Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 6

Találatok száma: 228


Choose A Miracle

Run, take me, I want to go where you breathing.
It's a wet winter, and you can't hear me through the rain.
I was cheating the day, I swam in the clouds and in the other.
If you are my shadow, where do you run away at night?
So... So...
You can tolerate the force, you can drink tequila,
You can wait for the morning, and I'll continue
Choose your sun, lift your eyelids!
Yes, I will continue to choose my miracle!
Yes, I will continue to choose my miracle!
You took my warmth and the remaining air in me.
Only crying in silence was too easy for me.
I'm not going back, you know, it doesn't give me pride.
It will be as I want! Maybe that's the news for you.
You can tolerate the force, you can drink tequila,
You can wait for the morning, and I'll continue
Choose your sun, lift your eyelids!
Yes, I will continue to choose my miracle!
Yes, I will continue to choose my miracle!
Yes, I will continue to choose my miracle!

Hasta La Vista

Versions: #2
I would change it all, but you
I do not want and can not change
They told me 'stop', my friends,
But I desperately fall in love with you
So, where do I find this 'stop' within myself,
That one day I can say it to you
When you don't know what to do-
Just start to dance
I'll start to dance
And maybe then
I'll find the strength
To forget forever
Your scent and taste
I'm already not afraid
I don't want these feelings
Hasta La Vista
I will forget you very quickly
Hasta La Vista
But to stay with you, it's suicide
'What are you doing, Michelle?
Well, stop! Please!
How many more in live will be those Hasta La Vistas
Hasta la vista
I bid you hasta la vista
I would change it all, only you
It seams, bewitched me
And no matter how much I tried to burn the bridges,
Every time you brought me back to you
So how can I, now, to tear this thread between us
I'm so tired to wait in torment
When you don't know, what you should do-
Just start to dance
I'll start to dance...
Hasta La Vista
I will forget you very quickly
Hasta La Vista
But to stay with you, it's suicide
'What are you doing, Michelle?
Well, stop! Please!
How many more in live will be those Hasta La Vistas
Hasta la vista
I bid you hasta la vista
Tanto intentamos
Tanto perdimos
Puro sentimiento es lo que tuvimos
Sigo queriendo
Sigo intentando
Es que este amor es algo que está matando
Si nos amamos
Si extrañamos
Yo tiraré todo esto al fuego
Ya no quiero ser parte de este juego
Yo seguiré y te olvidare
Hasta La Vista
I will forget you very quickly
Hasta La Vista
But to stay with you, it's suicide
'What are you doing, Michelle?
Well, stop! Please!
How many more in live will be those Hasta La Vistas'
Hasta la vista
I bid you hasta la vista
Hasta la vista
Hasta la vista
'What are you doing, Michelle? Well, stop! Please!
How many more in live will be those Hasta La Vistas'
Hasta la vista
I bid you hasta la vista

Tiszta szerelem

Én tiszta szerelmemet
Ezer lavina temette be
Boldogságom veszett oda
Azt keresem rendületlenül.
E városból elfutok
Hogy ne bámulhasson
Hogy ne készíthessen képet
A szívem állapotáról.
Ami most lassan és biztosan táncol
Az emlékek homokja között
Most bár itt van megcsúfolva és fáradtan
Az emlékek és illúziók közt
Ami valaha tiszta szerelem volt
Ez az éjszaka a mienk
Rohanj sebesen angyalom
Mintha ez lenne az utolsó amiért élni érdemes
És ha az a szerelem lenne
Bánj vele úgy mint egy titokkal
Mint a legértékesebb ajándékkal amit valaha kaptál
Ami elmeséli miért érdemes élni
Miért meghalni
Nem bírom a hazugokat és az árulókat
Ilyenkor odébb állok
És te, mi az amiért élsz? És miért halnál meg?
Még ha az lenne az utolsó szavad
Mondd ki, és talán egy nap visszatérek
Én tiszta szerelmem
Az álmaimban neveltelek fel
A szívemre tetováltalak
Bíztam benned még a hibáidban is
A szerelmemet csakis rád hagyom
Elveszett lovag
És útra kelek, elmegyek messze
Innen, még ha hatalmas is
A fájdalom ami eláraszt.
De nem félek a veszteségektől
A lelkemet átadtam neked, egyedül neked és maradjon a tied.
Ez az éjszaka a mienk
Rohanj sebesen angyalom
Mintha ez lenne az utolsó amiért
élni érdemes
És ha az a szerelem lenne
Bánj vele úgy mint egy titokkal
Mint a legértékesebb ajándékkal
Úgy mint én és te
Én tiszta szerelmem
Akiért majd meg is halok talán
De egy teljes élet nevében
Amit egy álom mentén éltem le
A zenéért, az emberekért akik begyógyították a sebeimet
Azokért az emberekért és azért a zenéért,
Akik megmutatták a jövőt, ez egyszerűen
tiszta szerelem


Észre sem veszed, hogy senkinek sem jó,
Eljátszod, hogy nem történt semmi
Még tíz percig velem vagy
Szorítasz és nem szólsz egy szót sem
Végül is lehet, hogy jobb ha nem beszélünk
Egy szép nap elfeledjük, nem beszélünk
erről az új és bonyolult szerelemről,
ami oly fontos bár épp hogy megszületett
Majd rámmosolyogsz,
Úgy tetszik ahogy görbül a szád
Majd összezavarsz
a nyers kedvességeddel.
A sorssal volt találkozóm,
Már majdnem ott voltam, szinte,
mikor a feje tetjére állt minden …
egy pillanat alatt minden világossá vált:
Ez már szerelem!
Szerelem, amitől nem kapsz levegőt
Szerelem, ami kicsúszik a kezedből
ami nem enged a sebességből
ami reménnyel tölt el, hogy ezen a vonaton leszel
De ha mégsem, hát megvárlak
Jó lenne, ha be tudnám zárni az ajtót ...
Újra rázárni az ajtót
erre a rideg szerelmünkre,
amely a mélybe húz, pedig csak most kelt életre
Majd eltűnsz
de csak azért, hogy megtaláljalak.
Akkor összezavarsz,
a te hülye keserűségeddel.
A sorssal volt találkozóm,
Már majdnem ott voltam, szinte,
mikor a feje tetjére állt minden …
egy pillanat alatt minden világossá vált:
Ez már szerelem!
Szerelem, amitől nem kapsz levegőt
Szerelem, ami kicsúszik a kezedből
ami nem enged a sebességből
ami reménnyel tölt el, hogy ezen a vonaton leszel
Ha nem vagy ott, megvárlak
Ha nem vagy ott, megvárlak
A sorssal volt találkozóm,
Már majdnem ott voltam, szinte,
mikor a feje tetjére állt minden …
egy pillanat alatt minden világossá vált:
Ez már szerelem!
Szerelem, amitől nem kapsz levegőt
Szerelem, ami kicsúszik a kezedből
ami nem enged a sebességből
ami reménnyel tölt el, hogy ezen a vonaton leszel
De ha mégsem, hát megvárlak

Az én sztorim veled

Nézz mélyen a szemembe
Oly régóta menekülsz előlem
Úgy tűnik fényévekre vannak
Azok a veled töltött pillanatok
Mikor azt mondtad “Gyönyörű vagy”
Egy tündérmesébe repítettél
Mikor nélkülözhetetlennek éreztem magam
A végtelen boldogságtól sírásban törtem ki
Miközben most minden oly távoli
És egy mély árok választ el minket
Újra, újra …
Szeretném szendvedéllyel átélni
Azt az álmot veled
Az én sztorimat veled
Talán nincs kiút
Mikor már nem magától jön
Tudod, néha egyedül érzem magam
Még veled is
Pedig azt mondtad ”Gyönyörű vagy”
Azt írtad minden lapra ”Szeretlek”
Folyton ismételted ”Fantasztikus vagy”
Ez megérintett és különlegesnek éreztem magam
Most mégis minden olyan távoli
És egy mély árok választ el minket
Újra, újra …
Szeretném szendvedéllyel átélni
Azt az álmot veled
A karjaidat fond körém
Az élet színeit akarom
Igérd meg, hogy ezek az érzések visszatérnek
Újra, újra …
Szeretném teljesen átélni
Újra, újra …
Szeretném vég nélkül élni
Azt az álmot veled
Az én sztorimat veled
Az én sztorimat veled

Tree of wishes

Inside every dream,
the thoughts have their own power
in which with yearnings
you have to guess
what the land awaits.
On the tree of wishes there are already blossoms,
tells the wind.
So big is the dream,
your courage impels it.
In a childhood fairy tale,
when you drink from a well of fortune
you create your own destiny.
Your wish is not impossible,
you know and see that.
On the tree of wishes there are already blossoms,
tells the wind.
So big is the dream,
your courage impels it.
Then I invite you
to a secret garden before the storm.
The dream protects us,
and the most beautiful joy it is.
In thoughts as in feelings,
you create your path.
In thoughts, in your thoughts,
you make your own truths like that.
On the tree of wishes there are already blossoms,
tells the wind.
So big is the dream,
your courage impels it.
Then I invite you
to a secret garden before the storm.
The dream protects us,
and the most beautiful joy it is.
Then I invite you
to a secret garden before the storm.
On the tree of wishes there are already blossoms,
says the wind.

My Dearest

Touch me with your heart,
lift me high to the sky.
My dear, my dearest,
heat me up stronger than fire.
Happiness got address with you,
it is named after you.
Just how strong you love,
my dearest.
You wake up my whole heart,
my dearest.
Nine days, ten nights
I run away from myself.
Because I cannot live without you
even for a single moment.
My dear, my dearest,
which skies sent you to me.
All day and all night next to you,
your touch is only for me.
Happiness got address with you,
it is named after you.
Just how strong you love,
my dearest.
You wake up my whole heart,
my dearest.
Nine days, ten nights
I run away from myself.
Because I cannot live without you
even for a single moment.
Just how strong you love,
my dearest.
You wake up my whole heart,
my dearest.
Nine days, ten nights
I run away from myself.
Because I cannot live without you
even for a single moment.
Just how strong you love,
you wake up my whole heart,
nine days, ten nights
necause I cannot live without you
without you.
Just how strong,
just how strong you love,
just how strong,
my dearest.
Just how strong,
just how strong you love,
just how strong,
my dearest.
Just how strong you love,
my dearest.
You wake up my whole heart,
my dearest.
Nine days, ten nights
I run away from myself.
Because I cannot live without you
even for a single moment.
Because I cannot live without you
even for a single moment.


[Intro: Grow-ah]
[Verse 1: Sandra Africa]
One in a million of yours, I was that
A drop in the sea to any one, I was it
And you were to me then, know
Fortune, really was him
I deep in myself burn, wings I am it
And always for myself I fight, sight-o you are that
And you did not want it then
And yet you told me neighborhood
[Hook: Sandra Africa]
And now you are here, everything you would like to know
And everything to you is imposing
But tell who coulda known
That one day life will be gold
And now you are here, everything you would like to know
And everything to you is intriguing
But tell who coulda known
That I would succeed like this
[Bridge: Grow-ah]
[Verse 2: Sandra Africa]
And one that you just spend, I was that
A grain in sand of bad, I was that
But you to me then, know
Fortune, really were him
How much I really am worth, in century knew that
Only when I remember, to you I gave it
And you it did not want it then
And yet you told me neighborhood
[Hook: Sandra Africa]
And now you are here, everything you would like to know
And everything to you is imposing
But tell who coulda known
That one day life will be gold
And now you are here, everything you would like to know
And everything to you is intriguing
But tell who coulda known
That I would succeed like this
[Bridge: Grow-ah]
[Hook: Sandra Africa]
And now you are here, everything you would like to know
And everything to you is imposing
But tell who coulda known
That one day life will be gold
And now you are here, everything you would like to know
And everything to you is intriguing
But tell who coulda known
That I would succeed like this
[Outro: Grow-ah]

Long live the end

Let's not talk about who was in the wrong now
Love is moving away from us, on its way to other people
Let's not talk about who did what to whom now
We loved, God awarded us
Long live the end
I hope you live long, I hope I live long
Long live wine for those who were not meant to be
For the lips who don't want to kiss like before
Long live the end
Thank you for the good and thank you for the bad
Somebody's going to need an empty table
Let me pay and give me your hand
Long live the end
Don't talk about us to anybody
Someone will love instead of us
We were, some would say, perfect
Like everything now we are past our time

It's like we are made for each other

She is blonde with Nordic cool
I am dark like the belly of a whale
Black and white
As similar as yin and yang
Like night and day
Still I get the feeling that it's like we are made for each other
It's like we are made for each other
She is up and I am down
She is blind, but I, I see
Black and white
As similar as yin and yang
Like night and day
Still I get the feeling that it's like we are made for each other
It's like we are made for each other
Two is a nasty number
All too easy to split up in two
If you get to perish, you still want to be two
It's like we are made for each other
It's like we are made for each other
It's like we are made for each other
It's like we are made for each other

Hey, falcons

You will be mine, in good times and bad times
The wounds heal when you are here
Whether it's sunny, whether it's cold
you are my motherland
Hey, hey, hey, falcons
They are watching from above everything that hurts us
Goodbye, goodbye, ring the bells above the country
Let the sound spread around in summer and winter
Hey, hey, hey, falcons
They are watching from above everything that hurts us
Goodbye, goodbye, ring the bells above the country
Let the sound spread, ring, ring, ring!
I like you, my close ones
The meadow in thunderstorm, the wind
The love of daughters and scars of sons
The sun shines sbove the country
Hey, hey, hey, falcons
They are watching from above everything that hurts us
Goodbye, goodbye, ring the bells above the country
Let the sound spread around in summer and winter
Hey, hey, hey, falcons
They are watching from above everything that hurts us
Goodbye, goodbye, ring the bells above the country
Let the sound spread, ring, ring, ring!
My love, my dear land
We were little boys around here before
Once you will find me below that dirt
Birds are flying above the land
Hey, hey, hey, falcons
They are watching from above everything that hurts us
Goodbye, goodbye, ring the bells above the country
Let the sound spread around in summer and winter
Hey, hey, hey, falcons
They are watching from above everything that hurts us
Goodbye, goodbye, ring the bells above the country
Let the sound spread, ring, ring, ring!
Hey, hey, hey, falcons
They are watching from above everything that hurts us
Goodbye, goodbye, ring the bells above the country
Let the sound spread around in summer and winter
Hey, hey, hey, falcons
They are watching from above everything that hurts us
Goodbye, goodbye, ring the bells above the country
Let the sound spread, ring, ring, ring!


Love never ends
Always with you you know
It's so cute about love
It never ends, it is eternal fire
Incredibly, this is love
Incredibly, this is love
Incredibly, this is love
In a nice corner of the planet
Pulse that beats my soul, for her, does not stop
To turn to this passion
(It's love)
It catches you, it wraps you immediately, it kills you
But that's love
It never ends
Always with you, you know
It's so cute about love
It never ends
It is eternal fire
Incredibly, this is love
Incredibly, this is love
Incredibly, this is love
О-о-оh, о-о-о-о-оh ...
Incredibly, this is love
О-о-оh, о-о-о-о-оh ...
Incredibly, this is love
I love you so
You know I never put a pressure on you baby no
Last night was gold
You know I never let you down
Because it's all about love baby
I need your love
You know you only one for me it's unbelievable
You fucking see it through the walls
If only you could see my soul
If you just only knew how I need you
There is not a body who could supersede you
If you just only knew what I've been through
If you just only knew how I need you
You've got
Everything to be ma baby
Everything to be ma lady
Everything but I want more
Cause I believe in
Love never ends
Always with you you know
It's so cute about love
It never ends, it is eternal fire
Incredibly, this love
О-о-оh, о-о-о-о-оh ...
Incredibly, this is love ...
О-о-оh, о-о-о-о-оh ...
Incredibly, this love ...
О-о-оh, о-о-о-о-оh ...
Incredibly, this love ...
О-о-оh, о-о-о-о-оh ...
Love never ends
Always with you you know
It's so cute about love
It never ends, it is eternal fire ...

Deep Down in My Heart

Every night in my dream
I see you, I feel you
So I know that you're still there
More than the distance
Created by the separation
I see your face in my dream
Here, there, wherever you go
I believe that a heart will always keep beating
One day, you'll stand in front of me
And deep down in my heart
I will feel that my heart
Is still beating for you
Love is forever
You'll never lose something like that
Because I love you so much
Being kind is what you do
What I'm feeling in my blood
All my heart is longing for you so much
Here, there, wherever you go
I believe that a heart will always keep beating
One day, you'll stand in front of me
And deep down in my heart
I will feel that my heart
Is still beating for you
Never again I will forget how hard
A heart full of love can beat
And you'll always stay with me
Because deep down in my heart
I feel that my heart
Is still beating for you

Don't leave me here

You were always there
No matter where I was
You were ready
To share anything
But now I'm at the end
At the and of that way
Oh, in its hands
You lay hopes and wishes
My hope is to see you again
My wish is to go the rest of the way by you
Do you still belong to me?
Do I still belong to you?
Don't let me go
(I won't let you go)
Don't let me go
(I won't let you go)
Take me with you
(I take you with me)
Always stay by me
(Will always stay by you)
This time I hear you
No matter where you were
And all the time
I would follow you, no matter how far
But now I don't see any sign
Will my wish be enough
To show you the way
To accompany you back to me?
My hope is to see you again
My wish is to go the rest of the way by you
Do you still belong to me?
Do I still belong to you?
Don't let me go
(I won't let you go)
Don't let me go
(I won't let you go)
Take me with you
(I take you with me)
Always stay by me
(Will always stay by you)
Please, don't let me go
(I won't let you go)
Don't let me go
(I won't let you go)
Take me with you
(I take you with me)
And stay by me, stay by me, always stay by me
(Will always stay by you)
I hope you also feel
The way I feel
I hope your heart
Is so deeply touched
The way you touch me
The way you lead me
The way you move me to tears
King and prince together
I hope you also feel
The way I feel
I hope your heart
Is so deeply touched
The way you touch me
The way you lead me
The way you move me to tears
With king and prince
Please, don't let me go
(I won't let you go)
Don't let me go
(I won't let you go)
Take me with you
(I take you with me)
Always stay by me
(Will always stay by you)
Please, don't let me go
(I won't let you go)
Don't let me go
(I won't let you go)
Take me with you
(I take you with me)
And stay by me, stay by me, always stay by me
(Will always stay by you)
Please, don't let me go
(I won't let you go)
Don't let me go
(I won't let you go)
Take me with you
(I take you with me)
Always stay by me
(Will always stay by you)
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

The same

Laugh, laugh the way you always do,
If you want, you can stay, but
If it rains, please take me to the beach,
Because it bothers me
When the sky's been grey for days
Remembering that across the globe
Someone's watching the Sun
We make love, we don't impose it,
But you can teach me how to do it, if you wish,
If I want to get out, let me do it,
Because taking a step
And remembering that across the globe
There's someone taking off their high heels to dance
Bothers me
Now the wind is ruffling our heart,
Tell me what else seems to be really important to you,
Now that I'm changing my jacket and my destination,
I'll never be the girl with the colour of autumn
The desire of running away
Will come back,
Dress up, so we can be
The protagonists of any film,
I will come back
And you will as well,
Trends will come back
And so will summer songs,
But I'll be the same,
If you're there with me
Laugh, laugh the way you always do,
If you stay, it's fine, but
Let your habit out of here,
Because seeing nothing new
Bothers me,
We always talk about love,
Without really making it1
Now that the sea is fixing our heart,
Tell me what else seems to be really important to you,
Now that I'm changing my skin and my destination,
I'll never be the girl with the colour of autumn
The desire of running away
Will come back,
Dress up, so we can be
The protagonists of any film,
I will come back
And you will as well,
Trends will come back
And so will summer songs,
But I'll be the same
The desire of running away
Will come back,
If you look at me like that
We can be on the front row of the last film,
I will come back
And you will as well,
The beaches with no people
Will come back in September,
But I'll be the same,
If you're there with me
I'll book your good mood
And a room with a view
I'll be the same,
I will come back
And you will as well,
Trends will come back
And so will summer songs,
But I'll be the same,
If you're there with me
I'll be the same,
If you're there with me
I will come back
And you will as well,
The beaches with no people
Will come back in September,
But I'll be the same,
If you're there with me
  • 1. Might also be 'doing it' with reference to the talking. I think the ambiguity of the lyrics is deliberate.

Több egymásnak

Már rég túl messze mentünk, hogy most megálljunk
Csak az igazat add most, semmi mást
Te, nincs itt senki én meg részeg vagyok egy pénteken, csak összevissza beszélünk de érted amit mondok
Remélem több vagyunk egymásnak mint egy dugás
Remélem több vagyunk egymásnak mint egy sima szex
A magasba repítesz, de fáj mikor földet érek
Olyan sokszor hívtalak mikor be voltam nyomva
Mert jobban kellesz nekem, mint bármi más
Itt állok, a fejemben a szavak amiket nem merek neked elmondani, de úgy gondolom eskü
Tudom, hülyén hangzik, de felhőkön kéne szállnunk de helyette bénázunk
Én tőled, én tőled
Én ettől, én ettől
Úgy érzem, úgy érzem
Miattad nem akarok senki mást
Már rég túl messze mentünk, hogy most megálljunk
Csak az igazat add most, semmi mást
Te, nincs itt senki én meg részeg vagyok egy pénteken, csak össszevissza beszélünk de érted amit mondok
Remélem több vagyunk egymásnak mint egy dugás
Remélem, több vagyunk, mint egy sms, néhány hívás
Túl sok estét együtt töltve, kötelezettség nélkül
Reményt adsz valami olyanra, amiről úgy gondolnám több lehet, mint egy dugás meg kínos csevely
Azt hiszem mindketten többet gondolunk, mint amit bevallunk, ragaszkodunk egy képhez amit soha nem festettünk le
Kimondtál mindent, amit én sose mertem, de te nem is féltél soha attól hogy sérülsz
Én tőled, én tőled
Én ettől, én ettől
Úgy érzem, úgy érzem
Miattad nem akarok senki mást
Már rég túl messze mentünk, hogy most megálljunk
Csak az igazat add most, semmi mást
Te, nincs itt senki én meg részeg vagyok egy pénteken, csak összevissza beszélünk de érted amit mondok
Remélem több vagyunk egymásnak mint egy dugás
Reménytelen vagy baby és én is hasonló
Nyugi van, mert te itt vagy nekem, én meg neked... vagy mi
Reménytelen vagy baby és én is hasonló
Nyugi van, mert te itt vagy nekem, én meg neked... vagy mi
Már rég túl messze mentünk, hogy most megálljunk
Csak az igazat add most, semmi mást
(Csak az igazat akarom adni)
Te, nincs itt senki én meg részeg vagyok egy pénteken, csak összevissza beszélünk de érted amit mondok
Remélem több vagyunk egymásnak mint egy dugás

I can go overboard

I can go overboard, when I get dolled up
And everything's too short
That makes you become unfaithful
When you leave her
Everything that's on my mind, I do to you
I know it well
When I'm done, I disappear instantly
like the clap of a hand
When you see me, you're capable of anything
whatever I ask for, there isn't a no
That's just my genes, not Instagram
'Cause when I get dolled up, I can go overboard
I can go overboard, when I get dolled up
And everything's too short
That makes you become unfaithful
When you leave her
Everything that's on my mind, I do to you
I know it well
When I'm done, I disappear instantly
like the clap of a hand
Everything's wild and fast with me
Where there's no risk, there's no fun
I make you lose your mind with the tip of my finger
'Cause when I tease you I can go overboard
I can go overboard, when I get dolled up
And everything's too short
That makes you become unfaithful
When you leave her
Everything that's on my mind, I do to you
I know it well
When I'm done, I disappear instantly
like the clap of a hand

The Reverberation of Reality

Where am I now?
Where am I now?
Woke up and,
Only want to go back
So let me fall down
Open the door to a place
I have to dare to get peace
Take me there, take me whole
Let me fall down
Where am I now?
Where am I now?
Woke up and,
Only want to go back
So let me fall down
Open the door to a place
I have to dare to get peace
Take me there, take me whole
Let me fall down
Long gone and far from
Memories of a place I was
The felling I had then
Stronger than ever before
Let me fall down
Open the door to a place
I have to dare to get peace
Take me there, take me whole
Let me fall down
Let me fall down
Wake up another place
I have to dare to look down
To stare into the darkness of the soul
Take me there, take me whole
Let me fall down
Let me fall down

The South American Woman

Verse 1
It's a secret, the love that I have here inside
And even if we wasted time
Because life separated us
And I, and I without you
I can't laugh, I can't live
This is killing me
And the magic in the night takes me to you
I remember that you told me before going
That there isn't love like the love of a Latina
Ay ay ay, Latina like (Oooh)
The South American woman
She leaves you with desire, your heart leaps (I want your heart)
Ay ay ay, Latina like (Oooh)
The South American woman
She leaves you with desire, your heart leaps (I want your heart)
Verse 2
I feel you, and I hear your voice in the wind
My heart loves fearlessly
I know that you feel the same
And I, and I without you
I can't laugh, I can't live
This is killing me
And the magic in the night takes me to you
And even if we are between two continents
There isn't love like the love of a Latina
She wants to know, wants to know if I'm loyal, loyal
To know if I will be the master of her skin, skin
And I want her, nama nama
And I have what she needs
She doesn't just want adventure, I know that
She can be seen from afar
She has what I like
That turns me on
Modeling, the South American woman kills me
And I want her for me
I without you (I without you)
And you without me (and it's because I want you)
We are like the sun and the moon, separated
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Other people, they know how to do it

If I try to crack a joke, it's not funny
Everyone stares at me, as if I was insane
If I say 'fatass!', everyone says 'idiot!'
But then Hasse Alfredsson comes along and says the same thing
And then it's hilarious
If I wiggle my toes, they shake their heads
If I scratch my butt, then I'm insane
If I say 'Boston butt', well that makes me crazy
But then Povel Ramel comes along and says the very same thing
And then it's hilarious
It's so frustrating, all these roles we play
What does not work for me to say, works for him
It's a darn shame, these roles
If I say 'I've got a hard-on!', then they will take me away
But if Hasse Alfredsson says the same, then they will laugh themselves to death.
If I try to sing something beautiful then they say
'shut up you fucking scum!'
If I turn it up, then they will teach me right
But then Roger Whitaker comes along and sings the same thing, and then it's as beautiful as ever


You could've flown with me,
you could've changed,
and could've discovered that you know,
both to take and give.
You could've, but you didn't want to.
I don't want to tell you
where the glitch is.
If you don't see, I'm that,
your thing.
I don't have time
to open up your heart,
neither strength anymore to
argue with you.
You look exactly the same to me now.
Like the first day,
cold and a bit strange.*
A little loner
who's afraid to love,
and to be close,
will stay alone again
and forever alone.
A lot of times it took me back,
that you've learned very well to act.
But I know you by heart
one step forward, five steps back,
and here again in your enclosed world.
You look exactly the same to me now.
Like the first day,
cold and a bit strange.
A little loner
who's afraid to love,
and to be close,
will stay alone again
and forever alone.
And everything I have, I have given,
but it wasn't enough for me to save us.
And you are the way you are,
you'll never find peace,
I know that.
You look exactly the same to me now.
Like the first day,
cold and a bit strange.
A little loner
who's afraid to love,
and to be close,
will stay alone again
and forever alone.

When you're...

when you're away from my sight
what does your absence do to me?
I feel that I'm alone
even though I'm surrounded by people
I'm carried away by my thoughts and they are tormenting me
and jealousy is melting me away
with a loud voice I'm going to tell you and assure you
I can no longer bear your absence
when you're away from my sight
what does your absence do to me?
Occupied by you day and night
one hundred percent in love with you, my life
with a loud voice I'm going to tell you and assure you
I can no longer bear your absence
when you're away from my sight
what does your absence do to me?
I feel that I'm alone
even though I'm surrounded by people
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت طالما وضعت الرابط لها


A Troubled Man

A troubled man,
A troubled man,
You get to know him by the way he walks,
You get to know him by the way he walks.
He walks slowly down the road,
He walks slowly down the road,
And keeps thinking of something,
And keeps thinking of something.
A man with many troubles,
A man with many troubles
Would proudly sing down his path,
Would proudly sing down his path:
'If I see you burning, world,
If I see you burning, world,
I wouldn't do a thing to put the fire out,
I might just add to the fire.
If I see your big flame burning,
If I see your big flame burning,
I wouldn't bother to get out of the house,
I wouldn't bother to get out at all.
I wouldn't bother to get out of the house
Unless I find my peace in you.'

More to Each Other

We have gone too far now to stay
Play honestly now nothing else
You/Hey, there's no one here I'm drunk on a Friday, we just talk shit but you know what I mean
Hope we are more than just a screw to each other
I hope we are more than just sex to each other
You bring me up but it hurts when I land
So many time I've called you while drunk
Because I need you more than anything else
I think about the words I do not dare, to say to you but I mean them
I promise
I know I may appear dumb but I understand we should float on
You make me, you make me
That makes me, that makes me
I feel, I feel
You make me not want anyone else
We have gone too far now to stay
Play honestly now nothing else
You/Hey, there's no one here I'm drunk on a Friday, we just talk shit but you know what I mean
Hope we are more than just a screw to each other
I hope we are more than SMS, a few calls
Too many nights together without responsibility
You give me hope about something I would suppose, could be more than just a screw and cold talk.
I think we both know more than we promise, we hold tight to a picture we never painted
You said everything that I never dared, but you have never been afraid of getting hurt
You make me, you make me
That makes me, that makes me
I feel, I feel
You make me not want anyone else
We have gone too far now to stay
Play honestly now nothing else
You/Hey, there's no one here I'm drunk on a Friday, we just talk shit but you know what I mean
Hope we are more than just a screw to each other
You're hopeless, baby I'm the same
It's cool because you got me, and you got me, right?
You're hopeless, baby I'm the same
It's cool because you got me, and you got me, right?
We have gone too far now to stay
Play honestly now nothing else
(I want to have an honest game with you)
You/Hey, there's no one here I'm drunk on a Friday, we just talk shit but you know what I mean
Hope we are more than just a screw to each other
No matter how far you go, the same path lies in front of you.
- Kiba


Versions: #2
Olyan sok oly sok túl sok,
Mindenhol reklám
Olyan sok kenyér és olyan sok játék
A boldogságnak már nincs neve
Minden út be van utazva,
A szívekben hideg képek
Senki nem olvashatja a gondolatokat
Az éghajlat egyre enyhébb
Építek várost neked
Üvegből, aranyból és kőből
És minden út, amely kifelé vezet
Megint befelé is vezet
Építek egy várost neked és nekem
Senki se tudja már, hogy hogyan néz ki
Vagy hogy hívják
Mindenki itt menekül
A könnyek jégből vannak
Másképpen is kell, hogy menjenek a dolgok
Így ez nem megy tovább
Hol kapaszkodhatom meg, hol találom a védelmet
Itt az ég ólomból van
Már nem adok választ
A hamis kérdésekre
Az idő nagyon gyorsan el van játszva
És a boldogságra vadászni kell
Építek várost neked
Üvegből, aranyból és kőből
És minden út, amely kifelé vezet
Megint befelé is vezet
Építek egy várost neked
Üvegből, aranyból és kőből
És minden út, amely kifelé vezet
Megint befelé is vezet
Építek egy várost neked és nekem
Egy várost, amelyben nincs félelem, csak bízalom
Ahol a falakot mohóságból és megvetésből építjük fel
Ahol a fény gyorsan fekszik, és a víz lóg
Ahol minden hajnalpir és minden álom érdemes
És ahol minden pillantásért a téren és az időn keresztül ők berepülnek a szívünkbe
Építek várost neked
Üvegből, aranyból és kőből
És minden út, amely kifelé vezet
Megint befelé is vezet
Építek egy várost neked és nekem
Építek várost neked
Üvegből, aranyból és kőből
És minden út, amely kifelé vezet
Megint befelé is vezet
Építek egy várost neked és nekem

You are my life

You are so different,
come to my side,
cause your love is what i expected,
I wanna be by your side.
Only if u stay for a minute,
I'll be crazy,
cause your love got me now,
you look so amazing.
I'm happy, i don't wanna see u changing.
Chorus 2x
You are my life, you are my life,
I wanna thank you for coming.
With you I have found the grand love.
Don't let, don't let me go,
boy let the things go slow,
do it, do it like a pro
Chorus 2x
Don't let me go again,
don't let me go again,
don't let me, let me go and go and go again.

It beats, it beats

Ooo, it beats, it beats
Ooo, it beats, it beats
For three days, you've been on my mind
I swear, it's at your beck and call
My mind tells me not to do it
My soul shoots at you
You seriously got under my skin
It might be bad or it might be good
Poetry under the sheets
Compatible like two rhymes
My parents say
Keep it simple
They don't know
That it's already too late
Ooo, it beats, it beats
Only for you it beats
Ooo, it beats, it beats
Only for you it beats
My heart, my heart
Beats, beats, beats, beats, beats
My heart, my heart
Beats, beats, beats, beats, beats
Only for you it beats
Only for you it beats
For three days, I've been sleepwalking
I wake up in the middle of the night
Even my dreams have caught fire
Since you made me feel
And I've left the past behind
For a future with you
I've turned my life upside down
And I don't even know you that well
My parents say
Keep it simple
They don't know
That it's already too late
Ooo, it beats, it beats
Only for you it beats
Ooo, it beats, it beats
Only for you it beats
My heart, my heart
Beats, beats, beats, beats, beats
My heart, my heart
Beats, beats, beats, beats, beats
Only for you it beats
I have 24 reasons to think about you
I look at the clock each hour, I have a fix on your love
When you disappear out of the blue, it suddenly rains
And I see rays of sun only in dewdrops
You are my only foothold
In a fleeting world in which neither of us knows
Where to take it, but we hold hands
It doesn't matter where we go, if we get there together
My heart, my heart
My heart, my heart
My heart, my heart
My heart, my heart
Ooo, it beats, it beats
Only for you it beats
Ooo, it beats, it beats
Only for you it beats
My heart, my heart
Beats, beats, beats, beats, beats
My heart, my heart
Beats, beats, beats, beats, beats
Only for you it beats
Only for you it beats
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!


Verse 1:
I always think in two
Next to you, from good to bad
Whether it's sunny or raining
The difference between us
Is that your indifference affects
Us both
To tell you
I have a lot to tell you
But you are never here
Because you wander around like a lunatic
You look for short skirts in long evenings on the terrace
When I'm in Eve's costume and wait for you at home...
Hello, hello
I want you to pay attention
If you leave to me wait too long
I undress myself of feeling
Hello, hello
You pretend that you can't see me
And look: this is how you'll lose me
Because: indifference
Hurts the most
You do it by hand
And I will leave you alone, under the sun
Hurts the most
You do it by hand
And I will leave you alone, under the sun
Verse 2:
And I've been wondering why
I left myself so easy to be twirled on your finger
I got carried away, as if you had a 'je ne sais quoi'
Now look at me, how I wipe away my tears
And I can't
I can't leave the game
I can't recognize myself anymore, I put myself in first place
I put my soul on the table, I gave it totally to you, just you
Look at what you do to me
Hello, hello
I want you to pay attention
If you leave to me wait too long
I undress myself of feeling
Hello, hello
You pretend that you can't see me
And look: this is how you'll lose me
Because: indifference
Hurts the most
You do it by hand
And I will leave you alone, under the sun
Hurts the most
You do it by hand
And I will leave you alone, under the sun
Part C:
It's the same to you whether I leave or stay
It's the same to you whether it's good for me or
Whether it's bad for me, bad bad
It's bad for me, bad, bad
To miss you
To miss you
Because: indifference
Hurts the most
You do it by hand
And I will leave you alone, under the sun
Hurts the most
You do it by hand
And I will leave you alone, under the sun
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Deja vu

[Sandra Africa]
Tonight this city
doesn't care
all are between
our touches
Thousand of people
general chaos
I wish we were
just you and me
[Sandra and Gianni]
Do we know from before
or I'm drunk or crazy
and when I don't see you
my eyes look for you everywhere
Wherever I go
You appear there
Is that a fate
It's not a deja vu
I'm standing in front of you
I have no intention
of separating myself
[Sandra Africa]
I'm flying
all over you pillow
I'm piloting
and you tie up
[Sandra and Gianni]
Do we know from before
or I'm drunk or crazy
and when I don't see you
my eyes look for you everywhere
Wherever I go
You appear there
Is that a fate
It's not a deja vu

Mindenre lesz gondom

Túl sokakat ragad magával a forgatag
Túl sokan járnak kézenfogva, túl sok a hiábavaló szerelem
Túl sok csalódásból lett számodra kivétel
Túl sok a vesztes, túl sok a karrierista
Túl sok az idegroncs ki a nyugalmat keres
Túl sok a szarvashiba
Túl sok a “megváltoznál valaha miattam?'
Azoknak, akik soha nem néznek a dolgok mögé
Azoknak, akik mindenhol katasztrófát látnak
Mert az élet sok apró győzelem
és gondoskodj rólam.
Mindig emlékezz, hogy a felfordulásban
Mikor úgy tűnik minden veszve
A tenger nyugodt, én és te
Mindenre lesz gondom
Semmit sem tanultam, ha
Te vagy a lényeg mindenben
És szárítsd fel azokat a könnyeket
Mindenre lesz gondom
Szegény lelkiismeret
Szegény türelem
Komolyan próbára tesz az arroganciád
Ami közömbössé tett minket
Gyakran túl bizonytalan és gyakran szomorú.
Kezeli a keserűséget, kedveli a szépségét
Egy nagy kapu ami nyitva maradt
Kizár másokat
Kizár mindent ami szembenáll
Azoknak, akik soha nem néznek a dolgok mögé
Azoknak, akik mindenhol katasztrófát látnak
Mert az élet sok apró győzelem,
óvj meg!
Mindig emlékezz, hogy a felfordulásban
Mikor úgy tűnik minden veszve
A tenger nyugodt, én és te
Mindenre lesz gondom
Semmit sem tanultam, ha
Te vagy a lényeg mindenben
És szárítsd fel azokat a könnyeket
Mindenre lesz gondom
Emlékezz, emlékezz, csak azért vannak a szokások
Hogy meglepődjünk és a félelem meg hogy szabadabbá váljunk
A seb azért fáj, igen, csak azért, hogy megvédjük magunkat
Mindig emlékezz
Emlékezz, emlékezz ...
Hogy a felfordulásban
Mikor úgy tűnik minden veszve
A tenger nyugodt, én és te
Mindenre lesz gondom
Hogy a felfordulásban
Mikor úgy tűnik minden veszve
A tenger nyugodt, én és te
Mindenre lesz gondom
Semmit sem tanultam, ha
Te vagy a lényeg mindenben
És szárítsd fel azokat a könnyeket
Nekem mindenre lesz gondom
Mindenre lesz gondom
Mindenre lesz gondom.


my hands grew with music
behind the flowers
but now
why do I seek you out, night,
why do I sleep with your dead
I hope this was helpful! Any corrections are truly appreciated.
These translations are made with love and care, so it'd be great if you credited me whenever you repost them somewhere else!


I've had enough
To mourn and for what
I'm sick of everything
I've had enough
To mourn and for what
I'm sick of everything
Now it's time for damage
Even if you were the best in the world
Life has not stopped there
Where you've kissed her
Chorus 2x
Till the bottom I drink
This life isn't fair
Just that you are happy
That you're happy with her
And I'll be like a thunder
Life is here everywhere
I'm not crazy to whine
I'm all right
Life is here everywhere
I'm not crazy to whine
I'm all right
Now it's time for damage
Even if you were the best in the world
Life has not stopped there
Where you've kissed her
Chorus 4x
Till the bottom I drink
This life isn't fair
Just that you are happy
That you're happy with her
And I'll be like a thunder