A keresés eredménye oldal 39
Találatok száma: 2310
Ne verj át
(1. PART)
Valóban kitöröltél engem érzések nélkül?
Amúgy sem nem éreztem azt soha hogy elmúlna
Egyszer itt voltál egyszer nem, öleltelek volt hogy elég volt/ elteltem az öleléssel/
Amikor nem voltál akkor is semmi voltam, de mikor te voltál akkor sem voltál itt
Senkinek nem feleltem meg, lehúztam a feleseket, A szememmel láttam, én
nem hallottam ezt senkitől
De sikeresek voltak a hamis játékaid
Merre vannak az én elveszett éveim?
A régi sztori lezárult, újak kezdődtek
Ki az aki téged akar, add vissza az éveimet!
A felhőkkel úsztunk, téged viszont elsodort a felhő
Csak reménykedtem, de felejts el engem kedvesem.
Újból megégtem még egyszer
Újból bedőltem neked
Újból itt maradtam mint egy tavasz
Újból megégtem még egyszer
Ne verd át magadat, kellj fe kellj fel már ebből az álomból
Mondj már le erről a szerelemről
Ments meg az üres hazugságoktól engem és magadat is
(2. PART)
Ismét én, olyan mintha a fájdalmaim amiket éreztem kevés lett volna
Hibás egy kicsit ő maga, azt mondta hogy amiket én tettem ahhoz képest ez kevés
Hálát adtam Istennek, volt egy nap amit nem választottam
Nagyon mély sebeket ejtett, azt mondtam majd elmúlik de nem
Nem maradt már számodra még egy lélegzet vételem sem amit elpazarolnék rád
Elégettem a képeit mert már nincs értelme
Nyugodj meg elmúlik, ne legyél ideges remény
A naívságomat használta ki, a felhőket darabokra szedte
Mintha tőrt döftek volna a szívembe
Az áruláshoz képest amiket én még kevés is
Ezeket is írd ismét, ne felejtsd el azt hogy ne gyere vissza
Ne felejtsd el azt hogy a reményben lévő reménnyel (soha) ne hallj meg !
Újból megégtem még egyszer
Újból bedőltem neked
Újból itt maradtam mint egy tavasz
Újból megégtem még egyszer
(Refrén) 2X
Ne verd át magadat, kellj fe kellj fel már ebből az álomból
Mondj már le erről a szerelemről
Ments meg az üres hazugságoktól engem és magadat is
Versions: #1
Ez az a pillanat, amikor
Belenézek a szemedbe?
Bocsásd meg a
megszegett ígéretem, hogy sosem fogsz sírni látni
És minden
Biztosan meg fog változni
Még akkor is ha azt mondom neked, hogy nem megyek el ma
Azt fogod gondolni, hogy teljesen egyedül vagy
Mikor nincs ott senki, hogy fogja a kezed?
És minden, amit ismersz olyan távolinak tűnik
És minden átmeneti
Tedd le a fejed
Én állandó vagyok
Tudom, hogy a pokolban érzi magát
Minden egyes nap
És ezért azt kérdem, oh Istenem
Van valamilyen módja, hogy átvegyem a helyét?
És mikor azt mondják minden olyan bizonytalan
Azt kívánom, bárcsak mindent eltüntethetnék
De te még mindig azt mondod
Azt fogod gondolni, hogy teljesen egyedül vagy
Mikor nincs ott senki, hogy fogja a kezed?
Mikor minden, amit ismersz olyan távolinak tűnik
És minden átmeneti
Tedd le a fejed
Én állandó vagyok
Én állandó vagyok
Ez az a pillanat, amikor belenézek a szemedbe?
Bocsásd meg az ígéretem, hogy sosem fogsz sírni látni...
Palacsinta Karma
Éjjel kiestek a hadiflottából
Sétálva lefelé a kivilágított utakon
Téli fényekkel és hóval
Összekulcsolt vékony karok, átúsztak egy tengert, egy lélektengert
Vidáman kuncogva, keserű és csavaros
Égnek mint az arany gyűrűk
A fényes fiatal dolgok égése
Egy fillérjük se volt, mégis drága igényeik voltak
Repülve lefelé forró városi utcákon
Vidéki és városi egér
Talált egy régi holland palacsintázót
Rendelve egy tányér szirupos hazugságot
Igen mind megették és szárazra nyalták a tányért
Rendeltek, ettek, fizetés nélkül elmentek
Szirupos, szirupos hazugságok
Lefutva az utcán palacsinta istenek mondták
'Látjuk a bűnös, bűnös szemeiteket
Ma éjjel egy palacsintatolvaj meghal'
Fuss olyan gyorsan amilyen gyorsan csak tudsz, fuss olyan gyorsan amilyen gyorsan csak tudsz
Fuss olyan gyorsan amilyen gyorsan csak tudsz, olyan gyorsan amilyen gyorsan csak tudsz
Olyan gyorsan amilyen gyorsan csak tudsz
Mert a palacsinta karma eljön érted
Palacsinta karma eljön érted
Részeg gyerekek sose fizetnek kajáért
Az isteneknek ezzel rossz kedvet teremtve
Palacsinta karma jön - eljön érted
Álmos mikor az itala mágikus szél
Elváló szelek a fényes dolgoktól
Elhasítják őket nyomukban cementtel
Helyekhez ahol a palacsinta istenek várnak
Egy eltévedt és Leighton Stone-nál lyukadt ki
A másik lekéste a vonatot, elvesztette pénztárcáját
Táskáját és telefonját
60 font elköltve a taxira egészen hazáig
Egészen hazáig
Oh, egészen hazáig
Az istenek azt csiripelték 'Oh már nem vagy olyan önelégült többé
A karma jól seggbe rúgott!
Legközelebb amikor majd az ajtóhoz próbálsz rohanni
Ne legyél olyan fukar, csak fizess a kajádért
Ne legyél olyan fukar, csak fizess a kajádért'
Fuss olyan gyorsan amilyen gyorsan csak tudsz, fuss olyan gyorsan amilyen gyorsan csak tudsz
Fuss olyan gyorsan amilyen gyorsan csak tudsz, olyan gyorsan amilyen gyorsan csak tudsz
Olyan gyorsan amilyen gyorsan csak tudsz
Mert a palacsinta karma eljön érted
Palacsinta karma mindig az igazat zengi majd
Részeg gyerekek sose fizetnek kajáért
A palacsinta isteneknek ezzel rossz kedvet teremtve
Palacsinta karma jön, - jön, eljön érted
Impatient, I am
The way you looked at me, the way you touched me
Hurt, I was, Hurt, I was
Sleepless, for you, I'm impatient
Sleepless, for you, I'm impatient
The way you came, the way you smiled
Defeated, I was, Defeated, I was
Shattered, for you, I'm impatient
Shattered, for you, I'm impatient
The nights pass by, the sleep returns back
Only comes the dreams
Because with the wave of the same dream, slowly slowly, you
Come back and forth
The days pass by, the evenings pass by
Your thoughts don't end
No matter how much I think, the cute face of yours
Appears again and again
The way you looked at me, the way you called me
Bloodied, I was, bloodied, I was
Impatient, for you, I'm impatient
Impatient, for you, I'm impatient
In the heart of mine, your breathings are there
My life, is for you
In the dreams of mine, slowly slowly
You've made yourself a home
Your lips are like a butterfly
The same butterfly sits on my lips
And colors up the whole night
The way you came, the way you stayed in my heart
Bloodied, I was, bloodied, I was
Longing for your return, I'm impatient
Longing for your return, I'm impatient
Dreaming or awake?
Versions: #2
Am I dreaming or am I awake?
You're with me, with ME
companion and close
closer than my clothes
Should i believe it or not
the heat of your breath
the noble sacrifice of your hands
that sets my body ablaze
am i dreaming or am i awake?
touching your body is no dream
This light is from you,
tell me it's not from the sun
Tell me I'm awake
Tell me this is no dream
Tell me that hereafter
there shan't be a separation between us
if this is just a dream
then let me sleep froever
let me transform into the Sun
and shine through your eyes
let me be that one bird
enslaved with a wounded body
in love with the thought of dying so perhaps
it may die in your hands
Am i dreaming or am i awak?
O who came from dreams
open up your arms
and embrace my heart
o for my dreams
you the best interpretation
be forgiving with me,
o you consuming love
without you, i'm the
cold sorrow of winter
a wounded bird,
enslaved by the rain
o in-love, just like me
bashful, just as i am
Stay, stay with me
O the best, O my good one
4 parancsolat
[1. versszak]
S feletted táncolok
A kezeidet
Az ég felé emeli
[2. versszak]
A parancsom a te lábadat
Mozgásra kényszeríti
Bizalmad (/hited)
Felgyújtja az eget
Üt, masírozik, rombol, tisztít
Én parancsolok, s te engedelmeskedsz*
Üt, masírozik, rombol, tisztít
Én parancsolok, s te engedelmeskedsz
[3. versszak]
Figyelem (/testhelyzet)
A földre
Hallgass (figyelj)
[4. versszak]
Imádkozz kegyelemért
Könyörögj, térdelj, s kezeid tedd keresztbe
A nyomorultak halottnak hitettek
És ezek szerint a sors téged nem akar
Üt, masírozik, rombol, tisztít
Én parancsolok, s te engedelmeskedsz
Üt, masírozik, rombol, tisztít
Én parancsolok, s te engedelmeskedsz
Üt, masírozik, rombol, tisztít
Én parancsolok,
Figyelem (/testhelyzet)
Üt, masírozik, rombol, tisztít
Én parancsolok,
Figyelem (/testhelyzet)
Your dark enchanted eyes
When I tell you my childish lies
Disappear into a fantasy
I'm happy in an instant
Because you don't see that it's unclear
And you don't see every time I fail
To you I'm completely perfect
There's no one who can hold me down because
In your world I'm Superman
I come flying through fire and water in an instant
You call
You land in my arms when you fall
And high up from my shoulders you can see the whole world
It can only be because you know
There isn't a monster your dad
Your dad can't beat
Holgis and dad have a secret
Do you know the feeling when you wake up and everything is difficult
Ay oh
You feel like you can't live up to the role model
That people would like to be
Ay oh
I went and believed that some day
I would wake up the world, man
But I was still just a little boy (a little boy)
You're the one who boosts my self esteem
There's nothing that can hold me down because
In your world I'm Superman
I come flying through fire and water in an instant
You call
You land in my arms when you fall
And high up from my shoulders you can see the whole world
It can only be because you know
There isn't a monster your dad (your dad)
Your dad can't beat
Holgis and dad have a secret
Holgis and dad, they whizz away
My cap with a thousand colours
Can give you superpowers
My cap with a thousand colours
Can give you superpowers
You don't see that it's unclear
Don't see every time I fail
Standing here and laughing
There's nothing that can hold me down
In your world I'm Superman
I come flying through fire and water in an instant
You call
You land in my arms when you fall
And high up from my shoulders you can see the whole world
It can only be because you know
There isn't a monster your dad (your dad)
Your dad can't beat
Holgis and dad have a secret (yes a secret)
Holgis and dad, oh ooh, they whizz away
In your world I'm Superman
You never doubt your dad for a second
You call
You land in my arms when you fall
Land in my arms when you fall
Land in my arms when you fall
Land in my arms when you fall
Land in my arms when you fall
That is how the north is
Like that, with flavour of north, cholo!
like that, hit it!
Lets dance, those couples!
like that, Victor Lara!
Hurray for the north!
Tell me, tell me chiclayanan
Why do you not love me anymore?
how you used to adore me
and now you despise me
how you used to adore me
and now you despise me
you were kind and loving
to your house, you used to invite me
to eat that delicious causa
that you used to prepare
to eat that delicious causa
that you used to prepare
Like that...
Saturdays were of fried
sundays were of causa
mondays, the espesado
and tuesdays, the goatling
mondays, the espesado
and tuesdays, the goatling
and we used to settle down with moonlight
-Víctor Lara:
What do you say, pal Carmen?
-Carmencita Lara:
Pal Lara,
When you want to eat with flavour of north
The fried has to be with yucca
The causa with its sweet potato
The espesado with its fish
And the goatling with its moonlight
-Víctor Lara:
That is delicious, little pal!
Víctor Lara:
-Carmencita Lara:
Hurray for the north, pal!
-Víctor Lara:
How sweet!
-Carmencita Lara:
I go to her!
Like that!
Lets dance, lazy ones!
Tell me, tell me chiclayanan
Why do you not love me anymore?
how you used to adore me
and now you despise me
how you used to adore me
and now you despise me
you were kind and loving
to your house, you used to invite me
to eat that delicious causa
that you used to prepare
to eat that delicious causa
that you used to prepare
Like that...
Saturdays were of fried
sundays were of causa
mondays, the espesado
and tuesdays, the goatling
mondays, the espesado
and tuesdays, the goatling
and we used to settle down with moonlight
Withered carnation
Withered carnation of dreams,
that taught me to love
say to the one that was my owner
that I can not live without him
Withered carnation of dreams,
that he left me on his depart
tell him that he opened a wound
that never in life
I would be able to close.
Tell him that he opened a wound
that never in life
I would be able to close.
The one who was my ilusion,
abandoned me today in the path,
destroying the noble dream
The one who was my ilusion,
today, thirst of pleasures,
with other lovers
forgets my love.
Today, thirst of pleasures,
with other lovers
forgets my love.
Cream Cake
Paradise pears - Whipped cream
The cake plate carries a sugary treat
Decorated in chocolate letters
Moomintroll's cream cake is the best
The comet comes closer - Everyone flees
But Moominmamma decorates the cake
Even though the whole valley
Moominmamma still awaits her troll
Soon we'll carry the bath - Cream cake
To the cave safely the treat is carried with difficulty
The comet comes closer - Everyone flees
But Moominmamma decorates the cake
Let the comet come
'No worries,' smiles Moominmamma
Moomintroll's cream cake is almost ready
The large star glimmers in the sugar
The comet comes closer - Everyone flees
But Moominmamma decorates the cake
Let the comet come
'No worries,' smiles Moominmamma
Moomintroll's cream cake is almost ready
The large star glimmers in the sugar
The people of the valley now run away
'No worries,' smiles Moominmamma
Moomintroll's cream cake is almost ready
The large star glimmers in the sugar
The Dream of the Boy
They knocked on the door of the humble home
The voice of the mailman was heard clearly
And the boy running with all of his anxieties
He stepped on the little white dog by accident
Mommy, mommy -- he came closer yelling
The missed mother left the pool
And the boy said to her laughing and crying
Today the club has sent me the summons
Dear mommy
I will make money
I will be a Baldonedo
A Martino or a Boye
The boys say
Of Argentinian west
That I have more of a shot
Than the great Bernabe
You will see how beautiful
When there in the field
They applaud my goals
I will be a winner
I will play in the fifth
Then in the first
I know that it waits for me
The consecration
Versions: #1
I am sentimental
God how
I am without hate
I am sentimental
But now
I'm in way too much pain
There are flaws
I confess
I have the vacuum underneath
'And I'm gonna die'
In addition
To the rest
I am afraid of everything
I dare
I remain speechless
And now I want
And now I want to be loved
And when I see you
It is God who
It is God who sends you
I love you
I dare
I remain speechless
And now I want
And now I want to be loved
And when I see you
It is God who
It is God who sends you
I love you
It's beautiful
When it's seen
Seen from above
It's beautiful, it's beautiful
When from the cradle to
The tomb
I am sentimental
God how
I am without hate
I am sentimental
But now
I'm in way too much pain
I'm overbook''
Wherever I go
I believe in life
I'm overbook''
Wherever I go
I take off
'I wanna break free'
I dare
I remain speechless
And now I want
And now I want to be loved
And when I see you
It is God who
It is God who sends you
I love you
I dare
I remain speechless
And now I want
And now I want to be loved
And when I see you
It is God who
It is God who sends you
I love you
I remain speechless
And now I want
And now I want to be loved
And when I see you
It is God who
It is God who sends you
I love you
I remain speechless
And now I want
And now I want to be loved
And when I see you
It is God who
It is God who sends you
I love you
1, 2, 3, I go to the woods
4, 5, 6, To pick cherries
7, 8, 9, In my new basket
10, 11, 12, So long as they are soft
Der Waffengang des Königs Johann
Gilgentag *
reiten wir,
bist behend,
flinker Fuchs.
Hör dir’s an,
es geht zum
Tjost von Kö-
nig Johann.
schlau und dick,
ihm zur Wehr
ein Tintenfass
Mélyen lent
Én sosem éltem az italért vagy a tácért
De a kocka és a kártya a kezembe volt
De a szerencse istennő megveti a tengert
senki nem volt a hajón szegényebb mint én
Néztem a hajót egy hideg fényes éjszakán
Amikor egy szellem alak megjelent a szememben
Azt mondta:'Én vagyok Jones és látom' halálod
Meghatott a szemvedésed, segítek rajtad'
Látod én bedőltem.
És most vár engem
Mélyen lent a feneketlen árokban
Martóza lettem
S most vár engem
mélyen lent, mélyen lent, mélyen lent
Azt mondta:'Én gazdagabbá teszlek mint a legénységed
és cserébe egy szívességet kérek tőled
Amikor a homok lepereg, és eljön az időd
jelentkezz nálam kérdés nélkül'
Elfogadtam és aláírtam a véremmel a vonalon
Gondolkodás nélkül, csak az arannyal a fejemben
De átvert engem, bár tudtam volna
Én lettem a legazsagabb, de magányosan.
Látod én bedőltem.
És most vár engem
Mélyen lent a feneketlen árokban
Martóza lettem
S most vár engem
mélyen lent, mélyen lent, mélyen lent
Másnap felébredtem, sikítást hallottunk a raktárból
Ahol az előtisztet találtuk vérbefagyva
És egy matróz szaladt szöggel a szemében
Szóval segíteni próbáltunk neki, de tudtam meg fog halni
Hamarosan azok kaptuk magunk hogy az életünkért küzdünk
Özönvíz jött a felhőtlen kék égből
Amikor egy furcsa hullám elsodorta a legénység felét
A kapitány megőrült és a saját kardjába esett
Látod én bedőltem.
És most vár engem
Mélyen lent a feneketlen árokban
Martóza lettem
S most vár engem
mélyen lent, mélyen lent, mélyen lent
Most egyedül hajózok aegy hatalmas óceánon
Én vagyok a legadagabb a hajón, de az utlsó.
A szél váratlanul dagasztja a vitorlám.
A vízpermet ráfagy a korlátra
Látod én bedőltem.
És most vár engem
Mélyen lent a feneketlen árokban
Martóza lettem
S most vár engem
mélyen lent, mélyen lent, mélyen lent
I am the light that shines in the night
Are you ready to see something legendary?
Because I’m super-moon-magical
You’re wishing fervently when you suddenly see
A star falling
Then it’s me and my powers you’re wishing to
I control the wonders that occur
When stars are born
A material that’s lit up
Powers at work and a heat that burns
There’s a certain rivalry
But I still burn the hottest
I am the light that shines and burns
A lovely glow until the nights disappear
Be prepared to see something legendary
I am super-moon-magical
Here you’ve got Lunaria
So spectacularia
Can you feel the pressure?
Because I am very, very
A cosmic glow of immense proportions
Can turn night to day
In our galaxy the law of nature is
That everyone wants to be like me
I shine the brightest here
I am spectacular
When we got here, the moon was empty and bleakly grey
But tears and sorrow turned into a powerful magic potion then
The darkness dissipated
In a cascade of light
When a shimmering city was born
From tears I rose
One day
I am the light that shines in the night
My beauty glows across land and water
Be prepared to see someone legendary
I am super-moon-magical
Here you’ve got Lunaria
So spectacularia
Can you feel the pressure?
Because I am very, very
A Look To The Sky
The joy of singing, the desire to dream
The sense of getting what you don't have
Here's another day like yesterday
Waiting for the morning to start over
The strength to smile, the strength to fight
The guilt of being alive and not being able to change
Like a dry branch, abandoned
That tries in vain to blossom
The mask of a clown in the middle of a large desert
A fire that goes out, a look to the sky
A look to the sky, where the sun is a wonder
Where the nothingness becomes world, where your light shines
The Belly of The Beast
Hey-ah! Hey-ah! Hey-ah!
If a demon wants to eat you,
You must dance all over him!
Hey-ah! Hey-ah! Hey-ah!
If a demon wants to eat you,
You must dance all over him!
Hey-ah! Hey-ah! Hey-ah!
If a demon wants to eat you,
You must dance all over him!
At the Shore of Love
Who knows how to anchor at the shore of love,
Drunk by the sun and guided by a star,
He always have, on an apricot branch,
The most white flower and the most nostalgic dream.
At the shore of love it's not quite easy to reach,
Only with a kiss and a longing word.
At the shore of love, though under the same sky,
Many arrive unharmed, others perish out of love.
Mushrooms and a field
One day a boy went out to pick some mushrooms in the woods.
Somehow he found his way on to the minefield...
He walked all over the mines, he had a lot of fun.
This boy must have had a light step.
A lelkem újjá született
De mintha minden elveszett volna
Nagyon mély sebeim vannak ...
A vállam tele van teherrel
De én nem adtam fel
Nem ért véget, nem ért véget, nem fejeztem még be...
Én nem vagyok különleges vagy valami ilyesmi
De amikor te itt voltál folyton ezt éreztem,
Így éreztem...
Minden ami ég, hamuvá kell váljon?
Erre te is emlékszel de már késő..
Így éreztem..
Én nem vagyok különleges vagy valami ilyesmi
De amikor te itt voltál folyton ezt éreztem,
Így éreztem...
Minden ami ég, hamuvá kell váljon?
Erre te is emlékszel de már késő..
Már nagyon késő...
Brother Sun, Sister Moon
Versions: #1
Sun, dear brother Sun.
Static Lord.
Green lightbulb of heat.
Moon, the younger sister.
Love star.
Spy of the nights of passion.
Brother Sun,
sister Moon,
may nothing ever take me away from you two.
Brother Sun,
sister Moon,
may nothing ever take me away from my god.
Brother Sun, what burns inside you
that brings so much explosion?
You seem as confused as me.
Moon, white reflection.
Freezing heart.
Night watcher that protects me from the thief.
Brother Sun,
sister Moon,
may nothing ever take me away from you two.
Brother Sun,
sister Moon,
may nothing ever take me away from you my god.
Brother Sun, sister Moon,
may nothing ever take me away from you two.
Brother Sun, sister Moon,
may nothing ever take me away from you my god.
Sun, brother Sun.
Brother Sun.
The day escapes me
The day escapes me, and old age dims the eye
My strength has waned, by years and of long strife
My childhood friends, have found their slumber deep
Soon I alone, on earth my walk upkeep
You let me tired, O Father, that rest taste
I went astray, you led me back in haste
I felt remorse, my spirits they were low
You sated me, so kindly you consoled
Now I wish, if it so please my God
That I may end, the dark days of my years
To lay down, my head unto that rest
Upon grave-bed, my final home so calm
But the soul shall, on this final voyage
Rise like a spark, from hearth to soar above
And free shall seek, its holy sources light
Though the ash, is covered up by trite
Far better is, a single day in Heav'n
Than thousand years, in this waste so foreign
Its morning light, with longing for I pray
Although not mine, but God's will shall be made
Entel Hadi Entel Hak
All will return to Him,
all who lived in this world 2 ×
Entel Hadi Entel Hak
Leysel hadi Illahu 2 ×
And the soul is His sign,
which many do not know 2 ×
Entel Hadi Entel Hak
Leysel hadi Illahu 2 ×
Everyone will be satisfied,
those who did sujood to Him 2 ×
Entel Hadi Entel Hak
Leysel hadi Illahu 2 ×
Every burden is light,
When Allah is mentioned 2 ×
Entel Hadi Entel Hak
Leysel hadi Illahu 2 ×
When darkness falls on the world
the salvation will be only Hu2 ×
Entel Hadi Entel Hak
Leysel hadi Illahu2 ×
In ecstasy burns ašk,
while the dervishes sob 2 ×
Entel Hadi Entel Hak
Leysel hadi Illahu 2 ×
My name is Armenian
My name is -IAN
I have an ancient history
I am known as
Erebuni, Yerevan
Kerkorian, Darchinyan, Aznavour and Tankian
My name is Armenian
I am a builder and a soldier
They destroyed my home but I built a new one
They tried to erase us
But we formed the Diaspora
We won't let history repeat itself
You are the first Christian country
You have heroes even today
No 'half moon'
Will ever dare to hurt you
Your borders are strong
Because I protect them
You were born with a strong purpose
You arose from your ashes
You are fed by light
And survived until now
Your borders are strong
Because I protect them
My name is Armenia
My spirit is Armenian
Even 1915 couldn't break me
Everybody knows
Our Artsahkian victory
And our beautiful triangle
Fire of Your Spirit
Put the fire of Your Spirit upon me
Place the power of Your Word within me
Fill me, fill me
Put the fire of Your Spirit upon me
Place the power of Your Word within me
Fill me, fill me
I will bow down before the throne of God
I will lift Your Name above all names
There is none like You Adonai, among the gods
Fill me, fill me
Fill me with Your love
Place Your healing power within me
Fill me, fill me
Fill me with Your love
Place Your healing power within me
Fill me, fill me
I will bow down before the throne of God
I will lift Your Name above all names
There is none like You Adonai, among the gods
Your blood purifies, Your blood frees
Your blood purifies, Your blood frees
Your blood purifies me, Your blood frees me
I am free, I am free (Me)
I am free, I am free
You are great and greatly to be praised
You are great and greatly to be praised
You are great and greatly to be praised
You are great and greatly to be praised...
Who is like Thee Adonai... majestic in holiness...
Awesome in glory... working wonders...
Third World (Strength)
We come from the third world
And we'll make a deep analysis
From this immediate situation in 4 minutes 10 seconds
Peace itself is an old broken chaos
War is still business the cry for peace is near death
Third World
Guerrillas and death squads cartels gangs and mercenary of justice
And waking up every morning bro is just a matter of luck
The color of innocence is the blood that is most shed
Capitalism communism
The ends are the same. Democracy is a whore that is sold to tourism
The economy in both cases is supported by consumerism
With lies they hypnotize us TV their mechanism
From stratum zero to multi-millionaires in any case I'll never reach the salary
Be a hitman and you are the man of the hood
Or give it your all on the field or stage
Gringos force it on us without debate
Guantanamo illegal, free trade there is no escape
Our oil is a business in iraq died the combat
And more our brother then your own son you catch
We come from the land of Bolivar
By Somoza Fidel Castro Che Guevara and Escobar
I smell of coffee, tobacco and olive oil
And no one is going to take away my Latino pride
Show your strength throw yourself Latino in the street and shout
Ancesters we have dont be quiet
Put your strength into it!
At every step you take don't fail
When God made Eden he thought of America in detail
Throw yourself Latino in the street and shout
Ancestors we have don't be quiet
Put your strength into it!
At every step you take don't fail
When God made Eden he thought of America in detail
Although oppression of the aboriginals is in our origins
Your image I imagined and it didn't combine with my genes
My stability your prince
My freedom your limits
My color your pallor
My heat my Spanish your English
Ha. De río bravo to patagonia
You breathe anger lie conspire as is your story
It wont erase your memory
If you look... and inspire glory
I don't want shoulders on the world podium
Without money obviously man or gold in global hatred
We take more than oil to draw
Oil is going to energize the other beast
That over there they want to steal from us and here they want to sell us my bro
And it is the people who suffer the damage
That's why I don't have to support or defend any of the pigs nominated every 4 years
Third World working more than the actual nationals
By social class differences
In my neighborhood we are besieged
Of global proagonists
Of Mayan Incan Aztec Caribbean until then no
You live and survive like a fine rooster
Falling to the first world tenant
But always and deep in the heart of the Latino
Show your strength by throwing yourself in the street and shout
Ancestors we have dont be quiet
Put your strength into it!
At every step you take do not fail
When God made Eden he thought of America in detail
Throw yourself in the street and shout
Ancestors we have dont be quiet
Put your strength into it!
At every step you take do not fail
When God made Eden he thought of America in detail
Nor red, nor black
Nor blood, nor tears
Nor patience, nor sins
In the empire of pleasure
Don't stay in spirits of the blaze
That corpses devided
No glory, nor vanity
Nor sigh, nor malice
No arrow, no heart
Sorrow of the star, of the wind
Rain, blood
Faceless body
Soulless Stone
Letters without numbers
Fractions of eclipses
Suns without shade
Even angels
All that's left are bone, dust, and ash
Nor pink, nor scream
Nor flesh, nor stone
Nor mercy, nor beauty...
In the empire of pleasure
Don't stay in spirits of the blaze
That corpses devided
Sorrow, sorrow
365 days
(part 1: samra)
Constantly busy from meeting to meeting
I barely cant handle it anymore, only with much tilidine
woah, my friends are loyal
when i shout 'sam', they all scream 'ra'
im standing in front of them, under the light
fucked heart, because i miss my mother
and i leave the stage, i dont want to see anybody then
he wants to take everything from me, i tell the runner to leave
backstage, under the influence of energy and vodka
and the emergency doctor is coming in a helicopter
time is too precious, they just wanted to keep me down
but whos sitting in a house of glass shouldnt throw with stones (german adage)
the libnani in girogio armani
can barely walk but go on the ducati
world differences, sheytan in the mirror
for many, im just a money printing machine
(hook: samra)
in the middle of the night and i hate myself
what did i do for money
thats the reason why i cant sleep anymore
for 365 days
in the middle of the night and i hate the whole world
through the city in the sl, all goes too fast
thats the reason why i cant sleep anymore
for 365 days
(part 2: capital bra)
im in the studio under the influence of alcohol, the cocain tastes bitter again
i start crying, miss my children
but only for you, i get the money
five songs a night, three albums a year
just five minutes left, then its stagetime
'dad, we love you' i hear on facetime
i wanted to stay as myself, to be the hero for you
and i went on my way, like on 8 mile
and your new uncle ashraf, he doesnt like to be mentioned
but without him, i wouldnt be alive anymore
i count real friends on one hand:
ashraf, samra, vincent, heiko hammer
thanks to all fans, i appreciate you so much
because just of you all, i got something to eat these days
and i give a fuck about the shit haters are saying
i fall on my knees to pray to god
(hook: samra)
in the middle of the night and i hate myself
what did i do for money
thats the reason why i cant sleep anymore
for 365 days
in the middle of the night and i hate the whole world
through the city in the sl, all goes too fast
thats the reason why i cant sleep anymore
for 365 days
(part 3: samra)
buy a lamborghini anthracite
sick beat, no mercy like sanssouci
havent eaten vor days, feels like im sleepwalking
and still i got to put hits up to the charts
all that fucks my immune system
outside are only hyenas wating, but i stay sovereign
ferragamo-belt, they would like to kill me
act as if they liked me but only want my capital
the most charming wanker, most arrogant junkie
when im done with them, they can put their cloth on again
and the automat works again, on autostart
finally plus but im not able to pay off
what are you even talking about invest? take off 100k!
london, nightlife, take a line of taş in the q8
inhale because the death is reserved
invest, invest, and lose all then
(hook: samra + capital bra)
in the middle of the night and i hate myself
what did i do for money
thats the reason why i cant sleep anymore
for 365 days
in the middle of the night and i hate the whole world
through the city in the sl, all goes too fast
thats the reason why i cant sleep anymore
for 365 days
(outro: samra + 2pac)
'its just me against the world'
'its just me against the world' (yeah)
i hate the world
'fuck the world'
and i hate myself too
'sometimes its hard'
'its just me against the world'
'its just me against the world' (yeah)
i hate the world
'fuck the world, til im gone'
for 365 days
God won't forgive me this!
Life like in fairytales had spoiled me
High in the sky like I star I was living (life)
I was laughing like crazy when you were sobbing
(I was) Heartless, I was in love with myself
God won't forgive me this
The world fell on me
You left me, my friends left me
There's not even light
God won't forgive me this
I called you, but I don't have a voice
The tears gathered in (my) hand
Rusted they are
Because I was looking for you in empty hearts
And I could understand nothing entices me
Alone I am
Yes, alone I am
When I was sobbing, you were laughing like crazy
I deserved it to crawl
Guilty I am
Yes, guilty I am
God won't forgive me this
The world fell on me
You left me, my friends left me
There's not even light
God won't forgive me this
I called you, but I don't have a voice
The tears gathered in (my) hand
Rusted theyare
A nice diffus, everything that lies in front of us
Rain can be confetti when you want
Do we stand out, do we collapse?
Please don't let me alone with myself
Too small to be really big
Blazing giants jump naked in the pond
Pull me out and let me in
A nice diffus, everything that lies in front of us
Rain can be confetti when you want
Do we stand out, do we collapse?
Large world, are you waiting for me?
are you waiting on a train platform or not?
Is there a big difference between passion and desire?
Tell me more about you
A nice diffus, everything that lies in front of us
Rain can be confetti when you want
Do we stand out, do we collapse?
Haīku 16. The astronaut-ant
The astronaut-ant
That keeps climbing
The redwood giant
Believes, of course,
It is exploring
The whole of the universe.
I come to those countries
with the marmot
and always found something to eat
with the marmot
with as if, with as that,
with as the marmot
with as if, with as thatm
with as the marmot
ich even saw some men
with as the marmot
it likes the virgin even too much
with as the marmot
also so the beautiful virgin
with as the marmot
who would look after me, little one
with as the marmot
now, dont let me alone, you guys
with as the marmot
the adolescents like to eat and drink
with as the marmot