Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 24

Találatok száma: 1469



[Vers 1]
Nem tudom elmagyarázni, de érzem, hogy valami van
Egy őrült energia bennem
Először csak egy bizsergés, majd átváltozott égéssé
Mintha tűz lenne a véremben
És hallom ahogy a testem beszél, beszél, beszél
Egy íz minden, minden amire vágyok
Azon vagyok hogy megmásszam a falat
Biztos hogy nem leszek ma este egyedül
Gyere át, gyere át
Túl vagyok nélküled csinálni
Gyere át, gyere át
Hé szeretőm, adj egy kis cukrot
[Vers 2]
Függővé tett, nem tudod elvenni
Teljesen kielégít
És hallom ahogy a testem beszél, beszél, beszél
Egy íz minden, minden amire vágyok
Azon vagyok, hogy megmásszam a falat
Biztos, hogy nem leszek ma este egyedül
Gyere át, gyere át
Túl vagyok nélküled csinálni
Gyere át, gyere át
Hé szeretőm, adj egy kis cukrot
Csak egy kis csókba került, hogy megmutassam hiányzott
Hozzád képest senkinek nincs dicsekedni valója
Az ajkaid forrók és édesek, térdig érzem
Most már csak egy cukrot akarok a nyelvemen
Kellenek a csókjaid bébi, jönniük kell
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh

Learning (To Be Without You)

Before you there was no deep wound
The freedom of a wave that goes
My life always played on the edges
How can you believe in half?
Tell me what is this pain that goes down
Inside me, till my soul
Tell me why it is always the same question
The only one which has no answers
And your eyes, like lighthouses in the night, follow me
And they get bigger little by little
As I try to run away, to rip out your heart
To hide your name from the things I will do
But how to learn how to be without you, waiting
A breeze that takes farther
But where to go to look for another life, a sign
That doesn't make me think of you
I cross my deserts, still with uncertain steps
Stepping on my memories of you till they all become dust...
It's hard to learn how to be without you
And always look for something to do where there's none
And pass every night when I can find you
As I can't leave everything as it is
But I must learn to be without you,
A breeze that takes farther
But what will come after you...
The same question...
Till the soul...

Just like you

Just like you became my dark side of the world
A hole in the sky that i can not patch up today
So will l become something disappearing little by little
Your emptiness, your dark road with no return…
Just like you became my question mark
What life commands me, what it forbids me
So will I become a dream that passes irrevocably
In that black shirt that you always liked so much
You know it well, we need to go
As if nothing happened, as if time
Didn’t at all
Cut us in half
We need to go as if time
Didn’t at all cut in half…
Just like you left sand and dust after yourself
And this incessantly darkening sky above me
So will I leave a few traces after myself
Imprinted in you
Trampled down in wild grass
Just like you left after yourself just like that
A few torn up roads
A few demolished bridges
So after me, finally, only silence will remain
In which even our heartbeats won’t be heard
You know it well, we need to go
As if nothing happened, as if time
Didn’t at all
Cut us in half

Németh Szilárd

Soros1, migrant (ooo-ooo))
(Soros, migant (ooo-ooo))
They've bred him for his fur
He's the king of pigs
The way he works is simple
What he doesn't fuck, he breads2it
He stinks like cholera
Flies buzz around him
In his dreams, he's stuffing migrant-ashes into his urethra
His teeth are rotting
His peptic ulcer is becoming perforated
Sexual assault
Is his only chance with women
He got his wife by trapping her
Her home is the woodshed
She's so ugly that the Islamic State3took responsibility for her
He shows his middle finger to the EU
He doesn't give a crap about Brussels
They tell him, there're no more migrants
And he simply says: 'You're welcome!'
When he thinks of tripe4, he gives a sigh
Szilárd is the talking head cheese5
When he sees a pig, they're instantly on a first name basis
He would fuck it but he rather eats it
Szilárd is the talking head cheese
He's selling bonds from under the counter
For cash, illegally
That's how he got his new sty6
On Kósa's7mother's pig farm
The opposition is a bad joke
There's no need to make a new party
Cholesterol is going to change the government in Hungary
He shows his middle finger to the EU
He doesn't give a crap about Brussels
They tell him, there're no more migrants
And he simply says: 'You're welcome!'
When he thinks of tripe, he gives a sigh
Szilárd is the talking head cheese
When he sees a pig, they're instantly on a first name basis
He would fuck it but he rather eats it
Szilárd is the talking head cheese
He's Szilárd in name only, not in the state of matter8
Let's use a national animal against the Muslim
He's Szilárd in name only, not in the state of matter
Let's use a national animal against the Muslim
(Soros, migrant)
He's Szilárd in name only, not in the state of matter
(Soros, migrant)
He did away with the laws by eating them
When he thinks of tripe, he gives a sigh
Szilárd is the talking head cheese
When he sees a pig, they're instantly on a first name basis
He would fuck it but he rather eats it
Szilárd is the talking head cheese
  • 1. George Soros (1930-) is a Hungarian-born American billionaire investor and philanthropist.
  • 2. In the sense of to fry something (meat, cheese) in breadcrumbs.
  • 3. A militant group and former unrecognized proto-state.
  • 4. A type of edible lining from the stomachs of various farm animals.
  • 5. A cold cut terrine or meat jelly, often made with flesh from the head of a calf or pig (less commonly a sheep or cow), typically set in aspic, that originated in Europe.
  • 6. A small-scale outdoor enclosure for raising domestic pigs as livestock.
  • 7. Lajos Kósa (1964-) a Hungarian politician, who served as Mayor of Debrecen between 1998 and 2014.
  • 8. 'Szilárd' means 'solid'. This is a joke about Szilárd Németh being overweight.

Ismét újrakezdeni

És ígérem, hogy mikor a karjaimban tartalak
Egy szépséges és új szerelmet fogsz érezni
Ezúttal még jobban foglak szeretni
Mint korábban tettem
És a szívembe zárlak az örökkévalóságig
Túl fiatalok voltunk ahhoz, hogy értsük
Szerelembe estünk és mindent elengedtünk
Olyan egyszerű kimondani a szót, hogy viszlát
Olyan nehéz hagyni, hogy meghaljon az érzés
Most már tudom, hogy mennyire szükségem van rád
Az idő valahogy visszafelé jár
Amint a szívünk és a lelkünk eggyé válik
Biztosan tudom, hogy megtaláljuk az érzést
És most ismét újrakezdjük
Ami nem a legkönnyebb ügy
Bejutottam újra, úgy érzem
Mert valahányszor rád nézek
Tudom, hogy ismét újrakezdjük
Ezúttal szeretettel gyógyítunk minden fájdalmat
Üdvözöllek otthon szerelmem és barátom
Újrakezdjük, ismét újrakezdjük
Ha sosem éltünk volna egyedül
Akkor lehet, hogy sosem tudtuk volna meg
Minden idő, amit külön töltöttünk
Nem tettünk mást csak egymás szívét összetörtük
És ígérem, hogy mikor a karjaimban tartalak
Egy szépséges és új szerelmet fogsz érezni
Ezúttal még jobban foglak szeretni
Mint korábban tettem
És a szívembe zárlak az örökkévalóságig
És most ismét újrakezdjük
Ami nem a legkönnyebb ügy
Bejutottam újra, úgy érzem
Mert valahányszor rád nézek
Tudom, hogy ismét újrakezdjük
Ezúttal szeretettel gyógyítunk minden fájdalmat
Üdvözöllek otthon szerelmem és barátom
Újrakezdjük, ismét újrakezdjük
És most ismét újrakezdjük
Ezúttal minden esőfelhőt elűzünk
Üdvözöllek otthon szerelmem és barátom
Újrakezdjük, ismét újrakezdjük
Újrakezdjük, ismét újrakezdjük


The wind blows a crazy fog
My thoughts are a bully
Behind the storm rushes a sly fox
He is like me -- an adventurer
The wind blows a crazy fog
My thoughts are a bully
Behind the storm rushes a sly fox
He is like me -- an adventurer
Free will, somewhere two fields
came together in the vast expanse of Russia
The wind fell in love with the storm unwittingly
which he hummed about all the way home
Somewhere the heavens pull strongly
Somewhere, somewhere the beloved remembers and waits
The wind blows a crazy fog
My thoughts are a bully
Behind the storm rushes a sly fox
He is like me -- an adventurer
The wind blows a crazy fog
My thoughts are a bully
Behind the storm rushes a sly fox
He is like me -- an adventurer
Someone disbelieves, someone doesn't know
But in our land this doesn't occur
Who can understand Russia with the mind?
Her soul sings of her strength
Somewhere the heavens pull strongly
Somewhere, somewhere the beloved remembers and waits
The wind blows a crazy fog
My thoughts are a bully
Behind the storm rushes a sly fox
He is like me -- an adventurer
The wind blows a crazy fog
My thoughts are a bully
Behind the storm rushes a sly fox
He is like me -- an adventurer
Oi daga-dagadaj daga-dagadaj
Daga-dagadaj adventurer!
Daga-dagadaj daga-dagadaj
Daga-dagadaj adventurer
The wind blows a crazy fog
My thoughts are a bully
Behind the storm rushes a sly fox
He is like me -- an adventurer
The wind blows a crazy fog
My thoughts are a bully
Behind the storm rushes a sly fox
He is like me -- an adventurer
The wind blows a crazy fog
My thoughts are a bully
Behind the storm rushes a sly fox
He is like me -- an adventurer
The wind blows a crazy fog
My thoughts are a bully
Behind the storm rushes a sly fox
He is like me -- an adventurer

I have no friends

Come here baby
I got, I got everything you are looking for
I'm selfish
I'm unhappy
And I don't care about anyone but me.
I'm wonderful
I'm charming and don't know why I never
Have been the center of attraction
I'm a show-off
I'm a winner
I'm what the world lacks to be better
I don't share, I don't invite
I don't lend, I don't treat people to stuff
Do you not understand what I say?
I have no friends, I have no friends
And nobody wants to be with me
I have no friends, I have no friends
And nobody wants to be with me
Ask whatever you want
I will answer you
I'm never wrong because I know everything
And I'm superior
And I have it all
And with everything I have, by my side you'll stay
I don't share, I don't invite
I don't lend, I don't treat people to stuff
Do you not understand what I say?
I have no friends, I have no friends
And nobody wants to be with me
I have no friends, I have no friends
And nobody wants to be with me
I have no friends, I have no friends
And nobody wants to be with me
I have no friends, I have no friends
And nobody wants to be with me
I have no friends

Te tudod hogyan kell engem szeretni

Annyi idõ eltelt
Végül felfedeztem csókjaidat
Belegabalyodtam a tekintetedbe
Az összes hibámmal együtt öleltél
Te tudod hogyan kell engem szeretni
Te tudod hogyan kell engem imádni
Kedvesem, ne menj el
Maradj örökkön-örökké
Hogy szerethesselek az idõk végezetéig
Szívem, te tudod
Hogyan kell engem helyesen szeretni
Én vagyok a lángoló virág, mely színt ad
Életed kertjének
Szívem, te tudod
Hogyan kell engem helyesen szeretni
Kérlek, ne hagyj el
És én elég bátor leszek ahhoz, hogy viszont szeresselek
Annyi idõ eltelt
Mostmár tudom, hogy készen állok
Oly nehéz szerelmet találni
Hogy csak itt állok nyitott sebekkel
Nem érdekel mit gondolnak mások
Itt maradok, hogy az élet tanuja legyek
Örökkön-örökké itt,
Hogy szerethessünk az idõk végezetéig
Szívem, te tudod
Hogyan kell engem helyesen szeretni
Én vagyok a lángoló virág, mely színt ad
Életed kertjének
Szívem, te tudod
Hogyan kell engem helyesen szeretni
Kérlek, ne hagyj el
És én elég bátor leszek ahhoz, hogy viszont szeresselek
Szívem, te tudod
Hogyan kell engem helyesen szeretni
Én vagyok a lángoló virág, mely színt ad
Életed kertjének
Szívem, te tudod
Hogyan kell engem helyesen szeretni
Kérlek, ne hagyj el
És én elég bátor leszek ahhoz, hogy viszont szeresselek
Szívem, szívem te tudod
(Hogyan kell engem helyesen szeretni)
Szívem, te tudod hogyan kell engem szeretni, szerelmem
(Hogyan kell engem helyesen szeretni)
Au, ne menj el
Maradj örökre
(Hogyan kell engem helyesen szeretni)
És én elég bátor leszek ahhoz, hogy viszont szeresselek szerelmem
(Hogyan kell engem helyesen szeretni)

My heart

Versions: #1
The music is relaxing her
everything she does, she believes
I need such a girl
she never gives up
If she knew, if she knew
how it was once
I need such a girl
she never gives up
How happy she is
when mine she is
how wonderful it is
when mine she is
My heart is beating the fastest
my love only trusts you
know that my heart beats the fastest
my love only trusts you

It's my Night

My edge, I will find my edge
Since my love for you no longer exists
My night, it's my night
And the level tonight I will drop low
Whatever now I drink
I drink and celebrate
And when I feel dizzy
Then I do not consider you
Whatever I drink now
I drink and celebrate
And when I feel dizzy
I don't even recognize me
Dreams, we made dreams
That you never believed them even for a moment
You left instead and all around
To leave me empty body through the time's crack
Whatever now I drink
I drink and celebrate
And when I feel dizzy
Then I do not consider you
Whatever I drink now
I drink and celebrate
And when I feel dizzy
I don't even recognize me
Whatever now I drink
I drink and celebrate
And when I feel dizzy
Then I do not consider you
Whatever I drink now
I drink and celebrate
And when I feel dizzy
I don't even recognize me

Ide tartozom

Versions: #1
Hogy hív, a szél, a puszta felöl
Oly erősen hív, hogy nevemen szólít
Melegít mint napfény, és vad mint folyó
Eza hely, igen ide tartozom
Csillagos ég alat, hol sas madár szállt
Nincs párja e helynek, úgy hívom - hazám
A rétek illata,
Hegyeken holdfény,
Az erdőben szellő,
Ne kerüljön semmi e közé, és én
Mert mindenem, mi kell, it van minden kincsem
S ha mindjájan itt vagyunk, félelem nincsen
S hol bármerre járok, át ezer réten - Igen -
Ez a hely, ide mindig, mindig, hazatérek...

I wanted you to come.

You've been staying away for days.
That the ball doesn't meet the net.
I have no face to write you words.*
[I have no courage to write you words]
And I don't have ink in my printer either.
I am calling again. You're not calling back.
It is exam period, you say.
Baby, you forgot that I'm not a kid anymore.
But between us, I am sorry,
But I know that all day you're busy making up a story.
Another Netflix series with an ironic love story.
No one knows you like I do.
I wanted you to come and say that you and me together equal millions.
For such love you put all the chips on.
Don't forget it's just me who was there.
That everyone was gone When you were in trouble over your weight.
When your parents got divorced and your whole world fell apart,
It was just me who was there for you.
You've been telling everyone for days that you've found inner peace.
That you'd love me, and there's no one elese, but you're growing up.
I was a girl who lived in a movie
I was the one who got attached.
Darling you forgot Our love for real
But between us, I am sorry,
But I know that all day you're busy making up a story.
Another Netflix series with an ironic love story.
No one knows you like I do.
I've been waiting for you to come back and bring the good. I've been so devastated . I've been waiting for you to tell me.
All of which disappeared when you were in trouble over your weight.
When your parents got divorced and your whole world fell apart, It was just me who was there for you.

Too Late to be Brave

The bicycle turns this moment forward
In the back seat, whose gaze have I left behind?
Never thought the sight of you in your school uniform
Would also depart from my life
The wind blows through, wearing that little alleyway
In the end, it can’t catch your afterglow
Only you knew how to appreciate my dream
That was the most beautiful time of my life
It’s all because I didn’t learn to be brave in time
That you had to be alone
I fear that youth will depart just like that
Piling regrets upon regrets
Since then, we had nothing to do with each other
Regret is a bookmark in the book of youth
Tucked on the most painful page
That summer was like the falling leaves of autumn
Pretending to be brilliant and not afraid of parting
A heavy rain soaks the entire world
Flushing away everything we had
It’s all because I didn’t learn to be brave in time
That you had to be alone
How I want it to be the same as yesterday
Despite the absurdities of our youth
Don’t be sad anymore
It’s all because I didn’t learn to be brave in time
I hate how this life is too short
I’m willing to use everything to exchange
It’s still not too late to exchange
To exchange so the rest of my life won’t be spent alone
La la la, la la la la la la
La la la, la la la la la la

Let Us Start Over

In those eyes of yours made of ice
I rediscovered my face:
a bit little girl, a bit tyrant,
a puppet without a mother.
I walked towards a dream,
wandering without involvement,
often changing the direction with the wind,
without reason and feeling.
And sometimes, to overdo it,
I took the risk of making mistakes,
this life of mine is a roulette wheel.
Just a moment, I'm not done,
I just want to remind you
and if necessary, commit yourself
to start over.
I trampled on the hope
and sometimes, the consciousness,
borrowing your love,
like a buffoon with no heart.
Blind of pride at a low price,
full of nothing is my kind,
I always sell you with prudishness
this body of mine that knows how to give.
I hang the illusions on a nail,
the time for change has come,
a nameless stranger
and so many things to learn.
Put on your suit, the right one,
if you want to try with more taste
to start over.
Tender and eternal is this story
of an inglorious general
who spits judgments, masochist
with the defect of the artist.
Heart dressed as a soldier
of this war made in tranches,
reaching out for conquest
on an endlessly road.
I would like to know what gender
are all these ideas of mine,
to frame them with your step,
with you maybe I could.
If I do wrong, have patience,
let's try, for coherence,
to start over.
I have a suspect for my soul,
between disappointments and broken bones,
take a look, I end up
as a meal to some mad saint.
For me, who play with life,
your presence is my pay,
open window over a dream
that I have never forgotten.
I might even cry, if that helps,
I am not remote controlled.
Don't leave, because I feel you,
after all, you're my pirate,
but this time I bet
the two of us will go for sure
to start over.
Let us start over, let us start over,
let us start over, let us start over...

Life of Two Seconds

This is the life of two seconds
If you have to do something, then do it
Every moment is a dream
Who know whether it is yours or not
Always hide the sorrow by smiling
Live this life laughing
Somewhere, fireflies fly
Or somewhere a butterfly sitting
If you look, then it is beautiful
If you don't look, then it is nothing
If you think, all the scenes are yours
If you wish, all the stars are yours
If you have to lose, then lose. This is the message of victory
If you lose, then you will enjoy the victory
The thing that has started can't be stopped
Look, the scattered crowd has gathered.

Son of P.

My name is Igor and I'm seven
My dad says I'm worth a thousand diamonds
The school I go to, you're gonna laugh or not
Is named exactly like me
I have my best friend the director
With him I have fun for hours
Playing war, playing dodgeball
I have the balls and he's the one dodging
The only one the teacher respects
Is not the director, no no no no it's me
In the canteen, when there's spinach
For me, it's vodka and caviar
I always get full marks, I'm first everywhere
It may be talent but it's mostly
Because one evening, on the Volga
Mom met Dad
And that my dad is Vladimir Poutine
And if you say I suck he cuts off your supplies
My dad is Vladimir Poutine
It's not a fucking joke, you'll write to me from the gulag
My name is Igor and I'm fifteen
I stopped going to school a long time ago
I spend most of my days
Smoking in Red Square
The weed I smoke is named Igor
My rap group is named Igor
I have millions of followers on Twitter
It's my dad who gifted them to me
With my friends, all sons of ex-KGB agents
We skate naked under LSD
In the halls of the Duma and the Kremlin
I know no one will say anything
I'm gonna tell you something, you're not gonna believe it
I have no braces, no blackheads
My skin is perfect, not one pimple
Yes, but I have a little secret
It's that my dad is Vladimir Poutine
If you like the Pussy Riot, you will never be friends
My dad is Vladimir Poutine
It's not a fucking joke, you'll write to me from the gulag
My name is Igor and I'm thirty
My life now isn't like my life before
I had everything to succeed
But my hopes were shut down
At the same time as this submarine
That I had constructed by my own hands
At the inauguration I even constructed
Twelve pre-school and seven first grade classes
And my dad is Vladimir Poutine
Since I was making him sad, he invaded Ukraine
But my dad is Vladimir Poutine
It's not a fucking joke, I'm writing to you from the gulag

Pá gyönyör

Versions: #1
Egyik reggel, mikor felébredtem -
Óh, pá gyönyör, pá gyönyör, pá, pá, pá
Egyik reggel, mikor felébredtem -
szemben állt az áruló
Óh, partizán, vigyél el engem -
Óh, pá gyönyör, pá gyönyör, pá, pá, pá
Óh, partizán, vigyél el engem -
mert érzem, hogy haldoklom
Ha partizánként porladok el -
Óh, pá gyönyör, pá gyönyör, pá, pá, pá
Ha partizánként porladok el -
temess el, testvérem
Hegyek között temess el, kérlek -
Óh, pá gyönyör, pá gyönyör, pá, pá, pá
Hegyek között temess el, kérlek -
hantomra virágot ültess
S aki arra jár majd, elámul rajta -
Óh, pá gyönyör, pá gyönyör, pá, pá, pá
S aki arra jár majd, elámul rajta -
mily szép a partizán virága
Szép virág az: a partizáné -
Óh, pá gyönyör, pá gyönyör, pá, pá, pá
Szép virág az: a partizáné -
szép virág a szabadságé!

First letter

I'm writing my first letter to you,
Let it tell, let it remind you of me.
How I missed you, how I waited for you,
Let it all pass, it all pass, just not in vain.
It will all pass, listen,
It will all pass, I'm not sorry,
The tenderness of love, joy of meeting and silent sadness.
Let me see you in your fairy-tale dream
And I'll understand, that I didn't write you in vain.
I'm writing you, hoping for nothing,
I quickly tell you three words only,
First letter, like a first love,
Let it all pass and not come back to us again.
It will all pass, listen,
It will all pass, I'm not sorry,
The tenderness of love, joy of meeting and silent sadness.
Let me see you in your fairy-tale dream
And I'll understand, that I didn't write you in vain.

The sun burns

The night flew by like a vicious wind,
But I don't believe, that now
You and I will part so easily
And I'll close the door behind you.
I won't betray our love forever,
I'll always love you.
Only that person will be happy,
That wants to be happy on earth.
The sun burns,
It burns in the sky today, just for you.
Time flies,
Flies without delay, burning hearts.
I know the day will come,
And you'll remember -
There's no greater power than love.
You see - the door is open,
And I'm waiting for you to come,
So that we'll be happy again.
The sun burns,
It burns in the sky today, just for you.
Time flies,
Flies without delay, burning hearts.
The day will pass,
Life will pass, and with it, love.
Time flies,
Flies, like the wind, you can't bring it back again.

Rain And You

I don’t long for you anymore
I don’t miss you anymore
I’m forgetting about our love
But I still can’t figure out why
My heart starts to shed tears whenever it rains
Just like the day long ago
When you left
I’m alright now, love has gone
But why am I shedding tears like a fool?
The faded and faraway memories
How they pierce my heart
So even though I resent you
I still long for you
I’m alright now, love has gone
But why am I shedding tears like a fool?
You’ll never come back but I hate myself for not forgetting
When will my heart stop aching?

My Heart is Happy, My Heart is Hurting

When I think about the lie
Of the one who loves no longer
When I think about it
My heart hurts
For this love that ends
And will never come back
But suddenly I think of you
And then my heart is happy
Oh oh oh oh
My heart hurts
Oh oh oh oh
My heart is happy
When I think about the suffering
Of the girl crying down there
When I think about it
My heart hurts
It was her first love
And everything is already over
And you are next to me
So my heart is happy
Oh oh oh oh
My heart hurts
Oh oh oh oh
My heart is happy
When I think that luck
Might turn around one day
My heart hurts when I think about it
For this door that comes to me
When I think all of this
You tell me 'I'm here'
So my heart is happy
Oh oh oh oh
My heart hurts
Oh oh oh oh
My heart is happy

Jump, jump, jump

'Jump, jump, jump', said Rannanjärvi when he made his stallion dance. x2
Another wild boy has left his poor home. x2
'When you've got good horses, money and grain, shouldn't you live like a lord?'
'And when you've got a wild nature, why shouldn't you carouse in this world?'
And the boys of Härmä ran around and all of them were gangsters. x2
And in Härmä they sang magnificently and the village road echoed x2
'Jump, jump, jump', said Rannanjärvi when he rode his cart. x2
'These boys have been driven to the Härmä court of law.' x2
'I'll be damned', said Rannanjärvi, 'if I fear any man.' x2
'Punch them on the nose with a steel baton and beat their backs with steel.' x2
'Take the big ones', said Rannanjärvi 'if the little ones don't have the strength.' x2
'My house is my own though my wife isn't, and I've got three sons.' x2
'Take the big ones', said Rannanjärvi ''cause the little ones don't have the strength.' x2
'Whether I live well or badly, I'll answer for it myself.'
'Don't be sad father, and don't be sad mother, though you son is a shackled prisoner.' x2
'The boys is only secure when there's an iron bolt on the door.' x2
'Don't be sad sister, and don't be sad brother, don't be sad my sweetheart.' x2
'The boy is only safe when, the boy is only safe when, the boys is only safe when, the boy is safe when...'
'He is forever by the black earth.'

Dark by Day

How many times I’ve lost control
And I slipped down
Even in daylight it’s been dark for over a year
I look for myself and I don't find me anymore
I smoke a little
I can’t fall asleep if you're not here
I know it
That like in Formula 1
I have to run alone
I won’t call anyone, I’ll make smoke signals
With my mouth open
I got lost in the dark, with a broken heart
Looking for the pieces on the ground
I’ll find some peace in the midst of this war
I’ll cultivate where the grass doesn’t grow
A flower will be born with your name
Even if there is no sun
I was scratching images off my head
And I let in some light through the window
I don’t know what scares me
A message from you is a cold shower
And my room gets narrower
I smoke a little
I can’t fall asleep if you're not here
I know it
I only need a ray of sunshine in the dark
To light the road on the way back
I won’t call anyone, I’ll make smoke signals
With my mouth open
I got lost in the dark, with a broken heart
Looking for the pieces on the ground
I’ll find some peace in the midst of this war
I’ll cultivate where the grass doesn’t grow
A flower will be born with your name
Even if there is no sun

Go And Return To Me

I return to those same moments
planting trees in the garden
I will not see them grow anymore
don't know what will be now
i saw 50 years into the future
my life passing by
the heart cries out
now go out on your way
And at night the thoughts disappear in waves
i go on and return to me
the tunes go up and up
the word end
i go on and return to me
How many times i sat on the side and saw everything change
i tried to create some type of idyllic life, i was left done in and tired
wars without end inside me between my body and soul, between my heart and my desires
response of the call
for the wonderful quiet
for real time between me and myself
taking me time to understand myself
not fearing to meet the emptiness that floods me
causes me to flee from myself
shows me the hole that is inside
i know that i left my home
i know that i broke a heart
i am upset with myself when i now realize how much pain i caused to those that i love the most
And at night the thoughts disappear in waves
i go on and return to me
the tunes go up and up
the word end
i go on and return to me

Elevator Girl

Versions: #1
Hey lady, are you going up or down?
No matter what you say or what you do
You’re going down
Are you going up or going down?
Hey lady, are you going up or down?
Girl, we’re going up
Girl, we’re going down
Hold on tight, we’re fall fall falling fast
Strapped in this never-ending Hellevator
Going up, going down
Going up, going down HELL Yeah!
Which is the right way?
Blood’s rushing to my brain
Before you know it you’re burning at the stake
Yeah, we’re always holding on for dear life
Going up, going down
Going up, going down HELL Yeah!
Hey lady, are you going up or down?
No matter what you say or what you do
You’re going down
Girl, we’re going up
Girl, we’re going down
Hold on tight, we’re fall fall falling fast
Strapped in this never-ending Hellevator
Going up, going down
Going up, going down HELL Yeah!
Which is the right way?
Blood’s rushing to my brain
Before you know it you’re burning at the stake
Yeah, we’re always holding on for dear life
Going up, going down
Going up, going down HELL Yeah!
Girl, we’re going up
Girl, we’re going down
Yeah, we’re always holding on for dear life

O Light born (of Light)

O Light born of Light,
Jesus, redeemer of the world,
with loving-kindness deign to receive
suppliant praise and prayer.
Thou who once deigned to be clothed in flesh
for the sake of the lost,
grant us to be members
of thy blessed body.

Widow of America

:,: I was a widow of America, and that's why I sing about them, :,:
:,: I've often wiped tears of sorrow from my eyes. :,:
:,: Whether you're a wedded wife or a young lass. :,:
:,: you must never let your friend go to America. :,:
:,: But those damned men who seduce married women, :,:
:,: they ruin them worse than the frost ruins the crops. :,:
:,:I'm another widow of America, but none of you know that, :,:
:,: since I'm singing about myself, I have a right to sing. :,:
:,: And nobody knows of my sorrow except the Lord in heaven, :,:
:,: my man wouldn't shield me from the storm. :,:
:,: I've suffered wrongly, but I don't care a hoot, :,:
:,: but I won't keep such a man as my own. :,:
:,: I'm warning you widows of America, you mustn't drink vodka :,:
:,: You mustn't walk with people, or bring people over. :,:
:,: But those men are possessed by the devil, :,:
:,: they have wives but they seduce other women. :,:
:,: The men have escorted many wives to prison, :,:
:,: and they retain their honour, but what good is that for? :,:
:,: I was a widow of America, and that's why I sing about them, :,:
:,: I've often wiped tears of sorrow from my eyes. :,:

Around Midsummer

Around Midsummer the weather is warmer,
on the shores of America the boys are more loving,
Sun ralla-la-lei, sun ralla-la-lei, how they seduce us.
My sweetheart went to America, I was left behind like a widow,
he told me to wait for twelve years.
Sun ralla-la-lei, sun ralla-la-lei, how they seduce us.
Six years have gone by and that's a half,
and in the meantime I won't take a replacement for my sweetheart.
Sun ralla-la-lei, sun ralla-la-lei, how they seduce us.
My sweetheart left for America on top of a sand train,
here the little birds sign mournfully.
Sun ralla-la-lei, sun ralla-la-lei, how they seduce us.

Ice world

I remember you, glimmering dawn,
Deep in the dark forest, snow was the light
I remember you, shivering ice
You, who slowly weave your web across the frothy face of the lake
I remember you, quiet song in the valley
That which came from the heart and always told truths
I remember you, passing time
You, who glide in the wind or stay still here
I want to see you in quiet, not saying anything
Strolling on a snowy street, I would tread upon your soul
I would believe in a flower which is born from ice
I would breate on its petals, hoping for a miracle
I remember you, tiny man
Your heart is in the right place, you don't even have to ask
You can still see your ice world in your innermost place
May it bring light into your nicest dreams
I want to see you in quiet, not saying anything
Strolling on a snowy street, I would tread upon your soul
I would believe in a flower which is born from ice
I would breate on its petals, hoping for a miracle

EVIL LOVER stupid cunt

When I woke up in the morning, you were there and you were baking my parents.
Crazy Baby. So you are.
Ugly, evil my bitch.
Come on, let's go out. Let's kill those dressed up idiots in town.
You're frolicking with a chainsaw in one hand.
Let's rip up those crowds and go to that store.
I promised to buy you matching murdering weapons today.
Evil evil evil evil lover
Evil evil evil evil lover
Oi, where should I meet you in the hell?
you are waving a corpse to me in front of that store.
I will make it for ya, my special weapon.
And the sex that follows will be a death battle.
Evil evil evil evil lover
Evil evil evil evil lover
Flesh and bone on the plate. Every day is like a hell.
Drink blood once in a while. How about a refill?
Crazy Baby. So you are.
crazy, crazy my bitch.
Evil evil evil evil lover
Evil evil evil evil lover
L O V E R, L O V E R.

Spirituelles Equilibrium

Lonely and black – you sit there alone – peaceful and sad – feeling well, feeling down
In this magical dark world – still so warm, still so filled – with melancholy
No, you don't belong to this world – i'll take you with me to the cold grave...
Maybe in the black abyss of madness – you finally can open your eyes... can open your eyes... can open your eyes...
I see love where you see hate – no longer try to make you understand – I just go my way... my way...