Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 1

Találatok száma: 61


Ha szerencsém lett volna

Azt adta az Úr nekem
hogy mindenek után
nézzem hogy öleled
azt hogy őt szereted
Azt adta az Úr nekem
lelkem téveljegjen
a földi poklot járja
itt az út legvégén
A hosszú téli éjjeken
a szél emléket hoz nekem
én meg csak azt kérdezem
szerettél e valaha engem?
Ha szerencsém lett volna
te most velem hálhatnál
Ha szerencsém lett volna
gyermekkel megáldhatnál

Bocsásd meg azt hogy szeretlek

Mond el nekem édesanyám mi történt velem
Összetört bennem minden, vilám csapott belém
Mintha én egy bábú lennék, a fájdalmat nem érezném
Elhagyott engem a szerelmem a tavasz közepén
A réten át kisér engem, két dallam követ
Egyikük a bánatról szól, azzal ölne meg
A másik csak egy dalt énekel, hősszerelmeset
Egy szerelmes dalt amit én túl nem élhetek
Bocsásd meg azt hogy szeretlek, Isten így büntetett
Engedte hogy meglássalak utána meg elvett
Szomorú szivem már csak mérgekkel van tele
Bennük én már nem létezem, egyedül csak te
A réten át kisér engem, két dallam követ
Egyikük a bánatról szól, azzal ölne meg
Eleresztettem egy könnyet, fájót nehezet
Vele együtt lelkemet is, sebzett lelkemet
Bocsásd meg azt hogy szeretlek, Isten így büntetett
Engedte hogy meglássalak utána meg elvett
Szomorú szivem már csak mérgekkel van tele
Bennük én már nem létezem, egyedül csak te

Wild Pigs

Where do the wild pigs go
Tell me, so I know
Who are those pretty ladies
That carry this city
Think about it how
Think of how God
Stands between us
The whole world in coloured rain
Wet streets and passion
In every letter of a name
In every name is a child
With everything I have in myself
I want you to know
Once all that passes
And when we are no longer
On the way to everything
Always an eye ahead
I love you like love, like a song that doesn't stop
I love you then, like the land that takes you
Try, close your eyes and let them light up
Talk about your fears, of the people who we miss
Through the window all the way to happiness
Always an eye ahead
Everyday I walk the Earth, it turns
Take us and throw us where it all starts
I love you like love, like a song that doesn't stop
I love you then, like the land that takes you

I will buy us a watch

I sort through the harp of memories
and only the most beautiful
I hear tones
So I pause in those moments
to last forever
I'm dreaming with you
I don't, I don't
I don't have two lives
To waste time
I just want to love you
I don't, I don't
I don't have two lives
Let it last today, today
Happiness for us, for us
I caress pictures of memories
they make me happy
the most beautiful colors
The ones that decorate them
in love
those eyes of yours

River Song

In the white foam of the sea
Where I let my heart give itself away
All that's left is the intention of letting oneself let go
I'll take you along on a wave of passion
I won't ever stop
To think
I dream of the wind
That doesn't blow anymore
The drops of a moment
That doesn't matter anymore
And the rain on the mountain
And the river that washes into the sea
In the white foam of the sea
Where I let my heart give itself away
All that's left is the intention of letting oneself let go
I'll pick you up on a shadow of pure passion
I won't ever stop
Loving you
The light of dew sparkles
A light that's never left
Like this river
That hasn't decided
If it's a river of the mountain
If it's a river that washes into the sea
I dream of the wind
That doesn't blow anymore
The drops of a moment
That doesn't matter anymore
If it's the rain on the mountain
If it's a river that washes into the sea
The stream of the water
That will wash it all away
Wash it away
A river that washes into the sea, it will wash away

Blue Stage

In a time that resembles those old times
As (we) hide from the dusty shadows of the morning
Nights become moments of mornings, then we can survive from this captivity
This blue stage is a deep scar for all of us
Don't reckon that everything has come to an end
Passing time will console us again.
As you stand still, in the midst of the wind
I'll wait in the dream of the rain
Seasons will change, people get old,
Day stands as the same, (but) day-night will change
Love won't change, but lovers will change
The right will flow from your hands like a river
The rightful and unjust will change
As you stand still, in the midst of the wind
I'll wait in the dream of the rain
In a time that resembles those old times
As (we) hide from the dusty shadows of the morning
Nights become moments of mornings, then we can survive from this captivity
As you stand still, in the midst of the wind
I'll wait in the dream of the rain
Seasons will change, people get old,
Day stands as the same, (but) day-night will change
Love won't change, but lovers will change
The right will flow from your hands like a river
The rightful and unjust will change

Baby, Féltékeny Vagyok

Gyönyörűből csúnya lettem
Mert a bizonytalanság azt mondta, hogy nem szeretsz
Csak egy lány kell felettem
Az idővonaladon, hogy egy senkinek érezzem magam
Ez vagyok én
Egy kettős érzésekkel teli nő
Szeretem magam, amíg nem
Baby féltékeny vagyok
A képekre, amiket lájkolsz
Baby féltékeny vagyok
A lányokra, akiknek világosabb a szemük
Baby féltékeny vagyok
És tudom, hogy ez nem helyes
De féltékeny vagyok, féltékeny
A féltékeny fajta
Nem hazudok, féltékeny vagyok
Mikor meglátom a lájkjaidat más híresség képein
Tudom hogy rosszat teszel és te élvezed
De aggódom tudva, hogy én más vagyok
Úgy csinálsz mintha vicces lennél, de én nem találom a poént
Akkor ne csapj zajt, ha más jön és levetkőztet
Én az enyémnél vagyok, te pedig a tiédnél, most meg szomorú vagy
Nézd hogy más eszi azt, amit egy nap te ettél
Dobd el a könyvet, én nem lapozom arra az oldalra többet
Ahogy egyszer tűz volt, azt mondják hamu marad
De elfújom őket és nem marad semi, nem marad semmi, még ha...
Féltékeny is vagyok
Ami átveszi az uralmat
Utálom a féltékenységet
A lányokra, akiknek világosabb szemük van
Baby féltékeny vagyok
Nem tudom irányítani
Utálom a féltékenységemet, a féltékenységemet
De féltékeny típus vagyok
Az a csaj, nem lehet az a csaj
Baby egy rosszlány vagyok
Ha lángba borulok, akkor bizonyára át leszel verve
Hadd álmodozzon hogy szundít majd egyet
Még csak nem is kérdezgetem, hogy ki az a csaj?
Aha, ki az a csaj, nem?
Ez olyan szánalmas, ez olyan átlagos, miért
Akar néhány nő férfit és néhány lány feleség lenni?
Hazudj csak amíg rá nem dobják a bugyit a tűzre
Elloptam a pasidat
Szabadságot kapott, azt kerget amit csak akar
Tudom, mérges vagy
De nem érdemli meg az idődet
Ez olyan húzás
Nem vagyok rosszindulatú, de ő egy szar
Nem én leszek az utolsó
Aki ezt mondja neked, de majd ő megmutatja
Baby féltékeny vagyok
A képekre, amiket lájkolsz
Baby féltékeny vagyok
A lányokra, akiknek világosabb a szemük
Baby féltékeny vagyok
És tudom, hogy ez nem helyes
De féltékeny vagyok, féltékeny
A féltékeny fajta

Today There's Drinking

The rumba is just starting, alcohol never runs out
Come on grab the bottle and put your hands up
Come on grab the bottle and put your hands up
Give yourself a shot to turn you on, music motivates you
Forget about the problems, let's enjoy life
'Cause today there's drinking1
Oeh, oeh, oeh, oeh
'Cause today there's drinking
Oeh, oeh, oeh, oeh
My madness is high
Tell that to your sister, your cousin, your aunt
We're finishing the party
Where women have the face of a strawberry
And the ass of a mango
She keeps enjoying, she keeps dancing
She keeps jumping, she keeps fucking
And when I grab her the only thing she says is:
'Oh daddy, keep assembling'
I keep going froward, keep walking
I'm still in the fight, I keep achieving
Farruko y Pitbull
No one here is thirsty, 'cause
'Cause today there's drinking
Oeh, oeh, oeh, oeh
'Cause today there's drinking
Oeh, oeh, oeh, oeh
The rumba is just starting, alcohol never runs out
Come on grab the bottle and put your hands up
Give yourself a shot to turn you on, music motivates you
Forget about the problems, let's enjoy life
'Cause today there's drinking
Oeh, oeh, oeh, oeh
I'm unleashed, non-vacinnated
Give me a drink that I'm going to get wet, my mouth
That woman is hard, is hot, is beautiful
Is pretty, is tasty, is crazy
Come on partner, I like it like this, enjoy
Dance soca, salsa, merengue
Lambada2and the pie with the mouth
What a class of note
Skinny or fat ones, come on that there are more than enough
Farruko and Pitbull
No one here is thirsty, 'cause
'Cause today there's drinking
Oeh, oeh, oeh, oeh
'Cause today there's drinking
Oeh, oeh, oeh, oeh
The rumba is just starting, alcohol never runs out
Come on grab the bottle and put your hands up
Come on grab the bottle and put your hands up
Give yourself a shot to turn you on, music motivates you
Forget about the problems, let's enjoy life
'Cause today there's drinking
Oeh, oeh, oeh, oeh
'Cause today there's drinking
Oeh, oeh, oeh, oeh
Put your hand up
Come on shout 'cause today there's drinking
Today you went out to party
With all of you
Come on move it, don't stay3
Give yourself a shot or you don't dare
Tomorrow we have to work
But today there's drinking
'Cause today there's drinking
Oeh, oeh, oeh, oeh
'Cause today there's drinking
Oeh, oeh, oeh, oeh
(I don't want water
I want a beverage4
Today, I better die a famous alcoholic
Than an anonymous alcoholic
So you know
Come on thing
(This is Dale the album)
  • 1. The sense is more like : 'today we drink' but that would be not a literal translation. This one is closer.
  • 2. These 5 are regional dances and musical genres
  • 3. behind, here
  • 4. an alcoholic one


One, two, three and...
The side of your bed
that was hot is freezing
I look at the phone and all your photos are torturing me
I don't forget you yet, who told you that lie?
you know that I don't forget you
I don't want wings to fly to another place
I just want to be with you
Tell me now why
tell me why you left, tell me, baby
tell me now why
Why don't you call me?
Don't you miss me?
Tell me now why
tell me why you left, tell me, baby
tell me now why
Why don't you call me?
Don't you miss me, baby?
Yah (Wuh!)
Honey, don't go, you are my treasure
I don't live without you, my love, I don't eat
In the street I don't do a chorus to my friends
I fly where you are, I don't delay
Give it to me today, don't tell me tomorrow
I devour that little hip and your body
You are my pearl, diamond and treasure
What I love the most in the world and not chorus
Yes, I'm crazy to have you again
Yes, my bed says you're my luck
Yes, the only one who loves me and is not because of what I have
There is something of yours that comes to me,
but I don't stop
Tell me now why
tell me why you left, tell me, baby
tell me now why
Why don't you call me?
Don't you miss me?
Tell me now why
(Why you left?)
tell me why you left, tell me, baby
(Don't go away)
tell me now why
(No, baby)
Why don't you call me?
Don't you miss me, baby?
I know your mouth only wants with mine
Only your memory remains to wrap my night and day
I know your mouth only wants with mine
I don't know what it would be like a life without your kisses
Tell me now why
tell me why you left, tell me, baby
tell me now why
Why don't you call me?
Don't you miss me?
Tell me now why, eh-eh
tell me why you left, tell me, baby
tell me now why
Why don't you call me?
Don't you miss me, baby?
Tell me why
Tell me why you left
El Alfa
Dance for me, honey
Dance, honey


So far, so close

He came to flourish
In my crystal eyes
The wind carried everything away
And once more he returns here at sunrise
So far, so close
To everything as it was
Deserted cities
Nature has covered up
Budding flowers
Your eyes so dark
I've come back here to wake up
So close and so far from
What once was
My eyes are stinging
My eyes sting from running so much behind the horses
My eyes are stinging
My eyes sting from running so much behind your brothers
My eyes are stinging
My eyes sting from loving you so very much
My eyes are stinging
My eyes sting so much
A tear of deceit falls from my pupil and runs down slowly
One day it will arrive where it must arrive
Or it will remain lost between my lips
It was true
That I wanted to see you
It was true
That I wanted to love you
It was true
That I wanted very much to see you
It was true
That I wanted so much to love you, just you
That day I ate until I burst
And I couldn't stop talking
I tried to get over it but nothing worked
You carried me in your arms, I couldn't walk
That day I thought I was going to burst
Flowers were coming out of my ears
That day I only wanted to dance with you
But I couldn't do it
I kept trying
I draped myself in your arms
I invented another story for myself
Then, the dance ended
And you carried me to a lover's couch
I made myself into a little ball of wool against you and fell asleep shattered
That day I thought I was going to burst
Flowers were coming out of my ears
That day happiness was overflowing
I let myself be swept away
That day I thought I was going to burst
Flowers were coming out of my ears
That day happiness was overflowing
From each and every one of the corners
That day


Szerelmem, dőlj hátra és lazíts, piciny lábacskáiddal rugdosd a pultomat,
Sehova nem kell elmenni gyorsan, gyere, élvezzük, itt ahol vagyunk.
Ki tudja hova kellene vezetni ennek az útnak ?
Nincs másunk csak az idő.
Ameddig itt vagy mellettem, minden rendben lesz.
Ha meg kell történnie, meg fog történni, meg fog történni,
Szerelmem, csak hagyd, hogy megtörténjen!
Szerelmem, hagyd, hogy megtörténjen!
Tehát nem akarnál velem utazni, velem utazni?
Meglátni hova vezetnek ezek a dolgok.
Ha meg kell történnie, meg fog történni, meg fog történni,
Szerelmem, ha meg kell történnie
Nem szeretném, hogy ilyen feszült legyek, de a szívem párszor megsérült
Pár srác által, akik nem bántak velem rendesen
Nem fogok hazudni, nem fogok hazudni
Mert elegem van a hamis szerelemből, mutasd meg, miből vagy
Hitesd el velem fiú
De tarts ki te lányt, nem tudod, hogy gyönyörű vagy?
És ez könnyen belátható.
Ha meg kell történnie, meg fog történni, meg fog történni,
Szerelmem, csak hagyd, hogy megtörténjen!
Szerelmem, hagyd, hogy megtörténjen!
Tehát nem akarnál velem utazni, velem utazni?
Látni hova vezetnek ezek a dolgok.
Ha meg kell történnie, meg fog történni, meg fog történni,
Szerelmem, ha meg kell történnie
Tehát gyere velem, lovagoljunk együtt
Nézd meg, hova vezet ez
Tehát jöjj velem, lovagolj velem
Nézd meg, hova vezet ez
Bébi, ha ezt akarjuk
Talán megtesszük
Talán nem
Talán akarjuk
Talán nem fogjunk
Ha meg kell történnie, meg fog történni, meg fog történni,
Szerelmem, csak hagyd, hogy megtörténjen!
Szerelmem, hagyd, hogy megtörténjen!
Tehát nem akarnál velem utazni, velem utazni?
Látni hova vezet ez.
Ha meg kell történnie, meg fog történni, meg fog történni,
Szerelmem, ha meg kell történnie
Ha meg kell történnie, meg fog történni, meg fog történni,
Szerelmem, ha meg kell történnie
Ha meg kell történnie, meg fog történni, meg fog történni,
Szerelmem, ha meg kell történnie


I won't wait for tomorrow (Oh yeah)
I hope you'll do the same (There)
I'll show you the way (Come on)
I'll go with you forever
She comes from Neymar's country1 (Oooh)
She dances the Macarena2 (Come on)
I tell her jokes, she's breaking bars (Come on)
She smiles and I lose my grip
Baby, I'm dribbling 3 and I'm lying (Come now, yeah)
She has so many suitors
I saw you in a city, in a novel
Kiss me, yes, kiss me (Yes)
She's my woman, not my girlfriend (Where)
Tell me no or tell me yes
Just make me turn my head
Lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Lé-lé)
Your heart and mine are sealed
My gadji4, my woman, eh
Lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Lé-lé)
Your heart and mine are sealed (Yeah)
Lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Lé-lé)
My gadji, my woman, eh (come on)
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
(Come now, yeah)
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
She wants to live a crazy life
A life that progresses in tandem
It's going too fast for me, wait
But I'll follow her all the same (Yeah, yeah)
She reads it in my eyes (Come now)
My heart is getting carried away
Since then, my sky is blue
Baby, I'm dribbling and I'm lying
She has so many suitors
I saw you in a city, in a novel
Kiss me, yes, kiss me (Yes)
She's my woman, not my girlfriend (Where)
Tell me no or tell me yes
Just make me turn my head
Lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Lé-lé)
Your heart and mine are sealed
Ouh-lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Lé-lé)
My gadji, my woman, eh (Lé-lé-lé)
Lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Lé-lé)
Your heart and mine are sealed (Yeah)
Lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Yeah-yeah-yeah)
My gadji, my woman, eh
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Baby, I've dribbled around you (Hey)
Pepita5 you're my target (Come on)
Baby, I've dribbled around you (Reggaeton, hey)
(Pah, pah, yeah, come on)
Baby, I've dribbled around you (Hey)
Pepita, you're my target (Come on)
Baby, I've dribbled around you (Reggaeton, hey)
(Pah, pah, yeah, come on)
Lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Lé-lé)
Your heart and mine are sealed
My gadji, my woman, eh (Lé-lé-lé)
Your heart and mine are sealed
My gadji, my woman, eh (Come on)
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
  • 1. A reference to Brazil, where the footballer Neymar is from.
  • 2. popular song and dance from the 1990s.
  • 3. As in, playing basketball.
  • 4. a term that refers to non-Romani people.
  • 5. Lit. 'pumpkin seed', but is also a nickname for 'Josefa'.


Whenever the wind changes
Whenever the wrong ones celebrate
Whenever the horizon dawns
Whenever my pulse races
Whenever it's raining doubt
And I look into the gloomy flicker
I swim in the breakers of my soul
And I can't reach the shore anymore
Like an earthquake
I feel this war inside of me
I fight alone against this emptiness
Like an earthquake
I feel this deficit
Find me before I lose you
Whenever day comes
People torment themselves through the streets
Whenever I silently stand by
Whenever I disturb
I can't hear my breath anymore
Like I'm going the wrong way
I swim in the breakers of my soul
And I can't reach the shore anymore
Like an earthquake
I feel this war inside of me
I fight alone against this emptiness
Like an earthquake
I feel this deficit
Find me before I lose you
Like an earthquake
I think about you all the time
See how my shadows rise
Like an earthquake
The power of love shakes me
Doors burst open and I can live
Like an earthquake
I feel this war inside of me
I fight alone against this emptiness
Like an earthquake
I feel this deficit
Find me before I lose you
Like an earthquake
I think about you all the time
See how my shadows rise
Like an earthquake
The power of love shakes me
Doors burst open and I can live

Come Back, Beloved Thee

Versions: #2
I can't cry, can't shriek, I loved you just like that, can't live
She took my heart and left me, can't understand
Come Back, Beloved thee to my sore heart
I beg you to come back to the heart loves you
I'm very unhappy, I've got no trust in anyone
You died once, I died for thousand times with thee
Even if I've been told that was nothing but a fairy tale
I wouldn't believe, you would always exist, can't ignore thee
Come Back, Beloved thee to my sore heart
I beg you to come back to the heart loves you
I'm very unhappy, I've got no trust in anyone
You died once, I died for thousand times with thee

The Hunt

I don't know your name or your whereabouts
I guess your trail and smell
I'll go armed with teeth and courage
I'll bite your wild meat
I spend the entire night without napping, afflicted
I wake up imitating your scream
I approach near your lair
And when you see me, you provoke me
You sing your crazy agony
Water bubbles in my mouth
My prey is roaring its race
Legs thrashing and their fervor
Today is the day of grace
Today is the day of the hunt and of the hunter
I stretch out like a cat
To get you, wild animal
To quench your mixed greed
That when it sees me, it shrinks and teases me
And in the same impulse, it expels me and hugs me
Our skin sticking from the sweat
Today is the day of grace
Today is the day of the hunt and of the hunter
I keep an eye on the beast
Soon I'll give it an accurate strike
I already know your gazelle back
Mad horse mounted on fur
Dominant, don't get rid of it
Panting, it's the owner of your lord
Today is the day of grace
Today is the day of the hunt and of the hunter


Solar-Come here,come here,come here,come here
Hwasa-Come here,come here,come here,come here
Wheein-Put the phone away and show off
Throw away the headache
Drink all the pain away,stop acting nice
Solar - bbom kkankkong kkankkong tadadadong
Move to the rhythm,shamessly have fun,lalala
Moonbyul-I didn't change over night
So don't try to make sense of it you punk
Useless antipathy,I never pushed you
I go,I go butterfly,clink your glasses zzan
Hwasa-It's okey to not be fine,It's okey to not be fine
Solar&Hwasa-Shamessly have fun
Wheein-Drop drop drop
Wheein-Throw away suit and tie,dress code bling bling
You are my mix and macth,don't avoid
it drunken drunken
Moonbyul- Shamessly have fun,enjoy it like crazy
Solar-You don't need a wrong and right
Moonbyul-On and on on and on
Solar-Come here,come here,come here,come here
Solar-Come here,come here,come here,come here
Moonbyul-Look up the here ,focus focus focus
I'm the subject ignore it,mute,click click beep
It's just like this and that,people who talk to much
Always die first,so raise your self love
Solar- It's okey to not be fine,It's okey to not be fine
Solar&Hwasa-Shamessly have fun
Wheein-Drop drop drop
Wheein-Throw away suit and tie,dress code bling bling
You are my mix and macth,don't avoid
it drunken drunken
Moonbyul- Shamessly have fun,enjoy it like crazy
Solar-You don't need a wrong and right
Moonbyul-On and on on and on
Solar-Come here,come here,come here,come here
Solar-Come here,come here,come here,come here
Moonbyul-Nine,six,six,nineteen/nine,six gogobebe
Hwasa-I'm warmed up,ready go to crazy
Solar-It's start now
Hwasa-Everyone's gonna go crazy
Throw away suit and tie,dress code bling bling
Hwasa-You are my mix and macth,don't avoid it drunken drunken
Moonbyul- Shamessly have fun,enjoy it like crazy
Solar-You don't need a wrong and right
Moonbyul-On and on on and on
Come here,come here,come,here,come here
Solar-Come here,come here,come,here,come here