kabul boy, you are shy and hold your tongue in front of me
Brave Kabul boy, you are shy and hold your tongue in front of me
Of the world tongues1, you know them all
Of the world tongues, you know them all
Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
You hail from Kabul or Mazar, from Paktia or Kunar
You are unique in your courage and chivalry
You hail from Kabul or Mazar, from Paktia or Kunar
You are unique in your courage and chivalry
Brave Kabul boy, you are shy and hold your tongue in front of me
Brave Kabul boy, you are shy and hold your tongue in front of me
Of the world tongues, you know them all
Of the world tongues, you know them all
Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
You hail from Harat or Ghor, Ghazni or Badakhshan
You are brave and proud, if you are from Kandahar
You hail from Harat or Ghor, Ghazni or Badakhshan
You are brave and proud, if you are from Kandahar
Oh blondie, you captivate my heart
Oh blondie, you captivate my heart
I sing to you, sometimes in Pashto, sometimes in Dari
I sing to you, sometimes in Pashto, sometimes in Dari
Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
  • 1. languages

I am aware

Everyone who loves becomes patient one day
But love is not created out of nothing.
I'm ready, I knew actually (I knew actually)
It's like there's something in your life that you're hiding
It takes time to understand
i solved it now
I am aware
I've always been surrounded by betrayals
I'm left alone
I am aware
This is not the case
Even if you turn
It's over, I won't stop
Your honesty
You enlarged in the closed notebook
Until you meet old people
And you told me you forgot
It's like there's something in your life that you're hiding
It takes time to understand
i solved it now
I am aware
I've always been surrounded by betrayals
I'm left alone
I am aware
This is not the case
Even if you turn
It's over, I won't stop
[Rap Verse: Izam]
Or if you weren't at all, if I didn't believe what I saw
But my head was spinning and I was tired, I couldn't believe what they had been through
Come and see my situation, it got me in trouble every day, I have no hope, the one who lacks courage, burns himself
Clap your glass to shake that wound, I don't know, your feelings are tasteless like wine
It can't be described with the body, dummy, I couldn't find a reason, the room burned with me okay
I can't ask for your account, you're left behind closed doors, you're screwed, eh, it's not even sincere to be a test subject.
I didn't know if it was in your soul to be a coward, it didn't occur to me all of a sudden, but everything is always
I am aware
I've always been surrounded by betrayals
I'm left alone
I am aware
This is not the case
Even if you turn
It's over, I won't stop
I am aware

This Night

This night, this night
This night my love
This night I'll have you in my mind
This night I'll have you in my soul
This night I’ll have you in my heart
oh, how much I love you
This night I'll have you in my mind
This night I'll have you in my soul
This night I’ll have you in my heart
oh, how much I love you
Flood my life with your love and let me fly
It's too early
For sun to rise
Stay more, stay close
And don't go
This night, this night
This night my love
Let's dance together
This night, this night
This night my love
Let’s sing together
This night I'll have you in my mind
This night I'll have you in my soul
This night I’ll have you in my heart
oh, how much I love you
This night I'll have you in my mind
This night I'll have you in my soul
This night I’ll have you in my heart
oh, how much I love you
Yours I will be
I'll love you madly
You're, my love
With your hand touch
In your eyes, I get lost
You're, my love
This night, this night
This night my love
Let's dance together
This night, this night
This night my love
Let’s sing together
This night I'll have you in my mind
This night I'll have you in my soul
This night I’ll have you in my heart
oh, how much I love you
This night, this night
This night my love
This night I’ll have you in my heart
This night, this night
This night my dear
oh, how much I love you

Budapest during the summer

Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
I bounce from home, take the elevator down, heading for the street
The plains of Pest and the bumps of Buda await me1
I don't need a bag and sandals are considered cringe this year
Let's eat an ice cream at the Oktogon2
And then get a move on but keep it cool
Hungarian girls never disappoint us
It's all quality chassis, it's all nicely shaped airbags
I'm inviting a couple more pals
Meeting at the Nyugati3at the rotating clock
Slightly bubbly is better than fully carbonated
It smells like pee under every bridge
Hey, I've got no moolah on me! Wait up!
Don't fret it if you've got zilch, because
There are lots of squares, lots of parks and lots of gardens here
And for open-air parties you don't need cash
BKV4is free! Yeaaah...
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
When the summer comes, the concrete melts
The railway platform is full by the train that's headed for Balaton5
I'm turning back, I'm going to stay in Pest
If I play basketball all day, I can hold onto some cash
The air is steaming around the Déli6
But in the subway the draft will cool me down
I'm cooked alive on the street while being half naked
How can he take it in leather pants and snake skin boots?
We inflate the small pool at the gas station
It just barely holds together if two of us sit in it
We drink beers while the ball is bouncing
We are about to drown under the sunflower seed shells7
But when the night comes, the turf is ours
We keep throwing the ball until dawn and we rap in freestyle
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Three people are saying that and this is my vote also
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
There is no freer, there is no free-e-er place!
There is no freer, there is no free-e-er place!
There is no freer, there is no free-e-er place!
This is Budapest, this is Budapest
There's a real festival vibe everywhere
If you're looking for activities, check out the real menu!
We're setting out from the Blaha8and we'll go to the Pala9at ten
We are gawping at uncovered breasts from the bridge
And once we've dabbled in the water and had some beach food
We saunter home but we stop along to way at our breakdancing bros at the Jászai10
Then we're headed for the Kálvin11with the car
Because during the summer, the traffic doesn't suck, not even with a car
The music is fully cranked up, the elbow is out the window
After a couple of phone calls, lots of pals wait for me
At the crowded terrace, my body is vibrating already
And we're brainstorming at the bar, where else we should go
There's a sexy chick galore at the parties
Dancing on the dance floor, finishing it on the bed
And during the summer that's how it goes every day because
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Give it over to me now, let me bend the words!
But just carefully, I don't want to tear down the brains!
There's no time for a high five, dinner gets skipped today
The numerous storefronts of Budapest are winking at you
Well, the way I ride, is not the way to ride
I'm pedaling so hard, the concrete almost parts
What I like about Pest is that there're plenty of spaces
Where you can wake up under a chair
And if I still have a modicum of energy
Maybe it's a bad decision, a mistake for sure
I go and I ride my bike to a new party
Even if I'm not up for getting hooked up anymore
Huh, but eventually I warm up within a minute
I put a lock on the bike and I'm already making moves on the dance floor
And I get wild, I'm knocking down glasses too, I bet
Now this is what I like about Budapest during the summer
It's not the rain, not the wind, not the steam, not the sleet
Not the typhoon, not the ice, not the holy month of Christmas
But the light, the streets, the smell of the sweat of the chicks
Everybody in Budapest knows, that during the summer you should never go home from a party
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Buda-Budapest is much more free during the summer
  • 1. Budapest, the capital of Hungary is cut in half in the middle by the river Danube.
    The left side is Pest and it's a more or less level area, while the right side, Buda, has hills and mountains.
  • 2. One of Pest's major intersections.
  • 3. 'The Western'. One of the three main railway terminals in Budapest.
  • 4. The main public transport operator in Budapest. It's not free to ride BKV vehicles, unless you're older then 65.
  • 5. Hungary's biggest lake.
  • 6. 'The Southern'. One of the three main railway terminals in Budapest.
  • 7. There are people who eat sunflower seeds in public places and they might let the empty shells fall under them and gather into a pile.
  • 8. The Blaha Lujza tér metro station is a station of the M2 (East-West) line of the Budapest Metro.
  • 9. An open-air bath on Margaret Island, Budapest.
  • 10. The Jászai Mari square is at the left foot of the Margaret Bridge.
  • 11. Kálvin tér is a square in Budapest.

Scratched disc

If you keep dancing like thar,
They will think that the song is good
With you, everything becomes perfect
This stunning smile,
As if life was marvellous
Even though it’s not all wonders
And what about another place
To your house or to my life
You can choose
Sadness will suicide
With a bit of joy
With you fulfilling my day
Come here to be my week,
My weekend and my holiday
My prescribed medication
My scratched disc
In that part which says
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
Come here to be my week
My weekend and my holiday
My prescribed medication
My scratched disc
In that part which says
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
And what about another place
To your house or to my life
You can choose
Sadness will suicide
With a bit of joy
With you fulfilling my day
Come here to be my week,
My weekend and my holiday
My prescribed medication
My scratched disc
In that part which says
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
Come here to be my week,
My weekend and my holiday
My prescribed medication
My scratched disc
In that part which says
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
Come here to be my week,
My weekend and my holiday
My prescribed medication
My scratched disc
In that part which says
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you


Versions: #1
My actions didn't represent my true desires, how shall i tell you this
'As the years pass i will change my behaviour

We were, you and me

You and me
We were walking together you and me
We were walking on the streets, you and me
Every neighborhood used to tell stories about us
Some they say he loves her, some they say he doesn't
But you were my sun and my shining moon
We were walking in the afternoon in the old quarter
You're near me, and your hair flutters along the way
And when we got to the place I got a little closer to you
Saad Al-Natour surprises us with a bouquet of flowers
We were walking on the streets, you and me
Every neighborhood used to tell stories about us
Some they say he loves her, some they say he doesn't
But you were my sun and my shining moon
We were sitting at the edge of the river in the far valley
My hand in your hair and all the life around us was celebrating
We were sitting at the edge of the river in the far valley
My hand in your hair and all the life around us was celebrating
And, you said


The storm that's forming, the fear you can't run from
The more you run, the more safety flees
Like the sky above, teasing each other, out of solutions and hope
But there's still hope, all you have to do is open your heart
I'll give my word that there won't be anyone to hurt you
And I promise that you won't be lonely from now on
Let me be your shield when you're in danger
No matter how much I fear, I'll be your sword
To the last day, death won't be able to
Separate me and my promise
In the middle of the dark pathway
The way that has only wind and rain
Nobody beside you but the confusion in your heart
Like life's unsafe path
Like a fire that consumes everything
Like evil's shadow, waiting to hurt and destroy
If you'll look into my eyes, no matter what
For my promise, no matter how the storm rages
In the middle of the dark pathway
The way that has only wind and rain
Nobody beside you but the confusion in your heart
Like life's unsafe path
Like a fire that consumes everything
Like evil's shadow, waiting to hurt and destroy
Don’t have to fear
Stay with me
Wipe out your tears, yeah
Don’t have to fear
No more tear
Because the Guardian’s here
Just the gleam in your eyes, looking at me
For my promise, no matter how the storm rages
In the middle of the dark pathway
The way that has only wind and rain
Nobody beside you but the confusion in your heart
Like life's unsafe path
Like a fire that consumes everything
Like evil's shadow, waiting to hurt and destroy
Even if the storm assails, the fire will keep burning
I'll be like a shadow, watching over
And guarding every closely, evil will struggle
I will stand beside you
No matter what we face, don't fear
I'll give my life as the promise

My desire for you

[Karl Oskar:]
Three years I’ve come here to you, Kristina
Never with such a rush as today
Tell me what you mean!
[Karl Oskar:]
I get to take over the farm, we have a home
We can get clothes and food
Now we can get married, if you want me?
That I want you, you know
I barely think of something else
Hurry up, you have to ask my mother and my father
If they give us permission
My husband
You finally become my husband
As I’ve so long whispered to my inner self
We’re gonna be together when day becomes day
Because where you go, I also go
My soul, my body has a desire for you
Your breath hot in my ear
Fits the same longing that aches in me
My body, my soul has a desire for you
[The wedding guests:]
The year was 1844
And Oscar the first is king
The suitor is proud
And he is strong and diligent
And the bride is healthy and young
He has his own farm and is his own lord
Will never become any masters slave
There is no one he can stand as well as her
So it’s probably gonna go well for them
But still she wants to play, still she wants to swing
Still the child is close in her mind
Yes, still she wants to dance, still she wants to sing
Still the child from before is there
Since you learned that the fly should be open when you pee
You’ve never asked for advice
And now you’ve set up a wedding
Without even asking us!
It never goes well in the long run with such a self-will!
[The wedding guests:]
He has his own farm and is his own lord
Will never become any masters slave
There is no one he can stand as well as her
So it’s probably gonna go well for them
But still she wants to play, still she wants to swing
Still the child is close in her mind
Yes, still she wants to dance, still she wants to sing
Still the child from before is there
The suitor has a farm and is his own lord
Will never become any masters slave
Although the land they inherited is heavy and rocky
And the lot is small
With seven acre fields
Then they’ll probably succeed
It’s probably gonna go well
Do you remember how I asked you?
Don’t go, stay for a while!
[Karl Oskar:]
But I had to go when it dawned
Too many times
[Karl Oskar:]
Right when we laid in your room and we kissed us tiredly
Kisses and caresses
[Karl Oskar:]
Only kisses and caresses
But now I’m your wife and I stay
My soul, my body has a desire for you
Your breath hot in my ear
Fits the same longing that aches in me
My body, my soul has a desire for you
[Karl Oskar:]
Since two years now, king Oscar sat on his throne
He has assumed Sweden’s and Norway’s land
I rule over Korpamoen
I’m also crowned, I’m king in Stone Kingdom
Here are my subjects, my loyal:
Stone in shards, stone in cairns, stone in walls
Give us fair weather
And preserve the earth's crops from destruction
God, bless us, give us grain and kernel
Save us from starvation, through Jesus Christ, amen
Wait a little, listen to me
[Karl Oskar:]
Is something wrong?
I’ve laid here and thought of us and food for the children
[Karl Oskar:]
Now I don’t understand anything
Well, I just mean if we didn’t do it, we would not be more
[Karl Oskar:]
You want us to say no
To the joy of love all our days
If I let you go now then I deny myself
My body, my soul, my desire for you
I hear your hearts even beats
Your head against my chest in the nights hours
We’re gonna be together when day becomes day
Because where you go, I also go

I Trust

I believe I trust
with complete faith
that the Creator
Blessed is His Name
the Creator, Blessed is His Name
He creates and guides
all creatures
and he alone only him
only himself
created, creates, and will create
and he alone
only him
I want Father, Blessed is His Name (God)
made, makes, and will make
all things