Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 70

Találatok száma: 2368


Could it be that we are locked up in a vicious circle...

Could it be that we are locked up in a vicious circle?
Could it be that only miracle will save me?
On this day everything was falling down from my hands
And plates were braking and not for luck.
But please, don't go away
Forever,-try to come back!
Careful: don't bring together the glasses so sharply,-
They might brake!
It's dawning! It became clear: on the dew you will go away,-
I do see, that you can not do otherwise,
It's always, that only at the end of long rails and highway
Birds of fortune build their nests.
But please, don't go away
Forever,-try to come back!
Careful: don't bring together the glasses so sharply,-
They might brake!
I won't burn the ships, and the bridges won't burn,-
If only I could gain some patience!
But... I would like it here, and not over there
lived your inspiration.
But please, don't go away
Forever,-try to come back!
Careful: don't bring together the glasses so sharply,-
They might brake!

All the candles are extinguished now

We heard stories about back then and a long time ago
About ways of living and lives within Svea kingdom's fold
How all regions' greenery gave life and wealth
How the people that lived there were people who bloomed
So the candles are extinguished in the houses and homes
Now meadows and slopes are growing again
Now the sledgehammers in the forges become silent
and all the millwheels get stuck
Now the wheels stop turning
Now the fire's flame dies
Now the whole countryside fades away
Then voices were heard shouting
about success, way and gain
The little things must fold when belief in success exists
A few tried to keep living there with pride
But the land didn't give enough,
maybe ruthless exploitation of forests?
So we travel along the road that leads to nowhere
See countryside and regions decay so senselessly without moderation
'That the county would live', that's what was said loud and great
What I then behold is both deserted and empty

Ô viens, Ô viens, Emmanuel

Ô viens, ô viens, Emmanuel,
Pour delivrer ton Israël privé de sa liberté
Qui pleure ici en exil solitaire
Jusqu'à l'apparition du Fils de Dieu
Réjouis-toi ! Réjouis-toi ! Ô Israël
À toi viendra Emmanuel
Viens, viens, Emmanuel
Pour delivrer ton Israël privé de sa liberté
Qui pleure en exil
Jusqu'à l'apparition du Fils de Dieu
Réjouis-toi! Rejouis-toi! Emmanuel
Viendra à toi, Israël
Ô viens, Ô viens, Seigneur des Seigneurs
Qui à Son peuple, sur les hauteurs du Sinaï
Dans les Anciens temps a un jour donné la loi
En toute majesté et par les nuages et par l'émerveillement
Réjouis-toi ! Réjouis-toi ! Ô Israël
À toi viendra Emmanuel
Réjouis-toi ! Réjouis-toi ! Ô Israël
À toi viendra Emmanuel

Szerelem és gyűlölet

Itt állok,
és meghívok mindenkit, nézze meg a műsort.
Felszólítom a démonaimat is, hogy engedjenek el!
Szükségem van valamire, adj valami nagyon szépet!
hogy nem oda visz, ahol nem kellene lennem,
nem tudod elvenni tőlem azokat a dolgokat, amelyeket isten adott.
Nincs több fájdalom, nincs több szégyen, sem nyomorúság.
Nem tudsz lenyomni,
nem tudsz megtörni,
nem tudsz lenyomni.
Szerelem és gyűlölet,
mennyit kell még elviselnünk?
Nem látod, hogy több jut belőle nekem, mint amennyi hibát elkövettem?
Néha ezt érzem, és ez elbizonytalanít.
hogy nem oda visz, ahol nem kellene lennem,
nem tudod elvenni tőlem azokat a dolgokat, amelyeket isten adott!
Nincs több fájdalom, nincs több szégyen, sem nyomorúság.
Nem tudsz lenyomni,
nem tudsz megtörni,
nem tudsz lenyomni.
Szerelem és gyűlölet,
mennyit kell még elviselnünk?
Nem látod, hogy több jut belőle nekem, mint amennyi hibát elkövettem?
Néha ezt érzem, és ez elbizonytalanít.
hogy nem oda visz, ahol nem kellene lennem,
nem tudod elvenni tőlem azokat a dolgokat, amelyeket isten adott!
Nincs több fájdalom, nincs több szégyen, sem nyomorúság.
Nem tudsz lenyomni,
nem tudsz megtörni,
nem tudsz lenyomni.
Látom a dicső kegyelmet,
afelé tartok,
hogy mindenki azt jegyezze meg,
amikor valamiben hibáztam.
Most azt érzem, néhány nap a kegyelem napja
Salamon templomában:
mindenki az arany szívre figyel.
Itt állok,
és meghívok mindenkit, nézze meg a műsort.
Felszólítom a démonaimat is, hogy engedjenek el!
Szükségem van valamire, adj valami nagyon szépet!

Egy olyan hölgy mint Te

Egy olyan hölgy mint Te
Tudom, hogy valakit keresel
Fordít téged hogy nyerj szeretetet
Az nem késztet arra téged, hogy rosszul érezd magadat
Tudom azt, ott másik volt
Ő tudna becsülni
Az, amit neked adnod kellett
Talán tudom azt
Elérte, hogy szenvedj
Ez megríkatott téged
Meg tudott sebezni téged
Talán tudom azt
Már tudod én
Megyek mögötted
Nem fogok hazudni neked
Egy hölgyet keresek
Mióta akarom azt
Akarom azt szerelmes légy
Mióta ez én vagyok ki vagy te
Küldeni, hogy üzenjen neked, virágok
És a nevedet írni
Ezer szeretet dalba
Ha rám gondolsz
Ahogy rád gondolok
Beszélni akarok hozzád
Hipnotizálni akarlak téged
Az esti csillagokkal hozni téged
Az égig hajlatra
Énekelni a fülbe
És látni a bőrödet ellenszegülni
Lassan hozzád menni
ahol mi te vagy én az lenni
És ha ez provokál téged
Megcsókollak téged
Arról álmodom, hogy megérintelek téged
Rólad venni a ruhákat
Nem zavarja össze a szándékomat
Mondok őrült dolgokat
De a tested szintén provokál engem
Képes vagy, hogy kedvelj
Az alvásod mindegyikét tudni
Együtt beszélni a hajnalig
Ha te a feleségem leszel
Ez én vagyok, az egyetlen a te örömszerzésedre
Az életem minden napján képes lennék, hogy velem legyél
Egy hölgyet keresek
Mióta akarom azt
Akarom azt szerelmes légy
Mióta ez én vagyok ki vagy te
Küldeni , hogy üzenjen neked, virágok
És a nevedet írni
Ezer szeretet dalba
Ha rám gondolsz
Ahogy rád gondolok (2x)
Tudom, hogy valakit keresel
Fordít téged hogy nyerj szeretetet
Az nem késztet arra téged, hogy rosszul érezd magadat
Tudom azt, ott másik volt, amit nem tudott becsülni
Az, amit neked adnod kellett
Egy hölgyet keresek
Mióta akarom azt
Akarom azt szerelmes légy
Mióta ez én vagyok ki vagy te
Küldeni hogy üzenjen neked, virágok
És a nevedet írni
Ezer szeretet dalba
Ha rám gondolsz
Ahogy rád gondolok

I became someone's.

I became someone's before knowing.
How do I become familiar before we make love(nearest meaning, it doesn't exactly mean this).
Couldn't I have met you earlier than this?
At least now that you've found me, hold on to me tightly before i get lost again.
(I became someone's before knowing.
How do I become familiar before we make love.)
To your eyes I'm useless even now,
what else do I need to become a monk of love*.
In your laugh, I can hear the sound of flowers blossoming.(meaning you have such a tender laugh).
I demand you set right my loneliness right away!
Whatever I may say, I know you're cleverer than me, hide a kiss for me in your lips, before i try & steal it.
(I became someone's before knowing.
How do I become familiar before we make love.)
I have dreamt on and gotten spoilt, without even your knowledge/without asking what you think, and since you've given it wings, my heart flies!!
I've to tell you about the things that surprise me one by one, when you listen to me telling them, just look at me intently and that's enough! might i become sane in (your?) company? Save a demand (one that only I can fulfill) from me before I (playfully) drive you crazy!
(I became someone's before knowing.
How do I become familiar before we make love.)
*-yogi is someone who is a master at yoga. Yoga isn't just the physical exercise. It's also used in other contexts.


Minden estém ismeretlen....
Várakozás, ami egy agóniára hasonlít.
Sokszor szeretnék nemet mondani neked
És aztán meglátlak és elszáll az erőm!
A szívem érted lázad fel, de a testem, nem!
A kezeid, hangszerként simulnak hozzám
Amit úgy vezényelsz, mint ha egy tapasztalt karmester lennél...
És gyere a házamba, amikor akarsz, főképp éjszakánként
Aludj itt, menj el, mindig ahogy jónak látod.
Tudod hogy itt bármi rossz is adódhat,
Én teljesen magam adom, ha egy este elmész...
... És csak nő a magány
A nagy űrben amit te hagysz itt!
Letagadni nem tudok egy szenvedélyt,
De igent sem tudok neked mindig mondani
És kicsinek éreznem magam
Mindig ha szemben állsz velem.
Nagyon drága a boldogság a naivitásomnak
Még mindig csak várlak minden este
Hogy könyörögjek a szerelmedért...
Mindig a tiéd vagyok, amikor akarod, főképp az éjszakákon,
Aludj itt, menj el, mindig ahogy jónak látod.
Tudod hogy itt bármi rossz is adódhat,
Én teljesen magam adom, ha egy este elmész...
... Az éjjel a házamban, tiéd vagyok, ezerszer a tiéd vagyok...
És az élet zajlik köztünk, horizontot sosem látom!
Időt vesz ez igénybe és megfoszt, ahogy te tetted,
A fiatalság hátralevő részét, ami már nekem többé nem lesz...
És folytatom ugyanazt az életet, mindig megrészegülve a búskomorságban,
Most már elismerem a hiba talán bennem van,
El kellett volna vesztenem téged, ehelyett téged kerestelek.
Ez a menüett nekünk szól, elmém sosem pihen.
Nem tudom, hogy az igaz szerelem a mosolyban rejtőzik...
Gondolatok jönnek és mennek, ilyen az élet...


Ici, dans ma voiture
Je me sens le plus en sécurité
Je peux verrouiller toutes mes portes
C'est la seule façon de vivre
En voiture
Ici, dans ma voiture
Je ne peux que recevoir
Je peux t'écouter
Ça me maintient stable pendant des jours
En voiture
Ici, dans ma voiture
Où l'image se décompose
Pourrais-tu me rendre visite, s'il te plaît?
Si j'ouvre ma porte
En voiture
Ici, dans ma voiture
Je sais que j'ai commencé à penser
A propos de partir ce soir
Bien que rien ne semble juste
En voiture

My fragile darling

I have nobody else
No no no to me
If you know my situation
Ask ask me once
If I say I love you
It is very hard hard to me
You don't believe how I suffered
Ask ask me once
Don't do please
If I get angry, it finishes
The world for us
Believe me that becomes very small
My fragile, fragile darling
My dream drowned in water
What will I do now
My fragile, fragile darling
Where can I escape from you
It is not a remedy for love
This my crazy heart
Can't abandon you
I don't look at the end, I don't mind
It is not a remedy for love
This my crazy heart
Can't abandon you


Every night of mine is uncertain..
a waiting like an agony.
Too many times I wish to tell you : No!
but then.. I see you and I miss the courage (to say no).
My heart rises up against you,
but not my body.
My hands, they go on you,
yours that know everything,
each angle of me.
And you come to my home,
whenever you want,
at night more than ever.
you sleep here, then you go,
you always think about yourself,
I know and I'm agree
because I know that, whatever happens, over here I'll have you,
and solitude grows more and more...
La, la, la, la, la, la...
To disown a passion, no,
but I can't say yes to you all the times.
Sometimes I will decide
I keep waiting for you at night to beg for love.
Happiness costs too much
It's better to have freedom
than waiting for you in the evenings
begging love...
You come to my home,
when you want,
at night more than ever.
you sleep here, then you go,
you always think about yourself,
I know and I'm agree,
whatever happens, I'll have you, i
if you want only for one night...
La, la, la, la, la, la
And life is passing over us,
I never see horizons.
Times presumes upon me and it steals, as you did.
the remains of a youth
I no longer have now.
And I keep walking the same road,
always drunk on melancholy.
Now I admit that maybe it's all my fault.
I should have lost you,
instead I looked for you...
La, la, la, la, la
My mind never stops
I don't know the smile of real love.
thoughts come & go,
so is life.
Minuet plays for us.
La, la, la, la, la, la...
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

Believe Me

Such solitude
The arrow of longing impales my heart
But you won't realize it
Thus I sent love poets
So that the soul won't continue surging
And the sufferings are reducing
Listen to the voice of the heart
Hope that you'd understand
The love came without me getting any sympathy
Believe (me)...
Your love had been embroidered for a long time
In the deepest chamber
That is too deep that it cannot be dove
I admit...
Obstacle come and go
Though I'm willing to face it
With pure hopes
And pray
O Beloved...
You don't have to appear like the sun
Or like the waves at the beach
I'm afraid the love would fade
Since the yearning will surely emerge
Teardrops will keep falling
Promise (to me)...
That it won't end
Since the yearning will surely emerge
Teardrops will keep falling
Promise (to me)...
That it won't end
(Repeat Chorus)
O Beloved...
You don't have to appear like the sun
Or like the waves at the beach
I'm afraid the love would fade
Since the yearning will surely emerge
Teardrops will keep falling
Promise (to me)...
That it won't end

Song for Erdouan (Sweety-Mustache-Boss-Osman)

Versions: #2
Do you have some time for me
Then I'll sing a song for you
Of Recep Tayip Erdogan
(We have Allah, we have our Prophet
Hasid Mohammed Mustafa, and now ..
Tayip Erdouan..)
He wants women to have five children
No wonder the chicks dig him..
With X-ray stare for journalists
He can see they're (Terröristün !)
Let's throw them in jail right away
Capital punishment will follow suit
Who wears the most flashy suit of all ?
It's Recep (Tayip Erdouan..)
(Erdouan is a Hero no dictator..)
Erdo doesn't fuck around..
With any Terror-Nazi-Hag
Cause every European is
Abetting terror and (Fascist !!)
Joining the EU, anyhow
He couldn't give two shits at all
(Without Erdo.. we're going to the EU!)
More humble than a muslim brother
Flashier than a pit girl
Showing a strong hand in the kurdish land
Finally some space again on turkish beaches..
Forget about supposed corruption
Soon he will have all the power
Then he can drive every metro train
Our Recep (Tayip Erdouan...)

Happy Until Now

You don’t have to listen to a single thing
I will give you only good things
How I’ve been doing this days
It’s not important
By your side
I was conforted
And I was happy
I am not alone
You really don’t have to worry about me
I know exactly how you feel
I will try to understand how you feel
I can say all that I want
But how could I ever fully understand
It’s okay if you don’t understand how I feel though
Because I was by your side
I’ve been happy till now
With how much of a child I always was
Did I ever make you cry with my childish ways
Compared to you, who has always loved me
I still have so much to learn
Because I was always by your side
I was conforted
And I was happy
I am not alone
You really don’t have to worry about me
I know exactly how you feel
I will try to understand how you feel
I can say all that I want
But how could I ever fully understand
It’s okay if you don’t understand how I feel though
Because I was by your side
I’ve been happy till now
Because I was by your side
Because I was by your side
For me, they were never taken for granted
For me, they were so much like miracles
Those many days we spent together
Because I’ve been so happy till now
I am able to embrace the sadness
You taught me what happiness is
Seeing you, I will always be able to smile
Because I was by your side
I’ve been happy till now

Just One Day

My heart’s color has lost its shine
Because your two eyes aren’t here to paint over it
I think love is such a cruel thing
My wounds haven’t even healed yet
But love keeps reopening them
You left without a single word, what can I do about that
I’m too lacking of a person
That I couldn’t say anything to you, and now I’m like this
I can talk to empty air all I want but you can’t hear me
Just a little bit
Give me a little bit of time, just one day
So that I can remember you
Oh baby please don’t go
Be by my side, just for one day
My beautiful my beautiful
Stay by my side, just for today
I feel like I’m going to go crazy, but I’ll bear it
Because you will return
I’m sorry I lived a life that knew only you
So forgetting you is the one thing I can’t do
I can’t do it, why did you do this
Leaving me longing, why did you leave
Regret always washes over too late
Why is that
It’s not like regretting will change anything
Just a little bit
Give me a little bit of time, just one day
So that I can remember you
Oh baby please don’t go
Be by my side, just for one day
My beautiful my beautiful
Stay by my side, just for today
I feel like I’m going to go crazy, but I’ll try to bear it
Because you will return
No matter how I try to erase you every day to forget you
No matter how many words I use to try to hate you
I find myself, again and again
Longing for you
Be by my side, just for one day
My beautiful my beautiful
Stay by my side, just for today
I feel like I’m going to go crazy, but I’ll try to bear it
Because you will return
Because you will return
I’m going to look for you


I’m a little late, aren’t I
The time it took me to get here
It took quite a long time, it took quite a lot of walking
You never stopped waiting for me
You waited for me, you waited for me yeh
I saw you shedding tears at the back
I turned away because I felt too cowardly to approach you
What were you thinking with your eyes closed
Even without asking that, I already know the answer yeh
Every day might have felt like hell
You might have felt that you were all alone
I couldn’t even sort through my own emotions
So I felt too overwhelmed to approach you yeh
Can’t even look at the reflection in the mirror properly
Can’t take a single step over the threshold out of fear
A sailboat floating on its own in the middle of the ocean
From now on, I’ll become your wind and push you forward
I’ll put my faith in you, like you’ve always done for me
It’s okay to forget all the pain you’ve felt till now
Let’s walk together from now on
Let’s fly so we can shine
(Let’s walk together, let’s fly so we can shine
Let’s walk together)
When I was in darkness you shone brightly for me
You gave me a shoulder to lean on for a moment
I’ve gotten stronger now, I’ve received so much
I’m going to repay it all, so stay by my side
Beautiful, even more beautiful
Even more beautiful than the times that have passed
I will be your light from now on
You can always lean on me
(Let’s walk together, let’s fly so we can shine
Let’s walk together)
(Everyday, you are like a gift to me
You became my own personal light)
(Now) You can always lean on me
You can always lean on me yeh
(Everyday, you are like a gift to me
You became my own personal light)
(Now) You can always lean on me
You can always lean on me yeh
I’m a little late, aren’t I
The time it took me to get here
It took quite a long time
You never stopped waiting for me
You waited for me, you waited for me yeh

I Have Sworn to You

I Have Sworn to You
Lyrics and Melody: Yoni Genut
In front of a major sunset I stagger asking for Your light
In a stormy sea of forgetfulness I've faced You again
All of my alliances had flown away, in the wind of time
It's a wonder that I still remember how I've sworn to You
I have sworn and I will perform it, to keep Your righteous judgments
At the end of a rainy day I suddenly sing the song from kindergarten
Reminding myself to teach it to my little son
All of my connections are a burden in this bargain
It's a wonder that I'm still singing, I've sworn to You
I have sworn and I will perform it, to keep Your righteous judgments
Your words are a candle to my feet and a light to my path
I have sworn and I will perform it, to keep Your righteous judgments

He Holds Us All in His Hands

He holds life in his hand
He created the sky, sea and land
He created the mountains and the beach
He holds my life tightly in his hand
He wonderfully leads the earth
He gives us the sun, bright and clear
He gives us rain, year after rain
He wonderfully leads the earth
He holds my life in his hand
He also holds you life, brother, in his hand
He holds the earth in his hand
And he holds us all tightly in his hand
He protects the sparrow in the tree
He knows the beetle at the edge of the forest
He loves the lilies on the field
He protects the life in the world
He is faith, day after day
He is love, day after day
He is hope, day after day
He blesses us everyday
He holds my life in his hand
He holds your life in his hand
He holds the earth in his hand
He holds us all in his hand
He holds us all in his hand
He holds us all in his hand
I don't speak fluent German so feel free to correct
Ich spreche Deutsch nicht fließend, Korrekturen sind willkommen

I Won't Ever Be Able to Become You

I will give you all of my belongings
So that you never lack anything, my dear
I will give you all of my veins
So that you heal all your of your heart's wounds, my dear
But I won't ever be able to become you
I'll become anything, everything
I'll become a monkey
I'll become anything, everything
I'll become a wolf
So that I can howl at you all night long
But I won't ever be able to become you

O Fir Tree

O Fir Tree O Fir Tree
How Loyal Are Your Needles
O Fir Tree O Fir Tree
How Loyal Are Your Needles
You’re Green Not Only
In The Summertime
No Also In Winter When It Snows
O Fir Tree O Fir Tree
How Loyal Are Your Needles
O Christmas Tree O Christmas Tree
How Lovely Are Your Branches
O Christmas Tree O Christmas Tree
How Lovely Are Your Branches
Beautiful Green You Always Grow
Through Summers Long And Winter Snow
O Christmas Tree O Christmas Tree
How Lovely Are Your Branches
O Fir Tree O Fir Tree
You Can Please Me Very Much
O Fir Tree O Fir Tree
You Can Please Me Very Much
How Often Has Not At Christmastime
A Tree Like You Given Me Such Joy
O Fir Tree O Fir Tree
You Can Please Me Very Much

May I sink in your eyes?

May I sink in your eyes?
Because sinking in your eyes is happiness.
I'll come to you and say: 'Hello,
I love you'. It is complicated...
No, it is not complicated, it is hard
It is very hard to love, do you believe it?
If I come to the edge of the cliff
And fall down, will you come in time to catch me?
And if I am away, will you write to me?
I want to be with you for a long
For a very long time...
For my whole life, do you understand?
I'm afraid to get your answer, you know...
Tell me, but tell me silently,
Tell me with your eyes, do you love me?
If you do, then I promise,
You will be the happiest one.
If you don't, then I beg you
Not to blame me with your look,
Not to take me to the deep waters
Even though you love another one, well...
Do you at least remember me?
May I love you?
Even if I mustn't,
I will!
And I will always come to help you
If you ever in need!

The Saracens worship the sun

The Saracens worship the sun,
and the Turks the moon with the stars,
and I love these beautiful braids.
The sailors when there is the storm
they call for help to some saint
and I invoke you alone, in my weeping.
All slaves try to escape
and would like to break the chains
and I instead keep myself as a slave.
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

Are you strong enough for me?

You are a nice guy, good looking as well
I think your laugh is cute and so is your six-pack
Yes, I like you and I ask myself if we match
Now show me that you 've got power!
Are you strong enough for me? I need action!
Every day around the clock, can you stand this?
I am full of energy, I want to feel life.
Are you strong enough for me?
Then we could risk it!
I am a young girl who does not care for dreams
I am always on top of it and never keep still
Oh a wimp (mollycoddle) would be nothing for me
I see a cool guy who has the same beat
Let's go dancing tonight
Then we shall see
Then I shall see
The songs I translate are the songs I love. They helped me to learn languages. Wishing that the translation will bring the meaning to others who maybe just loved the tune.

Saint Sabine's Song/Air from the Transept

We're singing, playing around...
Oh! We're having so much fun!
This world is so crazy...
Come and share it, if you want to witness it!
Come and share it, if you want to witness it!
Ai, la ra la la ai la la ai la...
Air! Air! Air, little girl!
Give me air, give me!
I want more!
Air! I'm suffocating! Air, little girl!
Give me air... Air!
I want more!
So many girls partying in the streets!
So many girls partying in the streets!
And I cannot get out of the house...
The don't want to help me!
The day fades away
(Youth fades away)
The night fades away
(Youth fades away)
Life fades away
(Youth fades away)
The breeze stops,
Youth fades away!
The years pass
(Youth fades away)
Customs change
(Youth fades away)
Our life's breath...
Time flies,
Youth disappears!
Let me go to the party!
Let me go...
Let me go to where it's being held!
Let me go to the party
For I want,
I want to breathe its air!
I want to see people sing and dance...
To show them want I learned in those parties held long ago!
I want to see people sing and dance...
To show them want I learned in those parties held long ago!
The day fades away
(Youth fades away)
The night fades away
(Youth fades away)
Life fades away
(Youth fades away)
The breeze stops,
Youth fades away!
The years pass
(Youth fades away)
Customs change
(Youth fades away)
Our life's breath...
Time flies,
Youth disappears!
Let me go to the party!
Let me go...
Let me go to where it's being held!
Let me go to the party
For I want,
I want to breathe its air!
I want to see people sing and dance...
To show them want I learned in those parties held long ago!
I want to see people sing and dance...
To show them want I learned in those parties held long ago!
So many girls partying in the streets!
So many girls partying in the streets!
And I cannot get out of the house...
The don't want to help me!
Air! Air! Air, little girl!
Give me air, give me!
I want more!
Air! I'm suffocating! Air, little girl!
Give me air... Air!
I want more!

Hymnus: Heaven

I stand and wonder
Move as if dreaming
And a sunbeam breaks through
The sea of storm-clouds
And the birds in the tree
Sing me their concert
I am filled with joy
Which endures forever
And I see whatever I saw before wasn’t real
This must be heaven
Whatever I sought is now revealed
This must be heaven
And an angel comes to me
Its wings snow-white
His voice so gentle and
He whispers softly
And he takes my hand, saying,
'Do not be afraid!'
So cool his fingers
And he leads me into the light
And I see whatever I saw before wasn’t real
This must be heaven
Whatever I sought is now revealed
This must be heaven
Whatever I saw before wasn’t real
This must be heaven
Whatever I sought is now revealed
This must be real

I Need Somebody

Hello there
Is anyone there?
Where is
Is there anyone
To answer me?
Is anyone there?
You’re disappearing, more and more, without a sound
From me, without any reason
Was everything a misunderstanding?
Were we looking at each other in a dream?
Why am I alone?
Among all the people surrounding me
Why am I alone?
I’m all alone, I need someone
I need someone right now
Hello, is anyone there?
Anyone who can accept me?
Is anyone here?
Come to me, without a sound
Hold me, without a reason
Why am I alone?
Among all the people surrounding me
Why am I alone?
I’m all alone, I need someone
I need someone right now
As I am keeping my silence
I’ve let everyone go
A siren rings in my head
I really don’t think this is right
As I am keeping my silence
I’ve let everyone go
Oh now I got to do something
Why am I alone?
Among all the people surrounding me
Why am I alone?
I’m all alone, I need someone
I need someone right now
I need someone right now

But you are the only one for me

There are millions of stars
in our city there are thousends of lamps
there are many goods and money in the world
but you are the only one for me
There are many lips to kiss
and couples they must separate
you can find pleasure and sorrow any time
but you are the only one for me
Even the thought of that once I could leave you
that another women calls you her own
it makes me sad, because you are the completeness to me
What the wold's gonna be like without you?
Many flowers bloom in the garden
there are many men who are waiting
there are many goods and money in the world
but you are the only one for me
Even the thought of that once I could leave you
that another women calls you her own
it makes me sad, because you are the completeness to me
What the wold's gonna be like without you?
There are seven wonders of the world
thousends of ships on the see
there are many goods and money in the world
but you are the only one for me
but you are the only one for me

Only love

You took me all I had in this world
The power to love
You took with you my happiness
The wish to live
The fruit of our love grows
It's hard for me without your love
But the memories with you
Nobody can't take them from me
You are the angel of my love
I feel you somewhere
Only your huge love
Only (your love) can help me
Harsh and lying tendencies
Urge me to choose hell
And the kindness signals me
Not to leave her
Only love, only love
Gives you hope to live
Only by love and with love
You can give others
Only love is life
She calls you in a deaf echo
Help me, please
Give me the power to love again

'2032': Track 15 – 200 Minutes

200 minutes of journey –
1100 kilometers will be left behind,
And the day will dissolve
In fiery whirlwinds of sunset wind.
Everything that was left inside of it
Will seem, from a distance, to be just a trivial story
In the noise of other problems,
It’s just a usual formal curiosity...
And yet it’s impossible for us to love
Everyone, who waits for our love on the planet,
A hand is unlikely to touch another person’s hand,
In this fairytale.
We aren’t given a chance
To feel the emotions of other people inside of ourselves
Our own feelings are of most importance,
Everything else is just a matter of control,
And there’s, obviously,
No less egoism than in a usual life,
And yet progress couldn’t
Give us the way out of this typical problem.
And it is a paradox for thousands of people,
But the wonderful feeling only disturbs them,
In the realm of monads without windows and doors
It simply vanishes.
And, today, this dream is unrealistic,
The dream of loving everyone on earth:
The eternal spring hasn’t come to this world
In this fairy tale. 
In case you'd like to share my translation by reposting it somewhere, credit me, please. It would be great if you also left a link to the source. Thank you.

'2032': Track 03 – The Plenary

[An office at the factory]
*official time signal*
Dictor: Moscow’s speaking. Current Moscow time is 11 AM.
*news theme song*
Dictor: We’ll start from the latest news.
The plenary session of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union Communist Party was held yesterday.
On behalf of the Party’s Politburo, the session was opened by the member of Politburo, the First Secretary of Leningrad Oblast CPSU Committee Grigory Vasilyevich Romanov.
In connection with the death of the General Secretary of CC CPSU, the Chair of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko, the plenary participants observed a minute of silence.
The plenum noted the Soviet Union Communist Party and all the Soviet people have suffered a grievous loss.
Konstantin Ustinovich was an outstanding party leader and statesman, a patriot and an internationalist, a remarkable activist who fought to ensure the triumph of the ideals of communism and peace on the Earth…
First Radio Listener: Hey, are they going to propose Romanov? I’ve thought they were talking Gorbachov…
Second Radio Listener: Well, he was proposed by Andropov even. Still didn’t get chosen…
First Radio Listener: What about Grishin?
Second Radio Listener: Grishin?.. That guy didn’t really want to himself…
Dictor: The plenary participants expressed their deep condolences to the family and friends of the late General Secretary.
The CC plenary considered to choose a new CC CRSU General Secretary.
On behalf of the Party’s Politburo, the member of Politburo and the Head of the Ministers Council comrade Tikhonov delivered a speech on the issue.
He proposed to elect the First Secretary of the Leningrad Oblast Committee, comrade Romanov, as the new CC CRSU General Secretary.
The plenum unanimously decided to elect Grigory Vasilyevich Romanov as the General Secretary of CC CPSU.
Then the newly elected CC CRSU General Secretary comrade Romanov gave a speech…

And life went on… The country was moving
Towards our great dream,
Even though it was unclear whether we were getting close
To that distant illusive line.
And years will pass, children will grow up,
The leader will be changed two more times,
And, then, the unkind rain of gossips and doubts
Will finally stop, not being able to wash out the plinths.
In case you'd like to share my translation by reposting it somewhere, credit me, please. It would be great if you also left a link to the source. Thank you.

You who don't cry

What beautiful the mountain is tonight!
Such beautiful I never saw it!
It looks like a meek and tired soul,
Under the cover of this white moon.
You who don't cry and make me cry,
Where are you tonight?
I need you!I need you!
My eyes want to see you, once again.
What quiet the mountain is tonight!
Quieter than now I never saw it!
Everything sleeps, sleeps or dies down
Only I stay awake, because love stays awake.
You who don't cry and make me cry,
Where are you tonight?
I need you! I need you!
My eyes want to see you, once again.
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

Forget, don't love

I won't give my heart to love, I won't believe in love
I won't burn crying for years in vain
I won't believe and tend to such passion
Forget,don't love me
What a pity that the end of this Love is a sorrow,
filled with tears
Anyhow, wouldn't its end come?
Wouldn't it end like every beautiful thing
Wouldn't it leave and drop me out?
Forget,don't love me
What a pity that the end of this Love is a sorrow,
filled with tears