Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 4

Találatok száma: 186


Csak Monika

Olyan boldog vagyok, hogy csatlakozol az irodalom klubhoz!
Hé, sosem mondtam hogy szeretnék csatlakozni
Ó váó, Sayori! Ki a barátod?
Ő a klubunk legújabb tagja!
Ez...még nincs kőbe vésve...
Ez itt Monika!
És Natsuki!
...és engem már ismersz!

Üdv a gyűlésünkön!
Szoktál olvasni?
Nem kell félénknek lenned!
Fejlesztjük az elméd!
Itt egy rohadt muffin
Muszáj volt egy fiút hoznod?
Ideje verseket írni!
Ne félj megmutatni őket!
A fesztivál csak pár nap!
Segíthetnél sütni!
Vagy zászlót csinálni!
És ma egyedül gyalogolok haza...
Talán barátok vagyunk... talán többek...
Hogy is szerethetne egy egyszerű szomszéd
Lányt? Én csupán nem az vagyok aki kell neki!
Hé, Sayori jól vagy?
Nehéz napom van...
Azt látom! Elég magányosnak tűnsz!
Bárcsak megmosolyogtathatnám...
Csak azt akarja, hogy minden olyan legyen mint rég.
Ő lehangolt, stresszes
És búsul...
Szóval nem akarom hogy Sayori veled lógjon!
Olyan boldog vagyok, hogy csatlakozol az irodalom klubhoz!
Várj! Mi történt SaYøRivaŁ?
Itt senkit sem hívnak így
A Manga a szenvedélyem. De ne ítélj el!
Az írás olyan lendületes!
Lehet kölcsön kéne venned
De csak holnapig...
Benéztél a ruhám alá?
Olvassunk egy sztorit!
Mi van SãYôRįvaŁ?
Beszéljünk inkább rólam!
Zongorázni tanulok!
És szoprán a hangom!
És nem tudlak kiverni a fejemből!
Nem tudok elnézni...
Mindig elpirulok...
Honnan jön ez az elsöprő érezés?
Éles mint egy kés és kétszer olyan gyors!
Van valami amit tudnod kellene!
Soha nem láttam még Yurit-
-jÓZANABBNAK éS nYUGODTABBNAK mÉG úgy is hogy kicsit izzadt...
Nem bánom ha máris belevágunk:
Imádom a ragyogó arcodat!
Ezt az érzést nem engedhetem!
Szóval drága barátom Yuri már vágja a lényeget!
Kitaláltad? Talán tudtad már?
Natsuki a következő, őt is kitörlöm!
Nem kell nekünk muffin vagy vers vagy tea.
Csak szeretned kell engem!
Váó. Jó sokat használod a CrunchyRoll-t. Tényleg kihasználod azt az ingyenes VRV próbaidőt
Hé...Senki nincs már az utunkban...
Szóval csak nézz rám és mond,
Itt és most édesem, hogy szeretsz!
És mi itt fogunk ülni az idők végezetéig
Mert végre elértem ezt, és az enyém vagy!
És bocsánat hogy mindezt látnod kellett
De most már nem számít, hisz' az enyém vagy!
Örökre. Örökre. ÖRÖKRE. ÖRÖKRE.
Mind (háttérben):
Nézzenek csak oda, ki tévedt be hozzánk!
Még mindig az irodalom klubban vagy?

Hát persze! Végül is én vagyok az elnök
Váó Sayori! Ki a barátod?
Ő a klubunk legújabb tagja!
Ez szerintem még nincs kőbe vésve...
Ez alkalommal? Szerintem de.
Miért nem csatlakozol?
Natsuki épp ismerkedik a kedvenc horror regényemmel.

Hé! Nem... nem mintha tetszene vagy ilyesmi...
Szóval... Van már valaki akivel együtt gyalogolsz haza ezután?
Csak a barátommal, Sayorival.

Csak táncolj

Vörös, Konvict, Gaga
Egy kicsit sok voltál (sok)
Minden ember elkezd rohanni (rohanni kezd)
Egy szédítő tánc? Nem találom az italomat, ó ember
Hol vannak a kulcsaim? Elvesztettem a telefonomat
Mi folyik itt a földön?
Imádom ezt a rekordot, mert többé nem érzem a hideget
Mi a neve ennek a klubnak?
Nem emlékszem, de rendben van, rendben vagyok
Csak táncolj! Minden rendben lesz, Dada doo doot-n
Csak táncolj, forgasd ezt a rekordot baby, Da da doo doot-n
Csak táncolj! Minden rendben lesz, T-t-t tánc, tánc,
Tánc, csak Cs-Cs-Csak táncolj!
Szeretném becsukni a playboy száját
Hogyan fordítsam ki a pólómat (fordítsam megfelelően)
Irányítsd a mérged baby, azt mondják a rózsának tüskéje is van
És ma este a házban vannak!
(* / **)
[Colbie O'Donis]
Amikor meglátogatom a táncparkettet, mint a katalógusban
Nem hiszek a szememnek, annyi hibátlan nő
És nem adom fel, állandóan próbálom felvenni a telefont
Hiszek magamban, kinyitom a rekeszt holnapig
Sápadt, látni mennyi energiája van
Az út alatt forgatod a csípődet körbe körbe
És nincs ok arra, miért ne jöhetne el velem
Abban az időben maradsz velem, nézzd meg hogy töröd szét
Csak táncolj, minden rendben lesz, dada doo doot-n
Csak táncolj! Forgasd ezt a rekordot baby, Da da doo doot-n
A fél pszichotikus, hipnotikus beteg megszerezte a tervemet, ez szimfonikus
A fél pszichotikus, hipnotikus beteg megszerezte az elektronikus tervrajzomat
Menj, használd az izomtestedet, feszíts, dolgozz rajta
(Megvan nekem, csak mond, elég közel vagy, hogy megkapd)
Ne lassíts! Vezess és tisztítsd ki, fények ki, véreztesd ki
Foglalkozz pockoval.
Csak táncolj! Minden rendben lesz,
Csak táncolj, forgasd ezt a rekordot baby,
Csak táncolj! Minden rendben lesz,
Csak táncolj, forgasd ezt a rekordot baby,
Csak táncolj, csak Cs-Cs-Csak táncolj!
Tánc, tánc

I Just

What time is it right now,
Is the sun even rising
With the sound of the rain, oh I'm wondering,
Inside this dark room, I'm waiting
Though time keeps on going,
I'm asking why are you staying still
As expected, I'm just here
So call me up
Oh I, oh I
I’m running around in circles, passing by
Oh I, oh I
I’m running around in circles, passing by
Oh I
Oh I
Oh I
Oh I
My questions have no answers,
No one is near me
I just as always, as expected,
So call me up
Oh I, oh I
I’m running around in circles, passing by
Oh I, oh I
I’m running around in circles, passing by
Oh I
Oh I
Oh I
Oh I
Oh I (I’m running around)
Oh I
Oh I (I’m running around)
Oh I
Oh I, oh I
I’m running around in circles, passing by
Just passing by
Oh I oh I
I’m running around in circles, passing by
Oh I
Oh I
Oh I
Oh I
Oh I (I’m running around)
Oh I
Oh I (I’m running around)
Oh I
You know you’re always in my heart

Beyond The River Mouth

But this river itself is not calm
How lovely the ambience around the river is
It will never be the same
As the current is changing and in turbulence gradually
But humans think differently
Everything has its own price
To protect our life, we will never know it
What is out there that is waiting for me beyond the river mouth?
I look so far beyond the river mouth
Faraway there where the birds fly
I am free to go
Every dream of mine that is at beyond the river mouth awaits me
I feel that behind those trees
Or just now at the rapid waterfall
There is a beating of drums that can be heard clearly
For a handsome and strong husband which a strong wall is built
And I have never dreamed of whatever it is at beyond the river mouth
Beyond the river mouth
I look so far beyond the river mouth
Faraway there, a sea that is getting further
For what purpose is it to get my dreams to be reached out beyond the river mouth?
Beyond the river mouth
Shall I choose the smoothest course?
As steady as the vibration of drums?
Will I marry Kocoum?
Will this dream end now?
Are you still waiting for me, O dream that is at beyond that river mouth?

Just Like This

Please don’t change it
In this constantly changing world, what becomes the only thing that won’t disappear
Is the memory of the place where I laugh with you
Sinking sunshine, a red curtain sky
Signs that the deep night is beginning
Come to my side, bring your body closer
Let’s fit ourselves together like a puzzle
“Nowadays, even love can be bought with money” is what someone says, but
Your heart can live on after being given to someone else
Painted-over morals
Looking away from society’s reality
But warmth is right here
Please don’t change it
Invisible things are uncertain, so people soon want a physical shape, but
I’m different
“Certainty” is right here
Can I see it?
Will I be able to say it?
I want to be able to talk to you like this, facing each other
Since we’ll be parted someday
Since there’s no such thing as eternity
That’s why I wanted you to know now
That you weren’t alone these past ten years
The shattered throat split open my chest
Countless times, I said “Let’s give up” and paused, but
You were waiting for me
Please don’t change it
The fact that you said you needed someone like me
I’m so happy, “Thank you” isn’t enough
Allies as far as the eye can see, and bonds like family
In a world that shares those, the only place that is just ours
Please don’t change it
I’ve started to want to believe in our chance meeting, and accept it while laughing
I met a “Self” who thinks that way
I want you to always be at my destination
Keep laughing there, please
However far I go, there’s nothing to fear if you’re there
Just like this

I just want love

Calmy I tell you
Casually I want you
I want you to stay around me. You react like that again.
I want it everyday
Guess I'm obsessed with your scent
Every nerve comes to you
I'm in a hurry but I'm still trying to get used to it
You just need to be like that
The more the smile spreads, the narrower it gets
Baby melt me in your arms
Put it like that in your eyes
You don't have to care about what anyone says
I just want love, I just want love
I'd whisper to you
I feel like I'm swimming deep
Breath and roll your eyes at every move
You can't miss a thing. Take me to your heart.
Greed is endless, thirst and pain
When I see it in my pupils, it's all washed away
I'm not good at it at but it's easy and simple
Baby melt me in your arms
Put it like that in your eyes
You don't have to care about what anyone says
I just want love, I just want love
Tell me more roughly,
Draw me a world only for you and the two
You can get a little bit more drunk than the usual
I just want love, I just want love
Spit out more, even the little things
I want you to let me go, I want you to let
Just touch your fingertips a little closer
I just want love
Baby melt me in your arms
Put it like that in your eyes
You don't have to care about what anyone says
I just want love, I just want love
Tell me more roughly,
Draw me a world only for you and the two
You can get a little bit more drunk than the usual
I just want love, I just want love

I Want To Become A King Soon

I'll show you
I'll become a mighty king
(It's too soon for a kid to be acting big)
My cool mane will flow in the wind
And I'll show you my frightening roar, Rawr!
(But right now you're not like that at all)
I want to become a king soon!
(It takes time to become a king, young master)
I won't have to listen to anybody
(I suppose so...)
Do that!
(That's what I'm trying to tell you...)
Don't do this!
(I have so many things to say...)
Whatever I do
I won't get scolded
(These two are hopeless, really)
I will be able to do as I please!
Enough, listen to what I say
I can't help but talking about it
If you don't want listen to me
Then I'll just quit
Is this even a good job?
Good grief, these brats are hopeless
I want to become a king soon!
Go left
Go right
Everyone will be my servant!
(It's too soon!)
Let's sing together!
Every animal and bird
Will be my servant!
I want to become a king soon!
I want to become a king soon!
I want to... I want to become a king soon!

Just you and me

Just you and me
Just you and me
Oh like swans
Like you and me, like stars
We'll stay so pale
Oh like swans
Just you and me, a bit too dirty
We didn't do anything wrong
And we're running away and we would like
To stay alive, to try everything
To love rain and black flowers
To stay together, without believing in it too much
We are the sign
That you and me, like metal
We'll stay so wrong
We are the sign
Just you and me and our arsenal
We aren't out of the ordinary
And in the universe we're seducing
We're daring dragons1 and we stay proud
We plunge our bodies in black waters
Dreaming our lives, without believing in them too much
But if tomorrow we're moving apart
If you move - too far away -
If you don't come back then swear to me
That you'll kill me
Just you and me oh oh
Like stars oh oh
Collading oh oh
We'll kill each other oh oh
Oh like swans
Like you and me, like stars
We'll stay so pale
Oh like swans
Just you and me, a bit too dirty
We didn't do anything wrong
Like stars
Like stars
Like you and me
Just you and me...
  • 1. This doesn't mean anything, it's just there to sound nice.

Just around the riverbend

What makes rivers so wonderful
Is that you never step in the same river
The water is constantly changing, continuously flowing
People prefer safety
Paying the price to stay here
But what else could a human being come across
Just around the riverbend
Look just around the riverbend
What am I looking for
Just around the riverbend
Go again
I passed the bend
What's waiting over there
Always behind a new tree
Just around the riverbend
For me
What awaits me
Beyond the trees, along the forest
And after that turn, a new turn
So my thoughts swirl and wander
And a man who builds sturdy walls
Keeps me from my journey
But what kind of a world would be waiting for me
Just around the riverbend
Just around the riverbend
What am I looking for
Just around the riverbend
I dream and sail
Just beyond the sea
Going on and on, there
Don't hold back on me
Just around the riverbend
Just around the riverbend
I choose the smooth course
The quiet rhythm of the drum
I'm marrying Kocoum later
Is that the end of the dream
True, dream spirit, will you stop for me
Just around the riverbend

Providential Men

By myself I am nothing
I am but the desire of the people
in his two funerals.
I am the other, seeing through the magic of images
I am the one who knows among the commotion of the world
I am the one who carries you away
from the scandal of the seventh right1
and I protect you from the murderous unbinding2,
the superb teacher
keeping his distance with primal passions,
the simplicity of the supreme slogan.
I am the voice of the unified body,
the police-made distribution of a consensual era.
I am the voice of unity,
the art of composing with providential men.
I am the guardian who guards nothing
during the trial.
And how could I reach a place in which you already stand?
I am the other who understands,
the messenger and the interpreter.
I am the one who comes to share what can be perceived.
I am the absence of void,
a pre-recorded laughter,
the machine in your living room which talks in your stead
I am Timisoara,
the ass and tits of the star
who keeps repeating endlessly the supreme slogan.
I am the one who knows
for all those who don't know,
the one who understands
for all those who don't understand.
I am the one who talks
for all those who don't talk,
the proof of your ignorance,
the proof of inequality.
  • 1. refers to conclusions drawn by a (in French, unfortunately) that might explain the idea in further details. Beware, this is a Marxist analysis, i.e. an odious stream of obscenity and stupidity, by any dominant standards
  • 2. here again that's specialized vocabulary. Can mean the reaction to a trauma according to Freudian theory or the isolation of individuals in a sociological sense.

I'll be gone or I'll be going, both can be said or sayed

I used to bawl in the desert like a very bad tenor,
a big, stupid, obscene animal.
I used to jerk off loudly, throwing up like an ancient Roman
to help myself all alone to more and more food.
Again and again estranged to my pain,
I brilliantly ignore myself.
I'm perfectly fine, my body seen from the outside
I'm perfectly fine, quiet now, I'm sleeping.
I'll be gone or I'll be going,
both can be said or sayed1
I was emptying myself from the read end, my back to the world,
discharged from the reserve army of capitalism.
Brilliantly socially excluded, I was organizing the worst,
often seeking a radical wound
again and again and again.
We've been barely surviving on the brink of society for generations.
I'll leave you in peace and go back to my shipwreck.
Well, so long folks.
I'll be gone or I'll be going
I'm going, please forgive me, forget about me
I'll be gone or I'll be going
I'm quietly going into oblivion over there
End of history in my meagre present.
I'll stay over there, surrounded by nothingness,
a ghost ship, a glorious failure.
After my self scuttling I end up clutching death.
  • 1. This is a cultural joke. French is a complicated language which requires some serious effort to be written in a syntactically correct way. It is customary among educated French people to dismiss and belittle those who can't write it flawlessly. This can be interpreted in a political way, but since politics have been voided of their meaning and social classes have become an obscenity, I won't even bother to try. According to the dominant ideology, these guys are just crazy fools who talk out of their asses. And the poor idiots can't even write proper French anyway.

You go tell her

I love her
I love her so much
You go tell her
That I can never forget her
'tis a passion
Stronger than a chain
That torments my soul
And doesn't let me live.
If you should chance to meet her
Anytime, anyplace, anywhere
Say I was a fool to leave her
Tell her how much a fool can care
I love her
I love her so much
You go tell her
Stronger than a chain
That torments my soul
And doesn't let me live.
If you should chance to meet her
Anytime, anyplace, anywhere
Say I was a fool to leave her
Tell her how much a fool can care.
I love her
I love her so much
You go tell her
Stronger than a chain
That torments my soul
And doesn't let me live.

The Wasteland Of Reality

Venerable Science smirks quietly
while great narratives are in a huff.
No more invisible hand to answer anguished calls.
Here comes Reality, an unpredictable sorceress.
Let yourself be seduced, and let the actresses play.
Welcome to the passion for reality
Welcome to the wasteland of reality
You can always put some meaning into it, you know,
or rather quietly indulge
in some genuine violence.
The century behind your back has no lack of examples.
The century behind your back, that's pure enjoyment.
Semblance smiles in its basement
while Modernity sulks upstairs.
No more light nor cross to secure you down the cliff.
Here comes the Truth, an uncertain answer.
Come and seduce us in the wasteland of reality.
You can always put some meaning into it, you know,
or rather quietly indulge
in some genuine violence.
The century behind your back has no lack of examples.
The century behind your back, that's pure enjoyment.
Will you always be able to put some meaning into it?
Will you always have to put some meaning into it?
Will you always be willing to put some meaning into it?


I think of it like it’s really nothing
Just like you
Hey Hey I’m not missing you
Don’t have any anxious thoughts
It’s like sometimes wanting to wear clothes you used to wear a long time ago
No let’s be lighter Baby I’ curious about you
Each of our lives have been lived for a while
How are you when you asked me how I was doing
I froze, full of all the things I was about to say
Without you my calm heart
Falters as I see you, you’re bad
I hate you
What do you mean it’s been hard, no It’s not true
Every every day I live a busy life
Don’t get worried over nothing
Sometimes I get lonely and like others
You think of the past I’m curious about you
Each of our lives have been lived for a while
How are you when you asked me how I was doing
I froze, full of all the things I was about to say
Without you my calm heart
Falters as I see you, you’re bad
I hate you
Stop, how much longer do you have to make fun of me
I ignore and keep walking, I leave for the place where you used to be
How are you I’ve been unwell
I miss you and I can’t go to sleep
Without you I am nothing
In my heart, where I can only tear up, is
Only you

Heart is beating just like that

It wasn’t all over
It was just another beginning
My heart that I thought was worn out and gone, starts to beat again
When did the sun start to shine through the window?
When was the last time I laughed out loud?
I always hid my tightly gripped hands
Like a child who can’t grasp anything
The world held my hand
Asking why I’m alone with a smile
u wo u wo
I’m opening my eyes that were closed
u wo u wo
I hope all of this isn’t a dream
My breath quickens each day
Everything feels so strange today
Like a scent that blows over,
Another tomorrow comes
Then the pain that built up in my memories scatter as dust
Will love come to me again like magic?
Visible yet not, love was always by my side
I just didn’t know
When I look back, the world was always by my side
Always at the same place, just like now
u wo u wo
I’m laying down each pain of mine
u wo u wo
I hope all of this isn’t a dream
Step by step, I’m heading outside
Will I see the world that I dreamed of?
I always hid my tightly gripped hands
Like a child who can’t grasp anything
The world held my hand
Asking why I’m alone with a smile
u wo u wo
I’m opening my eyes that were closed
u wo u wo
I hope all of this isn’t a dream
Since when did it start?
My heart starts to beat again

Just Friend

Without any innocence, you replied and kissed me,
softly, playing like an adult.
The words after “you see,” I was sure would be “I love you.”
How come you took so long to decide not to say it?
I don’t want to keep going in circles.
It will all end here if I want to tell you “I love you.”
So long friend, because I’m not going to turn back.
It’s you who broke me, and we couldn’t laugh at each other.
Just Friend, why did you kiss me?
I remember that day when you softly kissed me
everytime I see you on the bus going home.
You laughed at me right in my face, like it was nothing.
I will never forget it.
Since then, I was defeated.
I’m the same, because I still want to tell you “I love you.”
So long friend, because I’m not going to turn back.
I always thought I wouldn’t care if I was broken.
Just friend, it hurts turning my back on you.
Why is it so painful being just friends?
Even if you love someone else, I was happy.
It will all end here if I want to tell you “I love you.”
So long friend, because I’m not going to turn back.
Yeah, you push me away, and it was only me who cried.
Just Friend, why did you…
It will all end here if I want to tell you “I love you.”
So long friend, because I’m not going to turn back.
It’s you who broke me, and we couldn’t laugh at each other.
Just Friend, why did you kiss me?

If You Just Love

The stars in the sky resemble me
So they’re always at the same place
Today, just like yesterday
I’m staying by your side
If you love me
Don’t hesitate
If you feel the same
Even if a painful tomorrow comes
We’ll be able to embrace
All of the moments we spent together
If you love me
Even a short, passing memory
Can be a comfort
The star reflecting on my window
Resemble you
So I want to place it in my eyes
Even if the dark sky covers you
I’ll shine on you
If you love me
Don’t hesitate
If you feel the same
Even if a painful tomorrow comes
We’ll be able to embrace
All of the moments we spent together
If you love me
We’ll never know the end of a beginning
But if our hearts are toward each other
That’s enough
So don’t hesitate anymore
If you love me
Just as I am
If you feel the same
Even if a painful tomorrow comes
We’ll be able to embrace
All of the moments we spent together
If you love me
If you love me

Just Be Friends

Just be friends. All we gotta do
Just be friends. It’s time to say goodbye
Just be friends. All we gotta do
Just be friends, just be friends...
It came to mind yesterday in the early morning
As if I was gathering broken pieces of glass
What even is this? A drop from a cut on my finger
Is this what we really hoped for?
I knew from the bottom of my heart
That the hardest choice would be for the best
My pride refuses it and I keep contradicting myself
When can I ever tell you?
In this rotting world,
I’m struggling, but this is the only way
Carving your faded smiles,
I pulled out the plug
Hoarse screams,
Echoing, ringing distantly in vain
Unclasping these chains
Even when there’s nothing left
Serendipity that used to bring us together over and over again
Turns on us now, shatters, pulls us apart
“No matter what we do, that’s just how life is,” I mumbled,
A tear ran down one of our dry cheeks
All we gotta do Just be friends
It's time to say goodbye Just be friends
All we gotta do Just be friends
Just be friends Just be friends...
Yesterday, a tranquil night made me realize
It’d be useless to pick up fallen petals
When they’ll never bloom again
So fragile, already dead on my palms
Our time stopped long ago
I remember the season we first met,
And your graceful smile
Now, we only bring up the past to pull us farther away, going as far as we can go
Our hearts have become riddled with thorns
Even if it hurts to go on like this,
My heart doesn’t want to change
But I still love you and I still don’t wanna’ go
But I have to tell you—
It’s raining heavily in my heart
Leaving me stunned, scared, my world going hazy
I should be ready,
But the pain still pierces me
The string that had once bonded us
Coming loose, undone, unravelling bit by bit every day
Goodbye, my love, this is as far as we go
There’s no turning back, we have to move on
Just one last time, just one last time
If I could have one wish come true
I’d be born again and again
And I’d take myself back to the old days with you
Hoarse screams
Echoing, ringing distantly in vain
Unclasping these chains
Even when there’s nothing left
The string that had once bonded us
Coming loose, undone, unravelling bit by bit every day
Goodbye, my love, this is as far as we go
There’s no turning back, we have to move on
This is the end
(Just be friends All we gotta do
Just be friends It's time to say goodbye)
Just be friends All we gotta do
Just be friends (Just be friends) It's time to say goodbye
Just be friends (Just be friends) All we gotta do
Just be friends (Just be frien~ds)It's time to say goodbye
Just be friends (~)All we gotta do
Just be friends (~)It's time to say goodbye

Just Dance

It's hard to say which kind of style
You would like to follow
Being happy for his happy
It doesn't work this time
Well listen to adrenaline's speaking
Don't say you're rushing to leave
Okay have some burps and then announce in advance tonight
Will untangle muscle and bones which being introvert for a long time
What do you want to do if not to dance now
Slightly broken can be forgiven
Selective forgetting of stagnant levels
Sweat a bit before going home
What do you want to do if not to dance now
There has no date, therefore, where is your strength
Instead of taking care of one hair as reeling silk from cocoons
Please waste your calories
No matter which kind of rhythm
Invite more people to keep it up
Who will be the first one, and then I'm going to mess it up
Very competent to acting crazy
Well listen to adrenaline's speaking
Don't say you're rushing to leave
Okay have some burps and then announce in advance tonight
Will untangle muscle and bones which being introvert for a long time
What do you want to do if not to dance now
Slightly broken can be forgiven
Selective forgetting of stagnant levels
Sweat a bit before going home
What do you want to do if not to dance now
There has no date, therefore, where is your strength
Instead of taking care of one hair as reeling silk from cocoons
Please waste your calories
You do what you want to do
What? Just do what you want to do
What do you want to do if not to dance now
Slightly broken can be forgiven
Selective forgetting of stagnant levels
Sweat a bit before going home
What do you want to do if not to dance now
There has no date, therefore, where is your strength
Instead of taking care of one hair as reeling silk from cocoons
Please waste your calories


We always saw her passing by all hunched over
under the weight of a bundle of wood but more often of two.
We saw her spend the morning and the evening,
her hair pulled back, always dressed in black.
From the perspective of ten years old, I believed her to be older
than that trunk of the olive tree, those twigs on the trellis.
But I heard my mother from the back of the kitchen
cry out, cry out, cry out: 'Hello, hello, Justine.'
She lived down there in the very oldest house,
the one that is almost lost in the blue of the horizon.
Barricaded in her home as if in a castle,
she counted her days as one counts a treasure.
From the perspective of fifteen years old, I found her quite ugly
with her immense feet and her stiff gait.
But I heard my mother from the back of the kitchen
cry out, cry out, cry out: 'Hello, hello, Justine.'
One morning in the street, we did not hear her,
but a few days later, the death knell sounded.
She had died alone at the age of ninety years.
You die alone at that age even if surrounded by children.
From the perspective of thirty years old, that broke something,
much as you sober up when the sky turns pink in the morning.
I no longer had my mother at the back of the kitchen,
and it was I who cried out, 'Adieu, adieu, Justine.'

To kiss you to death

A night of fantasies
How I wish that you were mine
Get drunk with your kisses
And do it to you until the next day
I want your body next to my body
When you kiss me, time stops
Just give me a moment
I am crazy to kiss you to death (J Quiles)
To get you down to a hundred for the express (Nicky Jam)
If you let me, I know how to deal with that (W)
Like a dog I get to the bone
I am crazy to kiss you to death
To get you down to a hundred for the express
If you let me, I know how to deal with that
Like a dog I get to the bone
I come wherever you want
I'm eating the road
In 10 minutes, I went outside
So that you tell me where to park
Before I enter in your room and disarm you
Start kissing me (may not be late)
I am crazy to punish you
To tear you the clothes
I want you like never before
Remove me the question sign anymore
I am crazy to kiss you to death
To get you down to a hundred for the express
If you let me, I know how to deal with that
Like a dog I get to the bone
I am crazy to kiss you to death
To get you down to a hundred for the express
If you let me, I know how to deal with that
Like a dog I get to the bone
You and me are like the sea and the sand
You are my condemnation
You are the one who fills my bed
My redhead
Nothing loose
It needs to be done what she says when she wants to
Because we don't turn on and off, and we leave on a trip
Time stops when we kiss
We end up without clothes
We collide the glasses
If you give me one night, I'll go back and call you
I want to devour you
And steal yours from you
That next to you
Mommy asks, I give it to you
With you I will be cured
I keep thinking about what I will do to you
If last night it was good, I will improve
I will duplicate the passion today
Crazy with you, I won't stop
I don't let her fall
You want to know
How this man treats a woman
I will do everything to you
You won't lose
If you are off, you're going to light
I don't let her fall
You want to know
How this man treats a woman
I will do everything to you
You won't lose
If you are off, you're going to light
I am crazy to kiss you to death
To get you down to a hundred for the express
If you let me, I know how to deal with that
Like a dog I get to the bone
I am crazy to kiss you to death
To get you down to a hundred for the express
If you let me, I know how to deal with that
Like a dog I get to the bone
A night of fantasies
How I wish that you were mine
Get drunk with your kisses
And do it to you until the next day
I want your body next to my body
When you kiss me, time stops
Just give me a moment
Oh Justin Quiles, honey!
Oh Justin Quiles, baby!
Rich Music
Tell me Flow
Simón says says
Nicky, Nicky Jam
I made myself here
When you're drunk, you think about me
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

Justice is calling

Justice is calling,
tyranny falls,
we won't tolerate it anymore.
A hero arrives,
you better run,
Justice we'll impose.
You lied to the people, you cheat them,
and now the price you shall pay.
You should know,
good always wins.
You have sown danger, anguish and pain
and now it's time for rendition.
Control is ours,
my little friend, it's over.
Justice is calling,
tyranny falls,
we won't tolerate it anymore
A hero arrives,
you better run,
Justice we'll impose.
Justice is calling!
Just learning.

Csak egy Illúzió

Keresem a végzetet mely enyém
Van egy másik hely máskor
Sok szívet megérintve mindeközben, jaja
Remélve hogy sose kell mondanom
Ez csak egy illúzió, illúzió, illúzió
Kövesd az érzelmeid bárhol
Tényleg varázslat van a levegőben?
Sose engedd hogy érzéseid letörjenek
Tárd ki szemeidet és nézz körül
Ez csak egy illúzió, illúzió, illúzió
Lehetséges hogy ez csak egy illuzió
Visszahúz ebbe a nagy zavartságba
Lehetséges hogy ez most csak egy illuzió
Lehetséges hogy ez csak egy illuzió
Visszahúz ebbe a nagy zavartságba
Lehetséges hogy ez most csak egy illuzió
Lehetséges hogy egy kép az elmémben
Sose biztos mit fogok pontosan találni
Csak az álmaimban tüzellek fel
Csak egy pillanatig vagy aztán eltűnsz
Ez csak egy illúzió, illúzió, illúzió
Illúzió, illúzió, illúzió, illúzió
Lehetséges hogy ez csak egy illuzió
Visszahúz ebbe a nagy zavartságba
Lehetséges hogy ez most csak egy illuzió
Lehetséges hogy ez csak egy illuzió
Visszahúz ebbe a nagy zavartságba
Lehetséges hogy ez most csak egy illuzió
Lehetséges az hogy
Lehetséges az hogy
Lehetséges hogy csak egy illuzió
Visszahúz ebbe a nagy zavartságba
Lehetséges hogy ez most csak egy illuzió
Lehetséges hogy csak egy illuzió
Visszahúz ebbe a nagy zavartságba
Lehetséges hogy ez most csak egy illuzió
Lehetséges hogy csak egy illuzió
Visszahúz ebbe a nagy zavartságba
Lehetséges hogy ez most csak egy illuzió
You may not extract, copy, duplicate, print, share, crawl, store, re-publish either in offline or digital format lyrics translations translated and published by me on lyricstranslate.com website. Translation text is my intellectual property shared in the good faith on this website that my rights as author (translator) - to the fullest extent of applicable intellectual property law - is respected. You may share links pointing to a lyricstranslate.com page, except when content is embedded on a third party page.

I Can't Wait To Be King

Simba: I'll be a king, i'll have no enemies
Zazu: I have never seen one with so little mane
Simba: One day i will have a splendid mane
From a high place i will roar. ROARー
Zazu: Han! That roar is far from it isn't it
Simba: I just can't wait
Zazu: 'You're still not in a shape where you can be king'
Simba: I won't do that
Zazu: 'What i was saying was... what?!'
Nala: I won't do this
Zazu: 'Not that... e?!'
Simba: Whatever was ordered...
Zazu: 'What!? I don't understand!'
Simba: ... i don't want to do it.
Zazu: 'Wait! Listen, please!'
Simba: Running around whole day
Zazu: 'It's not that!'
Simba: Living freely
Zazu: From now on listen a bit, please
Simba: I can't hear what you are saying
Zazu: If you ignore me that i will leave Africa
Please stop
Yet i'm stuck with this child
Simba: I just cant wait
Simba: Look to the left
Next right
In the light
If i stand
Zazu: 'Still!'
Chorus: We'll all sing, on the ground and in the skies
For Simba, our king
(Simba/Nala:) Today i can't wait
Today i can't wait
Yes! I'll be king, soon

Egyszerűen nem tudok mihez kezdeni magammal

Egyszerűen nem tudok mihez kezdeni magammal
Nem tudok mihez kezdeni magammal
Mindent két fő részére tervezek
Mindent veled együtt teszek
És most, hogy vége köztünk mindennek
Egyszerűen nem tudom mit tegyek
Egyszerűen nem tudok mihez kezdeni magammal
Nem tudok mihez kezdeni magammal
A filmektől csak szomorú leszek
A buliktól hasonlóan rossz a kedvem
Mert nem vagyok ott veled
Egyszerűen nem tudom mit tegyek
Mint a nyári rózsának
Kell a Nap és az eső
Szükségem van édes szeretetedre
Hogy elűzze a szerelmet
Egyszerűen nem tudok mihez kezdeni magammal
Nem tudok mihez kezdeni magammal
Mindent két fő részére tervezek
Mindent veled együtt teszek
És most, hogy vége köztünk mindennek
Egyszerűen nem tudom mit tegyek
Mint a nyári rózsának
Kell a Nap és az eső
Szükségem van édes szeretetedre
Hogy elűzze a szerelmet
Egyszerűen nem tudok mihez kezdeni magammal
Egyszerűen nem tudok mihez kezdeni magammal
Egyszerűen nem tudok mihez kezdeni magammal
Nem tudom mihez kezdeni magammal

I just can't wait for that day

Simba: I'm gonna be a king without any enemies
Zazu: I've never seen one with this little hair
Simba: I'm gonna grow an awesome mane someday
My roar is almost deafening you know - REOW!
Zazu: Ha! Any roar is closer to developing than that one
Simba: I just can't wait for it
Zazu: Sorry, but you've still got a long way to go before you become king!
Simba: Go do that
Zazu: I said you had to...... what!?
Nala: Come do this
Zazu: I didn't say that...... huh!?
Simba: No more bossing me around
Zazu: What the!? You're not understanding what I need you to do!
Simba/Nala: And no more 'don't do that's
Zazu: Wait a minute! Listen to here!
Simba: We'll run around every day
Zazu: There are more pressing matters!
Simba: Free to do things my way
Zazu: You need to listen to me clearly right now
Simba: I don't need to hear your protests
Zazu: If you keep ignoring me like this, then I'll leave
I won't be a part of that kind of Africa
This child has become unbearable
Simba: I just can't wait for it
Simba: Look left, then turn right
Wherever you look, I'm standing in the spotlight
Zazu: Not yet!
Chorus: We'll all sing on the earth and under the sky
For our King Simba
Simba/Nala: I just can't wait for that day
I just can't wait for that day
Yes! Soon I will be king

Csak Azt Szeretném, Hogy Tudd

A fényképedet nézem, arról a napról, amikor először találkoztunk
Rám mosolyogtál, ezt sosem fogom elfelejteni
És semmit sem tehettem, hogy megvédjelek magamtól aznap este
Az ujjad köré csavartál, mindig rád gondolok
A napok összefolynak, mert egész éjjel fent voltunk
Igen, te és én voltunk minden, minden számomra
Csak azt szeretném, hogy tudd
Harcoltam azért, hogy el tudjalak engedni
Néha napján sikerül is
És vannak éjszakák, amik nem akarnak véget érni
Bárcsak tudnék hinni benne,
Hogy egy nap majd visszajössz hozzám
De akkor is azt kell mondjam,
Mindent újra megtennék
Csak azt szeretném, hogy tudd
Minden ajtó bezárul, én próbálok előrefelé haladni
És mélyen belül, bárcsak én lennék helyette
Az álmaim üresek attól a naptól kezdve,
Attól a naptól, amikor kicsúsztál a kezemből
És csak azt szeretném, hogy tudd
Harcoltam azért, hogy el tudjalak engedni
Néha napján sikerül is
És vannak éjszakák, amik nem akarnak véget érni
Bárcsak tudnék hinni benne,
Hogy egy nap majd visszajössz hozzám
De akkor is azt kell mondjam,
Mindent újra megtennék
Csak azt szeretném, hogy tudd
Hogy mióta elvesztettelek,
Magamat is elvesztettem
Nem, nem tudom tettetni,
Nincs senki más
Szóval csak azt szeretném, hogy tudd
Harcoltam azért, hogy el tudjalak engedni
Néha napján sikerül is és vannak éjszakák, amik nem akarnak véget érni
Bárcsak tudnék hinni benne, hogy egy nap majd visszajössz hozzám
De akkor is azt kell mondjam, mindent újra megtennék
Csak azt szeretném, hogy tudd
Harcoltam azért, hogy el tudjalak engedni
Néha napján sikerül is és vannak éjszakák, amik nem akarnak véget érni
Bárcsak tudnék hinni benne, hogy egy nap majd visszajössz hozzám
De akkor is azt kell mondjam, mindent újra megtennék
Csak azt szeretném, hogy tudd

Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem

Ha el tudnám nyerni a szíved
Ha beengednél a szívedbe
Olyan boldog lennék, bébi
Csak ezekért a karokért,
Közel tartsanak téged magamhoz
Nincs semmi ezen a világon, amit nem próbálnék
Nincs határa annak, mit tennék, hogy az enyém legyél, mert
Felmásznék rögtön az égre
Lehoznám a csillagokat
Hogy a karjaidban lehessek, bébi
Mennék, és elfognám a holdat
Ez az, amit tennék
Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem
Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem
Ha megízlelhetném a csókod
Nem lenne édesebb ajándék
Amelyet a Menny felajánlhatna
Ó, bébi
Az egyedüli szeretnék lenni
Az egyedüli élő szeretnék lenni
Aki szerelmet ad neked
Átsétálnék az egész világon, hogy
Közel legyek hozzád, mert közel akarlak tudni magamhoz, igen
Felmásznék rögtön az égre
Lehoznám a csillagokat
Hogy a karjaidban lehessek, bébi
Mennék, és elfognám a holdat
Ez az, amit tennék
Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem
Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem
Az életed hátralevő részében
Az életed hátralevő részében
Szeress engem a hátralévő időben
Ó, bébi, bébi
Csak mondd a szót
És neked adom a világom
Nincs semmi más, amit csinálnék
Bébi, csak veled lenni
Felmásznék rögtön az égre
Lehoznám a csillagokat
Hogy a karjaidban lehessek, bébi
Mennék, és elfognám a holdat
Ez az, amit tennék
Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem
Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem, bébi
Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem
Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem, bébi
Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem
Csak mondd, szeretsz engem
Csak mondd, hogy kellek neked
Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem

Really want to say Goodbye

I'd rather endure your anger towards me
As long as you're still here with me
I'd rather believe you like arguing
Just because you want to hear that apology
I think you can't understand what is happening between us.
Who is this love still lingering here for?
I would rather have two people complaining
And not have to miss someone alone
I can't bear to let you, in the future,
Not have me making you hate me.
I really, really want to say goodbye
How I hope I could say... 'Goodbye'
I can only promise you
As long as I'm alive
Sooner or later, I'll say it
I'd rather love till all that's left is complaint.
Lingering around just like chatting.
I'd rather believe we still care.
That's why we will get upset at every little thing about each other.
I also refuse that, everytime we get angry at each other.
And did something bad to each other, but still want to delay it.
I would rather have two people complaining
And not have to miss someone alone
I can't bear to let you, in the future,
Not have me making you hate me.
I really, really want to say goodbye
How I hope I could say... 'Goodbye'
Year 2036, wait till I'm 60 years old.
Then only say 'Goodbye'.
Then only say 'Goodbye'.
Then only say 'Goodbye'.

Csak Érted

Arany napos, az élet játék volt, a fájdalmat hírből sem ismertük
Iskolába mentünk, megismertük a szabályokat
Bíztunk mindenben, amit mondtak
Aztán az élet felfordult, meg kellett tanulnunk
És nem mehetünk vissza újra
És a szívem összetörik, csak érted, csak érted
És a karjaim nyitva vannak, csak érted, csak érted
Isten Isten volt, az álmok álmok voltak
Az élet teljesen habos torta és jégkrém
Az igazság igaz volt, és a hazugságok hazugságok
Azt gondoltuk, a szerelem sosem hal meg
De az világ továbblépett, az illúzió megtört
És nem tudom, kit okoljak
És a szívem összetörik, csak érted, csak érted
És a karjaim nyitva vannak, csak érted, csak érted
És ezek a könnyek, amiket ejtek, csak érted, csak érted vannak
Védelmet keresek
Adj menedéket a vihar elől
Csak reménykedem, hogy ez a bennem lévő fény
Erősen tart
És a szívem összetörik, csak érted, csak érted
És a karjaim nyitva vannak, csak érted, csak érted
És ezek a könnyek, amiket ejtek, csak érted, csak érted vannak
Csak érted, csak érted, ó, ezek a könnyek, amiket ejtek, csak érted vagyok
Ó úgy érzem, sírni fogok, csak érted
És a szívem összetörik és a karjaim nyitva vannak
Ó, ezek a könnyek, amiket ejtek, csak érted ó igen
Ezek a könnyek, amiket ejtek, csak érted, ó igen

Right Now!

He's fed up with the city, nothing is happening
Most things around here are like that
The week goes by like in slow-motion, the weekend spins away
The same drivel every day about setting oneself free
Right now, I want to live right now
Right now, I want to feel, right now
Feel the air in my lungs
Feel the pulsating blood
Feel the light in my eyes
Feel the time that is going by
He wants to go away, maybe down to Paris
And somehow find adventures
No longer sit around at the local café
And just let his thoughts flash by
Right now, I want to live right now
Right now, I want to feel, right now
Feel the air in my lungs
Feel the pulsating blood
Feel the light in my eyes
Feel the time that is going by
Feel the air in my lungs (Right now)
Feel the pulsating blood (Right now)
Feel the light in my eyes (Right now)
Feel the time that is going by (Right now)
Right now, I want to live right now
Right now, I want to feel, right now
Feel the air in my lungs (Right now)
Feel the pulsating blood (Right now)
Feel the light in my eyes (Right now)
Feel the time that is going by (Right now)
Right now, I want to live right now
Right now, I want to feel, right now
Feel the air in my lungs (Right now)
Feel the pulsating blood (Right now)
Feel the light in my eyes (Right now)
Feel the time that is going by (Right now)