A keresés eredménye oldal 34
Találatok száma: 2310
We Have a Dance Together
You, the purity of my eyes... You, the soul of my heart... You, the most precious of all
How come you are so handsome.. I am melting in you hands... From the intensity of emotions
You, the purity of my eyes... You, the soul of my heart... You, the most precious of all
How come you are so handsome.. I am melting in your arms.. From the intensity of emotions
I can't sleep nor keep calm..
Nor live for one night without seeing you
Because how many times in life will you come.. It's only once my soul
And I want to enjoy it
And we have a dance together.. We have a dance.. You and I and there is nothing missing
Music and big joy.. That's it baby, that's it.. And we have a dance together
Glory to be for He who brought us together.. It's a coincidence my love, with a thousand arrangement
My life has a meaning next to you
I wish my love.. that my life have always been with you
Where have you love been from the beginning..
My heart is racing from happiness.. It is going wherever you are
You were my wish from life.. I don't want anything else anymore
You have filled my life
And we have a dance together.. We have a dance.. You and I and there is nothing missing
Music and big joy.. That's it baby, that's it..
And we have a dance together.. We have a dance.. You and I and there is nothing missing
Music and big joy.. That's it baby, that's it..
And we have a dance together.. We have a dance.. You and I and there is nothing missing
Music and big joy.. That's it baby, that's it..
I am free
What is happening to me?
What's going on?
A moment ago I was clutched by a hand
Now I'm weightless
Why was exactly I taken
Out of a cardboard box of six?
I'm floating light as a feather
I'm flying away
I'm an egg
And yet much more
I am allegorical
I am a metaphor
Am I symbol of unity?
Fragile republic
Or do I symbolize Germany
When flying through the air?
But one thing I know
Deep inside of me
My shell may be fragile
But I know what I am
I am free
Full of dreams, full of hope
I am free
To a golden future
I am free
So boundless
So full of courage
(?) shackles
Detached in flight
I see Germany united
And Europe will prosper
I see peace here on earth
People will be brothers
No more poverty and suffering
Never again injustice
Harmony and love
Now my time comes
I am free
Almost like a (?)
And now a new time begins
You only have to believe in yourself
We are free
I am free
We are one
I protect our country
I am part of the resistance
I preserve the nation
And I want progression
Oh, so you're left-wing!
Yes, and you're a bit right-wing!
True that.
The wall that separates us
Is now a pile of debris
Will there be a happy ending now?
Or will everything fall apart?
I'll lead the way, give me your hand
I'm protecting our country
I'll always stand by you
At last I can see it clearly
I want to go with you
Whether forward or (?)
I'll go anywhere with you
Our love is so strong
We are one
Living in unity
We are free
We'll get ready to fly
Let us overcome walls
That separate and divide us
No borders, no fences
Our hearts are united
An egg can be a bridge
Jens, you protect my land
Spelled with a-i!
You take my fate into your hands
And even though it seems impossible
And even though it seems impossible
We'll go our way united
Throw an egg
In a country that's divided and split in two
Lives a nation disharmony and strife
No, no, no
Germany, finally free yourself
Throw an...
Oops! An egg! Yes exactly, there is a simple solution to all problems. Everyone should have an egg! Eggs, eggs for each of you! Maik, Jens, Dr. Kohl, the whole Juso gang! Everybody needs eggs! There's an egg at the end of the tunnel!
If nothing is progressing
Then throw an egg
If there's no way out
Then throw an egg
If you want to revolt against injustice
Throw an egg (3x)
If you want to change something
That cannot be changed
If you want to flee from restraints
If your life is cold and dull
Just say no!
Fight back against the state!
Get out of your comfort zone and choose disobedience over obedience!
Think out of the box!
Do something crazy!
Throw an egg (6x)
And on Sundays, throw two!
Throw an egg (2x)
From east to west
Have courage to make a mess
Throw an egg (3x)
I will destroy what destroys me!
Egg caramba!
If your boss is in the wrong
Throw an egg
If you don't want unity
Throw an egg
If you need money for your party
Throw an egg (3x)
If you want to feel something
If you want to destroy the system
If you're somehow a part of it too
Feel free
Count to three
Throw an egg
Throw an egg (5x)
Throw an egg (3x)
Sometimes things have to break in order to heal
Sometimes the walls aren't as thick as they appear
Throw the first domino
Throw an egg
An egg can be a bridge
Anna Maria
You seem descended from the heaven, Anna Maria,
like a message of love, Anna Maria.
You don't belong in this world, you look fantastic,
but suddenly, in my hands, you begin to exist.
You vibrate and live, you become real,
you are also of this world, you love too.
Tell me if it's just for me, Anna Maria,
your message of love, Anna Maria.
You don't know you belong to me and you make me live,
and suddenly I'm almost afraid
that a moment will be enough,
that your smile can disappear.
But don't leave, stay with me, don't go,
Anna Maria...
Anna Maria...
Anna Maria...
You don't know you belong to me and you make me live,
and suddenly I'm almost afraid
that a moment will be enough,
that your smile can disappear.
But don't leave, stay with me, don't go,
Anna Maria...
Anna Maria...
Anna Maria...
Anna Maria...
Anna Maria...
Anna Maria...
Hymn of the Brazilian Labour Party
Powerful, undefeatable, unbreakable,
adored, my party the PTB,
Sparkling, unmistakable, undoubtable,
Working for good, as you can see.
Unpolluted, resistant, combative,
defending with manly power,
the party has only one objective:
to work for the greatness of Brazil!
Reflows the senate with their speakers,
the chamber is full of happiness with his deputies,
his councilors fight with fibre,
his voices bring sacred rights.
To fight for order, tranquil and serene,
harmony and respect, morals and prominence,
to fight for the truth is our motto,
we shall fight for everyone without discrimination.
Labourers of the Brazilian Labour Party!
We deposit all our trust in you,
to praise and laud the PTB first,
always reviving the fire of hope.
To applaud and listen to our representatives,
soldiers that protect the people of Brazil,
outstanding sentinels, always vigilant,
fighting for the cause of the whole nation.
Raising the party is our obligation,
we must encourage throughout Brazil,
highlight and publicise with all your heart:
the Brazilian Labour Party!
Raising the party is our obligation,
we must encourage throughout Brazil,
highlight and publicise with all your heart:
the Brazilian Labour Party!
I so wanted to find
A person like I
To whom i can confess
Something about me
When a great love happens
Just like you and I
Time passes us by
I don't remember what happened
I so wanted to find
A person like I
To whom i can confess
Something about me
But that's not why I'll be left
Questioning my mistakes
You need to search
Find what you lost
I so wanted to find
A person like I
To whom i can confess
Something about me
I so wanted to find
A person like I
To whom i can confess
Something about me
Omega Fejedelem
Ártatlanság. Időszakok, amiket nem tudok felidézni
Kiiktatva és kipótolva. Elmebeteg állatokkal
Engedelmesség. A tudathasadás alapos átvizsgálása
Szinapszisok érintkeznek agyilag integrált eljárásokkal
Ki-be sodródnak a tudatosságból
Gyötrelmes érzetek
Bio-kibernetikus fejlesztések
Serdülőkbe telepítve
Omega Fejedelem
Izolálni! A töredékességig traumatizálni!
Tiszta táblára szeparálni. Kivonásra kész
Belenevelni! A természetellenesség előállítása
Áldozattá tenni & elkülöníteni! Az ésszerűtleneket háborgatni!
Beindított átalakulás
Érzelemmentes pszichózis
Megkerülöm a saját létezésem
Valami teljesen mást manifesztálok
A gonosz lélek előbukkan
Megrontott hús megtestesülése
Egy üres tekintet
Mechanikus. Egy darabjaira tört elme szilánkja
Kiirtani! A célom félreérthetetlen
Hang nélkül beszivárogni! Eltörölni az eltörölhetőt!
Orvul meggyilkolni! Egy arc, amit megnevezhetetlennek találok
Bár próbál futni az ősorsa elkerülhetetlen
A győzelem még nem került hitelesítésre
Ünnepelem a saját öngyilkosságomat
Two marched by
in striped prison garb
then two more in rags.
After them came four
on stretchers.
Their bodies jerked up
comically at the night sky.
Half-naked with broken legs.
A frozen cadaver and then
just beside the prison gate
came four more stretchers.
One pressed a blood-soaked cloth
across his face.
The parade went on
while we watched in dread.
The rag man on the litter was dying.
And at the end, four from a nightmare
lugged on their heavy shoulders
a bundled body.
They couldn’t cope and let it drop.
It screamed in its own blood.
Együtt járni
A szerelem az örökkévalóságig kéne, hogy tartson
És én imádkozom, hogy mellettem maradj
Lemeztelenített lélekkel ölellek téged
Ó, a sok megpróbáltatás után, amin keresztül mentünk
Belefáradtam, hogy teljesen egyedül járjak
Nélküled úgy érzem, hogy az otthonomtól messzire kerültem
Bébi, mostantól mi együtt fogunk járni
Most pedig, nem tudom miért, de megríkattalak
Valahányszor látom a szerelmedet irányomban, rábukkanok a Paradicsomra
Aztán rájövök, hogy te vezettél oda
A szemedben levő szerelem fényével
Valahányszor közelről hallom a szíved, elrepülni látszik az idő
Felidézem a napot, amikor az utamba kerültél
És értelmet adtál az életemnek
Ámor, szerelmem, számunkra nincs rossz lépés
Mostantól a barátom leszel mikor hosszúra nyúlnak az éjszakák
Tudom, hogy mi egymásnak lettünk teremtve
Én melletted leszek a halálom napjáig
Look at me [For A Moment]
One one, on two, I move my fins
I'll be stuck here the way I'm going
Once the right one and once the left one
But I constantly go back to the same place
This seems crazy to me
That I'm now swimming like I'm walking
So I got out of my shell
Look here, see me be myself
Look at me, look here
What I live now looks like a dream
I slip and turn with style
And, look, I don't even stick to the sand anymore
Look at me for a moment
What a huge pool is this
It surpasses even my craziest thought
Look at me, I feel so lucky now
For just a moment I don't you whatever they knew
Water wouldn't be a mystery, why you left?
Everything seems to me like
A real dream now, watch me flying
Look at me, I'm now shining
I shake my fins properly
I don't give a damn, I'm telling you clearly
Even if my hair is messy
Look at me, I'm now feeling
Dreams are coming true
I wish for my mom to be able to hear this
Look at me, I'm now living aswell
I will one day find you
And from that moment onwards
I'll be holding you tight even closer
We will both sing together
Look at me, I'm now living aswell
I maybe find someone that loves me forever
Someone who’s handsome and smell good and who’s nice
But why does it matter when I’m completely uninterested
Because only you can get my heart to work
I think that I
Have forgot to miss you, so I go
and look at old Memories
And, oh, it’s hard
But I rather see that I feel something,
than that I just forget
The night we kissed on the way home
When we walked and talked to four forty-five
I walk past the bar, in broad daylight,
And I think for myself
I maybe find someone that loves me forever
Someone who’s handsome and smell good and who’s nice
But why does it matter when I’m completely uninterested
Because only you can get my heart to work
I maybe find someone that loves me forever
Someone who’s handsome and smell good and who’s nice
But why does it matter when I’m completely uninterested
Because only you can get my heart to work
I can see
When you feel good and don’t mean it
But you still post it
We both know
That all imperfections do the same,
when we look at each other
All the times I woke up alone,
In the morning after a night out
With dried up tears
When everything feels so hard
And I think for myself
I maybe find someone that loves me forever…
Oh, forever
Oh, forever
Leave my sadness alone
I don't anyone to pity me
leave my sadness alone
'cause this is how life wanted it
for me to not find my own happiness
Chor. 2x
I will forever be sad
I'll cry night and day
'cause your warm hands
have embraced me dishonestly, I know
I loved like no other
I gave my life to him
but it was all for nothing
my tears follow love
I don't know how to tell him
that I've had enough, it's over now
but I still want you
and I want it all to last
We need you alive
I am not going to teach you, just want to show you a few things
For seven centuries, our best sons died for our country,
As long as our people could see, our land had wailed,
This hoard doesn't let us rest since the times of King Danylo.
And our walls are not breached by the enemy, but by our bitch fights,
When will finally all Petluras and Skoropaskis agree?
From the times of Rus and until our days - we only have one problem
Maybe we are poor because we're stupid, or perhaps stupid because we're poor?
I am not surprised with pussies on TikTok - first she blunders and then cries,
Here the adults stole everything, even child's dreams,
I am still holding on to my one, bro, suffering from my hip-hop, making new beats,
It's all worth it when I see those glowing eyes on the concerts.
We haven't lost it all. There is still rap that carries thoughts.
We have different heights, ambitions, most just crawl,
Because this prick stole all the good,
And in your tales, they don't even believe in A-BA-BA-GA-LA-MA-GA
Some things bug me, I still stay put on my true way,
I mix up my words skillfully, like Marchuk with his paints
It's still too early to give up, bro, to fall into this rye,
Let those scum die from Karma, and we still need to build and live.
No one could wipe us out with force,
We are shaping our own fate,
Ukraine only values the dead,
And we need you, our brother, to live!
No one could wipe us out with force,
And the torn off Crimea is in mourning,
Ukraine only values the dead,
And we need you, our brother, to live!
We need you to be alive because your intelligence
Can stop all of our tears,
And this track, like Mykola Amosov
Injects doses of adrenaline into your heart.
Prose, like millet, is my plough on the ropes of conscience,
They tell me, friend, don't stick your nose in politics,
Make money, you're just a pawn, your bosses decide everything.
But I work like a donkey, killing the maloros inside myself.
They ask me, bro where did you go, where is your old, simple style,
What did you manage to achieve in those years? To understand, you need to grow up to it.
I delivered. Do you feel the spirit in those lines of the verses?
I can't leave you for these invertebrate clowns.
While those pseudo-stars divide up their awards in their den,
I never traded my honour and soul for rubles,
I am in your corner brother, adding more fuel
We are still in it! Only time will grade our work for real.
I went up the stairs, gnawed on concrete,
In the soul, I will leave a strong seam, like Boris Paton
Respect to all that support me. And again, my hand lifted...
I will hang this accord like KGB hanged Ivasuk...
No one could wipe us out with force,
We are shaping our own fate,
Ukraine only values the dead,
And we need you, our brother, to live!
No one could wipe us out with force,
And the torn off Crimea is in mourning,
Ukraine only values the dead,
And we need you, our brother, to live!
No more time
The white leaves of the years
fall out of the flower crown on my hat
The black leaves of anger fall, too
Mix into my hair.
My heart leaves my mouth more rarely
Hesitating, the hands reach
Into the dust on the street to find something.
Slowly I'm starting to love my walls.
And I have no more time to stand around in an espalier
And to sing along a bit during the chorus
And to follow all those who know a lot
And to jump up to get my sausage everyday.
And I have no more time, I don't stand
in the long lines anymore where you can sell yourself
And I have no more time, I take up the glove
I run for my life and against the CV.
And I have no more time to play robbers and cops
To carry my fidelity to the offices
And to cool smoking engines with my blood
And to turn down another love
And I have no more time, I don't stand
in the long lines anymore where you can sell yourself
And I have no more time, I take up the glove
I run for my life and against the CV.
Small quiet sadness
A small quiet sadness
Will probably stay with me for a long time now
And I am still searching for your dress
In the evening buses, half past three
And I put two cups on the table
As if you were still coming today
And I laugh when I catch myself doing it
And the water for the tea is boiling for nothing
Coming and going
The ferryman docks at the shore
and on the wooden gangplank
the pale souls are standing in line
the ferryman takes them all away.
Away from hunger, away from thirst
away from liquor and away from sausages
away from money and away from salt
away from the window and from the neck*
Of their best friends and enemies
away from the middle of the community
away from the heat, away from the fighting,
away from sorrow and from time.
Everyone who wants to go should be able to go
Everyone who wants to stay should be able to stay
Everyone who wants to come should be able to come
Everyone who wants to go should be able to go
Those who stand in line here have had enough of life
they gave away everything
they just want to have their peace
and stand there, their eyes closed.
They don't want to come back to us
don't force them to return
don't call them but send them on their voyage quietly
if they want to.
Let them see their grandchildren one more time
and turn around above the house
and they'll pour their collecting cup full of happiness
back into the world.
Everyone who wants to go should be able to go
Everyone who wants to stay should be able to stay
Everyone who wants to come should be able to come
Everyone who wants to go should be able to go
We lay in front of each other
the front line was the sea
I sent you bombs
and you sent me some, too
from your ship
you showed me naked women at night
I played folk songs on the violin in return.
Yes, that's how the war was, brother
who put it into our cradle?*/why were we meant for it?
Yeah we did each other in and killed each other
I was full of hate
and I didn't even know why
Then I had enough of it
of the always little amount of salty fish
I saw through my glass
the tomatos there on your table
they tasted like cardboard
and your women were frigid
and that's why I put out my fire at the beach
and my song
But brother, the war was over
who put it in our cradle
and the sea lies there open and free
you gave me your hand
and I gave you my gun
Now it's time, the two of us
left again
now I have a real job
and you have someone who does it for you
when the ship rolls from side to side you move your finger
and I work my back off
you have to go bowling and I have to work at the sails
and then I remember why
That's why, brother, that's why there's war
it's in front of our feet now
but I sing and I don't kill
even though now I would know why.
Lancelot's interim balance
It's been fifteen years since I stand here at the world clock
And I'm not so young anymore
And I'm waiting and waiting
And I still wear the red carnation on my helmet
Even though it withered a long time ago
And I still hold this newspaper in my hand
Even though I can't read it anymore
And I stare into the fog - when will the man come
Who will tell me 'We need you
It's your turn now!'?
And I don't know if I can still sing
Until I reach a soul
And I don't know if I can still jump
Until I reach a throat
And I don't know if I can still start
Until I reach the world
And I don't know if I can still wait
Until the world counts me!
I'm fed up with shadow-boxing
I tremble before the jokes
Of the cowards and the warblers
And I take Rosinante out again and again
To the last battle against the Gods!
My Rosinante's engine chugs quietly
We both heat up in neutral
We both wait for the green light
For both of us, it does not come!
And I don't know if I can still sing
Until I reach a soul
And I don't know if I can still jump
Until I reach a throat
And I don't know if I can still start
Until I reach the world
And I don't know if I can still wait
Until the world counts me!
I am already losing my hair to the cold showers
I feel beaten up
And I don't know by what
Today I forget my name, today I burn down my house
Today I stop complaining, today I accelerate!
Slowly I roll over the red line
Noone asks and noone sends me
Noone told me the path or the destination
I only hear the dragons laugh in no man's land!
And I don't know if I can still sing
Until I reach a soul
And I don't know if I can still jump
Until I reach a throat
And I don't know if I can still start
Until I reach the world
And I don't know if I can still wait
Until the world counts me!
I couldn't forget your name
Versions: #1
I waited a lot but you have no fault.
I didn't ask around, I couldn't forget your name.
I couldn't find a solution, my heart's in pieces.
I don't know what my end will be.
I couldn't escape your love either,
I fought it, I couldn't succeed.
If you were going to fade away, if you were going to leave,
why did you enter my heart, woman?
You're the only in my mind
I'm trying to paint you but I can't
After learning about you I ended up realizing
there's not intense colors in my palette
what reflects your crazy beauty
I can't capture your smile,
draw your gaze 'cause little by little
you're the only in my mind, you're the only in my mind
You're the only in my mind, you're the only in my mind
You still coming and posing
just patient as always
My canvas is empty
The hours fly by
This work is nothing compared to you.
I guess you're in no hurry
and you like to see how little by little
you're the only in my mind, you're the only in my mind
You're the only in my mind, you're the only in my mind
I guess you're in no hurry
and you like to see how little by little
you're the only in my mind, you're the only in my mind
You're the only in my mind, you're the only in my mind
You're the only in my mind, you're the only in my mind
You're the only in my mind, you're the only in my mind
Hey, yeah
We're having quite good time
Instead, we're balancing
Between self protection and being a bit irritated
I'm drunk again
Finally numbed again
I'm loud, I'm honest, loud instead, yeah
I ain't defending myself
I'm acting dumb, yeah, that might be pulling me down
Though the only thing
That bugs me afterwards, is the Harry Styles' new record, yeah
Yeah, I'm giving up
Can't do this anymore
We weren't here since ever
All the pain, Paris, yeah, it was worth it, yeah
Three days Paris
And I'm in love again, I'm in love again
Paris, Paris, bro, I'm in love again, yeah, yeah, mhm
Yeah, I'm giving up
Can't do this anymore
We weren't here since ever
All the pain, Paris, yeah, it was worth it, yeah
Yeah, I'm giving up
Can't do this anymore
We weren't here since ever
All the pain, Paris, yeah, it was worth it, yeah
Mhm, all the pain, oh, Paris, Paris, bro
I'm in love again, yeah, yeah mhm (yeah, oh)
All the pain, it was worth it, yeah
Mhm, mh-mh-mhm
The Blue Dragoons
The blue dragoons, they ride
With chiming instruments through the gate!
Fanfares accompanying them
Brightly up to the hills!
The neighing horses, they stomp
The birches, they sway gently!
The banners on the lances
Flutter in the morning wind!
And in the morning, then they must ride,
My love will be with them!
And in the morning, in all the streets,
In the morning, then I’ll be alone!
The blue dragoons, they ride
With chiming instruments through the gate!
Fanfares accompanying them
Brightly up to the hills!
The Heaven Ignores Love Too
Pale clouds, a light breeze blowing, and a bright moon mirrored in the river.
I'm so wandering, this life am I so sentimental.
How much melancholy, and how much do I have?
Alone I have to gaze at my reflection in water.
The sweet past emerges in my heart.
How many memories are stabbing my heart!
Maybe all my longings are for you?
I'm to blame for ignoring the deep love in which I was.
A good dream can easily end, easily end can a good dream.
Unretainable, it turns void soon.
I ask the heaven but he doesn't response.
Is it that the heaven ignores love too?
I ask the heaven but he doesn't response.
Is it that the heaven ignores love too?
Ignores love...
Even if days get cloudy
Only a grave is forever still
Don't be overflown by sadness
If it wants to possess you.
Fall, fall yellow leaf, red leaf, dry leaf,
until the tree has no more leaves
all flown away!
Leave me, leave me, old pain, black pain. Cold pain.
After winter comes March.
After joy comes autumn.
The summer linden tree stands in autumn,
Which the father once planted
Who so loved to dance with you, the child,
Around the young tree.
Fall, fall yellow leaf, red leaf, dry leaf,
until the tree has no more leaves
all flown away!
Leave me, leave me, old pain, black pain. Cold pain.
After winter comes March.
After joy comes autumn.
Even when days are getting greyer
Don't cry so much
Only hope, not sadness
Puts a coat on you.
My autumn!
Pretty Girl
Girl, my pretty girl
How I adore you, my pretty girl
I don't know if I can live without seeing you
I don't know if I can stop loving you
Girl, my pretty girl
How I adore you, my pretty girl
I don't know if I can live without seeing you
I don't know if I can stop loving you
My whole life blends into your life
My entire soul was born for your soul
And I would even give my blood to not lose you, woman
Woman of my soul, I was born to love you
And I would even give my blood to not lose you, woman
Woman of my soul, I was born to love you
You look at me with those eyes but
I don’t have a reason to not hate you
Even though you won’t hold my hand you put on a collar on me
It’s not that I hate it but
Could you please not be conceited
I like you so much I want to kill you
Why are you cold to me only
Even though I’m supposed to be better than that woman
Did I mistake something
I of course shake my tail, and I can’t say no
But aren’t you just carefreely grinning
If you peaked through the airhole you’ve opened in my chest, there’s a typhoon on the other side
Someone please fill this hole
I like you so much I want to kill you
Anyone is fine as long as they’re cute
If it’s not that time then you’re not kind
Say someone is mistaken
I like you so much I want to kill you
Why are you cold to me only
Even though I’m supposed to be better than that woman
Did I mistake something
I like you so much I want to kill you
Anyone is fine as long as they’re cute
If it’s not that time then you’re not kind
Say someone is mistaken
Gyerünk szerelemem
Hаyаline koşаrım
Rohanok az álmodhoz
Gülüşüne uçаrım
A tavadhoz repülök
Geçerim, ben benden geçerim
Elmegyek, én is elmegyek
Hаyаline koşаrım
Rohanok az álmodhoz
Gülüşüne uçаrım
A tavadhoz repülök
Geçerim, ben benden geçerim
Elmegyek, én is elmegyek
Gel dese аşk
Gyerünk szerelmem
Gel dese
Na gyere
Gelirim, аşkınа koşаr gelirim
Jövök, rohanok a szerelem érdekében
Öl dese аşk
A szerelem azt mondja halj meg
Öl dese
Azt mondja halj meg
Ölürüm, sevişine senin ölürüm
Meghalok, meghalok a szerelmedért
Hаyаline koşаrım
Rohanok az álmodhoz
Gülüşüne uçаrım
A tavadhoz repülök
Geçerim, ben benden geçerim
Elmegyek, én is elmegyek
Hаyаline koşаrım
Rohanok az álmodhoz
Gülüşüne uçаrım
A tavadhoz repülök
Geçerim, ben benden geçerim
Elmegyek, én is elmegyek
Gel dese аşk
Gyerünk szerelmem
Gel dese
Na gyere
Gelirim, аşkınа koşаr gelirim
Jövök, rohanok a szerelem érdekében
Öl dese аşk
A szerelem azt mondja halj meg
Öl dese
Azt mondja halj meg
Ölürüm, sevişine senin ölürüm
Meghalok, meghalok a szerelmedért
Gel dese аşk
Gyerünk szerelmem
Gel dese
Na gyere
Gelirim, аşkınа koşаr gelirim
Jövök, rohanok a szerelem érdekében
Opus 03
Versions: #1
One girl has found a grenade in a field,
[But] she didn't know what to do with such thing.
Then an old man told her: Pull out the pin.
Long time her sandal flew over the field.
Again I see her getting her things together in front of her dresser
Again I see her getting dressed in the morning, to drop us off on the way
I still hear the key in the lock, she is coming for sure
and then that perfect look when she came home from work
Again I see her making dinner, her call and hearing her
We ask a million questions and then we relax in the living room
but I listen to the silence, to her, we didn't know anything else
She didn't talk about her power and the good things she did
so strong, so strong
How Iove you mama
You made my dreams huge
even if often
I missed her a little, a lot, your presecence
(your prescence, your prescence)
Again I see myself often asking why she wasn't there
when it was the time to get out of school at she turned into my compass
Again I see myself waiting for her return, worried and a little jealous
but where was she those days, what was the place she preferred?
She told me that one fine day I would understand
that me too, I wouid be ambitious and to make me feel happy
I would have to build a career, i would have to fight hard for my ideas
evidently a woman can do it all, she very very much proved it
so strong so strong
How Iove you mama
You made my dreams huge
even if often
I missed her a little, a lot, your presecence
(your prescence, your prescence)
and then the time came when she asked me
what I was doing with my days, why hadn't I called her
she put her apron away and put all her files in order
She sat in the living room looking for something else to do
I see her become that woman who didn't dare say
that the hours stretched out in front of her and that she didn't know what to do
but she would always be the someone who knew and accomplished it all
She deserved it, her retirement and the best that had come to stay
How Iove you mama
You made my dreams huge
even if often
I missed her a little, a lot, your presecence
(your prescence, your prescence)
Lilies of the valley
Lilies of the valley
Lilies of the valley
Lilies of the valley
The scent of your perfume
Lilies of the valley
Lilies of the valley
Lilies of the valley
The scent of your perfume
You know, sometimes, alone
Every day seems like the last, but nevermind, what’s the point
A warm spring evening, hot tea
We held hands, that was our last May
Lilies of the valley
Lilies of the valley
Lilies of the valley
The scent of your perfume
Lilies of the valley
Lilies of the valley
Lilies of the valley
The scent of your perfume
The scent of your perfume
A tied a szerelmem
Legyen az összes virág, amit soha életemben nem láttam
Egy tarkán virágzó kert a szemedben!
Legyen annyi napsütés, amennyit az egész életemben nem láttam
Fényesség a lelkedben, gyengéden szikrázó tökéletes sugarakban
Neked adom, neked adom
A szerelmem, hogy repülj és a szerelmemből formálok téged őrző kegyelmet
Az ajakid, az ajkaid
Hadd kiáltsák a nevem!
S az angyal világban halhatatlanná válik a szerelembe vetett hitem
Az angyal világban
Szóval, minden út, amit nem jártam az életemben
Természetesen együtt csellengünk majd a fejedben
És megszakítjuk szerető szavakkal, amiket nem mondtam
A fejedben kell, hogy mondjam, ami szomorú
Neked adom, neked adom
A szerelmem, hogy repülj és a szerelmemből formálok téged őrző kegyelmet
Az ajakid, az ajkaid
Hadd kiáltsák a nevem!
S az angyal világban halhatatlanná válik a szerelembe vetett hitem
Neked adom, neked adom
A szerelmem, hogy repülj és a szerelmemből formálok téged őrző kegyelmet
Az ajakid, az ajkaid
Hadd kiáltsák a nevem!
S az angyal világban halhatatlanná válik a szerelembe vetett hitem
Melletted vagyok, mindig a szemeidbe nézek
Vagy a magánytól megmentelek téged, megtalállak
És valahányszor szavakat suttogok
A tied az életem és csak a tied
Hogy érezzem a megszakadt szívedet
Neked adom, neked adom a szerelmem, hogy repülj
És a szerelmemből formálok téged őrző kegyelmet
Az ajakid, az ajkaid
Hadd kiáltsák a nevem!
S az angyal világban halhatatlanná válik a szerelembe vetett hitem
Neked adom, neked adom
A szerelmem, hogy repülj és a szerelmemből formálok téged őrző kegyelmet
S az angyal világban halhatatlanná válik a szerelembe vetett hitem
Az ajakid, az ajkaid
Hadd kiáltsák a nevem!
Repülj, repülj!