A keresés eredménye oldal 43
Találatok száma: 1557
I Would Like To Die Like This
I would like to die like this
With the glass next to me
With a Cobzar* next to me (old Romanian kind-of guitar)
I would like to die like this
In a Pub
To write, when to time comes,
With red wine my testament
I would like to die like this
Lets get drunk
I drink, drink, drink,
Lets make a mess
And after a week
I drink, drink, drink
I shall die with the bottle in my hand
I would like to die like this
With the glass next to me
With a Cobzar* next to me
I would like to die like this
I don't want crying
I want on my last time
A Cobzar, A Singer
Singing to take my place
I don't want no sad face
With the nose in their wipe
If I die, I want the living
To party for me
A whole day
I would like to die like this
With the glass next to me
With a Cobzar* next to me (old Romanian kind-of guitar)
I would like to die like this
In a Pub
To write, when to time comes,
With red wine my testament
I would like to die like this
Lets get drunk
I drink, drink, drink,
Lets make a mess
And after a week
I drink, drink, drink
I shall die with the bottle in my hand
Kifeszített kötélen
Néhány ember könnyű és megtervezett életre vágyik
Masnival átkötve
Néhány ember nem hajózna a tengeren, mert a parton biztonságosabb
És követik a szabályokat
De én téged követlek az ismeretlenbe
Egy világba, amit magunkénak mondhatunk
Fogd meg a kezem
És ígérjük meg, hogy sosem engedjük el egymást
Egy kifeszített kötélen sétálunk
Magasan az égben
Az egész világ látszik alattunk
Egy kifeszített kötélen sétálunk
Sohasem tudhatjuk, hogy milyen mélyre zuhanunk
De az egész egy kaland
Ami csodás kilátással jár
Egy kifeszített kötélen sétálunk
Veled, ó, ó, ó, ó
Veled ó, ó, ó, ó
Hegyek és völgyek, mindegy mi áll az utunkba
Sivatag vagy óceán
Bevontál az álmaidba és együtt elvesztünk bennük
Mindig mozgásban vagyunk
Mindent kockára teszek, hogy veled lehessek
Mindent kockára teszek az életért, amit választottunk
Fogd meg a kezem
Megígérted, hogy sosem engeded el
Egy kifeszített kötélen sétálunk
Magasan az égben
Az egész világ látszik alattunk
Egy kifeszített kötélen sétálunk
Sohasem tudhatom, hogy elkapsz-e, mielőtt lezuhanok
De az egész egy kaland
Ami csodás kilátással jár
Egy kifeszített kötélen sétálunk
Veled, ó, ó, ó, ó
Veled ó, ó, ó, ó
Veled ó, ó, ó, ó
Lost in the Dream
La la la la la La la la la la
Every morning when the morning comes you
Pray everyday (not a dream)
When I fall asleep again (hold me)
Even if you are a dream, you can not get out
Fantasy (beautiful you)
Shadow (I want to)
I look for you every night and walk the same dream
I can not escape if I want to stop
It starts
when the moon comes up
Falling like a fall. Dream deeply digging
Call me you Let me sing you
Ride in this moment
dreams that can never wake up
Let me call you. Even if it's a fantasy
This is definitely a definite example
My wishful daydream repeated every time
A sharp crescent moon. Wolf cries in both ears
Restarted and synchronized My voice looking for you
Yeah yeah I’m lost in dream
I feel like empty and clean
But your shape gets more bigger than me
Even that i can’t reach out like a tree
Make me free, make me lean
And baby make me see
Don’t make me lost in the dream
Just come let’s make a dream
If you pass this night, I hope you'll be ok yeah
When the moon (falls asleep)
The closer I get (fade away) hey
In this deep night I'm broken forever
Even if you want to erase, you keep getting bigger
It's dangerous enough to lose me
Falling like a fall. Dream deeply digging
Call me you Let me sing you
Ride in this moment
dreams that can never wake up
Let me call you. Even if it's a fantasy
Actually I might be happy about this
The fantasy I've experienced from the moment you left
Blurred vision
This pain is poisonous Reading
I can not get out of here because I'm dizzy
You can not get out of
your misty womb
You can die in presence
Give me your breath
U got me and I got u
Things that we got never flew
Please don’t wake me up in this dream
Wait babe I gotta feelin’ u
After losing you, my entire body,
My illusions made by my folly
Bring me more and more
Falling like a fall. Dream deeply digging
Call me you Let me sing you
Ride in this moment
dreams that can never wake up
Let me call you. Even if it's a fantasy
Lost in the dream
La la la la la La la la la la
Because there will be a day that you'll be gone
You don't know anymore who you really are
That you're laughing while you're crying
But time brings you back in your place
See, the time is now
Time to grow
Time for changes
Time to blossom
Time to let the spark of the fire grow
Time to ask yourself: What are you doing?
Time to keep
Time to forgive
Time to let go
Time to forget
Time to see you can't save the world
But time to fight again for what we love
Time for yourself
Time to enjoy
And not to be guided by the negative
Time not to let yourself break by the crisis
But time to focus on everything you lvoe
Time for innovation
Time for understanding
Time to realise who's always there for you
Time to call your mom to say you miss her
Tell her that you love her
And that's she's everything to you
Time to learn from the mistakes you made
Time to love yourself and your loved ones
Time for a new day, the next phase
Count your blessings, Don't keep hanging in the ruins
Time to know that time keeps flying
Say I love you and I don't want anyone else
Time heals wounds
No time to lose
TIme for your favorite number through your speakers
Because there will be a day that you'll be gone
You don't know anymore who you really are
That you're laughing while you're crying
But time brings you back in your place
Because the hours become days
And the months become years
Every day I'm still learning
But I still got so many questions
Time to think about the people that you've lost
About love or death or sometimes both
To know that one day we'll dissappear
Looking at the sky
See the stars and they shine
Time to know that money doesn't make you rich
If you know real love it's just a side issue
See how time passes you by
The fame and success
One day you'll lose it
You need to know life is not eternal
And that waking up every day is a blessing
Everything that happens, it's of importance
Good or bad
They both contribute to balance
Because there will be a day that you'll be gone
You don't know anymore who you really are
That you're laughing while you're crying
But time brings you back in your place
Because the hours become days
And the months become years
Every day I'm still learning
But I still got so many questions
In a time where we fight for peace
Daily victims die without reason
In a rich country, still living in poverty
The fear and problems are drawn
Time to understand that time can't take turns
Don't sit there and give up
But keep trying
Let love do it's work
Don't force anything
Al that shit won't hurt your heart anymore
Time to accept what's not there anymore
Time to consider before you decide
Don't look back into the fog
No time anymore to have regrets
That doesn't change a thing
Time to forgive yourself for a mistake
Time to wipe your tears, exchange it for a smile
Time to feel what you've missed all along
And that it wasn't for nothing
Because there will be a day that you'll be gone
You don't know anymore who you really are
That you're laughing while you're crying
But time brings you back in your place
Because the hours become days
And the months become years
Every day I'm still learning
But I still got so many questions
I believe in time
I believe in me and you
Na na na
Na na na
Na na na
Na na na
Legion (S)
Your arms are safely sheathed
And you are cautious like a beast
What happens if this march
Is but sham scenery of fate?
The ones who make your team
Including you don’t know what
The end is like...
Into dreams, at slow footpace
There comes the Legion on
Giving up the bridgehead
To fires
We are frontline fighters
With our lot
We are marching at the war
Entitled “It’s my life”
With the trophy of a home,
And love and friends
But we come to think of 'why?”
When at the graves
What for?
Into dreams, at slow footpace
There comes the Legion on
Giving up the bridgehead
To fires
We are frontline fighters
With our lot
A sweet baby’s sleeping calmly
He’s the next to challenge fate
Life means holding our heart well
At the gunpoint
But all this way eventually
Will be a must for all
Someone sooner, someone later
With one result
And the more we get deprived of,
The more powerful we grow!
Just when...
Into dreams, at slow footpace
There comes the Legion on
Giving up the bridgehead
To fires
We are frontline fighters
With our lot (x2)
Legion's on!
A másik oldal
(P.T. Barnum)
Itt és most
Elmondom, hogy mit ajánlok
Nem akarok koslatni utánad
Tudom, hogy értékeled
Tarts velem
És szabaddá teszlek
A napi robottól és a falaktól, amik körülvesznek
Cseréld el a megszokottat valami érdekesre
És ha őrültség, légy egy kicsit őrült
Játszhatsz óvatosan, lehetsz a konvenciók királya
Vagy mindent kockára tehetsz és megtudhatod
Nem akarod otthagyni a régi szerepet, amit játszol?
Én megadhatok mindent, amire vágysz
Tarts velem és utazzunk át
Átviszlek magammal a másik oldalra
Csinálhatod úgy, mint eddig
Vagy csinálhatod úgy, mint én
Élhetsz egy kalitkában, vagy megragadhatod végre a kulcsot
Ó, a fenébe! Végre szabadon szárnyalhatsz
Átviszlek magammal a másik oldalra
(Phillip Carlyle)
Rendben barátom, szóval be akarsz szervezni
Utálom ezt mondani, de erre semmi esélyed
Szóval kösz, de kösz nem
Szerintem jól megvagyok így
Mert nagyon is élvezem az életet, amiben szerinted bennrekedtem
Tudod, csodállak téged és a show-t, amit csinálsz
Valami különlegeset alkottál, tényleg különleges
De én a nagyok között élek, mi nem takarítunk mogyoróhéjat
Szóval ezt inkább meghagynám neked
Nem tűnik fel, hogy jó nekem ez a nagymenő szerep, amit eljátszhatok?
Megvan mindenem, szóval nem utaznék át
Nem izgat a másik oldal
Szóval menj, és csináld, ahogy szoktad
Mert nekem jó, ahogy én csinálom
Nem élek kalitkában, szóval kulcs sem kell
Ó, a fenébe! Hát nem látod, milyen jól megvagyok?
És nem érdekel a másik oldal
(P.T. Barnum)
Tényleg így akarod tölteni a napjaidat?
Whiskey-vel és szenvedéssel, partikkal és színdarabokkal?
(Phillip Carlyle)
Ha veled keverednék, mindenki rólam beszélne a városban
Kegyvesztett lennék, kitagadnának, egy lennék a bohócok közül
(P.T. Barnum)
De végre élnél egy kicsit, végre nevetnél kicsit
Engedd meg, hogy megadjam a szabadságot, amiről álmodoztál
Ami majd felébreszt és betölti az űrt a lelkedben
Fogd a falakat és bontsd le mind
Ez egy olyan alku, amit érdemes megkötni
De asszem ezt rád bízom
(Phillip Carlyle)
Kecsegtető ajánlat, de sokba kerülne ez nekem
Szóval a bevétel hány százalékából részesülnék?
(P.T. Barnum)
Korrekt, hogy mindenből kivennéd a részed
Hetet adok - rázzunk kezet és mehet!
(Phillip Carlyle)
Nem most jöttem le a falvédőről, tizennyolc épp megfelel
(P.T. Barnum)
Miért nem kérsz egyből öt centet minden tíz után?
(Phillip Carlyle)
(P.T. Barnum)
Adok nyolcat
(Phillip Carlyle)
(P.T. Barnum)
Talán kilencet
(Phillip Carlyle)
(P.T. Barnum és Phillip Carlyle)
Nem akarsz eltűnni és egy vadiúj szerepet játszani?
Én megadhatok mindent, amire vágysz, tarts velem és utazzunk át
Átviszlek magammal a másik oldalra
Ha úgy csinálod, ahogy én
Ha olyan leszel, mint én
Felejtsd el a kalitkát, mi tudjuk, hogy kell kulcsot csinálni
Ó, a fenébe! Végre szabadon szárnyalhatunk
Átmegyünk a másik oldalra
Ha úgy csinálod, ahogy én
Átmegyünk a másik oldalra
Ha olyan leszel, mint én
Ha így teszünk, átmehetünk a másik oldalra
Átmegyünk a másik oldalra
Átmegyünk a másik oldalra
Everything's All Right Aboard the Andrea Doria
At Uncle Pö's, a band of retirees
Has been playing Dixieland for twenty years now
They have a groupie, too
Her name is Rosa or something like that
And she's dancing on the table
Just like a go-go-go girl
And now there's Paula from St. Pauli
Who takes off her clothes every time
And it's Lola's birthday
And they're raising their glasses, hoping
That one day she'll be as old
As she already looks
And anyway, everything's all right again
Aboard the Andrea Doria
And anyway, everything's all right again
Aboard the Andrea Doria
Gottfried is the name of the boy
Back there, at the piano
And for every ragtime he plays
He's given a schnapps and a beer
And some guy in the booth
Is shocking his girl
And Berni Flottman believes
That he's an astronaut
Now another one is coming over
From the booming discotheque
And I guess that our steam ship is about to sink
But everything else is all right today
Aboard the Andrea Doria
Andrea Doria...
At Uncle Pö's, a band of retirees
Has been playing Dixieland for twenty years now
They have a groupie, too
Her name is Rosa or something like that
And she's dancing on the table
Just like a go-go-go girl
Once more, it doesn't even really matter
And Leda is dreaming of a pelican
And either way, it's been far too late
And even the shrink has not idea how to carry on
But everything else is all right today
Aboard the Andrea Doria
Andrea Doria...
I Should’ve First
I couldn’t tell you
If I tell you my feelings
What if we grow apart?
Maybe that’s why I was hesitating
I should’ve told you I love you first
I should’ve told you I’m in love with you
Then I wouldn’t have been regretting right now
I should’ve gone to you first and told you
I should’ve said that you’re a different me
You, more than anyone else
Again today
I’m standing alone, thinking
I always want to ask you
Is there such thing as an end without a start?
I should’ve told you I love you first
I should’ve told you I’m in love with you
Then I wouldn’t have been regretting right now
I should’ve gone to you first and told you
I should’ve said that you’re a different me
You more than myself, I love you
A common love that will be forgotten by a different love
Because that’s me, that’s why I’m crying alone
It’s late but I’ll tell you I love you
Words I couldn’t say because you weren’t here
Saying, I love you
Saying, I love you
I'll think of you
I hear that plane passing by,
the one who takes you to the planet of oblivion,
I know it's not likely to happen, that I find you again
and our paths cross once more.
I'll think of you,
only of you,
keep you in a safety box,
from my memory,
I'll think of you,
basically of you,
it's all I need,
to survive.
I read the newspaper and it says
there's another war, again
in this same land,
the man of time says,
a wave of polar love is coming.
I'll think of you,
only of you,
keep you in a safety box,
from my memory,
I'll think of you,
basically of you,
it's all I need,
to survive.
I'll think of you, exclusively
without breathing, exclusively
I'll think of you, exclusively.
Just learning.
Fickós vagyok
Enrique Iglesias
Mr. Worlwide
Megpróbálom, hadd menjen
De függő vagyok a vegyszereire (illatára, ízére)
Megízleltem és túl akarom adagolni magam
Szeretem, ahogy olyan fizikailag
Dug, mint egy állat
Nappal és éjszaka
Csak képzelgek
Hogyan adod át a szerelmedet
Kapcsold le a fényeket, kapcsold fel a fényeket
Készülj néhány akcióra
Bébi gyere és add nekem
Mert fickós vagyok
Ahogy felpattansz és ledobsz
Mindent rajtam
Nem, nem akarom, hogy leállj
Igen, fickós vagyok
Bébi, nem hazudok
Amikor mozogsz, akkor
Csak egy valamire tudok gondolni
Mert fickós vagyok
Igen, fickós vagyok (x2)
Igen, bébi, ott mész
Ellopva a szívemet
Mint egy bűnöző
Nem fordulsz vissza, mert az idő kritikus
Igen, úgy mozog a tested, mint egy csoda
Bébi, itt vagyunk
Bébi, te felpattansz és bezárod
Ledobod, én persze, hogy nézem
Bébi, ahogy tekered és rázod
Mozgasd, én használom, gyerünk
Tudod, nyalom és teszem a dolgokat
Hogy felrobbanj
Nem hiszel nekem csajszi, csak
Hagyj hagyj hagyj, hogy menjek
Mert fickós, fickós, fickós, fickós,fickós, fickós, fickós, fickós, fickós vagyok
Most kaphatok egy ütést, ütést, ütést, ütést, ütést, ütést
Bébi, tedd vissza szépen és lassan
Csak orgazmust (x8) akarok
Jöjjön ki és menjen
Jövök, látom, meghódítom
Jöjjön a következő, gyerünk!
A hotelszobából
A DJ fülkébe
A mosdókagylón
Találd ki, én csak fickós vagyok
És amikor lemegy a nap
Kell, hogy kijöjjön
Bébi, ne hibáztass engem
Én csak fickós vagyok
My heart
My heart is tired of waiting
It wants to live, to chase you until the end
My heart is tired of dreaming
It wants to go out and dance until it dies
Through the river, to the sea
I'll be looking for my opportunity
If I get lost
Save a place for me in your memory
In your memory
In your memory
My heart doesn't want to listen anymore
It wants to sing, until it has no voice left
My heart is left without illusion
It wants to fly and never come back
Through the river, to the sea
I'll be looking for my opportunity
If I get lost
Save a place for me in your memory
In your memory
In your memory
And if I get lost in the dark
Know that I prefer to shipwreck
Instead of waiting
My heart is tired of waiting
It wants to live, to chase you until the end...
Through the river, to the sea
I'll be looking for my opportunity
If I get lost
Save a place for me in your memory
In your memory
In your memory
(In your memory)
My heart, my heart, my heart (x3)
My heart is tired of dreaming
My heart doesn't want to listen anymore
My heart wants a place in your memory
Save a place for me in your memory
What's it gonna be
Everything but everything important
Filled the room
Nothing that nobody notices that's missing
And all that I lack is missing
Behind every important phrase
That we've said as robots
The memories of two of us are drowning
Stepping, throwing away my instincts
And I ask myself every day
Isn't this going to be my thing
But sometimes everything falls and vanishes
Thinking how from the other night
So many nights are separating us
Today when dawn arrived
I listened to you crying
Without knowing I was there
And without telling you a word
I kissed you in the face
And pretended not to hear you murmur
The gestures before insignificant
They were only provocation
Everything was too much or not enough
And who cares is not the issue
The hatred was only one step away
From what was once love
The looks of us two are burning
Stepping, throwing away my instincts
And I ask myself every day
Isn't this going to be my thing
But sometimes everything falls and vanishes
Thinking how from the other night
So many nights are separating us
And what? Tell me what's it gonna be with us
If we keep losing ourselves little by little
Each day a little more
And the last thing I remember
Is whispering to you in a low voice
That tomorrow I'll have to go to work early
The Dreamer
Without knowing the shadow of the sun hitting the wall
The child who dreamt
Stars don't shine when the moon is gone
Cried and crying
Someone told me, 'Those little sorrows are precious.'
That's you
I know once you told me
You're more beautiful when you stop in your younger days
I know what you told me
Just the way I am now
I am a piece of this world
The dream keeps going on
I dream
Even though the moon is gone now, my song won't stop
Filling a white night
There is a song that I have to sing
To sing it out
Someone told me, 'Those small reasons are what made you'
That's you
I know once you told me
You're more beautiful when you stop in your younger days
I know what you told me
Just the way I am now
I am me and, oh
I am beautiful
I know what you told me
Just the way I am now
In this world, I
I am already someone's star
Poetic and dirty
Poetic and dirty.
Without complicated tactics, without PR school.
I turn over cigarette butts until the last smoke.
I touch the earth with my palm, it will take me anyhow.
You can't leave the crossroads, you have to pick a path,
But again and again, life spins you around like a lunatic.
You aren't even smoke and ash.
You are a totally unknown name on an album.
Poetic and dirty.
We don't compliment, we just observe qualities that are certain
Skeptical like a peasant's whipping of miracles,
Not because atheists, but because miracles.
Only the closed book keeps its grace,
The open book often only offers the gift of access
To cold knowledge. You hear me?
We didn't die of hunger--we celebrated in the basement!
Poetic and dirty.
How the tapes disappeared and you will disappear
When the vinyl disappeared, you weren't even intended to appear,
So if it's about a scandal--jump!
But don't jump out of foolishness, or of jealousy,
Or out of whatever it would be.
You jump for strong principles.
The children don't understand you?
Leave them, because they will understand you when they grow up.
Poetic and dirty.
They are your children and clearly they seem so bizarre to you
And you don't understand what they say.
They'd educate you, if you knew right now.
Poetic and dirty.
It's the process of life which gives you death as a gift, gift
You can be sure -- you are born and die alone.
Yes? Yes.
The dirty poets disappear. Yes? Yes.
The gifted prophets disappear. Yes? Yes
You, brother, pour another glass. Yes? Yes
The dirty poets disappear. Yes? Yes.
The clean poets stay alive and write in vain
Poems which are meant only for the press.
Compare them now in your mind, you hear me? Compare them now in your mind.
The weight of a book with that of a newspaper.
Dirtiness is wealth, you have to be dirty
To get past yourself, your self is dressed in white.
It is dressed in white not because it's clean
But because it's not colored. Yet.
Dirtiness is color.
It's the price of a bridge.
It's the path to the horizon.
It is the kernel of the seed which gives birth to the grass which rises
Under the sun, under which everything is born and everything dies.
In this way, even the dirty poets disappear . . .
The dirty poets disappear. Yes? Yes.
The gifted prophets disappear. Yes? Yes
You, brother, pour another glass. Yes? Yes
The dirty poets disappear. Yes? Yes.
World, world . . . You aren't my sister!
I know too many fathers, so many fathers who gave you sons.
You married everyone, stealing them from the living.
So, you are the stupidest daughter-in-law!
You are in love with the minor plays
Not because you understand them, but because you are minor.
So many thousands of years and the same scores.
You don't care about winners, you need to keep the dirt.
But I thank you anyhow because you give pemission
And you dirty only those who really need it.
The irony is that among them, there were too many in love with you.
Yes? Yes.
The dirty poets disappear. Yes? Yes.
The gifted prophets disappear. Yes? Yes
You, brother, pour another glass. Yes? Yes
The dirty poets disappear. Yes? Yes.
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
When the world is bad
No, there's no need for many words
To tell you our story as the heart feels it
And no, I don't want the world to know how you were before me, and how I was before you
I looked for you like crazy, I saw thousands of sad girls, few smiles
And now I feel that I've found you, but my voids still aren't filled
I looked for you like crazy, I saw thousands of sad girls, few smiles
And now I feel that I've found you, but my voids still aren't filled
I listen to my heart even when the world is bad
I listen so that you are next to me and help me get through it
And when it's not easy, I start missing you
When I'm with you, it's as if I have no holes
No, there's no need for me to hear
To what your thoughts always hide
And no, there's no need for me to listen
Since we met, the world has been talking too much
When I met you, I didn't imagine at all that I'd love you
Like I do now, when I love you, I feel alive
You make me stop remembering the world
Only you make my heart happy, I feed off of you
I listen to my heart even when the world is bad
I listen so that you are next to me and help me get through it
And when it's not easy, I start missing you
When I'm with you, it's as if I have no holes
No, there's no need for me to hear
And no, there's no need for me to listen
And no, there's no need for me to hear
No, there's no need for me to listen
I listen to my heart even when the world is bad
I listen so that you are next to me and help me overcome it
And when it's not easy, I start missing you
When I'm with you, it's as if I have no holes
No holes, no holes, no holes,
No holes, no holes
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
I beg you, Nerea
Don't abort my child
When God brings a child
He brings it in His own time
Bring it, I'll raise it
Don't abort my child
When God brings a child
He brings it in His own time
Maybe it'll be Obama,
and I'll rule America
Maybe it'll be Lupita,
and I'll win an Oscar
Maybe it'll be Wanyama,
and I'll play in the premier league
Maybe it'll be Kenyatta,
the founder of a nation
I beg you, Nerea
Don't abort my child
When God brings a child
He brings it in His own time
Bring it, I'll raise it
Don't abort my child
When God brings a child
He brings it in His own time
I'll raise it
Maybe it'll be Mathai,
and I'll conserve the environment
Maybe it'll be Makeba,
and I'll compose beautiful songs
Maybe it'll be Nyerere,
and I'll lead Tanzania
Maybe it'll be Mandela,
the liberator of Africa
I beg you, Nerea
Don't abort my child
When God brings a child
He brings it in His own time
Bring it, I'll raise it
Don't abort my child
When God brings a child
He brings it in His own time
I ask you Nerea, Nerea
Nerea, don't abort my child
Nerea, Nerea
Nerea, don't you abort my child
Maybe it'll be Kagame, and'll rule
Jaramogi Odinga, let's unite
Maybe it'll be Tom Mboya
Maybe it'll be Rudisha
Maybe it'll be an angel, God has given to us
Maybe it'll be Sauti Sol
Maybe it'll be Amos and Josh
Maybe it'll be, yeaaah
Maybe it'll be an angel, God has given to us
Atlantisz él
Elindulok, többé nem várhatok,
el kell menni innen, hiányzik a levegő, hogy lélegezzem, és ha a világ körülöttem elhallgat, hallok egy dalamot.
Azt álmodtam, hogy a parton állok,
láttam, ahogy a mélysége csillogott,
ott, ahol a szerencse el van rejtve,
és örökké szeret engem egy szív,
és ahol Atlantisz van.
Atlantisz él és az idő megérett a csodákra,
megkeresem veled az utat, gyere, egyszerűen alámerüljünk.
Mi ketten, sulytalanul, úton vagyunk a végentelenséghez,
soha nem késő - Atlantisz él.
Láttam egy fényt, ahogy elsüllyedt az óceánban,
az utolsó erővel, és az a veszély állt fenn, hogy vízbe fulladjak,
tüzes szárnyakon elvitt a fantázia országába.
Ne felj a viharoktól és az árapálytól,
a varázslat biztonságban oda fog vezetni,
oda, ahol az álmom van
és a Hold megcsókolja a Napot,
mert minden szerelem.
Atlantisz él és soha nem el fog merülni,
mert csak az számít igazából, amit szívvel látunk,
Mi ketten, sulytalanul, úton vagyunk a végentelenséghez,
Soha nem késő - Atlantisz él.
Soha nem késő - Atlantisz él.
It makes me so much Good
Listen well love of mine
And trust this song
And every word that's dedicated to you
Can save me from this pain
That had been inside my soul
And teach me what it feels like
To be happy
I would give all
Only for returnning, such love
All that i can give
I feel it will never be enough
It makes me such well
To be near you
Makes me so much good
To remain by your side
Reachin such height like the sun
And never being at the height of your love
Yes, I'll come back to find poems for you
And i didn't find words that can describe
'Cause i'm feelin' like flying , when you're here
'Cause i'm trembling when i'm thinkin' that you can be tired of me
I would give all
Only for returnning, such love
All that i can give
I feel it will never be enough
It makes me such well
To be near you
Makes me so much good
To remain by your side
Reachin such height like the sun
And never being at the height of your love
It makes me such well
To be near you
Makes me so much good
To remain by your side
Reachin such height like the sun
And never being at the height of your love
Ye, ye, ye, yeaaahhhh!!
Ye, ye, ye, yeaaahhhh!!
What more can i say
If when i gaze at you
All is perfect
Yes, i already know that i am from the street
and humbled
Ye, ye, ye, yeaaahhhh!!
But the wealth of mine is you
Ye, ye, ye, yeaaahhhh!!
Walk the pathless path. The future no one knows
Should be made by us.
Since common sense, form, and integrity are worthless,
Go forward destroying the wall.
The feeling of wishing to go at full speed and
The flickering speed limit signs.
Life in a decided path which everyone walked
Is not easily escaped, so
On that occasion, when you're on the verge of running to the back street,
As seen from the side, not creating an
Idea of being an outlaw, but a unique existence.
Go My Way. The numerous manuals
Are not all right.
The formal everyday routine,
Remake and improve it with your own hands.
Since life is tough, there is no change.
*** Under Construction ***
*** Under Construction ***
No Tap No Give Up
A monster flow that won't stop.
Eat sh*t from the textbook,
Don't you lack the skill then? Get stronger! Get stronger!
Isn't being above the rail great?
Demolish the wall in front of your eyes,
On the next page, happiness awaits you.
Break down, improve, Right now, yourself!
Step it up and continue day by day.
The unexpected answer has to be inside you Oh
Break down, look for, Right now, tomorrow!
Look to the top, Play the hard way.
Say goodbye to your former regretting self,
So, let's go My way.
Going off course? So, what about that?
Like I said, go forward, here.
Where the middle finger points, there.
Speak your mind, and make fun of adults and such.
Even if you try and prepare,
Search a full 1000%, you can't do anything,
There's nothing to do with the ordinary being painful!
There's no use in troublesome opinions!
The cage of regulation thrown away,
If you've had enough of that scenery, fly away!
Hey you hear me, I'm sure of that!
Beyond the frame goes out your voice!
Since it seems like an answer no one knows,
My feelings don't lie to me.
When he stops, in that time
I sped up more and I'm kilometers away.
*** Under Construction ***
*** Under Construction ***
If you wish to know your inner limits..
Walk the pathless path. The future no one knows
Should be made by us.
Since common sense, form, and integrity are worthless,
You can only destroy it all and go on.
Break down, improve, Right now, yourself!
Step it up and continue day by day.
The unexpected answer has to be inside you Oh
Break down, look for, Right now, tomorrow!
Look to the top, Play the hard way.
Say goodbye to your former regretting self,
So, let's go My way.
I'm Still Here
I'm the problem of all over the world,
a question unanswered,
cannot just stay in your brace
Don't tell me that you know everything,
I don't want to listen or ask, as you don't understand me
I won't be the one you want me to be.
Don't tell me that you know everything,
I'm a mature man
and won't allow you to abandon me,
Don't tell me that you know my secret,
you are alone here
you don't understand me and I'm not you
I want to set myself free completely,
going forward bravely without fear,
and hold tightly the dream that belongs to me.
Who is the world to ask me to change?
They don't want to change,
He doesn't understand me, but I'm still here
It is you that finally see my heart
with your company, I don't feel lonely
I'm no longer afraid as you understand me.
Let me tell you the answer now,
help me to be responsible, to be a real man
without being scared in front of danger
and make my heart firm
I move toward my dream
Although the world is still sleeping,
I still believe in my heart,
that I never really mind
the lies and rumours that they have told
I want to set myself free completely,
going forward bravely without fear,
and hold tightly the dream that belongs to me.
Who is the world to ask me to change?
They don't want to face the music,
I am still myself, without changing anything in my heart
I am myself, without changing anything in my heart
I'm still here, I'm still here.
I don't know love
Do not keep coming to me
I’m easily moved.
Everything in front of a thread
Our time tangled in it
I keep trying to keep my mind closed.
I’m easily weakened.
The days when I was used to being alone
Do not let it collapse now.
I lived without knowing love.
I do not deserve to have a heart like this.
I know.
Like the fate that we met without preparation
I shook and woke me.
If this is not the day like this
A completely different road elsewhere
If you met, would it be different from now?
Could I hold your hand?
I lived without knowing love.
I do not deserve to have a heart like this.
I know.
Like the fate that we met without preparation
It was you who rocked me and woke me up.
I met you without knowing love
I keep leaning toward you
I know your feelings.
I did not even know how to give it to me
Teach me all love
Teach me love
You Take Advantage
Versions: #3
I’m just a shadow in your life,
You lift and throw me away,
Trampling on me as I follow,
Without ever bothering to repair me.
I drink out of your hand,
Like a servant in your flock,
And I hate you but love you,
Despite myself.
There is no one is to blame,
but myself,
For when you call
I’m always
up for anything you want.
You take advantage,
Because you know I love you,
At the snap of your fingers,
I’m at your beck and call.
You take advantage,
Knowing, even if I wanted to,
I will never escape through the,
windows of your prison.
You leave me,
You have me when you want,
You chase and hurt me,
I’m your prize, hunter!
You tear me apart,
at your leisure,
and control my anger,
my judge and jury.
You take advantage
Because you know I love you
At the snap of your fingers
I’m at your beck and call.
You take advantage,
Knowing, even if I wanted to,
I will never escape through the,
windows of your prison.
You leave me,
You have me when you want,
You chase and hurt me,
I’m your prize, hunter!
You tear me apart,
at your leisure,
and control my anger,
my judge and jury.
The Miracle Child
O Lord, Father of all men
You've blessed me with a gift worth more than gold
An infinite treasure
A bright present near the end of my life
His light is a treasure
A miracle, a star, an oasis
You answered our prayers for a son
Dreams come true. Be blessed, Joseph
A brother, a victor, a lord
And tender happiness in our arms
His hand in our dreams
I'll raise his spirit and heart
His universe will be wide
His brothers' love will cradle him
He'll know the warmth of a happy family
You're the miracle child
You're the light
You're the golden sky
Stars will bless your life
Your proud journey
Your ephemeral sorrow
Joy is your destiny
Your path that of kings
A hopeful song has come to the world
For you are the miracle child
The sun dances in your eyes
The moon is amazed
Your smile is gentle
You have grace and light
You can cross a river of sorrow without trouble
Heaven's angels guide your heart
This is the prophecy
For you are the miracle child
You're the light
You're the golden sky
Stars will bless your life
Your proud journey
Your ephemeral sorrow
Joy is your destiny
Your path that of kings
A hopeful song has come to the world
For you are the miracle child
My dear mother
And the father I love so much
This colourful coat is a memory
And the promise of a song that shapes the future
I am unusual, I am set apart
Without rules and with nothing binding me
No one has the power to chain my blazing heart
For I am the miracle child
A rainbow is my halo
I'm not afraid under the storm
Heaven's angels guard me
But being a meteor in the dawn's light
Is my ideal life
For I am the miracle child
This world's fury
And the thunder and shadows
Will never dim my light
I fly to the shore, equal with the stars
For I am the miracle child
Dream Dream
Dream Dream
You are my dreamgirl
Ups and downs
Ups and downs
You are my dreamgirl
You are my dreamgirl
You are my dream, dream, dream
You’re so high
just like
my mood
you’re floating
when I see you
everything’s pointless
time and space are nothings
Who looks at the shape of a fish
Grow giant on the side of his bowl?
Who walks on the terrace
Observing foliage from above?
Who hears the snapping of plastic
That wraps like cellophane
Bare branches of climbers, you don't know
And i who descend the stairs
Neither I am the same, I am another
You are my dreamgirl
Ups and downs
Ups and downs
You are my dreamgirl
You are my dreamgirl
You are my dream, dream, dream
You are my world you are my love
You are my
You are my dream
You are my love you are my world
You are my heart you are my muse
You are my music you are my brain
You are my frame you are my rose
You are my home you are my pone
You are my clothes you are my song
You are my sun you are my
You are my
Спасибо, что уделили время моему переводу!고맙다
A szerelem miatt
Versions: #2
Gyerekkoromtól fogva
minden gondolatomat dallam kísérte.
A zongoránál énekeltem,
felhasítottam a sárga ruhámat,
és sírtam, és sírtam, és sírtam …
Most látni akarom azt, amit már láttam,
visszacsinálni azt, amit tettem.
Kapcsold le a fényeket …
Hagyd, hogy eljöjjön, eljöjjön a reggel …
Most itt világít a zöld fény a szememben,
a szerelmem körül járnak a gondolataim,
és énekelek a zongoránál …
Széttépem a sárga ruhámat és
csak sírok, és sírok, és sírok …
ifjúságom szerelme miatt.
Ebben a pezsgőtől átitatott otthonban,
a régmúlt idők árjával szemben úszva …
Mindenki látja, hogy szeretem őt.
Mert meglep ez az érzés,
amikor beesteledik
a városban feszülő híd felett.
Most látni akarom azt, amit már láttam,
visszacsinálni azt, amit tettem …
Kapcsold le a fényeket …
Hagyd, hogy eljöjjön a reggel …
Világít a zöld fény a szememben,
a szerelmem körül járnak a gondolataim,
és énekelek a zongoránál …
Széttépem a sárga ruhámat és
csak sírok, és sírok, és sírok …
Mert túl bonyolult a lelked ahhoz, hogy meg lehessen menteni,
az óceán tátong közöttünk,
de átkelek rajta,
átkelek rajta.
Mert túl bonyolult a lelked ahhoz, hogy meg lehessen menteni,
az óceán tátong közöttünk,
de átkelek rajta,
átkelek rajta …
Világít a zöld fény a szememben,
a szerelmem körül járnak a gondolataim,
és énekelek a zongoránál …
Széttépem a sárga ruhámat és
csak sírok, és sírok, és sírok,
ifjúságom szerelme miatt.
Csak sírok, és sírok, és sírok,
ifjúságom szerelme miatt!
Csak sírok, és sírok, és sírok,
ifjúságom szerelme miatt!
Látom a zöld fényt,
látom a szemedben …
Látom a zöld fényt,
Látom a szemedben.
The Defect of the Year
I'm freezing, take me away
The horror of the November night
I'm walking through the snow tonight
Disappearing from memories which I've abandoned
What I believed in, everything I ought to do
Will I find my way back?
Tearing love and ambition apart
Losing you to the winter depression
I'm afraid that the ice is slippery
I'm falling and feeling that the gun is loaded
I'm freezing, take me away
The horror of the November night
I'm freezing, take me away
The horror of the November night
The club's full of girls' voices
But there's nothing they can tell me
They can talk to me, and I talk back
I talk about her panties for a bit, she pulls them
I'd wish that she could make me feel alive
She says she's in love, hm... she's just drunk
She doesn't know me, she's brought the glitter
She only goes to the bathroom while I'm looking away
Snow everywhere on the streets, sneaking around in Copenhagen
Every night, I whisper your name
And I could... I could write a book about you and I
About how I could compose myself into and compose myself out of you
Even in spite of the winter falling and that it's landing on my skin
Just remember: nothing is as it seems
Nah, I'm not as cold as those girls say
I think of you whenever it's four past four
You know that
I'm freezing, take me away
The horror of the November night
I'm freezing, take me away
The horror of the November night
I weakly support myself with the hope of accept
Hoping my skin will be waterproof
The sky is darker, dark, imperfect
Screaming at the defect of the year
Pulling your chin, feeling how young
You are in your darkest moment
I only love and miss you
When my brain's become too healthy
I'm freezing, take me away
The horror of the November night
I'm freezing, take me away
The horror of the November night
(I'm freezing, take me away)
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.
Forgive me mother
You, mother, forgive me for coming home drunk
I was so in love,
I thought that if I told you, I wouldn't be a man.
Forgive me for the names I called you,
I won't say their names,
You alone know them.
And for the slammed doors, left with no glass on them
And for not listening to the good or the bad
Because I rarely told you I love you
And because I didn't understand the words 'I'm getting old'
Because I found it easy
To beg for emotions from you, mother
Many nights, so many nights
restless, i made them agitated
Many days, so many days
from a light path, to an unknown road.
Many nights, so many nights
restless, i made them agitated
Many days, so many days
from a light path, to an unknown road.
(it repeats from the start)
I Believe In You
I’m Missing You
in the same place
I draw clearly the remaining memories
I Believe In You
I’m Missing You
although it's a bit late, it's okay I understand
I know you'll come back
if I have remained into you, probably
Where are you?
I miss you
more than any day
did you lose me?
I long for you
who's one and only
who can't be replaced
day by day
although I hurt, I believe you
I Believe In You
I’m Missing You
now before it becomes cloudy
can you come back?
I'm sorry, even if I swallow back my feelings, it hurts
Where are you?
I miss you
more than any day
did you lose me?
I long for you
who's one and only
who can't be replaced
day by day
although I hurt, I believe you
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
Always You
Don't say anything
we are together this moment
don't try to escape
because this is a fated love
In my unknown heart
I am sorry, I believe you
like destiny, I will stay forever next to you
There is only one person to whom
I can give my all
even if the world falls apart, I have only you
because I love you
In an unknown time
it's okay, believe me
like destiny, I will stay forever next to you
There is only one person to whom
I can give my all
even if the world falls apart, I have only you
because I love you
Will I be able to be forever
next to you and protect you?
even if the world falls apart
I’ll Stay Here
because I love you
Always You
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
Like A Fleeting Dream
Without any warning you leak into me
And stay in the corner of my heart like a cold wind
After hesitating for a long time, without any word,
Only leaving regrets, you disappear again
Even if I keep turning it into memories
Like a last night's fleeting dream
Still, still I am looking for you
Though you cannot come back to me,
To my side once again
Seems like I will still stay in this place
And wait
You won't keep the promise, like it was a common greeting
Even without those words
Did you really have to leave me?
Even if I keep turning it into memories
Like a last night's fleeting dream
Still, still I am looking for you
Though you cannot come back to me,
To my side once again
Seems like I will still stay in this place
And wait
Because I hate my heart
That is flying in the cold wind
In those leaves
If I send it too you,
One day, will you come back to me one day?
Even if soon you disappear again
Like a last night's fleeting dream
Even if I try to remember you
As a last night's fleeting dream
Still, Still I am wandering
Though I won't be able to hear that voice once again
Next to me, in my ears
Seems like I will still stay in this place
And wait
And wait
Tempus Fugit
Too many beginnings before the finish,
Too many doubts and a longing for places without signal
Maybe they're more responsible, maybe they're less optimistic
Two years older, and respectively a little more sad.
Periodically becoming depressed,
Tired of logic, eager about the intuitive.
Without wishes or ideas, but with alcohol,
We woke up jumping too much from role to role.
And you, the same people that we saw smiling,
Somebody smiling with their eyes, someone crying out.
We asked ourselves: why don't we write an essay
For you, about all that has happened?
About all that we felt, about how we loved,
About the lack of ideas and about the crisis of time
About how we tried to maintain something true
About what we achieved and what we lost
About back pain and eye pain, sometimes
About internal fights and discussions until the break of dawn
About your influence, about how you created us
About all that we are, we say in the essay
We won't name names, we won't give gifts
We won't cry and we won't explain
We will only say a quick 'thanks'
For those who were with us and who still are
Thanks for time, for love
Because you were with us, because you are.
Because you all are those who believed in us.
Thanks for time, for love
Because you were with us, because you are.
Because you all are those who believed in us.
Four cigarettes in a row, with only one thought,
How to kill pain and write the last line
Of the song which explains all that I feel
After four months in which I wrote not one line.
Official, or worries of the Earth
Probably worries, because everyone knows how numerous they are
It's windy outside, even though it's summer and all,
It's four o'clock and from evening, it's morning again.
A guitar, cursed how many times
Because it doesn't sound the way it sounded once in the scale
If not today, then it's never
Too stressed and thirsty for art
But maybe I'm looking for causes instead of goals, too far
Instead of looking in myself, here, close.
Half a year of believed dreams, false
For those who can or for that who can.
One for all or all for one,
Idea or message, from behind,
Or four calls in a song for thousands of stressed minds
Sergiu, Andrei, and Anton, and another three variants.
Or maybe we are three, maybe
But what if it can't be? Maybe it's Galea . . . maybe . . .
Thanks for time, for love
Because you were with us, because you are.
Because you all are those who believed in us.
Thanks for time, for love
Because you were with us, because you are.
Because you all are those who believed in us.
Hey change your ways
It’s all the same story
(nananananana) I know
Withering gaze
From you (Nope)
Without giving any thought
Live as though you’ll be swept away A distant future for yourself
Again another deep regret
We’re so young
We’re so freaky
The image we show is not the real thing Yeah
We be screaming GO GO GO
Rebellion burns them out
We are passionate and completely crazy
We be screaming GO GO GO
You’re always, No way (Yo)
Out numbered
All day, all day
If that’s your choice, you’re responsible for the results
I don’t have the confidence (I do)
I hide behind myself Yeah
Don’t mistake your lost eyes
I crave for the better world
Speak with sympathy in your voice
Ay Ay Uh
Swept away in a dream
Don’t play innocent
What we say
We’re so young
We’re so freaky
The image we show is not the real thing Yeah
We be screaming GO GO GO
We be screaming GO GO GO
Why you want to resent your despair
It’s the future that’s been ruined by your hands
We be screaming GO GO GO
We be screaming GO GO GO
Before me again, before me again, it’s before me again, this one
Even if no one understands me, my dreams make me understand
Shout louder, gone we gone, to believe and follow, eyes closed
It’s not a monologue, it’s a dream Dance
I don’t even know where I’m going
But i will not live in this confusion
Now to find my answer
I’m gonna make it right
Run run run run
We’re so young
We’re so freaky
The image we show is not the real thing Yeah
We be screaming GO GO GO
We be screaming GO GO GO
Rebellion burns them out
We are passionate and completely crazy
We be screaming GO GO GO
We be screaming GO GO GO