Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 154



Talajból építettem fel, csak, hogy lássam, ahogy jómagam leégetem
Fenn kell tartanom a bulit, nincs megállás
Az életem csak egy körhinta, körbe-körbe forog
Fizetnék ismét, hogy ne álljon meg
Próbáltam a fejem a kétségek óceánja felett tartani
Álmodozónak érzem magam, nehogy felkelts
Az életem csak egy körhinta, körbe-körbe forog
Fizetnék ismét, hogy ne álljon meg
Keresem magam az utas ülésen
Az élre vezetek, amíg nem cselekszem jól
Keresem a várost a legragyogóbb fényekkel
Hogyan fogsz odajutni, odajutni?
Mindig visszapillantok, s nem tudom miért
Valami mindig eszembe jut
Mindenki egyirányú utazásra megy
Hogyan fogsz odajutni, odajutni?
Úgy érzem magam, mint egy tigris a cirkuszi gyűrűben
Mikor ugrok, egyre magasabb, sosincs vége
Az életem csak egy körhinta, körbe-körbe forog
Fizetnék ismét, hogy ne álljon meg
Keresem magam az utas ülésen
Az élre vezetek, amíg nem cselekszem jól
Keresem a várost a legragyogóbb fényekkel
Hogyan fogsz odajutni, odajutni?
Mindig visszapillantok, s nem tudom miért
Valami mindig eszembe jut
Mindenki egyirányú utazásra megy
Hogyan fogsz odajutni, odajutni?
Az életem csak egy körhinta, körbe-körbe forog
Fizetnék ismét, hogy ne álljon meg
Az életem csak egy körhinta, körbe-körbe forog
Fizetnék ismét, hogy ne álljon meg

Keresve a nyarat

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Nézz mélyen az április arcába,
A változás egyértelmű eljön,
Keresve már a nyarat.
Azzal tekintettel bámulnak,
Hátrahagyva a tavaszi napokat.
Menj, keresd hát a nyarat!
Ez nem csók és mese játéka,
A bukott célzásokat mily jól ismerted,
Menj, keresd hát a nyarat!
Eljött az idő és menniük kell,
Hogy a téged úgy kísértő vágyat játsszák,
Várva már a nyarat.
Emlékezz a szerelemre, ugyanaz volt,
Karmoltuk és sértettük egymás növekvő kínját,
Mi a nyarat kerestük.
S még itt állok ezen a napon,
Vágytól égve, hogy elrepüljek.
Még mindig keresem,
S várom a nyarat.
Keresem a nyarat.

Nyári sláger

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Gyere a parkettre!
Tedd fel a kezed! (x7)
Gyere a parkettre!
Tedd fel a kezed! (x7)
Gyere a parkettre!
Ez semmi más, csak egy nyári sláger
Bronz bőrszín és fahéjas barnulások, whoa
Ez semmi más, csak egy nyári sláger
Annyit fogunk bulizni, amennyit csak tudunk
Hé, óh, hé
Nyári sláger, jól van
Hé, óh, hé
Ma este a dögös lányok Prada szoknyát viselnek
Igazán szűk, a hőmérséklet felfelé kúszik
Nagyon melegünk van az éjszaka hevében
Éjfél, a buli addig fog tartani, amíg a nap felkel
A dögös, világos szemű lányokat fürkészem
Légy velem ma éjszaka
Nem tudlak kiverni a fejemből, nem hazudok
Mert egy olyan lányt, mint te, nagyon nehéz találni
Arra a napra várok, amikor az enyém leszel
Mert nem bírom
Holdfény, végighajtunk a körúton
Stroboszkópok figyelnek téged, a tested csinos
Na jól van, kicsit őrültnek látszol
Ez semmi más, csak egy nyári sláger
Bronz bőrszín és fahéjas barnulások, whoa
Ez semmi más, csak egy nyári sláger
Annyit fogunk bulizni, amennyit csak tudunk
Nyári sláger, jól van

A szerelem nyara

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ez a szerelem nyara (ohooh)
Érzem, ahogyan a szívem táncol
Ha szeretnél velem táncolni
Készülj fel, ma este buli van (wohooh)
Olyan szabadon fogunk táncolni
Csináljuk most először (wohooh)
Jobban teszed, ha felkelsz, felkelsz
A buli fel fog szállni.
Egy szombat éjszakáért élünk.
Minden lány a parketten
Készen álltok életetek legjavára?
(életetek legjavára)
Ez a szerelem nyara,
Érzem, ahogyan a szívem táncol.
A szerelem nyara
Ettől úgy érzem, hogy élek.
Mozgasd, mozgasd a tested,
Élvezd, élvezd a bulit,
Rázz fel, rázz fel mindenkit,
Üdvözlünk a szerelem nyarán.
És töltsd tele érzéssel.
Szükségem van az eksztázis izgalmára,
Szóval, DJ, gyere és vigyél el minket.
A gravitáció nem hat ránk
A buli felgyulladni készül.
Szóval tedd fel a kezed, fel a kezed
A tested fel fog szállni,
Egy szombat éjszakáért élünk.
Minden srác a parketten
Készen álltok életetek legjavára?
(életetek legjavára)
Ez a szerelem nyara,
Érzem, ahogyan a szívem táncol
A szerelem nyara
Ettől úgy érzem, hogy élek.
Mozgasd, mozgasd a tested
Élvezd, élvezd a bulit.
Rázz fel, rázz fel mindenkit.
Üdvözlünk a szerelem nyarán.
És töltsd tele érzéssel.
Mozgasd, mozgasd a tested.
Élvezd, élvezd a bulit.
Rázz fel, rázz fel mindenkit.
Üdvözlünk a szerelem nyarán.
És töltsd tele érzéssel.
A szerelem nyara.
Üdvözlünk a szerelem nyarán.
Érzem, ahogyan a szívem táncol.
A szerelem nyara.
Ettől úgy érzem, hogy élek.
Ez a szerelem nyara.
A szerelem nyara.
Mozgasd, mozgasd a tested.
Élvezd, élvezd a bulit.
Rázz fel, rázz fel mindenkit.
Üdvözlünk a szerelem nyarán.
És töltsd tele érzéssel.

Szentivánéji álom

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Jó napra ébredtem,
S a világ csodás volt.
Szentivánéji álom
A bűvkörében tartott.
Egy öregemberről álmodtam,
Ki egész éjjel ült, s nézte az esőt.
Szemernyit sem aludt, míg a cseppek hulltak.
Mesélt a szépségről,
Szemgödrünkbe rejtve,
S amit helyette mutatunk ki:
A rútságról.
S mikor rossz útra lépünk,
Tanulunk-e minden kínból?
Éjféli nyárálom.
Ahogy nézte az esőt.
Aztán éjfélkor töltött még egy italt, s csak tovább hajtogatta.
S éjfél után fél éjjel fenn maradunk, vagy talán még tovább.
S mesélni kezdte, mindez mire való.
Karosszékben ébredtem,
Elment, nem tudom hova.
Ott hagyott, hogy üljek s nézzem az esőt.
Nem sokra emlékszem,
De a szavai visszhangoztak.
Nyáréji álom.
S akkor újra felébredek.
Talán soha nem lelem meg.
Talán eltűnt örökre.
Talán itt kell ülnöm
Az időjárást lesve.
Bár egy dolog egészen biztos,
Segített túl lenni az éjszakán.
És másholt is megmutatta
Rossz és jó között.
Így éjfélkor, ha nem tudsz aludni, akkor tovább hajtogatom,
S éjfél után fél éjjel fenn maradunk, talán még tovább
S mesélni kezdem neked, mindez mire való.
Jó napra ébredek,
S a világ csodásnak érződik.
Az éjféli nyári álom varázsában tart.

Teljesen tönkreteszel

[Verse 1: Luke]
A mennyben ragadtam, de a te mennyed már nem ugyanolyan
És én sem voltam egy szent, nem igaz?
Az elmúlás mindig kialszik, mint egy láng
De én soha nem változok, ugye?
[Pre-Chorus: Luke]
Nevezd egy leckének, amikor lassan eltűnsz mellőlem
Én pedig elpazarolom a fél életemet
[Chorus: All]
Oh, teljessé teszel
Teljessé teszel
Teljesen tönkreteszel
Oh, teljessé teszel
Teljessé teszel
Teljesen tönkreteszel
[Verse 2: Calum with Michael]
Kapaszkodok a pillanatokba, mintha sosem vesznének el
Mert sosem tudsz elköszönni
Nem teszek fel kérdéseket, ahogy megszilárdulnak az elveid
És ahogy a sötétségem belül arannyá válik
[Pre-Chorus: Calum with Michael]
Megtanultam a leckét, amikor lassan eltűntél mellőlem
Én pedig elpazaroltam a fél életemet
[Chorus: All]
Oh, teljessé teszel
Teljessé teszel
Teljesen tönkreteszel
Oh, teljessé teszel
Teljessé teszel
Teljesen tönkreteszel
[Bridge: Luke]
(Teljesen tönkreteszel)
(Teljesen tönkreteszel)
[Breakdown: Michael]
A mennyben ragadtam, de a te mennyed már nem ugyanolyan
És én sem voltam egy szent, nem igaz?
[Chorus: All, Michael, Ashton & Calum]
Oh, teljessé teszel
Teljessé teszel (Teljessé teszel)
Teljesen tönkreteszel
Oh, teljessé teszel (Teljessé teszel)
Teljessé teszel (Teljessé teszel)
Teljesen tönkreteszel

Suddenly This Summer

There are some things I can't forget
Those words you said, I'll remember
Not letting go is perhaps the best way to let go
The worries I once gave you
You say you still worry about them
It's just that you don't need to answer
How many quarrels have you had?
How long have you been trying?
You said why bother to waste the most precious years
Some fates are destined
No matter how hard we try, there's no way
Even if a small tree buds, it may not flower
But do you still remember that summer
And the silly words that fool said
Accompanying you home, growing up with you
Always remembering to call you on the phone
But do you still remember that sunset
When I sent you home the last time
I did not say anything, because I was afraid my tears would fall
There are some things I can't forget
Those words you said, I'll remember
Not letting go is perhaps the best way to let go
The worries I once gave you
You say you still worry about them
It's just that you don't need to answer
How many quarrels have you had?
How long have you been trying?
You said why bother to waste the most precious years
Some fates are destined
No matter how hard we try, there's no way
Even if a small tree buds, it may not flower
But do you still remember that summer
And the silly words that fool said
Accompanying you home, growing up with you
Always remembering to call you on the phone
But do you still remember that sunset
When I sent you home the last time
I did not say anything, because I was afraid my tears would fall
But do you still remember that summer
And the silly words that fool said
Accompanying you home, growing up with you
Always remembering to call you on the phone
But do you still remember that sunset
When I sent you home the last time
I did not say anything, because I was afraid my tears would fall
I did not say anything, because I was afraid my tears would fall

Kill Your Darling

Dance now if you want me
Let's die there's nobody here
Look at how we are
Don't you think we are so perfect pair in every way
I don't wanna feel everything that was meant to be faded
I don't wanna be your friend
I just wanna be your bae
I don't wanna fade away
So then how about sinking under water?
I'm in your eyes
Maybe you're in love with me
The moment I find out, I'm afraid
That this can't last forever
When our hearts grow fond of each other
Because you're so precious
I want to keep you forever
We closed our eyes
Dance now if you want me
Let's die there's nobody here
Look at how we are
Don't you think we are so perfеct pair in every way
I don't wanna feel evеrything that was meant to be faded
I don't wanna be your friend
I just wanna be your bae
I don't wanna fade away
So then how about sinking under water?
Dance now if you want me
Let's die there's nobody here
Look at how we are
Don't you think we are so perfect pair in every way
I don't wanna feel everything that was meant to be faded
I don't wanna be your friend
I just wanna be your bae
I don't wanna fade away
So then how about sinking under water?
So... so I just killed my darling
I just... I just wanted to have his everything
I know I'm very possessive and jealous
But I couldn't help it

Christmas Tree

In this moment
I see you
It always comes around
As I believed
When the rain stops
You shine on me
Your light's the only thing
that keeps the cold out
Moon in the summer night
Whispering of the stars
They're singing like
Christmas trees for us
So I'll tell you
A Million tiny things that
You have never known
It all gets tangled up inside
And I'll tell you
A Million little reasons
I'm falling for your eyes
I just want to be where you are
It's such a strange thing to do
Sometimes I don't understand you
But It always brings me back
To where you are
By any chance
You have side that only I know
Like the first snow of a midsummer night
An incredible miraculous moment, you
Someday again
Even if my heart flies
In the wind
I'll wait for you
So I'll tell you
A Million tiny things that
You have never known
It all gets tangled up inside
And I'll tell you
A Million little reasons
I'm falling for your eyes
I just want to be where you are
Tell you
A Million tiny things that
You have never known
It all gets tangled up inside
Tell you
A Million little reasons
I'm falling for your eyes
I just want to be where you are


And tomorrow the sun will shine again
And on the path I will be walking
It will unite us, the happy ones, again
In the middle of this sun-breathing Earth.
And to the beach, wide and wave-blue,
We will descend quietly and slowly
Silently we will look into each other's eyes
And the quiet silence of happiness will descend on us...

I Become Happy

I was able to meet you, my talent
I become happy, I begin to dance
It’s not embarrassing, don’t hesitate
I get happy
The full moon is pretty, I remember the universe
I feel like an alien that’s landed on Earth
With this body, how many times shall I play with you?
Until I die, I can’t waste anything
I spent the night, the morning sun shines
Like a miracle, I cry
Between buildings, overflowing emotions
Like a miracle, I cry
Hit by heavy rain, the humans seem to hate it but
I’m a bit happy, “Like magic, it’s pretty”
I dance and my heart dances
I become happy, and cry
As much energy as a meteor
I become happy, and cry
I was able to meet you, my talent
I become happy, I begin to dance
It’s not embarrassing, don’t hesitate
I become happy, dance
We without a great semiconsciousness
A fragment that drifts this universe
With a heart forgiven with a mere 100 years
What should I feel?
My body dances, my heart dances
I become happy, and cry
As much energy as a meteor
I become happy, and cry
I was able to meet you, my talent
I become happy, I begin to dance
It’s not embarrassing, don’t hesitate
I become happy, dance

Only Father is Good

He didn't smile much
And didn't hug me much either
He told me to get up by myself if I fell
And to find my toys on my own
He had so many jobs
And so many worries
Do I still think
Only Mother is good in this world?
Only Father is good in this world
I didn't realize until I grew up
He taught me what dignity is
And what feeling small is like
Time, please slow down
Don't make him worry
When I grow to be taller than him
Let me hug him
He didn't smile much
And didn't hug me much either
He told me to get up by myself if I fell
And to find my toys on my own
He had so many jobs
And so many worries
Do I still think
Only Mother is good in this world?
Only Father is good in this world
I didn't realize until I grew up
He taught me what dignity is
And what feeling small is like
Time, please slow down
Don't make him worry
When I grow to be taller than him
Let me hug him
Only Father is good in this world
Now that I'm mature and sensible, I understand
He taught me what's reliable
And what's important
Years, please slow down
Don't let him age
When I grow to be taller than him
I will make him proud

Όλα όσα δεν είπα

[Εισαγωγή: Calum]
Ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω
Ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω
Ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω
Αυτά είναι όλα όσα δεν είπα
[Πρώτο verse: Calum]
Περίμενε, μη μου πεις ότι ο παράδεισος βρίσκεται στη Γη
Μακάρι να μπορούσα να πάω πίσω όλες τις στιγμές που δεν σου έδειξα τι πραγματικά αξίζεις
Ο τρόπος που με κρατούσες, μακάρι να σε είχα ως προτεραιότητα
Είχα άδικο, το παραδέχομαι, μουδιασμένος από το φιλί σου
Ενώ γλιστρούσες μέσα από τα δάχτυλά μου
[Ρεφρέν: Όλοι και Calum]
Παίρνω κάθε ανάσα μακριά
Με όλα τα λάθη που έχω κάνει
Απ'όλα τα γράμματα που έχω κρατήσει
Αυτά είναι όλα όσα δεν είπα
Μακάρι να σε είχα κάνει να μείνεις
Και είμαι ο μόνος που φταίει
Ξέρω ότι είναι λίγο αργά
Αυτά είναι όλα όσα δεν είπα
Ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω
Ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω
Αυτά είναι όλα όσα δεν είπα
[Δεύτερο verse: Luke]
Ξύπνα με τώρα και πες μου ότι είναι όλα ένα κακό όνειρο
Όλα τα τραγούδια που έγραψα
Όλα τα λάθη που ήλπιζα
να διαγραφούν από τη μνήμη σου
Κρατιέμαι από μια ραγισμένη και άδεια καρδιά
Λουλούδια που θα έπρεπε να είχα αγοράσει
Όλες οι ώρες που έχασα
Μακάρι να μπορούσα να επιστρέψω στην αρχή
[Ρεφρέν: Όλοι και Calum]
Παίρνω κάθε ανάσα μακριά
Με όλα τα λάθη που έχω κάνει
Απ'όλα τα γράμματα που έχω κρατήσει
Αυτά είναι όλα όσα δεν είπα
Μακάρι να σε είχα κάνει να μείνεις
Και είμαι ο μόνος που φταίει
Ξέρω ότι είναι λίγο αργά
Αυτά είναι όλα όσα δεν είπα
[Bridge: Michael]
Ελπίζω να ξέρεις ότι θα θυσιαζόμουν για εσένα
Για να το διορθώσω
Ωω, ωω, ωω
Ωω, ωω, ωω
Μια μέρα, είμαι σίγουρος ότι θα περάσουμε ο ένας δίπλα από τον άλλον χωρίς να το καταλάβουμε
Μέχρι τότε
[Ρεφρέν: Όλοι και Calum]
Παίρνω κάθε ανάσα μακριά
Με όλα τα λάθη που έχω κάνει
Απ'όλα τα γράμματα που έχω κρατήσει
Αυτά είναι όλα όσα δεν είπα
Μακάρι να σε είχα κάνει να μείνεις
Και είμαι ο μόνος που φταίει
Ξέρω ότι είναι λίγο αργά
Αυτά είναι όλα όσα δεν είπα
Ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω
Ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω
Ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω
Αυτά είναι όλα όσα δεν είπα
Ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω
Ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω
Ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω, ωω

Blue Eyes

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
The moment I first ran into you
The whole world stopped
I felt the shivers start from my fingertips
I just couldn’t take it
All of you is so beautiful
You make my heart flutter even more
I want all of you
I want to make you mine
Amazing, amazing, your shining eyes
When I look at then, wow, I gain strength
There’s no way I can see other woman
Hey, what do you think about a guy like me?
Her Blue Blue Blue Eyes
Keeps making me fall into her
Can’t take my eyes off her for a single moment
Oh I can’t breathe, babe
Blue Blue Blue Eyes
I can’t hold it in any longer
Until our eyes close
Keep kissing me, babe
Her eyes were nothing but ordinary
They were shining so blue
Maybe I’ve already been bewitched by her
Maybe something happened to my eyes
All of you is so beautiful
You make my heart flutter even more
I want all of you
I want to make you mine
I know that she’s watching
She’s been looking at me for a while
I think I’m acting unnatural right now
Gosh, what do I do with my hands?
Her Blue Blue Blue Eyes
Keeps making me fall into her
Can’t take my eyes off her for a single moment
Oh I can’t breathe, babe
Blue Blue Blue Eyes
I can’t hold it in any longer
Until our eyes close
Keep kissing me, babe
Just like this, just like now
Just you and me
I wanna fly away
To a place where we can be together
Her Blue Blue Blue Eyes
Keeps making me fall into her
Can’t take my eyes off her for a single moment
Oh I can’t breathe, babe
Blue Blue Blue Eyes
I can’t hold it in any longer
Until our eyes close
Keep kissing me, babe
Blue Blue Blue Eyes
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
Blue Blue Blue Eyes
Oh Oh Oh
Blue Blue Blue Eyes
I can’t hold it in any longer
Until our eyes close
Keep kissing me, babe

Yallah Goodbye

[Part 1: Summer Cem2]
Raindrop, drop-top
Fuck your mother in Gladbach [huh)
New watch, brother, 'you look'3!
Nine millimetre, no time for ju-jutsu (brr)
I'm comin' tonight, psh, don't tell me! (Oh)
Nazopan in the system and I don't sleep (uh)
Seven-eighths leather jacket like in Matrix (yes)
Amigo has the fundamentalist beard cut (huh!)
Drip level Arctic (Drip)
Psychopath and a bit sympathetic (oh)
Paranoia, tell me, are you wired? (Ah)
Harekets4 and the sting comes free (eh)
[Pre-Hook: Summer Cem]
Your new album is coming, but nobody cares (ah)
I'd be lying if I said I'm a good guy (wuh!)
I'll take it all away from you, Kafa Suge Knight (ah)
The Walther spits lead - yallah, goodbye!
[Hook: Summer Cem]
Yallah5, goodbye!
Yallah, goodbye! [Yeah]
Always fresh, always clean, Para çok fly (yeah)
You can't keep up - yallah, goodbye! (Ah)
Yallah, goodbye! (Yeah)
Yallah, goodbye!
Put me on the guest list, Summer plus three
But 'come with ten', no problem - yallah, goodbye!
[Part 2: Gringo, Summer Cem]
(Uh-oh) Mister Boombastic
(Boom-, what?) Plastic Super Soaker
(Trr, uh-oh) Bak oğlum, bas git
(Bak, bak, bak) Only nakit, no taksit (ey)
Fur collar jacket, Armani (wooh)
Head nut, Kafa Safari (güm)
Three grams, Gianni Versace
Rolex Rainbow - Tekashi (wow)
Neukölln Tower, fifteenth floor (ey)
Night, Traphaus, Hemşeri knocks:
'Hey Gringo, versene Ot'
Olmaz Cem, bende de yok (ahh)
[Pre-Hook: Summer Cem]
Your new album is coming, but nobody cares (ah)
I'd be lying if I said I'm a good guy (wuh!)
I'll take it all away from you, Kafa Suge Knight (ah)
The Walther spits lead - yallah, goodbye!
[Hook: Summer Cem]
Yallah, goodbye!
Yallah, goodbye! (Ja)
Always fresh, always clean, Para çok fly (yeah)
You can't keep up - yallah, goodbye! (Ah)
Yallah, goodbye! (Yeah)
Yallah, goodbye!
Put me on the guest list, Summer plus three
But 'come with ten', no problem - yallah, goodbye!
[Outro: Summer Cem, Gringo]
Yallah, goodbye!
Yallah, goodbye!
Yallah, goodbye! [Uh-oh]
Yallah, goodbye!
  • 1. Miksu is a German music producer. Miksu became known for his work with hip-hop celebrities such as Sido, Farid Bang, KC Rebell, Haftbefehl, Capital Bra and Summer Cem. Since 2016, he has also increasingly worked with pop artists such as Mike Singer and Howard Carpendale. He has been signed to the Warner Chappell label since 2015, where he has had his own edition since 2017.
  • 2. Summer Cem (real name Cem Toraman) is a German rapper from the German city Mönchengladbach. He is best known for his frequent collaborations with 'Eko Fresh' and 'KC Rebell'.
  • 3. 'Guckst du' is a shortening of 'Da guckst du'. The shortening sounds grammatically incorrect in German.
  • 4. German rappers use the term 'hareket' in their lyrics. In particular, it becomes clear that German rappers with Arab or Turkish roots use the word 'hareket' in the sense of 'don't mess around', 'don't fool around' or as a request to 'keep quiet', 'keep a low profile' or 'be inconspicuous'. Since the word 'hareket' is used in a very broad sense anyway, this interpretation is possible.
  • 5. Yallah: Meaning “let’s go” or “come on” and said when you want something to happen or someone to get moving, this is one of the most common Arabic words used.

Unidentified Identity

I remember
That's right, at that time, I was a bird
With wings that were fluttering
And the blue sky was like the box that we store away
While the world revolves around places that are still unknown
I then pocketed 'love'
That's right, I became a human after that
And I remembered how to shed tears
When I am in front of you, surely, just like human
My heart throbs, you see
Just like a firework bursting into life,
We are born into this world
And until I forget the marks left by my wings,
I will hold you tightly
I remember
Unsure whom to be, I become me
Somebody who has your heart, and yours only
And in this world, a certain happiness
Surely exists
When the memories of that sky gush out
I wonder how I should call the name of this heart
Unable to forget and leave
We will keep walking
Just like flower petals that fall someday
We, too will surely meet our end
And the two hearts that were shaped similarly
Will remain there
Just like a firework bursting into life,
We are born into this world
Without being able to forget the marks left by my wings
We will continue to hold hands
And live through now

It's Summer

Mettinen by the crib, bustling all over
But I'm just living the life of a snowman in the summer
I drink something cold and grill my sides on the sand
I tan very nicely because it's summer
When finally the summer wind blows away the winter frost
I try out how I can dip into the warm water
And I can ask what others think about me
It's cool when it's finally summer
Cold and hot, they go together
Tomorrow we'll put them in the kissing booth
In the winter we stay under the covers
That I can tolerate because I know that...
The summer is coming
When I feel depressed then I'm always daydreaming
That under the sun I can relieve stress
The sky is blue
You all are also there
I probably won't stay cold
When I finally see the summer
I'll tell
No you won't
It's summer

Under The Summer Breeze

Hanging on to the sunlight of the early summer
Won’t help me stop you at all
Well, I’m doing my best just to catch up to you
In every version of sun, if the two of us
Are getting far apart
Just like ladybugs
And we are
Even the ice cream by the roadside that melted in the heat
That was what somebody bought
I’d been thinking about that
Not interested in anything else
I’m sorry
At best
If we held hands and made some noise
That’d be probably worth the compliment
I still don’t know the right answer
Hold on, it’s too soon
I’m a poor student
Even if I was worried, blinded by interests
Even if I tried to imagine what was behind this remark
I washed away all of my unseen feelings with my sweat
Like how I’m gonna welcome the summer and your back
Under the sky where the fragrant breeze blows
It’s love as frizzy as cider
The scenery I looked down on from the sky above
It was too small and fleeting
Though you were there with your eyes glowing with so much bliss
The place I’d come to for the first time
Seemed to have left me a sense of nostalgia
As if becoming the wind back in the Kokusai street, Ryukyu*
Even the stardust found on the beach
That once was a living creature
If I knew that kind of thing
It wouldn’t do any good to you and me, would it?
At best
If I covered up my eyes and wept over it
If that alone was enough, I’d definitely feel better
Life is still a long way off, though
I’m begging to feel like it’s okay to end soon
Poor me
Even if I’m stagnant, I’ll curve my heart out
Like how I don’t want to see this sunset skies anymore
All this time I’ve been running away but I’ve felt for only you
Alone in the shade of the summer, I fell in love
Under the sky where the fragrant breeze blew
Came another morning, I thought
At best
In the world where the loudest voices always win
What’s the use of confining myself in it?
If I could, I wouldn’t get in trouble
That’s why I’ve always been a
Poor, poor, poor student
At best
If we held hands and made some noise
That’d be probably worth the compliment
I still don’t know the right answer
So tell me what does it take
To be a student who’s good enough?
Even if I made a mess, blinded by interests
Even if I tried to imagine what was behind this remark
I washed away all of my unseen feelings with my sweat
I woke up from the dream of the summer and you
Under the sky where the fragrant breeze blew
You know what, I’m already used to this agony

Hey, Summer

When you called me
Everything around froze
Among the star lights
I only see your eyes
When I first met you
I perceive you differently
Somehow you told me
There will never be eternity
I think about you daily
Even if you're not around now
All these things in my head
I will go to you on the day of the moonrise
Stunning summer night
Please come back to my thoughts
Stunning summer night
Please come back to my dreams
Your name is SUMMER
Your name is SUMMER
When I danced with you
Time seemed to stop
A secret whispered in my ear
Thoughts are clearing up
Ice in front of us
The month you and I have chosen together
It was a hot summer
Night with all the memories displayed in the sky
Walk at night
This time has passed
As we did then
Please be my summer again
Something has disappeared
(On a summer night, midnight dreams)
Dreams with you
The night and the stars were pouring
(On a summer night, midnight dreams)
Walk the universe
I'm looking for you now
Countless lights
Among them, only you shine the brightest
Dreaming of you last night SUMMER
When you called me
Everything around froze
Among the star lights
I only see your eyes

날씨를 잃어버렸어 (We Lost The Summer)

We lost the summer
The running soccer shoes, the boisterous heat (with you)
My earphones that we secretly listened to (now it's only me)
A popular song, a concert in the classroom (but now)
We lost the sunset, now don't know what to do
The first day on my calendar, the countless first days
I'm left in March 1st's endless evening
My White Day is already wasted
Keep lovesick, no vaccine
The weather is lost, our clock
Has stopped the winter
Cause we lost the summer
When we lost each other
Please give me back my season
Oh, it's all gone
Forever winter
Now I just miss ya
Give me back 'us'
Oh, it's all gone
We lost the summer
A day or two, a month and another, a year
I'm walking alone, awkwardly standstill
We lost the summer
This nightmare-like week then a month again, a year
I want to see you again, our shining summer
Long gone we lost the summer
The cafe's door that I went to is tightly closed (and how)
My sigh hidden behind the stuffy mask (stay here)
I hate my expressionless face (you know)
You was my sunset, I wanna make it work
The first day on my calendar, the countless first days
I'm left in March 1st's endless evening
That endless holiday
The recurring morning
The weather is lost, our clock
Broke in the winter
Cause we lost the summer
When we lost each other
Please give me back my season
Oh, it's all gone
Forever winter
Now I just miss ya
Give me back 'us'
Oh, it's all gone
We lost the summer
Hot summer time (we were)
The day I hoped for (just ordinary)
The summer's me (The summer's you)
Can't we go back
Hot summer time (summer time)
Don't disappear (now run)
I'll find you (don't forget us)
We go on
We lost the sumemr
When we lost each other
Please give me back my season
Oh, it's all gone
Forever winter
Now I just miss ya
Give me back 'us'
Oh, it's all done
We lost the summer
A day or two, a month and another, a year
I'm walking alone, awkwardly standstill
Cause we lost the summer
This nightmare-like week then a month again, a year
I want to see you again, our shining summer
Long gone we lost the summer


Bees will buzz, wind will blow the dandelion fluffs
And snowman will have fun in the summer
I am holding a drink, hot sand is underneath my feet,
Perhaps I will get nicely tanned during the summer
Again summer's fresh wind will blow away winter's colds
And cold and hard ice will run as water once again
I cannot wait to hear what my friends will tell me
I see already how great it will be for me during the summer
Whether it is cold or hot, it's nice for me
To take a rest like this, it's just wonderful
Between snowflakes I feel like home
But in the summer I will only be ... a snowman
When the life gets hard, I am dreaming
How I am resting in the sunlight
How I am letting out the steam
When the sky will be blue
And you will be by my side
The same will happen to me, what happens to snowman in the summer

In Summer

Bees will hum, kids will pluck dandelions
And everything what's nice
Becomes even better in summer.
To drink drinks,
To catch sunbeams
With back,
To watch how sunburn occurs
I'm able.
I'll see how warm
wind will disperse the snow
And I'll watch what the ice
does in warmth.
And everyone will greet me
All will say good about me
because coldness won't
surprise me, how good!
Hot and cold
like a gentle touch
it's about time
to combine both
It's not possible to
find carnation in winter but
in summer I'll definitely become
a...happy snowman.
When difficulties comes
I like to dream
that I let the concerns
to evaporate in the sun.
And there will be blue roof of skies
and you'll be there too
when I'll be what I wish
to be in summer.
In summer!