Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 1

Találatok száma: 39


Követni foglak

Éjfél után
Mikor az óraütések megbűvölik a levegőt
Lásd az árnyékokat a lámpafényben
A lépcsőn táncolva
Be fogunk térni estére
Ez egy privát paradicsom
Egy pillanat, amit csakis a magunkénak nevezhetünk
Bárhova mész
Bárhova is vezetsz engem
Én követni foglak téged
Tudod, menni fogok
Bárhova, ahová te is mész
Bárhova is vezetsz engem
Én követni foglak téged
A szerelem illúziója
Nem téveszme
Ez valóság
Mikor kiderül, hol rejlik az igazság
A szerelem örökkévalóság
Át tudjuk változtatni az éjjelt nappallá
El tudjuk űzni azt
Kívánhatunk egy vagy talán két hullócsillag hullásakor is
Bárhova mész
Bárhova is vezetsz engem
Én követni foglak téged
Tudod, menni fogok
Bárhova, ahová te is mész
Bárhova is vezetsz engem
Én követni foglak téged
Tudod, menni fogok
Bárhova, ahová te is mész
Bárhova is vezetsz engem
Én követni foglak téged

Green Inquisition

Try it and like it.
Have some it.
Taste it, love it.
There is no other way.
Green Inquisition!
They'll sing a hit tonight.
Green Inquisition!
They praise this divine leaf.
Taste it, love it.
Why go through all this woe?
A bit then? A smidgen?
Don't say 'No!'.
I said once.
I will say second time.
You've imprison me and that's the truth.
Great pond of spinach threatens me
but I won't eat it because that's
You little whipster, why?
If you will not try it,
then drown yourself in the pond!
Will you try it?
No, no, no!
Will you taste it!?
So, he doesn't want it.
There are two girls.
C'mon, monks, torture them.
Try it and taste it.
Don't be tortured.
Don't indulge, that's spinach.
It won't poison you.
What's wrong with ya?! Are you deaf?!
Ask old goats to eat it.
Hideous, disgusting, cloudy soup.
It looks like green.
Stop! No!
Don't angry us!
Holy court will lock you for this blasphemies!
Eat a bowl of spinach.
Take this tallow away.
Please, taste it, be nice!
Do you think I'm a fool?
Green inquvisition.
Please, say 'A'!
Green inquvisition.
You have a green belly.
We ask you very nicely.
We ask you, taste it.
But if you will not taste it.
I'm afraid you'll have to.

Everything Used to go Well (Living Next Door to Alice)

Alright, it'll be like this
I want to say that it was worth it, that it was beautiful
I think that everything's alright
I understand, I know that it's serious
It's over, it ended, and that's it
What more can I say?
It was good while it lasted
We used to meet at any time in a place
With a crazy way of wanting and loving
The ideas, our tastes used to combine
Everything used to go well, yeah, yeah, yeah
We used to give ourselves to one another for real
An incredible couple, it was something gorgeous to see
The ideas, our tastes used to combine
Everything used to go well
I don't know what I'll do
Tomorrow I'll think about it
Suddenly I feel myself in the air, flying
Should I cry?
The correct thing would be to laugh
I don't know why I'm free
But with so much love inside of me
We used to meet at any time in a place
With a crazy way of wanting and loving
The ideas, our tastes used to combine
Everything used to go well, yeah, yeah, yeah
We used to give ourselves to one another for real
An incredible couple, it was something gorgeous to see
The ideas, our tastes used to combine
Everything used to go well
The ideas, our tastes used to combine
Everything used to go well
We used to meet at any time in a place
With a crazy way of wanting and loving
The ideas, our tastes used to combine
Everything used to go well, yeah, yeah, yeah
We used to give ourselves to one another for real
An incredible couple, it was something gorgeous to see
The ideas, our tastes used to combine
Everything used to go well
We used to meet at any time in a place
With a crazy way of wanting and loving
The ideas, our tastes used to combine
Everything used to go well, yeah, yeah, yeah
We used to give ourselves to one another for real
An incredible couple, it was something gorgeous to see
The ideas, our tastes used to combine
Everything used to go well
We used to meet at any time in a place
With a crazy way of wanting and loving
The ideas, our tastes used to combine
Everything used to go well


He was inspired and young
There were countless of them
He was leading cities on the square
With the song that the light is near
And they lit the candles for him
The smoke floated above the square
He was singing: let's destroy the prison
They were singing after him
Destroy the prison walls
If you long for freedom, then take it
The wall will promtly fall, fall, fall
And bury the old world
Destroy the prison walls
If you long for freedom, then take it
The wall will promtly fall, fall, fall
And bury the old world
They knew the words by heart, and the singing
Was being carried through streets in a way
That blood was boiling and so did fury
And hearts were beating together
They were clapping with one hundred thousand hands, and the rhythm
Was fighting the foes outright
They were marching on the walls across the entire old world
And yet he was playing and singing
And so a many-thousand march rose up
An entire warrior host
You could demolish monuments
And break down pavement into stones
Everybody heard, his time has come
To give all the powers to the fight
Those, who aren't with us, are against us
The singer was all alone
He was looking how dense rows
Were marching with his song
And the song gets quieter, quieter, quieter
And walls are growing, growing
An unstoppable spirit in strong hands
The rows are marching and marching
But the passion deafens, deafens, deafens
And walls are growing, growing
Let's destroy the prison walls
If you long for freedom, then take it
The wall will promtly fall, fall, fall
And bury the old world
Destroy the prison walls
If you long for freedom, then take it
The wall will promtly fall, fall, fall
And bury the old world
Destroy the prison walls
If you long for freedom, then take it
The wall will promtly fall, fall, fall
And bury the old world
Destroy the prison walls
If you long for freedom, then take it
The wall will promtly fall, fall, fall
And bury the old world
The wall will promtly fall, fall, fall
And we will forget the cockroach

The Next Right Thing

I've seen dark before, but not like this
this is cold, this is empty, this is numb
The life I knew is over, the lights are out
Hello darkness, I'm ready to succumb
I follow you around, I always have
but you've gone to a place I can not find
This grief has a gravity, it pulls me down
but a tiny voice whispers in my mind
You are lost, hope is gone
but you must go on
and do the next right thing
Can there be a day beyond this night?
I don't know anymore what is true
I can't find my direction, I'm all alone
the only star that guided me was you
How to rise from the floor,
when it's not you I'm rising for?
Just do the next right thing
Take a step, step again
it is all that I can, to do
the next right thing
I won't look too far ahead
It's much for me to take
But break it down to this next breath
this next step, this next choice
is one that I can make
So, I'll walk through this night
Stumbling blindly towards the light
and do the next right thing
And with the dawn,
what comes then?
When it's clear that everything
will never be the same again?
Then I'll make the choice
to hear that voice
And do the next right thing

For lovers in struggle

I have never felt any regrets
Even if I turn back the hands of time, my choice will always be you
Today, you were having a hard time
I tried to hide it, but
I saw the tears left in your eyes
and I pretended not to know
My friends and parents keep telling me to
Give up on you
But I feel that you are the one
I have never felt any regrets
Even if I turn back the hands of time, my choice will always be you
The difficult moments flow slowly
But, because we are together
I will endure all the years
I have never felt any regrets
Even if I turn back the hands of time, my choice will always be you
I have never felt any regrets
Even if I turn back the hands of time, my choice will always be you
I have never felt any regrets
Even if I turn back the hands of time, my choice will always be you
I have never felt any regrets
Even if I turn back the hands of time, my choice will always be you

What Must Be Done

The darkness is growing
It's pain, it's overwhelming, it's nothingness
In the end, darkness will swallow you
I greet it, and surrender to its oppression
I always followed you, always behind you
But now I can't find you anymore
This huge grief is severe, I ran out of strength
But there's a voice that speaks within me
There's nothing to wait for
Trust yourself and go
Do what must be done
Will the sun come out again?
I don't know anymore, I have fears and concerns
And how can I orientate myself without you?
You were my guiding star, uh
How can I rise and trust in me
If you're not the one I have to save?
Do what must be done today
Everything is a beginning
This is the right thing to do
What must be done
I won't look beyond this moment
There's a lot to face
I'll move forward one step at a time
One action, one option
And I'll reach the end
I will pass through this gray night
I'll search for the sunrise
I'll do what must be done
With the sun, where do you go
If it's not
Possible to live the way we used to?1
It will be my choice to follow that voice
And do what must be done
  • 1. The par break is weird here. I'll listen to the song and re-arrange the order of the breaks.

Do What Is Right

I had never seen such a darkness
The heart laments with the cold
It's already the end of this life
I surrender to the shadow of hopelessness
I was always with you
Even though you're (now) on a path that I can't go on
Yes, the pain becomes somewhat stronger
But there is something else that sounds...
Go on, insist
No matter what comes
Take the right step
The darkness will pass and the dawn will come
Although this is not really known
I wonder how I will continue
If you was my star
I must go through the dark
I don't know which way to choose, if you're not here
Do all things well
Know when to take the (next) step
There's nothing else to do, just do what's right
My energy is not enough
I'm not enough anymore
Although I'll face it
I will come and I will
And I will not be defeated!
I'll keep going up and I'll get out
Straight out of the dark
Do what is right
How will this be
And maybe this life will not be like before?
Okay I will hear the voice and do what is right

Teljesen szabadon (Reprise)

Eugén: Még ha ez az út zord lesz, követni fogjuk
Aranyhaj: És a végállomásnál végre megértjük a sorsunk
Eugén: És ha minden leereszt, nekem itt leszel te
Aranyhaj: Neked itt leszek én
Eugén & Aranyhaj: És te meg én hamarosan megoldjuk a rejtélyt
Teljesen szabadok vagyunk
Aranyhaj: És megyünk tovább, egymás mellett állunk
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Teljesen szabadok vagyunk
Eugén: Mert minden hirtelen könnyebb, ha itt vagy velem
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Teljesen szabadok vagyunk
Aranyhaj: Még ha úgy tűnik lakatlan
Eugén: Kisegítesz innen
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Teljesen szabadok vagyunk
Aranyhaj: Valami új vár
Eugén: Érzem, vár
Aranyhaj: És mindketten ott vagyunk
Teljesen szabadon
Eugén: Teljesen szabadon
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Teljesen szabadon
Translation came immediately, corrections are always welcomed.
Hirtelen jött fordítás, javításokat szívesen veszek

I will ask you something, grandma

I will ask you something, Grandmo, 2x
tell me sincerely grandmo,
without lying to me. 2x
Which dukes were here, grandmo
for a dinner? 2x
Whether Goce Delcev grandmo,
or Dame Gruev? 2x
When you ask me Agha
I will tell it to you sincerely, 2x
I will tell it to you sincerely
without lying to you. 2x
Here wasn't Goce Delcev Agha
nor Dame Gruev, 2x
here was, Agho,
Todor Alexandrov,
Todor Alexandrov, agho,
with his soldiers. 2x
Here they had a dinner, agho
and they left, 2x
and they left, agho,
for a Pirin Mountain. 2x
Their flag was Black and Red, 2x
and on the flag is inscribed, Agho,
'Death or Freedom',
'Death or Freedom, Agha,
for Macedonia.' 2x

Következő megálló: akárhol

Eugén: Elmegyünk az úton és átsétálunk a magaslaton
Aranyhaj: Azt hiszem, épp csak fel fogjuk fedezni, hol fekszik a sorsunk
Eugén: Ki törődik, milyen sötét lesz, hiszen itt vagy nekem te
Aranyhaj: Itt vagyok neked
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Szóval menjünk, hogy lássuk, hogy ez az egész dolog merre tart
Következő megálló: akárhol
Aranyhaj: És én ott vagyok, ahol kell lennem veled a közelemben
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Következő megálló: akárhol
Eugén: Szembe nézve minden veszéllyel elválaszthatatlanul kapcsolva
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Következő megálló: akárhol
Aranyhaj: Bár lehet, hogy kemény lesz számunkra
Eugén: Elegen vagyunk hozzá
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Következő megálló: akárhol
Aranyhaj: És a világ vár
Eugén: Érzem, hogy vár
Aranyhaj: Új kalandokkal, hogy megosszuk
Eugén: Mindenhol
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Mindenhol

I'd go anywhere reprise

Eugene: Don't forget, wherever you go, I won't leave your side.
Rapunzel: I know well that with you, life can't flow away.
Eugene: Black night doesn't count, 'cause you will always
Rapunzel: have me!
Both: With you, my heart lifts at the sky!
Let's go anywhere!
Rapunzel: I can imagine my life with you in it
Both: Let's go anywhere!
Eugene: Do not fear, I won't quail, I'll protect your step
Both: Let's go anywhere!
Rapunzel: Let crazy big danger come
Eugene: we can easily win!
Both: Let's go whatever awaits!
Rapunzel: Cause the life is calling!
Eugene: Your heart is conqueering
Rapunzel: And a new track calls!
Whatever awaits!
Eugene: Whatever awaits!
Both: Whatever awaits!

Következő Megálló: Akárhol

Aranyhaj: Meg akarok szegni minden szabályt és át akarok lépni minden határt
Meg akarom mutatni csillagnak, hogyan kellene egy csillagnak ragyognia
Azt akarok csinálni, amit akarok és térdre kényszeríteni a világot
Oda menni, ahová a szellő megy
Következő megálló: akárhol
Az egész széles világot látnom kell, semmi sem állít meg
Következő megálló: akárhol
Mert annyi várakozás van, tudom, hogy vár
Érzem, hogy ott vár kint
Eugén: Elhajítjuk majd a térképet és követjük a napot
Aranyhaj: Le fogjunk fektetni a saját utunkat és elrohanunk
Eugén: Kiszabadulunk majd és azt tesszük, amit senki más
Aranyhaj: Annyi minden van odakint, épp csak elkezdtük
Eugén: Minden lehetőséget meg fogunk ragadni
Eugén és Aranyhaj: És a hajunk száll a széllel
Senki nem mondja meg, merre menjünk
Következő megálló: akárhol
Ha te ott vagy, ott leszek ahol lenni akarok
Következő megálló: akárhol
És hív a világ, folyamatosan hív
Csak gondolj azokra a dolgokra, amiken osztozni fogunk
Cassandra: Következő megálló: akárhol
Olyan érzésem van, hirtelen fognak történni a dolgok
Aranyhaj: Következő megálló: akárhol
Üldöznöm kell a sorsomat, meg kell találnom a sorsomat
Eugén: Következő megálló: akárhol
Mert itt az idő, ott akarunk lenni, ahol lennünk kell
Cassandra, Eugén és Aranyhaj: Következő megálló: akárhol
Cassandra: És vár a világ
Eugén: Érzem, hogy vár
Aranyhaj: Minden vár ott kint
Eugén és Aranyhaj: Mindenhol
Eugén: Mindenhol
Aranyhaj: Mindenhol