Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 1

Találatok száma: 45


Az én babám

Hallgatnunk kellett volna egymás szívére
Szerelembe esni és soha el nem válni
Megvalósíthatjuk ha megteszed, amit kell
Na, megint helyben vagyunk, helyben vagyunk
Te is tudod, hogy a babám akarsz lenni
Na, megint helyben vagyunk, helyben vagyunk
Te is tudod, hogy a babám akarsz lenni
[1. versszak]
Még mindig jól nyomjuk, én így érzem
Hadd tudja meg mindenki, hogy itt vagyunk az épületben
A padlótól egészen a plafonig
Ha nagyjából bent vagy kezdhetünk lazulni
Mozdulunk, bulizhatunk
Ki van benne az üzletünkben? Mindenki
De ez rendbe, mert én még mindig úgy élek
Mint 2 Chainz, babám, én más vagyok1
Gyere már ide!
Hadd mondjak el neked egy kis apróságot, egy kis apróságot
Amit lehet, hogy jobb ha tudsz rólam
Én nem játszok játékokat, babám, figyelj!
Babám, ha szeretsz akkor gyere és mutasd ki!
Hallgatnunk kellett volna egymás szívére
Szerelembe esni és soha el nem válni
Megvalósíthatjuk ha megteszed, amit kell
Na, megint helyben vagyunk, helyben vagyunk
Te is tudod, hogy a babám akarsz lenni
Na, megint helyben vagyunk, helyben vagyunk
Te is tudod, hogy a babám akarsz lenni
[2. versszak]
Drágám, autókáznunk kéne egyet
Cirkálni és flörtölni, ahogy megyünk
Semmi sem jöhet, ami a zsongásunkat megölheti
Semmi aggály nincs a fejemben
Mi most élünk és jól élünk
Fiatalon és félreértve
Bedilizek tőled, megőrjítesz
Te is tudod, hogy a babám akarsz lenni
Hadd mondjak el neked egy kis apróságot, egy kis apróságot
Amit lehet, hogy jobb ha tudsz rólam
Én nem játszok játékokat, babám, figyelj!
Babám, ha szeretsz akkor gyere és mutasd ki!
Hallgatnunk kellett volna egymás szívére
Szerelembe esni és soha el nem válni
Megvalósíthatjuk ha megteszed, amit kell
Na, megint helyben vagyunk, helyben vagyunk
Te is tudod, hogy a babám akarsz lenni
Na, megint helyben vagyunk, helyben vagyunk
Te is tudod, hogy a babám akarsz lenni
Habár kidolgozom a lelkem
Minden percben rád gondolok
Most már tudom, hogy te vagy egyetlenem
Hát érezzük magunkat jól, érezzük magunkat jól, amíg fiatalok vagyunk!
Hallgatnunk kellett volna egymás szívére
Szerelembe esni és soha el nem válni
Megvalósíthatjuk ha megteszed, amit kell
Na, megint helyben vagyunk, helyben vagyunk
Te is tudod, hogy a babám akarsz lenni
Na, megint helyben vagyunk, helyben vagyunk
Te is tudod, hogy a babám akarsz lenni
  • 1. Ez egy utalás 2 Chainz 2012-ben megjelent 'I'm Different' (Én más vagyok) c. dalára.

Zehava The Doll

Zehava the doll is tired
and the bear is very tired
the shadows came into the room
whispering to me good night
Nurit is lying in bed
and by her side the teddy bear sits
and a ball and also a hare
and they all want to sleep
But suddenly Nurit wakes up
daddy, daddy, she calls out
come quickly, make the darkness go away
he disturbs, the bad boy
Zehava the doll laughs
and the bear laughs a lot
why make the darkness go away
and surely he is a good child
Zehava the doll is tired
and the bear is very tired
the sounds came into the room
whispering to me good night
Good night....

Tirishko (Sudden, Heavy, and Short Rainfall)

vey vey hele vey hele hele
vey hele vey hele yallah (c'mon)
vey hele
Sweep the days one by one
and put good days on the top
When the hearts are cloudy and windy
issue1 whatever is on the top
hele yalla (c'mon), vey say mashallah (bravo)
vey hele yalla (c'mon), vey say mashallah (bravo)
vey hele yalla (c'mon), vey say mashallah (bravo)
vey hele yalla (c'mon), vey say mashallah (bravo)
I'm like the South, old and warm
You, your grade is green and clean
When I don't have you here
it's stormy, foggy, and dusty
hele yalla (c'mon), vey say mashallah (bravo)
vey hele yalla (c'mon), vey say mashallah (bravo)
vey hele yalla (c'mon), vey say mashallah (bravo)
vey hele yalla (c'mon), vey say mashallah (bravo)
This weather is hot, like 'Fayez'2
The sunset is gloomy, like 'Maftoon'3
This weather is hot, like 'Fayez'
The sunset is gloomy, like 'Maftoon'
Issue1 whatever is close
Issue1 remedies4
hele yalla (c'mon), vey say mashallah (bravo)
vey hele yalla (c'mon), vey say mashallah (bravo)
vey hele yalla (c'mon), vey say mashallah (bravo)
vey hele yalla (c'mon), vey say mashallah (bravo)
  • or export
  • 2. name of a late southern Iranian poet
  • 3. name of a southern Iranian poet
  • 4. or medicine and treatments / solutions


Amikor elsétálsz
Amellett a park mellett a lakásod közelében
Gondolsz rám?
Gondolsz rám?
Gyorsan vezetsz
Mikor rájössz hogy az én utcámban vagy?
Lassan vezetsz?
Gondolsz rám?
Azt gondoltam össze pakolom a hátizsákom
És csak elmegyek (elmegyek)
Ott hagylak téged mindazzal a szarral amit én már nem bírtam elvinni
Az én hibám
Mi a pokolt tettem-tettem?
Valaki újjal kavarok
Azt hittem akarom
Kiderült nem akarok újat
Téged akarlak
Mi a pokolt tettem-tettem?
Valaki újjal kavarok
Azt hittem akarom
Kiderült nem akarok újat
Téged akarlak
Nem akarok újat, téged akarlak
Nem akarok újat, téged akarlak
Az ágyában vagyok
Pontosan mellette, de ő nem tudja
Csak rád gondolok,rád
Rád gondolok
Amikor éjjel 3 van
És azon a vacsorán vagyok a barátaival
Nem rájuk gondolok
Csak rád gondolok
Azt gondoltam össze pakolom a hátizsákom
És csak elmegyek (elmegyek)
Ott hagylak téged mindazzal a szarral amit én már nem bírtam elvinni
Mi a pokolt tettem-tettem?
Valaki újjal kavarok
Azt hittem akarom
Kiderült nem akarok újat
Téged akarlak
Mi a pokolt tettem-tettem?
Valaki újjal kavarok
Azt hittem akarom
Kiderült nem akarok újat
Téged akarlak
Nem akarok újat, téged akarlak
Nem akarok újat, téged akarlak
Azt hittem jobb lesz nélküled
Nem bírok nem rád gondolni
Most már valaki újjal vagyok
Azt hittem jobb lesz nélküled
Nem bírok nem rád gondolni
Most valaki újjal vagyok
Mi a poklot tettem-tettem?
Valaki mással kavarok
Azt hittem ezt akarom
Kiderült nem akarok mást
Téged akarlak
Valaki újjal kavarok
Azt hittem ezt akarom
Kiderült nem akarok újat
Téged akarlak

I Can't Stand

I'm drunk on rose, it's trouble.
My tears are not enough to die.
Your secret love in me,
It pierces my heart, wound by wound.
While you're listening to this song,
I'm somewhere far away,
Passing in one's chips,
I will think of you and forget.
I can't stand your longing.
God, how great pain is this?
It neither passes nor kills.
I drank wine of love,
To your heart's content.
While you're listening to this song,
I'm somewhere far away,
Passing in one's chips,
I will think of you and forget.
I can't stand your longing.

Young Russia - The Russian Militia

Versions: #1
Oh, somehow we've stayed too long, brethren,
What do you say we make tracks?
Young Russia, it's infinite strength,
Give me a steed and a good sword!
Onward militia, let's get going and chase down the foe,
This young Russia, is dear to my heart,
And it's not right for us to sit in our shacks
Give me a steed and a good sword!
It was long ago brethren
The dark forces came for this war.
And we didn't realize it, we didn't expect it
We lived, loved, and had children.
There are forty-thousand times forty,
Russia never saw such enemies.
And we didn't realize it, we didn't expect it
We lived, loved, and had children.
So the houses and huts were set afire,
The women and small children cried
And every man, brother for brother,
Went to fight for the Motherland
Oh, somehow we've stayed too long, brethren,
What do you say we make tracks?
Young Russia, of infinite strength,
Give me a steed and a good sword!
Onward militia, let's get going and chase down the foe,
This young Russia, is dear to my heart,
And it's not right for us to sit in our shacks
Give me a steed and a good sword!
So ruin came to our homes
There was wholesale slaughter after that.
And we didn't realize it, we didn't expect it
We lived, loved, and had children.
Don't you, this Russian militia -
Won't you take a stand for the Motherland,
They chopped, slashed and crushed the enemy,
And they drove back its dark horde.
And the blue heavens began to shine forth
A perfect chalice of tranquility and peace.
So who will join us in war?
Give me a steed and a good sword!
Oh, somehow we've stayed too long, brethren,
What do you say we make tracks?
Young Russia, of infinite strength,
Give me a steed and a good sword!
Onward militia, let's get going and chase down the foe,
This young Russia, is dear to my heart,
And it's not right for us to sit in our shacks
Give me a steed and a good sword!
And the blue heavens begun to shine forth
This is a perfect chalice of tranquility and peace
And who will join us in war...
Give me a steed and a good sword!
Oh, somehow we've stayed too long, brethren,
What do you say we make tracks?
Young Russia, of infinite strength,
Give me a steed and a good sword!
Onward militia, let's get going and chase down the foe,
This young Russia, is dear to my heart,
And it's not right for us to sit in our shacks
Give me a steed and a good sword! (2X)
The darkness passes and the perfect light shines on already.
He who loves his brother abides by the light.
Whoever despises his brother resides in darkness
So we have this commandment from Him, who is a loving God
He is loved as though His own brother, in love there is no fear
He who abides in love abides in God,
So God is within him, and God is love

The Heavens Watch Over

Just a couple of streets and two buildings
So close together, so far apart
Like two parallel lines
That are never to cross
Because what is without, is not what is within
And we will tear this veil from our face
Even if we are far apart, the heart knows
Even if we are far apart, the heart reaches out
You say, there are no coincidences
Someone up there is guiding things
The heavens are watching over us
Beyond the wall, beyond the fence
There's someone in love, who won't give in
There's someone else, who is so like me
Someone else who might be waiting for me?
Because what is without, is not what is within
And we will tear this veil from our face
Even if we are far apart, the heart knows
Even if we are far apart, the heart reaches out
You say, there are no coincidences
Someone up there is guiding things
The heavens are watching over us


On my lips there is only your name
In my dreams there is only your face
when you
became my lover
The lover, the lover, the lover
The sun goes out for you
In the moon there is your face
when you
became my lover
The lover, the lover, the lover
I’m your lover ...
The sun goes out for you
In the moon there is your face
when you
became my lover
The lover, the lover, the lover
I’m your lover ...

Counting the Days

Versions: #1
Counting the days
Moments by moments
What's left for me even then
This long winding story line
Counting the days
Just extinguish, your love passion
If the buds was never there
What I am asking for is your sincerity
Not poetry
Just go away, love, go away
Just tell everyone
So they know about it
That I am now all alone
Oh.. just go away love, go away
Just tell everyone
So they know about it
That I am now all alone
That I am now all alone

Diamond Da Challa Lyrics - Neha Kakkar & Parmish Verma

Versions: #1
Oye Oye..
Oye Oye..
Mood Bada Karda Mera
Laike Jave Mall Mainu
Tera Pubg Na Khatam Hove
Karda Ignore Mainu
Cute Jeha Face Da Haal Ki Ho Gaya
Mere Tere Karke
Aaja Chal Viah Karvaiye
Lockdown Vich Ghat Hone Karche
Laido Challa Challa
Diamond Da Challa Laido Haan Ji
Dil Mera Karda Ae Tere Ek Takawan
Bas Mera Chalda Naa Ji
Laido Challa Challa
Diamond Da Challa Laido Haan Ji
Dil Mera Kardae Tere Ek Takawa
Bas Mera Chalda Naa Ji
Oye Sunn!
Mainu Chadd Ke Date Kitta
Kise Hor Nu Hisaab Tu Laa Layi
Tainu Kardi Pyar Bahot
Gal Vich Dimag De Paa Layi
Kade Hath Fadd Ke Tu Kehnda
Mainu Pyar Bahot Karda
Gussa Na Kareya Kar Baby
Gal Kar Liya Kar Sanjhi
Laide Challa Challa
Diamond Da Challa Laido Haan Ji
Dil Mera Karda Ae Tere Ek Takawan
Bas Mera Chalda Naa Ji
Oye Oye..
Gal Challe Di Ki Kardi Ae
Rani Haar Bana Da
Oh Chal Mitran De Naal Goriye
Heereyan Vich Jada Da
Dil Da Raja Gabru
Main Keha Vekh Zara Azmake
Tu Mood Bana Ek Waar Billo
Main Lockdown Khulwa Da
Oye Oye..
Oye Oye..
Oye Oye..
Oh Vich Gaddi De Gehdiyan Launda
Naal Yara De Daily
Mainu Vi Kade Lai Jaya Kar
Jad Hondi Aan Velly
Vich Porsche De Gehdiyan Launda
Naal Yaara De Daily
Mainu Vi Kite Lai Jaya Kar
Jad Hovan Main Velly
Tu Kinna Wait Karaunda
Kade Na Aave Time Te Shami Ghar Nu
Mere Vicky Sandhu Tere Naal
Russ Ke Baithi Taan Ji
Laide Challa Challa
Diamond Da Challa Laido Haan Ji
Dil Mera Karda Ae Tere Ek Takawan
Bas Mera Chalda Naa Ji
Oye Oye..
Oh Tere Kehan Toh Bina Sohniye
Reejh Pugawan Teri
Ho Chakk Diamond Da Challa
Das Koyi Hor Demand Je Teri
Ho Na Goa Na Shimle Ni
Main Wadde Plan Banava
Ho Russeya Na Kar Kudiye Ni
Chal Sydney Laike Jawan
Laide Challa Challa
Diamond Da Challa Laido Haan Ji
Dil Mera Karda Ae Tere Ek Takawan
Bas Mera Chalda Naa Ji
Oye Oye..

I can't stand to be apart

Like always forgetting something
Like to dry rose on a branch
Like a teenager child
I'm wandering, I'm wandering
I can’t stand to be apart
Like always forgetting something
Like to dry rose on a branch
Like a teenager child
I'm wandering, I'm wandering
I can’t stand to be apart
I weep inwardly
I have different kinds of troubles
I can stand all of them with pleasure
But I can't stand to be apart
I found the way but missed the trace
I became 'me' but lost 'us'
I actually lost the secret
I'm wandering, I'm wandering
I can’t stand to be apart
I weep inwardly
I have different kinds of troubles
I can stand all of them with pleasure
But I can't stand to be apart
I can't stand to be apart

That You Should Only Smile

I know that there are angels in the world
waiting for me on the path
don't need to hurry, everything will work out alright
it will come with time
there are truly important things
in the end it is the small details
sometimes we don't need to speak
we found words also in the quiet
That you should only smile for your whole life
this is all that i ask for
a small house, a garden for the children
believe me i am happy
know that i will watch over them for ever
And you will soon see
the things themselves with come together on the path
the fearful will fret, questions will be solved
it will come with time
there are truly important things
in the end it is the small details
sometimes we don't need to speak
we found words also in the quiet
That you should only smile for your whole life
this is all that i ask for
a small house, a garden for the children
believe me i am happy
know that i will watch over them for ever

Resist, ye, my heart!

They got you wounded, haven't they
All of your sides got blistered
No science can take care of this
Mind is torn sack, unrovelled lace
You are the target of the arrows coming from above
A frame tamboured with fire
Don't rebel at dust and ashes
Resist, ye, my heart, for another breath!


Ah, ah, mert nem tudok nélküled aludni.
Nem, nem akarok rólad álmodni.
Bárcsak a karjaimba zártalak volna (Álmatlanság).
Két napja fent vagyok,
a Tylenol PM nem hat semmit,
elvesztem az időérzékem, baby (Álmatlanság).
Az elmém túl gyorsan forog,
az árnyak a falon folyton lesben állnak,
azt kívánom, bárcsak visszajönnél (Álmatlanság).
Reménykedek, hogy rád találok
miközben a takarók közé nyúlok.
Baby, csak egy este telt el,
de olyan, mintha egy hét lett volna.
Dobálom magam és forgolódok, dobálom magam és forgolódok,
megfordítom a párnát, behúzom a függönyt.
Nekem, nekem, nekem
álmatlanságom van, ah.
Mert nem tudok nélküled aludni.
Nem, nem akarok rólad álmodni.
Bárcsak a karjaimba zártalak volna (Álmatlanság).
Álmatlanságom van, ah.
Mert nem tudok nélküled aludni.
Nem, nem akarok rólad álmodni.
Bárcsak a karjaimba zártalak volna (Álmatlanság).
Még mindig hallom a hangod,
mely egészen reggelig ébren tart.
A sötétben is téged látlak (Álmatlanság).
Reménykedek, hogy rád találok
miközben a takarók közé nyúlok.
Talán csak egy este telt el,
de olyan, mintha egy hét lett volna.
Dobálom magam és forgolódok, dobálom magam és forgolódok,
megfordítom a párnát, behúzom a függönyt.
Oh, nekem, nekem, nekem (nekem, nekem, nekem)
álmatlanságom van, ah.
Mert nem tudok nélküled aludni.
Nem, nem akarok rólad álmodni.
Bárcsak a karjaimba zártalak volna (Álmatlanság).
Álmatlanságom van, ah.
Mert nem tudok nélküled aludni.
Nem, nem akarok rólad álmodni.
Bárcsak a karjaimba zártalak volna (Álmatlanság).
Reménykedek, hogy rád találok,
csak próbálkozom, próbálkozom, próbálkozom.
Megragadtál, megragadtál a fejemben.
Oh, nekem, nekem, nekem...
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.


Versions: #2
Drawing in a trance, his eyes don't leave the page,
Not a brush, he needs something more,
This is the outline of his life,
Within seconds he creates whole worlds,
Converting wisdom into colours,
All around people are asking why wait,
There are boats in the sea,
There are those who say that colours are a world of make-believe,
Uncool, somewhat less worthwhile,
You won't really discover new lands,
And there are others like me, who are still convinced,
That everything happens for a reason,
And there's no arguing with the soul,
He crumples it and tosses away the pencil, disturbed and unable to sleep,
They've been arguing for a while over what not to draw,
Go figure, go lose your temper at the sea,
There are those who say that colours are a world of make-believe
Professional translator IT/HE-->EN. Feel free to contact with comments/questions/professional translation needs.

Translations are always 'non verbum e verbo sed sensum de sensu' - not word for word but sense for sense. Enjoy :)

Opening the Heart

Soon the candle will go out,
Soon the morning will reappear,
Are you ready for the new day to start?
Are you paying attention?
Have you tidied up for its arrival,
Have you cleaned with water in preparation?
Will you remember that emptiness cannot sate you?
When will you smile with your eyes?
All it takes is opening your heart,
All it takes is to listen, to accept,
All it takes is to be less of me for myself,
And what should I bring for you?
For you...
Should the way disappear,
Forget about your destination,
Every day it will renew itself in you,
Written on the moon,
And when the sun hides itself for a moment,
We'll remember what we're missing,
Just come closer, you'll see me waiting,
Always there to read your face,
All it takes is opening your heart,
All it takes is to listen, to accept,
All it takes is to be less of me for myself,
And what should I bring for you?
All it takes is opening your heart,
All it takes is to listen, to accept,
All it takes is to be less of me for myself,
And what should I bring for you?
For you...
Soon the candle will go out,
Soon the morning will reappear,
For you...
Soon the candle will go out,
Soon the morning will reappear,
For you...
Soon the candle will go out,
Soon the morning will reappear,
For you...
Soon the candle will go out,
Soon the morning will reappear,
For you...
For you.
Translations are never word-for-word, but always about some degree of interpretation (word choice, word order, grammar etc...). Enjoy :)

My Nights

Once more you started and said,
Leave her be, leave her be,
When I'm unhappy I escape,
To the sea, to the sea,
I don't understand everything, but I've become accepting,
The music that's playing,
Floods me, floods me,
And when the show is over,
Take me, and yourself,
I don't understand everything,
But I'm slowly learning,
Like a shepherd for your flock of silences,
Kissing away all your fears,
Pointless to say I've gone,
Too late to say I've stayed,
A diamond for the ring you gave me,
'To ask for your hand' you whispered,
'You're the light in my nights,
My nights, my nights,
My nights.'
The flickers of a city in the darkness,
Leave me be, leave me be,
All souls falter on their way,
Mummy's here, mummy's here,
Words written in the sand,
Look, every one has value,
Like a shepherd for your flock of silences,
Kissing away all your fears,
Pointless to say I've gone,
Too late to say I've stayed,
A diamond for the ring you gave me,
'To ask for your hand' you whispered,
'You're the light in my nights,
My nights, my nights,
My nights.'
Like a shepherd for your flock of silences,
Kissing away all your fears,
Pointless to say I've gone,
Too late to say I've stayed,
A diamond for the ring you gave me,
'To ask for your hand' you whispered,
'You're the light in my nights,
My nights, my nights,
My nights.'
Professional translator IT/HE-->EN. Feel free to contact with comments/questions/professional translation needs.

Translations are always 'non verbum e verbo sed sensum de sensu' - not word for word but sense for sense. Enjoy :)


Draws Hypnotized Not moving my head from the page
Not a brush He needs a little more
it's about lines of his life
In seconds he builds worlds
Translator to colors some wisdom
People are asking what to wait for
There are ships in the sea
Some say that colors are a world of looks
Not worth a little less lucrative
You will not really discover a continent
And there are others like me convinced
That everything happens for a reason
And do not argue with the soul
Creases and throws the pencil Restless did not fall asleep
They are in a fight It's been awhile he didn't paint
go figure go be mad at the sea
Some say that colors are a world of looks

A different flag

I'll sit here on the sand
And draw a big circle around myself
I'm waiting still since yesterday
For the right moment
For the rainbow to show
She'll piece together in me everything that
Fell apart and broke
Between all the points it'll
Trace a straight line
I learned from the water
How not to get stuck, to be free
Even if you see the sky
Even though every day I have a different flag
And even if the light now is only half lit
It's enough for me to not lose this
As long as I don't lose this
Who will piece together in me all that fell apart and broke
Between all the points who will trace a straight line

From the start

From the start I told you
That love isn't always enough
And that life has other ways to deal with us
In that day, a tear from you fell down on my shulder
You said : try
I said : okay
But never leave me
If you will go, go now
If you will stay, don't go away
I didn't want myself to believe in a love that ends with wounds
For nights, I have been building an illusion and a dream and in just a second every thing was gone
And it's my destiny to get a great and tough wound from my love
Sometimes when the wound comes fast, it will be much easier
From the start I told you
And you refused to listen to me
Today, I ask you
What can I do with my heart that loved you?
It's hard for me to forgive you after your wound
And what is harder is to live
By the way, I will miss you
Even if I don't forgive you