Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 139

Találatok száma: 99648


A Mennyek kapuján kopogtatok

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ó, ó,
Igen, igen, igen,
Igen, igen, igen!
Anyám, vedd le rólam ezt a jelvényt,
Nekem már úgysem kell!
Egyre sötétedik, már nem is látok,
Úgy érzem, már a Mennyek kapuján kopogtatok.
A Mennyek kapuján kop-, kop- kopogtatok,
A Mennyek kapuján kop-, kop- kopogtatok,
A Mennyek kapuján kop-, kop- kopogtatok,
A Mennyek kapuján kop-, kop- kopogtatok.
Anyám, temesd a földbe fegyverem,
Én már úgysem lövöldözök!
Ez a nagy, fekete felhő beborít,
Úgy érzem, már a Mennyek kapuján kopogtatok.
A Mennyek kapuján kop-, kop- kopogtatok,
A Mennyek kapuján kop-, kop- kopogtatok,
A Mennyek kapuján kop-, kop- kopogtatok,
Igen, igen,
A Mennyek kapuján kop-, kop- kopogtatok.
Igen, igen, igen,
Igen, igen, igen,
Igen, igen, igen!
Ó, ó,
Igen, igen, igen!



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Amikor megcsókolsz,
Nem vagyok biztos benne, hogy igazán szeretsz.
Amikor átkarolsz,
Nem vagyok biztos benne, hogy őszinte vagy.
Bár állandóan azt hajtogatod,
Hogy igazán, igazán, igazán, igazán szeretsz,
De ugyanezt mondod-e
Másnak is, ha nem vagyok ott?
Gyanakvás gyötri szívem,
Gyanakvás választ el,
Gyanakvás kínoz.
Amikor felhívsz
És azt mondod, hogy inkább holnap találkozzunk,
Nem bírom megállni, hogy ne arra gondoljak,
Esetleg valaki mással találkozol ma este.
Miért okoz a szerelem
Ily bánatot nekem?
Miért gyötrődőm kétségek közt,
Ha nem vagy velem?
Édesem, ha szeretsz,
Kérlek, várj egy picit,
Várj, míg minden
Hülye félelmet ki nem űzök fejemből!
Annyira reménykedem és imádkozom,
Hogy szerelmünk erősebbé váljon.
Talán gyanakvó vagyok,
De oly nehéz rátalálni az igaz szerelemre.


Neon Hold

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Amikor városomban lenyugszik a nap,
E magányos érzés ér el ajtómhoz.
Az egész világ búvá válik.
Van egy lepukkant bár a vasúti síneken túl,
Van hátul egy kétszemélyes asztal,
Hol egyedül ülök s rád gondolok.
A legtöbb éjszakát
Neon Hold-fény alatt töltöm én.
Ha elveszíted Egyetlened,
Itt mindig van hely a magányosnak,
Nézni, ahogy összetört álmaid
Táncolnak a Neon Hold sugarai között.
Két ifjú, vad és szabad szerelmesre gondolok,
Behunyom szemem, és néha látlak
Téged a füsttel teli szoba árnyában.
Nem tudom megmondani, hány könnyet ejtettem,
Vagy hány hazugságot hazudva
Mondtam szegény szívemnek, egy nap visszajössz még.
A legtöbb éjszakát
Neonhold-fény alatt töltöm én.
Ha elveszíted Egyetlened,
Itt mindig van hely a magányosnak,
Nézni, ahogy összetört
Álmaid táncolnak a Neon Hold sugarai közt.
De rendben leszek, míg a Neon Hold
Fénye világít.
És rendben leszek, míg a Neon Hold
Fénye világít.


Gyere vissza!

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Kicsim, gyere vissza,
Kicsim, gyere vissza,
Kicsim, gyere vissza%!
Máig ez az első alkalom
Hogy elszöktél tőlem,
Most kérem tőled először,
Eléggé szeress, s maradj!
Hé, igen!
Gyere vissza,
Kicsim, gyere vissza,
Kicsim, gyere vissza,
Kicsim, gyere vissza!
Semmi értelme sírni, mert én
Jobban fáj, mint neked.
Nem kellett volna flörtölnöm,
De szerelmem most igaz.
Ó, igen!
Gyere vissza,
Kicsim, gyere vissza,
Kicsim, gyere vissza,
Kicsim, gyere vissza!
Gyere vissza, Kedves, ne hagyj el,
Kicsim, kérlek, ne menj el!
Ó, nem adsz nekem egy második esélyt?
Kicsim, annyira szeretlek!
(Ó, igen)
Ó, igen!
Gyere vissza,
Azt mondtam bébi, gyere vissza,
Azt mondtam bébi, gyere vissza,
Ó, nem jönnél vissza?
Ó, nem jönnél vissza?
Gyere vissza,
Azt mondtam bébi, gyere vissza,
Azt mondtam bébi, gyere vissza,
Ó, nem jönnél vissza?
Ó, nem jönnél vissza?
Gyere vissza,
Azt mondtam bébi, gyere vissza,
Azt mondtam bébi, gyere vissza,
Ó, nem jönnél vissza?
Ó, nem jönnél vissza?


red phobia

ah, it was uncomfortable
it was somewhat a trend that garish red
it was proof of a world that was too late
ah, It's wriggling
a charity project that doesn't seem to hide at all
just like an insufficient mind im wandering around looking for those survivors who live trembling somewhere again today
nothing, there are no problems as always, now right here
Not at all Not at all in a way that wont be realized
someday, someday connecting routine work until the day of salvation
so ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, don't lose your breath, there's no problem
ah, it was a defeat common sense has been reborn
the garish red was proof of a world that was too late
ah, It's wriggling
just like an unapologetic number of acts of violence
trapped in this town
outside as if there's nothing, everyone pretends not to see anyone or anything
nothing, there's really no problem as always, now right here
Not at all Not at all no ones coming to help
someday, someday connecting routine work until the day of salvation
so ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, it makes me want to die, there's no problem
ah, I helped my close friend who had changed a lot to feel at ease
the garish red spilled emitting a fragrance
I fucked up
today again, there are no problems as always, now right here
Not at all Not at all for now im still lonely
someday, someday connecting routine work until the day of salvation
so ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, don't lose your breath, there's no problem


Welcome home

You laugh
You mutter a wild complaint
I can hear everything
I love the time between my heart and your heart
Oh, even though the sun has just set 
That profile...
Welcome home, it's just you and me
It eases... Inside this room
It's like a microcosm
Spreading out, floating
In shadows on the surface of the water
We come together and separate
But we'll never disappear
I want to choose the flower on the windowsill with you
Hey, kiss me
Let's stay like this
What shall we do tomorrow?
Oh, I want to tell you
You don't want to hear?
Oh, You don't have to do it
Just be yourself
Welcome home. It's just you and me
It eases... Inside this room
It's like a microcosm
It connects. It connects
Spreading out. Floating


So long, world!

If you close your eyes you can picture pure white laundry on the line
waving gently in the wind
So come one! Let's take the first step!
But leaving isn't that simple
So long, world! I'll eat this whole place up!
I want to start off with fresh clean air
Every time I look up at the sky, I can't help but cry
I want to say good-bye to the weight of the past
When I open my eyes it's pitch black
So dark that I don't know which way to go
Little voice giving me advice, is this what you wanted?
So long, world! You should eat it all up!
and start things over with fresh clean air
You don't have to be in such a hurry. Things that are important will always find their way to you in time.
If I can find something to keep working hard at
I wonder if my life will change
So long, world! I'm really sick of this place!
So I'll eat it all up and chew it up too
You can't tell me that's impossible
I'll just be the first to do it and tell the tale!


Bon vivants

What's left for me from these days
I ca-ca-ca-can't approach you from these bon vivants
From bon vivants
Stations are full of them, they have energy
And they la-la-lie to you about the story of a bon vivant
A bon vivant
I see you've had enough of a guy full of wounds
You tell me to better get out of the way, I'm looking for a bon vivant
Let's go to the field, to the flowers
Under the white-pink jasmine
The hot heart lands
Under the benevolent moonlight
I miss that good side
Ly-lying that my life looks like the life of a bon vivant
The life of a bon vivant
Fate is hot and simple, everything you love burns
Young men save everything, call the bon vivants
Call the bon vivants
I see you've had enough of a guy full of wounds
You tell me to better get out of the way, I'm looking for a bon vivant
Let's go to the field, to the flowers
Under the white-pink jasmine
The hot heart lands
Under the benevolent moonlight
Let's go to the field, to the flowers
Under the white-pink jasmine
The hot heart lands
Under the benevolent moonlight
Now all you have to do is penetrate the screen
Or admit that you will go for the loud bon vivants
Loud bon vivans
I see you've had enough of a guy full of wounds
You tell me to better get out of the way, I'm looking for a bon vivant
Let's go to the field, to the flowers
Under the white-pink jasmine
The hot heart lands
Under the benevolent moonlight
Under the white-pink jasmine
Let's go to the field, to the flowers
Under the benevolent moonlight
The hot heart lands



White-haired captives, in those notorious places,
Nearby Verkhoiansk, in its barren plains,
The cohorts languish, condemned to drag their chains,
Day in, day out, with cheerless faces.
At night in the mines, where their picks ring out loud,
As if swung by cyclopses. Without a word.
Brandishing whips, the guards keep in line their herd.
Crack! Flayed shoulders jump, the captives newly cowed.
The moon shines down its great lantern of the night
On their path, as they stagger towards the shack,
They fall into deep sleep. And then comes this sight:
They dream of a scorched night, as roaring flames crack,
Red as a star, atop a pole held upright,
From above the uproar, the Tsar's head looks back.


A Tiger

Nylon dreams on the stairs
In fear of blue morals
Bones, agony, bloodshot eyes
And, and, and a dull day
A dull day
Nylon dreams on the stairs
In fear of blue morals
Bones, agony, bloodshot eyes
And, and, and a dull day
A dull day
Oh-ho, it's a tiger
Oh-ho, it's a tiger
Oh-ho, it's a tiger
At the end of the poisoning there’s a hospital
White spaces, a madhouse
Red tigers, they are hunting us, oh
Nylon dreams on the stairs
In fear of blue morals and hunting dogs
Small dogs and hunting dogs
Small dogs
Oh-ho, it's a tiger
Oh-ho, it's a tiger
Oh-ho, it's a tiger
Nylon dreams on the stairs
In fear of blue morals
Bones, agony, bloodshot eyes
And, and, and a dull day
A dull day
Oh-ho, it's a tiger
Oh-ho, it's a tiger
Oh-ho, it's a tiger


A New Disease

My eyes hurt from staring into space
My legs hurt from walking on the wire
My head hurts from wandering aimlessly
My eyes hurt from staring into space
My legs hurt from walking on the wire
My head hurts from wandering aimlessly
Yet, I'm still waiting for you
Yet, I'm still waiting for you
Yet, I'm still waiting for you
Yet, I'm still waiting
(Wandering aimlessly)
My eyes hurt from staring into space
My legs hurt from walking on the wire
My head hurts from wandering aimlessly
My eyes hurt from staring into space
My legs hurt from walking on the wire
My head hurts from wandering aimlessly
Yet, I'm still waiting for you
Yet, I'm still waiting for you
Yet, I'm still waiting for you
Yet, I'm still waiting
(Wandering aimlessly)
Yet, I'm still waiting for you
Yet, I'm still waiting for you
Yet, I'm still waiting for you
Yet, I'm still waiting
(Wandering aimlessly)


Psychedlic Wasshoi

Let's go!
Start a revolt!
Listen up!
Lately things have been getting better
Hey, that's good!
Nice! Yoisho Yoisho! 1
Ah, my life seems to be dyed in darkness
Ten people ten colours? 2 But I don't have any colour at all
No one would notice if I wasn't here at all
I just want to close my eyes and look down at my feet all the time
I don't care about festivals
I've never carried a portable shrine 3
I'd love to go out at night with someone else, but that's just a dream
I want to make noise! I want to be loud!
I feel like I haven't really heard my own voice in a long time
I tried my best to open my eyes and I met with so many colourful faces!
The imagery is dazzling, noisy, psychedelic even!
Psychedelic Wasshoi! 4 Wahoo!
You don't have to be all neat and clean! You can be any colour you want!
Psychedelic Wasshoi! Wahoo!
I don't care if it's too much, just as long as I don't feel cramped!
That's it everyone! Dance along!
wild with excitement!
that's it! Dye it all!
that's right! To each his own!
Hey, hey, what's the problem? Outsiders, keep quiet!
I live my life in a colourless way
A useless and unnecessary transparency, a presence that blows away and disappears
I couldn't say what I meant to. I want to lose myself in words
Bring up those colours! Be colourful!
Lift yourself up and I'll give you all the credit!
I'm Japanese - on the outside we seem plain and sober
We're Japanese - our image is clean
but we're really just messy
Hearing that from you who is so bad as expressing yourself, my heart is overflowing
You don't have to say that out loud you know? You can stay and just be quiet if you want
Psychedelic Wasshoi! Wahoo!
We can't start laughing yet because we've only just met
Psychedelic Wasshoi! Wahoo!
I haven't started mingling yet, because you can't weave a pattern by yourself
Psychedelic Wasshoi! Wahoo!
It's ok to be muddled because your blood has more than one colour
Psychedelic Wasshoi! Wahoo!
I'll let it slide. I don't want there to be a border between us
That's it everyone! Dance along!
wild with excitement!
that's it! Dye it all!
that's right! To each his own!
Wasshoi! Psychedelic Wasshoi!
Wasshoi! Super chic Wasshoi!
Wasshoi! Revitalizing Wasshoi!
Wasshoi! See you next year too Wasshoi!
Let's go!
Start a revolt!
Listen up!
Lately things have been getting better
  • 1. chant used during certain traditional songs like those sung at bon festivals
  • 2. a phrase which means something like 'different strokes for different folks', that everyone has their own tastes and ways of living. Iro or colour has a general double meaning as 'way of being' in Japanese
  • 3. 神輿 mikoshi is a shinto shrine that is carried as part of various festivals in Japan as a group activity. Often seen during summer festivals
  • 4. wasshoi is a chant and dance move used in Japanese festivals. It is sometimes translated as 'heave-ho!' as it mimics the motion of hoisting something up.


Vanessina pjesma [Poor Unfortunate Souls (Reprise)] (1989)

S: ♪ Ram-ram-da-ram-dam ♪
V: ♪ What a beautiful bride I'm going to be
When I give my hand to the prince ♪
H-hm, ha-ha
♪ Everything is going my way
That was a great plan ♪
Hm, ha ha
♪ When the mermaid is mine
The ocean is going to be mine ♪
Ha-ha-ha-ha, woo-hoo
U: Ha-ha-ha-ha
S: Sea witch!
(U: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha)
S: Oh, no! She's going to... I'm going to... Ariel!


We'll stumble home

A rose also leaves a scent on the hand it has cut
Wake up, baby, while there's still sun
While there is a difference between this and hell
Wake up, baby, don't leave me with them
My teeth are still healthy, but trouble has overtaken me
Wake up, baby, before they give me to the dogs
While I still have blood to go through glass
Wake up while there is reason and rhyme
It's okay, baby
Whatever is bothering you
Even if your dreams are drunk
And you gave them to someone
We would stumble home
We would stumble home
I'm chasing dreams for you, oh, where did I miss you
Wake up, baby, I'll give you a minute
Whatever troubles you, believe me, hearts are not like that
They are either in place, or on their way
It's okay, baby
Whatever is bothering you
Even if your dreams are drunk
And you gave them to someone
We would stumble home
It's okay, baby
Whatever is bothering you
Even if we were drunk at sea
And we don't have oars
We would swim home
It's okay, sweetheart
Whatever awaits us
Even if an eclipse will follow
And that the light is far away
Hug me, so it doesn't matter
My soft destiny
It's okay, sweetheart
Whatever comes next
Even if the bay was waiting for us
We just need a blanket
That certainly still holds true
That certainly still holds true


Peace!! For Your!! Home!!

Peace!! For Your!! Home!!
Peace!! For Your!! Home!!
Prace Peace
Peace is an extremist word
When they hit friends' backyards with bombs,
The iron-feathered crows of discord have awakened
Vilely drawing 'Z' patterns in the clouds.
We, the entire region, must say - “Shame on them!”
You are looters, thieves and no longer heroes of Zorro,
Down with the glorification of murder and terror!
Tv is with them to feed quarrels among people,
We have the right to exclude war from our horizons
The bloody monster will no longer see food.
'Go kill for peace - we love hardcore music!'
But killing a neighbor won't become the rule
We are bringing the era of new ones closer
which is peace, happiness,
Gonna wipe out the zigzag and swastika like an eraser!
Let the tyrant not receive our participation in the process where a senile person turns people against people!
They want to change concepts in our minds,
To dehumanize us, They say, “there's no other way, go kill!”
We are disrupting two events, let three words go booming
'Peace for your home!'
Peace!! (Go!) For Your!! (louder!) Home!! (together!)
Peace!! (Go!) For Your!! (louder!) Home!! (together!)For Your! (louder!) Home!!
Peace! (together!)For Your!! Home!!
'Peace for your home!' - a message on my behalf,
Written in simple rhyme while
hiding behind addresses, numbers and dates,
Home is for everyone a kind of place that is sincere, pure,
Could be the most important thing,n life
We are returning home. Our loved ones are there
They need our care and protection.
If you attack home,
we'll be even,
But I will never fight
a war against my neighbor,
Even if my grandfather had a wild dream somewhere
My respect goes to anyone who protects their home,
I bow my head, shake hands, call him “man”
I won't send my son to a dishonorable war,
I'd better drink beer with a D.O.B fan. from your country
Who was it that did it so that the word 'peace' in our precious home starter to sound like 'thunder'
They called black white, and we believed them
They pressed a button and rockets flew at people,
They told us to die and everyone nodded and went Berserk.
The applause in immature approval to the screen
They will show us where the attack was being prepared from.
And anyone will be given a sentence because of doubts.
In times where wishing for peace is courage,
Let them be afraid, we will do it after all.
Peace!! (Go!) For Your!! (louder!) Home!! (together!)
Peace!! (Go!) For Your!! (louder!) Home!! (together!)For Your! (louder!) Home!!
Peace! (together!)For Your!! Home!!
Sometimes I feel like I've been in a dream the whole year,
People make serious justifications for war.
I can't believe people are so fooled (What?)
And there is no worse phrase than “Not everything is so simple.”
Everything is clear, brother, you can’t attack period!
If you don’t get it, there’s a flaw in your soul,
(Who?) Those who believe propaganda is just stupid or drunk,
They want ending like it's in a Planet of the Apes.
I will believe that the fog will disperse again,
People will separate evil from good at the poles.
Let our message break the coma
We are bringing back the rule 'Peace to your home!'
Peace!! (Go!) For Your!! (louder!) Home!! (together!)
Peace!! (Go!) For Your!! (louder!) Home!! (together!)For Your! (louder!) Home!!
Peace! (together!)For Your!! Home!!! Peace!! (Go!) For Your!! (louder!) Home!! (together!)
Peace!! (Go!) For Your!! (louder!) Home!! (together!)For Your! (louder!) Home!!
Peace! (together!)For Your!! Home!!
The higher is lie, the more people are willing to believe in it
and the faster it spreads:
War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.
For a lie to become true, it must be conveyed simply,
emotionally and often


A Little Is Missing

Don't open the door to everyone
You never know
You don't know who's coming
It's going to be a special day, like a dream
When the heart places me in its place
A little is missing, a little is missing
Just a little, just a little
For us to see happiness
A little is missing, a little is missing
For us to trust each other
A new morning, like the one years
Old, I know
It's going to be a special day
One special day, like a dream
When the heart places me in its place



I was loyal to her
Devoted like a dog
Under her window all the time
I strolled
And I still have my legs all in Hansaplast yes, yes
She was stripping naked behind the devil's glass
I caught a glimpse of the silhouette when she would move
And throw laundry over the floor
I followed her
As a former OZNA
She pretended that
She doesn't know me
She only left behind a scent
Ah, that smell, it's pure defeat
She was taking off her underwear, but it wasn't underwear
That was the landing on Okinawa
You are my gasoline!
Let's love each other
Because I need kerosene
Be my fuel!
My heart was beating like Ringo Starr
Can I at least ask you for a dance?
You are my gasoline
Let's love each other


Air trial

I've been wondering about this for a long time
What would happen if I defied fate?
I've never tried it
I don't even know if it's worth trying
Do we have no choice but to stand still in front of the overwhelming reality?
There are no exceptions, always on that rail
I grabbed your hand by mistake and took off
But I was defeated by fate and lost sight of your shadow
Straight to the ground I turned around before we collided
I look up and the sky is clear, just clear
the one who tells you to repent
Someone who says I'll forgive you now
Something like asking for forgiveness
I don't remember doing that
Shall I accept the capital punishment handed down by absolute morality?
I will make no excuses and have no regrets
I was found, I ran away, I deceived, I laughed
Run, run, even though I know I can't escape
The scenery up to the lowest end
Everything is a spectacular view
I grabbed your hand by mistake and took off
But I was defeated by fate and lost sight of your shadow
Straight to the ground, colliding and scattering
The broken sky is clear, just clear


47 Hard Nights

Even after a makeover, you won't notice me
Gripping the handlebar, your face is lonely from the side
You're the kind of guy who checks things strictly, but
Suddenly, you're apathetic and turned off
THE EMPTY DAY, today I go back
THE EMPTY NIGHT, on the last bus of the day
THE EMPTY HEART, even if I run away, you won't chase after me
THE EMPTY DAY, what an abrupt
THE EMPTY HEART, before you notice, I've turned away from you
Tonight's KISS was distant
I'm the only one who got hot
This predictable cycle
It wasn't entirely boring
THE EMPTY DAY, today I go back
THE EMPTY NIGHT, on the last bus of the day
THE EMPTY HEART, even if I run away, you won't chase after me
THE EMPTY DAY, what an abrupt
THE EMPTY HEART, before you notice, I've turned away from you
THE EMPTY DAY, for the two of us to live together
THE EMPTY NIGHT, I yearn for it
THE EMPTY HEART, before you notice, I've turned away from you
THE EMPTY DAY, what an abrupt
before you notice, I've turned away from you
THE EMPTY DAY, today I go back
THE EMPTY NIGHT, on the last bus of the day
THE EMPTY HEART, even if I run away, you won't chase after me
THE EMPTY DAY, what an abrupt
before you notice, I've turned away from you


To mi je hvala sad?! [This Is The Thanks I Get?!]

It's not my fault that mirrors love me
It's genes
That beauty comes from universe
What can I do when I'm magnificent?!
And I'm myself, oh, amazing
I am passionate, never grumpy
Even the most good-natured
So look
I'll give you Benito's scarf
If you really need it
And I will volunteer Dinko
When your house is falling down
Or the trouble is suffocating you
You live with me for free
And you don't even pay me rent
I clean up your mess
And yet you whine at me constantly
And I give, give, give
But you are not interested in that
And all I'm asking for is
To appreciate my work a little bit
And this is the thanks I get?!
This is the thanks I get?!
And this is the thanks I get?!
And this is the thanks I get?!
You are brilliant, oh
That's even too modest
Give me more, don't spare yourself
And handsome, and strong, and nice, and skillful
I built this empire myself
And you are still protesting
Shame on you
Everyone thinks they know better
Come on then, take over what I do
I fulfilled many of your wishes
Come on, at least fourteen
And now you don't like your king?!
That's disobedience and immorality
Well, you know I'm trying
To preserve order and harmony
As long as I am your ruler
And while our city stands
And this is the thanks I get?!
This is the thanks I get?!
And this is the thanks I get?!
And this is the thanks I get?!
I shouldn't do this
And I wanted to avoid it
But now I'll go through all the pages tonight
Because I'll not surrender my power now
And curse, and anger, and lightning, and thunder
Everything that empowers that evil light
I don't want this book to bound me
But it's time for fresh methods
Where was I?
Oh, yes
The traitor is hiding here
But I'll find them in the end
Make a sound, show yourself
And you won't get a severe punishment
Everyone is going to be rewarded
Who gives me a clue
Honestly, I'm too soft, and sweet, and kind
And this is the thanks I get?!
This is the thanks I get?!
And this is the thanks I get?!
And this is the thanks I get?!
This is the thanks I get?!


The Moment

Will everything change again?
Or will it stay the same?
Tonight I'll fly over rooftops
'Cause she'll be kissing me at last
Now is the better moment
Better than any you've ever known
The moment in which you stay put
And no longer run away
Everyone has their beliefs
And they hold onto them tight
Now, what was the cause again
That lets so many beliefs go?
Their future lasts forever
And the present is just a game
And only tomorrow do they face
A real feeling
Until they notice something is missing
How nice is it when you chatter
About that better moment
Better than any you've ever known
The moment in which you stay put
And no longer run away
So long as you think, you ought to say
That there's fear and many questions
But don't you ever forget
To keep your secret



Come here you, and be my thing, don't be my denial no, you be my likely to be
Although you're a problem to me you, but cause of your beauty, it is worth it
I even kiss you through your picture, I misses touching you
You are attached to me, I'm attached to you, you gave me a star for my journey
You are safe here, no no baby, remove the hoax
You do feel it, this poem and it's verse, even it's words
My heart shivers without your presence, it's longing for you every second
I owe you a kiss, to those tasty lips
You have become all the things i care about, and my conscience is relieved
I seek for you all around, and you are looking for me
You are safe here, no no baby, remove the hoax
You do feel it, this poem and it's verse, even it's words


Be Strong

only in writing, there is a string connecting everything
i can't see it
it speaks brokenly
'don't be a person, become a thing'
do i want this?
the sun has discolored me
heat as well doesn't strengthen me
when i was a child, everything was a game
now i try again
to be able to feel
be strong, be strong
going to the bottom in a hole
be weird, be weird
dancing on a table
come! come!
'you can mess up'
i know, i know
head in a freezer
hands looking for skin
i can't fight it
head keeps going in circles
i want to break time
and kiss the sky
the darkness in my heart
gets rid of this want for words
the reflection shows
of another new person
this cannot be me
be strong, be strong
going to the bottom in a hole
be weird, be weird
dancing on a table
come! come!
'you can mess up'
i know, i know
be strong, be strong
going to the bottom in a hole
be weird, be weird
dancing on a table
come! come!
'you can mess up'
i know, i know



Verse 1: Arnim
Don’t go, stay here
I‘m only asking for one dance with you
One moment, if you let me
You sing to my face, I hold you tight
I want to explain something to you, but I’m failing miserably
Others do it every day
It’s not difficult at all, it’s impossible
But you
But you
But you
But you
Understand me anyway
Verse 2: Farin Urlaub
I don’t go, I stay here
I’ll surely only dance with you
I don’t know where this could lead yet
I think we’ve touched each other by chance
I want to explain something to you, but I’m failing miserably
Others do it every day
It’s not difficult at all, it’s impossible
But you
But you
But you
But you
Verse 3: Armin & Farin Urlaub
Until now my life was so empty
As if someone up there was against me
But now suddenly everything is different than it was
Haha haha ha
Until now my life was so empty
Now I want to float beside you forever
I know for sure that I can’t go on without you.
Haha hahaha
Hahahaha ha
But you
But you
But you
But you
But you
But you



Ya, ya, ey
Also, can i hear my own voice a little more for now bro? You’ll turn it down later.
Wow, it’s great this way
Ya, ey, ey, ey, ey, GNG, ya
High buildings and high heads
You’ll think to yourself for a moment “What if we fall down from here?”
I got everything but peace never visits me, why?
Because we’re the forgotten children of god
They made us live every pain, they really succeeded
I escaped red and blue with the effects of nausea
I only fear Allah, and my mother as much as him
We’re going as high as the dollar, don’t have no hope from the train no more
Now they’re all a memory, those dirt filled concretes
Those piss filled bottles and blood smelling ghettos
I missed every second, we’d get out of the spot
And youngins would fill up till Bakırköy just like an army
I can’t get used to you, i’m imprisoned to my life
To the dirty waters, to the stale bread
My love

A Real Fairytale [Life Is a Fairytale]

The simple form of the ideal line
Suddenly in your mind they appear
There satin a blue strap
It's incredible what you dreamed up
Detail here magenta there
A fabric of magic
A pair of neon heels
What a bold creation
You change lines and shades
You're plan your life
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
You decide which one it will be
Your personal style
Oh oh oh oh oh
Life is, life is
A real fairytale
The balloon skirt a top with sparkle
A feather belt why not?
It's different I can choose
How extravagant these shoes are
And your hair must be let down
In full action you have everything
From head to toe in splendor
That's the value
You change lines and shades
You're plan your life
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
You decide which one it will be
Your personal style
Oh oh oh oh oh
Life is, life is
A real fairytale
It's just the beginning of something bigger than I ever dreamed of
And I see happiness forever and without end
You change lines and shades
You're plan your life
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
You decide which one it will be
Your personal style
Oh oh oh oh oh
Life is, life is
A real fairytale
Life is, life is
A fairytale
Life is, life is
A real fairytale


Pleasure Nonfiction

It's always 02:00 in the middle of the night
When Mama and Papa kick me, it hurts...
The man I talked to is nothing special
We're more than friends but less than lovers
You buy me all sorts of things, and I can make even a few simple items look good.
Anytime, that's why...
Love that's temporary, and affection that suits the convenience of the moment
Is this the only way you can live?
Shall we dance, alone together? The sunny stage is likely under a cloudy sky
Like a picture book, with a 'happy ending.' Don't make me laugh... It's just a fairy tale
Trying to find all sorts of excuses and searching for convenient places until today.
Are you listening?
How long will I be a child? When will I be an adult?'
I dislike the part of me that can't change...
Shall we dance, alone together? The sunny stage is likely under a cloudy sky
Don't make me laugh with a 'happy ending' like in a picture book... it's just a dream.
Everything, disappear from my sight. I'm just being kept alive for tomorrow.
I've been living a story with a 'bad end' one that you won't find in a picture book...
Always alone, looking up at the night sky, always trying to smile.
The day when I cried, cried, and cried
It's my own, yes, just a funny story...


We come

Souls behind closed doors
With open windows
An ocean breeze disguised as
A retired huntsman
Remains of dreams washed ashore
Failed attempts to escape
Old wounded desires
Abandoned landscapes
And even though we seem so different
I look at us and clearly see
That we come from the same place
From a shitty year, from sexual frustration
We come from the same place
From sleeping with strangers just to avoid
The questions we don't know how to answer
I imagined you behind the wheel
During every trip that I made
You were still scared of what you've left behind
And of what was yet to come
And even though we seem so different
I look at us and clearly see
That we come from the same place
From a shitty year, from sexual frustration
We come from the same place
From sleeping with strangers just to avoid
The questions we don't know how to answer
We don't know how do answer
We don't know how do answer
We don't know how do answer
We come from the same place
From a shitty year, from sexual frustration
We come from the same place
From fucking strangers just to avoid
The questions we don't know how to answer


Without Dreaming

Remaining on my knees, I lay my body down
Inhaling deeply the air of this room
Just wanting to confirm the length of the day
Though I deceive the flames in my chest
Around the time when the night's curtain descends
Today, just like this, without dreaming
Even my heavy eyelids feel strangely pleasant
Let's greet the morning without removing my makeup
On a night when the moon is unseen, dominated by clouds
Then, let's greet the morning without sleeping
With the sound turned off, I try turning on the TV
I swallow down my decaying self
If I don't spit out words that won't return
I won't create reasons for fights either
What I hear are unstoppable water droplets
For now, just like this, without even closing the faucet
Even though I don't want to get used to being alone
Let's greet the morning without opening emails
On a night when the moon is unseen, dominated by clouds
Then, let's greet the morning without sleeping


One of us

He doesn't believe in fairy tales

The Hope

As long as the heart within
the Jewish soul yearns
And forward, towards the East
the eye looks to Zion -
Our hope is still not lost
The hope of 2,000 years
To be a free nation in our land
The land of Zion and Jerusalem



Drive your car in the cold gap
Love me like ice, downhill
Traces of your tires remain on the asphalt
I couldn't stay on one side like them
New tears on the surface like flakes
Throw them away, start writing again
If it's burning yellow, hit the gas even more
Talk when it suits you, or leave it on the road
Understand what I said, not what I didn't say, ah
Guard not my today, but my tomorrow
They make mistakes, but they burn for you as they stand
I always need to make a decision, no harm
Drive your car in the cold gap
Love me like ice, downhill
Traces of your tires remain on the asphalt
I couldn't stay on one side like them
New tears on the surface like flakes
Throw them away, start writing again
If it's burning yellow, hit the gas even more
Talk when it suits you, or leave it on the road
Hey, I can't come back, it's not what is believed
The heart, like caramel, has beautified as it burned
Is the night asking about your sounds?
Why didn't I love you so much?
Understand what I said, not what I didn't say, ah
Guard not my today, but my tomorrow
They make mistakes, but they burn for you as they stand
I always need to make a decision, no harm