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A keresés eredménye oldal 5

Találatok száma: 234


The Augustinian Church

Did you know that we were married in this church? Rudolph and I?
[ MARY ]
Your Highness.
I can understand that the sacrament of marriage may seem like an antiquated institution for a modern woman like yourself. But for me, it was an extremely special day.
I was about your age, then.
Do you know what is kept in this church? The hearts of the Habsburgs!
Fifty-four, currently. From time to time I come here in order to remind myself that even the Habsburgs have hearts.
[ MARY ]
Your Majesty, why...
Please, let's dispense with the formalities. There's no one here but us two and God.
[ MARY ]
I sincerely apologize if I've caused you any grief. That was not my intention.
At first, Rudolph's indiscretions shocked me. But I think a person can get used to almost anything.
Then, as our first child was born, I hoped that he would curb his manly desires. But said desires seemed to be insatiable.
You are not like all the others?
[ MARY ]
I love him!
I live with him!
So the prince on his white horse gradually loses his charm. For a few years, you carry the burden. The burden of a path you will never tread!
[ MARY ]
I love him and he loves me. There's nothing more that I need to know!
Do you know the way that he clears his throat before he tells a lie? There's no warning before the big ones, but before the little ones, he clears his throat every time. Before the tiny lies that he wants to protect you from. He knows that I will always forgive him. But you? You don't live by the rules. You use your youth and your beauty and take whatever you want. You live in a world above all the rules, but you won't be able to flee from the consequences of your actions. No one will forgive you.
[ MARY ]
Why do you hate me so?
Because he loves you so!
That is all. Leave me.

Apocalypse Salon II

A safe haven for us
When night descends
A safe haven where we
Don't owe the world anything
[ MAN ]
No one dies in the spotlight
in such ravishing beauty
like the magnificent actress
Sarah Bernhardt
Dying is Sarah Bernhardt's specialty!
[ WOMAN 2 ]
She does it every night
[ MAN ]
And on Saturdays, twice!
Give me the bottle!
[ MAN ]
The usual?
Excuse me, gentlemen, but we are closed to the public.
[ MAN ]
Oh, listen to this!
Tell us then!
[ MAN ]
United forever--not even death could separate them
A saying they probably took seriously!
He shoots...
And she shoots...
in the same moment,
Now they're together forever!
No Viennese humor here
That was no joke!
Longing for love, yet embraced by death
struck right in the heart
Who seeks the promise of true happiness
Who will be next to disappear into endless ecstasy
Let it happen tonight!
Rudolph, I would die with you!
[ WOMAN 2 ]
I'd die every night with you!
Oh? And who will be around to resurrect me?
[ WOMAN 2 ]
I think I could manage!

Editorial Office of the Vienna Daily

The usual story
Antisemitism may be the usual story, Monsieur Clemenceau, but here an entirely new chapter has been opened!
Yes, and the style hasn't improved
And how would it? With Count Taaffe's filthy handprints everywhere...
They're here!
Oh God...
Monsieur Clemenceau, Andrássy--all the way from Budapest!
and...I don't believe we've been acquainted?
Heinrich Vogelsang, Your Highness
My trusted lawyer
Have you shown the crown prince our proposal?
No, but...
Rudolph, those who have gathered here, you and I and George, are the coming generation of rulers--the political leaders of tomorrow! But we need to begin here and now to form alliances. We need to agree on a set of principles that will form the foundation of a new Europe.
Your Highness, in this box you'll find the 20th century that the world deserves. And it's in our hands to ensure that the people receive it.
Europe needs peace, no? The people yearn for a liberal constitution, like they yearn for air and light!
Are we just to stand by as we watch the Prussians lead us into a dark century full of blood, fear, and hate? I think we all know where your sympathies lie, but we need to know if you're ready for more.
Ehm...gentlemen, I am also convinced that we cannot continue to be Prussia's toy...
Ach, Rudolph! The old Europe would rather perish than...

The Conference Room

The calls of the German nationalists for a union with Germany are growing louder and louder!
That's exactly why we need to renew our alliance with Germany!
There are rumors, Your Majesty, that there is an alliance between France and Great Britain in the works.
Also...it seems that Julius Felix is playing a not insignificant role in this matter.
Is the man hiding behind this name really my nephew Johann Salvator?
Majesty, I hardly dare to say it, but I fear there is evidence that supposes that...the crown prince...
My son! Impossible!

The Skating Club / Tralala

Who can say what the future will bring?
We laugh and dance in elation
Spinning as though there won't be a tomorrow
Today everyone is in love!
[ WOMAN 1 ]
I'm looking for the real thing
[ MAN 1 ]
So, ma'am, understand,
If the real thing is nowhere to be found
Snatch up what's in front of you!
[ MAN 2 ]
Laugh, joke, amuse yourselves
Float, dance over the ice!
[ MAN 1 ]
Celebrate as long as happiness is on your side
Because before long it might exact its price!
Tralala tralala tralala
Yes, who can predict what the future will bring?
We laugh and dance in elation
Spin as though there won't be a tomorrow
Today everyone is in love!
Tralala tralala tralala
Yes, who can predict what the future will bring?
When today happiness beckons so promisingly?
Spinning on the ice elegantly and with charm
Dancing through the night arm in arm
Continue to spin... and
[ MEN ]
Continue to spin... and
Continue to sway... and
[ MEN ]
Continue to sway... and
It's clear to all
It's open to all
[ MEN ]
Perhaps tonight
A spark will ignite...
Tralala tralala tralala
Yes, who can see what the future will bring?
Today we'll take every chance, even if we fail
Spinning as though there won't be a tomorrow
Today everyone is in love!
Yes, who can predict what the future will bring?
We'll dance as long as the music keeps playing
Reach for happiness, otherwise it'll move in itself
But today everyone's free to do so themselves!
[ ALL ]
Tralala tralala tralala
We're dancing tonight without a care
[ MARY ]
Julius Felix! I still can't believe it!
Tonight I'm just Rudolph.
Oh, come, call me by my name
[ MARY ]
I like Julius better
No, Rudolph! Please...
[ MARY ]
My name has never sounded better
[ MARY ]
I see your cold is as beautiful as ever!

In the Moment I First Saw You

I see your cold is still as beautiful as ever!
[ MARY ]
But still not as complicated!
Yes, I admit, my life is like a balancing act
For example, look at Willigut over there!
[ MARY ]
Who is Willigut?
A pair of Count Taaffe's numerous eyes and ears.
Willigut has been especially assigned to me
[ MARY ]
A spy?
The Minister President would probably describe him more as a secret agent
That sounds more innocuous, and therefore more official
[ MARY ]
How terrible!
You get used to it
Why don't we have a little fun with Willigut?
[ MARY ]
And how would we do that?
Let's begin by acting as if we're whispering
Quietly in each other's ears
Sigh and then laugh and then turn to face me
And I'll pull you towards me
[ MARY ]
Should it seem as if this is all new?
Furtive, bashful, and shy?
No, nothing's new, so we can drop that act
[ BOTH ]
And now we'll play this game
Float as if in the clouds with me!
[ MARY ]
Let all the ice melt away!
Just as it happened in the moment when I first saw you
[ MARY ]
He's writing...
Should we provoke him a bit more?
What exactly do you have in mind?
[ MARY ]
I could lose myself in your eyes, because I've long been lost myself
And I confess it openly, how could it be otherwise
Since it happened in the moment when I first saw you
Come, let's risk even more
Ignite a fire on the ice until it burns
[ MARY ]
Until the sparks force him to flee the rink
Now it's over for him
[ MARY ]
Now our hearts can beat freely
Just as it happened in the moment when I first saw you
I want your hat as well!
[ BOTH ]
Only when the night fades away
And the time to part approaches
I can hardly believe it, because as I close my eyes, it's all as it happened...
[ BOTH ]
Like in the moment when I first saw you!
[ MARY ]
Can I--Can I tell you a secret?
[ MARY ]
I like Julius Felix a lot more than the crown prince
Can I also tell you a secret?
...me too!
Life should always be like this...
[ MARY ]
Life is always like this...
At least in this moment
But it should always be like this!
And... for everyone
[ MARY ]
As far as I know you're the crown prince
Can't you just order happiness?
Oh, if only life was so easy!
No, real life is more...
[ MARY ]
There it is again, that word. It follows me. Like Willigut.
[ MARY ]
Is there no place on earth where life isn't complicated?
Of course there is!
[ MARY ]
The place is called Mayerling...
Mayerling is... beautiful
Especially in the spring, when everything is in bloom...and hope is everywhere
I always go back there in order to dream the dreams of Julius Felix.
There, the impossible is possible
Insanity seems rational,
Foolishness seems wise,
and the ugliness of the world vanishes
But I'm sure that sounds...
[ MARY ]
It sounds wonderful!
Bring me there?

Prater / Trust in Us

[ MARY ]
Hmm, you seem today more like a frog than a prince!
I feel more like a frog right now
[ MARY ]
What's wrong?
In these last few weeks with you, I've been...
happier than I'd ever dared to dream!
[ MARY ]

Apocalypse Salon

Is everything okay with you, Rudolph? You seem somewhat distracted
[ MAN ]
You'd have it easier if you were French, dearie!
Lately, Rudolf has developed a liking for all things French
Or Russian!
Rudolph loves Russian women!
Damn it, Willie, please do me a favor and for once, don't talk politics.
Now I'll show you how a real German fights on two fronts at the same time!
That Clemenceau should try and imitate this!
I prefer to dedicate myself completely to my campaign!
“Good-night, sweet prince.
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.”

A Shining Future

Our dream of the future
Carries us far away
It forges a new path forward
and imbues this place
Yes, I see a brilliant era approaching, inexorably close
Our way to the future has opened up before us
On the way to the future
To the dazzling future
A brilliant future
Where visions become reality
Yes, I see this future
The way ahead is still blocked
Our way to the future leads into a new world


{Verse 1}
Since when you left me,
My heart was filled with pain,
There is a vast emptiness in my heart,
I don't know what can I fill it with.
It was like a movie when we first met,
Then why is the moonlight so harsh on me now?1
I am puzzled with these memories,
And the Merry-Go-Round of sadness,
{Chorus 1}
My whispers of love never,
Where absorbed in this crowd,
My love never reached you,
Now I wander through the night,2
Missing Beauty.
{Verse 2}
I walk around aimless,
In this illumination of lights and loneliness in my heart,
As I think of how can I get back to you,
I can't even walk straight in this lonely night,
Only 8% charge is left in my phone,
How can I convey my feelings,
I am in two minds,
I want to touch your hands,
I want to be with you sing with you,
And that Orange Stage that we dreamt of,
I want to meet you,
I want to see you,
I will dreamt about it till Midnight
{Chorus 1 + 2}
My whispers of love never,
Where absorbed in this crowd,
My love never reached you,
Now I wander through the night,
Would you give me another chance,
I will dedicate myself to you,
If there is something such as destiny,
I will put myself at stake to it.3
Missing Beauty
  • 1. lit. Why is the moonlight shining so harshly on me
  • 2. lit. Wander in the starry sky
  • 3. lit. Believe in it with rigour

Curtain Up

[ ENSEMBLE (Nobility) ]
What a theater, what splendor
What brilliance fills the night!
A triumph of the new era
It's almost time for the curtain to rise!
Everyone holds themselves elegantly
Sophisticated and charming
Everyone glows and everyone laughs
Tonight is an exciting night!
One is owed what they're due,
Here jewelry from all over the world is to be seen
Vienna is a city of power and riches
We spend money because we can!
[ ENSEMBLE (The public) ]
All of these things don't belong to you because you took them from us!
You let us go hungry and just mean to exploit us!
[ WOMAN (Public) ]
You give us nothing but empty promises!
[ ENSEMBLE (Nobility) ]
These people will only behave when they believe they've gotten what they're due.
Pay no attention to this self-important whining!
[ ENSEMBLE (Nobility) ]
Let the rabble mock themselves
Unsophisticated, overexcited
Just see the promise this night brings
Vienna shines with prosperous light
Count Taaffe, isn't the light inspiring?
Your Highness, it seems to me that perhaps its importance has been overhyped.
Now the dream of a new world has begun
But, of course, God remains first above all
[ ENSEMBLE (Nobility) ]
Everyone gleams and everyone laughs
Today is an exciting night!
See how the world converges in Vienna
Everyone who thinks something of themselves
Curtain up, we're all prepared
Compose yourself, it's almost time
Listen to the choir's fanfare
Something big is coming!
[ MAN ]
His majesty, Emperor Franz Josef
This year marks the celebration of my fortieth year on the throne of Austria-Hungary.
Tonight we celebrate the dedication of the new Hofburg Theater.
With the simple pulling of this lever, the theater will gleam for the first time with electricity
And we look forward to a shining future ahead of us...
(Celebration, 'Bravo!')
[ WOMEN, in canon ]
The truth is never quite far from fiction, and that means in Vienna:
A little indiscretion, what's wrong with that? Tomorrow it will be forgiven
That's the Viennese shame, soon we...
(Shot, screaming)

An Emperor Protects the State

You don't want to listen!
No, you don't understand!
What needs to happen so that you'll do what you're told?
No, you don't understand!
How malicious can you be?
You call this the work of a hero?
Out of everyone, it's my son
Who commits the highest treason against me?
Can you not see the truth?
How can I continue to stand by you?
To stand aside while our family is ripped apart at your hand?
Was this price worth it to you?
The price you pay for your principles?
That what your heart so desperately wants:
Can you continue to carry on this way?
Or could it be possible?
Did I always know, deep down?
Could some of your dreams actually be realized?
Unquestionably real?
You're my son, my only son
But with you I have to break tradition
Were I to act as you think is right
I'd lose myself...
No, it's you who are wrong! It must be so!
You are the fool! See things as I do!
It's the statesman within me who's speaking now
No matter what comes between us
It can't affect me.
High treason can only be handled by an emperor
An emperor protects the state
You are not worthy to be my heir.

Mary's Song

[ MARY ]
I feel deep down inside
Somewhere very close
My soul is waiting to be moved
As I've never been moved before
A heart that beats with mine
And dares to venture forth with me in this harsh world
Is this just a dream in my head
That will float away come morning?
Oh, to find the soul
That will venture into fire by my side!

The Courage to Act

So much should have happened long ago
But I never dared
to forge my own way forward
I've waited so long for this moment
But even now, I don't feel prepared
Is this reality or only a dream
Or is my fight finally beginning?
The time has come where deeds
and no longer words count
The time has come
Where hesitations can't be allowed
Whether right or not --
from now on I'll follow the voice
that speaks to me
Because the vision before me is so clear
And even dreams can sometimes come true
But it requires strength and leadership
It requires the courage to act
From now on I'll forge a completely new path
From now on nothing will be impossible
The time has come when deeds
And no longer words count
The time has come
when I can no longer return to what was
It'll succeed, or not --
but now I'll fight with all my determination
for a future in this country
There's so much put on my shoulders
But it requires the will to fight
It requires the courage to act
What counts is willingness and leadership
It requires the courage to act

Unknown World Map

(Unknown World Map World Map)
(Unknown World Map World Map)
I don't do things like wishing on stars
I don't think things like 'If only my wish would come true'
Even teachers won't teach it
It can't be guessed with school grades
I don't need jealous gazes
It was my first love
I don't care about love charms
I've never had girl talk
The tutorial won't start
It was my first map
I'll stretch my hands to the sky now
The spark effects burst out
My chest sounds out at a world I've never seen
Together with the wind, the field spreads further
Dot to dot, they get connected (Unknown World Map)
A chain reaction spreads further
I don't do things like wishing on stars
I don't think things like 'If only my wish would come true'
A sun that rains down brilliantly
A voice that sings out lala
Even the sweet smell of soda
Was an uncertain dream
The adante tempo continues on
The exclaimation mark loiters about
Even angels can't explain it
After the ending finishes
The moments I touched spark out
I cheer up and my heart dances
I'll stretch my hands to the sky now
The spark effects burst out
My chest sounds out at a world I've never seen
Together with the wind, the field spreads further
Dot to dot, they get connected (Unknown World Map)
A chain reaction spreads further (Unknown World Map)

M, the Worker

Diamonds are only stones
10,000 yen bills are only paper
Ammonites are only shells
Humans are like ant lions
Go to work!1 Go to work! ...
A great man's words are only lies
Hot tears are only water
The king has donkey ears
Humans are like sea-monkeys
Go to work! Go to work! ...
Aristotle is only a person
Arthur Rimbaud is also only a person
Even Nietzsche is only a person
Humans are like mitochondria!
Go to work! Go to work! ...
Go to work - you're always working
That's right, go to work - work until you die
There's an aurora burning in Beijing
But that has nothing to do with your life! So
Go to work! Go to work! ...
'Ladies and gentlemen, do you have a dream?!
If you do, then work! It's all about hard work!'
'With all due respect, mister!
Can dreams really be achieved through hard work?
Can it bring back my dead lover?
Can Japan become India?2
The king's ears are donkey ears, aren't they!?'
Diamonds are only stones
10,000 yen bills are only paper
Ammonites are only shells
What the hell are humans then!?
Go to work! Go to work! ...
  • 1. Lit: Work, the imperative verb. I thought 'go to work' seemed to be a better fit.
  • 2. A reference to their other song, '日本印度化計画' = 'The plan to turn Japan into India'.


I am relentlessly painting
On the torn, old canvas.
Running away from monotonous life,
I am trying to dock at my dream.
Behind me the envious repeat: 'You are hopeless, get out of here.'
But I will not sour from the sorrow,
Continuing to create
Night and day.
As long as I have belief,
My people, my hope, my love,
The almighty has opened the doors for me,
I will make it! Even though I'll turn into blood.


Wanna love me - OK, love me, love me, like my mom
Wanna touch me - touch me, ah, alack, i'm a hologram
C'mon, go, search in my soul for treasures,
But everyone, who went there, has died in monster's claws
No one has ever been saved from my nightmares,
Such an amperage in my keyholes,
There is an altitude sickness, where edelweisses grow
If you wanna dive in there - fine, but don't drop off
Like me, I'm alone at home, I'm at home
To the bottom, where's my sorrow, my, my
I'm alone at home, I'm at home
To the bottom, where's my sorrow, my, my
Frizzing over hill, over steep cliff
Radiance cut in the sky's cloth
You'll find easy - void feels stiffer than me
Let's agree: don't be carefree with me
I'm gonna be so open to you, rip all steams up, look
Everyone, who sewed me up, left something inside
Just be sterile, when you're diving in
Let's watch together how you screw it up
And I'll stay alone at home, I'm at home, I'm at home
To the bottom, where's my sorrow, my, my
I'm alone, I'm at home, I'm at home
To the bottom, where's my sorrow, my, my
I'm alone, I'm at home, I'm at home
To the bottom, where's my sorrow, my, my
I'm alone, I'm at home, I'm at home
To the bottom, where's my sorrow, my, my

The Path to the Future

Versions: #1
Our dream of the future
carries us far away,
blazes new paths here,
it flows through this place.
See the wonders of progress
draw inexorably close to all of mankind.
Our path to the future
has opened up before us.
With the power of our minds, we've accomplished great things.
This awakening to the new has stoked up courage.
Let the light of renewal guide you all,
fight for freedom in our country.
Our path to the future
lies in our hands alone.
[The people (together with Rudolf):]
Our path to the future,
our path to the future,
our path to the future,
our dreams become reality!
Our path to the future,
and the path isn't much further for us.
Our path to the future
leads to a new world of freedom.
It's long since been time!
Are all of you ready?
Let's go this way and our dream will become reality!
Don't stand still anymore!
Let everyone be what they want!
Create a new world with me
for freedom!
You are free in thought,
you're equal before the world,
you're all brothers in spirit,
conduct yourselves as you please!
Fight with me for the life never lived,
free from injustice!
Let's start today,
the way there isn't much further!
[The people (together with Rudolf):]
Our path to the future,
our path to the future,
our path to the future,
our dreams become reality!
Our path to the future,
and the path isn't much further for us.
Our path to the future
leads to a new world of freedom.
Don't stand still any longer!
Dare to look,
with our power combined, so much can still happen!
Take it into your own hands!
You're the country's hope!
Create a new world with me
for freedom!
Free from hatred and contempt,
free from greed and envy,
with the pride of people who thrive on progress,
we'll set off, united by our strength to understand tomorrow even now!
[The people:]
Our path to the future
Let's look ahead!
[The people:]
Our path to the future
And greatness will ensue!
[The people:]
Our path to the future
[Rudolf / The people:]
The path is ready for us,
the path to a new era!

If we went to a martial arts stadium

Hey! Do you hear it
Filled with countless thoughts
This nameless singing voice
You quickly guided it with your hand
If we were to run though the storm
What would we see on the other side?
Trust that one day we will reach
The faraway place where we made our promise
I'm sure that right now we're on an invisible stage in a dream
And that it continues further on


The sweet honey of the night, a back alley at three A.M.
With brandy still in my system, I’ll choose who to go off with
That girl’d be nice, but so would this one and that one
She’d follow me drunkenly, walking in zig-zag steps
I could easily relieve some stress by hooking up with her
—so says the one with the small paycheck
I buy my spring without hesitation
and simply laugh at the ordinary people I send flying into a rage
Please, envelop me completely
Bonita*, let’s play around as we go
Bonita, let’s stay quiet
Bonita, I love everything about you
Hey, Bonita, tonight too, you smile at,
Bonita, these tactless customers,
hospitable even if you’re boiling with rage
So watch your step and keep an eye out for madmen
“Saying ‘because it’s impossible to try and live as a normal person,’
what would your parents say if they saw you now?”
Don’t talk bullshit like that
What’s with that? So what?
It’s not going to pay me anything
In any case, using men’s nature to want young girls’ flowers—
I’m making a fortune, a fortune
Bonita, men in vain suits
Bonita, or thick-headed nerds
Bonita, once you peel their masks off, they’re all the same
Hey, Bonita, the Moby Dick of**
Bonita, these customers
looks up from their underlying motives
Stop it with the pointless dirty jokes
Bonita, you play your deranged believers
Bonita, like a koto string ringing out***
Bonita, even if they were to touch you, it’d be the same in the end
Hey, Bonita, putting up a bluff as I grab your wrist
Bonita, you’re full of energy tonight too
Playing this childish game for adults
Lighting fire to a cigarette and a pregnancy
If I manage to get you to open up even once, it’d taste of honey

Forest of makeup

Ah, I kept dreaming
That I was going to a far forest
Where will I roam with that word?
Ah, if my feelings collapse
For the vivid colors
To fade someday
If I could murmur so easily
Even sensible words
Give me your tenderness
Until it slips from your fingers
Because I want to believe in now
Stay without stealing my love with a sigh
Ah, where will lead
This thread of pain?
Catch the evening sun on the other side
Ah, I know nobody
If you understand my heart
Keep believing in my feelings
At least look at me
Because I'm untying my hair
Without greeting the morning
Keep wrapping me in your chest
As if you hold me
Stay without breaking my heart lost in dreams
Give me your tenderness
Until it slips from your fingers
Because I want to believe in now
Stay without stealing my love with a sigh
Without greeting the morning
Keep wrapping me in your chest
As if you hold me
Stay without breaking my heart lost in dreams

A moment

Look to my eyes and don't turn away
A moment is enough, I want to feel you
Even if I find too much pain in time
I want to feel your truth
In a moment there's something
Lost in my heart
Even if I can talk about loneliness
I can't talk about love
Purple petals get wet in the morning dew
Today I'll fall asleep because the starry sky is impatient
I get confused in your truth
If I can love for a moment
In this moment when we cross and miss
Wrapped in your arms
I want the time to stop
I want to say
In a moment there's something
Stolen from my heart
In this lonely night
I can't talk about love
Wrapped in your arms
I want the time to stop

In the moon of a rainy night

It doesn't matter how strong I hold you
I want to hold you stronger
Swayed by the wind you seem to turn away
My dear
Just by pretending to be strong
I realized I can't protect you
Because I wish closing my eyes
To the stars that decorate the sky
If sadness is an endless pain
Kill me with your love
A growing emotion is in the moon of a rainy night
Before my lips talk about loneliness
Kiss me to shut them up
Petals flutter in tonight's sky
I don't know someone more sincere
I want to accept you naked
Because I know how I love you
And how much
A lightning shines purple
The silver rain is furious
My feelings seem broken
By the passing anxiety
Anywhere, an incessant pain
I want to wrap with love
A growing emotion is in the moon of a rainy night
Before I feel what my fingers hesitate
I want you to hold me now
Petals flutter in tonight's sky
If sadness is an endless pain
Kill me with your love
A growing emotion is in the moon of a rainy night
Before my lips talk about loneliness
Kiss me to shut them up
Petals flutter in tonight's sky


Halfway of a journey crossing the sea
Maybe I've been losing the key
Halfway of a journey crossing the people
Maybe I've been losing the key
I tried to shine with moonlight
I tried to shine with city lights
And enigmas wrapped me
Seven, eight, ten, twenty times
I keep searching if there's a heart or not
Being alone among everyone
Is hard to find it
I want to keep searching if there's a heart or not
I want to find a key for living
With you, with you
Halfway of a journey where I can't be weak
Maybe I've been burying the key
Halfway of a journey where I can't miss anyone
Maybe I've been burying the key
I tried to search remembering
I tried to search turning around
And enigmas only intensify
Seven, eight, ten, twenty times
Hold my heart to hatch little birds
Warming myself up among everybody
Is so hard
I want to keep searching if there's a heart or not
I want to find a key for living
With you, with you
And enigmas intensify
Seven, eight, ten, twenty times
I keep searching if there's a heart or not
Being alone among everyone
Is hard to find it
I want to keep searching if there's a heart or not
I want to find a key for living
With you, with you
Hold my heart to hatch little birds
Warming myself up among everybody
Is so hard
I want to keep searching if there's a heart or not
I want to find a key for living
With you, with you, with you


The sound of the june rain loses dreams and has no words
Are days that I gathered saying that I could be happy someday
People are fragile and live on one's convenience
Without understanding the pain that caused
Give me love, love me please
Living without you makes no sense
Teach me now the strength of mom smiling
Saying 'I'm ok, I have no problems'
My chest in love incited the sky overflowing in brightness
I can't be as strong as mom
I can't be so gentle to come across the pain
Even if I press it down, I can't do it completely
A violent emotion sang by the rain of the season
I can't forget this love and the warmth
Now wash it all away
Give me love, love me please
Living without you makes no sense
Teach me now the strength of mom smiling
Saying 'I'm ok, I have no problems'


I can give you
A consolation kiss
But you're my poker rival
You laugh presuming of me
That's I'm a doll always saying yes
That I'm a woman often attached
I'm not a joking seven
I distract loneliness
If it's the dawn, I'd make you wait
Let me fall just for tonight
Let me fall if there's a starry sky
So be tender
Let me fall, this feeling
Don't let me fall, goes too far
So be cool
You're always an effeminate
That keeps searching for an ace of hearts
And plays flirty
I'm not a joking seven
Because I'm hiding pretending to be tough
I'm getting unnecessarily tough
Make me come, I'll let you expect
Make me come, if it's a sacrifice
So be tender
Make me come, this feeling
Give me pleasure, I feel like it
So be cool
Don't search any more
That girl you want
Because that's surely me
Let me fall just for tonight
Let me fall if there's a starry sky
So be tender
Let me fall, this feeling
Don't let me fall, goes too far
So be cool

Time to act

In this document, our principles are laid out.
Clemenceau has already signed it and I will do it
as well, but we need you too.
You are the crown prince of the greates empire of the world. When you climb the throne...
Who knows, when that will be!
Believe me, I see the inclined plane, on which we are sliding down. But I am not even allowed to say what I feel and think
and therefore I must...
Let's talk confidentially
Prince I say it openly
Words are edifying,
but they don't bring and do not force what time
Far too optimistic!
Let's talk honestly
our situation urges us
even if it seems difficult, you must see and understand,
that waiting won´t get us anywhere.
Be realistic!
(Mann 2 Vogel:)
You have remained quiet so for so long. Aren´t you born to do much more?
If we do not rebell today, we will soon be lost.
What are you expecting from me?
Join us, sign the constitution.
Your signiture...
That would be treason!
I can not possibly decieve my father to such an extent.
Do you prefer to betray your country?
Think about it!
Austria driven into a war forced by Germany!
A war, that will affect the whole world
It is time to stand up and to determinedly go ahead.
(It is) time to look fate in the eye.
(It is) time to fight.
It is time to act.
Let us begin.
(Szeps, Clemenceau, Andrássy, Vogelsang:)
It is time to act
to begin
and to realize, that your father won´t accept.
Make a statement!
(Szeps, Clemenceau, Andrássy, Vogelsang:)
It is time to act.
Let us hesitate no more.
(Szeps, Clemenceau, Andrássy, Vogelsang:)
It is time to act.
to realize
and name, which paths lead into the abyss,
make a statement!
Let us go forward, the time ready.
If you stand by your values, no path is ever too far.
Isn´t that our most sincere wish?
Yes, it is only up to you.
Form a future together with us.
Sign here.
If I sign this...
Make a decision, Rudolf, but don´t wait too long.
The time of writing and dreaming is over, Rudolf.

Words, Words, Words

There’s no time to be all surprised,
I let this singing voice become an automatic response*
It was shrill, but I heard it for a moment
So, with the last traces of my resolution to erase suffering,
see, I destroyed my own mental state
and carried around these hundreds of millions of melodies with me
That’s how I got where I am today
For example, even if I look up at a redder-than-blood moon one night
Simply extending a hand won’t be enough–I can’t fly, can’t fly
It’s pointless to cry and I’ll lose if I run away
I’m soaked in lukewarm water
So what on earth should I do with what remains of my life?
You’re strange, cruel, ill-intentioned, and
hiding your superstitions–hey, wait a minute
You’re keeping quiet so none of that will be revealed, huh?
Ooh, baby
Just before we went our separate ways as students in the schoolhouse,
I suddenly remembered the words and love you left me
Look, see, let’s take off even if there’s no one waiting on the other side
Even if the rain falls with a splash
Yes, I’ll still be busy in the middle of the night
Writing out my self-hatred in cramped letters
Surely, this world is sweet and salty and
painful and kind, so
this is fine, right? Just until
you understand
There’s no time to be all shocked,
my heart began to shake, roaring off-beat
Without pause, those three figures
get caught up in poisonous uneasiness and illusions
It won’t stop even if you say you hate it
I can’t stand that honeyed superiority complex
So I’m always up late making plans
Climb back up every time you fall
That’s the slogan I repeat to myself every day, every night
At the top-class height of my youth
This music won’t stop ringing in my ears
Trying to be beautiful and attractive, to think with your head, and
to have a strong computational intelligence–hey, wait a minute!
Surely you realize it’s impossible for you to be all of that, right?
Ooh, baby
On this delusional stage where our circumstances come into conflict,
rather than the nobility of my youth,
it was the words you yelled that won me over
Look, see, let’s head for the other side of my heart
The roar continues in this destined festival
I still don’t believe in
pointless pain or sadness
Even if you shout with all your strength, “Go somewhere far, far away!”
I won’t be able to go anywhere, but
keep singing out these words of mine
for the audience’s sake
Getting terribly lost and confused,
even if you grieve it, today will continue on
I was terribly mad, but I stayed silent
That’s how I ran away today, too
I’ve slowly come to understand, but I only just realized
the reason you cried in those days
Even still, in order to tie those unflinching words together…
To that youth which is nearly burned onto me, once more,
You’re a genius, the best, and a remarkable student
with a remarkable mind and theories–hey, wait a minute!
You’re just taking all of that on and laughing, huh?
Ooh, baby
The science of the way wounds accumulate on this body begins to reveal itself
The thing I wish for the most is still, still
the one thing I hold onto in the midst of this uncertainty
Look, see, let’s take off while avoiding the eyes of others
I hate dressing myself up and putting on airs
So let’s do it with the same feelings we had as children**
How long am I going to keep saying things like that?
This aspiration of mine is so beautiful that it could almost be called pining
Though there’s no God or Buddha
Yes, even still this world is absolutely wonderful
You get it, don’t you? Hey, hey, hey


It’s too late for me to say a thing, but
I really can’t stand that attitude of yours
Attentive, a good listener,
keeping secrets is your specialty
And on top of that, even with strange people,
you’re able to mimic them skillfully
Like a walking guide on how to live a saintly life
without letting a single complaint or grievance leak out
Anyone and everyone might
become you guys’ ally, but
even still, I won’t forgive you
I won’t accept you
Let’s go while avoiding the eyes of others
Telling nothing but death to everyone
Jealously, let’s run
Children turning to fighters in an instant
I don’t necessarily think I’m pure, but
when you’re called “pure” it makes me want to vomit
But the eyes of society are clear
when I think about it too hard, night starts to fall
Theories, logic, clichés,
even firm reasoning
in front of me, they become completely useless
I can’t hear them
Kill off all the meaning in it
Go as crazy as you like
I’ll keep on singing this curse
Running down your cheeks
Getting drunk on all your big talk
In the end, you’re an individualist too
Living on without a single enemy
was impossible for someone like you anyway
Living on without a single enemy
was impossible for someone like you anyway
Let’s go while avoiding the eyes of others
Telling nothing but death to everyone
Jealously, let’s run
Children turning to fighters in an instant


Even if you’re told over and over that “you’re not alone,”
will you ever be satisfied?
Even that habit of hiding those torn-up wrists of yours,
hey, do you think that’s gonna make you look cool?
Ah, why is it that you can
say such terrible things with a straight face?
Wearing the face of a victim or something
suits you well
I hate that pretentious attitude of yours
It’s annoying to even look at you
Hey, even if you go crazy, even if you let yourself fall, even if you hang your head
Even still, I’m not gonna love you, so
I hope that people treat you bad and take what you love, and that you‘ll lose it all
while crying about those injuries that’ll never fade away
Basically, don’t misunderstand that
“this wonderful present will continue forever,”
turning loneliness into some kind of scoring system
You’re unbeatable at that alone
Ah, like a yarn-selling girl
killing people with gentle eyes
without pain or shedding a single tear how absolutely cruel
I hate that big-headed attitude of yours
Acting all weak while holding your head high
Hey, even the boring trash that you surround yourself with
I won’t let any of you go, so
when the time runs out on those glass slippers of yours,
I’ll drop all of you into the depths of hell
Ah, today too, your words
swallow up more people, and the number of idiots increases
All your acting like a hypocrite and deceiving others
is gonna be the end of you
I hate that pretentious attitude of yours
It’s annoying to even look at you
Hey, show me another one of your tragic fabrications
like, “I love you more than anyone else in the world”
Even if you shout out stuff like that,
the whole world hates you
Now, let’s bring an end to that false innocence of yours tonight too
There won’t be anything left tomorrow, so
I’ll engrave into your eyes this time today
to which we’ll never be able to return
and hold you close

Earth Child

We are Earth Children
Flying and adventuring in the world
Let's go anywhere
When you're sleepless I'll take you into this night sky to see dreams
Until the morning comes
'After this, is the secret base'
After three days of crossing lunar cities, when it becomes dark
We will head there
The secret code is the 'Defeat' we have each brought
I saw in a sleepless dream
an underground empire that I call 'Earth'
Is there anything that we can't do?
We are Earth Children
Flying and adventuring in the world
Let's go anywhere
When you're sleepless I'll take you into this night sky
To the world of 'Dreams'
Earth Child
Even if the violence and injustices of the world
become directed at us,
In order not to change ourselves, we will continue
to change
Adults are not allowed here
Hey, listen to 'Normal' and 'Common Sense'
'The world is large, you know' they say
Well isn't our 'Earth' even wider?
Don't confuse 'Responsibility' and 'Choice'
Let's just give our 'Excuse'
We are Earth Children
Flying and adventuring in the world
Let's go anywhere
When you're sleepless I'll take you into this night sky
To the world of 'Dreams'
Earth Child
Even if the dangers and injustices of the world
become directed at us,
In order not to change ourselves, we will continue
to change
The day we lost just about everything
was like the 'End of the World'
We started from there,
named ourselves and saw dreams for the first time
Even if the end of the world comes
We will continue to fight
In the middle of 'End' let's go to find a 'Beginning' again
We are Earth Children
Flying and adventuring in the world
Let's go anywhere
When you're sleepless I'll take you into this night sky to see dreams
Until the morning comes