Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 9

Találatok száma: 371


Polikróm románc

Semmit sem kérek tőle…
Mégis, ha akarná-
O, ha nekem akarná adni mindazt amit még nem kérek -
A tavat sós tengerré változtatná,
És a csigát Szfinxként kőbe ásná.
Semmit sem kérek tőle…
De ha mégis úgy esne, hogy kérnék
Mit tudna adni és én mit szeretnék kapni
Egy éterrel teli kupába csepegtetném
És tőle utána ezeket kérném:
Adj, mindent miről gondolod, hogy nem lehet,
Add a fagyos nap szőke nyugodtságát,
Add az első naprendszer béli tűzszünetet.
És a Golgotának kezdő félhomályát.
Add nekem a szépséged önellentmondását,
Add az elcsépelt strófák reményvesztettségét,
Add a lázadó álmok próféciáját
És verseimnek örök perlekedését.
Add a földalatti élet A.B.C- jét
Add a néma fuvolák szimfóniáját
Add a profán ajkak értelmezését
És a szótlan szentképek örök talányát.
Add nekem a nő első áldozatának az árát
Add az opál és az achát jelképét
Add Szalóme megmételyezett ritmusát
És Traviatának f-mollos köhögését.
Add a vízen járók neuraszténiáját
Add a halál utáni létnek arzénzöld spektrumát
Add a sír felé tartó tetemek magasztosságát
És a halottas menet komikumát.
Add mindazt, amit eltékozolsz az első pillanatban
És mindent, ami az utolsó percig összeállt
Add a királyi sziluettek fényűzését
És add meg a tébolyda távlatát.
Semmit sem kérek tőle…
Mégis, ha akarná-
O, ha nekem akarná adni mindazt amit még nem kérek -
A tavat sós tengerré változtatná,
És a csigát Szfinxként kőbe ásná.

Romantic night

Tonight my wife is with her friends,
it's gonna be a rather melancholic night.
I drink a tonic, I play videopoker
I take a stroll among the shops downtown,
then I stumble on a sign that reads:
'Romantic massage
for a romantic night'
such a nice little place,
with those dim lights.
Romantic massage
for a romantic night
a really nice little place,
feels like I am in Beijing!
I go in and they smile at me,
I lie naked on the table
they rub my whole body,
then they give me a wink
and they whisper in my ear:
'You want lomantic massage
fol a lomantic night?'
I'm caught off guard:
how will I explain it to my wife,
about your romantic mass-ah-ah-age
in this romantic ni-ih-ih-ight
but I do appreciate this thing - yes. you bet!
although it comes with a surcharge - go on, don't stop!
Bring on the romantic mass-ah-ah-age
bring on the romantic ni-ih-ih-ght
I'm starting to feel the results
of this expert friction! - keep it up, keep it up!
Bring on the romantic mass-ah-ah-age
bring on the romantic ni-ih-ih-ght!...
How remarkable China is,
in the art of

Biztos vagyok benne, hogy elfelejtelek

Nem érdekel, ha a hold visszatükröződik a vízen,
Nem érdekel, ha kivirágoztak egy új napra a virágok,
A fájdalmam, a szerelmem, mit számítottak ezek Neked?
Nem akarlak többé látni.
Nem érdekel, ha valaki más fogja a kezedet,
Nem érdekel, ha idegenek néznek a szemedbe,
A fájdalmam, a szerelmem, mit számítottak ezek Neked?
Nem akarlak többé látni.
Biztos vagyok benne, hogy elfelejtelek,
Bár gondolkoztam rajta, hogy visszamegyek,
De Te túlléptél rajtam mostanra,
Add át Istennek, a tettekért vállalt felelősséget.
Nem tudom milyen nap van,
Habár mindig szerettelek, sosem vetted ezt észre,
Nem számít többé, hogy kinek volt igaza, és kinek nem,
A neveden szólítottalak, éjjel nappal, mégsem hallottad.
A szemed vak lett, és a nyelved elnémult.
Nem érdemled meg a szerelmemet..


My love, your soul is so beautiful,
You are so gentle towards me,
You are not harsh.
You have such beautiful eyes,
Which know know to read me,
They know my heart. (x2)
You are for me, I feel it 100%,
I am for you, at least I know that.
The two of us suit each other 100%,
We have the same wishes. (x2)
Is this possible,
To be this close,
To be like one.
This is my dream,
Something strange happened,
I felt happy. (x2)
You are for me, I feel it 100%,
I am for you, at least I know that.
The two of us suit each other 100%,
We have the same wishes. (x2)
You are free to use my translations anywhere as long as you give me credit.

Slobodni ste koristiti moje prevode gde god, sve dok navedete mene kao autora.

Sijen slobodne te koristinena me prevodija kaj god, ako navedinena da me sijum o autori.


He asked me out
Our meeting should be special
I drown in midnight touch
For so long, I've been preparing for this meeting
He'll come at nine, we'll meet
I don't know what to wear
Not enough information
I'm without underwear, only high heels
We'll do it without direct hints
I completely surrender to you
For your love battery
I have a translucent dress
And also ... a little makeup
A little makeup to be beautiful
A little makeup for you, love
I want to spin your head
To secretly know your weaknesses
I want to be naked
And the two of us enjoying sunsets
He'll come at nine, we'll meet
I don't know what to wear
Not enough information
I'm without underwear, only high heels
We'll do it without direct hints
I completely surrender to you
For your love battery
I have a translucent dress
And also ... a little makeup
A little makeup to be beautiful
A little makeup for you, love
Mascara, lipstick ... our eyes meet
Mascara, lipstick ... and we dance close to each other
Mascara, lipstick ... our eyes meet
Mascara, lipstick ... and we dance close to each other
A little makeup to be beautiful
A little makeup for you, love


'What kind of person are you?'
If you could hear it that way
On a bygone summer's day
And become a vividly swaying flower
Like a polar bear
I want to stay cool
But this excitement is rising
Right now my heart is pounding proudly
Speaking with courage
It's almost time to go
I want you to notice
The me who has fallen in love with you
Loving love
Falling in love with falling in love
You see, we are such human beings
Inside out
Fall in love with falling in love
You see, those people are such human beings too
'I am this kind of person'
If you can say it that way
Alone at night when holding your head in your hands
You will be a delicately swaying flower
Like a rose
I want to stay strong
But I can't find that confidence
A distinctive bitterness washes over me
Give me courage and try to touch me
If you manage to move my heart
I'll fall in love with you
I want you to see me
I want you to notice me
Only knowing love properly
Through meeting
You see, I'm that kind of human being
Teach me the feeling of wanting to be with you
You see, that's my life
By accident? By inevitability?
Romance is sudden
Fresh like the pop of opening a can of soda
La la la...
I met you who seem to be 'fate'
Because I've never felt that youthful foolishness
Every day cracks appear in my heart
I lose my courage and confidence
Living strongly while making money is also possible
It is the every day life of becoming an adult
Loving love
Falling in love with falling in love
You see, we are such human beings
Loving love
Falling in love with greatness
You see, we are such human beings
The short spring is over
The short summer is over
Living in the new era
Falling in love with you
That kind of thing, I want you to notice me
I want to notice you

Emma, a romantic story

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
The heart goes over any boundary,
it won't make any distinctions,
a look, a gesture will be enough,
a spark will light the fire.
Against every rule or reason,
of that nobility,
Emma and William will fight,
for freedom.
Love won't end,
won't end.
Creative Commons License
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.


From beneath ruins and troubles, longingly I watch the sky
Tired of fighting and the darkness, to you I call and hope
So many years, so many tears, have fueled my calvary
I yearn for the city of peace, the priceless gift
My beloved Jerusalem, relentlessly I climb towards you
Your peace haven I'm missing, I'm missing
My beloved Jerusalem, my thoughts fly out to you
Your holy light I'm missing, I'm missing
A little more and time will come when evil ceases to exist
With all the saints, beloved father, we'll be inside your home
My beloved Jerusalem, relentlessly I climb towards you
Your peace haven I'm missing, I'm missing
My beloved Jerusalem, my thoughts fly out to you
Your holy light I'm missing, I'm missing
Jerusalem of gold,
And of bronze and of light
Behold I am a violin for all your songs.
Jerusalem of gold,
And of bronze and of light
Behold I am a violin for all your songs.

How much I miss

How much I miss,
To be hugging with her.
That she tells me: don't cry,
I'm here, my boy!
To come to hug me,
To calm me down with words.
To cry with me, and hold me tight,
And not to let me go.
Am I crying,
For what couldn't be achieved?
Or do I keep running towards something
Which was never mine, which was never reached...
Maybe you come one day,
And maybe it will never be known.
I will wait for you to come, like always,
I have learned to wait like this.
And how much I want,
That she comes to see me.
To ask me how I am,
To listen to me, while I speak to her.
To come to hug me,
To calm me down with words.
To cry with me, and hold me tight,
And not to let me go.
You are free to use my translations anywhere as long as you give me credit.

Slobodni ste koristiti moje prevode gde god, sve dok navedete mene kao autora.

Sijen slobodne te koristinena me prevodija kaj god, ako navedinena da me sijum o autori.

The Ultimate Romantic

The ultimate: I am the ultimate romantic—
the one who can bring you flowers,
and know what you feel, just from the look on your face,
or the tremor of your hand—to know if you love me.
The ultimate: the ultimate romantic in the world
who can be moved upon seeing two doves
making love on a piazza, ignoring the people
who almost trample them in haste while rushing by.
Why, if a rose is a rose
no matter where in the world, must I change?
Why, if the sea and the sky,
the sun and the wind never change?
Why, if love has been love
since the beginning of time, must I change?
Why, since there are already so many things
that change--but love does not?
The ultimate: the ultimate romantic in the world
who can be moved upon seeing two young people
kissing in the piazza, ignoring other people—
just as we are doing now—just as the two of us are doing now.
Why, if a rose is a rose
no matter where in the world, must I change?
Why, if the sea and the sky,
the sun and the wind never change?
Why, if love has been love
since the beginning of time, must I change?
Why, since there are already so many things
that change--but love does not?
La la la la la la la...

Mr. Romantika

Újra láttam őt, éppen engem nézett.
Meg tudnék rá esküdni, hogy meg akar nyerni magának.
Éppen a barátnőjével társalgott.
Kivirágzott, őt nem érdekli, hogy én téged szeretlek.
Nem tudom, mi lelt engem,
De meg akarok adni neki mindent.
Bennem minden megváltozott.
A rabjává váltam,
Amint a szemeibe néztem.
A diszkóban odajött hozzám, ott ismertem meg őt,
Egy pár ital után megcsókolt.
És azt mondta: Mr. Romantika,
Ne beszélj nekem a szerelemről.
Azonnal megragadott.
Amint elkezdtünk táncolni,
Rögtön a középpontba kerültünk.
Ő pedig velem maradt egész éjjel.
Nem tudom, mi lelt engem,
De meg akarok adni neki mindent.
Bennem minden megváltozott.
A rabjává váltam,
Amint a szemeibe néztem.
A diszkóban odajött hozzám, ott ismertem meg őt,
Egy pár ital után megcsókolt.
És azt mondta: Mr. Romantika,
Ne beszélj nekem a szerelemről.
Azonnal megragadott.
Amint elkezdtünk táncolni,
Rögtön a középpontba kerültünk.
Ő pedig velem maradt egész éjjel.
A diszkóban odajött hozzám, ott ismertem meg őt,
Egy pár ital után megcsókolt.
És azt mondta: Mr. Romantika,
Ne beszélj nekem a szerelemről.
Azonnal megragadott.
Amint elkezdtünk táncolni,
Rögtön a középpontba kerültünk.
Ő pedig velem maradt egész éjjel.

Hold Me Tight

Oh no, it looks like you're too close
I lost this fight to your eyes
But even if I'm in the risky zone from now on
I will be with you until the end anyway
My love is unconditional and pure
You managed to lift me up to heaven
But who am I to you on your list?
Don't step back
Hold me tight
Don't let go of my hand
I will love you forever
Don't let go of my hand
Don't make me sick
This way it will be easier for me
Don't let go of my hand
Keep our love safe
Don't make me sick
Hold me tight
Oh no, it looks like I was late
I lost the war to your lips
But I foresaw the defeat
And with you we're on opposite sides now
You're absorbing me like the universe does
And I have nowhere to go from you
Alas, I don't expect mercy from you
My heart is in your hands
Hold me tight
Don't let go of my hand
I will love you forever
Don't let go of my hand
Don't make me sick
This way it will be easier for me
Don't let go of my hand
Keep our love safe
Don't make me sick
We're on the way, you are my love
Just don't be sad, I'm with you
We're on the way, you are my love
I believe that we're on the way, you are my love
At the abyss I'll be with you
Don't let it slip away, I'm your love
Hold me tight
Don't let go of my hand
I will love you forever
Don't let go of my hand
Don't make me sick
This way it will be easier for me
Don't let go of my hand
Keep our love safe
Don't make me sick
Hold me tight


Come on, let's remember
Who we are, where we're from
And if we still love each other
I'm unsure
What I've forgotten and what more I know
Where are your whispers
Now you hear yourself until the neighbors'
I feel alone
My glass is full
Pour me a little more
Whether it's honey, whether it's poison
Pour me a little more
Until we come back
Pour me a little more
Pour me a little more
Pour me a little more
Pour, pour
Pour, pour
Stay a little, so that we can talk
Your mouth is still dripping
Your eyes, pure venom
I get lost in them
Come on, let's chill
We rush aimlessly
If we wander any more
I'll get lost in the clouds
My glass is full
Pour me a little more
Whether it's honey, whether it's poison
Pour me a little more
Until we come back
Pour me a little more
Pour me a little more
Pour me a little more
Pour, pour
Pour, pour
Pour me a little more
Pour me a little more
If I leave, I won't come back
Pour me a little more
Pour me a little more
Because we still love each other
Pour me a little more
Pour me a little more
If I leave, I won't come back
(I won't come back, I won't come back)
Because we still love each other
Whether it's honey, whether it's poison
Pour me a little more
Until we come back
Pour me a little more
Pour me a little more
Pour me a little more
My glass is full
Pour me a little more
Whether it's honey, whether it's poison
Pour me a little more
Until we come back
Pour me a little more
Pour me a little more
Pour me a little more
Pour, pour
Pour, pour
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

The Ultimate Romantic

Versions: #2
The ultimate:
I am the ultimate romantic—
the one who can
bring you flowers,
and know what you feel,
just from the look on your face,
or the tremor of your hand--
to know if you love me ...
The ultimate:
The ultimate romantic in the world
who can be moved
upon seeing two doves
making love on a piazza.
They ignore the people
who almost trample them
in haste while rushing by.
Why …
a rose is a rose
no matter where in the world
I must change
Why …
if the sea and the sky, the sun and the wind,
they never change--
Why …
If love has been love
since the beginning of time
must I change …
Why …
there are already so many things
that change--
but love does not ...
The ultimate:
The ultimate romantic in the world
who can be moved
upon seeing two lovers
kissing in the piazza.
They ignore other people--
just as we are doing now--
just as the two of us are doing now.


Manele manele … mi ez a zene?
Manele manele manele
Manele manele … miként?
Manele manele manele
Ezek vagyunk tesó!
Manele manele
Hé, mi bajotok vele?
Bömbölő verdámmal száguldok az utca csak passzus
Hangfalaimból szól az erős basszus
Manele manele
Kastélyokat használok parkolóknak
Bőr abroncsú Bmw-kel járok
Osztom a szert a kis szutyoknak
Hé, alj már félre jön a királyod
Manele manele
Benézek a kondiba, lássanak a lányok vele:
Versace felsőm fukszokkal tele
Mihez egy lánctartó is lassan kellene
Nem látod stílusosan divatos vagyok
Ledes-puloveres, gyöngysoros pendelyes
A bárnál különféle manökenekhez ülök
És mind érettségizett, a bűneimre megesküszök!
Manele manele
Tudjuk mit csinálsz, kilóg a lólábnak fele
Manele manele
Nagyvilági darabokban a művészek életvitele
Manele manele
Minden álszent bujkálva táncol majd vele
Mert lóvéval van telis-tele!
Valaki rólam azonnal mossa le!
Manele Manele x 8
És én nem tellek be vele
Szerelem, fájdalom, dollárok, elvétele
Szandálok, függönyök, gondok számbavétele
Keretes szentképek, Armani
Az ellenségeknek meg kell halni!
Az Isten csak annak ad aki kér
Aki kér!
Én nem jártam suliba, de ha a bevételem kérded
Olyan számot mondok hogy eláll lélegzésed
Manele Manele
Zenélőórám van! Aranyból!
És mikor felcsendül az induló
Körbetáncol a szupermarketnél az összes tahó
A Lidlnél, a Pennynél , a Pepconál, sok hűhó
Tűkkel bőrömre tetoválnak ügyes kezek
De én nem értem jelentésüket mer’ ezok nehezek
Mă doare-n p…iept.


Since the Amazon, I have more of my house
I stay up all night from the ozone, I already love it
Nighttime joyride, blue night ride
A life dreamed out loud
Between the shells and La Cienega
I take yellow taxis on the four lane highways
As a pay phone without a voice, I sing softly
I will always love you
Pyromaniac boy seems to get away to the South, the North
To never stay with me
She tells me “I’m leaving” like an obstacle that we elude, then
Declares her flame failed
I wanted to love her gamma ray beam
I burn at the casino like a piece of wood
Magnetic field, seismic wave
Dynamo effect
I desert no man’s land, the front lines
It gives me skull wrinkles, it doesn’t rejuvenate There are only firemen that don’t burn
When they play with fire
Pyromaniac boy seems to get away to the South, the North
To never stay with me
She tells me “I’m leaving” like an obstacle we elude, then
Declares her flame failed

Don't teach me (how to suffer)

We met when we were kids and we didn't have any worries
From the start, we knew how to love without analyzing
I was the needle, you were the thread
We sewed moments together until morning
We didn't understand the notion of 'defective,' when we fit together perfectly.
You were the light of my eyes, but you always took advantage . . .
You knew how to turn me and how to cheat, but this doesn't make you a man.
I want to play music loudly, really loudly, so that it resonates
So that I don't have to hear the pain which cries far too loudly anymore
I've hidden my love well and I left to look for myself again.
At night, I sleep on lilies, don't teach me how to suffer!
Don't call me, I don't need a farewell bandage.
You'll annoy me, the plan is to leave with someone else, I'll be on a date
I was the needle, you were the thread
We sewed moments together until morning
We didn't understand the notion of 'defective,' when we fit together perfectly.
You were the light of my eyes, but you always took advantage . . .
You knew how to turn me and how to cheat, but this doesn't make you a man.
I want to play music loudly, really loudly, so that it resonates
So that I don't have to hear the pain which cries far too loudly anymore
I've hidden my love well and I left to look for myself again.
At night, I sleep on lilies, don't teach me how to suffer!
At night, I sleep on lilies, don't teach me how to suffer!
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Old Russian Romance

In the hour of longing, meditation and sadness
I want to remember you
The shadows of the past have faded greatly
I have no strength
Deceitful dreams
They never give you back to me
Oh time, take pity upon me and don't wake up passion
Calm, lull me
I wanted to love you so much
I wanted to rest my head on your chest
And in those minutes, forget everything
And leave to the [land of] eternal dreams and happiness
Deceitful dreams
Never give you back to me
Oh time, take pity upon me and don't wake up passion
Calm, lull me

Romantic obsession

You look at me with those distracted eyes
You shatter me like dreams, broken mirrors
Really you... We shouldn't have thought about it anymore
And instead we're meeting here by chance...
We, who never trusted chance...
Smile, it's the most normal thing
Then you sit down... A coffee is alright now
Really us... We should have never forgiven ourselves
And meanwhile the sun has risen outside...
How do words count after all!
Look, what a coincidence, life works like that.
There's no sense, no prevision
It seems to be predetermiend, finding each other here
It's a splendid song that makes everything tremble
And you obstinately open my door wide
And my destiny is happily destroyed...
Every destiny is happily destroyed!
You talk to me while trying to buy me...
You can satiate me, with that behavior you have
Really me, me... But I didn't have to bear you anymore
And instead the sun has risen outside
And we're becoming two new people
Look, what a coincidence, life works like that.
There's no sense, no prevision
It seems to be predetermined, finding each other here
It's a splendid song that makes everything tremble
And you obstinately open my door wide
And my destiny is happily destroyed...
Every destiny is happily destroyed!
It's a splendid song that makes everything tremble.
And you obstinately open my door wide
And my destiny is happily destroyed...
Every destiny is happily destroyed!
You're a romantic obsession!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Ben 10 Intro

Everything starts with a watch bind to his hand
That anytime does wonders that not everybody likes
As much as they want on this world no one can pass him
Ben 10
And when you see him a surprise may await you
Alien he appears right in front of you
He's fast, sharp, very good, takes any form he wants
Ben 10
He's always on the spot, solves any case
He saves the world of any bad thing
He has no fear, he's a courageous one
Being the strongest in battle he fights relentlessly
Ben 10


{Chorus} X2
I can be what I want to be,
Losing my dignity,
Cause I got a lot of life in me,
Let me live my American dream!
McDonalds, Michael, Notorious BIG,
George Bush, Coca Cola and MTV,
Hollywood, Mike Tyson, Iraq,
11 september, what a disaster, what a shame!
FBI, CIA, Hamburger, Hot Dog,
Bill Gates, Windows, Microsoft,
Now you no loger call it 'work', you call it 'job'
No long ago 'adidas' were considered basic wear.
Chill man, janes english, no
We no longer have 'bad neighbourhoods', now we have 'Ghettos'
Rappers have 'flow', they are 'underground, yo!'
Now everyting is 'cool', nothing is 'good' anymore.
Women go 'glam', men get drunk often,
They always drink 'whisky' and act like 'superman'.
You must keep up with the times, otherwise you're toasted,
'Is this the life' doesn't sound so good in Romanian.
{Chorus} X2
I can be what I want to be,
Losing my dignity,
Cause I got a lot of life in me,
Let me live my American dream!
Nadia Comăneci, Țiriac, Ceaușescu
Hagi, Dracula and that's about how much people know.
We eat 'kebab' and after we go to 'fitness',
No biggie, the world it's upside down anyway.
TV stations make 'rating', we now have 'DJs',
We speak english since the day we are born, yo.
Kids no longer wanna be like Chickie Chan [1]
They play 'Counter-Strike' and wanna be 'stars'.
An the production house they use the word 'sound'
**You must be 'catchy', do something Tupac-ish,
If it's not like that or like this, you will get no 'airplay'**
They act like we're paid in dollars and not in lei [2].
Somewhere in the Balkans you can hear manele, [3]
You don't say, have you forgot that we used to be part of Turkey?
Some oppose me because I'm trying to be original,
Cuz I'm trying to make this Sălăjan [4] Rapp more to our taste.
'Friend'? No! Now you say 'Bro',
We have bunnies in Playboy that shake their asses.
We go 'VIP', but everything is a shade of grey
When the boys from IMF visit us.
They're some kind of MAI, but as long as we're alive
We go to work to make as much money as we can.
If somebody discovers something new,
Most definetly the reasearchers are from America.
{Chorus} X2
I can be what I want to be,
Losing my dignity,
Cause I got a lot of life in me,
Let me live my American dream!
Die my mother if I lie you... [5]
You won't even understand what I'm saying if you don't know english.
{Chorus} X2
I can be what I want to be,
Losing my dignity,
Cause I got a lot of life in me,
Let me live my American dream!


I ask you please, don't leave
I want you so much to stay by my side that I'd support you
I love you
I'm getting scared of being lonely
This way I'll end up without meeting you
Even if I don't know what a kiss is
This is love
If I could fly, I'd follow you
Even if it rains, no matter how far
I love you
Now I feel like a lost child
I love you
Being loved for the first time in my life
Is making me beautiful
It's a sweet romance
I'm happy
Hold me just the way I am
I ask you please, don't leave
I want you so much to stay by my side that I'd support you
I ask you please, don't leave
I want you so much to stay by my side that I'd support you
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Our play

Though I've chosen another path
I don't want to be without you, but without you I can
I can no longer smile
Our play will always be heard
Even now, on the other path
I can't without you, but without you I have not
All that I wanted
Our play will have no end
You told me you wanted to leave, and I remained
I took it as from those times when words did not matter
The glances sufficed, everything was clear
I wanted to say something, but I was lip-less
It's like a game of chess, but you're the queen, you well know
Like, as if between white and black, I'm crazy over you
I'm going mad thinking over who's
Holding you tight in their arms, and
Has won you
I feel as though I've lost a match
You want me to be the past, but the past is being rewritten
But, maybe it's better, maybe you'll achieve it at last
You're the song, I'm the rhythm, our play is being repeated
Though I've chosen another path
I don't want to be without you, but without you I can
no longer smile
Our play will always be heard
Even now, on the other path
I can't without you, but without you I have not
All that I wanted
Our play will have no end
You told me how you wanted a change, a new beginning
You told me it was too much, that it was no longer worth fighting
I'd look straight at you, wasn't sure what I was hearing
You'd look straight at me, like a stranger
But I know you as though we've grown up in the same home
And now we're enjoying it at home, but with the curtain drawn
I've no hope of recovering
For I depend on you and I don't want to deal with myself
I know you feel the same, but don't let it be seen
And you look at me with a glance, every time you're with him in the street
But don't lose me, but life is terribly short
And I know our play is number one among your top
Though I've chosen another path
I don't want to be without you, but without you I can
I can no longer smile
Our play will always be heard
Even now, on the other path
I can't without you, but without you I have not
All that I wanted
Our play will have no end
Though I've chosen another path
I don't want to be without you, but without you I can
I can no longer smile
Our play will always be heard
Even now, on the other path
I can't without you, but without you I have not
All that I wanted
Our play will have no end
Our play will be heard
Our play ill always be heard
Our play will be heard
Our play will always be heard

Pulp Fiction

You have one last chance, no more
I'm not threatening, that's the last warning
Always the same thing, you stolid!
There is no more concession for you in me!
Before strong winds blowing
Before winter showing its harsh face
don't dwell on it! lets break up!
somehow or other!
I don't know where your mind is?
I couldn't hold the rope once, I can't hold it again!
Get out of my life!
Lets finish this pulp fiction
I love you so much, blah blah
Your life is a lie!
I don't need you,
You can take it or leave it, get this!
We will get used to it by time!
I gave up, I'm withdrawing!

The romance is much more than I deserve

Versions: #2
It's beyond my control
The romance is much more than I deserve
I guess I've indulged in it a little too much
It's beyond my control
The romance is much more than I deserve
I guess I've indulged in it a little too much
I looked at an empty wine bottle
It's just like my totally sickened soul
Some vague phrases came into my head
So I strained myself a litte bit and wrote them down stylishly
Ah, I wonder if I showed off a little too much
Ah, I wonder if they're fed up with me again
Thinking of such things, I look up to the stars
It's beyond my control
The romance is much more than I deserve
I guess I've indulged in it a little too much
It's beyond my control
The romance is much more than I deserve
But I'm surviving with all my might
'There is nothing that is beyond your control'
Once I sang so
Instilling it in their minds diligently
My voice made some people shed tears
Thinking that I might as well make my voice hoarse
I shouted out a lie
It will never reach you
That's why it's beautiful
It's beyond my control
The romance is much more than I deserve
I guess I've indulged in it a little too much
It's beyond my control
The romance is much more than I deserve
But I'm surviving with all my might
More than something like sad tear-jerkers
More than something like tenderness pulled out thorns
It's much much more beautiful
Just believe me
Someone I don't even know has stolen my sounds
It's beyond my control
The romance is much more than I deserve
I guess I've indulged in it a little too much
It's beyond my control
The romance is much more than I deserve
That's why I'm at a loss
It's beyond my control
The romance is much more than I deserve
But I've always been afraid of something above my station
It's beyond my control
The romance is much more than I deserve
That's why I'm surviving with all my might

Summer Romance

In the lonely summer night
The sea I walked alone
(Eunkwang/ Sungjae) It's full of the sounds of waves
Those stars who are plentiful
The thing that shines brighter than them
Is you
In the exhausting summer days
I’m glad I came out cuz I ran into you
I don't want to be alone
Wanna spend time with you
I like the summer scent
Our love song
Which we wrote on the white sand (Our love song)
If I'm with you
Even if there isn't a breeze
This perfect summer (if you're here)
I want to sing all night
We're perfect Summer romance
Dudu dururu dudu
Dudu dururu dudu
Dudu dururu dudu
I want to sing all night towards the stars
Dudu dururu dudu
Dudu dururu dudu
Dudu dururu dudu
We're too perfect Summer romance
I actually don't really like summer
But I like it since you're my summer
It's hotter because we're together (because it's you)
But for some reason I like it being hot
Oh we're perfect as one (one)
The smell of the ocean and sunflowers (sunflower)
Turn off the phone we don't need
We love the summer beach. Get easy
The exciting summer night you and I
Phone number name I won't ask anything
Tonight I’ll make sure
You don’t feel lonely
I like the summer scent
Our love song
Which we wrote on the white sand (Our love song)
If I'm with you
Even if there isn't a breeze
This perfect summer (if you're here)
I want to sing all night
We're perfect Summer romance
Our summer beach which we can't forget
It's so pretty in this sparkling space
Dance to the waves like you always wanted to
The sound of the waves dancing with the rocks is silent
Can we see it again us
Even from the hazy haze it's a clear night sky
Don't worry Girl follow me
The hot Summer night in which the night goes by
Dudu dururu dudu
Dudu dururu dudu
Dudu dururu dudu
I want to sing all night towards the stars
Dudu dururu dudu
Dudu dururu dudu
Dudu dururu dudu
We're too perfect Summer romance
Dudu dururu dudu
Dudu dururu dudu
Dudu dururu dudu
It was nice getting to know you
I hope our paths cross again soon
We're perfect us Summer romance

Go The Distance

I've dreamt always , the far' way place
Where all the world
Kindly would've see me and cheered me
I was amazed and continuing i voice
That there it lais (the place of the) life of mine
The way i'll find , no matter how long it'll be
For It is my path, i will hold on
Any step somehow it'll mean a thing
I'll travel the world
For i to find the path of mine
-Hercule me and your mother
We want to tell you a thing ...
'If you discovered me , than from where i arised !?
Why was i left there !>?'
- this was at your neck when we found you
-It is the symbol of Gods
'This is it , you see it!? , maybe the answer is at them ...
I go at the Zeus temple and....
Mother, father you are the best parents a person would wish for ,...
But i must know ...'
I'm on the way of mine
No matter how long would be
Endlesly if it would be , i shall still hold on
Any step somehow it'll mean a thing
I'll travel the world
I walk my path
I'll get across anything, even if afar' it is
The world i'll discover , fair and fearless
Gods they gonna watch over me
And alike a hero i will be seen , upon this path of mine


Ah, my eyes are filled (with tears)
I miss my baby so much...
Ah, that's why wanna cry a lot.
Ah, how much I'm holding in,
How much I'm refraining, but it's for nothing...
Now my emotions have won over.
Chorus (2x):
For my sadness, is there a comfort?
Is it possible to calm myself down somewhere a bit?
At least for a few hours, one, two, or three...
To make it easier for myself, in my chest.
Ah, am I done now?
I'm falling, I'm dying...
Ah, I don't want to live anymore.
Ah, I can't drink water,
Nor can I eat bread, it's all for nothing...
Now my emotions have won over.
Chorus (2x).

A lyrical song about a woman

Don't judge a woman for her love
She'd give everything up for your heart
And she, proud, standing by a window
Would pass all the evening, awaiting
So am I, I'm awaiting you
You can't reverse the road of life
In case you could
Promise - we meet again
And we'd stay together all the time
But we can't reverse the road of life
In case we could
Promise - we meet again
We'd meet again, maybe
Don't judge a woman for her sadness
Forgive all her tears
Since she, proud, standing by a window
Has forgiven you everything in the evening
So have I, so have I
You can't reverse the road of life
In case you could
Promise - we meet again
And we'd stay together all the time
But we can't reverse the road of life
In case we could
Promise - we meet again
We'd meet again, maybe
Don't judge a woman for her dream
That is all she has got
Since she, proud, standing by a window
She's believing that you've changed too
So am I, I'm believing in you
You can't reverse the road of life
In case you could
Promise - we meet again
And we'd stay together all the time
But we can't reverse the road of life
In case we could
Promise - we meet again
We'd meet again, maybe
We'd meet again, maybe

Last Autumn

Now you asked me again
To return to that old road
Nights hide memories and many thoughts
Everyday I was shouting for you, it was late, I was dreaming of you
Leaves were falling on your way, you were coming at sunset.
Flowers of longing in my window
The moon is singing your waltz
Everything happened on right time
And I said to myself, it's not easy
To paint a corner from heaven now
When everything remained in the past
Flowers of longing in my window
The moon is singing your waltz
Look autumn is coming back
With rain and sun
Whatever happened at the very beginning
Today it is blooming again


There is no one like you
Capable of making me cross
The threshold of sense and rationality
Capable of giving me so much and take away everything from me
The most beautiful and unique flower ever seen
The most scarce and coveted
Who of us two could imagine
That it would be so ephemeral?
Tears won't make
Everything the way it was
Forgive me if I call you love
But if I should be sincere
I have tried everything and I can't
The most beautiful and unique flower ever seen
The most scarce and coveted
Who of us two could imagine
That it would be so ephemeral?
I shouted as loud as I could
But there was no one there listening
Tired and without any more strength
I'm falling exhausted towards the void
Who of us two could imagine
That it would be so ephemeral?
The most beautiful and unique flower ever seen
The most scarce and coveted
Who of us two could imagine
That it would be so ephemeral?

Songs for the end of the world

Cry no more, my love
Embrace this moment
For the end is near
And I need to see you smile
There is no time for more
Lie to me
And like this I will open up among shadows
Towards where fear won't find a place
You can't see me, but I'm still here
Hey, you, yes you
The one with a sad expression
And eyes that make one fly
Let's go higher
Where they won't be able to reach
This condemned love
Condemned but ours
And like this I will open up among shadows
Towards where fear won't find a place
You can't see me, but I'm still here
You being the thing closest to heaven
Where I could never be
While songs for the end of the world sound
You can't see me, but I'm still here
You can't see me, but I'm here
And even though you don't see me, I never left
You can't see me, but I'm still here
And like this I will open up among shadows
And like this I will open up among shadows
Towards where fear won't find a place
You can't see me, but I'm still here
You being the thing closest to heaven
Where I could never be
While songs for the end of the world sound
And songs sound
And songs sound
And songs for the end of the world sound
And songs sound
And songs sound
And songs for the end of the world sound