Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 11

Találatok száma: 577


Kuusou Mesorogiwi

Consentes dii / Juno / Jupiter / Minerva / Apolló / Mars / Ceres
Merkúr / Diána / Bacchus / Vulcanus / Plútó / Veszta / Vénusz
Előmászok álmom mélyéről...
Pislogva kinyitom a szemem, hogy lássam,
Az Álmok Istene gyengéden mosolyog amint
Kiosztja a lelkek szerepét, nem hezitál
A láncok amelyek oly' erősen szorítják a 'sorsot',
Összekuszálódnak, majd' eltörnek
Nézd, az Isten megáldott minket a lehetőséggel,
A saját fantasy programunkkal...
Nézd, az Isten megáldott minket a lehetőséggel,
A saját fantasy programunkkal...
És most egy két há',
Eggyé válunk és harcolunk!
És most egy két há',
Ma este elmenekülünk a halál elől!
Elérjük az áldást, ami után sóvárogsz,
Kézen fogva te és én harcolunk, hogy meg nyerjük ezt a TÚLÉLŐ JÁTÉKOT
És most egy két há',
A láncaink összekapcsolódnak
És most egy két há',
Szabadítsuk meg magunkat a fájdalomtól
Imádkozz az áldásért, nincsen második esély
Kinyújtom a kezem hogy harcoljak - és meg fogjuk nyerni ezt az ELTÖRLŐ JÁTÉKOT
Ez olyan mint egy sötét fantasy...
A bámészkodók megsajnálnak
De nekünk ez nem kell, közelebb vagyunk az élethez és halálhoz
Egy apró kert, olyan közel hogy nem is látom
Itt van, ahol elvégzed az ígéreted
Úgy hiszem...

childs faith

once faith of the child
you had so sweet and so bright
you would always cross your hands and start to pray
now ill lay me down to sleep
please lord be y shield
this is how you prayed so safely all the time
when you looked for your luck
you got lost from your path
sadness and sorrow was all the world gave
road is back to return home
you weep secretly all night long
as you are reminded of your childhood homes joy
you were happy as a child
in your mothers herm
mummy sang you about the land of the lord
the far echo of the sound
can you still hear it talk?
she gave you days for the hands of the lord

wooden horse

that white colored wooden horse
was taken away as we left away
it couldn't fit in with me
when we moved out to the hole new house
its already far away behind
it lays in the mold all decayed
my first knight i ever got
i wont find anything as it was
i have let go so many different things in my life
but after all these years there's only one i'm still thinking about
it stood just like the Anglo-Don
in the middle of the small yard
i was small and i was wild
even tough the time was running out
that was the run that was run with
so fast that i fell off
trough the openings of the youth
and i couldn't quite stay with it
could someone tell me now
thy that time so fast ran out?
i have let go so many different things in my life
but after all these years there's only one i'm still thinking about
it stood just like the Anglo-Don
in the middle o the small yard
i was wild and i was carefree
this boredom wont ever run out
i have let go so many different things in my life
but after all these years there's only one i'm still thinking about

The makeover game

The house is empty, I secretly smoke a cigarette,
happy you are not here today scolding me,
by taking me you probably made the wrong choice,
oi, you try to refine me even though it's none of your concern.
At first I thought I could please you
I said ok honey, anything for you,
but still I wasn't enough and now I don't have strength to try,
I am not a chameleon, just a grown-up woman.
If I pretend to be somebody else it is fake,
I won't participate in this makeover game.
I am what I am, what I am
I am what I am, what I am
Just now on the TV somebody began to cry,
because in her opinion she was not enough nice looking ,
well, they put her on the stage for a shaming
then trousers were replaced with skirt and straight hair became curly,
for me this person was gorgeous at first,
and when I think about it more, so am I,
I do not need to dress into a costume,
if I 'm not enough take somebody who is better.
If I pretend to be somebody else it is fake,
I won't participate in this makeover game.
If I pretend to be somebody else it is fake,
I won't participate in this makeover game.
I am what I am, what I am
I am what I am, what I am
I am what I am, what I am
I am what I am, what I am
If I pretend to be somebody else it is fake,
I won't participate in this makeover game.
I am what I am, what I am
I am what I am, what I am
If I pretend to be somebody else it is fake,
I won't participate in this makeover game.

With my last pyatyorka*

With my last pyatyorka
I'll get a troika** with horses
I'll give the coachman some vodka
And say 'hurry up brother, let's drive!'
Hey boy, you're going in vain,
There's no need to run off like that,
You won't get anything,
And you'll come home a fool.
She wrote letters to the sea,
Not knowing for whom,
And my heart whispered to me
That it was for her friend!
With the remaining the pyatyorka
I'll get a troika** with horses
I'll give the coachman some vodka
And say 'hurry up brother, let's drive!'

In the garage

[ of 'In De Schuur']
[Chorus: Snelle]
Everybody is deep down born to win
Come on, man, throw some oil on the fire
Because I have been banished from school too, I didn't have any plans either
I was writing songs in the garage
You are done with the whining, that comes from the sidelines
But aren't you yourself holding the steeringwheel?
And look at me, I do what you can do
Because I was writing songs in the garage
[Verse 1: Snelle]
Look, listen
I was just over there (Okay)
It could only do better (Of course, anyway, yes)
I still had to sow my own crops then
Man, nothing is as it seems
Believe, just like you, my sails were out in the storm before it came my way
Like us, in our paradise
Rash like we could become, so wise
And we will become rich, this in your paradise
Maybe in due time, impossible but
Chorus: Snelle]
Everybody is deep down born to win
Come on, man, throw some oil on the fire
Because I have been banished from school too, I didn't have any plans either
I was writing songs in the garage
You are done with the whining, that comes from the sidelines
But aren't you yourself holding the steeringwheel?
And look at me, I do what you can do
Because I was writing songs in the garage
[Verse 2: Ronnie Flex]
Okay, I was writing four, five songs in the garage, yeah
I never ever did it for the money, no, I was pure, yeah
Look I had Boaz for the Beatz, he brought them bam, bam, bam
And after that, my whole outfit suddenly became expensive, yeah
Like us, in our paradise
Rash like we could become, so wise
And we will become rich, this in your paradise
Maybe in due time, impossible but
[Chorus: Snelle]
Everybody is deep down born to win
Come on, man, throw some oil on the fire
Because I have been banished from school too, I didn't have any plans either
I was writing songs in the garage
You are done with the whining, that comes from the sidelines
But aren't you yourself holding the steeringwheel?
And look at me, I do what you can do
Because I was writing songs, writing songs in the garage
Writing songs in the garage

I want you

I want you even if it frightens me.
You don't know me at all,
but I know baby.
That I can't wait any longer.
I wanna be yours completely
like I was yesterday baby.
You come from the shower onto my lap smiling at me,
I press my lips onto your skin
and I'm floating in the air.
It's just that feeling that scares me.
I know that I want you,
have wanted you for a long time now.
No fear, it rings inside my head,
I must have you.
And baby if you want me
presumably you have realized that.
You can have me. Yeah, you can have
And when you have given all that you have to give,
I want you.
We just met recently
and yesterday we kissed on the beach,
like two crazies.
I don't know anything more beautiful,
you could get anyone you want,
despite that you come to me.
Jewelry in your ears is glittering,
there's a wonderful bullet hole in my chest,
I die.
It's just that feeling that scares me.
I know that I want you,
have wanted you for a long time now.
No fear, it rings inside my head,
I must have you.
And baby if you want me
presumably you have realized that.
You can have me. Yeah, you can have
And when you have given all that you have to give,
I want you.
When in the evening you
walk with me
I see that everybody is watching,
I see that they want.
But you look into my eyes
and hold me tight.
If you want it, you can have it.
I know that I want you,
have wanted you for a long time now.
No fear, it rings inside my head,
I must have you.
And baby if you want me
presumably you have realized that.
(if you want want [me] you can have [me])
And baby if you want me
presumably you have realized that.
You can have me. Yeah, you can have
And when you have given all that you have to give,
I want you.

Peace, friendship, solidarity

Peace, friendship, solidarity
can be guaranteed by the youth's work
With the work of the world's youth
Only the collaboration of the world's youth can guarantee it
(Two voices at the same time:)
Male voice: Peace, friendship, solidarity
can be guaranteed by the youth's work
Female voice: With the work of the world's youth
Only the collaboration of the world's youth can guarantee it
How can we end suffering and misery, when so many starve
so that even the poorest doesn't starve
How can we end war and lock up weapons?
How do we aim our power towards constructive action?
Male voice: Peace, friendship, solidarity
can be guaranteed by the youth's work
Female voice: With the work of the world's youth
Only the collaboration of the world's youth can guarantee it
How can we help the Soviet Union, when it builds world peace?
Always choosing the most secure and peaceful way
How can we end genocide? How can we make the US army waver?
How will Vietnam achieve true freedom?
Male voice: Peace, friendship, solidarity
can be guaranteed by the youth's work
Female voice: With the work of the world's youth
Only the collaboration of the world's youth can guarantee it
How do we end racism? How do we distribute natural resources evenly?
To bring the class struggle to its final end
How will we create richer life and a humane world,
where work doesn't mean slavelike drudgery?
Male voice: Peace, friendship, solidarity
can be guaranteed by the youth's work
Female voice: With the work of the world's youth
Only the collaboration of the world's youth can guarantee it

At the foothills of a volcano

I'm lurking you in the mountains
Under the cover of tall grass
You kick the daylights out [of me]
When I sink my teeth into your soft flesh
When I wake up, we'll sneak into the valley
At the foothills of a volcano
The tree branches hang heavy
New life pulsates
As an electric current
You know
It would be just too much
If I would get everything
If I would get everything
Dreams have great powers
I left them behind
Long time ago
I got intoxicated from your scent
I saw a vision on the brink of consciousness
We walked here already at the beginning
From one life to another
On a bridge that's collapsing
You know
It would be just too much
If I would get everything
If I would get everything
Dreams have great powers
I left them behind
Long time ago
I got intoxicated from your scent
I saw a vision on the brink of consciousness
We walked here already at the beginning
From one life to another
On a bridge that's collapsing

60 újabb gond

Sok hiány van a karakterben, sok dolog, melyek nem fognak a balladában végződni
Az én oldalamon, a sötétség határán, van egy terület, ahová néha kutyákat temettek
Talán kevesebbszer kéne azt mondanom, hogy 'talán', és többször, hogy 'köszönöm, nem'.
Jobban kéne a célpontra sújtanom, s elfutnom, ha nem sikerül.
Jobban kéne bocsánatot kérnem, mint ahogy most is tettem.
Abba kéne hagynom azt a látszatot kelteni, hogy állítólag én vagyok a legnormálisabb ember.
Ragaszd be, vagy kötözd be
Amíg a sebet be tudjuk zárni
S az érzelmek gyógyszerekké válnak
A giroszkópok teljesen megálltak
Mikor az egók egymást ütik
S hatvan újabb gond született
Nem fogom bevallani a bűnöket, melyeket jó szándék nélkül követtem el
Ha túl sok változó van a problémákkal összekötve, a válaszok nem fogják sokáig állni a sarat
Megérintem a tüzet a tenyereden, s a szemekben csönd honol
Abban a tűzben élő erő van, mely egy szempillantás alatt tombolni kezd
Ha a szíved ellen fordítod, meg fogja mutatni tüzének erejét
De ha be akarod zárni, meg fogja égetni a kezed
Ragaszd be, vagy kötözd be
Amíg a sebet be tudjuk zárni
S az érzelmek gyógyszerekké válnak
A giroszkópok teljesen megálltak
Mikor az egók egymást ütik
S hatvan újabb gond született
Valószínűleg ez is egy valamilyen buta jelenetté fog válni
Melyet senki se szeret, vagy akar, de nem lehet megállítani.
Ott van mindig ugyanazon régi boltív, mikor mozog.
Jobban hiányoznak a józan ész napjai, mint, hogy ki tudnám fejezni
Szar a palettán
Azzal festem a tapétát
S ezt kínálom a probléma megoldására
Egyesek egyben halnak meg, mások darabokban
A szörnynek virág van a hajában
Ragaszd be, vagy kötözd be
Amíg a sebet be tudjuk zárni
S az érzelmek gyógyszerekké válnak
A giroszkópok teljesen megálltak
Mikor az egók egymást ütik
S hatvan újabb gond született

60 újabb gond

Sok hiány van a karakterben, sok dolog, melyek nem fognak a balladában végződni
Az én oldalamon, a sötétség határán, van egy terület, ahová néha kutyákat temettek
Talán kevesebbszer kéne azt mondanom, hogy 'talán', és többször, hogy 'köszönöm, nem'.
Jobban kéne a célpontra sújtanom, s elfutnom, ha nem sikerül.
Jobban kéne bocsánatot kérnem, mint ahogy most is tettem.
Abba kéne hagynom azt a látszatot kelteni, hogy állítólag én vagyok a legnormálisabb ember.
Ragaszd be, vagy kötözd be
Amíg a sebet be tudjuk zárni
S az érzelmek gyógyszerekké válnak
A giroszkópok teljesen megálltak
Mikor az egók egymást ütik
S hatvan újabb gond született
Nem fogom bevallani a bűnöket, melyeket jó szándék nélkül követtem el
Ha túl sok változó van a problémákkal összekötve, a válaszok nem fogják sokáig állni a sarat
Megérintem a tüzet a tenyereden, s a szemekben csönd honol
Abban a tűzben élő erő van, mely egy szempillantás alatt tombolni kezd
Ha a szíved ellen fordítod, meg fogja mutatni tüzének erejét
De ha be akarod zárni, meg fogja égetni a kezed
Ragaszd be, vagy kötözd be
Amíg a sebet be tudjuk zárni
S az érzelmek gyógyszerekké válnak
A giroszkópok teljesen megálltak
Mikor az egók egymást ütik
S hatvan újabb gond született
Valószínűleg ez is egy valamilyen buta jelenetté fog válni
Melyet senki se szeret, vagy akar, de nem lehet megállítani.
Ott van mindig ugyanazon régi boltív, mikor mozog.
Jobban hiányoznak a józan ész napjai, mint, hogy ki tudnám fejezni
Szar a palettán
Azzal festem a tapétát
S ezt kínálom a probléma megoldására
Egyesek egyben halnak meg, mások darabokban
A szörnynek virág van a hajában
Ragaszd be, vagy kötözd be
Amíg a sebet be tudjuk zárni
S az érzelmek gyógyszerekké válnak
A giroszkópok teljesen megálltak
Mikor az egók egymást ütik
S hatvan újabb gond született

Into an old friendship book

Again and again you return, melancholy,
o, meekness of the lonely soul.
A golden day glows to its end.
Humbly the patient one bows to grief
resounding with harmony and mellow madness.
Look! It is already dusking.
Again night descends and a mortal laments
and another shares his sorrow.
Shivering under autumn stars
the head bends deeper year by year.

Passionate Winds

Passionate winds, hot summer winds,
They make the dress stick to the thighs so thightly
Moist lips, arching lips,
They readily press together in a kiss.
A little game on my mind, a fascinating summer game,
I'm waiting go on a date with an old friend.
It has been a long break, the break that we have had,
When we haven't seen each other at all.
Surely you'll soon think,
That you'll escort me to bed shorly.
Hey, try to understand that
We can't be like that all at once
A girl this proper.
(A girl this proper)
Passionate winds, hot summer winds,
They press me firmly to make me yours
Moist lips, arching lips,
Voraciously seeking each other.
Passionate winds, hot summer winds,
They tightly press the fabric of your pants,
After all you sense my feelings correctly,
I guess I didn't know everything.
I want you on my lap right away,
Or else I'll burst from this passion.
Hey, try to understand that in a summer heat
One doesn't want to be without
A girl this proper.
(A girl this proper,
A girl this proper)
I want you on my lap right away,
Or else I'll burst from this passion.
Hey, try to understand that in a summer heat
One doesn't want to be without
A girl this proper.
(A girl this proper)
Passionate winds, hot summer winds,
They tightly press the fabric of your pants,
After all you sense my feelings correctly,
I guess I didn't know everything.
Passionate winds, hot summer winds.
After all you sense my feelings correctly.
Passionate winds, hot summer winds,
They tightly press the fabric of your pants,
After all you sense my feelings correctly,
I guess I didn't know everything.
Passionate winds, hot summer winds,
They tightly press the fabric of your pants,
After all you sense my feelings correctly,
I guess I didn't...

60 new problems

There are many shortcomings in character, many things that will not end up in a ballad
On my side, on the border of the shadow there's a region where sometimes the dogs were buried
Maybe I should say less often maybe and more often no thank you.
I should hit the target better and then run if I don't.
I should apologize more than how I just now again did.
I should stop pretending that I'm supposedly the most normal person.
Glue or band aids
as long as we get the wound closed
and emotions switched to medications
Gyroscope swirls completely stationary
when the egos are beating each other
and sixty new problems are born
I won't confess to any crime that I would have committed without a good intention
When there are too many variables associated with the problems, the answers won't withstand a potent substance
I touch the fire that lives on the palm of your hand and there's a silence in the eyes
In that fire is a living power, It will get furious in a flash
If you press it against your heart, it will reveal its essence
But if you try to imprison it in there, you'll burn your hand
Glue or band aids
as long as we get the wound closed
and emotions switched to medications
Gyroscope swirls completely stationary
when the egos are beating each other
and sixty new problems are born
Most likely this too will turn into a some kind of stupid scene
that nobody wants or needs, but it can't be stopped.
There's always the same old tired arch, when it's on.
I miss the days of sanity more than I can express
Shit on a palette
I paint the wallpapers with it
and offer it as a solution to problems
Some die all at once, others [die] piece by piece
the monster has a flower in his hair
Glue or band aids
as long as we get the wound closed
and emotions switched to medications
Gyroscope swirls completely stationary
when the egos are beating each other
and sixty new problems are born

Feast the Field

The river flows without knowing the ford.
We are going, but there is no ford.
We fulfill the will of the people.
But here's a story for you, and here's the whole answer.
Bullets made holes, well, then for the cause,
If you get hurt, it means - Dead!
The dead body hit the ground.
Anarchy! Yeah, it is she!
“Well, who did you want to run from? Aha!
Gotcha! Hey! Gotcha! Hey!
Hoick him guys! Into his noose, lads!
Died? Hey! Died! Hey!
Hey-gay! Feast the field!
Hey-gay! Nagant and harness!
Hey-gay! Feast the field!
Hey-gay! Native lands!
The horse suffocated from fast running,
The saber is tired of chopping the air.
We don`t fucking need victory like this
What they want to teach us.
We must save the old motherland,
We need to put the heat on the fire.
I will whistle merrily to the Cossacks.
Ah, the grinding of sabers is my grace!
The skin of a Red Army soldier burst
On the head, hey! On the head, hey!
And the splashes of the brain will disperse like a fan.
On the grass, hey! On the grass, hey!
Hey-gay! Feast the field!
Hey-gay! Nagant and harness!
Hey-gay! Feast the field!
Hey-gay! Native lands!
Well, who can't you meet here? Mother dear!
Who is not walking here? Well, every beast.
Here they'll shoot you from a homemade gun,
The horse will be taken away. And freedom, goodbye!
Hey-gay! Feast the field!
Hey-gay! Nagant and harness!
Hey-gay! Feast the field!
Hey-gay! Native lands!

Resolution by the lake

Do you believe in destiny?
Will you obey it?
I, I
I will obey you
A white bird befriends with the water and takes a bath
On a nameless lake where a bad person won't visit
You threw a stone aiming at the other shore
Like the whirlpool spreading, my heart disarranges
Maybe I'm against you
I embrace a feeling beyond kindness
From our point of view
Is not knowing anything dangerous
Just tell me one thing
Can I be happy?
A red rose floats in the water
On a nameless lake where the sound of the wind hesitates
You wash your cheeks alone and worrying for something
As if I melt into color blue, I cry with you
If it's for you, I'll always be able
To prepare to leave everything
With this, our relationship
Could announce the end
Just tell me one thing
Can I be happy?

The age of first love

Like a green fruit ripening
My girl's heart becomes red
Inside my chest on school uniform
I'm aching for falling in love with you
Giving a step to adulthood
I'm swaying in the age of first love
They say that everyone will have
The age for falling in love
I'm running barefoot chasing you
My heart is yours
Giving a step to adulthood
I'm swaying in the age of first love
Like a dangerous tight rope walker
I stand tiptoes and kiss you
Tears fall down my cheeks
And I embrace a small secret
Giving a step to adulthood
I'm swaying in the age of first love

22 Year Old Farewell

To you I will say goodbye
Only today, because when tomorrow comes
Once again the touch of your warm hands
For sure will make me unable to say it
That's what I feel
Seeing my image reflected in the mirror
But I wasn't able to find your reflex
So I ended up clinging to the happiness
That was before my eyes
On my 22nd birthday
The candles were placed one by one
People say that this is your life
In the 17th candle you and I lit the fire together
It seems that this was yesterday
But now it has been 5 years
All I can say is that it has been a long spring
In somewhere you don't know
I'm going to marry someone else
There's just something I want to say
If you can listen to my selfishness
You are who you are
Please do not change
Stay that way ...

Song of the People's Revolutionary Army

Born in the People's Revolution,
The young and famous Mongol Army,
Together with fellow Soviet soldiers,
Freed its people from oppression.
The strength of our invincible Army,
And the driving force of the Party,
Are thanks to our Soviet neighbors,
And the workers' unwavering support!
In Khalkhin Gol, Kalgan and Je-Khen,
With the courageous Soviet Army,
We crushed the foe with our joint troops,
Defending bravely our Motherland.
The strength of our invincible Army,
And the driving force of the Party,
Are thanks to our Soviet neighbors,
And the workers' unwavering support!
Raising our mighty power and courage,
Ensuring the brilliant success of labor,
And rendering our sacred duties for peace,
We protect these deeds with valor.
The strength of our invincible Army,
And the driving force of the Party,
Are thanks to our Soviet neighbors,
And the workers' unwavering support!

Hey, Noodlehead

You have a noodlehead
It nods in a nice way, oh yeah
When I talk with you
And walk with you
Oh, baby
Do, pa, do pa do pa pa
Do, pa, do pa do pa pa do
I won't abandon you
Noo-oo-oodle, hey!
I am your poodle
Oh, baby
Do, pa, do pa do pa pa
Do, pa, do pa do pa pa do
You're my poodle
Oh, baby
Do, pa, do pa do pa pa
Do, pa, do pa do pa pa do
I'm your poodle

The reason I was born is.....

The reason I was born is to meet father and mother
The reason I was born  is to meet siblings
The reason I was born  is to meet all your friends
The reason I was born  is to meet you my dear   
As the spring comes, the flowers will bloom from themselves
As the autumn, the leaves will flutter down naturally  
Everyone was born to be happy  
After the flower of sorrow, it's just like the fruit of joy will grow   
The reason I was born, I hurt somebody  
The reason I was born, someone hurt me somewhere  
The reason I was born, someone saved me  
The reason I was born is to save someone somewhere   
The night is coming, it seems to permeate from the darkness  
As the morning comes, the light shines on itself  
Everyone was born to be happy  
Beyond the sea of sorrow, it's just like the joy will be rising fulfilled
The reason I was born is to meet you my dear  
The reason I was born is to protect you my dear

The difference

It's the difference. Since there are differences.
The world goes around. Each one has it.
Sometimes the short becomes long
The weak becomes strong. It's true
That's why it's interesting. Beacuse everything varies
It's the difference. That's why it's interesting.
Sometimes the sweet gets sour
The weak gets the power.
And nothing comes up
As one expects. It's true
That's why it's interesting.
But wherever we go
There's only one sure thing
It's the difference. Personality.
It's in the whole world. That's why it's interesting.
Sometimes the short becomes long
The weak becomes strong. It's true
That's why it's interesting. It's personality.
It's the difference. That's why it's interesting.
Sometimes the sweet gets sour
The weak gets the power
The first becomes the last
The slow becomes fast. It's true
That's why it's interesting.
Personality. Personality. Personality.
It's the difference. It's something precious.
It's personality. Each one has it.
Sometimes the sweet gets sour
The weak gets the power
Since there are differences, the world goes around
Each one has it. It's true
That's why it's interesting.

The train to Kainuu

Oh baby, move your feet and run fast
I have build up my dam for a long time, now I'm going to break it
Like people usually want to
I just wanted to fuck and breathe
Do you remeber the summer when it rained sleet and we made love
And do you remember the winter when it rained and we argued
I react better to the climate change
Than to the lack of love
Now one hell of a large dam is breaking
And all those who wobble, they will drown
Do you believe in love, that I will make a nest for you
If not, I'll take the next train to Kainuu
I think that in the winter I was below freezing point
But I had read women's magazines carefully
It was written in them to just be cool
Put the makeup on your face and everything will be fine
So baby, move your feet when everything collapses
And eventually you'll realize that it isn't so awful after all
Everything will move of its own accord
The flood will wash away all the scum and the ground will blossom
One hell of a large dam is breaking
And all those who wobble, they will drown
Do you believe in love, that I will make a nest for you
If not, I'll take the next train to Kainuu
One hell of a large dam is breaking
And all those who wobble, they will drown
Do you believe in love, that I will make a nest for you
If not, I'll take the next train to Kainuu
Now one hell of a large dam is breaking
And all those who wobble, they will drown
If you don't believe in love or even in Jesus
Then you can go to Lahti as far as I'm concerned
Taking the next train to Kainuu
The journey carries me again


What am I doing
Nothing, yet
I'm waiting for the headache to end
Looking at the surface of the roof
Where the light already plays
I look at your eyes closed
I guess you're there, but I mean
Not completely ready yet
Backpack full of Burana
Head crowing and the rest of my body slithering
Snakelegs in the night, still
It's good you can't see me like this
I'm not on the grid for a day
The morning sun hurts with little sound
A bit like I do
I'm happy, that you're there
Legs still in the night
Yeah, you're mine
For this morning
You know how I mean it
You speak my language
If you're mine
Then I'm yours
If you have a future full of shit memories
If you have a past full of only imagery of threats
Or whichever way around it goes
Well let it be, let it go
If you have a heart full of dirt, then I do too
Even in the cracks there's gold, I believe that too
And in the mouth, only light
I look directly, even though I crumble
I'm happy, that you're there
Legs still in the night
Yeah, you're mine
For this morning
You know how I mean it
You speak my language
If you're mine
Then I'm yours
Besides, this is the only way to say
Anything with weight
If you're mine
Then I'm yours
You know how I mean it you're
One of the few and far
Yeah, you're mine
For this morning

13th Girl

It came so suddenly one day
Like the blooming of spring, like a summer sunset
Like an autumn harvest, like the end of winter
A brand new day
Day breaks and the sky grows bright
Moving in the blink of an eye
It sparkles brightly, 4am
The sun rises up, lunch time
Thank you everyone, good work today
Vision spinning at the hustle and bustle of noon
The sky grows dark, magic hour
Somehow on the brink of a heartbreak
Un uneasy 7pm
Ahh, stuck in a labyrinth of thought, midnight
The moon that I can see from my window
The clock strikes twelve
Dying dying dying, dying dying dying,
Time to say goodbye darling
I'm dying dying dying, dying dying dying,
Time to say goodbye darling
It came so suddenly one day
Those distant times have passed, ever since that nostalgic day
While on the way to giving up
One day when I was a boy, she came down
Her eyes were shining in the morning sunlight
The nature of love, God only knows
But I can't help falling in love with you
The future has come to pass, I'm coming
Brand new day
Dying dying dying, dying dying dying,
I'm dying to fall in love with you
I'm dying dying dying, dying dying dying,
I'm dying to fall in love with you
Dying dying dying, dying dying dying,
Time to say goodbye darling
I'm dying dying dying, dying dying dying,
Time to say goodbye darling
Day breaks and the sky grows bright
Moving in the blink of an eye
It sparkles brightly, 4am
Now, let's just calm our breathing a little
At times like these, it's best to calm down
A brightly sparkling brand new day

Ouch, ouch it hurts again

Ouch-ouch-ouch it hurts again, aa-aa-aa
maybe one will get used to it, uu-uu-uu.
I got a stabbed in my soul by Fate,
I'll probably never recover from it.
When I woke up it was dawn.
I noticed that Sunday bells were already ringing.
Ouch-ouch-ouch, it hurts again
maybe one will get used to it.


Over the dirty field
the raw light of the lanterns
a trembling window
tortured by the rain
Like a prince he wrapped
my aching head in a fairytale
Why was I disappointed?
I did know the laws of life
Wet, wet fog
on the ground, in the trees, on the roofs
God, oh God!
Can this go on?
Like a prince he wrapped
my aching head in a fairytale
Why was I disappointed?
I did know the laws of life
Over the dirty field
the raw light of the lanterns
a trembling window
tortured by the rain
Like a prince he wrapped
my aching head in a fairytale
Why was I disappointed?
I did know the laws of life


When my trotting dun is trotting
the fog on the ground clears up
When the eloquent girl manifests herself
The Seven Stars conjoin
My sweetheart’s two eyes
are like the stars that rise late
Her coarse braid
is like the cedar of my taiga pasture
When my ambling dun is ambling
the first fog clears up
When my witty dear manifests herself
The first stars conjoin
Its children are bold,
cheerful and merry, deng-deng
Its peoples are free
it is our Tuva, deng-deng
My young beloved’s two eyes
are like the stars that shine in the evening
Her braid born in autumn
is like some land’s cedar


The face of a child
With no expression
Rather than dreaming
They learn to give up
A blurred line between good and evil
Lies that seem to be real
Knowing it's wrong
But the heads turn away as if they saw nothing
They're busy calculating
Closing their eyes and covering their ears
An awful pressure to remain silent
I can't tolerate it any longer, my throat is constricted
Ooh nah nah nah lift your head
Ooh my my my don't let it be like this
Let's not be broken
Let's do anything
Go now now now
Go back to the beginning
To the days of innocence
Take a step forward like the first time you did it
Open your eyes again like the first time you did it
Dream your dreams like the first time you did it
Set everything here
Back to the starting point
I'm going numb
They don't care no more
I'm going numb
They don't care no more
Take a step forward like the first time you did it
Open your eyes again like the first time you did it
Dream your dreams like the first time you did it
Set everything here back to the starting point
This place
Has already become Hell
The not stepped on child
Will soon be stepped on
The answers to the test (the obvious answer)
They have the value of your life on the line
If not 1st place then a loser
Ooh who could be innocent?
The adults sit by and watch
Desperation wearing the mask of disobedience
Apathy causing bruises
Now I can't take it any longer
Ooh nah nah nah lift your head
Ooh my my my don't let it be like this
Let's not be afraid
Let's make it right
Go now now now
Go back to the beginning
To the days of innocence
I'm going numb
They don't care no more
I'm going numb
They don't care no more
Take a step forward like the first time you did it
Open your eyes again like the first time you did it
Dream your dreams like the first time you did it
Set everything here back to the starting point
Ooh everyday it all goes to hell
Now, it's like a battle inside the classroom, aim at your friends, bang!
They suffocate us with obedience to forced education
Dont resist, hey, I told you to smile
You're like an incomplete bar
But you always act like we're the ones off beat, the spirit of cutting off obsolete logic ooh!
What we're discussing is the issue of innocence
It's probably you who is the one to rescue us
Ooh nah nah nah lift your head
Ooh my my my don't let it be like this
Take a step forward like the first time you did it
Open your eyes again like the first time you did it
Dream your dreams like the first time you did it
Set everything here back to the starting point
We gonna break this one
I'm going numb
They don't care no more
I'm going numb
They don't care no more
Take a step forward like the first time you did it
Open your eyes again like the first time you did it
Dream your dreams like the first time you did it
Set everything here back to the starting point

Cheap Woman

The sky is clear in my intracranial room, my own little world
I don’t understand the point of my life
While I’m without a boyfriend Stay, on SNS with my phone in hand
Complaining on my secret account about you, “I’m not satisfied with just that”
I feel pleasure while exposing my body, but my ideal self is far gone and the feeling of nothingness is all that remains
I’ve already grown accustomed to joy from attention
My purity lies at zero while I realize the ones surrounding me are nothing but older men
“I don’t understand #selfies” I think that as my results are all that show up
Mom and Dad, I’m really sorry
Going on #eroku, #eroku, #eroku, how sad
Going on #eroku, #eroku, #eroku, how sad
It’s okay if your dirty, the only place you have is here
Although I hide my breasts when I’m entering the bath with a friend
It doesn’t matter if they see. I’m exposing the entire world my whole body anyways
Taking nudes in front the mirror while smiling, it’s laughable
If I hide my face from the nose down it’ll be okay. The gloomy me is in the past now
If something disagreeable happens, I’ll just rant to someone
If I want attention, anyone I ask will give me it
But in truth they’re all lying with different intentions
Talking to a guy I’ll forget and know zero about
“Hey listen, I think we can meet up soon”
“…my beloved follower”
Going on #eroku, #eroku, #eroku, how sad
Going on #eroku, #eroku, #eroku, how sad

The modern world pilgrimage

I meet you at the end of eternity,
I will return to the modern world, I will return to the modern world,
In order to take me out from my sorrow,
I will go around the modern world, I will go around the modern world,
The scenery, this world's people,
Good night,
This is the orphans wish,
A wondering dream
Before the transient world's city solitude
The modern world sinks, the modern world sinks,
In order to run away from the real world,
I will go around the modern world, I will go around the modern world,
Mostly, this world's deception is
If so, then to the next night,
A wondering dream,
I meet you at the end of that world,
What are the things you seek?
In this way the far cloud beckons,
A greeting that comes here immediately,
Unexpectedly, this world also isn't bad,
I guess,
Farewell, beloved person,
The banquet is beginning
The banquet is beginning

Mother, brew some coffee

Mother, brew some coffee
for your son-in-law
For he came and snatched
your young daughter
Sun saaria lal-lal-lei
Sun saaria lal-lal-lei
The boys they snatch
The girl isn't doolally
The girl isn't crazy
She did not come to this village
Looking for a boy
Sun saaria lal-lal-lei
Sun saaria lal-lal-lei
The boys they snatch
Hey blue-eye
What are you looking at?
I can see it in your eyes
you're in love with two
Sun saaria lal-lal-lei
Sun saaria lal-lal-lei
The boys they snatch